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Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research

Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Engineering Geology Course

Bahra Dhahir Ghafour

Assist. Lecturer

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Course Name
Academic Year
Teacher in Charge
Faculty / School / Department
Contact details

Engineering Geology
Assist. Lecturer. Bahra Dh. Ghafour
Faculty of Engineering / Civil Engineering Dept.
Class website:
Mobile phone: 07701961266

Time Table
Office hours

Tuesday (8:30-10:30)

The students are required to do two closed book exams two times during the academic year
besides the laboratory assignment;
1st Mid-term Exam: 20%
2nd Mid-term Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 60%

Course Overview
Engineering geology is the application of geological information to the solution of civil
engineering problems, by preparing complete geologic data base for civil engineer for his
design work. During this course we try to study of the earth as a whole, its origin, internal and
surface structure of the earth, and the nature of the processes which have given rise to its
present state, more importantly study all types of rocks and their properties, properties and
types of soil and their effects on the engineering projects. Studding all types of slope failures,
how we can increase the stability of slopes. Studying ground waters, types of maps, we have
brought to bear in this course our own ideas about the teaching of these interesting and
important subjects.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Course Title:

Engineering Geology

Course Code


No. of hours/week:

2 hrs. theory

No. of Units:

Text Books:

Course Objective:

1. Physical and engineering geology. By. S.K. Garg, 2003.

2. Essentials of geology. By. Reed wicander and S.M. James. 1995.
3. Engineering and General Geology. Six edition, By. Singh
4. Text book of physical geology. By. G.B. Mahapatra 2004.
5. 'Earth Structure: A Virtual Journey to the Center of the earth,
Vol. EAS (1), Anne E.Egger, Ph.D. 2003.
6. 6- http:// Library /module_
7. http://
During this course, the students will get;
1. A brief introduction to Engineering Geology.
2. Origin, Internal and surface structures of the earth.
3. Identification of the minerals types of clay minerals their
properties and effects on engineering project.
4. Types of rock, Civil engineering importance of rock forming
minerals. Properties of rocks (Porosity and permeability).
5. Sedimentary processes (Weathering, erosion, deposition),
Metamorphism and volcanic eruptions.
6. Geological structures (Joint, veins, crack, faults, and fold),
reasons of formation for each type and their side effects on the
engineering projects.
7. Types of Dams and Tunnels.
8. Types of maps, how we can draw the topographic map by
using computer programming.
9. Study ground water, factors affecting on the variation of water
table depth. Methods of searching for ground water.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Weekly Course Outlines
Introduction and general definitions. Origin of the earth.
Internal structure of the earth (Crust, Mantle, Core).
Main division of the earth sphere: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and
their constituents.
Minerals, Physical properties of minerals. Civil Engineering Importance of Rock
Forming Minerals
Types of Clay minerals and their effect on engineering projects
Rock Cycle, Types of rocks, Volcanism, factors affecting volcanic eruption
Igneous rocks, Classification of igneous rocks.
Sedimentary processes (Weathering,). Types of weathering and factors effecting
weathering rate.
Sedimentary processes (Erosion and Deposition)
Sedimentary rocks, Classification of sedimentary rocks.
Metamorphism and factors effecting metamorphism,
Metamorphic rocks, Classification of metamorphic rocks.
Geological structure (Joints). Types of joints, how its formed and their side effects on

engineering projects.
Geological structure (faults), Types of faults
Geological structures (Folds), Types of folds and Explaining other types of geological
Soil, Factors effecting soil formation, classification of soil.
Soil Profile. Some engineering properties of soil
Mass wasting, Modes of failure, Factors effecting mass wasting.
Methods of slope stabilization.
Maps, Types and basic elements etc
How we can drawing the topographic map for an area by using computer programming.
Hydrological cycle, types of water.
Properties of rocks, Porosity and permeability, Ground water.
The main purpose of studying ground water, sources of ground water.
Types of aquifer, Methods of searching for ground water:

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

First subject: Introduction to geology and engineering geology,Origin of

the earth.
Name of instructor: Bahra Dhahir Ghafour.
Subject objectives:
1st introduction to geology.
2nd Some differences between geology and engineering geology.
3rd Creating an idea about origin of the earth.
- Introduction
Geology is the study of the earth and the processes that shaped it, the word Geology
is derived from the Greek word Geo and logos, where Geo; means earth, and logos;
means science. Thus, geology is the scientific study of the earth.
- Definition of Engineering geology:
It deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of engineering for
the construction of dams, bridges, tunnels, buildings, roads along hill slopes, by preparing
a complete geologic data base for civil engineering for his design work.
There are some differences between geology and engineering geology.
1- Geology is study of earth in general, while engineering geology is application of
geological data in the fields of engineering.
2- Geology deals with depth of earth more than (1500 km), while engineering geology
deals with depth under structures for a few meters.
3- Geology deals with the collection of data for very large area and zones, while in
engineering geology we need geologic data for only area of engineering project.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Second subject: Internal structure of the earth, Main division of the earth sphere:
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and their constituents.
Name of instructor: Bahra Dhahir Ghafour.
Subject objectives:
1st Interior layer of the earth.
2nd Explaining the properties of crust.
3rd Explaining the properties of mantle.
4th Properties of the core.
5th Main layers of the earth sphere.
6th Properties of the atmosphere.
7th Properties of the Hydrosphere.
8th Properties of the Lithosphere.
- Earths interior layer:
The earth's interior has been divided into three major parts, the division
results from density differences between the layers as a function of
variations in composition, temperature, and pressure.
1- Crust.
2- Mantle.
3- Core.
Outer- core: it is considered to be in a homogeneous fluid.
Middle- core: The material is in a fluid and semi fluid state.
Inner- core: it assumed to be in a solid state. It is believed to be
containing metallic nickel and iron.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
- Guttenberg discontinuities separates core from mantle.
Main layers of the earth's sphere:
Earth consists of three main parts.
1- Atmosphere.
2- Hydrosphere.
3- Lithosphere.

Third subject: Minerals, Clay minerals.

Name of instructor: Bahra Dhahir Ghafour.
Subject objectives:
1st Identification of minerals and their (Physical, optical and chemical) properties.
2nd Civil engineering importance of rock forming minerals.
3rd Definition of clay minerals, study of basic crystal structures of clay minerals.
4th Studding properties for each type of clay minerals and their effects on engineering
- Physical properties of minerals:
a. Cleavage.
b. Fracture.
c. Hardness.
d. Specific gravity.
e. Colour.
f. Streak.
g. Lustre.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
h. Transparency.
- Civil Engineering Importance of Rock Forming Minerals:
The civil engineers, are, however, more concerned with the rock forming minerals,
because they need to know the properties of the rocks precisely, to enable them to
consider different rocks for their civil engineers uses, like, picking the rocks as good
foundations, or for using the rocks making concrete aggregates, or as building stones, or
road metal, or flooring, roofing, or decorative materials,etc. Since the properties of rocks
will mainly depend upon the properties of their constituents minerals, a detailed study of
the rock forming minerals becomes imperative for all the civil engineers. The study of the
minerals, constituting a rock, will help him to identify the rock with reference to their
appearance, strength, durability, etc.
Clay minerals:
Clay minerals are tiny crystalline substances, are layer silicates plus some other metallic
ions. Those are formed usually as products of chemical weathering of other silicate
minerals at the earth surface. The amount and kind of clay minerals greatly affects the
physical condition of soil which determine the ability of the soil to absorb cations and to
retain moisture, they influence shrinks well potential and plasticity. Most of the clay
mineral particles are extremely fine grained and of colloidal size (< 0.002 mm) and are
of sheet like form.
- Basic crystal structure of clay minerals:
- Types of clay minerals:
1- Kaolinite.
2- Montmorilonite.
3- Illite.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Fourth subject: Rock cycle, types of rocks,

Subject objects:
1st Studding rock cycle.
2nd Classification of rocks according to mode of formation.
Is a natural solid massive aggregate of minerals. Rocks constitute the
significant part of the of the earths crust. A civil engineering has to deal with
rocks during most of his life as materials for construction and as sites for
engineering structure.
There are three types of rocks according to the way in which they form:
1- Igneous rocks.
2- Sedimentary rocks.
3- Metamorphic rocks.
Rock Cycle:

