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Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering


Cimacio, Eugene
Damasco, Liezel
Hernane, Val Guiller
Lumacad, Rey Ryan E.
Solijon, Ronell


Renewable source of energy is a challenge to every individual in the world. In the past years,
people engaged in different non-renewable source of energy and at the present times; because of
the increasing demands in power consumptions the renewable source of energy came to be an
ideal source of power.
Moving to the context of transportation, internal engine combustion is the basic part of a vehicle.
It needs a fuel for the operation of vehicles engine. With the increasing demands of power and
the increase of developments in science and technology, researchers have made to offer the said
renewable source of energy as another source for vehicle.
The Hybrid E Tricycle is mainly has three source of energy; the direct AC Charging, Solar and in
its braking system which regenerate power. The said hybrid e tricycle will display the output and
amount of power harness in different sources and will use it as a medium for the functionality of
the E Tricycle. Power mixing is one idea to utilized energy for the usage of the vehicle and with
it, the researchers are making an evaluative and experimental method to determine and
automatically utilize the energy. To have an efficiency in working and consume energy
continuously, the researchers focused on the Switching Management System.
Switching Management System is basically a system involves in automatically directing the
power source to the battery of the E Tricycle with respect to the conditions governing on
batteries, solar panel and the parts. This study tries to figure out how effective and efficient the E
Tricycle as a Hybrid with monitoring and switching system.




Background of the Study

With increasing efficiency by adding other sources of energy, ETricycle can no longer

mind the shortage of energy to fulfill the needed power of ETricycle and use it throughout the
day without getting few stops to charge it again. When this happens, certain factors can
significantly increase like more passengers can be accommodated thus, more profit in return, and
maximum capability of Etricycle can now be exhibit. Optimization and Management of power
from different energy sources is the main focus of this study. It is for the best to not waste any of
these energy sources, to optimize is to manage these resources and use each one of them to the
fullest without changing any cycle or operational infrastructure. After power management
process, the resources can be designed to feed directly its energy generated to the motor or
instead straight to the battery, it can also be the other way around to charge the battery first
before it is fed back to the motor. It is unlikely avoidable that these two sources occur at the
same time during usage, in this situation mixing of power with different energy properties and
composition will cause a problem. The energy sources cannot be mixed directly in simple means
rather it needs a special device that will recognize its properties and modify it before it reaches to
the load.

Theoretical/Conceptual Background
Switching management circuit is the answer for a hybrid ETricycle in managing different

energy sources; it can be programmed automatically or manually depending on its application

and certain situations. Its main function is to manage energy resources and simultaneously
optimize its use. It is connected directly or not from solar panels, battery, and wheels. Sometimes
all these resources are available like when ETricycle is used at night, it forces to switch to
another energy source since no solar energy is generated by the solar panel and so once it

automatically detects that one energy is absent it acts immediately to seek another energy
according to what program parameters it is set. The user can manually manipulate the switching
device if ever accidents may occur or any inevitable problems may encounter. It is considerably
flexible, it is possible to define which master source will be used by default, when two energy
sources are present simultaneously, it can automatically switch between two different energy
sources and possible to program two different currents of the two ac or dc sources and presence
of a mechanical interlock module that ensures in all cases that no short circuit may happen on the
sources. This switching device composed of relays, transistors and diodes and combination of
other components as well. However, the efficiency of the device is not theoretically hundred
percent, its implementation is still on process and its design is still improving. Assuring that it
will greatly help the power management part and act as a bridge for the power to flow into the

1.3 Statement of the Problem

In an Electric Vehicle, batteries are typically used to store electricity to power the electric
motors in the vehicle. Batteries store as much energy within its capacity, but it can be depleted as
the EV is consuming a lot of its storage. That is why EVs needs other sources of energy to
charge the battery and to help power the entire system of the vehicle.
To help the battery to store energy, it needs other sources of energy. Power source from
outlets, Solar Panels and energy generated from the wheels. With this, battery can have a plenty
of energy sources.
However having multiple source of energy is difficult to manage. It is a challenge now on
what circuit design is going to use in the switching management system in this kind of EV. It is a
question on how to determine the power rate of the stored energy in the battery while it is
running or charging; how to acquire a rotation from different energy source in charging the
battery and what are the kind of switches that arthesise going to be used in the system.


