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Al]}) cossaration.c.31- 24 Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field’ nf Doe Ci 1 BaP odes of Sota ond Sond he ar osha hw Raed he agin of Of, 1. Seape 11 Thi pracice covers procedures for aking and curing ‘ylindical and prismatic specimens using job comerete tha ‘ean be consolidated hy rodding oF vibration a¢ deteribed herein 1.2 The concrete used to make the molded specimens shal have the same levels of slump, it content. and prvcenige of cour area asthe concrete bing een LA The valiee sine! in inchsnound units are to be ropa 38 the weanilae The salect ven In patenthcres ae far sotormation nts LA Thay standard does not purport address allo the ovens problems. any. stactated with vt use Il os the respontbilo te uter of this standard to establish appr brite ster’ and health practices and determine the annie Palin of recularorydinuaaions rine 36 21. Referenced Dacumeats 21-ASTM Standards: C143 Test Method! for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete C172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete? C17} Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mined Concrete by the Volumetric Method? €.192 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimen in the Laboratons= CBI Test Method for Ait Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete hy the Presvare Method C490 Specification for Molds for Forening Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically S11 Specitiation for Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms. and ‘ater Storage Tanks Used in the Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Coneretes? C617 Practice for Cany Specimens! C1064 Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland: Cement Concree™ og Cylindrical Concrete 4 Significance and Use IM Thie practice proves standaedized requirements for raking, corns, proteting, and transpnning conse tet Specimens under fil como STW specimen prepmation's contd sisted hescn the specment may he wed to devlog formation {ors flowing ponposes S121 Checking the adeauaey of mistore proportions for sweath 32 To ere a the basis for compaion wih ahora tory Tl oF inapice tte the bt for sly ad incirvtore perfarmance evan, anda the oc for Sem aed thing removal tne eqs 135" Determination nf comionce wath vent soci alin. mt NP Betermintin of time when a situ may be pt 4. Apparatus 4.1 Molde, General—Molds for specimens oF fastenings ‘hereto ia contact withthe concrete shall be made of steel, cast itn, o# athee nonabeodhent material, nonreactive with concrete confsining. portland oe other Welranlie cements ‘Molds shal hold heir dimensions and shape under condi tions of srvere use. Molds shal he atertight duting ee a judged by their ability tn hold water poured into ther, Provisions for tris of watertighiness age given in the Test Methods for Elongation, Absorption, and, Watertighness section of Specification 470, A suitable sealant, such 28 heavy grease, modeling clay, or microcrystalline wax shall be used where necessary to prevent leakage through the joints, Positive mesit hall he previo hold base plats fiemly to the molds. Reusable molds shall be lightly coated ith mineral oil or a suitable nonreative form release material before we 42 Cinder Molds: 43,1 Aol for Casting Speemarns Verically-Molls for ‘casting concrete tet specimens shall conform 10 the re ‘ments of Speification C470. 4) Ben Mtde-—Deaen molds shall be rectangular in shave and of the dimensions required to produce the "Specimens stipulated in 3.2. The insite surfses ofthe males ‘hall be emnot The side, bottons, an end shall beat ight angles to eachother and shal be straight and true and fre of ‘varnage. Maximum variation fiom the nominal cross sec tion shallot exceed Vin, (3.2 mum) for molds with depth or Iweadth of fin. (152 mina) er more. Molds hall presuce Specimens not more than Ye in (1.6 mm shorter than the reared length im accnetdanee with $.2, but may exced i ote thaw that sou ca 44 Tamping Rod—The tod shall be a round. straight steel cod“ in. (16 rn) in diameter and approximately 24 in. (G10 mm) long. with the tamping end rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter. Both ends may be founded if prefersed 45 Tiators—Interal vibrators may have rigid