Fifth subject: Volcanism and Igneous rocks.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Name of instructor: Bahra Dhahir Ghafour.
Subject objectives:
1st Study the Volcanism.
2nd Factors affect on the volcano eruption.
3rd Texture and composition of igneous rocks.
4th Classification of igneous rocks.
Volcanism: is the general term used to cover all the phenomena related to the eruption
of magma to the surface of the earth. It's one of the most important evidence of the
dynamic nature of the earth and arises from the forces which are endogenous in nature.
Igneous rocks: It is Latin word (Ignis) mean fire. From when molten rocks (Magma)
cool and crystallizes.
Classification of igneous rocks according to depth of crystallization:
1-Plutonic Igneous rocks.
2- Hypabyssal Igneous rocks.
3- Volcanic Igneous rocks.
Classification according to texture:
1- A phanitic texture:
2- Phaneritic texture.
3- Porphyritic texture.
4- Glassy texture.
5- Vesicular texture.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Classification of igneous rocks according to composition:
1- Acidic Igneous Rocks.
2- Intermediate Igneous rocks.
3- Basic igneous rocks.

Sixth Subject: Surface processes (Weathering, Erosion, Deposition), Sediment

and sedimentary rocks:
Subject objects:
1st Briefly contrast weathering, erosion and deposition.
2nd Contrast chemical and mechanical weathering.
3rd List and describe the types of mechanical weathering.
4th List and describe the types of chemical weathering.
5th List and discuss the factors that influence the type and rate of rock weathering.
6th Sediment and sedimentary rock definitions.
7th Classification of sedimentary rocks.
8th Sedimentary structures.

Sediments: It is unconsolidated materials which form under earth surface environment

i.e pressure, temperature, by wind, rivers, glacial, living organisms, the consolidation of
sediments sgive rise the sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary rocks:
About 75% of the surface exposures on continents consist of sedimentary rocks.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Sedimentary processes:

1- Weathering:
Factors affecting weathering:
1- Climate
2- Topography
3- Parent rocks
4- Vegetation cover
5- Time
6- Surface area.

Types of weathering:
1- Mechanical weathering.
Mechanical weathering may occur by:
1- Frost action (Wedging or Frost heaving).
2- Pressure release (unloading).
3- Thermal expansion and contraction.
4- Crystal growth.
5- Organic activity.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
2-Chemical weathering:
The main chemical weathering processes are:
1- Hydration.
2- Hydrolysis.
3- Carbonation.
4- Solution.
5- Oxidation.
3- Transportation processes:
4- Deposition:
5- Diagenesis processes:
Classification of sedimentary rocks:
1- Mechanical (clastic) sedimentary rocks:
2- Chemical (Non- Clastic) sedimentary rocks:
3- Biochemical sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary processes:
1- Cross bedding.
2- Graded bedding.
3- Ripple mark.
4- Mud crack.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Seven subject: Metamorphism, and metamorphic rocks.

Subject objectives:
1st The agents of metamorphism and briefly describe the effects of each agent.
2nd Briefly describe the textural differences exhibited by metamorphic rocks
(foliated, non-foliated).
3rd Describe the use of index minerals in the interpretation of metamorphic
4th Discuss the types of metamorphism.
5th Discuss the relationship between metamorphism and plate tectonics.
Metamorphism means "changed form".
- Agents of Metamorphism
Changes occur because of:
Chemical fluids
- How do rocks change?
Metamorphism causes changes in:
1. Texture
2. Mineralogy

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Texture: The processes of compaction and re-crystallization change the texture

of rocks during metamorphism.
Metamorphic Textures
1. Foliation:Types of foliation: Schistosity - Slaty cleavage - Phyllitic
structure - Gneissic banding - .
2. Non-foliated or granular:

Eighth subjects: Soil.

Subject objectives:

Studding soil profile.

Factors controlling soil formation.

Soil: Surficial material that forms due to weathering, Includes an organic

Soil profile: Classification of soils varies depending on the classifier. Geologists
use a very simple classification based largely on materials added or removed from
the soil during its formation. Soil consists of four major zones (horizons) (Figure).

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Figure: Soil profile.

