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FALL 2007


Portuguese Newsletter

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese - AATSP

Volume 21 Number 2 Fall 2007
From the Editor
Uma breve busca pelas pginas da MLA, do Chronicle of Higher
Education e pela lista da BRASA nos mostra o nmero de vagas
para professores de portugus, latinoamericanistas, historiadores,
escolas de segundo grau na Flrida e na costa Leste americana.
Com certeza, o ano de 2007 ficar marcado como um dos mais
profcuos em termos de novos empregos, de congressos relacionados com o mundo de lngua portuguesa, de publicaes de autores brasileiros traduzidos para ingls, alm de um investimento sem
precedentes em bolsas de estudo para aprendizes de portugus.
Isso nos deixa otimistas com relao ao futuro da Lngua Portuguesa nos Estados Unidos. O Brasil, ao saldar sua dvida externa e ao
descobrir jazidas de petrleo, recentemente, alm de lder e pioneiro
na tecnologia do etanol, demonstra sua maioridade econmica no
setor energtico. O mundo globalizado no pertence apenas aos
pases ricos de primeiro mundo. E isso haver de se refletir na
Lngua Portuguesa e na maneira como ensinada nos Estados Unidos como instrumento de consumo global e local, econmico e
cultural. O desafio est lanado, com o crescente interesse na lngua
portuguesa. O que ns, professores de lngua, temos feito para
acompanhar o ensino, em termos de globalizao?
A Portuguese Newsletter do outono de 2007 traz J. David Jackson,
da Yale University, como Destaque. Ao ler sua entrevista, o leitor
concordar comigo que, para Jackson, a globalizao parece ter
sempre existido, mesmo antes de se tornar novidade. Em Ponto de
Vista, Toni Cowles e Lyris Wiedemann nos mostram que a lngua,
como bem de consumo, deve ser testada de acordo com as exigncias do mercado. A PN traz mais: novas publicaes e filmes em
Bookstore, chamada para trabalhos acadmicos e ofertas de bolsas
de estudos para a escola de Portugus do Middlebury College, em
Agenda; e ainda, em ETC, o discurso do Embaixador de Portugal
no Capitlio, por ocasio do lanamento oficial da escola de Portugus Mar e Floresta. Confira!

Ponto de Vista
The Bookstore

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Luci De Biaji Moreira, editor

K. David Jackson
Yale University

Interviewed by
Luci Moreira
LM - How did you first become interested in Portuguese? And what do you consider your best accomplishments in your career?
KDJ - When I was an undergraduate cellist with the
University of Illinois Symphony Orchestra (my undergraduate degree is in Music), I traveled to Brazil as part
of a State Department Latin American tour, where I was
fascinated with the language and the country. After returning, I took a summer intensive course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I studied Portuguese
with Mary Lou Daniel and Joaquim Coelho as TAs, later
entering graduate studies under Jorge de Sena. There I
met Haroldo de Campos, who came to lecture on poesia
concreta with his brother Augusto, and Prof. Antonio
Candido, who would be my thesis advisor at USP. FriendMore Destaque on page 2

The Portuguese Newsletter

More Destaque from page 1

ships and associations with many Brazilian and Portuguese

visitors have sustained my interests and studies over the
years, including my long association with Fred Ellison, one
of the pioneers in the field, at U Texas-Austin.
The best accomplishments, one can hope, are still to come,
however I remember many special moments. Working on
Portuguese culture in India and Sri Lanka, I could cover
different areas, from ethnomusicology, photography, and
translation (creolistics) to collaborative work with linguists
and anthropologists. Some unforgettable moments are a
first visit to Old Goa and the Baslica de Bom Jesus, lively
evenings of performances of traditional Indo-Portuguese
folk songs, first in Trincomalee (Sri Lanka) and later in
Daman, recording with Ian R Smith in Batticaloa (Sri
Lanka), two visits to the village of Korlai and fort of Chaul
with Jerome Rosario, a native speaker of the creole, and
three visits to Macau. Out of my Asian phase came the
three CDs in the series Journey of Sounds (Expo 98/
Tradisom), a photograph album, A Presena Oculta, and
the books Sing Without Shame and De Chaul a
For sheer drama, I think of the presentation of the CDROM on the first edition of The Lusiads at the FLAD
auditorium in Lisbon in 2003. On the plane before arriving,
I happened to see the headline American historian defames national edition, a subtle indication of the questioning awaiting me. In Macao, I introduced my photograph
album in a session at the Senate, with portraits of the governors of Macao lining the walls. And on a monsoon summer afternoon I spoke at the Menezes Braganza Institute
in Panaji, Goa. In Brazil I was invited by the Academy of
Letters, in Washington, D.C. by the Library of Congress,
and by the Luso-Brazilian Review for a magical return to
my alma mater for a keynote lecture on Portuguese studies in the U.S. All of these invitations, as many others,
were high points.
I devoted a number of years work both to the vanguard
literatures project, with Merlin Forster (BYU) and Harald
Wentzlaff-Eggebert (Jena), for which I published a volume
each on Brazil and Portugal, and to preparation of the Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story (2006). The
translation of Pagus almost-lost novel Industrial Park with
my wife Elizabeth has proved to be a great teaching resource on So Paulo. Raising our three children with Portuguese as their first language gives us all a special link,
and we fit right in with Elizabeths Brazilian family when
we visit Igarapava, SP. I also think with satisfaction on a
number of academic conferences that brought together
friends and colleagues on topics ranging from poetry, the2

