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UI Accessibility Checker

How do I use AccChecker?
The AccChecker GUI (AccCheckUI.exe)
Verifications Tab
Results Tab
Screen Reader Tab
Tree Tab
File Menu
Verifications Menu
The AccChecker API
AccChecker API Example
The AccChecker Console (AccCheckConsole.exe)
Command-line Syntax
Command-line Example
Verification Routines
Screen Reader
Tree Depth Check
Check Tabbing

Custom Verifications
Verification Log Messages
Navigation Check Tabbing
Error - AppearsToNotSupportTabbing
Error -MissingItemInTabOrder
Error - TabbingNotCyclic
Error - TabbingNotSymmetric
Error - TabbedToUnknownElement
Information - TabOrderInQuestion
Information - StartingTab
Information - TabbedBackwardTo
Information - TabbedForwardTo
Information - TabbedToInfo
Navigation Tree Depth Check
Error - TreeMightBeCyclic
Warning - TreeTooDeep
Information - CheckTreeDepth
Properties Check Role
Error - InvalidRole
Error - VariantNotInt
Error - ControlShouldHaveValue
Properties Check State
Error - VariantNotInt
Error - InconsistentState
Warning - ElementShouldBeOffScreen
Properties Check Name
Error - ElementHasNoName
Error - AccNameLengthTooLong
Error - AccNameContainsInvalidString
Warning - AccNameShouldNotContainRole

Properties CheckAccessKeys
Error - DuplicateAccessKey
Properties CheckBoundingRect
Error - BoundingRectIsIncorrect
Warning - BoundingRectNotHitTestable
Tree Check Navigate
Error - AccNavigate_ReturnedElementWithIncorrectParent
Error - NullParent
Error - IncorrectRoundTrip
Warning - TooManyChildren
Tree Check ParentChild
Error - ElementIsNotChildOfElementsParent
Error - ElementsChildHasDifferentParent
Error - ElementIsChildOfParentMulipleTimes
Warning - MethodReturnedUnexpectedHResult
Tree HitTesting
Error - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNullIAccessible
Error - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNullChildId
Error - ElementIsOrphaned
Warning - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNot_S_OK
Miscellaneous Errors
Error - UnexpectedTestError
Error - MemberNotImplememented

The UI Accessibility Checker (AccChecker) tool verifies that key accessibility
requirements are met in the design and implementation of Microsoft Active
Accessibility (Active Accessibility) in a control or application user interface (UI),
regardless of the underlying UI framework.

How do I use AccChecker?

The following scenario describes a typical test workflow that incorporates

1. Run AccChecker verifications against the application or control of interest.

The AccChecker target is selected by one of the following methods:

From the Choose window from list dropdown

Hovering and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+[

Specifying the HWND of the control

Figure 1: The AccChecker target selector.

Note: AccChecker does not explore all UI permutations in an application.

Elements hidden within controls such as windows, panes, tabs, and menus
must be exposed manually.
2. Examine the AccChecker error log and assess or triage the results. Fix trivial
issues and log severe bugs as appropriate.
3. Generate a suppression file for bugs and errors that can be ignored until
regression testing.
4. Re-run AccChecker verifications with suppression file and initial bug fixes.
This provides a snapshot of the issues in the current implementation of Active
Accessibility and establishes a baseline for regression testing.
5. Integrate the AccChecker APIs and suppression file into an automated test
framework for regression testing on bugs logged from the initial AccChecker
Note: As bugs are fixed, the suppression file should be modified as required.
6. Confirm that no regressions or new accessibility bugs have been introduced
into the application or control.

The AccChecker architecture incorporates three levels, or stages, of functionality:

A Windows graphical user interface (GUI) application designed to support

manual testing, message logging, and suppression generation.


An application programming interface (API) designed for use in automated

testing frameworks.


A console application that supports unmanaged test automations typically

unable to utilize the AccChecker managed API.

