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The Definition of Total Fitness

When we hear about fitness, most of us would think its about the exercise. However, exercise doesnt define
the total fitness. Its one of the components in fitness. To reach your goal in fitness, you need to know the
factors that inter-linked and naturally effect each other, which is the whole concept of health and fitness. This
includes the exercise (of course), healthy eating, overall wellness, activity involved and the general things
that create an overall healthy lifestyle. Ill explain each component of total fitness with key points below.
- Building good friendships and getting on with people.
- Looking after how we feel and respecting self and others.
- Ability to cope with physical demands.
- Eating a healthy balanced diet.
- Thinking positively towards self, others and the community.
- Not having illness and disease.
- Belief systems that guide morals, values and attributes.
As Ive said before, exercise is a part of the routine that you work it now and get the benefits after. In
exercise, there are 5 things that link to each other yet many didnt realize.
Motor Skills
- The ability to perform a range of skills such as balance, speed, power, reaction, etc.
- The ability of a joint to work to its full range of movement.
Muscular Strength
- The ability of your muscles to use maximum force.
Muscular Endurance
- The ability of your muscles to perform continual repetitions.
Cardiovascular Fitness
- The ability of your heart and lungs to take it, transport and utilise oxygen.
All these 5 components, theyre connected to each other. So each time you work out, make sure you
remember these 5 factors - it doesnt matter if youre going to train for marathon or aiming for a muscle

For example: You might see some people got injured in the marathon, most reason came from they trained
for cardiovascular but forgot the rest of the component, so if youre training for a marathon run, make sure
you dont just focus on cardiovascular fitness, but also aim to increase the muscular strength, endurance,
your motor skills and flexibility as all these factors are naturally effect each other.

Try This Full-Body Dynamic Warm-Up to Prep for

Any Workout
What Is a Dynamic Warm-Up?
A dynamic warm-up uses stretches that are "dynamic," meaning you are moving as you stretch. For decades,
static stretching, which requires holding a stretch for 10 or more seconds while motionless, was the most
popular type of warm-up for athletes.
Dynamic stretching is ideal as the core of a warm-up routine for several reasons:

It activates muscles you will use during your workout. For example, a lunge with a twist is a
dynamic stretching exercise that engages your hips, legs, and core muscles. Whether you are doing weighted
lunges in the gym, or lunging for a soccer ball, the muscles involved have already been engaged during your


Dynamic stretching improves range of motion . So if you feel like you can barely bend over to
tie your shoes after a long day at work, a dynamic warm-up routine can help you feel more limber.


Dynamic stretches improve body awareness. If you dont warm-up and hop into a soccer
game, it may take a while for your body to perform optimally. Moving as you stretch challenges your balance
and coordination; skills that could help your performance.


Warming up in motion enhances muscular performance and power. Studies reveal dynamic
stretching before a workout can help you lift more weight and increase overall athletic performance
compared to no stretching or static stretching . If you are trying to get stronger, build more muscle, or simply
perform better, a dynamic warm-up routine is likely your best bet.

The Five-Minute Dynamic Warm-Up Routine

Here's a dynamic warm-up routine that doesn't require any equipment, it will prep your entire body for
movement, and it can be completed in just five minutes. This basic routine can be used as an effective warmup for many different activities, from interval training sprints to a full body strength training workout.
Complete 10 reps of each exercise below for 1-2 rounds, and check out the video at the top for tips and
demonstrations of each move.
1) Lunge with a Twist

Photo: BuiltLean
As the name implies, this is a combination of two different moves: a forward lunge and a horizontal twist.
The forward lunge helps stretch the hip flexors and activates the legs, glutes, and hips, while the twist

stretches out the upper and middle back and activates core rotation. As you do the lunge, step forward, then
drop your hips. You shouldn't try to lunge too far forward so your front knee extends far beyond your toes.
After you have lunged, slowly twist toward the side you are lunging for a more intense hip flexor stretch.
2) Knee to Chest
This exercise mimics the top of a running stride as you bring your knee toward your chest before striking the
foot toward the ground. You can alternate each leg while stationary or do it while walking forward. Focus on
bringing the knee cap into the chest by hugging your shin while stepping onto your toes with your opposite
foot, which will give you more leverage.
3) High Kicks
High kicks help warm-up the hamstrings and improve range of motion. You can do them while alternating as
you walk, or how I prefer, stationary while focusing on one side at a time. If starting with your right leg,
extend your left arm straight out. Kick your leg up while keeping your leg and hand straight so that your toes
hit your palm. Try to progressively kick higher, but complete this exercise while staying under control.
4) Hip Stretch With A Twist

