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1 , 1904.-Ordered

to he




M Tht hCNhlOll.
IIeld at Itictinioiid, Va., bebmary 18, 1862,to April 21, 1882.



EIltsr I)L\~? -rITKsl).\y,.Y!:I:I%RUAKY18, 186%.

,Jonrnal of the I Ioii,~cof Ilcprcsentativos, Congress of the Confcdcrate States, bcguri arid held a t the (hpitol, in the city of Richmond,
in the State of ViKginia, on Tuesday, tlic 18th day of February, 1862,
being the first ses,sioii of the First Congress held under the Permanent
Constitution for the Govcrnmcnt of the Confedeuate States of america.
On which day, bcing the d:iy fixcd by tho law of thc Provisional Congress of the Confcdcrate Statcs f o r the meeting of the First Congress
under the lernianeiit Constitution, R t 12 oclock 111., the members-elect
of thc House of Representatives were called to order by
Tlie Hon. IIowell Cohb, of Georgia, Ircsidcnt of the Provi4onsl
Congress, in accordnncc with e :Luthority conforrcd upon him by x i 1
act of the Provisiort:d (h1gi.c
Millinin F. Gordon, jr., W L ~ appointed by the Iresicient Clerk pro
The roll of the nicnil~c~rs
of the T-Iouse of Reprere~tittive.:whose
naiiies follow, a1>1>cit1,c(i,whcn tlic oath of office &a? administered to
them by the Pre5idcnt, :ind they took their seats.
F7~011,the State qfRLARAXA



- - __ _

__ __


E. S.Dargan.
William P. Chilton.
James L. Yugh.
J. L. 11. Curry.
John 1. Balls.
David Clopton.
IF. S. Lyon.
Felix I. Uatson.
Grandison I). Royston.
Rugu5tus H. Garland.
T honias 13. Hanly.


.. - ~


[Feb. 18, 1862.

James B. Dawkins.
R. B. Hilton.

_.__ . _ _ _

A. K. %man.
I-lines Holt.
A. R. Wright.
Lucius J. Qartrell.
William W. Clark.
Robert P. Trippe.
David W. Lewis.
Hardy Strickland.


._ _

____ __ __

Willis 3. Machen.
John W. Crockett.
Henry 33. h a d .
George W. Ewing.
H. W. Bruce.
James W. Noore.
Kohert J. Breckinridge, jr.
John M. filliott.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dimcall F. Kenner.

Charles VillerB.
John Perkins, jr.
Charles M. Conrad.
Henry Marshall.
Lucius DuprB.

MISSISSIPPI_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ._
_ _
_ _ . J . W. Clapp.
Israel Welsh.
Otiio 1%.Singleton.


_ __ _--__ __ ____ _ ___ ____

_ _ _.


Caspar R. Bell.
George G. Vest.
A. H. Conrow.
William M. Cooke.
Thomas W. Freeman.
Thomas A. Harris.


_ _ _ _ - ._ _ _ _ RBbert It. Bridgers.

Omen Il. Kenan.
T. D. McDowell.
Thomas S. Ashe.
J. R. McLean.
William Tlander.
B. S. Gaither.
A. T. Davidson.

CAROLINA- - - - - - - - - -

- -

William W. Royce.
W. P. Miles.
M. L. Bonham.
John McQueen.
James Farrow.

1ESNESSEF: .. . . .. .. . . ..

r 7

11. M. Cnrrin.
Henry Y. Foote.
Thomas Mcnees.
George IT.Jones.
lJ7, G . Swan.
W. 11. 'l'ihhs.
E. L. Gardenhire.
J . B. IIciskell.

J. A. M7ilcox.
Peter W. Gray.
C. C. Herbert.
W. B. Wright.
M. D. Graham.
F. U . Sexton.
John R. Chambliss.
James Lyons.
Roger A. Pryor.
Thomas S. Bocock.
John Goode, jr.
D. C. De ,Jarnethe.
Williaiii Smith.
Alex. R. Boteler.
Waller R. Staples.
Walter Preston.
A, G. Jenkins.
Bobert Johnston.
Charles W. Russell.
The Chair announced that the first ltusiness in order was the election
it Speaker.
Mr. Foote nominated the Hon. Thomas 8. Roeock, a Representative
from the State of Virginia.
On motion of Mr. Footc,
Mr. Bocock was declared unanimously elected Speaker of the House
of Iiepresentatives for the First Congress.
Mr. Boyce iiiovcd that u committee of two be appointed t o wait on
the Speaker-elect and conduct him to the chair.
The motion was agreed to; and
The Chair appointed Mcssrs. Boyce and Boote.
Mr. I3ocock was then conducted to the chair, where the oath to support thc Constitution of the Confederate States of America was administcrcd by Mr. Cohb, the presiding officer.
A message was received from the Senate, by M y . Albert 12. Lamar,
Secretary pro tctnpore of that body, iriformin the House of Re rewntativex that the Senate was organized hy t4;e election of the on.
It. M. T. fIunter, of Virginia, as President pro tempore, and James I.
Nash, of South Carolina, as Secretary.
Mr. Cnrry offered the following resolution, 1%:

Kesolzed, That the rules of the Provisional Congress be temporarily adopted, so

far as they are applicable, as the rules of this House, a d that R committee of five,
of which t h e Speaker shall be chairillan, he appointed to report rules for the permaiient government of thc IIourc of Representatives, and that said committee also, in
conjunction with siwh cornmittee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate,
report joint rules for the government of the two Houscs.

The resolution was agreed to; and

The Chair appointed as said committee Messrs. Curry of Alabama,
JotIes of Tennessee, Perkins of Louisiana, and Lewis of Georgia.
SIr. Chilton moyed that the House proceed, viva voce, to the election
of a Clerk,
The motion v a s agreed to.
Nominations for the oEce of Clerk were then made as follows, viz:
B;y Mr. Irrgor: &I. W. Clusky, of Tennessee.
Mr. Curry: Bobert 1.: Dixon, of Georgia.
By M r . Lyons: Janies XcDonald, of Virginia.
By ALr. Vest: Thomas C. Johnson, of Missouri.
The Ilouse then proceeded to the election of a Clerk, the result of
which votc cc:is as foilows:
For Robert 1:. IXxon: Messrs. Ashe, Ratson, Rridgerx, Breckinridge, Chilton, Clark, Conrad, Curry, Crockett, DuprB, Davidson,
Garland, Gartrell, Gaither, I-Ianly, Hilton, IIolt, Johnston, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyon, Lewis, Marshall,
Machen, McDowell, McQueen, Miles, Pugh, Perkins, Boyston, Read,
Strickland, Trippe, ViIlw6, and Mright of Georgig, 36.
For 31,W. Clusky : Nessrs. Barlrsdulc, Rocock, Bonham, Boyce,
Clspp, Currin, Davis, De Jarnette, Elliott, Foote, Gardenhire, Heiskell, ,Jenkins, Jones, il/lcKac, Menees, Pry or, Singleton, Swan, Tihhs,
Welsh, and \Vilcox, 22.
For T. C. Johnson: Messrs. Bell, H. W. Bruce, Clopton, Conrow,
Coolie, Dargan, Dswltins, Et)\Ving, Freeman, Farrow, Gray, Graham,
IIarris, Ilerbert, Lander, McLean, Moore, Itussell, Ralls, Sexton,
Vest, and Wright of Texas, 22.
For James McDonald: Messrs. Boteler, Chambliss, Goode, Lyons,
Preston, Smith of Virginia, and Staples, 7.
The name of Mr. McDonald was withdrawn by Mr. Lyons.
Thc whole number of lotes c:ist, 87; necessary to a choice, 44.
No gentleman having received a rriajority of the votes cast, the roll
was again called with the following result:
For Mr. Dixon: Messrs. Ashe, 13atson) Bridgers, Breckinridge,
Chi1ton, Clark, Conrad, Curry, Crocliett, Du rE, Davidson, Ewing,
Garland, Gartrcll, Gailher, Ilanly, Hilton, Ho t, Johnston, Kenan of
Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyon, Lewis, Lyons,
Machen, Marshall, McDomcll. IllcQueen, Miles, Yugh, Perkins, Preston, Royston, Russell, Bead, Strickland, Staples, Trippe, Viller6, and
Wright of Georgia, 41.
For Mr. Clusky : Messrs. Barksdale, Bocock, Bonharn, Boteler,Boycc,
Clapp, Currin, Chambliss, I h i s , De Jarnette, Elliott, Foote, Gardenhire, Goode, Heiskell, Jcnkins, Joncs, McRae,?Mences, Pryor, Ralls,
Singleton, Swan, Smith of Virginia, Tibbs, Wclsh, and Wilcox, 27.
For Mr. Johnson: Messrs. Rell, I. W. Bruce, Clopton, Conrow,
Cookc, Dargair, Dawkins, Freeman, Farrow, Graj~,Graham, Harris,
Herbert, Lander, McLean, Moore, Sexton, Vest, and Wright of
Texas, 19.
NO gmtlcrnan having rcceiwd $1 majority of all the .i.otes cast, t h e
roll was again called with the following result:
Por Mr. Dixon: Mes . Ashe, Hatson, Rridgers, Boteler, Breckinridge, Chilton, Clark, Conrad, Curry, Crockett, Duprk, Davidson,
Ewing, .Garland, Gartrell, Gaither, Gray, Hanly, Hilton, Hole, John-

Beh IS,1862 1


ston. Kenmi of Georgia, Kcnan of Korth Carolina, Kenner, Lyon,

Len iii,Lyoiis, ?olachen, M:wshxll, McDo\-vell,McQueen, Miles, Pugh,
Perkins. Preston, fioyston. 1<ursc.ll, Read, Ralls, Strickland, Staples,
Tril)pe, VillerE, and 1
lit of Georgia, 44.
- ~ ( t mciusicJ
- . : A r . Barksdde, 13ocock, Bonham, Bojrce, Clapp,
Currin, Chainbliss, ihvis, De Jarnette, Elliott, Foote, Gardenhire,
Goode, Ilciskell, tJenkinb, Joncs, McBae, Menees, Pr or, Singleton,
Swan, Scston, Smith of Virginia, Tiths, Welsh, and d l c o x , 26.
F o r Xi*.Johniion: hlessrs. Bell, H. W. Bruce, Clopton, Conrow,
Cooltc, I):~rfi"ii, Ih~ivLins,Frtwnan, Farrow, Graham, Harris, Herbert,
I,andcr, McIlean. Noore, Vest, and Wright of Texas, 17.
K. E;. Dison, having received a majority of the whole number of
'i'otcb given, was dcclared duly elected Clerk of the House of Representatives of the ("ongress of the Confederate States for the first
The said Elobert E. Dixon appeared; when the oath to support the
Constitiition of t,hc (:onfcdcr:itr Statcs of America and the oath truly
a n d faithfully to the duties of h i s office to the best of his
knowlctlge iiiicl abilitic,. were adniinistered to him by the Speaker;
w h ~ nhc c n t t ~ c diipoii tlic dntics of his offjce.
Tht? I Ioniie tlicn procredcd, o n motion of Xr. Russell, viva voce, to
thc) vote being taken, it appeared that
the elcc*tion of J ) o o r k c q x ~ and
the follo~~-irig-iianied
nieni1)ers voted for R. H. Wynne, of Alabama:
Messri. Ahhe, TZ.atsoti, Hell, Bridgers, Harlrsdale, Bocoek, Bonhaai,
Boycc, 13oteler, Chilton, Clt~rk,Clopton, Conrad, Curry, Clapp, Conrow, Cookc, ('urrin, Cl~ambliss,Crockett, Dargan, Dawkins, Duprk,
Davis, Davidson, lle Jtirnette, Elliott, Freenian, Farrow, Foote, Garland, Garti-ell, Gaithcr, Gardenhiiq Gray, Graham, Goode, Hanly,
I-Iilton, Ilolt, IIarria, Ileiskcll, Herbert, Jenkins, Jones, Johnston,
IZcnan of ( i eorg'iti, I<en:in of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis,
Lyon, Lyoiis, illachen, Alarshxll, McRae, McDowell, McLean,
RlcCJueen, N e n e c i , Miles, Moore, Pugh, Perkins, Yryor, Preston,
Royston, ltusscll, Head, E:dIs, Strickland, Singleton, Swan, Sexton,
Smith of Virginia, St;~plcs, Trippe, Tibhs, Viller.6, Vest, Welsh,
Wilcox, Wright of Geoi$:L, : ~ n dWright of Texas, 83 1841.
The following-named irieiiibcrs voted for L. D. Gilbert, of the State
of I<ontuc*l<y:
Blessrs. TI. \Y. 13rncc a n d I<wing, 2.
B. 11. \Y~IIIIC,1i:iving reccivcd :t nlajority of the whole numbey of
votes, ~ v a 5declnrcd tiuly elected Doorkeeper of the House of Representstivcs; ttnd thereupon the said R. 1. Wynne appeared, and the
oath of ofsfice'w:L\ xclministcred to hiin by the Speaker, and he entered
upon the dihehai-ge of his dutics.
Mr. Hinith of Virginia oflered the following resolution, viz:
1 2 e d i e d , T11at :I coiiimitter of three be xppointcd, to join such committee as may
hc appointed 011 the part of thc Senate, to inform the President that the Congress of
the ('oiiicdt~ratt1Statcq is organized.

311,.(Xilton of itlahan~amoved to amend the resolution by adding

the following \ ~ o i d sat the end thereof, v i z :
and arc' wad! 10 rcveii c n11y (otiiiiiunicatiori h e may he pleased to make.

Whirh niotion was :greed to, and the icsolution as amended was




The following is the cominittee appointed by the Chair under the

resolution, riz: Messrs. Smith of Virginia, Chilton of Alabama, and
Wright of Georgia.
Xr. Smith of Virginia oBered the following resolution, viz:
Uesolced, That the Senate be invitetl to assemble in this Hall tomorrow at one
oclock and, together with the members of the IJouse, count the ballots for President
and Vice-President of the Confederate Statrs of America.

The resolution mas agreed to.

Mr. Hanly presented )t petition (accompanied by certain a ers
gartherein named) froin J. P. Johnson, contesting the seat of A.
land, the Reprcsenlsttive from the Third district of Arkansas.
The petitioii was road and, on motion of Xr. Hanly, laid on the
Mr. Elliott offered the folloving resolution, viz:


Resolwtl by the l h s e of Rqwesmtntit ep of the Cbnrrderctte Congress, That the office

of Sergeant-at-Arms be, and the same is hereby, created, and the House proceed to
t h e election of said officer.

On motion of Mr. Perkins,

The House adjourned until to-morrow at 12 oclock.


19, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Lyon announced the presence of Thonias J. Foster, a Representative-elect from the State of Alabnma, who came forward, was
duly qualified, arid took his seat.
Mi-. Welsh announced the presence of H. C. Chambers, a Representative-elect from the State of Mississippi, who came forward, was
duly qualified, and took his seat.
Mr. Elliott announced the presence of Theodore L. Burnett, a Bepresentative-elect from the State of Kentucky, who came forward, was
duly qualified, and took his seat.
MY. Davidson announced the presence of W . N. H. Smith, a Representative-elect from the Stat]e of North Carolina, who came forward,
was duly qualified, and took his seat.
Mr. Jones of Tennessee offered the following resolutions; which
were read and agreed to, to wit:
Resobred, That the Speaker appoint two tellers on t h e part of the House, to be
associated with such as may be appointed by the Senate, to superintend the counting
of the votes for President and Vim-lresident, arid that t h e Senate be advised of their
ResoZr<ed,That a message he sent to the Senate to inform that body that the Horiso
will be ready a t one ocloclr postmeridian to-day to recelve thew in this Chamby
for the purpose of c~xecutingthe law requiring Congress to count the votes for President and Vice-President to-day.

Under the provision of the first resolution the Chair appointcr? 21.tellers Messrs. Barbdnlc of Mississippi and Miles of South Carolina.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
business of yesterdny, which was the consideration of the resolution
offered by Mr. Elliott rclative to the election of Sergeant-at-Arms.
Mr. Curry moved to lay the resolution on the table.

, I

I h c inotiori wah agwed to.

A meshage was ~~cccived
froin the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which ic, as follows, to wit:
X I . ~ ! ! ~ x t r X1
e ~am
: directed b y t h e Seiiate to inform tlie Iloase of Representative6
tliat the Seiiate will meet tlie I i o t l p e iii tlie IIHII of Reprcscntativcs, at I OC.IOC*~C
p. 111.
to-day, for tlic purpose of coiinting tlic y4)tcs for Ircsident ant1 Vice-President.

Mr. Chilton offered :L reqolution to entitle stenogrftphers and

reporters for i i e ~ v ~ p a p c to
r s scnts on tlrc floor; which was read and
agreed to.
Mr. Chilton offcrcd R resolution, viz:
IZcsolied, That tlir Speaker of the Ilonsr appoint the following standing coniniittees:
Coininittee to irranue for (iovernment Buildings;
Coririiiittw on ttie
and seal of the Confederacy;
Coniniittee on Foreign Affairb;
Coinniittw on Finance;
Coniinittee on Coinmercial Affairs;
Coiiiniittec on the Judiciary;
Coinmittec on Naval Affairs;
Comnrittee on hlililarp Affairs;
Coiiiniittec on Postal Affair$;
Ooinrnittrt~on l a t u i t b ;
Coniinittcc oil Territories;
cOlnnlltt(t0 1 1 1Ill)llC~l ~ : l l l ( l ~ ~ ;
Coniiiiittcc on I>itii:rii Affairs;
Coniniittee o n Printing;
Continittee on Avcounts;
Coininittee on 1Sngroewrmt;
Coniniittco oil P a y ancl Mileage;
on Claiinb;
Cuiiiinittcc on Irivileges and ISlections; and
Coiiiiiiittec. 011 Coiiiiiiercial and Financial Independence;


which was referred to tlie Cointilittee on Bules.

Mr. Foote offered R re5olution of inquiry into thc causes of the
recent disasters which have befallen the nimiies of t h e Confederate
States in t h e Statrs of North Carolina, Kentuclrj, and Tennessee.
Mr. Crockett moved t o lay the resolution on the table:
Upon which Rlr. Kenner demanded the question; which mas seconded,
and the vote having been taken, thc motion to lay on the table prevailed.
A messagc was recbeived from the Scnutc, by the h m d s of the Secretary of that body, informing tlic House that the Senate had appointed
Mcssrs. Orr of South Carolina and Sparrow of Louisiana tellers, to be
associated with the tellers appoiiited by the llonse to count the votes
for President and Vice-President.
Mr. Garland offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That tlic Clerk Iic authorized to pnwhasc five hundred dollars worth of
stationery for the w e of this House, and to draw his warrant on the contingent fund
of the House to pay for the same.

Mr. Smith of Virginia movcd to lay thc resolution on the table.

motion to lay on the table prevailod.
A incssagc was receivcd from the Senate, by ,Mr. Nash, their Secretar?, informing the House that thc Senate had pslssed B resolution that
the Ircsidcnt of the Scnntc appoint R comniittce of two to wait upon
the lresidcnt and inform him of the organization of the two Rouses
of Congress, to act in conjunction with the committee of the Home,
and that the corritnittee appointed on the art of the Scnatemas Messrs.
Clark of Missouri aiid Barnwell of Sout Carolina.



3lr. h s s e l l offered the following resolution; which mas agreed to,

to wit:
j-..@so~j,?t/,That tinti1 further ordered the printing for t h e House
done by R. M.
Smith, the printer of the Provisional Congress, on the terms prescribed by that body.

The CIerlr having ixiforrried the Senate that the House was ready to
receive that L)ody for Ihe purpose of proceeding t o open and count the
votes of the electors of the several States for President and VicePresident of the Confederate States,
The Senate :~ttendcdin the Nall of the House.
The Prejident of the Senate pro tempore took the Speakers chair
as the presiding o&;er, the Speaker being seated on his left, and the
Senators having ta.ken the scats set apart for their accommodation.
Tllc lrcsidcnt of t h o Srnatr? pro tcmporr?,in the presence of the two
Ilouses of Congiscss, proceeded t o open the certificates of the electors
of the several States for President and Vice-President of t h e Confederate States.
All of the said certificates having been opened and examined by the
Mr. Milts, o n e of the tellers, reported the following as thc result of
ballots cast hy the electoral colleges of the respective States:
Total number of States, 11.
Total iiritnber of votes cast for President, 109, of which Jeffprson Davis rereived
Total number of votes vast for Vice-President, 109, of which A. TI. Stephens received
To wit, as folloiis:
Alabaiiia -. - - ~.
- - -.- - For President-Jeff. Dai-is, 11 votes.
For Vice-President-A. 13. Stephens, 11votes.
Arkansas -.- - - - - - -.- - For Iresident-cJeff. Daris, 17 votes.
For Vice-President-A. H. Stephens, 17 votes.
Florida _ _ ___ __
_ -..- _ _ - ..- bor President-Jeff. Davis, 4 votes.
For \ice-lresideiit-A. H. Stephens, 4 Totes.
Georgiii - - - - - - - - - -.- - For Presidelit-,Jeff. L)it
For Ticc-President-A.
- - ~.- - -.- For President-Jeff. J)a
For \ice-President-A. H. Stephens, 8 votes.
Missipsippi -.- - - - - - - - - -. For lreuiclent-Jeff. Davis, 9 votes.
101 Vice-President--A. I f . Stephens, 9 votes.
North Carolina - - -.- - - For Ireuident-Jeff. l)a\ is, 12 votes.
For Vice-President-A. 11. Stephens, 12 votes.
South Carolina .- - For President-Jeff. Davis, 8 votes.
For Vice-President-A. 11.Stephens, 8 votes.
Iennessec .- - - - - - - - - - - For Presideat- Jcff. Davis 13 votes.
For Vice-President-A. 1. ktephens, 13 votes.
Texas .- - ~.
.- - - - - _- - - - -. For President-Jeff. Davis, 8 \Totes.
For Vic~+President-A. 11. Stephens, 8 votes.
Virginia. - - - . - -.For PreRident-Jeff Davis, 18 votes.
For Vice-Presitlent-A. 11. Stephens, 18 votes.



- I

The Prcsiclcrit of the Senate pro tempore then announced that the
whole rinmber of electors appointed to vote for President and VicePresident of the Confederatc Statcs is 109;
That for President of the Confederatc States, Jefferson Davis had
received 109 votes;
That for Vice-Yrcsidcnt of the Confederate States, Alexander H.
Stephens had received 10:) votes.
The President of thc Senate pro tempore declared that Jefferson
. Davis, of Mississippi, is duly elected President of the Confeder.clte
States for the constitutional term to commence 22d February, 1862.

Icb I<), 1%d 1

Hc )I: S 3: OF R E 1lZE:Sli:NTAT1 VES


That i2lcs:tnclcr 11. Stcphcns, of Georgia, is duly clected ViceP r ( 4 d e n t of tlic Confcdct.atc States for the constitutional term to
coiiiniencc 22tl Fehruaty, 1862.
The Scuxtc returncd to its Chamber.
JIr. Kcniwr offered c following- resolution, viz:

rhe rwoliition M :~grct(lto; a11tl

rhc C h ~rinppointcd :is s:iiti comniittee Messrs. Keuner of Louisiana,
M i l r s of Soixth (hivlin:i. :mcI 13nrlrdnle of Mississippi.
Thc rcsolution o f MY.ltu~sell,t l i ~ tutitil further ordered, the printi n g for this Ilousc h clone by It. XI. Smith, the printer of the Provihional Congress, o n the tr~*nis
pi~~scriltedhy t hitt bod_\-,was t:dieii
u p and agreed to.
JIr. T\cl4i p i y v i i ( d ii wholiltion fr*oni thtl Icgislhtrirc of Mississi1)l)i i n tcl:itioii to t l i c ~ h i 1 ) i r i c ~ on tf cotton.
A l w , ;L nictnoi~i;ilf i . o n i
I(yjsl:iturc>of Miskihsippi i n relntion to
tlw 1)xy of thc: A i r i i ~ofj - 1 1 1 Coiif~dc~r:ilo
Staks; which were hiid 011 the
Mr. I3otclcr offcrcd the following resolution, viz:
t i i r k

That the. Ircsitlcnt I)e rcqnrstctl to coirimniiicate to the T-iousr*of Repretlic r e p r t of Mqm-Geiieral Tliomas J Jackson, iespecting tlie recent
o f the division uirtler his coniniaiitl i n the \alley District oi Virginia;
A h , tlie report of Colonel Gcorge \V. Lay, inspector-general of the Department
of Xfrtlierii \irginia, as to the coiidition of the corninarid 111 the Valley District or

The iuoliition was agreed to.

Mr. Lpoiis offered the following resolution, viz:
That a c*oniniitteeof o11e nieinber from each State be appointed, to cooperate with
such coninlittee as may he appointed on the part of the Senate, to participate irt the
arrangement of the ccrcriionies for the inauguration of the President and VicePresident of the Confederate States of America.

Tho resolution w a y ngroed to.

The Chair :Lppoiiited the following gentlemon on said committee,
rs. Lyons of Virginia, Lyon of Alabama, Batson of Arkansas,
Hilton of Florid:t, IIolt of Georgia, H. W. Bruce of Kentucky, Marshall of Louki:Lnn, Cook(> of Miwoiiri, Singleton of Mississippi,
McDowell of North Carolina, McQueen of South Carolina, Swan of
Tennessee, and Wilcox of lcxas.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash, informing the House that the Senate had agreed t o a resolution
to appoint R committee of two, to act in conjunction w i t h similar
cornniittcc on the part of the House, to wait upon the President and
Vice-President of the Confederate States and inform them of their
election, and that Messrs. 13arnwrll of South Carolina and Davis of
North Carolina were the committee appointed on the part of the
Mr. Smith of Virginia introduced
A joint resolution for the purpose of suppressing intoxication in the
which was read the firit and second times and laid on the table.



[Feb. 20,1862

Mr. Curry moved that the hour of meeting of the House be fixed
for 12 oclock each daj?.
7hc motion nrevailcd.
?lie Chair l&d before thc House R communication from the executive
of the State of Virginia, inclosing joint resolutions from the legislature
of Vifginia; which are as follows, to wit:
Joint resolutions.

Whereas the public enemy, invited by domestic foes, being in power %Tithinsome
of the counties i n Virginia, where they are c.onfiscating the property of loyal citizens, and otherwise oppressing them in a cruet rnaiinei , arid

Whereas the traitors there, contemplatirig a d i \ isioii of this time-honored Common~ ~ e a l twith
h , t h e aid of this public eneniv, have set up a pretended government over
the same, which, under the force of cikum&tnce~,colild not be prevented by the
tiniely sending of an atleqnate military force, nlid
iilieretis the legislature deniles to reassure all loyal citizens throughout the commonnealth of their desire a i d intentloll to protect tticm: Therefore,
( 1 ) Nrsolied l)!/ the seitcite n7td 7tou.w of dclqates, That in iio event will the State of
Virginia scihinit to or consent to the loss of a foot of her soil; that i t i s the firm
deterinination of the State, and known to he that of t h e Confederate Govwnment, to
assert arid niaintairi the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Yirginia, to the
iitteririost limits of her ancient boundaries, a t any and every cost.
( 2 ) Rrsolvetl, That the governor be requested to prePent a copy of these resolutions, properly certified, to the Provisional Congress, now i n Ression, and to the Perinanent Congress, to convene on the 22d of February, for their approval.

Mr. Perkins offered a joint resolution approving the resolution

passed by the legislatiire of Virginia, expressing her determination to
vindicate her anctont boundaries.
The resolution was read t h e first and second times, engrossed, read
a third time, and agreed to urranimously.
Mr. Sniitli of Virginia nioved l o print t h e resolution for the purpose
of suppressing intoxication in the Army.
Mr. Currin denisnclcd tho question; which was seconded, and the
motion was lwt.
Mr. Wright of Georgia offered the following resolution, viz:
Rrsobed, That the Dootkeeper of this IIouse be authorized to appoint an assistant
doorkeeper, to aid hiin in preserving order and in the discharge of other duties; and
also four pages, to aid hiin in waiting upon the members of the House of Representr

On motion of Mr. Kenner, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules.
On motion of Mr. Curry,
Congress [The House] adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

20, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Duncan.
Mr. Pryor announced the presence of James P. Holcombe, a Bepresentative-elect from the State of Virginia, who came forward, was
duly qualified, and took his seat.
Mr. Bridgers announced the presence of Archibald H. Arrington, %
Representative-elect from the State of North Ctqrolina, who came forward, was duly qualified, and took his seat.

Feb. 20, lRV2 ]



MY. I3oycc offcrcci thc followi

referred to the Conuuittcr on Rid

rwolntion ; which was read and

Rc~o1(ctl,That in addition to tlie nsual staiitlirip coinmittees, that a committee be

appointe(1 t o Iw cntitltd .I coniinittec~011 the pnbhc defense, to whom shall be
referred thc. folio\\ inp subjects
The 1)roc-nringof arms, ariiiuniiitiori, and munitions of war;
The iiiclra~eof the Army; and
Thcl conduct of 1he I\ ~ r .

cntcd ii memorial of certain citizens of Tipton

Coiuity, Teiin. , for thc suspension of the Snnday mail; which was
Iaitl 011 ilic tablti, nithont being rcad.
1 1 ~ .koote iiitrocliiccd the following resolution:
I 2 1 w ( r c d , Tliat 11liatevcr propriety 1Iieic~niaj hare been in the original adoption
of 11h a t IS kriov 11 as the tlefciisive po1ic-y i n connection with the prosecution of the
p,cwling \\ ar tor Southern ilitleI)elltlt,ncc,, reccwt events liavo clearly demonstrated
the espedieiicp of abanduning that henccforth and forever, and that it will be the
of the Confetler~itcState8 to impart all possible activity to
wherr, and to asnil tlie forces of the enemy wherever they
n p n the Iantl or \\ ater, with the vicw to obtaining the most
aiiiplc iiid~~ninitp
for tlir pwt arid the most coinplete secnrity for the future.

111.. .Jciiliinr i-riovcd t o h y tlw iwolution of A h . Foote upoil the

Nr. 1hmc.r.. 1 y unxiiiinous consent, offered the following resolution; which W R S read aiicl iigrccd to, to wit:
Zieaolt id, Tliat :I c.oniiiiittrc~of three he appointed to inquire what measures are
necewary to be talcell to s w i r c eomfoit to the iiieinbers of the House axid the convenicncc ot t l i e pnliliv n liik in open session.

The Chair appointed ah b d c l coininittee Messrs. Kenncr of Louisiana,

Lyons of Virgiiiia, :itit1 Pugli of Alah~nia.
N r . ( h r r y , 1)y II n:Lnimons conbent, from the Committee on Rules, to
w hoin TI as rcfcrrcd a. resolution in refercnce to standing committees,
reported :
That the c*oiniiiitteehad dnly considcred tlie subject referred, and recominended the
appointrnc~atof the follou ing coniinittees to consist of seven members each, to wit.
A Cornmittce on 13lectioii~;

A Coinriiiltw on Forcipii Affai

,4 C:oinniittt~eon Patents; and

A Conmiittee on Clainii.
e appointillwit of the follo~\lng ccmlmittees to consist of five members
1 (oiiniiiltc.e on Accounts; and
Coiriii~ittero n llules and Officers of the House.
Iiiitl also tlic. app(~~rit~ricnt
of the following committees to consist of three members
each, viz:
il Coininittee on Iav and JIileaqe; mid
A Conimittce 011 1Si11nllctLBill\

The report wab agreed to.

And, pending the consideration of tlie motion of Mr. Jenkins to lay
the rebolution of Mr. Footc on t h c table,
on motion of 31.11..
Adjourned untjl 12 oclock in. tomorrow,




[Feb. 21,1862

21, 1862.


The House nlet pursuant t o adjonrnment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Duncan.
Mr. Smith of Virginia, from the joint committee appointed to wait
on the President of the Confederate States and inform him of the
organization of both Houses of Congress, and t h a t they were ready to
receive ally communication he might hc pleased to make, reported that
the cornmittee had discharged the dutjr, and that the lresidcnt expressed
himself gratified at tbc. fact, arid d t e r his inauguration, on the 22d of
February, he wonld c~om~nunicats
with both Houses in writing.
Mr. Itussell announced the presence of Muscoe K. 13. Garnett,
a Represen~~tiv(.-clcc.t
from the State of Virginia, who came forward,
was duly qunliticd, and took his seat.
Mr. Foster anr1ou11ccclthe presenct? of M. I<.Smith, a Representativeelect from the State of Alabama, who came forward, was duly qualified,
and took his seat.
Mr. Kenner, from the joint committee appointed to wait upon Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia,
arid inforni theiii of thcir election to the offices, respectivclg, of Preeident and Vice-President of the Confederate States of America, reported
that the committee had dihcharged the duty, and that Mr. Davis and
Mr. Stephens, with gratitudc, acccptcd the offices.
Mr. Jones moved to reconsider the vote by which the report of the
Committee on Rules was adopted yesterdgy.
The motion prevailed.
The rcport was taken up, and Mr. Jones moved to amend the same
by striking out in the words t o consist of seven members each the
word seven and insert i n lieu thereof the word nine.
The motion was agreed to; and the report as amended was agreed to,
The House proceeded to the unfinished biisiness of jesterday, which
was the motion of Mr. Jenkins to lay t h e resolution of Mr. Foote on
the table i n reference to the policy to be pursued in the present mar.
The following message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, viz:
Mr Sprtrkcr. I am (1irwtt.d to inform the Tlodse t h a t the Senate hare appointed
Mrssrs Ow, Johnson, and Clay as the rorninittcc o n llie part of the Senate t o draft
rules for t h r government of the bnsiness of thc ttvo Honses.
Also, that the Senate have agreed to a resoliition that the Attornej-General be
requested to return to thc Clerk of the H o u w of Rel~resentativesthe ~ ~ a p ethat
wert, on filc 111 the office of the Clerk of the Provisional Congress and all documerlh
and other papers that wew under t h e Clerks control i n the hands of the Public
Irinter and not othera ise disposed of by order of the Provisioilal Congress, arld that
dl papers referring to exrcutivc3 scssions and executive lxwness be rcttxrned to the
Secretary of thc Senate.

Mr. Perltins moved to take up the rcsolution of the Senate requesting the Attorney-Gcncral to tranhfer into the poaswsion of the Clerk
of the House of Kepresentatives and the Secretary of the Senate the
papers and documents of the Pro&ional Congress.
The motion was agreed to.
T h e rcsolution was taken up and agreed to.
Mr. Jenkins withdrew his motion to lay the resolution oflered by

Feb. 21, 1862.1



klr. Foote in reference to the policy to be pursued in the present

war on the table.
Mr. Trjppe moved to amend the resolution by striking out the same
and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, to wit:
Rrsolred, That in the judgment of this House the war should be conducted with
an energy and policy, offensive and defensive, commensurate with the great interests
inrol\ed in its iswc, and that the Sam( generous confidence, which a great and
chi\ alrous 1)c.opleha\P r t y ~ o w in
i their civil and military authorities, will he contin-

rt.ngthencd by the adoption in the further progress of the war of the most
thorough nitmiires which the late reverhes and menacing advances of the
k c imperati\ r ly necessary.
Hesoli ed, That the earliest practicable inoinent should be sought to supply all t h e
means, liether of men, money, or a r m , necessary to sustain the policy above

Mr. Lyons, from the joint committee appointed to participate in the

arrangement) of the ceremonies for the inauguration of the President
and Vice-President of the (:onfederate States, reported that the committee had discharged the duty and presented the following:
Progmrnim for fltr. innciy~mtionqf tlic Iresidnit mid T

Pyesident of tlie Cononfedcrnte


First. Col. Charles Diininock to be chief niarslial, assisted by four aids.

Second. The Senate and IIouPe of Itcprcsentatives will meet in their respective
halls at 11.30 oclock a. i n . , and then, with thrir respective officers, repair to the hall
of the house of delegates of Virginia, which has been kindly tendered by the house
of delegates.
Third The President and Tice-president elect will be conducted to the hall by the
Joint Coinmitttv of Brrangenients a t 11.45 oclock, and be ieceived by the assembly
Fourth. The Iresident of the Senate nil1 occupy the seat on the riglit of the Presitlt~nt-clcLt,the \icc-Prerident-rlect that ou tlic left of the President, and the Speaker
of the IIonse that on the left of the Vice-President.
Fifth. Invitation+ arc rxtendetl to thc following persons antl bodies, to wit:
Members o f the Oabinct, who will be seated on the right slid left of the President
of the Senate and Speaker ot thc. IIoube; the governor of Tirginia and his staff; the
governors ot any other of the Conf~derateStates c\ho may be i n Itichinond, and
ex-Gorerrior Lo%c, of Jlaryland; the senate and house of delegates of Virginia,
with their respec%ive officers; t h e judges of the suprenie court of Virginia, aud of
the supreme court of any other of the Confederate States who map be i n Richmond;
the judge of the Confederate diitrict court at Richmond, and any other judge of a
Coilfederate court who JllaV 1~ in Itit~hmond;the mcinhcrs of the late Provisional
the .tniiy and Navy of the Coiiletieratc States who may be
r u:d corporate authorities of the city of Richmond; the
suiiic and other benevolent societies, and the members of
the press.
Sixth. A t half past 12 ocalock the pro( ion will inore from the hall by the wtern
gton, on the public square, by such route
door of the Capitol to the statue of \Tap
as the chief marshal may direct, in the following order, to wit:
I. The chief marshal.
11. The band.
111. Six menibers of the Committee of Arrangements, inclucling their respective
IT. The President-elect, attended by the President of the Senate.
V. The Tice-President-elec.t, attended by the Speaker of the House of Representat..i v_ ~_ s

VI. The nienibers of the Cabinrt.

VIT. The officiating clergyman, antl the judge of the Confederate court at Richmond
17111 Tlir Seiiate of the Confederate States,
IX. The Ilonsc ciE ltrpresentatives, with its
X. The governors of Virginia and other Sta
XI. The menihers of the senate and hoiise of delegates of Virginia and their



[Feb. 22,1862.

SII. The judges of the supreme court of Virginia and other States, who may be
i n the city of Richmond.
X111. The officers of the Army and Navy.
%IT. The reverend clergy.
XV. The inayor and corporate authorities of the city of Richmond.
XVI. The Masons and other benevolent societies.
XVII. Members of the press.
XVIII. Citizens generaily.
Seats will be provided by the chief marshal for the governors of States, the judges,
and, as far as practicable, for the other guests.
The invited guests are requested to present themselres at the door of the hall in
the order above indicated.
At the statue of Washington the President-elect, the Vice-President-elect, t h e President of the Senate, the Speaker of t h e House of Representatives, t h e officiating
clergyman, Confederate judge, governors of States, judges of the supreme courts of
States, the chief marshal and h i s aids, and six of t h e Committee of Arrangements will
take r)ositioiison the platform. Iraver will then be offered by the Right Rev. Bishop
The inaugural address will then be delivered, after which the oath will be administered to the President by the Confederate judge, in Richmond, t h e Hon. J. D.
Ilalyburton, and ttic result Y( ill be announced by the President of the Senate.
The oath nil1 then be administered to the Vice-president by the President of the
Senate, who will also announce the result.
The beveritl lewislative bodies will then return to their respertive halls, and the
President and VFce-Prebident will then be escorted to their respective homes by the
Committee of Arrangements.