ater, music, to plastic arts such as Portuguese World

Music, Grand Expositions, and the Symphosophia on
experimental and avant-garde poetry. Undergraduate students have delighted me with their insightful essays, and
graduate advisees have gone on to careers of their own,
including Charles Perrone (Florida), Pedro Maligo (Coastal
Carolina U), Adria Frizzi (U Texas-Austin), Daniel Scarfo
(U. Bs. As.), and Estela Vieira (Indiana). Each one of these
moments is the best.
LM - You have published on Brazilian and Portuguese
authors and on the culture of the Lusophone world, showing great versatility, expanded horizons but, at the same
time, your research is very specific. How do you balance the direction of your research?
KDJ - I enjoy working on wide-ranging topics, although they
may seem like three different worlds Brazil, Portugal, and
Lusophone Asia and involve different disciplines too. At
times I have to remind myself that they are all connected,
yet they really are, as I am constantly reminded by the work
of the amazing Charles Boxer. In Brazil, I have concentrated on Machado, Modernism and Concrete poetics; in
Portugal on Cames, Pessoa, and contemporary poetry; and
in Lusophone Asia on music, verse, and cultural encounters. These topics from the broader Lusophone world begin to fold back onto one another, as when Asian hybridity
connects with Brazilian antropofagia, when Cames brings
classical literature to India or, to quote Haroldo de Campos,
when Ulysses voyages to Brazil.
LM - How has your interest in ethnomusicology evidenced itself in your language and literature classes?
KDJ - In teaching language, I always used Brazilian popular music for cultural content and phonetics, however
ethnomusicology is specialized, and most musics of the
Lusophone world are still very little know to students. I do
include music in a course on cultural contacts of the Portuguese world, which could actually become a course totally
on music. In 2005 I organized a Portuguese World Music
congress at Yale, which showcased the fascinating contribution of Portuguese music to world culture, whether in Malacca, Goa, Mozambique, or Cape Verde, from morna to
mand, fado to samba. Much more can be done to bring
music into teaching of language and culture.
LM - You have interest in the Portuguese culture on Asia,
specifically India and Sri Lanka. How do you see the
effects of globalization on the Portuguese language, as
represented in those nations and in the rest of the Portuguese-speaking world?

FALL 2007

KDJ - Portuguese continues to have historical and linguistic

importance in parts of Asia, although it is effectively a survivor from centuries past. It is Brazil, with almost 200 million
speakers that holds the key to how globalization will treat
the Portuguese language on a world scale. The internet and
its amazing resources for instant communication and information should help to consolidate the language. The question is whether Portuguese can survive as a global entity,
since it is spread over many continents and societies? I think
that literary and cultural depth will guide how globalization
affects the Portuguese language. Saramagos Nobel Prize
was very helpful; now students want to know what else
Portuguese has to say. Translation is still crucial.
LM - Can you tell the Portuguese Newsletter readers
what your participation in the World Expo 98 in Portugal represented and your contribution? And your next
KDJ - The Expo 98 in Lisbon was very exciting, a synthesis
of 500 years of international contacts. It was the culmination of the work of the National Commission for the Commemoration of the Portuguese Discoveries, with exhibits covering the arts, cultures, and sciences of the Portuguese voyages. I was invited to write one of the books for the Portuguese pavilion, which was Builders of the Oceans (written
in Portuguese and English, with a Spanish translation).

As for next projects, and there are quite a few, I plan to

finish the four volumes of the collected journalism of Patrcia
Galvo, complete studies on Cames, Pessoa and Machado
de Assis, a monograph on Brazilian modernism, and perhaps some creative writing.
LM - How do you see Portuguese in the U.S. in the
next decades?
KDJ - With the recognition of Brazil as a 21st century
power (part of the BRIC Countries Brazil, Russia, India, China) there is more of an expectation that Portuguese
will grow rapidly in importance here. Brazil now has the
majority population of South America, its economy is doing
very well, and Brazilian presence in the U.S. has grown
substantially. Finally the term Latin America will include
Brazil. Yet Portuguese still has no solid place in the American academy, it almost disappears in most of our Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, and in the future it will
have to find its own way, or redefine itself as a field. These
are long-term goals. Fortunately, our students are increasingly interested in Brazilian topics. Yale has a summer program in Brazil now going into its fourth year. Undergraduate students continue to respond to the great works of literature in Portuguese, and for me that is still our most important contribution.

K. David Jackson has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is

a Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies of Portuguese at Yale
He is the author of: De Chaul a Batticaloa: As marcas do imprio martimo
portugus na ndia e no Sri Lanka (2005), Cames and the First Edition of
The Lusiadas (CD-ROM, 2003); Portugal: As Primeiras Vanguardas (2003);
Os Construtores dos Oceanos/Builders of the Oceans (1998); three CDs in
the series The Journey of Sounds produced by EXPO 98/CNCDP (Lisbon,
1998); A Vanguarda Literria no Brasil (1998); A Hidden Presence: 500
Years of Portuguese Culture in India and Sri Lanka (1995); Sing Without
Shame (1990); A Prosa Vanguardista na Literatura Brasileira: Oswald de
Andrade (1978).
Jackson is the editor of the Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story
(2006), Haroldo de Campos: A Dialogue with the Brazilian Concrete Poet
(2005); Experimental, Visual, Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry Since 1960
(co-ed., 1996); Oswald de Andrade: 100 Years of Invention (ed., 1992); Transformations of Literary Language in Latin American Literature (ed.,1987);
and co-translator of Oswald de Andrades Seraphim Grosse Pointe (1979)
and Patricia Galvos Industrial Park (2003).

Portuguese Newsletter
Jose Moreira
Lucas De Biaji Moreira

The Portuguese Newsletter

Ponto de Vista
Em Ponto de vista, o leitor tem a oportunidade de manifestar seu ponto de vista lingstico, cultural ou literrio sobre qualquer
tema que possa interessar queles que trabalham com a lngua portuguesa. Solicitamos textos curtos e livres de jarges tcnicos
muito especficos. Envie seu texto para: Prof. Luci De Biaji Moreira, Department of Hispanic Studies, College of Charleston, 66
George St., Charleston, SC 29424, ou por e-mail: <>.

