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Word Senn cold Within Word Pattern Spellers Preface Wo Ther Wie Word Sat fr Within Word Ptr Sets intended to mapplsment the text His Thi Way Word Stay for Phonics Vocbwlary and Speting stato Tht ‘core ext provides a practical, mserc-bases, and classroomproven vay to study ‘words wih stents, This supplemental ext expands and enches tat wond stud, pei for within word pattern speller Within word paten speller are peal transitional readers During this tage devlopenent, students le to spell langevawel pater and they read mos single syllable words secuatly and with increasing fency. They are eady to begin son tasting lng and short vowels and sorting words by grammaticand semantic features. "Word The ly Word Sri or Within ond Paterno provides eachers with prepara reproducible sorts and step by step direcons on how to guide students TRrwogh the vrting keto Thre ar ogartztional pe as wel a follemr-up activites toennd the Iewon Gough weedy soutine, The tate provided inti x Wl complement the we of any ensting phonics, speling, and reading eorcul "More resources for woed study in the within word pater ge, incuding ad tinal speling inventories for graces I though 4 sours fr using word tidy il "dents wo speak Spanish inks to websites ented to ond sy as well a8 news Shout the Won Their Way CD-ROM and Vido, and ther companion mata and ‘word sy evens can be found om the test's Companion Webi, You an ink this wor prenbal on eat Contents Overview 1 SORTS1-6 Picture Sorts for Short-and Long-VowelSounds 3 SORTS 7-12 ‘Word Sorts Contrasting Short-and Long-Vowel Sounds and Patterns (eveandevee) 13 Spell Check 1 Assesment for Short and Long (CVCe}Vowel Paicns 28 SORTS 13-18 ‘Common Long Vowel Patterns (Cvce and CWC) 29 Spal Check 2: Asensing the CVV Long Vowel Patter for A, F,O,and U8 SORTS 19-24 ‘ess Common Long-Vowel Patterns 45 Spell Chsk 3: Assessment for Less Common Lang Vowel Pttens ‘SORTS 25-30 Ranfiuenced Vowel Patterns 59 Spell heck &:Assestnent for Rlnhuenced Vowels 72 SORTS 31-35 Diphthongs and Other Ambiguous Vowel Sounds 73 Spell Cesk 5: Assesment for Diphthong and Other Ambiguous Vowels 65 SORTS 36-42 Beginning and Ending Complex Consonants and Consonant Clusters 87 ‘Spell Chk 6 Assesment fr Beginning Complex Consonant Casters 101 Spell Check 7: Amessment for Hand and Solt Cand and Word Enngs-CE,-SE, and Check Assesment for Complex Consonant Clusters DGEIGE and ‘TeHcH 107 Sp SORTS 43-44 High-Frequency Words and Contractions 109 Spell Chek 9: Assesment fo High-Bsqueny Word Starting with A- and Re 414 SpellCheck 1: Assessment for Contactos 116 SORTS 45-46 Inflectional Endings for Plural and Past Tense 117 Spel Check Base Word + Iletion: Paral ane Past Tee ndings 123, SORTS 47-48 tlong-a and tong 4 Homophones 125 Appendix 133, Overview ‘arly late within word pattem stage of peling These siete a sully in the lt rst o mi ourth rasan sho lead knoe howto eran pl twoletter consonant blends snd digraph a6 well short vowel tobe ready forthe featuresinthisbook To igure out exactly wer individual stdents ahold sta within thissupplement, you need to adainisterane ofthe pling vents ae ae Un fon ture guesin Chapter 2 of Wor Tha Wy. esearch shows that students are sing but confusing all f the ong-vowel patterns statout the sme times thee a ome inesplay inthe sequence presente ete ang thevemels Short (an anal long (nse) vomelnaunde sree rst with pctures, aed then the patter are covered using words. Corian and la commen lng vowel Palle are thon eve In nuanced congats and include Domophnes rds {hat sound the same but ere polled wih different pattem orf dierent mennings (eg. mir and pe). Stages then facie on vowel diphthongs and eer acbiguone ‘owel pattems tht reflect a ange of vowel son that are either long no she Sounds ike the ged wowelin the middle of nl or noe. Complex consonant patterns ‘ich he cin the words macho set and oer consonant pater that ae ‘ced by vowel sounds ae xamine sn sorts that bud om conoptedoveaped in he Carlier sorts Atthesame time we expand the pert cnsanant ister once ‘more dficl thew eter digraphs and blends Sent consonants found tthe begin lof words ar intsuood at hs ime as wel We start examining f-syllable words ‘andthe end ofthis sqience by categorizing wo-lble Nighsrequency words F ‘lly, thre isa brit introduction to infictonsl word endings withthe pstense ‘orpheme (ed) and plurals Thee round of he within word patter sage and segue {nto the next Words Thr Way word sort bok, sales and afte The grand nae of this book of sort sa review ofall the long-vewel pattems dough the study of home Phones For each seo sorts there are Nots forte The and suggestions to inroduce and practice the ort. Sorts ave presented 38 Hack line mares that an Be repos or {rer student We recommend tat you clare the sorts about 1 to masimze the pe prans [es important tht sents sot theron wd severl nes Yosh ls Use the master o prepare ae of petures and words for modeling, You may want ‘make a tansparency of the srt and eut it par for use onan ovetead o enlarge the ‘words for ua ina pocket cat. You sana slnply make your own copy to ex apart die use ona desktop or onthe loc. ‘Most of the sorting lessons age deserbe as acher direct ose sorts with pre stashed categorie indiated With headers and key words. For more discovery” ‘rented leone you con out of the header before upiating thst and encore $sourstadents to stabs ther own eaapuie van open sor leaders might te Be Tz cetletion of sot inlades both pictres and words forsee whoarein the ‘set label the columns, The Appendix contains avait of headers that yu can use tobe your ctegonen Sex Chapters 3 and of Wade Thc Way (OTM) an the Words Their Hay CD-ROM (WTWCD) for adaitonal background information oganiatons) Ups, games, and activites. Use the Independent Wierd Seay form inthe Appel ot homework "The pacing for these sorte ie designed for slow to average growth and the words lec forthe sortsare the most frequently occring word or tat sound or pater, The bolded key words are nmber one in frequency Aer introducing rot. yo shot Spend abou a weak following routines tha encourage sade to practice for matey However if yourstadents seem tobe catching on gully you can spe up the pace by spending fewer dayson asortox You may skip somesorts aliogether However You may ‘ew tosiw down and peraps even cesteadltiona sort fr some student using the blank template inthe Append. More difical words ae ince foreach orto pro ide more pace or fo callenge students wir more developed reading vocabulary, “hse words ar bolded the word istin dhe Append Adatonal word nay bo fone nthe Appendix of Words Thi Way (NW) Francine Josten ‘Donald Heat SORTS 1-6 Picture Sorts for Short- and Long-Vowel Sounds NOTES FOR THE TEACHER These fists pictare sorts are designed focus student attention onthe vowel ound inthe middle of singlesylble words and to provide ample practice In recognizing iontiying. and categorizing vere! sounds a ete longo hort. instrcton Sezmenting and isolating the vel sound nthe mile of snglesliable words lays {he phon foundation for esrning howto spel long vowel pater Sue tents tay thik that he terms ng and sorelr to the eight length he etter om the page Bo te they understand thot dhe erm log ne ees othe Sd ofthe vow ‘Dine teaching vowelsounds with pictures especialy wsefl for student inthe carly within word pattern stage. Ifyou ate that students have misses only ane oe Fong vowel patter on 2 speling inventory an are representing moe long-vvel pa ‘ens cones in hee wing then you wal want to skp t later sot in his Doak ou ‘nay alto want to ue the fit Spell Chek fora pretest ove which students ll oqulre Inetucton in blating te medal vowel sound Adltona review wil take place ant "The int sx picture srt canbe use with students who have masta the palling of ment fo-leer consonant digraph an blends atthe begining and end of words {et ore sepreset mst short-vowel oan nthe mid. With these basi pore it feature tude thei bul tents gin "awe bat confine” slr woes hat pro (ade thesia thats vowel sound slong, on seling words ke sue as SNATI Typically these children ae im ate ist of second prade Students should begin thee sty of long-vowse pattems by cxparing and Contesting short ant lang vowel founds in singolable word “Te pci in sorts 1 eps words that are leody in most ident! oa vo cab. Engin Language Letners (ELLs) may lem new words by working caabo- ‘vey with buddy who names each pete ase sored. Key pictures ae provided {associate witheach sound and thse sould be placed a fh fp ofeach col oe ply abel te story. The key pcre conan bey words and Nghlight he vowel Under sid sce the Appendicin WW for sound boss containing the key words and pretures wed tioughou this supplement, Whle working with ture sor, den SORTS 1-6 Picture Srts fo Short end Long Vowel Sounds ‘sil practice phoneme segmentation sks as they lem to vide ach woed into {ivdul sounds When phoncme segmentation edifices abou be enc ‘age to pe! any the consonant sounds tthe brgning and end of the wordt lt ihe vowel sound lathe riddle Bor example, i etadets ae having dificil segment tng the word ra uote individual panemes try having er say ran witout the 187 sound an nd tena without the soi ive picturesotsin this section feature one slab words for acho he five wow is Each sot facies on one vowel at time and inches wordsthat contain bath short Sel ongevowel sounds Fach sor lo contain an od efi sort #1 The sath tert contests chor andlang-vel sounds alive vowel ines the sx intr tory sorts are ssl, you tay beable toinoduce and precice thre picture sors per ‘week Students wh find ifcult to slate th edu vowel sound will need a slower, ‘more expt presentation. To make these rots even mon exp, ak student fo ‘ment an coun the nda wun within few won each elegy For ena le after sorting the pctore ofthe slr under the ey picture/ word forthe ong sound {et yourmay akatadens count the four soundsin the wor lit pepe by Ph tng counter foreach sound, Aller deconstucting te kouns within the ward tents should Mend the sounds together again to reconstruct eI + AV A 10 = ae) ‘Wien posible, share books tit contain number of words withthe same vows! sounds being studied Fr example, The Cate Ta! Jie Balad ea natural connection to {he ong sound, while Shey fp plays onthe long You may aio ave poss, ‘hymen or traditional chante tat fate short and long-vowel oud such a0 Old Hogan's Calin ub Ts and usa Th Tian. 1965) You tightpresenttheseon achat ‘roveread an underline target words belor or alter doing the rrting activites STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH SORTS 1-6 1. Repeated Work with the Pictures Stodens should pet the wort sever tne af terlthas been modeled and dscued under th teacher's dieton. After cating out ‘he pictures ae using them or individual practi the piers an bested inane ‘slope or hogar agnin several times on other days. See WW (Chapter 3) fo Gpron aumagi pict sorting 2. Draw and Label and Gat and Fate For sat work, sents can draw ational pictures of words containing de tage vowel sounds They am alo fo fo {us in magazines and catalogs and paste the int categories aceodingo the me ia vowel sound. The pictures fom the Dac inert canbe pated st categories tnd hldten can be asked to abel then Or the pictures fra th sot ean be ‘duced in sine and lust ontn paper columns, Tascam aerve a sous ol bso nt expect score speling ofthe ete word at this tine, 5. Games and Ore Aciviiew Many games are described in WW and ae availble to pent out fom the WTW CD-ROM Variations of the Follow the Path ame ork specially well for short and lng-vowel sounds You might want to ote ow for acho the ist five sre presented here, rep shun pronhalicon/bear 5 SORTS1-6 SHORT- AND LONG-VOWEL SOUNDS Demonstrate, Sort, Check, and Reflect 1, Prepare ast of pictures to use for teachor-leted modeling. Use the hey pctres se fesders and diepay the pictues andor, ptr ide up 2, Tegina sound sorb modeling ane picture nt cach colunn demonstrating snd x planing explcly what yeu are doing, Model y soetching atthe vowel sound in Ube mid to emphases sound: rea pcan ain Rea the [eer ny sna the le When nara et ry en te le al) talons sound. har ang the of rail pa adr be tare the ce Ths upturn hr alee ef ed kn th of th rd ct put gr Bese hy Bt ae he i sud, the srt andthe mite Now can lp ste eo te ples? Con tine with the children’s lp to sort al of the tures Mose! Rew tocvie words int individual phonemes to ole, dent, and ten cntgerize the ed vowel Sound each word When al he pctares have been ers checkthe sort. Name al ‘he pte each clue ad hock mele sur they al ave te ame vowel Scundin the mide, Do al of ese snd lit fh mio? Do ened to aoe any? Besure to model the discovery and placement ofthe oddball. 