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Running Head: Case Study Assignment I

EHRD 603
Group D

Case Study Assignment - I

Case Study #1
TRW Inc. is a major global manufacturer that sells automotive and aerospace products.
The global company had a current executive leadership development program in place that was
established to develop the companys high potential employees. An assessment that was made
by TRWs senior managers was that the organization did not have the global competency that the
organization needed to compete in the current global economy.
The main global or international issues we would like to emphasize are the cultural and
language barriers that exist within TRW. We would like to see the language and cultural gaps
shrink in the new GLP. The workforce must learn cultural sensitivity to better communicate
and conduct business among different cultures and in other countries (Werner, J., & DeSimone,
R., 2009). We feel this is essential for the leadership of the organization. Leaders who are more
globally minded usually hold an advanced degree and should able to speak the language of the
employees they oversee. At the very least, the organization should have a determined language
that it should use to communicate with its leaders in the different locations. Either of these
options would ensure effective communication. They should also understand the work cultures
and personal cultures of the employees. A work culture could be developed that is more
consistent throughout the various locations of TRW. These understandings will bridge
communication and sensitize the leaders to what motivates the employees.
Another focus we would recommend is to implement the Four C approach to global
training in a multinational environment. The Four C approach facilitates employees learning
the necessary skills to meet the challenge of a global workforce (Petranek, 2004). The Four Cs
are collaboration, communication, cooperation, and culture. Petranek gives a definition of each
of the Four Cs. Collaboration is about working jointly on a project. Communication is about

Case Study Assignment - I

establishing a regional language and using it in order to communicate regional objectives
effectively to all. Cooperation is about working on a common goal. Culture is about the
development and implementation of programs that focus on the customs, institutions, and
achievements of the group. Using the Four C approach to training would be appropriate in
developing the needs of TRW because it would provide a foundation of a globalized culture
within the organization. As Werner and DeSimone (2009) mentions, management development
should be seen as a long-term process.
Other training methods that may be used for top managers and executives may include
distance learning, computer-based language programs, overseas mentorships, and action
learning. Training programs prior to relocation should include teachings on cultural diversity of
the new location and awareness of ethnocentrism on the leaders part (Arthur, 2000). Since more
than half of TRWs employees are not located in the U.S., distance learning techniques such as
video conferencing and online courses will offer a location for global training on cultural studies.
Courses should include business models of successful organizations in the same locations as
TRWs locations. They could look at both external and internal alignment. Computer-based
language programs, such as Rosetta Stone, may be used to aid in language acquisition.
Overseas assignments in conjunction with mentoring may also be helpful once the
employee has attained enough basic skills. This will allow the employee to be submerged in the
environment and to acquire skills from a mentor, thus using a gradual release model of learning.
3M uses global assignments as a requirement for promotion to senior management positions.
They spend three to five years in the assigned position. They also have a senior manager who
gives them support while they are there (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009). We believe
following 3Ms model would be appropriate for TRW.

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Another form of learning that may be beneficial to their leadership teams is action
learning. In action learning, participants look at a problem in the organization and solve it.
Then, they implement the solutions they created. According to Werner and DeSimone (2009),
this method of learning encourages participants to seek additional development (e.g.,
negotiation skills) that will help them resolve the type of problem discussed. TRW already has
experience with action learning and should be able to continue using it as a tool in the new GLP.
It is imperative for a global leader to have the capacity to work outside of his or her
comfort zone because of the evolutionary nature of a global culture. Global leaders must be able
to learn and adapt to the changes around them in order to compete and act as effective leaders.
There are sure to be many unanticipated encounters when working with a diverse group of
cultures and countries. This makes it imperative for the global leader to work effectively even if
it is not within the norms of the persons expectations. Additionally, Vygotskys Zone of
Proximal Development identifies working outside of ones comfort zone as part of the learning
process. While his theory is aimed at children, the ideas can be applied to adults when thinking
about working globally. Adults already have some structures in place that will scaffold them into
transitioning into a global leader. Additionally, mentors, trainings, and overseas assignments also
offer the supports that they need. Eventually, they will become comfortable with their new work
Strong global leaders must be lifelong learners. Given the rapid changes that all
organizations face, it is clear that employees must continue the learning process throughout their
careers in order to meet these challenges (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009).
Case Study # 2