The report was agreed to.

Mr. Gltrtrcll then nioved to lay on the table che resolution in relation to thc policy to I T pursued in the present war, and the amendment
to the same, arid tltereupon demanded the question.
Thc denmid was seconded, and the motion prevailed
Mr. Curi*y offered the following resolution, viz:
Jkqolted, That \ \ h e n this House adlournu to-day it will adjourn to meet at half
past elrvc~noclock to-inorrow to take part in the ceremonies of the inauguration of
Prebiderit m t l Vice-President of the Confederate States, and atter said cere~iionies
shall be conip1rtc.d this House I\ ill stand adjourned until &Iondaya t twelve oclock.
r ,

Lhe resolution w:ts agreed to.

On niotion of MI.. Gartrell,
The House adjoiirned until half past 11 oclock tomorrow.


22, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Bcv. Mr. Duncan.
Mr. rrippe of Georgia announced the presence of Mr. Charles J.
Munnerlyn, a tiepl.t.scntative-elect from the State of Georgia, who
came fo~warcl,was duly qualified, and took his seat.
Mr. Foote moved to reconsider the vote by which t h e resolution
was a reed to adjourning the House, after the inauguration of the
Presi ent and Vice-President, until 1 2 oclock on Monday.
Mr.Garland of Arkansas demanded the question; which was seconded, and the motion to reconsider prevailed.
r i
Lhc resolution was takcn np, and Mr. Foote moved to ainend the
same by striltirig- out the words and after said ceremonies shall be
completed this House will stand adjourned until Monday a t twelve

Feb 24 1862 ]



'I'lie ;tmcndment was agreed to.

'l'he resolution as arnendcd was a reed to.
The Hoiise thcn proceeded j n bo 9,in pursuance of the programme
arranged f or the occasion, to take part in the ceremony of inaugurating the President and Vice-President elect, and having returned to
their hall,
Mr. Foote offcred the following resolution; which was read and laid
on the table, to wit:


li~solied, That a comiiiittee, to he composed of one member from each of thestates,

be appointed bv thc Spcaker of the House, whose duty it shall be to request the
Gecrctary of \Y& a t his earliest convenience to supply them with the fullest and most
niinutc information in regard to the present condition of our armies i n the field, the
state of our defenses on the seaboard, along our rivers, and elsewhere, and report the
sanic to the House with a view t o enabling Congress to adopt such measures i n cooperation \\ ith t h e executive department of the Government, as may be best calculated to facilitate the estahlishnient of our national independence, and give peace,
safety, and a sense of permanent security to our whole people.

On motion of A h . Sniith of Virginia,

The House adjourned until 1 2 o'clock


o n Nondny.


The House met piir~uantto adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Itev. Mr. Ford.
Mr. Curry, from t h e Committre on Rules, offered the following
resolution, v i x :
l<~so/rer/,That the Spenker appoint the foEolloir.ingeomniittees,to act with like coinmitteeq to be appointed on the part o f the Senate, vix:
Committee oii Printing, to c o n k t of fire members of this House;
Committee on Buildings for the use of this Government, to consist of three memhers of this IIonse; and
Coinnnttee on Flag antl Seal of the Confederacy, to consist of three members of
this ILouse.

Thc remlution was agrcccl to.

M u . Swan of 'I'ennrssce iriovtd the Ilouse go ink) secret session.
Rlr. Lyo11~HecolldCd the niotion,
And C'ongrehr [the tloiise] welit into secrct session.
smmx mssrolv.

The House being in secret session,

Mr. Lyons offered the following resolutions, viz:
Ilcsol?ed, That the Prcsiclent be requested to cause a n immediate survey of thefortifivntions on James River to be made by the best military engineer at his command,
v ithout detriment to the public service elsewhere, aided by an experienced military
officer, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are adequate to the defense of
the ri\ er, and that he be alro requested to report to this House in secret session the
resnlt of such curvey, with his own opinion in the premises; and in the meantime,
that he comniunicat (, to this House all the information now in his possession in relation to the land arid nnixl defenses of this city.
/ 2 ~ a o l i r d , That the Presitlcnt be requested to camean immediate survey of the earthworks \\ hich have been erected around Richmond to be made by a competent officer,
for the purpose of asccrtaining whether they have been properly located or not, and
will be of any niaterial value in the defense of the city; that the said officer or some
other be required also to s u n ey the line from the new bridges on the Chickahominy
to the confluence of that stream with the Brooke, and thence up each of those streams



[Feb. 24,1862.

Ilntil lie reaches t h e Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, for the purpose of ascertaining whether fortifications may riot be judiciously erected upon such
lille for the defense of Richmond, and if so, at what points; and that t h e Prwident
be also requested to communicate to the House in secret session t h e result of such
snrvey, with his own opinion in the premises.

The following message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr. Nash, viz:
Mr. Speaker: I am directed to inform the House that the Senate have concurred in
t h e joint resolution approving t h e resolution passed by t h e legislature of Virginia,
expressing her determination to vindicate the integrity of her ancient boundaries,
and pledging all the resources of the Confederacy t o uphold her dekrmination.

Mr. Burrlett moved to amend the resolution in reference to the

defenses rtnd fortifimtions of the city of Richmond by striking out the
same and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, viz:
Resolwed, That the President be requested to communicate to this Housewhether, in
his judgment, t h e defenses about the city of Richmond and on James River are
sufficient for the perfect detense of the same, and if not, what sum of money, in his
judgment, is required for said purpose.

Mr. Conrad moved to amend the amendment by striking out the

sttme and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, viz:
12psolitd, That the President be requested to convene, as soon as practicable, a
board coinposed of competent military and naval officers, whose duty it shall be to
examine the defenses of the city of Richmond, with a view to determine whether
they afford a n adequate protection against an attack by, land or naval forces, or by
both combined; and if said defenses be found insufficient, to inform this House
whether any legislation is required to complete them.

Mr. Gartrcll demanded the question; which was seconded, and the
motion was lost.
Mu. Miles moved to amend the motion of Mr. Burnett to amend by
striking out the same and insertlingi n lieu thereof the following words,
V1Z :

Resolred, That t h e President be requested to inform this House whether, i n hisjudgment, the defensesof the pity of Richmond are in a satisfactory condition, and B-hether
he desires any action on the part oi Conwess, either iu the n a g of appropriation or
otherwise, to aid the military authorityoin rendering such defenses coniplete and

Mr. Smith of Virginia demanded the question; which was seconded,

and the motion of Mr. Miles to amend was agreed to.
The question recurring on agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Burnett, as amended,
Mr. Smith of Virginia demanded the question; which was seconded,
and the motion was lost.
Mr.Pryor moved to amend the resolutions by adding at the end of
the first resolution the following words, viz:
and be requested to cause such obstructions to be placed in James River as will prevent the possibility of an attack by water on Richmond City, if, in his opinion, necessary for the public defense

The amendment was agreed to.

The uestion recurring on the resolutions as amended,
Mr. %'right of Georgia called f o r the yeas and nays,
And one-fifth of the members voting for the call,
The yeas and nays are recorded as follows. viz:

Yeb 25, 1862.1



Ywb: Arrington, Ashe, Karksdale, Bell, Boeock, Bonham Boteler,

Boyce, Hridgers; Horatio FV. Bruce, Rurnett, Chambers, dharnbliss;
Chilton, Clapp, Clark; Clopton, Cooke, Curry, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnettc, Dupr6, Elwing, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
(iarnett, Gsrtrellj Goode, Gray, Wadly+IleiskeH, Herbert, Holeombe,
Elolt, Johnston, Kenan of North CarolinaS Kenner, Lander, fiemi$,
Lyon, Lyons, Mwhcn, 3larshal1, McDowell, McLean, McRae, Menees,
Moore. Prcston, Yryor, Ralls, Read, Russell, Sexton, Smith of North
Carolina, Sixitli of Virginia, Staples, Tibbs, Trippe, VillerB, Welsh,
Wilcos, and Wright of Texas.
Eays: Eatson, Hreckinridge, Conrad, Crockett, Currin, Dargan,
G:~rlancl,lI:wris, FTilton, Jenkins, ,Jones, McQueen, Miles, Pugh, Royston, Singleton, Strickland, and Wright of Georgia.
The resolution as amended was adopted.
Mr. Jones, from the Cominittec on Rules, offered the following resolution, viz:
Ilesolved, That the Clerk of this IIonse be authorized to appoint three assistants,
and that the l)oorkecper be :intliorised to appoint one assistaiit and two page:es.

1ht. resolution W : L ~:rgreecl to.

The Ilouse adjourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow.


25, 1862.


The Rouse met pursuant to adjournment, arid was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Burrows.
The Chair :mnounccd the following standing committees:
Coin1nittec o n ~lections.--Messrs. Smith, of North Carolina; Vest,
of Missoiiri; Staples, of Virginia; Crockett, of Kentucky; Gardenhire,
of Tennessee; Curry, of Alabama; Clapp, of Mississippi; Dawkins, of
Florida, and Trip e, of &or in.
Committee o n
cc7zd i eaits.-Messrs.
Kenner, of Louisiana;
Jones, of Tenncssee; Konham, of South Carolina; Garnett, of Virginia; hicK:tc>, of Mississippi; Lyon, of Alabama; Machen, of Kentucky; Holt, of Georgia, and Graham, of Texas.
Coinin i t t e e oil MZtu?-y Afairs.--;\.lessrs. Miles, of South Carolina;
Pryor, of Virginia; Kenan, of Georgia; Pugh, of Alabama; Davis, of
Mississippi; Harris, of Missouri; Swan, of Tennessee; Bridgers, of
North Carolina, and Batson, of Arkansas.
C'omikittee 012 Fomign Afaim-Messrs.
Foote, of Tennessee;
Perkins, of Louisiana; W. R. Smith, of Alabama; Dc Jarnefte, of
Virginia; Barksdale, of Mississippi; McQueen, of South Carolina;
llreckinridge, of Kentucky; Yreston, of Virginia, and McLean, of
North Carolina.
Gomm i t t e e o n Naval A f a i r s . --Messrs. Conrad, of Louisiana; Royce,
of South Carolina; Wright, of Geor ia; Clopton, of Alabama; Currin,
of Tennessee;. Smith, of Virginia; $aither, of North Carolina; Dawkins, of Florida, and Cham bliss, of Virginia.
CoinmitteP on the Jiiu'iciar?l.--Messrs. Gartrell, of Georgia: Itussell,
of Virginia; Dargan, of Alabama; Moore, of Kentucky; Garland, of
Arkansas; IIeiskell, of Tennessee; Gray, of Texas; Ashe, of North
Carolina, and flolcombe, of Virginia.





[Feb. 25,1862,

Conamittee o n Commerce.-Messrs. Curry, of Alabama; Trippe, of

Georgia; Cooke, of Missouri; McDowcll, of North Carolina; LJTons,
of Virginia; Sexton, of Texas; VillerB, of Louisiana; H. 1%Bruce,
of Kentucky, and Chambers, of Mississippi.
Co,nnzittee m a Post- O B e s a&? Post-Roiids.--Messrs. Chilton, of
Alabama; Conrow, of Missouri; Koyston, of Arkansas; Johnston, of
Virginia; Davidson, of North Carolina; Clark, of Georgia; Welsh,
of &Iississippi; Hilton, of Florida, and Herbert, of Texas.
Co.mniittee o n Th&wies and Pu6lic Laiuk---Messrs. Wilcox, of
Texas; Marshall, of Louisiana; Jenkins, of Virginia; Freeman, of
Missouri; Foster, of Alabama; Batson, of Arkansas; Lewis, of Georgia;
Ewing, of Kentucky, and Menees, of Tennessee.
C07117nitteeorb Indian Afkim-Messrs.
Singleton, of Mississippi;
Elliott, of Kentucky; Hanly, of Arlansa!:; Dupr6, of Louisiana;
Goode, of Virginia; Tibbs, of Tennessee; Wright, of Texas; Arringtori, of North Carolina, and Ralls, of Alabama.
Cbizmittee on Patents. -Messrs. Bell, of Missouri; Larider, of North
Carolina; Read, of Kentucky; Chilton, of Alabama; Staples, of Virinia; Marshall, of Louisiana; Hilton, of Florida; Strickland, of
8eorgia, and Wri ht, of Texas.
Coit~rruitlee0 7 ~C aims.-Messrs. W. Smith, of Virginia; Clopton, of
Alabama; Burnett, of Kentucky; VillerB, of Louisiana; Clapp, of
Mississippi; McLean, of North Carolina; Munnerlyn, of Georgia;
Farrow, of South Carolina, and Gardenhire, of Tennessee.
Cowti ittee on ~lccozazts.-Mcssrs. McQuecn, of South Carolina;
Foster, of Alabarna; Kenan, of North Carolina; Strickland, of Georgia,
and Hanly. of Arkansas.
Colmnittee 071 Bides and Otficers qf the I%ozcss.-Messrs. Jones, of
Tennessee, Perkins, of Louisiana; Boteler, of Virginia; Lewis, of
Georgia, and Smith, of North Carolina.
Cbiiimittee 07~P a y aicd Mileap.--Messrs.
Burnett, of Kentucky;
Singleton, of Mississippi, and Bridgers, of North Carolina.
Coiimittec?on Ek roTled Bills.-Messrs. Elliott, of Kentucky; Chambers, of Mississi pi, and Tibbs, of Tennessee.
(Jmmittee o n $ r i n t i q . --Messrs. Barksdale, of Mississippi; Jenkins,
of Virginia; A. It. Wright, of Georgia; Menees, of Tennessee, and
DuprB, of Louisiana.
Gomnittee O?L Elug and .Seal.-Messrs. Boteler, of Virginia; W. R.
Smith, of Alabama, and Gray, of Texas.
Conamittee o n Pu6Zic Biiildiiup-Messrs. Lyons, of Virginia; Pugh,
of Alabama, and Currin, of Tennessee.
Mr. Clopton introduced
A bill to be entitled An act to regulate the appointmentof o5cers;
which was read the first and second times and referred to tho Committee on t h e Judiciary.
Mr. Chilton offered
A resolution of inquiry as to raising 200,000 additional troops, and
to provide arms, etc. ;
which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Hanly offered the following resolution; which was adopted, to

Resolced, That t h e Honorable J. P. Johnson, who is now i n this city, contesting

t h e seat of the Honorable A. H. Garland, the Representative from the Third district
in the State of Arkansas, be, and he is hereby, invited to a. seat upon the floor of
this House during the continuance of such contest, except in secret session.

Air. Boyston offered the following resolution; which was read and
laid upon t h e table, to wit:
I?esolted, That under existing circumstances i t is inexpedient for Congress to enter
upon a general system of legislation, and that it will therefore a t present legislate
only upon such subjects as are necesuary for an economical support of the Government to provide for the gcncral defense of the Confederacy, the prompt and energetic prosccution of the war, and the recognition of t h e independence of the Confederate States.

On niotion of Mr. Hanly, the memorial of J. P. Johnson to represrnt, t,hc Third Congressional district of Arkansas mas taken up and
referred to t h e Committee on Elections.
Mi.. Dawkins presented a certain ordinance of the State of Florida
in reference to compensation to E. E. Blackburn, late United States
inarshal, and his assistant marshals, for taking the census of the northern diqtrict of Florida in 1860; which mas read and referred to the Committee on Claims.
Also, a memorial from certain citizens of t h e State of Florida, praying ti change of the mail route from Waldo Station to Etaniah, instead
o f froni Stxrlic Shition to Etanidi, in the State of Florida; which was
read : u l d refrrrtd t o the Comniittcc on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
A h . (;:trtrclll offered the following resolution; which was read and
agrrcd to, t o wit:
K ~ s o l cd,That thc Coinniittee on Military Affairs he instructed to inquire into the
expeditwy of increasing tlrc pay of the noncommissioned officersand prirates engaged
in tlie niilitary service of the Confederate States, arid report by hill or otherwise.

Mr. Crwli-ctt, introduced

A resolution in relation t o the recent disasters to our Army, and to
p r o d ( >for its increase;
which wi~sr e i ~ mid
laid on thc table.
Mr. Porkins introduced
A hill to sospcnd the pti~~inerit
of duties during the war;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Also, R bill t o ciirry into effect the latter a r t of the second clause of
the sixth section of the first article of thc ,onstitution of the Confederatc Statcs of Amrrica.; which w : read
the first and second times.
Mr. Elliott, froiii the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A joint rc~solutionspprovino. resolutions passed by the legislature
of Virginia, expressing her $eterrnination to vindicate her ancieiit
boundaries ;
And thc Speaker signed t h e same.
Mr. Chilton rnoved to refer the hill to suspend the payment of duties
during the ~~7ar,
introduced by Mr. Perkins, to the Coinniittee on the
Air. Porkins moved to postpone the consideration of th e bill, order
it to bc printed, and niake it the special order for Friday next.
hlr. Swan rnoved to arnerid the motion of Mr. Perkins by making it
the special ordor for to-morrow a t 1 o'clock.
The motion was lost.
The question recurred upon the motion of Mr. Perkins.
The motion was lost.
The vote mas then taken upon the motion of Mr. Chilton; which was
agreed to.



[Feb. 25,1862.

~ r Marshall
A resolution that the President be authorized to order all tobacco,
cotton, naval and other stores to be dcstroyed, when such destruction
may be necessary to prevent them from falling into the possession of
the enemy;
which was read a n d referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Conrad oBered
A reso!ution enjoining all loyal citizens to destroy cotton, tobacco,
rice, etc., whcn in danger of seizure by the enemy, etc.;
which CVRS read and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
MY.Kenner offered
A resolution repealing the twenty-seventh rule of the House;
which w:is read arid referred to the Committee on Rules.
15/11.. i h v i s inti*oduced
A bill to provide for the increase of the Army and regulate the pay
of otlicers and rivatcs;
which was rea the first and second times and referred to the Comrnittee on MilitLry Affairs.
Also, a bill inaliing appropriations to provide for creating a navy and
building gunboats, and purchase of arms; which was read the first and
second times and referred to the Committee on Naval Aftairs.
Also, a bill for the establishment of hospitals, and for other purposes;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. MeDowell presented
A resolution of the North Carolina convention in relation to mints
in thc Confederacy;
which was read and referred to the Coinniittee on Ways and Means.
Rlr. Davidson presented a petition of the citizens of Mitchell County,
N. C., asking for a mail route from Jonesborough, Tenn., to Grassy
Creek, N. C. ; whicli was: referred to the Committee on Post-Offices
and Iost-Roads.
Also, the petition of G. F. Morris and others; which was referred
to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Miles, Mr. Bell of Missouri was appointed to
serve on the Committee on Military Affairs during the absence of Mr.
Harris, a Representative from said State and a member of the
On motion of Mr. Smith of North Carolina, the House then resolved
itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again
resolved itsclf into open session.
Mr. Russell offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:

Resolced, That the President be requested, if in his opinion not inconsistent Jvith
the public welfare, to coniriiunicate to the House Colonel IV. B. Taliaferros report
of the battle of Carricks Ford.

Mr. Boyce introduced

A bill authorizing the President to appoint a commander in chief;
which was read first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. Gardenhire introduced
A resolUtion instructing the Committee on Rules to inquire into the
expediency of changing rule twenty-seven of the House;
which was read and agreed to.

Fcb. 23, Ihb? ]



1 mcmngc?was r c c c i r c d from the Pi.esident, by the hands of his

Ii-imto Sccrctary, 311.. Jossclyii; which was mad as follows, to wit;
To l i i ~A?im/e tciitl 1IoicCr of l?(y)v
t i w s qf the ConjkdmztcStates:
111 crbcclieiicc to the constitutional provision requiring the Iresident from tinle to

w a s turiiietl tlie States coiiipouiiig it mere, by the peculiar character of their pursuits
and a i i i i ~ ~ p l mconlicic~iict~
~ l
in their former awociates, to a great extent destitute of
thrx nieiuis lor tlic pio>ccution 01 the war on so giqantic a scale as that which it has
attained liie 11 orkshops and artisans ~ e r niainly
t o be found in t h e Northern
c fiist duties 11 1iic.h deyolved upon this Government wa8 to
y inannfactories, and in the infailtime to obtain by purchase
1)ia( tical)le, wli:itrI er was required for the public defense. No
rffor t 111s h W 1
t(J cffcc t h J t h tliwe ends; and though tlie resuih have not
15 bc,lic\ ctl that dii iinpaitial jntlgrnent will, upon full inlestiA I ious dcpi1 t i i i ( L r i t < ot the Go\ cmnieut credit for having done
:ill \\ I I K 11 I i u i i i ~ i i ipou c-I anti f o i cs-iglit eriak)lctlthcni to accomplish.
1 l i e \ d o r i i i i t l dv\ ( i t i o i i oi t11t. pwIilc ha\c not only sustained the efforts bf the
Go\ e i i i i i i c B n t , Iiut I L L \ (J gone far to biipply its cleficiriicies.


hopol tc,r


clays to rcceivt. official reports in relation to our discom-

tlt.rl)ly hu~iiil~ating,
l i o n c\ er iiripeifect iiiay ha] e been the preparations for defense.
The hopr i < still c.ntc.rtaiiic~1tliat 0111 reportcd losses a t Fort Donelson have been
greatly cwiggcmtcd, iria~niucha 5 1:\in not only unwilling but unable to believe that
a largc ai itiy of our p(wple have t-urrenclercct without a desperate efortto cut their
may tliiough in\ cstiiig forces, 1%h a t n er iiiay have Ijeen their numbers, and to
cndeavor to niiilic a junctioii I\ it11 (JtlIm tli~isiorisof the Army. But in the absence
of that exact iiitorniwtion \z liicli c n n only be afforded by olhcial reports, i t would he
preiiiaturc to 1vtls~jii(lgiiimt, a i i t l iiiy 01511 is rewrved, as 1 trubt yours will be, until
tliit iiiforniahou is rt,cci\ rtl. I n tlici nic~antiirrestrenui)us efforts have been made to
t h r u \ \ ~ ( J I \ \ ; I I ~ i [ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ) ~ ( . ( , itioi rtlicl
i i t ~i i i n i i c 5 a t tlir positionb thieatened, and I can not
doul)t tliit ilrc. bittei ( l i ~ : ~ i ~ ~ ) ( ~ i i i t i\I i (*i cha\
~ i i te~ horue, by iierping the people to still
gieater (ixvi tionq, 1% ill sp
i l j >ecwt a r w u l t h niore accordant with our just expectation
aiitl as f,z\wrrtl)lcto our
FC as thow which marked the earlier periods of the war.
The rcport? of tlic P
tarics of War and the Kavy will exhibit the mass of
resoiirc(~slor thc contlurt of the war 11hich we have been cnablcd toaccumulatc, notwitlistanding t h e \rely t-c,iious difficulties agninbt which we have contended.
They afford the dicleriiig hope that our resources, limited as they were at the beginning of the contest, will during its progress beconie developed to such a n extent as
fully to meet our future wants.
?hi. policy of e r t i i s t n i ~ ~ nfiir
t short terms, against which 1 have steadily contended
I 1 1 i cOrniii(nceiii~Iit
of the war, has, in my judgment, contributed in no inima1 d ( y r w t o thr. recent reverses which we have suffered, and even now renders i t
cult to Euruirh y o n an accurate statement of the Army. When t h e war first
niany of our pcwple could a i t h difliculty be persuaded that i t would be
ions rt wac; not dccinert possible that anything so insane as a persistent
attcnipt to Giil)jugat(>t h e v States could be niade, still less that the delusion would so
far prci ail a4 to gi\ e to the war the T ast proportions which it has assumed. The
people, incredulous of a long u ar, TF ere naturally averse to long enlistinents, and the
early legislation ot Congres reiidrrcd it impracticable to obtain volunteers for a
greater period than t n e l i e months. Kow that it has beconie probable that the war
\c ill be continued through a perlet! of year?, our hiFh-spirited and gallant soldiers,
while generally reenlisting, are, froni the fact of having entered the service for a short


fFeb. 25,1862,

term, compelled in many instances to go home to make the nece,Q a r yarrangements

for their families during their prolonged absence.
The quotas of new reginients for the war, called for from the different States, arein
rapid progress of organization. The whole body of new levies and reenlisted men will
probably be ready in the ranks M ithin the next thirty days. But, in t h e meantime,
i t is exceedingly difficult to give au accurate statement of the number of our forces
i n the field. They may, in general terms, be stated a t four hundred regiments of
infalltry, with a proportionate force of cavalry and artillery, the details of which
t of the Secretary oi War. I deem It proper t o advert
will be shown by the
of iurlouphs and reenlistment in progress for the last
to the fact that the
,ed and weakened our forces as to impair our ability for
month had so far di
successful defense; but 1 licartily congratulate you that this evil, which I had foresee11 ant1 ~ v a spowerless to prevent, may now he said to be substantially at an end,
arld that we shall not again during the war be exposed to seeing our strength
dirnirlished by this fruitful cause of clisa5tcr-short enlistments.
The people of the Confedcrate States, being princ*ipally engaged in agricultural
pursuits, tvere nnprovided at the coniineiicenient of hostilities M i t h ships, shipyards,
rllibtcrials for shipbuilding, or +hilIrcl mec~hxnic~
aud seamen in sufficient numbers to
111alre the prompt creation of a n a r y :I practicable task even if t h e required appropriations had been made for the pm pose. Xotv ithstandinp our vcry limited
resources, liovrevcr, the report of t ~ i ctiecretary will exhibit to you a satisfactory
progress in preparation, and a tcrtainty of early completion of vessels of a number
and class on which w e may conlidcntly rcly for coiitchting the rauntcd control of the
enemy over our waters.
The financial system devised by the wisdom of your predecessors has proved adequate to supplying all thc wants of the Government, notwithstanding the unexpected
and very large in(-reaseof expenditures resulting from the great augmentation in the
necessary nic~ansof dcfcnst. The report of the Secretary of the Treasurv will exhibit
the gratifying fact that wsc have no floating debt; that the credit of t h e Government
is unimpairerl, and that the total expenditure of the Government for t h e year has
been in round niunbers onc hundred antl seventy inillions of dollars-leas than onethird of the sinn wasted by the encmy in his rain effort to conquer us; less than the
value of a single article of export-the cotton crop of the gear.
ill s ~ i o wthe condition of t h a t Cqartment,
reasing and already affording the assurance
quirecl by t h e Constitution, while affording
hc Patent Ofice and Public Printing,
eoine legislative provisions \I ill t)r iequirw
d i ill be eprcifically stated in the
report of the head of that I)epartnirnt. L
t h c ~attention of Congress to the duty
of organizing a supreme c w r t of the Confederate States, in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution.
I refer you to my nwsage communicated to the Provisional Congress in Koveniber
last for such further information touching the condition of public affairs as it might
be uheful to lay before 370~1,the short interval which has since elapsed not having
produced any inaterial changes in that condition other than those to which reference
has already been made.
In conclusion, I cordially welcome Representatives who, recently chosen by the
people, are fully imbued with then views antl frelings, and car: so ably advise me as
to tlic nectiful provisions for t h e public seri ic?, I ahsure you of my hearty cooperation
in all your efforts for the corninon \velfaie of t h e country.

On motion of 1Mr. Garnett,

The mcssage W:LS laid 0 1 1 the table, and 1,000 copies of the same
ordered to be printed for t h e use of the IIouse.
My. Gardenhire presented i~ communicntion froin certain ladies of
the State of Tcnncssce in relation to a flag; which was read alld referred
to the Committee on Flag and Seal.
Also, a resolution to arni twenty regiments with pikes; which mas
read 2nd referred to the Cormnittee on Military Afidirs.
Mr. Heiskell offered
A resolution instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire
into the constitutionality of making Treasury notes a legal tender;
which was read and agreed to.

M r . Foote iiitrocluced
.I bill to sccurc the dc.;truc*tion of cotton and tobacco, in certain
c a s ~ h R, I I ~t o providtl i n d c ~ n n i to
t ~ thc O M ncrs, a n d for othcr purposes;
wliicli wa.: I card first and scc.ond tiriies a n d rcferretl to the Committee
on Jlilitary AiftLii s.
SIl. Garnctt ititrocluctxl

S bill to Itrep the ctfec.tivc strength of the Aririy constantlp equal

to Its legal nL~lllhPr;
which ~ v rc:id
a ~ first
o n M ilitziry .I ffai r h .


src.ond tiiiies t ~ n drcfcrred to the Conimittee

ciitvd the ttieniori:il of citizciis of Freclcrick and

:i. : w h i c a l i WLS rcfcrred to the Committee 0 1 1 Claims,
wittioiit being micl.
Also, a inemori:tl froni tiiomhei*sof Captain Morgan's company of
which W:L+ i.t.frriwi to t h e Coiiiniittcw on illilitary Atfail-s;
without being raid.
Also, R incniorial iron1 Tlio~u:~.;
Milh: wliich wrs r ~ f e r r ~ without
i(w1ing. to tlir C o n i i i i i t t t ~o~n Jlilita1.y i l t h r i r h .

,111.. ,loliriston of Vii*gitiia oftciw!

A 1,111 r t y y l a t i i i g t h v i'cv;. of (.l(>i*l\h,ant1 for otlicr 1)iirposcs;

wliicli 1i:t.s r c w t t h t~i i d : i t i d wcwtrct tiincis : ~ n dreferred to the Coiniiiittce on the ,Judic~i:n*y.
Also, R bill for the rclicf of dishiirsiiig officers mid agents of the
Army and Navy of the Coil federate Skttcs, i n certain c a s e s ; which was
read thc first aiid h ( w n i d tinit.3 and rcfcrrcd l o the Cvniniittee on Claims.
Alho, a ])ill LO ariieutl ttic: l a w relalive to tho compeiisation of the
attorllc~ysof thc c fcclcr:ttc Stntcs; whicli was read the first and secorid tiiiics and rcft cd to tlric Conmit tee on the Judiciary.
Also, R bill to r ilatc thc c.onipn~ationto be allowed to coinmissiotiers of thc coiirth of tlic Confcdcrate States; which was read the
first and sccaond tinics mid rcfei*i*cdto the Coniniittec on the ,Judiciary.
Also, :i I i l l wgulitting tht: f w q o f iiiardials, arid for other purposes;
n-hich was read tlic first :tnd sccotid tiiiics arid rcftwcd to the Corninittee on the Jiidici:iry.
Mr. Russell iritroducctl
A rcsolution inhtriicti tig tliv Cotiiiiiittcc 011 the ,J iidic*i:ti*yto iiicluire
into the cspc.tlic.iic.y of :inwndi ng tliu act for the scqwstration o f the
property of alieti ( > t ~ ~ i n i c s ;
which was read atid :tgtwd to.
MY.Krrsscll offcred tlic following ~ * c w l i i t i o n swhich
wcro read and
agrced to, to wit:
1:psoZi p d , That this TIOUSC,w i t h $1 a t c h f n l atlniiration, xcknowledges ant1 commrmorates t h e fait ti f i l l , gall:tnt, m i d glorions scrvi(*(,Hof our patriotic Army during the

his IIousc, nith rererc'ncc aiict gratitude, recognizes the divine favor in
ctories Iiich have croiviird our arnis; i n the success of the Yrovisiona;
during the appointed year of i t s csxisteuce, arid in the establishment of
our t'c.rnianc~nt(;overnment.
Tliird. This Jloutr regrcts and will inquire into the causes and circumstances of our
recent niirtortnnes; tiut I\ itliout rxteiinating tlieve ruisfortunes or disparaging the
ricere and unstiakeii conlitience in the
poner of tlir riic.iiiy, tlic llorirc ret
iug eftorts, to vindicate their independaldity of the ('onfctlt.rat
ence and to expel and cii
Fourth. Thip IIowe ~ v i l escrt
its poi\ ers with energy for the vigorous prosecution
of the \jar, aiitl tlic Ifouse confitleutl>~al)l)ealfi to a loyal, hrave, and free people to
bear with fortitndc thore evils which partial mcceqses may rnahle the enemy to
inflict, and to sustain their tiovernnient and Army with uriited arid zealous patriot-




[Feb. 26,1&f2,

iSlll in repelling an inva,cioii which is without parallel in the history of cirili7ed

llxtions for tile qrickedlless of jts motives and the harharities that mark its progress.
Bifth. Tkiis )lollse congratulates t h e country that ttlr effect of recent misfortliries
llas beell not to &press, bllt to armwe fhe spirit of the peopie and to increase the
niimhc~rof volnnft.i~rsoffering fof thtJ war.

Mr. Smith of Virginitk iiioved to take up for consideration, from the

lable, a resolution offeredby him for the purpose of suppressing intoxication i n the Army.
The inotion was tigreed to; and
011 inotiorl of &IT. Slilith of Virginia, the resolution W B S referred to
the Coiiiinittce on Military Afrairs.
Mr. Pryor introduced
A })ill to coiltintic in ol6c.e tlir iiif~jorand brig.adit.1. gerteids of the
Yrovi.;ional Ariny;
wliich was read first : L I ~second times and referred to the Committee
on Nilitary Rflairs.
On motion of A h . Garlmd,
The House adjoui*ned until 1 2 o'cloc~krri. to-morrow.

The House being in secret session,

On motion of Mr, r J ~ i i t~h o~ ,iiijnnction of secrecy was removed
from tho resolution authorizing the Clerk and Doorkeeper to appoiiit
Mr. Smith of North Carolina offered tho following resolution, to wit:
R~wlietl,That a speci:il committee of five be appointed by tlie Speaker to inquire
into :ind report upon thr caure4 arid circuinstttiices of the capitulation of Roanoke
Island, and that said conrniittre have power to seiid for persons and papers.

Mr. Footc! c~illctlthc qiiostion: which was seconded, arid the vote
having bccn taken, the resolution x i s :doptcd.
Mr. Foot(. offered the following icxolutioii; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolied, That a special committee of fi\e br appointcd by the Speaker to inquire
into the late inilitary tli ters a t Forts IIeriry and Doiiekon, and also into the cirthe supposed surrender of the city of Nashvillc into the
cniiistanres connected w
hands of the eiieiuy, :uid report the result of their inquiries touching these matters
to thc Ilouse without delay, to 1he end that the recurrence of such disasters in future
may be effectually prevented;

The Chair ftiiii~iiii~ed following as the cninmittee, to wit:
Mcssrs. Foote of Ten
PC. Ihrksdalc! of Jlississippi, I-Ianly of
Arkanstis, Foster of Alabama; and H. W.Bruce of Kentucky.
On motion of hlr. Swan,
The Ilousc then resolved itself into open session.


26, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
bv the Bev. MI-. Ford.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, viz:
M P . Spwrker: The Senatc have concurred in tlie revolution of t h e House of Hepresentatives for the appointment of a joint committee on printing, on buildings, and

Frb 26,3862.J



on Ilag and seal, t o act with like cwniiiittrcs on the part of the House of Representatives; :tnd have appointcL(1011 Printing: BIcI-sI~. Piic~laii,1 rill, arid Clark.
0 1 1 Iluildinys. Rltlsirs I;~iriiett, Tlwk~r,ant1 Davis.
On Flag and Seal. 4Zc+rs Sc~~iiniw,
Preston, and Orr.

hg waiiiriioiis cwnbeiit, offered
A resolution that 300 cwpie.; of the acts of the last session of the
of tlic Confederate States be published in pamas possii)lc, to be distributed by the Attorneyphlet for111 a s ("1
i i o t i g thr pnl)lic. ofticvrs and menibers of Congress;
IWld :tnd to.
cis, by iin:ininious consent, froni the Committee on Military
Afhiix, offei-cd
A resolution tlint the Conunittee on Military Affairs be authorized
to antploy a c.lork;
which was read and agrced to.
Mr. Foster offcrtd the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Kcsolt d,
'rliat thv coniinitt c>eappoiritccl to inqnirc: into tlic caiiscs of our late dibmters
,trtl to iiiqiiire particularly iuto the causes
at Forts I I C l l !
01 Fort IIeiirj at the tiuie i t was attacked
III m ( l under whose authority said fort was
ts locxt 1011 \\a': 01 N as not injudicious and inferior for purposes
c ,\tiom

in its i!iiniediatc virinity; also

M hether

said Iocation

was or \\xr iiot relien eti i n lierwii mid appro\ed by the coinnianding general of the
dCpitrtiii?iit; nlsu 11 licthcv any other location in its immctliate vicinity had been
selectetl iic a 1)cttcr l ~ i i nfor
t ticfiirise and Xvorks b ~ g a i thereat;
and if so, by whom
a n d uiider M 1 1 0 s authority ~ u c new
~ h position had been selected and why said works
hntl not been con1plctcd

IIr.Chilton introduced
cntitl(d "An act, to :mend an act entitled 'An act in
A hill t o
relation to t hc public 1)rinting; ' "
which wtts i y w t tlic and second timrs and referred to tho Comiriittec 011 Public Printing.
Mr. Holt offered the iolIowii~grcwh tio n ; which was read arid
referred to the ('oinlnittco o n M'ays and Means, to wit:
on \Ta) s a t i d ~ ~ e n t ibe
u irtstrurted to inquire into
a i i t l liiiiitiiig 1)y Ian i l i e produc~tioliof cotton in the
iitiice of the N A I and blockade.
And also into



ei niiitwt taking into its own control, by purall tiit. cotton now on hand or which may

, of

during tlic existence of the present war and

ittcc, report hy bill or otherwise.