Factors controlling soil formation:
1- Parent rock.
2- Climate.
3- Biological activity.
4- Local topography.
5- Time.
Ninth subjects: Geological structures (Joints, Folds, Faults).
Subject objectives:
1st Attitude of beds (Strike, Dip).
2nd Study of joints and reasons of joint formation.
3rd Study of faults and main common parts of faults, and their effects on
engineering projects.
4th Study all types of fold, factors affects on the shape of the folds.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Joint: Joints are large cracks or fractures in rock masses, due to movement of crust layer
under external forces.
- Different reasons of joint formation.
- Some side effect of joints on engineering projects.

Faults: are fractures along which blocks on opposites sides of the fractures move parallel
to the fracture surface.
- The reason of fault formation.

- Classification of faults.
1- Dip slip faults.
a- Normal fault.
b- Reverse fault.
2- Strike slip fault.
Folds: are curvatures in one or group of rock layers, due to lateral compression or
tension with movement of earth crust.
Types of fold:
1- Anticline.
2- Syncline.
Tenth subject: Mass wasting.
Subject objectives:
1st Studding modes of failure.
2nd Factors effecting slope failures.
3rd Methods of stabilization.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Slope failures: are considered as wide spread natural hazardous phenomena on earth. Its
the down ward movement of slope forming materials (Rocks and /or soil) under effect of
forces creating movement.
Factors effecting slope failures:
a- Natural factors.
1- Gravity.
2- Geomorphological factors.
3- Structural factors.
4- Litho logical factors.
5- Weathering and erosion.
6- Hydrological factors.
7- Seismic activity.
b- Artificial factors.
Modes of failure:
1- Plane sliding.
2- Toppling.
3- Creep.
4- Rock fall.
5- Rolling.
Some stabilization method.
1- Stabilization by removing of unstable parts of slope.
2- Chang in geometry of slope.
3- Drainage method.
4- Rock bolts.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
5- Gabions.
6- Retaining wall.
7- Stabilization by forestations.

Eleventh subject: Maps.

Subject objectives:
1st Study types of map.
2nd Basic elements of map.
3rd How we can draw topographic map.
4th Drawing topographic profile from contour map.
Types of map:
1- Topographic map.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
2- Geological map.
3- Seismic map.
4- Structural map.
5- Geographical map.
6- Hydrological map.
7- Soil map.
- Some useful facts regarding contour lines:
- Geological map and the important characteristics of a geological map:
- How we can drawing topographic map:
Twelfth Subject: Ground water.
Subject objectives:
1st Studding ground water and the main purposes.
2nd List for all sources of ground water.
3rd List of methods of searching for ground water.
Ground water: involves all types of water at different depth under the surface of the
- The main purpose of studding ground water:
- Sources of ground water.
- Variance of water table.
- Methods of searching for ground water:
1- By boring (Geotechnical methods).
2-Geophysical methods (by waves).

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Thirteenth subjects: Dams.
Subject objectives:
Types of dams and their properties
Dams: are largest structures ever built. Throughout history, big dams have
prevented flooding, irrigated farmland, and generated tremendous amounts of
electricity. Without dams, modern life as we know
it would simply not be the same.
Engineers have devised various types of dams two
withstands the forces of a raging river.

Classification of dams
According to their functions, dams serve three
main purposes: storage, diversion, or detention.
1- Storage Diversion dams
2- Detention dams
3- Overflow dams

Dam structure and design

1- Earthfill dams
2-Embankment or rockfill dams

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

3-Gravity dams
4-Concrete Arch
5-Buttress dam.

Fourteenth Subject: Tunnels.

Subjects objects:
Tunnel: is an underground passageway, completely enclosed except for openings
for egress, commonly at each end. A tunnel is an underground passage through a
mountain, beneath a city or under a waterway.Types of Tunnels:
There are three broad categories of tunnels: mining, public works and
1- Mine tunnels

2- Public works tunnels

3- Transportation.

