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Detti Lismayanti

Dedi Efrizal

Lingga Sriwijaya Ambarita


Mia Fitrina Agustina



Yashori Revola


Zulfikri Muhammad




Dewan Redaksi
SK. Rektor IAIN Bengkulu No. 0555 Tahun 2015

Jurnal Bahasa

Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Menerima Tulisan hasil
penelitian pengajaran bahasa dan kajian analitis kritis di bidang sastra dan pembelajarannya.
ISSN 2303-9986

Penanggung Jawab
H. Rizkan A. Rahman

M Zikri

Desain Grafis/Editor

M. Hidayaturrahman
Reko Serasi

Alamat Redaksi
Jl. Raden Fatah Paagar Dewa Bengkulu
Telp. (0736) 51276 Fax. (0736) 51172

Sampul Depan
Susunan Dewan Redaksi
Daftar Isi
Pengantar Editor






Detti Lismayanti


Dedi Efrizal


Lingga Sriwijaya Ambarita



Mia Fitrina Agustina





Yashori Revola




Zulfikri Muhammad

" ?"


Syukur Alhamdulillah dipanjatkan kepada Allah SWT Jurnal A-Lughah edisi bulan
Juni telah terbit dengan penulisan artikel yang menyajikan pembahasan-pembahasan dan
penelitian-penelitian mengenai pembelajaran bahasa, baik bahasa Arab maupun bahasa
Artikel jurnal bahasa Al-Lughah edisi ini diawali dengan tulisan Risnawati yang
meneliti tentang kemampuan membaca siswa dalam memahami teks yang berorientasi
pragmatic dan teks yang berorientasi semantic pada mahasiswa semester VIII program studi
pendidikan bahasa Inggris di IAIN Bengkulu tahun ajaran 2013-2014.
Selanjutnya Detti Lismayanti dalam artikel yang kedua menyajikan tulisan yang
merupakan hasil penelitian tentang hubungan dan perbedaan yang signifikan antara
komponen penulisan pemahaman membaca siswa dan kemampuan menulis mahasiswa
semester VI program studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Bengkulu tahun akademik 2013-2014.
Dalam artikel ketiga, Dedi Efrizal menyajikan tulisan yang juga merupakan hasil
penelitian tentang penggunaan film berbahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan penguasaan
kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang tahun ajaran
2014-2015. Dengan film berbahasa Inggris tersebut, diharapkan kosakata yang dikuasai siswa
dapat meningkat.
Lingga Sriwijaya Ambarita, dalam tulisannya di artikel yang keempat ini menyajikan
tentang musik, keuntungannya, dan bagaimana musik secara signifikan dapat memberikan
dampak dalam mengajarkan kosakata bahasa Inggris pada anak. Musik dapat menciptakan
lingkungan yang nyaman bagi anak-anak, dan secara sadar mendorong anak-anak untuk
menghapal kosakata baru, karena mereka akan merasa senang dalam belajar, dan tidak
merasa seperti sedang belajar.
Kemudian Mia Fitria Agustina dalam artikel kelima ini menuliskan tentang
bagaimana Metropop menggambarkan tentang apa yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat.
Metropop yang ada pada penelitian ini adalah M2L Men 2 Love oleh Andrei Aksana, Cinlok
oleh Mia Arsyad, dan pasangan (Jadi) Jadian oleh Lusiwulan.
Selanjutnya dalam artikel keenam, Bustomi menulis tentang pentingnya membaca
sebagai gerbang untuk menambah pengetahuan seseorang. Tingginya peradaban seseorang
dipengaruhi dengan tingginya pengetahuan seseorang. Akan tetapi saat ini gairah membaca
tersebut telah berangsur-angsur menurun disebabkan oleh kurangnya minat untuk membeli
buku, penggunaan internet sebagai sumber cepat untuk mencari referensi, dan orientasi studi
pragmatis yang lebih mengutamakan nilai belajar daripada proses belajar.
Dalam artikel ketujuh, Yasori Revola menyajikan tulisan tentang bagaimana bahasa
Inggris yang merupakan salah satu bahasa Internasional yang digunakan untuk interaksi dan
komunikasi di era globalisasi dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Indonesia. Dengan perbedaan dari segi
cara membaca antara bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris, apakah ini mempengaruhi
kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris seseorang.
Ernawati dalam tulisannya di artikel kedelapan menjelaskan tentang analisis
behaviorisme. Di antara isi tulisannya, penulis ini menjabarkan tentang pendapat Palmer
bahwa makna dari suatu kata, terdiri dari sejumlah elemen, yang antara elemen yang satu
dengan yang lain memiliki ciri yang berbeda-beda.
Kemudian dalam artikel ke sembilan, Zulfikri Muhammad menuliskan tentang
keunggulan-keunggulan bahasa Arab. Dalam tulisan ini beberapa kelebihan dan keungulan
yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Arab jika dibandingkan dengan bahasa-bahasa yang lain dijelaskan
dengan mendetail, baik pada masa yang lalu maupun pada masa sekarang.

Pada artikel yang terakhir, Basinun menjelaskan tentang bagaimana guru bahasa Arab
yang profesional dengan beberapa kriteria seperti memiliki kepribadian dan dapat
menampilkan diri sebagai guru bahasa Arab yang dapat diteladani, memiliki kompetensi
dalam bahasa Arab, menguasai didaktik metodik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab, dan
meguasai manajemen pembelajaran dalam bahasa Arab, dapat diwujudkan dengan
pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki guru bahasa Arab tentang teknologi pendidikan.
Demikian sejumlah artikel yang kami sajikan dalam jurnal Al-Lughah ini. Diharapkan
tulisan-tulisan tersebut dapat menambah dan melengkapi koleksi hasil-hasil penelitian dan
analitis kritis di bidang bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris serta menjadi ajang komunikasi bagi
para ilmuwan untuk pengembangan dan peningkatan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dan bahasa
Ucapan terima kasih tak lupa dihaturkan kepada para penulis yang telah
menyumbangkan buah karya ilmiahnya, sehingga sumbangsih ini akhirnya dapat
meningkatkan kemajuan pendidikan bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris. Selanjutnya kritik dan
saran sangat diharapkan untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas dari jurnal Al-Lughah ini
di masa yang akan datang.


Juni 2015


Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris IAIN Bengkulu
Abstrak: Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan kemampuan
membaca siswa dalam memahami teks yang berorientasi pragmatic dan teks yang
berorientasi semantic padasiswa semester 8. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah
seluruh siswa semester VIII program studi bahasa Inggris di IAIN Bengkulu tahun
ajaran 2013/2014. Sampel yang digunakan dipilih secara acak yang mengambil 20
siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Dalam pengumpulan
data, peneliti menggunakan dua jenis reading test, yang pertama reading yang
beorientasi pragmatic dan yang kedua reading yang berorientasi semantic. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca siswa dalam memahami teks
yang berorientasi pragmatic masih rendah. Hal ini dibuktikan pada banyaknya nilai
siswa yang berada pada Poor kategori. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa tidak terbiasa pada
makna pragmatic atau makna yang disampaikan secara implicit atau tidak langsung.
Selain itu mereka juga tidak terbiasa dengan makna berdasarkan kontekstual.
Sebaliknya, sebagian besar siswa mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi pada teks yang
berorientasi semantic, karena makna dalam teks ini dinyatakan secara langsung. Hal
ini berarti, siswa perlu dibiasakan pada teks yang berorientasi pragmatic, agar
mereka terbiasa dengan makna yang disampaikan secara implicit.
Kata kunci: pemahaman membaca, wacana berorientasi makna pragmatik, wacana
berorientasi makna semantik

Reading is a process in which a reader tries to search and to get in information in
reading text. According to Ur (1996:70) reading is the process of getting and understanding
of some words from the text. In other words, to get understanding what the meaning of the
text, we need to understand some of word from it. Reading is an activity that can improve
someones knowledge about the important information and some new vocabulary also. From
the statement above, reading is not only a process of understanding of some words from the
text, but also critic al thinking and full understanding about the text and the main point to be
made about reading process is comprehension. Comprehension is the readers understanding
and interpretation of what they have read. Readerswho have good comprehension are able to
draw conclusions about what they read. With comprehension, reading for pleasure or
knowledge is possible since the aim of reading is to get the meaning of the text.
In fact, many difficulties factors that caused the failure in comprehending reading
texts that are faced by learners expressed by researchers. According to Alderson in S.
Behroozizad (2012), one of the lead of failure that faced is apply untrue and not proper
strategies in reading that text in that language. Then, Bowen in some article also stated that
one of failureof studentsinreadingcomprehensionissearching forthe meaning ofeveryword
inthe dictionaryandlastly they are losingthe generalmeaningand main ideaof the textinreading.
It means that togetan understandingin the passages, thestudentsshould beignoringthe words
are notfamiliar. They do not need to understand the meaning of every word or phrase because
it will make them bored when they do not understand some of words and they do not get the
content of the text. The poor readers are usually just known about some of the words in the
passages. In consequently,theydo notunderstand the purposeofthetext.
As we know, introducing new vocabulary and grammatical competence to find purpose
of the text are still be dominant method in teaching reading comprehension of the students

classes. However, itis notanappropriate method toimprove reading comprehensiontext to the

students. Furthermore, texts with pragmatic meaning are also being the problem for the
students, because they not recognize unfamiliar word in the text. At the end, many of them
are not lucky in comprehending the texts of reading. Leech in S. Behroozizad (2012:29)
stated that there are two types of meaning that may detect of the passages such as semantics
meaning (word meaning) and pragmatics meaning (speaker meaning). In fact, pragmatics
meaning or what speaker meaning is more difficult than the semantics meaning or the speaker
meaning. In this study may contain two types of reading text namely pragmatically oriented
text and semantically oriented text.
Pragmatically oriented texts means original text that in the reading text may contain
pragmatic meaning or some of sentences expressed indirectly. To improve an ability of
students reading comprehension, Fan (2010) stated that Collaborative Strategic Reading is
another way to expand the ability of students reading comprehension. It is as a variation of
cooperative learning. The other way, Yano in Scott (2014) stated that written texts may also
be simplified through a process of elaboration, which clarifies message content and structure
through repetition of key ideas and the paraphrasing of difficult terms. It means that, to make
the text more comprehensible, it needs to modify the word that may be unfamiliar for the
students. Then, Hill in Scott also stated that at the level of written texts, input is often
modified to make the text more comprehensible, generally in the syntactic structure and the
Semantically oriented text is a simplified text that some of sentences are omitted and
use simple form of sentences, then try to paraphrase some of difficult sentences, but the
underlying meaning and information remains the same with the original text or which are
called pragmatically oriented text. Simple forms of sentences mean that it uses paraphrase
and synonym of words to express sentences that expressed indirectly and unknown word or
unfamiliar word by the text. It is adapted from the pragmatically oriented text (original
texts).The purpose of text semantically oriented text is to provide the foreign learner with text
that is more accessible and more comprehensible and to help them to try of making
The objective of this research is to investigate students reading ability in
comprehending pragmatically oriented text and semantically oriented text. The sample is
eighth semester students of English study program of IAIN Bengkulu academic year
The Definition of Reading
Longan (2002:359), reading is the capability of understanding what the reader read.
There are eight skills in reading namely recognizing definition and examples, enumerations,
heading and sub headings, signal words, main idea in paragraph and short selections,
knowing how to outline, how to summarize, and also understanding graph and tables. In this
understanding the reader should be recognize them. Then, Alderson (2000:28) defines
reading as an enjoyable, intense, private activity, from which much pleasure can be derived,
and in which one can become totally absorbed. It means that, reading is an activity for
pleasure that can do by everyone that would be enrich information as income from it.
In addition, Burhan (2012: 9) stated that reading is a physic and mental activity to
reveal the meaning of the written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing
letters. A physic activity means that the parts of the body and our eyes particularly, do it.
Then, mental activity means perception and memory as parts of thought are involved in it.
Then he concludes that the main goal of reading is a process of comprehending written texts.
A good readers have to do some other jobs in order to comprehend a text: they should

connect new text with past experiences, they mean background knowledge, interpret,
evaluate, synthesize, and consider alternative interpretations (Pressley &Afflerbach: 1995).
While doing this task, students need also some strategies to help them make their reading
comprehension to be easy.Furthermore, Nunan (1991: 43) says that reading is usually
conceived as a solitarity activity in which the reader interacts with the text in isolation. Then,
Nuttal (1996) also defines reading is an activity to understand the message that us sent by the
writer In order to achieve that purpose, it also explained that in teaching reading, the teacher
should be emphasized on the skill to help the students motivation, various kinds of English
text to help the students, develop their ability in reading. According to Goodman (1998),
reading is receptive language process. It is a psycholinguistic process in that it begins with a
linguistic surface representation encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the reader
construct. There is thus an essential interaction between language and thought in reading.
Reading Comprehension
Nuttal (1996), reading comprehension understands what has been read better than
expression the words. It means that reading comprehension more than spelling. In
comprehension, we need knowledge to get new information, to what we have already known.
Reading comprehension is the ability in understanding and need information from the
passage. It is impossible to get the point when the people only understand a little bit from the
text. Therefore, comprehension is much needed in understanding the text.
In addition, Grellet ((1981) defines reading comprehension as understanding a written
text means extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible. To increase
their reading ability, students must do exercise of comprehension. Mackay also had the same
opinion. He said that the other way to develop reading comprehension is through organized
small group discussion of texts. Duke and Pearson (2001: 426) say that the more reading a
reader does, the more reading comprehension should improve. It means that to improve
comprehension, we must practice many times to read.
Readingcomprehensionis a skillthat isveryimportant for the successesof allindividuals
struggleinmanyfields of study. This isanimportantskillthe necessaryforallareas ofthe school.
Instruction in comprehension strategy use often involves the gradual release of responsibility,
while teachers initially explain and model strategies. Over time, they give students more and
more responsibility for using the strategies until they can use them independently. This
technique is generally associated with the idea of self-regulation and reflects social cognitive
Rubin (2004: 6), reading comprehension defined as the degree of understanding the
text. If word recognition is not easy, students use long capacity of process to read each word
in comprehending what they read. Pearson in Eanes (1997) stated that comprehension needs
the readers to know explicitly information of the passage. It means that, in reading
comprehension, we need to connect ideas from background knowledge from the text.
Reading comprehension involves not only understanding the words in the sentences but also
understanding through the writers mind. Beatrice (2007: 74) states that true comprehension
means making sense of what you read and connecting the ideas in the text to what you
already know. It means that, comprehension is about remembering all of what has been read
and understood by the text that has been read.
The Purpose of Reading
Someone might read for a variety of purposes, and goals that help to understand
better what is read by the people. If the readers reads for pleasure or read for pure recreation
and enjoyment, it can be read either fast or slowbased on the waythe readers likes it or feel.

But if readers reading to learn ori nformation such as news, science or a few lines, which are
part of the study or task it does very slowly and carefully. And the general purpose of reading
is to find some information from the text.
As we know that, the purpose of reading is to understand written language learners.
In other words, how the learner got the message from the author symbol. One of the most
important tasks of the reader is to dig out and find out what the writer would like to say.
According to Paul S Anderson (1992) there are seven goals of reading,
reading for the details and facts, read for main idea, reading for sequence of organization,
reading for inference, classify reading, reading for evaluate and compare the reading for the
a. Reading for details and facts: reading to find out what the subject of the story.
b. Reading for main ideas: reading to get the problem statement.
c. Reading to the order of organization: reading to know every part of the story.
d. Reading to a conclusion: read to know what is meant by the author of the story.
e. Reading to classify: reading to find things that are not ordinary.
f. Reading to evaluate: reading to find out the value of the story.
g. Reading to compare or contest: reading to compare how the story of the reader life way.
Reading for Meaning
It is important to decide why students are made to read
language or for improving the understanding power of meaning a text conveys. Nuttalls
(1996: 30) stated that, students need to learn how to read for meaning, because language
improvement is a natural by-product of reading. As the same opinion with Shahidullah
(1995), reading basically is concerned with meaning of a text, which is embedded in the
language of the text. A text is a physical manifestation, and readers purpose is to construct
meaning with the data a text supplies. In short, discovering the intended meaning of a text
should be the sole purpose of the teaching of reading since language skills develop naturally
with the development of reading skills. According to Nuttall (1996) there are some categories
of the meaning.
1. Conceptual meaning
Conceptual meaning is a kind of meaning is embedded in a word. Every lexical item
concepts. This refers to Saussurean definition of language as a sign system that includes
signifier and signified.
2. Propositional meaning
It is the meaning of sentence can have of its own is a propositional meaning. A single
word does not inherit this type of meaning because we cannot affirm it, deny it, and
question it. This is the only category of meaning that can be interpreted without the
reference of the context.
3. Contextual meaning
Contextual meaning occurs when a sentence or proposition or even a word is used in a
context. The use indicates the writers intention of and reason for using it. The value of its
using in a text becomes explicit from the relationship between it and the other sentences
or elements before and after it in the same text.
4. Pragmatic meaning
Pragmatic meaning is the meaning, which a sentence has only as a part of the interaction
between writer and reader. It reflects the writers feelings, attitude, purpose, tone and so
on. Pragmatic meaning is the product of the unified whole text, and it offers variations in
interpreting the meaning because of the fact that every reader comes to the text with
his/her individual concepts and experiences that largely affect the meaning of the text.


