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The Pinhole No-Glasses e-Booklet

A Self-Help Eye Relaxation Program for Persons having Nearsightedness,
Farsightedness, Astigmatism, Amblyopia and Strabismus




Doctor and Former Professor of Optometry

Specialist Consultant in Vision
Board Certified In Vision Therapy
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The Pinhole No-Glasses Booklet

A Self-Help Eye Relaxation Program for Persons having Nearsightedness,
Farsightedness, Astigmatism, Amblyopia and Strabismus
Dr. Roberto Kaplan, Doctor and Former Professor of Optometry, Board Certified in Vision Therapy, Author of
Seeing Without Glasses, The Power Behind Your Eyes and Conscious Seeing is the stated independent consultant and
author of this Booklet. 2006/7 All Rights Reserved. It is illegal to copy this booklet

Table of Contents

Introduction to Pinholes No-Glasses

Tension Means Loss of Fitness
Pinhole No-Glasses and Normal Eyeglasses
The Medical Use of Pinholes, Stress Reduction and Vision Therapy..
An Experiment in Seeing...
Back to the Questions!....
Eye Relaxation Continues.
Doctors Points of View..
Design and Use of the Pinhole No-Glasses.
What can the Pinhole No-Glasses Do For You?.
Preparing Your Self To Wear the Pinhole No-Glasses..
a. Observing pupil size-Role of Autonomic Nervous System
b. Taking off regular contact lenses and glasses
c. Sitting Down
d. Mental Relaxation
e. Eye Relaxation - Muscles and Focus
f. Stillness/ Light Receptivity
What can the Pinhole no-glasses not do for you?.
The Dangers and Contraindications of pinhole no-glasses...
Understanding the resistance from Eye Doctors and Optometrists
Research Points .
What if you wear contact lenses?
Regular eyeglasses and complimenting with Pinhole No-Glasses..
Pinholes and Eye Diseases
Basic Use of Pinholes...



PART TWO - Specialized Sequential Fitness Practices for 30 Days

Suggestions for the Step by step process
Your diagnosed Eye Problem:


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A. Nearsightedness
Specialised Sequential Fitness Practices for Nearsightedness
1. Naked vision


2. Covering one eye

3. Zooming
4. Eye Closing
5. Eye Opening
6. Eye Stretch
7. Body Swing
8. Thumb zapping
9. Thumb zooming
10. Eye crossing
11. Visual feedback
12. Visual acuity (Eyesight)
13. Neck roll

B. Farsightedness
Specialised Sequential Fitness Practices for Farsightedness
1. Naked vision
2. Covering one eye
3. Zooming
4. Eye stretch
5. Finger touch
6. Body Swing
7. Thumb Zapping
8. Thumb Zooming
9. Lighting
10. Eye crossing
11. Finger doubling
12. Visual acuity (Eyesight)
13. Near card


C. Astigmatism
Specialised Sequential Fitness Practices for Astigmatism


1. Naked vision
2. Covering one eye
3. Slit Experiment
4. Zooming
5. Eye Movement
6. Car Passenger
7. Body Swing
8. Watching faces
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9. Thumb Zapping
10. Eye crossing
11. Visual Biofeedback
12. Visual acuity (Eyesight)
13. Neck Roll

D. Amblyopia and Strabismus..



Introduction to Pinholes No-Glasses

Unlike regular eyeglasses that have lenses with a prescription, Pinholes no-glasses have no
lenses. (See Figure 1) They consist of a plastic disk with lots of little holes almost as small as a
pinprick. They are not really glasses with lenses. They are glasses without lenses. For this reason
they are called pinholes no-glasses.
Figure 1

Vision and health care practices are changing as we move into the 21st century.
More and more people are looking for ways to participate in their own individual program
of overall fitness and wellness. The body works as one system. Helping your body also helps
your eyes and visa versa.
Millions of people are being diagnosed with eye and vision problems every day.
30 percent of the population are now nearsighted. This implicates that conventional treatment
options are not addressing the cause of eye distortions. The underlying eye condition should get
better as you wear your eyeglasses or contact lenses. The opposite is true. The evidence and
statistics say the opposite. The presence of eye disease has doubled in 20 years. In the Far East,
nearsightedness has tripled in young people between the ages of 16 and 18. Universally, we are
becoming more dependent upon lens prescriptions and suffering with more eye diseases.
Is there something else you can do to help yourself? The answer is a definite yes. In this
booklet you are going to learn about the science and art of seeing. You will soon discover that
relaxation of your eyes and mind is one of the best steps you can take to help yourself. Interest in
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complimentary health is on the increase. You are one of these persons wishing to learn new ways
to take care of your eyes and enhance your visual performance.
The Pinhole no-glasses are one of the many tools you can utilize on your journey to having more
relaxation, maintaining and increasing vision fitness. This booklet will give you the background
information, research and the history of pinhole no-glasses as well as the most prudent ways to use
these tools in your daily life.

Tension Means Loss of Fitness

The basis of the Pinhole no-glasses approach is quite simple to understand. Your eyes were not
designed to perform the way they are being demanded. For example, driving for more than an hour
per day, working on a computer, reading for hours, watching TV, looking at small screens of our cell
phones, palms and MP3 layers places your eyes under stress. This means your eye muscles, the six
surrounding your eyes, and the two inside the eye, are subject to tension and fatigue. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2

When you place yourself in these stressful situations for longer and longer periods of time, your
fitness of your eyes can drop. Besides losing sharpness of vision, you may find yourself becoming
tired, not comprehending as much, and overall being less efficient. Research shows that under
general and visual stress your two eyes work less and less together.

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Fortunately, this is not all bad news. A branch of Optometry, called vision therapy has existed for
over 60 years. This discipline has developed a broad approach to helping people maintain and
increase their visual performance by using training practices.
You can learn eye and vision practices that have a remarkable affect upon your fitness. Vision
therapy has been subjected to clinical studies that we will reference to help you use the pinhole noglasses in the most effective way.
The first step is to master the steps of eye relaxation. The pinhole no-glasses will help you feel more
relaxed before and after doing intense visual tasks. In addition, you can re-examine your relationship
with your normal glasses or contact lenses.
It is our intention to provide a rational, clear, scientific procedural way to best use your pinhole noglasses to produce the maximum results for general and visual relaxation and at the same time
introduce you to the researched practices of vision therapy modified into a self-help format for use
with the pinhole no-glasses. You will also be informed how to best consult with an
Ophthalmologist, Optometrist or Optician to have new lenses prescribed.
Pinhole No-Glasses and Normal Eyeglasses
The pinhole no-glasses works differently than your regular eyeglasses. Firstly, if you are
near/farsighted or astigmatic, the rays of light entering the eye do not form a precise focus on the
sensitive fovea of the eye. (See Figure 3) The rays can fall short (short-sightedness) or go too far (farsightedness). Even in Astigmatism (unequal curvature of the cornea of the eye - the outer transparent
curved surface) there is a specialized blur circle. In all cases, when you do not look through your lens
prescription a blur circle results. You experience unclear eyesight.

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Figure 3

When you put on your normal eyeglasses or contact lenses the optical power of the lens,
measured in dioptres, bends the direction of the rays to focus precisely on the fovea. Because lenses
have refracting power, the most accurate registration of this power is in the centre of the lens. The
rays that enter the peripheral part of the lens are subject to what are called lens aberrations. You may
remember when you first received your new glasses your view through the these lenses may have
seemed strange at first, perhaps distorted or wavy. Soon your brain adjusted.
Actually what happens is that your brain learned to suppress the rays striking the retina
associated with the aberrations in the off- centre part of the lens. Usually these are the rays that strike
the peripheral retina. This fact will be discussed in more detail later. The point for now is that
looking through a lens and having clearness in the centre of your vision at the same time produces
distortion of peripheral seeing.
When you look through the Pinhole no-glasses the effect is not the same as a normal lens
prescription. Firstly, there is immediate clarity, as much as 60 percent, compared to your naked (that
is without glasses or contact lenses) vision.
This clarity, unlike that of a lens, is not caused by refraction of the light. On the contrary, the small
hole acts like a reduced aperture stop in a camera. The small pin like hole increases the depth of
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focus or field. It is like the unclear region is stretched out to make a greater length of clearness. This
means that the greater depth of focus reduces the blur circle on the fovea. This is why the eyesight
usually is clearer. (See figure 3.)
You will find out that mental and muscular relaxation can reduce the blur circle as does a lens or
pinhole. As you go through the eye relaxation process in this booklet you will further understand the
advantage of the clarity of your naked eyes, versus the pinhole no-glasses or the sharpness of
normal eyeglass lenses.

Figure 4 - Single Pinhole

A single pinhole can restrict the field of vision, so the pinhole no-glasses is made up of many
holes. This will encourage you to stay aware of your peripheral vision by stimulating the retinal

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Figure 5 Single and Multiple Pinholes

The pinhole no-glasses are useful as a training tool that provides a sharper image without
demanding that your eyes conform to the fixed focus forced by a dioptre lens prescription. You may
allow your eyes to be free to "let go" while you first relax and later perform special practices specially
adapted from the science of vision therapy
Just as you slip into a comfortable relaxing pair of shoes at the end of the day, you can consider your
pinhole no-glasses the slippers for your eyes and vision. You may continue using your regular
shoes for certain times of the day, you can also continue using your regular glasses and/or contact
lenses for certain activities like driving, movies and sports etc. Then you are at choice when to wear
the pinhole no-glasses so you can relax and reenergize your eyes.

The Medical Use of Pinholes, Stress Reduction and Vision Therapy

A small hole has been one of the diagnostic tools used by optometrists and ophthalmologists since
the early days of eye refraction. When a person with a measurable refractive error of the eye, such as
nearsightedness (difficulty seeing clearly far away), farsightedness (blurry eyesight at a closer distance), or
astigmatism (distorted vision) looks through the little hole, clearer eyesight can result. From this
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screening the practitioner can determine whether the poor eyesight results from a refractive problem.
When the eyesight does not become clearer while looking through the hole, the patient probably has
an eye disease condition like, cataracts, glaucoma etc., or amblyopia, a lazy eye condition, usually
associated with strabismus. (The eyes do not coordinate together) If the eyesight improves in one eye
only, then the eye that shows no improvement is probably amblyopic.
Even Ophthalmologists have confirmed the reasoning that a pinhole can sharpen eyesight in a 1992
press release by the American Academy of Ophthalmology that stated:
People with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism may temporarily see more
clearly while wearing the multiple pinhole glasses.
The key word here is temporarily. This raises many interesting questions.
Did the Ophthalmologists mean that the clearness lasts only while the multiple holes are before the
Did they mean that the clearness could stay after the pinholes are removed?
What is the difference in clearness between looking through the holes and a lens prescription?
Is there a different affect upon the person as a whole in these two conditions?

An Experiment in Seeing
These questions remind me of a common clinical experience witnessed by most clinicians. You
should try this experiment. If you use glasses more than 50 percent of the time obtain an eye chart
with letters on it. (You can obtain your own computerized eye chart testing program for your personal
computer by logging onto: )

Before you place your glasses on at the beginning of the day, stand at between 50 centimetres and 3
meters, and observe how many of the letters you can see without glasses. If you use the Bach
Freiburg visual acuity test you will obtain a percentage score. If not, write the row of letters you
could see with both eyes open. If your eyesight is good in one eye and not so good in the other, use
the eye that perceives less.
Then wear your normal glasses or contact lenses as usual. At the end of the day take them off and
repeat the experiment. Are you able to see as many letters as at the beginning of the day? Has your
percentage eyesight gone down? The second is most likely the case.
Clinical evidence suggests that the wearing of normal eyeglasses with the full strength lens dioptres
for 100 percent eyesight leads to a lowering of eyesight when removing the lens prescription.
Perhaps you should ask yourself why? This will be explained in more detail in later sections of the
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The obvious next step is to repeat the experiment with the pinhole no-glasses. As before you first
record your naked eyesight. Then wear the pinhole no-glasses for between 20 and 60 minutes. Sit
down in a quiet place, read for 5 minute periods, talk to a friend, walk in a garden, being careful of
course. Repeat the eye chart analysis. Did your naked eyesight stay the same, get worse or even
improve after you removed the pinhole no-glasses?
More than likely your eyesight did not get worse this time, and perhaps it even improved. Improved
means more contrast and depth and the letters can be sharper too. Why is this the case? Why is it
that with normal eyeglasses the naked eyesight gets worse? Why with the pinhole no-glasses does
the naked eyesight stay the same or get better? Does relaxation play a part in de-stressing the seeing
mechanism between the eye and your brain? Answers to these questions will be covered in this
This experiment in seeing offers many interesting insights and valid facts: (These point will be later
verified from clinical studies)

i) Looking through normal lens prescriptions for sharp eyesight increases the probability of a loss of
eyesight, what we call vision fitness. This would be like wearing tight shoes that results in cramping
in the feet. Wearing slippers do not produce the same feeling. When you remove the tight shoes your
feet retain the cramped feeling for a while. Wearing the slippers gives you the warmth and
protection to your feet and slowly the normal feeling returns. This would not happen with the shoes.
The cramped feeling would stay.
Likewise, when you keep wearing your normally strong lens prescriptions your eye stays in the
focused position. The muscles (See figure 2) can become cramped and tense. Wearing the pinhole
no-glasses gives the eye muscles a chance to un-focus and relax while you are able to have at least
60 percent more eyesight than with your naked eyesight.
ii) It is not dangerous for you to take off your glasses for short periods when you are in the comfort
of your home. If you are nearsighted and/or have astigmatism wearing your normally strong glasses
will, more than likely, create more measurable stress if you look at distances closer than three meters.
You will be forced to focus even more through the lens and this increases the stress that prevents the
eyes from cooperating together.

Back to the Questions!

