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TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network ‘hitp-//’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31 y/311 1 of 15 TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network ‘The ports used on an OM network provide different functions according to port locations and port types. This describes the ports used by the M2000. LMT, Citi, and CME servers and M2000 clients. For detals about the pars to be enabled on NES ‘uring the commissioning, see relevant commissioning guides of NES, Generally the port used by Source Davie is random. It can be any port ranging frem 1024 to 65636. Listening Port Number {otermines the port that must be enabled on Target Device for Source Device, «+ Ifa firewall deployed between the M2000 server and the NMS, you need to enable the ports on the M2000 by refering to Table 1 ‘+ When a frewal is deployed between the M2000 and dients (for example, an M2000 cient, an OMT, or an LMT), you need to enable the ports on the M2000 by refering fo Table 2 «+ Ifa frewall is deployed between the M2000 server and NES, you need to enable the ports on the M2000 by refering to Table 3, The connection between the M2G00 and an NE is a long connection, and a firewall should notbe set to automatically detect and stop the connection with ne message. Generally, the M'2000 shakes hands with only ports {6000 and 6088. ITboth ports are connected property, you can infer thatthe other connects between the M2000 and the NE are normal, Message transmission exists only when services are caried on cther connections, + You need to enable the parts on the local M2000 network by refering o Table 4 ‘+ You need to enable the ports on M2000. the M2000-related third-party tools and Citnx server by referring to Teble 6. ‘+ You need to enable the ports on LMT for NodeB by refering to Table 6 © note: + Ina single-server system, the SMC server, console, and agent are installed on the M2000 server. + In an M2000 HA system configured withthe SMC server, only the SMC agent is installed on the M2000 server, Ifthe M2000 system is not configured with the SMC server in special sitions, the SMC server, console, and agent are installed on the M2000 server, “+ The CME and M2000 services are running on one server. Thats, the CME and M2000 share one server, + The CME APP server's an independent server Ifa frewallis deployed between the M2000 server and the NMS, you need to enable te ports on the M2000 by refering to Table 4 Tablo 4 Ports need to be enabled on the M2000 side for NMS Protocol Source | Target —_| Listening Port ‘Authentication Type Device [Device [Number en Reserien Method NMS 12000 TOP . eee | zores Northbound File Interface, semamelpassword NMS 12000 Northbound File Interface (for SSH Top . eee ae bestia semamelpassword Northbound SNMP interface. M2000 act as SNMP Manager to connect wi all NE NMS 12000 ror 162 Licensed by udpdispatch_agent Itcan be | usemamelpassword espe [configured with SNMP vZc or v3 when matching the NE on M2000, NMS 12000 roe - vee | 4100200 Ports enabled for Sybase database. Usemamelpassword NMS 12000 Northbound Streaming interface, for ee server |sever [76° Htorwarding M2000 alarms to tre NMS. | USemame/bassword a a For connecting the CORBA interface of TOP . 31100/31600(SSL)|NMS server, and is also used by M2000 | usemamelpasswvord ans eer [client in RAN share scene. 