According to Grellet (1946), each reader brings his own meaning to what he reads based
on what he expects from the text and his previous knowledge. It is important for
pragmatic readings to understand the meanings of every part of the text, and then to
amalgamate them to produce successive and coherent unified meaning of the text as a
whole. As stated by Shahidullah (1995) that a text is a piece of communication, parts of
which relate to each other to create a meaningful whole.
Pragmatically Oriented Text
Pragmatically oriented text means the original text. The term of original is generally
used to refer that any text which was the first text. Pragmatically oriented text means a text
that uses some terms or sentences that expressed indirectly in reading text. It is important to
decide why students are made to read either for developing language or for improving the
understanding power of meaning a text conveys.
Nuttal (1996), pragmatic meaning is one of categories of the meaning or reading. It is
a sentence has only as a part of the interaction between writer and reader. Grellet (1946) sated
that, each reader brings his own meaning to what he reads based on what he expects from the
text and his previous knowledge. It is important for pragmatic readings to understand the
meanings of every part of the text, and then to amalgamate them to produce successive and
coherent unified meaning of the text as a whole.
Widdowson (1979), simplification means a kind of intralingua translation whereby a
piece of discourse is reduced to a version written in the supposed interlanguage of the learner.
Gass (1988) and Hatch (1978) also stated that the role of spoken and written input is an
important element of second language acquisition, because it provides second language (L2)
learners with language data from which to develop a lexicon, acquire the grammatical and
syntactic structures of a language, and understand how the language conveys connections
between ideas. It means that modified text into the target language is very important for
foreign learner. To make the students more comprehensive of the text, modified text into
target language is very important.
Yano, et al (1994) defines simplification texts as a process of elaboration, which
clarifies message content and structure through repetition of key ideas and the paraphrasing
of difficult terms. In other words, semantically oriented text is rewriting the passage into the
simple language. The aims of it is to make the language leaner more comprehensible of the
Design of the Research
This research is descriptive quantitative research. It is to describe the students ability
in understanding pragmatically oriented text and semantically oriented text. According to
Gay and Peter (2008: 8) quantitative method of research are based on the collection and
analysis of numerical data. It is usually obtained from questioners, test, checklist and other
formal paper and pencil instrument. In addition, Sugiono (2007: 15) define quantitative
method was a method which a based on positivism philosophy that is used for investigating
the of certain population or sample, the sample can be taken randomly, the data collecting
used research instrument, and data analysis is in form of quantitative/statistic. In other words,
descriptive quantitative method is a method that involves collecting the data in order to find
the result of a certain subject in a certain population or sample by using research instrument
where the process of data analysis used statistic. Gay ((2000: 11) stated that descriptive
research involves collecting data in order to answer question about the current states of the
subject or topic of the study. Descriptive purposes to describe systematically a situation or
area of interest factually and accurately.


Population and Sample

The population of this research was eighth semester students of English study
program IAIN Bengkulu in academic year 2013/2014. Total number of the population is 83
students. This research used random sampling technique. It is a sampling technique where we
select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each
individual is chosen entirely by chance. The writer will take 20 from 81 students as the
Technique for Collecting the Data
In collecting the data, the writer used an essay test. In this research test used to
collected the data about the students reading ability on eighth semester students of IAIN
Bengkulu in understanding semantically oriented text and pragmatically oriented text with
use comprehension test. According to Cahyani :2009:283) essay test is test with written
questions, which the answer is essay or long sentences, the long of the essay relative, based
on the ability question test.
In this research, the writer used two kinds of reading text followed by questions:
1. Answer 15 questions from pragmatically oriented text
2. Answer 15 questions from semantically oriented text
The test is used to know how the ability of them in understanding the two kinds of the
texts. For the first, the writer gave the pragmatically oriented text with for 20 minutes. After
finishing them, they gave semantically oriented text which same questions of pragmatically
text and of course with the same long time with.
Technique for Analyzing the Data
The technique for analyzing the data is the important role in this research after
collecting the data. After the data was collected, then it was scored to know the students
ability in understanding semantically oriented text and pragmatically oriented text.
The Score of Pragmatically Oriented texts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pragmatically Oriented text Score

The Students Score in Comprehending Pragmatically Oriented texts
The chart above shows that the students ability in comprehending pragmatically
oriented texts. The data shows that the lowest score was (53) and the highest score was (73).
It means the students reading ability in comprehending pragmatically oriented text was on
Average category. It showed that more than 50% of students got good score, but some of
students still on Poor category. It is because they do not familiar with pragmatic meaning or


the sentence that stated indirectly. Therefore, they need deep explanation and more exercises
about pragmatic knowledge to support their reading comprehension especially about reading
that oriented with pragmatics meaning.

The Students' Score in Comprehending Semantically

Oriented Text
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Semantic Score
The Students' Score in Comprehending Semantically Oriented Text
The chart above shows that the students ability in comprehending pragmatically
oriented text. The data shows that the students lowest score was (73) and the highest score
was (93). It means that, the students reading ability in comprehending semantically oriented
text was included Excellent category. It can see from the result of the data above that no one
students on Poor and Very Poor category. In other words, mostly of them got good
category of score.

Percentages of
Pragmatic score
Percentages of
Semantic Score

The students score in comprehending pragmatically oriented text

and semantically oriented text
From the chart above, it is obvious that pragmatically oriented text be accepted as
more difficult for the students in comprehending the passages. It can see from the chart
abovethatin pragmatically section, none students got Excellent category, 20% Good
category, 40% Average category, 40% Poor category, and none students Very Poor
category. While in semantically section, 50% students got Excellent category, 30%
students Good category, 20% students Average, and none students Poor and Very
Poor category. It means that, students more comprehensive when they face semantically


oriented than pragmatically oriented texts. We can see from the chart above that score in
semantically oriented text better that pragmatically oriented text.
Descriptive Statistics of Pragmatically Oriented text and
Semantically Oriented Text
Pragmatically texts


Semantically texts






Std. Deviation






Based on the statistic above, it can be seen that the minimum score of pragmatically
oriented texts was (53),the maximum score was (73). The mean score of it was (61.6). This
value was at interval 60-69. Its value if we included into five scales was on average/low
medium. Besides that, the minimum score of semantically oriented texts was (73), maximum
score was (93). The mean score of it was (80.4). This value was at interval 80-100. Its value
if we included into five scales was on Excellent. It means students reading ability in
comprehending pragmatically oriented text was good category, but some of them still confuse
with pragmatics meaning of the text. It showed that some of the students on poor category.
Then, in semantically oriented text mostly of the students was excellent category and no one
students on poor category.
Reading is one of the important skills to increase knowledge especially to be mastery
of English. Reading will raise the ability to think creatively, critically, and imaginatively.
Through reading, it will establish the ability to think through the process: capturing ideas or
information, understand, imagine, implement and express. That is why reading is very
important in learning English. In this research, comprehending pragmatically oriented text
and semantically oriented text that took eighth semester students of English study program of
IAIN Bengkulu as the sample in this research takes as the main focus as the discussion. The
detail description and explanation are as follow:
First, the students reading ability in comprehending pragmatically oriented texts was
good category, but some of the students were still on the poor category level and no one
student on excellent category. It can be seen from the data showed there are 4 students (20%)
which were at the category of good, 8 students (40%) at the category of average, and 8
students (40%) at the category of poor. No one student was at the category of excellent. The
lower score of it was 53 and the higher score was 73. Almost half of them on poor category,
it is because in the pragmatically oriented text, there are some sentences that expressed
indirectly, and some difficult words. It means that, many students are not so familiar with
pragmatic meaning on the texts. Therefore, many of them were not capable in answering the
questions. The students who capable in answering the questions of pragmatically oriented
text, it is assumed that the main factor is that they have better of pragmatic knowledge that
have integrated with semantic knowledge. Another factor is that they have ability to infer


from the context, so that they can identify the structure of the passage although it is difficult
for them.
Second, the students reading ability in comprehending semantically oriented text was
very good. It can be seen that mostly of the students were capable in answering the questions
in semantically oriented text. Therefore, most of them got excellent score. The data showed
that there were 10 students (50%) who included excellent category, 6 students (30%) who
included good category, 4 students ((20%) who included average. No one student who
included poor and very poor category. The minimum score of it was (73) and the maximum
score was (93). It is better than score of pragmatically oriented text. It is because the ease of
the text and they are familiar with the vocabulary when processing the reading text. In
semantically oriented text, the sentence that is stated indirect changed into the sentence that is
stated directly and any difficult word in pragmatically sentence changed into the simple
sentences. As the result, their scores in the semantically oriented text were better than
pragmatically oriented text. It is because the students ability in identifying the meaning of
vocabularies when processing the reading material was good and the ease of the text also.
Finally, It can be concluded that when students are faced with semantically oriented
text, that is when the meaning of individual words and sentences are easy to understand and
without ambiguity remarkable or sentences that is expressed directly, they are less confused
than when they are given a text that need the study of context or when text requires students
to obtain the author's intent from other forms of writing. The factor of it was students not so
familiar with pragmatically meaning of the text and less of vocabulary influence it. It would
be obstacles of the students understand of the text. It means that, the students still need deep
explanation of pragmatic meaning in their reading activity. Therefore, sometime teachers in
teaching language in the class need to varying strategy in teaching reading. It is supported by
the theory from Goodman (1967) argues that syntactic, semantic and pragmatic knowledge
are involved in the reading process. It means that, semantics and pragmatics knowledge plays
an important role in teaching reading for meaning and to support their reading ability.
Two conclusions are drawn in this study. First, the result of the students reading
ability in comprehending pragmatically oriented texts was good category, but some of the
students still on poor category. It can be showed there were 4 students (20%) which were at
the category of good, 8 students (40%) at the category of average, and 8 students (40%) at the
category of poor. No one student was at the category of excellent. The lowest score was 53,
the highest score was 73, and mean score of it was 61.60. It means that, many of students
were not familiar with pragmatics meaning that contain on the texts.
Second, the result of the students reading ability in comprehending semantically
oriented text was very good. It shows that, mostly of students was successful in answering
semantically oriented text. It can be showed there were 10 students (50%) who included
excellent category, 6 students (30%) who included good category, 4 students ((20%) who
included average. No students who included poor and very poor category. The lowest score
was 73, the highest score was 93 and mean score of it was 80.40. Based on the result of the
data, the students ability in comprehending semantically oriented text was better than
pragmatically oriented text.



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Detti Lismayanti
Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris IAIN Bengkulu
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan dan perbedaan yang
signifikan antara komponen penulisan pemahaman membaca siswa dan kemampuan
menulis mereka dalam mahasiswa semester enam TBI IAIN Bengkulu tahun akademik
2013-2014. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester enam TBI IAIN
Bengkulu pada tahun akademik 2013-2014 dengan jumlah total 76 siswa. The random
sampling digunakan dan hanya 20 siswa. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes
TOEFL membaca dan menulis Essay deskripsi. Dengan demikian,analisis pearson
product moment korelasi dan signifikan berbeda dalam SPSS 17 digunakan dalam
menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang
signifikan antara pemahaman membaca dan kemampuan menulis mereka. Temuan ini
juga didukung oleh analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif
dan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan antara pemahaman membaca siswa dan skor
kemampuan menulis mereka (0,22). Kemudian, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan
antara componen writing dengan (0,48) skor. Hal ini menyimpulkan bahwa telah ada
hubungan yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman bacaan siswa dan memiliki hubungan
positif terhadap menulis deskripsi Esai dan tidak berbeda signifikan untuk komponen
Keywords: Reading comprehension, Writing ability

Students have to master all of the skills well to have a good English mastery. According
to Harmer (2004: 31) writing is as one of the four skills. They always formed part of syllabus
in the teaching of English. Therefore, the students have to be able to write English well. He
also stated that (2004:79) writing is a form of comunication to deliver throught or to express
feeling through written form.
Good writing skills allow the students to communicate their message with clarity and
ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations. According
to peim in Atika (2006:6) writing is a form of thinking, because the writing is transforming
the writer thought or ideas into written text. Writing is also a learning process. With writing
there is a process of thingking and expressing the ideas. Study results would seem to write an
author of behavior change outcomes stated in writing, who will someday be read by others.
Beside that, developing language skills not only requires mastering on reading, but also it
requires to write effectively on what they read. The development of reading and writing skills
should be in the curriculum. In this case, Ozbay (2007) defines writing as the expression of
emotions, thoughts, wants, needs and events according to certain symbols based on certain
rules by pointing out that the act of writing is necessary.
Krashen & Terrel in Mart (2012) said that reading makes a contribution to overall
competence, to all four skills. Joelle Brommitt said that the relationship between reading and
writing is a bit like that of the chiken and egg. Which came first is not as important as the fact
that without one the other cannot exist. A childs literacy development is dependent on this
interconnection between reading and writing. It is support by Carson (1990) examined this
issue and ensure that reading influences writing.
Fumikiho Ito (2011) in his research The relationship between reading & writing in
japanese EFL high school, these research found that the development of L2 reading skills
may improve the quality of students persuasive essays in L2 writing. English for


International Communication (TOEIC) is used as instrument in this research for 68 native

Japanese high school students learning English as a Foreign This is a widely used English
language standardized test in Japan. The university of mississippi located in Oxford, United
It can be analyzed that reading can influence writing. Without reading, we are lack of
the background knowledge to support our idea. In the discussion, reading skill or reading
ability is very important in the English language teaching programs in indonesia as a main
tool to get knowledge & information.
Purpose of Reading
A person may read for many purposes, and purpose helps to understand more what is
read by people. If he is reading for pleasure or reading for pure recreation and enjoyment, he
may read either quickly or slowly based on the way he likes or feels. But if he reads for
studying or setting information such news, science or same line, which are part of his study or
assignment he does it very slowly and carefully.
As we know, the purpose of reading is that the learner understands the written
language, in other words, how the learner gets the message from the writers symbols. One of
the most important tasks of the reader is to dig out and find out what the writer would like to
According to Anderson, there are seven aims of reading, reading for details and fact,
reading for main ideas, reading for sequence or organization, reading for inference, reading
for classifying, reading for evaluating and reading for comparing of contest.
a. Reading for details and fact is reading to know what is done by the subject of the
b. Reading for main ideas is reading to get the problem statement
c. Reading for sequence of organization is reading to know each part of the story.
d. Reading for inference is reading to know what is the writer meant by its story.
e. Another author said that the aim of reading is:
f. Reading for pleasure
g. Reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something
with the information you get).
h. Meanwhile Lester and Crow classified two general purposes. These purposes
includes; Leisure-time reading and more serious reading.
i. Leisure-time reading. It is reading for enjoyment which may vary in to follow your
favorite sport, comic, article, and movie program.
j. More serious reading. It is reading to study for a goal such as to obtain factual
information and solve problems.
k. The above statements give us a clear explanation that the purpose or aim of reading is
not only to understand word by word, sentence by sentence or by paragraph but also
to understand and find the written ideas.

