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Mark Shelton

Sped 678
I have been walking around my school for the past week. I have noticed a few new
things that are going on with the students in this school compared to last year.
When I observed these problems it made me think about last year and how different
the problems where. This year the three biggest problems are bullying, student
attitudes and behaviors and parent involvement. In this paper I am going to state
why I am studying each problem. So lets get started.
The first area that I would like to discuss is bullying. I know that its not a new
problem but it has a big impact of students ability to learn. I want to study about
bullying because of the huge impact it can also have outside the learning
environment because of technology. Technology has taken us as a society to new
levels in many ways of life but it also has taken bullying to a new level. Technology
has created an outlet for bullies to continue their abuse. Due to this suicides have
increased and that is never ok. The fact that I see it every day in my own classroom
upsets me.
The next problem that I see in my school is student attitudes and behaviors. Kids
have changed a lot since I was in school. Back in the day we always showed respect
towards teacher and for most of us completed our work. I want to study this topic
because there is huge difference between students attitudes since I been out of
school. Today students seem like they have no apathy for authority and can be very
distressful. I can also see that students dont take their academics seriously. Today
we see more students cutting classes and being tardy compared to 10 years ago.
The students actions today pose significant challenges for teachers because we
just want them to succeed.

Mark Shelton
Sped 678
The last problem that I would like to study is parent involvement. It always seems
like you have some parents that wont be seen for an entire school. Then you have
others that never seem to go away, hovering over their child and interfering with
the education process. I would like to study how we can get more parent
involvement. I feel that for each student to succeed they must have strong family
support. I know that might be an impossible task but there has to be a way.
I hope you were thinking about the problems I discussed. After writing this
assignments and reflecting on it. I know for sure that bullying, student attitudes and
behaviors and parent involvement are the three biggest problems in my school. I
am looking forward to my upcoming research on these topics.

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