Programas de Portugus: importncia

da avaliao lingstica
Como conseqncia de transformaes na ordem poltica mundial, do avano tecnolgico e da globalizao, o interesse pelo ensino
de lnguas estrangeiras nos Estados Unidos cresceu significativamente nos ltimos anos. Tanto em rgos governamentais como
no setor privado, enfatiza-se o surgimento e expanso de programas de ensino-aprendizagem de idiomas. como se o pas tivesse
subitamente se dado conta da importncia de falar outras lnguas e
quisesse recuperar o tempo perdido em dcadas passadas, em
que o domnio de idiomas estrangeiros era considerado um luxo,
em vez de um bem necessrio.
Esse sentido de urgncia acentuado de duas maneiras. Em primeiro lugar, na atribuio de prioridade pelo governo a certos idiomas-alvo, considerados essenciais para o pas, em face de sua
importncia no mbito poltico e econmico e do reduzido nmero
de norte-americanos que os domina (rabe, persa moderno, chins, japons e portugus so alguns deles). Em segundo lugar, pela
busca sistemtica de programas e materiais que acelerem a aquisio de habilidades lingsticas. Em funo disso, as pessoas interessadas em aprender idiomas se defrontam com um nmero crescente de publicaes e programas intensivos nos Estados Unidos e
no estrangeiro.
Neste Ponto de Vista, gostaramos de salientar a importncia que
a escolha de um instrumento de avaliao de proficincia lingstica,
como a OPI, desempenha no atual contexto, a partir do modelo
adotado nos ltimos anos pelo programa intensivo de vero do
Middlebury College.
Com j cinco anos de existncia, a Escola de Vero de Portugus
do Middlebury College o segundo mais recente dos dez programas de uma instituio que h quase noventa anos se constitui no
padro internacional de excelncia no ensino de lnguas (a Escola
de Hebraico ter incio em 2008). O modelo das escolas de vero
de Middlebury consiste na criao, no campus de Vermont, de um
ambiente lingstico e cultural artificialmente contextualizado, onde
existe um compromisso de uso exclusivo da lngua-alvo nas aulas,
durante as refeies, nos dormitrios do programa e em atividades
extracurriculares, como esportes, conferncias e programas culturais. A equipe pedaggica mora nos dormitrios e convive com os

alunos em todos os aspectos da experincia.

Esse programa tambm se destaca na rea de avaliao. Desde
seu segundo ano de funcionamento, como parte de um projeto de
desenvolvimento de materiais financiado pela NEH, todos os alunos vm sendo submetidos a avaliaes finais de proficincia
lingstica. Aqueles que chegam escola com alguma proficincia
em portugus so testados no incio e ao final do curso de sete
O instrumento utilizado para aferir o desempenho oral dos alunos
a OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) do ACTFL, aplicada de forma
no-oficial (advisory) por avaliadoras credenciadas pelo ACTFL
que participam do projeto. Esse instrumento multilnge se originou
na escala do ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable), utilizada
desde a dcada de 1950 para avaliar a competncia lingstica de
funcionrios do governo norte-americano. A entrevista, que acumula, portanto, mais de 50 anos de uso, baseia-se em pesquisa e
dados empricos e aceita universalmente por empresas privadas,
universidades, escolas secundrias e agncias do governo nos Estados Unidos, diferentemente de qualquer outro teste de avaliao
A realizao de entrevista individual com a durao de at trinta
minutos determina a competncia comunicativa do aluno, ou seja,
demonstra o que ele consegue fazer com a lngua atravs da realizao de funes que integram vrias tarefas. Com slido
embasamento terico, os dados obtidos tm um papel formativo e
somativo: (1) servem para determinar a evoluo do estudante,
dando-lhe uma idia clara de seu progresso; e (2) informam o programa e sugerem os retoques necessrios ao currculo de ano para
ano. Esses dois aspectos so claramente descritos, por exemplo,
em Standard for Learning Language in the 21st Century, documento criado por um grupo de especialistas de organizaes de
profissionais de ensino. Os critrios e os moldes sugeridos no documento constituem a linha-mestra para a criao de currculos eficientes e apropriados a serem implantados em programas de lngua
de qualquer nvel.
Alm disso, por se tratar de um instrumento conhecido e utilizado
amplamente em diferentes lnguas, a OPI permite a interpretao
rpida dos resultados por qualquer pessoa interessada. Atravs do
nmero de patamares galgados e das descries de cada patamar,


fcil comparar resultados com os critrios estabelecidos para

cada nvel e subnvel dentro da escala da ACTFL. Mais ainda, o
instrumento possibilita a comparao com outros programas, quer
do mesmo idioma ou de idiomas diferentes, o que no possvel
quando se utiliza um exame feito exclusivamente para uma lngua.
Tal fato abre perspectivas ainda mais amplas para chegar-se a
generalizaes embasadas em dados.
Por exemplo, pela OPI pode-se comprovar que, ao longo da existncia das escolas, a maioria dos alunos dos cursos de vero do
Middlebury College obtm ganhos correspondentes a um ano ou
mais de aquisio de lngua a nvel universitrio em qualquer lngua. Portanto, ao se preparar para estudos complementares no
pas de foco, o aluno que completa um segmento de vero em
Middlelbury ganha um ano de estudos lingsticos, o que se traduz
em um processo acelerado de aquisio de segunda lngua.
A OPI tambm pode ser utilizada em projetos de pesquisa. No
momento, estamos realizando um estudo para determinar se os
padres da imerso lingstica realizada nos EUA diferem daqueles observados em programas realizados no Brasil durante o mesmo perodo de tempo. A anlise preliminar dos dados coletados,
nas entrevistas, sugere claras diferenas em termos de ganhos e
em repertrio ativo (sinttico e lxico) nos perfis lingsticos dos
dois grupos.

curriculares e abrem novas linhas de pesquisa, tanto na rea especfica da aquisio do Portugus como tambm no campo dos
universais lingsticos. Por todas as razes acima descritas, a OPI
parece ser, inquestionavelmente, o melhor instrumento a se utilizar
para esses fins.
*American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. ACTFL.
1998. ACTFL Oral Proficiency Guidelines. Yonkers. NY: American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages <>
*American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. ACTFL.
2005. Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the
21st.Century. Third Edition Revised.
* Interagency Language Roundtable. ILR
* Middlebury College <>
* National Endowment for the Humanities. NEH <

*Left: Maria Antnia Cowles, University of Pennsylvania,

Lauder Institute (retired Professor)
*Lyris Wiedemann, Stanford University,
during the 2007 AATSP Conference in San Diego

A iniciativa da Escola de Portugus de avaliar sistematicamente o

desempenho lingstico dos seu alunos um exemplo que deve ser
imitado. Os resultados obtidos beneficiam os alunos, informam
instrutores, sugerem modificaes concretas para mudanas


Since then Rose Ensemble has been invited to perform in France,

Germany, and Brazil.