Did the Ophthalmologists mean that the clearness lasts only while the multiple holes are before the
Did they mean that the clearness could stay after the pinholes are removed?
You can investigate these points yourself. Take off your normal eyeglasses and spend a few
moments observing the blur without glasses. Get a base-line feeling of the degree of unclearness and
what you can actually see and make out.
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After 5 minutes, put on the pinhole no-glasses. Look through the central holes directing your
attention further and further into the distance. Of course your eyesight is sharper while looking
through the holes? Take a breath and look around at different objects.
Then remove the pinhole no-glasses and compare your level of seeing to the time before you put
them on. Most people report a slight clearness and/or brightness, with more contrast and greater
sense of depth.
Most eye doctors are not familiar with the concept of vision therapy. The idea that you can use
modified lens prescriptions or pinhole no-glasses as relaxation and a training tool is mostly a foreign
concept for their thinking.
Maintaining relaxation plays a very big part in the overall way you see. Lets begin your journey from
this point. Here is some evidence.
My research1 began by my looking at the role of stress upon seeing. While at Pacific Universitys
College of Optometry, I designed an experiment1 where I had subjects listen to an 8-minute
relaxation voice dialogue. Prior to the listening the subjects eyesight was measured both with and
without their strong glasses. This was repeated after they listened to the relaxation audio
suggestions. On the average, there were statistical significant increases in unaided visual acuity
for the group, by as much as 30 percent.
Did the improvement in visual acuity (eyesight) last? No it did not! How do you explain this?
The relaxation through the audio suggestions only had a temporary affect upon the eyesight. The
person themselves was still under stress when the audio program stopped.
This means that the relaxation needs to be practiced in order for there to be long lasting affects.
The reason for this is that your eyes do not work independently from your brain and body. For
there to be true eye relaxation, we have to also consider what is going on behind your eyes,
making sure that you are relaxed all over. This is called vision training. The principles of vision
training draw on the science of vision therapy where scientists have a deep understanding of how
your brain directs your eyes to see.
You will learn special techniques of using the pinhole no-glasses to encourage deep relaxation
that includes your eyes and brain.

Eye Relaxation Continues

A later study2 confirmed that increases in visual acuity (eyesight) do not necessarily provide
significant changes in dioptric measurements. The opposite was true. In most cases the refractive
measurements of the eyes do not change when the visual acuity increases. This perplexing


Report from The Portland Optometric Clinic, Pacific University. U.S.A. 1981.
1982 Paper Presented to The American Academy of Optometry, Chicago,
Illinois, U.S.A. Published in Seeing Without Glasses, Beyond Words Publishing

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finding caught my attention. How could people see significantly better in spite of their eye
findings not changing?
With the help of a professorial colleague, who specialized in visual evoked potential
measurements (brain wave patterns) of the back of the head known as the visual cortex, we
repeated the experiment with the relaxation. Before and after listening to the relaxation piece,
subjects had their brain wave patterns measured in the area of the visual cortex, Area 17 (The
place where the neck goes into the skull).

There were no significant different findings in the visual cortex waveforms due to the relaxation.
The implication of this finding was that increases in visual acuity occurred in deeper layers of
visual integration in the brain. In addition, the improvements in sharpness of vision implicated
the active involvement of the person in the process. This latter point is the most important
consideration when using the pinhole no-glasses.
It is not the pinhole no-glasses alone that will provide the full relaxation response you are
needing for there to be a deep and meaningful experience through your eyes. This is where
adding the eye relaxation practices will make such a difference in the results you will obtain with
the pinhole no-glasses
Let me give you another example of this process.
In a 1999 study3 a German Ophthalmologist, Dr. W. Krell, administered conventional vision
therapy on a young nearsighted boy for a period of six weeks. The changes in visual
acuity was insignificant. Then he told the parents to have the boy listen to a specially prepared
audio relaxation, called nearsightedness, in addition to continuing the program of vision
In the following 12 weeks the visual acuity of each eye significantly improved where the boy no
longer needed to use glasses for sharpness of vision. The evidence suggests that adding relaxation
to a program of vision training gave and very necessary component for more effective and long
lasting results. (See Figure 6)

Paper presented by Dr. W. Krell at Seeing Deeply Conference, Sechelt, B.C. Canada. 1999
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Figure 6

Doctors Points of View

Since looking through a tiny hole artificially eliminates a significant amount of the refractive
error (dioptres) and aberrations, there is a potential illusion that if the pinholes are worn instead
of glasses it could lead to an improvement in eyesight.
As an eye doctor, I can understand why my colleagues become upset when they see a good
marketing program to sell pinholes is built on this idea. Wear these pinholes, correct your
eyesight and you can throw away your glasses, says the Internet advertisements. Is it true? Is it
possible? Is this false advertising?
Particularly in the USA with its strict consumer protection, pinhole companys activities are
stopped if they make false claims and advertising. There is no scientific evidence that just the
wearing of pinholes alone will lead to improved eyesight. In actual fact, is the wearing of
pinholes really any different than an eye doctor showing you how eyeglasses or contact lenses
improve your vision?
Historically, the wearing of glasses was designed to permit the natural function of the eye to
begin a healing process, which would later result in less dependency on glasses. Research reveals
that the contrary is occurring. In the same in 1992 press release, the American Academy of
Ophthalmology stated:
Eyes are neither strengthened nor weakened by glasses. Using your eyes will
not damage them, whether or not you are wearing your glasses.
Most eyeglasses and contact lens wearers will refute this claim. The more the eyeglasses are
worn, the more dependent the eyes become to the external aid that provides the clearness.
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The statistics also say something else. There is significant rise in the wearing of eyeglasses in
every country, especially as more people are using computers and taking advanced education. It
is obvious that it is time for people to be taught relaxation techniques for maintaining and
increasing the vision fitness. The ideal scenario would be that wearing eyeglasses or contact
lenses should correct your vision. Obviously this is not currently happening.
Presently, over 162 million North Americans need spectacles or contact lens prescriptions. When
an individual habitually wears eyeglasses, there seems to be a lessening of his or her natural
ability to see without them. Over time, there is a need for stronger and stronger prescriptions in
order to maintain sharp eyesight.
According to the National Advisory Eye Council, 1993, in the United States, less than 2% of all
children beginning school (age 5) are nearsighted. By the end of grade school (age 11 or 12)
more than 15% are myopic. By adulthood, about 25% Americans are myopic, thereby requiring
some form of optical correction to see clearly beyond an arm's length.
In a 2002 report from Prevent Blindness, Myopia (nearsightedness) affects more than 30.5
million Americans age 40 and older (26%) Hyperopia (farsightedness) affects 12 million
Americans age 40 and older (10%). It is predicted that twice as many people will be blind in 2030
as there are today. It is time to offer a viable program to prevent this epidemic problem from
continuing. It is your responsibility to take charge of the well being of your eyes. Lets begin.

Design and Use of the Pinhole No-Glasses

The most effective design of the pinhole no-glasses uses machine drilled multiple holes in a
durable plastic/nylon reinforced opaque background. (See Figure 7)

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Figure 7

The opening holes for the left eye matches the placement for the holes of the right eye
maximizing the possibility for you to use both eyes while looking through. The result is less
likelihood of double images being present. Comfortable and sturdy optical standard sunglass
frames are used to ensure the precise positioning of the holes before both your eyes. (See figure 8)

Figure 8

What can the Pinhole No-Glasses Do For You?

Before wearing the pinhole no-glasses you will mentally prepare yourself by following some
simple internal relaxation steps. Then you can wear the pinhole no-glasses and these tools will
permit you to see small objects far and near away as much as 60 percent more compared to when
you do not have your regular glasses or contacts in place. You wear the pinhole no-glasses for
short 20-minute periods in safe places. Later you will introduce relaxation for not only your eyes,
but also your mind and body. This feeling of relaxation will assist you in keeping yourself
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relaxed in your everyday life. You can compare the feeling of wearing the pinhole no-glasses
(slippers) to when you wear your normal glasses or contact lenses.

Preparing Your Self To Wear the Pinhole No-Glasses

a. Observing pupil size - Role of Autonomic Nervous System
One observation you can make is to look into a mirror or have somebody look at your pupil size.
This is the black part of the eye. A normal pupil size ranges from 1.9 to 3.6 millimetres in size.
Scientists report that under fluorescent lighting the pupil ranges from 2.6 to 5.0 millimetres. (Is it
possible that fluorescent lighting is missing some of the ingredients of natural sunlight?) A pupil size
larger than 3.6 millimetres can be considered abnormal. In Figure 9, you can see the larger pupil
on the right.
Figure 9

The pupil size is related to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This nervous system is divided
into two parts, sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Consider that the white light, from a natural source, that enters your will typically reduce your
pupil size of the eye. The light strikes the retina and when transmitted it is converted into
electrical impulses. 25 percent of light at the retina travels to your brains hypothalamus.
Through a complex series of exchanges and mostly unknown processes, the energy components
of the different colours are directed to the autonomic nervous system. Each colour or combination
has a slightly different physiological effect upon the nervous system, which in turn regulates
many of the organs and deep reflex physiological functions of your body.
When the sympathetic nervous system dominates we call this stress. This means that you will feel
over stimulated. In order for relaxation to occur the parasympathetic system needs stimulation.
How do you accomplish this? Your pupils have to be smaller. Looking through the pinhole noglasses will give you this practice. As you are successful, you will notice your pupil staying
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slightly smaller after removing the pinhole no-glasses. Of course this will take time and the
advanced practices you will be introduced to from vision therapy will assist you further.
Ideally the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system will stay in perfect harmony. This is
the exception rather than the rule in modern day stressful living. The sympathetic nervous system
is more than likely the ruler. How can you tell? A larger than normal pupil size is the indicator.
b. Taking off regular contact lenses and glasses
There is a possibility that by removing your eyeglasses and/or contact lenses will change your
pupil size. It is worthwhile investigating this. For example, if you use contact lenses when going
out of your home, consider removing your lenses when you come home. Are your pupils smaller
when you wear your eyeglasses? What happens to the pupil size when you remove your
eyeglasses? One of the advantages of the pinhole no-glasses is that you can use them as a way
to transition out of wearing your glasses or contact lenses all the time. Consider the example in
Figure 10 of what a pinhole no-glasses user did over a period of 3 months.

Figure 10

In the beginning, the person was using their eyeglasses 100 percent of the time. Once she heard
about the pinhole no-glasses, she had her old glasses checked. Her eyesight through the old
eyeglasses gave her 50 percent eyesight, which was perfect for her eye relaxation program.
She started wearing her older glasses more of the time than her 100 percent eyesight eyeglasses.
By the end of the 2nd month she reached 20 percent wearing time and her stronger glasses were
only worn 60 percent. For the rest of the time she used the pinhole no-glasses for 10 percent and
for the first time in 20 years spent 10 percent of her time with no glasses in her naked vision state.
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In only one month, the person had reduced their wearing of their normal strong glasses by 20
By the completion of the third month she had a 65 percent reduction from the strong glasses and
was now up to 20 percent of the time in her naked vision. The remaining 15 percent of the time
she wore her weaker glasses (30 percent) and the pinhole no-glasses 15 percent. Needless to
say the client was very happy with the success of lessening her dependency upon her stronger
eyeglasses. An added advantage was the extra relaxation she achieved not only in her eyes, but
also in her whole body. If you are wearing contact lenses you will later be introduced to the steps
to take. Now it is your turn to practice relaxation.
c. Sitting Down
Take a seat and consider the concept relaxation. What exactly does this mean? Consider that to
relax means more than just let your muscles be free of tension. There is also a mind or mental
kind of relaxation. This is where you deliberately stop thinking. Whenever a new thought enters
into your awareness, you imagine the thought to be like a cloud in the sky. You watch it move
away. You train yourself for short periods per day to let your thoughts flow through and away
from you. You let go of analysing and thinking about every thought.
So sit down in quiet place in your home where you will not be interrupted for about 5 to 10
minutes. With your eyes open and your eyeglasses off, look out into the distance at one point.
You can use also use a candle to gaze at. With each breath you practice keeping a neutral mental
state. When a thought pops in your awareness imagine the cloud floating away.
This quiet sitting and keeping an empty mind is a very necessary step in order to successfully
use the pinhole no-glasses. The practice will give you the practice to look through the holes
towards a far distance. Soon the holes will appear less solid.
d. Mental Relaxation
Research on brain functioning reveals that when your eyes are relaxed and you are unfocused
your brain enters into a particular wave pattern form. It is a matter of how you direct your
attention. Artists show a preponderance of one kind of rhythm called the alpha rhythm.
Activating mental attention decreases the presence of the alpha rhythm.
When you look through your eyes it is easy to become overly visually attentive. The fovea (See
figure 3) is the structure of your eye that can become over stimulated. Research has shown that
this foveal dominant mechanism is one of the ways that leads to distress.
Thinking is promoted by an overly focused fovea. This can lead to less of your retina of your
eyes being used. This is opposite to being relaxed. There are also psychological factors to
nearsightedness for example. Doctors Charles Kelly and Ray Gottlieb5 demonstrated that

Kelley, Charles R. "Psychological Factors in Myopia." Ph.D. dissertation.

New School for Social Research, New York: 1958.
Gottlieb, Ray. "The Psychophysiology of Nearsightedness." Ph.D. dissertation. Berkeley: 1978.
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nearsightedness is not a fixed structure of the eye. Nearsightedness varies as the person has fear,
becomes un-relaxed or engages in pleasant visual imagery.
This means while you wear pinhole no-glasses you are going to engage yourself in activities
that both relax your mind as well as practices that stimulate nerve and oxygen flow. Overall your
concentration and attention span through your eyes will greatly improve. We call this being more
efficient. Jack Fox6 measured eyesight after subjects went into a deeply suggestive state of
relaxation. The conclusion of his research was that nearsightedness is improved by way of mind
relaxation. You relaxation of your mind by lessening the hold thoughts have over your attention
will also help you balance the autonomic nervous system.
Slip on your pinhole no-glasses and recall everything you have read so far. While looking into
the distance begin a gentle breathing. Keep thoughts from entering into your awareness. Direct
your attention to the holes in your line of vision becoming less and less obvious. Imagine you are
gliding out into the world passing through the little holes. Train yourself to have the awareness
that your attention is to observe. You are certainly not trying to measure how well you are seeing
in this moment. You are just being in your experience of enjoying the relaxed feeling in looking
through and past the little holes. Remember to breathe.
e. Eye Relaxation - Muscles and Focus
Recall what your eye muscles look like from Figure 2. These muscles are very often
misunderstood. It is not that you will be exercising these muscles while looking through the
pinhole no-glasses. On the contrary, these muscles are many hundred times stronger than they
need to be. Relaxation for your eye muscles means that you have to relieve tension that creeps
into these muscles due to the excessive demand you put on them while leading your modern day
life. Looking at one place can lead to muscle cramping. It is then difficult for the muscle to
function in an efficient manner.
Continue now looking through the pinhole no-glasses. Keep your visual attention as far away in
the distance as you can. While maintaining a slow rhythmical in and out breath, begin gently
moving your eyes in a horizontal left right motion. Repeat this movement of your eyes five times.
Then repeat for the vertical and diagonal directions as well. (See Figure 11) This will be for a
total of 20 motions. Then close your eyes and rest for five breaths.