All versions of AccChecker provide similar functionality through verification routines

that include Active Accessibility programmatic access, programmatic event
generation, control layout and keyboard navigation validation, and a basic screen
reader transcription service.
Note: When AccChecker verification routines are executing, user interaction with
the host machine can interfere with some routines. Therefore, it is highly
recommended that no further user interaction should occur until AccChecker
notifies the user that all tasks are complete.

The AccChecker GUI (AccCheckUI.exe)

Verifications Tab

Figure 2: The AccChecker Verifications tab.

AccChecker starts with the default view of the Verifications tab. This tab contains
the following components:

The verification target selector has three options for selecting an application
or control.


Choose a target from the pre-populated drop-down list. This list contains
all top-level HWNDs identified at start-up (or when the list is refreshed
using the associated refresh button).


Choose an HWND based on mouse cursor location (The selectable

controls are highlighted with a red rectangle). This option provides more
granularity with respect to control selection since any visible object with
an HWND can be selected.


The final option allows a specific HWND to be entered manually.

The verification routines checklist.

This checklist provides the ability to select the desired verification routine to
be performed against an application or control. See Verification Routines for
more information.

The error and warning suppression file selector.

Suppression files are generated from the verification results tab. By rightclicking on an error or warning message and selecting Suppress from the
context menu, a flag is set for that specific message. A suppression file is
saved in .xml format by selecting Save Suppression from the File menu;
this file is consumed on subsequent verification runs where the messages will
be hidden. To remove the suppression file, click the Clear button. See
Verification Log Messages for more information on specific messages.

Figure 3: The AccChecker Results tab with the "Suppress" context item highlighted.

The following shows the content of a suppression file generated by running

the Properties verifications on the Windows Firewall control panel (CPL)
application. The error with ID of ElementHasNoName was chosen for
suppression in this example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ArrayOfLogEvent

<Text>Element has no name</Text>
<ParentChain>Windows Firewall.Windows Firewall</ParentChain>
<AccName />

The Run Verifications button and progress bar.

Invoke this button to initiate the verification process.

Results Tab
The Results tab is populated upon completion of the selected verification tasks; it
consists of two components:
1. The message list, which displays the error, warning, and informational
messages generated by the selected verification tasks. The messages
displayed can be filtered by type using the checkboxes above the message
2. The message details and a screen capture of the verification target. Selecting
a message from the message list will display further details and highlight the
element of interest in the screen capture. The Visualize button, when
clicked, switches AccChecker to the Tree tab. If an error is highlighted on the
Results tab, the corresponding element is highlighted on the Tree tab.
Right-clicking on a message exposes three context menu items.
1. Suppress - Adds the message to the suppression list.
2. Copy to clipboard - Copies the message details to the clipboard.
3. Help - Displays the AccChecker help file, which contains additional
information about the message.
Screen Reader Tab
The Screen Reader tab displays a transcript of a simulated traversal of the
verification target by a screen reader. Elements are navigated and logged just as a
screen reader would read them.

The information presented on this tab is essential to confirm that only useful and
relevant information is being announced. For example, a normal-sounding control
name such as "MenuItem Edit" or "PushButton Close" is acceptable; however, a
control name that doesn't intrinsically make sense such as "CPNavPanel22" or
"DefaultValue1" is not acceptable.
The Visualize button, when clicked, causes AccChecker to switch to the Tree tab. If
an element is highlighted on the Screen Reader tab, the corresponding element is
highlighted on the Tree tab.

Figure 4: The AccChecker Screen Reader tab displaying a sample verification of Notepad.

Note: The Screen Reader verification routine under Consistency must be

selected for this tab to be displayed.
Tree Tab
Running any verification routine causes AccChecker to compile all visible elements
in the verification target and display them hierarchically on this tab.

Figure 2: The AccChecker Tree tab.

File Menu
Open DLL

Opens a verification DLL.

Native AccChecker verifications are encapsulated in a standalone DLL
(VerificationRoutines.dll). This design allows test teams to create their own set of
verifications based on the UI platform being tested, storSave Log
Save Log

Save the verification log as XML.

Save Suppression

Save the suppression log as XML.