2. Repeat the sort with he group again Keep the key pictures and the letras head fm You may santo mx up dhe pices and turn hen face down ina eck hs {Sie and lel len take taro ceawing a cad ond oting itn te comet column ‘You can also spy pas ot the pictures and have he chien tke us sting ‘ham. After socting ode! howto check by ssn the words ech eon st then reflect about how the words in each coburn like alk about how the ‘words ineach column ae alike and how they ate erent ren the words he ‘other column, Nove would be the ime to dnc ddl or anyother wards that ‘wer cific catngorize an why. Oddalis incu fot (srt 1 et cot 2), a (Gor 83 cake #8) ad fork or) 4. Extend. Give cach student copy ofthe sor forindvkal practice lage tho sort sheet 1D before copying tociminate the borer, ign the sadent he ask of uting atthe pictures to srt on thelr ws in the sae way they did the group. ‘As they srt independently sk nv stents about how they ae srg aed ‘why they placed partial picture na coum Ask then tll you what sun they are working on. Giveeach wtdent plastic bag or envelope to store the pices, ‘On subsequent days students should repeat the sorting acy several mes I ‘lve the student in the oer weclysoues listed above and deserved in WTW forthe within word pattern stage: The WTW CD-ROM has adiona picture et with matching words that work wih these sme sounds [Notes for Sart 6 Sort provides tramston tothe next st of ots here siden ‘wl sorjust wards: Thee 0 pattern i hist fst hae your went te {orth sound ofthe vowel. Lay Gown the header foreach ngevowel oud the ‘ert the pices bythe vowel sound in the middle, Afr checking the placerat ofthe pictures, match cach word card tots coesponding picture BS Wi | Tala SS la | BI@ x |. , Tee | 73 | daa ®t | @ J | odaball SORT 6 Review of Long Vowels with Word Matches aga cake| @ J tect 7 Qs te OA bone ues! tape | bike | cone cube | bee | cane | bride rose | flute | three | snake <= ) Cy) Bi) Al pe | Ke a a Lo clos G® : SORTS 7-12 Word Sorts Contrasting Short- and Long-Vowel Sounds and Patterns (CVC and CVCe) NOTES FOR THE TEACHER Most stents easily notice that adding ast tothe end ofa short-vowel word ‘makes the vowel sy is name. They se tha he aditon ofthe silent changes the thorivowel soured ito long-Yowel sound ip becoees lp cn becomes oe eb be “Somes ce, Wai he nal wwf pctare inthe fsx ots Selped your stants di. ‘Sina the to vowel sounds, cnly by examining printed words wil our stdenis i learn to associate the CVCe pattern with the long-vowel sound. The set or CVC ‘ pation, the most common long-vowel spelling fora, 0, and. In singlesylable a ‘Words the CVCe pattern doesnot cour often fore s the lang-vowel spellings fe ace ‘otincuced here. The few spelling pattems fore may be found in the ext tf ots (03-15) tha examine the ong vor! patterns Sorin designed rss insect within wn per ge ho ae Most ofthe word these sorts ar on alate iat and second-grade level Move if ‘ult wonds tht fallow the ame pater ane alo provides fr eich oe Make sure your “dents can rena the wr in exch sor You might se the Spell Chskon page 2s Ptst owe which of your sttents rein noe hese particular sort Stes who Epell moet ofthe words om the Spell Check comme may Benefit from the study of ther Cennsnontlng-vowal pater i the next section. Dierent pacing acheme for the ‘within word pattern lage ae suggest sn PTH “Although you wart your stants to use speling pattems to help them read and sell youd not wan! them to ovezely on visual custo the exchson of he soured they represent. Thesilentat the en of words prffersastrng visual pul Ite pater found asain sot im established they may obese pel without copy Insors 7-12 we tak teverl measur oft heaton dre othe vs atthe expense a the sound. Fist weindude several pctres wi each word rt inthis tn tonduce stedenis to categorize by sound a well as by pattern, Second, we reco rend the use of Blind or no-pecking srs a8 standard weekly routine, Norpecking ‘ots equine ents tcsagorize a word by sound sone they st pling patter, SORTS 7-12. Word Sort Contrasting Short: ah Long-Vowe Sounds and Patterns Thi, we inceporaeoddballs that volt the prevailing pater to-sound correspon ence. High-requeney words like cme, some, dan, ae hows ala incorporate 0 [sep yourstudents on their toes. These words at spelled withthe CVCe pater hut do rot have the lmg-vowel sound. er more information on bli or no-pecking sot nd (n daling wih ig eguency words sce Chapter 6 of HTH. Sons rqute student to categorize words an pictresby short orlong wowed sounds The sme key words and pctres that were we to head te categories om 1-6are used again ere Each srt contains al lanst one obs a word hat follows the pattern fora parila rowel sound but does nat contain tha vowel sound. Stadens Should be encouraged fo ind "toa one out” after they sort and to aytlate why ‘doc nol i ino sitheretegory by sound o by ptr Sort It reuires students categorize shot and long-vowel sounds and patterns coe al four vowels Sot 12 focuses onthe apellngofwords ending nl feo and -vowel words sen these rors fellows he sors on page 2 Spell Gc Sort versus Lang (CV) SORT7 SHORT-AVERSUS LONG-A (CVCe) Prepare set of pictures and words to use for taeherdtected modeling. There ate 17 ‘words and four pictures. Read and discuss any unfair wor, then ak your students ifthe notice anything about the words (they allhavean anthem) Ask aboutthe vowel suns inthe mle of he words, Do the all have the same vowel sound? Sadens might cut ther ownsets of words in advance to bring othe op. Demonstrate Iniroduce the short -¢ symbol nd the lang symbol an the header. Be su once the oddball Reade or words that do not it he oer to categres: Provide an exam pl ofeach vowel sound and model the phoneme segumantation process invaved ins {nung and identifying cach vowel sound. Demonstrate the sorting process hy saying ‘ich wor andl compsringitncach key word, pcr, and symbol Have your aden Jain in ae you continve to mode he alton, dentition, and categorization of he India vowel sound. After sorting fo, be sure tomodel he word wha and how to de ‘de when word dows aot tele category. Explain Why wha san edabal wt ‘spelled lke itshoul havea sort sound uti does no The idle sound of aha ‘bund ike /uh/ instead of the short =a sound. When you ar frshed sorting, ask the Students how the words in each colomn age alike an how they are ferent rom the ther words SORTS 7-12 WordSorts Contrasting Short and Long Vowel Sounds and Patterns Sort ave yourstadents shu thelr candsand sort them nto groupsby soc and langvowel sounds. Remember to have them heed up ter categories with the same key words ad lcs that you used nadine ol header Tel your eet fo say each word “loud thy sort The al ort shou ok ke spite ar in rocket) Short-afeat] tong-aleake] oddball Igias oy ft sme sap teste] feck base ak age es ne mad [tate Tost made Check Alter the students sort have them check ther own sot y eading each word and plc {ein column ome sure hey all sound the sme nthe mle, a student dose notnotce amit, guid him or er tity saying: One of se das. See yw cat Ivar ona rnd hw al Then rea each word cae, being cael enum each ‘owel sound ceri If the stent sill dos not hear the oddball ead though the cok Turn agun then rv the misplaced word and compare tf each ey word andy ol Ask the student which com due word shuld go in an why. Reflect, Declare, and Compare Alter checking the sor sok your students o reflect on their srt and declare hee ae iors by sound and by pate. You might have staden’s write how the words one slum are alike and how they ae diferent from the words i the eer Extend avestudensstore their words pcturein an envelope or platichagaothey ean ese them ought the week inindvdual ne badly sorte Students shold vps hs st ‘several ime: doa sma sorts may be dowmload from WTW CD ROM. See he Tetof standard weekly rtines form llow-up acts othe bas ot leo More Difficule Words: (16) at, sea, bath, mal, tame grape, lame sale, fame ne, thal we, bons, fas, ice, ke. SORT8 SHORT -I VERSUS LONG -I (CVCe) Prepare st of picture nd word owe for techendireied modeling se decribed in srt 7. Thareare 16 words and five pictures Readand Jiscusany unfaraiae word ASK Yyourctdens wat they notice about the spelling ofthe word Inthe sort p/m prntalicom bear o Demonstrate Introduce the short and the long symbolson the hesdr. fe ure orcad the odd baler frends that donot ide other twa categorie Tel your stent that they wil compare and canta he spalling patems of het and log words, Remerner {segment the middle vows sound lathe key wonds othat sents wil iow what lien for Demonstrate the sorting process by saying the word and comparing ito each ey word, picture and symbol. Have your stidentjoi in as you continue to mode the isolation, entiation nd categorization ofthe medal vowel sound, After you have ‘Sorted fw hold up the word ie aa oak what ptr the word might with. Thon [shi the word ie hasalong-/sound. Explain that the word ie san bl Bose ifis peied tka long wordt has the CVCe pateen~but the vowel sou an the ‘hide of ies hort When you ate fnshed demonstrating te sort ask our students Tow the word in cach column ate alike and ow yar dierent Sort ve your students sulle Use cane and srt thom into groupe by hort and lang ‘vowel sounds Remember w have them head up thei estore with He same vowel ‘Symbol, key words and pictures hat you used, ncluding the eal header Have your ‘dents say eoch word aloud as they sort. Te final srt should lok ke the one Below Key words te bolded and picture ain brackets, Short-i[pig] Long-ifkte] oddball win five ive ich Seve Fick wwice in (ee) ap hike tt ee fei) ite spall ete hc nine ‘ish pre Check Alter the students srt have thm check thee own sors by reading each word and pic ture ina column to make sre they all sound the same in the mile Ifa todent does ‘otic a mistake, guide him orherto ty saying, Ono er vor Sor cn Ine one re mal Then rea each word can, beng careful tenaneatecach ‘ovrel sound clery Most students will notice ther eror when you do ths bat the ‘stadent dos ot ead rough he colurnn agai then revs the misplaced word and ‘Some ito cach key word and ymbel Reflect, Declare, and Compare [Aterchackng the sr ask your sadn to refet on their sort and deca thee at force Hy sual and by pater. You night sak students fo wit what they earned tout apelin sorta long 4 worda toe dong thse inthe word shady noe take SORTS 7.12. WordSorts Contrasting Shert-and Lang-Vowe Sounds and Patterns Extend Have tents store thee words and pictures in an envelope or pisticbag so the can ‘esse them inindivival and tidy sorts Students scald jes this ot several tines ‘throughout the wevk, Use the stanard wey routines fo followup acts to bac sorting lesan eopeially Wetng Sorts, Change-0, Word Hunt and Bind or No sip, gp sine, ge, pies, rite, SORT9 SHORT-O VERSUS LONG -O (CVCe) “Thera 17 words and fur pictucsin this sort Intodue this sot in manner saa torthat described for sorts? and 8. As yo ead and lsc the worst st ofa shoutthemeaniags ofthe words radars vo that sient donot confuse them with ‘he words rf and whole Expat red and oleate homaphones-—words tha ound alike Dut have diffrent meanings and diferent sling pattem: Te word ose nd ‘ome are oddball inthis sort base they have the CVC spelling patent do ot hve the long sound. Conduct his sr using the same Iason format Dement, st check, reflect, and extend The sort wll end up lokkyg sonnel Uke ths Short-o[sock] Long-olbone] oddball fot ewe ° spot leone Ibot hope chop thoes Frock oko More Difficult Words: (16 foc pl, op so pla, lone pl, ke ma SORT10 SHORT -U VERSUS LONG -U (CVCe) This sor contain 16 words, ve pictures and thee headers. Intrsduce the sotina man- er similar oso 7 and 8 The word pu san odbal ect has he shot CVC Patter butte prosouncedafitshymes witht intnd of et Note Thee clight Alference in the lng seund in se and cue (were the vowel says ts name ee) and inti and flat (0), Children may or may not notice his chee Lites wa, the ond is apt te same Demonstrate, nr, check, ele, and extn The sot wil nok urnething ke this: ~ supe prenallcom tear Short feup} rum ibuel faint rp hb feat sich Teles} More Difficalt Words: es Ee (a0), pup lar, sala, ppl ise ue, SORTI1 SHORT VERSUS LONG (CVC AND CVCe) REVIEW There are 21 wor in ths Sort and no pictures Note atthe column headers oe this stare diferent. The clu headers abe the pate of consonants and vowels fr teach vowel snd The label CVC refers to the soneonant) to he let ant ight he ‘Show vowel The label CVr ses tothe pattem ae ‘vowel Read and diacos any unfair words See anyone vrs which word 3 TRomophone and tel your students that hs which qpelodditeenty fom te wick that ides a broomstick they have diferent speling paters so we can tll hem apart Demonstrate onan and vows for elon, Introduce aden CVC shor, CVCo-oug, and oll Tl your tents that they willbe “comparing and contesting the sor an lng vowel pings of al four ofthe vowels tty bive been studying the previous four aos Sine fur vows are represented the key wonds and pices for indiveual vowels have been dropped Epa th th {CVC ite tothe coneman-vowelcnanan opeling pater of te sort vowels, Wie ‘Spacreral word sed bel hem Fot= CVC but a lt and fc. Label he consonants ‘op as CCVC and la which as CCVCC Explain Ut al tee words havea shoe vowel snd CVC is used to represent all of them. The CVCe refers othe consonane vowel Consonant -spelingpstem of the long owes, Demontrat the sorting procs by ay ingeach word and comparingttorach header Have yur studenten yess you rode sertingby poten See they can spot the oddball the words dean ac conan he {C¥Cepatcm-but oth longvowel sound When you re fished demonstrating the sent ask your sdents ow the word in each column ae alike by soul and by patie, Reflect at» group on He pattern to-sound consistency inthe CVC and CVCe ptr ‘coal our vowel, Sort Ask your students o srt indepenlentiy and in buddy pair Check Since this srt doesnot include pictues the ubiquitous alent atthe nd of 9 many ‘words may trp ane stent to sortby pattern lane Tey ay categorie all of the ‘words with ana the end nt oe group together Without sorting by sound ae wel 3 pater however the words done an haw wil no doubt be miplaeed! iis case, Esk yourstdnt oe all ofthe words n'a coum ald to make sure dey all have ‘SORTS 7-12. Word Sorts Contresting Shor: and Long Vowel Sounds and Patterns Reflect ‘Ask your stents to reflect on the pallens characterise of short and long-roel Sous inthis review eveshort —eVCelong —_edball op ote sone wx mule have ob Sine fos site Shp ore which ‘de wipe Extend ‘See thelist of wanda wee routines. Athi pot you can also eview al furlong ‘owels ing pictus onl word from sorts 7, 9, and 10. Challenge sadents to sort Jin four ealgoces. You mighty thir ith jot the words by crating your own word ‘rt she! using the template the Bock of hs book List lengevowel words fom all four vowels vdomly fr students oct pat and srt by lng-vowe sounds Follow this up with Blin oe no-pecking wring sors where children ake furs reading the words for ther pare to wre (More Difficult Words: (16) slap, sade, mat, ip ite, li, ove te, ke, tt cr clip wie, phone dose SORT12_ FINAL /K/SOUND SPELLED Ck, KE, OR K ‘Staentin the within word pattem stagemay overgeneralize the final ck graphinlong- ‘rowel words a spel the wordsmols, SMOCKE,frexomple Stent need to discover Thatthe final /k/ sound insingleeylsble words cect le othe vowel sound tat pecs These speling distinctions ae Hed direct the vows sound Thereare2Iwordsin this sor. Prepare ascot words and hesders tous for teacher siceted modeling, Note thatthe olunn headers for ths sort ae diferent—they rfc ‘he speling ofthe nat /k/ sound in thee diferent vowel sound conrass. Read snd ‘Sacins any anfalas words, Ak your scent there x anything they noe about ‘Af rds (hey all have in them) You may want to ot of he headers and ask Stents todo an open sort Some may sortby pater, others by sound. Eber way he rests il esi Demonstrate Introduce headers ean Tel your students hat they wil be comparing and con tenting the spelling of the ial 7k sound. Demantrate te orting process by Using, {he baad kay words ck, and lle, and