SheilaAckerlind (in the photo
with Cel. R. McPeak), West
Point Academy, retired in
June 2007.Among her honors, she received the title of
Professor Emeritus. She will
be missed for her outstanding work at WPA.

Gregory Rabassauniversity professor, scholar, poet, and translatorhas been named the 2008 recipient of the Brazilian Studies
Associations Lifetime Contribution Award (LCA), BRASA announced on November 20, 2007. Through his translations of
Brazilian authors, Rabassa has made a major contribution to the
promotion of Brazils culture and literature in the United States
and throughout the English-speaking world. As a translator, scholar,
and university professor, he has had a significant impact in the
field of Brazilian studies.

Rose Ensemble
Rose Ensemble, a vocal group that performs medieval Portuguese music, has recently won the top prize for sacred music at
the Tolosa International Choral Competition in Spain. The Tolosa
International Choral Competition that began in 1969 is part of
the European Grand Prix, a series of six choral competitions.

Middlebury College
Com a aposentadoria da professora Carmen Tesser da Escola de
Portugus programa de vero, a professora L. Moreira assume
a funo de Diretora da Escola. Portugus a nona lngua a ser
ensinada no programa de imerso do Middlebury College.

The Portuguese Newsletter

dade de apresentar e discutir as normas

que matizam a fala do homem comum.
Duas vozes, de Yara Gouveia e Danielle
Birck, foi publicado pela Editora de Cultura, 2007, em So Paulo. O livro um relato
de duas mulheres que sonhavam mudar o
mundo durante os idos de 1964.

Artista inconfessvel, de Joo Cabral de

Melo Neto, uma autobiografia potica do
autor, que fala desde sua infncia s viagens
pelo exterior. 2007, Alfaguara, RJ.
Pronouncing Brazilian Portuguese.
Teschner, Richard V. and Antnio R. M.
Simes. Newark, DE: LinguaText, Ltd.,
This volume is both a textbook and a work
of scholarship. As a textbook, the book can
be used as a companion volume in a firstyear college-level Brazilian Portuguese class.
It can also be used in more advanced
courses that deal exclusively with pronunciation. This book relates Portuguese sounds
to their English, Spanish and/or French
equivalents and uses the Rio de Janeiro Carioca variety as its model. The book is divided into seven chapters which deal with
(1) common consonant sounds, (2) simple
oral vowels, (3) oral diphthongs, (4) stress,
(5) nasal vowels, (6) the remaining consonants, and (7) intonation. In addition to this,
the book has an appendix with nearly 7,000
words and a CD-ROM with 200 exercises

read by native Brazilian speakers, mirroring

the models from the book [LinguaText Publishers].
Memrias de Marta, organizado por
Rosane S. D. Salomoni, uma reedio do
romance de estria da escritora Jlia Lopes
de Almeida, originalmente publicado em
1888. Editora Mulheres, 2007 <>.
Dilogos sobre a tecnologia do cinema
brasileiro, de Paulo Schettino. Atelie Editorial, 2007. O autor refaz o percurso do cinema brasileiro, recuperando a tcnica e os
tcnicos do cinema.
Fontica, Fonologia e Ortografia.
Henriques, Claudio Cesar. Editora Elsevier,
2007. O livro focaliza as relaes entre a
lngua falada e a lngua escrita, considerando que a lngua escrita no deve ser um entrave s manifestaes de oralidade, bem
como a lngua oral no deve promover uma
revoluo contra a lngua escrita. O livro
possui exerccios de fixao calcados em
ocorrncias da lngua em uso, com a finali-

Jos Moambique e a Capoeira, de Joaquim de Almeida, Laurabeatriz e Thereza

Almeida. Companhia das Letras, 2007. O
livro parte de um pequeno conto para falar
das origens, da evoluo e dos fundamentos da capoeira, que hoje no se restringe
ao Brasil, mas estudada e praticada em
muitos pases como EUA, Dinamarca, Israel e Japo, entre outros.
Bom dia! by Mrcia Matos and Sara NetoKalife, was published by Spinner Publications, 2007. Printed in full color with photographs of Portugal, Bom Dia! is complemented with curriculum materials such as
a workbook, lab, tests, CDs, and transparencies. This Portuguese Language textbook
for middle and secondary schools takes into
consideration both the state and national
frameworks (curriculum standards). Bom
dia! Level 1 covers the first year of Portuguese for middle and high school students.
Bom Dia Level 2 covers the second year.
Both levels follow the National standards
developed by the ACTFL (Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections
and Communities). More information:

FALL 2007
More The Bookstore

Walking the Forest with Chico Mendes:

Struggle for Justice in the Amazon, by
Gomercindo Rodrigues, was published by U
of Texas Press, 2007. The book was translated and edited by Linda Rabben, with an
introduction by Biorn Maybury-Lewis.
Gomercindo Rodrigues worked for three
years with the environmental martyr and rural unionist Chico Mendes in the 1980s, later
became a human rights lawyer, and now
shares Chico Mendes dreams with the

