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October 2016

Christian Perspective on LGBTQ #3

Prayerfully prepared for:


October Greeters
Joe Kerr & Jim Henry
Charlotte Shorts; Louise Greleski
David and Alex Valesky
Gary McClellan; Garth Valesky


Jim Henry
Gary McClellan
Garth Valesky

A Publication of
St. Pauls Reformed Church
1070 Park Avenue, Meadville PA 16335

A Publication of
St. Pauls Reformed Church
1070 Park Avenue, Meadville, PA 16335
Church Phone: 814-336-5188
Facebook: St. Pauls Reformed Church Meadville
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-1:00 p.m.
Pastor: Brian Hasenkopf336-5188/573-1576
Consistory President: James Henry336-5188
Consistory Vice-President: Joe Kerr333-2658
Consistory Secretary: Linda Hild382--2059
General Fund Treasurer: Shirley Reeger333-1383
Admin. Assistant: Valerie McCracken336-5188
Music Director: Betsy McClellan814-282-7507

Is the movement of accepting homosexual lifestyles verted heterosexual behavior) is to engage in a behavin the Church a violation of Gods command or a mile- ior that goes against the truth of God.
stone toward a more inclusive Christianity? Has the
Someone might argue But what if my natural
traditional position of the Church, i.e., homosexual sexual inclinations or attractions are for the same sex?
behavior is a sin, been wrong all these years?
Doesnt it follow then that what is natural for me is to
Last month, I started the conversation with the re- pursue a homosexual relationship? In order to detercent news of the United Methodist Church (UMC) mine if this argument is a good argument, we must
appointing its first openly gay bishop. I also refer- understand Pauls use of the words natural and unnatenced the group Evangelicals Concerned, who are ural in the context of Romans 1. As mentioned earlier,
practicing homosexuals and yet promote otherwise the context of Pauls use of these words is grounded in
orthodox teachings of the Church saying,
the creation narrative of Genesis. ThereWe trust Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord; ...Natural thus refers fore, what is natural or unnatural is used
We believe the Bible, Gods inspired to physical design, not here to characterize behavior that is not by
Word; It is our infallible guide for faith
inclination, but by design. In addition,
and conduct. (At this point, it may help
nowhere does Paul address the notion that
to revisit last months article.)
inclination toward homosexuality is a natTo answer the above posed questions, we must see ural inclination. Daniel Wallace comments, God
what the Bible says. I closed last months article with designed men and women to be sexual creatures that
an overview of the early chapters of Genesis, and indi- would be compatible only with each othernot men
cated that this month we would look at 3 New Testa- with men, not women with women, not humans with
ment passages; Romans 1:26-27, 1 Cor. 6:9, and 1 animals, etc. Natural thus refers to physical design,
Tim. 1:10. Due to space limitations, the 1 Corinthians not psychological inclination.
and 1 Timothy passages will need to wait for a future
Another argument put forward by those advocating
article. Lets look at Romans 1
for the acceptance of homosexuality is to interpret
In his indictment of humanity before God in Ro- these verses in a narrow sense, i.e., that Paul isnt conmans 1, Paul takes his readers back to creation and the demning all homosexuality, but only pederasty. Pederfall of men and women into sin. In the verses preced- asty is sexual relations between men and boys. In aning 26-27, Paul says that men and women have cient days, pederasty often took place between unmarexchanged the glory and truth of God for a lie, wor- ried nobles and their pre-teen slave boys. Yet, such
shiping and serving creature rather than Creator. The relationships were temporary and abandoned when the
same word, i.e., exchange, appears in verses 26-27 in noble took a wife. Although this activity may be inreference to exchanging natural function for unnatural. cluded in Pauls thoughts, it is by no means exhausBy using the same word in these verses, Pauls point- tive. Paul begins with women exchanging natural for
ing out that women and men who exchange the natural unnatural. And with reference to the men, his use of
function for the unnatural, do so as a direct result of the word abandoned suggests more of a long term
exchanging the truth of God for a lie. Therefore, by commitment to the activity than a temporary one.
definition, to engage in homosexual behavior (or per(contd)