nok. Say each word and compare I to each Jade Have your tent jn you a You cantine to model sorting By the spelling ‘tthe final /K/ sound theend ofeach word. When you ate ished demonstrating, thetortsaek your etudents how the words in cach column are alike By vowel ound Soe p/n prnhallcom/bear a it they notice that all of the words ending in ck have shor-vowe sounds al ofthe words coding in ke have logvovel sound; snd all of the wor ending ink have ‘owel sounds that re edhe long noe short I your students do no notice tis on ee ‘vr, rea the words in each column carefully and tl the cl, Atte pt you ' tight compare the ot spaling to the CVC pattem of previous sorts and pint out hat Iti sulle CVC pater Likewise, compare the Ke speling tothe CVCe pattern ofthe ‘revs ore. Rend all ofthe won nthe Kolm loud and ck the sures what hey notice bout teen hey tyme and te al have these speling patter). [Ater your demonstration, have the sudents sor, check, an then reflet oe is st Bene tohave hem declare whl spelings go with which vowel sounds Te sot ‘look somes ke tis ekshort —telong other hac take took sick ike shook Took Ske rok ack Sete ae pack die took Ex sine ke sinoke track the Extend Soe the lit of standard weekly routines: Welting Sorts, Change-O, Word Hunts, No- Peeking Sort and Games. You might ty ditaing a sentence kak «sack wor pc hom you go fra hike See alo the Take-A-Cand game om Une WT CD-ROM for tore dl and Kepelings ‘More Difficult Words: (18) ac, track, quck frat, quate, fae ce, rick, hic, clk pepo, dene, pack SPELL CHECK1 ASSESSMENT FOR SHORT- AND LONG (CVCe)-VOWEL PATTERNS “Te speling of short vowels following the omsonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pater tnd te speling of long vowels following the consonant-vowelconsonantallent patterns (CVCe) are assed with thes Chock or short and Lang (CVO) on page 28 All ofthe word picture have een presented previouly in sorts 712 Name ech pl ture then ae your students to Ek about each word’ vowel sound ane write the speling of the word on the lines provided. Stents can alo complet his indepen dently These ar the 2 words asec hose tube duck Thome Rkick ork mile bike 12 ate Thre Mrock Smoke Iamve Winke IB Ke Wilock —2.eape SORT7 Short-a versus Long -a (CVCe) a S ct | a pete oddball mad i make “hand =| what snap last came & ax | grass face base rake ask same made sack SORT8 Short iversus Long -i (CVCe) TQ mo | TRyeme | oddball dish Aa five rich mice prize a gift hike life flip SO | A thin swim nice drive spill nine give SORT9 Short-o versus Long -0 (CVCe) r Bo wet OA bone oddball rock & | rode job hope those a hot hose joke home wv a) come hole | some spot chop stove rose broke SORT10. Short-u versus Long -u (CVCe) uP om U Se we | oddball drum cute just hunt Re 24224 tune such club June rude flute ap put | SORT11 Short versus Long Review (CVC and CVCe) CVC-short | CVCe-long odaball crop note mule done : Ton rule | dune skin safe crab wife lots cape tide gum | | have drip vote a which wipe SORTI2 Final /k/ Sound Spelled ck/ke/k -ck short -ke long -k other kick take took bike sick lock shook shake duck duke spoke pack strike cook | lick sock smoke look truck like book ‘Ta Wd Sir Wa Wi Ptr Ste 28 by Pra Spell Check 1 Sorts 7-12.CVCe Patterns. Name SORTS 13-18 Common Long-Vowel Patterns (CVCe and CVVC) NOTES FOR THE TEACHER Another common ong-vowe patter the consanant-vowel-vowel- consonant (CV¥C) pater Every vowel expt the vowel es his pattern to epee he lang vowel und a hose ne sort we presen! the most common CVVC patter for he vowels ftcand e Although the CVVC pattem isthe now long-vowd spelling pater inte ‘luced in is seeton,previouly wudied vowel sounds and pater, including the {CVCeof the previous se sorts reappear in new words an provide a staring pont oe comparison Sine the vowel {does ot us he CVV pater ther vowel pater or ‘are presented i thee ection. ‘Sore 11a designed for ently 4-midle within word plten sage ples who ean but confusing the CVC and CVCe pate They night spell te woe fm, FOMEor dh word spe SLOAP. Mot ofthe word in thems sorts aon asain and (hird- grade eel thug harder word ar ted a the end ofeach eon fr stadt ‘witha more advanced reading vocabulary. You might me the Spell Check on page a {pretest sce which of your students ae nee of these sorte Shadents wh spel ost fof he words on the Spall Check comely may benefit rom the sty flex commen Tang-voel pte, sch asthe ones present in sorts 1924 Direct pang scheme forthe within word pate tage are suggested in WW. Hach ofthe sx sorts contains 1919 21 words plus tvee to four cola headers Key words have been bold on the sort het and these should e placed tthe op cach column. Key words ae the most frequently aourring words of tat purl pelling pattem: Oddballs ee hig quency words whose peter volts the dom Tantpattem-to sound corespondence For example, Ie ward ul rn odbell Bocse {doesnot contain the kong sound even though it has the CVVC pattern ssid ‘with helong sound, See Chapter of WTW for more information about eng high Frequency won "The sequence of long-vewel srt ould easly be done in a ferent onder The pal- tems fre are presented lst beaie «comma CVVC patter for long overlap with sla attr or the hort. soured. Sort 8 exes CVV ptt acess vowel. ‘Most children ned more than one wesk io lear ll he cortmonlong-vowel pat ters fo each ofthe vowels, but the recurave nature af word stady makes possible to eneralze the moe common pattems across vowels Suh is the gal of sorts 19-18 that ‘Mlzen the CVVC pattern in four long vowels If your sents see fo be cashing or to Be CVVC pater quickly speedup your pace. A slower pace suggest in WW and additonal words and sors may be found inthe WW Append Whatever pace SORTS 1238 Common tang vowel ates (Ve and CWE) your stents ns, be sre to provide ample opportunites to sor fist by sound, and ihn by pattern Ultimately you want your students to be able to categorize words by Sound tn pate smalls ‘When possible, share books thst conain 2 number of words with the targeted spelingfeture. For example, ro and Ta Tether (Lobel, 1971 sa natra conection hth he short and longevowel sounds fro and coneine many examples of he CVE tnd CWE pater STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH SORTS 13-18 1. Repeated Work with Word Sorts: Stents should work with the word Sots sev tral ies afer the sor hasbeen modeled ae discussed, ab descad in each ls onbeow 2. Wilting Sort and Word Study Notebooks: Students should record ther Word ort by writng them nto columns in thelr won sty ncebooks, ax described before It Ina goed idea fo have stents wie tcirreflsctons bout what they leaned aout the spelling of these worden their word study notebooks ater they have record their. 13, Word-Or Askstenstocondct a word apertin (Wrd-O)on St 10 words Add, surat orsbetite consonant o makes net wor. Slat wi dhe word space for tampa subnet the fo gl poe. Adan past get pice, Subtract hep etic Substitute an fr the ata et lan Students can ror het werd opera ‘ein thie words aobooksby writing the new word totherightol the orig- inal word You might ask them to underline the tes thot were change thelr penton, «4 Word Hunt: A word hunt ta search for additonal exemplan ofa pater being ‘hale. He sre madent se previously read eto that thee comprehension of he ‘materi as already cere and they can skim hough the words uch anc xs Sy. Direct students texts thal you knw contain the patter or imi the amt of fine that students ze hunting Scents should recon the words they Sind he proper column in Ue word stily notebook and share thera with he group when eymect. Dictated Sentences: Prepare «sentence tht contin several of your word study wondered ito your student, and have them wate Provide feedhock about Spelling and moshanice 6. Blind or No-Peeking Sorts and No-Peeklng Weling Sorts: Aft students sort thir ‘words weverl tines have them test tha memory fr palter-tosound consistencies ‘ith bln or no pecking sorts, an lind oro pring orig srs One tude als ‘huts word without showing heather aden pint 9 the calm a which it [Belong Or the second partner writes the word unr a ky word neither casethe ‘wor aris shown Inter and sadents chek he spling Homework See the homewark form i the Appendix (Gamer and Other Activites: Create games and activites such as thse in WTW or ‘Sowmioad them ready made fom the WIW CD-ROM. The ace Track game is one ‘wehighly recommend for oe with long-vowel patterns, There are other games de Sonbed in Chapter 6of WW. 9, Assessment Tp sss students weckly mastry asker type he words. Anas- Sesemant of he long wowel CVV pater sed in Hse ss follows on page 43 Spall Chck 2 CWE Pater. snp. enepreallcom ear ” SORT13 SHORT -A AND LONG -A (CVCe AND CWC) Demonstrate This sort has 20 words including two oddball an four headers, Prepare the words to se for teachesdiete modding You wal alan mead a short symbol and 8 ong 2 ‘Symbol fom th symbol template in the bck ofthe book Reed and discuss the meanings of any unlanar words, Be sue to point ot the homophone mai ad discs meaning Tel your stants that Ue her mane the [airona ion ora han’s head, ie apelod with a ierent speling per cause hae 2 diferent caning. Askif anyone tee any other homophones inital pin). Ask Your students what they nodce about dhe spelling ofthese words Proc! to demon Strate thistwo step sre (sort by sound thes, (sort by pater Sort by Sound Display a shar symbul long symbol rom the Appendix and the word al t ‘he op of thace seperate coupe: De not ue the pattem headers (CVE. CVCe,CVVC) ‘yet TE your tadents thatthe shart a symbol tans for the shot ond in the ml {ie sch wordsas Jack Segment the middle Vowel sound wo they know where foc thei attention (eg, /1/ a fk). Next explain thatthe long hbo ands fo he Tong sound inte middle of words sacha acorn wots yo can ear tele sSyitsrame. Again segment the mile vowel sound to make lng sound aed lo ‘xtonexplict Fly, begin theaund wort Mode the placement othe wed, pment the middle vowel, and explain what you are deg Hehe word ck In has shor? sound i the ies el put under the ahr oy Tih rd ce, Spe a ong und he ide So wl put wer vay. Hee he wor a [ean an as aon -ascund a the ideo wl pu tne the ong sya th pe [Now ec aps th st ofthese os? Cnn oa in vein having thes ‘ents help yu sorta the words by sound When ll he words ave sn sorted ed "hem in column and check for any hat need tbe change: De al of se wo sun ie i the ule? Dos edt ey ‘NOTE: Some of your students may have trouble with the word camp. The nas sound made bythe letter makes dif to segment the medial vowel yound apart from the nas Tl your students o pronounce the word without the asl (ap) race ifthey eanhea the vowel sound that way. Athistine, Wisse ikly that You may want tomove the words a snd amino the oddball ator Since nether these Woes hava sort orang vom! sound, hey do nat ong nether coe, Sort by Pattern [Ase your students what they notice about the words in the lang column, Cel we pat ny of tae ord together? Nxt, cpa the CVC anal CVVC as pte drs er ‘helen at eymbol ee your tadente cn find lof the words inthe long col tat respi with one fds two pate: the coneonant-vowelconsonant-aent pt tern (CVC, or the consonant vowel-wowet-consonant pater (CVC), Proved {0 ‘modal pattern sort for thelong word. Ask your stunt why sale an oddball Help them understand that even Cwugh si is spelled with the CVV pater, dost not have long sound inthe mille Sort by Sound and Pattern ‘Add te consonant-owel consonant (CVC) pater header forthe short-vveeclarm tnd mix up allo your words. Repost the sat, calegeriang ths tine by vowel Sound SORTS 15:8 Common tong-Yowe attems e¥Ce and CWC) and by long-vowel patterns a the sane tne, Check the sort, then reflec about how {he words each coum ae ake. The sot wil end up ooking ks this eve eve = ewe oddball Jack apace ain ssid Bick flume rai want isa pce paint th Blame ain mp ain int pun Shain Sort, Check, Reflect, and Extend ‘Give each student acopy othe sort and aig the ask of ating out the words an ot ing thom nivaly On subset ay tents should repent the sr severa Hie ‘Use the standard weekly outines (Writing Sorte, Word Operations, Word Hunt, Bid feo asking Sorts, follow-up activities oth asc sre lesson ‘Suggested Words For Word Operations: sce ume, ai, rin, comp. More Difficule Words: (11) gasp, imp, smash, stomp, rash, race, ste, ate, SORT14 SHORT -O AND LONG -O (CVCe AND CWC) Demonstrate Thissortconaing21 words and thc headers. Theol column header hasbeen dropped cae we wantin to look for “te od aner ot” crown ow Sort! by Sound, od andl a wil Bein the sate cu, Read nd dace the meaning of he ‘words and be sure to ote the homophone wine and its pater wit diferent meaning Inte insrt 9 The woes wortha send ok to discuss the sent Fa the begining Intouch srt na manner similar to sot. i ory snd ng the shot and long headers fom the Appendix on page 13 then sont by peter sing Be pate readers om the srt You col ko bp hele ith an Ope Soy eng fe Tenders bere duping the sort, Ask your siden cat pact your words an cei they can cscove the slo fo theraeves before hey ce ote group sot Under Sour directo, You mightank students uy can bento thr words that hye with foal eae, se eve eve ewe lot drove = raad? Dove mock Sone float rene sot Show oat cross Slope ost winks Soap fam load “emoptone Inap/7wem prenhaticom/bear a Sort, Check, Reflect, and Extend Give each student a copy ofthe sort and aig the tak fcuting othe words snd Sorting them invaly i he same wy ty i ia the group. On subsequent day ; Students Should repeat the sorting activity several limes snd complete the andand ‘weekly routines in the word stay notebook, Whiting Sos, Word Operators, Word ns Hind or No-Pesking Sot, ad soo, Suggested Words For Word-O: sie, cw, ou bt, More Difficult Words: (©) shop, dy, cre doe kc gm, mga SORT15 SHORT -U AND LONG-U (CVCe AND Cvvc) Demonstrate, Sort, Check, and Reflect Thissort contains 20 words nd four headers. The wort somewhat different rom pe ‘vinus torts because the most regent CVVC pattern forte long sound i spelled {o- Whale thea patter ite tec here ar realy nly dee geen long ‘words spelled with hu patter) wencide then with Comment Long Vowe Paterna "ince is also a CVVG pater. The odballs in ths sort bul and bul, leo contain (he patien but nthe lng Sound. No oddball headers provided, howeve nce stadents should be accustomed to Ending “the odd ones out” by now and Ping ‘hem tothe side when they srt. Key words have been bolded