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is a Grand Brotherhood, composed of the best, the brainy men of all schools of medicine; men who
want the best there is in medicine; men who are doing things in their profession, whose heart and soul
are in the work of saving human life.
This is a call for every man who loves his fellow-man and his profession, and who wants to do his
whole duty by his patient. We want you with us! Will you come and will you do it now.
Membership Fee, only $2.00
Please send in your Therapeutic Facts for the Next Issue, upon receipt of this copy of the Bulletin.
Make them short and right to the point.
We want items for "Notes from the Firing Line." Send us report of any good cure, of any life that you
have saved with your Treatment.
Send above facts to the Editor: ELI G. JONES, M. D., BURLINGTON, N. J.

Our coming Convention at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., is near at hand. The Headquarters of the Association
will be in Masonic Temple, where the Convention will hold its meetings. It is a fine hall with
Committee Rooms, and plenty of space for "Exhibits."
The Convention will be opened by the President at 10 A. M. Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1913.
Opening prayer by Rev. John McNab, Pastor First Presbyterian Church.
Address of welcome to the "Empire State" by Hon. John K. Sague, Ex-Mayor of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Reply to the above address, by Arthur Vos, M. D., Cincinnati, O.
Welcome to the "Queen City of the Hudson" by Hen. Wm. H. Frank, Mayor.
Reply to above address by H. R. Powell, M.D., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
"What our Association is Doing for the Profession and the Public," by Eli. G. Jones, M. D., President,
"American Association of Progressive Medicine."
The Headquarters of the President will be at the residence of Dr. Horace R. Powell, 92 Cannon St.,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Chairman of "Committee on Entertainment."
On Monday eve, Sept. 1, a reception will be tendered to the President at Dr. Powell's residence.
Members of the Convention are invited to be present, and also many prominent people of the city will
be invited. It will be a pleasant social time where the members can meet the President, and also get
acquainted with each other. During the evening the President will give a practical talk on the "Objects
and Aims of our Association."
The next meeting of our Association will be a "Homecoming," an Alumni gathering for many of the
old students and friends of the President. To them he has been a teacher and a father for many years.
He looks forward to meeting them as a "Red letter day." They are "his boys" (as he loves to call them),
and he is proud of them.
We want every member to be present at our next Convention. We have prepared a splendid program
for your benefit, to make the meeting a helpful profitable time for every member. A Post-Graduate
course of instruction, that is just what is needed by our Doctors in everyday practice. You can't afford
to miss this Convention, for if you do, it will be a great loss of very valuable information-the kind of
knowledge that will help you to heal the sick.

We want the ladies with us, and we hope that our members will bring their wives, or sweethearts. They
will be welcome at our meetings, and there are very many objects of interest to be seen at
Let each member of our Association make a special effort to get in one new member before our next
Convention. Don't put off doing this, but do it now-"It were well done if it were quickly done." Let
each member have the pleasant satisfaction of knowing that he personally has done his part to help
build up our Association. It is destined to have a mighty influence for good, not only in our profession,
but for our common humanity. It will create a dynamic force whose influence will be felt wherever the
English language is spoken.
The Trumpet of "Definite Medication" has sounded round the world, and will never call retreat.
I feel that an apology is due our readers for the first two pages of my Editorial in last number of
Bulletin No.9. The printer made a fearful botch of it. Such mistakes sometimes happen, but they are to
be regretted.
Dr. Juan Antiga, of Havana, Cuba, is a member of our "Grand Brotherhood" and. a student of mine. He
was formerly Editor, "Homeopathic Medical Journal," City of Mexico. A broad-minded man, who
believes in Definite Medication, and one who has fitted himself to heal the sick.
Dr. N. G. Vassar, Ridgeway, 0., is another student of mine. One of the most prominent physicians of
northern. Ohio. Dr. Vassar's practice extends into all the adjoining country. During the month of May,
his automobile registered 1,300 miles. The Doctor is one of the two remaining descendants of Mathew
Vassar, who founded "Vassar College" at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
One of our bright physicians, a member of our Association, who has fitted himself to heal the sick,
wants to find a good location in a new country in the West, where they need a good physician, and the
people are good pay. If you know of any such an opening, write the facts to the Editor.