Fox, Jack. "Functional Factors in Myopia." Ph.D. dissertation. UCLA: 1958.

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Figure 11

Open your eyes and bring your full attention to your eye muscles. How do they feel? At first you
may experience some tension and possible even discomfort. This means that you are feeling
tension that was there all along and now you can bring about more relaxation. With another series
of breaths let the tension ease out of the muscles like a gentle stretch. If necessary, close your
eyes again and imagine the tension flowing away like a running stream.
Next, you move your attention from the far off distance you are looking at. Bring your focus
directly to the holes themselves as you take a full in-breath. It may feel a little like you are
crossing your eyes. This is satisfactory. You are now stimulating the lens focus of your eyes.
Then on the out-breath once again let your attention and focus go off into the distance.
Feel how good it feels to relax and let go. This is the feeling you wish to encourage when you
take breaks form working on the computer or reading. Your focus muscles are designed to often
go through these variations. Your eyes are not meant to look at one place for long periods for
extended times.
How do your eyes feel when you make this change? Write down your experiences. Now repeat
the practice and notice what happens to the holes when you look from far to near.
Does the appearance of the hole seem different? If you are keeping your relaxed feelings while
engaging in this practice you will notice changes in the presence of the holes. (See Figure 12)

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Figure 12

Afterwards, take off the pinhole no-glasses and observe your naked vision eyesight. Do you
observe more contrast? Does your eyesight seem sharper? If your eyesight seems unclear, it
means you still need to bring about more relaxation.

f. Stillness/ Light Receptivity

By now it is becoming clear that both and eye relaxation have a profound affect upon your view
through your eyes. Also, pinhole no-glasses, is a good tool to learn how to master experiencing
these changes. Mental relaxation means stillness of presence.
Recall the differences in feeling when you watch a stormy sea versus a calm lake. Stillness
provides a certain ambience. Whenever you put on the pinhole no-glasses your first practice is
to recreate this feeling of stillness by looking through the holes into the viewing a distance point.
Soft looking at one point also produces this feeling of stillness.
As you practice this you will find your mind relaxing even further. You can always check the
effect of this by removing the pinhole no-glasses and retaking the computerized visual acuity
There is an additional benefit to stillness and relaxation. Studies have found that a relaxed person
can process information more quickly through the retina of the eye to the brain. This happens
because during relaxation your retinas become more receptive to incoming light.
It is a little like a rechargeable battery. If you become stressed in your looking through your eyes
the retina becomes static. The retina needs movement. When this happens the retina becomes less
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efficient in receiving incoming light. Like a battery that recharges, your retina becomes recharged
when you are still or have your eyes closed.
As a practice, once you have experienced eye and mind relaxation, close your eyes every 5
minutes for 30 seconds when you wear the pinhole no-glasses. Imagine your retinas
recharging. Feel the regenerative ability of the retina. You will know this is working when you
open your eyes and there appears to be more light and contrast.

What can the Pinhole no-glasses not do for you?

The wearing of pinhole no-glasses for short periods does not necessarily mean that your
eyesight will improve after you remove them. This means there is no promise that the pinhole
no-glasses will correct or even lead to an improvement in eyesight.
The question we are asking you to find the answer is, do the pinhole no-glasses encourage more
relaxation by taking a break from compensating spectacle or contact lenses? In addition, as you
become more relaxed do you notice changes in your eyesight?
Overall eye and mind relaxation has been shown to have a positive effect upon visual acuity
eyesight measurements. A clinical trial7 where farsighted persons wore their regular glasses and
substituted pinholes for 20-minute periods was conducted. The subjects naked (unaided) visual
acuity was measured before and after wearing pinhole no-glasses.
The naked visual acuity was significantly sharper after they wore the pinhole no-glasses
compared to their normal 100 percent strength eyeglasses. What does this mean? Other research2
demonstrated that looking through compensation minus lenses tended to increase visual stress on
the foveal (See Figure 3) looking mechanism of the eye. This led to less two eyed viewing
compared to using a weaker lens prescription. Pinholes, like weaker lens prescription eyeglasses,
also better maintain the relationship of the binocular viewing conditions. As you progress through
this booklet you will be undertaking an advanced series of practices to observe this affect.

The Dangers and Contraindications of pinhole no-glasses

The wearing of the pinhole no-glasses can have certain side effects that you should be very
aware of. At first you might experience seeing two images. This will happen when you are not
precisely looking through the centre of two matching holes for each eye. Also, if you do not look
far away enough in a relaxation frame of mind the double vision appearance can stay. This is
good feedback to reintroduce the eye relaxation and stillness practices. This should minimize the
doubling affect.
There may be more tension in the surrounding eye muscles and in the eyes themselves.
Breathing will help, and if necessary, remove the pinhole no-glasses, and gently cover your
eyes for about 5 breaths before continuing.

Pilot study done in Austria in 2002 and presented at Doctors Meeting in Wurzburg July, 2005

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The pinhole no-glasses is not meant as a replacement for your eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Consider the pinhole no-glasses to be like a very comfortable pair of shoes that you use
sometimes for extra relaxation and comfort. If you do not relax while wearing the pinhole noglasses you will need to take them off and first master the relaxation principles within this
The pinhole no-glasses alone does not guide you to adopt good visual habits essential for you to
use your eyes in a relaxed way.
There can be certain undesirable effects of the pinhole no-glasses. The multiple holes can
create an insect-vision type of effect, with multiple overlapping images, and a flicker whenever
your head is moved. It may not be possible to have normal binocular (two-eyed) vision with
pinhole no-glasses due to the multiple holes, Your central vision of each eye won't always be
focused on the same point through corresponding holes. You may find these effects intolerable,
become nauseous or get a headache. Others find them quite tolerable for short or long periods of
If you have a strabismus, lazy eye or diagnosed or suspected eye disease, the pinhole noglasses may be contraindicated for you. You will need to practise moving your head at first to
accurately align yourself with the little holes. Certainly you should never wear the pinhole noglasses as a sunglass device.

Wear the pinhole no-glasses only in non-life-threatening situations. Do not use them while
driving, working around mechanical or electrical devices, when using knives or instruments, or
when you are tired. It is best to wear them in daylight hours when there is ample light. The
pinhole no-glasses will be less efficient in low level light and in fact wearing them in poor light
may increase the level of eyestrain.
When first putting on the pinhole no-glasses, please be aware that there is an adjustment period.
Your brain needs to re-orientate itself to the new the relaxed way of looking. Begin with short
periods of 5 to 20 minutes only. If necessary, wear the pinhole no-glasses fro one or two-minute
periods increasing your wearing time as you become more relaxed. When you take them off,
notice your increase awareness of light as your retinas adjust. This may take a few minutes of
adjustment. Wait at least 5 minutes before doing anything active, like driving or using tools.
While you wear pinhole no-glasses, remind yourself to relax by taking a few breaths. Spend a
few moments fine-tuning your breathing and blinking every 3 to 5 seconds. Keep both eyes open
even though there may be a tendency to feel that one eye is the preferred eye or dominating
There is a small probability that if you are not consciously aware of your breathing and blinking
exercises, your perception through both eyes may not be integrated. The movement of the eyes,
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coupled with the breathing and blinking, provides a better chance for integration. Recall it is
your brain that has to adjust to this new-relaxed way of perceiving. Become aware of any
straining, feelings of tiredness, or tension that may build up in your eyes.

Understanding the resistance from Eye Doctors and Optometrists

Like other users of pinhole
no-glasses, you will probably have a high degree of
excitement when beginning to use your new tool for relaxation. Be aware that professionals in
the field of eye and vision care may not be as enthusiastic as you. You may hear remarks like:
There is no scientific evidence that pinholes can help your eyes.
For example, Dr. Bruce E. Spivey, Executive Vice-President of the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, stated that there is no data to support the claims made for the glasses (pinholes),
nor that eye exercises will reduce or eliminate the need for glasses.
Dr. Walter Chase of the California College of Optometry. Dr. Chase pointed out that a
person is nearsighted or farsighted because of the shape of their eyeball. "Looking through a hole
in an opaque material isn't going to change the length of your eye," he said.
As you can see from these remarks, doctors who strictly take a physical approach to vision see
the cause of eye problems being in the eye itself. That is, a nearsighted eye is because the eye
length is too long. Also, Dr. Spiveys reference is to eye exercises. As you have already read,
your use of the pinhole no-glasses is not an eye exercise, nor are you trying to alter the length of
your eye.
You are mastering how to use the pinhole no-glasses as a means to increase your ability to relax
which in turn reduces the stress levels in your eyes, neck, body and mind. You will conduct your
own experiment on the changes in visual acuity (eyesight) and modifying your use of eyeglasses
or contact lenses.
Before you learn the advanced practices of using the pinhole no-glasses it is worthwhile to learn
about research in vision therapy. This will help you understand the extra benefits you can look
forward to while relaxing and increasing your visual efficiency.
If you choose to speak to your eye or vision professional then you will be more informed about
the clinical and scientific validity of using the pinhole no-glasses. In turn you can be less
intimidated by any negative comments you hear from uninformed professionals.

Research Points (The number of each point corresponds to the research reference)
1. When you learn to focus your attention from your mind through your eyes there can be
changes in visual acuity.
2. College students learned how to relax one side of there body using a particular method. There
were positive changes in external perception such as vividness of the external world, breadth
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of the visual field, and active impression of the external world for subjects' vision on the side
receiving relaxation training. Furthermore, visual and hearing acuity on the side on which
relaxation training was administered improved significantly.
3. Eye-scanning exercises (See Figure 11) have a positive effect on the reduction and control of
astigmatism. (Usually the unequal curvature of the outer curved shiny portion of the eye or in the lens of
the eye) The eye-scanning exercises were done for two minutes, 10-15 times per day while eating,
brushing teeth or watching TV over a consecutive three-month period of time.
4. When the two eyes are unable to turn inward together (convergence) this creates distress in the
eyes. Vision therapists have shown that when subjects consistently practice eye-centring
techniques from 4 to 10 weeks up to one-half hour per day there is a 72 to 96% improvement in
this vision skill. Shorter 10-minute sessions per day are more effective than longer session. This
eye centring process is a vital skill needed to maintain high level visual efficiency and will again
be addressed in the advanced techniques. The pinhole no-glasses provides an ideal medium to
train the centring process from the brain to the eyes.
5. In order for the two eyes to function well together a fusion of each eyes image has to occur in a
very precise and simultaneous manner. This process calls for a moderate amount of control from
your brain to your eyes. In visual science this is known as fusion reserve.
Persons who spend 10 minutes per day, five days a week, for three weeks practicing fusion
exercises has increased the ability to handle visual stress. You will practice a form of fusion
training using the pinhole no-glasses.
6. Through a 21-day program including vision games, breathing and relaxation techniques 83
persons increased their visual acuity (eyesight) on the average of 30%, which was statistically
significant. The benefits of the training also carried over to their every day life.
Overall vision fitness scores were obtained from questionnaires they filled out.
7. Specific vision training management program for nearsighted persons has a positive effect in
improving vision, not needing glasses, when the nearsightedness is 2.25 dioptres of less, or
being able to move to weaker lens prescriptions.
8. Behavioural vision therapy results in significant improvements in visual acuity and trends
toward a lessening of dioptres. The same results were not obtained in a control group.
9. Certain vision skills are needed to perform successfully in sports. Professional athletes
perform better in depth perception; have a larger field of vision, better centring, and a re more
aware of what is happening in their visual periphery. While using the pinhole no-glasses you
will be introduced to practices that will give you chance to also increase your visual performance.

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1. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Publisher: Routledge, part of
the Taylor & Francis Group Issue: Volume 52, Number 2 / April 01, 2004
2. The lateral effects of Dohsa-method relaxation on visual and auditory responses, Konno Y.1
Source: Japanese Psychological Research, Volume 41, Number 4, November 1999, pp. 193202(10)
3. Eye Scan Therapy for Astigmatism, E.B. Forrest, Journal of the American Optometric
Association 1984, Dec.; 55(12): 894-901
4. Visual Therapy Results for Convergence Insufficiency: A Literature Review
American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics 1988, June; 65(6): 448-54
5. The Course & Effect of Visual Training on the Vergence System, K.M. Daum,
American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics 1982, March; 59(3): 223-7
6. 1982 paper presentation at the American Academy of Optometry in Chicago, Dr. Roberto
Kaplans Clinical Research Project - Portland Optometric Clinic, Portland University
7. Vision Training Program for Myopia Management, E. Friedman, American Journal of
Optometry & Physiological Optics 1981, July; 58(7): 546-53
8. Behavioural Treatment of Myopia-Refractive Error and Acuity Changes in Relation to Axial
Length and Intraocular Pressure, R.C. Rosen, H.R. Schiffman, H. Meyers, American Journal of
Optometry & Physiological Optics 1984, Feb.; 61(2): 101-5
9. Visual Skills of Athletes Versus Nonathletes: Development of a Sports Vision Testing Battery
G.N. Christensen, A.M. Winkelstein, Journal of the American Optometric Association 1988,
Sept.; 59(9) 666-75

What if you wear contact lenses?