A h . Wright prwontocl n nieinorial from Thomas McNeill; which was

referred to the Corumittcc on Patents, without being read.
Mr. l'erki n s int roduwd
A bill to prohibit the importation of articles the produce of the
Unittd Statcs, or of other nations from the United States into the
Confcdc1-atc Stntes:
which WRS read thc fii-st iind second times and referred to the Committee
on Foreign Afl:tir>.
Mr. Siiiglcton prc
i the petition of L. L. Nichols; which mas
referred to tlic C o i n 1
on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Ihvidson off(~1~0d
A resolntion inytructing the Committee on Ways and Means to make



[Feb. 26,1862.

provision for supplying this House with stationery, etc., to report by

hill or otherwise;
which was yead and agreed to.
MY. McDowell prebcnted a certain resolution of the Korth Carolina
collvention ill relation to the reenlistmcnt of volunteers; which was
referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Tibbs offered
A rcsolution instructiiig the Committee on Military Affairs to provide for the p t l p c n t for horsea lost in the battles of Fishing Creek,
ftoanokc Island, and Fort Donelson;
which was react and referred to the Comriiittce on Military Affairs.
Also, a resolution in rcfcrence to the increase of the pay of officers
soldiers of the A miy ; wliiuli WAS read and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. Currin moved to take up R memorial frorn certain citizens of
Tipton County, leim., and refcr the s:me to the Coninzittee on PostOfiices and Yost-Roads; wliicli motion ~ v a sagreed to.
Mr. Sexton introduced
A bill to ainend an act entitled AII act to authorize the issue of
7 r a s u r y notes, and to provide a war tax for their redemption;
which mas read the first mid second times and referred to the Committee on W a y s and Means.
Mr. Pryor introduced
A bill to anicnd an act for the c1stahlishtiicnt of a general staff for
the Army of the Confederatc Statcs of America;
which was read the first :Lnd second times and referred to the Committee on $1 ilitary Affairs.
X1.0, n ltill to repeal tm act to authorize the Secretary of State to
appoint i ~ i i :Lhsistmt; which w:i\ read the first and second times and
rcfcrrcd to tlio Coiiiriiittee 011 Fomigii Affairs.
Mr. Jenkins introduced
R resolution t h a t the President be rcquestctl to furnish to this House
the rcport of Col. Wultcr 11. ,Jeiiifer of the battle of Leesburg, if not
incompatible with tho public interrst;
which was read and agreed to.
MY. Lyons introduced
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affztirs be instructed t o
report R 1)ill dcclaring who shall be exempt froni military service.
Mu. Miles nioved to arncnd by striking out the words b e instructed
t o report and inscrting the words be instructed t,o inquire into the
expccliency of reporting. )
Ihe nlotion prevailed, and t h e resolution as amended was adopted.
Mr. 1ryor, froiii the Coniinittee on Military Affairs, reported back
A bill to continue ill 0 6 c c the major and brigadier generals of the
Provisioiial A rmy.
The rulcs were suspended, and the bill rrias taken up.
Ihe first, section being under consideration; which is as follows,
to wit:


1. Be il e n n c t ~ dby the Senrile m d l 2 h u s e q f Rppresentntives ojthe ConfedernterScates
of h m c a in Cortgrrss ussembled, That the major and brigadier generals appointed in

the Irov~s~onalfirmy of the Confederate States by virtue of laws heretofore in force

shall continue to hold their offices during the war: Prolided, hozuel,er, That t h e whole
number of m>~jor-generals
shall not exceed at any time one for every three brigades,
and that the whole number of brigadier-generals shall not exceed at any tilne one



Teb. 26, lbV2.J

for (T e r j four regiments in the rcrvitx of tlic. Coiifcderatc States; a11d the President
shall lravc. power to r t d o c ~thcx iiunibcr of such geiicrals to the proportion of one to
three brigadeu :rnd oiic to w c r y fuur I,cgixiicntfi by revoking corilmiesions of
iuincrary geiiwals, b y st4ec.tion from tlie \\ liolc nnniber: And protided fuitlier,
ri appointing major antl hrigidiw geiirrals the proportion as aforesaid shall in
1 7 0 case he exceeded.

Mr. \\right of Georgia riiovrd to :mend thc, same by adding at the

e following words, to wit:
major aiifl brigadier griieralv shall he subject to
lations of the War J>epartmeiit as heretofore practiced.


On tnotioii of Air. Footc. the further consideration of the bill was

postpond, oidci-cd to b(. printed, and made the special order for
I he follo1v1ng iiicssage \\ as rcvxirod from the Senate, by the hands
of tlic Secret:wy of that body, Mr. Nash, to wit:
X r . S j w r h c ~ :Tlic Senate 11:~)e Ixmxd a bill of the folio\\ iiig titlp, viz:
h i act snp~~leiiic~ntary
to a n act entitled An art to establish the War Department,
aE)piovclf?Ft~bruary21, 1 S 6 I .

Air. Nih, frotii tlic Coimiittw on Military AfYairs:, reported the

folloning i . c w ) l i i t i o i i , t o wit:
iry itfairs he authorized to procure maps
t t l i c m ill the discharge of their


M r . S\r:tii i i i o \ ( ~ 1to aiiic>nd ihc i a i i i ~ by inserting aftcr the word

thc f o l t o J y i i i g w - o i d h , to w i t : and such other maps
:ts tho coiiniiittec iiiay, i n thcir jiid;riiicnt, deciii ~ ~ ( ~ c e s s a r y .
1 ti(> :~mciidrnt~nt
i t :is :qyccd to, and the resolution as amended was

r 7



the ~:oniiiiittcclon tlic Jndiciary, reported hack

: ~ r i -into
~ . c f t b c . t tho 1:ittc.r part, of tho sccoltd clause of the
of thc, iirht article o f tho Cotislittition of the Confederate

S t n t w o f Aiiic.ric:i,
tl1c 1
Ihc hill W:IS ortlcrcci
Haturdny nc.xt.


anic, with an amendment.

and ~ n a d ethe special order for

I<ciiiici* 1 1 i o \ ctl to f i ~ l iip

i ~ foi. c.oiisitli,i.~tlioritlic



The iiiotioii




Mr. Keniwr offcred tJhe follo~vingresolution; mliich mas read and

agreed to, to wit:
UrsoZwZ, Thal so niurh oi thc Irrsitlents message as relates to the report of the
Secretarv of Rate bc Irlrrrcd to tlitl Coiriiiiitttc on Foreign Affairs; so much as
relates to the report of the Src~ctaryof liar lie referred to the (:nrnniit,tee on Militarv Sffaira; i-o much a? iclatrs to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury be
rekerrcd to tlie Committee on Ways and Mcan ~ ;so much ns refers to the report of
the Secretary of the Nary be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs; so much
a- rcfcrb to the report of the ~ostniaster-Generalbe referred to the Committee on
Post-0fict.s and Post-Road;:; so much as refers to the report of the Attorney-General
he referred to the Coilinlittee on the .Judiciary, arid so much as refers to the report
of tile Coiiirniesioner of l3tents be referred to the Committee on Patents.

Mr. M i l e moved that, the IIouse talic lip for consideration a Senate
bill t o be entitled *;In act supplementary t o an act entitled An act to
establish the Wwr Department, approved February twenty-first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.



[Feb. 27,1862.

rile rnotion was agreed to, and the hill was read first, second, arid
third times, and ptbssed.
Mr. Rfoore offered the following resolution; which ~ v a sread and
agreed to, to wit:
That tile President of tlie Oorifeclcrate States 1 x requested, if not incompatible with the public irlteresla, to coiiiniunicate to this I l o u ~ ea correct list of the
number of establishn~ents1 1 0 ~ 3 eiigagcd in maiiufacturing sniall a r ~ ~ iunder
Ivith tlle Governincnt; x liere located, thc liimitity of a r n i ~which arc furnihhed per
rrlonth or \veek. Also the I1unil)rr of 1)owder i i i i l l ~engaged nntler contract with the
Governrnent i n tlle luanufacttire of powder; and the quantity which is furnished
fronl SII+ mills per nlonth or week. A\160 t h e iiicans now enip1o:etl in furnishing
percusston c a p . \Yhrther, in hifi opinion, thtl various mannfactnrinp estahliqhments
now employed by tho (;oycrninent will be able to furnish an ample stlpply of ams,
polvtler, and pertwssion caps for the we of our Arnrp; and if not, what further legislatioil by Conpress inay lie necessary f c
e attainment of this ohjeet, and that he
conirlluriicate t h c inforiliation in his po
ion in relation to the foregoing nianufactiiws i n secret session

Alr. VillerB moved that the House meet daily at 11 oclock a. m.,
and that no motion to adjourn slid1 he in order before 4 oclock p. m.
MY.Miles moved to arnend the inotion of Mr. VillerB by strikin
out 11 oclock a. m. and inserting in lieu thereof 12 oclock
Pending which motion,
The House, on motion of Mr. Xilw,
Adjourned until 12 oclock 131. to-morrov.


27, 1862.


The House rnrt pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Bev. Mr. Ford.
Mr. Botelcr announccd the prcscncc of Nr. John 13. Haldwin, a
Reprcsen tative-elect from tlie State of Virginia, who cnmc forward,
was qualified, and took his scat.
The House tlieti proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
busincss of yesterday, which W:IS the consideration of the aniendment
of Nr. Miles to a motion of Mr. Villerb in relation to the ineeting and
the adjournment of the Houso.
Mr. Viller6 modified his motion by accepting the aiiiendriient of Mr.
Miles, when Mr. Milcox moved to amend by striking, out the words
12 oclock and inserting in lieu thereof the words * - 11 oclock.
The aiiiendment mas agreed to.
Mr. Bruce moved to arnend iurthor by striking out the latter clause
of the motion, which referred to the time of adjournriient; which motion
was agreed to, and the motion as amended wab adopted; which is as
follows, to wit:
That the House hereafter meet at 11 oclock a. in.
3Ir. Garnott moved that when the House adjourns to-day it adjourn
to meet at a quarter past 1 oclock tomorrow; which motion was
agreed to.
Mr. Crockett offered the following resolution; which was read and,
on motion of Mr. Holt, rcfcrred to the Committee 011 Rules, to wit:
Resolzed, That the following rule be adopted by this House: KO lnember shall be
allowed to speak more than once on any question before the House ulltil all others
desirin to speak 011 the question shall have been heard; nor shall any nlember be
allowef to speak more than twice or1 the sa1Be subject u&,s q by the unanimous c ~ n sent of the House.


Keh. 2i, 18h2.1

31r. G d : m l introduced the following resolution; which was read

niid agreed to, to wit:
I?esoh ed, Titat the Committee on Public Buildings be instructed to procure, as soon
as practicable, roonis for the seyeral committees of this House.

Slr. Garland moved to take up his resolution providing stationery

for the House froin the table; which was agreed to, and
A h . Garland thcu moved to refer the saine to the Committee on Ways
and ;\leans; ~ h i c was
h also agreed to.
A h . fioystoii m o \ - d t o txkc up from the table a resolution introduced
by hini limiting tlic lcgidation of the House.
The motion was lost.
M r . Trippe inti.odnced
A bill to bc cntitled A n act to appropriate money to pay the salaries
of thc scrcr:il district collectors of the war tax i n those States which
ha1 e assnincd the pa3 n i u i i l of said taxes;
whicli was 1*cac1the first and second times and referred to the Committee
011 7Iays :tnd llcniis.
Mi-. Ici.lLiii.; i1 I t m1uct.d
it i * c s o l ~ t it o
i that llic Coiiiniittcc on the Jndiciary bc instructed to
i i i q u i i v : t i i d w p o i i, \t lixf, 1egihl:ition is necessary t o enable officers in the
A m y of tht: Confcdcrntc Sitatcs t,o hold their seats in the Congress of
t lie CSlonicclcratc Stdeb, o r whether they are entitled to do so under the
(on\tit~itioiiwiiliout any legislation;
which was q ~ c c c to.
Air. l<elillchr1J~~:SI?Ilttd
c>erlain,joint rcsolntions of the legislature of
cncet o a mail line from Natchitoches, on Red River,
ac.hit:i liivcr; which were rend and referred to the
(oniiiii t t r c o n Post-Ofticw ;ind io~t-Woads.
Xi*.coiii.:ul pre$entcd rz nicniorial of the New Orleans Delta Newspaper C o m p n t i ~; which \\ its rcfcrred to the Committee on Claims,
withoiit hirig rcacl.
1111. Welsli niovcd to take up front the tahle a resolution of the legislatitre of t h e Statc of llississippi in relation to the shipment of cotton;
which was ngrctd to, :md
0 1 1 niotion u f 311..Wclsli. W : L rcferrcd
to the Coinmittcc on Commerce.
o v t d to tnlte u p :t mcniorial of the legislature of the
ipli i n rc1:ttion to the pay of t h e Army of the Confedc m t ~Statw; \ TVR\ ngrccd to, and
lotion of SIY.Wc~lsn,was rcferrcd to the Committee on Military
A h . Jcnkins proxcntcd a niemoritil from L. Beckman; which was
i.cferrrd to the Conmiittee on Clsinis, without being read.
hIr. Botelcr prescnted
12 joint resolution of the legislature of Virginia in relation to the
1))ij o f ~ioitcorriiiiissiurit~~~
ofticvrs and privates;
M Iiich w:ts referred t o the Committee on Military Affairs, without
being imd.
Mr. Aliiw, f i w n the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
A bill authorizing the President to appoint a cornmancler in chief,
reported the xamc hack and rccommendccl its passage, with an amendrnent.




[Feb. 27, l8G2.

Mr. Wright niored that the consideration of the hill be postponed;

t h a t it, hc, plxc*cdupon tbe Calendar and printed.
Mr, Gartrell called thc question; vhich was seconded, and the
motion was lost.
MY.Lyons moved that the House do now resolve itself into secret
session; which was seconded, and the House hnring resolved itself
into secret session and spent somc time therein, again resolved itself
into opcn session.
Mr. Miles moved to recommit t u the Corriiuittee on Mi1itm-y Affairs
A bill to continuc in o&ce the major and brigadier generals of thc
Provisional A4riiiy.
The nzotion was agreed to.
'I'hc Koaso toolr 11p for considcyation the bill authorizing the Presitlcltt to t q p i i n t :L c~iii~na-llidt~r
i n chief.
'The louse than adjourncd until quarter past 1o'clock to-morrow.

The House hcing in secret session, a message was received from the
Scnate, by thcir Sccretary, Mr. Nash; which is as follows:
MI, Speak(>?:The Senate have passed a bill oC t h e following title, viz:
S ti. An act l o authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in certain
; i n which I am directed t o aek the concurrence of the Ilousc of Iteprefientatives.

S t y , Lyons nrovcd t o take up the bill of the Senate to authorize

the siispenhion of the writ of habcas corpus in certain cases; which
W:LS agreed to, wid tlie Ilill was wad the first arid second times.
Mr. Itoyston cdlccl the question upon engrossing and reading the
bill the third tinic; which was seconded.
The hill was cngrosscd, read a third time, and passed.
N r . Lyons introduccd
A bill to apprchcnd suspicious persons during thc war, and to suspcnd tho writ of habeas c o r p s ;
whicli was read the first and second times.
A rriessagc was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli; which is as follows:

. &mArr:

The Sellate have passed w joint resolution of the following title, riz:
nt rwoliition pledging tlic: Government to iliaintam the territorial integrity of
1he (:onfrder,zcy.

cnnsidcr the vote by which a bill from the

uspcnsioii of thc writ of habeas corpusin

ostpone the bill under consideration, to b k e

tion; whi& was seconded, : ~ n dthe motion
Thc EIousc then returned to the consideration of tho bill introduced
by MY.Lyons.
Xr. Swart mored to refer tho same to tho Cornmittre on the Judiciary,
with instructions to I*cportthereon as soon ns practicttble.
M r . E'oote called the questioii; which was seconded, and the nlotion


Feb. 27, lP62.1


Xr. Irippc offered the following joint resolutions, to wit:

Kcsoli pi1 1111the i h n t ? and 1h1wqf 12epr
Congrrcs bhdll adjonrn to any other tiin?
i n case of any public eniergcncy the daily
consecutii e days, Cong
Irevented for
hay after the last regular adjonmnient of
ress, provided Faid
day be not the Sabbath, and if the same be the Sabbath, then on the Monday

I m , That tlic Ire~identbe, and is hereby, authorized to remove the

i \ c> IklIartineiits, with the archives thereof, whenever in his judgment

t h e pul)lic intcrcsts mi\rcqinre it to: Pro7 iderl, That the President is further authorizec1 to r ~ a m ~ i n l )Congress
by proclamation a t any other time and place he may
selcct and remove Paid Executive ilepartments and archives to the place he may so

nliich was rwd tho first and becond times.

Air. Clapj> moved to amend the smie by striking out all after the
cri:tcLing. c1:iuse aiid inserting in lieu thereof the following words, viz:
Tlmt n conimittce consisting of three members of the Senate and the like number
he :q)poirited, whwc d u t y it shall he to select, subject to
some suita1)lr 1) hcrr the archivcs of the Governn~erit
or iiiiiiirtliate use or reference may he
tlie rquisite accommodations for the
ernnient may be obtained i n the event
of their renio\ 2x1 froin the city of liic~hnronclbefore a permanent seat of government
is IocLatetl; and that bait1 coin tee 11einstrncted to report to the two I-Iouses of Congress in secret cem101i as c w l j

Air. Footc moved t o refer the original resolutions, together with

the anicndnient, to thc Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Footc nio~-edthat when the Home WRS in secret session but one
clcrk :~iidone doorkecpcr bc xllowed on the floor, mtl the other officers
of thc Ilonst: h excluded.
rhc motioii was agreed to.
MY. IIolt iiio\-ed to reconsider the vote by which all the officers of
the IIouhc except the Clerk and Doorkeeper were excluded froin
msioiis of the body.
Mr. Du 1-6 moved to refcr the resolntion offered by Rlr. Trippe and
the anien dprrieiit tlicrcto offered by Air. Ciapp to the Committee on
tlic ,Jiitiic4;iry.
$41.. I h p 1 4 drnla
inotiori was agreed to.
The deinntid IT :is
Mr. Sexton i n o cd
~ tlmt Congress go into open session.
The Jnotion was lost.
MY.Russcll moved thc following resolution, viz:
Resolied, That tlicrc shall be a standing coniniittee of the House, to be called a
Coin niittec of Ortlnancc,


WHS referred

to the Committee on Military Affairs.

3h. Ihyc*coffered tho following resolution, viz:

i h o l ~ c d , h a t a c.oinrnittee of one from each State be appointed, t o be kno\vn as
tlie Coinrnittw of P ~ i I ) l i ( arkfense, to whom shall be referred such matters as the
I l o i i c ~may $ircicbt;

which w a h r c f t r i ~ dto the Corntnittee on illilitarj- Affairs.

Mr. Roystoth off erccl thc follon irrg resolution, viz:
IZesoli e l / , Th,it t l i c h Coiiiiiiittee on Iublic Ihiildings be instructed to inquire into the
expetliency of renio\ iny the seat of government from Richmond forthwith to a more



[Feb. 28, Mar. 1,1862.

central point of the Confederate States, and that they report 1)s bill or otherwise to
this Ilouse in secret session;

which WRS referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.

Mr. Keriner moved that Congress go into open session.
The inotion was agreed to.
The House went into open session.


28, 1862.


The Ilotisc iiict piimuaiit to ndjournment, and was opened with praye
by t h c Kev. Mr. Ford.
311..C h r r y movcd that the I-Zor adjourn; upon which motion Mr.
Smith of Virginia demanded the yeas and nays;
T?%ich were ordercd,

Y ~ w : Ashe, Baldwin, R k o n , Bell, Rocock, Ronham, Horatio TV.

I!,ntw? Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davidsm,
Davih, Dc .I arncttc, DiiprE, Foster, Gaither, Garland, Grdmni, Gray,
I I i ~ ~ 1 1Elilton,
Ifoleouibe, Wok, Johnston, Jones, H e n m of Korth
Cl>iroliniL, Lnridcr, Alachen, Marshall, McDowelI, McLean, Miles,
R I o o r ~ ,i l l ~ i n ~ ~ ~ ~Preston,
r ~ l y n , Pugh, Ralls, Sexton, Smith of Alabama,
St:q?l(xs,vl'clsh, Wilcox, a n t i Wright of Geor ia.
S ; L ~ S12:irlisddc,
C:hniiibcrs, Chambliss, Ekark, Conrad, Farrow,
E'ootc, Gnrcicnliiro, Garnctt, Gartrell, Goode, HeisBell, Kenner, Lewis,
I ~ ~ OI'~i.l~iiis,
I I ~ , Pi*j-or?Royston, Russell, Smith of Virginia, Strickl:irId, 'I'il)h, Tiilqw, Villerh, :Lnd Wright of Texas.
T h r niotion plov:iilcd,
And thc iloiisc adjourned nntil to-morrow at 11 o'clock.

, MARCH1, 1862.


Thc IIorxsc inet pursuant to adjonrnnient, and mas opened with prayer
I.)y thc ltcv. MY. Ford.
The Chair h i d before the House a coinniuriication from the President; wliich W:LS read and laid upon the table, and is as follows, t o wit:
To /lie Sprctlrr qf /lrr lIoic,e of ll'rpwse~ifaiii
ution of t h e House of Representatives of t h e 19th instant

ern \'irginix, 2119 to thr. ('oii

sttatc that upon rxaniin;itio
report from J'lajor-Genrw
arid that the report of Colond 1,ay was nixde without actual inspection on his part
of the Army at ltomney, then nntlcr the. imniediate comniand of General Loring, and
only gives, i n relation to it, buch information as h e received from officers at Winrhestcr.
The usiial and generally necessary practice is to ronsider inspection reports as confidential. It woultl fre uently happen that the publication of such reports would
neetllesly wound the rfeelings of officers and would promote discord and heartburning among the troops.

2ilur. 1 , la623



Tlie present instance forms no exception to the general rule, and i t is believed that
the public iuterest would rccc.ire detriment from the coiiiniunication of t h e report
w1iic.h i s called for. Justice to the parties concerned would require that much more
should be communicateti than the r e p r t , if it were submitted.

The Chair also laid before the House B communication from the
President; which TVBS read and laid upon the table, and is as follows,
to wit:
Tu /lit ,Sp,etrXel qf ilir Ihrse of IZeji, esriitictices:
I n r ~ ~ p o i itowt h e ri~solut~on
of t lie House of Represeiitatives requesting the Presic h i t to furnish the rqiort of Col. \Valter I.Jenifer of the battle of Leesburg, I
have to Ptatc that a copy of Genwal Evans report of that battle, with all the
iiit~lirdingthe report of Col.
H. Jenifer, \\as sent with
rcxtitry ol \Var irr December last t o the Congress, and it is supof tliia latt \\ ill be accepted by you as a satisfactory compliance

Ilie Spcdwr Iii:idc :L report lroni the Corninittee on Etules; which

laid 011 the tal)le and ordered to be printed.
The report i s follows, v i z :


Hi(lr s qf t li c ITozc se

of Repwsentu tii%es.



The Speaker shall take the chair every day preciscly a t thc hour to which the
ITonse shall hare adjoiirrrcd 011 tlie prcccding day; sliall iinniediately call the House
t o ordcr; arid a quoruiii bc~iiigprrseiit, shall came t h e Journal of the preceding day
t o be read. Auy mistakes i n the entries shall, upon motion, then be corrected.

IIe shall precerrc order arid drcorum; may speak to points of order i n preference
to other iiieiiilter.;, rising ftoiir his swt foi. that purpose; and shall decide questions
of order, subject to an appeal to the ITouse He shall rise to put a question, but may
state i t sitting.
Questions ihnll be distinctly put in the followi
opinion that, etc. ( a s t h c quwtioii niay Ix), say A
is niven, .le,ninny as a r e of a (.otitiarv o p i ~ ~ i o
a &vision i q cnlleti lor., t l i t x 1Toiiw stiail t1i\1(1(
tioii rising flwt frniii t h t ~ i rstiati, :iiitl Atel ~ r a r d

Tlie Speakcr sliall h a w power ti) R

correct t h c Journal before it is read.
He shall ha\ e a geiieral direction of
ith power, in case of disturbance or
disorderly coiidtict 111 swh part thrrrol as inay be appropriated to spectators, to have
the same clearcd. IIe sliall h a x pov er Irke\\ise to name any member to perform
tcmporarily the duties of the Chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond
an adjoiirnmeiit. During such substitution he may participate in the debates.



A11 acts, atldresses, and joint resoliitioiis shall be si ned by the Speaker, and all
writs, narranti, ant1 subpcw:iG issned by the order of &e House shall be under his
hand and seal, attested by t t i v Clerk.
The Clerk of the Houw shall take an oath, to he administered by t h e Speaker, to
support the Constitution of tlie Confetlerxte States, and for the true and faithful discharge of the diitiecl of his office to the best of his knowledge and abilities; and also




to keep t h e secrets of the House; and he shall be deemed to continue i n office until
11is SlLccessor is appointed unless sooner dismissed therefrom. It shall be his duty to
keep and preserve all records and other papers introducect and submitted to the CorIpitieration of the EIouse, t o furnkh to t h e chairman of each committee a list of the
nlenlbers thereof, and froni time to time such papers as rnay be referred to it, and a
copy of all orders of instruction given by the House to such committee. And in all
things h e shall perform his duty as Clerk, under t h e direction of t h e Speaker.
The Doorkeeper shall take t h e same oath with the Clerk, sha!l have the same
temure of office, and shall in like inaniier discharge the duties assigned him by the
House, under the direction of t h e Speaker.


jrhe1, a lllplnbcr rises to speak, he shall respectfully address, 31r. Speaker,

stalldillg ill his place; he shall confine himself strictly to t h e question before thc
IIouse, arid when he has finished he shall sit down.
I n any one debate on the same question, no member shall speak more than once,
till all others ha1.e spoken, who desire to do so, nor more than twice without the
consent of a majority of the members present.
When txvo or more members rise at the sanie time, the Speaker shall name the
person to speak; but in all cases the member who shall first rise and address the
Chair shall speak first.
No member shall, i n debate, use any language reflecting injuriously upon the
character, motires, honor, or integrity of any other member.

R u m XII.
No member shall speak to another, or otheraise interrupt t h e business of the
House, while the Journal or pubkc papers are being read, or while any meuiter is
speaking i n debate, or during the call of the roll.

If any member, in speaking, transgress the rules of t h e House, t h e Speaker shall,

or any inember may, call to order, in which case the member called to order shall
iinrnediately take his seat, nnless
to explain, and the House, if appealed
to, shall decide the case withotit
there be no appeal, t h e decision of the
n be in faror of t h e melnher called to
Chair shall be submitted to. If
order, he shall be a t liberty to proce
f otherwise. he shall not proceed, except
by leave of the House. For flagrant or repeated riolations of order, especially if
persisted in after the admonition of the Speaker, a member shall be liable to the
censure of the House.
Tf any member be called to order by another inember for n ords spoken, the it ords
excepted to shall be immediately taken down in .ivriting, in order that the Speaker
and the IIouse may be better able to judge t h e matter.

Every inember who shall be i n t h e IIoose when the question is put, shall give his
vote, unless the House, for special reasons, shall excuse him. I t shall not be in
order to ask to be excused after the vote has commenced, nor upon motions to
adjourn, to adjourn over, and t h e like. No member shall Vote on any question in
Ihe event ofwhlch he is particularly and immediately interested.

I h r . 1, 1862.1






incmibcr rliall liare a right to vote at any time before the decision is pronouiiccd by the Chair.
So i n ~ m b e rshall absent liinisc4f froin the service of tlic House, unless lie have



or be sick or unablc to attend.



A n y ten nieinbcrr (iiiclutling t h e Spealrer, if there be one, and h e be prcscnt)

slinll bc authorized to coinpel thc atttndance of absent members.


tJpon tlie call of the IIouse, the names of the members shall be first called over by
the Clcrlr, 2tnd thc ahscritres noted; after which the names of the absentees shall
again 1)e cnllccl over; the doors shall then be phiit, and those for whom no excuse,
or iiisiificient ewuses are iiiade, inay, br order of thow present, if ten in nuniher,
be talren into custody as they a p l m r , or inav be sent for and taken into custody,
n herel er to bc ionlid, b y 6pecial iiiesbengcrs, to be appointed for that purpose.


When a nicnilm qIia11 1 ) tlirc.Iiarget1

from custody, and admitted to his seat, the
IIoiiw s1i:ill c t c t c v niiiic I\ h e t h w w t i tliscliarge shall be M ith or ~vithonipaying fces;
:inrl i n liLv iii:iniicr, wltet1ir.r ti delinquent incriiber, taken into custody by a special
ill 0 1 htiiill n u t be lialile to defray the expense of such special niessenger.

I<\ cry iiiotioii o r pyopositiori slid1 be rcducect to writing, if desired hy the Speaker
,clinll Iw dt~11rvrcv.lin at tlie Clerks table, to be there read. And
t l i c . q i i w t i o i i shall 1x1 qtatctl b y the Chair before the same shall be debated.
oi- an! iiicirilx~r,wiicl

.\ny motion or proposition may I)e withdrawn b? the inover at any time, before a
clt~-ision,anieiitliiic~nt,or otlier action of thr body upon it, except a niotion to reconsider, which s11:ill not be \iitlidrawri without leave of the House.

I t v r , ~XXIII.
When R qucstion is under tlchate, no motion (cxcept as may he specifieallv provitletl lor) ~ 1 1 ~ ~iw1 1rrreivctl but to atljouiii; to lie on the table; to postpone indefiiiitc>l>; to l)ost~)oii(~
to a (lay certain; t o coiiiiiiit or aiiitncl; which several motions
s1i:iII 1i:11 p r c w t l c ~ i i c r ,in tlic order in I\ Iiich they h i i d arranged.

Brrm XXIV.
If tlie question for dc~i~qion
contain several parts, any member niay have the same
tlivitletl; but, on a motion to strike out and insert, i t shall not be in order to move
for a. division of the question; but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert
oiic I>rnposition rliall not prevent R niotion to strike out a n d insert a different propo<it ion, nor p r c ~ c ~ai t snbieqiient proposition simply to strike out; nor shall the
of a iiintioii sini1)lp to strike out prevent a siilwqiient motion to strike out
a i i c l insert.

Every joint wqolution or bill requiring the signature of the President ehall receive
three readings in the liouse preiions to its being passed, the Speaker giving notice
at each reatling nhether it be the first, ~econd,or third. The first reading of a bill
or joint resolution shall he for information, and i f opposition be made to it, the question shall be propounded Shall the hill or resolution he rejected? If no objection
be inade, or if tlic question o n rejection he decided in the negative, the bill or resolution shall go to a second reading without a question.



War. 1, 1862

After secolid reading, all such matters, unless t h e preoious qllestion be ordered,
shall be open to amendment in the House, but i t shall be 1!1 order in that skue of
proceedings for any member to move that t h e House resolre Itself into Committee of
the Whole for the purpose of considering it.
If the motion to go into Committee of the Whole shall prevail, the rrleasure shall
be taken up for immediate consideration, and nothing else shall be i n order iri said
committee. If the committee rise before the consideration of t h e ineamre shall be
concluded, the same shall be reported back and have place as unfinished business in
the IIouse, but as soon as i t shall be again reac.het1 in order, unless it be otherwise
disposed of, the House shall stand again resolved into Committee of the Whole, and
so on, till the consideration of the measure therein be frilly concluded.
if?llereupon the comniittee shall be considered as dissolved, and the chairman
shall report the iiie:tsure back to t h e IIouse, 15 it11 the rccunrniendation of the cornmittec.. The final quertion on aiiy matter which shall have been considered in Comt of the v7holc or by the I-Ionse after second reacling, shall be, 1~lietherit
he e ~ ~ g r o ~ and
s c drcatf n third tiiiic?
Anf1no anlentln~ent$hall be rcccircd alter t h e engrossmeilt for a third reading has
been ordered. Rut i t sliall a t all tinics be in order before the final action on anv
mattor to m o w i t s comniitment, and should such c.oniniitnient take place, and anjr
nmcntlment be reported by the conimittce, t h e mliole slrall he again read a serond
time :md considered in like manner as if i t liar1 n o t before been engrossed.

All appropriation bills and bills laying a tax upon the people ?hall be consiclered
and niatured in Committee of the Whole. The mode of proceeding in Committee of
the Whole shall be to read over the bill or other matter a t length for information, if
desired by any member, and then to read i t again by sections or clauses for amendment. The rules of the House shall be entorced i n Coininittee of t h e Whole so far
as applicable. The question niay be called o n t h e pending proposition, but the previous question shall not be ordered i n Coinrnittee of the Whole.

A inolion to lay a n y amendment on the table prevailing, shall carry with it only
the amendment and not the original proposition or matter. And 110 motion or proposition different from that under consideration ?hall be admitted under color of

After a bill (or other matter) has been ordered to be engrossed, and it has been
read a third time, the question shall be, Shall the bill (or other matter, n-hatexrer
i t may be) now pass?
Thc title of bills and joint resolutions submitted to the House, and sue
thereof only as may be affected by proposed amendments, shall b(1 inserted
When the previous question is called, the main question shall not be put, {Inless
ordered by two-thirds of t h e members present; but upon the call for the question,
made by any meinher, if the mine be seconded by a majority of those present, the
vote shall be immediately taken 011 the pending question, whaterer i t may be, without further debate.

The form of the previous question shall be, Shall the main qllestion be no-7 put?
and if ordered, its dffectshall be to put an end to a11 debate and 1)ring tl1e IIouse to
a direct Vote, first, on the motion to commit, if pencling, the11 on psndin,0 aniend:md then upon the iiiain question. If upon the call for tizt. I
. yues
the main CiUestiOn be liot ordered, debate shall continue as if the
been uiade.

Xai. 1, lBGL]



Tho inotioii to adjourn, and to fix the time to which tlie House shall adjourn, shall
always be in order. These motions and the motion to lie on the table, and the
motion to go into Coiiiniit,tee of t h e Whole, and for the previous question, sliall be
decided wit,liout debate.
W h e n t,he reading of any paper, i n possession of the House, and not being the
prec*ise inat,ter npon whi i the House is acting, is called for, and objection is made
b y a n y men-rher, t h e cine ion shall be determined by a rote of the House without
7s on any quesi.ion in Committee of the Whole and i n the House

t. a l l y tiiric before proceeding to another question or proposition,

sed, t,liey shall not be again demantletl on the same question. I n
1 n:~ys the list of members shall be called alphabetically, except
that tlic Spealrer shall he called last.


All coniiiiit,tces dial1 bc appointed by the Speaker, unless otherwise specially

directed 1)y t,lie I-Tonse, in nlrit:li case they shall be appointed b y ballot, and a
pluralit,y of votes slrull prevail.

At the begiiming of every Congress standing committees shall be appointed as

follows, yiz:
Tlie following to consist of nine iiieiiibers each, to wit:
\Vays and Rleans.
Military Affairs.
Foreign Affairs.
Kaval Affairs.
Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
Territories and Public Lands.
Indian Affairs.
The following to coilxist of five meliibers eadr, t o wit:
Rules and OfiiccJrs of the IIonse.
The followiiig t o c-onsist o f t,liree inmilxm, to wit:
Pay ant1 Milexgc.
Also, the joint coininittees provitlecl for in tlie r d e s o i the two Rouses, viz:
Coimiiittee on Printing, to consist of five inernl~rs.
Committee on 11:nrolled Bills, t,o consist of three meinbers.
Committec on Piihlic Buildings, t o consist of three riienibers.

No cominittee shall sit during the sessions of the House, nor employ a clerk a t the
1)ublic expeuse, without special leave oC the House.
shall go into Corriiiiittae of the Whole, tlie Speaker may vacate
me iiieinbej- to preside in committee. All questions in the House
and i n Coniiirittee of the Whole r?hall be propoiiiided i n the order i n which they
were moyed, if consistent with parliamentary law, except that in filling blanks the
longest time a i d tlie largest surii shall lirst be put.



The order of husiness for t h e day, after the reading of t h e Journal, shall be
follon s:
I . The call of the States, alphabetically, for ineinorials, bills, resolutionb, or other
lilatter which any iiieniber may nish to bring before Congress. h t all bills and
joiut resolutioiis thus introduced, unless rejected, laid on the table, or indefinitely
postponed, shall be referred to sonie committee for examination arid report; the
committee to be designated by the Speaker unless determined by the IIoutie.
2. Tht. call of coinillittees for reports, in t h e order i n which said corninittees shall
be namcd i n t h e rules When a rommittce shall report a bill, resolntioii, or other
niattcr for the consitlcratioll of thc ~ I o ~ st hPe, question first propounded by the Chair
sliall bc: Shall this bill (or other nlatter, as t h e case 11lay.bc1)be placed on the Calcudar? Brit Iwnding this question the motion to :tcljourn, to tic on the table, to
postpone iutlcfinitcly, to poctlmne to a day certain, and to coiiimit, shall have precedence in tlic ortltr in liic.11 they stand arranged.
3 Tllc C:ilr~itlar or rrpul,ir ortlcrs: of t h e day shall then be taken np, and every
bill, rc~solutioii,or othor nicx~t1rt~
shall he tlispowl of in the ortler in which it there
n y S t a t w arid c.oiiimittres, a n d in considering the regular order
staiidb. In ( ~ ~ l l i tlic
e unfinished business in each class shall first be considered


At least one hour each day shall be set apart for t h e call of t h e States and committees, and t h e regular order shall i n no event interiere therewith, and special orders
shall not do so unless the intention oi the House i n that respect be clearly expressed.

The rules shall not be suspended, nor any special order made, nor the regular
ordrr of business changed, except by a vote of two-thirds ot t h e iiierubers present,
hut a uiajority shall have powcr, at any time, to postpone the particular matter under
ronsideration with a yiew to take up soine other measure.
When a question has once been made and carried in the affirmati\.e or negative, a
riiotioii to reconsider shall be entertained on iiiotion of any member who roted with
the plevailing side, provided i t be inade on t h e salne day on ~ 1 i i c . hthe vote was
taken, or within the next two days of actual session. The motion to reconsider may
be entered RS a matter of privilege, and its consideration shall take precedelice of
everything except special orders and other questioiis of privilege.
All questions of order shall be decided by the Speaker without debate, subject to
a11appeal to the IIouse. If the decision relate to a question of decorum, or propriety
of conduct, it shall not be debatable. If i t relate to the priority of bnsiness, or the
relevancy or applicability of propositions, the appeal may be debated, but no member shall speak on it niore than once, except by leave of the House.

Whenever any matter i6 under consideration, a motion to print shall always he in
order, unless cut off by a call for the question or the previow question, but all
iiiotionq to print extra copies of any bill, rcport, message, or other docurnents shall
be referred to t h e Committee o n Printing.

Stenographers and reporters for the prcss wishing to take down t h e proceedings of
the House may be admitted by t h e Speaker, who shall assign to them such places
on the floor as shall not interfere with the convenienco of the members when in open

Mar. 1, IS62.1




On motion made and seconded t o go into secret session, the Speaker shall forthwith
order thc IIall to be cleared and the doors to be closed, but as soon as the business
for conderatioii in srcrct ees$ioii is disclosed, the question shall be propounded to
t h e tlowe, if demitnded by any member, Shall this matter be considered in secret
session? If a. majority shall vote in the negative, the House shall immectiately
resume open session, mid business shall proceed in order.
The Iloiise being in wcret session, tlie same order of business shall prevail which
is prescribed for tlic Iloase in open session, except that a majority in secret session
shall have power to cliange such order and determine what shall first be taken up.


Any officer or member of the 1Iouse of Representatives convictcd oP disclosing any

matter directed by the body to be held in coiifidence shall be liable, if an officer, to
disinissal troin service, and in case of a member, to suffer expulsion froin t h e body.

No inof i o n or proposition s l i ~ l lhe niatle to cliange these rules, unless t w o days
notiw of tlrc iiitcntioir to niaki. ci1c.h niotioii o r proposition shall first be given, and
such motion or proposition shall not be p:tsi(vI uiilesr by a vote of two-thirdg of the
111CIIIltrrs prtlbcllt.
1tCLh: I,.

These shall I)c t l i c k rnles oi tlie TIorise of Representatives until otherwise ordered.