ar ex+ ible shalis. preferably powered by electric aioiors, The Freauency or sibration shall be 7000 vibrations per minute or freatr while in-use, The outside diameter ose dimension fof the sibrating clensent shall beat leas 0.73 in. (9 ma Sand not greater than 1$0 in (38 mm). The combined length ‘ofthe shaft and vibrating element shall exceed the maximum ‘epth ofthe section being vibyated by atleast 3 in. (76 mm). When esiroal vibrators ae wed, they should be the table or plank tspe, The flequency of exieinal vibrators shall be at Teast 3600 vibrations per minute. For both table and plank ‘iraiors, provision shall be made for chimping the mold securely Wo the apparatus A vibratingreed_tachome shoul be used to check the Frequency of vibration, 3.6 Mallci—A_ mallet with a cubber or rawhide head ‘weighing 1.25 s 0.50 Ib (0.57 = 0.23 kg) shall be used, “17 Small Tools—Fools and items which may be required are shaytls, pails, rowels, wood float, metal oat, blunted trowel, bighiedge, feele gage, scoops, and rule, 18 Shin pparauis—The appara for measurement ‘of sluinp shall conform to the requirements of Test Method cu. 49 Sampling and Mixing. Receptacle—The. receptacle shall be a suitable heavy gage metal pan, wheelbarrow, oF At, clean nonabsorbent mixing board of suicient capacity to allow easy remixing of the entice sample witha shovel or twos 410 ir Content tpparatus—The apparatus for mex suring ait content shall conform tothe requirements of Test, Methods C173 oF C231, 5. Test Specimens 5.1 Compressive SvengthSpecimens—Comprssvesength specimens shall be eyinders of concrete east and hagdened in an upright posiion, with a lengih equal Io twice the diameter, The standard specimen shall be the 6 by 12in (152 by 303-mm) cylinder when the maximum size ofthe ‘coats aggregate does ot exceed 2 in. (50 mm, When the ‘maximum sizeof the coarse aggrezate does exceed 2 in. (30 mum. cither the concrete sample shall be treated by wet sieving as deseibed in Pracice © 172 of the diameter of the {lind shall be atleast three ines the nominal maximum Siue of coarse aggregate in the concrete. Unless required by the project specifications. eslinders smaller than 6 of 12 in shall not be made in the Fed ‘Move 1-The maimum dee tthe small see opening tough ‘ie the ctr mount of uses eid fo pas. 5.2 Flesural Siength Specimens Plesural strength spec mens shall be rectangular beams of concrete east and hardened with long axes horizontal. The length shall be at least in, (SO mm) greater than thice times the depth 35, tested. The ratio of width 19 depily as molded shall no. exceed 1.5. The standard beam shall be 6 by 6 in. (152 by 132 mam) in cros section, and shall be sed for concrete with ‘maximum size coure aggregate up to 2 a, (30 mm). When the nominal maximus sizeof the corse apgreate exceeds ? (30 mm), the smaller c1oss sectional dimension of she ‘bea shall bea Fest three tines he nominal maximum size fof the coarse agereqate. Unless requited by project specifica tions beams made in dhe field shall not have a width or epi of les than 6 i, 6. Sampling Concrete 4.1 The samples used 40 fabricate test specimens under this standard shall be obtained in accordance with Practice C472 unless an alternative procedure has been approved. 6.3 Record the identity ofthe sample with respect to the location ofthe concrete represented and the time of casting 7, Sumy, Ai Content, and Temperature 7.1 Shunp—Measure the slump of each batch of eonesct fom which Specimens are made, lmmediaely after emiaing inthe receptacle. as required in Test Method C 143, 72 sie Content—Determine the aif content in accor dance with ener Test Method C173 or Test Method C 231 “The concrete used in performing te ac content est Hall not be used in fabricating test specimens. 73 Temperaiure—Desermine the temperature in accor dance with Test Method C 1064 8. Molding Specimens 81 Place of Molding—Mold specimens prompily on = level, gid surface, fe of vibraion and other disturbances, aa place as nea a practicable to te location where they re to be sored. 