and shouldbe placed the top under each hader Rea and dca the meaningof the word then introdce the so ina manner sina o sorts IS and 14 ist, sot by sound then, sort By pat eve vee «ewe ewe. crust eabe food fruit’ ul bump dude lou uit ult slunk prune smooth juteo tat roam mood a Extend Have students complete the standard weekly routines in their word study notebook ‘Wiring Sos, Word Operations, Word Huns, lind ar No-Peeking Sots, nds Suggested Words or Word Operations: bung. dad io, More Diffiult Words: (1) rast, fs ds dh ust rem, foe op 2p fom ote, be SORT16 SHORT-E AND LONG-€ (CVC) Demonstrate, Sort, Check, and Reflect Ti sor contains 21 word, thee Readers a th dbl Like sont 5 th aot i eludes two CVVC ptr for telonge ound and Conveniently the Bomopenes SORTS B48 common Long vowel Pater (e¥Ce and CWE) sok and ek or inchded o all atten tothe fact hat word wih ifort meanings ‘usthave diferent spelings tl hem apart when we rad and spell Read and discus the meaning of he word tn troduce he srt in a mann ene tos 13, 14, and 15 Fist sort by sound thn, or by patern Br san odd eve cweee = eWoen fess feet mean been web keep frst next green eam Seep peak seep aun ih tweaks P Test trerkt teach pene Extend Fave students comple the standard weekly routines i the word study notebook: ‘Wing Sorts, Word Operations Nord Hors, Hind or NoPoaking Weltng Sorts, and 80 ‘Suggested Words for Word Operations: nex More Difficult Words: (1) stom, pests sy ped, re, rp, ere lest, de SORT17_ “THE DEVIL SORT” SHORT -£ (CVC AND CWC) AND LONG-E (CWC) Demonstrate, Sort, Check, and Reflect Sort conains20 words and our ears, Tissot ishandbecaseitncudes woCVVC [tee or the lng snd an.) and two patton fr de shee-esound CVC and Gv ieiscalled “The Dei Sot” Boone the pater used a spell bth th shore Sd thelng ound. Fortnately, many of the short ear words Hyg, sifu show inst your sdents they wl be abe wo emer ham as. rep ded ead ai read tlle aod they alee nd He sre to read and discs the meaning ofthe words, especialy the pronunciation and meaing of the word la. The word et is a homogeyph and can be pronounced ith eitiera short or long -csound, so itmay be wore nether sound atgory. Diss {he alt in nearing hal acompanies the shit in he vowel sound. The homophone ‘es ean provide an opportnity fo review the short sound and cotrst with the ‘hort -/sound nits homephone panes. The odball grt isa high-frequency word thot contains thee pattern but hiss lang sound instead of long-# sound: Discus, these wilenieh your stident word knowles ‘fer Sncusing te words intrace the sort a manner smile to the previous foursors, Use the long.can short«hendes from the Appendix ser fst by sound, then we te ple aders on the sort to sot bythe patter of CVC and CVV. You tl otc the CVV petters Render the shor vowel sound category be ‘ce you model the pattern sort Remind your student hat they have sored the CVVC pater before and was sway ascacated withthe angel sound. Now, Hey will [Ram some short words that have the same pater. upton presallcom bear 3s Short-e Short-e Longe Longe eve ewe cweee | cween when’ dead tree each ret led Jen aret reach | Teed queen eat breath Sweet, dream sath iene" beach Extend After students have repeated thi sort many times, have them complete the standant ‘veoh routines in thee word sty notebook: Wing Sars; Word Operations, Nord ants Bind or No‘Pecking Wang Sort nd soon ‘Suggested Words For Word Operations rend, sete, sleam, east ‘More Difficult Words: (15) sp, sel po ret, fe, pak al ah res, eh rnb ge, re, SORT18 REVIEW FOR CVVC PATTERN (AI-OA-EE-EA) Demonstrate, Sort, Check, and Reflect Thisiea review sot forthe CVVC pattors forthe vowels, and The WW pater {oruare not incaded inthis review boone theo pattern forthe long sun i gulle ‘memorable by virtue ofthe doulas the pater has few exemplary I you wish {ornclude theo and a pattems for the ng sound in fs CVVC review, Simply ‘ple the long word cfm aot 1S an ad tur in, Otsrry ther are 24 Row ‘words that contain the familia CVV patie and al bt four represent the longo] ‘ound, The four short vowels contain the ex pattrn forthe shor Headers ane noi ‘des! here because you ill want your student o sor by sound and by pate en {heir own afer your demonstrat. Altnatvely you ca challenge your dent {doan open sort and determine thir own catgores this point ancpen sort wil give {you diagnostic information about how the students rethinking about pattern sourd ist rend and dicuss hese new words, cling epi altenton to the meaning of the homephone ma Ask anyone knows the meaning aod sling of te thermal Seeifanyone cn spot the offer omephonein the sot si) and predict how its pariner ‘would be spelled (al). The homograph rea alo worthy of dition since the ve tense changes depending on wher you pronounce ft with a hort o lang, snd This word may be sorted with hee pater for eer he shot-e group or the long group, cependingonpronuncation Remind students ofa sini phenomenon th he ‘word idm te prev sor. Many stdent ar likely tobe ual with the word {r,s be sure to uae thie word in mang enence a talk about te mean, ‘After your dacstion, demonstrate hv fo sont these word by vowel sound (ong “along long ana shore) Then sate long group ito fo cokumne by pattem, Moc up the Words an then model sorting by sound sn pater smitancouny Its SORTS 15:8 Common Long wel Fates (eVCe and EWE) helpful ifyou “thinks” a yousrt and model your mental processes. The srt wil Took something ke ti: Ge wheel et moan rent tee pen tvcat fread Sheets Eros “pte oe omogrape Extend [After sues have peste this sort anytime, have them complet the standard tweely routines in ther word sty notebook Writing Sr, Word Operations, Word Hints Blind or No- Peeking Writing Sorts, ands om Addional vowel patter sets for ‘may be downloads fom the WIW CD-ROM. ‘Suggested Words for Word Operations: scm pe, moan, rl [NOME lod Oprtionon ae od a ely en ee SPELL CHECK 2 ASSESSING THE CVVC LONG-VOWEL PATTERN FORA, £, 0, ANDU ‘The selling of long, vont following the consorant-vowel-vowel-cansonant (CVV) pattem isassersed with the Spell Chek for CVVC on page 4, lof the word pchzed fave Boen presented previouay In sorts 13-18, Name ench picture and then ask your sadens tr wie the apelig of the word onthe nes provides Student can also coms plete thindependenty, These are the wos aseand est mit a. beach nin Stout 6 teeth Zchain A peach —9.toad 1. Uma 12.gusen Tebroom Trail TB soap spoon 2. cs Sa SORT13 Short-a and Long -a (CVCe and CWwe) a CVC a CVCe | 4 CVC oddball space rain Jack black pain brain paint place | | rash blame train main faint want chain camp tail said frame | flash SORT14 Short -o and Long -o (CVCe and Cwvc) © CVC © CVCe | o CVVC lost | drove road | chose ‘boat love | goat soap knock slope foam load whole none toast soft toad coat float cross stone SORT15 Short-uand Long -u (CVCe and CVC) u CVC u CVCe | ui CVVC 00 CVVC | cube food fruit crust bloom smooth suit built dude skunk broom mood bump juice trust build moon prune spoon tooth SORT16 Short and Long -e (CVC) @cvc | é cwc | a cwc less feet “mean green | team / been sleep - web speak clean keep sweep teeth heat week weak next peach leaf teach jeep i The iy Wd Sri Wad Pam Sete Oy Pra SORT17 “The Devil Sort” Short -e and Long -e (CVC and Cwvc) @ cvc | ea CVC | ee CVVC ea CVVC | when dead trees | each | = head queen east | street bread seat dream eet lead steam sled — | breath beach death SORT18 Review for CWC Pattern (ai/oa/ee/ea) wait read need oe toast wheel | sheep = | coast | mail deaf | three | neat moan sheets | meant rail cheek | pea throat dread | cream sail thread Spell Check 2 Sorts 13-18 CWVC Patterns Name. SORTS 19 -24 Less Common Long-Vowel Patterns NOTES FOR THE TEACHER Sorts 1-24 presenta varity of otherlong vowel pattems. We examine the esscommon ‘owe patterns forthe voveels 0, and in series a sorte. The lange vowel pe lees introduced in these srt ate leas common because they oat in aides werd Also, some pater end ins vowel sound ef, iy oh ery and thus inode ee Sle concept (Ae ope slab end in a vowel sound a oppoeed to being “lose wth consort that you can haa) Other less con long-vovel pattems intradced Inti section ince the CVCC patterns in words uch asd mi origi As yowean probaly tel, we incensed th cogalive load in these oes by inelading mare words hander words weeds that adress ne concept (he open syllable) and for sore vow: ss, anew pte. Although the open sylsle sn the CVC: pattems ave the nee ‘peli eatres introduce! inthis section, previ sed vowel sounds ad le ‘Ein including the CVCe and CVCC pater rom erly srs, reopen innew words tnd provide a tring point for comparison Sons 19-24 are designed for mide within woed pattern stage spellers who are ng but confusing tees comnnan ong-vowel patterns, They ought spell the word ld TTOALD, ce the word mid, MILED. Most of the words these sre rom wth fourth grate level Where possible, more dificult word iste at he ene each es sen You might we the Spall Chek en page 5. pret f ee which of your stunts ‘rein need ef thee sorta Student whe opell note the words on the Spel Check eo rely ay bene fo he sty of rinsed vowel oe dpithongyintodued Ih ots 25-35 instead, Each these sx sorts contains 2 to 24 words pus four column headers Key words shave Been olde and these shoul be pls athe top ofeach column Ava hey swords ae the most frequently oscurng words ofthat particular spalling pers ‘Odabals are ther igh equency words howe pater volt the dom pate toaound comespondencs oc are word that encompass feature of fo oF move cate {ovis For example the word ba! san oddball ect it dows not conta he long 2 ound of other CVCC words ke most rps, bu consistent with short words with 2 Siar pater (eg, a Thi sequence of sorts could esily be done ina ifret onder The pas oro ae presented at since the CVCC pattern for long overlap witha slr pate forthe vor» sound Sort 24 ceviewr al ofthe langvawrel parr sdidl upf hs pol While sorts 19-24 ae dciedly more dificult than the previous Isrts the ecu ivenature of word study makes it poesble to generalize the aew pattems introduced hereacoc the vores. This isthe objective oso 24 tha eviews ie CVCC, CVV and spemylable patos acon al our vowel SORTS 19-24. Less Common Lng-Vowel Ptems By th time your sadents shouldbe adept sorting by sound and by pllen Since the focus of thee sorts son lass eomsmn wove pattems an since only few short ‘vowel word te included in each set, you might bo abl to sped up the intedctory process of sorting by sound fist before sorting by patter and try sting by sound snd pate simultane If stents are experienced soe, you ty come ely More fr ope srt in ic they are ask to et apart hei weeded Sort Hes a cake igre of sound an pattern before they come othe oop lesen. Aaking capable st ants 0 do these open sorts whe You are working dnely with another group can make managing several groups casi: Open sort re lso dingo nd low you to ‘ce what students are noticngabuut the othagrapy. You may want acuta tehend ts betore daplictng the words for open nat Alay rameter fo alage the sorts ‘wen copying to increas the sie "Whon posible, share books and poems tht contain some words that at pelle with the peed feature or example, Slain (by Janell Cao) contains mary Simple ofthe VOC snd open-ylble ong-vowe! patos STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH. SORTS 19-24 1. Repeated Work with Word Sorts Suen sort their own word cans indgpen- deny sn with partners throoghout the week 2 Wating Sorts and Word Stady Notebooks: Sudents econ thie word sors ito alumi thc notebooks an write efiectons Isa good idea to have states ‘ite about what they lend about the spling of tse words after ey have Tecomded their sot 3. Speed Sorts: Usinga stopwatch, students tne dhemacives as they sort thse words ino categories After aang baseline speed, aden repeat the sor several times and try toa thir own tine, Rept, ined sped srs help tent teralie spel patterns and become automatic egaizing them 44 Word Hunts Stedens look fr words in prvioly rea mata tht are spelled th the seme pate unde study dun ad them to thelr word stady notebook, 5. Diciated Sentences Compose a senses containing some word study wonde and have your stents wallet to your dcaion Provide feedback about poling and sedan, 6: Blind or No-Pesking Sort and No-Peeking Writing Sorts: One student calls outa word without shoving the theron pols ihe luis goin {he sacond partner writes the word under key word Ine cse, the word ad teshown ltr and students check the opeing 7. Momewor:Aditional sorts and writing sorts may be assigned foromework See the homework frm inthe Append, ames and Other Activites: Create gamas and activites ch as thosein WTW of oveload hem ready mae from the TW CD-ROM 19, Assesment Student shouldbe asesaed weekly on each st of words, Am sues ‘ment of al long-vomel CVC pater ned in these ots lowes on pe 8 Spell, (Check 3: Las Comma Long-Vol Pater SORT19 SHORT-A AND LONG -A (CVCe, CVVC-Al, AND OPEN SYLLABLE AY) "Ths sort contains 23 words and four headers. Begin as sual by reading and discussing ‘hemeaningof the word. Then, sk students what they notice bout Un spllng othe words Next, dsplay the shart and long symbols withthe patter label o head hhup stew preshalicom/bear ” ach of he fou columns ll your students hat hey wil lar anew pattern forthe Hong sud in her: the ay pater, Demonstrate Demonstatthesrtasin previous sets. The word a merits some discussion boone ‘thas the CVVC patter ain addon tame atthe end. Explain tat the eat the end of ‘ae isnot the sme Kind of sen hat makes the medi vol “sy ts nae" a in the CVCe patom they have previouy sortnd Thea the end of retells that he false pronounced ike /2/ ita of ns The wort rate mayo may not be on ‘ese ancl: (or a0 explone eae encings) eve eve «== CW CWey glass mde Spain lay fund bmve rain say pet sve id ply Shope hal ay taste ‘pin tay ie stray my pry Ey disc ale Help your students reflect om thisaort. Sei they notice thal of he ey words end Inalong vowel sound. Tell your students that asylable ora onesylable word tat ends Ina long vowel sound calle an open syllable Ove way of labeling an ope-sylable pater is olabs ta CV or CVV pater since they ace ae «vowel in thes Tonge Have your student srt, check, elect and extend this srt by completing there ommended standant wecly routines for sorts 19-2 Repeated Word Sorts, Weng Ste, Speed Sorts, Word Huns, Dicaed Sentences, and Bind or NoPesking Sor ‘More Difficule Words: (1) srand ras, task