Photo: BuiltLean
This is an exceptional stretch, especially for working professionals who sit a lot during the day. It helps open
up the hips and groin while stretching the core, upper, and middle back. Start in the push up position and
bring your right foot up to your right hand while keeping your hips down and lower back flat. Take your left
hand, twist to your left while extending your arm and reaching toward the sky. Come back to the starting
pushup position and repeat on the other side. A possible substitution for this exercise would be a side lunge to
help work on your lateral movement.
5) T-Push-Ups
A T-Push Up is a great exercise to help warm-up your upper body, especially the shoulders, while also
activating your entire core. Start out in the push-up position, and then lower yourself down towards the
ground. As you push back up, extend your right arm toward the sky while keeping your left arm stable and
your hips from moving down, or up. Bring your arm back to the starting position, do another push up, and
then repeat with the left arm.
6) Jump Squats (Advanced)
Jump squats are a great plyometric exercise for warming up the lower body. Because the exercise is fast, it
requires a greater degree of force production and power than the other exercises on this list, so it's a more
advanced warm-up exercise. Stand up with your feet about shoulder width apart while holding your hands
behind your head, or on your hips. Squat down until the hips are about parallel with the ground, then forcibly
jump off the ground. Land softly and repeat the jump.
7) Jump Lunges (Advanced)
Jump lunges are another great plyometric exercise for warming up the lower body. This exercise also requires
balance to help activate your stabilizer muscles in your legs and hips. With your hands at your sides or
behind your head, start with one foot extended forward and one behind. Drop your hips downward and

forcibly jump into the air. While you are in the air, switch your legs so that your forward leg is now behind
you and your back leg is now in front of you.
Making It Easier
To make this dynamic warm-up easier, you can do some of the exercises assisted while holding on to a sturdy
and stable pole or object. For example, you can do an assisted squat, or assisted reverse lunge, which makes
both exercises much easier and more manageable. With the hip stretch, you can choose not to open up your
shoulders, and with the T-push up, you don't have to do the push up.
I hope its now clear that a solid dynamic warm-up can effectively prepare your body for exercise. Next time
you go for a jog, play some hoops, or hit the gym, give this warm-up a try. Your body will thank you

Reaction Paper :The core

The movie The Core had many things scientific things that were probable
and many things that werent probable. This was clearly a science fiction movie.
Many things in this movie could not happen in real life. In the beginning of the
movie when the space shuttle is going to land that is not a possible scene. In
real life a space shuttle can not maneuver like that. It takes at least a couple of
minutes for a space shuttle to make those kind of maneuvers in real life. The
microwaves in the movie are true that they could happen but they would not be
deadly in real life. They also arent affected by the magnetic field. They said in
the movie that was the reason for the microwaves. This is not true and also
microwaves in space would not even affect us on the ground here. The main
point of the movie was that the core stopped rotating. This is impossible; they
said it themselves that the core was an iron ball the size of mars. Something
with that much mass rotating that fast just does not stop rotating. The energy it
takes is tremendous and it would just not stop rotating. If it did that energy
would have to go somewhere and it would vaporize all of oceans and then some.
Another part that is not probable would be when the crew is stopped in the
middle of the earth. The crew just puts on some suits and goes outside to fix the
problem. This is not possible; the crew would be crushed. There is not a suit that
could with stand the pressure that would be on each of them. Even if there was a
suit that could they wouldnt be able to walk. Also in that part the commander is
hit with some magna and falls back into the magna behind him and sinks. He
would not sink though, in water he would but in magna he would float and slowly
float away. The reason for this is that magna is far denser than water and that
means a body will not sink in magna. In the movie the Golden Gate Bridge is hit
with a huge microwave causing the whole .