In Figure 10 the steps you were shown how a person wearing glasses can over a few months
lessen their dependency on full strength dioptres by using the pinhole no-glasses. The added
advantage is that you begin to spend time in safe places in your naked vision, that is having no
dioptres before your eyes. This weaning process is part of the relaxation concept.
If you happen to be a contact lens wearer you will need to do some inner exploration and ask
yourself soul-searching questions. To effectively use the pinhole no-glasses you will need to
have no contact lenses in place. You might consider removing your contact lenses once you
return home at the end of the day and begin using the pinhole no-glasses in the late afternoon or
early summer evenings.
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The disadvantage of that time of day is the lessening of the daylight. Remember you need good
natural light to make the best use of the pinhole no-glasses. On the other hand, if you use
disposable or soft contact lenses, you may come to the point that you wish to wear your contact
lenses less. In this way you can wear your contact lenses every other day for example and begin
using glasses and the pinhole no-glasses. This is your decision and if you use the more rigid
type of contact lenses certainly consult with your vision practitioner to fully explore your options.
The point is are you willing to make your own experience of increase relaxation and more visual
efficiency by using the pinhole no-glasses, and then you can make a more informed decision
about weaning yourself from contact lenses.

Regular eyeglasses and complimenting with Pinhole No-Glasses

Going to school, working in offices and with computers, leading a more sedentary lifestyle
has led to vast increases in nearsightedness. Also, the wearing of minus lenses increases the
nearsighted optical measurements of the eye resulting in further drops in your visual acuity. In
383 school children from ages 6 to 17 years, the prevalence of myopia increased from 30% at
ages 6-7 years, to 70% at ages 16-17 years.
Corrective versus compensating lenses.
A full compensating minus lens prescription forces you to construct a perceptual reality that who
I am is whom I think or understand I am. This thought driven myopic behaviour is further
cemented in its development by over focused minus lens light traveling to your foveas. You will
have the tendency to explain and rationalize your feelings and your perceptions characterize the
myopic behaviour. Nearsightedness compensated with a full minus lens creates a frozen state of
your existing, where you are driven to look to understand.
Looking through the pinhole no-glasses will give you the possibility to reduce your inner
myopic behaviour.
The pinhole no-glasses slows you down so you have to pay more attention to your feelings and
perceptions. You will break the tendency to suppress what you see and feel - to know who you
really are and have a deeper interpretation of your life.
Compensating minus lenses for 100 percent visual acuity does not correct nearsightedness or
myopic behavior. The evidence suggests the opposite. Minus lenses increase the probability of
over-use of the foveal mechanisms of vision. While the strong minus lens prescription provides
maximum acuity of vision, you are also increasing the probability of myopic behavior.
So begin wearing your pinhole no-glasses and not only are you mastering relaxation, you are
affecting deeper changes in your brain that frees you from your deeper myopic conditioning

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Pinholes and Eye Diseases

As a general rule the pinhole no-glasses will not increase your visual acuity if you have an eye
disease condition like, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal, optic nerve, corneal or
other eye pathologies. The reason is that the increase depth of focus does not affect diseased
structure of the eye. Having said this, the pinhole no-glasses can affect the diffused light caused
by cataracts or other obstructive conditions in the eye such as floaters. This is an exception rather
than the rule. However, if you are receiving corrective therapies from you eye doctor perhaps
with time you can use the pinhole no-glasses to help increase your eye relaxation for your
refractive condition like near/farsightedness and astigmatism.

Basic Use of Pinholes

Now you are well informed to begin an active program of using the pinhole no-glasses.
These are the basic steps you can follow:
Set aside time each day where you can remove your contact lenses and strong eyeglasses.
This is best done at home or in nature where you feel secure. Spend a minimum of 5 minutes
getting to know your unclearness. This is called blur. Begin a good rhythmical breathing of in
and out breaths. Introduce a pause between the out and in breath. Feel the oxygen entering your
lungs and circulating through your neck into your eyes. The blood is also carrying the vitamins
and minerals necessary for your eyes to function at their optimum level.
Recall your eye muscles. Look again at Figure 2. Move your eyes and feel if there is any
tension in the outer eye muscles. Breathe in and melt the tension. Move your eyes and let the
tension drain away. The focus your eyes at a close object at 20cms. and then look away. Do this
five times and this reduces tension in the inner muscles and focusing system of your eyes. By
reducing tension you will be preparing yourself well to use the pinhole no-glasses.
Put on your pinhole no-glasses but leave your eyes closed for the first part of the
practice. Imagine the holes and look through them keeping the relaxed feeling. Play some of
your favourite relaxing music for a 5-minute period. Your goal is to use this practice to increase
your mental relaxation. After 5 minutes you open your eyes and look through the holes into the
distance in the most relaxed way possible.
While you look through the holes into the distance imagine pleasant images like a lake, a
forest, mountains, your home and a loved one. Train yourself to focus on pleasant images. This
will promote more mental relaxation.
At this stage you are ready to once again introduce looking at the plastic holes and then
through them into the distance. This vision game is called zooming. See Figure 12 to recall the
appearance of the holes as you zoom. Do the zooms for between 10 and 20 breaths at a time.
Either early or later in the day when the sun is not too strong, sit on a bench while
wearing the pinhole no-glasses. With your eyes closed, turn your head and face the direction of
the sun. Imagine and feel the suns rays entering through the holes. Remind yourself of the
importance of these light rays since they can produce a balanced relaxed feeling through your
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autonomic nervous system. Your retina enjoys the stimulation from the light. Next, blink your
eye rapidly ten times and let see the light through the holes. This is a stimulating practice. Your
pupils of your eyes enjoy this stimulation as well. Once again close your eyes for 10 breaths
remove the pinhole no-glasses. Blink your eyes gently and slowly adjust to looking through
your naked. Look around at the details and observe the changes you see. Write about your

Part Two- Specialized Sequential Fitness Practices for 30 Days

In this part of the booklet you will be taken on a sequential step-by-step approach of specialized
practices while using the Pinhole no-glasses. Knowing your eye condition you can choose a
specific program for your situation. If you are nearsighted, then you choose that program and so
on. There are specific eye relaxation programs for:


Amblyopia and Strabismus

Suggestions for the Step by step process:


Set aside a specific time each day when you will implement the new practice as well
as review the previous ones. In this way you will gain the experience you will need in
order to reach mastery.
Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted.
Before you begin the active practice do the overall relaxation steps mentioned under
the earlier basic use of the pinholes.

Your diagnosed Eye Problem:

Eye problems diagnosed by your eye doctor are divided into two categories. If the difficulty is in
the optics of the eye, then the condition is defined as a refractive condition. When the tissue of
your eye is changing, more than likely a disease condition of the eye exists. As mentioned in part
one, the Pinhole no-glasses are best suited for refractive eye conditions.
Nearsightedness affects your eyes' long distance vision. In nearsightedness you have no difficulty
focusing your eyes on close-up objects, but have varying degrees of difficulty focusing on more
distant objects. The conventional explanation of nearsightedness is an abnormal elongation of the
eyeball, where it becomes stretched from front to back, or the curvature of the cornea is greater
than usual. The distance between the retina - the light sensitive part of the eye on the back part of
the eyeball - and the cornea at the front of the eye increases, and so light rays entering the eye
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come to focus in front of the retina. This leaves a 'blur circle' on the retina itself as the light rays
cross paths and begin to diverge beyond the focal point.
Clinical studies have determined that although nearsightedness can be hereditary, it is also
accentuated by chronic use of the eyes for near-distance focusing, such as when working at a
computer screen. Evolution has programmed your eyes to naturally focus in the middle to longdistance when our eyes are at rest. To focus on close-up work your eye muscles must alter their
shape, broadening the lens of the eye, in order to focus the light rays upon the retina. Persistent or
prolonged short-distance focusing causes pressure to increase in the vitreous chamber of the eye,
thus leading to an elongation of the eyeball.
Pinhole no-glasses offer immediate relief as the small aperture produces a greater focal range.
Combined with the 'narrower than normal' beam of light entering the eye, the Pinhole noglasses reduce the blur circle on the retina.
If you are nearsighted, the pinholes can be primarily worn when looking into the far distance. The
aim is to look far away and beyond the holes, while maintaining a relaxed perception. The farther
you can train yourself to look into the distance, the more effective the vision benefits will be after
you remove the Pinhole no-glasses.

Specialized Sequential Fitness Practices for Nearsightedness

Your practices are divided into 13 sequences. In figure 13 you can see on which day you should
begin a practice. Also you can determine which practices are to be either continued or
discontinued during your first 30-days

Figure 13

For example the naked vision practice number 1 is conducted all 30 days. Number 2, the covering
of one eye is only started on day 5, and discontinued on day 15. Number 12 Visual acuity is the
Bach Freiburg visual acuity test used on day 10, 20 and 30. This is actually a reminder activity to
show you your progress. And so on. If the vision practice is coloured in on a particular day that
means you use this practice that day even though you may have 4 or 5 activities to practice that
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day. This is a very specific training sequence so you will need to set aside time to include all the

Here is a description for each practice.

1. Naked vision
Before wearing the Pinhole no-glasses remove your contact lenses and eyeglasses. Have the
experience of looking through your eyes in your naked vision. Of course do this in a safe
place, preferably sitting down. Take a full in and out breath and look around. First pay careful
attention to the unclearness in the distance. Become aware that the blur or unclearness is not the
same at all distances. The closer you look, the more you will notice clearness. The further you
look away from yourself, the greater is the unclear view. This is a very important discernment in
nearsightedness. Train yourself to notice these differences in your eyesight ability. In addition, as
you continue your breathing, become notice carefully that the unclearness can vary. Especially as
you alter your thinking. Let you breathing and stillness guide you to remember to keep a calm
inner state. This will help you increase the length of the clearness. You may also notice flashes of
clearness. Notice the colours and the different contrasts. Continue this practice for approximately
5 minutes or longer if you have time.
Covering one eye
In your naked vision you will cover one eye and then the other and observe if there is a difference
in your eyesight. If you find there is difference you will be covering the clearer perceiving eye.
This can be accomplished by placing masking tape or black electrical tape on the back of the
Pinhole no-glasses over the eye you do not wish to look out of. Make sure all the holes are
covered. Even if light can still be perceived in front of the covered eye, this is fine. Now put on
the Pinhole no-glasses and the light will enter fast and quickly before the uncovered eye, while
the light will be slowed down before the covered eye.
This practice has the advantage of focusing light to the lower perceiving eye. The purpose of this
is to encourage the light to wake up the visual pathway through that eye. This practice may be
strenuous and even cause some physical and emotional discomfort at first. Practice for 5 minutes
in the beginning and then increase the wearing time of the Pinhole no-glasses for up to 20
minutes. Write down your experiences. You can have a conversation with a person, read a book,
look out of the window and even watch TV.
You may have some of the following experiences:
While you are looking out of your open eye, it appears grey or pieces of your vision seem
to be missing. This means that your covered eye is trying to take over. This indicates a stronger
preference for that eye. This can change over time as you gain proficiency with this practice.
After 5 minutes or more, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat the practice 1, in your naked
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While in your naked vision you may at first notice certain greyness before the formerly
uncovered eye. This is a normal adaptation process and should disappear after a few minutes.
You will use this practice longer than the recommended time on the chart in figure 1 if
the difference between your eyes is more than 10 percent different. There is no limit to how long
you can use this practice in the 30-day cycle, and you can repeat it in the future.
With the Pinhole no-glasses observe that your visual world is made up of many distances from
your eyes. This is called space. Choose an object like a chair, window or object that are different
distances from your eyes. Choose an object at 1, 2 and 3 meters distance. As you breathe begin
to let your eyes change focus from the object at 1 meter to the object at 2 meters. Then change
your looking to the 3-meter distance. This changing focus is like zooming a camera. Repeat for
10 to 20 breaths. Each time you practice choose different objects to look at. You can with time
use the first object as close as 40 centimetres. Lastly, use an object like printed material at 20
centimetres. Then remove the Pinhole no-glasses and close your eyes and rest. Continue
breathing. Open your eyes and repeat practice 1 in your naked vision. Recall from figure 12 that
the appearance of the holes will change as you zoom from a close to far distance. It is important
that you notice the change in the holes.
Eye Closing
Close your eye while wearing the Pinhole no-glasses. Imagine in your minds eye the little
holes and travelling through them into the distance. This will encourage relaxation of your eyes
and mind. This is practice you will use each day as a way to rest in between the other activities.
Breathe in and out and with time let the out breath become longer and longer. This will permit
you to appreciate the pause between the in and out breath. This also deepens the relaxation. Feel
how your inner and outer eye muscles are more relaxed and free of tension. Notice the feeling of
resilience in your eyes. On the other hand if your eyes feel tired, extend the eye closing practice
longer than the recommended 5 minutes.
Eye Opening
Now open your eyes while wearing the Pinhole no-glasses. Enjoy the feeling of going past the
holes into the distance. Do this with no effort from your thinking mind. Imagine yourself to be
very calm on your inside. Consider your visual world to be a peaceful place for you to travel
through your eyes. Your eyesight is sharp, as you remain perfectly relaxed. Stand up. Check your
posture by seeing if the horizontal row of holes appears to be level. This is a good way for you to
verify if your head is in the correct position above your shoulders. If necessary, move your head
with the left ear going in the direction of your left shoulder and then the opposite for the right ear.
Find the best position for your head.
Begin to move around the room you are in. Take in your visual world with ease. No thinking. Just
observing. Practice being still while your body moves. Breathe into your eyes filling them with
the life-giving oxygen and nutrients. Let your eyes glide over what you are looking at. Keep your
eyes softly moving as you move. Put on a piece of your favourite music and begin to dance.
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After day 2, introduce the zooming practice while you move and dance. Vary the music from
slow to fast. What is the affect upon your eyesight?
After 5 minutes remove the Pinhole no-glasses, and repeat practice 1, looking in your naked
vision. Celebrate the progress you are making.