In summary, Pauls words in Romans 1:26-27 persuasively lead to the conclusion that homosexual behavior in its widest sense is condemned as a violation
of Gods truth and design. As Daniel Wallace notes,
[Paul] is bringing his audience to the pattern of God
set up in the garden as that which should govern our
lives today. Anything that deviates from that pattern is
sin. Nevertheless, the sin of homosexual behavior like
the sin of any perversion of heterosexual behavior is
forgivable in Christ. We have only to trust in Him to
experience the riches of His grace.
The arguments are drawn from an article by Daniel Wallace,
Professor of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Pastor Brian Hasenkopf

Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes: Its that time

again! We will participate in
the annual Shoebox program.
The boxes are located in the
narthex. Filled boxes will be
collected in the church office. Feel free to
contact Charlotte Shorts if you have any questions.
Game Night: Mark your calendars for
the next Game Night at St. Pauls. The
date is Friday, October 28 from 6:308:30 pm. There will be fun & games
for all ages! Bring your family!!


October Birthdays

Ike Mutlu
Norma Fogle
Rose Marie Petruso
Kassy Carrara
Paula Phillips
James Henry
Dorothy Porter

As many of you may have

noticed, there is no longer a
choir as attendance has
been low we felt that this is
the best way to go. When
church attendance picks up and there are
enough members interested, we will start the
choir again. But for now, we will have special
music from time to time.
For those of you who like to sing, we are offering a hymn sing every third Thursday of
each month from 6:00-7:00 pm. Hope to see
you at the hymn sings! All for the glory of
A special Thank You to all of the choir members that have served so faithfully over the
years! Thank you Shirley and Earl Reeger,
Janet Walzcak, Linda Hild, Mary Hinderliter,
Iris Cole, and Danielle McClellan!


Flowers are $30 per set and may be purchased by contacting
the church office at 336-5188

In loving memory of parents Harold & Mildred Johnson from Ruth McMaster and Helen Wilson
Available (Please call the church office to schedule)
In loving memory of Virgil & Ada Deissler from Bob & Doris Reitze
In loving memory of Paul Farrington Gookin from Elaine Phillips & Family
Available (Please call the church office to schedule)

Update from the Consistory President

Clean Up Day:
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,

Thank You to everyone who was

able to join together on Saturday, September 24, at the Annual Clean Up Day. There
was much to be done and much was accomplished. Everyone worked hard but there
was loads of laughter and fun time shared.
St. Pauls has really taken on a new appearance. Congregation should be very proud of
their church. Persons not affiliated with the
church have commented on how nice it

give serious consideration to accepting a

role on the Consistory whether it is voluntary or via nomination and election as a
Deacon or Elder.

Fact Check:
Regardless of the name attached to St,
Pauls, this church/congregation has always
been a Reformed Church with a Dutch and
German heritage evolving out of the teachings of John Calvin of Switzerland.

Consistory Elections:
Fall is upon us, which means winter is just
around the corner. Increasingly more people
are commenting on how much they enjoy
fall with its vibrant colors, mild temperatures and slowing pace of life. With the arrival of fall St. Pauls Reformed Church is
approaching an annual event that for two
years has not taken place, election of new
Consistory members. The role and responsibilities of the Consistory has taken on
greater significance. At the October Congregational meeting nominations for Deacons and Elders will be opened. Nominations will be taken from the floor and will
continue to be accepted through November.
Nominations will be posted in December
and elections will be held at the Annual
Congregational Meeting in January. The
responsibilities of the Consistory has escalated over the past few years. This is in part
due to shift in membership, new Pastoral
leadership and prior years events. It is
hoped and prayed that many of you will

A Bit of History:



German Reformed Church of

Meadville was organized.
German Reformed Church and
the Lutheran congregations purchased a lot on the cornr of
Chancery lane and Pine Streets
Small framed church was erected on December 19, 1847
First full time Pastor [L.D.
Leberman] served both the
Meadville and Dutch Hill Congregations
German Reformed Church and
the Lutheran congregations dissolved their relationship
German Reformed Church rented a small chapel on the corner
of Chancery Lane and Center

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