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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014

Integrated Guide for Activities

Context for the learning strategy to be developed in the course:
Taking into account the purposes and competences, the course Advanced English II is focused on Task Based Language Learning (TBLL) which allows
the students to use the language they know and the one they are learning to do tasks using the target language in a meaningful context through of the
development of the four specific language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) where language is used by the student in order to achieve the
theoretical appropriation of language through discussions and reasoning. In addition, this approach increases learner activity in the asked tasks, at
individual phases and at collaborative phases too; TBL is concerned with learner and not teacher activity and it lies on the teacher to produce and design
different tasks which will give the learners the chance to experiment spontaneously, individually and originally with the foreign language in order to
fulfill the asked tasks through listing, ordering and sorting, comparing, problem solving, sharing personal experiences and creative tasks and the
analysis of real-world task-use situations.
The TBL strategy will be developed through 5 specific moments:
1. Learning Moment 1. Initial Evaluation, the student is able to recognize the general structure for the course and comment about his/her childhood
memories describing her / his life in the past using vocabulary and grammar structures in the past in order to present clear information and to develop
communicative competence as part of the interaction in the target language.
2. Learning Moment 2. Collaborative Forum 1: Expressing Wishes and Regrets, students are asked to identify and analyze theoretical information
to present different points of view about life stories with accuracy and consistency in order to develop the communicative competence through the
reading comprehension; then, they answer some questions, give their point of view, record their answers and in group design a Prezi presentation with
their brainstorms to complete a conversation about wishes and regrets.
3. Learning Moment 3. Spoken Tasks: Describing Different Customs, students make a description of the different customs of the region where they
live. They must make an emphasis on the behavior that someone should follow in certain situations, pre-established rules, moral or social practices and
include all relevant data to present the differences and similarities that exist between their own culture and the culture of the region of their peers, finally
they record a video with all the information and the different elements to avoid the cultural shock.
4. Learning Moment 4. Collaborative Forum 2: Talking about Environmental Solutions, students describe an environmental problem in her or his
city, discuss particular points to solve the environmental problems and design a proposal using appropriate language structures to problem solve.
5. Moment 5. Final Exam: Dilemmas, student design a word document and a video that include a speech to communicate dilemmas with a
comprehensible spoken and written language. Students present clear and relevant arguments in order to apply new vocabulary and grammatical
structures giving and responding to opinions according to different communicative situations proposed.
Contents: Unit 1: Life Stories
Past Modal Forms: Could have, should have, would have, Adverbial Clauses of Time, Gerund Phrases as Subjects and as Objects.
Number of weeks: Two (2)

Dates: August 24th to September

6th 2016

Phase of Assessment:
Initial Evaluation

Environment: Collaborative
Learning and Evaluative Environment

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Pre-Task
Advanced English II
Phase of learning strategy:

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014

Moment 1: Initial Evaluation - Course recognition

Academic products and
Individual Activity
weighting of the individual
A 4-pages PDF document (at least)
must be uploaded by each student N/A
in the Task link: Initial
Evaluation (Evaluative
Environment), as a final product.
The PDF file must include:

Collaborative Activity*

Academic products and

weighting of the collaborative

A front page (with title, your whole

name, your ID number, course
name, group number, name of the
university, name of the program,
city and date)
2. You must design a concept map to
A description about the
include the main topics and the most
different learning environments
relevant information of each one.
that the course offers to develop the
3. You must make a brief essay
academic process.
based in your childhood memories:
A concept map with the
Take into account some aspects for
main topics and the most relevant
your description:
information of each learning
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
An individual essay about
What did you use to do
your life in the past.
when you were a child?
Describe your family,
Each student must send a PDF file
school, your best friends,
with those answers to the
your childhood games, your EVALUATIVE ENVIRONMENT
hobbies, your vacations.
by the link INITIAL
1. Review the course and describe
the different learning environments
that you find in the course.