Case Study Assignment - I

The United Technologies Corporation (UTC) case study is an excellent example of how a
large fortune 100 conglomerate responds by downsizing its workforce during slow economic
times. It is apparent that external influences affect the organization and in turn, internal factors
affect employee behavior. The question is how organizations deal with influences that affect the
organization and its employees. Human Resource Developments (HRD) primary role during
times of economic trouble is to change employee behavior. By changing employee behavior,
HRD can help employees understand their role during the organizational changes that are
happening around them.
The organizational change UTC is going through poses many questions for management
and employees of UTC. The first question that was presented was: What happens to employee
training and development efforts in the midst of a downsizing of this magnitude? An American
Society for Training and Development survey found that organizations did best when they
emphasized both organizational and individual performance (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009,
p. 37). HRD professionals are challenged during times of downsizing to direct the organization
to continue to improve performance both organizationally and individually. The reality is that
most training and development programs are typically cut or scaled back during reductions.
However, the emphasis must continue to be placed on training and developing the workforce to
ensure organizational effectiveness. This training may include training the survivors of
downsizing on how to carry out their responsibilities after downsizing has occurred, but it can
also include decisions to retrain rather than lay off employees (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R.,
2009. p. 37). Supervisors must remember that their leadership approach can affect employee
performance and they must demonstrate and promote appropriate behavior. Assisting the
organization with redirecting training efforts is the responsibility of the HRD professional and

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such efforts can have considerable impact on the effectiveness of the organization during
downsizing initiatives. Furthermore, HRD must understand the expectancy theory to realize that
employees perception of outcomes will affect their decision to participate in training. If
employees believe attending training will add value, they will be more apt to participate in
trainings and utilize learned skills on the job. It is the responsibility of the manager to monitor
employee performance and continually motivate employees to attend training. Managers must
continue to monitor performance after training and it is important to ensure that employees are
applying newly learned skills on the job. The organization can have affects on employee
behavior as well through rewards structure, culture, and job design. If management does not
carefully design and implement a reward system, then it may unintentionally reinforce
undesirable behavior in employees (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009. p. 41). Additionally,
ensuring employees understand the organizations culture will help employees behave under the
same values and beliefs.
The second question posed was: Will employees take advantage of such a tuition
reimbursement program during restructuring? The self-fulfilling prophecy illustrates that
managements expectations can influence an employees behavior (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R.,
2009). If management expects employees to pursue ways to further develop themselves, the
employees self-expectations will increase. Additionally, if the employee believes that a
particular program will add value and further develop their careers, they will devote more effort
towards participation in such programs. According to the expectancy theory, people perform
behaviors that they perceive will bring valued outcomes (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009). In
turn, the organization and management must recognize and reward employees for their
performance. The recognition and rewards will serve as continued motivation for the employee.

Case Study Assignment - I

This is a clear example of the cognitive motivation theory where the employee received
feedback, thus behaves differently and has continued motivation (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R.,
2009). The goal is to keep employees motivated with high expectancy which will fuel their need
to increase performance. Goal-setting theory is another cognitive theory of motivation where the
employee is motivated to achieve a goal and thus directs their behavior until the goal is reached
(Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009). By participating in the program, the employee is able to set
goals and work towards job enrichment which is another motivating factor. Job enrichment
gives employees the opportunity to broaden their range of skills. Employees want to feel valued
and the organization providing educational assistance will aid in providing that feeling to their
The third question presented was: What happens to employees who are laid off at the
time they are taking college classes? The emotional state of mind of an employee that was
recently laid off may be extremely fragile. The employee will begin to wonder what their
rationale for rehire is. They will begin to rationalize why they were let go. Through this analysis
they will realize that they need to continue developing their skill set by continuing taking classes.
This again is another example of the expectancy theory and the belief that there is a connection
between performance and outcomes. This is also an example of a needs based approach such as
Herzbergs two-factor theory which focuses on survival and personal growth (Werner, J., &
DeSimone, R., 2009). On another hand, if employees who are laid off have low self-efficacy
expectations, they will not be likely to continue taking college classes to improve performance.
The final question that was raised was: Can Pratt & Whitney (and UTC) maintain their
commitment to tuition reimbursement in such an environment? Pratt & Whitney certainly
needs to continue their tuition reimbursement in order to maintain employee performance.