This file is used to specify the verification messages to ignore in regression testing.
Verifications Menu
Run Now

Run the verification routines as specified for the chosen verification target.
Enable All/ Disable All

Check or uncheck all verification routine checkboxes.

Help Menu

Display help topics for UI Accessibility Checker.


Display the software version and copyright information for UI Accessibility Checker.
The AccChecker API
The AccChecker API is designed to support automated testing. Once an application
has been screened using manual testing with the AccChecker GUI, automated tests
can be written that incorporate the message and suppression logs created with the
GUI tool.

AccChecker API Example

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use the AccChecker API to test
tabbing functionality in the Windows Firewall control panel application.
Note: A Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 solution that contains verification sample code
is included with the help documentation. The solution files are located in the
AccChecker help folder of the AccChecker installation path.


public class TestCases : TestBase

public void AccessibilityTestCase()
// get our user interface ready for AccChecker
// AccChecker's class representing verifications that you can run
AccCheck.Verification.VerificationManager vm = new
// create a console logger to get output in the console
ConsoleLogger consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
// add AccChecker's Console Logger
// disable all verifications; all verifications are enabled by default
// enable the ones we want to run
// run it against the firewall
// check if the verification failed by looking at the logger
if (consoleLogger.ErrorCount > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Test failed!");
Console.WriteLine("Error count = " + consoleLogger.ErrorCount);
// cleanup our user interface

The AccChecker Console (AccCheckConsole.exe)

Figure 5: The AccChecker console application.

The AccChecker console application is provided as an alternate solution for test

teams that require AccChecker functionality in test automations based on
unmanaged code.
The command-line accepts a variety of inputs (such as HWND, window title, and
verification routine) and supplies an exit code that corresponds to the error log
Command-line Syntax
AccCheckConsole [options] (-hwnd <hwnd> | -process <name>) <dlls>]
-hwnd <hwnd>
Validates the supplied HWND. Can be a hex or decimal value.
-window <title>
Validates the window with the title supplied.
-process <name>
Validates the main window of the process name supplied.
Lists all verification routines.
-routine <name>
Runs the supplied routine.
-log (info|warn|err)
Specifies the lowest event rating to log.
-logfile <file>
Outputs the log to a file. Can be used multiple times.
-suppress <file>
Uses the suppression file specified.
Disables standard output (STDOUT).

Command-line Example
The following snippet demonstrates how to test the accessibility of Notepad using
unmanaged code and the AccChecker console application.
void MyTests::AccessibilityOfNotepad()
BSTR accCheckerApp = "AccCheckConsole";
BSTR accCheckerParams = "-hwnd ";
// obtain a pointer to notepad's main window
HWND pNotepad = GetNotepadPtr();
// append the hWnd to our arguments list
notepadParams += pNotepad;
ShellExecute(NULL,_T("runas"),accCheckerApp,accCheckerParams, NULL, SW_HIDE);
if((int)nResult == 0)
cout << "Success!!";
Log(L"Accessibility of notepad passed");
Log(L"Tests failed!");

Verification Routines
Screen Reader
This verification routine compiles all visible elements in the verification target and
displays them in a ListView control in the order that a standard screen reader
announces them to a user.

Tree Depth Check
This verification routine sends TAB (or SHIFT-TAB) characters as input to the
verification target to confirm that the UI of the verification target is not overly
complex or inaccessible using standard keyboard navigation.

Check Tabbing
This verification routine sends TAB (or SHIFT-TAB) characters as input to the
verification target to confirm that all focusable elements in the UI are reachable in
an orderly, logical fashion using standard keyboard navigation.

This verification routine confirms that each focusable element in the UI reports a
valid, logical Active Accessibility role and that the control has a value as required by
that role.
This verification routine confirms that each focusable element in the UI reports a
valid, logical Active Accessibility state.
This verification routine confirms that each focusable element in the UI reports a
valid, logical Active Accessibility name.
This verification routine confirms that access keys are assigned to elements in the
verification target are unique within the verification target.
This verification routine confirms that each focusable element in the UI has a
bounding rectangle that can be used as a target for hit testing.

