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THURSDAY, September 15, 2016


Local hospitals,
nursing homes
recognized for
flu vaccinations
Sanford Jackson,
Colonial Manor
win blue ribbons

the 90-percent mark.

Reaching that 90-percent mark earns the facilities prestigious blueribbon awards through the
Minnesota Department of
Healths FluSafe program.
In the sixth year of the
FluSafe program, 153
health care facilities participated during the 2015216 flu season. Of the 139
facilities earning ribbons,
63 reached vaccination
levels of 90 percent or
greater, earning blue ribbons; 47 were in the 80- to
89-percent range, earning red ribbons; and 29
reached 70 to 79 percent,
earning white ribbons.
Hospitals and nursing homes in our FluSafe
program were striving for
ribbons and the vast
majority got one, said
Kristen Ehresmann, di-

Area hospitals and nursing homes are among the

nearly 140 across the state
to achieve staff flu vaccination
rates of 70
percent or
At least
90 percent
of staff
at Sanford
in Jackson and Colonial
Manor Nursing Home in
Lakefield were vaccinated
against influenza. Sanford
Worthington Medical Center in Worthington also hit

See FLU on C2

FluSafe Resu
Vaccinating staff, protecting patients

FluSafe Results 2015-16

Vaccinating staff, protecting patients

Vaccinating staff, protecting patients


63 Blue Ribbon


sta ff

v a c ci n ate

Blue Ribbon
35 hospitals
28 nursing homes



sta ff st a ff vaatecdci n ate d

va cci n

Blue Ribbon

35 hospitals 35 hospitals
28 nursing homes
28 nursing homes

Photo by Mike Jordan

Barb Swoboda of Swoboda Chiropractic demonstrates how the two light-emitting diodes on her Erchonia low-level
laser are used to focus on an area of the clients body that is experiencing pain.

Red Ribbon


Light therapy is
being used as a
healing stimulant
Staff Writer

Barb Swoboda of Swoboda Chiropractic has been

treating her clients pain
for years and keeps abreast
of changes in her field that

can benefit her clients. One

of those changes is not necessarily new to chiropractics, but is to her practice
and the area low-level
laser treatment.
Low-level laser is a
light therapy using light
at different frequencies
and pulsations to stimulate
healing, Swoboda said.
There are a whole multitude of things it can be
used for to help in reducing

Kline delays
Staff Writer

E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r,
Dr. Ronald Kline gave
thought to
after a
career as
a health
care provider,
more than Dr. Ronald
20 years
of which
have been spent in Jackson County.
As Klines retirement
date approached, the decision to say farewell to
his longtime patients become more difficult, leading to a decision to stay
around a bit longer, helping the Sanford Medical
Centers in Jackson and
Lakefield in the transition
to fill his shoes.
Kline said he looks at

additional time with Sanford in Jackson County

not as a continuation of
work, but as an opportunity to continue serving the
people of the community.
Because of his view of the
people he treats, more
time with his patients is
also good medicine for
I dont think of patients as patients, Kline
said. I think of them as
The doctor of osteopathic medicine considers the communities of
Jackson and Lakefield to
be filled with beautiful
and talented people, and
he is amazed by the folks
he treats.
While Kline made his
rounds to the Sanford
clinics, hospital, emergency rooms and nursing
homes in the county, he
heard folks lamenting
See KLINE on C5

or eliminating pain, including acute and chronic pain

in the neck and shoulders,
joints, plantar fasciitis or
pain in the arch of the
feet, tendonitis, bronchitis,
sprains and strains, colic
in babies, Crohns disease,
a lot of intestinal issues,
shingles, bed wetting and
ear issues.
Swoboda uses the lowlevel laser treatments in
conjunction with the ad-


sta ff

v a cc i n ate

Red Ribbon 47
Red Ribbon

25 hospitals
22 nursing homes


justments she makes to her
clients, which helps those Winners
st a
te d
she said. ff vaccina
17 hospitals
The low-level laser12 nursing homes
treatment helps with a
persons pain in all softtissue stuff, she said. It
allows the body to work as
it should and re-energizes
cells. It is safe for all ages
and works through a persons clothes. It is a cold,