Eye Stretch

Figure 14

This practice is a variation of eye muscle relaxation in figure 11. The difference is that now you
will stimulate and gently stretch the muscles. With the Pinhole no-glasses on slowly move your
eyes in the 4 major directions, first horizontal, then vertical and then the oblique directions, first
using the holes as a guide to know your direction. Thereafter, look through the holes into the
distance. The important point here is to breathe in as you move in one direction and breathe out
in the opposite direction. Towards the end of the motion, stretch a little more without straining. If
your dioptres are 5.00 or higher please be very careful not to strain when you do this stretch.
There is a small probability that you could tear the retina. So gentle is the key word. If you feel
discomfort stop the practice. Move the eyes in each direction for three breaths. Use the holes as a
means to know the direction of movement. In-breath to the right and out breath to the left. After
each direction, zoom your vision into the distance and relax for two breaths.

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Figure 15


Body Swing

Figure 16

This practice is to train your self to observe the swing of things. As you move your gaze from one
point to another, things seen should move in the opposite direction. For example, if you look at
the upper left corner of a large letter W and then shift your gaze to the lower left corner, the
W should appear to move, or swing up. If it doesnt, this is a sign of strain. There are a
variety of ways to practice the swing. You can gently swing your whole body to the left and to
the right, and watch a distant tree swing to the right and to the left: You can move just your head;
you can move just your eyes. The better your eyesight, the shorter the swing can be made to be.
Now that you have an idea of the swing concept, here are some steps to follow.
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a. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground. When you feel stable, slip on the Pinhole noglasses and once again check that your stance is firm. Then close your eyes and keep your
b. Take in a full in-breath and exhale. As you repeat the breathing pattern, let your thoughts melt
away and focus your attention on moving from the top of your head slowly downwards to your
feet. In your minds eye keep a distant point of focus in view, even though your eyes are closed.
This will allow you to be fully present in your body while relaxing your mind. The more you
relax the more you will feel your body standing firmly. In this way you will not lose your balance
in the next step. If you do lose your balance remember you have probably started thinking.
c. Begin to slowly move your body so that your left hip first moves forward. Then let your right
hip moving forward. Ideally, when the left hip goes forward, you right ankle will arch outwards
like in a golf swing.
d. Repeat this swinging motion for at least 10 breaths and keep your balance while feeling
perfectly relaxed. For the next 10 breaths, imagine you can see through your closed eyes and
through the holes and observe the world around you. As you become practiced you will become
aware of an apparent movement. As you move, the world will move in the opposite direction.
This awareness will promote your feeling of relaxation of not only your mind but also your eyes.
Awareness of movement is key in clear and relaxed seeing.
e. If step d is difficult, open your eyes for brief moments and while looking through the holes
notice the movement. If it is still not obvious, put up a single thumb of one hand. While looking
at the thumb, observe the movement behind the thumb. Of course the distant view will be unclear
but you can still see the movement. Remember this motion and again close your eyes and recall
the movement from memory. Repeat for another 10 breaths and then stop and rest. You can also
add music to help the movement. Experiment with different kinds of music, slow and fast. Let
yourself slip into a meditative state while keeping your eyes relaxed.
f. Open your eyes while standing still and look around through the Pinhole no-glasses.
Remove them and then enjoy the freedom of seeing in your naked vision. How is the contrast and
colours of objects around you?

Thumb zapping
Figure 17

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While looking through the pinholes at a point far away, choose a particular object that stands out
from the rest of the environment. Place your thumb between your eyes and the object you are
looking at. While blinking and breathing and maintaining a fixed focus on the distant object,
become aware that there are probably two thumbs visible. (This will be dependent on both eyes
working together at the same time-If this does not happen you may have to practice step 2 for a
longer period.) You can also try moving an outstretched pointing finger up and down before one
of your eyes and observe if you see a second thumb.

Figure 18

If this is not the case, keep blinking and breathing in an attempt to make yourself see two thumbs
while looking far past the thumbs. If you cannot accomplish this, it might mean your eyes are not
sending equal messages to the brain and, therefore, your brain is not able to create two-eyed
perception. You will not be able to advance to the next phase of the vision game until your two
eyes are more able to cooperate. Continue covering the eye with the less clear vision.
Assuming that you are aware of two thumbs, notice if one thumb is higher than the other. Adjust
your head by cocking your right earlobe toward the right shoulder and then the left shoulder until
the two thumbs appear equally high. Maintain breathing and blinking pattern that visibly sustains
the presence of the two thumbs. Look through and beyond the holes. Recall the farther away you
can look, the less apparent the holes will be.
In the presence of the perception of two thumbs, explore the following way:

Does one thumb look more real than the other?

Give one word that describes the other thumb?
Can you make one thumb go away?

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Can you switch between one thumb and another?

Does one thumb seem less solid than the other?
Does one thumb seem smaller or bigger?
Are there differences in height between the thumbs? (If so, cock your head from side to side,

right ear toward right shoulder. After aligning the two thumbs, are the eyes in the same horizontal line or
plane? If not, what is the implication?)

You may wish to explore thumb zapping at different distances like you did in step 2. Record
your results of this practice as follows
Vision Fitness Levels:
1. One thumb only.
2. No change in the thumb.
3. Two, and the one thumb fades.
4. Two, one thumb is higher.
5. Two, and equal.
You can also rank your thumb-zapping vision fitness on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being not able to
perform, and 10 being the maximum skill level. The subjective quantification results are worth
having for later comparison. Remember to take off the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat step 1.
How is your clearness and unclearness after this practice? How do your eyes feel? Write down
your responses in your diary.
Thumb zooming
As you have completed step 8, change your point of looking and focus on your extended thumb.
You will notice that the two thumbs now come into one image and the object beyond the thumb
now appears to be two images. Repeat this zooming from your thumb to the object, back and
forth, always maintaining the awareness of there being two images where you are not directly
looking. While zooming and practicing the thumb-zapping awareness, watch the appearance of
the little holes. While you are looking at the thumb, the borders of the hole will appear more
filled-in and darker. When you then zoom out, it appears that you are seeing through the holes,
such that it seems you have more space in the holes to look through. Repeat this practice until
you can maintain the awareness of the increased darkness while looking at the thumb, and the
image of the lesser darkness while looking far away. Always keep the relaxed feeling.
Eye crossing
Eye crossing can be defined as the ability for you to voluntarily cross your eyes with no external
support like a finger or pencil. You will be accurately centring each eye inward in equal amounts
and being able to perceive a distant double image equally separated on each side of the thumb.
Note: There is no danger of your eyes becoming stuck while you do the eye-crossing vision game
even though you may have been told that as a child.
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In many instances, this simple physical skill has not been developed or practised. Clinical
research has shown the importance of this voluntary control process is highly necessary for
maintaining high degrees of eye crossing. In visual science this is called convergence. When
there is a low ability to converge then supposedly, the involuntary eye-focusing system, called
accommodation, may be over-stimulated to compensate for a low convergence capacity. This
could be one untalked about mechanism for the development of school nearsightedness. Eye
crossing is actually good for you and should be practiced. When you are properly visually centred
then you can maintain better concentration, complete assignments and more effectively play
sports and be comfortable while working on a computer.
If you cannot cross your eyes, you have to use props like a thumb or a pencil. It is normal for
you see two images in the background. This is known as physiological diplopia or normal
double vision.
The practice- Step 9 continued
If you have mastered the technique of step 9, attempt to see the object far away as two, without
the presence of the thumb at all. That is, align your gaze where the thumb used to be and maintain
the appearance of double vision far away.
You can accomplish this by looking where the thumb used to be. As you adjust your eye crossing
closer and closer to the little holes, the distance of the double object widens while the little holes
begin to overlap each other.
By practicing the eye crossing and thumb zapping game, you are training your eye muscle
flexibility combined with relaxation. This helps the eyes cross inward, as well as sharpening the
precision of the focusing muscle inside your eyes. Stimulating the outside and inside muscles is
most desirable for the eyes to work together as a team. Do this for 10 breaths. Notice that while
crossing your eyes, everything far away also seems to become smaller and is unclear than objects
closer by. Keep the feeling of relaxation present.
After you have completed this practice, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and check your eyesight
by looking through a window, at a calendar or painting. It is quite common and most gratifying
for an increase in clearness to occur as a result of this vision practice. The important point as
always is to practice without strain of effort.
Observing your results
The levels of eye crossing skill can be broken down as follows: (A score of 1 represents a lower
level of vision fitness. A score of 5 is the highest level.)


The eyes are physically unable to cross.

You cannot mobilise the eyes to the point of seeing one pencil or
thumb at your check distance.


You need a single pencil positioned at the point of eye-crossing in

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order to give yourself something to look at.

You can cross your eyes, see two distant objects and hold this view
with out effort.
You can zoom away and make one distant object and then zoom
back towards the holes and make see two distant objects.

As you practice eye crossing from day 21 you will notice yourself travelling through the 5 steps
above. Give yourself more time if you need it. You can always continue this practice after day
As a general rule, you can introduce the eye crossing practice provided the following criteria are
i) You report two thumbs on the thumb zapping at some level; and
ii) Compare your level of eyesight and vision fitness between your right and left eyes. If the
percentage difference between the eyes is no more than 10% (This is determined by comparing the
right and left eye percentages you recorded off the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test.

Figure 19

This can be evaluated with or without the Pinhole no-glasses; if the difference is greater than 10%
without a lens prescription, always use the Pinhole no-glasses during any two-eyed activity, such as
thumb zapping or eye crossing.)

Visual feedback
As you have noticed your naked vision eyesight can change in any moment. Relaxation,
breathing and other factors play a part in this variability. The visual biofeedback practice is
designed to refine your ability to make these changes possible. In addition, you will be able to
more accurately be able to monitor these changes.
You will need a poster, calendar or a distant object that has details on it. After you have done
practices 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 for the day, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and choose your distant
object to look at. Stand at a distance where you can just make out the details. There should still
be the possibility for the letters to become clearer.
Take a good full breath and relax. There are three possibilities that you may encounter.
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You experience the details becoming clearer.

The details do not change
The details become unclear.

Part of your experience in this practice is to refine your looking abilities. In addition, you will be
able to explore how your mind affects your eyesight.
Keep your vision centred. When you regard the object, only one small part should be seen best.
This is because only the centre of your retina -- the fovea -- has the best vision for detail. Farther
away from the fovea, the retinal receptors get progressively less able to pick up fine detail.
Therefore, trying to perceive all the detail with large parts of your retina at once causes strain.
Instead of staring at the entirety of the details, limit your attention to the smallest area that you
can. This is called central looking. It is the feeling you have been experiencing while looking
through the Pinhole no-glasses. If you need to review this point put on the Pinhole no-glasses
and practice this centring concept. Then remove the Pinhole no-glasses
and close your eyes for 5 breaths and rest.
In central looking you are training yourself to look at only one thing and not bothering about the
clarity of the field of vision around where you are looking. Put on the Pinhole no-glasses, and
return in a relaxed manner to the object you were looking at. While breathing, let your attention
go to just that object letting go of the immediate surroundings. Then let your head swing to
another object, letting your eyes follow effortlessly. The shifting from one object to another is an
important feature to master. In this way, you dont get fixated on one point of reference.
Your fovea needs to move. Keep shifting and swinging your head to other objects you notice. In
this way your vision (mind) remains relaxed and clear and you may discern more details. Then
move to more detailed objects, shifting/swinging from detail to detail.
In the beginning you will train your self to look through one hole at a time. Also, move from
nearer objects further and further into space practising the concept of central looking and shifting.
Now remove the Pinhole no-glasses. Repeat in your naked vision. Make notes about the
changes you saw in your eyesight.
12. Visual acuity (Eyesight)
You can choose to use a regular eye chart of different size letters that you can make your self on
a computer or use the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test.

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Figure 20

What is important is that in addition to the feedback you will gain from step 11, you should have
a numerical record of your progress. It is suggested that you repeat the Bach Freiburg visual
acuity test on days 1, 10, 20 and 30. If you apply the principles of this booklet longer than the 30
days, repeat this test every 10 days.
Neck roll
As you can appreciate you neck is a vital part of the process of having relaxed eyes and clearer
eyesight. Your eyes are nourished by your blood that flows from the heart through your neck and
to the eyes. If your neck is stiff and tense, you will limit the flow of blood.
First gently practice moving your head towards your right shoulder being in your naked vision.
Repeat in the opposite direction toward your left shoulder. Then gently guide your head forward
to your chest. Move slowly while breathing. Then let your head gently glide backwards to the
point where your head touches the top of your back. It is important that you do not use pressure
in this practice. Be careful not to strain.
Lastly, you make a circular motion with your head traversing all the positions you went through,
first clockwise and then counter clockwise. Repeat for 5 breaths for each movement. Thereafter,
do an additional 5 breaths wearing the Pinhole no-glasses. This time observe distance details
after each 5-breath sequence. Move your eyes from one object to another and then repeat the next
neck roll movement.



Farsightedness is a refractive eye disorder caused by a shorter than normal eyeball or a

flatter than usual cornea. Light entering the unaided eye comes to focus behind the retina, thus
casting a blur circle on the retina itself. People under age 40 with farsightedness usually find it
more difficult to focus in the short-distance, whilst has fewer problems focusing in the middle to
long-distance. Young people with this condition can naturally improve their vision by training the
focusing (accommodation) of their eyes. By continuously trying to focus in the short-distance
their eye muscles will become more flexible, enabling the eye lens to shorten the focal length of
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the light rays, and therefore decrease the blur circle on the retina. The Pinhole no-glasses offer
instant relief as the 'stopped down' aperture produces a greater focal range. Combined with the
'narrower than normal' beam of light entering the eye, the blur circle on the retina is decreased, so
enabling you to see more clearly.

Specialized Sequential Fitness Practices for Farsightedness

Your practices are divided into 13 sequences. In figure 21 you can see on which day you should
begin a practice. Also you can determine which practices are to be either continued or
discontinued during your first 30-days.