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Continuing the program will indicate to the employee that the organization is willing to continue
to invest in them. The organization can use the program as a retention strategy to retain the
workforce they have. Keeping the program is a plain example of the equity theory (Werner, J., &
DeSimone, R., 2009). By retaining the program, the organization is telling the employees that
they are valued by the organization. The equity theory tells us that employees develop beliefs
about what is fair for them to receive in exchange for the contributions that they make to an
organization (Werner, J., & DeSimone, R., 2009. p. 51). If the employee assistance benefit is
taken away, employees may feel an inequity and that their performance is not valued by the
organization. If the organizations culture is set on learning and performance, employees will
expect that their employer will continually drive and support the need to improve performance.
The following specifics were found on the UTC company website as a 2001 annual
review. Since the program began in 1996, the company has invested well over $250 million to
send more than 14,000 employees to college. Significantly, the program has doubled the
retention rate among employees who participate (UTC website, p. 22). These statistics prove
that the investment in employee educational assistance programs has added value to the
organization. With the appropriate HRD measures in place, organizations can overcome tough
economic times by redirecting their focus to employee behavior and fostering high performance
behavior. Training will have to remain a focus and the organization will have to ensure
employees continue to receive support and motivation to increase performance.
Case Study # 3
The utility industry is going through major changes by switching from a strongly
regulated industry to a more deregulated industry. Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
(WPSC) is experiencing a vital change in business practices due to the changes of the utility

Case Study Assignment - I

industry. WPSC will be offering new products and services now that regulations are beginning
to be cut back. The case study proposes four questions that are relevant to creating and
implementing the training program.
The first question posed by the case study is: What should be the primary areas of
learning, that is, what skills, knowledge, or attitudes did employees need to develop further?
This can be deduced by understanding what KSAs the new products and services require.
WPSC should be able to identify each new product and service and the specific skills and
knowledge needed to successfully provide them to the customers. A task analysis of the new
products and services would help define the different components that are needed to comprehend
in order to provide excellence for the customer. Identifying the key learning outcomes needed in
order to master the products would benefit the training programs that would be developed for the
products. Another area that the learning team should focus on is the attitude employees have
towards training and the business change. Sahinidis and Bouris (2008) researched the correlation
between perceived training effectiveness and motivation, job commitment and satisfaction. It
would be beneficial for WPSC to introduce training as a way to become a leader within the
utility industry in their district. If the employees are on board with changes then they will be
more eager to learn and master the new products and services.
The second question that was proposed was: What types of training media would be
used to make these resources available to employees, for example, print, video, computer, and/or
classroom training? Using the task analysis of the products WPSC will be able to see what
types of learning are needed. The task analysis will help determine the demands of the task. It is
also recommended to create and distribute a person analysis to employees who will be
undergoing the training from the Learning Centers. The employee analysis will provide

Case Study Assignment - I

information on demographics, department, and preferred learning style. After using these to
analysis tools, the company will be able to match different training options with the employees
who connect with that mode of training. We would not recommend having every source of
media tools and provide many classes to make sure that every employee is accommodated,
unless the company has the resources to do so. Most adult learners are able to comprehend
audio/video instructions that are not going to overload them with information or a difficult task
(McLaughlin, Rogers, Sierra, & Fisk, 2007).
Depending on the product, we would suggest using instructional videos that clearly show
how to operate the product, the information needed to understand the makings of the product,
and safety associated with using the product. Multimedia trainings are able to reach a wider
audience without having to designate training times between trainers and employees and the
setup of facilities and resources. Creating simple online training templates can help retention
and understanding of the presented information (Austin, 2009). Diagrams and safety notices
would be great resources to make available to the employees as reference within the workplace
and out in the field of work. Classroom training would be beneficial for an entire department to
be involved in so that they are all able to get the same information as well as grow team work
during the learning process.
The third question in the case study asked: Who should be involved in providing the
training and educational assistance to employees, that is, should this be done by WPSC staff,
outside providers, or some combination of both? If the product requires special knowledge then
it would be wise to hire the services of that products provider to either train supervisors as
specialists or teach training classes at the Learning Center. Bringing in specialists would be a
great way to get direct training from a product specialist but it may be a costly endeavor.

