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Present Simple

Pronoun + Verb To Be + Complement

Hi, my name is Tatiana Gonzlez Vlez. Im 24 years old. I from Colombia and I live in Medelln, Antioquia with my mom and my
younger brother, Simn. My parents are divorced. My mothers name is ngela Mara Vlez and my fathers name is Jorge Gonzlez.
Although divorced, their friendship continues. In addition to, I have a cat; its Draco and sleeps much in the different parts of the
house. Also, I have a boyfriend. He is Alejandro and, I love him; this is a very important person in my life.
I study Psychology at UPB and Im in tenth semester. I go to my professional practices at School in the UPB. There I work with
children of fourth and fifth grade. Moreover, my hobbies are eating Italian food, watching thriller movies, listening to rock music,
traveling and seeing new places of the country. In addition to, I practice piano at the Dbora Arango in Envigado and I like to paint in
watercolor; this makes me feel happy.
This year Im going to finish my professional studies and I would like blend the expressive arts with the Psychology, as are my biggest
passions and, Why not try to put them together!?
Past Simple
Pronoun + Verb To Be Past + Complement

Daily Activities.
a) Morning. I got up. I took a shower. I got dressed. I had breakfast. I went to University. I began work at 8 oclock.
b) Noon. I had lunch. I studied English. I began work at 2 oclock. I played piano.

Afternoon / Evening. I arrived home. I took a shower. I had dinner. I studied. I watched TV. I went to bed.
Pronoun + Future + Complement


Future Arrangements (Be + Going to + Verb + Ing).

a) Where are you going to go this weekend? / A dnde vas a ir este fin de semana? This weekend, I'm going to
playing the piano in my home on Saturday morning. Too, I'm going to studying in the University on Saturday
afternoon. Also, I'm going to watching movies with my boyfriend in the cinema on Saturday night. Moreover, this
Sunday, I'm going to relaxing in my home all day.
b) What are you going to go this week? / Qu vas a hacer esta semana? This week, I'm going to working in my
practice in the School on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all day. Too, Im going to studying English at 12
oclock all week. Also, Im going to playing the piano at 6 oclock on Thursday in Envigado.


Future Plans (Be + Going to + Verb)

a) What are your plans after you graduate? / Qu planes tienes despus de graduarte? After my graduate, Im
going to study a diplomat of Art Therapy in the University San Buenaventura, and Im going to study a course of the
sign language. Too, Im going to finish the piano courses in the academy Dbora Arango. Also, Im going to travel
of the world with my family and my boyfriend. Finally, Im going to search work.


Predictions (Will be).

a) How do you thing Medelln will be in 5 or 10 years from now? / Cmo ser Medelln en 5 o 10 aos a partir de
ahora? Medelln will be the most educated of the country. Too, Medelln will be the cleanest place and will be more
interesting than other countries. Also, Medelln will be bigger than other cities. Finally, Medelln will be the

Present Perfect
Pronoun + Auxiliary (Have / Has) + Verb Past Participle + Complement

a) Have you ever played any sports? / Has jugado alguna vez algn deporte? Yes, I have played.
b) What sports have you played? / Qu deporte has jugado? I have played tenis.

How long have you played tenis? / Cunto tiempo has jugado tenis? I have played tenis for two hours.

d) Who have you played tenis? / Con quin has jugado el tenis? I have played tenis with my family and my friends.

Have you ever played basketball? / Has jugado alguna vez basketball? Yes, I have played basketball.

a) Have you ever eaten pizza in a restaurant of pizzas? / Has comido alguna vez pizza en un restaurant de
pizzas? Yes, I have eaten.
b) Where have you eaten pizza? / Dnde has comido pizza? I have eaten pizza in Pomodoro, Pimientos, Ill Forno,
Bigotes, etc (so on).

Have you ever eaten prawns? / Has comido alguna vez gambas? No, I havent eaten.

d) Have you eaten with your parents this day? / Ha comido con sus padres el da de hoy? Yes, I have eaten.

Where have you eaten with your parents this day? / Dnde ha comido con sus padres el da de hoy? I have
eaten with my parents this day in the Crepes & Waffles.


a) What countries have you visited? / Qu pases has visitado? No, I havent visited.
b) What cities have you visited? / Qu ciudades has visitado? I have visited Cali, San Andrs, Santa Marta and

How long ago have you visited Cali? / Hace cunto tiempo has visitado Cali? I have visited Cali since July.

d) What places have you visited in Cali? / Qu lugares has visitado en Cali? I have visited the zoo, some
restaurants, a disco, the park, a club, etc (so on).

Who have you visited Cali? / Con quin has visitado Cali? I have visited Cali with my family.

a) How many vacations have you had this year? / Cuntas vacaciones has tenido este ao? I have had vacations
twice this year.
b) Where have you been on this holiday? / Dnde has estado en estas vacaciones? I have been on this holiday in
Santaf de Antioquia and San Flix.

Who have you been with you on this holiday? / Quin ha estado con usted en estas vacaciones? I have been
with me on this holiday my boyfriend and my friends.

d) What places have you visited on this holyday? / Qu lugares has visitado en estas vacaciones? I have visited the
zoo, a park, some restaurants, a disco, etc (so on).

How long have you visited San Flix? / Cunto tiempo has visitado San Flix? I have visited San Flix for two


a) What carrera have you started in the University? / Qu carrera has empezado en la Universidad? I have
started Psychology.
b) How long ago have you started Psychology? Hace cunto tiempo empez Psicologa? I have started Psychology
for 5 years ago.