Reading Comprehension
Pearson and jonson in Eanes (1997) Comprehension requires the readers to identify
explicitly information of the text. It requires the readers to identify information in the text, it
requires the readers to relate ideas from background knowledge to ideas from the text. In
reading activities, a reader searches in formulations from the text and construct meaning. To


read means to read with understanding. To accomplish this, there must be comprehension of
words, thought units, sentences, paragraph, and longer units.
In comprehension, the readers change information into difference symbolic of language
and discourse relationship among facts, generalization, definition, skills and value. It is
supported by Nuttal (1996) said that comprehension is understanding what has been reads
rather than spelling the words. Furthermore, she defines reading as the meaningful
interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. It means that reading does the writer
intend a result of interaction between the perception graphic symbols that represent language
and readers language skills, cognitive skill and knowledge.
The Process of Writing
The process of writing make our written is better. According Harmer (2004) the
process of writing like this diagram:
final draft
Planning, before starting to write or type, the students try and decide what it is they are
going to say. When planning, writers have to think about three main issues. In the first place
they have to consider the purpose of their writing since this will influence not only the type of
text they wish toproduce,but also the language they use, and the information they choosen to
include. Secondly. Experienced writers think of the audience they are writing for, this will
influence not language. Thirdly, writers have to consider the content structure of the piece.
That is, how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which they have decide to
Drafting, as the writing process proceeds in to editing, a number of drafts may be
produced on the way to the final version.
Final version, this may look considerably different from the original plan and the first
draft, because things have changed in the editing process.
Editing (reflecting and revising), are often helped by other readers (or editors) who
comment and make suggestions. Another raders reaction to piece of writing will help the
author to make appropriate revisions.
Writing Ability
Mastering writing ability can elaborate their ideas in a systematic arrangement. Hartati
Eli (2000) said writing ability is the skill most highly valued in western university, and they
are ability least frequently developed in language classes. It is important to develop both of
confidence attitude and skill needed to improving writing.
Writing is complex process, that is consist of grammar, spelling, vocabulary and the
content it self. As heaton (1988:135) states writing ability are complex and some it is difficult
to teach to the students because it requires mastery, of grammar, theorical, conceptual, and
judgmental elements. He also said five general component in writing. There are language
uses, mechanical skill, and treatment of content, stylistic skill and judgment skill. Thus,
writing is a way to express the ideas feelings, thinking and opinion.
Learning writing ability is also important for the reason that this skill has special
characteristic. Ur (1996) states 8 characteristic of writing ability. The characteristics are:
Permanent, it means that the form of discourse is fixed and stable, we how ever can
read it and any condition we want to.
Explicit, it means that those must clarify about the context and reference. The writer
must be carrefully for arranging the form of words, thus the readers are directed to
same interpretation about the written work.



Density, the information that will be given to the reader are translated effectively. The
use of repitition words are rarely found in the written form. It is different to spoken
language, for instance.
Detachment, the writer must have an ability to predict their reader reaction about the
Organization, the writer usually had an opportunity to edit the written work before it is
available to be read. So, the writing end to be organized and well purposed.
Slowing of production, speed an reception mean slower the spoken.
Standard language, it is usually acceptable for a varied language.
A learnt skill, it must be leant and though to acquire the skill.
From the description above, It was clear that learning writing ability was important.

The Correlation Between Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability

Research has found that when children read extensively they become better writers.
Reading a variety of genres helps children learn text sructures and language that they can
then transfer to their own writing. In addition, reading provides young people with prior
knowledge that they can use in their stories. Joelle Brommitt said that the relationship
between reading and writing is a bit like that of the chiken and egg. It is also support by
Carson (1990) examined this issue and ensure that reading influences writing. In otherword,
Reading is master of English. English students become better if they master of reading.
Because, reading can improve four skills in English. This is supported by Krashen & Terrel
(1983:131) said that reading makes a contribution to overall competence, to all four skills.
Design of the Research
Research design of this study is the descriptive correlative method. The correlation is
the rearch study that involves collecting data in order to determine whether and what degree a
relationship exist between two or more quantifiable variables. In correlation studies, Dowdy,
et all, (2004:239) we are interested in the strength of the linear relationship between two
variables, so we estinate the correlation coefficient, make statistical inference about it, and
see how the variability in the experiment is affected by assiciation bet ween the two variables.
In conducting in research, the researcher prepared the reading test to measure the
writing skill, variable symbolized as X and reading test to know the reading
comprehension, variable symbolized as Y. Then, the result of writing test. Reading and
Writing test are correlated by using product moment formula.
Population and Sample
The population of this research is fourth semester students of English study program of IAIN
Bengkulu in 2013/2014 academic year which consist of 147 students. Gay (1976) stated that
to study the correlation can be represented 30 subjects. In this research, the sample was 30
students selected by using random sampling
Technique for collecting the data
The technique of collecting the data are: Fist, explaining how to do the test and giving
information of the time students needed to do the test, asking students not to stuck on one
question and asking students not to guess the answer. Second, distributing the question and
the answer sheets in closed-away, then warning student not to see the papers before starting.
Third, allowing students to open the answer sheet and writing their name, class, school,etc.
Fourth, giving a sign that the testing is started, next instructing students to stop working.
Five, collecting the questions and the answer sheer. Sixth, counting the data.


Technique for analyzing the data

1. Student score for reading comprehension
Based on the result in percentage scores, the writer uses the following range of scores
from reading TOEFL test and the classification of reading TOEFL as below:
Table 1. classification of reading TOEFL



40 - 50


35 - 39


16 - 34


Fang Shang (2011)

2. Student score for writing test.
Table 2 .Matrix Of Assessment For Students Writing Essay Description
Test score





Describe all of the parts, qualities, and

characteristics completely



Describe parts, qualities, and characteristics.

Somewhat chopp-loosely



Fairly describe parts, qualities,

characteristics some are missing




Poorly describe parts,

characteristics are missing



Very poor


Does not describe parts, qualities, and

characteristics anymore

Omaggio (1986:266)
3. The Correlation
To know correlation between students english reading comprehension and their
writing ability, and this of product moment has two variable. Variable X score reading
comprehension and variable Y refers to score writing ability and RXY is coeficient
correlation. The coefficient correlation of X and Y could be described by Guilford Empirical
rules tables as follow:
Table 3. Criteria of coefficient correlation
Correlation value
Coefficient correlation



0,20-< 0,40


0,40-< 0,70


0,70-< 0,80


0,80-< 1,00

High to very high


Students Scores on Reading Comprehension Test
The data of students Reading test were taken from 20 0f sixth semester students of TBI
IAIN Bengkulu were gotten from reading TOEFL test and the classification of reading
TOEFL as below:

15% 50%





Chart 1. Students reading profiency level classification

From the chart above, the students reading comprehension of sixth semester students
of TBI IAIN Bengkulu on intermediate level with 50% presentage.

Students Scores on Writing Test





Chart 2. Students writing total score

From the chart above, number 1 was very poor level, number 2 fair to poor level,
number 3 good to average. Its mean, the students on the good. Can be seen from the
frequence and the precentage
The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension and Their Writing Ability




Sig. (2-tailed)

Sig. (2-tailed)







Based on the calculation above, the correlation coefficient between reading

comprehension and writing ability was 0,222 in two tailed testing with N = 30. It means that
there in low of coefficient correlation value and has possitive correlation. The significance in
two-tailed was 0,034 at 5% of significant level. Since the significant value (0,034) was less
than 0,05 (5%), there were Ha accepted and Ho refused. It means that there any significant
correlation between reading comprehension and writing ability of sixth semester students of
TBI IAIN Bengkulu academic year 2013-2014.


The result of the reading TOEFL test of sixth semester students of IAIN Bengkulu
indicate that there were 3 students of high reading proficiency level, 18 students of
intermediate reading proficiency level, and 9 students of low reading proficiency level. It
meant that the Reading level of sixth students semester were in the intermediate level.
The result of writing test, 1 student were in the excellent level. 14 students in the good
level, 8 students in the fair level and 7 students in the poor level. Based on the precentage the
writing essay the students of sixth semester of TBI IAIN Bengkulu show that were in good
It is found possitive correlation between reading compehension and writing ability,
they have significant correlation seen from significance 2 tiled, the result show that
significance 2 tiled (0,034) was less than 0,05. It means that, they have significant
correlation. The variant correlation different also found that between reading comprehension
and componet of writing, the component were content, organization, vocabulary, language
use and mechanics.
The TOEFL and writing test was 30 of sixth student semester and they have taken
the TOEFL and writing subject in the previouse semester. When they followed the reading
TOEFL and writing test, some students had prepared well and some others had not. Even
though, they have followed reading subject and writing 1, 2, 3, 4 they could not get good
Finally, Krashen & Terrel in Mart (2012) said that reading makes a contribution to
overall competence, to all four skills. Joelle Brommitt (2013) said that the relationship
between reading and writing is a bit like that of the chiken and egg, it means that reading can
influence the writing. It was shows the reading comprehension and writing ability have
significant correlation using reading TOEFL test and writing Essay test as the instrument for
30 sample from sixth students semester of TBI IAIN Bengkulu.

Reading comprehension and writing ability, there were a possitive and significant
correlation of the sixth semester students of TBI IAIN Bengkulu. It was found based on
analyze of SPSS 16 that r-count (0,034) was less thar r-table (0,05). It means that, they have
significant correlation. It is also found that there were variant coefficient correlation among
five component writing, but students writing scores was higher score on language use for
sixth semester students of TBI IAIN Bengkulu.

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Dedi Efrizal
Tenaga Pengajar Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris IAIN Bengkulu

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan unutk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa

dengan menggunakan film berbahasa Inggris di Pesantren Darussalam Kepahiang pada
tahun ajaran 2014-2015. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 30 siswa. Metode yang
digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
kolaboratif antara peneliti dan guru bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui
tiga siklus, dimana masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tiga pertemuan. Data yang
dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini di ambil melalui catatan lapangan, dan tes. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan penguasaan kosakata yang signifikan
pada subjek penelitian. Sebagian besar siswa secara bertahap mengalami peningkatan
nilai yang bagus pada setiap siklus, dimana niai ketuntasan belajar untuk mata
pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah 70. Penigkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari preassesment dan ketiga siklus adalah 13,23 pada kategori bagus. Selain itu, hasil
penelitian ini juga menunjukkan respon yang positif dari guru bahasa Inggris, sehingga
dapat disimpulkan bahwa film berbahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan penguasaan
kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa.
Kata kunci : penguasaan kosakata, film berbahasa Inggris

Darussalam Islamic boarding school of Kepahiang is an educational institution where
the students stay and live together with dormitory system. In order to support their learning
activities, the students were also taught English as the medium to explore English proficiency
in learning activities within classroom and communicate each other. Each student was trained
to speak English in their daily communication. Unfortunately, most of the second year
students in religious junior high school at Darussalam Islamic boarding school of Kepahiang
did not perform English either in their teaching and learning activities in classroom or
communication with their friends both inside and outside classroom due to limitation of
English vocabulary mastery.
Jumariati (2010) said that vocabulary learning is the important aspect in learning a
foreign language. Students will improve much if they learn more words and expressions.
According to Richard (1997) it is vital to know a lot of words if you want to make progress in
a foreign language. Even if your grammar is excellent, you just won't be able to communicate
your meaning without a wide vocabulary. Since English is not our national language, it is not
easy to learn it. Many student or learners find problem in mastering it. One of the basic
problems is lack of vocabularies. Vocabulary is really important element of the language to
be concerned with in order to master the four language skills.
In teaching a language, English particularly is very complicated. In the classroom, we
will face dozens of technique applied to the students under the expectation that they are able
to or easy to understand the lesson. As a teacher, it is necessary to find new teaching media to


overcome the problems and not to forget to motivate the students. Some teachers have used
games, pictures, songs, real object, cartoon and movie as their teaching media to grow the
student creativity in learning process.
There are many media can be used to improve students vocabulary like audio aid,
audio-visual aid and etc. Example for audio aid is radio, music, and so on while example of
audio-visual aid is video, film/movie, and television, etc.
In this study, movie is chosen as a media for teaching vocabulary. Movie is one of the
audio-visual aid. Film, also called a movie, is a series of still or moving images. It is
produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using
animation techniques or visual effects where the process of filmmaking has developed into an
art form and industry. Using English movie can be very pleasing and interesting for the
students. Movie can be an excellent media to use because from the writer view that there are
many students interested in movies because they watch movies as an entertainment. They can
learn about language style, culture, and also the native speakers expression. So they can
improve their English vocabulary more easily.
Media such as a movie has a very significant roles to motivate the student to learn
vocabulary and to make the atmosphere of teaching and learning more interesting. They will
feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes
that with the use of English movie they will become more active as participant and more
confident in express their feeling.
From the facts above, since English vocabularymastery is demanded in this
globalization era in order to support the four English skill (Ur, 2000), the researcher is
interested in solving those problems and improving English vocabulary mastery of second
year students in religious junior high school at Darussalam Islamic boarding school of
Kepahiang through developing teaching English Vocabulary materials based English movie.
Definition of Islamic Boarding School
Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution with Islamic teaching materials
of Islamic classical books and scientific knowledge such as mastery of English Vocabulary
and apply it as well as guidance in daily lives by emphasizing the importance of morality in
social life (Depag, 2005: 4).
The Urgency of Vocabulary Mastery
It is undeniable that vocabulary, like grammar and phonetics, plays an important role
in mastering a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary plays important role in language
acquisition because the mastery of vocabulary will help students in mastery all the language
skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will make the students practice
the structure more easily; it is useful for the students in order to communicate in daily life and
will strengthen belief that English can be used to express some ideas or feeling they express
in their native language (Finocchiaro, 1974: 38).
The other reason is that a large vocabulary helps the English learners in studying other
English subjects such as Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Business Correspondence, etc. It
will help them to understand and define many concepts, ideas, expressions that they get in
such subjects. It is stated by Bella Fiore (1968: 1) The larger the vocabulary you build up,
the better able you are to define and refine the expression of the images and ideas.
Moreover, she said The more words you master richer become you thought process and the
better you distinguish between shades of word meanings, the subtler grows your expression
of ideas. In conclusion, vocabulary learning is an unseparate thing from language learning
because whenever people think of it, they usually think of vocabulary learning and


vocabulary mastery. It is a key for the English learners to get a success in their learning
Kinds of Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary is important in language acquisition. Vocabulary is one element
that links the four skills of listening, Vocabulary, reading, and writing all together. One of the
requirements to communicate well in a foreign language, students should have an adequate
number of words. According Celca-Murcia (2000:76) there are two kinds of vocabulary, as
a. Productive versus Receptive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the lexical terms which the students can remember and
use appropriately in Vocabulary and writing. Receptive vocabulary in the lexical items
which the students familiar and understand when they meet them in the context of reading
and listening materials.
Productive vocabulary is used to Vocabulary and writing, the stage of teaching
and learning must end with vocabulary practice, where the students get an opportunity to
try to use the vocabulary in context. Different from productive vocabulary, receptive
vocabulary is only presented until the students know the meaning to understand the
context of reading or listening.
b. Content Words versus Function Words
Content words and function words are a useful one in analyzing vocabulary.
Content words are those vocabulary items that must to the large and open words classes.
Content words that are the words that are easy accept new words and not use old ones but
are not longer useful. For example: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and some adverbs.
The functions of the words are those vocabulary items that must to closed words
classes. The functions of the words that are the words do not easy new items or lose old
ones. For example: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners, and many
adverbs. Function words should be taught as part of grammar and content words as part of
General Concepts of Media
Media in a process of teaching is not a new thing for the teacher. Most of the teachers
use media to help them giving particular information to the students. Media itself according
to Azhar (2011:4) is a tool that to convey or deliver the message of learning. He also said that
media is a component of learning resource or physical vehicle that contain instructional
material on students environment that can stimulate student to learn.
There are a lot of media in teaching and learning processes. Nasution (2005:102) classify
media into 5 type:
1. Blackboard
This teaching tool is very populer, used by traditional or modern school and can be
combined with other teaching tools such as radio, TV. Tool is used in every method of
teaching. Blackboard can be used for writing that makes pictures, graphs, diagrams, maps and
so on with white or colored chalk.
2. Picture
Picture can be collected from various sources such as calendars, magazines, newspapers,
pamphlets from travel agents, and etc.
3. Model
Models can be an imitation of real objects such as model cars, trains, houses, animals, etc.
4. Collection


Various collections can be organized as a variety of textiles, stones, dry leaves, currency,
stamps, etc.
5. Map and Globe
Geography and history lessons will be crippled without a map. kinds of maps shall be
provided on each part of the world, also our economy, population, and so forth.
Definition of Movie
In this study, the researcher used movie as media of teaching Englsh vocabulary. A
movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a class, it makes lessons more fun. But,
movies or film can also teach people about history, science, human behavior and any other
subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, makes the learning process
more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business, and those who make
motion pictures take great pride in their creation ( Mery:2011).Meanwhile, Azhar (2011:49)
define movie as picture in a frame where frame by frame is projected through the projector
lens mechanically so that the pictures in the screen looks alive. Jesse (2007) states that movie
is a photographic record of an artistic performance, but not an artform in its own right.
Based on the definition of movie the researcher can conclude that movie is a
photographic record of history, science, and human behaviour that projected through the
projecter lens and shown in the cinema or television.
Advantages and Disadvantages Using English Movie
a. Advantages using English movie
Nasution (2005:104) states that the advantages of using movie in teaching and
learning process are:
1) Movie is very good in describing a process, if necessary by using a slow motion.
2) Each student can learn something from the movie, from the clever one or less
3) Movies can take a child from one country to another country and from one period to
another period.
4) Movie can be repeated if necessary to add clarity.
b. Disadvantages using English movie
According to Azhar (2011:50), he states that the disadvantages of using movie in
teaching and learning process are:
1) Procument of English movie generally is expensive and cost a lot of time.
2) When the movie showed, the pictures will keep changing making all students are not
able follow the information given through the movie.
3) Movies not always approriate with the needs and desired learning objective.
This is the reason why the researcheris interested in taking up the title of the research,
because movie gives a new enjoyable atmosphere when they are learning in class. Altough
this procument movie has disadvantages, the writer has some planning to overcome the
problem by doing strategic stopping and rewind giving student a chance to receive the
information given from the movie and remove some approriate scene shown in the movie so
the students concetration will not wane if they watch for too long.
Learning Through Movie
Classrooms that use movie as a medium of education, usually hold a number of 30-35
students. With that number of students, it is still possible to observe the movie properly. This
means it will not disturb the learning process. To help students study through English movie,
message content, format, and technical presentation, in planning an educational program,
seriously considered. in addition, the teacher factor in the media also plays a very important


role, because it is very influential in communicating with children and success or failure of
the program depends entirely on the person who brought the show (Darwanto 2007:135-136).
Research Procedure
The procedures of this research were Pre-assessment, cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III. Each
cycle consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting and evaluating.
Data Analysis Procedure
First, the researcher collected individual score at the end of cycles by giving test to the
students. And then, researcher counted the students score into percentages by following
students score interval.
Figure I. Students Vocabulary Score in Pre-Assessment


Very Poor








Figure 1 showed that the studentsmastery in English vocabulary is low or less active.
It was caused by some problems that inhibit the students to practice English vocabulary well.
By knowing the problems of students in English vocabulary, the researcher felt that it was
needed an appropriate English teaching technique or method to improve students vocabulary
mastery. So, the students mastery in English vocabulary would be better, and their
motivation would also increase.