tramp, regan, ome rat ite, tale, Sel tin, ori, jo, 0 ry le SORT20 SHORT -O AND LONG -0 (CVCe, CVVC-0A, ‘AND OPEN SYLLABLE OW) Introduce the sot in a manne similar to srt 19 or you might want to ty an open sort ‘nvhich the aden orton thet own before any discsson. As you read and discos (he words besuretacall ateiion ote omoyhone pir Rome md rtm Alo pots oa the word knw and discuss the sent kat the Beginning of that word: Remind the of {he work nc rom srt 14 Sse if they ean spot another word that haa sent eer at ‘be beginning (ort) Tel you students tht they will learn anew patter or te long, sud: theo pater. Demonstrate Demonstrate this se sn previous sorts The word ase will squire some dc because it has the CVGe pr but dos ot contin the lng sound. The wort ‘ould be conden an cdl SORTS 19-24, Less Common Long Nowel Putters eve evee—CWeon eww stock froze coal show lose Tong globe coach Bowe Rome oat slow ee oat fom ote lat ow meptenes Help your students reflec on his sort See what they think bout the ow pattern in ‘elationto the pen nal discussion nthe previous sort Re ther tat when) lable or ee-ylale word ends with a long-vowe! sound, t calle an oper sale ‘Gne way a labeling the open yale pattern iby labeling iin a CV oe CVV pattern ‘Shee atlike a vowel nota consonant. ave yourauents wor, check, fet, and extend this sort by completing the mc conendetwondand esky routines for mort 19-24 Repested Word Sort, Wing ‘Sorts Speed Sorts, Word Hut, and Bind or No-Pesking Sort. You ight dictate the sentence: Show thc ns you he saw ll lst he corr oho le More Difficult Words: (18) dck prom, stomp, li ale, dame, yo, ut, rex, sole, oe 20e lok as, scr, on, od. SORT21 SHORT -U AND LONG -U (OPEN SYLLABLE EWAND UE) Inzoduse the sort ina manner silat the previo two sorts, A you road and di ‘ise the words be sure to discos the meanings ofthe homophone pir dew and du, {few anus, he and bla Remnd stadents that wen words sour the sae bat have A diferent meaning, the words have a different spelling pater so we can tel them Spar. Asif anyone can tel which two spelling patter ate alternated in hese homo- hone pis (andl Tell your tents that and we are the new spelling patterns "hey wl earn fr the long sound. Explain thatthe nal win thee pattern ats ke ‘vowels that ew, byes ane omen ins wows ound ut ike the long word thot ended ine dic You might ak if anyone sew anyother homophanes i he lng, is and tk about the lent kin the word neared how tes pas fee So a, ‘word they had in the Kng sort Remind ther that when a syle os word that ‘one sable ends witha longvawel sound, itis called an open eae, One way of boing the openyllabe patter sy labeling na CV or CVV pata sinew acts Uke vowel Demonstrate Demonstrate this sort in he previous to srt. There ae thes odabals inthis sort fru dan sen You wil ood to ve your students a hex about the pronunca fon of cn Remind sade hat dba ae uel words that have a speling pater, "sociated with diffrent vowel sound than the ote i actually bas. After nding the ‘dballs inthis sr, discs ther spelling patie terms ofthe vowel sound normally sociated ith that pen and ten clay the vowel sound they actly have hep preshallcom bear » plump gtew fhe a brs chew blue ew sick few flue blew dew sph Have your students srt, check, eet and extend dis sot by completing the 1 smmendied standard weekly routines for srt 19-24: Repeated Word Soro; Wl Sons, Speed Sor, Word Hun and Bind or No-Peeking Sorts. You might dicate the sentence Tle hdd woth cla he om th as ue ts More Difficult Words: (3) crumb, tsk fas; clamp, smu saa sere, be hu, rl fl, SORT 22 SHORT -I AND LONG - (CVCe, VCC-IGH, ‘AND OPEN SYLLABLE -Y} This sor contains 23 words an four headers. Bepin a usual by reading and discus, the meaning ofthe words especialy the homophones trie aight, Next display the stor and long+ymbols whee pater bel to ead ach ofthe our colons Re ew the CVC pattern asain with the shot sind and the CYCe pater forthe Jong sound-(inacenory revo) Tell yur students the will ovo new Pl tems forthe long sound in tis sort. Dicuss bow the gh of heh pattern sent but ‘he ghsignals thatthe sounds long Explain that wecan label the gh patezn VCC, since the vowel followed by two consonants the ¢ and heh Resin sade thatthe ‘opensyllable pater n words ike yey and sy at labeled CV nce they aco ‘Se vowel ia hese og words Demonstrate Demunseae the sort atin previo sorts, You might view the qin the words quick ‘ul an ques you sot the word sine may come up for discon Bech thas Sent tthe end Bt ds not Rave lng sound eve eve CCigh vy quick write” might why ince gtr igh oy gets ght ay fee bright fy while ght ty fight oy sight sigh hehe + sorption Have your stents sr, hes fle and extend this sort by completing the ‘ommended standard! weekly routines for torts 19-24. You might dictate te ene lst might Thad gui ight! More Difficult Words: (15) thik re ht, igh, hgh sy rime, prime, hig Hine, pc SORT23 SHORT-I AND LONG -! (VCC) WITH SHORT -O AND LONG -0 (VCC) “This sort contns 23 words an four headers nd focuses on two aditional VOC pat tems for both the long and lng sounds, These ae contaned with similar sor ‘owe pater for both vowels Baca ofthe overlap in pateme, hic bea dificult ort The oddball lst has’ speling pattem ssccintd with oth short and lone tworde-asincot verse nt Lot cold be placed with shot -oCVOC weds deemed “idl Since the pater do ovesp ants ts best srt iat by Sound and then sortby pattern within each sound category. eee vee. vee = vee film wild dowel fst Find fondest uid pond cold Kind fost Both ‘ind rl Bind sold mild old post Bost fata Fave your student nr check, fle, anc extend thi srt by completing the wc ‘ommended sandard wes routine for sors 1-24 More Difficult Words: (15) min, int, sf i ind, i, joo, Bol, st meld ‘ls bl comb et SORT24 REVIEW OF LONG-VOWEL PATTERNS, ‘Tals oct reviews the four long vows patterns tht apply tol sve lng-wowel sounds fortes teandt Theheadereroprcnt the patterns tobe reviewed: VEC CVV, CVC, tnd open syllable ptt. There re 2 new wor follwing these four fair lang ‘vowel peter inrodue the oe ina manner iar to som 18 evee cwe eve Open sid bked wave gh oll steep fone Sew pint snk ade ay Eid school scene Gow Tigh jl row pol Ft Reviewall he es common long wowel patter using words fom sot 19, 20,21, nana 23 snp: prealicom/tear SPELL CHECK 3 ASSESSMENT FOR LESS COMMON LONG-VOWEL PATTERNS ‘This asestnent administered as writing cot Allo the wonds seed have been presented previously in sorts 19-24 Photocopy page fo allstuderts you wish to ar tispste inthe SpellCheck Say each word ce, then ak yur tients to write or Ines provided under dhe erect paters healer If you plan to gra tis assent, sive one pont forthe proper plasemant ofthe word if ie writen into the ight ate. fry, and another point for the cred peng ofthe Word These ar the 20 word fesse gold aking Petit 10. fight Berile 5 pool chain 14 float T2epo0n ay say oe SORT19 Short-a and Long -a (CVCe, CVVC-ai, and Open Syllable-ay) a cve a CVCe | ai CVVC | ay CV lay trade | Spain glass stay raise grain brave | play clay stand slave nail | tray | stray gray gain taste aid hay shape past pray Wo Tt i Wd iW Pn San © 204 Prat ae SORT 20 Short -0 and Long -0 (CVCe, CVVC-0a, and Open Syllable-ow) 3 cve | 6 cVCe | oa CWC ow CVV froze coal show stock slow globe coach | blow grow lose Rome | roast flow throw row long close oat of mow know wrote roam | loaf ‘ic Tha iy Wi Sr i Ps Spat 208 Pron Fa = SORT21 Short -u and Long -u (Open Syllable ew and ue) u i cvc re Cvv | we cw | thumb new due | grew | ~ truth 7 flue | plump | co 7 do blue brush glue few junk true | stuck flew stew knew clue blew SORT 22. Short-i and Long ~i (CVCe, VCC-igh, and CV-Open Syllable-y) icvc | icvce — igh vec y=i cv might quick why write high night twice quite cry bright sky quit | fight fly | flight sight rise : try since white sigh shy right SORT 23 Short-iand Long -i (VCC) with Short-o and Long -0 (VCC) Yevec | 7 vec | 6 cvcc | on vcc wild told film loss child fond lost both kind | roll fist cold scold gold most find pond : post fold mild | blind | ghost | mind rT iy Wd Sve or i Wd at Se 8 Oy Pr a SORT 24 Review of Long-Vowel Patterns (vec /cwc/cVCe/CV) cvcc cvvc CVCe enya sold bleed wave glow hold steep tone crew grind sneak slide dry crow / bind school jail soak scene drew light pool way feast "Thi re Ss Wn per @ BP Spell Check 3 Sorts 19-24 Less Common Name Long-Vowel Patterns fi. cvec 2. CvCe . cvvc 4. CV or CVV Open Syllable SORTS 25-30 R-Influenced Vowel Patterns NOTES FOR THE TEACHER Sorts 25-30 present the speling pattems for influenced (or rcontlled) vowel for 9, and Unfortunately many siete are stymied by rienced vowel and end ‘op spelling simple weeds ike sh, SKURT, or oven gi as GRIL- Fortunately, not ‘lalaence speling pattems follow the same lngvvelpatems already studi, s0 {his sequenceofsors walleaptalize on tis happy stato alan by comparing and on. tenting the shore and long vowel pater forthe rindenced words, There fe May homophones among the rnuenced words and you wil nd tht the se of meaning wll ep focus your students’ atenton on the vowel pattems hat dsingaish then Sti and str, fr an for, pir and poe areal istngshable by the long vel pat terns Iared in the cao ors n thie napplement Meaning wil help stughten ou ven the most dificult ofthe rinfuenced words the “ecw plus The sf ‘Vowel nan natesed syllable sch a he /ah/ sound in heft yale fou, ea Vowel in aaglesjlable word that has buen robbed oft wa entity bythe tong ‘unde that surround Such the cane with word ike afr, pera pore Tal ‘ofthese words, the robs the vowel ois own identity making imple tell ‘what vowal isin the middle by the use of sound alone Sorts 25-8 are designed or mide ote within ord pattem tage plc. Most ‘ofthe words in thee sort are on a hid to fourtrgade level You sight sw the Spell {Check on page 72383 preteat o se thich of your stents ae in nee of hse srt. ‘Stents who spell eof the words on he Spall Check correctly may Benefit from he Study of sme of the more dificulfturs introduced in sorts 31-49 Bacho thee sx sorts contains from 21102? words plus column headers. Key wands havebenbolded and these should placed a the top ofeach ealumn- Av alway, key words are the most frequently occuring words of hat particule speling patter: Od Tails ae een wonts whose pattems viclate the dominant patert-sound corespor dence or example the word heal ivan abl ecae t doee no onan the ng? Sound of other er words ike ror dear Many oda ars homophones thy hive 2 dierent pattem bocause thay have a differnt mening ‘We rectmmend that you demonstrate he categrization of influenced sping by first sorting by sound, an then sorting by pater wthineachatgery ef ond, Whe teachordroctd sors ae deer re yor may ko choose fo do ep sl uit Step. Remove the headers Belore giving aden a copy ofthe words and ask them 0 ‘cover ctagoris on tel own befor soting s+ grOcP ‘SORTS 25-30 Rnfluenced Vowel Peters Enlarge the srt before duplicating fr stadents When possible share books tht contain a nunber of words withthe tangeted spling fetore For example, Wage it by Batbaa Brennen) contain rnfenced words ike dit burt, rd and cn “The Soyo Fedinend (oy Mars eat conain rk sn or. STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH. SORTS 25-30 4. Repeated Work with Word Sorts: Students sot heer infaead word cde inde ppendently and wth parmer several times arose the wes Stadents set Best By und. and then by pater within each stegoryof und 2, Waiting Serts and Mord Study Notebook Stents record thar word sors by ‘wrtng them intclumna inthe mebooks under the same key word at headed The columns of thee word srt. Students write Ui flection about what they learned about the spelling thse wonds alle they have recorded her sor Sethe Iomework fox in the Appendix yo wish to seign adltiona ors and wating sexta fo homework. 18. Wie and Draw Since somany influenced pattemsarehomophone hiss dal Ue tents the des of lustrting the msn of hese homophones with Careully done drewings and toughtal srtenos. Atk your students to Pick Be words fom tc weekly sort and dena picture thal wil take thelr earn cea ‘You wil need oly down some guidelines regarding the sie and expectations for et in thse drawings. Alo, you wil ned io model how totam simple sentences {io moe laboratecnes For ample te an overhead to show stadens Bow they ‘tum simple sentence like, Iwan intoarmore elaborate version uch st 1 bron fare pn og the fot y asking questions Hike What Kind of hare? ot heed you or? Homophones aration snd manga senna ci be lected to forma casshomoplione dictionary a desebed ad llustrated in TV 4, Speed Sorter Repent word sorts can be tuned uring a stopwatch Student ty 10 ‘Sir fate and faster try teat tel ow tine witht string acercy Speed Sors ep students become automatic in recognizing spelling pattems, and is translates ino faster ore accurate word recogiton ‘5 Word Hunts Stunts hart though previowly rad materi fr adona exam lars ofa pation boing tdi 6 Dicated Sentences: Compase a sentence containing some ofthe words in cach Som and fave students write to your dition Cive them fedbock about their Spelling and rachanis, 2, Blind or No-Peeking Sons Blind or no-pecking set requie staents think slut wonds by sound and by pattem and ose he headers modes fr analy ‘See previous ort foradeserption of his acy 1, Games and Other Activites Create games and activities vuch those in Chapter (Gof WTW or download them ready made from the WW CD-ROM. The game Treasure fom the WIW CD-ROM sone we highly recommend for extended race tice wih rin enced vowel pate. ‘9, Assesment An asessment of rnfienced homophones may be found on page72. ‘Note that tis aseement requires stents ornate pling pater esc ated with particular mening, Inepfueu a SORT25 AR, ARE, AIR Demonstrate ‘There are23 word inthis rnflence sor Resd and decse the words befor sorting, paying parcularatetion ote homophones see astrsked words belo) When yo “Sune thve words ein ale the sorting you and your students wil probaly on ‘lade tha all fase words are influenced by the sound ofthe // bt ha hey ill ‘work the sare way as most short: and lng-vowel pater do, ist sort the wordsint two columns by sauna short + words that sound ke /at/ Sn the midland ong 7 words that sud like the word iin the made A ofthe ‘words wl into one of those two categories. Net discuss the apeling pattems of Iostof the shor words, Allbutone are spell with rin the mde fst 9 sounds The exception nr could