This verification routine uses the IAccessible::accNavigate method to confirm that
navigation between parent, child, and sibling elements is consistent and
This verification routine confirms parent and child relationships in the element tree
are consistent and predictable.
This verification routine confirms that all elements at the coordinates specified by
using AccessibleObjectFromPoint are valid and within the verification target.

Custom Verifications
For more information (including sample code) on how to create verification routines
for alternate test frameworks, please see the Creating Custom Verifications help

Verification Log Messages

Navigation Check Tabbing
Error - AppearsToNotSupportTabbing
The application appears to not support tabbing.
This error indicates that standard keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFT-TAB) is not
supported by the application.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation for the following reasons:

No elements within the application will be discoverable.

Possible causes for this error:


The UI framework of the application does not support MSAA.


MSAA is not implemented on any control within the application.

Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design

Error - MissingItemInTabOrder
This element appear to be tabbable but is not in the tab order
This error indicates that a focusable element is not accessible using standard
keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFT-TAB). For example, the element has not been
marked as a tab stop or assigned a tab index.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation for the following reasons:

The element will not be discoverable.

If the element is a child of a custom list control, cues to signify the child
element can be navigated using the ARROW or PAGE keys may be missing.

Possible causes for this error:


The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility role set

inappropriately. For example, if each list item in a list view control is not
exposed through Active Accessibility as a ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM then the
verification fails since the list items are not accessible using the TAB key.


The element, or its parent, is a custom control that does not implement
tabbing functionality correctly. For example, the Active Accessibility State
property is never set to STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE.


An element was selected for verification that acts as a container for other
elements and does not support keyboard navigation itself. For example, a
toolbar and its child elements are not accessible using the TAB key.

Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design

Error - TabbingNotCyclic
The tabbing in this application is not cyclic. Tabbing forwards or
backwards {0} times doesn't come back to the same control
This error specifies that, when using standard keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFTTAB), it is not possible to traverse the element tree of the verification target such
that the starting element becomes the ending element (using the same number of
keystrokes) should the direction of traversal be reversed. For example, tabbing
forward (TAB) x times from element A(0) to element A(x) and then tabbing
backward (SHIFT-TAB) x times does not result in element A(0) regaining focus.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since there is no predictable way to return to a control once it has been
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or parent, is a custom control that does not implement tabbing
functionality correctly. For example, the Active Accessibility State property is
not set correctly.


Certain applications, such as the Notepad, may exhibit this behavior


Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design

Error - TabbingNotSymmetric
Tabbing backwards and forwards does not yield the same element.
Expected {0} but received {1}
This error specifies that, when using standard keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFTTAB), it is not possible to repeat the path of traversal through the element tree of
the verification target should the direction of traversal be reversed. For example,
tabbing forward (TAB) x times from element A(0) to element A(x) and then tabbing
backward (SHIFT-TAB) x times results in element A(0) regaining focus via a different
set of intermediate elements.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since traversing elements appears erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

Multiple elements, or their parents, are custom controls that do not

implement tabbing functionality correctly. For example, the Active
Accessibility State property is not set correctly.

Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design

Error - TabbedToUnknownElement
Tabbing has gone to an element outside the target hwnd.
This error indicates that using standard keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFT-TAB)
causes focus to shift outside the HWND of the verification target.
Note: AccChecker moves up the element tree to the top-level HWND for the chosen
verification target prior to running any verification tasks. This reduces the number
of spurious errors generated if an HWND chosen for verification is part of a more
complex client area.
Possible causes for this error:

The verification target does not require tabbing to be implemented in order

to provide full functionality.


User interaction during verification, such as moving focus to a non-target

HWND, interfered with the verification process.

Information - TabOrderInQuestion
Tab order may be not following standard Windows Guidelines
This informational message indicates that using standard keyboard navigation (TAB
or SHIFT-TAB) exposes a non-standard tab order. For example, depending on local
system settings, tab order typically mimics reading order.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since traversing elements might be erratic and unpredictable.
Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design
Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines - Keyboard

Information - StartingTab
This informational message identifies the starting element for the verification task.