8 Place she Conerete—Place the concrete inthe molds using scoop. bivated owl, of shovel, Select each scoopfol, roll. or shovelul of concrete fiom the mixing an to ensure that tis representative ofthe batch, Remix the ‘concrete in the mixing pan witha shovel or rowel ta prevent Segregation during the molding. of specimens. Move the scoop. wowcl, oF shovel around the perimeter of the mold ‘opening when adding concrete io ensure an even distribution fof the concrete and minimize segregation. Further distribute the concrete by use of @ lumping rod prior 10 the slant of consolidation, Ja piscing the final layer the operaior shall Aliempl to add an amount of concrete that will exactly fill ‘the mold aller compaction. Do not add nonrepresentative fonctete to an undefiled mold E21 Number of Layert—Make specimens in layers as indicated in Table 1 83 Consolidation B31 Methods of Consolidation —Preparation of satis {or specimens fequires diffrent methods of-consolidation ‘The methods of consolidation ate coding. and interaal or external vibration. Uase the selecion of the method of onzoldation on the shimp. unless the method is sated in te spocfiations under which the work is being performed Rod eoncrees wth a slump greater than 3 in. (73 mam). Rod for vibrate enneretes with lunyp of 110 3 in 25 4075 moa Wate concrtes enh gluing of tess ham Fin, (25 ma) CConereis of such low Weiter content thal Viey cannot be properly consolidated by the encthods described herein, or Fequinng oaher sizes aad shapes of specimens to represent the ofoduct oF strucwre, are: not covered by this method ‘Specimens for such conerets shall be made in accordance with the requicements of Pracive C192 with reyaed 10 cot TABLE 1 tro! Layare Menu for someone Tea Tao Tana ana coon ‘Sen ‘mn ro omg Sau nor Pom Soe eh Sin 3am aon moe te "Saw 9 a0 eso enw ‘at ef weer Sts 20m Sean we tomer Suara ooo dermoe 0 a rene TABLE 2 Mmber of Redlogs tobe Us n Moting Cynder po secs specimen sie an shape and methad of conslidation. 8.32 Rodding—Place the concrete in the mold. in the equited umber of layers of approximately equal volume For eslinert, rd each Iver sith the rounded end ofthe rod using the number of strokes. specified in Table 2. The umber of ridings per layer kequited for beam is one for each Sin (heme) top srfaen aren of the specinen. Red the hottom Iyer thoughout its depth Distnbute the sires luniformly over the cross section af the mad and for each Lupe layer allow the rod to penetrate about in. (12 nem) into the veering layer shen the depth of the fyer is ess ‘han 4 in. (100 mm}, and about 1 in, (28 mm) sehen the depth is in. or more. After cach Laser is todded. tap the les ofthe mold lightly 10 0 15 tives sath the malls 0 ‘le any. hoes left by focding and release any Trge a Tuller that may hase been trapped. Use an open hand to ‘apy lighgaee single-ise molds which are susceptible to damage if rapped with a mallet. Aer tapping, spade the concrete along the sides aed! ends of beam molds with 3 trowel oF othe stale onl AJ.) Fibeation—Maintain 9 uniform time pevie! for duration of wihration foe the padticular kind of concrete, Uibatoe, and specimen mold inveleed, The duration of ‘ihration required will depend upem the workability of the onceete and the ffectiveness ‘of the vibeaion, Usially sufiient vibration bas been applied as sogn a the surface of the conereie has Become relatively smoath. Contihue wa: tion only long enough to achieve proper consalidation ofthe eonerete. Overvibration may eaute eerepation. Fil the mols and vibrate in the equited umber of anprosimately caval ayers, Mace al the concrete fe each layer in the wold Tefore starting sition af that layer When placing the final layer avn wverillng hy anone than in, (6 rn Fini the surfer ether during or after vibration where external Uihrauion is uted. Finish the sirFice aller sbeation shen Enters sitraion is weed. When the fish fe aphid after ‘itation. add only enough conerete with a tronel te veri the mold about Ye i (mo). Werk it int the surtare and then snke io 83.3.1 Inemal Vibraion—The diameter of ihe vibrating clement, oF thickness of square vibesting element, thal be Jn accordance withthe requtements of 5. For beans, the vibrating element shall not exceed % of the width of the ‘mold. For exlinders, the ratio ofthe diameter ofthe eylinder fo the diameter of the vibrating element shall he 4.0 oF higher. In compacting the specimen the vibrator shall not be allowed t0 rest an the bottom or sides ofthe mo. Carefully withdraw the vibrator