1.4 Objectives of the Study

The study aims to integrate switching management system in electric vehicle and to
achieve the following three main objectives:
To design a circuit to be used in Switching Management System.
To determine the power rate of the stored energy in the battery while it is running or
To acquire a rotation from different energy source in charging the battery.
Other Objectives are stated as follows:
To promote a green environment.
To lessen the noise in the environment.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is deemed important to the following individuals and institutions:
Vehicle owner. Electric Tricycles is gaining importance due to the energy crisis. The
result of this study will provide an alternative vehicle prime mover for the community.
Electronics and Electrical Professions. The findings of this study will help them
increase their level of awareness and interest on the environment. Its system design and
application of the Electric Vehicle could influence future electronics and electrical professions,
students and government.
Future Researchers. The study will add to the much needed related literature review and
study to strengthen conceptual and theoretical framework of the proposed study.


1.6 Scope and Limit

When three energy sources are present, the solar power, regenerative braking power and
electric charging through outlet. The switching circuit will execute its main function that is to
allow any of the energy sources to charge the battery while the others are prevented from
entering the switching circuit. Then it automatically seeks other sources in case this energy
source is absent.

1.7 Definition of terms

The key terms and concepts that will be used in the study will be operationally and
technically defined as follows:
Alternating Current. An electric current in which the flow of electric charge periodically
reverses direction.
Brushless DC motor. Also known as electronically commutated motors (ECMs, EC
motors) are synchronous motors that are powered by a DC electric source via an integrated
inverter/switching power supply, which produces AC electric signal to drive the motor.
Direct Current. The flow of electric charge is only in one direction
Electric Braking. Braking of a vehicle, a locomotive or a mass in motion by converting
the kinetic energy in to electricity and dissipating it through resistive loads as heat.
Photovoltaic. Method of converting solar energy into direct current electricity using
semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect, a phenomenon commonly studied
in physics, photochemistry and electrochemistry.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The control over the switching cycle averaged value of
the output voltages achieved by adjusting or varying the on period of a pulse. (Mohan N., 2002).

Regenerative Braking. Braking of a vehicle, a locomotive or a mass in motion that

recover the kinetic energy and convert it to electric energy
Solar Cells.




that converts the

energy of light directly

into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon.
Solar Energy. The radiant light and heat from the Sun harnessed using a range of everevolving



as solar


photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solararchitecture and artificial photosynthesis.

Solar Panel. Refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for
generating electricity or heating.


In realization and development of the project of the researchers, it is important and
valuable to consider and to ponder on the information and data related to the study. The chapter
will discuss about the studies and past developments relevant to the implementation of the said
2.1 Electric Vehicle
Electric vehicles have briefly emerged throughout history several times only to return
back to relative obscurity. Low expectations for range combined with the lack of reliability
accompanying early steam and gasoline powered vehicles helped electric vehicles gain
popularity during the early 1900s [1]. Later improvements in gasoline vehicle performance along
with increased reliability resulted in a sharp decline of electric vehicle popularity. Much later, in
the 1960s, interest in electric vehicles re-emerged due to rising oil prices and concerns about the
output of harmful emissions from gasoline powered vehicles. Later regulations required
percentages of vehicle sales to include zero-emission vehicles. Once again low performance,
particularly range, resulted in the failure of the electric vehicle to grab a legitimate market share.
In recent years battery technology has advanced to a point where electric vehicles have
respectable ranges and low charging times [2]. Emergence of new battery technology along with
the commercially successful Tesla model S have shown that electric vehicle technology may
have finally reached a point where it can become a commercially viable alternative to gasoline
powered automobiles. (University of Kansas, Intelligent Systems and Automation Lab)
An electric vehicle is powered by an electric motor while there is petrol/diesel engines
used in gasoline vehicle. They have only half the initial cost of a gasoline vehicle. The power of
electric vehicle is less than gasoline vehicle. But it is impossible to find out the difference among
them while driving. While gasoline vehicle have a heavy noise and pollute the air, electric
vehicle are smooth and silent and also have on pollution emits while driving. The idea of electric
vehicle is new. The components of an electric vehicle are DC electric motors, Electric controller,
Battery tray, 12V Lead acid batteries, Battery Charger and many motors for driving smaller

