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Andries Barend de Beer

Assignment 2: 610495

Table of Contents
Question 1: 2
1.1) SHRP..2
1.2) Internal Staff Moves..2
1.3) External Recruitment Methods2
1.4) Dismissal 3
1.5) Career Stages ...3
Question 2: Job Analysis .3
Question 3: T&D and Orientation ...3
Question 4: Across the board vs Merit Increase ..4
Question 5: Job Burnout ..4
Reference ...5

Andries Barend de Beer

Assignment 2: 610495

Question 1

Management should have considered the Strategic Human resource planning
process which is a process through which company goals as put forth in
mission statements and company plans are translated into HR
objectives(Grobler,Warnich,Carrel, Elbert, Hatfield, 2011)
Other than ensuring qualified staff, SHRP has a number of benefits which
includes facilitating the organisations ability to successfully pursue strategic
objectives and create a competitive advantage, providing strategic
alternatives to retrenchment and discontinued operations and if not, allow for
these to be phased out gradually. By better utilization of employees it can also
improve the profitability of a company, stimulate exploration of new company
prospects and recruiting of experienced talent well in advance of needs.


Internal Staff Moves


Piet van der Merwe






Due to his seniority and

experience he now has
greater responsibility
and authority.
Due to her inability to
perform the job.
Lateral movement in
order to keep the peace
and for him to be closer
to his family.

External Recruitment Methods

Direct applications, whereby individuals approach the company directly
applying for work is the largest source of applicants. This can provide an
inexpensive source of good job applicants to the organization.
Employee referrals, also inexpensive, are another good method of securing
applicants. As employees who do refer individuals place their own reputation
on the line they are usually very careful in making recommendations.
Naomi can also directly approach Universitys or cooking schools directly to
look for new talent and recruit newly graduated students.
Recruitment agencies might be a bit costly in some cases, but it will save
valuable time which in effect, might actually save money on recruitment and
selection cost.

Andries Barend de Beer

Assignment 2: 610495


Dismissing a employee represents the most extreme disciplinary action and

should not be taken lightly. Yes, dismissing Siphiwe on the basis of poor
performance is a valid reason to want to do so, however, the company would
have to make sure that they have documented substantial amounts of
evidence over a period of time, have a given her a certain number of written
warnings and provided proper training to do her job.


Career Stages
Karabo is going through the Establishment phase. This is the phase at the
beginning of a career and is synonymous with feelings of anxiety and
uncertainty during this time as is the case with Karabo.

Question 2
Job Analysis
Zander and his team is busy conducting a job analysis. The most common end
product of a job analysis is a written job description, which is a written summary of
task requirements for a particular job. Some uses for the job description include
using it to develop recruitment advertisements, used in orientation to spell out job
requirements and enabling a job evaluator to compare various jobs and make pay
decisions during job evaluation.
The other common end product is the Job specification, which, according to the
textbook is a statement of the needed knowledge, skills and abilities of the person
who is to perform the job.( Grobler et el)

Question 3
T&D and Orientation
Simon should be put on a formal training and development program which will fill the
gap between actual and desired performance. The T&D program consist of the
following phases:
Phase 1: The needs assessment phase which is the systematic analysis of the
specific training development activities required. This phase will identify what skills,
knowledge and attitudes need to be acquired or strengthened. A performance
appraisal is a good way to point out strengths and weaknesses and may indicate
T&D needs. After this has been done it is important to identify the objectives of the
T&D program, in other words what should Simon be able to do on completion of the

Andries Barend de Beer

Assignment 2: 610495

Phase2: After the training and development needs have been identified and
objectives set you can start with seeking or designing a T&D program. Make sure
you select a program which will yield verifiable results in order to make sure the
financial investment pays off. Training methods I will recommend include coaching,
mentoring, role playing and lecturing.
Phase 3: The evaluation phase which will determine whether Simon has learned new
The company should review their orientation process. This will help with integrating
future employees into the organization and acquaint them with the appropriate skills
and abilities need to successfully complete task assignments.

Question 4
Across the board vs Merit increases
I would conduct a performance appraisal as soon as possible in order to offer
increases based on merit. I feel this will reward high performing staff members and
hopefully motivate other staff to up the level of their performance. But on the other
hand, seeing that they are threatening to strike, I might consider giving a small
percentage increase to the less deserving individuals anyway, so essentially I would
consider a combination of across the board and merit.

Question 5
Job Burnout
Linda is experiencing job burnout, which occurs when a person believes they cannot
or will not continue to do the job. It differs from stress in the sense that stress can be
relieved by an extended vacation or period of rest whereby a burnout will not be
cured by this and the person returning to work will feel as miserable as before the
rest period. In essence it is the perception that one is giving more than one is
receiving. Symptoms of burnouts can take the form of physical signs such as
headaches, signs of depression, frequent infections and change in physical
appearance; emotional signs such as expressions of frustration and hopelessness;
or behavioural signs such as increased smoking and caffeine intake.
It is important for managers to acknowledge that burnouts can occur, be able to
identify in employees when it happens and take certain steps to mitigate its
occurrence. These steps are:

Acknowledge the problem

Train managers to recognise the symptoms and refer victims to counseling.
Limit overtime
Recognise peoples contributions
Provide emotional outlets for anger, frustration etc.

Andries Barend de Beer

Assignment 2: 610495

6. Provide retraining or even lateral moves for people who feel stuck in a deadend position.

Pieter Grobler, Surette Warnich, Michael Carrell, Norbert Elbert, Robert Hatfield,
Human Resource Management in South Africa, 4th edition, 2011)

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