Information - TabbedBackwardTo
This informational message identifies the element that receives focus when tabbing
backwards (SHIFT-TAB).

Information - TabbedForwardTo
_accessibilityFramework.GetName(focusEvent.ixElement) + " expecting " +
dex].GetFriendlyPath()) + DisplayPath(currentElement) + "
expecting " + DisplayPath(_tabbableElements[tabIndex])
This informational message identifies the element that receives focus when tabbing
forwards (TAB).

Information - TabbedToInfo
Throwing away extra focus event
This informational message indicates that multiple focus events were fired by a
single element when using standard keyboard navigation (TAB or SHIFT-TAB). The
spurious events are discarded.
Back to the beginning
This informational message indicates that focus shifted back to the starting element
in the tab order. Tabbing was terminated at this element since the tab order appears

Navigation Tree Depth Check

Error - TreeMightBeCyclic
Tree is {0} levels deep. This might indicate that the accessibility tree is
cyclic, and thus it would appear to be infinite.
This error indicates that the element tree is cyclic and the tree depth might be
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since there will be no apparent limit to the traversal of elements in the
target application.
Possible causes for this error:

Multiple elements, or their parents, are custom controls that do not

implement tabbing functionality correctly. For example, the Active
Accessibility State property is not updated correctly.

Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design
Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines - Keyboard

Warning - TreeTooDeep
Tree is {0} levels deep.
This warning indicates that the element tree might be too deep.

Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since traversing elements will seem to take a long time and may appear
Possible causes for this warning:


Multiple elements, or their parents, are custom controls that do not

implement tabbing functionality correctly. For example, the Active
Accessibility State property is not updated correctly.
Application UI is overly complex.

Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design
Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines - Keyboard

Information - CheckTreeDepth
Tree is {0} levels deep.
This informational message indicates the depth of the element tree for the
verification target.
Related Resources
Guidelines for Keyboard User Interface Design
Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines - Keyboard

Properties Check Role

Error - InvalidRole
The int returned from get_accRole is not a valid role constant, ie
This error indicates that an element is reporting an invalid Active Accessibility role.
For example, the get_accRole method used to retrieve the Active Accessibility role
of an element returns an integer value that does not map to a valid object role
constant (such as ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM).
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since elements may be incorrectly identified to the user.
Possible causes for this error:


The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility role set


Related Resources
Object Roles
Error - VariantNotInt
The variant returned from {0} should be an {1} but is a {2}.
This error indicates that an element is reporting an invalid Active Accessibility role.
For example, the get_accRole method used to retrieve the Active Accessibility role
of an element should return an integer value that represents one of the Active
Accessibility role constants but is returning another variant instead.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since elements may be incorrectly identified to the user.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility role set


Related Resources
Object Roles

Error - ControlShouldHaveValue
A control with role of {0} should have a value but get_accValue is not
This error indicates that an element does not supply a value as expected based on
the Active Accessibility role assigned implying that the element does not have the
get_accValue method implemented. For example, the following Active Accessibility
roles should all supply a value:










Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an element that has an intrinsic value must be able to report that
value to a user.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility role set


Related Resources
Object Roles

Properties Check State

Error - VariantNotInt
The variant returned from {0} should be an {1} but is a {2}.
This error indicates that an element is reporting an invalid Active Accessibility state.
For example, the get_accState method used to retrieve the Active Accessibility
states of an element should return an integer value that represents one of the
Active Accessibility state constants but is returning another variant instead.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an incorrect element state may be reported to the user.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility state set


Related Resources

Object State Constants

Error - InconsistentState
A control has states that are inconsistent {0} and {1}
This error indicates that an element is reporting inconsistent or conflicting Active
Accessibility states. For example, when the get_accState method returns any of the
following combinations:




Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an incorrect element state may be reported to the user.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an Active Accessibility state set


Related Resources
Object State Constants

Warning - ElementShouldBeOffScreen
Element should be offscreen
This warning indicates that the bounding rectangle of the element is clipped
by the bounding rectangle of its parent element. The element should be
ignored and considered outside the bounds of the desktop.
Related Resources
Name Property

Properties Check Name

Error - ElementHasNoName
Element has no name
This error indicates that an element does not have a name. For example, the
element does not have accName implemented and an empty string is returned
when the get_accName method is used to retrieve the Active Accessibility name of
the element.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an element may be incorrectly identified to the user.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has no name or label.