2.2 HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle)

A type of hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle that combines a conventional internal
combustion engine (ICE) propulsion system with an electric propulsion system (hybrid vehicle
drivetrain). The presence of the electric powertrain is intended to achieve either better fuel
economy than a conventional vehicle or better performance. There are a variety of HEV types,
and the degree to which they function as EVs varies as well. The most common form of HEV is
the hybrid electric car, although hybrid electric trucks (pickups and tractors) and buses also exist.
Modern HEVs make use of efficiency-improving technologies such as regenerative brakes,
which converts the vehicle's kinetic energy into electric energy to charge the battery, rather than
wasting it as heat energy as conventional brakes do. Some varieties of HEVs use their internal
combustion engine to generate electricity by spinning an electrical generator (this combination is
known as a motorgenerator), to either recharge their batteries or to directly power the electric
drive motors. Many HEVs reduce idle emissions by shutting down the ICE at idle and restarting
it when needed; this is known as a start-stop system. A hybrid-electric produces less emissions
from its ICE than a comparably sized gasoline car, since an HEV's gasoline engine is usually
smaller than a comparably sized pure gasoline-burning vehicle (natural gas and propane fuels
produce lower emissions) and if not used to directly drive the car, can be geared to run at
maximum efficiency, further improving fuel economy.

2.3 Solar Powered Vehicle

A solar vehicle is an electric vehicle powered completely or significantly by direct solar energy.
Usually, photovoltaic (PV) cells contained in solar panels convert the sun's energy directly
into electric energy. The term solar vehicle usually implies that solar energy is used to power all
or part of a vehicle's propulsion. Solar power may be also used to provide power for
communications or controls or other auxiliary functions.
2.4 Energy Management System for Powered Vehicle
The EMS controls all of the energy sources that have different tasks in delivering power to the
load . The battery is the main energy source of the vehicle. Once the start button is triggered,

processors determine the battery capacity and the pedal acceleration. Then, based on the control
algorithm, the EMS determines which energy sources should be activated. The battery also
functions as a storage device that receives charges from the FC or through plug-in. The FC is the
secondary energy source of the vehicle. It starts supplying energy to the load and, at the same
time, recharges the battery when the battery capacity is below 50%. Since FC need few minutes
for start-time to be full operation, amount of energy from the battery must be reserved. The
battery capacity 50% is considered as enough until FC can overtake the battery. Besides, charge
and discharge a battery far below 50% its capacity can reduce its life-cycle tremendously. If the
battery reaches full capacity, the FC supply is cut off. Any excess energy from the FC is stored in
the battery. The SC supports energy sources when both the battery and FC still not adequate to
support high power demands. After the EMS has been triggered, it recharges and waits for the
next request. (International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, Farid Arafat Azidin)
2.5 Photovoltaic (PV) Technology Applications
Photovoltaic Panel have many application as power source. The following embodies the
concept of solar energy as power source [15].

Lighting: The availability of low power DC lighting, such as low pressure sodium and
fluorescent lights, makes PV an ideal source for meeting remote or mobile lighting needs.

Communications: Radio, television, and phone signals over long distances need to be PV
also is used on travelers information transmitters, portable computer systems, cellular
telephones, mobile radio systems, and emergency call boxes.

Remote Site Electrification: Many residences and other structures are simply too far from
the utility distribution network to establish a grid connection. Also, power is needed at
construction sites before the connection has been installed. PV systems are an attractive
way to provide electricity in these areas. Conventional generators or other renewable
energy sources, such as wind or microhydroelectric generators, may be used in
conjunction with the PV system to ensure uninterrupted power availability.

Remote Monitoring: Often monitoring for scientific research or other purposes must take
place at temporary sites far from conventional power sources. PV systems can be
effectively used as a power source to monitor meteorological information,

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highway/traffic conditions, structural conditions, seismic recording, irrigation control,

and scientific research in remote locations.