See LASER on C4

sta ff



v a cc i n ate

sta ff


v a cc i n ate

25 hospitals
22 nursing homes

25 hospitals
22 nursing homes

White Ribbon
sta ff

va c ci n ate

Source: Minnesota Department of Health


sta ff

va c ci n ate

White Ribbon
17 hospitals
12 nursing homes

Natural infertility treatment close to home

12 nursing homes
Staff Writer


Photo by Jessica Oye

Women from near and far, up to three hours away, are

coming to Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center in
Jackson to seek help and expertise from Dr. Marie Paul

Important work is happening in the battle against

infertility right here in
Jackson County.
Women from near and
far, up to three hours away,
are coming to Sacred Heart
Mercy Health Care Center
in Jackson to seek help and
expertise from Dr. Marie
Paul Lockerd.
Lockerd serves her patients in two ways. She
works with female patients
using the Creighton Model
Fertility Care System, a natural family planning system
that teaches a woman to
learn how her menstrual
and fertility cycles function. With this acquired
knowledge, a woman is better able to understand how
her body works and use that
information to maintain her
health and make family
planning decisions.
The process is beyond
counting days on a calendar
and utilizes daily observations of biological markers that indicate times of

17 hospitals

This can be used to
avoid or achieve pregnancy, Lockerd said.
Once a woman becomes
familiar with her cycle and
her body, Lockerd said, it
creates better understanding of the emotional ups and
downs a woman may experience during her cycle
and can also help identify
abnormalities. Lockerd said
the information is important to know as a couple,
as it allows men a greater
understanding, respect and
appreciation for a womans
body and everything happening within it.
The natural family planning system is 96 percent
effective at preventing
pregnancy the same
percentage as commonly
used birth control, but with
none of the cost and side effects. The key to the success
of the program, Lockerd
said, is the avoidance of
intercourse during fertile
times. For couples who are
not dealing with infertility issues, the method is


Health & Wellness


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Choose the right type of OTC pain reliever

Source: Minnesota Department

of Health

153 hospitals
and nursing homes participated.
139 (91%) of facilities reached 70% or higher.
153 hospitals and nursing homes participated.
63 (41%) of facilities reached the HP2020 goal of 90% or higher.

To alleviate everyday
aches and pains, from
headaches to muscle
aches, many reach for
an over-the-counter pain
Its essential to know
how to choose the right
type of pain reliever. But a
new survey suggests many
do not.
A full one in five Americans do not consider any
key safety factors when
choosing which OTC pain
reliever to take, according to a national survey
conducted by the U.S. Pain
Foundation with support
from McNeil Consumer Healthcare. Though
97 percent say they feel
confident when choosing which pain reliever
to take, more than half
of Americans dont even
consider their pre-existing
medical conditions before
reaching for an OTC, and
two in three do not consider other OTC medications
they are taking.
Medical professionals
say keeping ones personal
health profile in mind is
crucial in selecting which
OTC pain reliever is most
appropriate. Its easy to

139 (91%) of facilities reached 70% or higher.

63 Local
the HP2020 goal of 90% or higher.
Continued from

rector of infectious disease

epidemiology, prevention
and control at MDH. All
FluSafe participants made
a commitment to promote
flu vaccination for their
employees, and they did a

great job. We congratulate

and thank them for their
hard work.
Ehresmann said many patients in hospitals and nursing homes are at high risk
for complications from flu.

825 3rd Street

Jackson, MN

Mon.Fri. 9 a.m.6 p.m.

Sat. 9 a.m.1 p.m.

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is not a lifestyle.

Gentle chiropractic care for the entire family

Practicing in Jackson since 1984!

The FluSafe program aims

to get all health care workers, except those with medical exemptions, at hospitals
and nursing homes in Minnesota vaccinated against
flu each season. A high vaccination rate among health
care workers reduces the
chances of passing flu to
patients, said Ehresmann
and Denise Dunn, assistant section manager of the
vaccine-preventable disease section at MDH, and
it helps keep employees and
their families healthy.
Participating in FluSafe
shows a commitment to
patient safety, Dunn said.
The participating facilities
are taking action to prevent
the spread of flu by encouraging their employees to get
The U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services
has set a goal of vaccinating
90 percent of health care
workers in its Healthy People 2020 objectives. Health
care facilities participating
in the FluSafe program receive guidance and access
to tools and promotional
materials from MDH and
the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention to
help them increase their
rates. The facilities record and document their
vaccination rates through
the states immunization
information system, the
Minnesota Immunization
Information Connection.
There are 147 hospitals
and 377 nursing homes in
the state of Minnesota.