What subjects have you seen in Psychology? / Qu materias has visto en Psicologa? I have seen some subjects
of the clinical psychotherapy.

d) Have you lost some subject in Psychology? / Has perdido alguna materia en Psicologa? No, I havent lost.

What subject have not you liked in Psychology? / Qu materia no te ha gustado en Psicologa? I have not
liked Economy.


Work on Vacations.
a) Have you ever worked on vacations? / Has trabajado alguna vez en vacaciones? Yes, I have worked.
b) Where have you worked on vacation? / Dnde has trabajado en vacaciones? I have worked on vacation in
Clothing Store Tennis.

Have you worked this vacation? / Has trabajado estas vacaciones? No, I havent.

d) Have you liked work on vacation? / Te ha gustado trabajar en vacaciones? No, I havent is very tiring.

How long have you worked in Clothing Store Tennis? / Cunto tiempo has trabajado en Tenis? I have worked
in Clothes Store Tennis since December.


a) What places have you liked shopping? / A qu lugares te ha gustado ir de compras? I have liked shopping in
Mall Santa F or Mall Tesoro.
b) Have you ever left a shop with out paying? / Alguna vez has dejado una tienda sin pagar? No, I havent.

Have you bought any clothes this month? / Has comprado ropa este mes? No, I havent bought.

d) Why bought have not you any clothes this month? / Por qu no has comprado ropa este mes? Because I have
not money.

What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? / Qu es lo ms caro que has comprado alguna vez? I
have bought a computer.


a) Have you ever been in an entertainment program? / Has estado alguna vez en un programa de
entretenimiento? Yes, I have been.
b) What entertainment program have you been? / En qu programa de entretenimiento has estado? I have been

When have you been camping? / Dnde has estado acampando? I have been camping in the mountains of Santa

d) What TV series have you seen? / Qu serie de TV has visto? I have seen Dexter and Strangers Things.

Have you liked the dance as entertainment? Te gusta el baile como entretenimiento? Yes, I have liked.

a) Have you ever gone any concert? / Has ido alguna vez a un concierto? Yes, I have gone.
b) What concert have you gone? / A qu concierto has ido? I have gone at Katatonia.

Where have you gone at Katatonia? /Dnde has ido a Katatonia? I have gone in Bogot.

d) Who have you gone at Katatonia? / Con quin has ido a Katatonia? I have gone with my friends.

What year have you gone at Katatonia? / En qu ao has ido a Katatonia? I have gone since 2010.

10. Family Meetings.

a) Have you ever gone at the family meetings with your boyfriend? / Has ido alguna vez a las reunions
familiares con t novio? Yes, I have gone.
b) How many times have you been with your family this year? / Cuntas veces has estado con t familia este
ao? I have been with my family this year many times.


Have you visited your grandma this weekend? / Has visitado a t abuela este fin de semana? Yes, I have

d) Who have you visited your grandma this weekend? / Quines han visitado a t abuela este fin de semana? I
have visited my grandma this weekend with my boyfriend and my parents.

Have you liked the family meetings? / Le ha gustado las reunions familiares? Yes, I have liked.

11. Parties.
a) What places have you gone at the parties? / A qu lugares has ido a las fiestas? I have gone at Sabaneta,
Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, etc (so on).
b) Who have you gone at the parties? / Con quin has ido a las fiestas? I have gone at the parties with my friends.

Where have your celebrated your last birthday? / Dnde has celebrado t ultimo cumpleaos? I have
celebrated my last birthday in La Ceja.

d) Who have you celebrated your last birthday? / Con quin has celebrado t ultimo cumpleaos? I have
celebrated my last birthday with my family and my friends.

What have you drunk frequently at the parties? / Qu has bebido con frecuencia en las fiestas? I have drunk
frequently at the parties a bottle of Vodka or a bottle of Smirnoff.

12. Friends Activities.

a) What activities have you liked with your friends? / Qu actividades le ha gustado con sus amigos? I have liked
traveling with my friends.
b) Have you been in any activities with your friends this weekend? / Has estado en alguna actividad con tus
amigos este fin de semana? Yes, I have been.

Where have you been with your friends this weekend? / Dnde has estado con tus amigos este fin de semana?
I have been with my friends this weekend in Sabaneta.

d) Have you been in the parties with your friends? / Has estado en las fiestas con tus amigos? Yes, I have been.

Where have you traveled with your friends? / Dnde has viajado con tus amigos? I have traveled with my
friends a some different places, for example: La Ceja, Santaf de Antioquia, San Flix, Bogot, etc (so on).

13. Accidents.
a) Have you ever seen some accident? / Has visto alguna vez algn accidente? No, I havent seen.
b) Have you ever been in a Hospital? / Has estado alguna vez en un Hospital? Yes, I have been.

Why have you been in a Hospital? / Por qu has estado en un Hospital? Because I have been sick.

d) Where have you been in a Hospital? / Dnde has estado en un Hospital? I have been in Clinic Medelln.

Who have you been at a Hospital with you? / Quin ha estado en un Hospital con usted? I have been at a
Hospital with my family.

14. Give and Received.

a) Have you received a present this month? / Has recibido un presente este mes? Yes, I have received.
b) What present have you received? / Qu presente has recibido? I have received a headphone.

What the best present have you ever received? Cul es el mejor presente que has recibido alguna vez? The
best present I have received is a piano.

d) Have you liked giving presents? / Te ha gustado dar regalos? Yes, I have liked.

Have you ever cried when you receive a gift? / Has llorado alguna vez cuando recibes un regalo? Yes, I have

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