Case Study Assignment - I

Managers or specified personnel should research different avenues of educational services in
order to find a cost efficient way of providing training for the employees. WPSC could create a
certificate program that identifies individuals who have completed the training and are competent
in completing tasks that require the new product or services. This would connect the employees
with the organization even more so in order to combined shared goals and learning outcomes.
Another way WPSC could utilize trainers is finding them at a local community,
institution, or educational system. Formal education can provide knowledge, judgment, critical
thinking, and organization that can be used within the workplace. Employees can combine the
education gained through these outside institutions and inside training from the company in order
to improve their own output. Utilizing this form of education and training can highlight the
educational background of current employees in order to gauge what level they are within the
educational system. This information will help provide learning and training needs for the
employee so that the company is able to better provide services for the employees. Furthermore,
this information can provide statistical information on the success of training based on the
employees educational background to identify any areas that correlate in order to enhance and
develop the training programs for those identified employees (Tesar, 1981).
The last question asked: What could be done to ensure that employees had the time and
opportunity to take advantage of these Learning Centers once they were operating? A major
way to ensure that employees have the opportunity and time to participate in the training sessions
is for their supervisors to be involved. It is recommended that prior to training; supervisors meet
with the employees, either through a group or one-on-one meetings, to discuss with the training
program and the reasoning behind the trainings. This will keep the employees informed as well
as give them opportunity to ask questions or express concerns. This also provides employee

Case Study Assignment - I

input by giving them an opportunity to share their feelings on training and possibly their
preferred way of learning. This will provide the organization with valuable, relevant information
in order for the trainer to mold the training programs to better fit with the culture and
environment of the organization.
Another way to make sure that the employees are getting the required information and
knowledge and applying it to their workplace is instituting post-training activities. These
activities will take place around the work area and keep the knowledge and skills learned
applicable. By creating mini booster training sessions, buddy systems, or providing an
opportunity for discussion can help solidify the information as well as promote continuous
learning within the organization. Again, supervisors are the key factor in these activities.
Upward support will show that the company is truly invested in these training programs and the
pursuit of personal and professional growth (Saks & Belcourt, 2006).
Following through with implementing online learning and making it available to all
employees is a way to ensure that all employees have access to the resources. If the company
has resources, have departments give incentives to participate in the trainings so that it is a winwin for the company and employees. The company can also reward certain business areas when
they reach a certain threshold of completed trainings. An incentive that can be implemented is a
wage policy that takes in to account training and education completed by employees. The team
can set up levels of training/education and when an employee reaches a new threshold then they
are given a pay increase or a bonus. This gives employees more of an incentive to participate in
trainings and education so that they are able to physically see a return on investment of their

Case Study Assignment - I

More incentives that can assure that employees are taking advantage of training and
educational options provided by institutions or the company itself is by creating a educational
leave program and off-the-job training courses. The educational leave program encourages
employees to apply and be accepted into programs that will better enhance their current
knowledge and skill base. There are a defined number of days where the employee can take paid
leave in order to attend lectures, trainings, and exams in order to improve their skills. The
company can have an agreement establish with local institutions in order to create opportunities
for employees to increase their knowledge base. Off-the-job training programs focus on a
specific field to enhance the current skills of the employee. These training programs require the
employee to take time off from the job in order to attend. The company can therefore reimburse
the employee for the time away from work because they are actively enhancing their own skills
that will, in turn, enhance the overall functions of the company (Tesar, 1981).
Case Study # 4
Cathay Pacific Airways is an international airline located in Hong Kong. More than
25,000 people work for the airline worldwide. In the 1990s a survey showed that travelers said
that the airlines service was good, but not as customers wanted. They said the service was
robotic and lacked of warmness and friendliness. Hence the airline reassessed its system in
recruiting, training, and managing its employees. One main alteration that airline made was in
its in-flight department. It also intended to implement more changes in order to raise customer
preservation especially among business class.
If we were the training manager at the airline we would start with needs assessment
approach, and that would be on three levels: strategic/organizational analysis, task analysis, and
person analysis. That is because each of this levels show different sides of the organization. In

