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River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes of the Executive Committee for Saturday, July 16, 2016

Starting at 10:00 a.m., at the McVay/McCarville Residence

i. Officers: Noah McVay (President), Duane Miller (Vice President), Rose Ellen
Schneider (Secretary), Sheryl McCarville (Treasurer) (in and out), Becki Miller (Dir. Of
ii. Directors at-Large: None
iii. Guests: None
i. Officers: None
Quorum Present
D. Miller made the motion to establish a quorum. B. Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed,
with those present voting for the motion, 3 votes; against the motion, 0; and abstaining, one vote.
1. The meeting was called to order by President McVay at 10:12 a.m.
2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
D. Miller made the motion to approve the minutes from the June 4, 2016 Executive Committee
meeting B. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried, with those present voting for the motion,
3 votes; against the motion, 0; and abstaining, one vote.
3. Announcements
a. Colorado potato beetles on-site.
McVay reported that a harsh organic pesticide may need to be used next year. He will discuss the issue
with Rouse and they would talk to Hartungs about the issue. Any garden plot with beetles will need to be
tilled in Nov./Dec. Potatoes will need to be rotated.
b. Filling mechanism for the water tank which feeds the drip irrigation system .

D. Miller reported that he was working on the water tank valve. Paperwork has been sent
to Village Department of Public Works.
4. Financial Report
McCarville reported that there was $400 being held for filing the 501C3 form. The bill at TriCounty Building was paid. McCarville stated that the village charges $35.00 every time the

meter is attached to the hydrant and that all water bills to date were paid. The balance at meeting
time was $148.16.
McCarville mentioned the need to hire an accountant to help with budgeting, taxes, and keeping
track of the finances and recommended the appointment of Cheryl Wittmann who had
volunteered to assist the Gardens.
McVay made the motion to appoint Cheryl Wittmann as tax accountant for the RVACG for a
period of time at the pleasure of the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the Board of
Directors. Schneider seconded the motion. Motion carried with those voting for the motion 4
votes, those against the motion, 0 votes and those abstaining one vote.
B. Miller made the motion to accept the financial report as presented by McCarville. D. Miller
seconded the motion. Motion carried, with those voting for the motion, 4 votes; those against the
motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote.
5. Old Business
a. Consideration and approval of Conflict of Interest Policy, and, consideration and approval to file 1023
Form for Tax Exemption Status, all on behalf of the Board of Directors.

After consideration and discussion McVay made the motion to approve the Conflict of Interest
Policy on behalf of the Board of Directors. D. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried, with
those voting for the motion, 3votes; those against the motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote.
b. Notarization of 1023 Form for Tax Exempt Status by the directors present, with additional signatories
to come.

McVay made the motion to approve the 1023 Form on behalf of the Board of Directors. B.
Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried, with those voting for the motion, 3 votes; those
against the motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote. Form notarized by officers present.
6. New Business
a. Consideration and approval to host another presentation to the public on the Presidents prior trip to the
United Kingdom.

B. Miller made the motion to approve and host a second presentation to the public of President
McVays trip to the UK. D. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried, with those voting for
the motion, 3 votes; those against the motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote. It was suggested
that McVay contact the Blooming Buddies club to see if they would like to hear the presentation.
b. Determine context for August fundraising event.

After discussion with no August dates open for Brat Fry, McVay made the motion to apply for a
vendor permit for the 2016 School Fair to sell Caramel Apples and to pursue a brat fry at Prems
in September. Schneider seconded the motion. Motion carried, with those voting for the motion,
3 votes; those against the motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote. Schneider volunteered to
contact Tammy Shaffer, Fair Secretary, to get the permit.

c. Consideration and approval to purchase spoiled straw and hardwood/cypress mulch.

After discussion of financial situation, the purchase of spoiled straw and mulch was tabled due to lack of
d. Initial planning of orchard and demonstration garden for the 2017 growing season.

McVay shared that he was interested in purchasing strawberries, blackberries and black
raspberries for the garden.
7. Open Forum
a. Weeds - Board members present agreed that an email should be sent to all gardeners asking
them to get the weeds in their plots and around their plots under control. No formal action was
taken due to the weed statement in the policy handbook.
b. Duane Miller volunteered to be the Groundskeeping Superintendent pending approval of the
position by the Board of Directors.
c. Gardens future threat B. Miller reported an incident at RiteWay on June 30 at 8:17 when a
local farmer asked Eugene Hausner how he could get Noah out of the Gardens and return it to
cropland. Village Office has been contacted by Hausner and McVay reassured that the Village
still approved the Gardens.
8. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
McVay made the motion to adjourn until the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting on
Saturday, August 6, 2016, starting at 9:00. Schneider seconded the motion. Motion carried, with
those voting for the motion, 4 votes; those against the motion, 0; and those abstaining, one vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Rose Ellen Schneider, Secretary

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