Check the Evaluation Format in the

Knowledge Environment: Total
points for this activity: 25 points

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014

Contents: Unit 1: Contents: Unit 1: Life Stories

Would rather/ Would prefer, Past Modal Forms: Could have, should have, would have, Adverbial Clauses of Time, Gerund Phrases as Subjects and as
Objects, Expressing Wishes and Regrets, Giving and Responding to Opinions Social Issues, Accomplishments in the Future: Future Perfect
Number of weeks: Three (3)
Dates: September 7th to October Phase of Assessment:
Environment: Collaborative
Intermediate Evaluation
Learning and Evaluative
4 2016
Phase of learning strategy: Task Cycle
Learning Moment 2. Collaborative Forum 1:Expressing Wishes and Regrets
Academic products and
Academic products and
Individual Activity
weighting of the individual
Collaborative Activity *
weighting of the collaborative
Individual Work
Group Work
Students read the
Each student must answer the
A Prezi presentation file which
following text: Wishes and Regrets questions (Point 2) in the
The students will design a Prezi
must include:
in the Past, Present and Future.
Collaborative Learning Forum on
presentation. This file must contain:
A front page (with title,
Taken from:
The most relevant information of your whole name, your ID
the above questions.
number, course name, group
mmunity/lesson-share/pdfEach student must participate at
Brainstorm to complete the
number, name of the university,
content/grammar/grammar-wishes- least three times and give
following conversation between Scott and name of the program, city and
and-regrets-lessonmeaningful feedback about the
Tracy where they finally decide to talk
partners contributions.
honestly to each other about their feelings, Body of the work with
their wishes and their regrets.
the individual and group work.
Students answer the
Each student is going to record an You must write 12 interventions minimum. (from 8 to 10 slides)
following questions according to
audio file in order to answer the
Tracy: Scott, can you sit down? I think its References.
the information about Scott and
questions proposed you cannot read about time we discussed a few things.
in the audio, you have to show you Dont you?
You need to check the link
can give an answer using strong
Scott: Well, I suppose youre right. Theres before sending it.
How long have Scott and arguments. (Point 4).
something that I think I really need to get
Tracy been going out?
off my chest.
The groups leader will send the
Prezi Presentation as final
How did they meet?
audio file has a good sound and it
product to the Evaluative
Why do you think Tracys can be play.
Environment, by the link
promotion caused problems
between them?
Cada estudiante tiene que
Discuss and give feedback to your
How does Scott Feel now
partners contributions (at least 50 words). The groups leader will send the
en el Foro de Aprendizaje de
about his cheating?

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Why does Tracy
en materia

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

: 551014
Think about the nature of yourCdigo
written job as final product to
and the final outcome of the activity.
the Evaluative Environment, by
As a group decide and agree on the the link COLLABORATIVE
Post your individual
best elements of each presentation to be
contribution in the forum on time Cada estudiante debe participar sent as the final product for this
al menos tres veces y dar
so others students can comment
collaborative task.
informacin significativa acerca NOTE: Each student must participate at
your participation.
Check the Evaluation Format in
de las contribuciones de los
least three times in the Collaborative
the Knowledge Environment:
In individual form each
Total points for this activity: 75
student is going to record an audio
file in order to answer the
following questions.
archivo de audio con el fin de
Each student has to share his/her
Un archivo de presentacin de
What do you think about
individual contributions in the proposed
responder a las preguntas
Prezi que debe incluir:
the situation between Scott and
propuestas no se puede leer en el forum available in Unit 1 and upload
- Una portada (con ttulo, su
audio, usted tiene que demostrar his/her works to the corresponding forum. nombre completo, su nmero
The group members must select the best
que puede dar una respuesta
What suggestion do you
de identificacin, nombre del
elements of each presentation based on
make to solve the problem?
curso, nmero de grupo,
your discussions and reflections about
(Punto 4).
nombre de la universidad,
each one
Post your individual
nombre del programa, ciudad
Trabajo en equipo
contribution in the forum on time
y fecha)
so others students can comment
- Cuerpo de la obra con el
your participation.
Los estudiantes disearn una

that Sharon may be involved?

audio tiene un buen sonido y

puede ser jugada.

presentacin Prezi. Este archivo debe

1. La informacin ms relevante de las
preguntas anteriores.
2. Lluvia de ideas para completar la
siguiente conversacin entre Scott y
Tracy donde finalmente se deciden a
hablar honestamente entre s acerca de
sus sentimientos, sus deseos y sus
Debe escribir 12 intervenciones
Tracy Scott, puede sentarse? Creo que
es hora de que discutimos algunas
cosas. verdad?

trabajo individual y de grupo.