Left to right: Vicki Smith, Dr. Clayton Lewis,

and Paula Earhart

medication for pain relief.

In order to make more
informed decisions when
choosing which OTC is
appropriate for them, consumers can follow these
five tips for choosing and
using OTCs:
1. Choose the OTC pain
reliever thats right based
on an individual health
profile pre-existing
health conditions, age or
other medicines. When in
doubt, ask.
2. Always read and follow the Drug Facts label,
whether its the first time
or the 100th time. Drug
Facts labels change.
3. Stick to the recommended dose and keep
track of other medicines
being taken and how they
might interact.
4. Know the active ingredient in medicine and
be sure to take only one
medicine that contains the
same type of active ingredient at a time.
5. Avoid taking OTC
pain relievers longer than
directed on the label, unless told to do so by your
health care provider.

INFERTILITY: Close to home

Continued from C1

76 percent effective at
achieving pregnancy
during the first month,
and that success rate
goes up to 99 percent
after six months.
When natural family
planning isnt enough
and patients are struggling with infertility,
Lockerd turns to her
expertise and training
in NaPro Technology,
a natural procreative
medical science described to have the ability to unleash the power
of a womans cycle.
Lockerd has been certified as a medical consultant for NaPro Technology since 2001. While
the technology may fall
under what is referred
to as morally acceptable, Lockerd does not
focus on those terms.
This is beyond religion, she said. This is
NaPro Technology
monitors and maintains
a womans gynecological and reproductive
health. Lockerd uses the
process to help identify
the issues surrounding a
womans infertility and,
when abnormalities are
found, the treatment is
designed to work cooperatively with the womans cycle.
The cooperative treatment Lockerd utilizes is
the use of hormones as
a medical intervention
during the identified

abnormal times. She said unsuccessful, she refers

once she is able to identify them to a specialty clinic
the timing of the abnormal- in Omaha, Neb., that can
ity, whether before concep- continue to use the NaPro
tion or after, the correct Technology process in a
hormones are given to work greater degree of specialnaturally with the womans ization.
NaPro is not only for
Over the years, Lockerd those women who are hophas witnessed much suc- ing to become pregnant.
cess for the couples who Lockerd said cooperative
have come
are successinto her ofThis is beyond
ful in manfice. Within
aging other
her pracreligion. This is
gynecologitice, Lockscience.
cal health
erd has
issues such
seen great
Dr. Marie Paul Lockerd
as menstruresults for
al cramps,
women who
have struggled with mul- premenstrual syndrome,
tiple miscarriages and a ovarian cysts, polycystic
ovarian disease, postparhistory of preterm birth.
Using NaPro Technology, tum depression, irregular
Lockerd said couples deal- or abnormal bleeding and
ing with infertility are see- other problems.
While she has a passion
ing 40 percent success rates
in achieving and maintain- for the process, she said she
ing a healthy pregnancy, has chosen not to advertise
compared to the signifi- the service for many years
cantly lower single-digit due to the sensitive nature
success rates of more in- surrounding infertility for
vasive and considerably women. Most of her clients
more expensive infertility have come to her based on
treatments such as in vitro word-of-mouth advertising,
fertilization. For Lockerds but she said she feels the
patients, the cost is typi- time is right to let everycally low, with office visit one know there are options
co-pays and occasional lab locally.
Lockerd is a board certiwork.
Lockerd said there are fied family physician and
some patients who will need has spent her entire pracmore than she can provide tice serving the community
at her office. She said she of Jackson at Sacred Heart
typically works with women Mercy Care Center. She
for six months to a year, been with the local clinic
depending on what they since 1996.
decide, and if they are still

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reach for the first OTC

seen on the shelf, but not
every OTC is appropriate
for everyone.
When youre in pain,
its always important to
consider your current
health profile first, said
Dr. David Biondi, senior
director of Medical Affairs
and Clinical Research at
McNeil Consumer Healthcare. A pain reliever that
was right for you in the
past may not be the right
choice for you now.
Paul Gileno, the founder
of the U.S. Pain Foundation, an organization dedicated to serving those who
live with pain conditions,
said finding the right balance between effective
relief and safety considerations is the key to making
the right choice.
When choosing an OTC
pain reliever, consumers
should always consider
their age, current health
conditions and other medicines they are taking, he
said. People with pre-existing medical conditions,
or those that are currently
taking other medicines,
need to be especially careful when choosing an OTC


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Colonial Manor Nursing Home

403 Colonial Avenue, Lakefield, MN

Health-related services such as medication administration and assistance with

activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing and grooming are available as an
additional package or as an as needed basis.