Uma Cidade em Camadas: Ensaios sobre

o Romance Eles eram muitos cavalos, de
Luiz Ruffato, Editora Horizonte, So Paulo,
2007. The book has essays by scholars from
Brazil, the U.S. and Europe on Brazilian writer
Luiz Ruffatos award-winning novel Eles
Eram Muitos Cavalos. Some of the
contributors are: Nelson H. Vieira (Brown
U), Marisa Lajolo (U P Mackenzie, SP),
Helder Macedo (U of London, Kings
College), and Leila Lehnen (U of New
Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian
Women Writers, by Renata R. Mautner
Wasserman, was published in Lewisburg by
Bucknell University Press, 2007. The book
brings essays on Julia Lopes de Almeida,
Rachel de Queiroz, Lygia Fagundes Telles,
Clarice Lispector, and Carolina M. de Jesus.
Novas: Selected Writings by Haroldo de
Campos, Edited and with an introduction by
Antnio Srgio Bessa and Odile Cisneros
(Evanston: Northwestern University Press,

2007. This book contains a selection of de

Camposs experimental concrete poetry, critical work based on his early interest in baroque and modernist writers, and his development of a model for reading, translating,
and writing. For information: <http://>.
O Comit Nacional do Brasil, do Programa
Memria do Mundo da UNESCO,
selecionou dez arquivos que foram includos
e registrados como acervos de relevncia
nacional. As propostas vencedoras foram reconhecidas oficialmente pelo Ministro da Cultura, no Rio de Janeiro, no dia 8 de novembro de 2007, durante a Reunio do Comit
Regional para a Amrica Latina e o Caribe.
Entre eles:
(1)Arquivo Getlio Vargas, do Centro de
Pesquisa e Documentao em Histria Contempornea - CPDOC / FGV.
(2) Arquivo Machado de Assis, da Academia Brasileira de Letras (excetuada a
(3) Arquivo Guimares Rosa, do Instituto de
Estudos Brasileiros IEB/USP.
(4) Autos da Devassa a Inconfidncia
em Minas, Levante de Tiradentes, do Arquivo Nacional.
(5) Limite, filme de Mario Peixoto, da Fundao Cinemateca Brasileira - MinC.
A pedra do Reino.
O trabalho, baseado na obra do dramaturgo
Ariano Suassuna, recebeu crticas dos jornais brasileiros como: incompreensvel,
extraordinria, hermtica, selvagem,
barroca, obra de arte. Com direo de
Luiz Fernando Carvalho, A Pedra do Reino
em DVD duplo, contendo a minisrie do
mesmo ttulo apresentada pela TV Globo

Proibido proibir - Fobidden to forbid

Film by Jorge Durn, 2007. Three young
university students face the moral and ethical conflicts of a love triangle. With Maria
Flor, Caio Blat, and Alexandre Henriques
O ano em que meus pais saram de frias
A histria comea em Belo Horizonte, no
ano de 1970. O menino Mauro arruma as
malas e vai com os pais para So Paulo. Ele
deixado na casa do av, no bairro do Bom
Retiro, enquanto os pais saem de frias:
na verdade, so fugitivos do regime militar.
Mauro mergulha num mundo desconhecido e divide com os novos amigos a paixo
pelo futebol, na poca da Copa do Mundo
de 70, cujos lances so retratados na produo. Diretor: Cao Hamburger (2006).
Co sem dono - Stray Dog
The director makes use of intimate colors to
portray a generation. The film narrates the
encounter between Ciro, a recent Literature graduate, who goes through an existential crisis marked by skepticism and lack of
plans, and Marcela, an ambitious young
woman. The film is based on At o dia em
que o co morreu, by Daniel Galera.<http:/>.
O maior amor do mundo
Com direo e roteiro de Cac Diegues, o
filme traz Jos Wilker no papel de um
astrofsico bem-sucedido, profissionalmente, que retorna ao Brasil aps anos no exterior. Quando procura a verdadeira histria
de seus pais, ele se apaixona por uma moa
do subrbio carioca, vivida por Tas Arajo.
A produo focaliza o autoconhecimento e
o peso das escolhas de cada um (2006).

A documentary about the internationally
known composer, poet, and diplomat Vincius
de Morais, showing his life, work, family,
friends, and love-affairs. Directed by Miguel
Faria Jr.

The Portuguese Newsletter

The Bookstore cont.

ETC. . .
Esta seo se dedica aos trabalhos, conferncias, encontros e
seminrios realizados recentemente e que merecem ser registrados.
Se voc no pde ir, ou no sabia, ns trazemos a informao at
voc, como referncia.

Portuguese Village
on Capitol Hill
Ambassador of Portugal Joo
de Vallera (in the photo) saluted
the new Portuguese Language
Village and the audience
present at the Capitol on occasion of the official launching of
the Concordia Portuguese Village with the following speech:
I dont know if there is any other country in the world that associates, as we the Portuguese do, its national day with the figure of
a poet. Dont take this rare, and maybe unique feature, as an
eccentricity, or a mere expression of our known aptitude and love
for poetry because it represents in the case of this more than
860 year old nation-state a recognition of the crucial importance
of language, not only as an element of identity, but also as a bridge
between different peoples and cultures. The Portuguese language
is not the property of the 14 million Portuguese that live in their
motherland and a bit more than 200 million citizens in five different continents, all of them in the course of developing increasingly
important relations with the USA and with growing and expressive communities living in this country. It is the sixth most spoken
native language in the world, and the third most spoken European
language. One in three South Americans and one in five in the
western hemisphere speaks Portuguese. It is the official language
of different international organizations like the European Union,
the African Union, the Organization of American States and the
Mercosur. It is increasingly a critical language for science, for
international communication and for the virtual world of internet,
besides providing a direct access to different vibrant literatures
and cultures.
Language skills and cultural knowledge are fundamental in todays
global world, certainly on a macro-scale to ensure a better de8