There never was a time in the history of our country, when there was such a great demand for good
skillful physicians as at the present time-Doctors who have fitted themselves to heal the sick. I get
letters from all parts of the country asking my advice in the most common diseases of our country. It is
a fact, and a sad one, that the average physician in our land to-day, has not been taught how to heal the
sick. They are turned out from the Medical Colleges loaded down with technical knowledge, but they
can't cure the great majority of the diseases common to our country.
Scarcely a day passes but we read in the papers of the death of some person from "Blood-poisoning."
In 1890 there were 3,748 deaths from "Blood-poisoning" in the U. S.; in 1900, 6,776. The deaths have
nearly doubled in ten years. "Definite Medication" tells the reader definitely how to treat such cases.
There is no excuse for a Doctor not knowing how to cure this disease.
Dr. W. G. Jefferson, Portland, Me., was called in consultation to see a case of Typhoid Pneumonia.,
that was supposed to be past help. With the treatment in Definite Medication the patient was restored
to health.
Dr. A. L. Fogg, Underhill Center Vt., is winning bright laurels in western Vermont. He is now called in
consultation with physicians older than himself. He has mastered Definite Medication, and fitted
himself to heal the sick.
Dr. Geo, C. Young, our Vice-President, has an article in "Medical Summary," Philadelphia, P.A., on
our Association. See page 108 of June number. It is a fine article, and well worth reading.

Dr. J. Q. Moxley, Lewiston, Idaho, reports a case of Cancer of ten years standing, 6 inches
in diameter, extending from the brows over forehead and portion of the scalp. The Doctor has been
treating him three weeks with local application of cider vinegar saturated with granulated sugar. Onethird of the sore is now healed. The Doctor is a member of our Grand Brotherhood.
Dr. W. C. Goodwin, Philadelphia, Pa., is making the Doctors of Philadelphia "Sit up and take notice"
by his success in curing Consumption.
Dr. W. E. Bremser, our Secretary, was called lately to a case of heart trouble, where the pulse was
above 200. One dose of the "Heart remedy," page 83, "Definite Medication" was like oil on troubled
water. When you know just what remedy is indicated in each case, it is a pleasure to practice medicine,
but the "shot-gun" practice will give. a Doctor many a heart-ache and sleepless night. Get that new
member this month. Now is the time.
An object lesson. Read the reports of the two following cases and note the results:
Infant 20 months old, with Pneumonia complicated with Enteritis. Fever 104, 104.5, limber as a rag,
child asleep constantly. Cold extremities, nausea, dry hacking cough. When lifted up out of cradle,
would grasp mother, and almost go into convulsions. Gave Gelsemium for that symptom. Ipecac and
Bryonia, alternated with Kali Mur. 3x. Epsom bath. Onion poultice. "I thought it would die." Sick ten
days. Cured. Reported by Dr. A. J. Johnson, Muscogee, Fla.
Only child, 20 months old, hale and healthy, the pride of the mother's heart, and the idol of its father.
Teething, took sudden fever, Doctor prescribed Calomel. Result, salivation intense, in ten days-death.
Is it any wonder that we hear so much talk about "Infantile Mortality," when children have such maltreatment as that? A Doctor who knows "Definite Medication" can adapt his remedies to the delicate
constitution of a child, and cure them when they are sick. The way to a mother's heart, is through her
children. Learn how to treat the little ones, and their mothers will bless you and sound your praises.
When any Doctor. finds that he is losing 12 out of a 100 of his patients, when he sees the undertaker
carrying away some of his patients, week after week, he must be forced to the conclusion that there is
something radically wrong with his system of healing the sick. Now suppose he only loses one out of a
100 of his patients? He has saved just that number of lives by his treatment. Think of it. If such is the
case, is it not worthy of our consideration? We profess, as physicians, to be able to heal the sick. Are
we doing it, when we lose 5 or 12 out of a 100 of our patients? When we get the "last call" from the
"Great Physician" and death stares us in the face, can we say that we have done our whole duty by our
patients, if we have allowed a mortality of 12 per cent in them? Our God, our Country, our Profession,
our Dear Ones demand, and have a right to demand, the best there is in us. Are we giving it, when we
allow so many of our patients to die and so many of our patients to drift out of our hands into the drugless healers, that they may fatten on our failures?