Signs and Signals: Devices such as navigational beacons, audible warning signs such as
sirens, highway warning signs, railroad signals, and aircraft warning beacons, buoys and
lighthouses are generally remote or even impossible to connect to the utility grid. PV
systems provide reliable power for these critical applications.

Water Pumping and Control: PV is an ideal candidate for water pumping applications.
Many water pumping needs, such as livestock watering, are greatest during the sunniest
hours of the day. These systems may be either direct system, operating the pump only
when the sunlight is sufficient, or they may pump water to an elevated storage tower
during sunny hours to provide available water at any time. Either system avoids the use
of batteries, resulting in a decrease in initial cost and reducing maintenance needs. PV
powered water pumping is used to provide water for campgrounds, irrigation, remote
village water supplies, and livestock watering.

Charging Vehicle Batteries: PV systems may be used to directly charge vehicle batteries,
or to provide a trickle charge for maintaining a high battery state of charge on littleused vehicles, such as fire-fighting and snow removal equipment and agricultural
machines such as tractors or harvesters. Direct charging is useful for boats and
recreational vehicles. Solar stations may be dedicated to charging electric vehicles also.

Photovoltaics (PV) offer consumers the ability to generate electricity in a clean, quiet and
reliable way. Photovoltaic systems are comprised of photovoltaic cells, devices that convert light
energy directly into electricity. Because the source of light is usually the sun, they are often
called solar cells. The word photovoltaic comes from photo, meaning light, and voltaic,
which refers to producing electricity. Therefore, the photovoltaic process is producing
electricity directly from sunlight. Photovoltaics are often referred to as PV [11].
PV cells convert sunlight directly into electricity without creating any air or water
pollution. PV cells are made of at least two layers of semiconductor material. One layer has a
positive charge, the other negative. When light enters the cell, some of the photons from the light
are absorbed by the semiconductor atoms, freeing electrons from the cells negative layer to flow

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through an external circuit and back into the positive layer. This flow of electrons produces
electric current.

Figure 2.6: Basic Solar Cell Construction.

To increase their utility, dozens of individual PV cells are interconnected together in a
sealed, weatherproof package called a module. When two modules are wired together in series,
their voltage is doubled while the current stays constant. When two modules are wired in
parallel, their current is doubled while the voltage stays constant. To achieve the desired voltage
and current, modules are wired in series and parallel into what is called a PV array. The
flexibility of the modular PV system allows designers to create solar power systems that can
meet a wide variety of electrical needs, no matter how large or small.

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Figure 2.7: Photovoltaic Cells, & Arrays.

Millions of systems have been installed worldwide, in sizes ranging from a fraction of a
watt to multi-megawatts. For many applications, solar electric systems are not only cost
effective; they may also be the least expensive option.
Photovoltaic cells, by their very nature, convert radiation to electricity. This phenomenon
has been known for well over half a century, but until recently the amounts of electricity
generated were good for little more than measuring radiation intensity. Most of the photovoltaic
cells on the market today operate at an efficiency of less than 15% [12]; that is, of all the
radiation that falls upon them, less than 15% of it is converted to electricity. The maximum
theoretical efficiency for a photovoltaic cell is only 32.3% [13], but at this efficiency, solar
electricity is very economical. Most of our other forms of electricity generation are at a lower
efficiency than this. Unfortunately, reality still lags behind theory and 15% efficiency is not
usually considered economical by most power companies, even if it is fine for toys and pocket
calculators. Hope for bulk solar electricity should not be abandoned, however, for recent
scientific advances have created a solar cell with an efficiency of 28.2% efficiency in the
laboratory. This type of cell has yet to be field tested. If it maintains its efficiency in the
uncontrolled environment of the outside world, and if it does not have a tendency to break down,
it will be economical for power companies to build solar power facilities after all.

