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An Action Research Report

Norfaizul Kamarudin 2016
My central concern in my practice is to make sure that all pupils in year one
especially are passed in the Linus screening program. As the informations, there
are about twelve construct have been tested in Linus Screening for each Reading
and Writing. The teachers have to make sure all pupils are passed all the
construct. In my school there are about 30 years one pupils was not passed for
the construct three until construct twelve. This is because all this construct is
involved reading and writing. So I come out with this camp to make sure all Linus
Pupils are participating and they numbers of Linus Pupils in my school will
The Process
I was discussing the Camp Program in the English Panel Meeting to make sure
that all teachers give their hands in this camp. Then, I presented my paper work
to my Associate and explaining the tentative program for this camp. The Linus
Camp held on 14th May 2016 at school hall. The pupils are divided into five
groups so each group will have six members and one facilitator. Each facilitators
have to make sure all the twelve construct have completed so at the end of the
program, the all pupils will seat the Screening Test.
The first step was all pupils are singing the Phonic Song together so that they will
know to sound of the letters for each words. The facilitators will play a video of
phonic song and alphabet song in front of pupils. Pupils follow singing the song
leads by teacher. Then, teacher will ask a few pupils to come in front and guess
the sound of letters show by teacher. Then teacher come out with a few words on
screen and ask pupils to sound the letters of the words.
The second step, the pupils will go through station by station guide by the
teachers. Each station will conduct two construct, so there are about six stations
have to finish by the pupils. Teachers for each station will prepared some
teaching materials and worksheet to do by pupils. The pupils must have
participated for each activity conduct by the teachers as the aim of the program

was student centered. The teacher used the various strategies to make sure all
Linus pupils understand well and answer the given worksheet correctly. The
teacher used picture, and flash card to help pupils understand very well. Besides
of that, there also a group activity that have to finished by pupils before go to
the next stations. After they got straight right for their answers in the worksheet
the will move to the next stations. Each pupil was given a sheet of marking paper
to fill by teacher for each stations.
The three step, pupils will seat the Linus Test after finished all the six stations.
The test will take about one hour and the teachers and the facilitators have to
guide for each construct. When the test has finished, the teachers will mark the
papers and find out how many pupils able to passed the construct one until
twelve. Based from the data, I find out that there were about more than half out
of the pupils able to passed all the construct. This camp was really work since we
get the flying colour from the result.
The Results
I noticed a change of pupils attentiveness during the activities in the camp. The
pupils are really excited to finished the station as they are really excited doing
the activities for each stations. Most importantly, I observed them learning a
number of things.
1. The pupils had much better understanding of the concept of a question.
They will able to answer the teachers question immediately after showing
a few example on board.
2. The pupils were learning presentation skill. They spoke out clearly and
interacted with their friends to finish the questions.
3. The pupils learning to be more independent. The teachers prepared a few
worksheet and they must have finished the stations by themselves.
The results show that there are about eighteen pupils out of thirty pupils are able
to thirty pupils are already pass for the Linus Screening Test. Besides of that, all
pupils already passed for construct one and two which is very good since this
construct are telling that the pupils already understand the basic concept in
English learning. Besides of that, twelve pupils were not passed for the construct
eight to twelve since this construct are involved reading and writing. There are a

lot of practice need to be done to this group to make sure all pupils can read and
write very well.
The slow learner pupils or Linus Pupils are able to participated in this camp
session. Besides of that, the number of Linus Pupils are decreased. This activity
is really work since we can observe that pupils can easily understand for each
construct using learning stations. Moreover, the teaching material using by
teachers are really easy and attractive so pupils are able to understand the
learning easily. Besides of that, many teachers using the different teaching
materials based on the construct that they have to covered. Some teacher using
the video clip and some teacher using the colour paper and picture card to teach
pupils. I think the teaching material is important in our class since the pupils can
attract to the teachers teaching in the class. Besides of that, on my observations
I can see pupils can be doing many activities with the small group of members.
They are able to ask questions and present their work together. So, based on this
action research that I have done, I can conclude that, the teaching materials are
really important to teach pupils in class. The teaching material can able to
change pupils attractions and participated in the learning activity in class.

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