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protocot [Sources [Target Listening Port [oyu oscapuon Astrtcaton Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method wens | 000 For Mi Conan Tanspret top [rms |mzoco | sesaareraissy| Mm co vseramelpassvo vous | wa000 The professional porin Pelee fo Tube er ‘Server ‘Server 31126/31626.581) Ticket TTMgrService(ttmgr_agent), usemamelpassword wows | 000 Pivate Sooner oer | none pete ‘Server ‘Server ‘S1B23168ASSL)} provide mirror db data transfer. Nor wens | 000 Privat Soke intercom oget uz ‘Server ‘Server 31189/316831SL)} provide mirror db data transfer. i wens | ao00 top nus, [wzoco Teoconenc00 | pasv Ftp te ors vseranetpassvo ‘erheound SNMP eros 2000 at as Ste agent hse wows | co00 snmp apt po SP verso ane isi ‘Server ‘Server 4700 -configured,which can support SNMP v2c or a Si tved bof SeT na Cer cperotons, rr Send somptep ONS Sener SNMP |uone Sener _ | Serer ve Table 2Forsneed to be nated en th MZOE sie fr ens Protoco! [Source [Target [Listening Port [pan pmcapuon Tabetcaton Type Device [Device | Number Port Descriptio Method Forth load of NE evare and he iploed te donmoed elects gear pottmanc at spot N20 Cher a NE, NS Sefer tis ot ernugh wooo | w2000 feopen 20% ps on Prewa or ETE oe Gient ‘Server a ‘Service, some special rule should be semameipassword Sted cn Peale he Te cormuatensseressuly sich 2s sung ale fetes fon Het Emon 50 reve wzo00 | 000 For FTP cont tsportorel WaD0D a Giient Server |?" Client, all NE, NMS Server. usemame/password TCP 2000 M2000 I22 For SSH service. usemame/password Goer | Sener wao%0 | a00o roe |uzteo |uzono | For These veersmelpassvod top |uzoco—|zo00 | Fer pcb ercommnicaton ef Wraxe. | usemamepessted om ror |iSpeaton,Juc000 | ages Forty access PRS chewed sevice. usemamebessterd ‘ema | woo0 | a0 Raesto he por ewes rhe opeaina ee Giient server [519 ‘system login service. ne wa000 | 000 For he GUI manegenent tthe Vries ae Giient Server |800 Volume Manager. usemamelpassword 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. go [se [Bem [amar [rotomen con top |u000 ]2000 Taras ForVerios Enoptse Aéminsteto, | usemamepesswed rer [sew [P| RARRGRaRT Sa tee eames a ce Socket Monto Por usemamebassva ror — |wcctent |§M200 |scorsses | pfeides VNC incon ards @PPV¥© | ssensmepasowed top |uz000 ]2000° Tapas Forth Sun aust sevice vssramefpseverd ver [igo [uso amor (Fawittemgtene mero | ranean tor | arne wr | $209 | eooweooossi) |FO LMT taconnect al NEtreugh M2000 | usemamepassword Top |AINE LT /¥2000 | eooweooressu) Fer INT Rconnect al NE rough M2000 | rong ror — anne usar | M2000 | 6000 Foran wreportperemarce i | senamapaaverd top | wcwum | 42999 | e008 For MGW debug semametpacsword| ror [anneunr | M222 |exosecceisst) | sine noxpe ene top [anne caer ]§2°20 [econ rorceoug vseranpassvr top | $ot8000 | 2000 | eos For S0ft3000 perfomance report usemamelpassword ror foouwr | $2020 eoia 6 entguatonconsle vssrarefpsenerd roe ancumr [M2200 eazy For RNC primary evens nth, vsemamepassner roe Jeee0 J gzt00 | oon Ferxeenes aepat atne xine | ramepsora top [2000] 2000 aoso Fer Xeenes espa othe xine | smamtpssvo ror rwcumr |M2000 |oee FormeremcteupgeceaineRNc. | userameassvar roe [auneun |M222 | eooe Brow pt for an NE to reper congue | Nong ror vmaxe | 2020 Toren Rderstomepon embed ere Some | sramepsor top feu ]§2°2 [soon IW maitonanc. vseramelpassvo roe Jineuner [82220 | ro03 In lam por vseranlpessvo 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protoco! [Source [Target [Listening Por | pon puncapton Astrtcaton Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method 2000 top fweur ]¥2020 [roar Iw debug vseramelpassvo 12000 ee eee ine ina vsarantipasor 12000 sop Jimeuner [82220 |rooy IW ivomaton vseramebassword rop [000] 2000 [509 For the Sun ont sence vssramefpsewerd ru SMO | w2000 top [rinse ]2000 [rrp HR SMU Serve Pow Seve vseranetpassvo owr (Operation | M2000 lic service. usemame/passworc top |(Cpeaton 2000 | aorg News ipso Tome top |uze0o 2000 Taconao0s [roc managenent o> vseranttpassu wa0%o | w2000 a ce For HITE manogenent o> vsemantpesovo top #000] 2000 Tesseioerissty [FormeTAOCORBAname sevice | none 2000 | W200 top [zee [M2000 | soeg Forth dagrossol agent vseranipesver top |uzo00 | 2000 Torte Forte diagno to vesrantpassvr 12000 Faranne orepatmessaesierte [none ror [anne ur [22 | socareonarssu| e0NE = wa 3506000 | w2000 CORBA Senice Nome ProySever Hee MT ‘Server ents provides proxy login function on BSC6ODO. usemameipassword TCP 2000 Leia) 19999/20009{SSL}| For the TAO notification service. ‘None Gree | Serer wa000 | W000 Tech Senice ane Deswepsenier ae Giient Server ee provides web service function. usemiame/password This segment pats are prepares To-be MAP pose trven epee pte of wooo | w000 Ito eppieaion Te arses ins Sie Gient Server | 31024-31099 range are marked as the follow, some more | ~ porwulloc usin te rangeln re ure ‘ecprace This seonent pats ae prearea ove Monin bose coves reponse top |z000 2000 | sitiasioog — |Insrangeaemaredaeine lows some_|- moreporculbe used nOisrangein Boretorepgrse wc000 | w20009 top | zte0 | uzo00 | soosr0s0st}] CORBA Dt for w2000 tert vseramelpessvo 2000 | W009 CORBA DL fer cerseSenicn ee Gient ‘Server SODTISTOSNSSLY) semeduleservice and DataManagerService. usemamelpassword 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. 5 of 1 Protoco! [Source [Target [Listening Por | pon puncapton Astrtcaton Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method 2000 | W000 top | oo % '81008/81089(SSL}] CORBA IDL for MonitorServce, Useamelpassword wa000 | w2000 ror Juzte0 —Fwzot0 | sooysroeasst) CORBA IDL for Prtonsenice vsarantipasor wa0%0 | w2000 top Jzee0 [M2020 soonarosssst) CORBA DL for toy Sevee vserantpessvo top 000] M2020 ore tseiss.| CORBA IDL fr Lop Senco vssranttpasovr wa000 | W200 top 2000] 2000 ons iseiss.| CORBA DL fr Seauty Seve vseranetpassvo top 2000] 2000. or0;to5n88.| CORBA OL fr ope Senice vsersanttpassvr woo0o | W200 top Jwzte0 | w2020 | ssoxyaro6y86t) CORBA IDL fr FautSevee vseramelpasovo top |000 | 2000 ora iosaisst| CORBA DL er Smpagent vseranetpassvo wo0%0 | W000 en ror [ou] 2080] aroracrasusst | SORBA DL passer wa000 | W200 top | oe - ‘81014/31064(SSL}] CORBA IDL for RemoteNotiySenice, _| usemamelpassword 2020 | w2000 top | wzeeo | w2000 | ss sar06681)] CORBA Dt for ContoSeie vseramelpessvo 200 | w2000 top [2000] M2000 | sopectos5s1}| CORBA IDL fer MMLAgent vseranpassvr Pertensbod for he cert automate top J¥zteo | wz000 | ssomsroceisstuprade tl whch is ced srg the chnt|usememebassver ever eenete pease wc0%0 | W200 roe [gato [vz000 | srosar06801) CORBA DL for Sevceanager, vseramelpessvo top 2000 2000 | sorastoToS81) CORBA IDL fr KomelMantr vseramelpassvo TCP: M2000 Lia 31021/31071{SSL}] CORBA IDL for ResourceMonitor. usemame/password | Gir | Sener top |H000 J 2000. orators] CORBA DL fr moor eget vsemanttpasovr wa000 | 2000 ror Juzee0 | wzot0 | ssanaroresst) CORBA Dt for server vsarantipasor 2000 | w2000 top |uzte0 | uzo00 | ssnseos0st) Message Request Scher vseranitpessvo roo [zoo | 2000 | sigcaerosaean| SometpattrtheEven Neeson | a cps Gir [Sener Sens wa000 | W200 Parti snc, apa serverto ae Giient Server | S1OSS/S1085(SSL}| ransmit the request from M2000 client. usemiame/password wgooo | 2000 | 310570) | For ext senico (05) min suppors Top = | Moone 42000 | Sioaintp) multiple instances but curently uses sngie | USeMamelpassword 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protest Jouce | Teget [Litenng or [ya poarpon Autentation Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method Tian KRECIs edo conmarieatone SrosaTer 881) | men dnt ent wed fr Sammancatorsbeween WES ae. For cnnectng ne CORBA rere o roe |a0to —/z000. | srrosteoussts|aniscever spe easouresoyncoa0 | None Shen RAN re ane CORBA DL fr prmon_gent roaaes te top |z000 M2000 | s:royaionsss|ncten ot dtu peroiranc ctr cl | usemameassred onto management CORBA DL fr pmen_gert prides he roe |gato —/zo00 | srrexsteoassts| ancien af eeupmst Setceecteepe | usemamlpssvard and eraheu aragaont CORBA DL for pr_agent prods he roe [zo [2000 | srreysteoxssts| uncon af east resutceesnrane | usemampessvard sn eye managenent COREA Lor clEngne top |u000 | w2000 | :rowsreaasiy|ementnecope usd orM2000 cM | usemameassrord vases waaco | 2000 roe |aaio —[zo00 srrsateousss| CORBA DL or Devee one Senice | usemamepassverd CORBA DL fr ronan prondes roe |geto [2000 | srrateonssts|unciensofpoy fom be Li one NE_ | usemampssverd tnd Nooo Geer nage roe [zoo [2000 ayserateonssi| SORBAIOL Hr Sotare Mangement | semarepasverd GORBA DL fr fnot_agent reahes rop [zoo | n2000 | srcwatsassti|necamssnésansetianoteciet | vsmametpsswad meted belie por waaco | 2000 op [zee 2000 | area toast] CORBA IDL fr NE User Senioe vssrarefpsewed mzoco | M2000 CORBA IDL for nms_mml_agent, provides | yong. Led Giient Server | STTOBIBIO(SSL)) interface for mm transfer, - ror [anew ]$2°0 Jonassi | sstproo, vseraetpasevard CORBA Seve Name roe |geto [2000 sree test)| puncdSevceDOT promis negiber | usemamepasverd cataiapotng union waaco | wa000 COREA DL ormsaver agent 66 | eapaaver er Glient Server | 31120/81620(SSL)) ie function timer task management. rep ‘| waico | 2000 CORBA DL fr ancbacup_age op [zoo] w000 | arrvareanseu| ORBAIDL or ances. sae | araetpasenad weaco | 2000 CORBA DL for aToa agent. roaces ne ee Giient Server | 31122/3 162215811) ntertace to access datacenter for ardTools, | USemamelpassword CORBA DL fr cr agent provides he op [zee | 2000. | arse tezussui| uncon a tag E-SHRatNsly | veramelpasewerd (oor weeang waaco | 2000 COREA 1, proves ne unten ot rep | 4so2e 9000 | rrayaseaisuy| CORDA OL ross ne vssramefpsewerd 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protoco! [Source [Target [Listening Por | pon puncapton Astrtcaton Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method 2000 | W000 CORBA DL fr pm agent, Consgzaton rep | zo20 | 000 | rrasateasiseu| CORBA OL Or vseramelpassvo CORBA OL fr PRESUNSeRICr wooo | 2000 (Bete, potest con ot rep [zo | 2000. |srrrareansu| nmes-saen, movdes te ieton ot | arntpasened aggregate in time and object dimensionality. wom | a0 CORBA DL tor anegetpronies er Giient ‘Server Seed distributed system all subarea info, usemamelpassword wo0%0 | W200 CORBAIDL fr netenee sent proveee | corenapecaer ete Gient Server S138 1BASSLY] tonctions, Of NE license management rep ‘| COREA 1, proves ne unten ot ay vooeo | wo000 tor [AERO wow |oussongsst ame anorizyonogramter ine | camanepessan ever mn aiee GORBA DL fr cape prove ne op |zomo | n2000 | areanresassui|tncion ergata eerie | vsrametpasenard ever contest tea or S665 Ne CORBA DL fr upaspatn_egent top |000 | M2000 | sreaestisst| ronaee tntonectuaptranatDetween | usemameassrod mon woo | w2000 CORBA DL acquires syetronzed rop | zoee | 000 | esata] CORBAIOL, sts ae vssrarefpasonerd GOREA DL, prof te sam breshats wooo | wa000 roe sitewstee4sst)|menagent sch sceasy moaling_|usemamePassvor lent bead and deleting alam threshold ete. wa00 | W200 sasau | CORBA Senice Name PServer op | zon [z009 | rresaressn| CORBA Seve Na vseranelpessvo op [zone 200 | sees tsesst)| CORBA IDL fr esngr age vseranelpessvor Tor, M2000 M2000 | 34187/31657(SSL}| CORBA IDL for son_agent. usemamelpassword Gir | Sener : 2000 | w2000 CORBA DL ass ager prowdes top uz000 J 2000: reaeseiss)| CORBAIDL or oss gs vserametbassvo wa000 | 2000 CORBA OL ants aoan prone | scorn er Giient ‘Server SITESIBIBEASSL)] icy ful service. rep ord) 2000 | w000 CORBA DL tr pg eget proves P| san araegun pete Gient Server 3116013 1660(SSL} bearer QoS dialing test service. rep ‘| acco | M2000 CORBA IDL for ngnnis_agent, provides | scemamefpasswor top wzteo | w2020 | sreyarssussu] SORBAIDL frm pasa CORBA IDL or uap_agent rofaes