Mr. 11yon yi*esontctl the iiieinorial of sundry citizens of Surnter

County, Ala., i n relation to a daily mail; which was referred t o the
Comiiiittco on Post-Offices t ~ n dPost-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Clopton inti*odiiccd
A bill to I x ontitled h i act to provide for granting furloughs in
c w c s of sickiicss;
which was rend thc first and sccontl times and referred to the Comon Mi1itai.y Afbii-s.
Mr. Garlnntl iiitrodimd
A hill to l)e crititled An act to provide for the payuient of pensions
i n tho @onfcdei.atc Stntcs of America. niid the Indian tribcs under their
which W:LS rcnd the first :ind second times :md referred to the Coriiiiiittec 011 \l:~ys and Memi\.
Mr. Trippe presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Gyiffin,
Ga., in reliltion to Sunthy mails; which was referred to tlie Committee
on Post-OKices and Yost-LZoads, without being rc:d
Mr..Joncs of Tcnnrshee moved that thc vote by which the bill introduced by Mr. Gar1:Lnd was referred to thc Committee on Ways aiid
Means be reconsidered.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Pcrlrins introduced
A hill to authorize the President to send additional commissioners
to foreign nations;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Foreign A [fairs.
Mr. I<enner introduced
A resolution that the Committee on Naval ABairs be instructed to



[Mar. 1, 1862

inquire into the expediency of establishing a naval depot at or near

the city of New Orleans;
mhich was agreed to.
Nr. Marshall pescnted a certain joint resolution of the general
assembly of Louisiana .in reference to establishing a triweekly mail
coach line from Natchitoches to Monroe; which mas read and referred
to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
Mr. McRae introduced
A bill to l c v y a war tax on cotton produced in the year 1862;
which was read tlic first a d second times and referred to the Committee on Ways and ,Means.
A h . Welsh introduced
A resoltition t h d the Cominittee on Mi1itnr.y Affairs be instnicted
to inquire into the best mode of asccrtaining the number and condition
o f r s h :irnis t i o w in the various companies of the different regiments
in the service of the Confederate States, arid report by bill or otherwise the steps necessary to be taken in order to hring said extra arms
into immediate service;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Bell introduced
A be entitled An act to increase the efficiency of the Cavalry
Corps; 7 7
which was read the first and second times and ref erred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
&IraCooBe nloved to talre up ti resolution from the Senate pledging
the (ioverniiient to niainixin the territorial integrity of the Confederacy.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Swart int,roduced
A bill to ttiitliorizo the tLypointment of commissioners to represent
the Confederate States of Riiierica at the Industrial Exhibition to be
opened at London May 1, 1862;
which was rend the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Heiskell introduced
A bill to aid the manufacture of arms;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Corn
initter, on Military Affairs.
Mr. Footc introduced
A resolution that the President be requested to communicate to this
House any information which he may possess touching the presence of
certain foreign vrssels in the waters of the Cliesapeake Hay at this
time, and espccially whether these vessels are probably here for t h e
purpose of csporting cottori or tobacco from the Confederate States;
which was reud and referred t o the Coininittee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Sexton offered
A resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed
to inquire whether the law now in force to provide for the issue of
Treasury notes, and levying a war tax for their redemption, approved
August 19, 1861, is not in conflict with the Permanent Constitution
of the Confederate States; and if so, what legislation is necessary to
render its provisions conformable thereto, and to report by bill or
which was agrced to.

X u 1,1862 ]



Jir. Herhert introduced

X bill to proride for connecting the Texas and New Orleans Hailroad
with the New Orlcms and Oprlonsas Railroad for military purposes;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to repeal an act for the sequestration of the estates,
property, and effects of alien encniies, and for the indemnity of citizeris of the Confederate S t d c s and persons aiding the same i n the
existing war with the United States; which was read the first and
hecutid times and referred to the Conirnittee on the Judiciary.
Also, a joint rc.;olrrtion relating to the estates, property, and effects
of alien enemies; which was w a d the first and second times and referred
to the Conilllittee on the Jndiciary.
Also, a bill to provide for transferring froin the district courts of
the Confedentte f3tatc.s of Auicrica to the proper State courts all suits
between citizens of diff(\rent States, and to repeal in part the tenth and
forty-scrcnth sectioiis of an act to establish the judicial courts of the
(>onfctlcmte St:itcs of i'utici.ic-a; which read the first and second
tiincs and i ~ ~ i ' c ~ it -oi tlic
~ ~ l Coniniittccl on the J u d i c i : q .
M Y . (;oodr o f l c ~ l ~ c ~ t l
A resolution tliat t l i c C'onimittcc on llIilitarr Xffairs be instructed to
inqnirc t i i d wport as won ;is possible what Iegislation, if any, is necessary to j)vovidc a iiiorc perfect system of passports t,hxn that existing
a t prese11t ;
IYWI :tiid agreed to.
Also, a resolution t h a t thc Committee on Cliiiiiis be instructed to
inquire into the rspcdienc..\-of providing for the payrnent of the balance
due tho,\(>pc rwiis in the Conl'rderate States who were engaged in behalf
of the hit(' I'iiitccl Stiitcs i n taking the census of 1860; which N ~ S
agreed to.
Rlr. Staples prcsentcd the iiieriiorial of Catherine Miller in reference
to L: deed to a house and lot, etc.; which was referred to the Cornmittoc on Claims, without being read.
Mi.. Kenner, l)y tlic unaninioiis consent of the House, reported froiii
the Coniniittcc on TT':tyh and bIewns the following resolution:
lie inhtlncted to purchasr oiic thousand dolcquxlly anlong the nicnihcrs of the House.
and hooks iieccssary to the carrying on the
be paid out of the contingent fund of the


which was' I.CILCJ :uid agreed to.

hlr. Yooto, from the Committee on Foreign Rfl'airh, by the consent
of the IIouse, reported back
A hill to prohibit t h c iiiiportation of articles the prodnee and niftnufacture o f the ITnitcd States, or of other nations from the [Jnited States
into t l i t ~Coiifcdt~tateStates,
and iiio1-cd that it, I)(: printed and made the special order for 1o'clo~li
on Xonday; which was agreed to.
Congress rI'ho Ilouse] then resolved itself into secret session.

The Houhe hciiig in secret session. took up the unfinihhcd business

of yesterday, ria;*'l'he bill authorizing the President to appoint a commander in chief.



[Mar. 3,1862.

The question being upon the amendment offere! by the Committee

on Militarj- Affairs to strike out all after the enacting clause; which is
as follows, to wit:"
Mr. Foote moved to amend the amendment by adding the following
as an additional section, viz:
lie ii fw-tller enricted, That the duties now performed by the secretary of War shall
be perfurnied by said commanding general, except such m m s t e n a l dutles as he
shall deem it best to devolve tipon the principal Secretary of the Department hereby
created, and that henceforth and until the termination of t h e pending struggle 01
arms the ofice of Pecrctary of War be discontinued.

The following iiicssrtge was received from the Senate by their Secr t t n q - , viz: a
And inscrt in lieu thereof the following words, tjo wit,: a
N r . Foote niorcd that t h e House go into open session.
'l'hc niotion was lost.
011motion of Mr. Footc, the bill to Ic Ic
was made the special
order of thc day for T1xesday next.
On motion of Mr. Foote,
Thc Housc ndjourned until Monday a t 11 o'clock a. m.


MARCH3, 1862.


The House met pursuant to ndjournmcnt, and was opened with prayer
the I h v . Mr. Ford.
Nr. Machen announced the presence of Mr. .Tames S. Chrisman, a
Rcprescntati\ic-clect from the State of Kentucky, who came forward,
mas qu:LIificd, and took his seat.
Mr. Miles iiiovcd to postpone thc regular order of business to take
np for coilsideration a bill authorizing the President to appoint a commander i n chief.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Pugh iutroduced
A bill to authorizc the purchase of private arms or pay for the use
of the same;
which wtis read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. 12:tlls introduced
A joint resolution declaring the sense of Congress in regard to reuniting with the United States;
which WAS read thc first and second times, engrossed, a d read the
tjhird time.
Mr. P u g h dcmandcd the yeas and nays on agreeing to the resolution;
Which were ordered,
nr,d a,.p, as follows, biz:

Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Raldwin, Barlrsdale, Katson, Bell, Bocock,

Bonham, Boteler, Rogce, Hreckinridge, Horatio T I T . Bruce, Burnetl,
Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Crockett, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnette, DuprB,
Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire, Garland,
a Xot recorded in t h e Journal.


Mar 3 , 1862 ]



( h r n c t t , Crartrc.11, (hode, Grahttni, Gray, E-Ianly, Heiskoll, Herbert,

Ililtoll, l-Iolcolub,c, Ilolt, Jcnlrins, Johnston, rJones, Kenan of North
Cwolinx, I<eiinci., I ~ ~ n d cImvi.s,
Lyon, Lyons, Machen, Marshall,
1LlcIlo\\ell, McLean, 2fcltae. RIcQuccn, Menees, Miles, Moore, Munncrlyn, Perkins. Preston, Yryor, Pugh, Ralls, Bead, Rogston, Russell,
Scxtori, Singleton, Sniitli of Alah:ima, Smith of Korth Carolina, Smith
of Virginia, Stltplcs, Striclilaiid, Swan, Tihbs, Trippe, VillerE, Welsh,
JYilcos, \I7right of Ucoi,giw. Rnd Wright of Texas.
1 lic resolution inis r,doi)ted unaniniously.
A h . Haiily int~oduced
A bill to provide for the organization of the Arkansas and Red Rimr
Superintendency of Iiidim Affairs, to regulate trade and intercourse
with the Iutlims thvrcin, arid lo preserve peace upon the frontiers;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
Mr. Gartrell otffercd
A rcsolution in reference to wages due deceased officers and soldiers;
which waq referred to the Coiiiiiiittec on Military AffLirs.
Also, a lettei. of C:~ph.12. C. BlcCurry, of tho Twenty-second Georgia 12cginicirt, in refci*ciiret o thc p:iynwtit o f wageh due deceased officers mid soldier,; which w:is referred to the Committee on Military
Also, :L coniniiin ication of Govornor I3rown of Georgia, to the
mcchwnics of th:Lt State, on the snhject of arms; which was referred
to thc Conimittcc on Military Affairs.
MI.. C1:~rlri nt r oduc d
A ) d l to fix t hc tinic of tlic meeting of Congress;
which m:is rraci t hc first :nid scc~ondtimes arid refcrlcd to the Committee on the ,Judici:iry.
Also, a rcsoliit,ion that, from and aftcr tlic -day of March. no
new iimtter elittll be introduced except by :L vote of two-thirds of the
House; which was, on motion of &lr. Royston, laid upon the table.
Also, :L resolution that the ex-mcmbcrs of tlic Pro\ isiorial Congress
be eiititlcd to seats within the bar of the House while in open session;
which m s read :ind agrccd to.
Mr. Smith of Virginid iiioved to rcconsiclcr the vote by which the
rcholution was :igrccd to.
Ihc motion prevailed;
Air. Gartrcll moved to refer the sanie to the Committee on Rules;
JI hich motion was agreed to.
M i . Ierliins introduced
iZ bill to rcgulatc the grttnting of passports;
which m s rcad t h e first and second times and referred to the Committee on Mi1ihr-y ,iffairs.
Also, tt resolution that the President be requested to communicate
what additional rncnns, in money, men, arms, and other munitions of
war, :LIC, in his judgiiit~nt,necessary, or mt~ybe within the present
war. for thc publi(~service, including military operations on land and
water: which n :is ~ g r e c dto.
Rlr. l3arlr&lc offered
A rrsolntion that t h e Cominittec on Foreign Relations be instructed
to inquire into the (.xisting i~c1:ttionsbetmeen tliirj Government and
consuls coiiimissionccl 1)sforeign ponws and accredited to the Govern, 7



rnent, of the United States, and are still residiug in their official capacity
lvithin tlie Territories of the Confederate States, to report whether they
exercise their jurisdiction by permission of the Government of the
Confederate States in accordance with treaties of commerce, or otherwise, and whether any action of Congress on this subject be necessary
to the vindication of the rights and dignity of the Government of the
Confederate States;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Chamhliss offered
A resolution t,hat the Coinmittee on Naval Affairs be instructed to
inquire into the expediency of placing a t the disposal of the President
$,5,000,000 for the purpose of building gunboats for the defense of the
Confederate States;
which was :tgi.ecd to.
111..I3:tldain presented the memorial of James McLaughlin in relation to n I)ension; which mas referred to the Coinmittee on Claims,
without hchg read.
Mr. Pryor presented a memorial from Spencer T. Hancock in relation to pay for taking the census; which mas referred to the Committee on Claims, without being read.
A h . Lyons oiTered
A resolution that the expenses of the inauguration of the President.
and Vice-Prvsident be paid ratably out of the contingent funds of the
two Houses of Congress;
which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Konhwm, which mas seconded,
The I-lousc then rcsoIved itself into secret session.

The ITonse being in seuret Y

The Chair presented a coniniunication f roni the President, inclosing
the report of the Secretary of the Kavy; vhich, on motion of Mr.
Holt, was referred to the Coninii ttce on Naval Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Foote, a clerk was authorized to be appointed by
the committee, to serve during its sessions, inquiring into the surrender of Forts Donelson and Henry.
The Ilouse took up the bill authorizing the President to appoint a
commander in chief.
hlr. Foote moved that Congress go into open session.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Boyce moved to amend the bill by striking out in the same,
wherever it occurs, the word commander and insert in lieu thereof
the word general.
The motion was agreed to.
hlr. Garnctt nioyed to lay the bill and the amendments on the table.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Bonhani moved to amend the amendment offered by the Com
mittec on Military AAaim by striking out in the second section the
words H e shall be stationed at the seat of government and insertin
in lieu thereof the following words, viz: His usual headquarters sha 1
be at the seat of government.
Thc motion was agreed to.
Mr. Bonharn moved further to amend the section by adding at the
end thereof the lollowing words, viz: and may, when he shall deem

i t :tdvis:tble, take comiiiand, i n person, of our army or armies in the

he first section of the amendment of the
il1ilit:wy Coniniittc~ewas auiended by btriking out the words i during
the existcnre oi the present war a n d inserting in lieu thereof the
mordx during the pleasure of the President.
J l r . Niles niovcd t o amend th e third section of the amendment by
filling the 1)laiilc with t h e words four hnndred.
11.11.. S;\taii( d i e d thc question; which was seconded, and the motion
~ 1 agreed
lhc :iniendnient of thc coinmittee, ns amended, was agreed to, and
is as l o l l o ~ I~iz:
J1r. l+rlcliiib iiiovcd to lay the bill as amended on the table, and print
ICIWII cl~mttndcd
the question; which was seconded, and
to rcfcr the bill to the Comnii
on the Judiciary,
with inrtructionh to wport iipon the cwnstitution
of the same, and
tlici.con d ( ~ i i : i n & ~
t hi c ~( ~ w ~ t i o IIn liich
wiis seconded, and the niotion

ion reciLrriiiy iqwn engrossing thc bill for a third reading,

I of Virgitii:i (l(vit:iiidw! the clii(6on; which was seconded,
and tlie bill \v:i\ ~ngrohhcdand road a third time.

rhc qiiv>tion being,

S h l l this ])ill now pa
Mi.. Smith of Virgini

einandcd the question; which was seconded.

Mr. LJo m t 1 t ~ i i ~ : u i c l c ctlic
yeas and ritrys thowon ;
h i d onc fifth of tlio nierrihcrs sustaining the demand,
Yeas - _ _ _ _ . -_ _ _ _ - _ _ 50 [51]
r ?
I hey arc i~ccordcda\ followq, vie: Kays
_ _ _ _ ._
_ _ _ _ _ _ - . - 16
Yea.;: i\shc, Zhldwin, 3arksdaIe, Batson, Hell, I3ocock, Boiiham,
IEotclcr, ihycc, I3rrckinridge, 13ui11ett, Ch:inibliss, Chilton, Clark,
Clopton, Croclclctt, I):~rgaii, Ihviclhon, Ewing, Gaither, Gardenhire,
G w ~ t d l ,Goode, IIci~ltcll,Holcoinbe, Eolt,
Kenan of North
Giroli n:i, I<cnii~r,Landcr, Lwis, I , p n , M:tchen, McDowell, McLean,
McKac.. Rlilcs, Jliiiinorlyn, lrynr, Zugh, Ralls, Read, Royston, Singlei i t h of Vii*gini:t? Strickl:ind, S w : q Tibbs, Trippc, Wrig h t of

htpi$, I<brrow,Garnett, Gray, Herbert,

11, Ierkins, Sexton, VjllerB, and Welsh.

So tlia lill w:i\ p a w d .

On niotion of A h . illilcs, the title w:rs amended by striking out the
ha~iieand inserting in lien thcrcol the following words, to wit:
A hill to crctttc Ihc ofticc of conmianding general of the Confederate
States. )
,111.. ,Joiics niovcd to rcconsidcr the vote by which thc bill wxs passed
:ind tltw:intfeci the question; which was seconded.
On motion of Jlr. Cridenhire, the spcciul order of the day m~aspostponed :~n dniudu t l i c s~ieciitlorder of the day for next Thursday.
Nr. Hilton moved th&t thc House adjourn.
The rriotioti wts lost.



5 4 5 4

Not recorded in the Journal.



Mr. Davis moved a call of the House.

The motion was lost.
Mr. ,Jenkins moved that the House adjourn.
Mr. Garnett demanded the yeas and nays;
And one-fifth of the members sustaining the demand,
Yeas - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
They are recorded as follows, viz: Nays - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2o
Yeas: Rocock, Bonham, Clark, Farrow, Foote, Garnett, Gray,
Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Jenkins, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander,
Lewis, Lyons, Alachen, McDowell, Munnerlyn, Perkins,. Malls, Sexton,
Smith of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Strickland,
ahd V illerE.
Nays: I'Ason, 13el1, I3oyce, Rurnett, Chilton, CrocBett, Davidson,
Davis, Ewiiig, (;nrdcnhii*c,Gart~*ell,
Hcisliell, Herbert,, Jones, McLean,
Niles, Pugh, lioyoton, Swan, and Tihbs.
The IIouse :idjourneci un ti1 half past 11 o'clock to-morrow.



MAI~CH4, 1862.


The R o u e met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer

by the Kcv. Air. I'orcl.
Mr. Chilton offei~ed
A resolution th:it t h o Coininittee on the Judiciary inquire into the
cxpcdiency of cqwlizi ng tlic salnrics of the several judicial ofhers of
the Corifcdcrxte States :ind of giving- said oficers fixed salaries instead
of aIIowing tlirni the s:il:ll*icsnow provided toy lam.
Jlr. Footc dcnxinclcd the question; which was seconded, and the
rcsolritjon \\ :is :Ldopt ed.
Mr. Fostc7. oil'ercd
A resolution that a. cwnniittce consisting of five be appointed by the
Spcaker, wliose duty it shall be to inquire into the expediency of
attaching to snc.1~
reginients :LS inay or shall be formed and armed with
shotguns and riflcs one or more bnttcries of field artillery, and report,
by bill or otherwisc, to this House, and also what appropriation may
be ncccssary to effect the samc.
illr. Y'oote dcniandcd the qucstion; which was seconded, and the
i*cwliition v RS agreed to.
The Chair aniiounccd thc following as the committee:
Messrs. Foster of Alabama, Roriliam of South Carolina, Garnett of
Virginia, Wright of Gcorgia, and Davis of Mississippi.
1111. lloystton inovcd to take up for consideration a resolution limiting thc 1cgisl:ition of the House.
The motion was lost.
hlr. IIiltoii iiitroduccd
A bill to increase the pay of the noncommissioned officers and priv:ites in the Army of tlic Confcderatc, States;
which u7:is wad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Holt offercd a rrieniorial for the establishment of a post-office
at Pine Knot Mills, Ga.; which was referred to the Conilllittee on
Post-OEces and Post-Roads, without being read.

Mar 4, 1862 3



Also, a resolutioii that, from and after the loth instant, no new matter be oiferccl f o r the aclion of this Ionse except by a vote of twothirds, s a ~ esuch matter as has exclusive reference to finance and in
prosecution of the war.
Mr. Miles called the question; which was seconded.
T h e resolution was lost.
Mr. Dupr6 introduced
A bill to make Ireasury notes a. legal tender:
wliich was read the fii.4 and second times and referred to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
Also, a resolution that hereafter a majority of the House shall be
rcquired to go into secret session.
The rules were sitspended, and t h e resolution was taken up.
Mr. Foote moved to postpone the consideration of the resolution
and make it the spccial ordcr for 3 oclock.
Tlie motion ~ r a lost.
Mr. Gardeiihire called the question; which was seconded,
And the same being on agrc~eingto the resolution,
A h . C;r:~s deui:~ndedtllr p i s arid nays;
The dcniand bcing siihtaiiicd,
I Yeas.. .- - - -._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 29
r ,
1lic Vote i5 >LSfollows, to wit: 1 N~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ._ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 53 1541
Yeas: I3arlisdalc, lSoycc, Breckinridge, Horatio W. Bruce, Chrisriian, Clapp, Clopton, I)upr6, Foote, Foster, Gardenhiro, Garnett,
GIYLJ,Ilanly, liolt, Kcnricr, Mwshall, Miles, Preston, Yryor, h l l s ,
Itead, Scxton, Sniitli of North Carolina, Viller6, Welsh, Wilcox,
IYright of Georgia, a r i d \\right of Texas.
N a p : A4rrii~gton,
Ashe, Raldwin, Batson, Bocock, Bonham, Roteler,
Rui.nett, Chamhliss, Cliilton, Clark, Conrad, Crockett, Currin, Curry,
Davidson, Dawliins, I)e Jarnette, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither,
G:trlnnd, Ciartrell, Goode, Ileislicll, Hilton, IIolcoinbe, Jenkins, ,Johnston, Jones, Nen:~nof North Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Iqon, Lyons,
Machen, McDowell, McLean, McRae, McQueen, Meneos, Moore, Munnorlyn,
. . Perkins, Boyston, Kusscll, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Virgiriia, Ht:iplrs, Strickland, Swan, libbr, and Trippe.
The r r h o l u l i o i i \\
On motion of MI.. \lclsh, leave of absence was granted to Milr.
Chainbers, on acwnnt of sicliiicsy in hib family.
Air. ~ l c n o \ v c l offcrcd
A rcmlution tlint the Ircsident he requestcd to furnish this House
with copic.s of the reports of tho battle of Eoanoke Island, if not
daeiiicd inco1npatil)lc with the public interest;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Ronham introduced
A bill to rcgulatc the destruction of property under military nccesbity;
v hich wa> rcad thc first and second tiines and referred to the Cornmittcc on ;\Iilittw,v 12flnirs.
3fr. hIilcs introduced
X hill to organize :L transport train for the Army of the Confederate
St:itcs of ilriicrica;
which was read the iirst arid second tirncs and referred to theCommittee on Military Affairs.
Also, a resolution that the Coinniittee on Commerce be instructed to





inquire into the expediency o f mtiking Augusta, Ga., a ort of entry

nnd delivery for goods which may be imported througf: Charleston,
S.C. ; which was agreed to.
Mr. Bonhani offered the following resolution:
RLesolced by the Xeiurtc! c19ad ilouse of Representatives, That a committee of six, to be
composed of three nieiiilwrs of this House and a similar number from t h e Senate, be
appointed, T V ~ O S Cduty it sh:i11 be to confer with t h e President and ascertain from
hiin what ~iieas~ires,
in his judgnient, this Congress can adopt t o aid the Executive
possiblr protection to all Southern territory, including the
in affording the promp
States of illaryland, Krntncky, and Missouri; and that the information be comnrmiicated i n xrcwt session;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Eoote offered
A resol ntion that, hcrcafter one-fifth of the members present shall
bo rcquired to second a motion to go into secret session, provided no
d c h t e shall be in order upon the motion to go into secret session.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Hecretarv, Mr.
Bash, to w1t:
dfr. Speaku: The President of t h e Confederate States has advised the Senate that
hc has approved and signed t h e following acts, to wit:
8. 4. An act snpplcmentary to an act cntitlcd An act to establish the War
Ikpartment, approred Pebrnary 21, 1861; and
S.6. An act to authorize t h e suspension of t h e writ of habeas corpus in certain

The hour having arrived for the special order,

MY. Pryor moved to postponc the same until 1 oclock to-morrow.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Ihlls called the question upon agreeing to the resolution offered
by Xlr. Eootc; which was seconded.
Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays;
Wliicb were recorded,
Peas : Barksdale, Bell, Boy&, Brecltinridge, Horatio W . Bruce,
Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Davis, Dupr6, Foote, E oster, Gardenhire, Garnett, Graham, Gray, I-Eanly, Hilton, Holt, Kenner, Marshall, Miles,
Preston, Pryor, Bead, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Staples,
Trippe, VillerB, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Baldwin, Batson, Bocock, Honham, Boteler,
Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Conrad, Cooke, Crockett,
Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott,
Ewing, Farrow, Ottither, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Heiskell, Herbert; Ilolconibe, Jenkins, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina,
Landcr, Lewis, Lyon, Machen, McDowell, McEae, McQueen, Menees,
Moore, Munnerlyn, Yerkins, Pugh, Balls, Royston, Russell, Singleton,
Smith of Alabama, Smith of Virginia, Strickland, Swan, and Tibbs.
The resolution was not agreed to.
Mr. Currin introduced
A bill to amend an act concerning the transportation o f soldiers and
allowance for clothing of voluntecrs, and amendatory of the act for the
establishment and organization of the Army of the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Gray moved to make the report from the Committee on Rules,

l i a r 4 1862]



reporting rules for the government of the House, the special order for
12 ocl0c.k to-lllorro\\~.
The iiiotion pre\railetl.
hlr. llusscll iutrodnced
A bill to provide for calling forth the militia to repel invasion;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committ r e on hii1itai.y A f l a i i ~ ~
Also, :t joint resolution relating to the manper of paying members of
t lie li~ovisionsl Congr
tlie arrearages of their pay and inileage;
which TV:M IYWIthc firs nd second times.
Thc resolution wni tRkCn up, :iud having bwii rend as follows, viz:
Neholted OIJ the ,?Svitr/c trtit7 Ilomc. of C
eritcdtt cs, That the pay ant1 iiiileage of
iiierii1)ers ol tile 11i i \ i.ional Congress, \\ Iio ha\ e iiot beeii paid, m a y be paid upon
certific&s sipctl b y t hr Speaker o f t h e Ilouee ol Reprwentati\~cs,on t h e recomincwtlatioii of the I louse Coiiiiiiittec on Pay an<! Jlilcage, out of any nioiicy appropriLltOd fc*rthat pr~~osc,


C : u i ~ \ - niovcd

to amend

:LS follon-s,

to wit:

Ir or,itlrtl, Ttiat n o iiicwil)c,r (11 tlic l r o ~ i ~ i o i i a(lb i i g i o v

l i d 1 l i r ctititlc~dto


15 110

is a ~iirwiberof this

t i \ c inilcagci.

1 iic ameiidnic~ntI\ :is n g r ( ~ ~to:

( I :inti the imolution n RS engrossed as
a m e n d d , ~ c w tile
l third time, : ~ n dpaswtl.
1 ) w ~ n t c dtlic iircnioiial of W. T. Meadows, asking
by the (wwiy; which \vas rvferrcd to the Cotmiittee
, I

Jlr. Gariwtt oflerccl

A wsolntion that the lrcsidcnt be rcquested to direct the reports of
tlic H ~ c ~ c t i of
~ r the
y Irensuiy and of the Postmaster-Qeneral, referred
cccnt iiicssage, to he laid bcfora Congiws as soon as possible,
togelher Jvith cbtinintrs for all the dcpartnients for the service of the
next fiscal yew; and d s o to inform the Ilouse what furtlicr iiicasures,
if any, he \vonltl reconiinend for the consideretion of Congress ns in
his judgment ncceshni*yand expedient;
which was agreed to.
Also, a r ~ h o l u t i o1h:Lt
~ ~ the Pi*esidciit be wqucsted to commiinicato
to the IIouw i n h c w t - t t whsioii, Jroni :icciiratcl rcturtis wliicli lie will
c:xiiw to 1 ) iu:idc.
thv tot:LI niunber of soldicrs, whether infanti-g, cuvd r y , or iirtillCiy, i w c i v c d into th crvice of the Confedcrate States
sincc thc c(~tiiiiiCiieeit1eiit
of the M: and the total nninber now in their
ice; :tlw tlic totttl nnnibcr of iriusltcts a t i d rifles, wlicther in posion of ttic (;orci.nriient or in poshession of tho armies j n the field
not in the hsncls of tho holdier; and that ho be also requested
rneanwhilo to give the 1Iouse as 11cai :in approitnatior1 to the said
i ~ t a r n ns
s the prescwt inforniation of the \Y:w 1)cl):wtuient will cmil)lc
h i m ; which n7as agreed to.
Mr. ~~:Ll~clPnllil~c
i t t d thc. nrcmorial of .7amcs Glasscock. asking
f o r . pay; wlrich W L ~ r
rod to t h c Coninlittee on Claims, withont being
c Coinmittee on Printing be instiucted to inquire
into the prolwic>tyo f cllwting :I printel* to both Ilorises of (longrcss:
read and refcrrcvf to the Conirnitteo 011 Printing.
Mr. 13otelcr presented n inemorial from J o h n F. Wall in reference




to damage done to his property by Confederate troops; which was

Icferrcd to the Committee on Claims, without being read.
Also, a resolution that all memorials, resolutions, etc., referred to
the Committee on Claims of the Provisional Congress be withdrawn
froni the files of said commit,tre and referred to the Committee on
Claiins of this Iloixse; which \vats read and agreed to.
Mr. Smith introduced
.4 bill for the enlistment of cooks in the A ~ I I I ~ ;
which was read the first arid second times and referred to the Conimittee on Military Affairs.
Also, a resolution that f o r and during one week from the passage of
thest? i*csolntionsno incniber shall speak more than fifteen minutes on
xny slthject, at thc expiration of which period it slid1 t)e the duty of
thc Sl)wIwr to :~riiio~~ncc
the fact, when the member shall take his
sent; thst no nic~tii1)err h ~ l hpeak
niore than once on the bill before
tlic llouac until all others desiring t o speak thereon shall h a r e done so;
that :L111r~nibe1~,
ha\ irig once spoken, shall not acquire a right again to
do so by ofiering an arr~cndl~~ent
to the bill under consideration; that
the antecedents of iuembers, wliether of opinion or conduct, illustrating
in no degree the soundness of a iiicasure and tending to give a personal
:uld twrimonious character to the debatcs of this body, alike inconsistent with its ~ : L C C harmony,
and dignity, must riot be referred to, and
if don&, it shall be the duty of the Speaker promptly to call the
offending nirnibcr to order.
Upon which he c d e d the question;
Which being seconded,
MI.. C o n r i ~ cdlcd
f o r a division of the question; and
Tlic vote bring upon the first resolution,
Mr. Garnctt, dcrnanded the yeas and nays;
Which being ordered, the vote W ~ taken,
_ _ . _
And is as follows, to wit:
Piays _.._ _ _ ._
_ _ _ . _-.._
_ _ .._
_ _ _ _ 37
Yeas: Rshe, 12atson, Bonham, Hreckinridge, Burnett, Clapp, Clark,
Clopton, Currin, Dargan, DftviS, Dawkins, Dapr4, Farrow, Foote,
Foster, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Hciskcll, Hilton, fIolcombe, Holt, Jones, Lander, Lyon, Machen, McDowell,
Melean, AIcRae, McQueen, Menees, Munnerlyn, Preston, Pugh, Ralls,
Royston, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Virginia, Strickland,
Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
N a p : Arrington, Baldwin, Barlisdalc, Bell, Bocock, Roteler,'Boyce,
oratlo W. Brucc, Chilton, Chris~nan,Conrad, Coolie, Crockett,
Curry, Elliott, Ii:wing, Gaither, Garnett, Goode, Hanly, *Jenkins,
Johnston, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis, &&rshall, Miles.
Moore, Perkins, Pryor, Itcad, Sexton, Smith of Sort11Carolina, Staples,
Villcr6, Wclsh, and Wright of Georgia.
So the first reholution was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Foote, which was seconded, the I-Ibuse then
resolved itself into sccret session; and having spent Some time therejn,
again resolved itself into open session;
The second resolution introduced by Mu. Smith of Virginia tras
agreed to.
Mr. Pryor moved that the House adjourn.
The motion was lost.


Nm. i, 1862 ]


The vote was then taken upon the third resolution introduced by
Smith of Virginia.
The resolution \V:LS lost.
The question being upon the fourth resolution of Mr. Smith of
The resolution was lost.
Mr. Footci moved to rcconsidw the vote by which the resolution of
Jlr. Smith was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. hloorc, the House resolved itself again into secret
session ; and having spent sonic time therein, again resolved itself into
opon session;
TI hrin ,
Mr. Miles, from the Committee oil Military Affairs, to whom was
ref errcd
A bill to mcure the destruction of cotton and tobacco, in certain
cases, :tnd t o prescribe (provictc] indemnity to the owners thereof, and
for other puLpoSCs,
re1)ortrtl the haiiic, b:~cl<,
with the i.c.c.oiiinit.iidiLtioii that it pass with an

a111cn tll I 1 c l l t

thc cluc\tion lwing,

ShdI tlw I)ill bc postpond and p1:iced on the Calendar?
I t W:L\ tl(ic.itlcd in tlicl neg:ttive.
And tho bill \\:IS tnlwn 1x13, and having hccn read as follows, to wit:


1 . IIP i t ( m r d d , That with a ricw to tlic spccdy prosccution of the pending I\ ar for Sonthcrn indrpc~ndcncc.,the Iresident Iw, a n d I i c is hereby, empowered,
tllnlugh tlic i i i P t i i i i r i c i i t i i l i t V of c~oiimiwionersto he appointed for that purpose, to
troycltl all cotton or tolitwcao to ltc foiind anynhere within the linrib
Statrs, wh(wcrcr he shall dcciii such destruction necessary in
f the eneiiiy, or wlrerievcr 111 his judgment
re to tlw estahliuhinmt of Southern inde.iictiori being at :my time ordered, then it
l i t inisdonem to H H S ~ S thc
value of said cott o i l or tobacco thna (~onsigiivdto dcstriicstion to thc twtl that thr owner or owners
thrrcof ~ i i i t yI,e hctraftei rcinital)ly iii(leiiiililic4 kjr the loss of mid tobacw or cotton,
ay t 1 1 c,lse
IIIR) tw, 1 ) the.
~ (h)(>iiii:ierit,

TIN.c w i i i i i i i t t w niovtd t o
the ( ~ i i w t i n gc.Itii.[w :tLLcl irirc.

same by striking out :dl after

lien thereof tho following, to wit:

: i n i t ~ t i dtlic.


1 1 1 ~ bill ~ v a stxhcn up.

;\I 1. (hrl:mti moved t o postponc the further consideration of the same
:>o t l t l r c l :iriic~iicliticnta n d to indte it lilc spacial order for Friday next.
I 1. 1SonIi:m dcmani\cd the question; which being seconded, the rote
, the inotion was lost.
Air. (;:tt*iicltt iiio\ ed to make it precedent over all other business atid
the ,kl)wi:dortler for to-morrow;

TVhr fl,
On motion of IIr. Curry,
The House adjourned.



[Mar. 4,1862.


The House being in secret session,

~ r IIargan
moved that the House go into open session.
Thc motion prevailed; and
The I-Iouse welit into open session: and hatring spent some time
therein, again went into secret sessiori; and
The Chair laid bcfore the House a communication from the President, inclosi~igthe report, froin the Dcptrtment of Justice.
Mr. Foote niored th:it the sz~niebe referred to the Cotlllnittce on the
Judiciary, with instixctions th at they inquire about the 1)ropriety of
printing the smie.
311..Iceuncr i110vec.l to nnicnd the iiiotioii 1)s striking out the same
nnci i~~sprtirig
it1 licu tliercof th:it the repoit he referred to the Comrllitt(y or1 t h e ,Jiidicjt~i.y
and be priiitcd f o r the use of the House.
rhe aiiicndiiicnt \vas agreed to; unci the motion as amended was
agreed to.
The Cllai r laid before the House ti communication f roin the Presideht, inclosing the report of the Secretary of War, with nccompanyitig documents, and inviting attention t o the facts therein prudentia
cvninieiided the recoiiiriiendatioris to favorable consideration.
Mr. Holt moved to refer the same to the Conitnittee on Military
Affairs, to examitw and report what portions of the same may be
printed without detriment to the pubIic intercst.
Thc motion prevnilcd.
The Chair tilso laid before the House the following communication
from thc President, viz:
Iixiimw, il1arch 4 , 1862.

er of the IIozcse qf IZeprese~rfcdires:

irporiw to the resolntioii of the IIouse of yestertla! , cnallinp on the President to coriimunit~ate \\ Imt atltlitioiial uieans, i n money, inen, arms, ant1 inunitictns
of war, aw, in his jndgiiieiit, ricJc*(Jsary,o r may be n ithin the present year, for the
v i w , inc~liitliiigii~ie~ations
on Iantl and water, 1 lia\e t
s, w t i ~ t h c1:iiid
~ o r naval, which n i l 1 he reqiiiretl 1111
operations of the entwiy iiritl npoli contingencies whic~hran iiot
our present contlition a? the basis of the calculation, it may
terms that our land forces should be increased by the addition of, say, 300,000 inen in
the field and those for whom call lias already been made. That thc Kavy skiodd be
increased by a nninber of vessels suited to river and harbor defense, say, 50 iron-clad
propellers and a fleet of, say, 10 of tho most formidable war ve~srls,to protect our
coniinerre upon the high P ~ S with
the requisite arnianicnts and crews.
For this atlditional force, land and naval, there wonld be required, ~ a p 750,000
small a r m of all kinds, ant1 of siege and field and seacoast artillery, sa\ , 5,000 guns;
of powder, say, 5,000 tons, in addition to that which can be niade \?ithiti the limits
of the Confrdtmcr. The nianofactr
ojrrtiles coultl, it is believed, lie carried
, at a cost ~ h i c l milst
be ineaqired by

and Na\ y.
The amount of n i o r i c ) \\ hich will be required IZ ill depentl opoii the extelit to mhich
the articles needed inay be obtained, and as I can riot ]rope to get more tllall a sinall
part of that which a reply to the resolution I-cquiird me to enulllerate, I 11averiot
attenipted to eonvert the articles into their probablc tlloney valtte.
Estimatc~have I)ccn prepared and will I F Inid 1)efore the Congress, the
appropriations w h i ~ hit is deemed proper to ask in view of the public Tvants and the
posqjbility to supply thclll, as well as of the condition of the fillances of the Collfederate States.



&far 5, IS62 ]

On iiiotion of klr. Lerkins,

1 he nicss:ige T\ as referred to the Committee on Ways and Means;
The coninzuiiicatio~ifrom the Secreta~ yof IJar mas referred to the
Coriiriiittw oil Military AKixirs; and
The couimunication froin the Secretary of the N:try FW referred to
tlic Coininittee on N a d Atfairs.
lhc Ilonsc took up t h c rriotion of Mr. ,Jones, to reconsider the vote
by which thc hill to c.rtx:ite the ofiicc of coininandiug general of tho
ContedeI.RtCStatcs WIL5 passed.
lhr iiiotioii y\:~s Ioht.
Air, h m n in01 ed to iciiiove the iiijunctioii of secrecy from the passage o f the bill, mid deniunded the question; whic4 was seconded, and
the niotion t v m lost.
hlr. Mooi~:offrrcd tlie following ~ ~ s o l u t i o ivie:
IZruol1d, That


is tlitl tlrlilwr al( ~jiidgniciit of this Ifousc~that the Honoralile J. P.

a i y of IYzii, lias not tlit. c*oirfitltwc*eof tlw people of the Coiifedt 1 i ~. \ I t i i ) , t o snch mi ca\tcwt aq to nitset the euigeiiciw of the
iiio5t ic.lwc tfiillt hiigge5t that Ins wtiieiuc,rit froiu said
11s ot t l i v w t i i i l n i t t i . i i i I
t 1x1 \\ lroiir tlic (wintry mid

i c l c i i t o , ie :t Iiigli i i i i I i 1 : i i )

3Lr. 1;Ootc~


c d



he tal,lc, a i d dciiisndcd
I&)- tllV
conded, and thc iiiotion wus agreed to.