Cycle I
Figure 2. Students Vocabulary Score in Cycle I



Cycle 1

` Figure 2 showed that English movie is good for students, and must be applied in
teaching and learning process to get better result in next time. In another side, the condition
of the students, such as their motivation, interest, brave, and self-confidence had been being
increased well. Because the researcher still found the problems about the aspects above on
students such as they were still feel confused in organizing students vocabulary mastery
where some of them have lack of English vocabularies, etc, when they practiced their English
skill. Therefore, the researcher should go to the next cycle.
Cycle II
Figure 3. Students Vocabulary Score in Cycle II




Cycle 2

Considering with the result of figure 3 above, the researcher have to improve English
teaching material or instrument again that would be used in teaching and learning process in
next cycle. Besides that, the researcher must manage well the condition of the classroom
activeness and motivate the students to be better in the next cycle in order to improve their
vocabulary mastery.
Cycle III
Figure 4. Students Vocabulary Score in Cycle III






Cycle 3

Based on the result of figure 4 above, the researcher and English teacher saw there
were significant improvements in students vocabulary mastery, especially their skill in
English learning where most of them could manage their problems well during learning
activity. Therefore, the researcher has reached the indicator of success which mentioned in
previous chapter.
Based on the explanation above, it could be concluded that English movie was quite
effective in improving students vocabulary mastery especially in second year students of
junior high school at Darussalam Islamic Boarding school of Kepahiang and also could
minimize the problems of students in learning English subject.
Based on the results which found by researcher in each cycles of this research, we
could see that most of students were interested in learning English vocabulary through
English movie. They had good selves-confidence to express their ideas in learning activity
inside classroom, most of them could decrease their fears and rigidness to practice English
skill, the frequency and percentage of students vocabulary mastery were increased well in
each cycles. In addition, English movie could motivate the students to be active and had a
great participation in vocabulary mastery during teaching and learning process in classroom.

Media is one of important things that must be applied during teaching and learning
process in order the purpose of teaching can be reached. One of the media can be applied in
teaching English vocabulary is English movie because by applying the media, teaching
English vocabulary can be more effective, and it is able to improve students vocabulary
mastery, especially in Islamic boarding school.


Apriani. Mery. (2011). Developing Students Writing Skill by Movies. Bogor: Universitas Ibn
Arsyad, Azhar. (2011). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Ashley, Minor, Rosalind. (1970). Successful techniques for teaching elementary language
arts. Michigan: Parker Pub. Co.
Bellafiore, joseph. (1968). Words At Work. Amsco School Pubns Inc.
Brown, Doughlas. 2007. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive approach to Language
Pedagogy. New York: Longman.
Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. 1999. Teaching the spoken Language. Cambridge University
Darwanto. (2007). Teevisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Departemen agama RI. 2005. Pembakuan Sarana Pendidikan. Jakarta: Directorat jenderal
kelembagaan agama islam DEPAG RI
Finocchiaro, Bonomo, Mary. (1974). English as A Second Language: From Theory to
Practice. New York: Regent Publishing Company.
Harmer, Jeremy.1998. How to teach English: an introduction to the practice of English
language teaching. New York: Logman
Jumariati (2010), Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of EFL Students
Latief, M Adnan. 2012. Research Methods on Language Learning: An Introduction. Malang:
UM PressNasution. (2005). Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Richard, Jack C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:
University Press.
Summers, Della. (2005). Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Harlow; Longman
Group U.K. Limited.
Thornbury, Scott & Slade, Diana. 2006. Conversation: From Description to Pedagogy.
Cambridge University Press
Ur, Penny. 2000. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press



Lingga Sriwijaya Ambarita
English Laboratorian of IAIN Bengkulu
Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengangkat isu tentang musik, keuntungannya , dan bagaimana
musik secara signifikan memberikan dampak dalam mengajarkan kosakata bagi anak.
Pokok bahasan dalam tulisan ini adalah tentang bagaimana musik memiliki dampak
yang positif dalam meningkatkan kosakata anak . Berdasarkan review dari beberapa
literatur, ditemukan bahwa musik dapat membantu anak memahami kosa kata dalam
mata pelajaran apapun. Tidak hanya mengajarkan makana kata perkata, melalui
musik anak-anak akan belajar lebih banyak tentang perbendaharaan kata atau
kosakata. Musik dan anak-anak adalah dua hal tidak dapat dipisahkan, karena musik
dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman bagi anak-anak, dan secara
sadar mendorong anak-anak untuk menghafal kosakata baru, karena mereka akan
bersenang-senang dan tidak merasa seperti belajar sesuatu yang lebih melibatkan
belahan otak sebelah kanan.
Kata kunci: musik, kosakata, anak

Vocabulary is important and should be learned by language learner in order to be able
to speak English. An adequate vocabulary makes language learner able to communicate their
minds and understand the ideas transmitted to them. On the other hand, the lack of
vocabulary causes the language learner can not use their proficiency of speaking the
language. Some Experts state the importance of vocabulary. Nunan (1995:17) states that one
of the approaches inteaching English, grammar translation approache, required the teaching
process which provide a balanced diet of grammar and vocabulary. Mc. Worther (1994:68)
adds the importance of vocabulary.
Vocabulary can be one of the strongest academic assets. The language is the
primary vehicle of thought, expression and communication, and vocabulary is the
basic units of language. If the vocabulary is limitted, the potential for selfexpression, effective communication and adequate comprehension of oral or
printed materials also will be limited. Conversely strong vocabulary can have both
immediate (academic) and long term (career) effects.

Rivers (1995) in Nunan (1995:117) states that succesful of second language use is
strongly affected by the acquisition of sufficient vocabulary; it will be difficult to use the
structure and functions we have learnt from comprehensible communication.
The importance of vocabulary in learning a language makes it very essencial to learn
early in the critical period, children must be taught vocabulary. Children still have difficulties
in mastering the vocabularies they learn because of the conventional and not interesting way
of teaching. To solve this problem, teachers need to find the effective way to develop the
childrens vocabulary mastery. One of the solutions is by using interesting media in order to
motivate children to learn vobulary. One of the media that can be applied is music.
Music is one of fun activities which cannot be separated from children, it can be
used to engage children cognitively and emotionally to the learning process. As medina


(1993) says that music can help second language learners acquire vocabulary and grammar,
improve spelling and develop the linguistic skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
On the other hand, linguistic skills are associated with a particular hemisphere of the
brain. In most individual, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language. It is
found now that a portion of the left-brain to language is much larger than corresponding
portion of the right brain. The work of both hemisphere should be balance. There should not
be a very significant dominance of lefthemisphere in learning language. While music, as the
non-linguistic sounds andmusical melodies are controlled by the right hemisphere.
The Nature of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is as important as grammar, some experts state the importance of
vocabularies. Nunan (1995:117) states that one of the approaches in teaching English,
grammar translation approach, required the teaching process which provide a blanced daiet of
grammar and vocabulary. Wilkins (1976:19) also said that the knowledge of a language
demands mastery of its vocabulary as much as its grammar.
The Characteristics of Children Class of EFL
1. Natural
Children learn new languages very easily. It is going more difficult as they are
going older. In teaching English as foreign language to children, it is important to make
the proess as productive as the process as productive as the process of learningfirst
language. McGlothin (1997) states that looking into how a child begins to learn his first
language may help to see how some of the magic of childhood can be used in making
learning of a foreign language more enjoyable and more productive.
In choosing an FL teaching program for children, it is important to understand
that the process of language learning is divided into two parts: the first part of this process
deals with how the new language omes to the students, for example the language
environment that surrounds the learners, for example the language environment that
surround the learners. The second part is how the learners comes to the new language, for
example, the strategies that the learners use in his attempt to learn the language (Mc.
Therefore, an effective FL teaching should ideally enable us to create
environment in class that would bring the language to children and would enable them to
start learning the foreign language as naturally as possible.
2. Fun and Enjoyable
Children do what they like to do, in English class they can play and do things in
language. Asking children to learn by reading texts will only make them uncomforted wth
the class. Bishop in Mary (2007) says that there are risks for difficulty in learning to read
during the children ages. So, there must be a way to make children do not feel difficult to
find new vocabularies from the learning an dteaching process. They must be fun and
enjoyable. It is even better if the process introduce the languagested in. They indirectly to
the children.
McGlothlin says that one of what environment provides for childrens language
learning is from the natural order of their interest in the world. So, the students will learn
new language more quickly and retain it better when it is applied in a relaxed in which
they are interested in. They will get it from fun and enjoyable activities. Singing, telling
stories, watching videos, and games are very important in teaching English to children.


Those fun activities are effective to engage children to the hard mental activity of learning
a new language.
3. Simplified
The language teaching should be simplified to the level of understanding of the
child. Yaverbaum (2003) says that much language children hear is simplified. When adults
speak to a young child, he does his best to get accross his meaning in language that the
child can understand. In teaching language its important to make sure that language
teaching is not complicated the children as their background knowledge is limitted.
In addition, McGlothlin also says that children direct their attention to things that
are easy to understand. They think about the people and the things around them. So, to
attract the children to learn, it is important to simplify the language tey are going to learn.
4. Imitating
One of how children learn language is by imitating. Children want to do what
they see people do, includes language. McGlothlin states that children have learned that in
given situation, a word or phraseis always used, so they try to use it too.
5. Repetition
Children learn language by seeing themodel and repeat. Repetition is very
important in cildrens EFL class. McGlothlin states that repetition helps children learn a
new language. It gives children a sense of security and order, and as they begin to
understand the order in the repetitions, they also begin to understand the order in the
language that is associated to the repetitions. In addition, Stahl (2005) also states that
learners need to see vocabulary more than once, so it will affect well to their long-term
Cabrera (2001) also found that children were able to follow a story when the
teacher told it withlinguistic and interactional adjusment (repetitions, comprehension
checks). It shows us that repetition very important in teaching langauge to children.
Music and Children Language Learning
The success of learning English vocabulary generally depends on the teachers
strategy. Saleh (1992) says that a strategy is a particular objective, a planned design for
controlling and manipulating certain information. In the teaching vocabulary of English to the
elementary school level, the teacher has to find out a strategy or a technique which is relevant
to the learners interest which is enjoyable and interesting.
Children cannot be separated from music. Music is a part of their life. It can be used
to engage children with the learning activities because they will enjoy the learning activity as
they enjoy the music.
Besides that, music is also important in learning environment, because it can affect
the learners physiologic conditions. DePorter (1999:72) states that during doing the hard
mental activity, blood pressure and heart beat increase. The brain waves increase and the
muscles get strained. It is usually diffiult to relax when we really concentrate, and its also
difficult to concentrate when we fully relax. Lozanove in DePorter in his learning
acceleration found that music is the way to combine hard mental activity with physiological
relaxation. Relaxation with music can make humans minds always ready and concentrate.
Several studies have Reported that there is positive association between music and
incrased childrens ability in linguistic. Koelsch in Sheppard (2007:78) states that children
process language learning in the same hemisphereof the brain when they process music. In
oter words, there are similairties in the way that children interpret music and language.


In addition, the importance of music can also be seen from centrality of music and
musical rythm to learning which is a feature of music in therapy. Three functions of music in
therapy: tofacilitate the establishment and maintenance of personal relations, to bring about
increased self esteem through increased self-satisfaction in music performance, and to use the
unique potential of rythmto energize and bring order.
Music can develop childrens potential in many areas, including auditory
discrimination, psychomotor coordination, memory development, expressive abilities, and
critial thinking. Furthermore it is also stated that music can provide childrens fluency of oral
expression and good diction, to use words correctly and to understand their meaning.
Enhancing Childrens Vocabulary Acquasition Through Music
Teaching vocabulary is the instruction that is used to develop the learners ability to
use vocabulary. It needs some techniques to introduce new vocabularies to introduce new
vocabulary to young learner. Many kinds of techniques used in teaching English for young
learners are singing, story telling, and fun actvities such as watching cartoon video.
In deciding whch words to teach to the children, it is helpful to think about levels
of vocabulary. Finocchiano (1989: 10) states that in one lesson, children of eight or nine may
learn four or five new words and children of ten or eleven may learn seven or eight new
words. It is also related to the theory that children need much repetition on their learning. So,
in teaching vocabulary to the cildren, teachers should not teach many single vocabularies,
because children need repetition which makes it is needed to limit the vocabularies taught.
It is important to give the new vocabularies in concepts rather than individual words,
because by context, it is easier for children to understand the meaning of words and it is also
good for their long term memory.
Based on the effects of music to learning and language learning, the researcher
prosumes that there is also a great effect of music to the vocabulary acquisition.
As written in the chapter of characteristics of children English class, children cannot
be taught as teaching adult. Teachers have to engage children to the learning activity with
what they like. Medina (1993) says that music is advantageous for some reasons. First, for
most students singing songs by students will also raise their confidence level. Furthermore,
music can engage students cognitively and emotionally and it will also reduce their
inhibitions about acquiring new vocabularies.
Music also has benefits to memorization. When various types of verbal information
of verbal information have been presented with music, memorization has been increased
(Gfeller:1983). In addition, music and rythm make it much easier to imitate and remember
language than words that are just spoken if the teachers teach children a song (Chakir:1999).
The use of music to improve the childrens vocabulary acquisition must be followed
by supporting media. Krashen (1989) within the context and framework of his input
hypothesis said that new and unfamiliar vocabulary is acquired when its significance is
made clear to the learners. Meaning can be coveyed byproviding support media such as
illustrations, actions, photos, and realia.
Krashen also states that the amount of comprehensible input has significant
relationship with vocabulary acquired. Picture illustrations support the reading by classifying
the meaning of unfamiliar words. In addition, Medinas (1991) investigation found that the
greatest amount of vocabulary was acquired through music when the researcher used the
sound practice of communicating meaning through pictures. Therefore, in order to optimize
the amount of vocabulary acquisition since the ideal condition of acquiring vocabulary can be
achieved by using it (Krashen: 1982).


Big effect of music to the vocabulary acquisition in children language learning was
influenced by many factors. First is the memorization activity through repetition. With music,
young learners are stimulated to memorize the vocabularies subconsciously by memorizing
the song itself.
Second, the childrens basic need of music. Cildren cannot be separated from music.
It engages children to the language learning activity emotionally as well as cognitively, since
it is fun and effective to motivate students psychologically.
Music also made the young learner relaxed and concentrated, as what Lozanov in
DePorter (1999:72) found in his Accelerated learning, music could combine the hard mental
activity and physiological relaxation.