24-hour licensed nursing care

Admissions 7 days a week
Physical therapy (inpatient and
IV therapy
Bariatric care
Occupational therapy (inpatient and
Wound care
Speech therapy (inpatient and

Colonial Manor provides a wide variety of health-related services to fulll each

persons individual needs. If you do not see your need mentioned, please contact

Our Mission: Provide dignity, comfort and quality care to our residents in an
environment that promotes a persons independence.

Dignity. Comfor t & Quality.


Lakeview Assisted Living

941 County Road 9, Heron Lake, MN

Services: Here at Lakeview Assisted Living, we

offer our residents a wide variety of services and
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Our Mission: To honor the dignity and self-determination

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LAKES COMMUNITIES, INC. Making a difference, one resident at a time.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Health & Wellness


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Easy tips for smart snacking

When it comes to
smart snacking, the
foods one chooses
and how much one eats
Fruit remains one of
the smartest snacks out
there. Just 13 percent
of Americans eat the 1.5
to 2 cups of fruit recommended each day, and
snacks offer an opportunity to close that gap.
For the perfect pick,
think fresh grapes. At
just 90 calories per
three-quarter-cup serving, their delicious,
juicy taste hits the
snacking sweet spot.
Heart-healthy and hydrating, theyre a nutrition bargain compared to many processed snacks high in
calories, fat and added
sugar that tend to offer
little health bang for
the buck.
Plus, grapes are
portable ideal for
munching anytime,
anywhere. With grapes,
theres no fuss, no
muss and no peeling or coring required.
Whether added to the
lunch sack to help end
the midday meal on a
sweet note, or tucked in
the briefcase or backpack at the ready for
when hunger strikes,

Submitted photos

At just 90 calories per three-quarter-cup serving, grapes

delicious, juicy taste hits the snacking sweet spot.
grapes are a super snack.
If late-night noshing
is your nemesis, go with
grapes for a tasty, healthy
and guilt-free option. And
if the ice cream carton
starts calling, opt for frozen
grapes instead theyre
just like a mini-sorbet.
Simply rinse grapes and
pat them dry, then place
them on a sheet pan and
pop them into the freezer
for two hours. Store any extras in the freezer to keep
them at the ready for the
next snack attack.
Fresh grapes are a delicious addition to heartier
snack fare, too, adding
color, crunch and a light
touch of sweetness:
Make a fresh trail

mix by combining grapes

with cubes of cheese and a
sprinkle of chocolate chips
and nuts.
Toss grapes into a favorite smoothie recipe.
Spread celery stalks
with peanut butter and
place grapes on top to for
a mix of crunch and sweetness.
Put together snack
sandwiches: Smear a dab
of cream cheese on top of
graham crackers and top
with halved grapes.
If game day requires a
more adult-style snack
perhaps perfectly paired
with a beer or glass of wine
try this scrumptious

Prosciutto, Red Grape and Pecorino Flatbread

4 prepared 8-inch naan breads
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (divided)
3/4 cup grated Pecorino Romano (divided)
1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
1/4 pound thinly sliced prosciutto
1 cup red grapes, halved
1 cup arugula for garnish (optional)
Heat the oven to 500 degrees. Brush the naan breads with 1 tablespoon
of the olive oil and place on sheet pans. Sprinkle with a half-cup of the
pecorino and the lemon zest, then drape the prosciutto over the top. Add
the grapes, then sprinkle with the remaining pecorino. Bake until grapes
blister, about 10 minutes. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil, cut into
wedges and serve. Serves eight as an appetizer.
Photo by Mike Jordan

Barb Swoboda of Swoboda Chiropractic programs her Erchonia low-level laser prior
to using it on a clients area of pain.

LASER: A healing stimulant

Continued from C1

not hot laser treatment.