gree of knowledge and understanding amongst different countries

and civilizations and to support the economic integration process,
but also at individual level to attain professional success and personal satisfaction. More and more, educational, economic, and political sectors understand and actively promote the need for introducing the teaching of foreign languages in Americas academic
curriculum, where the Portuguese language deserves, for the mutual benefit of Portugal, of the wide Lusophone world and of the
USA, for the further strengthening of the transatlantic links, to be
granted a status more in accordance with its importance and instrumental value, as well as with its recognition by the American authorities as a language of strategic priority (for the national security).
There are main reasons why I feel particularly honored to attend
the presentation of the fifteenth Concordia Language Village, an
inclusive and commendable initiative we have supported from scratch
without hesitation; why I would like to express my recognition and
public appreciation to President Patricia Jollicoeur, to executivedirector Christine Schultz and to Concordia Language Village Director of summer youth programs Patricia Thornton, all their collaborators and members of the Steering Committee; why I would
like to applaud the Luso-American Foundation and it distinguished
CEO, Dr. Rui Machete steadily involved in the promotion of the
Portuguese language and culture and the integration of the Portuguese communities in the relations between both our countries and
peoples for the generous financial support they brought to this
project; why I would like to stress more than symbolic meaning of
this ceremony taking place in the Congress of the USA; and finally
why I would like to warmly thank all the Senators and Members of
the House of Representatives that chose to share this moment with
us. I look forward to having the opportunity to witness personally,
next year, how a group of children and youngsters will understand
the real meaning of the poet Fernando Pessoas words my homeland is the Portuguese language. [Joo de Vallera, October 24,
Concordia Language Villages officially welcomed Portuguese
and Mar e Floresta as the 15th language in a formal presen-

Jack Loiello (Gowran) and Dr. Joo Machete (FLAD). Right: Ambassador of Cape Verde, Maria de Ftima Lima da Veiga

FALL 2007

ETC. . .

tation followed by a reception held in the

Dirksen Senate Office Building. The announcement was heralded by U.S. Senators
N.Coleman andA. Klobuchar, House of Representatives Portuguese-America Caucus
co-chair Patrick Kennedy, caucus members
Representatives Devin Nunes and Jim Costa,
and U.S. State Dept. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Academic Programs Thomas
Farrell. Pictured above: FLAD Director, Dr.
Rui Machete, Concordia College President
Pamela Jolicoeur, Emily Spinelli (AATSP),
Jack Loiello and Elaine Loiello, and members of the Village Steering Committee (Toni
Cowles, Russell Hamilton, Luci Moreira,
Duarte Silva, Anna Klobucka, and M. Lou
Daniel) and the Language Villages leadership team (Patricia Thornton, Christine
Schulze, Donna Clementi, and Mira Olson).
Brazilian literary critic and cultural theorist
Roberto Schwarz was a Visiting Scholar from
November - December, 2007. He was the
keynote speaker at the conference Theories of the Novel Now held on the Brown
campus on November 9-10, 2007. He also
conducted three seminars on Brazilian literature during the months of November and
Former Brazilian President and Brown Professor-at-Large Fernando Henrique Cardoso
was in residence during the month of October, 2007.
Portuguese anthropologist Rosa Maria Perez
served as Michael Teague/FLAD Visiting
Professor during the fall of 2007.

Other speakers at Brown in the fall 2007:

Brazilian film director Lus Nascimento (Ns
do Cinema), Brazilian actor Leandro Firmino
(Z Pequeno in Cidade de Deus), historian
Barbara Weinstein (New York University and
current president of the American Historical
Association), and literary scholar Paulo de
Medeiros (University of Utrecht).

os campos da filologia e da histria. A revista escolheu Silviano Santiago, escritor e exdiretor da Casa de Rui Barbosa, para ser o
homenageado desse nmero.

William Megenney em tempo de recorde:
dezessete estudantes no seminrio sobre Literatura Brasileira um panorama da hisCOLLEGE OF CHARLESTON
tria da literatura brasileira. De acordo com
* October 26: Samba, the Soul of Brazil. Lec- Biu, a primeira vez em trinta e oito anos,
ture and demonstration
que a Univ. of California, Riverside, rene
* October 27: Capoeira Night. Show of to grande nmero de estudantes (photo
Capoeira, Samba, Maculel, and Afox. Both below) em um seminrio dessa natureza.
events had the participation of Grupo Ribeiro,
Mestres Ariranha, Bom Jesus - from New
York, and Capoeira Charleston.
* November 13: Contemporary issues of Brazil. With Ambassador and Writer Joo
Almino, Consul of Miami, and College of
Charleston Professors: T. Coates, J. Rashford,
and D. Friedman. In the photo below, Consul PORTUGUESE SIG
Almino and President G. Benson, CofC.
At the ACTFL (American Council on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages) Conference, held from November 15-18 in San
Antonio, Texas, the new Portuguese SIG
(Special Interest Group) was approved and
announced. This will give a larger voice to
the teachers of Portuguese and the
Lusophone cultures. The SIG mission statement is to: (1) promote the Portuguese language and the cultures of the Lusophone
world; (2) provide a networking system
within the organization that would enhance
National Conference on the Communities: ACTFLs advocacy for Portuguese proCelebrating and Learning From Our Suc- grams at all levels; (3) provide services such
cesses with welcome remarks by John as ACTFL Conference sessions; news
Bento, PALCUS Chairman, and Portuguese items in the SIG Corner of The Language
Ambassador to the U.S. Joo de Vallera. The Educator; space on the ACTFL website,
event had George Monteiro as keynote including a SIG Discussion Forum; (4) seek
speaker and closing remarks from President collaboration for sharing resources and creofAzores Carlos Cesar. Washington, DC. Sep- ating new teaching materials; (5) connect
tember 14, 2007.
teachers and students with the Lusophone
community in the United States; (6) proCASA RUI BARBOSA
mote research in the areas of the PortuA revista Escritos lanou seu primeiro nme- guese language, cultures of the Lusophone
ro. O evento foi marcado pela palestra de world, and pedagogy, and (7) Collaborate
Silviano Santiago Interpretando interpreta- with AATSP and other organizations that
es. Editada pela Fundao Casa de Rui promote the teaching and learning PortuBarbosa, a linha editorial da revista enfatiza guese.