DePorter, Bobbiand Hernacki, Mike (1999). Quantum Learning, Membiasakan Belajar
Nyaman dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: Kaifa
Finnochioro, Mary (1989). English as Second Foreign Language, Englewood Cliffs. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents
Gfeller, K. (1983). Musical Mnemonics as an Aid to Retention with Normal and Learning
Disabled Students. Journal of Music Therapy, 20 (4)
Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. New York:
Pergamon Press
Krashen, S. (1989). We Acquire Vocabulary and Spelling by Reading: Additional Evidence
for the Input HypothesisModern Language Journal, 73 (4)
McGlothlin, J. Doug. (1997). A Child First Steps in Language Learning. The Internet TESL
Journal, Vol.III, No.10, October 1997
Mc. Worther, Katleen T. (1994). Academic Reading. New York: Harpen Collins College
Medina, S. (1993). The Effect of Music on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. FEES
News (National Network for Early Laguage Learning, 6 (3)
Nunan, David. (1989). Understanding Language Classroom. A Guide for Teacher Iniated
Action. Sydney: PrenticeHall Inc
Nunan, David. (1995). Language Teaching Methodology, A Textbook for Teacher. London:
Phoenix EL
Sheppard, Philip. (2005). Music Makes Your Children Smarter. Jakarta: Gramedia
Wilkins, A.A. (1976). Second Language-Learning and Teaching. London: Edward Arnold



Mia Fitria Agustina, S. S., M. A.
Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, FIB, UNSOED
Abstrak: Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana Metropop menggambarkan
tentang apa yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat. Melalui tiga Metropop, yaitu M2L Men 2
Love oleh Andrei Aksana, Cinlok oleh Mia Arsyad, dan Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian oleh
Lusiwulan. Tulisan ini mencoba menggambarkan tentang apa yang ketiga Metropop
tersebut ingin ungkapkan kepada pembaca. Berdasarkan teori sosiologi sastra
mengatakan bahwa karya sastra tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masyarakat, budaya
populer yang terkandung didalamnya tidak dapat disesuaikan maknanya ditinjau dari
teks lain, dan Metropop sebagai salah satu produk Gramedia yang mengekspos
kehidupan kota, termasuk gaya hidup. Tulisan ini akan mengungkapkan apa yang bisa
Metropop gambarkan tentang apa yang terjadi. Metropop, sebagai bagian dari budaya
populer harus berisi tanda-tanda apa yang terjadi atau apa yang bisa terjadi di masa
depan. Oleh karena itu, dengan menemukan sinyal yang digambarkan dalam tiga
Metropop, tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan apa yang terjadi di masyarakat kita.
Kata kunci: metropop, popular sastra, kehidupan kota, dan gaya hidup

Unconsciously, we have ability to predict what is going to happen by seeing the signs
shown around us. When we see the dark sky, we immediately predict that it is going to be
rain soon. In another case, when we see police line in front of us when we are driving and we
cannot get through, we suddenly also think that it must be traffic accident. Otherwise, when
we have to choose pictures related to a title like The Crying Earth; also, there are four
picture of it, for example, cutting down trees, garbage and waste on the river, melting ice in
the north pole, and harmonious nature, we are going to choose that harmonious nature is the
only picture which does not fit with the title.
Therefore, it can be said that we have ability to see what is happening. If we learn
more and more, this kind of ability is going to help a lot to know what is happening, to avoid
what we do not hope, and to learn how to deal with what is happening. This kind of goal is
important since we live in era when everything is not clearly stated. We have to grasp what is
good and what is not good. The industries make it difficult for us to decide what is right and
what is wrong. In the name of life style, the industries bombard us with things we do not
need, we do not use, and we do not have to do. They direct us to follow what is good
according to them as what they offer mainly make us be awesome, important, and confident.
Therefore, it is a must to be able to see the hidden agenda of the industries. One of the
ways is through popular culture, industries product. Through it we know what the industries
want to shape us. Thus, knowing the signals, clues, and warnings inserted in those popular
cultures are going to help a lot to increase the resistance of negative effects of the industries
Moreover, as one of product of popular culture, Metropop comes with the idea of
living in the cities with all of the problems. However, it is not only problems shown in
Metropop, yet it also shows life style, fashion, and technology. Metropop also describes
about what happens in our society as it is mostly made by Indonesian. It cannot be denied that


what is written by the writers mostly about what they have experienced or learned in their
society, Indonesia. Hence, revealing what they have written may assist us to be aware about
what is happening in our lovely country, Indonesia. With the knowledge, we can prevent
what we do not want and carry on what is good for Indonesia.
In summary, this paper is going to see what Metropop as one of popular culture
product offers to us. Through three Metropop, for instance, M2L Men 2 Love by Andrei
Aksana, Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by Mia Arsyad, Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian by Lusiwulan,
this paper is going to reveal what is happening in our society. Hence, qualitative descriptive
analysis is used; besides, popular culture, Metropop, and sociology in literature are some
theories applied to help the finding
Popular Literature
In popular culture, the meaning is produced by popular audiences and the word
popular transgresses the boundaries of cultural power and challenges the notions of high/low
(Barker, 2000: 388). This process is reinforced by the development in technology and media
which give possibility to share ideas, experiences, knowledge, fashion etc. Thus, it can be
said that popular culture is made by people and for people (Gramsci, 1985).
Moreover, Gans (1974:17) mentions the critique of mass or popular culture which can
be divided into four. Those are:
a. The negative character of popular creation. Popular culture is undesirable because, unlike
high culture, it is mass-produced by profit minded entrepreneurs solely for gratification of
a paying audience.
b. The negative effects on high culture. Popular culture borrows from high culture, thus,
debasing it, and also lures away many potential creators of high culture, thus depleting its
reservoir of talent.
c. The negative effects on the popular culture audience. The consumption of popular culture
audience. The consumption of popular culture content at best produces spurious
gratification, and at worst is emotionally harmful to the audience.
d. The negative effects on the society. The wide distribution of popular culture not only
reduces the level of cultural quality-or civilization-of society, but also encourages
totalitarianism by creating a passive audience peculiarly responsive to techniques of mass
persuasion used by demagogues bent on dictatorship.
However, Fiske has different opinion about popular culture. He (1989:3) says that
popular culture is always in process; its meaning can never be fixed and stabilized since it is
produced in social relations and in inter-textual relation. Hence, it can be summarized that it
is ongoing process to know exactly what popular culture is since its meaning can be defined
through its relation with other text.
Metropop is a kind of popular literature produced by Gramedia. The writer of it is
Indonesian. Mostly, Metropop talks about love story told in a very easy way. To satisfy the
readers, Metropop has happy ending
According to Fitriana (2010:87), there are 8 characteristics of Metropop, such as:
a. the main character is an adult male or female who is independent and has a permanent job
b. the setting is in any big cities
c. the job the main character has is common urban job, for example, an office worker, a
businessman/woman, an entertainer, or an artist
d. love is one of the main problem


e. the characters in the Metropop apply urban life style, like, hanging out in caf, being
fashionable, attending parties, going to the club, and having carrier in foreign country.
f. the language is simple one
g. the writers experience often put in the novel
Sociology of Literature
Taine qtd. in Swingewood says that books do not drop like meteorites from the sky
(1972:78). This statement implies that any text may have its social basis. Furthermore,
literature deals with individual living within a specific social context that it is almost
impossible to be discussed independently from society. Besides, the writer of a literary work
is part of the society in which they liveand bound up with certain social status and values.
In line with Swingewood, Levin (qtd. in Burns, 1973:62) also states that literature itself is, in
some way, a social institution. Literature constitutes not only the effect of social causes but
also the cause of social effects. That is why, some middle way can be found to relate between
literature and society, and an approach which sees literature by considering its social aspects
is generally called sociology of literature.
Furthermore, according to Hall (1979:47), the first area of the sociology of literature
is that concerned with books-in-themselves through detailed textual analysis. Here he starts
from the text, followed by the sociology of the author, the discussion on genre and literary
movement, gatekeepers, and the audience and text. However, in general, it can be summed up
that in the discussion of sociology of literature, the critics tend to propose three main points:
the social elements as reflected in the text, the sociology of the author, and the social function
of the text.
Initially the critics must pass the process of understanding the text in order to
investigate the social elements found in the work. Through his analytical examples toward
some works, Hall (1979:26) offers some points which are worthy of the consideration, for
example, regarding his suggestion that literature can, even when wrong, still provide
evidence about the society. Another example is concerned with the same necessity of
considering the social context and the possibility of discovering the social reference through
careful reading.
In regard to sociology of the author, Watt (qtd. in Damono 3) classifies that to study
the social context of the author, there are three important points that may not be overlooked.
Those are related to the social position of the author and his or her relation with the reading
public. The three points to be investigated here are: (1) the way the author earns his or her
living to find out whether or not he or she receives some contribution from certain patronage
or directly from the society or maybe he or she has second job, (2) his or her professionalism
in writing: how serious he or she takes the job as an author as a profession, (3) the kind of
society he or she refers to. It is very important to be grasped since the type of the society that
the author directs to may determine the form and content of the work itself.
The third issue that is also worthy of the discussion by the sociologists of literature is
the social function of the text. It concerns with the reception of the work in society. It is due
to the fact that the connection between literature and society can also be observed through the
reading public (Hall, 1979:121). Thus the critics need to know how significant the values
found in the text are connected to the social values. After the work is published, it becomes
part of society and might, in certain way, influence the society. For some reason, literature
might be reformist or revolutionaries, a conformist, or didactic (Watt qtd in Damono 1979:3).
This research method discusses about type of research, data source, technique of data
collection, and technique for data analysis. The type of research is qualitative method as this


paper involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the subject matter (Denzin, Norma,
and Lincoln, 2000:3).
Furthermore, there are two kinds of data in this paper. Those are primary data and
supporting data. The primary data are taken from three novels, namely, M2L Men 2 Love by
Andrei Aksana, Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by Mia Arsyad, Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian by
Lusiwulan. Therefore, cover, monologues, dialogues, intrinsic elements, and narrations in the
novels which explain about what is happening in the society are sorted as the data. While,
supporting data are taken from books, magazines, journals, essays, and articles. Those
supporting data are necessary to strengthen the findings.
Then, technique for data collection is conducted through several steps. Those steps are
reading and re-reading, note taking, and data reducing. Reading and re-reading are done to
get the comprehension of the subject of the study. After that, note taking is conducted to get
data. Finally, the next step is data reduction which is important to be done as this.
The last is technique for data analysis. The data which are collected and sorted in the
previous process are examined and interpreted. In this step the sorted data is presented and
explained. Next, after presenting and explaining, the data is going to be interpreted. This step
involves supporting data to strengthen the finding. Moreover for some data, the implicit one,
they are significant to be explored further. Thus, the interpretation also needs more process to
make the finding more valid and more reliable.
There are at least three things that show about what is happening in those three chosen
Metropop, for instance, M2L Men 2 Love by Andrei Aksana, Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by
Mia Arsyad, Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian by Lusiwulan. Those three things are the mixed
language, the un-honest relationship, and the shift of man role.
The mixed language
The mixed of the language can be seen through the title, the cover, and the narration,
dialogue, or monologue. The languages used in this Metropop are Indonesian and English.
The use of English is easy to be understood as English is the international language. In the
globalization era, whether we like it or not, we have to use English as the mean to do
communication. However, mixing the language is not good as it will make the identity of the
language becomes blurry. Moreover, it is understandable that Indonesian people use mixed
language because they want to be consider as modern people. Using English make them feel
like important people. It also increases their self-esteem, and it causes them think that they
are higher than others especially for those who cannot speak like them.
To begin with, it is easy to understand that the phenomenon of using mixed language
can be found in the title of Metropop. Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by Mia Arsyad is the
obvious example. Cinlok which stands for Cinta Lokasi combines with Accidently in Love?!.
Cinlok is when someone falls in love because he or she often meets someone else in a certain
place as they have to work together. Since this activity is conducted daily, the two people feel
that they mean to be together. Sometimes because they share almost everything, that causes
them know each other. Thus, the combination of the title between Cinlok and Accidently in
Love emphasizes that the phenomenon of using mixed language is happening. It can also be
concluded that the use of Cinlok and Accidently in Love is something that is done in
purposes as both of them explain each other. It is mentioned Cinlok is love because of daily
meeting which causes two people have sudden feeling that they are meant each other, while
Accidently in Love has the same meaning as Cinlok since two people falls in love
unexpectedly. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of English language in the title of
Metropop is for emphasizing what has been stated in Indonesian.


In the cover the use of this mixed language is so clear. In the back cover which is
about the summary of the novel the use of both Indonesian and English language are so easy
to figure out. Here are the examples from the chosen novel,

On those cover, it can be seen that the writer mixed the summary of the story by using
Indonesian and English. Mostly the use of English is at the end of the summary. It is like both
of the writer want to emphasize what they want to tell to the reader; hence, English is use
only in the last part of the summary. Besides that, it can be understood that the use of English
in the last part tends to attract the readers attention. By putting English in the end of the part
it seems like English becomes the tool to show that this novel is cool novel as speaking
English is still considered as mean to show power in ruling the world.
The last part to show the mixed language is in the title of each chapter, dialogue, and
monolog of the story. The title of each chapter is shown in Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by
Mia Arsyad. The examples of the mixed language in each title of chapter are Kuntilanak di
Smoking Area?, Eri + Via (Oh, No!), and Jakarta, Please Pray for Me. . Hence, it can be
concluded that the mixed language is used as the important part in the story, the title of the
chapter. Then, in dialogue, it can be seen through,
Temenin sampai ke dalam dong, pinta Abel merayu. A gentlemen always do that.
Tadi kamu bilang Cuma drop off, sanggah Recko bingung. Makanya aku bela-belain antar
kamu disini. Aku buru-buru nih. Ada appointment dengan klien dari Singapura.
Please, Recko , pinta Abel memelas. Sekali ini saja . (M2L, 2008; 75) or,
Ya ya ya! Satu clue aja. Oke? Masalahnya, gue ngantuk, tahu!
Satu clue? No problem. Tapi mewakili semuanya, ya? tantang Bianca.
(Cinlok. Accidentally in love?!, 2006:192) or,
. Pertama adalah why?? Mata Yasmin Membesar.
Heh maksudmu 5W dan 1H, what, when, where, who,why, how?! priyayi segera tanggap
apa yang dimaksud Yasmin (Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian, 2008:101)
Besides dialogue monologue is other way to see how the mixed language are used in
these three Metropop. Those are,
Lama tidak ada sahutan. Lalu lamat-lamat Abel mendengar isakan lirih di seberang sana.
Ooh, here she comes, keluh Abel dalam hati. The QUEEN of drama queen! (M2L, 2008; 99)
Bersama Jagad, sesuatu yang besar menjadi kecil, sesuatu yang kecil menjadi nggak ada. And
hes such a handyman. Oya, dan masalah menenangkan dirinya karena stres kerja dan juga


soal Jimmy. (Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian, 2008:219) or through a letter written by the main
character in cinlok named Shani the mixed language is clear shown on it. It can be seen,
Dear Eri,
Ri, Im glad that I ever know you. Nggak pernah ada orang yang bisa bikin aku merasa
seperti waktu aku sama-sama kamu. Even Rey! Kamu itu beda.
Ri, I care for you Sama kayak kamu selalu merhatiin aku.
Aku sayang kamu. Thats it!
Au revoir, Eri, Life must go on. Love me as a memory that you cant ever replace!
Love,Shani (Cinlok. Accidentally in love?!, 2006:246-248)
In summary what have been mentioned show clearly that the title of each chapter,
dialogue, and monologue written using mixed language. This kind of proofs give us sign that
nowadays, in Indonesia, mixed language becomes a phenomenon. It is easy to find out in our
surrounding that people talk using mixed language. They do that for many reasons. However
the main thing can be concluded that what is in the three Metropop is what is happening in
our society.
The un-honest relationship
All of those three Metropop show the un-honest relationship. To begin with, in M2M,
the main characters name is Abel. She has a boyfriend named Recko. At the first time she
does not feel that she is falling in love with Recko, yet because of Reckos attention, finally
Abel falls into him. Having another man named Billian is Abel solution to spend her time in
Friday night. On that night, Abels boyfriend named Recko cannot accompany her as he has
to do accounting in his office. Thus to kill her loneliness every Friday, Abel has a date with
Billian. The reason of having another boyfriend is not solid. In a good relationship this kind
of affair must not be done.
The same as in M2M, Cinlok. Accidently in love?! Also shows an un-honest
relationship. The main character is Shani, and she has a fianc named Rey. Because she gets
a job to be a reporter, a job that she always dreams of, she has to stay in different city with his
fianc. Living in different city and having a job she has dreamt of make Shani enjoy her time
right before she gets married. However, she also falls in love with her college, a cameraman.
Moreover, she spends a day with the cameraman, Eri, enjoying vacation in Dufan (133). This
kind of relationship is not good as it is like having two men in the same time as boyfriends.
Consciously, Shani conducts miss-behave attitude by having relationship with other man than
her own fianc. Moreover, the reason why Shani does it is just because of curiosity. Hence, it
can be said that in this second Metropop, having affair is the main issue illustrated in the
story; also, this issue proves that having affair is ok since in the story, at the end, Shani
realizes that she is wrong and comes back to her fianc.
The last Metropop, Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian, also performs the same issue. Priyayi, the
main character of the novel, has a boyfriend named Jimmy. Because she wants to travel all
around Europe, she rents a room in her house to a man named Jagad. As they get drunk,
Priyayi and Jagad, they make love. Unlucky for them, the next morning, right after they have
made love, Priyayis family visit her and find out they make mistake by doing inappropriate
behavior. The whole family insists her to get married with Jagad. As priyayi love her family
so much she fulfills the request by marrying Jagad. However, it is just a fake marriage. She
still has relationship with Jimmy. Therefore, it can be said that there is no respect toward
what we believe in our society, our norm. They, Priyayi, Jagad, and Jimmy, make fun the
norm. They disrespect it. There is no honesty in their relationship. This is the worst example


