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Kingdom Eubacteria

Eubacteria are unicellular and you need a powerful

microscope to see them. The most common example is E.
coli, which is found in your colon. Lactobacillus is the
bacteria that turns milk into yogurt.

Kingdom Archaebacteria

Archaebacteria are unicellular and you need a powerful

microscope to see them.

A hot spring where you can find Archaebacteria

Kingdom Protist
A protest (PROH tist) is any eukaryotic organism
that cannot be classified as an animal, plant or
fungus. Their unifying feature is that they are
Eukaryotic cells, which means that they have a
nucleus. Its members are so different for one
another the protest kingdom is sometimes called
the odds and ends kingdom. For example, some
protists are autotrophs but
others are heterotrophs. Most
are unicellular, except for a
seaweed. They are very
important for life on earth as
algae and diatoms in the oceans
make most of the oxygen we
breathe. Examples of Protists are
algae, seaweed, and amoebas.

Kingdom Fungi
If you have eaten mushrooms or bread, then you have eaten fungi. Mushrooms, molds,
mildew and yeast are all fungi. Most fungi are multicellular eukaryotes except yeast.
Yeast that is used in baking is unicellular. Fungi are found almost everywhere on land
but a few live in fresh water. All fungi are heterotrophs. An important characteristic of
fungi is that they feed by absorbing nutrients from dead or decaying organisms, so they
are called decomposers.

Black Bread Mold


Kingdom Plant
Dandelions on a lawn, mosses in a forest, and peas in a garden are familiar members of
the plant kingdom. Plants are all multicellular eukaryotes and most live on land. In
addition, plants are autotrophs that make their own food. Plants provide food for most
of the heterotrophs on land.
The plant kingdom includes a great variety of organisms. Some plants produce flowers,
while others do not. Some plants, such as giant redwood trees, can grow very tall.
Others like mosses never grow taller than a few centimeters because they lack vascular

Kingdom Animal
A dog, a flea on the dogs ear, and a cat that the dog chases
have much in common because they are all animals. All
animals are multicellular eukaryotes. In addition, all animals are heterotrophs. Animals
have different adaptations that allow them to locate food, capture it, eat it and digest it.
Members of the animal kingdom live in diverse environments throughout Earth and are
mobile in some capacity. Animals can be found from ocean depths to mountaintops,
from hot deserts to icy glaciers.

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