Reaction Paper - The Core

The Core is a science-fiction and somehow apocalyptic film that shows how the world
encounters a disastrous dilemma because the Earth's core stops rotating and loses its electromagnetic
field. The Earth becomes vulnerable and tremendous disasters appear all over the world. Birds lose
their ability to navigate, direct rays from the sun, electrical super storm and many more takes place
when the Earth's core stops spinning. The only way to save the Earth and the people is to drill down
to the core, release series of nuclear explosions and set it spinning again. A group of scientists build a
ship that can overcome extreme heat in the core and accommodate them in their mission. After a lot
of struggles and mishaps, losing some of their co-scientists, their mission was a success and the Earth
is back to what it should be.
The Core is a sci-fi movie which means, it can be plausible or not, in this movie, I can say
that it is fundamentally impossible but they make me believe that impossible can be possible. It is
tricky yet its concept was well-explained in the movie. It is also an adventure with the usual thrills but
with the touch of knowledgeable and more sober twist. I also acquired further learning about Earth
and different scientific concepts even though sometimes, I admit that it is hard to fully accept it given
that I do not have sufficient knowledge about it. I give props to those who create the scientific ideas,
like the laser, the vehicle and suits that can withstand the extreme heat in the core, because it is
something that I did not expect and it is refreshing in some way. The movie unfolds what science can
do that hardly makes sense and allows the imagination of the audience to work and stretch. This
movie makes me imagine what does the core really looks like and left me wondering what could truly
be inside the Earth. In some part, scientific flaws are blatantly obvious.

Reaction Paper - The Core

The Earth's core has stopped spinning. Disasters are appearing all over the world:
Birds acting crazy, powerful thunderstorms, 32 people die within seconds of each other
when their pacemakers quit working. Dr. Josh Keyes and his crew of five (total members: 6)
go down to the center of the Earth to set off a nuclear device to make the Earth's core start
spinning again or Mankind will perish.
For reasons unknown, the earth's inner core has stopped rotating, causing the
planet's electromagnetic field to rapidly deteriorate. Instantly, life around the globe begins to
change dramatically. In Boston, 32 people with pacemakers, all within a 10-block radius,
suddenly drop dead. In San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge collapses, sending hundreds
of people plunging to their deaths. In London's Trafalgar Square, flocks of pigeons lose their
ability to navigate, flying into panicked crowds, slamming into windshields and causing
drivers to lose control of their cars. And in Rome, as thousands of tourists watch helplessly,
an electrical superstorm reduces the ancient Roman Colosseum to rubble. Scrambling to
resolve the crisis, government and military officials call upon geophysicist Dr. Josh Keyes
and a team of the world's most gifted scientists to travel into the earth's core in a
subterranean craft piloted by "terranauts" Major Rebecca "Beck" Childs and Commander
Robert Iverson. Their mission: Detonate a nuclear device that will reactivate the core and
save the world from sure destruction.

Reaction Paper - The Core

The story is about the magnetic field surrounding the Earth suddenly stopped moving, which
cause massive storm to happen in many parts around the world. There were also many disturbances
spotted around the world like loose electricity everywhere, which the scientists believe is the cause of
the stopping of the magnetic field. The story shows how 5 scientists head out to the core of the Earth
in order to try and make the magnetic field around the Earth start moving again by setting off nuclear
bombs in the core of the Earth.
I feel that the movie itself is very interesting and it is also extremely touching as it shows how
the 5 scientists risked their live to save everyone. I have also learnt a few things after watching these
movie. I learnt that we should always be prepared before we do anything, and that it is normal and
fine to make mistakes, so long as you remember them and learn from them.In the movie, the scientist
tried using a simulation device to try and see what it feels like travelling to the core of the Earth. They
have failed 19 times in the simulations and the result was the destruction of the Earth. However, due
to the fact that they learned from their mistakes, they managed to eventually be successful in the final
In a nutshell, i feel that it is an extremely nice movie and i encourage people of all ages to go
and watch the film.