among the three Metropop which talk about the un-honest relationship. Hence, it can be
concluded that this Metropop also shows the un-honest relationship.
The shift of man role.
The last sign illustrated in three Metropop is the shift of man role. In Indonesia, it is
known that the patriarchal system is the system in most area in Indonesia. This kind of
system put man in higher position in many condition including in deciding whether a man
expresses love, asks to get married, or to divorce a woman. However, it cannot be seen in
those three Metropop. All of the men are cheated by their women, and the decision is on
those three women. The men knew that their women have affair, yet they forgive the women.
In M2M, Recko find out that her girlfriend, Abel, hugs a man named Billian. Recko
just say why he wants to see Abel which is about returning Abel phone. There is no other
word Recko says to Abel. There is no action taken by Recko about what has happened.
Because Metropop is kind of romance genre, the end of story must be in a happy ending.
Hence, in the end of the story, Recko approaches Abel showing that he still loves Abel.
In Cinlok. Accidentally in love?!, as it is explained in the second part, the un-honest
relationship, Shani has an affair with her cameramen. She provides a day to be enjoyed by
both of us. This is also kind of cheating. Moreover Shani has engaged with Rey. It shows that
the relationship in the second Metropop is more serious that the first and the third one.
However the affair is the main issue told almost in entire of the story, and it is conducted by
Shani, the girl.
The last Metropop is Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian. What happens in this Metropop is
almost the same as the first Metropop, M2M. Priyayi has an affair with Jagad. Moreover,
they have made love. Then, the affair is the worst among those three Metropop, and it is
committed by the girl. However, Jimmy, the boyfriend, cannot let Priyayi go. He wants to
keep the relationship until he is ready although Priyayi gets married to Jagad.
Here, it can be summarized that the girl makes mistake, which is usually conducted by
man. In many stories men are the ones who do affair, but in these three Metropop, girls do
that. It seems that there is a kind of shift role. Previously,, men conduct the affair, but now, it
seems that the role is taken by the girls.
There are three things saying what is happening in our society in three Metropop
entitled Love, M2L Men 2 Love by Andrei Aksana, Cinlok. Accidently in Love?! by Mia
Arsyad, Pasangan (Jadi) Jadian by Lusiwulan. Those kind of clues got from those Metropop
are the mixed language, the un-honesty relationship, and the shift of man role. Those things
shows that Indonesia experienced phase when we need our resistance to resist the bad
influences of culture which does not suit with our culture. It is no matter what has been
presented in three Metropop which make us be cool, important and confident because all of
these are not appropriate to be done in this country.


Barker, Chris. 2003. Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice. London: Sage
Burns, Tom & Elizabeth. Sociology of Literature and Drama. England: Penguin Books Ltd.,
1973. Print.
Damono, S. Djoko. Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan
dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1979. Print.
Fiske, John. 1989. Understanding Popular Culture. London: Routledge
Fitriana, Adytia. 2010. Karakteristik Novel-Novel Metropop Gramedia. Skripsi. Universitas
Gans, Herbert J. 1974. Popular Culture and High Culture. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
Gramci Antonio.1985. Selection from Cultural Writing. London: Lawrence and Wishart.
Hall, John. The Sociology of Literature. New York: Longman, 1979. Print.
Swingewood, Alan & Laurenson, Diana. Sociology of Literature. London: Granada
Publishing Ltd., 1972. Print.




Dosen Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Bengkulu

Abstrak: Buku sebagai pusat bacaan adalah gerbang peradaban dan kebudayaan.
Dengan membaca, pengetahuan seseorang akan bertambah. Semakin tinggi
pengetahuan seseorang maka semakin tinggi pula peradabannya. Namun demikian,
saat ini buku-buku bacaan dan buku-buku referensi ilmiah semakin menurun dibaca
oleh mahasiswa. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, yaitu (1) tingginya penggunaan
telepon seluler yang cenderung biaya pulsanya lebih diutamakan daripada membeli
buku, (2) penggunaan internet dan referensi internet yang lebih instan, dan (3) orientasi
studi pragmatis yang lebih mengutamakan nilai belajar daripada proses belajar.
Kata kunci: gairah membaca, referensi, buku elektronik, telepon seluler

One of the important aspects in learning and teaching is reading. It is, of course, a main
factor in obtaining a result of study that everyone can know and understand knowledge
resources deeply is only because of reading. Books as center of reading are window of
knowledge. It is useless if the books as knowledge resources are not read at all. Seeing this
phenomenon, it is reasonable that revelation came to Muhammad saw is a command of
reading (iqra bismi rabbika al-lazi khalaq as found on al-`Alaq). It means that reading is a
gate of civilization, development, and intelligence.
Seeing a history of literacy development in Indonesia chatted in Media Indonesia
(December, 19 1994) as stated by Alwasilah (1997), the development of unliterary in
Indonesia got 26,6% in 1971, and it decreased until 20,5% in 1980, 15,9% (1990), and
5,72% in 1994. It was said that the development of literacy in this country was apprehensive.
In addition, many unliterary persons in Indonesia got up to 26, 6% at 1971, declined 20, 5%
(1980), 15, 9% (1990), and 5, 72% (1994). Recently (2009), in spite of no concrete research,
an assumption that our society are in unliterary condition is perhaps found in this country.
This phenomenon, if it is a reality, is of course an ironic matter.
Today reading is a need for all. In a view of coming era of globalization where the
world has become a global village, many people in our country should read all things in
accordance with scientific and technological advancement. The need is a must for all, even
for students in elementary until senior high school and for students in a collage.


Unfortunately, arising electronic and communication technology throughout the world, they
have been hypnotized by use of technology so that they like take a lot of information come
from internet better than getting information by reading books conventionally.
Developing country is influenced by capability in reading knowledge and technology
information. The more a country increases its quality the more its dependent on its civilian
skill in reading and writing. Many developing industrial countries such as Japan and The
United State of America are absolutely influenced by the literacy increase rapidly. In
addition, the efficiency of Japan industrialization, for instance, due to high literacy spreads
evenly all communities (Alwasilah, 1995). Recently, the developing country not only has
become advance country in literacy, but in computer and technology of information.
Reading culture in those countries tends to high quality. They will read everything
as their partner wherever and whenever. Wherever they stay and hang out reading is
something needed not only to improve their knowledge but also to make relax the book.
Hence, it stands to reason if there is a foreigner reading book, magazine, novel, or other
interested reading in our country while traveling and walking around tourist places. We can
see the phenomenon a foreigner has been reading a book in a bus station, airport, or
beach. Those phenomena are different from Indonesian people who do not always bring any
books while traveling and walking around tourist places, even they do not usually read the
books in their home. The Film of Tom and Jerry, for instance, despite as a funny cartoon
film, necessity to read in the plot of story is explicitly shown. Tom (cat) usually opens a
reference or a book a strategy to trap-- when it will catch Jerry. When Jerry caught and
roped Tom into a box to be cooked for lunch, Tom went away by seceding from Jerry. The
failure to catch Tom made Jerry open and read a book that contained a technique how to rope
cat. This funny film indicates that reading tradition in America and Europe (Western people)
has been running well until now and on. It is, of course, different from Indonesian film that
reading aspect is not important thing to be involved.
The more reading tradition decreases the more reading ability is low. Reading
should be avocation and a need not only for students, but also for all people in our beloved
country. Nevertheless, it seems to be real that school students and even university students
still regard that reading has not been an important need. There are only school and
university students in a few cities such as in Yogyakarta and Malang that the students have
high motivation in reading. It is because both cities are considered as well educated city so
that scientific atmosphire and cultural literacy have permeated grassroot communities.
Learning time table for all people (not for only children), reading room, center for cheep
book stores has been impelemnted through all people. These activities considerably indicate
that both cities have literacy culture.
As academic community using scientific conclussion, most students in universities
ideally have good reading comprehension ability not only in bahasa Indonesia, but also in
forign references dealing with Arabic and English that are usually available in PTAIN
libraries. The idealism is hard to be created doe to various reasons. One of them is because of
low input when entered university level. Otherwise, there are many universities that have
high input quality like UGM, ITB, IPB, UI, UIN Jogja, UIN Malang, UIN Jakarta, and
UNAIR, that commonly let their students use forign references as well as Indonesian
references. The important thing for the students as academic community is how to
comprehend deeply the meaning of the reading text in order to get global knowlagde.


Through making a practice of reading, change of intellectual and paradigm may better than
before although the input is low.
Spirit to read or extremly we can say reading culture recently has decreased. This
situation might be influanced through many problems as follow.
Need of Cellular Phone Credit
Cellular phone is one of the rapidly growing technologies in the world. Kahari
(2013) reported that more than six billion subscribers have used cell phones in the world. A
cell phone or cellular phone also known as a mobile phone (in Indonesia it is often called
hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while
moving around a wide geographical area. Modern cell phones support a wide variety of other
services such as text messaging, multi media messaging, email, internet access, bluetooth,
business applications, camera, games, photography and calendaring among other services.
Cell phone actually has benefit use as Kahari (2013) investigated in his study, but in
other side, it also has negative effect. He concluded that a cell phone is a very important tool
for study as most of the respondents used their phones for study purposes. Cell phones are
increasingly one of the most popular information access devices and what stands out from the
study is the high use of interactive, multi user functions which can at times be disruptive or
beneficial during study. In essence, the study revealed that cell phones are beneficial for
learning but learners have a tendency to abuse them. Higher institutions can take advantage
of the potential and capitalize on the cell phone for educational purposes because of the
intrinsic motivation of university students in wanting to communicate amongst themselves.
Findings of the study also show that mobile phone designers must take into account how
young people use cell phones for educational purposes. The presence of cell phones presents
a host of options and challenges for todays students. Cell phones are undeniably convenient,
helpful tools for study and can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and
use pattern of a student
Many students who majority stay in boarders actually have a cost to buy books. On
the contrary, they spend money more for mobile phone necessity than educatianal matter.
They should buy many books to read and obtain knowlagde, but they always buy cellular
phone credit when it has been run out so that the books as window of knowlagde are ignored
and replaced by the mobile phone credit. This necessity, in addition, is considered not only as
their scundary need but also as a primary one. This is aactually not only students who have
cellular phone but all people also heve. The effect of this phenomenon is that the students
have a litle opportunity to read books and other references while learning in university
because of litle book they have although many books are also available in a library.
They spend money to buy credit at least Rp. 20.000,- for every week and it will be
Rp. 80.000,- in one month. The budget to buy credit, of caurse, will have more advantege if it
spends to buy book. Recenlty, this necessity has not been for young men like students, but for
all people, even for those who have a crash on young person. This is why mostly students feel
lonly and even confused when the cellular phone has no credit at all or has lost since two
days. For one month, they will spend their budget to buy credit at least Rp 100.000,- or Rp
200.000,- ; otherwise, this budget will be meaningful if it used to buy books as their reading.
The necessity to buy books indeed seems to no problem for students who recieve
too much money from their parents although they also should buy credit for their mobile
phone. On the contrary, culture to buy books (of course these are to read) has not been


commonly usual. Consuming books to read has been censidered as part of the second need.
That buying credit for mobile phone is a need is no problem due to recent important global
communication. Nevertheles, as students who have many academic material necessity they
should make books as their own need to anhance and improve their knowlades in the study.
This phonomenon occurs not only in Bengkulu, but also in many favorite universities like in
Yogyakarta and Jakarta.
Internet and Electronic Reference Influence
Reading is an essential tool for lifelong learning. It is important for everyone to
develop the rudiments of reading and the culture of reading always so as to survive in life.
According to Alwasilah (1997: 13), reading adds quality to life and provides access to culture
and cultural heritage. He pointed out that reading empowers and emancipates citizens and
bring people together. Okeke and Fidelia (2012) reaffirmed that the art of reading is a
priceless instrument for everyone. It is one of the most important activities of life through
which we enter into the life and experiences of others and extend our knowledge, scope of
experience and enjoyment. It has critical role to play in the overall development of an
individual and the nation at large. Reading experience can be obtained in the library. The
school library is a gateway to knowledge and will serve as a starting point or road map to
reading and the promotion to reading culture. The library provides books and other resources
which will help shape thoughts and influence the actions of students throughout life with
active supervision by an experienced librarian.
Due to technological development, reading habits are changing. In our society
today, while technology is slowly taking a steady control over individual lives, the reading
habit is fast vanishing into thin air (The Hindu, 2004). Students now lack the skill of reading.
Instead they spend more hours on electronic media. Browsing the net, playing with funky
handsets and passing non-stop SMSs seem to be the order of the day, there by making
reading a book or any other piece of written material in a quiet or peaceful corner of a library
or home become an archaic idea for most school children and adults (The Hindu, 2004).
Obama (2008) in his speech pinpointed that children cannot achieve unless they raise their
expectations and turn off television sets. Shabi and Udofia (2009) noted that active learning
from books is better than passive learning such as watching televisions and playing games.
Students are rarely interested in reading for pleasure and enjoyment instead they
read only to pass examination. The declining interest in reading culture among our children
(especially those in primary and secondary schools) is a cause for alarm and a challenge to all
and something need to be done to alleviate this yawning problem. Unfortunately, reading is
not taught or included in school curriculum. Reading is not a subject and cannot be taught
separately as most other subjects in the curriculum rather it is subsumed in every other
subject and is regarded as a tool facilitating many other types of learning. Nowadays, due to
the rat race syndrome, parents pay little or no attention to their children's reading ability,
parents themselves lack the skill and the culture of reading such that some do not read to their
Academic student tasks can be done through internet access instead of reading and
searching references or books that are usually available in libraries and book strores.
Nowdays, many students will have finished their academic tasks only in one hour because of
browsing internet. They only drop in internet store or only open their laptop computer in
hotspot area to browse and download various articles, papers, or other scientific papers in
accordance with the lecture tasks. In addition, if they find the files needed, they only edit and
change the cover with their name and finally they give it to the lecturer as academic task.
This is of course easier than searching and reading books in the library.


