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Your Cat Naturally - Raw Food for Cats

Presented by Diet Guideline

Disclaimer: Use caution when beginning a

new nutrition program. Not all wellness
programs are suitable for everyone. Check
with your doctor before you begin. Diet
Guideline will not be responsible or liable
for any injury sustained as a result of using
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on the Diet Guideline blog, via email
communications or in video format.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 A Cat With A Can Opener? ................................... 3
Chapter 2 Why Processed Foods Weaken Your Cat (and You)5
Chapter 3 - Cat-Appropriate Natural Food .............................. 8
Chapter 4 - Daily Feedings ..................................................... 11
Chapter 5 - How To Make Raw Cat Food ............................... 14
Chapter 6 Making The Transition ........................................ 16

Chapter 1 A Cat With A Can Opener?

Cats are fascinating. They are both the domesticated soft pawed pet and the wild
untamed creature. They have never depended on humans food-wise. As born
hunters they love to prowl. Their main prey are rodents and critters which serve
as their food. Hunting is the perfect expression of their genetics.

The cat the self-sufficient hunter
The original wild cat and todays house cats have for the most part remained
autonomic in procuring their food. In ancient times, cats frequented human
settlements because their prey, small rodents, multiplied in the grain stockpiles
which people had accumulated for survival. Humans not only tolerated the cats
but welcomed them as the cats helped reduce the loss of grains to the rodents.

The cat in an industrialized world

In our time and day, the cats home range has become smaller. Even in rural
areas, the vanishing of small farms, urbanization and industrialization have
drastically reduced the available food resources for cats.

A gigantic industry has taken advantage of this condition and is making billions
every year producing processed cat food.

We have lost the knowledge of healthy feeding and the awareness of the cats
natural needs, and are primarily feeding processed food to cats. This is very
disadvantageous to our soft pawed pets because processed food inevitably causes
diseases in cats.

What does a cat eat naturally?
Both science and nature teach us the required food combinations for cats.
Originally, all mammals have eaten raw, whole and fresh food containing all
nutrients their organism needs for individual maintenance and maintenance of
the species.

The cat eats all of the mouse including skin, bones, fur, blood, stomach,
intestines, organs, and muscles. It does not preserve it but eats it whole, fresh
and raw including the content of the mouses stomach and intestines. No part of
the mouse is left behind, nothing is added to it. Natural food has allowed cats to
survive for thousands of years.

The food of modern house cats
Very few house cats have the opportunity of self-sufficiency in food. Even if they
are allowed to go hunting, they usually are fed canned and dry food which is in
striking contrast to the cats natural food. It is neither whole nor fresh nor raw not
to speak of additives and preservatives.

Chapter 2 Why Processed Foods Weaken Your Cat (and


Surprisingly, it has been known since the 1940s that heated and processed food is
cause of disease to humans and animals alike. The German scientist Dr. Werner
Kollath M. D. discovered that the structure of unheated native (natural) protein
gets damaged by heat and processing. By test feeding generations of animals, he
found that for lasting health, unheated protein is required. Unheated protein can
only be found in raw food.

If cooked and processed foods make up the major part of a diet over a certain
period of time, chronic disease is the result. In humans it takes 20 to 40 years of
malnutrition until those diseases can be diagnosed. Our pets have a shorter life

span, they suffer from those diseases earlier in life after they have been fed dry
and canned food for years. Their food-related diseases can be diagnosed in
middle-aged and old animals.

Cats on dry and canned food suffer from similar chronic diseases as humans
primarily on processed foods.

The research of Dr F. Pottenger

Francis Pottenger MD did some interesting feeding experiments with 900 cats
over a period of 10 years from 1932 to 1942 in California. He fed fully raw food
(meat, and milk) and combinations of raw milk with cooked meat, and raw meat
with pasteurized, evaporated, and condensed milk, and cooked meat with raw
milk. The only animals that stayed healthy and showed normal growth,
development and behavior were the cats that were fed fully raw food. Whenever
cooked meat was added to raw milk or non-raw milk added to raw meat, the cats
developed chronic disease very similar to those found in humans.

If a female cat was fed non-raw food for one year, she was never again able to
have normally developed kittens even if her diet was changed to fully raw after
one year.

The diet also affected the cats behavior. Cats on raw food were friendly and their
behavior was predictable. Cats on cooked food were aggressive and even
dangerous with lots of biting and scratching.
Dr Pottengers feeding experiments prove that heating of meat and processing of
milk damage health.

Health problems worsen with every successive generation
The health problems get worse with every successive generation. The cat strain
on cooked food expired after 3 generations because they lost fertility.
It took 4 generations of fully raw food to reverse the bad health effects of the first
generation on cooked food.