IWlJlLLEENTH 1)AY- \VI1:I)PrESIlAY, M A ~ ~ C5 ,H1862.



T h e ITortse met pursimit to adjouimulcnt, and

1s the l h . MI*.Ford.


opened with prayer

Mr. I h n l i x i i i iuov(d to t:LIw up for corisidcr:ttion a j o i n t resolution

f i w i i ttic Scniztc? p l d g i n y tlic Govcriiincnt to in:tintain t h e territorial
rity of tlic Confcdcr:u.y; which was :tgrwd to, arid tlie resolution
ntl wcoiid tiirws.
R I r . Ihiliaiii ( d l d t , l i ( > c l i i v ~ t i o t i on agreeing- t o the resolution;
which was bocondcd, :ind thc imolution \ V ~ L ( Jread ;t third time a n d
Mr. 1)argan prescntcld L: prc:tiiit)lc and rtxohitioiis of snndrg citizens
of Mohilc i n idation to cotton :md to1)acco; which were refcrred to tlw
Comiiritteo on Militttrr Affairs, without l)eing read.
MY.lioyston pi-csented :t nienioikd of siiiitlry citizens of Arkaristls
i n rc>l:Ltioiit o a ni:d route 1)ctwcen Fort Smith mid Washington, in said
State; which w a s referred to the Committee on Post-OEljces and PostILodh, \\ ithoiit 1)cing read.
nlw, :L nicmoi.i:tl of iuridry citizens of the State o f 24rkansau in
r e l a t i a t o R iiiail route; which was referred to the Corninittee on PostOflice, :in(! Post-Roads, without lwing r d .
,ilso, :L resolution that the rule+ rcpoitctl lry thr. (h iu n itte e on
ELulcs bc iidopted without clchtc as thc wleb for tho government of



[Mar. 5, 1852.

the business and proceedings of this House; upor1 which he called the
question; and the call being seconded, the resolution mas ad0ptc.d.
Mu. Clark presented the nieniorial of certain citizens of Oak Hill,
Ga., in relation to a mail routc; which was referred to the Committee
on lobt-Offices and Post-ltonds, without being read.
Mr. Icenner presented thc niciiiorial of S.13. Lowe & Co., prayillg
for returt~of duties paid collector at iUew Orleans; which was referred
to the Conmiittee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Conrad prescntrd x nieniorial of M. V. Costa in relation to a
iiiail route; which was referred to the Comniittce on Post-Offices and
Yost- Iioads, without being read.
Mr. Slcstonpi.cscntcd a iiicinorinl froin David McMahon, claiming
c*onlpcnstLtiotifor t:iking the census; which was referred to the Comiuittee o n Claiitis, itliout 1)eiiig read.
rhc House thcn l)rocwdcd to the consideration of the unfinished
bu,sincss of J esterday, which was the considcratiori of the aniendinent
offci.ed by the Nilitary Conmiittee to a bill to secure the destruction
of cotton and tobacco, in certain cases, and to provide indemnity to
the owners thereof, arid for other purposes;
Pending which,
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Xr.
Nash, to wit:
Jfai-ch 4,1662.
lie Senate h a r e agreed to it resolntion of the House of Bepresentaproritling that thr. expcwres o f the inauguration of the President
lit be paid ratably out of the contingent friiitls of the t w o TInuses of

A h . 13:ddjv i l l n i o ~
eil lo airicnd the bill under consideration as follows,
to wit:
Strike out the words through the instrunient:tlity of coiniiiissioners
to be appointed for thrit purpose;
w1iic.h W R S agreed to.
MI.. 13:tldwin :ilm irioved to amend hy striking out all after the words
cstablishrncnt of Southern indepc1ndenca and insert in lieu thereof
the words and the President shull prescribe uniform regulations for
:L,swrtaining the amount of property so destroyed belonging to each
indiridn:tl so as to facilitate the making just compensation therefor.
Mr. Curry iiiovecl to amend the ari~mdmentof the committee as foll o w , ~to
, wit:
Strilw out the woids or other purposes that niay be useful to the
Strilw out the ~ o r d the
said cotton ancl tob:zcco and other p1wpvrty i,s a h l i t to fall and insert in lieu thereof the \vo&j it lnay be
nccwsary to 1)revcnt said cotton and tobacco from falling.
hlr. lci*l<iristlcniandcd the question on :igreeing to the amendment
offt.rrd by Mi.. 13aldwiti; which wns seconded, a n d the anlendnleilt T V ~ S
Mr. Curry called the question upon agreeing to the a~nendlrient
offcred hy himself, and
Mr. Lyons demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand was sustained.
Ah.Chilton moved to reconsider lhe vote, by which the demand for
the question was sustained.
The motion was lost, and the vote being taken on agreeing to the


Xar. 5,186y.l



- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Resulted as follows, to wit: Yeas
Nays - --- - - . - - . _ _ _ _ _
6_ _
Yeas: Raldivin, 13ococli, Konhani, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Currj ,
l h r g a n , Dawkins, lhipr6, Foster, Garnett, Graham, IIerhert,, Lewis,
I\ilat~shall,Prrliiiit;, Halls, and VillerB.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Jkulisdale, Batson, Roteler, Bogce, lforatio
W. Bruce, Biirnett, Chrisinan, Clark, Coolte, Croekett, Currin,
I)ti\-idson, Davis, 1)o Jarnette, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither,
(hrdenhirc, Garlmid, Gartrell, Gray, Banly, Heiskell, Hiltbn, IIolt,
,Jcnl&w, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Nortli Carolina, Kenner, Lander,
Lyon, Lyoiih, Machen, McDowell, McLean, Mcliae, McQueen,
Aleneer, Miles. Moore, Munnerlyn, Preston, Pryor, Pugh, Read,
Royston, Russell, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Sniith of
North Cstrolinn, Siiiith of Virginia, Staples, Strickland, Swan, Tibbs,
Trippe, Welsh, Wright of Gcorgia, and Wright of Texas.
S o the :imendrnent of Mr. Curry was not agrccd to.
Mr. f3onhalll moved to amend the arnendiiirnt of the committee by
striking ont tlie mords o r other propcrty that may he useful to the
insort in lien tlicrcof the followiiig \voids, to wit:
niolasses, provisions of every

A n d tlie csll Lwitig sustnincd, the votc was taken,

Yeas . - .- .......- - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
ltesulting x.i follows, to wit: Nays
..- - ._ -- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .- - - _ _ 50
Ycxs: Ai-rington, Ash(>,Baldwin, IZatsoii, Bocock, Bonham, Boteler,
Horatio W. Hrrice, l3urnctt, Chrisman, Clopton, Conrad, Dargan,
i)awkins, Elliott , Kwing, larrow, Foster, Garland, Qarnett, C$raham,
Gray, I l:Lnly, llcrbc~rt,Ililton, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Maelmi, i\lcI)owcll, ugh, Ralls, Sexton, Srriitli of Al:Lbama, Smith of
North Carolina, and Trippe.
Nays: IZark.;d:ile, I3oycc., Chi1ton, Clapp, Clark, Cooke, Crockett,
Cnrrin, Curry, Ihvitlbon, Davis, L h ,Jarnctte, I)uprh, Foote, &lither,
(;ai*dcnhii.c,( h r t rell, IIciskell, IIolt,, Jeiiltins, Johnston, *Jones,Lander,
L w v is, Lyon, L J W I ~X.w s h d l , i\IcLe:m, McKar, MdJueen, Menees,
Mooiv, h i i u i i i d y n , P ~ r k i n s ,Prestoii, Pryor, I h d . Royston,
11, Siitgleton, Sniith of Virginia, Staples, Stt*ickl:uid, Swan, Cibbs,
ViIlcrC:, JY~lhli?\lrriglit of (icorgia, nnd Rright of Texas.
anicndmcnt w a h lo<t.
Mr. IZnrkstlalc moved to amend the anientlincnt hy adding as a n
xdditioml wction tho follo\ving, 10 wit:


t h c k

That in the absencc of aiiy ortlcr of ~ i i c l military

c.oinmanclera,Ihat the owners, o r
tlicir agents, of siich cwtton, tol)acro, or otlier productlorin about to la11 into the 11;tnds
o f t 1 1 ~ .enemy, who shall destroy the. PBIIIC,
sliidl iecei\ t junt roiiil)t~ii~ation
p ( i \ itlccl in thv liist section o f this act.
111 like i i i a n i i ~ i
A l l * . (hilton

n~ovrclto anicnil thc anirhndinent by adding the following

woi*dq, to wit:
Ihit 110 coiiipc~ii~ation
shall 1)c made for the procluce assessed which may be shipped
to aii) scaaport, to\\n, or 1)ort of entry or other exposed point rttter the passage of
this b i l l ,

And callod the qucstionthcrcon; which being seconded, the vote was
taken, and thc aineiidment was agreed to.



[Xar. 6, 1862.

M y . RLxssell rnoved to miend the anicndment of t h e committee by

striking out the followiiig ~ v o r d to
~ , wit:

and tllc olvners thereof sball rcvxire just compensation thcrctor from the Confederatcl (;overnnrent nntier snch 1 : ~ and
~ s regulations as niay hereafter ht16qtablished
by Congress.

Mr.Smith of Virginia called for the previoua question.

The deniaqd WRS sustained.
MI.. JolLnston of Virginia niovcd that the House do now adjourn.
The motion ~ v a slost.
Mr. l,c& tlcinanded that the Seas and nays be recorded upou agreeino. to tlic ariiendiiient of MY. Russell.
h e dcrnaiid was seconded, and the vote 1,eing taken,
.- .- . .- - - .- - - - - 45
Yens: iishe, I<alclwin,Bonhani, IZuriwtt. Chilton, Chrisman, Clark,
CooI~e,Crockttt, Currin, Curry, Davidson, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing,
(;aither,(;arrictt, Gm-trell, Grahaui,Herbert, ,Tenkins, ,Johnston, Kenan
of North Carolina, Ken ncr, Lander, Lewis, Lyons, Marshall, McDowcll,
McLean, Munnel*Iyn,Yerltins, Preston, Pryor, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Pingleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland,
Trippe, VillerB, Wright of Georgia, and Mr. Speaker.
X a p : Rrrington, IZarksdttle, Batson, Ihtelw, Boyce, Horatio W.
I ~ ~ u cClapp,
Clopton, Conrad, Dargan, Davis, De Jarnctte, Farrow,
Yoote, Foster, Gardenhire, Garland, Gray, Hanlg, Heiskell, Hilton,
I-lolt, ,Jot~es,lJyon, Machen, MclZae, McQueen, hlenees, Miles, Moore,
Ptigh, Iialls, Bead, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Tibbs, Welsh, Wilcox,
aiid Wright of Tcxas.
Flit. aiiierrdriicnt was :ig!:reedto.
Rlr. Pryor moved to lecoriuidtr the rote just taken.
Mr. FosLer nioued that thc House do iiow adjourn.
The lriotion prcrailed.


MARCH6, 1862.


The lio~xsemet pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer

\by the Iirv. Mr. Ford.
Mr. 13oyc~:mnouncecl the presence of L. M. Ayer, a Representativeelect from t h c Stdte of South Caldina, who caine forward, ~vasduly
qualified, and took hi.; seat.
Mr. Koyston prcs,crited thc petition of citizens of Bright Star, in
Laf:iyette County, A r k , for R rnnil route froin Walnut Hill, by way
of Spring I h n k , 13right Star, and Courtland, to Havannah, in Cass
County, lex.; which \ m s referred to the Coininittcc oil Post-Officeh
ztnd Post-lioads, without h i n g read.
Also, the petition o f citizens of Cass County, Tex., for a Illail yoilte
from Walnut Hill to fIavannnh, in Cass County, ?ex. ; which was
r e f e m d to the Committee on Post-Offices a11d lf_ost-Roads,
being read.
Also, the petition of Philip Ager and other citizens of Washita
County, rjrk., for the est:thlishrrient of a mail ronte froill the city of
(:amdm to Miller.; Bluff; which mas referred to the Committee on
Yost-Officesand lost-IZoads, without beiug read.

Jlni 0, IjGL.1



Mr. I t o p t o n offered thr follo1Ting resolution, to wit:

n q ) , That the Ppedker of the House of Representatives
imte adjourn their reupecti\ e Ilowes on Konday, the
iteeii l i u ~ i d ~ andsixty-two,
attmelve oclock meridian.

On motion of Mr. Kcnner, the resoliltion was laid o n the table.

hlr. Gartrell offered thc following resolution, to wit:
Rrviliecl, That the Ilousc will mcet at t h e hour of txeh-e oclock rneridian until
other\\ ise ordered.

1111.. X l c h called the question; which was seconded, and the rcsolution w:is ngrced to.
nrr. IIRlldCr prcs
petition of citizens of Mecklenburg County,
N. (., pmying n o
to ht. inncle requiring mail contractors to
( x r q the r~iaila)or
ers to Ii(?cpopen post-offices on the Sabbath
cia) ; which was rcferred to thc Conimittee on Post-Offices and PoatRoads, without being rrncl.
&lr. Pryor introduced
pay of :~rljutants:ind first sergeants;
d sccond times and refcrrcd to the ComBIr. CIi:ttnbli+ prcwrrtc~dtlic petition of Adelia C. Place t o be plsced
I w i i \ i o n roll5 of tlic C:onfedemt,c States; which was referred to
the Coiiiniittcc on (11aiiii\, \I ithout hciiig wad.
Mr. Sniitli of Virgini:t offered the following rcsolution; wliich WSLS
i * e d niid :~grcctlto, to wit:
o n tlio

ga\x notice that hc would 1 1 1 0 7 ~to amend the standing

)us(: as follows, to wit:
To :idd to the first p a r q p p h of the thirty-ninth riile of the House
tltc follon ing words, to wit:
altcwiaLv call ol tlio States, tlica alplrabetical ortlcv of the call shall be

Albo to arnend the thirty-sixth rule SO as to provide for a committee

.oidn:uic.c and ordnance stores.
3lr. R2alls o f f ~ i ~
l following resoltition; which was read and
rcfcrred to the Coiiimittee on Claims, to wit:


Lesoltctl, That tlio Coininittee on Claiiris be instructed to report a bill making provision for the paynicnt of tliope persons w h o took the last general census.

M r . Swan introduced
A bill for the appointiiicnt of a chief laboratorian, and for other
which was read first and sccond times and referred to the Committee
on hlilitary ,iffairs.
On motion of A h . Kcnner, so much of tbc report of the Secretary of
the N a ~ yas refers to cstiinates for the naval service was referred to
the Coininittee on Wars and i\leans.
Mr. Ihrksdale, froni thc Committee on Printing, reported and
recoinniendecl the passage of

A bill to alnend an act entitled An act in relation to public printing., approved February 27, 1861;
whrch was read the first and second times.
And the question being,
Shall the bill be placed on the Calendar?
The \vote was taken and decided in the negative.
The bill TVBS then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Prsror, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom W A S
ref erred
A bill to continue in office major and brigadier generals,
reported the saine t)nck, with the reconmendation that it be placed on
the C>alcndiir, printed, and made the special order for Monday next;

e same committee, to whom was referred a resofor the purpose of siippresbing intoxication in the Army,
rcpor tccl
h bill for tlie supprcssion of drunlrcnncas in the Arniy of the Confederati. Stiatrs;
which was read first and second times arid placed on the Calendar.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
bnsincss of p s t c r d a y , which was the consideration of the amendment
of Alr. 13arksdale to the ainendment of the Military Committee to
1)ill t o b~ciiretlie destruction of cotton and tobacco, in certain
,:mtl to pi*csc~rihc[provide] indemnity to the ovi-ners thereof, and
f o r other purposes.
Another vote linving been taken thereon, the amendment was lost.
And the question being upon agreeing to the amendment of the
coninlittee as aiiiciidcd,
M 1. libbs: demanded that the yeas and nags be recorded;
WliieL was seconded,
y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -66
And the vote resulted as follo~vs,bo wit: Days - . _ _ . _
_ _ 13
_ _ _
Yeaa: Ashc, Aycr, Baldwin,. Karlisdale, Bell, Boyce, Horatio W.
13ruce, Ihrnctt, Charribliss, Chilton, Chrisman. Clark,. Coolie, Crocke tt, Currin, Curry, Dai-o-an,Daridson, DuprE, Elliott, Farrow, Foote,
(hither, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Heiskell,
Herbert, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Jenkins, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of
North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Marshall, ilicDowel1, illclean,
McRac, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Moore, R/Iunnei*lyn,Perkins, Preston, Pry or, Itxlls, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Singleton, Staples, Tibbs,
Trippe, Villere, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas,
:md A h . Speaker.
Arrington, Batson, Boteler, Clopton, ETing, Foster, Garland,
IIanly, ?ulacheri, Yugh, Read, Smith of Alabama, and Swan.
So the amendment was adopted.
And tho question recurring upon the engrossiiierlt of the bill as
amended, the 3-ote was taken and decided in the affirmative, and the
bill was engrossed and read a third tiine.
Mr. Heiskell moved to reconsider- the vote by which the House
ordered the bill to be engrossed for a third reading.
The motion was lost.
The question recurring upon the passage of the hill as amended,
Mr. Garnett called the question; which was seconded;

Mar. 6 , 1862 ]



Rilr. Gray deuiantled the yeas and nays;

Riid the IIOLMsustaining the deinand, the vote was taken,
Al,d r e s u ~ t xs
c ~folloLvs,
to lvit: N n r s -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -_- _- -- -- -_ _71
Y cas: Arrington, h y w , Raldwjn, Bkrksdnle, Batson, Bell, BOCOC~,
Bonhani, 13oteler, 130ycc, Horatio W. Ijruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisni:ui, Clxpp, Clark, Cooke, Crockett, Currin, Curry, Dargan,
Ihvidson, Diuv Biiis, DnprE, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Foote, Foster,
(hither, Garnett, G a r t i d l , Grahani, Gray, Herbert, Hilton, Holcombe,
ITolt, cJciil<ins,Kcnati of North Carolina, Kcnner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon,
i\I:ichen, l l a r s h d l , h l r t h 7 ~ l l , McLean, McRae, McQueen, Menees,
RIiles, Moore, X n n n e r l y i ~ ,Pcrkins, Preston, Halls, Read, Royston,
Riisscll, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Staples, Strickland,
Tibl)s, Iripye, Villcr6, JYclsh, and Wilcos.
Nays: Clopton, Davis, L k Jarnettc, Gardenhire, Garland, Hanly,
Kei4tcll, Jolinston, ,Jones, lrrgh. a n d Swan.
S o thc hill :is :unended w:ts pa
311. J l i l p \ , Eroiii tlic Coiiniiitte
Military AfTairs, inoved to amend
tlic titic. t)y htriLiiig o r i t tlrc hole of thc m n e ant1 iiiscrting in lieu
thviw)l t l i ~follon ing. to I\ it: A })ill t o provide for thc destruction
o f cwt ton. t o l ) : t u a o , an(1 otlicir i)i*ol)ei*ty,
when the same shall be about
to f:dl into t l ) c li:intl;- of tlir (~iiciuy.

llii. iriotion pic\ x i l d .

AIr. AIil(>s, f f i ~ ) i i ithe Cominittc~!on Military Affairs, reported and
tlw p w s a p o f the following rcsolu tion, to wit:
1)c rcterietl to tlic Jntlic iary Cotiuniftee to inquire into the expex 1)ill 1)roviding for the conipensdion o f all l o y d citizens whose
1it11c.rpropvi t v may be dc~stroymlh y inilitnry authority or by the

iircI\w to 1xc\ cnt its f:dliiig into thc httncls of the enemy.

I lit. i u l c ~w r c subprndtd, ntid the resolution was taken up.

JIr. (;my n i o v t ~ to
l :uiiend the sttnie by striking out the words t o
inquire into tlic, cspedic~ncyof reporting and to insert in lieu thereof
thc w o t d h I I , c i nsltxctcd t o report.
Upon wtticfih Jh.. Idcad clciiixndcd the yeas and nays;
And the Iloiihe hristiiiiiing thc derimnd, the vote was tnlien,
I Year
Arid i.cwtltcd a h follow\, to I\ it: K:Lss _ _
__ - ._-- --- - _ _ 45
Y r n 5 : l\rrington, IZ:~rltrdalc, Ihtsoii, IZell, I3otelcr) IIoratio 157.
Bruce, Cl:qq), Clolkon, Chnrtitl, Crocltett, Ihrg?n, L)e Jarnette, Foster,
Gmy, Ilarily, Ilcisliell, Hilton, Holcombe, Jones,
(;:irdenhii.c. (~arI:i~id,
Lyon, A~:~clic11,
;l/lcl<ac~,YIcQnecm, Jleiiecs, Miles, Moore, Pugb, Italls,
Itcad, S t y ) l c r , Swan, liltbs, JVelbh, and Wilcox.
Nags : Ryt.~,I h l d win, l3on hain, Hoyw, Ihrnett, Chilton , Chrisman,
Cladc, Coolie, Curry, Davidson, Ihwldns, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing,
Foote, Gaither, Garnett, Gartrell, Graham, Herbert, Holt, Jenkins,
Johnston, Ihnm of North Carolina, Ihiiner, Lander, Lewis, Lyons,
Mnrskiall, i\nicI)owcIl, McLean, Muiiiicrlyn, lerbins, Yrestoii, Royston,
Iirmdl, Sextoil, Singlctoii, Sniith of Alabama, Strickland, lrippe,
Viller6, Wright of Georgia, and Mr. Speaker.
So thc anieudnient was loht.
Mr. &NJl(T iiiorcd to xiiiend hy striking out the word .TTndiciary
and inserting ill lieu thereof thc words Ways and Meam, :tnd called
the qucstioii; which was becuuded, and the vote being taken, the
aiiiendment \xis lost.
7 ,




[Mar. 6, 1862.

l l r . Gardenhire ~novedto lay the resolution on the table.

rho inotiori did not prevail.
called the question, which was upon the adoption of the
31r. D ~ p r 6
resolution, and the call being seconded,
1\11..Miles deinanded the yeas and nays;
And the demand being sustained, the vote mas taken,
Yeas.. _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61
And resulted as follow, to wit: xays _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ l9
Yeas: Arrington, Rshe, Ayer, Raldwin, Barksdale, Ratson, Bell,
Botele~.,Woratio TV. Rluce, Chilton, Clapp, Cloptoa, Conrad, Crocliett,
Dargan, Dtkvictson, Davis, Dawkins, De ,Jarnette, Foster, Gaither, Garland, &rnckt, G:irt>rell, (>my, Hanly, Hilton, Holcombo, Holt, Jenliinx, Jones, I<entu~of North Carolina. Kenrrer, Lander, Lewis, Lyon,
Machen, JlcI)owcli, McLcan, McR:te, McQueen, Menees, Miles, R/1oore,
Preston, Iugh, ltalls, Read, Royston, Sexton,
B ~ u ~ i n c11,r l Ierkins,
Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Strickland, Swan, Tibbs, Welsh,
lYil(aox, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: lZonl~a~n,
Hoyce, h r n e t t , Chrisman, Clark, Cooke, Curry,
Dup1.6, Ewing, Foote, Gardenhire, Graham, Herkmt, Lyons, Marshall, Smith of Alabama, Trippe, VillerB, and JVright of Georgia.
So the resolution mas adopted.
On inotion of hlr. Holconibe, leave of absence was granted to MY.
Goode, on account of sickncss.
Mr. Swan, froni the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
A bill to regulate the granting of passports,
rcported the snrne Jiacli, with the recommendation that the same pass
with a i l amcndment.
And the question being,
Shall the bill be postponed and placcd on the Calendar?
The votc was taken and decided iii the negative.
After disc~ission,
On motion of A h . Ronhain, the bill was placed on the Calendar,
oidered to be printed, and niacle the special order for Saturday next, at
1 oclock.
Mr. Foote, from the Conimittee on Foreign Affairs, to whom mas
iL bill to authorize the appointment of commissioners to represent
the Confederate State8 ol America at the Iiiduvtrial Exhibition to be
opened a t Loncton, May I, 1862,
reported the same back, asked to. be discharged from its further consideration, and that thc bill lie on the table; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Foot(., from the sanie coniinittee, to whom ivas referred
A resolution of inq uirg calling upon the President for inforliiatioli
coiicerniiig the presence of foreign vessels i n the waters of Chesapeake
reported the same back, with the recommendation that i t pass with an
The resolution was taken up.
And the question being upon agreeing to the amendment, which is
to insert after the Tvord 130iise the words if he niay deem it cornpatible with the public interests,





stan([ al~roailatiditional commissioners, if he &hallthink it expedient and proper, to

act in c~mj~mction
v i t h o ~ i present
diplomatic agents already there.

JIr. Pryor moved that the HOUW

do now adjourn.
The motion prevailed,
And the House adjourned imtil 1%m. to-morrow.



The 1Iouse llict) pl1rsuant to ;ttljonrnment, and 'vi as opened with

prayer by thc Hcv. Mr. l'o~d.
On lllotio~lof 3lr. litirtlett, 1e:n-e of ahsencc. W R granted
to Mr.
~ ~ r . p ~ ~ l c i n r i 0+1 y1 ,:ic.c.oiint of illnew i n hi\ faniilj-.
&lr. Srllith of Virginia iriovcd t h a t leare of :tbsent.c t)c granted to
hi* collcaguc, A h . (:harribliss, on x c o m i t of sickness.
Thc inotioii was agreed to.
Mr. I I m l y offered the following rcsolixtiori; which W N S rend and
agreod to, to wit:
That the Conirnittec on Military Affairs be, and t l i q are heretry,
inqiiire into tlie expediency of constructing fortifications forthwith on
pi River, at or near the following points, to nit. Memphis, in t h e State
; 1 I c l ~ ~ n Sapoleon,
or Montgomery's Point, in t h e State of Arkansas;
h r g , in the State of Mississippi, and tlie inonth of Red River, in
.,required to report the
im, and that tho! 1:
irks, b y I d 1 or othe

Mr. Koyston jtitrodrwed

A bill to all law. iriiposing n duty upon good:, imported into ,
the Confederate Statca of h i e r i c n f rom foreign coun'tries, except the
1Jnited St:dcb;
which w a s read first and sccond times arid referred to the Committee
on Coiiimcrcc'.
A message WAS received from the Scnate. by their Secretarj-, Mr.
Nash; which is as follon+, to TI-it:
XT. Xpmkw: The Senate have agreed to the following House resolntion:
13. H.-. A reuolation declaring the sense of Congresq in regard to renniting with
the United States.
The Senate have also agreed to the following House resolution,u ith an aiiiendment:
T I . R. -. Lttsolution relating to the Inannet of paying members of t h e Pro\-isional
Congress t h e arrearagcs of their pay and mileage; in i x hich a m e n d m ~ n It am directed
to ask the concurrenee ot the 1-Ionseof Representatives.
They have also passed tlie following House bill:
T I . R. -. 9 hill to c'rcate t h e office ot coninlanding general of t h e arllIis of the
Coiif tderat c States.
.hid they have also pa
bills of the fol'ov,ing titles:
S.7. A bill to icyulate
destruction of property under militarv necrssity and to
proride for the indeninit y thereof;
S.17. A bill to regulate tlie c~orrlpensationof inembers o i C'ongresc; ant1
S.12. A bill to regulate thc conipeii~ationof the ofhcers of t h e Fexmte;
I n which hills 1 am directed to ask the conc'urrence of the IIouse of Kepresentatives.

Mr. Dawkins presented resolntions of the legislature of Florida,

touching R military railroad; which was referred to the Corurliittee on
AIiIitary iZff:iirs, without being read.
Also, a hill for the relief of Joseph 8. A ~ I > o w
was read first
nritl second times and referred to the Committee 011 Claims.
JT-rig'nt of Georgia gave notice that, at the prescribed tiiile, he

Mar. 7,l S b l ]



would move to :miend the rules of the House by adding thereto the
following, to wit:
No member, ha1 ing niadc a epeech, shall a t the coiiclusion thereof call the cluesfion, or t h e previoiis question, tior shall arly rnen~lxroffering a resolution, or motion,
or ammdment, call the question thereon, when $0 offering it.

Mr. Munncrlyii prtww k d the petition of JYilliani A. Harris, of

Georgia, to establish :i post-oftice on tlie Isabellst and Kashvillc public
road, i n Worth ('otirrty, i n that State;
Also, tlio petition of iundry citizens of Rerrien Coiinty, Ga., to
change tlic ~miioof the post-ofice a t Griftin's Mills to Video;
jv1iic.h were rcfcrrcd to tlie Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads,
witlioiit being read.
ALr. Villcrb ofl't~rectthe following resolution; which 'was road and
:q::rccd to, to wit:
/~'eso/ted, That t h e Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inform this House
n hat woiild be the required appropriation for ten sinall wrew steamers, of light
draft, (wrying from three to four heavy gnn8, and when they could be built to the
I w t :Idrantage.



letter froin l'etcr Aiarcy in rclation to the construction of


KZVJ; liicli \ w s refcrrcd to th r Comniittce on Naval hffairs, without

being red.
M r . McDowell oflcrcd tlrc following resolution; which was read and
:igi*eed to, to wit:
l<rnolred, That the Coniiiiittce on Military Affair8 be instructed to inquire into tlie
csprdieiicxy of reportitig a bill anthorizing the State authorities to tender tro6ps to
the> Confederate (;overrimrill b y bi igitdes.

MI-. Miles prcmited the memorial of Lieutenant-Colonel Polignac

on the subject of an incwuse of pay in the Army; which was referred
to the Co~~imittcw
on Military Affairs, without being read.
Also, a bill t o purge the military service of ignorant and inefficient
officers; which was re:td first and second times and referred to the
Coininittee on 31 ilitary Affairs.
3h. Gardenhirc oflercd the following resolution, to wit:
J:rSoI?ed, That when tlie Iloase i h in wcrrt Pcssioii, the Doorkeeper shall be
allowed to retain tlio assi~tanttloorlreej

MI.. Viller6 moved to lay the resolution on the table.

The motion yrcvailcd.
iMr. Yoote introduced
A hill to hupport pnhlic credit, and for other purposes;
which was read first and second timer and referred to the Committee
on Ways mid Neans.
Also, a hill to iniposc an export dutp on cotton and tobacco the
growth of the present year, unless the blockade of the ports of the
C'otifcderatc States shall have sooner terminated; which was read first
:ind hccond times and referred to the Committee on Ways : L i d Means.
Also, a hill to prohibit the exportation of cotton or tobacco of the
1)rescrit crop, except in certain cases; which was read first and second
tiixws and referred t o the Coinrnitteo on Ways and Means.
Mr. \TiIcox preSented a conlruiunication from Coloncl Steele in
idation to goods t&en f ~ o n ihim by the Federal (hvernrncint; which
was referred to the Committee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Lyons presented



A bill to regulate the fces.of clerks in the courts of the Confederate

States ;
ivhich was read first and second times and referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary.
&IreDe Jarnethe presented the memorial of certain citizens Of Prince
George Connty, Va., in relation to the depredations of the public
cnorny on private property; which was relerred to the Committee on
Claims, without being read.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which was read
as follows, to wit:
March 5, 1862.

t h p Sencrie coirl Ifouce of I?c~l)r(wirtciltc

1 ll<>re\vitkitransmit to Congrcss the report of the PoPtmaster-General, and invite

iLttciitioii to thi. iccoiiiiiieiitlations contained therein.

On rnotioil of Mr. Wright, the message and the report of the Yostmaster-General were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and
Post-Roads, and ordered to be printed.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which mas read
as follows, to wit:
6, 1862.

Ti,ilte SpmXrr

of the Hotr v of Rep

I herenitli transmit a report frour the-Secretary of War, in answer to a resolution

of the House of 12epresPntatives o f the 4th instant which I referred to the Depart-

inent for the information therein contained, or for copies of t h e reports called for, if
they had brcn received.

On motion, thc message and accompanyiiig documents were laid on

the table.
The HOUS~,
then proceeded to the consjderation of joint resolutions
relating to the nianner of paying members of the Provisional Congress
the arrearages of their pay and mileage; which had been returned
from the Senate with an amendment.
On motion of Mr. Garland, the resolution and amendment were
referred to the Committee on Yay and Mileage.
A messake was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows:
MY. Apenker The Senate h a r e passed, without aniendment, it bill of this EIouse
of the follo~iingtitle, viz:
H. R. -. A hill to be entitled "An act to amend art act entitled 'An act in relation
to public printing,' approved February twerity-se\ enth, eighteen hundred and sistyone."

A hill of the Senate to regulate the destruction of property under

military necei;sity, and to provide for the indemnity thereof, mas taken
up and read the firbt and second times.
Mr. Smith of Virginia moved to refer the same to the Couimittee
o n the .Jndiciary.
Mr. Chilton demanded the question; which was seconded, and the
motion was lo&.
On motion of Mr. Wanly,
The rules were suspended; and
Thc Honse proceeded to the consideration of the bill; which 1s as
follows, to wit:
The (:ongr.ess qf the CbllfPderate StatcJsof A m e r m do enact, That t h e military authorities of the Conkderate Army are hereby authorized and directed to destroy cotton,


7 1802 I




tobacco, military and naval Ftores, or other property of any kind whatever, which
niay aid the enemy in the prosecvtion of the war, when necessary to prevent the
same, or any part thereof, froin falling into the hands of t h r enemy.
SEC.2. B e ~t f i c i t k e ~ enccctd, That tlw owners of property destroyed under the
operation of this act, as nrll a7 those persons n h o slialf volantarily destroy their
property to prevent the same fioni falling iiito the liarids of the enemy, are hereby
authorized to perpetuate the lestiniony of such deutruction, in thc iiianner prescribed
by 811 act of tlie Pro\ ibiuiial Congress entitled An act to perpetuate testiuiony in
of slaves abclucted nr harbored by t h e enemy, and of other property seized,
wasted, or destroyed by theni, approved thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, and such owners and persons shall be entitled to indcmnity out of the
proceeds of propevty scqiiwtcr&l and confkcatrcl under the lav P of the Confederate
States, in .such iiiaiiner as Congress niay hereafter pi O T ide.

Mr. Pugh i:io.i-ed to amend the same by adding thereto the following words, vix:
And in the order of payment under t h e w p w t r a t i o n act, the owiers of cotton,
tobacco, and other property destroyed under the provisions of this act shall be
prefwred to those persons whose property, rights, ant1 credits, foontl H itliiri the
b y thv (bvernnient of
limits of the Initcd States, may hc or ha\ v l i c ~ ~wclncsterctl
the IInited States or :Lily State tlirreuf.

Air. lugh drtiinndrd thc qiicstion; whicli WLS sccoiid~d.

MY. Lyoiih tlcui:tndcd the yeas and iixys.
T l i ~dcillili1tl \\ :lh suhhiiied,
And the y w s and 11:~y.; w e recorded as follows, riz:
-- ~
It w:Lh tiecitlcct i n tlic ncgati\c,
I x<tys ...- .
- 73
Yetis: Rrrinpton, Aycr, Clnpp, Clopton, Curry, Foote, Foster,
1 1 ~ 0 1 1 , MCQLIPP~I,
Pugh, and K\T:III.
Sxys: Aslie, ISarkscltdc, Bathon. Bonhatn, Boteler, Ihycc, IIoratio W.
13rucc, 13uriictt, Chilton, Chrisman, CI:irk, Conrad, Cool~c,Crockett,
Ciirrin) I)wgaii. Lhvidson, Ijnvk, Ihwltins, I)e Jarnettc, Du 1.8,
Ii:lljott, Ewing. F n r i ~ w G
, a i t h ~ r ,Gtirdenhire, Garland, Garnett, J a r t i d l , Gmhani, Gray, IIanly, lIeislrcll, IIcrbort, Hilton, Holcombc,
Ilolt, ,Jenkins, .Jones, Kenan of Noith Carolina, Kcnncr, Lander,
IJevvis,Lyons, I1/1tkchcn,hlxrshall, 3IcDowell, NcLean, Mcltwe, Aleticcs,
Milcs, Moore, Munncrlyn, Ichrltins, Ir(i4on, Iryor, Iialls, l i o p t o n ,
Russcll, Scxton, Singlcton, Smith of Keith Gwolina, Sniith of- Virgiriiit, SitRplcb, Stricklmd, libl)s, Irippc, Villerb, Welsh, Wilcox,
Wright of Gcorgitt, TVright of lexa., iit1d MY. Speaker.
So the ~inendmentW R S loqt.
Mr. Lyonsrnovcd to xiiiciitll by inscrtitig after the word indemnity
the words pro m t n with othcr clairiinnts on the fund.
The vote being Ixkcn, the anlendrnent was lost.
Mr. Russell moved to amend by adding the following, to wit:


_ ^ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

Hut no person shall be entitled to indemnity iiiitler this act unless he or she shall
havc used a l l practicable means to pre\ ent the damage of such seizure of his or her
propcrty b y the enemy

lhc tmetidmcnt ivas lost.

Mr. I)avis called tho qnertion, which was upon ordering the bill to
d f o r a third rcnding, arid the call bcing sustained,
lhc bill was eiigro<~cd
arid rcnd a third time; and
The qucstion I)cing u p o n the ixts5ag-eof the same,
Mr. Smith of Virginia deiiiandcd the yeas and nays; and
The House sustaining the demand, the vote was taken,


[Xar. 8,1862.