But low-level laser treatments cannot be used on
people with active cancers
or pacemakers or on pregnant women.
You dont necessarily
have to be a chiropractic
patient to have this treatment, Swoboda said. And
a person can be going for
chiropractic treatments
somewhere else and come
in to have this done.
The handheld low-level
laser uses diodes that emit
light, which Swoboda focuses on whatever part of

the body is experiencing

pain and the result is an
increase in healing of the
area that hurts, helping it
to get better and deal with
the pain. Laser light energy goes deep into tissue
using different frequencies
and pulsations, she said.
The light from the laser
stimulates different responses in the body, such
as reduction of inflammation, improves circulation
and immune responses
stimulating nerve function, Swoboda said.
Swoboda learned about

All your dental needs taken

care of in one place!

low-level laser treatment

at seminars and through
continuing education.
It usually takes three to
six treatments three to 10
minutes a time, she said.
It is safe for knee replacement post-surgery, too, and
is approved by and has
clearance from the FDA
(Food and Drug Administration).
Swoboda Chiropractic
has been using low-level
laser treatment since June
and Swoboda said she is
getting positive feedback
from her clients with some
of them feeling the results
right away while others
need six treatments before
feeling the effects.

Jackson County Pilot Lakefield Standard September 15, 2016

Six things nobody knows about kiwis

When it comes to
fruit, kiwis are often
But thats a shame,
because these tiny orbs
pack big nutritional,
culinary and palatepleasing surprises.
Here are six littleknown facts about kiwifruit:
1. Theres no need to
peel kiwifruit.
Kiwifruit is the perfect portable snack because it is easy to eat.
Just cut in half with a
knife and scoop with a
spoon. Thats it just
cut, scoop and enjoy.
First, though, make
sure its ripe. Hold a

Specializing in quality medical

dical and
surgical care for all types off foot and
ankle conditions in children and adults.

2. Kiwifruit can help stabilize blood sugar.

The glycemic index, or
GI, measures how a carbohydrate-containing food
raises blood sugar. Fruits
with a glycemic index less
than 55 are considered low
GI, meaning they produce
a gradual rise in blood
sugar levels thats easy on
the body. Kiwifruits low
GI scores and high fiber
content allow for a slower
rise in blood sugar levels
than other fruits, providing
energy and helping to fend
off blood sugar spikes and
3. Kiwifruit can ease digestive discomfort.
Feeling a bit backed up?
Kiwifruit can aid digestive
concerns in several ways.
For constipation, researchers believe the soluble and
insoluble fibers in kiwifruit
can promote laxation. For
bloating, kiwis have actinidin, an enzyme unique to


From left, Jesse Anderson, R.D.A.; Dr. Debby Christopher

Sarah Janssen, R.D.H.; Marilyn Reese, receptionist

Our office provides: Invisalign digital x-rays, cleanings,

root canal therapy, extractions, crowns, implants, and a
friendly staff. Dedicated to making your dental visit the
most pleasant possible.

kiwifruit in the palm and

squeeze gently. A ripe kiwifruit will give to slight
pressure. Once kiwifruit
is ripe, can pop it in the
refrigerator for up to two

kiwifruit that helps break

down protein and streamline digestion.
4. Kiwifruit is good for
the gut.
Kiwifruit provides prebiotic food for probiotics,
the good bacteria that live
in the digestive systems.
So when people consume
kiwifruit, theyre also feeding the 100 trillion little
helpers in their gut, which
support immunity, mood
regulation and metabolism.
5. Kiwifruit is a delicious
source of nutrients.
Kiwifruit is tasty, but
thats not all. A serving of
green is high in fiber and a
good source of folate.
6. Kiwifruit makes a mean
meat tenderizer.
The actinidin in kiwifruit
that can help beat bloat
also makes the fruit a great
meat tenderizer. Make a
marinade with two green
kiwifruit, 2 tablespoons
olive oil, 1 teaspoon apple
cider vinegar and a dash
of salt and pepper. Simply
marinade for 10 to 15 minutes before tossing beef,
chicken or fish on the grill.

Debby Christopher, D.D.S.


302 Second Street

Jackson, MN


SHIP works to prevent disease before it starts

by helping create healthier communities that
support individuals seeking to make healthy
choices in their daily lives.
Start Noticing is working to eliminate the
harmful effects of tobacco use and exposure,
especially among vulnerable youth, through
community engagement, education and
policy implementation.
Looking to make your apartment/rental
property or business smoke-free inside or
outside the property? Contact Start Noticing
at 507-847-6930 for FREE assistance
including planning, policy language and
implementation strategy.



Funded by a Tobacco-Free Communities Grant through the

Minnesota Department of Health.

