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Name of delegate: Roshni Subramonian

Name of delegation: Macedonia

Committee: Social Humanitarian & Cultural Committee
School: PSBB Siruseri
Agenda 1: Preserving and Protecting equal rights for all, with special reference to ethnic,
religious, and gender minorities
The Republic of Macedonia, after its breakup from Socialist Federal Republic Of
Yugoslavia successfully managed to maintain its relationship with its citizens. Macedonia
believes in equality among citizens and has done its best to bring out this equality in its
constitution, especially before law and all its civilians irrespective of their sex, race, color of
skin, national and social origin, political and religious beliefs, property and social status are
treated equally in all aspects and fields. The Republic of Macedonia is a signatory to
the European Convention on Human Rights and the U.N. Geneva Convention relating to the
Status of Refugees and Convention against Torture, and the Macedonian Constitution
guarantees basic human rights to all citizens.
Macedonia feels as though if injustice in equality among people is mainly due to
religious and social beliefs. These beliefs however cannot be changed or eradicated due to
them being prevalent in the minds of majority of the citizens and the government holds no
power to control the beliefs of citizens. In some cases, the ruling body itself is under the
influence of these beliefs and hence the problem takes a turn for the worse.
Inequality prevails among citizens irrespective of laws and rights. The mindset of
citizens regarding certain minority groups is fixed and hence are hard and in some cases
impossible to change, making it a major root of this issue. The government can tighten the
laws when it comes to protection and preservation of the rights of minority groups but in the
end the outcome of the issue depends on the citizens, if they are willing to change their
beliefs for the greater good. Change in a country is a mutual process which can only work if
both the government and the citizens put their fullest in creating and making it happen.
Macedonia has no specific national interests in accordance to this topic. However it
has taken steps to ensure equality among citizens.
In Accordance to the Constitution of the Republic Of Macedonia

According to Article 9, all citizens are equal before the Constitution and law.
According to Article 19 and its amendment (VII), the freedom of religious
confession is guaranteed. All religious communities and groups are to be
treated with equality
According to Article 32, everyone has the right to work, to free choice of
employment, protection at work and material assistance during temporary
unemployment. Every job is open to all under equal conditions.
According to Article 42, the Republic particularly protects mothers, children
and minors.

According to Article 48 and its amendment (VIII), the Republic guarantees the
protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all
According to Article 54, the freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen
can be restricted only in cases determined by the Constitution.
According to Article 110, The Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Macedonia protects the freedoms and rights of all citizens as well as to the
prohibition of discrimination among citizens on the ground of sex, race,
religion or national, social or political affiliation.
NOTE- Macedonia passed a law in 1996 which decriminalized same sex
sexual activity. However it is illegal in Macedonia for same sex to get married
as it is believed that Marriage is a union of a man and woman. Adoption by
homo sexual is illegal. However being a part of the LGBT community in
Macedonia doesnt prohibit people from joining military or lesser their
opportunities in employment. However, there are no rights as such protecting
the LGBT community.

Macedonia believes that if cooperation and understanding exists between the

government and its citizens can the goal to attain equality be fulfilled. Macedonia
believes that the resolution passed should not affect the understanding between the
government and its people.

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