in uel a manner that no air pocket sre left in the specimen, 83.3.2 Colindere—Uce three insertions of the sirator at iter poiets for each laser. Allow the eibatoe to pene irate through the fayer being vibeted, 39d into the Inver below. approximately t in. (25 mm). Afler each layer Is vibrated. tap the ontsides of the sno lightly BO 10 1S times wth the mallet 1 cle any holes thal remain and t elease ny large air hobhles that nay have been trapped. Use an ‘open hand to tap lightgage singlewse molds sshich are susceptible ro damage if tapped with a valle. R033 Ben—Inser the vibrator a interval not ex ‘ceding 6 in, (150) mm) along the centerline of the lang {mension ofthe specimen. For specimens wider than 6 in tee alternating incerians along two lines. Allow the shaft af the vibrator to penetate into the bottom Taser appeoss mately Tin. (25 mm) Afler each Inger i ibrated, ap the Sutsies ofthe reid Tightly 11015 times wih the mallet 10 close any holes Tet by vibrating and to release any large alt Fhubbles that may have Beem (apres i $b External Vibration: When external ilyaton ‘sed, take ere teenie thn the mol egy attache for sectrly held spainat the vibrating clement oe vibrating ‘uae, 8.4 Finishing-—ANer consolidation, unless the finishing has been performed ducing the vibration (83.3). ake off he surface of the conerete ad oat of lowe it 38 required form all finishing. with the minimuen manipation rceseary ta produce 4M even surface that level with the rinv'or edge of the meld snd that has no depressions or Injections larger than M4 in. (1.2 min) RULL Ciinders—Atier consolidation, finish the top su faces by etiking then of with the taemping rod where the consistency of the conceee petits of witha wad float trowel, IF desired, exp the ton surface ef feshly: made cinders with 4 thin Iver of M6 porilnd cement paste ‘hich is permitted te harden and cure with the specimen “ee section on Capping Materials of Practice C617 82 Prame—-Alice consolidation of the concrete, strike off the top sutace tthe required tolerance to provtuce 3 Ma dh cat even surface. wood float may be use 8.5 Mark the specimens to positively iemify them and the concrete they fepreseat. Use a metiod that will not aher the top surface af the concrete. Do not mark the removable ‘aps. Upon removal of the mols, amar the test specimens 10 felain their ious, 1b Iauial Slorage—lmenediatly ater being struck off, the specimens shall be moved wo the storage place where they ‘sill remain ‘undigurbed for the inital curing period, If specimens niade in single use molds are moved, iN. and suppor the specimens ftom the bottom of the milds with a large woe or similar device 9, Curis 9.1 Coverng Afier Finishing Immediately afiee bn ishing, precautions shall be taken to prevent evaporation and loss of water fromthe specimens. Protect the outside surfaces ‘of cardboard molds from contact with wet butlap oF other sources of water, Cardboard molds may expand and damage specimens aban early age i he outside of the mold absorbs Water. Cover specimens with a nonabsorbent, nonreactive plate or sheet of impervious plastic, Wet burlap may be used fver the pate or plastic shet to help retard evaporation, but the burlap must not be in contact with the surface of the 9.2 Curing Specimens for Checking the Adequacy of Aixture Proportions for Strength or as the Basis fr Accep- tance or Quality Corral 9.2.1 Invi Curing—AMter molding, the specimens Shall be stored in a temperature range between 60 10 60°F (16 to 27°C) and in 2. moist eaviconment preventing any loss of ‘moisture upto 48 h (Note 2). Atal times the temperature in and between specimens shall be coatclled by shielding from iret rays ofthe sun aad radian heating devices, Specimens that are to be transported t9 the laboratory for standard curing (se 9.2.2) before 48 shall remain in the molds in a moist environment, until they ae rezeived inthe laboratory, demoted and placed ip standard euring. If specimens are ‘ot transported within 4B fh, the molds shall be removed within 24°2 8 h and standard curing used unit ransported (Gee 10.1) None 2 yt ee tea tuna rig ia ‘The trimers may be immed imoedarely fo satrid neatr, Anayor sored vn phy consaced wooden boren dnnp sed pt tenpony bulb at construction icy, under wet Baap of 0 Reneyweight