be considered ah oddball since sounds ike shor word bets not peed witha Telltuents tha theres homophone partner forthe wont ont spell with an arhar—an old-fashioned word for male der The word hart ‘asa diferent peling pater since the ar wasalwady taken Ifyou ike, ad the Word In ota sortr group by using the Bank template nthe back of the book Next dnc the pling pater othe kang group Many paltena shoul be ilar to stusens, particulary the ae and sir pateme spay the oe al tem Iraders and sor the lang group by thew pater The ones that dono! itmay be con Sere eels Aaki they nodce any recurring speling pattem among the oddball ov wa and pa areal pled with ana pater bu have 3 ng 2 not ange, sound, The pater inthe word why uniquebut ness ine tate and ar l= ready taken Sort 25 shold look someting ke th: or are sir odball pat care hai? poar Sot pat fairer fm Hare’ pir? bea ahep tge?Guleweat dak bam tir eat shark fre Sort, Check, Reflect, and Extend Have your students srt ther own Word ea, check thei sorts by reading down enc celui to check fr consistency in soundand pattern then record iso ince word ‘tady notebooks declaring what they have learned ina welt rection, Extend ths fort with Write an Draw activites and other standard week routines. Do not orget "Shout the game Treasure fom the WTW CD ROM: More Difficult Words: (15) art, har arb sar ark an lave, are, frre a, ‘pie bare, fa, a SORT 26 ER, EAR, EER “This sort contains 23 rniaonced# words. ntodce the sot ina manner smi to sort25, The odes eth hard, near al contain tee pate bt donot have he Tong-sound asocoted with that pattem in word Ike ear or Beware de he SORTS 25-30 Rnfluenced Vowel Patterns meaning ofthe word hd as distinc from it homophone partes herd and pat out the inside of ad asa peng meaning connection, Yoo might discon te change in vr terse between hea and haan ether be in mearngfal erences creer oat he cr dee cath perch fear seer, feed spear cher eum fem Sere Sek dene term yer ‘Zee COC inl pe Thi fg aay ra a om ee ‘More Difficule Words: (10) ert pork: ler, jerk sr que, er, en, soe. SORT 27 IR, IRE, IER ‘There ane 24 word antec headers this influenced or Induce he sotina mane ‘ex similar to the previous te sorts The meaning aed sling of the oul ar shold be lacused and contacted wit is homapone partes Youmay pree tocar ‘he words drier pli fie anc as oddball to, ase wore ate devived fm ae ‘thes form ofthe word, These er werds should be discussed in en of the mean of theirbase forms and the spelling changes tat osu wien changing he vet ly. 79) to noun rie pli fle eer e rare to use these wor in eaninghl seers Most stants willbe aie withthe meaning ofthe ver pl and may nt know what pliers are, you might want fo big in your tobox! The word igh ot nae in 'hsbut may come up asa homophone parts to he The won wl fer an sol ate very dificl words baum of the prcene of the /w/ sound the Being an be ‘ute ofthe in addin tothe rt fhe end. Ay thosw word al ave slat caning ‘Dat wil equiredscusio and may even physical demonsteation lappy twig! Died fire dre fart firt wine pliers din Gre fer third ete ea Eek ahist fie wi ow oop ait ia nap/tweeprevallcom/ear a [NOME ins har he hort sound pr ft te sud ted oe nd {J nase ot. aban ef arb yoda ce ‘common, as may pe sings FRIST, ie Rl BRD. spre Epon ou igi tra at yer cmon ed thet pip iii oma i) Se Caer 6a WW fr More Difficule Words: (10) fm, si sir si, ie, mie high, iar, rie Sort, Check, Reflect, and Extend Have your students soe their own word cards and chock their ors by teading down ‘ach column to check or consistency in sound and pater, Have then eed hel ort {ntheir word stay notebooks an delare what they have lured in a writen refee ‘on Extend thi sort with White an Draw stvits and oer standard wey ow Hn Additonal riflanced corr maybe found in the Append of WT, SORT28 OR, ORE, OAR ‘influenced o words do not have the short and lng distinction in sound thatthe r= influenon! pater for and do The vow! sound is pronounced fee? whether the ors ng or shor The vowel sounds infor str anda arealltesame. elena wordshavethefurher ditinion of hing sels rsound hat out ode ta ‘Sart wits —words ike ur ork o¢ wor Insp or weeds the vowel ound ebb. ‘fs identity because ofthe steer ound ofthe and ron iter side. Inroduce hs ‘erty the pts or and + Beste to dacs how the ound fo changes ‘ort The balls in thissort ali have the for soa bat have diferent potters st ino and por Thorearealso sx homophones is ot bt only one omephone 'n the pair inched In each ne the Homoptone pester ea me dee word The partner are inde ia eis of More Df Weblo or ore oar wt or form shore boar word four feck Store oar work flor om mae Gat werdd por oh tow Soar” worm ‘More Difficult Words: (18) chon, oft, pork som, oso, oe, sae eg, gore oes Fore, our, four cue SORT29 UR, URE, UR-E There are only 21 word inthis rinflacned srt becuse it mow dificult than the [previous four torts in this series. The ward thomelee are harder you must be cae £altobring them olf tough enriched discussion andy proving robust exp “Many students may nothave head ofthe words are, char, or uh adion thee ‘onserablevoriaton in the pronunciation of sommeothe re word like pre andere Some may pronounce thes words tw syle poor oe pre Nou ay i some students pacing pure anderen the oddball su le eer nay pu then "wih che oer ae words ke bureau ere. thr way i fine, You il ed to dca {Berna ein he words cre, nse pus, and cure and distinguish ther pater rom {Be CVC longowel pater. You could hesp these word their on are CaSO SORTS 25-20 Rinfuenced Vowel Pattee case of tir unique spelling pattem, or you could pt them with the wr group since they share the sane so plu cound nthe ll, To work ot thee le, we Te: ‘mend nioducig his srt ina two-cokima sound sr fs, ‘Demonstrate the sound srt which may Tod ike t= bum te hor pure a burst an port fey pape Follow this with pater sort which wil ok ike this: or ure ure oddball bum ke name hurt pe pase cid Gime ne hum su fb pape “homophones More Difficult Words: (5) Mur sh, spurt, br purge SORT30 REVIEW OF AR, SCHWA-PLUS-R, AND OR The sounds and pattems of he previous five sorts are reviews in this sound sor that presen 24 words thre catpories. The weds ere and na maybe estore 3 {bllscueto his nals, ony maybe grouped withthe min plas words that have thesnmesound,Allbuteneof the worl ar new words hat fllow the same sound and [Pattee prevetin ia ors 25-20 The won hrc rspeaied to complete thehomaphone pai lore sed hae, The homophones oar an bre wil euiedeeneston. Dispay the Eotderso chu» andor then introduce the sound sot ita manner sina 0028, hap tow prenalcom bear « or Schwa tor fant Search Sseort nerve yard, pearl hoarse march worth horse’ Spar chore = bose Ink bone More Difficult Words: (4) war wa anrp wed SPELL CHECK 4 ‘ASSESSMENT FOR R-INFLUENCED VOWELS ‘his assessments presente in a word rexgaton fama and checks fo the ecogniion ofthe comet ping patter of 20 rnflenced words The Spl Check seas test ‘Sed longnvoences vel sounds ae wlan he scared Six herons ee ‘pele tates stadentowlegeof the speling pate that dierent tr word ‘meanings. lof the words aces have bon sted before in srt 25-90, Photocopy page’2 forall students you wish to partite inthe SpellCheck Name ach pcre, hen ‘ead the sentence that gos with enh petre (se Below) You may need the sentone 9 Besure students ov which meaning he petures ae targeting peril fer he homo ‘Phones Tel your stents ta ce the word nde each pata ate fe meaning [fthe sorte and tht contains the crc opting pater 1, Bird. A bind isa warm-blooded, egg-laying, fathered vertebrate with wings. Bid 2. Thom. Athom sa sharp, spiny point thatthe out oF pln stem and can pick {your finger Thorn 1. Bhie. Ashi isa piee a thing for the upper pat fthe body typically havinga call sleeves, anda ont opening. Shi 4 Jae A juts a gs o ceramic container witha wide mouth, mally without han dls ieylinder shape and used ttre dhnga like honey. Jae 5. Tie. Atte sa covering forawheel, usually made out of rubber Tie 6 Fire They least how to stat ie by ebbing fra slicks ogee Fee 2 Heart Most vlentines arin the shape os heat Heat {& Deer A male deer rows antler nd x sometimes ald a back Dee 9, Hom. Ahom isa musical instrument such ta rompet Hom. 10, Worm, Worm ae inverebrate animals that cen have no arms orks, Worms 1 Four The number four comes alter the urbe Ue es 12 Chale Achaia pec of fumitae that makes it pone for pople ot Chai 1 Best Fist coresponds inorder to the number. Fiat 1M Yarn Yen i log sta of iste tend made of «fiber sich as woo ans sein weaving or kiting Yarn 15 Pes Piers are a typ of tol used forholdng bending, orcting Plier, 16 Peat A pears a (ype ful that is eaten Ike a apple Pear 1. Gorn. Comisa ype grain rca plan thatbeas neds or ames ceargears Com. 1K Home. Ahome ra lange hoofed animal with hurtin catalog mane, and Jem ail and sed fo ang and ney heavy lo, Horse, 19, Hare- A haelooks likes bls with longer lange hing et and legs that ae male forjumping Hare 20, Fork Aforkisatiuc-or fou-pronged utr use for serving or eating fod. Fork SORT25. ar/are/air ar are air : odaball care hair part fair start harm pare chair wear sharp pair stare where dark square hare pear ) heart shark | ° fare bear stair bare Lo “ SORT 26 er/ear/eer er ear eer oddball her deer ear | perch | fear spear steer earth herd clear rear cheer heard peer fern dear year near | learn germ | | clerk beard | term ‘ioc Ta iy Wd Sr tn Wd Pay Stas 8 Oy Pn Ha SORT 27 ir/ire/ier ir ire ier bird fire drier third girl birth tire flier shirt fir whirl hire pliers swirl | thirst chirp crier skirt | stir twirl | wire dirt fur first SORT 28 or/ore/oar or ore oar wtor form shore board word four horn store — work north more soar world floor corn fork wore on poor storm horse tore oar ‘Wr Ta id Waa Pen Span 8 2h Poa Pe SORT29 ur/ure/ur-e ur ure ur-e odaball turn sure curve pure burn | hurt curl church lure nurse cure | purse hurl burst | | churn curse surf purr curb turkey purple | SORT30_ Review of ar, Schwa-plus-r, and or ar or or jar earn torn search | snort | hoarse hard pearl horse worth core serve | worst chore boar nerve bore yard spur score | lurk | march snore sir ‘Spell Check 4 Sorts 25-30 R-Influenced Vowels Name 1. burd berd bird fy thorne thorn thourn AS 3. , (4 shirt shert shurt AR, jar jare jaw e 5. 6 r7 tier tire tyre S&S fier flyer fire se 7. cy L hart heart hairt ©) |deer dear dere SS 9. 10. horn hore hoarn warm worm wurm i. 12. fore four for uy, chair chayre chare iF 13. & 14. ferst first furst rt yawn yaun yarn @ | A = 15 176. plyers plires pliers oG Perel pele d pent B w4 17. {18 ~ ‘coam com come af hoarse house horse “ft 19. Sz. 20. D hair haer hare >y | fourk furk fork oe | sorts 31-35 Diphthongs and Other Ambiguous Vowel Sounds NOTES FOR THE TEACHER Sort 31-35 del withthe pelings of vat of ther vowel sounds ae notin tse anda ether long rahe Tse ber vowel sounds ally vce eo ‘els (ike he Joule om bce hea in ue) ora wowed and acoder ha hat ome vowel tke qualities The /1/ and /w/ soundaare examples of conscnans that Inoence the sound ofthe vowel a an abiguus way that dificult esrb al {rod Often the nfunce of the wcond keer cree agi where the vowel sound {he vowel sound in dor bat ides no long= sound athe very end Gov) These sides or dpthong, an be techy “Thenady ofdipttbongs ond ether ambiguous vowelsis ppropiatfor students in theta win wor pater stage who fave lady mastered eet of he common and ies common shot and longewal patterns ss well nthe intend pater p= sted in the previous ors. Diphthongs and oer ambiguous vowels ae sual he Int vowel ptterns tobe lard inthe within word pattern tage Weplce hem hee, ater the rinfasced vowels 9 that al ofthe vowel ptema ae leer na panned Sequence However, hey could jst ely be did afer the complex consonants rnd in bent of ot ‘In WTW we ecommendhiglightinga new spelingfextureby comparing ito what studenten knanin ican gard shor-voe patter. Thieapproachmay ‘Bescomplished hereby combing sort with cow 20 ond condacinga theca ‘ound or short sounds longo snd, nd ther a sounds ht ae neither og nor Sortin his cse, the diphtnong /ayee- A pte sr forthe fer category oud {oto ths ttl sound sort. For expediency, however sot 31 Immediately presets the ‘vo most omen opelings othe dpthong Joye andy) in pattern sort “The ely sorts in ths sequence atenate between pte sr fox dion (gliding vowel sounds) and wound rs forthe cher ambigtoxs vowel sounds Sort 3 {resample ses a sun sort fo foc sadets’ attention onthe ference between {felony sounder ks bot and non she ther bck vowel snd in word lteter cosk~all opel with thetarne doubles plier Sot 3 wera par ot tohighlght the two mnt common spelings othe aw / sound au and ou Set 34> tums tossound aot compara conta th bros ound in words ke ash nd tsch with the /al/ sound in words ke alk and ld Sort 25 pret patir srt tha features the wo meet common speling pattems forthe /ow, sound ow and ‘SORTS 31-35 Diphthong and Other Ambiguous Vowel Sounds We recommend rcyeling sorts 31-35 to review al of these clase back vowel sounds be- fore the Spell Check 5anassssment of 24 diphhongs and othr ambiguous vowels saied insorts 31-35. Thereview conta giantpater sort atwo-tp on thatsonts Fit by sound and then by pater within categorise of ound ‘Diphthongs and other ambiguous vowels sre nos common ax short and lang rinfloenced vowel pales, so there a words in each sor tha ent be unfarlla f0 ‘eden Tass alght aslong as students can ead the words andar fama with he ‘majority of them. Homophones ss well as words whove meanings are probably not Snow av astrsked. These word mearings must be introduce, discussed, and used {nmeaningta contexts throughoat the week. ‘Use the Spell Check Son page 85 aa pret to make sure your sents ned aed «can do thesesort. Students wo opel al af the words onthe SpellCheck corey may benefit fromthe study of the more dif etures introduced teri his supetnent. Students who are obviously frstrated in attempting the spelling ofJhe word in the ‘Spell Check should start with easor sors. Use the speling assesment in Chapter 2 WW ve pinpoint ferent starting points fr differant student sch ofthe sors inthis serie contineapprovimatly 25 words plus two cohimn nade. Key words have een bolded and these shold be place at the top ofeach cl ‘umn. As always, hey words are the most frauen occuring words of at particule spelling pater Oabols re ether high fequency words whese pattems Visite Se dominant paters-osound eorespendence (eh) oF ee