ned wooo | w2000 Sencaton itp changes er Giient Server 3116218 166218811) vitrcut notification, M2000 will not support Tere dutericatnter Se aevcs wo | wa099 CORBA Senice Name -HOPSeNe" a= Gient Server | ST16491664(SSL) provides allocating IP function for NEs. usemameipassword op [zoo 2000 Jarreneanssti|coRBA‘OL tr septener eget. | veramelpaseward 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protoco! [Source [Target [Listening Por | pon puncapton Astrtcaton Type Device | Device | Number Port Descriptio Method 2000 | W000 CORBA DL fr nipreener open aot Giient Server | ST18V01687(S8L) provide mmi multi-receive fuction usemame/password wa000 | w2000 CORBA OL er aetesonol ager er Giient Server | STTSO/IELASSL)| oviges license control on M2000. renee wa0%0 | w2000 CORBA Senice Name NICSener pete Gient Server | 3119421604(SSL} provides network information collection. usemamelpassword wao02 | 2000 | 3119891685651] CORBA Seve Name TraceSevet uz Giient | Server | 31196 provides FARS task management function. | “Semamelpassword] wa000 | W200 CORBA DL tr meseneregert prose top 2000 | mz000 | sera terissiy| SORBAIOL or mesener agent wove | namepassuord CORBA DL er "LCSServer top [000 | M2000 | rea taaisis| ese ser) prdes he incton ot | usemamepassrord ever mn re court CORBA Senco Name Isteig ofthe 2 Server server [4145 M2000 Remote HA system. None 3/11/2014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network ll of 15’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protocol Target Authentication Proto souce Device | 9 | tain Port Number Port Dsaon Auten Lar ‘evar adopter (6 are op | Loca 12009 | 59 doo rexev,sutmattatver | Nene siiabeck 2000 fers tote port eae fr te TCP/UDP] Local Server | 6481 system service named servicetage | None Peer M2000 ‘M2000 Inan HA system, it is used by Sun ae ‘Server Server | ®499 Cluster software. None Disk Array ™ rep |anageren | 822° | greseree forsinstezigeTo™ Connon | ssenamaessver ‘Software: ger. euncuser | wzneo Fert te pot eee tre TOP | Software Server | 7123 ‘luster configuration check utility. semame/password} wa009 oan por, sun Store agerex™ ae et Server | 7409 Common Array Manager, for 6140, usemnamerpassword} ks egeer ih pace teat teak mipcever b roddcwen saver rep |Loat wat00 leojosorveore | ucton vsemamefpassverd 201 tomcat serie por 20°0nt> pot sree 2000 tropa enabled te Oater ror |zoo0 serve | 82002 Jars teponte rtd Neve Fore carmuricaten oe Vettes ee-nzs00 | nz000 ‘edna Dewees ie eve on ae ‘Server server | ®199 ‘standby nodes in the M2000. None tatcrnan ston we top |zcooserer | Janes Fore Browser ene ‘cab Flere pot eae fre Top — | Local wane | 8654 management software of tne dsk | usemame/password| oe Forth curiae fhe Vettes eer2000 | 2000 Carysetueen eee an TOP | Server Server | 8989 standby nodes in the M2000 None Serten tem Flere We pet ented Gann op [Suticuster Juz | a9 Shear cane ant” | Nene oes Sntem For N2000 Watren aston top | Beermaaeo | 1a000 | az, ormanicatonbeween ee 2000 | Nore Stes ee2000 | 2000 Forte te etrenzaten te TOP | Server Server | 9204 (M2000 Watchman system. None Fo: VCS SNP erneisting op — [omerN2000 x20 | ay thasparysotear) Tas pon used] Nore Inwzioo syste The pars reused by Vestas op | Loca waren | eruanavassiso | OesetSanen mspanisueedin [Nene MaD00 FA seem 3/1 9014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network of 1S’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protocol Target Authentication Fee" | Source Device | TGS | Listening Port Number) Port Description a Top | 2000 Server | YIP. | 14900 \VRTSWeb Administrative port None Browse smc \Web service por and secure access Top —|swcconsoe | SMC. | re0sori8443 pote eMcoover usemamespasswor| ee ee 12000 | 36609/32000181002 | Local port. forthe use of 61408 | yang Server |/34819 array management software. ‘M2000 Refers to the local port enabled for Top Jomesever | 820% | s1007 soire cevcceinCertoleed nee, /¥eemamelpassword 2000 CORBA IDL for 3GPPAgent to detect Top | M2000 ciient | N29? | s1017 M10671SSL) | and restart the SGPP service on | None M2000 loca. naa For all NE's service agent This portis Top | Local sone? | 1028 for 2000 local only the background. | IP Adcress servioes on 2000 connect hs port. 12000 Local Ports, For FMPreSenvice Top} Local Boner |210269t07eSsL) | Po cttame: agent) None ‘M2000 CORBA DL for med _agent(Part2). |. emamerpasswo Tor [teat Server | 81801-91800 provides south bound connect service. mefpasaword ‘2000 . up — | Local BE | 10168-10363 For MED listening somptrap(Med1~"). | None nobel ide M2000 | o>tgn-20360 For MED istening srmptrap(eptional) | Nong Server (Mect=") CORBA M2000 IDL(CMEServeriomeserver_agent)10 | | nameipasswo Top — omeserver | SSE? [arrtvaterss ty ee ee eternal cation ne smefpassword for OME 2000 CORBA Service Name Top — |wzo00 server |M200? | ariiarateraisst) | "XFTPServiced‘0T" provides north | usemamerpassword) data upload function ‘2000 CORBA IDL tor Top — | z000server | YEE? |a1z041704ssL) | PRSDcSericeiprede_agent).callecting| usemameipassword| ever dataflesin PRS. ‘2000 CORBA IDL tor top — | zoc0 server | %29 |srzosrerrosissl) | PRSFsServce(prsts_ agent) analysing | usermame/passvord data flesin PRS. naa CORBA IDL for PREASSistantServce top | Local 3163 (PRSAssstaniSerice_agent), local | usemamerpasswors sever tat Local Ports, listened by ProxyServer ‘M2000 and connected by tommecat to provides |, .emame/passwor eon server |SVO8SITORSSL) | Gx gata transmission trom WEBLCT | to Medatn, Local ports enabled for CORBA ‘M2000 services, EAMSenice e@m_agentl, | somame/passwor S| Server | S136 1085851) | Ne access management, ad intemal | basic services, Mz000 + 92771-92608 For VERITAS Volume MANAGER, peeet ae Server 3 3712.37 126 Fer tothe ports used by the falling | None 3/1 9014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network 13 of 15’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. Protooa Tort Authentication Proto souce Device | 9 | tain Port Number Port Dsaon Aor Tiong cones + recess /opWVRT SoD Brame e/a fowvepsty = + peas epWRTSabC Pasanintapae Setongort x proeeee «= seon4s8ie ‘intake Sool + 49162-49166| = Pe eaiiaistes Tete acai capone Pasanniapa a io ‘Storagegent-x 7 process/opvVRTSpbx Biase echage + process ov sant Bvesnin Roose Sloper oer! Buona pICs-¢ ‘eomavesurAsshite “saree Teer te port se by VERTAS Glaser Senet ets portuse by ‘Other Sun ‘M2000 the Austjavaibinjava -server ee Cluster nodes Server_| Random port -Xmx128m_ None See sBotkgrandConpton KP sevoe wai09 For endrarg te NAP west |nang cus ean Server | 12 both M2000 Giient and all NE. ewe Loc port ter evrtmaagar ena une [oucsener /S¥°, | testee Loc por Nene ewe [rewiesnerrice | ac perter sHCbase seers nd UDP ‘SMC Agent Server | 5600/2099 ‘other additional services. None ewe oa por fr te agent nde SNIP vor ewcsener | S¥6, | stexnnee Lecatprt eget Nene son ‘SMS Agent. Agent hearbeat. SFMS une |zo0o server |¥2°0 | sco7 Scuecatrapelio domitna |e on wat00 Loan pr reuse FNS ok vo toc zoo | sg sez ae ee 2000 | won00 Forth eras TOP tng fon UP | server Server | 4145 112000 system. None cS SAN Neer Leg op [oberon /z0 | agg ponacpatsomae) Toporis | sere tSekiniatoo a yan 2000 acts SHMP Manaperto op [rerane0 209 | an Sorecwin ves cuss Ts pat | one Resin atoo Asem wa200 oan pots For Sun Sige 3000 oe | Loc zoe | serrasaraczreo | LO pote userefpassvord une |uaoen cient | 82° | sarzsazrr4 SelaisManagenen'Conse | Nene 3/1 9014 3:05 PM TCP/UDP Ports Used in an OM Network 14 of 15’pages/31183688/06 (2009-10-31)/311. 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