Case Study Assignment - I

other words, we would conduct these three types of assessment in order to get a clear picture and
complete view of the airline to ensure that training effort would be channeled to the correct
First, the organizational analysis would help us know where training/HRD efforts were
needed and the conditions under which training would occur. According to Irwin Goldstein, we
would identify the organizational goals, available resources, climate, and the environmental
constraints. Identifying the organizational goals would lead us to know which department at the
airline not met its goals. This would lead us to study this department and determine the root
problem. Identifying available resources at the airline such as the money, materials, facilities,
and expertise would assist us to avoid any problem that may impact the training. In other word,
any lack in these resources could affect the HRD efforts. Identifying the climate would let us
know if the environment at the airline was conducive to learn or not. Finally, considering the
environmental constraints before we design our training program at the airline would make us
ensure that training efforts are in compliance and would not cause any problems.
Methods that we would use to collect information in this level are first, efficiency indexes
because the airline regularly monitors the data so the data should be reliable. Secondly,
organizational climate indexes because it shows quality of working life that would help us
focus on problems that training components. Finally, organizational goals and objectives to
know where training efforts should be direct.
Until here we had collected information that gave us a clear view of the airlines goals,
missions, and strategies. We would take into account to ensure that training efforts should be
tied to the airlines goals, missions, and strategy plan.

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The second analysis was task analysis. At this level our aims were to know appropriate
standards of performance, how task should be done to meet these standards, and the knowledge, skills,
abilities, and other characteristics that flight attendants need to meet the standards. At this level we
would conduct five steps in order to have inclusive information about the job:
Step #1- Describing the job: the job description was available at airline and it updated
regularly. So we would not have to develop one. However, we would conduct a job analysis to
identify its main components. According to Gael and Gatewood, Field, and Barrick we would
conduct a job analysis by:

Observing a job as it done

Asking supervisors questions about the job tasks,(KSAOs), and working environment
Measuring customer satisfaction
Reviewing relevant literature about the job
Step # 2 - Task identification: in this step we would compare what was actually done in

the task and what was should be done by using two methods, critical incident technique and job
inventory questionnaire. Using the critical incident technique we would choose one of the best
flight attendants to record good and poor behaviors that he/she have seen during a period of time,
describe each incident, and suggest why the behavior was effective or ineffective. This would
help us understand the causes of both effective and ineffective performance. Using the job
inventory questionnaire we would develop a questionnaire asking the flight attendants about the
job tasks, then we would give the list to the supervisors to evaluate each task in terms of its
importance and the time spent acting. Also we would ask the supervisors to identify the require
(KSAOs) to do each task perfectly.
Step #3- Identifying the (KSAOs) needs to do the job: we already know the necessary
(KSAOs) to do the job efficiently by asking the supervisors as mentioned in step #2, but we
would ask some experts and review some relevant literature just for more sureness.

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Step #4 - Identifying areas that can benefit from training: in this step we would test each task in
terms of importance, time spent acting, and ease of acquisition. Also we would exam the
(KSAOs) in terms of importance, ease of acquisition, and difficulty of learning. This would lead
us to decide which task and (KSAOs) should include in the training. We would take into account
the following: (1) task or (KSAOs) getting the highest rating would be included in the training.
(2) balancing between the concerns raised in these rating. (3) not all problems can be addressed
with training.
Step #5- Prioritize training needs: based on information we had gotten from step 2, 3, and
4 we would determine which task or (KSAOs) should be addressed first.
Finally, the person analysis: this would help us know which individuals within airline should
have trained and what kind of training they need. We would use three methods to collect
information we need: (1) 306-degree performance appraisal: because it uses multiple sources to
collect performance information. In other words, we could get a complete picture of an
employees performance. (2) interviews: because it shows what individuals believe to learn or
need. (3) attitude survey: because it illustrates employees morale, motivation, and satisfaction.
Until here, we had gathered much information that gave us a clear view of the organization, job,
and individuals needs. Thus, we would establish an HRD advisory committee which is composed
of members throughout the airline. Our goals were to get different perspectives and create a
wider level of support from all part of the organization.
Methods that we used in need assessment process gave us some information about
customers opinions regarding the services that provided. However, for more information we
would develop a questionnaire asking the customers about their views of the services that
actually provided and the services that they desire or suit with their expectations. We would take

