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A chemical compound (or just compound if used in the context of chemistry) is

an entity consisting of two or more atoms, at least two from different elements, which
associate via chemical bonds. There are four types of compounds, depending on how the
constituent atoms are held together: molecules held together by covalent
bonds, salts held together by ionic bonds,intermetallic compounds held together
by metallic bonds, and certain complexes held together by coordinate covalent bonds.
Many chemical compounds have a unique numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical
Abstracts Service (CAS): itsCAS number.
A chemical formula is a way of expressing information about the proportions of atoms that
constitute a particular chemical compound, using the standard abbreviations for
the chemical elements, and subscripts to indicate the number of atoms involved. For
example, water is composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom: the
chemical formula is H2O.
A compound can be converted to a different chemical composition by interaction with a
second chemical compound via achemical reaction. In this process, bonds between
atoms are broken in both of the interacting compounds, and then bonds are reformed so
that new associations are made between atoms. Schematically, this reaction could be
described as AB + CD --> AC + BD, where A, B, C, and D are each unique atoms; and
AB, CD, AC, and BD are each unique compounds.
A chemical element bonded to an identical chemical element is not a chemical compound
since only one element, not two different elements, is involved. Examples are
the diatomic molecule hydrogen (H2) and the polyatomic molecule sulfur (S8).


2Elementary concepts

3Comparison to mixtures


5Phases and thermal properties

6See also


8Further reading

9External links

Any substance consisting of two or more different types of atoms (chemical elements) in
a fixed proportion of its atoms (i.e., stoichiometry) can be termed a chemical compound;
the concept is most readily understood when considering pure chemical substances.[1]:15 [2]
It follows from their being composed of fixed proportions of two or more types of atoms
that chemical compounds can be converted, via chemical reaction, into compounds or
substances each having fewer atoms.[4] In the case of non-stoichiometric compounds, the
proportions may be reproducible with regard to their preparation, and give fixed
proportions of their component elements, but proportions that are not integral [e.g.,
for palladium hydride, PdHx (0.02 < x < 0.58)].[5] Chemical compounds have a unique and
defined chemical structure held together in a defined spatial arrangement by chemical
bonds. Chemical compounds can be molecular compounds held together by covalent
bonds, salts held together by ionic bonds,intermetallic compounds held together
by metallic bonds, or the subset of chemical complexes that are held together
by coordinate covalent bonds.[6] Pure chemical elements are generally not considered
chemical compounds, failing the two or more atom requirement, though they often consist
of molecules composed of multiple atoms (such as in the diatomic molecule H2, or
the polyatomic molecule S8, etc.).[6]
There is varying and sometimes inconsistent nomenclature differentiating substances,
which include truly non-stoichiometric examples, from chemical compounds, which
require the fixed ratios. Many solid chemical substancesfor example many silicate
mineralsare chemical substances, but do not have simple formulae reflecting
chemically bonding of elements to one another in fixed ratios; even so,
these crystalline substances are often called "non-stoichiometric compounds". It may be
argued that they are related to, rather than being chemical compounds, insofar as the
variability in their compositions is often due to either the presence of foreign elements
trapped within the crystal structure of an otherwise known true chemical compound, or
due to perturbations in structure relative to the known compound that arise because of an
excess of deficit of the constituent elements at places in its structure;[citation needed] such nonstoichiometric substances form most of the crust and mantle of the Earth.[citation needed] Other
compounds regarded as chemically identical may have varying amounts of heavy or
light isotopes of the constituent elements, which changes the ratio of elements by mass

Elementary concepts[edit]
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Characteristic properties of compounds include that elements in a compound are present

in a definite proportion.[this quote needs a citation] For example, the molecule of the compound water is
composed of hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of 2:1. In addition, compounds have a
definite set of properties,[citation needed] and the elements that comprise a compound do not
retain their original properties.[citation needed] For example, hydrogen, which is combustible and
non-supportive of combustion, combines with oxygen, which is non-combustible and
supportive of combustion, to produce the compound water, which is non-combustible and
non-supportive of combustion.[citation needed]

Comparison to mixtures[edit]
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The physical and chemical properties of compounds differ from those of their constituent
elements. This is one of the main criteria that distinguish a compound from amixture of
elements or other substancesin general, a mixture's properties are closely related to,
and depend on, the properties of its constituents. Another criterion that distinguishes a
compound from a mixture is that constituents of a mixture can usually be separated by
simple mechanical means, such as filtering, evaporation, or magnetic force, but
components of a compound can be separated only by a chemical reaction. However,
mixtures can be created by mechanical means alone, but a compound can be created
(either from elements or from other compounds, or a combination of the two) only by a
chemical reaction.
Some mixtures are so intimately combined that they have some properties similar to
compounds and may easily be mistaken for compounds. One example is alloys. Alloys
are made mechanically, most commonly by heating the constituent metals to a liquid
state, mixing them thoroughly, and then cooling the mixture quickly so that the
constituents are trapped in the base metal. Other examples of compound-like mixtures
include intermetallic compounds and solutions of alkali metals in a liquid form of

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