Searching and browsing materials and scientific data on internet more and more
considerably will reduce reading habits for students. Hence, It stands to reason if many books
and other literatures are lonely to read in the library. This was shown, for instance, if we
see the first page of books in the library, there are few books with borrowing stamp that
usually occurs commonly in other library. Many books written in forign language which are
always diplayed in stacks are indeed also seldom touched by library visitors. Due to often
using internet media while doing academic task, mostly students only read paper when a
classroom seminar takes place. They can not explain massages of the paper they write. This is
because of copy and paste from internet of which they made. This is of course different
from the paper that the students make through reading books and other literatures
convantionally. While making a paper, they usually read, study, and search various references
so that they can describe deeply what they write as well as they can explain in front of the
class when classroom seminar occurs.
Dealing with reading activity and its relation to the online and electronic use,
Linda (2012) reported on her observation that the school children respondents devote more
number of hours for playing games on cell phone than in their homework and reading. It was
also very clear from the result of this study that school children respondents devote a good
number of hours in online activities, watching television, playing music on DVD and other
musical systems. Granted that so much useful information concerning learning could be
sourced online, the school children should not be exposed to it too early because of its
negative effect on their reading habit and reading skill acquisition. Reading is a very
important issue which is not only about enjoyment but a necessity; the basic tool of
education. Good reading habit makes way for a better understanding of one's experiences and
it can be an exciting voyage to self discovery.
56.3% of the respondents indicated that television, internet facilities, cell phones,
musical gadgets, and other electronic media in their schools and homes do not interfere in
their reading hours. Although the school children respondents had asserted that the
availability of television, internet facilities, cell phones, musical gadgets, and other electronic
devices in schools and homes do not interfere in their reading hours but we should bear in
mind of such programmes on television and websites on the Internet that constitute sources of
distractions for school children. Notable examples on satellite televisions and the Internet are
cartoon network (CN), Africa magi, facebook and twitter/chatting etc. Children in nursery
and primary schools can get glued to the television set watching Africa magic and cartoon
network for more than 4/5 hours, provided there is electricity supply to the television set.
Those children in secondary schools can be on the net and on their cell phones for hours
without lifting a textbook or magazine to read. Constant attention to these electronic media
by school children distract their attention from reading and ultimately affect their reading
habits and skill. School children should be provided with enough materials
(books/novels/magazines) to read at home and in schools. Research has shown that children
who have no access to books before going to school are severely disadvantaged and have
trouble catching up with other children. Children with adequate access to books have many
books to select from on daily basis, both in and out of school. Mokatsi (2004) emphasized the
conditions for learning to read and for sustaining literacy to include an ideal home
environment where reading is encouraged, good teachers and schools, plentiful books which
are relevant and up to date, and access to computers.
Some group of the children respondent (39.4%) did not support the view that
electronic media influence the reading habits of school children. 33.8% shared the view that
electronic media discourage school children from reading, hence poor reading habit in some
school children. Despite the variations in the opinion of the school children respondents in


this study, it is worthy of note that children are faced with distractions and poor reading
habits in this modern age of avalanche numbers of communication gadgets in homes and
schools. Though some of them play great roles in teaching and learning but there should be
enough caution in exposing children to these modern communication tools because of the
negative impact on the acquisition of reading skill by school children.
56.3% of the school children respondents were affirmative on the availability of
school library in their school. Functional school libraries in primary and secondary schools
will afford the school children the opportunity to have access to wide range of books.
Children who are allowed to self-select to read and who have access to varied sources of print
materials in their classrooms, school libraries, town libraries, and at home read more and
more widely, both for pleasure and for information (Krolack, 2005). Such children are noted
to have good reading habit.
57.5% of the school children respondents in this study do not visit their school
library (where there is existence of any). 22.5% visit their library every school day.
Pupils/Students who shun their school library can never develop good reading habit. Teachers
should endeavour to encourage their pupils/students to visit the school libraries and to borrow
novels and periodicals to read. This will not only help them in developing reading and writing
skill but will also help in empowering them with the skill of effective oral communication.
Thirty minutes to one hour as seen in the result of this study is not enough time for effective
reading in the library. Students should learn how to read for at least 2-3 hours when they visit
the library. Pupils in primary school can put in one hour for effective reading when they visit
their school library. With constant practice, now doubt, these pupils/students will acquire the
skill of effective reading habit that will transform them for a better future. Reading is
important for everybody in order to cope with new knowledge in a changing world-that of the
technological age (Sangkaeo, 1999).
The teachers that were interviewed stressed that there is dwindling reading habits in
primary/secondary school children. They attributed the drop in reading habit of the children
to too many distractions in the society; ranging from various types of electronic gadgets in
homes to lack of proper attention by parents and teachers. The interviewees (teachers) called
on the government stakeholders and private individuals that own schools to build functional
libraries in both primary and secondary schools to boost the reading habits and culture of
school children. Again, reading should be introduced in school curriculum.
Finally, inculcating good reading habits in children is something that should be
started on time in their early childhood days so that these children will grow with it. Both the
parents, teachers, librarians and government should be fully involved for this to be realizable.
Though it may look like a journey of a "thousand kilometers", but with concerted efforts from
all concerned, huge success will be achieved in the end.
Pragmatic Oriented Study
The lecture paradigm recently has been changed that foremrly it was idealism, but
since now and on it has changed to be pragmatism. Consequently, the departement chosen by
the students is a direction with prospective description in the future of which job field is
described clearly. Unfortunetly, such paradigm as well as students orientation that the
ambition is to be PNS (civil servent) after being sarjana degree is always be main target of
study. Due to this orientation, many departements in the faculty are intended to be link and
match direction so that they considerably become interested and marketable departement.
Therefore, many faculties such as tarbiyah, FKIP, healthy, computer, and nurse faculty
always become favorit matter for students. In addition, their parents will force them enter
their students such favorite faculties. Otherwise, if there are many students received in
considerably abstract faculty such as communication, politic, dakwah, syariah, and


philoshopy departement, the students may cancel their direction and choose other direction
which has link and macth in the future.
This paradigm effects on the lecture interaction which is only oriented to school
grade. The quality of materials as well as the lecturers give it to the students should be main
interested objective to improve educational system. The importance thing on which they
focused while studied is they can reach value of A although teaching learning procces is
not good. They will be satisfied and sad if the lecture value obtained is C or even D. The
procces of learning is not important for those who set out the result. Finally, the more good
value they reach the more they feel success in study.
Seeing the phenomenon, they have no motivation in reading due to the pragmatic
oriented paradigm. They feel that doing many lecture tasks is primarily only to fulfil one of
the academic requirements that they will receive lecture grade such as A and B value. In
addition, reading many books to obtain knowladge and skill is probably ignored.
Consequently, due to lack of reading frequence, their competence is low and not good
Reading is an essential tool for lifelong learning. It is important for everyone to
develop the habit and culture of reading always so as to survive in life. Reading adds quality
to life and provides access to culture and cultural heritage. He pointed out that reading
empowers and emancipates citizens and bring people together. Besides, reading is also a gate
to eccess and browse the world.
Reading should be avocation and a need not only for students, but also for all people
in our beloved country. Nevertheless, it seems to be real that school students and even
university students still regard that reading has not been an important need. There are only
school and university students in a few cities such as in Yogyakarta and Malang that the
students have high motivation in reading. It is because both cities are considered as well
educated city so that scientific atmosphire and cultural literacy have permeated grassroot
communities. Learning time table for all people (not for only children), reading room, center
for cheep book stores has been impelemnted through all people. These activities considerably
indicate that both cities have literacy culture.
As academic community using scientific conclussion, mostly students in
universities ideally have good reading comprehension ability not only in bahasa Indonesia,
but also in forign references dealing with Arabic and English that are usually available in
PTAIN libraries. The idealism is hard to be created doe to various reasons. One of them is
because of low input when entered university level. Nevertheless, the books and other
references have been decresed to read recently. It is influeded by three reasons mainly (1)
more using celuler phones that needs much budget than buying books, (2) using instant
access through browsing internet and other online electronical books, and (3) pragmatic
oriented study prefers to result than process of study.


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Yashori Revola
Tenaga Pengajar Fakultas Tarbiyah and Tadris IAIN Bengkulu

Abstrak: Bahasa adalah aspek yang paling penting dalam kehidupan semua makhluk.
Kita menggunakan bahasa untuk mengekspresikan pikiran dan emosi, memahami
pemikiran kompleks dan abstrak, dan belajar untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang
lain. Hal ini untuk memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan kita, serta untuk menetapkan
aturan dan menjaga budaya kita. Berbicara adalah interaksi antara pembicara dan
pendengar, yang melibatkan beberapa aspek seperti ide, pesan, informasi, dan
perasaan. Aspek-aspek tersebut secara struktural tergantung pada pembicara dan
pendengar tentang bagaimana mereka membuat percakapan. Kemampuan berbahasa
sangat penting untuk interaksi antar manusia. Orang hampir berbicara di manamana dan setiap hari. Dalam era global, banyak orang berbicara menggunakan
bahasa Inggris sebagai alat komunikasi. Hal ini dapat membantu orang-orang yang
datang dari berbagai negara untuk lebih mudah dalam membuat interaksi dan
berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin
mengetahui pengaruh bahasa Indonesia terhadap kemampuan berbicara dalam
bahasa Inggris.
Kata Kunci: pengaruh, kemampuan, berbicara, bahasa Inggris

In daily activities, language plays an important role. Language is the important
instrument in human life. By language a man can communicative, convey or obtain pieces of
important to each other. Basically, language is a tool for conveying human ideas, opinion,
and feeling. In using a language, we are demanded to understand what is meant by speaker.
In addition, in global era, its difficult to finding a good job. One must prepare himself with
knowledge and skills that are needed and suitable with world of work. So, they can
competence one of skill needed at the world of work is an able to communicative in foreign
language, in this case, English.
Understanding the language has been largely defined by experts in their respective
views. Adams (2010) says that language is a system of individual psychological
development. Wittgenstein (2011) interpret that language is a form of thinking that can be
understood. The general notion that language is a tool to interact or communicate to convey
thought, ideas, concepts, or feeling of being used by a man, in the form of the sound
produced by the instrument man sauce. Language was created as a universal communication
tool that is expected to be understood by any human being to do a social interaction with
other human beings. Language consists of collections of words or phrases that each
arrangement has the meaning of word to express ideas, thought or feelings. Therefore, we
should choose the right words and arrange the words according to grammatical rules that
exist. So that the meaning contained in each sentence can be conveyed properly and clearly.
Language includes four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four
skills are related to each other by two parameters. First, the mode of communication: oral
written. Second, the direction of communication isreceiving or producing message. Tarigan
(2008:1) stated that all of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) speaking
seems intuitively the most important. It meant that, speaking has a main role in a language


and communication. Because most of people use speaking mainly in their daily life to
communication each others.
In fact, speaking English is different from speaking bahasa Indonesia. English as
stated above is foreign language for Indonesian student. English is a new language that they
often have trouble when they learn it. One of the reasons is the characteristics of English
itself. For example, tenses, regular and irregular verb are not found in Indonesia. On contrary,
Indonesia is a language which the students have got earlier basically, we believe that the
student of English Major of IAIN Bengkulu have enough knowledge of it and have known to
use it well and correctly. So it is possible that Indonesian, though it is a school language for
most of them, can regard as the students mother tongue. They use Indonesian more
frequently with their friends and lectures. Moreover, Indonesian is very close to them, to their
speaking or writing habits. This is one thing that invites problems when the student writes the
sentences composition in English.
In speaking in English, especially for the academic field, we have to practice the
language because language is different from another science such as mathematic, Economic,
History, Etc. However in reality, the students are seldom to practice English in their class or
their campus. They often using local and Indonesian language when they studied in their
class or their campus at that time. The aim of this paper is to discuss the influence of
Indonesian language toward English Speaking.
Definition of Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesian is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia and the
Indonesian language of national unity. Indonesian inaugurated after the proclamation of
Indonesia independence, precisely the day after, simultaneously with the entry into force of
the constitution. In East Timor, Indonesian plays as a working language.
From the linguistic point of view, Indonesian is a variant of the Malay language.
Basic used Malay is the language of the 19th century. He experienced a change in its
development due to its use as a working language in the colonial administration and
standardization of processes since the early 20th century. Naming Indonesian Youth Pledge
initiated since its launch, October 28, 1928, to avoid the impression language imperialism
when fixed used. Process name Malay Indonesian these cause different variants of the
language currently used in Riau Malay and Malay Peninsula. Until now, the Indonesian is
living language, which continues to produce new words, either through the creation and
absorption of local languages and foreign language.
Although it is understood and spoken by more than 90% of people in Indonesia, the
Indonesian is not the native language for most speakers. The Majority of Indonesian citizens
to use one of the existing 748 in Indonesian language as a mother tongue. Indonesian
speakers often use everyday version and or mixing with other Malay dialect or mother
Manner of speaking in Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of Indonesia, uniting over 273 million
people. Aside from all the regions of Indonesia, it is also spoken in countries such as
Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Netherlands, and the USA. Bahasa Indonesia (BI) is
one of the most important subject which given to the students from elementary school till
university level. As the official language, BI is one of the main subject that must be learned
by the students at all level, according to paragraph 37 of the UU Sisdiknas number 20,


Based on the Euro-continental orthography, Indonesian uses the Roman script. It is a

relatively young language and is different from Malay, which was widely used until the
1950s. There are as many as 300 distinct ethnic groups in Indonesia who speak Indonesian,
and each dialect is unique in its own way. Therefore, a phrase common in one group may
have different connotations in another.
1. Learn and speak Indonesian - Differences between English and Indonesian
Indonesian is a very different language from English. It is highly influenced by
hierarchical Javanese and, hence, uses different tones in different situations for different
audiences. The usage of the second person you is replaced with more indirect terms or
references unless the speaker and the listener know each other well.
Indonesian has no tenses at all and relies on time indicators in sentences, such as
next week, yesterday etc., to denote the time being spoken about. Moreover, Indonesian
does not have grammar cases attached to nouns or gender usage either. Plurals are also
easy to learn, as you only need to repeat the noun or add a quantitative indicator, such as
few or many before the noun. Phonetic in nature, it is written just the way it is spoken,
barring a few exceptions. The Indonesian sentence structure is similar to English, as it
also follows the pattern Subject + Verb + Object. Unlike English, Indonesian is a fairly
regular language with simple rules, no genders, no tenses and simple plurals.
2. Learn Indonesian - Different learning methods
It is easy to learn Indonesian. There are several ways in which you can learn
and speak Indonesian.
Formal Courses There are numerous schools and organizations that offer
structured and comprehensive programmers to learn Indonesian.
b. Private Tutors One can also hire private tutors to learn Indonesian. However, this
may be an expensive option, and the quality of teaching may not always be very
c. Exchange Programmers These enable you to learn the language by staying in the
place and interacting with the natives regularly. You can even enroll for a course in
Indonesian to master the language.
d. Online Programmers There are many websites that offer online courses to learn
how to speak Indonesian. These have e-learning program along with online guides
and tutorials to help you with the basics as well as the advanced aspects of the
Definition of English
English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England
and is now a global lingua franca. It is spoken as a first language by the majority populations
of several sovereign states, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada,
Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations; and it is an official
language of almost 60 sovereign states. It is the third-most-common native language in the
world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is
an official language of the European Union, many Commonwealth countries and the United
Nations, as well as in many world organisations. English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms
of England and what is now southeast Scotland. Following the extensive influence of
England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom from the 17th to mid-20th centuries through
the British Empire, it has been widely propagated around the world Through the spread of
American-dominated media and technology, English has become the leading language of
international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions.


Historically, English originated from the fusion of closely related dialects, now
collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by
Germanic settlers (Anglo-Saxons) by the 5th century; the word English is simply the modern
spelling of englisc, the name used by the Angles and Saxons for their language, after the
Angles ancestral region of Angel (in what is now Schleswig-Holstein). The language was
also influenced early on by the Old Norse language through Viking invasions in the 9th and
10th centuries. The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century gave rise to heavy
borrowings from Norman French, and vocabulary and spelling conventions began to give the
appearance of a close relationship with those of Latin-derived Romance languages (though
English is not a Romance language itself) to what had then become Middle English. The
Great Vowel Shift that began in the south of England in the 15th century is one of the
historical events that mark the emergence of Modern English from Middle English.
In addition to words inherited natively from Anglo-Saxon and those borrowed from
Norman French, a significant number of English terms are derived from constructions based
on root words originally taken from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca
of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life and remains the wellspring of much
modern scientific and technical vocabulary. Owing to the assimilation of words from many
other languages throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary, with
complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels. Modern English has not only
assimilated words from other European languages, but from all over the world. The Oxford
English Dictionary lists more than 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical,
scientific, and slang terms.
Manner of speaking English
Speaking activities were more fun than listening and reading because speaking is so
much a part of daily life that we take it for granted. Speaking is a real language, which means
that the capability to communicate in a language can be concluded that speaking. It could be
concluded that speaking is interaction between speaker and listener, which involves several
aspect such as ideas, message, information, and feeling. Those aspects are structurally
depending on speaker and listener on how they create the conversation. Speaking ability is
very important for human interaction.
People almost speak everywhere and every day. In global era, many people speak
using English as a mean of communication. It makes people who come from different
countries to be easier in making interaction and communicate using English. Language set
forth in speaking depending on the cultural background of the language, of course, has a
different uniqueness. So what if they spoke it in English? For now it can be said very few
devotees. Most of them are proficient in English pronunciation, grammar and lack of
vocabulary. whereas someone absorption can be measured against a language of his speaking.
However, often one would rather listen and read (English passive), compared with
speaking and writing (English is active). In our own language, speaking is usually the second
language skill that we learn. This vocalized form of language usually requires at least one
listener. When two or more people speak or talk to each other, the conversation is called a
"dialogue". Speech can flow naturally from one person to another in the form of dialogue. It
can also be planned and rehearsed, as in the delivery of a speech or presentation. Of course,
some people talk to themselves! In fact, some English learners practice speaking standing
alone in front of a mirror.
The Differences between the two Languages
a. Bahasa Indonesia is still a root-based language with nice complete root word families
while English has diverged and the study of root words is not as useful. Many original