Yeas - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - 72
And resulted as follows, to wit:
- -__ - - Yeas: Arrin ton, hshe, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Bonhatn, Boteler, Horatio W5. Bmce, Burnett, Chiltun, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark,
Clopton, Conrad, Cooke, Croclrett, Currin, Curry, Dargau, Ijavidson,
Davis, Dawkins, Dupi.6, Elliott, Elwing, Eoote, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrcll, Graham, Gray, Wanly, Heiskell, Hilton,
Holeombe, Holt, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander. Lewis,
Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, i\ll&ean. McEae, McQueen,
Menees, Miles, moor(^, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Yiigh, Rails, Read, Royston, Bussell, Scxtori, Sinqleton, Smith of North Cardlina, Staples,
Stricliland, Swan, Tibbs, lrippe, VillerB, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright
of Texss.
Nays: Ajer, Ihgce, Farrow, Garnett, Herbert, Jenkins, Jones,
Lyons, Preston, lryor, Smith of Virginia, Wright of Georgia, and
Mr. 8 eaker.
So t i e bill mas passed.
Mr. Kussell moved to reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill.
The motion to recoiisidcr- did not prevail.
The Home then took up for consideration Senate bill to regulate
the compensation of iiienibers of Congress; which wits read the first
and xxond times, and
On niotion, the same was referred to the Committee on Pay and
MI-.llalls moved that the House do now adjourn.
Ihe niotion did not prevail.
On motion of Mr.Garnett, which was seconded,
The 1 Iouse ~wolveditself into secrct session.&




The Honse inct pursuant to adjournnient, and was opened with

prayer by the Rev. Mr. Ford.
Mr.Carrin announccd the presence of Mr. J. D. C. Atliins, a Representative-elect from the Stat(: of Tenncs.sce, who came forward, was
qualified, and took his seiit.
Thc Chnir laid lorforr the House a bill from the Senate to regulate
the c.oiiipeiidion of t h e officers of the Senate; which mas read thr
first and heccjnct tiines arid referred to the Coinniittce on Rides and
Officers of the IIoiihc.
Mr. (hilton off ercd
A resolution instructing the Conimittce oil Military Affairs to report
ii bill to encourage tho n1:Lnufactuw of z~riiisand iiiiinitions of war;
which w i rmtl
~ :tiid t ~ g r w dto.
&I I*. R o . v h t O n offcil*ed
A icsolutioii t h t Ihc Committee o n thc ,Judiciary he requested to
rcxpoi-t a ) ) i l l c1wl:iring hat officer slid1 :Let as lresidcnt of the Confrderate Statw, i n case of thc removal of the President and VicePresidcrit, or of their dv:ith, resignation. or inahility to clischarge the
powers and dutivs of baid otfices;
which was read and agreed to.




Journal of secret session of this date not found.

111.. \j7riglit of Gcorgiii prescntcd tlic mcniorial of Mr. Wade S.
Koiiie, ($:I., a.;king that the niariufxcture of iron be protclfatcd; which mas referred to the Committee on Ways and Means,
wit hont being read.
Air. i h r n e t t offered
h resolution that tho coiiiriiitter appointed t o investigate the causes
o f our recent disnbtcr a t Fort Donelson, etc., be instructed to report
to this House who \ w s the hcnior general commanding a t Fort Donel.SOJI ti:iring the en :igcinent a t that point, who was second in command,
and I\ Iio tliii~lin oninland; also why it was that the t w o senior genei.:tls i n coiiiiiiiiii nbandoncd the po$ition, 1e:iving the junior general
to huriwdcr; d s o to report why the transports there in the vicinity
of 1ioi.t I)oiicison were not used in rciiioving our -Cormsfrom the presctwe o f an overwhelming force;
wliicli I\ i i h ~ : t ilnd
d agreed to.
Xf r. 1Scll offt.rrd
olrit ion t h t tlic? Committee on Waps and Means be instructed
I T iiito tlir csp(:dirncy of rcporting a bill authorizing the payi t o scat of government of h x e s levied by act of
r i t c > i i t :itJ thc (lonfc
of citizen5 residing out of the State or States in
(:ollglc+ 011 p w p
wliicli mid 1)ropcr
which \ K L I~W L C ~ and i l g r t d to.
Nr. 3Iilcs pivwntcd tlic iiieriiorial of the Eev. Moses D. Hoge in
1d:ition to incrc:ising t h e nunibcr and eiiicieiicy of chaplains; which
1 atid i.cfcrwd to the Conitnittee on Military Affairs.
itcd the petition of L. Bullen, captain and acting
term, asking certnin relief; which was referred
t o the Coii,tiiittw oii Claims, without being read.
N r . Sw:in oflewd a joint resolution; which is as follows, to wit:
( othraii, of

\Vhcwas it h ~ . :bcconie niariiicst that the Govemrrierit of Great Britain, urirniridful

lie (ominittee on hlilihrp Affairs he instructed

to i n q i i i w into thc c.spcdicncy of repoiting :L bill for the organization
o f onc or niorc htt:ilioii+ of pontonici-s;
which wns i ~ a t d:ind agrcctl to.
,111.. (?:1rnt\tt OffProd
A inoliitioti t h t the Coinmittce on Military Affairs be instructed
to i n ( i n i w i u t o the c~xpedienc~y
of wtxbli4iirtg n corps of heavy artilirl-y. i n oidcr t o 1)rovide in\trnctcd artillcrymen for our tixed batteries
:t1rtl 1 0 l . t s;

which v, iii r(wl : i t i d iigrecd to.

311,.Smith of Lirginia 1 n ~ w tcd
n the ~ n e m o ~ i of
n l Thornas K. Lore,
of Fairfm Coiirity. Y:L. i n ivclation to d:ini:iges done liiin by Confedcmtc t r o o p ; n hich was rcfcrrcti t o tlic Coinniittet: on C l ; ~ i i ~without
hcing 1-exd.
ITpon niotion of Mr. Gartrcll, wbic
Tlic I-lonsr then rewlved i t - c k l f into

[Mar. 8, 1862.


T h e House being in secret session,

The Chtiir presented a cornniunication from the President, viz:
r, ~ h c h m o n d Jfurch
7, 1862.
To ihe Speaker of file H o u r e of ltepsenfnt
tate ad interim in answer to a
1 transmit here\%itha report from t
resolution of the I I o u ~ eof Representativc~sof the 6th nistant.

The report is as follows, via:

DEP \RTJICUT GI STATE, Xichniond, 1tfiLlrch 7 , 1862.
The Secretary of State ad interim, to <T honi was r e f w d a resolution of the House
of Representatires of t h e (ith inqtant rqneeting tlie Irecident to communicate to that
b o ~ l ~i f~he
, bl1all cic~emit eonil~itibleiiith the pul)lic interest, a n y infoimation mhich
he ];lay possess toiiclliiig t h e Iirew
of cei tain foieign Tecscls in the waters of the
Cheeapeake I3ay a t this time, a ~ l vmlly Iicther these \ essels are prob$ly here
for tile purpose of exporting eotto
toliacm from the Confederate States, has the
honor to Inform the Yrcsident that three \\ar steaincrq of tlic navi of the Emperor
of the I+encli-the Iomnne, Catenat, and C+asendi--have b<wi R ithin a few weeks at
IIalllpton Roads; that the Secretary of Skate act interim has authentic information
that one of thew vessels is t o hestationed at or near Charleston to protect t h e French
consul in caseof ail attack on that cit! by the United States; t h a t another has sailed,
or is about to wil, to tlie \C+t htlieq, temporarily to convey dispatchec between
the iiiinisterv of franc^, anct ~ n g l a n i ta t ITachington and their con~ulsa t ports of the
Confecleratr S(atr*; and t h a t it n as lie\ er intended that these vessel3 or any of them
should be e m p l o ~ccl ii1 cxlwrtiiig cotton or tobacco lrom the Confederate States.
Rrepectfully submitted.

T h e coinmimicat ioiis wcrc laid on the table.

On motion o f Mr. I)argan, the nnfinishtd businchs of yesterday mas
postponed for tltc p r e w i t , and from the Committee on the Judiciary,
to which l i d hccn rcfcrrccl the joint rwolution offcred b,v Mr. Trippe
t o p h v i d c for the :djoiwnmc,nt o f Conpcbs, together with the amendment thereto offtwd
N r . Clnpp,
Mr. Utwgan wportcd tlic H:IIIW l)scli, with an aniendment, recommending the saiiic be :Lgrecd to, :uid t h R t the resolution be adopted as
then amended.
The resolution, snicndment, and report of the committee were taken
By consent, Mr. Clapp withdrew his amendment.
The question being tlicn upon the report of the committee to amend
the resolutions by qtriking out all of the same after the enacting clause
and insert in lien thereof the following words, viz:
1 1 ~ 7

the continuance of the present war the President, whenever in his

public wxwrity dcmands it, shall have full power and authority to
hi\ (s and Governnicnt of the Confederate State.: from the city of Ricliany other place to which the Government may h a r e been removed, to
auritv I\ ithin the ConfFderate States.
t f u d w T e d ? ed, That if the Coiqreqs of the Confederate Stntes s l i o ~ l d
bc- unable to convene in Itichmond o r a t the seat of poverninent on the day appninted
a t their adjournincnt or on the day deiignated by law, either because of the removal
of the seat of go\einiiient aftor their adjonmiiient or from any other caupe, t h e President inay by l i k proclamation eoinene thc f2oiiJsrc- to meet at ally time and place
he may deGignate i n his proclnniation 11 ithin the Confederate States,

Mr. (hwtrell mol-ed to anicnd thc arricndment hy striking out in the

second resolution the words 6aiidplace he 1r1a-ydesignate in bis proclamation within tho Confederate States and insert in lieu thereof the
words a t Atlanta.

Mar. 8, 1862.1


cninndcd the question; which was seconded, and the

uestion on agreeing to the amendment

e Judiciary; which was seconded, and
grossing the resolution as amended,
question; which w a s seconded, and the
ad a third time, and passed.
isider the rote by which the resolution
uestion; which was seconded, and the

solutions on the table.

ivcd from the Senate, by Mr. Nnuh,
Secretary, viz:

Mi.. ~ S j i ~ ~ l kThc
u : Penatc. Iia
tee to draft joint riilcs :ind ordc
Joiiif ) ~ i l ( si o i ( i o i d c


ncreetl to the lollowing report of the joint commitfor contliic+iic biibinrss bctn wn tlic two Iloiiees, viz:
t l i ~/ i i o


r!f iltc Conf(iIr)citc Congirw.

I. In every cabc of :in

to i n the other, if citlici

inicnt ol 1 bill agreed to in one House and dissented

slir~llrtx1Ic-t :I.cwnfcrenc*canti appoint a committee
hall :dso appoint a cwiiiniittcw? to confer, such
to lw agiecd upon hy their chairmen, meet
each other, verbally or in writing, as either
shall ehoose, the r ! b a w n + of tlicir repperti1 P IIoii-cs for ant1 against the ainendment
and confer freely t1icrcv)n
11. IVhen a ni~s+:qy4 r a l l 1)c srnt
e to the IIousc of Representatives
i t shall 1)c annonnwtl x i thc door
b y tlie Doorkeeper, and shall be
respc~tfiilly coiiiii~iiiiic~:itc~d
to tlie C1
h01i b y wlioni it iiiay bc sent.

111. The sitine ccrwiony + ~ l l h

t h e Iioube of lieprcscntntivcs to the


message eliall be sent from

Clerk of eithcr House, or their

i\es, appointed as a standthc cnrollriient with tlie

any errors that may bc
with to their respective

VIII. After examination aid report c w * h bill shall be rigrid in the respective
Ilouscs, first by the Ppeikcr of the Iloiisc of ILt~prescntative~,
then by the President
of t h c Senate.
IX. AWer a bill illall h a w 1)ecn thus signctl In cacli IIonsc it sliall he presented
b y the Secretary of the Senate to the Iresitlciit 01 the ( h n f d t ~ r a t cStates or his
approkmtion (it hcing firrt indowet1 on the hxck of the roll, ccxrtifying in which
Houce the s a i i i ~origin:tttd, n hich indorsement shall he 6ignc.d 1)y the Swretary or
Clerk, ti9 the cav n i t i v lw, of tliv 11onse i n which the s a n i ~originated), aiitl shalt be
of cach Ilouie. Tlie raid Secretary shall enter upon the
entered 011 thc , J o w l
Journal tlic, thy ot 1)r itatiori to thc lresitlent.
X. A11 orders, r(w)l )ny and vote\ n Iiich are to be prescntctl to the President of
t h e Confederate ?itntCq lor liiu. approl)ation shall alio, in the sanie manner, be previously enrollrtl, t~xaininctl,ant1 cigncd, ant1 +hall bc prcsentcd in the same manner
m provided in the rase of hill..
XI. When R bill or remlntion 11-hich shall Iiavc. passcd in one House is re~ectedin
the other notice thereof shall be given to the I I o n ~ ein whirh the sanie shall have



[Mar. 8,186

111. \Vhen a bill or resolution which has been passed in one House shall be
rc.jrc.tccl in tlle ottier it shall not be brought in duriiig tlie same session without a
llotice of two days and lusive of two-thirds of that Housc in which it shall be renewed.
SIII. Each House shall transmit to the other all papers 011 M hich any bill or rpsolution shall be founded.
XIV. After earh House shall have adhered to their disagreement a bill or resolution shall be lost.

Tlie House proceeded to consider the unfinished lmsjness of gester(lay, which was the bill to authorize the President Zo send additional
coniuiissioners to foreign nations, together with the arnendriients
Pcnding discussion thereon,
Mr, Elliott, from the Cominitkee on Enrollment, reported as duly
enrolled and ready for the signature of the Ypeakcr of the House of
A resolution declaring the sense of Congress in regard to reuniting
with the Confederate, [Zinited] States;
A hill to ~ n e n dan act mititled ('An act in relation to public printing," :~pprovcdFebruary 27, 1861; and
il bill to create the office of commanding gcneral of the armies of
tlic Confederate States.
'Lhe Spealier signed the sarne.
r i
1he following message w w rtvxivecl from the Senate, by Mr. Nash,
Secretary, viz:
Jfi. X eakw: The Senate have passed a joint resolution of the followinq title, $2:
S. 5. foint resolution authorizing the inembers of the two Houses of Congres to
confer with each other confidentially; in which I a m directed to ask the concurrence of this Ilouse.

On iriotion of Mr. Miles, the rule was suspended and the resolution
taltcri up, read the first and second times, engrossed, read a third time,
trnd I-'"scd.

Mr. Davis, fro111 the Coininittee on Military Affairs, reported, viz:

1 am instrnctctl to ieport a bill to p o r i t l e fiirtlier for t h e public dcfense, i n lieu of
llie several bills referred to tlie Military Coininittee arid in compliance with the
several resolutions of this Iloase.

On motion of Mr. Davis, the saine was ordered to be placed on the

Calendar and made t h e special order of the day f o r Tuesday next.
On inotion of Mr. ,Jones, tlic Ilousc, took up and adopted the ('Joint
d c s and orders of the two Ilouses of Congress," reported from the
Mr. Conrad, from the Coinniittee on Naval Affairs, reported
A bill which was rend the first arid second times, ordered to be placed
011 the Calendar., and printed.
On motion of Mr. I'ryor,
The House adjourned until 12 m. MGnday.

Thc House met pursuantl to adjonrnment, and was opened with pmyer
by tha Re\-. Dr. &gc.
Mi,. Miles. froin t h c Coininittee on Nilitwy Affairs, by the nnanimous conbelit of thc Iloiihc, reported
A bill to iricimisc the clcrical force of the V a r Department;
which mas read thc first and second times.
The bill w:is t:rlicii up. engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. D a r p n ofrered
A resolution that the Coniniittee on Military Affairs be instructed
able sergeant-majors and
Mr. Clopton pr(wntci1 tlic uicniori:tl of IVilson IYilliatns, relating
t o tlic in\ cntion of :L i w n p i i ; \\ liich \vtw referred t o the Committee
on latcnth, \I it hout ))eingrcnd.
11.11.. Smith o f A1:ibxnt:i o
A rcsolntioii that the Co
c c on Ways and Xenns he instructed
to inquire into thc esprdieiicy of :y)propri:tting --dollars
for the
relief of the Cotifcdemtc priwners taken at Forts Honry and Donelson,
and to report to t h i s IIowe, by bill or otherwise;
which was read atitl referred to the Cornrnittec on Military Affairs.
MY. Chilton, from the Committee on Post-O6ces and Post-Roads,
A bill to oshblisti certain post routes therein named;
which was read tho first and second times.
rules were suxpenclcd;
Lhe bill was tnlirn 1113, engroqsed, read R third time, and passed.
MY.Garlarid introdnced
A bill to :mend R I I act to cst:rblihh tlic j~tdicinl courts of the Confederate S h t c s ;
which w:~src:d the firht xnd sc~condtiinas aiid rcferrcd to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. ltogston offered
A resolution that the Coinmittee on Puhlic Ihildings be requested
to ascertain a i d ~*cport
to this Horisc what suin is iiow being aid for
the use of the 1,usincw houses now ocwpicd o r used hy thc iffererit
departments of the Contrdetftte Govcriuucnt i n tho city of ltichniond;
which was read and :~grccdto.
Mr. Fliltoti offei*ed
A wsohitiotr that it he rcferrcd to tlic Committtv 011 tlic Judiciary
to inquire into the i.oiistitutionalitS and expedicncy of limiting, by
t:ix:~tion,p c r i d enactincnt, 01 other legislation, thc pi-oduction of cott o n the pre mi t yc:w, and thd they )w instructed to report blr hill 01
which c~asread xiid laid on tlic table.
MY.Strickland prt nted the petition of stindry citizens of Georgia,
asking the extension of mail route No. 6261; which was referred to
the (Iomniittec on Post-Offirm and Post-Roads, without being read.



[Mar. 10, 1862.

~ rIcenner
A resolution that the resolution of this body, passed on the 4th of
MRrch, calling on the Yresident for the estimates of the public service
to the end of the next fiscal year be, and the same is hereby, repealed,
and that the President be requested to direct that the said estimates be
made up to the 1st day of December, 1862, and that they be sulumitte
to Congress at as early a d t y as practicable; which was read an
agreed to.
$'r. Conrad. from the Committee on ? ; a d Affairs, reported
A bill to csthlish a volunteer navy;
which qras read tlin first and second times, placed upon the CaIendar,
and ordered to be printed.
n h . 11. \V. B r ~ offered
A resolution that the 1)oorkcepeu of this House he directed to purchase two hundred dollars' worth of stationery for the use of the committees of this Ilouse, to bc paid for out of the contingent fund of the
which was read and agreed to.
IJpon motion of M u . C h i t h r , leave of absence was granted to Mr.
McDo-well u n t i l Monday next.
Mr. Gaither movcd that the special committee appointed to investigate the disasters at 1Ro:Lnoke Island, etc., be allowed a clerk; which
WLS agreed to.
Mr. i3oyce offered
A joint resolution recoilzmending the plenters of the Confederate
States to refrain froin the cultivation of cotton and tobacco and devote
their eneigies to raising provisions;
whicli was read the first and second times.
'rhc rules were suspentled;
'I'kie i~esolritionwas taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Cumin offered
il resolution touching the nianagement of the quartermaster and
commissary departments in the State of Tennessee;
which was read and referred to the special committee raised to inquire
into the disasters at Forts I-Ienry and Donelson, etc.
Mr. Foote offered the following resolution, to wit:

Resolwi, That the Secretary of War be reqiiested to give inforination to this House
on the following points, t u wit:
A t what period w m it that the Confectcrate forces under General Johnston first
established thcmselvw in the city of flowling Green; and what was our force at that
time and within t h e period of a \ceek?
What x a s the force of the enemy a t that t h e , between Boljling Green and the
Ohio River, a i d where located',
What I-,revrnted General Johnston, at that time, from making a forward movement toward the Ohio? Was lie restrained by instructions froin the War Department, or was he left to his own discretion in the matter'!
What forces, if any, r e r e sent from Bowling Green to Fort Donelson previously to
t h e first battle a t that place, and under whose command?
What number of forces did General Johnston retain at Bom4ing Green up to the
time of its evacuation?
Did General Johnston reenforce, or attempt to reenforce, the Confedewte Army at
Fort Donelson during t h e progrrss of t h e conflict at t h at place?
ISit within the knowledge of the War Department that ar~yapplications were
made by the commander of our forces at Fort Dorielson for reenforcements previous
to or during the conflict at that place?
Was General Johnston restrained, by orders from the IVar Department, from sending reenforcements, or was he left to his own discretion in that regard?



Mar. 10,1862 J

f transportatmi had General Johnston at Bowling Green to enable

Fort i)oiirisoii during the coriteat had he bew &*posed to do so?
e fortliicatioiis at Fort Donelson and Fort IIenry constructed, and
n~ililaryrocouiioitrr inq dorir along the banks of ttic Cmnberland
and Teiineswe riyers, n ith t h r Iicw to judicious selections of places for fortifications,
before the sites for Forts IIeiiIy and I>onc4con \I cre selected?
Did General Johnston fall b ~ c kfroni Bowling Green in accortlartce with instructions from the, ~ T ~ I)cpartiiicwt,
or was he left to lrir own discretion in t h e matter?
ille b u r 1 entlrt cd to the enelti) ? I h l General Jolinstoii proceed
rctioti or untlrr instructious from tlrr \lrTar Departiiieiit in regard
i(lwi1ip that c i t y into the hands of tlrr rncmy?
\Vfien (ieiiernl ,Jolinston, al)out the first of October last, iiiade a call upon several
of the States 01 thr Soutlin e>t, incliiding the State of Tennessee, for large numbers
call revoltcd7 W a s the act of revocation in pursuance of an
a1tiirelit, or iipon his o w n judgment merely?
cmt rccc~ivcda n y official reports of the affair at Fort Henry
clring the mrrcnder of Kashville? If so, coinmunicate the


The ~-esolutionW:LS tdtcn up.

Mr. Ztoyston called tlie qiwstioii on agrwing to tlie same; which
Iwing ~ecoiidwi,
Slr. I+ootc c1cin:indcd the yea. :nid nays; rind
T h e deniaritl lwi
s ---- ......................

1 Says



_ _ _ _ 23


Yeas: Arrington, Rtltins, Ryer, lhtson, Bell, Konliaiii, Boteler,

12ogce, Horiitio LV. Bruce, Ihirnctt, Chilton, Clttpp, Clopton. Cnrrin,
I)a\7is, Da\\Biiis, I>c Jtirnctte, I h p r d , I3lliott, E w i n g , Footo, Foster,
G:irdcnliirc, U:irl:ind, (;:irnctt, G~rti*rII,
Gra.y, Hanly, EIeisld, Holoonibe, ,Jolinstou, ~ J o n c h .Kcnan of Xorth Carolina, IZenner, Lyoii,
Muehcn, h h r s h d l . iblcnec.h, Niles, 1\1ooi~,Perkins, Preston, Ltalls,
I t o p t o n , S~xtori,Smith of North Gwolina, Smith of Virginia, Staples,
Trjppe, Viller6, Wi*ightof lclsas. and Mr. Speaker.
Xays: Raldwin, 13arksdale. Cl:~rk,Crockett, Curry, Davidson, 1Ierhert, EIolt, ,TcnBins, Iiandcr, Len&, Lyons, McIJcan, Mcltae, McQueen,
Pagli, Singleton. Sriiitli of AltLbttina, Stricltland, S W : ~
arid mriglit o l (icoi.gia.
SOthc rcsolution T \ Y I ~ ilgrc(.tl to.
Mr. ISotelcr offcrcd
A r e s ~ l ~ t i that
o ~ i thc t~omniitteeon \TRJTS
and Means be instructed
to inquiw into ttic tspedicncy of reporting a hill niuking Confederate
Treasury notes it legal tender in thc payinent of debts during the continuance of t h e present war for indepcndencc;
which was read arid agrccd to.
Mr. St:tplcs offered
A rcsolution that the ])ill reported hy the Committee on Military
Afkirs of the Provisional Coiigrcss, increasing the pay of cliaplains
to thc A l r n ~ yhe
, withdrawn from the files and referred to the present
Committee on h4 ilitxry Affairh, wit 11 instructions to inquire into thc
expedient.? of rcpoi-tirig the smic to this IIousc:
1yvhic.h w a 5 rwd r ~ r i*c+cri-ccl
to tlrc Coinmit
on 14lilitary Affairs.
illso, reiolutioii thtit t,he Committtw on Military Rff:Lirs inquire
into thc cxpedicncy of r(1porting a bill exempting postmasters, mail
carriprs. and other persons in the 11ost:~l service horn militmy duty.
hlr. Chilton moved to r t h - the resolution to the Committee on PostOffices and Post-lioads; which motion prevailed.



[Mar. 10,

>lr. Salith of Virginia presented th: ineinorial of .John Ilooe,

prince ITillinrn County, in relation to dizniage done by Confederate
troops; which was referred to tlie Cornmi ttec on Claims, without
bcing read.
B1r. I3aldmin presented :Lletter from A. 13. Irick, relating to a cha
of legal tender; which was referred to Ihe Committee on Ways
Means, without be in g r e d .
r from William 34. Buck in relatio
Mr. Jjoteler presented a I
gal tender; which was referred to t h e
lna]<ing Confedcrntc, riotes
Conmiittee 011 Vl/;tysand A h r i J , without being red..
Jfr. 1Iolcolnbc presented :L iri~iiiorialfrom siindrj- citizens of Nelson
(:ounty, Vit., in rclxtion to the extension of L post route from Tye
Kivcr to ~J-IW JIilIq: wliivli ~ v a rs c f c r i d to the Committee on PostOffic.,ls:irlct Iost-I<o:~d.;,without being rcad.
nrr. 1+7011\ iirtrodncd
bill to aiithorixc the lrcsitlcnt to confer tenq)or:wy rank and coin111:inci f ~ hervice
with volnntecr troops on officers of the Marine Corps
of the Confederate States:
yyhich W;IS rwd the first and second times and r e f w ~ ~ to
x l the Committee on N : LAffairs.
Mr. Preston offfcrcd a memorial of sundry citizens of Russell
County, Vn., :Lskinq for a pension; which was referred to the Coinniittcc on Claims, without being wad.
Mr. Ijarlr~dalc,froni the (:ominittee on Printing, reported
\i bill to provide for the election of it printer for each House of
Con grcss ;
which wis i w d the first and second times.
Lhc rules were suspcnded;
The l d l was taken up; and
rho first wctioii h i tig untlcr consideration: which is as follows:

tc and I Ioiiw of Rrprcwatative.u shall each elect a printer during the

and hc,rclaftcr at or after the heginning of every Congress,

Mr. Ltoyston nioved~to:tumid by striking out thc whole of the same

and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Coiiprew shall, by a joint ballot, elect a public printer, who shall do all the printing required by both IIouses of Congress.

The atnendment war3 agreed to.

On motion of Mr. ,Jones, the bill was rccomniitted to the Committee
on Printing, with instructions to report a hill providing for the cloction of one printer f o r both Houses of Congress.
Mr. Gartmll, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
A hill todix t h tiinc of the meeting of Congress,
reported the s a i i i ~I)ack, asked to he discharged from its further consideration, and that the bill lie on the tiible; which Was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, from the saim committee, to whom was referred
A bill to regulate the appoint,ment of ofEcers,
reported the same back, aslied to be discharged from the consideration
of the same, and that the snnie lie 011 tho table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Gnrtrell, from the ~ a n i ecorninittee, reported the following resolution; which was rmd and agreed to, to wit:
I?esesolvc.d, That the usual number of t h e reports of the Attorney-General be printed
for the use of this House.


Mr. I l o o w , f i m i t h e s u m conimittce, to whorl1 was referred joint

rcsoliitiori i ~ h t i i i gt o thc estates, property, and effcctr of alien enemies,
rcportccl tlic m r i c I~aclr,asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that, tlic rcsolution lie on the titl)le; which WLS ttgreed

311..ICennrr, froin the Coininittee on TVays and illcans, to whom
wus referred
A bill t o m i e n d ail it<*tto authorize the issue of lrcaaury notes, :uid
to proT-idc a \$:ti* t for tlici I redempiion,
rcpor teti t Iic w 1I 1 wk,with the recoivmendation that the same do not
On motion, tlic I)ill \ \ R S placed on the Calendar.
Mr. K ( ~ i i i w i ~froni
t he m n c committee, to whoin was referred ,
A ~csolutioii of the convention of North Ctlrolina in relatiun to
mints in tlic Corifcdcracy,
reported the smie lmck, : i + k c d to bc discharged from its furtlicr consideration, and that tlic rcwlution lie o
c table; which was agreed to.
&lr. Kctiii(,r, froni tlic h : m c conirni
to W l l O l H was refcrrcd
A bill to 1el-y :I WII* txs on ( h o t t o n piwlticctl i n tlic J car 1862,
reportctl tliv h : ~ i i i eI)ac-li. I\ ith tlic rec.o~iiiiiend:~tioii
that it do not pass.
On r i i o t i o i i . the. 1,ill \v:L\ 1)1:1,c~~i
011 the Cdcliditr.
Mr. I i c ~ i r i i c r ,froni t h e mnie c.onimit,tec, to whom was referred
A bill tu provide ~ O J ,the p%j-nientof pensions in thc Conftdcrate
States of Arncrica :itid the Indian tribes iindcr their protection,
reported the same hack, asked to bt: discharged from its further considerntioii, :tiid that the hill he referred to the Committee on Claims;
which mab agrced to.
Mr. hlilw, i i u n the Chiimittec on Military Affairs, to whorn was
A resolulion i n i.elation to cscinptions froin 111ilit:~r~service,
reported :uid rccwuniicnded tlic pxs.;agc of a bill declaring what persons
shall bc exempt froni inilitin duty.
The bill \vns 1wd first : ~ n dsecond tiiiies, placed or: thc Calendar,
ordcrrd to hc p v i n t d , aiid in:idc the s.pccii;tlorder for Wrcdncsday next.
Mr. Ingh, froiii t lit. h : t n i c coininittcc, to mhoiii WLS referrrd
A bill for thc c~nli\tnic~nt
of cooks in thc Army,
reporttld the biLlilc> I)acli, with tht. rc.coinnic.ndation that it pit*\with an
On niotion o f Mr. Sniith of Virginia, t h t x bill \\as placed on the
Ca1crid:ii.. oidci*cd to 1)c printed, and made the special order for Friday
311..Sn no, fi.oin t h c qmic committee, to whom was referred
A bill lixitig thr. rank and pay of adjutants and first sergeant$,
reportcd the wnie l)ack, with the recoinrnendation that it pass with an
anicndiiim t .
On motion, the hill wits placed on the Calendar.
Mr. Swm, from the. sanic committee, to whom was referred
Ll[)ill for the appointment of t~ chief laboratorjari, and for other
~ y i o r t c dthc \:1111(3 l)xcli, with the recommendation that it pass.
On motion, the hill W L ~ placed on the Calendar.
On iriotiou of Mr. Footc, which mas seconded,
Collgrexs 1 The House] then resolved itself into secret session.





Tilc House being in secret session,

'I'he Chair presented the following coliiriiiinication from the President, riz:

lfa?"Ch10, 186.9.


The Coiiitiiiiitic:Ltioi~,together with t h c letter of the Secretary of the

Navy, detailing tht: plan mid the estinirtte to carrg the sanie into execution, wcre rcftri-cd to the Gonimittec on Krtral Affairs.
The Chair Isrid beforc the House R rvxiimunication from the President,
tran~niittingt h o report of tho Superintendent of Public Printing, which
should Iiave acco~r
i p i i i iocl t hc re po I't of t 11e A t torney-(;en era1.
The S;-LIIIC, with :~cconipanyingdocuments, were referred to the
Conrniittce on t'ublic l'rinting.
On niotion of MI-.Read,
The Ilouse adjourncd until La 111. to-~iiorrow.


I)BY - -'I'I'ESDAY, MARCH11, 1862.

01'I~CX sli:ssIox*

Congress met pursuant l o adjoitrnnient, xnrl wai; opened with prayer

hy the Kcv. 1\11.. li~~rnles.
M r . JYilcos t i n r i o i i i i ( d tliv pr ncc of A h . Malcolm H. Macwillie,
:t 1~cleg:ttc-elcctf r o m tlic Territory of Arizona, who came forward,
was qualified, and took h i 4 sent.
Mr. Foster ofrered
A joint resolution tendering the thanks of the Congress to Captain
I%ucl-ian:inand a11 undcr his coniriiarid hi the naval attttck upon the
clieriig in Jlampton Roads;
w h k h w s read thc first arid second tinies.
Thc r d ~ were
T h e resolittion w a s taken up, t'ngrossed, read a third timc, and
p:wscd iinwniinously.
Mr. Hniith of ,Zlahina introduced
A bill to providc for the manufacture of ~ r i n yshoes in ca,mp;
which was rc:id the tii-it iuid second tinies and referred to the Cornriiittec o n hlilitary AA'nirs.
Mi-. Ilanly introtiuccd
A l d l to :tiiicncl the clcvcntli w t i o n of :in :wt entitled '*Anact for
the c&tl~lisliiiient ntrd org:uiiz:itioti of the Rriiiy of the Confederate
State, 01' An1c>ri(.:1,'': L ~ ~ I Y ) W March
6, lscI I ;
which WLS r e d t h c lii*+tuiid scconcl times and rcferreil to the Committee on ilililitaq Mlairs,



Mar. 11,1862 ]

Alw . n resollition instructing the Coiiimi ttee on the Judiciary to

A bill punishing countcrfeiters of the great seal of the Confederate
States of Anierica;
which was read and ngreed to.
Mr. lloystori moved that tile House t:Lbe up for consideration a rcsolution offered by liiiii i n relation to the :idjournmont of Congress.
The inotioii \vas lost.
Mr. T)ti\vl<in\ prcsentrd :t lettei. from Mr. ,J. L. G. 13dter, of Greenwood, E'la., in r(.htioii to :Lp \ t route;
which \\':is, \rithout l>eiiig read, referred to tho Committee on PostOLIiCC~S: l l r d 1 ' 0 4 -1to:lds.
3Lr. Ililton presented a design for the Confedcrntc flag, froni Nr.
13cn. A. Ihnald, of Virginia;
which W I L ~ rcferrcd to the Committee 011 Flag aiid S e ~ l .
A h . liolt introduced
A bill to m i r n d thc he\ rrnl acts for the sequtstratiou :md confisca
tion of tlic yropvity of : L l i c n cnciiiics;
which was r a ~ the
l first :uid second tiiiics aiid referred to the Committee on tl ic ,I udic i:iry.
Mr. Tiippc pivxxitcct the nicniorinl of sundry citizens of Forsyth,
G;L.,in rcfercincc t o t h o stippwssioii 01' di\tiller.ies; which w a s referred
to tlie Chiriniittet o i l 14':iys and Mealis, without being read.
Mr. Crocl<ott of'crcd
A resolution that all public: investigations or discimion in this
House rclntivc: to our recent disasters is impolitic and unwise, being
emincutly c:ilc.rilntcd to crcatc jealousieh :itid rivalries detrimental to
the public scrvice.
Mr, Footc i n o v d to lay tlic resolution on the table; upon which
Mr. Singleton deninndetl tlic yeas and nays; and
The demand being- sustained,
The j7eas and iia~'s:ire rccordccl its follons, viz:
-.._ . ...- _ 42
ItJw a b dtcidcd i n tlic nfirmttivc, (( Yeas--.
Kay.; . . . _ ._
Y C:LS : Arrington , A q h ~ , A t Iti rik , I h t i t l wi 11, IZnt~oii. Bell, Boyce,
(%i~iiihliw, C ' o r i r i d , Cookc, Ihvidson, Davis,
', Gaitlicr, (i:udt~tiliirr, G:irnett, Gartrell, Grart, IZolconil~c,,Johiistoii, ,Jones, Kenner, Lyon,
lei, Moor(>,l'erkiiis, Preston, Ralls, Boyston,
giiiia, Staples, Trippcl, Viller6, and Wright of


1 -

Chiiton, Clirisman, Clapp,

Clopton, Crockett, C u i ~ y ,Ilargan, L)tLwkins, De Jarnette,
Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Garlaud, (;my, llanly, Hilton, Holt, Jenkin., l h ~ t i a n of North CtLrolina, Lnndcr, Lewis, Lyons, Machen,
h I c I ~ ~ i i,\l(Queeri,
Munllerlyri, Read, Singleton, Sriiit,h of Alabama,
Siiiith o f Sort11 C:iiwlina, Strickland, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright of
(;eo rgia.
l l i c motion pwvxilcd.
nted a iiieniorinl of the citizens of Pikc, Floyd, and
Jolili\on c*oiiritic,, Ky., asltirig l x ~ yfor provisions furnished Confeder:itc troops; which miis rcfcrred to the Corninittee 011 Claims,
without heing read.
Mr. I3oycc offered
: Ih*ltsd:i1e, ISotcler, Ihrnctt,

C J-\






A resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Mi

to inquire mhetlier further legislation is necessary to
efEciency to our interior lines of railroads, with leave t
or otherwise;
which wtis read and agreed to.
Blr. Farrow presented t h o petition of sundry citizens of
district, in the State of South Carolina, praying compens
jamin Lamb, for mail scrvicc; which mas, without being 1
to the Committee on Claims.
Also, the petition of James Beil, praying compensation f o r m
knives; whicli W B S rcferrcd to the Committee on Claims, without
Mr. IIcisltell presented thc nieinorial of M r . Ramsay,
in relation to tlw Xledical Dcprtnient of the A r
refcrrcd to the Coniniitter~on Military Affairs, mithont being read.
Air. Sn-an presented LL Icttcr from Mr. 1)aniel I). Fonte, of Tennessee,
in relation to a I n a i l route froin C:tdcs Cove to Mont Vale Spring;
which was rcfcrred to the Committee on Post-Officesand Post-Boads,
without being read.
Mr. Garnett offered
h resolution that thc Committee on Ways and Means he instructed
to inquire into the expdiency of raising a revenue 11) excise and
cspor t (3 11ties ;
which was read and agreed to.
Nr. Sinitli of Virginia presented L: letter from N r . John Jett in
relation to lobs of horses; which wab referred, without reading, to the
Conimittce on Military Affairs.
Mr. Lyoii offered
A resolilt ion th:tt tlic Ircsidcnt I)(? requested to furnish this Home
)y of tlic m p r t of thc naval engagement near Xorfolk, if not
cd 1)y liini iiicoinpttible with the public interest;
1 WLS rCii(1 : L I I ~agreed to.
Mr. Busscll, fi*oru thc Corriiriittee on the Judiciary. reported
h bill whting to rights to indeiiinity under the sequestration acts;
which i\:is r ~ a dthe first and second times, ordered to be placed upon
the Calendar, printed, and made the special order of the claj- for Monday ncxt.
Mr. Gray, froin the Judiciarj- Committee, to which was referred t
following r(isolution, to wit:
Rc,uoZc cd, That tht. Coiiiinittee on t h e Judiciary I)e instructed to inquire and rep
what legislation is I
ry to enable offirers in the A m i y of the Confederate 6
to hold thcir sents
Congress of the Confederate States, or a hether they ar
eiititlcd to do so un
Constitutroii without any legislation,

Made the following report, viz:

ary ha1-e considered t h e resoliltion instructing tl
islatioii is necessary to enable officer8in the ,irm
heir seats in the Congress of the confederate states,
o SO under the Constitntioii \% ithoutany 1epislation,
twms of the resolution see& to be axlsqTered by the
ragraph of the sixth section of the first article of the
hest>words, to wit: And no pergon llo:(]ing any office
under the Confedcrat
S &hallbe a member of either ffouse tl11ring his contiiiua ~ l c ei n ofice. rile Army of t h e Confederate States is an estahhshn~entcrea
a 1 ~organizetl
uiitler ituthority of the Confederate Congress, accordi~lgto 1tS
I to raise arid support armies; ant1 its oflicer? are conimissioned hy and sub
the direction and control of t h o President of the (onfedprate States a s i b
:nander in Chid. That such officers are persous holding office ullder the Con
era% States appears to be a simple matter of fact under tbe la.ns, and it necessa

Xar. 11,lfiF2.1



follows that they can nut hold seats as n i e m b m of either House of Congress. No
legislation can entitle them to do so, for it Mould be manifestly in violation of t h e
pfohihition recited.
The nurDose of that prohibition secnis obvious; and when taken i n connection
with th%preceding c h < e of the same paragraph, which prohibits the appointment
of any member of Congress to aiiv ci\il office, which shall have been created, or t h e
emolument whereof shall have k e n increased during the time for which he was
elected, that purpose is fully manifested. I t was to preserve the independence of
t h e legislature as a coordinate branch of the Government-to prevent the exercise by
the same persons of Cuiit-tione appertaining to distinct departments-to render the
legislature free from c xtive influence, and to remove from its members t h e temptations .whicli niiglit a
troni hope of executive fa\or or patronage. It requires no
extenci\-c. friio\\ ledge of the history of governments, and of the undue influence of
execnti\ c pov er o\ cr legiblative bodies, to perceive the wisdom of this purpose. To
no class of officers does it apply with gryater force than to those of the Army; for
none other5 are more directly under executive control. Moreover, there appears to
be a n iiiconipatibility in the exercise of t h e functions of a member of Congress and
an oflicrr of the Arriij . I t is not practicable to dixliarge legislative duties in Congress arid military duties in the field, or bureaus, at the same time. If, then, t h e
power existed so to legislate ae to entitle officers of the Army also to hold seats as
meiiibers of Congress, it would, in the opinion of the committee, be an unwise exercise
of such power.
Having thus ansnwetl the evnct terms of the resolution, i t may be that the cominittee h:is ctiwhargetl its diity. lint they are inforinetl that it was the intention of
the resolution to inqiiiw wlrt~tlic~i
there is any, and what dilference there niay be,
between the ~ a s eo f oliiceis of tlie Provisional Ariiiy antl that of those in the regular
service, aiid tliercforc h a \ c also consitlered tliat puiut
The Itegular Arniv i\ eonipostv1of nfI?(*rrsholding their appointments directly from
the President, antl i f soltliers d i s t e d for a dcfinite period, and is an establishment
created by the Coiifetlerate States of a permanent character. The Provisional Army
is coniposed of volniiteer soldiers for short terms, or for the war, unless soon& discharged, and of volunteer officers n ho also Itold their appointments, either directly
or indirectly, under the antholity of t h e lans of the Confederate States. It is an
establishinent of ii teniporarr cliaryter, but created under the same power to raise
armies, as is the Iirgiilar Army. FlitGr organization, pay, and ~overnmentis the
pame. I t is trne that a part of the Provisional Briny is composed o? volunteer soldiers
15-ho were at first in t h e servicae of their respectile States, and whose officers were
appointed bv their respectile States. But they became a part of the Provisional
Army oi tlir,Corift.tlrracy under the law authorizing the President to receive into
the service of this Government such forcrs now in the service of said States, ap may
be tendtxred, etc.; antl by tlie same law it was declared that such forces may be
* and when so received shall form a part of t h e
received, with their ofi(ws,
Provisional Army of the Confederate States, and also that they diould have the
same pay ant1 allon ;trices, iintl I J mbject
to tlie same rules and goveriiment as t h e
A n n ) . I t is likenise true that i n another act providing for the public defense,
the Ircxsi(tc.nt n a s authorimtl to ask for and accept volunteers, and it was declared
th& the volnntt,ers niight I)e a( cepted in conipanies, battalions, and regiments
whow ofieerq shall be appointed in the manncr prescribed b y law in t h e several
States to M 1iit.h tlicy shall rcFpectivrly belong. 13nt by the same act it was declared
that I when irwpectecl, niwtered, antl received into the service of the Confederate
States, said troops ?hall be regarded in all reipects a9 a part of the h + m yof said Confederate Stater. Sow, though the officers of these volunteer troops may have originally received tlicir appointment from their respective Stateq, yet the troops being
raised by virtne of Confederate laus, and the appointments made by virtue of the
same laws when ret.t.irec1 into the service of the Confederate States under these laws,
they, to all iiitcwts and purposes, became officers in the Army of those States, and
heltl their offices under them. From t h e time of their entering the service they, in
all respcctc, I)ecaine a part of the Army of the Confederacy, subject to t h e same
control, entitlctl to the s:tin~rules of promotion antl removal, and liable to the same
disabilities (luring tlic time of their service, as officers of the Regular Army. They
are not, therelorc, crititletl t o hold seati as members of Congress, but are subject to
the con.titutiona1 prohibition in letter and spirit, and no further legislation can
entitle thein to do so.
P. \v. GRAY.