The element is assigned an accRole that suggests the element have a name.


The element that has focus should not receive focus. For example, a label or
a disabled control.


An invisible control has received focus.

Related Resources
Name Property
Error - AccNameLengthTooLong
Element's accName should not return a string longer than {0} characters
This error indicates that the name of an element contains too many
characters. For example, the get_accName method used to retrieve the
Active Accessibility name of an element returns a string greater than the limit
of 32000 characters.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an element may have an unpronounceable, non-intuitive name.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an incorrectly assigned name or label.

Related Resources

Name Property

Error - AccNameContainsInvalidString
accName should not contain the string {0}
This error indicates that the name of an element contains invalid characters
(these characters are replaced by AccChecker). For example, the
get_accName method used to retrieve the Active Accessibility name of an
element returns a string that contains tab, newline, or ampersand characters.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an element may have an unpronounceable, non-intuitive name.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent , has an incorrectly assigned name or label.

Related Resources
Name Property

Warning - AccNameShouldNotContainRole
accName ({0}) should not contain the text of the Role ({1})
This error indicates that the name of an element incorporates its Active
Accessibility role. For example, the get_accName method used to retrieve the
Active Accessibility name of an element returns
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since an element may have an unpronounceable, non-intuitive name.
Possible causes for this error:

The element, or its parent, has an incorrectly assigned name or label.

The element, or its parent, has a default name that has not been revised to a
friendly name. For example, button1.

Related Resources
Name Property

Properties CheckAccessKeys
Error - DuplicateAccessKey
Element has a duplicate AccessKey ({0})
This error specifies that the access key assigned to the element is also assigned to
another element in the verification target.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on the keyboard for navigation since
multiple elements may be invoked or cycle focus using the same shortcut or
accelerator key.
Related Resources
KeyboardShortcut Property

Properties CheckBoundingRect
Error - BoundingRectIsIncorrect
The {0} edge of the reported rectangle is inconsistent with hit testing {1}
the rect at point {2}.
This error specifies that the bounding rectangle of the element is not consistent with
expected hit testing results. For example, hit testing a point outside the bounding
rectangle of the element does not return a different element.
Related Resources
AccessibleObjectFromPoint Function

Warning - BoundingRectNotHitTestable
The reported rectangle does not appear to contain a point where this
element can be retrieved with hit testing.
This warning indicates that the bounding rectangle of the element is not reachable
by hit testing. For example, it lies outside the physical screen coordinates (or
viewable region) of the desktop.

Related Resources
AccessibleObjectFromPoint Function

Tree Check Navigate

Error - AccNavigate_ReturnedElementWithIncorrectParent
Calling accNavigate((Live Search), 0, NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD) which returned
(x-gadget:///gadget.html) returned the incorrect parent([NULL])
and not (Live Search)
This error indicates that when get_accParent is called on the child element returned
by accNavigate (using either the NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD or NAVDIR_LASTCHILD
navigation constants) the parent element returned does not match the parent
element specified in the accNavigate call.

Figure 6: Example of an invalid Active Accessibility implementation that returns an

incorrect parent element.

Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Error - NullParent
Elements parent is NULL
This error indicates that NULL is returned when get_accParent is called on the
element. The get_accParent method should only return NULL when called on the
root element of the verification target.
Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Error - IncorrectRoundTrip
Call to accNavigate((Click Snooze to be reminded again in:), 1,
NAVDIR_NEXT), then accNavigate((Open), 2, NAVDIR_PREVIOUS),
should have returned Click Snooze to be reminded again in:
(ChildId=1), but returned Click Snooze to be reminded again in:
This error indicates that using accNavigate to traverse the element tree of the
verification target does not return the same starting element when the direction of
traversal is reversed.