Let our good Doctors ponder well my words, for I love them and want them to do better work for the
sick. To get a better understanding of the definite action of remedies, to give them more faith in
remedies to heal the sick. If any Doctor will master "Definite Medication" and give the remedies as
indicated, he will lead all other physicians. Will you do it?
Get that new member this month. Now is the time.
In a case of drowning, after the usual methods for restoration have failed, the following plan, should
always be tried, as it has restored to consciousness after a body has been out of water 45 minutes and
all hope abandoned. Place the body in a bath tub, or other receptacle, and place water as hot as may be
used without injury to the skin in it.

Then pour hot water on the body from a height and allow it to run on the neck and shoulders, at the
same time making regular traction on the tongue. In a few moments the patient should make an effort
to breathe, and soon begin to breathe regularly. Then the patient should be taken from the bath, and
dried, and wrapped in warm blankets. Many lives have been saved by the above treatment, and no
person should be given up until this method has been faithfully tried. It should be known by every
physician, life-saver, policeman and every person living near the water.
The following methods as applied to urinalysis were taken from "The Herb Doctor," and should be
carefully filed away for future reference:
1. Heat the urine, then add caustic potash and heat again. A dirty yellowish-red sediment (blood red
color by transmitted light) indicates Blood.
2. Add to the urine a few drops of the solution of Sulphate of Copper, then its own volume of Liquor
Potassae, and boil. A sediment of a brick-dust color (which is precipitated) indicates the presence of
3. Heat a little urine in a test tube over a spirit lamp, and if there is a white deposit, then albumen or an
excess of the earthly salts is present. Albumen, if a drop of Nitric Acid does not dissolve the deposit;
earthly phosphates if it does.
4. Let urine stand till a sediment deposits. Pour off the thin fluid and add to the sedimental matter an
equal volume of Liquor Potassae; mix well, and if the result is a viscid gelatinous mass, something like
the white of an egg, then we know that there has been pus in the urine.
5. Take equal parts of urine and Nitric Acid, mix in a test tube, and set aside. Crystals of Nitrate of
Urea visible to the eye, indicate excess of urea.
6. Take a sufficient quantity of urine, add one-eighth part of Hydrochloric Acid, and set aside 24 hours.
A precipitate of square crystals indicates Uric Acid.
7. Boil a quantity of urine, and if there is cloudy deposit, add one-tenth part of Nitric Acid. If the urine
clears up on the addition of Acid, it will show that there are no phosphates in the urine.
My book on "The causes, symptoms and treatment of Cancer" is now used by physicians on both sides
of the Atlantic. Copies of the book were presented to 12 rulers of foreign nations, and from them I
have received very kind letters. This is a great honor to an American Author and Physician. Copies of
the book were presented to a jury of 12 prominent Physicians, representing the four different schools
of Medicine. They were to judge the book solely on its merits. Their verdict was unanimous in favor of
the book as it is the first book ever published in any country on the Medical treatment of internal and
external Cancer.
Pennsylvania. is in first place; Ohio, second; Missouri, third; New York, fourth; Oklahoma, fifth;
Michigan, sixth; California, seventh. The race for the Banner is getting hotter and closer. No State now
holds its position by more than two points. This means that the State that will make a spurt will be the
Chelidonium Majus, three times a day, will actually cause the stenes to be passed off, if not too large.
Morphine may have to be given during the paroxysm of pain, but persist in the Chelidonium for weeks,
and expect results. This is no theory, but actual clinical results in numerous cases.

In these days of bacterial infection. the above term in antiquated, but it does actually describe a
condition following an acute Nasal or Throat Catarrh, or it may arise primarily from disordered digestion. However, in a recent case, where I had stumbled along with Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Bryonia and
Nux Vomica, for some ten days, the patient growing worse and weaker all the time, I made afresh
examination, and picked out a drug I don't use once a year-Antimonium Crudum. The patient, a
middle-aged woman, rather anemic, had a tongue thickly coated, white as paper-pulp. She had pain in
lower epigastrium, the pain shooting up under the heart, special aggravation on taking anything acid.
Within 24 hours, after taking a few doses of Antimonium Crudum 200, she began totake food without
distress, and continued to improve.
Albuminaria or Bright's disease is curable in the first stage, and benefited in all stages by the full use of
Aqua Caleis and sweet cream, equal parts. It must be used freely to effect a cure.