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Of all the energy sources available, solar has perhaps the most promise. Numerically, it is
capable of producing the raw power required to satisfy the entire planet's energy needs.
Environmentally, it is one of the least destructive of all the sources of energy. Practically, it can
be adjusted to power nearly everything except transportation with very little adjustment, and
even transportation with some modest modifications to the current general system of travel.
Clearly, solar energy is a resource of the future
Several panels electrically connected in series constitute an array and several arrays,
electrically connected in parallel to generate the required power, constitute the generator or
photovoltaic field.

Figure 2.8: Connections of PV Configurations.

The PV cells in the modules are not exactly alike due to the unavoidable manufacturing
deviations; as a consequence, two blocks of cells connected in parallel between them can have
not the same voltage. As a consequence, a flowing current is created from the block of cells at
higher voltage towards the block at lower voltage. Therefore a part of the power generated by the
module is lost within the module itself (mismatch losses). The inequality of the cells can be
determined also by a different solar irradiance, for example when a part of cells are shaded or
when they are deteriorated. These cells behave as a diode, blocking the current generated by the
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other cells. The diode is subject to the voltage of the other cells and it may cause the perforation
of the junction with local overheating and damages to the module.

2.6 Types of Solar Energy

There are three types of solar energy namely Solar Thermal, Photovoltaic Solar Power
and Concentrating Solar Power.

2.6.1 Solar Thermal

Solar heating systems take advantage of some basic principles about how solar
energy is converted into solar thermal energy and the physical behavior of heat. The basic
idea is that the solar energy passes through a layer of glazed glass where it is absorbed by the
underlying material. The solar energy excites the molecules in the underlying material
resulting in heat. The glazing of the glass prevents the heat from escaping, thereby effectively
capturing the heat. Once that heat is captured we can put it to good use.

2.6.2 Photovoltaic Solar Power

Photovoltaic solar power is the electricity generated with solar cells. A solar cell

sunlight directly into solar


electricity using




the photovoltaic effect. Power is the product of voltage and current that is produced and is
measured in Watts. Now, if a load is placed on the circuit, it can use the electricity generated
by the PV solar energy.

2.6.3 Concentrating Solar Power

Concentrated solar power is actually a utility-scale solar solution that can provide
hundreds of megawatts of electricity to the grid. But CSP is still an important solar
technology for homeowners to be aware of because it has the potential to provide significant
amounts of clean, renewable energy that could be provided to you by your utility.

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E Tricycle is a past study made by the students of Mindanao University of Science and
Technology which aims to promote environmentally friendly kind of transport basing the study
in a city proper or in a highly urbanized place and to promote the use of renewable kind of
energy. The research is a continuous study on how can effectively enhance or optimize the power
or the efficiency of an E Tricycle as a form of transport. To figuratively answer the problem of
the past study, the researchers made the E Tricycle not just a solar powered but basically a
Hybrid Tricycle to efficiently harness another form of energy.
The researchers sight on three different forms of energy to harness such as through solar, through
direct AC source and to its braking system which will regenerate energy. On this study, the
researchers are focusing on the Switching Management System of a Hybrid E Tricycle.
Switching Management System is a methodical way of combining the three sources of energy
into one and interface individually with respect to the parameters and conditions made by the
researchers to attain an efficient and working E Tricycle. The study being conducted is
evaluative and experimental. The researchers evaluate the physical characteristics of the E
Tricycle and so with its parts. It is an experimental set-up of the solar panel, controller for the
AC source and regenerative braking system. The researchers implement the circuit designed on
how the solar panel will be connected to the charge controller, how the direct AC source can be
converted into DC and store power to the battery and how regenerative braking system will then
regenerate power.

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Switching Management System will determine the remaining power left in the battery and it is
designed to switch for another source to continuously give a certain or particular amount of
power to sustain or to withstand the functionality of the E Tricycle.

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3.1 Research Design

















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This research entitled switching management system is classified to be experimental,

since this study introduced a new switching circuit device that is designed to function
automatically and possible to manipulate it manually. This device is proposed in purpose to treat
the known problem happening prior to switching procedure. In order for the hybrid E-tric to
utilize its sources of energy more efficiently, this device is intended to be inserted between the
three power sources and battery as shown in the flow chart above. During multiple tests, results
of the device are observed, monitored and then evaluated.
Evaluating the data obtained is the next step making the study to be evaluative, after
gathering data from the conducted experiments mentioned earlier, the data is analyzed
thoroughly before a conclusion and make a judgment whether there is a need for improvements
or modifications.