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into account the criteria or indicators upon which the customers assess the quality of services that
provided during the preparation of the questionnaire. These criteria like:

Credibility during the service

Safety during the service
Emotion during the service
Responsiveness in service delivery
Efficiency and excellence in service delivery

All this information would be studied, evaluated, and connect with the information that has been
reached via need assessment process and based on the result we would design appropriate
training program that emphasized exceptional customers services. To guarantee that the
questionnaire would reach the customers we would place it in the airlines website, send it to the
customers via emails, and provide it as a hard copy in the plane.
As training managers we believe that customers satisfaction is very important, because
any lack in customer service can cause significant financial lasses or destruction the
organization. As an airline our reputation is very important among our customers. So we worked
hard to train flight attendants at the airline in order to make them qualified and able to provide
the highest level of customer service. So we would recommend two types of training for the
flight attendants to reach the exceptional service to our customers (1) intensive theoretical
training and (2) practical training. The intensive theoretical training would include courses and
training programs which provide the trainees with:

Effective customer service skills

The ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with the customer
Key skills for quality customer service
Addressing customers different behavior style
Ways to satisfy customers(focusing more on first class and business class customers)
The duties and responsibilities of flight attendants

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In other words, the theoretical training would include three aspects: (1) psychological behavior,
(2) distinguished service, and (3) communication skills. In addition, we would recommend
providing the flight attendants with information concerning: security and safety, first aid,
decision making, and how to control difficult situations.
In the practical training the trainees would apply all the information and knowledge that
they had taken in the courses and programs. The practical training would take place in aircraft
mock-up in order to let the trainees feel as they if in the real environment work. The trainees
would be evaluated by the trainer and the supervisor and getting the feedback immediately.
The training would be provided by qualified trainers at the airline by using different methods
such as: self-based learning, coaching, interactive multimedia training, role-playing exercises,
and virtual reality training.
We assume that the intensive theoretical training and the practical training would help the
flight attendants to perform their job effectively and provide high level of customer service.
Training program plays a significant role in promoting innovation and collaboration
among trainees and trainers themselves. That could be possible if it has been codified
and related to the requirements of modern times. In other words, the training programs that never
change or adjust in line with the rhythm of the present time in terms of content, technology, and
methods cannot stimulate any creativity among the trainees or trainers.
We urge the trainers in the airline to take this issue into account. For example, the content of the
training programs provided to flight attendants should be in line with the customers
requirements in modern times if the goal is to raise the customer service.
The methods used to deliver these programs must be in parallel with todays technology.
For example, presenting a training program in the form of a lecture without including any

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technology based methods would be rather boring and does not encourage both the trainees and
the trainers to be creative. In addition to how the training program should be presented, the
location where the program will be held is no less important. So as training managers at the
airline, we take into account that the theoretical part of the programs should be held in a
particular location such as class rooms or computer labs. The practical part of the programs will
take place in an aircraft mock-up and will simulate a real-life work environment that will
help encourage the trainees to be more creative.
Presenting the training program in a dynamical manner that involves multi approaches
and techniques, besides selecting the appropriate location to conduct the training program will
effectively enhance and stimulate innovation and collaboration among the flight attendants, as
well as the trainers.
Case Study # 5
Rockwell Collins is an electronic controls and communications devices company. It is
located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and has more than 19,000 employees. 7,000 of them work in the
Cedar Rapids and the rest work in other operation in California, Texas, Florida, and Mexico.
The company has interest in training and development, but until 1998 it relay on the traditional
training methods (classroom). Twelve in-house trainers are provided the most training in the
main branch. As a result, the company faced some difficulties and challenges such as:

Employees who work in other branches rarely able to attend training.