Tunnel Construction: Soft Ground and Hard Rock

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Q1/ Define the following terms with sketches if possible: (15 Degree)
Crestal line of fold, Sediment, Volcanisms, Illite, Fault.
(20 Degree).
1- Define Weathering and mention all factors affecting weathering.
2-What is the meaning of diagnosis processes, and then mention all types of
diagnosis processes?
3- Mention all factors affecting the stability of the slopes and explain one of them.
Q3/ True/False. If the statement is True fill in A. If the statement is False fill
in B.
1) [T or F] Geothermal Gradient is the increase in temperature with depth in the
2) [T or F] Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along planes in its
crystal lattice.
3) [T or F] Magma is defined as a hot, partially molten mixture of crystals, liquid,
and gases.
4) [T or F] A Mineral, by definition, has NO specific crystal structure.
5) [T or F] Oceanic Crust is thicker, less dense, and older than Continental Crust.
Q4/ A/ Define soil and mention all factors affecting soil formation, then draw
the soil profile
B/ Show the following terms by sketches only:

(6 Degrees).

Joint system, Cross bedding, Kaoline.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.

Answer for the question:

Crestal line of fold: Crestal line of an anticline is the line that joins the highest parts of
the fold, where as the trough line runs through the lowest parts of a syncline.
Sediments: It is unconsolidated materials which form under earth surface
environment i.e. pressure, temperature, by wind, rivers, glacial, living organisms, the
consolidation of sediments give raise the sedimentary rocks.
Volcanism: is the general term used to cover all the phenomena related to the eruption
of magma to the surface of the earth. It's one of the most important evidence of the
dynamic nature of the earth and arises from the forces which are endogenous in
Illite: It has a structure similar to montmorillonite except for the fact that there is some
potassium ions bond the layer in the stack. The bond with non- exchangeable (K+)
ions is stronger than the water bond of montmorillonite but weaker than the hydrogen
bond of Kaolinite, there fore the illite crystals does not swell so much in the presence
of water does montmorrilonite, Illite represents the medium stage between kaolinite
and montmorilonite, for plasticity and ability for swelling and shrinkage.
Faults: are fractures along which blocks on opposites sides of the fractures move
parallel to the fracture surface.

Q2/ 1- Define Weathering and mention all factors affecting weathering.

Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
Weathering: Weathering encompasses a variety of chemical, physical and biological
processes that act to break down rocks in place into small pieces causes it to have a
greater surface area per unit volume.

Factors affecting weathering:

3- Parent rocks
4-Vegetation cover
6-Surface area.
2- What is the meaning of diagnosis processes, and then mention all types of
diagnosis processes?

Diagnosis processes: The processes which influence the deposits in the time
and after deposition but before consolidation.

There are many processes of diagnosis there are:

B- Cementation.
C- Re crystallization.
D- Replacement.
E- Solution.
3- Mention all factors affecting the stability of the slopes and explain one of

a-Natural factors.
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
1- Gravity.
2-Geomorphological factors.
3-Structural factors.
4- Litho logical factors.
5- Weathering and erosion.
6- Hydrological factors.
7- Seismic activity.

b-Artificial factors.
Q3/ True/False. If the statement is True fill in A. If the statement is False fill in B.
1) [T or F] Geothermal Gradient is the increase in temperature with depth in the
2) [T or F] Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along planes in its
crystal lattice.
3) [T or F] Magma is defined as a hot, partially molten mixture of crystals, liquid,
and gases.
4) [T or F] A Mineral, by definition, has NO specific crystal structure.
5) [T or F] Oceanic Crust is thicker, less dense, and older than Continental Crust.
Q4/ A/ Define soil and mention all factors affecting soil formation, then draw the
soil profile.
Soil: Soil is the surface layer of the earth restricted to land, consisting of layer of
broken down, fine and loose rock material, produced by weathering processes,
mixed with decayed vegetation and other organic matter, soil may found on the top of
Civil Engineering Department

Kurdistan Region - IRAQ

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Koya University Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Course Book
First Year Civil Engineering Dept.
the parent rock called (Residual soil), or at some distance from it after transport and
supports vegetation called (Transported soil).The science which deals with the study
of the soil is known as Pedology.
Factors controlling soil formation:
1- Parent rock.
2- Climate.
3- Biological activity.
4- Local topography.
5- Time.
B/ Show the following terms by sketches only:
Ripple mark, Kaoline.

Civil Engineering Department

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