The uiidcr~ignrdinenlbers of t h e committee assent to the conclusions of

rtyoi t , so far RS relates to officers of t h e Regular and Provisional Armies com
; but the undersigned think that officers of volunteers
onti froin governors of States only are eligible to seats i n t

The report w q on motion of Mr. Gray, laid on the table and or

to be printed.
3lr. Ahhe, from the smie cormnittee. to whom was referred
A rcsoltitioti inquiring tts to whether the PAWnow in force for the
i.sue of Trcar;nrg notes was or not in conflict with the Constitution,

tuadc 21 rcport. \\ hich hc moved be laid upon the table and printed.
r ,
lllc ny)tion w i t \ q r c c d to; and the report is as follows, to wit:
T l ~ cJiitlicx3ry Coriinlittce, to \\ Iioni I\ as referred t h e resolution instructing them
\\ Iit~tlrerthe lit\\. i i 0 W in forcBe to provide for t h e issoeof Treasury notes,
xnd la) ing a X I ar t a s for t hcbir redemption, approved AuguPt 19, 1861, is not in conflict M it11 tlie Pcrniaiient Constitution of the Confederate States, and if so, what legislation is necessary to render its provisions conformable thereto, have considered the
euhjevt, and rcport that they are of t h e opinion that t h e act referred to i n the i i i q i i i r . p

tion is not in conflict nit11 the provisions of the Permanent Constitution, and that no
legislation on the subject is now iiecesstry.

Nr. Ilusscll, from the same committee, to whom was referred

A bill to repen1 an act for the sequestration of the estates, property,
and effects of alien eneniics, and for the indemnity of citizens of the
Confedenite States tind persons aiding the same in the existing war
with thc Initcd States, the suiiio back, a&ing that it be laid on the table and the corniiiittcc bc dischnrged from its further consideration; which was
tig rec d to.
31I-. 13~11,from thc Comniittec, on Patents, to whom was referred the
p t i t i o n of Thomas 3lcScil1, reported the sanie back and asked that
t1ic.y be discharged from its f u r t h e r consideration, and that the petition
lic npon thc knble; which was agreed to.
f r o m the Committee on Rules and Officers of the House,
t o whoni was referred
A hill froiii the Senate to regulate the compensation of the officers
of the Scnute,
r c p o r t d the same back, with R recornmendation that it pass with an
The hill WRY placed on thc Calendar.
Al>o, from t h e same committee, to whom was referred
A wsolulion that the ex-members of the Provisional Congress be
admittcd to heats within the bar of this House while in sesslon with
01n doors,
rcported the ~ a n wback, with a recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
T h o resolution was taken up.
Mr. Jones called the question; and
The call being seconded,
Ihc resolution was adopted.
Mr. rJonesalso, from the same committee, offered
A rwolution that the Clerk of the House of Representatives be
ttutlioi.ized to have the services of one of his assistants with him during
the w x e t sessions of the House, to aid him i n the discharge of his

x a r . 11, 1882.1



The rulca m1.e suspended;

'l'lie re5olut ion was taken tip and agreed to.
Upon motion of Mr. Foote, the Honse then resolved itself into secret
session; and having spent some time thercjn, again resolred itself into
open session:
The Chair presented a message from the President; which W:LS read,
and is as follows, to wit:
7h / I / ( , ,%i(itp ctntl I l o u s ~of J2cpresentni'ices of tli(, Confedcraft States:
I hr~rewitlitiansinit a letter of the Secretary of the Sary, of this date, covering the
otiictial repoi t of the n a r d eiigagement between the James River squadron and the
e n w i >' Y f1et.t in IIanipton Roads, on the 8th instant.
Tlie officersand nien of our Kavy engaged in this brilliant affair deserve well of
their conntr), and arc rommendecl to the coiisidrration of the Congress.

tliq)arity of tlie forces engaged did not jnstify the anticipation of so great n
, a i d it iq doubly gratifying that i t has been won I l r J O i l an elenient where we
were s u p p m d to be Ieast able to compete n it11 our enenry.
Special attention is rxllccl to the perfidious conduct of t h e enemy in hoisting, on the
frigate Congress, a n hite flag, and renewing fire from that vessel under the impunity thus obtained.

O n motion, the message and avcoinpanging docunicnts mere laid on

the talsle a i d ordered to bc printed.
The Chair prcseiited a message from the President; which was read
as follows, to wit>:

Afarch 11, 16'69.
To Ute SlxzaXer qf the Rouse of J&pescntat
I transinit lieren ith copies of such official reports as h a r e been received a t the War
Department of the defense and fall of Fort I)onelPon. They mill be found incomplete arid nn~atisfactory. Iiietruc~tionshare been given to furnish further information
upon the several points. not made intelligible b y the reports. I t is not stated that
reenforcenients were at any time asked for; nor is it deinonstratcd to have been
inipo~sibleto hare eat7cd the army by evxcuatinp the position; nor is i t known by
what means it was found practicable to withdraw a part of the garrison, leitbirig tlie
remainder to surrender; nor npon a hat authority or princLiple of action the senior
generals abandoned respons~bilityby transferring the coiiirnand to a junior officer.
I n a former conininnication to Congresv I prcsmtetl the propriety of a suspension
of judgment in relation to the disaster a t Fort I>oiiclwri until official reports could
bc received. I regret the information no^ furnished is so defective. I n the incantime, hopeful that satisfactory explanation may be niatle, I hnve directed, upon the
exhibition of the case as prewited b y the two senior generals, that they should he
relieved from cornmarid to a n ait further orders whenever a reliable judgment can
be rendered on tlic merits of the case.

On motion, the message and accompanying dociunents were laid on

the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Ileiskell nioved that, in tldditiori to the usual nnmber, 1,000
copies of the reports of Generals Floyd and Pillow be printed.
The motion was referred to the Committee on Printing.
On motion of Mr. Gnrdenhirc., leave of absence ~ 7 a grmted
to MY.
Tibbs, on account of sickness; and the saine leave t o Mr. Gardenhire,
l o accompany liiiii home.
On motion of Mr. Kenner,
The House adjourned until 12 o'clock ni. to-niorrow.



The House being in secret session,

Mr. Herbert presented ? memorial t o the legislature of the State
Texas, froni R. Crcuzbaur; which was referred to the Co
Naval Affairs, without beiiig read.
The EIouse then proceeded to the consideration of the
business of yesterday, which was the consideration of the a
offered by Mr. Bonhani to a bill to authorize the Presiden
addi tional comniissioners to foreign nations.
By unaniinous consent, the bill and d l pending amendments were
laid on the tnhlc;
1\11. Foote, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, reported and
reconimendcd tbc passage of
A joint resolution to authorize the President to send additionahommissioners to foreign nations;
which was read first and second times.
A niessage mas received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr. Josselyn, informing the House that the President has this day approved and signed
A resolution declaring the sense of Congress in regard to reuniting
with the United States.
M r . Conr:Ld moved to amend the report of the committee by striking out the whole of the same and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Reesokpd, That i n the opinion of this House, i t is advisable that a proposition be
made, as soon as pmcticablp, to such of the European powers as may be deemed
advisable, that in care said porter or powers should put an cnd to the blockade of
the ports of this Confeticmcy, a n d should, in consequence of said proreeding, be
involved in a war with the United States, this Government will bind itself to pay the
either in bonds, pay&ble a t such periods as may bc agreed
1 privileges and advantages to be extended to them, or both,
as may be deemed advisable.

A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
their Secretary; which is as allows, to wit:
3M.r. &eaker.: The Senate have passed, unanimously, a resolution of this House of
the following title, riz:
Resolution of thanks to Captain Buchanaii and t h e officers and men under his

On motion of Mr. Garnett,

The House then resolved itself into open session.

The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Hoge.
Mr. Pugh introduced
A bill to authorize the President to increase his personal staff;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on I\ililitary Affairs.
Mr. Yugh offered



A rc~olutionth:it the P r c d c r i t he requested to communicate to this

House, if not iiiconipwti~)lewith the public interest, the report of
Maj. Grn. Rr-nvtorr 13ragg, of the boiiibardment a t Pensaeola, on the
2izd and 23d of Sovcnibcr h s t ;
which w:is read uncl agreed to.
Mr. Chilton prcscntecl :i comniimictttio~iFrom J . F. Gibson, of Richmond, Va., in re1:Ltion to csctupting eni doyees of the Southern
Express Coiiip:tl~yfroin iiii1itar.v duty; whic i was referred to the ConiJ. without heing relid.


which w:i>r ~ ~ athc

c t first :
was referred to t h e Coininitt
Mr. INiott, froiii the Coniinittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A joint resolnt ion of thanks to Comrnodorc Huclianan arid the
officers and iiieii undtr his coininarid;
And the S p d i c r sigiicd the s:mic.
Mr. Trippc n i k c d and obt:rined Icxi-e of :ibsencc for Air. Clark, o n
account of l)usiiir:,s.
Mr. Chiltoii niorcd that Jlr. Atkiris be ncldccl to the Cotillnittee on
Post-Office:, alid Post-Roads.
The motion prevailed.
Mr. Roystoii premited a coiimiunicatiori f roin 1. B. Cox, of Pope
County, A r k , in rclation to currency, Treasury notes, and weights
arid mcawrcs; which was rcfcrrcd to the Coinriiittce 011 Commerce,
without being reiitl.
Also, R rewlntion that the Coiiiiiiittee on Poht-Offices and PostBoads be rcqltc5ttd to iiqiLirc>into the expediency of requiring postage
to bc paid on nieqsagw i ~ i i dcommuriications seiit 1)stelegraph, to the
same cxtent as if sent by niail; which was read and retcrred to the
011 IoYt-OEcc>and Po\t-Roads.
A h . Garland introdnced
A bill to establish :I court for thc adjudication of clnirns against the
Confederate 8tiitc.a;
which WTRSread the first xiid sccontl times arid yeferred to the Cominittee 011 thc ,Jridi(~i:ri~~
Mr. Read offered
A resolution that the Clerlc of the Ilousc be directed to furnish to
the memlms o f thi.; 1)oCl.y topic+ of the acts of the Provisional Congress, togcthcr with t h e Ch stitu tio n of the Confeclerate States, and
the samc be p:ricl f o r out of thc contingent fund of this House;
which w a s rcad and agrctd to.
Mr. Moore offerrd i~ resolution; irhich was read and referred to the
Cornniittw 011 Saval Affair>. t m t f is as follows, to wit:



ant1 t w w of the Federal frigate Congress,




[Nar. 12, 1862

A ))ill to encouragc the inanufacture of saltpeter aid small arms;

which mas read the first and sec.onc1 times and rcfcrred to the CoinIriitfr'e on Military Affaii-s.
Air. Karlisdalc prcscn tcd :L coniinunication containing a design for a
flag; which in as refcrrcd to thc Corninittee o n the Flag and Seal, without being read.
Davis offered a joint resolution; which mas read and referred
to tho special coniiiiittec appointed to i n r igatc the F o r t Donelson
disaster, and is as follows, to wit:
, That the thanks of this
0 1 1 the CoiigTePs ih
for the gallant and heroic
aiid contempt of danger

Congress is due to the officers

(fefellseof F(11.tDoirc~lson. TI
entitlcs tliciii to our Iiigkicst a

A nic.;sage TW.: rcc>civcd froin tho Senat(., hj- their Secretary, Mr.
Kt~sh;whit-h i s as f o l l o s,
~ to wit:

up011 iuotion of ST
McQuecm, on accoun
Jlr. Davis otfcred
ii reiolrition that thc NiIitary Coniiiiittcc bc instructed to inqnirc
into the expediency of' appropriating
dollars fo r the support of
the fanlilies of our prisoners snrrcnderecl at Fort Donelson, and all
other prisoncrs; and for the greater coiiifort of themselves, wherever
they mij- be confincd.
The resolution \{'as agrccd to.
Mr. Swan introdriccd
A bill to crcate thc olticc of Judge-Ad\-ocato-General;
which was rcxd tlic lirht ant1 sccond times and referred to the Comrnittcc on Military AExirs.
Mr. Graham prcsentcxl thc inrwiorial of dames F. Warren in relation to a claiin a> district attorney; which w a s referred to the Coniinittee on Claims, without being rend.
Ah.. Sexton introduced
A bill supplenicntary t o an act t o authorize the issue of Treasury
notes, and t o provide 5~ war tax for their rcdcmption;
which was rcad the first mid second times and referred to the Comniittea on Ways and Means.
Upon motion of Nr. Gariictt,
Lcavc of absence was grarttcrl to Sh. Pryor, on account of important business.
Mr. Garnctt offered
A resolution that the President bc requested, if in klis opinion not
inconipatihlc with the public i n t e r c h , to coiiiinunicate to this House
C'S report of the military operations coiineoted
Brigadier -Qeiicral
with the disaster a t ltoxnolte Island;
which was read and agrccd to.
MY. Chainbliss introduced
A bill to increase thc pay of soldiers in the Confederate service;
which was read the first and second time.: and laid on the table.



Mar. 12,15621

The Chair prcst.nted a conuiiunication froiii the President; which

reads as follon s, t o \I i t :

tile rsee,lnic
f l l i [ i ~ r o l (g
l SIc ~

I tranmiit l i c r c ~ i t l it o the C:on~.rcustlic oifioial reilort of Col. William B. Taliaferro.

ol the action at Carricks Ford, J u l y 13, 1861.


v.x-np:irigiiig documents, laid upon the table and

hc Conimittce on nnvnl Affairs, to whom was

the creation of a iiavy, building of gunboats,

and purchaic of giini.
9eportc.d tlic same lxwk, askcd to bc dischargcd froin the consideration
of the same, and that tlic bill lie upoil the table.
The rcport was agrccd to.
MI-. Conrad, froiii tile sniiie coinmitlec, to whom IV
A resolution in i.elxtioii to huilding ten smdl scrc
reported the same h c k , :iikcd to Lw divharged froin the further coltsideration of the sanit~,~ i i dtliat it. lie upon the table; tvhich was
agrc ed lo.
Mr. G:wti*(~ll,froiii thc, Ootnniittrc on the ,Judiciary, to whom was
A hill t o pro1 idc for transferring from the district courts of the
Confederate States of Anierictt to thc proper StsLte courts all suits
between citizens of diflciw~tSttitei, a n d to reped t>l)c,tenth and fortyseventh wctioiis of a i l :id t o (+:~t)li4itlic judicid courts of the Confederate St:ttP:, of Anieric.:L,
rcportcd tlic h i i i i i c I)aclc, ii4ccd t o bc dis~h:irg~d
from the further
consideration of thc smir, :uid that it lie upon thc table; which was
agreed to.
Mr. nurnctt; from tiw Coinniittrc, on L:L~ : ~ n dMilcngt, to whom was
A joint wsolution d a t i n g to the innnncr of paying mrmberu o f tho
Provisional Cong~lo~s
t l i ~: i r ~ a g c ~ofs their. pay tinit iiiilcage,
reportcd the writ l):df, with :L r c ~ ~ ) i ~ i t i i ( ~ I ithat
d : ~ ttlic
i ~ iElonsc
do not
concur in the :uncildnicnt ol t i w Scnntc..
On motion, thc mnie \v:i\ plncctl upon the Calendar.
Mr. Ihrn e t t , from th tint coinniittcc, to whoin was referred
A bill of tlic Senate to ucguhte tlic compensation of tuenibers of
reported the sanic, baclt 1% ithotit, rc~coiiiii~endation,
and asked th a t the
comniittce be dischnrgctl from its fnrthci. considei~ntioa;which was
agreed to.
A iiiessagc was rcecir ctl from thc Henatc:, by their Seci*r:tary, Mr.
Nash; vhich i5 ;is follorrh, to wit:
dll . ,T/lI~f//,Cl Tllt, sc11>itt 111\

to wit.
11. Ii -.
Depai tmcwt



bill t o l w

bill of t h k IIowe of the following title,


act to inereas tlic. rlerical force of the nnr


lhe hoar of 1 ocloclc h n i ing arrivcd,

MI-. Jli1c.s niovcd that the I ionso do lmcccd to ihc eoiisidcration of
thc special ortlc:. of thr d:iy, whic.11
R bill reported f m n the Military Committee, declaring what persons shall be exempt from militia



Jlr, Singleton moved to postpone f o r the present the consideration

of the bill.
Pending which, the House,
On motion of Mr. Footo, resolved itself into secret session; and
h a r i ~ t gspent some time therein, again resolved itself into open session;
The House resixriled the consideration of the unfinished business of
the open sessiori, which was the niotioit of Mr. Singleton to postpone
for the present tho considerntion of the special order of the dhy.
The motion was lost.
Ihe House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order;
Air. Chiltori inoyed to :Lmcnil hy adding, as scction second, to the
bill the following, to wit:
The Secretary of War of the Confcderate States shall ha1.e power to exempt or
teinporarily detach froin military scwice such nuinher of persons as he may deein
necessary to properly coiiducting the business of tlie several railro
several otEces of the magnetic telegraph and t h e Sorithcrn Exprebs
also such iiiechauics and artisans as the Confederacy inax require and
the (~overnmentin the lines of their respective trades or avocations,
engaged by t h e Government in the maiiufacture of arms, saltpeter, munitions of
war; such exeiiiptions from iiiilitary service to continue only so long as the persons
so detached shall continue i n the businws for which they T\ ere respectively detached.

And the first section of the bill being under consideration; which is
as follows, t o wit:
SEciTIox 1. The (bng s of the (tmfrdoate States of. A V ~ P do
L That the following persons shall be eueinpt froin militia duty, to wit: The Vice-President of the
Confderate States; tlie hrads of the different Departments, with their assistants and
the regular clerks belon(hig to tlie same; t h e judges and marshals of tlie Confederate
States, and the clcrlrs o f h e
their respective oifivers; the

111. Confederate States, am1 all persons

may l i e r d t e r bc, exeriipteti by the lau s of tlie respective States,

11 ho

now are, or

Mr. Smith of Virginia moved to amend tho same by striking owt

the words regular clerks belonging to the same ) and inserting in
lieu thereof the words heads of bureaus and chief clerks.
Mr. Hoycc died the question; which was seconded, arid the amend111ent was lost.
Mr. Miles moved to amend by inserting after the word persons
the words and none others.
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Lyons nioved to amend by inserting after the word attorneys
the words commissioners and receivers under the sequestration act.
Mr. Smith of Virginia moved to amend the amendment of Mr.
Lyons by striking out therefrom the word receivers.
The amendnienl to the amendment was agreed to, and the amendment as amended mas adopted.
Mr. Garnett moved to aiiicnd hg inserting after the word (act the
the collectors and assessors of taxes imposed by the Confederate States, in those
Sttdtes which have not assumed the payment of said taxes, until the duties of said
officers are performed.

The amendment mas agreed to.


Mar. 12, 1862.1


Mr. Garnett rnovcd further to amend by inserting after the word

tosvn the ivorct:: * or district.
The amendment TI~:\;L~agrccd to.
Mr. Menees m o d to amend 11) striking out the words
postmasters of any city, or tomn, or dihtri~twith riot less than three thousand
inhabitants, M ith their iirccsxnry clerk4

Upon which IIP callcd the qucstion; which was stwnded;

Mr. Miles dcni:indcd llie ye:ib : i d ,rays; :md
The deiii:~nclI)cingsnstaLincd,
The yeas nnd nay?, w u w recorded,
( Yeas - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
And arc :ii follows, to wit: 1 Nays _ _ ._
_ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33 [36]
Yeas: Arrington, Ayrr, I3arksddc, Batson, I loratio W. Bruce,
Chambliss, Cloptoii, Conrad, Conrow, Curry, I h r g s n , Davidson,
Dawkins, De ,J:irnctte, Diipr:, Elliott, Ewing, Foot?, Gardenhire,
Hanly, IIeiskcll, Ililton, Ilolt, Jenkins, Johnston, Kenner, Lewis,
%+on, I\Iwhrw, hhrshull. &Icn , iVloorc, Mixnnrrlyn, Yugh, Ralls,
Sexton, Siriith of Vii*gini:i, Swvan, Yiller6, Wright of Georgia, and
Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Atliinh, lhldwin, Bell, Bonham, Boteler, Burnett,
Chilton, Chrisniari, Cl:~pp,Crockett, Davis, Farrow, Gaither, Garnett,
Gftrtrell, Goode, ITolconibe, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Lyons,
I\ilcLean, McBne. Jliles, lcrlcins, Preston, Royston, Itussell, Singleton,
Smith of Alabama, Smith of Korth Carolina, Staples, Strickland,
Trippe, Welsh, and IIilcox.
So the nmendn~entwtts agreed to.
anicnd by inserting the word postmasters
Mr. Sexton n m v e
after the word clo
eiidment out of order, i t not being competent
The Chair rulcd t
to insert words just stricken out by a vote of the House.
Mr. Bonharn appealed from the decision of the Chair.
And the question heing
Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House?
It ~t-asdccided in the affirmative.
o u t the words all persons
Mr. Lyons movcd to aitienci 1 ) ~ striking
actually engngccl in the conveyance of the mails and to insert in lieu
thereof the words :dl mail (aontmctors.
Mr. Snrith of Virginia called the question; which was seconded, and
the airiendnierit was lost.
Mr. Heiskell mowd to amend by inserting after the word m d
the words
all persons engaged in the inaiiulactnre of iron, or in the mining or reducing of
ores of lead, copper, and zinc, \+hile so actually mgaged and no longer.

Mr. Smith of Virginia moved to anlend by inserting after the word

actuallr ?) the Fords and nccessarily, and by striking out the word
< < conveyancc and ii1;sertin.g in lieu thcrcof the word carrying.
The amendment TI nr agrccd to.
And the question recurring upon the amendment of MY.Heiskell,
MY. Elolt moved to amend the same hy inucrting after the word
engaged the words under the pay of the Stat(.or (hvernment.
&Ir.Moore moved to recommit the bill and all pending amendments
to the Committee on Military Affairs.




ar. 12,1862.

Mr. Foote called the question; wliiclr was secoiided, arid the motion lost.

Arid tlie question rccrirrcd on tqrceing to the amendment of Mr.

llalt to thc amendlllcnt of Rir. Heisiicll.
The airieiidinrnt to the amendment with lost.
And the question recurring upon agreeing t o the amendment of Mr.
The same w a s lost.
Nr. Chilton moved to amend by inserting after the word mail ?
a11tlall ordained ininistcrc of the gospel n 210 ha7 e charge of churches, so long as they

maintain snrli iitiiiistprial relatioil

The ariientlmcnt V:LS lost.

3rr. Miles niovcd to amend 1) adding- at the end of the section the
folloming ~vordh,to wit: within the limits thereof.
The amendinerit was a g r c d to.
By unanimous consent, Rlr. Sexton r n o d to amend by striking out
the words with their necessary ~ l e r k s . ~
The anicndinent was agreed to; and the section as amended reads as
follows, to wit:
1. !file Conpms ofthr Confrderafe Stcrtes ofA4me?%ad0encrct, That the following
per~ons,arid n ~ n others,
shall be exempt from militia dutv, to I! it: The Vice-President
01 ttie Confederate Sttites; the licads of the different Departments, with their assistants antl the rrgular clerks belonging to t h e same; the judges and marshals of the
Coiiftdcratr-~Ptatchs, district attorney6 and t h e clerks of t h r courts thereof; the coiniiiis~ionri
h u t i t i e ~the
st ration act; the collectors and assessors of taxes imposed by
the. Coirlederatc. St L
liiclr ha\ e riot assunred t h e payment of mch taxes, until
the tlutics of tlicir o
arc Iierformetl, irieiiibers of both Houves of Coiigres
tlicir rwpccti\ e officers, t h e Iublic Printer; custom-house ofticere; all person
ually antl iicwscarily employed in the cairring of the mail; licensed pilots; all
Irrarinclis actually cin~)loyrtlin the wa service of a n y citizen or merchant within
the Confrderate Statce, and all pcrson:i n ho now are, or may hereafter be, exempted
b y the lans of tlrc reepectivv States nithiti t h e limits thereof.

And the question recurring upon the amendment of Mr. Chilton, as

section scconc~,
Mr.Conrad moved to ttmcnd t)y inserting after the woi-d exempt
the words froni draft arid from.
The arriendincnt w w agreed to.
Mr. Jones irioved to aniend by inserting after the word war the
words salt and iron.
The aniendincnt \ww agreed to.
Mr. D a r k rnovcd to inake the special order for to-morrow, after
tho coiihidvration ol the regiihr special order, a hill to provide for the
incrcahc of the Ariiiy, ~ i i tdo proride for the pay of officers Rlld privates,
l h c niotioi1 s v m a g r c ~ dto.
On motion of Mr. Davis,
The IIouse adjourned until 1 2 oclock 111. to-niorrom.
7 ,


The House being in secret sossion,

On motion of Mr. Garnett,
Resolved itself inLo open session.

3Iar. 13, 1862 J





Tho Rouse inct pursuant to adjournment, and was opcned with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Hoge.
A iiiesbtige was rewired froin the President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Jos,seljm, iiifoixiing the House that th e President, on ycsterday, a p p r o ~ e dttntl s i p e d
A joint rcsolution of thanks to Captain Buchanan and tho officers
and iiien under his conititand.
RIr. Hliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly ciirolled
A bill to incrcasc tho clcricd force of the W a r Department;
Arid the Spcalier signed the same.
Mr. Ropton prescnted a l~lelnoriidof Mary A d a m , praying payment of tt pension granted to her Iiy tho United States; which was
roferretl to the Conitnittee on Claims, without bring rcad.
blr. CrtLrli\lld o f f e ~ * ~ d
A resolution tllitt the iiicnioribal of 11. It. Austin, of ;l.lemphis, Tenn.,
relative to the building of the 3Ietiiphis a i d Little I<ock Iiailroad, which
was rrfrrred to the Conunittcc o n Military Affairs i n the Provisional
,:inti the })illto uuthorizc t h r Secretary of theTreasury to loan
to such milroad a ocrtniu amount of tlic hondv of the Confederate States,
etc., which was also rrfcrrcd to mid cornmittec, both of which were not
rcportcd back by such coinmittces, be referred to the Committee on
Military hffaim of this Iiouse;
which was rcad 2ind :ig:reecl to.
Mr. Jloore mo\-ed to rcconsidcr the rote hy which the amendment
offercd by Rlr. IIciskell to thc bill to exenipt certain persons from
militia drity was c greed to.
Mr. llcad ofkrccl
A rcsolution that the Doorkreper be instmctcd to provide for each
member a small desk, ~iiiiilnrto those used it1 the Senate, and that he
also purchbasc t hr r e sofas, to 1)c placed in the lobby for t h c use of tho
ladiec;, :uid that the same bc paid for out of tlic contingent fund of
this I ~ O U W ;
whicli w : i b read; and
On motion of Mr. S~iiitliof Virginia, was laid upon the table.
1Mr. l3urnctt off ereti
h resolution that t h e Secretary of the Trcasury be requested to comniunicatc to tliis House the number entitled to pensions now on the
pension rolls of the Cnitcd States now resident in the Confederate
States; also the amount due to said pcnsioners;
which wab rcad and :~grcetlto.
M u . Ile ,Jarnettc prehented R rricrnorial from J. 31. Homes, asking
eonipens:ttion for s c r ~
ices: which was referred to the Committee on
Claims, without hcing read.
3lr. Smith of Virginia ofFercd
A resolutioii that tlic I h ) r k e e p e r of this Rouse purchase, for the
use of the g:c~nci~iil
coniniittct.s thereof, 19 copics of the Constitution
and laws of the Confcdcratc States (trot including the laws of the
United States), and that he furnish to the chairman of bslid committees
a copy thcrcof;
which was read; and



On motion of Mr. Read, wtis laid npon the table.

Nr. ltusscll offered
A rcsolLxtion that the President bc requested, if compatible, in his
opinion, with tlie public interest, to communicate to this House all
correspondence, ~ p e ~
. , infomiation i n hi- poSSCSSiOn respecting
a recent arrangement o r negotiation with the erierny for an exchange
of prisoners, and the rrsnlts thrrcof:
which was retid a n d agreed to.
The Chair yreselltcd n cominimicatioii from the President; which is
as follov-s, to wit:
TOth(J,C(,~zntrc l ~ dI J o w

of J : q m . s P ) i f ( i t i ~ e ~ .

I hcre\vitll trcanrriiit to the Congress the report of the Acting Colnmissioner of

Iiitiiaii .iffairs.


On iiiotion, the nirssage and nccwiiipangirig documents were referred

t o the Coininittee on Indim1 Affair.; and ordered to be printed.
MY.Qarnett offered
A rcsolution that the Committee o n the ?Judiciary inquire into the
expediency of providing by law for compensating citizens whose lands,
tenements, growing crops, or other property have been damaged, oecuicd, or seized by tyoops for encampments and fortifications, and who
gave thereby suffered damage;
which was read and Ztg-rccd to.
On uiotion of Mr. Jones,
The IIousc took up for consideration a bill from the Senate to
provide c.onipcn,srttion f o r t h e officers of t h e Senate.
Thc bill having
rcad as folloms, to wit:
TIW flo,ress of IkC
Tote Stales do enact, That the Secretary of the Senate
y of t>%eenty-Elve
hundred dollars, payable quarterly in
shall re&\ e ail iuiiiu
Tliat thr Secrctarp of the Senate be allowed to appoint an Aspistant Secretary at a
salary of tn o thowand d(J1laIb prr annum, and two clerks at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars pm aiiiiiiiii each, pti~~able
quarterly in advance.
That the Hcrgcaiit-at-Arim of the Pcnate shalt receive an annual slalary of two
thousand dollars; antl the 1)oorkeeper of the Senate shall receive a n annual salary of
fifteen hundred dollars; and the Assistant Doorkeeper shall receive a n annual salary
of t\velre hundred dollarr, all payable quarterly, i n adlance; and the page of the
Senate shall receive an allowance of two dollars per day during the session of the
on the part of the Committee on Rules and Oecers of

the House, nioved to :mend the same by strilting out the words in
they OCCILI.
Pcnd i n g wli h,
A niess:tpc froin the Senate was rec:eived, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which ih as follows, to wit:
~ ~ v ~ I I c wherever
i c b

M y . &)who.: The Sirnate has r e j e c t d the resolntion (II. I<. -) reconlmending the
planters of the C:oiifederatt~States t o refrain.froni the eilltivation of cotton a11d tobacco,
antl devote their energic~to raising provis~ons.
I an tlirectcd to riotifv tlie 1 Ioase of Representatires thereof
The Senate havc passktl a 1 ~ 1 1(8. 20) to provide for the payment of musicians in
the Arrn) iiot reyularly enlisted; 111 I\ lii(2hI am directed to ask t h e concurreilce of
the Honse of Roprcsentdti ves.

The question was then pat on the motion of Mr. Jotles, and decicled
in the negative.
Mr. Smith of Virginia morcd to amend by striking out from the bill
the words qua1 terly in advance, wherever occurring, and insert in
lieu thereof the word daily.

filar ld, l8V2.1



The ameiidnicnt, was agreed to.

A h . Joiies, from the committee, moved to amend the bill by adding,
as :ti1 additional section, tlie following, to wit:
REC. 2. B e ztfurthPr e ~ c f e t l ,That the Clerk of the House of Representatires shall
receire an aniinal ~ a l a r yof twentyfive hundred dollars, payable quarterly.
That the Cleik of the Iousc of l-kpreseritatires be allowed to appoint three assistzint5, a t a salary of fifteen l i u r i d r t ~ ldollars per annurn each, payable quarterly.
r tint the 1loorkcq)rrof tlit. Tlonse of Representatires shall receive an arinual salary
of iiftwn linnclred dollm-s, and the hssktant Doorkeeper shall receive an annixal salary
o f t n c l r e hundrc~cl tlollwrs, all payal)le quarterly; arid the pages of the House of
I rccei\e each an allovance of two dollars per day duriiig the

,111.. Jones 1 1 1 0 \ c d to amcad the amendment of the committee by

strikitig oiit the \voi.d quarterly, where occiirring, and inserting in
licit thereof tlic n ord d>iilj; whicli mas agreed to.
N r . (:rockett moved to nineiid the amendment by striking out after
thc words I h o ~ + k ~ pofe ttic
r House of Representatives shall receive
:in alin11iil sxlary of * tlie words .fifteen hundred i i ~ dinsert in lieu
thereof tlic \vortls t w o thonsancl.
AIr. lcrkin5 tleniaiidcd the question: which bcirig scconded, the

ivn pic^ d c t l ,

N r . 3I:whtn iitovctl to tiiiiciid b j striking out the words three assistant,\ and i i w r t i ng i n l i w thereof tlic words * two assistant clerks a t
: I ~ U J of
* two tliorihtintl dollars each, and one.
M r . Fohtrr niovcd to lay t)he bill and amendment on the table.
Iht. motion w:~sloht.
Xr. Koy$ton niovcd to I ~ the
J aiiieridnicnt to the amendment offered
by M r . &chcn on the table: which W R S agrecd to.
Xi-. Iei~kins c d e t l tlir question, which was upon agreeing to the
:imtxiidnicnt offcred by tlie coininittee, a h :micnded; and
The call being seconded, the aineiidnient as amended was agreed to.
The bill as niiicnded wxs read a third time and passed.
And the title of the same being. under consideration,
Mr. Jones iiioved to mncnd the same by adding thereto the words
and of the House of Itcpresentatives; which was agreed to.
1\51.. Gartrcll i i i o v t d that thc Ifousc proceed to tlie considorstion of
the special order of the d s j .
MI.. Sinit11of Virginia nioved to postpone the consideration of the
special ordcr until the unfinished business of yesterday hhould be disposed of; which iriotion wis agreed to.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
business, which was the conbideration of ilti amendment of Mr. Chilton
to a bill declaring what persons shall be exempt from iiiilitia duty.
Mr. Chilton moved to aaicnd his aniciidrrient by striking out the
words b y the Govcimriient.
Mr. Swin r n 8 v c d tliiit,the bill arid airiendlncnt be recommitted to the
Conintittc~con Militm-y Aflairs.
r 1 he lllotioll was lost.
The miwndincnt of M r . C:hilt,on to tlie amendment was then agreed to.
Alr. Chilton? hy uiiminious con.;ent, modified h i s amendment so as
to r ~ : da h follows, to wit:
f h t . 2 The ficc rtxtary oE War of tlic. Confederate States shall have power to exempt
Ironi d~aft or teml)orarily drtat~lifront iuilitary service such iiuiriher oi pcrsons as he
m a y deem nccesury to properly condncting the business of the several railroads; also




in the several offices of the magnetic telegraptl and the Southern Express Company,
2nd also such aechanics and artisans as the Confederacy may require and engage to
seri-e the C;o\wmiiicJnt in the line of their rekpective trade> or avocations, and all
persons engaged in the nianufattnre of arms, saltp?ter, or rnunittons of war, salt, and
iron; such exemption froni iiiilitary s e n 1c.e to contlnuc only SO long ,mthe persons
so detached shall continue 111 the business for which they were respectively detailed.

