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Energy Healing from Spirit

Mannaz Ph.D.
Psychic Consultant &
Ordained Metaphysical
Minister & Level two
Zenna Practitioner

featured in this issue:

Removing toxicity

No Pain
No Cuts
Side Effects

What is Spiritual Surgery?

Spiritual Surgery is a technique which allows deep
Rooted blockages to be removed from the physical
Emotional, mental and spiritual body. Pain and
Disease are usually caused by imbalances, blockages, negative thought forms and other repressed
emotions almost every other ache and pain we experience is a repressed emotional issue

The Operation
The Operation is Performed by Spiritual Surgeons,
Doctors and Technicians, this surgery is performed on the Etheric template this is the physical
bodys blueprint it is also known as the 5th spiritual body and any changes made on this level manifests into the physical body. These changes can be
instant or within a short period of time. Mannaz
works with many Spiritual beings and will be able
to let you know what is being done and also the
surgeon or doctor who is working on you. These
operations are also performed at speeds 10 x fast-

er than normal physical surgery for the same type

of operation.

What will Mannaz do during the

Mannaz will just place his hands on or near the
effected area and go into a relaxed state once this
happens there may be some twitching of his
hands some people experience a bouncing of energy through the muscles both the practitioner
and patient must remain still during the whole
process, this is very important.
Any type of surgery is usually quite fast and has
the benefits of no post operative recovery so the
patient is free to carry on with work or any other
daily activities. These surgeons typically work
about 10 x speed however in emergency situations they can go up to 30x speed if needed.
Most work is done on the spine as everything is
connected to it especially on the first session follow up would be done on the or near the effected

Mannazs Spiritual team of helpers
Mannaz works with many different spiritual beings but some of the most regular
team include the following names and also what their speciality is.
Adam - African Surgeon - works on skeletal system.
Choi Tan - Chinese Surgeon - works on the
muscular system.
Dr Henry Lister - Victorian Doctor - Spirit
Dr David Samuel's - Consultant Virologist works on conditions like hepatitis and aids
Dr Patel - Gynaecologist / Midwife deals
with complicated births and all female
Sam - Dental Surgeon & Anaesthetist
worked as a surgeon on earth before main
anaesthetic was introduced in 1847
Brian - Oncologist
Adam - Sweep technician - removes toxicity from the body.

Healing at
its best

Spiritual Surgery Practitioners provide a form of

healing that is truly holistic and takes into account
the emotional, mental, spiritual needs as well as
those of the physical body therefore spiritual surgery may or may not produce the results that you
expect. this does not in any way negate its effectiveness.
Spiritual surgery practitioners are ( invariably ) lay
people without any medical training as such they
are unable to diagnose or offer medical advice.
Spiritual surgery is not intended to replace any
medical treatment you may be presently receiving
merely treat it as one that assists the healing process.
Spiritual surgery is not involved in any way with
guidance or the clearing of past life issues, karmic
debt, or emotional / energy blocks
Spiritual surgery is a new form of healing currently
being made available for the betterment of everyone it does not discriminate in any way.
Spiritual surgery works in harmony with divine law
and fully supports the individuals right to FREE
WILL and personal responsibility
By booking your operation you confirm that you
have read the disclaimer and agree to any treatment being carried out.
The practitioner does not treat, prescribe for or diagnose any illness or any physical or mental disorder, injury or condition. I further understand that the
practitioner is not attempting to practice medicine,
osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, psychology or any profession currently requiring a license
under the laws of the United Kingdom and British
Isles By booking surgery I Unconditionally absolve
the practitioner from any liability, in any form, from
any immediate or future outcomes of this and subsequent healing's.

Toxicity Release

The Sweep
At all stages in our life we absorb compounds and chemicals that are Toxic to our system, There are four main ways they enter our body.
Through the air we breath, Through the water or liquid we drink, The food we eat, or
through direct contact with the skin.
Here are some common sources of toxic materials
Heavy metals - mercury, aluminium, residues, sprays, paints, cleaners,hair sprays, caffeine, nicotine direct or passive intake, alcohol, toothpaste, mouthwash, artificial colouring's, hormone contraceptive treatments, chemotherapy- (The most toxic of all) air
pollution, car fumes, smoke, amalgam in fillings, Teflon cooking ware, antibiotics these
are just a few!
You are bombarded all day long with toxicity no wonder you feel ill.
there is a powerful technique that helps to remove these toxins from the body and
aid in recovery especially after cancer treatments.
Treatment is similar to Spiritual Surgery where a spirit surgeon works through the
practitioner enabling surgery to be carried out on the 5th spiritual body known as the
etheric template.
However Toxicity release can take longer as it involves 40 minute treatment on the
spine ( this only needs to be done once) after this is done Mannaz will invite the spiritual sweep technician into his energy field from there the sweep technician can work on
the patient once Mannaz places his hands on the ankles the process then begins. It involves sending a wave of very powerful electric blue energy up the body as the sweep
progresses a fountain of toxic material is forced out of the crown chakra at an energetic
level. The Toxic cocktail is then collected and disposed of by spirit. Much time is spent
clearing toxicity from the ankles, the hips,including the digestive system and the shoulders.
It is recommended that after the sweep you remain still for a while, it may be necessary
to repeat this process every three weeks or so
The sweep requires huge amounts of spiritual energy and when there is lots of toxicity
present they use the spiritual equivalent of about one thousand megawatts of energy at
other times it might be as low as two hundred megawatts in human terms this is the
equivalent energy consumption of a very large city.
Mannaz Psychic Consultant

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