3.2 Variables

A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. The researcher
has control over independent variables and can choose to alter or change them. Dependent
variables change or react to the state of the independent variable.
In harnessing solar energy, independent variable is the sun. Dependent variables are the
energy generated by the sun and the solar panel used to obtain solar energy. Weather condition
and time of the day are intervening variables in obtaining solar energy from the sun.
In regenerative braking system, brakes and terrain are independent variables. Energy
generated from brakes is a dependent variable. Congestion is the intervening variable in RBS.
Plug-in system have also independent and dependent variables. Independent variable in
plug-in is an AC electric source. And dependent variable for all the system is the battery.

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3.3 Instrumentation
In this research, the information of independent variable of hybrid E-tric is obtained from
the tables and graphs recorded. As for dependent, different combination of electronic circuits and
a programmable device are used in this study to design a switching circuit.
Three sources are inputs to the switching management system. The switching system will
automatically allow any of the sources to store its energy to the battery depending on what
situation it is used.

3.4 Procedure
The researchers have undergone different procedures to attain the expected objectives of
the research. The procedures conducted have to deal with the processes in accordance with the
different implementations of major systems designated to the researchers. Once the procedures
are implemented thoroughly and exactly, the research will come up to the groups desired output.
The researchers has provided an ordinary vehicle specified with 3 wheels and a driving
control unit in it (but not yet controllable). The group has decided to create an innovative ETric
generated from the three power sources stored to the battery. The three power sources are
composed of solar power source, regenerative braking system, and a power source allowing the
vehicle to recharge through connecting a plug directly to an ac source.
The researchers install the solar photo voltaic at the roof of the vehicle. There are 3 solar
photovoltaics utilized with a 5 by 7 in size. The solar PVs provides consumers the ability to
generate electricity in a clean, quiet and reliable way. Photovoltaic systems are comprised of
photovoltaic cells, devices that convert light energy directly into electricity. Because the source
of light is usually the sun, they are often called solar cells. The word photovoltaic comes from
photo, meaning light, and voltaic, which refers to producing electricity. Therefore, the
photovoltaic process is producing electricity directly from sunlight.

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The researchers innovates the vehicle by creating a regenerative braking system installed
in the wheels of the vehicle. It is for the purpose that when the vehicle has to stop or brake,
certain energy is converted into an electrical energy. This kind of system is not new since many
researches have innovated researches dealing with such.
The third system utilized by the group is the ability to recharge the ETric once its battery
is dead. It is through connecting a plug directly to an ac source. The energy produced will then
be converted from ac to that will generate the ETric for a span of time. The researchers create
this system for emergency purpose that when there is no sun available, the Etric can be directed
to recharge to produce enough power.
All three power sources are installed and are ready to utilize in order to generate the
ETric. The researchers then produce an idea of managing the power sources either any of the
three will be used. The researchers have created a switching management system in order to
provide a more effective way of implementations of the power sources. The switching
mechanism is directed to the data logger. Data logger is an Arduino based program that controls
the current and voltage present in the power produced either by the three. It is connected to the
battery that shows the situation of the power still present in the battery if either it has to be
recharged or switched to another power source to generate power.
The group also implemented charge controller. The charge controller is designed to
basically control the charging of the power from the power sources. It will be the basis of the
battery to determine the level of the current and voltage to automatically stop the charging or to
recharge the battery when it has low load.
The group has installed the four 12 volts of batteries connected to the charge controller. It
is connected in parallel producing 46 volts in total. The battery serves as the core of the ETric,

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since it is the component that generates everything in the vehicle. It stores and generates the
electrical power with enough power to release to enable the vehicle to run or perform.
The components of the research has installed thoroughly for the researchers to have a
great output to produce. It is the groups goal to providing an innovative environmental
transportation to all the people in the vicinity. An innovation that harms no one.

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