Figure 21

For example the naked vision practice number 1 is conducted all 30 days. Number 2, the covering
of one eye is only started on day 5, and discontinued on day 15. Number 12 Visual acuity is the
Bach Freiburg visual acuity test used on day 10, 20 and 30. This is actually a reminder activity to
show you your progress. And so on. If the vision practice is coloured in on a particular day that
means you use this practice that day even though you may have 4 or 5 activities to practice that
day. This is a very specific training sequence so you will need to set aside time to include all the
Here is a description for each practice.
1. Naked vision
Before wearing the Pinhole no-glasses remove your eyeglasses if you wear them. Have the
experience of looking through your eyes in your naked vision. Of course do this in a safe
place, preferably sitting down. Take a full in and out breath and look around. First pay careful
attention to the unclearness at whatever distance you experience it. Become aware that the blur or
unclearness is not the same at all distances. Probably the closer you look, the more you will
notice unclearness. The further you look away from yourself, the greater is the clear view. This is
a very important discernment in farsightedness. Train yourself to notice these differences in your
eyesight ability. In addition, as you continue your breathing, become notice carefully that the
unclearness can vary. Especially as you alter your thinking. Let you breathing and stillness guide
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you to remember to keep a calm inner state. This will help you increase the length of the
clearness. You may also notice periods of clearness. Notice the colours and the different
contrasts. Continue this practice for approximately 5 minutes or longer if you have time.
2. Covering one eye
In your naked vision you will cover one eye and then the other and observe if there is a difference
in your eyesight. If you find there is difference you will be covering the clearer perceiving eye.
This can be accomplished by placing masking tape or black electrical tape on the back of the
Pinhole no-glasses over the eye you do not wish to look out of. Make sure all the holes are
covered. Even if light can still be perceived in front of the covered eye, this is fine. Now put on
the Pinhole no-glasses and the light will enter fast and quickly before the uncovered eye, while
the light will be slowed down before the covered eye.
This practice has the advantage of focusing light to the lower perceiving eye. The purpose of this
is to encourage the light to wake up the visual pathway through that eye. This practice may be
strenuous and even cause some physical and emotional discomfort at first. Practice for 5 minutes
in the beginning and then increase the wearing time of the Pinhole no-glasses for up to 20
minutes. Write down your experiences. You can have a conversation with a person, read a book,
look out of the window and even watch TV.
You may have some of the following experiences:
While you are looking out of your open eye, it appears grey or pieces of your vision seem
to be missing. This means that your covered eye is trying to take over. This indicates a stronger
preference for that eye. This can change over time as you gain proficiency with this practice.
After 5 minutes or more, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat the practice 1, in your naked
While in your naked vision you may at first notice certain greyness before the formerly
uncovered eye. This is a normal adaptation process and should disappear after a few minutes.
You will use this practice longer than the recommended time on the chart in figure 1 if
the difference between your eyes is more than 10 percent different. There is no limit to how long
you can use this practice in the 30-day cycle.
With the Pinhole no-glasses observe that your visual world is made up of many distances from
your eyes. This is called space. Choose an object like a chair, window or object that are different
distances from your eyes. Choose an object at 1, 2 and 3 meters distance. As you breathe begin
to let your eyes change focus from the object a t 1 meter to the object at 2 meters. Then change
your looking to the 3-meter distance. This changing focus is like zooming a camera. Repeat for
10 to 20 breaths. Each time you practice choose different objects to look at. You can with time
use the first object as close as 40 centimetres. Lastly, use an object like printed material at 20
centimetres. Then remove the Pinhole no-glasses and close your eyes and rest. Continue
breathing. Open your eyes and repeat practice 1 in your naked vision. Recall from figure 12 that
the appearance of the holes will change as you zoom from a close to far distance. It is important
that you notice the change in the holes.
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Eye Stretch

Figure 14

This practice is a variation of eye muscle relaxation in figure 11. The difference is that now you
will stimulate and gently stretch the muscles. With the Pinhole no-glasses on slowly move your
eyes in the 4 major directions, first horizontal, then vertical and then the oblique directions, first
using the holes as a guide to know your direction. Thereafter, look through the holes into the
distance. The important point here is to breathe in as you move in one direction and breathe out
in the opposite direction. Towards the end of the motion, stretch a little more without straining.
So gentle is the key word. If you feel discomfort stop the practice. Move the eyes in each
direction for three breaths. Use the holes as a means to know the direction of movement. Inbreath to the right and out breathes to the left. After each direction, zoom your vision into the
various distances in space and relax for two breaths.

Figure 15

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Finger touch
After removing the Pinhole no-glasses close your eyes and take a full in and out
breath. Let your body, mind and eyes become relaxed. Place your pointed index fingers over your
closed eyes (preferably looking downwards) with the finger print side gently touching the lids. Feel
the calmness and let what ever you feel from your fingers enter into your eyes. It may be warmth
or a feeling like a current of energy. Stay with this feeling for 10 to 20 breaths. Imagine that it is
like being given a soft healing massage. On opening your eyes look around the room and at some
small detail and observe the changes in clearness and ease you can focus.


Body Swing
Figure 16

This practice is to train your self to observe the swing of things. As you move your gaze from one
point to another, things seen should move in the opposite direction. For example, if you look at
the upper left corner of a large letter W and then shift your gaze to the lower left corner, the
W should appear to move, or swing up. If it doesnt, this is a sign of strain. There are a
variety of ways to practice the swing. You can gently swing your whole body to the left and to
the right, and watch a distant tree swing to the right and to the left: You can move just your head.
You can move just your eyes. The better your eyesight, the shorter the swing can be made to be.
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Now that you have an idea of the swing concept, here are some steps to follow.
a. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground. When you feel stable, slip on the Pinhole noglasses and once again check that your stance is firm. Then close your eyes and keep your
b. Take in a full in-breath and exhale. As you repeat the breathing pattern, let your thoughts melt
away and focus your attention on moving from the top of your head moving slowly downwards.
In your minds eye keep a distant point of focus in view, even though your eyes are closed. This
will permit you to be fully present in your body while relaxing your mind. The more you relax
the more you will feel your body standing firmly. In this way you will not lose your balance in
the next step. If you do lose your balance remember you have probably have started thinking.
c. Begin to slowly move your body so that your left hip first moves forward. Then let your right
hip moving forward. Ideally, when the left hip goes forward, you right ankle will arch outwards
like in a golf swing.
d. Repeat this swinging motion for at least 10 breaths and keep your balance while feeling
perfectly relaxed. For the next 10 breaths, imagine you can see through your closed eyes and
through the holes and observe the world around you. As you become practiced you will become
aware of an apparent movement. As you move, the world will move in the opposite direction.
This awareness will promote your feeling of relaxation of not only your mind but also your eyes.
Awareness of movement is key in clear and relaxed seeing.
e. If step d is difficult, open your eyes for brief moments and while looking through the holes
notice the movement. If it is still not obvious, put up a single thumb of one hand. While looking
at the thumb, observe the movement behind the thumb. Of course the distant view will be unclear
but you can still see the movement. Remember this motion and again close your eyes and recall
the movement from memory. Repeat for another 10 breaths and then stop and rest. You can also
add music to help the movement. Experiment with different kinds of music, slow and fast. Let
yourself slip into a meditative state while keeping your eyes relaxed.
f. Open your eyes while standing still and look around through the Pinhole no-glasses.
Remove them and then enjoy the freedom of seeing in your naked vision. How is the contrast and
colours of objects around you?

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Thumb zapping

Figure 17

While looking through the pinholes at a point far away, choose a particular object that stands out
from the rest of the environment. Place your thumb between your eyes and the object you are
looking at. While blinking and breathing and maintaining a fixed focus on the distant object,
become aware that there are probably two thumbs visible. (This will be dependent on both eyes
working together at the same time-If this does not happen you may have to practice step 2 for a
longer period.) You can also try moving an outstretched pointing finger up and down before one
of your eyes and observe if you see a second thumb.

Figure 18

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If this is not the case, keep blinking and breathing in an attempt to make yourself see two thumbs
while looking far past the thumbs. If you cannot accomplish this, it might mean your eyes are not
sending equal messages to the brain and, therefore, your brain is not able to create two-eyed
perception. You will not be able to advance to the next phase of the vision game until your two
eyes are more able to cooperate. Continue covering the eye with the less clear vision.
Assuming that you are aware of two thumbs, notice if one thumb is higher than the other. Adjust
your head by cocking your right earlobe toward the right shoulder and the left shoulder until the
two thumbs appear equally high. Maintain breathing and blinking pattern that visibly sustains the
presence of the two thumbs. Look through and beyond the holes. Recall the farther away you can
look, the less apparent the holes will be.
In the presence of the perception of two thumbs, explore the following way:

Does one thumb look more real than the other?

Give one word that describes the other thumb?
Can you make one thumb go away?
Can you switch between one thumb and another?
Does one thumb seem less solid than the other?
Does one thumb seem smaller or bigger?
Are there differences in height between the thumbs? (If so, cock your head from side to side,

right ear toward right shoulder. After aligning the two thumbs, are the eyes in the same horizontal line or
plane? If not, what is the implication?)

You may wish to explore thumb zapping at different distances like you did in step 2. Record
your results of this practice as follows
Vision Fitness Levels:
1. One thumb only.
2. No change in the thumb.
3. Two, and the one thumb fades.
4. Two, one thumb is higher.
5. Two, and equal.
You can also rank your thumb-zapping vision fitness on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being not able to
perform, and 10 being the maximum skill level. The subjective quantification results are worth
having for later comparison.
Remember to take off the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat step 1.
How is your clearness and unclearness after this practice? How do your eyes feel?
Write down your responses in your diary.
Thumb zooming
As you have completed step 8, change your point of looking and focus on your extended thumb.
You will notice that the two thumbs now come into one image and the object beyond the thumb
now appears to be two images. Repeat this zooming from your thumb to the object, back and
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forth, always maintaining the awareness of there being two images where you are not looking
directly. While zooming and practicing the thumb-zapping awareness, watch the appearance of
the little holes. While you are looking at the thumb, the borders of the hole will appear more
filled-in and darker. When you then zoom out, it appears that you are seeing through the holes,
such that it seems you have more space in the holes to look through. Repeat this practice until
you can maintain the awareness of the increased darkness while looking at the thumb, and the
image of the lesser darkness while looking far away. Always keep the relaxed feeling.
Especially in farsightedness it is very important to have good lighting when reading, working on
the computer or doing activities where there are small details. In addition, you will have much
better results using the Pinhole no-glasses, when there is good light. This means using at least a
60-watt light bulb shining from behind. You can also use this light bulb for a relaxation practice.
Here are the steps.
Close your eyes and point your head in the direction of the 60-watt light bulb placed
about 50 centimetres from your eyes. (Do not look directly at the light source.)
Begin by slowly moving your head so that your left ear moves in the direction of your
left shoulder. Then repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
Repeat for 10 breaths. Feel the warmth of the light entering your closed eyelids. Notice how this
creates a relaxed feeling. It is like a warm bath for your eyes.
Next slip on the Pinhole no-glasses and when you come to
the farthest point of the left movement blink your eyes and let the light come through the
holes into your eyes. At this point you will not be looking directly at the light source. Repeat this
for the end of the right movement as well.
As you become proficient with the feeling of letting in the light extend the practice to
blink your eyes throughout the motion of your head back and forth and continue to blink. Repeat
for 10 breaths.
Take off the Pinhole no-glasses and look back at the near chart (step 13 figure 23)
and observe your clearness. This practice has the added advantage of reducing the pupil size and
thus deepening the possibility of you becoming more relaxed.
Eye crossing
Eye crossing can be defined as the ability for you to voluntarily cross your eyes with no external
support like a finger or pencil. You will be accurately centring each eye inward in equal amounts
and being able to perceive a distant double image equally separated on each side of the thumb.
Note: There is no danger of your eyes becoming stuck while you do the eye-crossing vision game
even though you may have been told that as a child.
In many instances, this simple physical skill has not been developed or practised. Clinical
research has shown the importance of this voluntary control process is highly necessary for
maintaining high degrees of eye crossing. In visual science this is called convergence. When
there is a low ability to converge then supposedly, the involuntary eye-focusing system, called
accommodation, may be over-stimulated to compensate for a low convergence capacity. Eye
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crossing is actually good for farsightedness and should be practiced. When you are properly
visually centred then you can maintain better concentration, complete assignments and more
effectively play sports and be comfortable while working on a computer. This is called being
more focused.
If you cannot cross your eyes, you have to use props like a thumb or a pencil. It is normal for
you see two images in the background. This is known as physiological diplopia or normal
double vision.
Attempt to see the object far away as two, without the presence of the thumb at all. That is, align
your gaze where the thumb used to be and maintain the appearance of double vision far away.
You can accomplish this by adjusting your focus to the place where the thumb used to be. As you
adjust your eye crossing closer and closer to the little holes, the distance of the double object
widens while the little holes begin to overlap each other.
By practicing the eye crossing and thumb zapping game, you are training your eye muscle
flexibility combined with relaxation. This helps the eyes cross inward, as well as sharpening the
precision of the focusing muscle inside your eyes. Stimulating the outside and inside muscles is
most desirable for the eyes to work together as a team. Do this for 10 breaths. Notice that while
crossing your eyes, everything far away also seems to become smaller and is unclear than objects
closer by. Keep the feeling of relaxation present.
After you have completed this practice, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and check your eyesight
by looking at small print or at an intermediate distance. It is quite common and most gratifying
for an increase in clearness to occur as a result of this vision practice. The important point as
always is to practice without strain of effort. Your goal is to increase the sharpness of your
eyesight at intermediate and far distances. In this way you can minimize needing to wear normal
compensating eyeglasses for these distances.
Observing your results
The levels of eye crossing skill can be broken down as follows: (A score of 1 represents a lower
level of vision fitness. A score of 5 is the highest level.)


The eyes are physically unable to cross.

You cannot mobilise the eyes to the point of seeing one pencil or
thumb at your check distance.
You need a single pencil positioned at the point of eye-crossing in
order to give yourself something to look at.
You can cross your eyes, see two distant objects and hold this view
with out effort.
You can zoom away and make one distant object and then zoom

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back towards the holes and make see two distant objects.
As you practice eye crossing from day 21 you will notice yourself travelling through the 5 steps
above. Give yourself more time if you need it. You can always continue this practice after day
As a general rule, you can introduce the eye crossing practice provided the following criteria are
i) You report two thumbs on the thumb zapping at some level; and
ii) Compare your level of eyesight and vision fitness between your right and left eyes. If the
percentage difference between the eyes is no more than 10% (This is determined by comparing the
right and left eye percentages you recorded off the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test.