Canned, cooked and dry cat food has lost its natural balance and vital
substances (nutrients)

Nutrients are interrelated and function as an entity, not individually. They

function properly only in natural harmony and balance. If just one nutrient is
missing or damaged, none of the remaining others can work properly. Heating
and processing destroys the natural pattern of nutrients. Adding supplementary
nutrients does not re-establish the natural harmony as science has not yet
discovered how the compounds are interrelated.

Cats like all living organisms are designed by nature to eat natural foods that have
not been changed by industrial processes. Nature has not provided means of
breaking down and utilizing artificial substances. Any addition of artificial
components makes it difficult to break down the food and hampers the
detoxifying ability of the organism. They stress and weaken the cats natural self-
healing potential.

Chapter 3 - Cat-Appropriate Natural Food

As most modern cats no longer have the opportunity of food self-sufficiency, their
care-takers need to model natural cat food.

Cat-appropriate natural food prevents civilatory disease
Cat-appropriate foods help prevent many of the diseases modern cats are
suffering from.

Typical cat diseases
Some of the common food-related diseases in cats include allergies (flees, pollen),
ear infections, infections of the anal glands, osteoarthritis, degenerative heart
diseases, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes, bladder inflammation, hair loss, lack
of immunity which causes susceptibility of cat aids, leucosis, etc., and most
digestive ills such as diarrhea and constipation, obesity, tart, periodontal diseases.
Malnutrition also is one of the major causes of cancer.

Native protein corresponds to the cats natural prey
When discussing natural food for cats, the quality of protein is essential. The cat
needs native (unheated) protein to maintain or regain health.

A cats natural prey never is cooked or processed in any way. It is whole and fresh
when the cat eats it. This is what you want to model when you are feeding your
cat. Your home-made raw cat food needs to include raw meat. Did you know that
all carnivores living in a zoo are fed raw food? They wouldnt survive on preserves
and cooked meat.

Components of natural cat food

Raw meat, offal, fish
Raw meat corresponds to the protein of the prey. Any meats except pork are fine.
Ground beef, lamb, turkey and chicken are easily available in pet food stores.
Ground giblets containing bones and offal (heart, stomach, lungs) are especially
recommended. Liver can be fed once a week. For variety, some cats like fish.

Natural fats
Muscle meat available today comes with hardly any fat. This is why you need to
add small quantities of natural fats with the meat part.
Natural fats are required for energy, immunity, vision, brain and nerve health, and
healthy sexual functions.

Recommended natural fats are cold-pressed unrefined oils. Cats prefer fats with a
mild flavor which are sunflower and flax seed oil, butter and fresh whipping
cream. Cats love cream, and they may have small quantities to their liking.
Natural fats are not cause of obesity. An obese cat suffers from lack of nutrients
due to factory made cat food. Processed food cannot be fully metabolized for lack
of vital substances. Natural fats are required for a healthy metabolism.

Raw whole grains
Dr Kollath also discovered the benefits of whole grains for humans and animals.
Factory-made cat food generally consists of refined processed flour (grains) which
have been depleted of their oily germ, bran and other vital components of the
grain kernel. Grains without the germ and outer layers lack the B-vitamin

complex. B-vitamins have a key function in metabolism. They are required to

metabolize all the other vitamins, carbs, fats, proteins, and for brain and nerve

Oats are the optimum grain for cats. They are soft and the most nutrient-dense
grain variety there is. There are oat varieties that naturally come without hulls.
Those should be chosen as any technical unhulling would damage the germ, and
without the germ, the kernel is of little biological value.

Fresh vegetables and fruit
Mild tasting vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, lettuce leaves and tiny quantities
of fruit as apple, banana, raspberries and strawberries make the plant food of
cats. Remember, the cats natural food includes the content of stomach and
intestines of the prey which is plant food.


Chapter 4 - Daily Feedings

It is best to feed two meals, one in the morning, one in the evening. Cats are night
active animals, and they eat most of their food at night.
An adult cat eats 2 3 tablespoons of the prepared raw food per meal. Its hunger
varies, and it may have as much as it wants, no restrictions of quantity are

Basic combinations of raw cat food
60 70% ground raw meat and offal/fish (e. g. 3 cups)
15% raw grains (e. g. 3/4 cup whole grains= 1 cup milled)
15% fresh vegetables and greens (e. g. 1 cup blended)
1 2% cold pressed unrefined oil (e. g. 1/4 cup)

Snacks (optional)
Small bites of whole grain bread spread with butter
Mashed fruit (apple, banana, raspberries or strawberries whatever is in
season) with fresh whipping cream and some finely blended/milled whole

Nutrients of your home-made cat food
Your home-made cat food consists of native (unheated) meat which provides
protein of high nutritional value to the cat including the essential amino acid
taurine and arachidonic acid. Offal are known for their fat-soluble vitamins A, D,

Whole grains add unheated protein, carbs, fats, minerals, trace minerals, fiber,
fat-soluble vitamins and, B-complex vitamins, enzymes, mono and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, and flavonoids, and fiber. Cold pressed unrefined oils
deliver fat, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, mono and poly-unsaturated fatty acids.
Vegetables and fruit supplement the cat food with additional unheated protein,
carbs, B-complex vitamins, water-soluble vitamin C, minerals, trace minerals,
enzymes, flavonoids, fiber and any unknown nutrients.