(De 8 a 10 diapositivas)
- Referencias.
Es necesario comprobar el
enlace antes de enviarlo.
El lder del grupo enviar la
Presentacin Prezi como
producto final al entorno de
evaluacin, compensado por
FORUM - 2 momento de

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II

Each student must take a quiz

(QUIZ 1) about the contents of the
Unit 1 in the Evaluative
Total points for this activity: 42

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014
Scott: Bueno, supongo que tienes
El lder del grupo enviar el
razn. Hay algo que creo que
trabajo escrito como producto
realmente tengo que sacar de mi pecho. final al entorno de evaluacin,
compensado por el enlace
3. Analizar y dar retroalimentacin a
las aportaciones de sus socios (por lo
menos 50 palabras). Piense acerca de la
naturaleza de sus comentarios y el
resultado final de la actividad.
4. Como grupo decida y estn de
acuerdo con los mejores elementos de
cada presentacin para ser enviados
como el producto final para esta tarea
de colaboracin.
NOTA: Cada estudiante debe participar
al menos tres veces en el Foro de
Aprendizaje de Colaboracin en
tiempo y dar informacin significativa
acerca de las contribuciones de los
Cada estudiante tiene que compartir
su / sus contribuciones individuales en
el foro propuesto disponibles en la
Unidad 1 y cargar su / sus obras al foro
Los miembros del grupo deben
seleccionar los mejores elementos de
cada presentacin basada en sus
discusiones y reflexiones sobre cada

Compruebe el formato de
evaluacin en el entorno de
conocimiento: puntos totales
para esta actividad: 75 puntos.

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014

Contents: Unit 2: Talking about People and Customs

Requests with Modals + if Clauses, Relative Pronouns as Subjects and Objects, Direct and Indirect Requests, Suggestions and Advice, Expectations:
Different Customs
Number of weeks: Three weeks (3) Dates: October 5th to
Phase of Assessment:
Intermediate Evaluation
Collaborative Learning
November 3 2016
Environment and Evaluative
Phase of learning strategy: Task Cycle
Moment 3: Describing different customs Spoken Task
Academic products and
Academic products and weighting
Individual Activity
Collaborative Activity *
weighting of the collaborative
of the individual activity
Review the course material
of the Unit 2, more specifically the
structures to express expectations
in order to make a description of
the different customs of the region
where you live. You must make an
emphasis on the behavior that
someone should follow in certain
situations, pre-established rules,
moral or social practices and
include all relevant data, that is to
say, its own beliefs, attitudes,
customs, behaviors, social habits
which give people a sense of who
they are, how they are supposed to
behave, and what they should or
should not do that can help you
complete this task.
For example:
In Australia you arent expected to
leave tips in restaurants or
In Argentina people are usually

A description of the different

Discuss about several things to
customs of the region where you live. do in order to avoid culture shock.
Send your contributions to the
Each student must present the
forum in the Collaborative Learning
differences and similarities that exist Environment. You must participate on
between their own culture and the
time and give meaningful feedback about
culture of the region of their peers
the proposed activities by your partners.
taking into account the information
given (point 1)
Each student must participate at least
three times in the forum on time and give
You must post your individual
meaningful feedback about the partners
contribution in the forum on time so contributions.
others students can comment your

Each student is going to record a

video with the description of the
different customs of the region
where you live, the differences
and similarities that exist
between their own culture and
the culture of the region of their
peers and the different elements
to avoid the cultural shock.
The video will be three to five
minutes long; you need to show
your face because you have to
be youre your teacher can see
you as long as you are talking. It
will have good sound and you
cannot read along the video.
After recording the video, you
are going to upload it to an
online video service like:
YouTube, Tutv, Vimeo among
Each student must upload
his/her file work to the link:

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II
late for most appointments.

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014
Spoken Task Moment 3

In Thailand it is not acceptable for

couples to kiss in public.

(Evaluative Environment). It
will be your final product for
this oral practice activity.