Patient morose, restless, cannot sleep, give Chloral Hydrate, 3 grs. four times a day. This remedy will
not only give comfort to the patient, but will also clear up the albuminous waste. This is a very fine
intercurrent remedy with any other indicated medication. This is the result of 20 years observation, and
can be relied upon.
E 85. COLIC.
The easiest and simplest way to overcome or prevent colic in the baby is to add 3 grs. of Magnesia
Phos. 3x, to each feeding of the child.
Often the little patient will present the appearance of a little dried-up old man in 24 hours' time; the
vitality apparently gone, and the discharge' from the bowels almost continuous, and of a rice-water
nature. To these, little ones, I give Atropine 1-2500th gr. every 10 minutes till the face is flushed.
Copper Ars. 1-2400th gr. every time the bowels move. Calcium Sulphocarbolate gr. 1, every 2 hours in
a little water. The face will flush after the 6th or 8th dose. I then give a normal saline injection into the
bowels, of 4 to 8 ozs., of the fluid, and have the baby kept in a bath of Epsom water (1 oz. to 64 of hot
water), and fortify the solution with table salt (teaspoonful to the pint) and with the above treatment,
with cutting out of milk, and substituting whey as the child gets better. No milk should be used for
several days. These little ones will look puffy again in 24 hours.
Ext. Belladonna, gr. 1-10th, Digitalin, gr. 1-60th, Bismuth Subnitrate, grs. 3, Silver Oxide, gr. 1-12th.
Mix. For one capsule. Sig. One every 3 hours. I find the only remedies that work upon the spine above
the 4th dorsal, are Argentum Nitricum, and Secale Cornutum. For base of brain, Macrotys, Sticta, and
Belladonna; on the intestines, upper part, Podophyllum; middle portion, Cascara; lower portion, Aloin.
Give Tr. Phytolacca, 5 drops four times a day. Locally: Tr. Phytolacca, one dram, Simple Syrup, one
ounce. Mix. Sig. Drop 5 minims in the eye, three times a day.
At the monthly period, when the flow is excessive, give Tr. Hydrastis lx, 10 drops once in 2 hours.
Then between the monthly periods, give Hydrastis 3x; ten drops once in 4 hours.


This remedy is indicated in this disease where there is inflammation, puffiness and oedematous
swelling, boggy as if filled with water, swelling does not pit on pressure, and is greatly in excess of the
amount of pain.
Give 10 drops of vinegar in a little water every 15 minutes to stop the Hiccough. It has cured many
In subacute Nephritis, Gallic Acid lx, is the remedy to remove the pain. Give one grain every 3 hours.
In this disease with copious expectoration of stringy, frothy, light-colored mucus, white slimy coating
on the tongue, Silphium 2x, 2 grs., once in two hours, is the remedy.
Get that new member this month. Now is the time.
When the pain is worse after midnight, and burning in character, but is relieved by heat; patient gets as
near the stove as possible, Arsenicum is the remedy 6x, three tablets once in 3 hours.
In women who suffer from obesity at the change of life, with palpitation of heart from any exertion.
The heart's action is feeble, with dyspnea and chilli. ness, the remedy is Calcarea Arsenicosa 6x, 3 grs.
every 3 hours.
When dyspnea is a prominent symptom, face pale, anxious, livid lips, cyanotic, pulse small, irregular,
compressible and soft, Aspidosperma 2x, five tablets once in two hours.
Study carefully the indications for the following remedies in Typhoid Fever. If you will fix them in
your mind, it will help you to save a life. In Typhoid Fever when the patient is cold from knees down
to feet, lies motionless as if dead, pulse intermittent and thready; the patient so weak he cannot breathe
without being constantly fanned, give Carbo Vegetabilis 3x, three tablets once in 3 hours.
When there is cold sweat on the forehead, skin blue, hands, feet and legs icy cold, body covered with
cold sweat, and cramps in calves of legs, give Tr. Veratrum Album 3x, 15 drops in half glass of water,
teaspoonful every hour. Remember the cold sweat on forehead is the key. note for the above remedy.