Health & Wellness


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Foot care tips to keep vacationers on the go

Two of the most essential
ingredients in an enjoyable
vacation dont go in the
suitcase your own feet.
Healthy feet that feel
and look great can make
any journey much more
Here are some foot care
tips to help get feet travelready:
Before you go
If a vacation is to a warm
destination where time will
be spentin sandals and flip
flops, treating oneself to a
pre-trip pedicure can help
feet look their best. Remember, toenails should

always be trimmed straight

across and never let anyone cut those cuticles.
Take care of unsightly
and uncomfortable toe
and foot fungus infections
before departure. Overthe-counter treatments
can quickly and easily help
clear up toe and foot fungus and athletes foot.
Keep comfort in mind
while packing. Walking in
uncomfortable shoes can
cause blisters and chafing; sore feet can really
dim the enjoyment of vacation. Never take brandnew shoes on vacation.
Instead pack a few pairs of

comfortable shoes made of

breathable, natural materials and try to stick with a
lower, cushioned sole.
Finally, pack a foot care
kit that includes bandages
for covering minor cuts
and scrapes, antibiotic
cream, an emollient-enriched moisturizer, blister
pads, an oral anti-inflammatory medication to ease
tired and swollen feet, sunscreen and sunburn cream.
On the move
While on vacation,
change socks daily to help
reduce the risk of fungal
infection. Avoid walking

barefoot in public places

like pools, locker rooms
and showers.
Remember to apply sunscreen to feet too. Since
feet can swell in hot climates, be sure to drink
plenty of water.
It is important to choose
footwear thats appropriate for the type of activity
planned. Its normal for
feet to feel a little tired
and sore after a long day
of walking around seeing
the sights. But, if serious
pain occurs or persists, see
a doctor.

Submitted photo

Healthy feet that feel and look great can make any
vacation much more enjoyable.

KLINE: Retirement put on hold so as to assist with transition

Continued from C1

the fact they wouldnt be

able to receive care from
him after his retirement.
Hearing those words from
his loyal patients played a
role in Klines decision to
stay practicing a while longer something Sanford
Were grateful for him
to stay on a year so that we
can find a replacement,
said Greg Shell, director
of clinic operations at Sanford. Him staying here
means a ton to his patients
and to the staff. We cant
emphasize enough how
that gives us time to have
an orderly transition.
Shell said what makes
Kline so valuable to the
Sanford organization is his
longevity in the local community and the precedence
he sets for all his peers.
Hes been an anchor in
the medical community in
Jackson and Lakefield,
Shell said. He lives in the
community, so theres a
benefit to him being a part
of it.
Because of the number of
years Kline has practiced
in the county, Shell said,
many of his patients have
grown up with Kline as
their primary physician.
In fact, Shell said most of
his practice is made up of
long-term patients.
Thats something thats
not to be taken for granted
in rural America, Shell
said. Its becoming more
and more difficult to recruit physicians to rural areas, and the fact that Jackson and Lakefield have had
the stability that theyve
had says a lot.
Kline is a major contributor to the stability of
the countys longstanding
physicians. As one of the
longest practitioners of
medicine in the area, Shell
said it is his dedication to
his patients and work that
has made him the anchor

he is at Sanford.
Dr. Kline is one of the
most dedicated physicians
Ive ever encountered,
he said, adding his caring
approach to patients influences the staff around him.
The example Kline sets is
especially helpful for new
physicians who are working
with him, Shell said, adding
because of all the different
cases hes had to deal with
over the years, he now has
a wealth of knowledge to
Though Kline will remain
practicing for another year,
the recruitment process for
his replacement is already
under way. While the shoes
may be big to fill, Shell said
Sanford wants to make sure
the communities in Jackson and Lakefield are fully
supported by health care
Its been a good community for the providers
and for Sanford, he said.
Theyve been very supportive.

Submitted photo

Dr. Ronald Kline will continue to see patients at Sanford Jackson Medical Center and the Sanford Lakefield
clinic for the next year while he assists with the effort to fill his shoes upon his retirement in 2017. Kline said
he looks at additional time with Sanford in Jackson County not as a continuation of work, but as an opportunity
to continue serving the people of the community. Because of his view of the people he treats, more time with his
patients is also good medicine for him. I dont think
of patients as patients, Kline said. I think of them as

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Seated from left: Dr. Lockerd; Dr. Hart.

Back, Kathy Joyce, LPN; Sister Elizabeth
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