words that have anu ‘sual pate for that paricalar sound. Some of thee pattems form a consistent ate tony af their own. For example, the high frequency words snl, ul, and oul ave Shstnsalspeling pater for that prtcula sound, bt these three words orm smal tut consitet paterntvsound category by themes If posse ohare books and poems tat contin some word ith th sme targeted spelling features. For example, the traditional song Wis | Was a Mle the Grove (Casyan, 191) has many diphhong sounds foro and and such books as Mine ‘nd Ho Goto the Meo (oy Denys Cae) ana Midnight onthe Mion by Mary Pope Os born contain many earples of oe, andi STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH SORTS 31-35 1, Repeated Work with Word Sorts: Students sort hee oven word cards several tines Independently and with parrs after the sort has bon noduced as descated a tech lesson below: Adena practic ding word srs can cceut tough home: srork See the homewerk foc in the Append 2. Wilting Sorts and Word Stady Notebooks: Stadents record thee word sorts by reiting them ito columns ip their notebocka ander the same ey words that Trsaed the word sorts, You might as students to choose 10 words to sein ‘thoughtful sentences and coach thom through the elaboration process descbed a Wie and Draw on page Dont allow students to vse mare ha wo spol ‘rors per sentenee, however or you ae key to get nonsense, 3. Word-O: Ask students to conduct a word operation on thee t four words as de ‘cred on page 30 Add, subeactorsubttteconaonant lo make» new wor Star withthe word il for example and subtract thefto getoll Adda Bto a get {ed Add nto get ol Have students reord thie word operations in thei word ‘tad notebook by wetingthenew werd otherighto the egal word. Tl them {o-underine the eters that were changed inter operation, 4 Speed Sorts: Have stodents time themselves witha stopwatch as they sort hai ‘words into calegorice After obtaining a bateline sped they repent the sort soveral ‘mes and ty teat ther own ime Repeated, timed speed sorts help stent ne lemalie speling pattems and develop automate word rcagation Inspr prevhalcom/bear 8 Word Hunts: Word hunt help student see the connection between rein and ‘pling Have stent serch trough books they have aleady mod to id sd tonal exemplar of diphthongs and other ambiguous vowel pater. Haves ‘denser the words they fn in the proper clr nat word sty noteoock fc share ter wih he group when thy mest 6 Dicated Sentences Prepares sentence that contain several of your word sty ‘words and ave tient wre to your dation. Disa pling and mechanics. 17 Blind or No-Peeking Sorts: lind or no pecking sorts and ne-pecking wen acs rire suet to think sot wordy sound and by pater ado sete ead Seaside Bind oping ses pa way opt 8 Games and Other Activites: Additonal ets for diphthongs and other vowel d fraphe may be found in he Append of WW on pages 78and 90S he a= et secton a he end of Chapter 6 for gins an eter exenion ‘sessment To asses students’ weekly mastery sk hen fo spel the words an ‘atogorze thom by sound and by pattern. An asessmeat ofthe dipluhengs and ‘ther ambiguous vowels presented i sorts 3-38 may be fund on page 8 Spell heck 5 Dipihogs an Oe Abiacus Vows SORT31 01, OY This ea pttem sort forthe diphthong /ayee/ fore demonstrating he sot be suse tread and disease the meaning ofthe asterisk words I you feel tet are oo many ‘unfamiliar wor, eliminate some. Boldface words ae the most fequenty excuring tvords in that pati and cold bc med ns hey wonds to ead the cof The words ae chi, and oe could be sorted with the 0 words o placed a bas beste (ofthe final ~ Ramin your students tat the fal in these words sigals the pro ‘munction ofthe last consonant sound. For example the nan bees us that he inal /s/ ts pronounced more ke a/2/- Sima} the nal «i cote and ve signals tht the final 7 x pronunond like an father than the ar sound oc The wad tio an dey ae worylable wonds and stadents may need help repelling ey fate inthe accented syllable ‘Demonstrate, sort, check, rll and then extend as wel by flowing the stan and weekly routines previously described. Ax you and your udents cto fh et help them form generalizations by asking wich pling pater used when the Toyee/ snd is at he very end of» word. Which speling pattern is sed when the ‘Joyee! sound isin the mide of wont? a pot boy oie fie sey cho Sal joy vole spol Gaye ol ky fot poy moist Secoy" jon oapy baal bra toi SORTS 31-35 ipthongs and Other Ambiguous Vowel Sounds SORT32 00,00 This sa sound sor that compares the fn sound in wot ike sor and oo! ko an ‘other back vowel sound in wordslike go snl ft, llth are spolod witha double 12 The words cul, wuld and soul re ols because they have the same vowe) Sound a the words tal and oa, but ae spelled iter. Conveniently el and ‘una are homophencs o you can discuss the neces forhating diferent speling pat ‘ems to elect ther ferent meanings The ward wt als a fomophine, hough partner oly, not nctaded inthis sort. Fel re toad it by wang the blak tele in the bac of ths book I wil be interesting to ses where your stents woud pat i Boldface words are the most frequently ccting wards i tht pattern an cold be sedan key words to hea the columns Demonstrate, sr, hick elect dthen ox standard weekly roatines previously described 1 ths word srt by flowing the soon goad —_cudall oot Brock could fol crook would noon wonl® should room hood Ror stood fol hook oop foot hoop woul stool Sook prot “tomaphone More Difficult Words: (10) sop ro sp, doom, loom, uk, som, la, ok rok. SORT33 AW, AU This a pattem sort forthe /aw/ sun of ean au Before demonstrating the sort be sure to read and discus the meanings ofthe words, especialy the stored ens For ‘lt yournght seer to Gringo the bank) ary Pater Hoge words ae the most Frequently oceusring words in that pattern and coud bets a hey word Te word lang an oddball case thas the u pater characeriticof the aw soured, batt hava short stsound instead It you decide tat ths two-patem sor isto easy for your stents, consider bring ing the oa words fom the net sort increas the number of pater contacts ug ought oup ad 2 0) ‘Demonstrate, vor, check, reflect, and then extendas usual by following the star dard weekly routines proviotaly described. A you and your stents rele! on hi Sort lp them form generations by sing ie a speling potter thot suse ‘more offen when the fave sour int the very enuf wond shea speling patra thats never used when the /aw/ sound atthe end ofa worl? Are ther anyother Fe ‘uring tes pattems within each category worth noting? Which pater has mate ers lorelsat the very end of word? Inept prenalicom ear ” ow aw oddball saw caught lugh pw cue few fale Twn pie cw Sauce ftw taught yawn aul wk nunc sows ‘ran More Difficult Words: (7) tao fm, spew, hw lw, mal ck SORT34 WA, AL, OU “This sound sort contrat the Brod in words ike is nah, the fall/ sound in ‘words ike ell nd sal and another Ze) sound in words ke Pug nd fought In ‘ene dialect, the words bought and ought are pronounced more ike the /0/ vou in ‘nor and ste Hither way i ie. There a no one core prominin and English Speaks ofall lle mst associate thelr Own prominin with the rome sping otters. Even if some students ink that buh, agit, and brought have the same ‘ove! sound ssa and they can sil sn by pattern. Watch out forthe word a ‘Student wil want to pt withthe ea words uti doesnot have the sue roa sound st tok Noe that tv fo-ylobe words at dat anda, bt hese Se very high-frequency words at scents this level shoul definitely Iarn howto ‘ead and spl hay do not now aad ‘Demonsteste sort, check, reflect hd Uh extend a wal by following the stan dand weekly routines previously described Av you and your stents nll ths Sort, help them form generalizations by asking wht i he same about many of the ‘word within category in terms of the speling pater wa al ow fratch small thought Mash lat bought wand alan brought ‘wasp walk fought, sap tall cought Seot ma aph ek alk tad Salk sll More Difficult Words: xt, pst, pa, at, sought, trough thagh SORTS 31-35 Diphthonge and Other Ambiguous Vowel Sounds SORT35 OU,OW Ths pat srt onthe two majo aeling pts rhe fw sound in ds iad acon sande woe le nine your dey bat man cna he fl eerste sree Se en wend rious ert Gort wrote wi ew nod ell our sales Sottneu patent sort epeet thc /ow nnd xe OSs cae word with pts acc with et ante wwe orc ough gh and ne entwithance pte sointed ih elon seu Younis wat ep our SsSlmg-owonds withthe pen nso stoop your sent on ee ‘Detonator chek ef heen essay ling te end {Dore words tht contain ard ow petcre forthe Yow? sound, they might fd the ‘ord maw oe or pune wana toen pin hy SShavethe Yow sound opted who ptm However your ee to discs ‘tomate the weds nyo fete wed ce ane cnr Si Yor stun ian al et rien ects aed dough when bob pane hl cn dentro hem a ‘ow sou Fpyour ens ke enero so ese perm owed {Scnaipety akg than ret on he reponse ng wor a ou ow oddball wound brown tough ‘oud clown rough found growl grown ground Fowl cot oe cunt drown, mouth frown fouth gown plow Cll more ov and words an then sr ther by ymin unsound, sound, pound, sho pont—ouch, ch, oho, moe, lure, oo, Broan ‘hw, ron, ply aa 800 More Difficult Words: (1) fu, drought stout, dou, pro, bw, om touch SPELL CHECK 5 ASSESSMENT FOR DIPHTHONGS AND OTHER AMBIGUOUS VOWELS Before susesng your students’ mastery ofthe speling patterns acted with dp ‘hangs and othe ambiguous vowel sounds, give ther chance t evi Combine al ofthe word cards rom sorts 31-35, Sort them by sound sand then by pater Win Enegorosof wun This atesment presented ina writing sort formt and checks for comet pling of 24 of he 125 words vorted in wort 3-5. Allof he word assessed have been sd bap stow prenhalicon/bear » before in thee previous sort. Photocopy and enlarge page 8 forall tent ou wish to partipate in the SpellCheck Say each word erly and ask or test write the word nthe box lal with the comet vowel pattern For example you call the ‘orca sucens woul wie am nthe third a abled wie am a the op ence the won cal repelled with ana inthe mile, you are grading hs Spell Check, “muir giving one pon for writing the worn the Comet category nantes po forthe corer speling ofthe entre word (Callout the words in the elon der and uo sach word in a sentence to mabe sure your students understand what word you are ying Sey each word one ein a sentence, then say toga ‘Lew 2 chalk. grow Joy 5. spel 6. mouth, 7-caught pint 9. aught 10-dawn,M-eouety 2 stalk 13. dows, 1 rough 15.doud, 16 gown, 17. yey 18, cal 19a 20 ole 21. hough, 2 rough, 23 fal 24 cok Allow tne for student o organize their word if needed The words ret, ‘hough ough aa old might abo be scent the o box sinc hie a pte wang sort Otherwise, the answer seat wil lok Uke hss awl caught chalk brought drawn aught talk thought yawn hou alm rough fal ‘ould tow Kon Gey ad ‘gow! mouth joy” spall ‘Sowa couch point gun dowd roe SORT31. oi/oy boy oi oy point join soil more ‘soy spoil coy coil joy : foil moist joint boil toy / voice coin broil ploy | toil oil hoist | enjoy decoy choice SORT 32 Double o (Long -u and Schwa Sound) oo =U 60 soon good cool crook fool wood could noon groom hood root stood tool hook troop foot hoop should brook stool proof wool would soot roost SORT33. aw/au aw au saw caught lawn cause paw straw fault law claw sauce taught draw laugh haul pause een) haunt hawk crawl dawn launch vault shawl drawn raw SORT 34 wa/al/ou wa al ou watch small thought walk salt wash tall calm bought wand talk stalk | bald wasp fought | swap chalk stall ought swat brought | cough also almost os The Wy Wa Sr itn Wa Pata Spies OA Perso SORT35 ou/ow ou ow sound brown cloud clown growl found howl tough ground crown owl | pound shout drown rough frown | gown mouth plow | south : grown | couch scout town count 10°2| fo'9 no g| Moy ‘Tha Wy Were Sar Wa We Pt Spats © 20H y Prior re'e ne Z| me | 2WeN —_sjamoa snonbiquiy 4a\po pue sGuourydia SE-Te St40s § y904D NAS SORTS 36-42 Beginning and Ending Complex Consonants and Consonant Clusters NOTES FOR THE TEACHER ‘Sorts 36-42 marka shiftin focus from vowel pattems to consonant pattems Sos 6-29 target complex consonants a the gmnng of words wile sorts 42 foc on com Plexconsonants a the ence of wor. Siting nas rom vowel patterasback tthe Be Bering. of words muy choc sowe inal confusion, Gat wilh we Rice Erthograshic Lrewledge cones a comesponding increase in exit. Since yours ‘ents hae now intemalized the vowel pltems studied nthe previous scons af this Supplement they ae probably reading anne cific text and encouterng new fx tutte auch asl cotconant a the beginning (ai, ron, gna and tange looking Consonant clusters ke fo and dg a he ends of words (ach lor). Ta ead yours ‘dents to higher levels of word Enowledge, these features are worth few werk of The cy of comple consonants begins with lok tsllendconsnand a the agi sing of words ike wath ad ga feof hese wos may be more fel than ‘he tnd to fourth rade words previously sorted, so the importance of binging the ‘eninge of tes words tots paramount expel for our English Language Leary ess, "The sudy of silent consonants ie followed by to sorts that revisit more advanced form of emarmant Blends and consonant digraphs wpeclicaly, ple blends ike the sero and pr re, ng sein) and wept consonant digrapplar bend ‘combinations ksh ands (ough, sl) Slace thse tiple lends and digraph bend combinatlons involve tat spperyr again, you might want to combine sorts 37 land 25 with some of the rndsenced words rom sorts 25-2 The tayo these ple blends and digaph-plurr blend combinations night be acomplia inane of fo tweaks dopening on your student’ prevnas experience snl kanedge Seo Char & InWEW for adifonalwuggestons or pacing “Although sort 99 (hand and soft and Gl ocsts on consonants the beeing of won, hard and soft Cand G are determined bythe vowel ht follows, so Segue nly int the ty of complex consonants tthe nd of words that are termined by the vowel sound. Sort 40 shits the focus tthe ends of wd aed examines twords ending ne versa oo in pe Vertu plone Since this fake was encountered SORTS 26-42 Begining and Ending Complex Consonants and Consonant Clusters several nes daring the stay of diphuongs and oer ambiguous vowel sounds 6 ‘Ser, ni), yn my with oak aor 40 ager ‘Sorts and (2 doa with the complex consonants ck and dea heen of words ke match and oie This entre contnnes to beret atudent in the sddle-tte ‘thin word pater stage wo une But cme ch and fh ge and de. They may spl th, PICH: oe Inge, LOGE Fortmately these consonant pate ae determined By ‘rowel sound a staent em fiir word sty routines nso and $2 ch 1S siting woed by vowel sounds Tis Section ls punctuate by the incusion of tw Spall Checks representing the hyo feats examined inthis planed sequence Yau ould alu we these Spell Checks asapretest to see your students tray need each eof ants. Asalays, wereaomenand that yo assess al of your students wth one of the WW epeling inventories o rake sre you ae matching your wort stay iatacton stent need appropri The stay of complex maori appropriate for sadents inte milla within word pattern sage wh have lead mantered most of the common and less omen shor and lngvowe pattems a Well asthe rinluened patterns presented far in this supplement We ple them hereafter the study of dpitangs and oe ‘mbiguons vowel sounds 0 that vowel sounds are thoroughly unreal befor ex ‘mining how they also affect consonants However, complex consonants could ota ‘ly Be tied Before the sexes on ciphthongs and oer ambiguous vowel cand ac ofthe sot thin sere cotaun 23 or 24 wor tre foul eas x. Key words have been bolded and thse should be paced atte topo each come, ‘As always, ey words ae the moat aque osueing word of tht pet spel pate Odballsareeither homophones wit a completly dierent pattem (ng veut fring) orproviden segue tothe newt fears to be sted. For example the word sre Ssincd as an dal in the tip bland set or ys and ep to bridge no the spe {estar in the nes sort Some cals are high-requency words that late the dom ‘nant pater t-sound corespondence. If presile, share hooks, songs, or poco tat tse some won that contain te targeted peling fata Stone For John Reyrols {Gardiner aes many complex consonant blendaike stent stronger and tag STANDARD WEEKLY ROUTINES FOR USE WITH SORTS 36-42 1 Repeated Work with Word Sorts: Students should sor their own word cards sev frais independently and with partners fer the aot has been introduced a Sere in each lezen bow Words canbe stored in an envelope or baggle 2 Waiting Sorts and Word Study Notebook: Stients should mond their word Sorts by writing them into coluzas in their noebooks under the sme Key words thot hetded the word wore, Word tay otabooks are a good plac to record ay other word study acts aswell You might ak students to choose 5 10 words to-usein thoughtful sentences and coach them through the elaboration proces de ‘ered inthe Write and Draw Koutne on page 6. Or have your students practic forting at home ard wee ths homeverk orn the Append 3. Brainstorms: Ask students to Brainstorm oer words that contain the sme eure and record thee brasstorms in ther word shady notebooks For example, when Studying complex consonants atthe end of words, ak tages to brintorm other ‘words that je wha target werd ta you deny Forexample atc pec, and Inca tyme with the key word catch in set 2 Be sure to nate the brainstorm ‘with words tht have rhymes that ae spelled the sane way. Ths aevity cam even orn into Word study Seater where stent et point foreach Brainstorm hep sto prenalicom/bear » word mot ale onthe words li See the ative section of Chapter in WTW Fer more deal aboot Setengres, 14. Speed Sorts Have students time themselves witha stopwatch a they sort her ‘words into categories. After taining s baseline speed, have them repeat he sort vera ines ane try to Dat ther ow fie Rept, timed spe srt helps ‘dents interslize speling pater and devel aomatic word recognition 5 Word Hunts: Word hunts help students Se te conection between Yeading aid palling Have students sear Urough books they have alady read t find ad {dnal exemplars of complex consonants, Students should vecoed the words they fin in the proper column in thee word study netook and shat thew wih tht group. 6, Dictted Sentences Tel your students that you study spelling patterns so that they ‘Gm rd end spell Prepare a senence thal confine aver Cf your word sy ‘words Read the sentence to our stunts and ave them write Give them fed bckabout thei spelling and mechanic, 2. Blind or No-Peeking Sot: A blind or no psking sot should only be done after stents have Bada chance o practice a wot sort several times Stents work to fer and take time cling ont» word without showing tone ate call an the other stent points to the category it should goin Both partners then check the ‘ord cad to soit hey were ight Novpoking Hind srs can be contd 3 8 posking wing acts a well 8. Games and Other Activites: Adina sort for complex consonant canbe found {inderDiphthonge anc Complex Consonants on pages 378 ard 99 in the Append DOFIVTW. The ates secion atte end of Chapter 6 describes Jeopardy Game or toad h You con dowload needy made cardgamescaled Take ACA that high Tigh the complex consonants toi and dee fom tho WTW CD-ROM. Thre tlspa Take Acar gnme forthe sent consonants ghar 9 Assesment SpellCheck 6 aanese student asiery of tiple lends and tiple ‘igre plusrbend dusters atthe bepraung of words Spal Chock 7 assests ‘dent asery of ard and sft Cand Cau wel ac, sand ve word endings. Spel ‘Choa astses Student knowledge of when to so fh versus, and When tse “je versus geat the ends of words SORT36 SILENT BEGINNING CONSONANT SORT KN, WR, GN ‘Students inthe within word pater stage will invariably encounter words spelled with Silent consonants Some hive already bericht the ear vowel paterson this spplement~tww was included i he ator forthe long and inst, tel Ine appeared in srt with the ew pattern for the lang. Bat encounters with Sent consonani, upto this ol, ave ben incidental Soe 6 expt lays out thrwe Categorie of silent consonant for direc instruction, Bolded words can be sed 3 key ‘worst head up each category. The bolded wards are the most frequently excusing ‘words in the category. Begin by seading and dscssng the words a thes meanings, Paying particu tein othe teristed homophones Some aden maybe totaly ‘ona with the words lal, ae, and gay wo thik about Mow you Wl BAN ‘Howe wards tole advance Oddballsincd to hosnophanes (np rg) contrat ‘with thei sent porters ana, wri). Tinos ths sort by establishing the heeders and Key words, or presenti san ‘open sort and et students discover the ators SORTS 26-12 Bopining and Ending Complex Conronants nd Consonant Clusters kn ow o oddbat knife wrong gmat rap wack wrap) nig known wreck not writ igh” wees knw weing nest nat nos Demonstate, sort check, eflet and then extend as usual by following the sta aed wacky routines previously dese More Difficult Words: (4) kxowaige, ncwing, writer writ. SORT37 TRIPLE R-BLENDS SCR, STR, SPR Stadents are alrsdy familiar with thes blends, and sp, 0 you might want to be {Gn by wen sone words onthe bosd to contrat these eter tert blends with thei more complex threetie cousin. Forename, you might contrast sc words ike sot cr and scat wih sone acr words inti sot Ucar sed seen ikea, you Imght compares words lke step, stp ox slr with some ofthese st woeds ke sro ‘Straight, o string Word tring with pp pcp) night be contrasted wth Ne fpr wads in hs sort apring pay epowt) Starting in hs way wl gue your st dent to oe careully a thee Ronn consonant lores at ton or hep nce ofthe rin the fp blends: You might even count the phonemes in wo" end ‘freer Bends by underlining each eter thot poe with each sound. The word ‘ull ia cullenging oddball in which to count phonemer~even if yo just ck to {hesqu lend, Do you come up with /s/ + /k/ + wv)? Add de next pat of the word tnd you get /s/ © 7k/ + /w/ + /r/ something ain toa quadruple blend! The word ‘Suis ncinded as ar odball here Benue the sp isan “od three blend and ocnee it anticipates 928 ‘Once your shudent ave ccostomed to looking carefll at thes blends ntroduce the som withthe key words and direct your student’ atetion to what ste sme sind what diferent among the sor, sy, and spr blend, Then, demonstrate, xo ‘heck, reflec and extend os usta by folowing the standard weekly routines pre ‘ously described ser sw sr oddball sereon trong pring quel Sm Misight spay fenpe singe pace fetch stich read Sapte scream ting nup/ two prerallcom ear ” sinick strength sep More Difficult Words: (8) svpt triste, a sal spe, pout, tn SORT38 CONSONANT DIGRAPHS-PLUS-R-BLENDS AND SQU (THR, SHR, SQU) Remind your student that digraphs are wots tha epresent one sound Sine the digraphs than ak are already filo to within word patter spellers, yo might begin by conzastng thse easier tworletterdigrapie with ther more complex teeter Algaphvplucr bends For example, you might contrast words ke Hug, Unk and thing ith cee th words in th otk nog, he, nd ri. Likewise you ght ‘compares words ike sp sh ors with ae ofthese thr words ike stn, kt, ‘or sink You wil probably ant to contrat the numberof phonemes represented in ‘hve digraph and ligraph pn bend represents stone soning wheres ep resentsto (th + 7) Revs de dalle rom the prvioss ror snd ack your ‘Stadens to brainstorm other qu words. They wil probably come up with many ofthe ‘words in this sort Starting nhs way wil gue your dens to look careful these Doginnng consonant elrents and to listen forthe presence ofthe two sounds in the graph plus bends /0/ + /1/; 0% /ah/ + /2/) and thee sounds the pu blend sr Dies s/w ‘Assays be ret ake the time to read and dicase these words, paying pr ticular aenton to the atesked homophones Word sets ke Hr ter, rons shrink sank sen, and puis, sguachprenent convenient opportanin to wrk fm lesson on ver tense. The meaning of te double astersked words may be unfam- Jar to your students xo you will need to discuss them. Afle ringing Use words to If, introduce the key word, then demonstrate, sort check, reflec and extend 3 ‘sual by following the randard wookly routines previously described. You simply svat red Shot Steg, 2002) to your clas and make avalible for word hunts. thr she sau three shned square thai thank agua ow shank aula one? shrunk uh thvown® —shvick——squash throw? shrimp Squceze thought snr they Spek thee! Ssuira More Difficult Words: 2 tvice, stra SORTS 36-42 Beginning and Ending Complex Consonants and Consonant Clusters SPELL CHECK 6 ASSESSMENT FOR BEGINNING COMPLEX CONSONANT CLUSTERS ‘This assessment is presented ina writing srt format and check for cone speling of Longs <4] Short U | Long u | Short U [P| Longu xe oddball oddball odaball oOo - Se RNS Vowel Pattern Headers oddball oddball oddball _O_e _u_e —a_e —i_e _ake ack | _oke | _ock _ike _ick _uke _uck _ook —00_ _oa_ | _ai_ _ui_ _ee_ py _ea_ : _ay _ew Less Common Vowel Pattern Headers and Complex Consonant Cluster Headers ild _igh _old _ost _ind _air ear _are _ire _ier _eer _oar wor_ _ore _ure _Oi_ oy | _au_ _aw _00_ _al_ wa_ dge _ge Ti Tha iy Wd Sr rr Wd Paton Sa Oy Pr More Spelling Headers. kn_ wr_ gn_ scr_ str_ spr_ thr_ shr_ squ_ _ce ve _se _tch ch Blank Sort Template Woes Te Wy Wd Ba WW Hd Pay Sats 0K rts Ha. WORD WORK AT HOME are ae ‘ct pan your word nd sr then ft. Than wrt you workout word hat dd youlea above words om hs sore ‘nth back of he par rt he sa ay work you vat abn. Aa sane to ute your ‘rd cards an eal them laud a you wre hom an caepres, Leo teach ward a nen 8 areas neater ten cme ohn ok anv cunts mcr a ea Word Sort Corpus shout ‘ack Shove blame Send Blase vein Blew ae ina oo blond shed bloom “a blow ‘ise bie sive bat simext sound = ‘hed ‘sleep badge ads sal tomes wait bots ald bought tae Bounce barb boxes tore boy bee bin bath brake awl branch each Beas bor bere earl bread cause bree tecome reat eet breth teen breeze before brew ben belek begin bridge Sehind bright bleve bread belong br below broke tench Brood fede brook between broom ke browght bint brow bith brown bruise bud but brulee bump bumped bust bushes buy by bye pak amp ope ‘ough cell alk, chance ‘change change cheer hick eld ‘hime chp shin ‘hoowe chop ‘hora Shoes aur ay cha oar erk ‘lick Sip oe flown chub ene ode cal nb ook ool oop uch ceugh could ‘live cine oak cp uae cel cre coon sb Se ca ee Since aus seat seat oe eats = ow ae oe oa Siaes dae ge oom dome done aie dew ‘awn ‘ream ‘ress ‘ress dae aap are ‘trop “drought ‘rove ‘doce ude due die dune ‘etch aye exch eige eit spy ee eyes ft faint fair faith fake ft fale fawn, fear feet fence few fight file Inept prenalicom bear sl ‘th find fin fr fist fist fae fake flame ftahes flaw fea few fight fip at flock floor ‘op fiow fe fy foam fea fold food food ford forge fork fort fought found four forts fowl French fear fier fright tut fedge fuel fame en arden mp KS eee fee ost Ean! ft ringer fa fire ve ance Bare on Feoom found Bow gon oon fred Evel guide uch Bult = ayn air walt fan handed haem harp hart haat fas hasnt hawk hoy bell beard beat hedge hen he's ht high higher hike hee hive hoarse bist bok hoop hope hom ot houses how! huge hae hurt wate r nm jack be emp famed June ok jot ep ack Sena nee eee! et kn ht it nob vock oll not encwiag known lair ‘sme lange lak int laugh fauneh aa lest Teak Iss ledge leeches leer lek ost lost loaves ledge tong look tom Toop. tooee oe lots Tints eek ye mad inal make aah maul meal tight might've Be ‘ised treed much mule ight ook orth at cought onl pak Paes pall Pan pain par fale pitch pac pase pian plane i fete paige pier op pio Flow Boy peck ig plom Plane Pimp Prine Ps owe puch pounce posnd four ro Poy Paved pace Pride Prine pane fae pove prow! pase ae ran Pomp pee purple per Pine pe i ake seen foo quick ae quite ‘tote ke range 5 oo ach ches fidge ght ing ripe aches road rede role rail ugh ck ‘ste sid sa vecont sep scrape serach seaibe script scroll shade shake shape op ‘haw! sel ook shop shor should shove thor sheik shined heed shee shrimp stain shrank hy Ped si sigh sighed sieht hate Sete sin a thank ay flap ‘late stave ‘ay leer aie id slight Slope sl ane call smash mp snowed oS oop feck soit sole valve sought sound sont or fa Speck speech speed hon spire spite spol Spoke Sponge = spot sprawl oy read pos spur spurt ~— Shaw speak eee sunt sui. spire oe a sage vale Inept prenhalicon/bear stalk zal and oak tm ve itches tock Stomp ‘stood Sight Sap aay frength etch tide ing stripe irae stroll sre aye ach = =e sweep cd wich fale ‘alk ‘all task Ses ‘each that there's ‘hey thigh ‘hin ‘hind those though thought three ety tal tive throne ough tam tide ted ti ‘ol told took touch tush te tin tamp trey tbe troop ough truth tbe tak twelve vault ede rated wake wach wasp way we week veh vege weight what's when where where's Py which wipe wie woke rood wool wok world would would've vwouldert wep ving ‘wrinkle is ya yawn yor eam yale Joke youll

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