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It was a time when there was a bit of tension

between two of the worlds strongest superpowers .No
bullets were fired but just a bit of spark was required
to trigger off a huge explosion.
I was playing with my friends in the ground. We
were playing cricket. The ground was surrounded by
huge walls on three sides but one side had a small wall.
One of my friends hit the ball over the wall. It was my
ball and I wanted it back. So I climbed over the wall
though my friends told me not to go. There was a thick
covering of grass all over the area. I jumped over the
wall. But I do not know what happened I did not land
where I was supposed to land. I went right through the
land and landed in dark place.
I could not understand what happened. It was
completely dark there. I could not make out what was
there in front of me. Then I suddenly heard voices.
Voices of adults. Voices of war hardened people. Voices
of military people. I realised that I had fallen in a
secret underground trench. I thanked my mother as
the sports shoes had made my landing a silent one. I
felt a wall behind me. I clung on to it and tried to
overhear their conversation. They were talking some
foreign language. So I could not understand it. I waited
there patiently for them to finish their conversation.

They left after about fifteen minutes. They did not

see me as they were leaving. I thought how lucky I am.
After they departed I went to the area where
they had been talking all this time. It was dimly lighted
and had a round table where they had been seating. I
could make this out as there were cigarettes on the
table. But I noticed one more thing which terrified me.
There were all kinds of guns lying there in front of merifles, pistols, grandees, etc. I had seen a gun for the
first time in my life. There were also photos of our
political leaders. So I concluded that these were some
conspirators trying to plot against my people.
I decided to leave the place and tell the police
about it. As I was about to leave by mistake I pushed a
wall and the wall turned like a door. Inside there were
so many soldiers lying unconscious. They had no
weapons. This meant that those weapons actually
belonged to them. They were our soldiers and I could
make that out by their badge. I found some water on a
nearby table and sprinkled it on them. They recovered
one by one. I told them who I was and where were
their weapons. They all recovered and planned to trap
the conspirators. They took their weapons and in dark
places. I hid behind the walls.
The conspirators came and were successfully
trapped by the soldiers. I finally came out of the
trench and my eyes took some time before getting

used to the light again. The happy part was that the
conspirators were caught and the spark was silenced
thus defusing the explosion. I was awarded a medal by
the President and I became a hero, that is, a hero by

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