28% of employees in the main branch were unable to attend the training program
because of work demands.

To address this situation the Learning and development group at Rockwell Collin decided to
offer more training to greater numbers of employees by using outside training vendors and
changing the training methods.

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If our group was the manager of learning and development at Rockwell Collins we would
start with changing the methods and techniques that the company used to deliver the training.
The method that adopted by the company to provide training programs for more than 19,000
employees that distributed in many branches is entirely useless. The class room instruction with
only twelve internal trainers cannot meet the companys goals. So it is very important to begin
with selecting the appropriate training techniques and methods which match with the situation at
the company. Consequently we would use computer based methods instead of class room
training in order to train largest number of employees at the company without interruption the
requirements of the work. Methods such as web-based, self-study, and virtual class room would
be the best alternative and solution at Rockwell Collins. In addition to change the training
methods and techniques, we would start to use outside training vendors which also would reform
the availability and effectiveness of the training at the company. In other words, the use of
outside vendors would increase the training competency in the internal trainers by provided
Train-the-Trainer Program. So the internal trainers would be able to connect between the
information effectively, stimulate trainees to learn, choose the best and most appropriate
methods for training, and design the training.
If our group were the manager of learning and development at Rockwell Collins we
would suggest designing some program internally as long as we have enough experience, time,
and a HRD department with full time professional. However, this does not preclude purchasing
some programs externally. We would take into account ensuring that the need assessment
process and prioritization process has been completed before starting design process. That
would assist to know where the training is needed, the appropriate conditions to conduct the
training, who needs to be trained, and what type of training is needed. Since the significant

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needs for training has been known we would start the design processes which include six steps:
(1) setting training aims, (2) choosing the trainer, (3) preparing a lesson plan, (4) selecting
appropriate methods and techniques, (5) preparing training materials, and (6) scheduling the
training. The first step in designing is transforms the important needs into a sit of objectives.
The objectives would help us indicate the intent and the desired result of the training program.
In other words, the objectives clearly identify what the program want to achieve. At the same
time, the objectives would help the trainees focus their own consideration during the training and
assist the company to evaluate the trainings success. To write a clear statement of training
objectives we would follow the Qualities of Useful Objectives that stated by Mager which

Performance: what the trainees should be able to do

Condition: the specific situation under what they must do
Criteria: the degree used in judging its success.

Any lack in one of these three points while writing the training objectives would cause
confusion, to avoid that we will use the right words and let the supervisor review the objectives
to insure that they are pretty clear.
After the completion of the formulation of training objectives we would select the
appropriate instructor to provide the training program. The internal programs that related to the
company will be provided by the companys trainers in order to preserve company's privacy
and property. Other programs will be provided by external trainers which can help the companys
trainers to gain more experience and sophistication. Later, the programs designers at the
company will transform the training objectives into an enforceable training program by develop
a lesson plan. That would help us determine the training content, methods, techniques, and
materials. According to Gilley and Eggland our lesson plan will identify the following: (1)

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content to be covered, (2) sequencing of activities, (3) variety of training media, (4) assortment
of experiential exercises, (5) timing and planning of each activity, (6) selection of methods, and
(7) variety types of evaluation items. Next we would select the appropriate training methods with
taking into account the programs objectives, time and money existing, availability of other
resources, and adult learning principles. In this point, we would suggest focusing more on
computer based training methods rather than traditional training methods. In other words, we
would recommend methods such as self-paced learning, interactive multimedia training, virtual
reality training, and gams-based training. Also we would suggest blended training which
combines face to face training and other technology based methods. Since we have more than
19,000 employees distributed between the headquarter and other branches the computer based
training methods will assist us to provide the training for the largest number of employees in
main branch and other branches without prejudice to the requirements of the work. That is
because such methods can be implemented based on employees time whether at their work place
or at their home. By this way we may diminish the challenges faced by the company in this side.
Since that we designed our own training we suppose now to prepare the training materials which
include: program announcement, program outline, and the training manuals. The program
announcement will be emailed for each employee individually before a head of time in order to
give them enough chance to alter their schedules. The program announcement will indicate the
goals of the program, time and place of the program, and how to participate in the program. The
program outline will be available at the beginning of the program and it will include: programs
objectives, content to be covered, materials needed, requirements of each participants, and
provisional schedule. Regarding the training manual, we suggest to make it in-house. It will not
cost us a lot since we have the desktop publishing software, laser printers, and qualified staff