Figure 19

This can be evaluated with or without the Pinhole no-glasses; if the difference is greater than 10%
without a lens prescription, always use the Pinhole no-glasses during any two-eyed activity, such as
thumb zapping or eye crossing.)

Finger doubling
In Thumb zapping you learned how to look past your thumb and see two thumbs. In finger
doubling you are actually going to place your left and right thumb upwards.
Put on the Pinhole no-glasses and look past your two outstretched thumbs as in Figure 22.
Become aware that as you slightly vary the separation of your two thumbs a third thumb will
appear in the middle of the two real thumbs. You may at first see four until you find the exact
separation that is needed to see three. Breathe and also vary the distance of the two thumbs from
your eyes.
The more relaxed you are the less you will be aware of the two holes. Keep the three thumbs
present for at least 10 breaths. Then zoom your focus into the distance. You
Can practice this step from day11 until 24. Then include the next step.
Put on the Pinhole no-glasses. Look towards the holes and also see three thumbs. This is an
extension of the eye crossing from step 10. The appearance of the third thumb will be different.
Notice what this is. The middle thumb will appear smaller. Stay in this position seeing three
thumbs for 10 breaths.

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Then look away into the distance for 5 breaths. Then come back and get three thumbs in
the eye-crossing mode. Do this zooming for 5 breaths.

Figure 22

Visual acuity
You can use the near chart from Step 13 to record the numbers corresponding to the clearest
letters you can see for day 10, 20 and 30, and/or if your distance eyesight is also
Unclear you can use the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test described and referenced earlier in the

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Near Card

Figure 23

Figure 23 is the near card you will be using for this next practice. The card consists of letters of
different sizes beginning with the small letters on the top and the larger letters on the bottom.
There are four triangles one in each corner. The largest letter O stands by itself on the bottom in
between the two bottom triangles.
In your naked vision observe which letters you can see without straining or squinting at a
distance of 40 centimetres. Do this first for your right eye, then left and lastly for both eyes. Make
a note of your results in your diary by using the number on the row corresponding to the highest
letters you could see clearly. If the last letters you can see clearly were C D F U, for example,
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then you would record row 4. This will become your baseline so you can observe your progress
over the 30-day period.
Put on the Pinhole no-glasses and notice how many more letters you can see. Let your head
slightly move around with your eyes following so you can look at different letters but still
looking through the same holes. This will take practice until you know exactly how big or small
the head movement should be. In this way you can also keep a clear view of the letters. Do this
for 10 to 20 breaths then remove the Pinhole no-glasses and look off towards an intermediate
distance at some detail and examine the clearness of your eyesight.
Spend a moment looking in your naked vision at the near chart at between 30 to 40 centimetres or
even a further distance if none of the letters are in focus. Breathe in and move the chart toward
your eyes as close as you can even if the letters do become a little blurry. Breathe out and then
move it away to 40 centimetres. This tromboning action will stimulate and relax your eye focus.
This is letting go. You no longer need to try and grab the print with your eyes, and make it clear!
The point is to look softly and with presence, and let the details come to you without straining.
Repeat with the Pinhole no-glasses



Astigmatism is a refractive eye difficulty caused by a misshapen cornea at the front of the eye. A
normal cornea is spherical in shape, but some people are either born or acquire an oblong shaped
cornea that projects two points of light on to the retina at the back of the eye. The resultant image
processed by the brain is blurred, the degree of blur determined by the distance between the two
points on the retina. The closer the points are the less blurred the image appears.
The Pinhole no-glasses reduce the blur of astigmatism by limiting the distance between the two
points of light on the retina, thus helping you to see more clearly. In this particular condition, the
curvature of the cornea is different in one direction, compared to another. This could be
producing varying degrees of visual blurriness in your eyesight. Astigmatism results in a greater
distortion or blurriness in one orientation of your gaze (vertical or horizontal). Usually, the
distorted shape of the outside eye structure of the cornea reflects this astigmatism.
The Pinhole no-glasses bypass the corneal distortion and resulting blurriness, and a clear focus
in all orientations of gaze is maintained. With the Pinhole no-glasses in place, look at small
print or looking off into the distance, move your eyes in a horizontal direction, a vertical, and
then on a diagonal plane while you breathe and blink.
Do you feel that one of these eye movements feels more uncomfortable than another? Practice
the one that feels the most difficult. More than likely, the meridian that is the most
uncomfortable, jerky, or feels different is the blurriest orientation of your vision. As you practice
moving your eyes along this meridian, you will be activating your inner clearness in a relaxed
way. That specific eye movement is a stimulation that activates the eye muscles, which, in turn,
stimulate the nerves from the brain, and then focuses your attention on the unclear orientation of
your perceiving.
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Specialized Sequential Fitness Practices for Astigmatism

Your practices are divided into 13 sequences. In figure 21 you can see on which day you should
begin a practice. Also you can determine which practices are to be either continued or
discontinued during your first 30-days

Figure 24

For example the naked vision practice number 1 is conducted all 30 days. Number 2, the covering
of one eye is only started on day 5, and discontinued on day 15. Number 12 Visual acuity is the
Bach Freiburg visual acuity test used on day 10, 20 and 30. This is actually a reminder activity to
show you your progress. And so on. If the vision practice is coloured in on a particular day that
means you use this practice that day even though you may have 4 or 5 activities to practice that
day. This is a very specific training sequence so you will need to set aside time to include all the
1. Naked vision
Before wearing the Pinhole no-glasses remove your eyeglasses if you wear them. Have the
experience of looking through your eyes in your naked vision. Of course do this in a safe
place, preferably sitting down. Take a full in and out breath and look around. First pay careful
attention to the unclearness at whatever distance you experience it. Become aware that the blur or
unclearness is not the same at all distances. Probably the further away you look, the more you
will notice unclearness. The closer you look toward yourself, the greater is the clear view. (This
of course depends that your astigmatism is associated with nearsightedness. The opposite will
be true if you are farsighted)
Notice vertical and horizontal objects and become aware if one is clearer than the other. This is a
very important discernment in astigmatism. Train yourself to notice these differences in your
eyesight ability. In addition, as you continue your breathing, become notice carefully that the
unclearness can vary. Especially as you alter your thinking. Let you breathing and stillness guide
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you to remember to keep a calm inner state. This will help you increase the length of the
clearness. You may also notice periods of clearness. Notice the colours and the different
contrasts. Continue this practice for approximately 5 minutes or longer if you have time.

2. Covering one eye

In your naked vision you will cover one eye and then the other and observe if there is a difference
in your eyesight. If you find there is difference you will be covering the clearer perceiving eye.
This can be accomplished by placing masking tape or black electrical tape on the back of the
Pinhole no-glasses over the eye you do not wish to look out of. Make sure all the holes are
covered. Even if light can still be perceived in front of the covered eye, this is fine. Now put on
the Pinhole no-glasses and the light will enter fast and quickly before the uncovered eye, while
the light will be slowed down before the covered eye.
This practice has the advantage of focusing light to the lower perceiving eye. The purpose of this
is to encourage the light to wake up the visual pathway through that eye. In addition, you will be
stimulating specific orientations of viewing such as the vertical and horizontal. This practice may
be strenuous and even cause some physical and emotional discomfort at first. Practice for 5
minutes in the beginning and then increase the wearing time of the Pinhole no-glasses for up to
20 minutes. Write down your experiences. You can have a conversation with a person, read a
book, look out of the window and even watch TV.
You may have some of the following experiences:
While you are looking out of your open eye, it appears grey or pieces of your vision seem
to be missing. This means that your covered eye is trying to take over. This indicates a stronger
preference for that eye. This can change over time as you gain proficiency with this practice.
After 5 minutes or more, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat the practice 1, in your naked
While in your naked vision you may at first notice certain greyness before the formerly
uncovered eye. This is a normal adaptation process and should disappear after a few minutes.
You will use this practice longer than the recommended time on the chart in figure 1 if
the difference between your eyes is more than 10 percent different. There is no limit to how long
you can use this practice in the 30-day cycle.
Slit experiment
Take a piece of stiff dark board or thin plastic about the size of a business card. Using a sharp
cutting knife slice out a narrow slit about 1 millimetre in width and 3 or 4 centimetres in length.
Round the edges of the board/plastic so it wont accidentally stick into your eye. Cover one eye,
and without your glasses or contact lenses, place the slit in the vertical position before your open
eye. (See figure 25) The right eye is covered and in position 1, the vertical slit is in front of the
left eye. Look at a calendar or an object with letters on it at a distance where you can just make
out the details. Do the letters appear clearer through the vertical slit? Begin rotating the slit
(through position 2 until position 3 in figure 25) so that you are eventually looking through a
horizontal slit. Do you see more or less clearly in the horizontal position? Experiment with
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positions other than the vertical and horizontal. You may find a clearer position in one of the
diagonal directions or meridians.
If you observe no differences in eyesight between any of the positions then you have no
astigmatism. The greater the difference in clearness and unclearness between two meridians, that
is horizontal and vertical or diagonal one direction and diagonal in the opposite, indicates
astigmatism. Take note if your clearness is more in the vertical orientation versus the horizontal.
The orientation where there is the most unclearness
indicates where there is the most near or farsightedness. Once you have determined the line of the
most unclearness you will be using the Pinhole no-glasses
to train your looking along this orientation. Repeat the process for the other eye.

Figure 25

Record your results as follows:

For example you find that through your right and left eyes you are unclear in the vertical, and the
left has more unclearness than the right. You can make a diagram like this and write 1 for the
vertical of the left eye and 2 for the vertical of the right eye.

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Right eye

Left eye

This will act as a reminder for when you are going through the practices.
The next step is to use the Pinhole no-glasses and begin
Practicing your new way of looking for your astigmatism.
Use masking tape placed over the holes as illustrated in Figure 26.

Figure 26

In A you can see how to place masking tape in such a way to create a vertical slit for a particular
eye. Of course, if the very unclear orientation is horizontal or oblique then the slit will be
constructed accordingly. In the example shown you can see that only one hole
In the vertical is shown. Your design can also have two holes be visible if need be.
B is an example of the view when you look through. The holes along the vertical are open
and not blocked by the masking tape. This means when you wear the Pinhole no-glasses the
masking tape will block the light coming through the covered holes and you will practice to look
through only the holes in the vertical.
This is a good training for you to become familiar with your unclear view and train it.
Once you have completed placing the masking tape in place (remember to completely cover the
other eye with masking tape) put on the Pinhole no-glasses.
Use step 1 practice and for 10 breaths to acquaint your self with this kind of patching. Breathe
and shift your view to different positions. After an additional 10 breaths, begin to move your eyes
along in the direction of the slit. Do this for at least 5 full breaths and then take off the Pinhole
no-glasses and notice your clearness.
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This practice can replace step 3 from day 8 to day 22 or longer. You can expect the sharpness of
your naked vision through the slit to increase. You can also use the same approach for the other
eyes unclear orientation that you can find using this step 2, the slit experiment.
With the Pinhole no-glasses observe that your visual world is made up of many distances from
your eyes. This is called space. Choose an object like a chair, window or object that are different
distances from your eyes. Choose an object at 1, 2 and 3 meters distance. As you breathe begin
to let your eyes change focus from the object a t 1 meter to the object at 2 meters. Then change
your looking to the 3-meter distance. This changing focus is like zooming a camera. Repeat for
10 to 20 breaths. Each time you practice choose different objects to look at. You can with time
use the first object as close as 40 centimetres. Lastly, use an object like printed material at 20
centimetres. Then remove the Pinhole no-glasses and close your eyes and rest. Continue
Open your eyes and repeat practice 1 in your naked vision. Recall from figure 12 that the
appearance of the holes will change as you zoom from a close to far distance. It is important that
you notice the change in the holes.
Eye movement
In the introduction to astigmatism I mentioned that one of the directions might have a different
feeling than the others. You were suggested to see if this is true for you. Now you know which is
the unclear meridian of view. In this eye movement step you are going to refine your eye
movement practice on day 8 or 9 to include a specific movement practice of your eyes.
Car passenger
As a passenger in a car, breathe, relax, and start looking through the side window. Let the
scenery slide past your eyes. Don't try to see anything in particular; on the contrary, do
something similar to swinging, just letting your eyes brush the fast-moving objects -- not even
seeing them as objects, seeing only the movement of space. After a while, objects start "popping
out" of this movement, here and there, but don't chase them, don't try to prolong the instantaneous
impression of seeing something clearly.
Alternate this with looking through the front window as far ahead as you can, again without
straining or trying to see. Widen your field of perception and give nothing in sight any priority
over anything else. Occasionally outline the trees far ahead -- just the contour of the top. Look at
the white divider lines, as far ahead as possible, but don't chase them when they move closer -just keep on looking far, far away. Say to yourself, "Whatever comes." Don't try to see the signs,
the license plates, etc., but eventually theyll start "jumping" at you, spontaneously coming into
focus. Again, don't chase them; don't stare to "make sure" you saw them. Whatever comes,
Notice all of the things that you never knew were there -- for instance, all the birds that happen to
fly by over the highway.
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Body swing

