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Questions You Allegedly Might Find on the Global History Regents


Tribal loyalty is stronger than a sense of nationalism and is a cause of disunity.

The geography of Africa is varied and has isolated the people across the continent.
Current borders along with much of foreign culture in Africa is the result of European imperialism.
Africa was most affected by decisions made at the Berlin Conference in 1884.
One way in which the African Kingdoms of Ghana and Mali are similar is that they established their wealth
through trade (gold, salt, slaves).
Important person: Nelson Mandela fought to end the policy of apartheid


The caste system (lack of social mobility) along with other traditions break down in urban areas.
The partition of India was based on religious (cultural) differences between Hindus and Muslims.
The monsoons are the most important aspect of South (India) and South East Asia's well being.
Important person: Mohandas Gandhi used non-violent methods to fight for independence (boycotts, civil


While China was isolated for much of her history she influenced Japanese culture.
After the Opium War, China was divided into spheres of influence
Both Confucius and Mao Zedong believed in order and structure and the group over the individual. Confucius
however believed strongly in the importance of the family.
Mao Zedong received the support of the peasants because he promised them land.
One way the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China were similar is that both attempted to
remove foreign influence.
Important people: Mao, Deng, Confucius


Japan is an archipelago off the coast of Asia that has been influenced by China but has created a very distinct
culture; homogenous society.
Japan has virtually no natural resources. In the 1930s, Japan was an imperialist nation, building an empire.
Japan's feudal system was similar to Europe's in that both showed decentralized power. The samurai were
similar to the knights of Europe.
Japan modernized quickly after a long period of isolation because she was forced to open to the West (Perry
opened Japan in 1854)
Meiji Restoration (Modernization Ended Isolation Japanese Imperialism)

Japan mixes the ways of the West with her own traditions (cultural borrowing).

Commonwealth of Independent States, Soviet Union and Russia:

Marx predicted industrialized nations would have communist revolutions but agricultural nations turned to
communism. Russian Revolution 1917, Chinese Communist Revolution 1949 and Cuba 1959
Lenins New Economic Policy is similar to Gorbachevs policy of perestroika both allow limited capitalism
Stalins Five Year Plans focused on agriculture and industry
Gorbachev's idea of perestroika was to restructure the Soviet political system.
The Soviet domination of E. Europe after WW II (Iron Curtain) was arranged at Yalta and Potsdam.

Important People: Stalin, Gorbachev

Latin America:

The geography (Andes and Rain Forests) of Latin America has isolated the people of the continent.
The power in most Latin American nations lies with the landowners and the military.
The O.A.S. is an organization which tries to bring about hemispheric cooperation.
The nations of Latin America suffer from huge foreign debt (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico), drug trafficking
(Colombia) and environmental concerns (Brazil).
Costa Rica - democratic state in Latin America
Fidel Castro led a communist revolution on Cuba
Important People: Simon Bolivar and Toussaint LOvertoure both led independence movements

Middle East:

The Arab-Israeli conflict is difficult to resolve

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) desired a homeland in current day Israel.
The Islamic religion is monotheistic and unites the people of the Arab world.
Iran is an Islamic republic
Oil is a major resource of the Middle East and OPEC has tried to control its price.
Water is scarce in the Middle East and determines where people live.
Islamic fundamentalism is a movement to reject westernization and return to a more traditional society based
upon the Koran. Islamic fundamentalist support traditional Muslim teachings.

Western Europe:

Feudal times saw the decentralization of power and the increased power of the church.
The Renaissance period saw man question established beliefs and rely more on reason and science.
John Locke and Montesquieu were important Enlightenment thinkers
The causes of WW I were (M.A.I.N.) militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism.
Acts of aggression and appeasement contributed to the start of World War II
The Nuremburg Trials judged the leaders of Germany were responsible for their actions.
The Marshall Plan (U.S. aid) rebuilt W. Europe after WW II. (Marshall = Money)
N.A.T.O. is the military alliance (U.S. and W. European allies) that tried to contain communism after WW II
during the period known as the Cold War.
The European Economic Community is trying to reduce trade and other barriers between the nations of
Europe; The euro is the official currency (money) of the European Union

East Europe:

After World War II, Stalin forced pro-communists governments in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other Eastern
European nations. These nations became known as Soviet satellite states. The Soviets retained control through
both economic and militaristic means.
The Berlin Wall was created in 1961 to keep East Germans from Fleeing to the Western sector of Berlin. * West
is the best (Democratic) East is the Least (Communist) *
The destruction of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union signify the end of the Cold War.

Iron Curtain is a TERM (not an actual curtain) popularized by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to

describe the Soviet Unions policy of isolation during the Cold War. The Iron Curtain isolated Eastern Europe
from the rest of the world.

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