The Portuguese Newsletter

ETC. . .


The Miami-Dade College Wolfson Campus organized the largest book fair of the
United States, from November 8-11.
Brazil was represented in the International
Village with the Brazilian Pavillion. Visitors
experienced three days of Brazilian literature, music, food, and dance. Guest authors
participated in three panels:
(1) Contemporary Brazilian Poetry reunited Horcio Costa, Geraldo Carneiro and
Affonso Romano de SantAnna, moderated
by Charles Perrone, U of Florida, Gainesville.
(2) Contemporary Brazilian Fiction


brought together Ana Maria Machado,

Marina Colasanti, and Joo Almino, moderated by Steven Butterman.
(3) Anthropological, Historical, and Political Views on Brazilian Character was with
Roberto DaMatta and Jos Murilo de
Carvalho and was moderated by Joo
Almino. The guest authors read excerpts
of their work, and there were sessions of
question and answer to the authors. All panels were interpreted simultaneously to Spanish and English.
In addition to the Brazilian authors, Floridian
writers and K-12 student and teachers were

present. CCBU honored Brazilian high school

teachers, who received awards as best
of the year from the Miami -Dade
School District, Anete Arslanian, Lenita
ORouke, and Ms. Adraine Daher.
Clockwise from top left: Roberto DaMatta
and Daniel Azulay; Principal of Ada Meritt
High School. (left) and Miami School District School teachers; Poeta Horcio Costa
and Steve Butterman; Pery Ribeiro and
Affonso Roamano de SantAnna;Ana Maria
Machado, Jos Murilo de Carvalho; Poeta
Geraldo Carneiro and Charles Perrone.

FALL 2007
ETC. . .

AATSP 2007 - San Diego

A 89a. conferncia da AATSP, realizada em julho de 2007 em San
Diego, reuniu professores de diversas partes dos Estados Unidos
e outros pases, no que se refere area de Portugus. Como j
tradicional, as sesses so bastante dinmicas e contam com os
participantes os quais, no sendo grandes em nmero, so grandes em entusiasmo e dedicao Associao.
Entre os participantes: Richard Teschner (UTEP), Marianne
Akerberg e Christopher Morales (UAM), Lyris Wiedemann
(Stanford), Mrcia Flannery (UP), Mirian Futer (West Indies,
Trinidad Tobago), Jos Moreira e L. Moreira (CofC), Slvia Burrin
(Editora SBS), Saulo Gouveia (MSU), Patricia Sobral (BU), Milena
Ribeiro (UCB),Antnio Ladeira ((ITU), William Megenney (UCI),
Geoffrey Mitchell (MC), Ana Carvalho e Kelly Lowther (UA),
Isis Costa (ASU), Michelle Lima (SUNM), Jos Surez (UNC),
Leila Lehnen e Jeremy Lehnen (UNM), Cacilda Rego (UU),
Toni Cowles (UP), Paul Chandler (UHM) e Simone Silva (UIUC).
Mais fotos na prxima newsletter.

Antnio Ladeira

Mirian Futer

Saulo Gouveia, Paul Chandler e Jos Moreira

Milton Azevedo

Vista geral, presentes

Christopher Morales e Marianne Akerberg


The Portuguese Newsletter

Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace:

Investing in the Study of Critical Languages
Summer 2008
Full Scholarships for Intensive Language Study at Middlebury Summer
Language Schools in:

Middlebury College is pleased to announce The Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace:
Investing in the Study of Critical Languages: Portuguese. Now in the second year of
this program, these fellowships are made possible as part of a $1 million gift from Kathryn
Davis to address todays critical need for more effective language proficiency.
Fellowships will cover the full cost of a summer of language study from beginner to
graduate inArabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian at the Middlebury
College Language Schools during the summer of 2008. Each individual grant covers the
full comprehensive fee (tuition, room, and board) for one summer at the Middlebury
Language Schools, plus a stipend to assist in defraying program-related expenses.
One summer of intensive immersion language at Middlebury is the equivalent of a full
year of language study taken during the regular academic year. (Applicants who are
interested in transferring academic credit should check with their home institution regarding transferability.)
The Davis Fellowships are merit-based and intended for exceptionally qualified individuals with demonstrated interest in one or more of the following areas: international, global,
or area studies, international politics and economics, peace and security studies, and/or
conflict resolution. Individuals in other fields, including working professionals, are also
encouraged to apply if their field of expertise requires them to study one of the critical
languages listed above.
For more information please visit /kwd.htm
To qualify for consideration for one of the Davis Fellowships, please submit,
POSTMARKED by January 14, 2008, to:
Kathryn Davis Fellowships , (Your Language School) Middlebury College, Sunderland
Language Center, Middlebury VT 05753
For full information, please see the Language Schools web site.



Publicao semestral acadmica eletrnica
gratuita de crtica teatral e cultural latinoamericana, dirigida por GastonAlzate e Paola
Marin e editada pela California State
University, Los Angeles. Karpa aceita artigos em portugus, espanhol e ingls. Informaes: <
Campus Social
Revista de Estudos sobre o papel da mulher
no espao lusfono e na dispora. Editoral
Teotnio Sousa. Informaes e artigos: <http:/
index.htm?tipo=Crtica >.
Revista Vises
Esta publicao da Faculdade Salesiana
Maria Auxiliadora enfoca a globalizao
como tema principal do volume do segundo
semestre de 2007. Informaes e envio de
artigos: <> e <http://
A Revista Eletrnica do Instituto de Humanidades (UniGranRio) solicita artigos e ensaios inditos em todos os campos dos estudos literrios, lingsticos e culturais. Os textos podero ser apresentados em portugus, ingls ou espanhol. Inform.: <http://