The liquid metallic inner core of the Earth has stopped spinning for some unknown reason. Because
of this, the Earth's electromagnetic field, which protects the Earth from the harmful rays of the sun, is
breaking down, causing all sorts of problems. People with pacemakers are falling dead, birds and
other migratory animals are losing their sense of direction and crashing into buildings, and as time
goes on, lightning storms and earthquakes will ravage the planet and ultimately destroy it. A group
made up of scientists and NASA astronauts are chosen to go to the center of the Earth and restart the
core, using nuclear devices. The first half of the movie is spent meeting the characters and showing
their roles, along with the building of the ship that will take then underneath the ground, while the
second half of the movie shows the trip. The end result is of course not a surprise.

Let's for a second forget about the ridiculous plot, although I'm sure that's impossible. Creating a ship
that can burrow to the center of the Earth while not completely being compressed within the first
couple of miles is not possible. It's the little things within the fantastical plot that bothered me. Let's
assume this ship was possible, and that you could build a ship that could withstand almost any
amount of heat and pressure and that could burrow its way through anything. Apparently however,
diamonds can still hurt it, since a diamond at one point cuts their ship. With the amount of money
they had available, wouldn't it have made sense to coat the outer part of the ship with diamonds to
protect themselves? Another problem was the fact that the ship was built into 6 or 7 parts. If the hull
of one of the parts was breached, they could simply eject it and continue on. So of course this
happened, and the last part of the ship was hit and they had to eject it. What was supposed to have
happened if it wasn't the last part of the ship, but the second or third part that got hit? There was no
way to eject the middle of the ship and have the rest stay connected. And the last annoying plot thing
I'll talk about (although there are many, many more) is how it's possible for human beings wearing
suits made out of the same material as the ship to wander around the inside of the planet in 5000
degree heat and not die. You'll notice the ship didn't have any windows, yet the suits the people wore
had clear face shields. Shouldn't the shields have melted? One last issue, and I know there's not much
that could be done because of the importance of the scene, but it felt really weird having an extended
sequence dealing with a space shuttle flying out of control and landing in Los Angeles. The scene was
a long one and introduced Hilary Swank's character and wasn't something that could simply be edited

out, but coming so close on the heels of the Columbia disaster, I feel they could have postponed the
film until later in the year.
I of course realize that most sci-film incorporate things that couldn't happen in real life, at least right
now, so if you can get past these glaring issues, you might enjoy the film. That being said, I didn't
find much else about the movie I liked. The characters were poorly developed so that as they each
died one by one (there's some fun, figuring out beforehand which characters are going to die, and
how), I didn't care about any of them. I was hoping they'd die so that it would keep the movie
entertaining. Unfortunately, when they each died, nothing really out of the ordinary happened. No one
exploded, no one melted. At least on screen. They just died, people got sad for a minute, then they
moved on. You had a pretty impressive cast with an Academy Award winner and some seriously
gifted actors in Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, Delroy Lindo and Stanley Tucci, and yet they all more
or less just floated through their roles. Almost as if they were all tired of doing small indie films and
wanted a big payday. Other than a couple of funny lines from Eckhart's character, their emotions and
dialogue were beyond cheesy and rather lame.
Again, for a disaster film of this nature, you could expect all of the above and still be pleased from the
movie if the special effects were good. I'm here to say that they were not. Yes, some of the scenes of
Italy exploding and the Golden Gate Bridge falling apart were decent, but it wasn't anything we hadn't
seen before in half a dozen other films in recent past. And the entire going to the center of the planet
thing was horrible. Everything was shown on a video screen. The only times they actually showed the
interior of the planet was when they crash landed in the middle of a giant geode and when the nuclear
devices exploded. When the devices exploded all you saw was a lot of yellow, so that was nothing
worthwhile. And when they had the chance to make something interesting with the crash landing, it
looked like it was put together in someone's basement. Large rubber looking crystals laying on the
ground with someone putting those glow-in-the-dark stars on a black wall.

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