Figure 16

This practice is to train your self to observe the swing of things. As you move your gaze from one
point to another, things seen should move in the opposite direction. For example, if you look at
the upper left corner of a large letter W and then shift your gaze to the lower left corner, the
W should appear to move, or swing up. If it doesnt, this is a sign of strain. There are a
variety of ways to practice the swing. You can gently swing your whole body to the left and to
the right, and watch a distant tree swing to the right and to the left: You can move just your head.
You can move just your eyes. The better the vision, the shorter the swing can be made to be.
Since you have astigmatism, it is most important that you observe your posture. You head should
feel like it coming straight up from your extended spine. As you swing feel your spine moving
and creating freedom of tension.
Now that you have an idea of the swing concept, here are some steps to follow.
a. Stand with both feet firmly on the ground. When you feel stable, slip on the Pinhole noglasses and once again check that your stance is firm. Then close your eyes and keep your
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b. Take in a full in-breath and exhale. As you repeat the breathing pattern, let your thoughts melt
away and focus your attention on moving from the top of your head moving slowly downwards.
In your minds eye keep a distant point of focus in view, even though your eyes are closed. This
will permit you to be fully present in your body while relaxing your mind. The more you feel the
more you will feel your body standing firmly. In this way you will not lose your balance in the
next step. If you do lose your balance remember you have probably have started thinking.
c. Begin to slowly move your body so that your left hip first moves forward. Then let your right
hip moving forward. Ideally, when the left hip goes forward, you right ankle will arch outwards
like in a golf swing.
d. Repeat this swinging motion for at least 10 breaths and keep your balance while feeling
perfectly relaxed. For the next 10 breaths, imagine you can see through your closed eyes and
through the holes and observe the world around you. As you become practiced you will become
aware of an apparent movement. As you move, the world will move in the opposite direction.
This awareness will promote your feeling of relaxation of not only your mind but also your eyes.
Awareness of movement is key in clear and relaxed seeing.
e. If step d is difficult, open your eyes for brief moments and while looking through the holes
notice the movement. If it is still not obvious, put up a single thumb of one hand. While looking
at the thumb, observe the movement behind the thumb. Of course the distant view will be unclear
but you can still see the movement. Remember this motion and again close your eyes and recall
the movement from memory. Repeat for another 10 breaths and then stop and rest. You can also
add music to help the movement. Experiment with different kinds of music, slow and fast. Let
yourself slip into a meditative state while keeping your eyes relaxed.
f. Open your eyes while standing still and look around through the Pinhole no-glasses.
Remove them and then enjoy the freedom of seeing in your naked vision. How is the contrast and
colours of objects around you?
Watching faces
Spend a minute or so looking at a human face. This may be a person or even a photograph. Look
at the mouth, one eye, the other eye, and the mouth again, and notice, as it gets clearer. After a
while, look at a letter X and observe if both arms look sharp and black. Keep looking at the X
and check if one of the arms slowly fades to grey and appears fuzzy! Your mind may not be sure
how the X is supposed to look.

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Thumb zapping

Figure 17

While looking through the pinholes at a point far away, choose a particular object that stands out
from the rest of the environment. Place your thumb between your eyes and the object you are
looking at. While blinking and breathing and maintaining a fixed focus on the distant object,
become aware that there are probably two thumbs visible. (This will be dependent on both eyes
working together at the same time-If this does not happen you may have to practice step 2 for a
longer period.) You can also try moving an outstretched pointing finger up and down before one
of your eyes and observe if you see a second thumb.

Figure 18

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If this is not the case, keep blinking and breathing in an attempt to make yourself see two thumbs
while looking far past the thumbs. If you cannot accomplish this, it might mean your eyes are not
sending equal messages to the brain and, therefore, your brain is not able to create two-eyed
perception. You will not be able to advance to the next phase of the vision game until your two
eyes are more able to cooperate. Continue covering the eye with the less clear vision.
Assuming that you are aware of two thumbs, notice if one thumb is higher than the other. Adjust
your head by cocking your right earlobe toward the right shoulder or the left shoulder until the
two thumbs appear equally high. Maintain breathing and blinking pattern that visibly sustains the
presence of the two thumbs. Look through and beyond the holes. Recall the farther away you can
look, the less apparent the holes will be.
In the presence of the perception of two thumbs, explore the following way:

Does one thumb look more real than the other?

Give one word that describes the other thumb?
Can you make one thumb go away?
Can you switch between one thumb and another?
Does one thumb seem less solid than the other?
Does one thumb seem smaller or bigger?
Are there differences in height between the thumbs? (If so, cock your head from side to side,

right ear toward right shoulder. After aligning the two thumbs, are the eyes in the same horizontal line or
plane? If not, what is the implication? The difference in height between the two thumbs is particularly
relevant to astigmatism. By keeping both thumbs the same height will reduce your astigmatic way of

You may wish to explore thumb zapping at different distances like you did in step 2. Record
your results of this practice as follows
Vision Fitness Levels:
1. One thumb only.
2. No change in the thumb.
3. Two, and the one thumb fades.
4. Two, one thumb is higher.
5. Two, and equal.
You can also rank your thumb-zapping vision fitness on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being not able to
perform, and 10 being the maximum skill level. The subjective quantification results are worth
having for later comparison.
Remember to take off the Pinhole no-glasses and repeat step 1.
How is your clearness and unclearness after this practice? How do your eyes feel?
Write down your responses in your diary.

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Eye crossing
Eye crossing can be defined as the ability for you to voluntarily cross your eyes with no external
support like a finger or pencil. You will be accurately centring each eye inward in equal amounts
and being able to perceive a distant double image equally separated on each side of the thumb.
Note: There is no danger of your eyes becoming stuck while you do the eye-crossing vision game
even though you may have been told that as a child.
In many instances, this simple physical skill has not been developed or practised. Clinical
research has shown the importance of this voluntary control process is highly necessary for
maintaining high degrees of eye crossing. In visual science this is called convergence. When
there is a low ability to converge then supposedly, the involuntary eye-focusing system, called
accommodation, may be over-stimulated to compensate for a low convergence capacity. Eye
crossing is actually good for astigmatism and should be practiced. This will be necessary for you
to be able to perform in step 11. When you are properly visually centred then you can maintain
better concentration, complete assignments and more effectively play sports and be comfortable
while working on a computer. This is called being more focused.
If you cannot cross your eyes, you have to use props like a thumb or a pencil. It is normal for
you see two images in the background. This is known as physiological diplopia or normal
double vision.
Attempt to see the object far away as two, without the presence of the thumb at all. That is, align
your gaze where the thumb used to be and maintain the appearance of double vision far away.
You can accomplish this by tuning into the darkness of the circles as you adjust your focus to the
place where the thumb used to be. As you adjust your eye crossing closer and closer to the little
holes, the distance of the double object widens while the little holes begin to overlap each other.
By practicing the eye crossing and thumb zapping game, you are training your eye muscle
flexibility combined with relaxation. This helps the eyes cross inward, as well as sharpening the
precision of the focusing muscle inside your eyes. Stimulating the outside and inside muscles is
most desirable for the eyes to work together as a team. Do this for 10 breaths. Notice that while
crossing your eyes, everything far away also seems to become smaller and is unclear than objects
closer by. Keep the feeling of relaxation present.
After you have completed this practice, remove the Pinhole no-glasses and check your eyesight
by looking at objects in the far distance. You can even repeat the slit experiment step 3. It is
quite common and most gratifying for an increase in clearness to occur as a result of this vision
practice. The important point as always is to practice without strain of effort. Your goal is to
increase the sharpness of your eyesight at intermediate and far distances. In this way you can
minimize needing to wear normal compensating eyeglasses for these distances.

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Observing your results

The levels of eye crossing skill can be broken down as follows: (A score of 1 represents a lower
level of vision fitness. A score of 5 is the highest level.)


The eyes are physically unable to cross.

You cannot mobilise the eyes to the point of seeing one pencil or
thumb at your check distance.


You need a single pencil positioned at the point of eye-crossing in

order to give yourself something to look at.


You can cross your eyes, see two distant objects and hold this view
with out effort.


You can zoom away and make one distant object and then zoom
back towards the holes and make see two distant objects.

As you practice eye crossing from day 21 you will notice yourself travelling through the 5 steps
above. Give yourself more time if you need it. You can always continue this practice after day
As a general rule, you can introduce the eye crossing practice provided the following criteria are
i) You report two thumbs on the thumb zapping at some level; and
ii) Compare your level of eyesight and vision fitness between your right and left eyes. If the
percentage difference between the eyes is no more than 10% (This is determined by comparing the
right and left eye percentages you recorded off the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test.

Figure 19

This can be evaluated with or without the Pinhole no-glasses; if the difference is greater than 10%
without a lens prescription, always use the Pinhole no-glasses during any two-eyed activity, such as
thumb zapping or eye crossing.)

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Visual biofeedback
There are four diagrams for each kind of astigmatism. Choose the figure suited for your kind of
astigmatism. For example, if you have unclear vertical kind of astigmatism, then choose figure
27, and so on.
The following basic steps apply for all diagrams. For each diagram observe the specific
suggestions noted.

Figure 27 A
Vertical Astigmatism

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Figure 27 B

This is a two-eyed practice. Both eyes should be open. Begin with the eye-crossing mode on day
If your vision skills are good enough you can do this without using your thumb or another object
between your eyes and the figure. Position yourself 40 centimetres from the figure and wear the
Pinhole no-glasses. When your eyes are in the crossing mode, you will observe a third
imaginary image in between the two real images. It will look like figure 27 B. When you are in
either the eye crossing or uncrossing mode the two images can be directed into what will appear
as an overlapped third image directly between the two real images.
Repeat also for the thumb-zapping phase where you look past the two real images. Observe size
differences. Remember that the third, middle image will appear smaller in the crossed mode and
larger in the thumb-zapping mode. Attempt to trombone (move the figure closer and further) the
figure while you keep the presence of the third fused image and be aware of all the elements of
the picture clearly focused. Breathe as well, and repeat for 10 breaths and then rest your eyes, as
this can be a very strenuous practice.
If you have horizontal or oblique astigmatism you will use one of the following figures.

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Figure 28A
Horizontal Astigmatism.

Figure 28B

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Figure 29A

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Figure 29B

12. Visual acuity (Eyesight)

You can choose to use a regular eye chart of different size letters that you can make your self on
a computer or use the Bach Freiburg visual acuity test.

Figure 20

What is important is that in addition to the feedback you will gain from step 11, you should have
a numerical record of your progress. It is suggested that you repeat the Bach Freiburg visual
acuity test on days 1, 10, 20 and 30. If you apply the principles of this booklet longer than the 30
days, repeat this test every 10 days.
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13. Neck roll

As you can appreciate you neck is a vital part of the process of having relaxed eyes and clearer
eyesight. Your eyes are nourished by your blood that flows from the heart through your neck and
to the eyes. If your neck is stiff and tense, you will limit the flow of blood.
In addition, the neck is quite often misaligned when astigmatism exists. The neck roll practise
keeps the muscles of your neck flexible.
First gently practice moving your head towards your right shoulder being in your naked vision.
Repeat in the opposite direction toward your left shoulder. Then gently guide your head forward
to your chest. Move slowly while breathing. Then let your head gently glide backwards to the
point where your head touches the top of your back. It is important that you do not use pressure
in this practice. Be careful not to strain.
Lastly, you make a circular motion with your head traversing all the positions you went through,
first clockwise and then counter clockwise. Repeat for 5 breaths for each movement. Thereafter,
do an additional 5 breaths wearing the Pinhole no-glasses. This time observe distance details
after each 5-breath sequence. Move your eyes from one object to another and then repeat the next
neck roll movement.


Amblyopia and Strabismus

Amblyopia is called a lazy eye condition. In conventional medical science, it is believed that this
condition cannot be helped beyond age 7. Amblyopia exists when no matter what lens is placed
before the eye, the eyesight does not improve beyond a certain level. Conventional eye doctors
have been trained to believe that the brain cannot be changed after a certain age. Since 1999,
research has shown that the brain has a plasticity that exists even in adults.
There is now clinical evidence that the adult brain can be trained to increase the number of axon
and dendrite nerve connections. It is from this position, that the Pinhole no-glasses are used to
increase the function of a so-called lazy eye. However, there is a word of caution. There is a
risk that if your lazy eye begins to see again it may not be happy to cooperate with your normally
functioning eye. There is a possibility of short periods of double vision. As always, you should
discuss your vision needs with your eye doctor.
The condition of amblyopia is usually associated with a secondary condition of strabismus. This
means that there is a turning in or out of one of the eyes. If one eye turns in there is a very high
probability that you will be farsighted. In this case you will use the farsightedness section of the
booklet. Please recognize that your progress will be slow and you may not be able to the more
difficult steps where both eyes are demanded to cooperate as a team.

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In this case you are probably only using one eye to look with. You can test this by attempting to
do the thumb-zapping practice in step 7 of the farsightedness section.
If you are nearsighted and have an amblyopia and/or strabismus you can use the nearsightedness
section and follow the steps as far as you can. Rather than progress to the two-eyed practices, stay
with the one-eyed steps for a longer period of time.
Because of the complexity of these eye conditions you may need to seek the support of a vision
therapy or behavioural oriented optometrist.

During your training process it is predictable that you will need progress vision
examinations with your eye doctor. If you use a lens prescription, the first sign of successful
relaxation is that your current contact lenses or eyeglasses will seem to be too strong. This is
good news. This is the time to obtain a lesser lens prescription. If your progress is slow during the
30 day cycle, you can always repeat and do a second 30 day sequence. You are to be
commended for helping yourself be more relaxed and helping your eyes to function at the highest
possible level of efficiency. Enjoy your Pinhole no-glasses and this wonderful way to build
relaxation into your daily life.

The information, training processes and solutions offered in this booklet are for the purpose of
enhancing a relaxed lifestyle and are educational based. Beyond 2020 Vision does not offer
medical diagnosis or optometric treatments and is not a replacement for such a service. The
Pinhole no-glasses process is a considered a complement to your conventional medical
programs and you are recommended to consult with your medical and eye doctor regarding all
decisions regarding the health of your eyes.
All material in this booklet is presented in an accurate and scientific way and is copyrighted. How
the information from this booklet is used is not under the direct control of Beyond 2020 Vision
therefore, Beyond 2020 Vision nor representatives, do not take responsibility for the misuse of
the booklet content or the Pinhole no-glasses or the results you obtain. Every person is
responsible for his or her own results and experiences. Beyond 2020 Vision and EyeCode
trademarks are registered. All rights are reserved. No parts of the booklet may be duplicated or
distributed without the written consent of the author.

Beyond 2020Vision
Post Office Box 68
Roberts Creek B.C. V0N 2W0
Tel (206) 905-1393
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Skype robertokaplan
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