closed plc bags. Imessing in snared bees at tecepabl or ipecimens it cardboard reer mols tha expand wen immened in wae. Other witable methods ray be vse proved the Grepsing easements Ting sesinen temperature and moire Jou are met. The temperate may be conuoed by venation ‘emotes canta coal devices by Meng devices uch a sions ph bulb or themouaiealy conued hetng elmens Temperature record of ihe speciens ay be esablsed Dy meas of esumomminmum thermometer Exp age rile may be lower ‘then seed neat 60°F (16°C) and higher when sed wear 8O7F QTC) 9.22 Standard Curing: Cylinders—Upon completion of initial curing and within 30 mio ater eemoving the mols, store specimens in a ‘moist condition with fee walee maintained on their surfaces at all times at a temperature of 73.4. YF (23 = 1.770) Temperatures between 68 and 86°F (20 and 30°C) are permitied fora period not to exceed 3h immediately pri 19 {est if free moisture is misintained on the surfaces of the specimen al all times, except when eapping with sulfur moniat capping compound. When capping with this mat fal, the ends of the cylinder will be died as described in Practice C17, Specimens shall not be exposed 0 dipping, fof funting water The tequired moist storage can be obs tained by immersion in saturated limewater and. may be ‘oblained by siorage in a moist evar of cabinet meeting the ‘requirements of Specification C $11, 9.2.22 Beams—Beams ate to te cured the sme as cylinders (se except for 2 esinirnum of 20h prior 10 esting. they shal be stored in saturated limewater at 73.4 = YF (23 # 1.7°C) Drying ofthe soraces ofthe beam shall be prevented Bewween semoval fom limewater and completion of testing Nore }—Relaisely small amount of surface dnine of ese soeriment can induce tenae reas ithe erme Riles tht markedly vedoce the diene fetal see : 9.3 Curing for Determining For Removal Tome or Whew 4 Structure May be Put into Service 9.31 Cplinders—Siore cylinders in or on the structure as neat to the point of deposit of the concrete represented as possible. Proicet all surfaces of the cylinders, feom the élements in as near as possible the same way a the formed work. Provide the cylinders with the same temperature and ‘moisture environment at the sirucural work. ‘Test the specimens in the moisture condition resulting from the Specified curing treatment. To meet these conditions, speci- tmens made for the purpose of determining when a structure ‘ay be put in sevice shall be removed from the molds atthe time of femoval of form work. 9.3.2 Beams—As neatly as practicable, cue beams in the same mannet as the concrete inthe structure. Atte end of Ab-E ¢h afer molding. take the molded specimens to the Storage location and remove from the molds. Store spec ‘mens representing pavements of slabs on grade by placing them on the ground as molded, with their op surfaces up. Bank the sides and ends ofthe specimens with cart or sand that shall be kept damp, leaving the 1p surfaces exposed 10 the specified curing eaiment. Store specimens represealing siruetufe concrete as near the point in the structure they represent as posible, and afford them the same temperature protection and moisture enviconment ashe structure. AU the fend of the curing period leave the specimens in place texpoted to the weather in the same mianner asthe siveture, Remove all beam specimens from field siorage and store in limewater at 734 ¢ 3F (3 + 17°C) for 24 = 4h immediately before time of testing to ensure uniform mois lure condition fom specimen to specimen. Observe the precautions given in 9.22.2 to guard agaist drying between Time of removal from curing t testing 10. Transportation of Species to Laboratory 10.1 Prior o wansponiy. specimens shall be cured and protected as required in Section 9, During transportation, the specimens rust be protected wih suitable cushioning mate car event damage fiom jarring and from fecering them with wet sand or wet saw dsl, Transportation shall not ‘sor moistvee Ines, Moisture Toss may be pre- exceed 4h specimens in plastic or surround, ie can anemone ity a tee Tanta tga a gee nro orc ey 2 ‘nan imma me mene ten et i Seats tmesns tr met cn ea coon wa romig TILES Sy Mt tn rene vena ct hang os a ma ae ounce cm Sano cs, Paco P77,

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