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For Beat the

Bees Review
Question and Answer
The Fundamentals of Precalculus
Reference : TC7 by Leithold
This presentation is copyright by Robert Nericua 2015

________ is used to indicate a formal

statement assumed to be true without proof.


Properties that can be shown to be logical

consequences of axioms are ________.


In the statement of most theorems there are two parts: the if part,
called the ________, and the then part is called the ___________.

hypothesis; conclusion

The argument verifying a theorem is a



A ___________ is one that can be form

as the ratio of two integers.

rational number

Which of the following is not a

rational number.

Nonterminating repeating decimals

B. integers
C. Terminating decimals
D. Nonterminating nonrepeating decimals
E. fractions

Match following :


0.333333; -0.549549549

Nonterminating repeating decimals

; - ; 83/5

Terminating decimals

-5; 0; 10000

Nonterminating nonrepeating decimals

2.36; -0.0003251

Real numbers that are not rational are

called ________.

Irrational numbers

________ is a collection of objects.


The objects in a set are called ______.


A ________ is a symbol used to represent any element of a

given set.





is known as

The Triangle Inequality



Any two real numbers form a pair, and when the order of
appearance of the numbers is significant, we call it an

ordered pair

The first number x of the pair is called the ________(or x coordinate) of

P , and the second number y is called _________(or y coordinate) of P.

Abscissa; ordinate

It is a theorem that states that In a right triangle, if a and b are the lengths of the perpendicular
sides and c is the length of the hypotenuse, then
a2 + b2 = c2 .

Pythagorean Theorem

When two nonvertical lines are parallel

their slopes are ______.


When two lines are perpendicular the product

of their individual slopes is equal to _______.


Find the equation of a line whose slope

is 4 and through the point (2,-3).


The equation below is called ________ of the equation of a line.

y intercepts , respectively.

Intercept form

A ________ is a set of all points in a plane

equidistant from a fixed point and a fixed line.


In a parabola, there is a fixed point and a fixed line.

The fixed point is called the _______.
The fixed line which is also its axis is called the ________.

Focus; directrix

The intersection of the parabola with its axis is called

_________;________is the chord perpendicular to the fixed
axis (directrix ) and passing through the focus.

Vertex; latus rectum

Find the vertex, the focus and the

equation of the directrix of y2 =-8x.

(0,0);(-2,0); x=2

A reflecting telescope has a parabolic mirror for which the distance

from the vertex to the focus is 30 ft. If the distance across the top
of the mirror is 64 in. , how deep is the mirror at the center?

32/45 in.

Assume that the water from the end of a

horizontal pipe 25 ft. above the ground describes
a parabolic curve, the vertex of the parabola
being at the end of the pipe. If the a point 8 ft.
below the line of the pipe the flow of water has
curved outward 10ft beyond a vertical line
through the end of the pipe, how far beyond this
vertical line will the water strike the ground?
NO answer provided . Solve as
an exercise.

A ________ is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point. The fixed point is
called the _______ of the circle, and the constant distance is called the ________ of the circle.

Circle; center; radius

Find the center and the radius of the

circle 3x2 + 3y2 + 4y -7=0.

C (0,-2/3); 5/3

Determine whether the equation represents a point , circle or an empty set.

A.) x2 + y2 -2x +10y +19 =0
B.) x2 + y2 + 2x -4y +5 = 0
C.) 2x2 + 2y2 -2x +6y +5=0

Circle; empty set; point(1/2, - 3/2)

Find the equation of the tangent line to the

circle x2 + y2 6x -2y -15 =0 at the point (6,5).

3x + 4y -38 = 0

Given the parabola y= (-1/4) x2 + x +6, find the

vertex, the focus and endpoints of the latus rectum.

(2,7); (2,6); (4,6) and (0,6)

An ________ is the set of points in a plane the sum whose distance

from two points is a constant. Each fixed point is called a focus.


The line through the foci of an ellipse is called the _______; The points of
intersection of the ellipse and its principal axis are called the ________; The
point on the principal axis that lies between the two vertices is called the

Principal axis; vertices; center

The segment of the principal axis of an ellipse between the two vertices is called the _______, and
its length is 2a units. The _______is the line segment perpendicular to the principal axis and has a
length of 2b.

major axis; minor axis

For the ellipse having an equation , find the

vertices, endpoints of the minor axis and foci.

V(5,0) and V(-5,0) ; (0,4) and (0,-4) ;

(3,0) and (-3,0)

A parabola is not a central conic.


An ellipse is not a central conic.


Find the center, an equation of the principal axis , vertices

and the foci of the ellipse 25x 2 + 16y2 +150x -128y 1119 =0.

(-3,4); x=-3; (-3,14) and (-3,-6); (-3,10)

and (-3,-2)

The ___________ e of an ellipse is the ratio of the

undirected distance between the foci to the undirected
distance between the vertices.


The expression for the eccentricity of

an ellipse is ________.

e= c/a

The expected value of eccentricity of an

ellipse is between 0 and 1.


The ceiling in the hallway 10m wide is the shape of a semi

ellipse and 9m high in the center and 6 m high at the side
walls. Find the height of the ceiling 2m from either wall.

8.4 m

The arch of a bridge is in the shape of a semi ellipse having a

horizontal span of 40m and a height of 16 m at its center .
How high is the arch 9m to the right or left of the center?

No answer
provided. Solve as
an exercise.

A __________ is the set of points in a plane, the absolute value of the difference
of whose distances from two fixed points is a constant. The two fixed points are
called the _______.

Hyperbola; foci

The line through the foci of an hyperbola is called the ________. The
points where the hyperbola intersects the principal axis are called the
______, and the point halfway between the vertices is the _______.

principal axis; vertices; center

The line segment connecting the two vertices is called the ________, the line
segment perpendicular to the transverse axis and has a length of 2b is called

transverse axis; conjugate axis

The hyperbola is a central conic.


Find the vertices and foci of the

hyperbola having the equation .

(3,0) and (-3,0); ( 5,0) and (-5,0)

Find an equation of the hyperbola having a focus at

(5,0) and the ends of its conjugate at (0,2) and (0,-2).

The equation 9x2 -4y2 18x -16y + 29 =0 is a hyperbola. Find

the center, an equation of the principal axis and the

(1,-2); x=1; (1,1) and (1,-5)

What is the eccentricity of a hyperbola?


The expected value of the eccentricity

of a hyperbola should be greater than 1.


In Geometry, an ______ is defined as the union of two rays

called the sides, having a common endpoint called the

Angle; vertex

This identity is called ______...

sin2 + cos2 =1

Fundamental Pythagorean Identity

_________ is a method of expressing a single rational expression as a sum of two or more simpler quotients.
The degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator is called a _________.
The degree of the numerator is not less than the degree of the denominator is called a _________.

Partial Fraction; proper fraction;

improper fraction

Decompose the fraction into partial


Decompose the fraction into partial


Thats the end for the Pre-Calculus


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