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Atomic Structure

Earlier atomic models

J.J. Thomsons Atom
Atoms resemble plum pudding or watermelon. Where negatively charged
electrons are randomly placed in positively charged matrix.
Rutherfords Atom
The alpha particle scattering experiment had concluded that the positive
charge in the atom occupied very small space in the centre of the atom and
there were large empty spaces in an atom.
Rutherford suggested that the centre part of the atom consists of the protons
and some other neutral particles, and the electrons revolve around the it in
orbits. The centre part which consisted of the positive charge got to be called
nucleus. The size of the whole atom is about 105 times of this nucleus.
Bohrs Atom
Electrons revolve around fixed circular paths having fixed radii, called orbits.
Electrons can revolve in only those orbits in which their angular momentum is

integral multiple of

( mvr=n 2 ) (also


= ).

mv 2 KZ e 2
= 2
. Since electrostatic force balances centrifugal

For an electron,
Radius =



(ro = 0.529 ).

Velocity = v o n
Energy =


(vo=2.18 * 106 m/s).


(Eo= -13.6 ev/atom = -313.6 Kcal/mol = -21.8 J/atom).

Planks Quantum theory and Photo-Electric Effect.

Energy is Quantized (absorbed in discontinuous manner). Smallest unit is
Quanta (sing. quantum).





Number of photoelectrons depends on number of photons striking the

surface (intensity of light)
K.E of electrons depends on the frequency on incident light. (
K . E max=hvh v o )

Atomic Spectrum
Wavelength of light emitted ().

1 1
=R Z 2 ( 2 2 )

n1 n2

(R = 1.097 * 107 m-1).

Dual behaviour of matter (De Broglies Equation)

Matter exhibits properties of both, particles and waves.
Wavelength of a material is given by:

p mv 2 m K . E

. (m = mass & v =

Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle
It is impossible to measure simultaneously the exact position and exact
momentum of a body as small as electron.

p x h

x . p


Quantum numbers
Principle Quantum Number (n):
Determines the energy shell number. Can have values 1, 2, 3, 4...
represented by k, l, m, n
Azimuthal Quantum Number(l):
Defines the three-dimensional shape of the orbital. Also known as orbital
quantum number or subsidiary quantum number.
For a particular shell n, l can have values from 0 to n-1.
Symbol for subshell: 0-s, 1-p, 2-d, 3-f.
Magnetic Quantum Number(m):
Spatial orientation of the orbital w.r.t the co-ordinate axis is determined
by magnetic quantum number.
For a given value of l, m can have values -l to +l.

Orbital angular momentum = l(l+1) 2 .

Spin Quantum Number(s)
Distinguishes between the two spin states of an electron. Numbers can
have value



2 .

Spin angular momentum = s (s +1) 2

Regions where probability density function reduces to zero is called a node
Number of radial nodes:


Number of angular nodes: l

Electronic Configuration
Aufbau Principle:
This principle gives the sequence in which the various orbitals get filled. The
orbital with minimum energy gets filled up first and then the orbitals of higher
energy start filling.
The order of energies of various orbitals can be calculated by (n+l) rule.
Orbitals with lowest n+l value is filled first. For same n+l value, the value of n
decides the order.
Paulis Exclusion principle
No 2 electrons in an atom can have same set of all 4 quantum number.
Therefore, if two electrons have same values of n, l and m (i.e. they are in the
same orbital) then, their spin quantum number must be different.

Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity

Every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one
orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the
same spin.
Exceptions: Cr (24): 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d4, 4s2.
Cu (29): 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s1.
Magnetic Moment =

n(n+2)Bohr Magneton . (n is the number of unpaired

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