When the patient slides down to the foot of the bed, great debility, lower jaw hanging down;
involuntary fetid stools while passing urine; pulse weak, intermits every third or fourth beat; tongue
dry, leathery, shrunken to one-third its size and paralyzed, give Muriatic Acid 3x dil., 15 drops in half
glass of water, teaspoonful every 2 hours. When there is complete prostration, sensorium clouded,
staring eyes, picking at bed-clothes; tongue dry and unwieldy; sores on the teeth, involuntary stool and
urine, we think of Tr. Hyoscyamus 3x, 20 drops in half glass of water, teaspoonful every hour.
When the face has a dark besotted expression, eyes injected, tongue dry, brown in center; all
exhalations are fetid; patient delirious, imagines his body is scattered about in different parts of the
bed, and he must toss about to get the pieces together, give Tr. Baptisia,20 drops ill half glass of water,
teaspoonful once in 2 hours.

In some cases of Typhoid, there may be with the extreme prostration, a violent trembling all over the
body, that will shake the bed. Nurses have to hold the patient's hands all the time, in this case Zincum
Met. is the remedy needed, 3x, three tablets once an hour.
When with sore bleeding gums and lips, throat dark red, we have a "black tongue" or like raw beef,
chills up the back; periodical flushing of the face, it indicates Tr. Echinacea, 10 drops every 3 hours.
This remedy is prescribed by a certain class of physicians as a "specific" (whatever that is) for about all
the diseases in the books, but it should only be given when indicated.
Get that new member this month. Now is the time.
E 98. ILEUS.
In Ileus and intestinal obstruction due to Hernia, Atropia is the remedy, gr. I-60th given every 4 hours.
Asclepias Tuberosa is supposed to cure this disease more frequently than any other remedy. It is
clearly indicated when there are pleuritic pains, with a dry hacking cough and scanty expectoration.
When there is tinnitus aurium, vertigo, hardness of hearing, unsteady gait and feeble, sluggish gait,
Iodide of Ammonia is the remedy needed, 3x, three grs. once in 3 hours.
When there is itching and burning in the vagina, with uterine displacement, as if patient felt something
pressing upward whenever she sits down, lodide of Iron is the remedy indicated, 3x, three tablets every
two hours.
The appearance of the tongue will often indicate the right remedy. Study this paragraph. Fix it in your
mind and you will find the knowledge a friend in need. A red, painful tip of the tongue calls for
Argentum Nit. A yellow coating on the tongue, with red streak down the center, indicates the use of
Veratrum Viride. A broad, flabby tongue, with foul breath calls for Cascara Sagrada. A broad indented
tongue, or with yellow slimy coating indicates Hydrastis. A thickly coated tongue, white as milk, needs
Antimonium Crudum. A dry tongue, dark-red color, with a brown streak down the center .and cracked,
calls for Baptisia. A dry tongue, leathery, and shrunken to a third of its natural size calls for Muriatic
ACid. A grayish-white tongue indicates Kali Mur. A creamy, yellow coating on the tongue indicates
Natrum Phos. A tongue that is thickly' coated yellow at the base, calls for Proto-Iodide Mercury 3x. A
dry, coated tongue with triangular red tips needs Rhus. Tax. A clean tongue, red and glazed, calls for
Get that new member this month. Now is the time.
A patient complains of great pain, but my impression is that it is all "nervousness." The pulse and the
eye will decide the question. If I find tension to the pulse, and contracted pupils of the eye, tongue. It
shows you as plainly as possible, that the stomach is not digesting the food. Therefore the patient can't
gain nourishment from the food, for it is not .digested. It also shows that the stomach is in no condition
to receive the food. Bear in mind that the tongue is a mirror of the stomach. Study carefully each case.
Learn to read the tongue. From that you can find the indicated remedy to restore the stomach to its
normal condition, and clean off the coating of the tongue. Then your patient will digest his food, enjoy
his food, gain strength and respond to the action of your tonics.

Remember that only a certain portion of the food is digested and assimilated. The system only takes up
what nourishment is needed to supply the body. The undigested food is refuse matter; it forms toxins.
These toxins must locate somewhere if not carried out of the body. They may go to the glands, liver,
spleen or lungs. Here we have a fruitful cause of Cancer as well as Consumption.
This is a remedy that has been much abused, for the average physician doesn't know how and when to
use it. The text-books on Materia Medica tell of the different diseases that it is "good for," but they
don't tell us the indication for it. It is often prescribed in rapid irritable heart, when it is never indicated.