There is no need for commercial pet supplements as natural unheated cat food
delivers a wealth of nutrients and natural protein without any additives and

How to handle raw food
When purchasing meat, offal, giblets etc. dont go for bargains unless you are sure
to get fresh produce. It is important not to interrupt the cold chain. For all
practical purposes, freeze and unfreeze meats and offal in daily portions and
always keep unfrozen food refrigerated.
Cats like their food at room temperature. They dont like it warm. Do not

microwave the food as this would damage many of the nutrients. If needed, warm
cold food in a water bath for a few minutes.


After about 20 minutes, the cat is done eating, and you may remove leftovers
either save them for the next meal in the refrigerator or give them to the dog or
throw them away.

Bacteria are important for good health
Bad health occurs when the natural harmony of the cats gut bacterial is broken
by faulty diet. On home-made raw cat food, the cats gut eco system is
balanced. As a result cats are at a low risk of parasite infections. Naturally fed cats
stand out for their beauty, health and robustness. Their odor is very pleasant.
Within 4 weeks on raw food, their health improves noticeably.


Chapter 5 - How To Make Raw Cat Food

For your convenience, prepare a monthly or weekly supply of cat food and freeze
it in daily portions.
Equipment: Blender (and grain mill)
Ingredients for about one days supply for an adult cat
5 tbsp. ground raw meat such as beef, offal (lungs, spleen, heart, stomach, liver,
1 tbsp. whole oat kernels (hull-less variety)
1 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. finely grated/blended carrots/zucchini
1 tsp cold pressed unrefined sunflower or flaxseed oil
1 tbsp. minced salad greens (no bitter tasting varieties such as dandelions or
endives) and/or grated apple

1. Blend vegetables and greens
2. Finely blend or mill the oats and
3. Add water immediately after milling/blending to prevent oxidation of the

Never blend/mill grains ahead of using them as their most valuable components
(enzymes, flavonoids) are very sensitive to oxygen which quickly would destroy
many of them.
4. Add a teaspoon of cold pressed unrefined sunflower or flaxseed oil
5. Manually combine all ingredients making a sticky paste. Be sure to include
any drippings of meat.
6. Feed it respectively freeze in daily portions.

Meats: ground beef, turkey, lamb, and offal (heart, stomach, lungs, giblets
etc.) whatever is available. Liver can be added weekly.
o Some cats enjoy fish. Raw fish can be used in place of meat.
o Do not feed pork as pork might transfer the Aujeszky disease lethal
to cats (and dogs).


Whole grain kernels: organic oats (varieties that naturally come without
hulls), organic wheat, spelt, barley. Oats are best for cats as they are soft in

o Grains other than oats need to be softened by soaking in water for 4

to 6 hours if you want to feed the freshly prepared cat food before it
was frozen. No soaking is required when you prepare the food for
Vegetables: carrots and zucchini as those taste very mild and are readily
accepted by the cat.
Greens: lettuce and other mild tasting greens, none that have a distinct
flavor of their own such as endives, spinach or dandelions.
Vary meats, and grains.


Chapter 6 Making The Transition

Most cats accept the home-made raw cat food. However, cats tend to prefer the
food they are familiar with just like kids! They go after the familiar smell, and
store-bought cat food always smells more intense than natural cat food. If your
cat needs help in accepting the raw cat food, you may proceed as follows:

1. Fasting for 2 days (not with pregnant cats, diabetics, cats that are
weakened or have cancer).
2. If the cat refuses the raw food after the 2 days fast, youll have to accept
compromises as follows:
a. For the next 2 days, combine 3 parts of the cats favorite food with 1
part raw cat food.


b. For the next 3 days, combine 1 part of the favorite food with 1 part
raw cat food
c. For the following 3 days, combine 1 part processed cat food with 3
parts raw cat food.
d. After 8 days, only feed raw cat food.

During transition, only feed half of the quantity the cat would usually be
Once the cat is on raw food, never ever again feed him store-bought food.
It may relapse just like an alcoholic.
Usually the cat eats its food with appetite if the food is given in 2 meals



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