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who have the ability to design and write the curriculum. Finally, the last step is scheduling the
program. Since that most of our programs are based on computer training which can be done
whenever the trainees have time to do them this point is not considered as a big challenge for the
company. However, regarding the face to face trainings which require trainees attendance we
suggest scheduling them after the work hours to avoid any organization obligations such as the
top work hours, travel requirements, meeting time, and other organizational constrains. To ensure
the attendance of all trainees with their consent and without discomfort that the training occurs
in their vacation time we will offer overtime pay and conduct the training in a resort area.
According to Ronald Sims we would take into account while designing the training the seven
responsibilities which include:

determine the types and level of KSAOs that needed to achieve the organizational goals
make the organization's environment conducive to learning
provide the necessary resources to conduct a program design
Find and offer access to off-the-job and on-the-job learning resources
Provide individual help and feedback on individual performance
Serve as role models and mentors to trainees and the organization
Consider the individual learning styles, abilities, and work and life circumstances

In other words, to ensure the success of the design processes, they should be applied in
conjunction with aforementioned responsibilities.
In general, our suggestions concerning who should provide the training would be the
internal trainers responsible for providing training programs that related to the
company's privacy and property in order to save the confidentiality of information and
companys plans. External trainers are responsible for providing training programs on common
issues, or general matters, or on subjects that the internal trainers havent had sufficient
experience to provide them such us designing and implementing. We have twelve trainers only at
the main branch that have subject matter expertise but lack in designing and delivering the

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training. Their experience limited in providing the training programs by traditional training
method such as class room instruction and they do not have enough experience in designing. So
the usage of outside vendors to implement Train-the-Trainer program would assist to acquire
experience and enhance the overall design and deliver of training as Gainey and Klaas stated.
In other words, the program would provide the subject matter experts in the main branch
with the important knowledge and skills to design and implement a training program. We would
make sure that the program (Train-the-Trainer) focus on the following: (1) the qualities of useful
objectives, (2) developing a lesson plan, (3) preparing and choosing appropriate training
materials, (4) picking and using suitable training aids, finally (5) selecting and using different
training methods and techniques. Also we would take into account the cost, credentials,
philosophy, delivery methods, and content while choosing a vendor.
After the completion of Train-the-Trainer program the trainees will be eligible and able
to transfer the training program to a number of employees in the different branches. The aim
from that is to increase the number of trainers at the company by providing each branch with
numbers of internal trainers. Due to the distances between the branches of the company we
suggest conducting the training by using computer training methods. After providing the
company with sufficient number of qualified trainers most of the training programs at the
company will be conducted in house.
We will deliver our recommendations to the top management by handing an accurate and
detailed report about the suggestions and provide a professional power point presentation. We
will take into account the following while writing the report:

Relate the recommendations to the companys needs, goals, and interests.

Retail the recommendations to several sub-points; in order to convince the top
management about its importance.

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Support the recommendations with the substantiated and evidence.

Formulate the recommendations by using clear and logical language which free of

exaggeration and literary analogies.

Provide an introduction which includes a general summary of the report and its purpose.
Giving information and facts, not assumptions or guesses.
Preparing Conceptions for other alternatives available.
Explain the financial requirements necessary to implement the recommendations and
comparing them with the benefits to the company after apply them.

Also we will take into account selecting appropriate time to submit the recommendations. In
other words, we will try to avoid the peak work hours in order to ensure that there is sufficient
time for the top management to see and study the recommendations. Such issues take a long
time somewhat to reflect and make appropriate decisions. After that we will select the
suitable time to provide the presentation. The presentation will assist us to explain and clarify all
the aspects and dimensions of the recommendations in order to remove any ambiguity or
vagueness and answer the questions.

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