It is prescribed as a heart tonic, in fever, in Pneumonia, but never upon any definite indication. The
pulse calling for Digitalis is very slow, irregular; it may alternate with a quick pulse, between the two,
we may get an intermitting pulse, every third, fifth or seventh beat. It is often combined with Aconite
in fevers, but the two have nothing in common. The indication for these remedies are as far apart as the
poles. The pulse of Aconite is hard, full and quick. Then again the two remedies are powerful arterial
sedatives, and it is dangerous to combine them for their sedative action upon the heart.
In this condition in women when there is extreme and frequent urging to urinate, with severe pain after
the urine is voided; there is distress in the bladder as though distended. with urine, but the urination
does not fully relieve it. Tr. Equisetum is the remedy indicated, 10 drops every 3 hours.
In this condition give Arsenit of Copper 3x, two grs. every half hour or hour. It will be found a useful
I have, in my practice, met with several cases of a throbbing swelling in left side of liver and spleen,
and the tissues lying between. The whole epigastric region was very tender on pressure, and the patient
could not bend down without getting giddy and feeling much distress at epigastrium. I gave Tr.
Chelone Glabra, 5 drops, three times a day, and the tenderness and pulsation ceased.
I have been consulted by men having a bony swelling on shaft of penis. The lump feels hard like bone.
I have prescribed Hecla Lava 6x dil., five drops night and morning, with Aurum Met. 4x, three tablets
after each meal. An ointment of Polymnia applied locally will help hasten the cure. This is one of those
kind of cases that our Doctors, as a rule, don't know how to cure.
Our American women are often subject to this form of tumor. Our Physicians' instead of trying to cure
by medicine, send them to the surgeon. Patients quite often die on the operating table. The tumor
almost invariably returns after the operation. Many cases of enlargement of the uterus are called
fibroid. Many Doctors cannot diagnose Fibroid from Cancer of the Uterus. I was the first Physician in
this country to make business of treating Fibroid Tumor of the Uterus by medicine. In my practice, I
have cured a good many cases. I have given to the world my treatment of such cases in my book on
"Cancer." It is cruel and inhuman to operate on such cases, for it does not cure them.
Mark well the indication for this remedy, and never give it without that being present. When there is
constant urging to urinate, urine passes drop by drop, it scalds; there are violent, burning, cutting pains
in the neck of the bladder before, during and after urination, with intolerable tenesmus, I use the 3x dil.
Add 20 drops to half glass of water, and give teaspoonful every hour.


In cases of renal calculi with vesical tenesmus, pain and tenderness in kidney, pain extending down
ureter into the bladder, and attacks preceded by a gush of urine, you should give Tr. Eryngium
Aquaticum, teaspoonful of the 1x dil. three times a day.
In reading an article lately in a medical journal, I was very much amused at the modern scientific
method of diagnosis, by men who are long on technical knowledge and short on common sense. This
Doctor had a patient.. He put the thermometer in the patient's mouth, axilla and rectum. Got out his
stethoscope and listened to the various sounds in the chest. Drew off some of the urine to carry home
for examination, also some of the vomitus. He then proceeded to diagnose the case by exclusion. After
leaving out all the diseases that the patient might have had, but did not, he finally concluded, as she did
not have any of the other diseases that poor mortals suffer from, she must have ulcer of the stomach.
A patient who had been the rounds, and could find no physician who could make a diagnosis of the
case, was examined by one of the Doctors who was posted on practical diagnosis as I teach it. In 10
minutes he made the diagnosis -Cancer of the stomach. A prominent Doctor diagnosed a case as
Indigestion and Rheumatism. One of the young men that I had given some points on diagnosis, saw the
case, and made his diagnosis-Cancer of the liver.
These two cases will impress the reader with this idea. When we know how to diagnose disease by
practical diagnosis, it beats the scientific method every time.
Please send in your Therapeutic Facts for the Next Issue, upon receipt of this copy of the Bulletin.
Make them short and right to the point.
We want items for "Notes from the Firing Line." Send us report of any good cure, of any life that you
have saved with your Treatment.
Send above facts to the Editor: ELI G. JONES, M. D. BURLINGTON, N. J.

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