Figure 7: Example of an invalid Active Accessibility implementation that has caused

incorrect round-trip navigation.

Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.

Possible causes for this error:


An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Warning - TooManyChildren
Stopped looking for additional siblings after finding {0} siblings. Possible
incorrect tree
This warning indicates that the element tree might be cyclic and the tree depth
Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since they will enter what
appears to be a circular reference or infinite loop.
Possible causes for this error:

Application or control design may be too complex.

Note: This error may be reported for ListView controls with a large number of
items and can likely be ignored in these cases.


An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Tree Check ParentChild

Error - ElementIsNotChildOfElementsParent
Element is not a child of it's parent
This error indicates that when get_accParent is called on the child element returned
by accNavigate (using either the NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD or NAVDIR_LASTCHILD
navigation constants) the parent element returned does not match the parent
element specified in the accNavigate call.
Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Error - ElementsChildHasDifferentParent
Element's child({0}) has different parent({1}) than element
This error indicates that, when get_accParent is called on the children of the target
element, the children do not report a consistent parent.

Figure 8: An example of the children of one element reporting an inconsistent parent.

Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Error - ElementIsChildOfParentMulipleTimes
Element's accParent is ({0}), but original element is a child {1} times
This error indicates that, when get_accParent is called on the target element, it
reports being a child of the same parent multiple times.
Note: This is a navigation issue for automated tools since traversing elements
might be erratic and unpredictable.
Possible causes for this error:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Warning - MethodReturnedUnexpectedHResult
{0} returned {1}, but expected return value should have been {2}
This warning indicates that an unexpected HRESULT was returned when attempting
to retrieve all children of the element.
Note: If this error is reported, please contact the AccChecker Team alias with the
details of the error.
Possible causes for this warning:

An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources

Tree HitTesting
Error - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNullIAccessible
AccessibleObjectFromPoint({0}, {1}) returned a null IAccessible
This error specifies that the address of the object's IAccessible interface obtained for
the given coordinates is NULL.
Possible causes for this error:

User interaction during verification, such as moving focus to a non-target

HWND, interfered with the verification process.
An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources
Navigation Through Hit Testing and Screen Location

Error - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNullChildId
AccessibleObjectFromPoint({0}, {1}) returned a null ChildId
This error specifies that the ChildId of the object's IAccessible interface obtained for
the given coordinates is NULL.
Possible causes for this error:


User interaction during verification, such as moving focus to a non-target

HWND, interfered with the verification process.

Related Resources
Navigation Through Hit Testing and Screen Location

Error - ElementIsOrphaned
Element is an orphaned IAccessible in the tree
This error specifies that the address of the object's IAccessible interface obtained for
the given coordinates is a reference to an orphaned element in the element tree.
Note: This is an issue for people who rely on a screen-reader and keyboard for
navigation since elements will be treated as invisible and will not be announced to
the user.
Possible causes for this error:

User interaction during verification, such as moving focus to a non-target

HWND, interfered with the verification process.
An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources
Navigation Through Hit Testing and Screen Location

Warning - AccessibleObjectFromPointReturnedNot_S_OK
AccessibleObjectFromPoint({0}, {1}) returned {2} and expected S_OK
This warning indicates that AccessibleObjectFromPoint did not return S_OK as
expected for the given coordinates.
Possible causes for this error:

User interaction during verification, such as moving focus to a non-target

HWND, interfered with the verification process.
An incorrect or invalid Active Accessibility implementation.

Related Resources
Navigation Through Hit Testing and Screen Location

Miscellaneous Errors
Error - UnexpectedTestError
Exception :({0})
This error specifies that an exception unrelated to the verifications has been raised
by AccChecker.
To report issues such as this, see the AccChecker 'About' dialog for contact

Error - MemberNotImplememented
The method is not implemented on this particular element.
This error specifies that an unexpected method failure has occurred.
Please send an E-mail to the AccCheck alias or log a bug in the "Windows 7" Product
Studio database under "\WEX-Windows Experience\User Interface
Platform\AAA\Accessibility FCE".

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