Post your individual
contribution in the forum on time
so others students can comment
your participation.
Each student will be able
to present the differences and
similarities that exist between their
own culture and the culture of the
region of their peers taking into
account the above information.
Each student must take a quiz (QUIZ
2) about the contents of the Unit 2 in
the Evaluative Environment

Check the Evaluation Format in

the Knowledge Environment:
Total points for this activity: 75

Total points for this activity: 42


Contents: Unit 3: Narrating Experiences and Events

Time Reference in the Past, Complaint: Everyday problems Need + Passive/Gerund, Purposes, Reasons and Results, Present Perfect Passive,
Infinitive Clauses and Phrases Environmental Solution, Degrees of Certainty
Number of weeks: Three weeks (3) Dates: November 3rd to
Phase of Assessment:
Intermediate Evaluation
Collaborative Learning Environment
November 29th 2016
and Evaluative Environment
Phase of learning strategy: Cycle Task
Learning Moment 4. Collaborative Forum 2: Talking about environmental solutions
Academic products and
Academic products and weighting
Individual Activity
Collaborative Activity *
weighting of the collaborative
of the individual activity
Analyze and
describe an environmental
problem in her or his city.
You can check the following
link in order to know

Description about an environmental

problem in her or his city.
Each student must record an audio
file with his/her information taking

The students will design a blog in
order to describe a common environmental
problem and to present a proposal using
appropriate language structures to problem
solve. The students can explain a process and

A blog with the description
about a common environmental
problem and a proposal in order

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

II and
different ways of giving
your into
account the
comments received about his/her work in the forum.

Post your individual
contribution in the forum on
time so others students can
comment your participation.
The students will
discuss the contributions of
each member, exchange
ideas and debate the different
topics on the environmental
problems of each region.
Each student is going
to record an audio file with
his/her information. Please
remember to consider
suggestions and comments
received about his/her work
in the forum.
Students take a quiz (QUIZ 3) about
the contents of the Unit 3 in the
Evaluative Environment. Total points
for this activity: 41 points.

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

express opinions integrating comparison
and: 551014
to solve it. The blog file must
contrast statements.
Discuss and give feedback to your
A front page (with title,
partners contributions (at least 50 words).
your whole name, your ID
Think about the nature of your comments and number, course name, group
the final outcome of the activity.
number, name of the university,
It is necessary that one student take on name of the program, city and
the leader role. This student will dynamize the date)
groups work into the forum in the
-The environmental information
collaborative Learning Environment by the
about the cities of each member
link Collaborative Forum Moment 2
of the group with a complete
Each student must participate at least
description about it and the
three times in the forum on time and give
proposal that each student has in
meaningful feedback about the partners
order to solve the problem.
- References
Each student has to share his/her
The group leader must post the
individual contribution in the proposed forum blogs link to the evaluative
available in Unit 3 and upload his/her work to Environment by the link Task
the corresponding forum.
Collaborative Forum Learning
Moment 4 in order to be
reviewed and graded by the

Check the Evaluation Format in

the Knowledge Environment:
Total points for this activity: 75

Final Evaluation according to the learning strategy: Moment 5. Final Exam: Dilemmas
Dates: November 30th to December Phase of
Number of weeks: Two (2)
Environment: Evaluative
13 2016
Individual Activity
Academic products and
Collaborative Activity *
Academic products and
weighting of the individual
weighting of the

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Curso: Advanced English II

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Cdigo: 551014


Final Individual Task (Final Exam)


Find solutions to problems

Zookeepers shot and killed a gorilla on
Saturday May 28th 2016 after a 3-year-old boy slipped
into its enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo, triggering
outcry over how the situation was handled.
A reporter asked the man about this situation and He
said If I had to do it again, I would respond in the
same way

Each student must send a word

document with the writing answers
and the link of the video where the
teacher can see the student talking
about the topic (you cannot read) in
the video the student has to talk
along 3 to 5 minutes in a clear way.
The student has to send it to the

Now, you must watch the video and read the
article about it in Time Magazine in the following

What do you think about this? Explain

your answer.


What would you do in this case?


Have you ever been in a similar situation?