ACTFL 2008
November 21-23, Orlando, Florida
The Annual Convention and World Languages Expo of the American Council on
the Teaching of Foreign Languages
(ACTFL) will be from November 21 to 23,
2008 in Orlando, FL. The convention features over 500 educational sessions and
draws approximately 6,000 attendees; it is
the only national event bringing together all
languages, levels and assignments within the

FALL 2007

Members of ACTFL who would like to join
the SIG may do so by sending $5.00 to
ACTFL and specifying the Portuguese SIG.
New members may add $5.00 beyond the
membership fee, as stated on the website.
ACTFL will set up a forum on-line for the
members to communicate with each other.
For more information about Portuguese SIG,
visit: go to: <> or e-mail Christi
Moraga at <>.
The 10th Annual Conference on Hispanic
and Lusophone Literatures, Cultures, and
Linguistics will occur on February 22-23,
2008, at the University of California at Santa
Barbara with the theme: The Palimpsest
of Memory and the Recycling of Language.
Areas: Literature, Linguistics, Cultural
Studies, Gender Studies, Film Studies, History,
Sociology and the Fine and Performing Arts
of the Hispanic and Lusophone world.
Information: <
The Eighth International Conference on
Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and
Nations will take place at the U of Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 17-20 June 2008. Info.:
The 2008 Business Language Conference
will take place on April 9-11, Hilton St. Pete
Bayfront, St. Petersburg, FL.
Theme: Preparing Global Business
Leaders. The conference will explore how
to equip students and educators with the linguistic, multicultural and managerial tools necessary for leadership in the 21st century. Info.:
Brazilian-Americans in Georgia and Beyond: a multi-disciplinary symposium.
The conference will take place on April 2426. Sponsored by UGAs Latin American

and Caribbean Studies Institute and the Dept.

of Romance Languages in cooperation with
Georgia State U., this symposium will explore
issues concerning Brazilian immigrant communities in the US. Panel topics include immigration status, public education, literature
and language, working in the US, demographics, and more. Information.: R. Moser
<> or Susan Quinlan
Augusto Boal
Augusto Boals play As Aventuras do Tio
Patinhas (translated as The Misadventures
of Uncle McBuck) will be presented by the
University of Georgias Dept. of Theater and
Film Studies on Feb 21-23, 26-29 and March
1-2, 2008. This is the English-language premier of the 1968 political satire by Brazilian
playwrightAugusto Boal, founder of the Theater of the Oppressed and one of the most
influential figures in contemporary theatre.
New translation from the Portuguese by Prof.
Robert H. Moser (Dept. of Romance Languages) Information: <>.

<> or K.
Sanchez at <>. Information APSA: <
Conference: Portuguese in North American Universities: Situation and Challenges
October 16-18, 2008
The goal of this conference is to gather academics to reflect on the present situation of
the teaching of Portuguese in several areas
and especially to identify the challenges presented in Canada and the United States.
Selected papers will be published.
Deadline: Abstracts to be sent by March
31, 2008. Themes: Teaching Portuguese as
a Foreign/Second Language: Best Practices;
Language , Literature, and Linguistics; History of the Language and Perspectives for
the Future; Theater, and Cinema; Writing
and the New Orthographic Agreement. Information.: Manuela Marujo, email:

The First Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and
Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the
Caribbean will take place in May 22-23, 2008,
at the University of California, San Diego.
Information: <
conferences.php>.ERIP Program at:

O Terceiro Simpsio sobre o Ensino de Portugus para Falantes de Espanhol
ser realizado nos dias 14 e 15 de julho de
2008, no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Informaes: Matilde V. R. Scaramucci



The Sixth International Conference of the
American Portuguese Studies Association
(APSA) will take place at Yale University in
New Haven, Connecticut, from October 911, 2008. The conference at Yale University
will include a special colloquium to commemorate the centenary of the death of Machado
de Assis. Potential participants are also reminded that 2008 will mark the birth centenary of Guimares Rosa and the bicentenary
of D. Joo VIs change of venue from Portugal to Brazil in 1808. Panels around the theme
of Transatlantic Portugal are also particularly welcome. Abstracts: Mark Sabineat

CELPE-Bras: Brazilian Portuguese

Proficiency Exam
The CELPE-Bras is a Portuguese proficiency exam for non-native speakers.,
established by the Brazilian Ministry of
Education (MEC) in 1998. The test is
offered in October and April of each
year. Information on the exam is available at the CELPE-Bras website
<> or <
217.aspx>. Info.: Mary Risner at
<>, Augusta Vono
at <> and C. Jout-Pastr
at <>.

The Portuguese Newsletter

AATSP & NPE 2008

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and the National Director of the National Portuguese Examination office (NPE) announce the 2008 NPE contest and
invite you to enroll your students and/or bring this information to
the attention of Portuguese teachers in your area. The NPE is
intended as a motivational, extra-curricular activity and contest for
students of members of the Association and its chapters. The
NPE is not designed for any other purpose and should not be used
for assessment, placement, or proficiency testing. The 2008 NPE
is a communicative proficiency-based tool that engages the students in reading, speaking, and writing. It is intended for High
School students of Portuguese.


90th Annual
at Hotel
Ramada Plaza Herradura
San Jos, Costa Rica
July 8-11, 2008

Dates to remember:
March 5 order of NPE materials
March 15-April 15 NPE contest
April 25 Exams must be in hands of the National Director
To order tests send a message to the National Director
Maria Antonia Cowles at <>.
The 2008 conference promises to be another informative and interesting event for the profession. Forms for submitting a proposal for
a session or workshop at the 2008 Conference are available on line.
In addition to the form, the website offers extensive information on
how to submit a proposal and suggested proposal topics. Proposals
for any topic are welcome. New deadline: Friday, January 4, 2008.
The form and information are available at <>.

Costa Rica


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Portuguese Newsletter
Prof. Luci De Biaji Moreira
College of Charleston
Department of Hispanic Studies
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424


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Prof. Luci De Biaji Moreira

Department of Hispanic Studies
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

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