English root words are now not used and forgotten although some of their derived
forms remain popular.
b. English has tenses for verbs while bahasa Indonesia has no similar concept.
a. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have gender (male/female/neuter personal pronouns)
b. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have a plural suffix which is comparable to the English
"s". Indonesian plural concept is understood by context or by the addition of other
words to express the concept of something being "more than one".
c. Pronunciation is different but not drastically different.
d. Bahsaa Indonesia doesnt use contractions such as arent, wont, etc.
e. Indonesian sentences almost always have the primary thought or focus on the
beginning of the sentence, the main thought comes first and the adjunct second.
English is more varied and inconsistent.
f. Many English words can be used in different ways (e.g. same-spelled words with
different meanings) while bahasa Indonesia has fewer.
g. Modifying adjectives are usually placed before the noun in English but after nouns
in bahasa Indonesia
h. There are no articles in bahasa Indonesia (no a, an or the), although the se- prefix
can act in a similar manner such as in secarik = a scrap or sebuah = a piece (of
i. English doesn't use the circumfix affix
j. English uses figurative forms a lot more frequently than in bahasa Indonesia
k. English has different spellings for 3rd person singular verbs while bahasa
Indonesia does not change the verb. (example: "I go, you go, he goes" - "I go" is
1st person singular, "you go" is 2nd person singular and "he goes" is 3rd person
singular with "goes" as a different spelling of "go".)
l. Hyphens - English uses hyphens to form adjectives & nouns from differing words,
compounding them with the combined meaning (e.g. Life-giving = adj.). Bahasa
Indonesia uses hyphens for repetition of the same word or almost-same words
(reduplication, expressing repetition or indicating things smaller than real size like
m. In spoken Indonesian, there are no linking verbs corresponding to the English
words "be, am, is, are, was, were".
Research Design
This study was conducted in students of English Education at IAIN Bengkulu. The method is
a way, approach, or process of conveying information (Rothwell & Kazanas). Research is
one way to address issues that. Research is a process to achieve (systematically and supported
by the data) answer to a question, a solution to the problem, or a deep understanding of a
phenomenon. In order for research in doing achieve the desired goals, we need a good
method in accordance with other difficulties studied. Research methods provide the
knowledge and skill necessary to address the problems and challenges facing the
environment in which decisions must be made quickly.
One method that can be done to fine answers to the problems studied is through the
survey method. Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions . Then, Research also is the
Systematic investigative process employed to increase or revise current knowledge by
discovering new facts. It is divided into two general categories: (1) Basic research is inquiry
aimed at increasing scientific knowledge, and (2) Applied research is effort aimed at using
basic research for solving problems or developing new processes, products, or techniques


(Oxford Dictionaries). In the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes
any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge
The survey research is one type of descriptive research method conducted in large
and small populations and phenomena related to various aspects of these populations to
obtain actual information.
Population and Sample
Population is a generalization region consisting of objects or subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics are determined by the investigator to be studied and the
draw conclusions (Sugiyono. 2005:90). To know the influence of Indonesian language
toward English speaking on the first semester in class C.3.5 of English education at IAIN
Sample are taken in part from the whole object under study and considered
representative of the entire population (Noto Atmojo, 2003). The writer takes the sample in
C.3.5 class, first semester English education at IAIN Bengkulu. The number of student is 20.
Technique for Collecting Data
Collection data in the form of a statement about the nature, circumstances, certain
activities and the like. Collection data was conducted to obtain the information needed in
order to achieve the research objectives (Gulo.2002: 110). The data collection method
including self report categories and description. Individual report on the situation himself by
inquiries or orders given to him
In this study the writer used a speaking test to find out the influence Indonesian
language toward English Speaking. The type of test that given is in form of short drama.
Technique for Analyzing Data
In this study the writer provide a test to the student to determine the influence
Indonesian language toward English speaking. From the research of 10 students made in the
sample. Found that some students still use Indonesian style and manner of speaking in
English. While the procedure of Indonesian speaking and English speaking are difference.
To recall, the writer will discuss the differences in manner in speaking Indonesian and
English. In Indonesian speaking using subject, predicate, object and information (time, place,
and circumstance). Whereas in English speaking, the speaker must use the correct
pronunciation, should always include a verb and a subject. The time difference is very
important, because there will be changes to be and a verb.






Systematically of
the drama






From the data above, Indonesian state that influence the speaking of English
languages intonation, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, diction, systematically of the drama
conversation. It can be explained that from the data above, the first student Indonesian
language influence in , pronunciation, grammar, fluency, diction, systematically of the drama
conversation. The second student Indonesian languages influence in intonation,
pronunciation, grammar, fluency. The third student Indonesian languages influence
pronunciation, grammar, and systematically of the drama conversation. The fourth student
Indonesian languages influence intonation, pronunciation, grammar. The fifth students
Indonesian languages influence intonation, pronunciation, and diction. The sixth and tenth
student Indonesian languages influence intonation, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, diction,
systematically of the drama conversation. The seventh student Indonesian language influence
pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and diction. The eight student Indonesian language
influence intonation and grammar. The ninth student Indonesian language influence
pronunciation, grammar and systematically of drama conversation.
In this study, the author concludes that the results of test given to students of speaking
there are still student who are affected with Indonesian style. Then, there are 6 of the 10
students made in the study sample were influenced by the speaking style of Indonesian.
Reviewing back on, speaking in English is required expertise and skills also require
diligence and it must be practiced, so it can be a habitual that can make you good in speaking.
Keep practicing English is the best way to get maximum result in English speaking. Another
way is to familiarize you to read more article or book in English. Not only that but also
watching some movies on Television is one of good way to practice your English.
But the result of this study indicates that there are still a lot of errors or problem in
students speaking. As for the errors contained in this research is the lack of intonation,
pronunciation, poor in grammar, not fluently, lack in diction and the conversation of the
drama is not systematically when the student speak in English.
In Indonesia, there is no change in the sense of speaking. However, in the English
language, one word can have many meaning. For example, the world blue has the meaning
of biru, but can also mean perasaan sedih and the word bat has the meaning
kelelawar, but can also peralatan dalam olahraga baseball, Etc. This is what makes
students hard to understanding about what does the student talking about in English. The
difficulty in this case of lack of knowledge about the student vocabulary and pronunciation.
The influence of Indonesian language toward English speaking is vocabulary associated with
the procurement of different meaning, but its one word. In accordance with the result of the research,

the writer has concluded that most of first semester students of English education at IAIN

Bengkulu still use Indonesian style and structure in English speaking.

The teacher should know and understand the difficulties the student in speaking
English. So that, teacher can helps students learn how to improve the knowledge and also to
help the students develop their ideas when they speak in English.
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Hughes, R.(2006). Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistic. London: Palgrape
Louma, S. (2004). Assesing Speaking. Cambridge University Press.
Manser, M.H. (2005). Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary. New York: Oxford University
Martyn Syuttleworth. (2008). Defenition of Research. Retreived Oct 20, 2014 from
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Thornbury, S.(2003). How to Teach Speaking. United State of America.
Tarigan, H.G. (2008). Berbicara Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa.Bandung: Angkasa
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Retreived Oct 20, 2014 from (http:// The- influence- of- Indonesian Language- towardEnglish-Writing.html).


Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris IAIN Bengkulu

Abstrak : Komponen makna mengajarkan bahwa setiap kata atau unsur leksikal
terdiri dari satu atau beberapa unsur yang bersama-sama membentuk makna kata atau
makna unsur leksikal tersebut. Setiap unsur leksikal memiliki atau tidak memiliki suatu
ciri yang membedakannya dengan unsur lain. Menurut Palmer makna dari suatu kata,
terdiri atas sejumlah elemen, yang antara elemen yang satu dengan yang lain memiliki
ciri yang berbeda-beda. Bunyi-bunyi bahasa dengan menyebutkan ciri-ciri pembeda
di antara bunyi yang satu dengan bunyi yang lain. Bunyi-bunyi yang memiliki sesuatu
ciri diberi tanda plus (+) dan yang tidak memiliki ciri itu diberi tanda minus (-).
Konsep analisis dua-dua ini lazim disebut analisis biner oleh para ahli kemudian
diterapkan juga untuk membedakan makna suatu kata dengan kata yang lain.
Kata Kunci : Komponen, Makna, Bunyi, Pembeda

. ? .
."" ?

Theory .
) ? ? 1.Analysis

2. (
" ? . ?
( Jerry Fodor) ( Jerrold Katz)

.(1997 : )


? ? 3.
? ) (... -
? )------ (...
.1. ? .
??Lyons 5.
? ? .

... . :

) : (2002 .51 .

SoenjonoDardjowidjojo, Psikolinguistik, (Jakarta: YayasanPustakaObor Indonesia), h. 89.
) : 2005 ( .174 .
.48-46 .



.2. .
) (Jerrold Katz ) (Jerry Fodor

) (
) (

) (
) (
) (




.1 )grammatical marker - ( .
.2 )semantic marker ( .
.3 )distinguisher ( .
) (
.3. .

) : (1988 .115 .
.116 .


.1 ) ( - ----...
? ? .
.2 ? ?
: .
.3 ? ?
? ...

.4 .

? :
) (

) (
) (
) (


.3 ? ? :


.123-122 .
.56-55 .




. :11




Verb phrase


sentence modifier





: ? ) )(? )( ).((


4 .2012



. ?
? :
.1 ? : ? )(
" "
.2 : ?
"" . ?
? ?
.3 :
? ) (
) (
.4 : ?? )
( ? ?
)+ ( ?? )- (.
.1 ?

.3 .


.63-58 .


.1 ? ?
.2 ? :


.3 ? :



: 2002
: .2005
: .1988
4 .2012
SoenjonoDardjowidjojo, Psikolinguistik, Jakarta: YayasanPustakaObor Indonesia

Zulfikri Muhammad
Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Arab FTT IAIN Bengkulu

Abstrak : Bahasa adalah sistem lambang bunyi yang arbitrer, yang dipergunakan oleh para
anggota suatu masyarakat untuk bekerja sama, berinteraksi, dan mengidentifikasikan diri,
percakapan (perkataan) yang baik, tingkah laku yang baik, sopan santun, Arab adalah nama
bangsa di Jazirah Arab dan timur tengah. Jadi dapat kami ambil kesimpulan bahwa Bahasa
Arab adalah tutur kata yang digunakan oleh bangsa di jazirah arab dan timur tengah.

Kata Kunci : Bahasa, Arab, keunggulan


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Saudara Laki-laki


Saudara Perempuan






kewarganegaraan incomprehensible
-2 :
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.4 ? :

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.5 :

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.6 :
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" ? ":

? ? .


) (1 )-1889 (1964 .


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" :
? ".


? ? ? ?
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. :

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? " "
Phrase " " Sentence
" : "
" ".
) (


? .

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)( ) ( ) ( )(

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" : " " " ?

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: ? ?
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. ?


, .1985
? .1973 2


"" ?

Tenaga Pengajar Jurusan Tarbiyah IAIN Bengkulu
Abstrak : Guru sebagai orang nomor satu di dalam kelas, bertanggungjawab atas
terselenggaranya KBM yang berkualitas, guru harus mampu menampilkan diri
sebagai sosok yang dapat membangkitkan motivasi belajar, dapat menciptakan
pembelajaran yang efektif dan menyenangkan. Hal ini menuntut guru untuk
memiliki dan menguasai serta mengembangkan ketrampilan tertentu yang
berhubungan dengan kompetensi dan kapabilitas keilmuan,termasuk didalamnya
pengetahuan tentang tehnologi pendidikan. Pemahaman dan pengetahuan terhadap
tehnologi pendidikan bagi guru bahasa Arab, akan sangat mendukung dalam
upaya memujudkan guru bahasa Arab yang professional dengan criteria
diantaranya 1)Memiliki kepribadian dan dapat menampilkan diri sebagai seorang
guru bahasa Arab yang dapat diteladani. 2)Memiliki kompetensi dalam bahasa
Arab. 3) Menguasai didaktik metodik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. 4)
Menguasai manajemen pembelajaran dalam bahasa Arab. Hal tersebut searah
dengan makna luas dari teknologi pendidikan yang difahami sebagai suatu
proses yang kompleks dan terpadu yang didalamnya mencakup 1) aspek manusia,
2) prosedur, 3)ide, 4) alat, dan 5) organisasi untuk menganalisis masalah serta
merancang dan melaksanakan , menilai dan mengelola usaha pemecahan masalah,
yang berhubungan dengan segala aspek dari proses belajar mengajar.
Kata Kunci : Teknologi Pendidikan, Kompetensi, Kapabalitas guru bahasa

. 14

: . .


AECT Task Force, Educational Tecnology Devinition and glossary Terms, Wangsington, (Asociation
for Educational Comunications and Tecnology, 1997), h. 27-29
Usman, MU, Menjadi guru profesional, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1999), h.5




(1 : (2
(3 ?.


, ?
. ? , .
? ? " Tekhnologi in

"education . .
? .



Percival Fred Henry Ellington, A Hand book of Educational Tecnology,(London, Kogan Page, 1984),


h. 12-13

AECT Task Force, Op Cit, h. 5

)Soenarwan,Pendekatan Sistem Dalam Pendidikan, (Surakarta : Sebelas Maret University Press,1999



. ?

"."Technologi Of Education

- ? . :
. .
. .
. .

. .

" (Council For Educational Technology For The United Kingdom) "CET



? .

B .1


AECT Task Force, Op Cit, h.5

Perivical Fred and Henry Ellington, Op Cit, h. 113
AECT Task Force,Op Cit, h. 1
AECT Task Force, Ibid, h.3



? .23

? ?

? 24
. .
? .
B .2
? ) (
. .
? . ?
. ?

. .

? . 25.
. .

. ?
. . .

Soenarwan,Op Cit, h. 7
Soenarwan, Ibid, h.37
Raka Joni, Pokok-pokok Pikiran Mengenai Pendidikan guru, (Jakarta: 1992), h. 60-64


? ?

. .

? ? ?
. . " "VCD
? , , , .

11 2 "
. .


.28 :

.2 ?
.5 ?

AECT Task Force, Op Cit, h.1

UU. RI No. 14 Th. 2005, tentang guru dan dosen, (Jakarta : Dharma Bakti, 2006) hal. 7
Burhanudin salam, Etika Individual, (Jakarta : Rineke cipta, 2000). Hal 137


29. 14 2005
) 111 7707 14 . (2005
? .
. ?
? . ? . ?
. ? . ? . ?

? . ?
. ? ?

31. :

.1 /
.2 / ?
. ? ? .
? ?
. ?
? .


Nana Syaodin Sukmadinata, Pengembangan Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, (Bandung
: Tragenda Karya, 1997). Hal 191
Nasution, Sosiologi Pendidikan, ( Bandung : Sinar Baru, 1999). Hal 96
Nasution, Sosiologi pendidikan, ibid, hal 1


? ?
? .

? ? .
? ? .
.1 ? ? .
.2 ?.

? .3 ? .
.4 ? ? .
? ?
. . ?
? . . .
. .
? ? .

. . .14

)" "UU.RI 2005 .14 10 .1

.(87 : 2007
? . :

Muhammad Ali, Pengembangan Kurikulum di Sekolah, ( Bandung : Sinar Baru, 1992) hal. 22-23
Muhammad Ali, Ibid, hal 24
Usman, M.U, Op Cit. Hal 7


.2 ?

.4 )35.(24 : 1992
? . ?

? . ? .
. ? ? . .
? .

" "Asia Institute for teacher educators :

.1 :
. )? (
. ?

.2 .
.3 :
.1 .

.2 ?

Muhammad Ali, Ibid. Hal 24
Muhammad Ali, Ibid, hal 25-26



. ?


? .

) (

. .
? . )

( ?
. ?
. .

. :
. ? .

. .
? .
? .

. ? .
. . ?

Fathi Ali Yunis-Muhammad Kamil al-Naqah, Asasiyat Talim al-Lughoh al-arobiyah wa al-Tarbiyah
al-Diniyah, (Dar al Tsaqafah, Cairo, 1981) hal. 35


. .

. .
. ? ?
? .

. VCD .
? . , .

" "Asia Institut For Teacher Educators ?
.2 .
.3 :
. ?
. .
? . ? .
? ) (1987 : 13-16 :
? .

Muhammad Ali,Op Cit, h25-26



.2 ?
? ? ? . (
.3 ?

) (

? .

? ? . ) ..
(1978 : 27

. ?
. .




) AECT, 1971 :

. :
.1 .

? .1
? .2
? .3
? .4
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