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

The word document file named

final product, students name,
must include: A front page (with
title, your whole name, your ID
number, course name, group
number, name of the university,
name of the program, city and
date). Answers to the above
questions (Written and spoken
form) References
Total points for this activity: 125

Read the following opinions about this situation and

give your opinion using arguments.
Some suggested the boy's parents should be held
criminally responsible for the incident. An online petition
seeking "Justice for Harambe" earned more than 100,000
signatures in less than 48 hours.
"This beautiful gorilla lost his life because the boy's

collaborative activity


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

parents did not keep
a closer
watch on the
child," IIthe

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014

petition states.
"That child's life was in danger. People who question that
don't understand you can't take a risk with a silverback
gorilla -- this is a dangerous animal," he said. "Looking
back, we'd make the same decision. The child is safe."
What do you think is the best solution for this
kind of situation? For giving your opinion you can use:
I think she should ..
I think the best solution would be to
In his position, I wouldnt
Are you good at making decisions or not? If
you find it hard to make a decision, what do you
usually do? Justify your answer
For example:
Talk it over with your parents or a friend.
Make a list of pros and cons
Research expert opinion

Talk about a big decision or event in your life.

Create a video where you give the answers
about above questions. This information must be
specific because you must explain in oral form your
ideas and opinions.

* Guidelines for the development of collaborative work

Planning activities for the development of
collaborative work
1. In order to have the necessary knowledge that will

Roles to be developed by the student within the

collaborative group
Each student must participate actively in each


Roles and responsibilities for the making and

handing in the final asked tasks by the students
Because of the nature of the collaborative tasks and

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua
Curso: actively
English II
enable students to participate
and assertively
assessment moment in the course, taking into account
importance of team work, each student will
in the activity, it is necessary to read carefully the
established contents, the integrated guidelines, the
evaluation format given and to consult each phase of
the course.
2. Its very important for students to participate on
time (take a look to the course agenda), to send the
asked exercises and to feedback meaningfully to their
partners contributions in order to get excellent results,
so it is necessary to write a motivational message to
get partners read and comment contributions.
3. Keep in mind the commentaries sent by the tutor
and partners to the making of the final product.
4. Propose a work agenda to the making of the
assigned task.
5. Verify the product conditions and consolidated
materials carefully. The final products will be assessed
according to the guidelines and the Evaluation Format.
6. Send the contributions and the final product to the
learning environments and links provided in this
integrated activity guide.

individual and collaborative activities.

All the students must participate meaningfully in the
making of the final product which is the result of
interaction of all team members.
All the participants must check carefully the final
product so it fulfills all the established requirements
given in the activity guide.
One of the students who plays the role of leader sends a
message indicating which the final product is and will
have the responsibility to send the final product file.

select the role that each one will take to develop the
collaborative tasks in this course:
Director: To organize, coordinate, lead and evaluate
the topic to be debated in the group based on
previous experience.
Co director: To fulfill and highlight the most
important contributions which will be include in the
final product
Debate Leader: To encourage the academic debate
needed to highlight concepts and handle on the
discussed topic. To inquire constantly to the group
in order to look for some connections between the
issues learned and those which are proposed.
Rapporteur: To argue in a rigorous way in order to
enrich the topics deal with; to compile and
systematize the information to be delivered.
The summarizer: To develop the outcome
document, this becomes the final product of the
debate and the academic synthesis with the
collaborative or cooperative group; to watch up that
the guidelines given in evaluation rubric.

Observations given by the teacher:

Read carefully the activity guide and the evaluation rubric so you do what its been asked to.
Write a message to the tutor by the internal e-mail in case of any doubts or requirements.
Remember the Netiquette rules to participate properly in the forum.
Avoid plagiarism, its a serious fault established in the UNAD Students Rules.
Use of the American Psychological Association APA rules.
Its very important for students to take into account these rules in order to avoid difficulties with plagiarism and the consequences it may have in the assessment

Politics against the plagiarism. What is the plagiarism for the UNAD?

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD -

Escuela: Ciencias de la Educacin

You can read on this
very important
topic English

Vicerrectora Acadmica y de Investigacin - VIACI

Programa: Licenciatura en Ingls como Lengua

Cdigo: 551014


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