Mr. M:iclisn moved to amend the arncndunent by adding thereto the

following, t o wit:
also, so many persons to hc cnpagvtl in any of thr. mechanic arts, 01- in producing
evution of the war, as said Secretary of War may deem
articles necwertry for the
to the interest of thc con
to exempt or detail.

Nr. Smith ol' Vi rgiiuiu riiovcd that tht: hill and aiiiendments he recommitted to the Conimittce on Military Affairs.
MY.Tlanly iiiowd to anicritl the nrotion by striking out " Military
iZff:iirs" a n d inwrting iii licu thereof bb,Judici:wj-."
r l
1 hc niotion prcmilcd.
R1r. Gartrell niovt.d t h t the consideration of the special order of
the clay bc postponcd until Tuesday next, arid continued from day to
day until concluded.
The motion was agreed to.
Upon motion of &Ire I h h , thc next special order was rnacie the
special order f o r to-niorrow, and from day to day until concluded.
Upon iiiotioii of Mr. Foote, which W R S seconded,
T h c House then rwolvcd itself into seciwt session.

The l-louse hcing in secret session,

31r. Clopton, f)y ~ ~ n ~ t u iconbent,
n i o ~ ~ from the C'omniittee on Naval
Afftti 1-3,reporttd and recominended the p s s ~ g of
A ),ill to providc for the further dcfcnse of the 13ay of Mobile and
the Rlal~aiusHivcr:
which IWS read firit and becwnd times, cngroswx&read n third time,
at1d passed.
l'hc H o u then
pruc detl to the uonsideration of the unfinished
huhiness of secret sessi
which wa,s the (misideration of an amendment offered by Mr. Conr:~d to a joint resolution authorizing the
President to wntl additional cointriissioners to foreign pomers.
A nicssagc was reccivcd from the President, by the hands of his
Private S t ~ rtary
c , 31 r. ,J osscl j-n.
The Chair prcsentcd n rnessage from the President; which was read
as follows, to wit:
~ ~ l C l I ~ l O \ I>fC!TClk

13, 186'2.

f thc. PGth ultimo, calling for A Statement as to the

r the supply of eiiiall arins and ofQolT-der, and what
g percussion c a p , and \I hc~therthc \arious manup1oyc.d b y the ,Go\ern~ncntwill be able to furnish
r, an(l pwciisnon caps for the use of our Army, I
herewith transmit a report ol the Setretary of LVay, s hich giles such information in
relation to the ability of the rstablisliinents einplog~rlas it is hoped will be satisfacIS ,wurcvl a supply of sn!phur euficicnt for any proximate want;
proper charcoal can be ol)tained i i i m y reclm4c quantity, and i t only requires an
adequate supplt. ot saltpeter to hecure t h e nlanufac.tnre of more powder than c m he
profitably u m L In rtd~litionto the niills now in actire operation, a very extensive

Nnr. 14, 181% ]



one has bern constrncted in Georgia, hich we have not startwl because the supply of
saltpeter did iiot justify it. Est;tbIish~iieiit~
tor the mxnnfgctw-e of small arins are
dereloped, hit, a. as to have hreii anticipated, the progrebs
w r i t of inechnnic- does not perinit us to hope for suc.11 eskIisire
existing nec*essities.
s ot the Secretary on the subject
tabnbr btatement of the Chief of
Ordiiance, \z liicli is annexed to tile letter of the Secretary of JVar.

c nnd ac~c~mipanyitig
docunieitts were rcfcrrcd
On niotion, tlic nic
t o tlic Coiiiiiiittce on
0 1 1 iiiotioii of Jlr. li*~stoii,
Thc 11otiw tlieii adjoii rncd i i u t i l i 2 o(*Iock111. to-niorrow.



[Mar. 14,1862.

A rcsolution that the Comniittee 011 Military Affairs be instructed to

inquire into the propriety of allowing the families of soldiers who have
been taken prisoners to draw the pay of such soldiers;
which was read and agreed to.
The House then proceeded to the consideration ?f the bill from the
Senate to regulate the compensation of members of Congress.
to wit:
The bill having bccn read S L follows,

~ ~ { c y ! , No ~ u e n ~ b shall
a i reveil e mileage foi 11101e thaii t \ i o sessioiis of any Congiebs,
unless iiioie thaii twenty days shall elapse between t h e adjournnient of one eession
and the beginning of anothei.
SEC.2. That the Prcsident of the Senate pro tenipore, when there shall be 110
Vice-President, or t h e Vice-President shall h a r c becoinc the llrsiclcnt of the Confederate States, shall receive tlic vompcnszttion allowed by l;tx for the Vice-Ircdunt;
and the Speaker of tlie IIouse of IZepreseiitativec,shall receix e tlonl)le tlie eompenPatioii above provided tor payinmt of the eonil)enhation of Itepresentatii es.
SI:~..3. That this la\v shall apply to the present Congress, and each Senator, Representntit e, and Delegate shall be entitled to receive t h e differcnce only between their
per diem compensation already received uridcr t h e law now i n force and the
compenqatioii provided by tliis act
it-at-Arms of t h e Honse and the
SIX.4. That it shall he the dnty of thf.
Secwtary of the Senate, rcspectit ely, to (let
ni the monthly payment of members, as herein provided for, tlic aniount ot
ipensxtion for each day that such
inembcr shall be absent I\ ithout leave from thc Senate or House, respectirely, unless
such Senator, Reprebentatwe, or Delegate shall assign as the reason for such absence
the sickness of himself or of some member of his family,

Mr. Singleton n i o ~ c dt o nincnd thc first section of the same by

striking out the following words, to wit:
That the conipensation of cacli Scnator, Reprcscntatirc, and Dclcgatc in Congress
shall be three thousand dollars for each year, and mileage a t t h e rate of tjrenty
vents per iiiile for each session, to be paid in manner folloning, to wit: O n the firet
day of the firqt session of each Congress, or as soon thereafter as he may I Jin~
attmdance and apply, each Senator, $eprc~sentatire, arid Delegate shall receibe his
mileage and all his conrprnsation from the beginning of his term, to be computed
a t the rate of two tiundred arid fifty dollars per month, and during the session
compensation a t t h e same rate,

and insert in licu thereof the following words, to wit:

That the eompenqation of each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress
shall be twenty-two hnndred dollars for each year, and niileage a t the ratc or twenty
cents per mile for each session, to be paid i n the.iria~inr~t
follonirlg, to \+it On t h e
first day of t h e first session of each Congress, or RS soon thcreafter as he nlay be in
attendance and apply, each Senator, Representatl\ P, and Delegate shall receive his
mileage and one thonsand dollars of his compensation, the 1)xlancr to be paid at the
rate of one thousand [tiundred?] dollars per nionth at the expiration of gach month.

Pending which,
A messa e was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash, as fo lows, to wit:

MY. Speaker: The Senate hare passed a re~olutionrequesting thc ITouse of Representativcs to return to them the resolution ( fI. It - ) recoinn-tendlngthe planters of
the Confederate States to refrain from the t ultivation of cotton and tobacco, and
devote their energies to raising provisions

Mar 14, 1862 ]




Tlic Smite. hare agreed to the atnendments of this House to the bill (S. 12) to
regiilak t l i v coiiipciiwtion of tlie officers of the Senate, with all amendment; in
wliicli aiiiviitlincnt I am tlnevtctl to ask the concurrent e of this House.
d a rewlntion providing for the appointnient of a joint cornniittcte o n cwgi w>*riir.nt iiiitl ~ ~ ~ i r ~ i l ltoi ~consi5t
~ ~ ~ iofi t ttrrre
on the part of the Senate
anti thrcc on the pa1 t of the Ifouce of Itepreseiitati\ es; in \~liicliI am directed to ask
the concurrence 01 this I Ionw.
Tlie Senate h a r e appointed as niernbcrs of the joint committee on engiosmie~it
a11d cnrolhiient, M e ~ r b lhelaii,
Mitcliel, and Xaxwell, on their part.

On motion, the iwlucst of the Scnate, that the resolution recomiiiciiding the plxntcrs of the Confcdcrxte States to refrain from the
cultinitictn of cot toti and tohacco, and devote their energies to raising
pro\-ibioiis, l)u r x ~ t u r n c to
~ i thciii, i v w agreed to.
Ifr. .Jones tlicii ~iioi-cdto ixxoniniit the bill and amendment to tho
coininittw, 1) it11 iustiwtions to report n bill in licn of the bill from
thc Scnato, providing R daily winpensation of $8 to each Senator and
zind to (*(%lit\
pcr niilc, for travel on stcamboats arid
rttili.oat1 liricis, :uid 2 0 wnb 1 ) ~ ii i i i l c by other inode\ of trnvel.
Mr. Footc iiioved to :uiic~11dtlic niotioii of Xlr. cJones as follows, to
Anti that w i t 1 ( . o i i i i i i i ( i i l ( l 1 ) iiiitruttvtl
to icpott a 1)ill almlishing all pay and mileage
of n i e ~ i i l i c of
i ~ C o r i ~ i r .<liiiiiig
t i l e \ \ a t , 0 1 eqiialr~iiipthcsii pay nith that of privates
iii our Ariiiy.

Mr. Singleton c d l r d for tho cliicstion; whiclr was ordered.

M r . Garncltt dcniandcrl the yeas and nays.

The yeas and nays wcre ordered,
Y ~ ~- _ \_ -. .. _
_ _ _ _ _ _ 31 r3zl
,\rid are recorded as follows, to wit: j Nal
_ _ _ .55 1561
s .- ...__
Ycas: A p r , Thldwin, Bell, IIomtio W. I h c c , Chilt,on, Cooke,
I)avis, Damkiii5, I)e Jnrnotte, Ewing, Farrow, Footc, Fostcr, Qarii(ltt, Gartrcll, G i.aliam, Hanly, IIarris, IIciskcll, Hilton, Holt, Kenncr, Jleiiech, Jlilcs, Moorc, Preston, Pagh, Royston, Sexton, Wright
of Georgia, and \\.right of Texas.
N : L ~ s Arrington,
Ashe, Atlc-ins, Barlrsdale, Batson, Botclcr, I3oyce,
IEnrnctt, Chnirilxrs, Chnnihlisu, Chrihnian, Clnpp, Clopton, Cbnrad,
Conrow, Crockctt, Cnrriti, Curry. Ilargan, l)iLvidhon, h i p i + , Elliott,
(h ither, G:u.lnnd, Goodc, H:irti-idgc, Hci-bcrt, IIolconil)t~,,Jmlrinh,
J o h n h t o i l , r l ~ t i i ~ > bI<eii:in
of North Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Lyon,
Lyon-, R.laclien, 3lai~\h:~ll.
NcKw, R l n t i n c ~ ~ l y nIerkitiy
HRIIs, Hwd,
ltiiscll, Siijglcton, Smith of Alabam:~,Sniith of N o r t h Chrolina, Smith
of Virginia, Staple\, Striclilmd, Swari, Libbs, Trippc, VillerB, Welsh,
arid llilcox.
So the motion of JIr. Foot? was lost.
MY.Smith of Virginia tlcinandcd t h e question, which was upon the
itiotion of Mr. pJonc~.i.
r ,
1 he question w a s ordcrcd.
Nr. ,lone.: called for the yeas aiid nays;
\\.hich were ordered,
Yeas .._
- ._ _
_ ._ _
. __
_ 34
Arid nre recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - .. _
- _ _ _.
- - - - 50
Pen\: l k i t h o i i , l3ocock, 13oycc, Chauibers, Chanihliss, CJlt~pp,Clopton,
Curly, Darqari, Davis, G:irtrelI, (bode, Hartridge, fIcrl)crt, Holcombc,
llolt, Jenkins, ,Johnston, .Jones, Ecnner, Lyon, Lyons, Marshall,
Mcnees, Perkiris, Predmi, Royston, Russell, Smith of Xorth Carolina,
Smith of Virginia, Staple+ Swan, rrippe, and Welsh.



[Mar. 14,1862.

Nays: Ashe, Atkins, Aver, Baldwin, I3arltsdale, Bell, Botcler, Burnett, Chilton, Chrisman, Conrad, Conrolv, Cookc, Crockett, Currin,
Davidson, Damkins, De ,Jtirnette, DuprB, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow,
Foote, Gaither, Garland, Garnett, Graham, Manly, Ehrris, Heiskell,
Hilton, Kenan of North Carolina, LanCIeI*, l i e ~ i s ,Machen, Miles,
Moore, illunnerlgii, 'ugh, K d s , liead, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of
Alabama, Strickland, 'I'ibbs, VillerF, T;1'ilcox, Wright of Georgia, and
Wright of Texas.
So the motion was lost.
Mr. Chi1ton dcniandcd the previous question.
blr. Curry called for the yens and nays.
The yeas :idU ~ J ' Swere ordered,
Yczts - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -40
And : ~ r oIwordcd :is follows, t o wit: N\'ays
_ --. _
Ycnq: 12:~rli~d:~lc,
B ~ l l Bottler,
Ihirmtt, Cli:ii~il>cr+,
Cltilton, Chris111;1n, Conrow, Coolie, Crockctt, Carrin, D i i \ i-, Ihwkiiis, IGlliott,
Ewing, Farrow, Footc, Garnett, Gartiell, Ilaiily, IIai.ris, liartridge,
lIei%crt, &It, Lewis, iUxchen, Jlcltac, Miles, Xloorc. I I u n n c r l p n ,
Perkins, Pagh, lIc:td, Singleton, Smith of Al:ihairia, Staplcs, Strickland, Tibbs, Wilcos, :Lnd Wright of Georgia.
Nays: Ashc, Rtkins, hyer, Baldn iii, lhtsotr, Uocock, Chambliss,
Clopton, Conrad, Curry, Dxrgm, Davidson, Ilc Jarnctte, Du 1.6, FOGter, Gaither, GooCIc, Gruhain, Ililton, Holeombc, tJei~kins, ohnston,
,Jones, Kctian of North Caroliiia, I<enner, iJandcr, Lyon, Marshall,
hlenees, Preston, Bdls, Itoyston, R u s v l l , Yextoii, Srnith of Korth
Carohm, Smith of Virginia, Sw.,tu, 'Ikippe, VillcrE, \T'elsh, and
\\'right of 'I'exaa.
Yo the call for the previous question was not sustained.
M i . . Chilton callctl the question, which was on the amendment of
M rr., Singleton.
1 he question w x ordcrcd;
Mr. Singleton dciiiandcd the yeas and nays;
\2'hichdwere ordered,
And are recorded RH follows, to wit: J Yeas ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ 31
( Nays - - _ - - ... -19 [52]
Yerts: Ashc. h j e r , Darlisdale, lhtson, Kocock, Charnt)liss, Clapp,
Clopton, Curry, Dargan , Davidson, Gaither, Gwtrell, Elartridge,
tJenkins, Johnston, ,Jones, Kenner, Lmdcr, I m v i s , Lyon. Marshall,
Menees, Munnerlyn, Preston, Balls. Royston, Russell, Singleton,
Strickland, arid Trippe.
Nays: Atkins, Baldwin, Bell, Botcler, IIoratio W. Rrnce, Burnett,
Chainbers, Chilton, Chrisinan, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Crockett,
Ciu'rin, Davis, Dawkiiis, De Jarnette, l h p r 6 , Elliott, Ehving, Farrow,
Footc, Garland, Goode, Graharn, I-ianly , Harris, Hciskell, Iierbert,
Ililton, I-Iolcolnhc, IIolt], Lyons, Maehcn, Mcliae, Miles, Moore,
Perkins, I'ngb, Ecad, Sexlon. Smith of Alabama, Smith of Korth
Carolina, Smith of Vil.gSiriia, Staples, Swan, 'rihbs, VillerB, velsh,
Wilcox, Wright of Gcorgki, arid m'right of Texas.
So thc aniciidiiicrit wtis lost.
titbe wiis grmited to Rfr. I h i h m i , on acaconnt of




inclisposi t,ion.

I U ~ S S ~W~ ~C rS

e d the I'resid(>nt, bj7 hi?; l'pivate Seere-

hfai 14, 1862 1



tary, hlr. ,Jos.;tlyn. notifying tlic I l o u ~ ethat 0 1 1 the 14t11 of March,

1862, t h e lt*(~sidc~t~t
: i l q ~ i ~ :ind
o ~ ~qigriecl
~ ~ l R hill c n t i t l d b A n act to
iiivrcabe I l i c clcric :tl forw of thv Ilw Depttrtiiicnt.
i i i o v c ~ lto :tnic.iid the. saliic by strikiiio out it1 the xoriso
in the fii*stscviion till tIic ~vords:iftci*the word C$ngrcss, an&called
the qt~estion tli(ir(1oii; which )wing sustained, tlic amendrnent was
A h . Sinith o S Korth Carolina inoved to amend by adding the followic coiiipciisatioii a11omd shall be applicable only to
, anit t h t the meiubws of the present Congress shall
1 nllon ed to iiieinbess of the Provisional Congress,

And c:illrd the question thereon.

The call \ V R ~ mmided, and the aiiiendment lost.
A h . Foster moved tlint the bill bc printed and the consideration
t l i r i ~ o f bc po\tponc(l rind n ~ d othe s p e d order of business for
\Yetlnesd:ig n c ~ t ;whic4i niotion did not prevail.
JLr. Trippc nio\-cd to :iincnd the saine \)y stiikiug out the words
.th r w t l i o t i h a i i t l (lolliiry, :tiid :isktd for the yens arid n:ivs thercwn;
which lwiiig si~coii(lcd,
Mr. Croclrct t : ~ l l c t lfor the question.
The qimtioii I\ o h r e d ; and
The y c : and
~ nayq arc recorded as follows, viz:
It was dccidcd i n the :Lffirmati\-e, Yens- - - -- .- - .- - - -- - - - - - - - - 4o
Ytas: Ashe, Aycr, Ihtson, 13oco~k,Xoteler, Chambliss, (?lspp,
Clopton, Cur~.y. L>ai.gtiti. I>avidson, I)e Jarnette, Foster, Galthey,
Garnctt, Gnrt~~cll,
(;oodr, H:irti*idgc,Iiltoii, Holconihc, Ilolt, Jenltins,
,I ohnston, J o n c K
~ t n i i t r , I,:ind~r,Lyori, iVa1*s2iall,31~ ~ I I O P SMnnncrlyn,
Pcrhins, Preston, IZnllh, Koyston, Kusscll, Singl~tot!.Snnth of North
Carolina, Smith of Virginin, Staple., Strickland, Swan, hippe, and
Nays: Atkins, Barksdalc, 13cl1, Horatio W . Bruce, Bnrriett, Chainbcrq, Chilton, Chrisman, Coiilttd, Conrow, Cooke, Crocltctt, Currin,
Davis, Dawkins, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing, FRITOW,Pootc, Garland,
Graham, Ilanly, Harris, lIciskel1, Lewis, Lyonq, hlac,hen, McRar,
pl/lilcq, Moorc, Vugh, Read, Srxton, Smith of hlal)stnia, Tibbs, Viller6,
Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, arid Wright of Texas.
So t h e aniend~ncnt\\as :igreecl to.
Mr. Foote movcd to fill the blank by inswting the words one
dollar per day, and called the question thcreon.
The question W R S oydertd; and
MJ.. Foote dcmarided that the rote he taken by yeas and nays.
Thr yeas a n d n:iys were ordered,
Yeas-. .
- - - - - - - - - - 32
h i d ttre rccordcd as follows, viz:
W q 7 s .- .- - - - - -.- - - . - - -.- 47
Yens: IZnrk~dalt, IScll, Cliilton, Conrow, Cooke, Currin, Davis.
I)awliins, l)c t l ~ ~ r n IhprB,
~ ~ t t ~Elliott,
E a i n g , Farrow, Foote, Foster,
Unrlxird, ( h r t r e l l , (;mhani, IIaIily, Harris, Rolt, Kenner, Lander,
RIcf::ic, P r ~ h t o i i ,Pugti, Itoyston, Tiblts, VilltrE, Wilcox, Wright of
&orgi:t, : i d IVright of Tes:ts.
Plji~ys:i l i h c , Atkin.;, Aycr, ZZ:~tson, Bocovk, Bottler, IZoratio I\.



[hlar. 14,1862.

ISrnce, 13urnett, Chaml,ers, Chaml)liss, (%rismnn, Clapp, Clopton,

Co~lrwd.Crocltctt, Curry, I h r p n , I ~ n ~ i d w Gaither,
Garnett, Hartridgc, Hilton, Holconibc~, rJcrihiri>,,lohiiston, Jones, Lewis, Lyon,
Lyorib, Macheii, illtmha11, Men , Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, fcalls,
Read, Kussell, Singlcton, Sniitli of A l d ~ n i : Smith
of North Carolina,
Smith of Virgini:~,Staples, Strickland, S W ~ Irippc,
and Welsh.
So the ainendmcnt W ~ L Llost.
Leave of ahsence was granted to Mr. Melean, on account of sickness in his family.
Mr. I) m o ~ to
d insert the words twenty-four hundred dollars and to strike out the word fifty, wherever occurring.
Mr. Foote niovctl to insert thc words live hrindred dollars.
Air. Davickoii moved to insert the words twenty-five hundred
Mr. Eostcr inovtd to inscrti the words f o u r dollars pt.r day.
Afr. Lyo~imovcd to insert the words eight dollars per da) .
Mr. fiuimett moved to insert the words twenty-nine hundred and
tweiity dollars.
Mr. Chilton moved to lay the bill and sniendineuts upoii the table.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Dargm called the qucstion.
The call was riot sustained.
Mr. Swan rrio~wlto reconsider the vote by which the words three
thousand dollars were htricken out.
Mr. Trippe called f o r the yeas and nays;
\Vliich being ordercd,

L):ivis, Dawkins, I h p r d , Elliott, Ewhg, Farroni, Foote, Garland,

Graham, Ilt~nly,IIarris, Lewis, Lyons, ,\lachen, Ncfcae, Niles, Moore,
Yugh, Read, Sexton, Siriith of Alabama, Sman, Tibbs, VillerE, Vilcox, Wright of Georgia, arid IFright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Ratson, Bocock, Boteler, Chambliss, Clnpp,
Clopton, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Do .Jarnette, Foster: Gaither,
Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Tartridge, Heiskell, Ilolcombr, Holt, JohnKenan of North Cayolina, Kennw, Lander. Lyori, Marston,
shall, Menees, Perkins, Preston, Rails, Eogstou, It1
Smith of rjorth Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Striclrland,
Trippe, and Welsh.
Mr. Elliotk rnoved t o insert the words t w o thousand nine hundred
and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.
U p o ~ niotion,
The 1 - 1 0 ~then
s ~ resolved itself into secret session.

The House being in secret session,

The Chair presented R niess:tge from the President; which
as follows, to wit:

WRS read

16, 1862.
7iJ flic IImtsc of R~.l.,~c7itntiies:
I transmit hercir it11 a communication froin tlw Gcrretary of the T r e a ~ r y 15-ith
estimates of appropriatiorls required for the supxiort ni the Governme~~t
iron1 AIril 1
to Novciuber 30, 18B2.

Mar. 15, 1862.1



The ePtiinntex of thc r a i

seen by the lrttcr o f tlic Sc
of Co11grces ha\ c bcw Icc

cwtive ikpwrtinents are inrlosed, and it, will be

of the Trcasury that 110 estimates for the expenses

On motion, the estiinnteq werc referred t o the Corninittee on Ways

and Means, \ritli iiistriictions t o 1i:LT-e sirch 21s in said cominittee deemed
proper priiitecl iiiiiiicdi:itcly.
The Chair pi*cscntcc! the report of the Secretary of the Treasury;
which wis refcrrctl to thc Coiiiiiiittcc on Wuys and Mcans, with instructions t o IYNTXtlic ~ ; u ~ iprinted
f o r the use of the House.
On motion of Jlr. Iccn1Icr,
Llic Coiiiiriittce on l\ays : i d Means were authorized to employ R
The Ilousc, o n iiiotioii of Mr. Elliott,
Then ncljotirtrcd iinitil 12 oclocli 111. to-morrow.

T \ ~ ~ < & ~ ~ - ~1) ~~l IY-~SATIRDAT,



15, 1S62.


The Tlousc iiict piirsiiaiit to ~djoiiriniicnt,mid was opened with prayer

by tho Itex. 311.. llogc..
A t i i ( ~ w i gwa>
( ~ wc-civcd f r o m thc Ircsiclent, 1)shis Private Secretary,
Iyn, iiiforiiiing tlic l r o w e that the lrcsidcnt had approved
:in act t o :mwntl a i l m a t ciititlcd An act i n relation to public
printing, :tppro\:ctX Fchrunry 27. 186L.
Mr. C u i ~ yiiitroduectl
A })ill to ;u!tlioi.ize thix app
trient of di~illinasters;
which W ~ Si ~ w tilic first :uid
lid times and referred to the Coininittcc on ilililitary .2ffairs.
Mr. U:LTGniovcd t o suspend t h o riiles, in order to take u p for consideration ii bill lo nro.i.itle fo r the defense of the CoiIfetferstcv.
The motion W:LS io5t.
Mr. Lyoii piwciitcd thc proceedings of R public iiiecting of citizens
of Grceiie Coiititv. A1:i.. i n w1:rtioii to tlic srodiwtion of cotton, tol)acco,
ctc. ; which W : L ~ ;*cfoiwtl to the Coniniittcc on W R ~:itid
S Means, without bcing r c d
Mr. Hanlcy ~ ) i ~ ~ ~ tlic
i i tmcmorial
of J o h n 11. W w d , of i-lrlianaas,
in rclatioii to :ti1 iiul)rowinclat in rdro:Lds; which W ~ L Sreferred to the
Comniittce on Patents, without being read.
Mr. ;Rt/liinnc~rl~n
prcwntcd R design for :t flag from Lieutenstnt-Colonel
Mattliews, of the Fourth Qcorgia Regiment; which was referred to
the Conirnittce on the Flag arid Seal.
Mr. Conrad offered
A resolution t h t ti committec of five inem1)ers he appointed whose
duty it bli:ill I)c t o iii(1uii-c atid report to this Tlor~sc?
whether o r not
ha\ J)wii, o i l the 1m-tof niiy of our military commanders, R wan
of p r o p ~ c~cotioniy
i i i tlic cxpcndjture of money or mi unnecessary
waste or tlcitriwtioii of piil)lic. property;
Wllich wai :1gi*c.ctl to.
Mr. 1hrkict:tle pmbcntcd t hc claiiii of S.IAcig1iniaiiFor d:mi:tges done
hini by Cotifrdci.:~tcti-oops; whic.h w i 5 Pefcrred to the Cowinittee on
Chitiis, without Iwiiig ~(w.1.
Air. 1):ivi(isoii otlc twl




,I rc.;ollltion that f l i t Coniinittec on Iiitlian M a i r s be instructed to

r c p ~ *:I tItill to p1*o\jtlcP o i . t:iking t h i ~wtisiis of the Cherokee Indians
p:iht of tlrr Rlissi+ipl)i, :~c*c*oi*tiirip
to thc. ccnsrls of , J ~ h nC. Malay, taken
} j ~ rvirtue of 311 :LcAt 01 Llic. Cloiig::l,c of tlw LJnited 8 t n t c s of July, 1848,
SO :LS to pro\+lc for the p i y ; i ( ~ t i tof the rerimval und subsistence fund
sct apart by the trc:ity of Now k3choln, of 1S35 and 1836, with said tribe;
T\ hich w:~srmd :ind : q p c t l to.
Upon Iiiotioii, h w of :Lb.;cncc was granted to Mr. Arrington.
Mr. Swat1 pr(wt1tcd two designs f o r a flag from N. T. Dick, of
\ Kr.nniurkct, 'l'cnn.: \ihich were rcferred to the Committee on Flag
:1ncl Scal.
x r . I'oote offcred
d rcioltrtioii fliat thc Conimittco on the Judiciary be instructed to
inqniw : ~ n drcport to this IIouw, a5 moil as pmcticnble, whether or
not tlie true spirit, intent, and 1nc;uiiiigof' the Con.;titution of the Confec1cr:itc St:itw I t e not such as to dcnland :in early organization, under
t IIC 1'rrin:inent Constitution, of tlic Execwtjve Departments of said
C:o\.c.rnninit , niidcr the joint action of t h e President and Senak, with
a view to giviiig full N W I ~ ~ ~ L I I C Eto, foreign POWCI'S, as well as to our
o w n vitizeiis, tli:it :Lperiii;~nentGoverrtment, both de facto and de jure,
is no\v i n c s i st t ~nw:icting
nndcr the authority of said Permanent Constitution, ; u d p m p r c d to c:~rryinto successful and effective operation
hnid Conrtitution;
wllich IWS i ~ w :l~ n dagreed to.
All.. I1orl)crt 1)rcsentcd t h o nicinoi%l of A. f. Canedo in relation to
the ti.:insl~o1't~tio:1
of tho i ~ t i n a iof
~ shIr. Hemphill; which was referred
to tht: Coiiiiit i t t o e o n ,iccwitnts, withorit bcing rcad.
,111.. ('1i:tnibliss p i ~ s c n t c t i:L Icttcr froin Ih. Williaiiison, of Portsnioiith, Vn. > ill relation 1o i i : ~ ~ : i pensions;
which was referred to the
Comniiltce on Claim. \I i t hout hcing rcaci.
Mr. 12nldn i n prcscntctl tho tncniorial of Nancy Griffin, of Rockbridge Couilty, V:L., :dcing thtzt the interest of an alien enemy be
given her; which was rcfcrrcd Lo the Committee on Claims, without
boing rcnd.
Mr. Wright of Georgia moved that the House reconsider the vote
I)y which the ~~esolntion
offered by Mr.. E'oote was agreed to.
from the Coirimittee 011 Printing, by the unaniiiious
consent of tho House, rcported
A bill to provide for the election of a printer to both IIouses of
with the recommendation t,hat i t pass.
The bill 'VIW read the first and second times.
The i*uleswcrc suspcndcd;
'rha hill W:LS taltcn up, (~iigro~scd,
Petid a third time, and passed.
LJpon iuotion o f h4r. k'oote, which was seconded,
r ~ s o l ~ itself
c d into secret session.

The House being in secret scwion, resumed the consideration of the

unfinished business of yesterday, which was the coubidrration of the
:imcndnirnt of' 311.. Coni*:~dto joint rcsolution authorizing the President to scnd additional cvuiinissioiiers to foreign po~vers,mid for othtlr

Tlie :uncndtnent w:i+ not

M i - . Iootc c d l c d the (111
ch was upon ordering the bill to
be (~ngroswdf o r a third 1.c
i h e c d l I)(>iiig+ust:iinccl.
The irwlution wis cwgrosied and read a third time.
Mr. Sw:in iiiovccl t o rcw)nsider the votc just tatken.
Mr. Eoote called the question; which was seconded;
MY.Conwd dciunndcd thc pens and mys.
The dcm:mcl was not sustained; and the iiiotion to reconsider did
not prevail.
1111.. Eootc c:dled t h c cluchtion, which was upon the passage of the
Mr. Siiiitli of Vi1.g: I deiiiiindctll the peas and nays; and
The rlciixuid being
o n s ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 46
They a r c rccortlcct RS follows, to wit: ( PNays
.... - . . _
Yeas: iltlciiih, lkll, Ihwock, I3otcler, 13ogcc, Horatio W. Bruce,
C h m i h r h , Ch:tnil)liw, Cliilton, Clrrihm:ut, Coiirow, (hoke, Curry,
I h v i h , I h w k i i i ~ I)c
, Jnrncttc, I)iq)r&, Voote, Foster, G u m t t , Gartrell,
(iootlc. (~r:~Ii:iiii,
1I:irtridgc. Ilciblwll, Iiilton, IIolcoinbe, ,Johnston,
I Caidirin, li:inclci.
cwis, Lyon, Meiiees, Miles,
TI, lUgk1, &Xi,
1, Sexton, Strickland, Tibbs,
ilcos, :itid Wi-ight
h.:ips: A s h , Ayei., 13aIdwiti, I3:Ltwri, Bonliani, Burnrtt, Clapp, Clopton, Coii~xd,Croc~krtt,Currin, I):Lridson, i<Iliott, E h i r i q , Farrow,
G n i t l i ~ r ,(;:irl:ind, IIaiilg, H n r r k , IIelhcrt, Ilolt, Jenlrins, Jones,
L y o tis, .\I ;whe11, 1hi shn 11, A I c l h e , Balls, lioyston, Singleton, Smith
of Alal):tinx, Snrith of Ilorth Carolina. Smith of Virginia, VillerB,
Wclsh, :tiid IYriglit of Georgia.
So tlic i ~ x ) l u t i o nw t q pawed.
A I ~ C S , R ~ Tmas
rcccived froni tlio Senate, ITJ thc hands of Mr.Nasli,
the Sccrct:u.y of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
r 3

JI,. ,S,vedr,: Tlic Senate hare I

ccl :L b i l l o f tlii. I Louse of the following title, vie:
A bill to be piititled A?i> act to 1~rovi(Icfor tlicl lurtlter drfeitsc of the Bay of
Mobile aiid tlic ~ilabainaTtivcv.

Mr. Gtwnett off crcd the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolred, That the Presidrnt be requested to cvmimunicate to this House the instructions given to the ofiiccrs \c tio, acc.ortliiig to the report of the Secwtary of War, of
March fourth, eighteen hundred ant1 sixty-tn o, weie dispatched, on April fifteenth,
eighteeii hunclreti and sixty-one, nbroad, on a general mission for the procurement
of arms, anti the promeding? and letters of such officerF; also the instructions given
to tliv agents sent on naval service; aiicl to coiiiniunicate the Pame in secret session.

Mr. Cormid, from the Coininit

on Naval Affairs, offered the following rcsoliitions; w h i c h wprc read and agreed to, to wit:
That in the opinion of this I-~ous~c,it is of the utmost importance that the
Istract, n ith t h e least possible delay, as inany srnall ironclad
dc, and particiilarly one or ore at) each of our seaports.
bnildiug of mid plated ve 113 is seriously retarded by the
l~uiltlingor pwpiriiig f o 1)uiltl 111(~
guiihatq atithor cl by the act entitled Ain act to
aiitliori7r thc. lrvsidwit to cuike t v IJP conhtr IN t d IL vet taiii n r u i ~ l ~ tof~ rgunboats,
apl)ruvcyl I)r~ct~iiil)c~i t\\ cmty-foiirtli, c~ighlc~cn
11nntlrc.d m ~ t lsixt\,-oiie, the Piesidelit
is authoriAed to suspc~i~d,
wliolly 0 1 in part, the exec utioii of said act.



[Mar. 16, 1862.

Also t h e following resolution; whic~hwas read m d :greed to, to wit:

That tlie Piesitleiit be reqti(4cd to ivpoil to t l i i p Ffoose, as VJOII as practirable,
what ariarrgrtiwnts linrc lwen or a i c being iiiade, b y contra( t or otliem ise, to obtain
a supply 01 iron plateq for ( t i c eon iiction of iroii-plate(l ~espels.

The llouse thcn prowedcd to the considerntion of tlie special order

of the day, which was
A hill to proride for tho incrcnsc of the A r ~ i ~and
y , to provide for
the pay of offjccrs : ~ n dpri.r-ste,s;
whic~hbvas reported from the Committee on Military Affairs, with
the reconui-rendntion that t h c smw pass with a11 amendtttent.
J3y uiixninioiis ronseiit, the bill and aniendnient wns laid on the
tnbl; : m c i
111.. l h ~ i from
~ , the Corriniittee on Militmy Affairs, reported and
~ e c o r i i i ~ ~ c n dthe
c d p:i\hage of
h I)iIl to provide f u r t h r f o r the puhlic clcfensc;
which was re:d f i n t :wd second tiincs; and
rhc firht he~tioriof tlie si~iiiebeing under condderation, which refers
to the nixrri1)ci. of troops to be raised,
Mr. Chilton iiiovcd to :mend the same by striking o u t therefrom the
words twontg ~egiiticntsof.
The :~ii~cndnirnt
WRS agreed to.
A messagc wns iwcivcci fi~ointhe Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
the Scc~i~t:ir.y
of t1r:tt body; which is as follows, to wit:
.\h.Spm/,e, Th(. S(vi:ite h a w paswd a bill of the follo\qing title, viz:

8. 22 -1 1)ill to Ijc cmtilletl An nc.t to proviclc, a ptnfl ant1 clerical force for any
\I I i o niny i j e asiigiicd b y t h r IrcJqid(2nt to duty at tho Feat of go\erninent,
i n \\ 1iicti 1 atii dircrtctl to aLk the con(wnwi((L oS t t i t , l I o u ~ e .
11oii.e of t h c follo.sing title, viz:
lhr Fc~I1:LteI r a \ c
the Uoiiietlcmtc. SLztes to refrain
Joint rewliitiim
rote tlieir energies to raising prof m i i the ciilti\ atioi

Ant1 t hc w ~ o n dsectioii of the smie being iunder considerntion, which

r c l a l ~ bto thc pit9 of iioiicoiiiinissioncd otticei~nntl p r h t e s ,
Mr. I h r r i i of Missouri inovcd to aniend by adding at the end thereof

the iollowing words: to wit:

t o be paid to the families of the soldiers (hiring the liar, undcr such regulations as
I I ~ ~ L be
J ectiil)lidird by the Secretary of IVar, or at thtt termination o f the war to such
i t 4 l i ~ vno
. ~ fmiilies.

Xlr. Elliott callccl tlie question; which was secondccl, and the anlend\Vw4 lost.
11/11.. C U I Tnioved
to arriend by striking out the word hcrcafter
: ~ n diiwrting iii licw thcrcof the words after the eq3iration of one
ymtr froni tlic tinic, the 1)ounty of fifty dollars is payable.
Mr. Atliins c:dlcd the question; which was secoiided;
Mr. .Jone\ deniandcd the g m s :md nays.
Tlic dcninnd was not sustained; atid tlic ~rnendnientwtts lost.
Mr. (hrnctt riiorcd to auicntl hy insorting nftcr the word priv:ttes
the wor(1s who m:~yl ~ i v ccnlistcd, or s11dl enlist, for t w o or three
yc:trs, 01 for tl1c w:lr.
iVIr. Elliott called !lie q i i ion; which ivas seconded;
11l l I1 ,
Mr. .Tone.; cicrnandrcl tire yeas : L I nays.




Mar 15, 18112j

I h e dcniniid was not sust:Linccl; and thr, :~ttirndlnentwas agreed to.

RIr. Sniith o f hoi th 0tiroJiii:i nio\ etl to aniend by adcling at the end
of tlic wctiori tlic followiiig words, to wit:

except, tli? 0 1 (lei ly wrgcant, 11 1io.e pay ?hall liereafter be thirty dollars per month
instead oi tliat no\\ :illon ( ( 1 11y
r ?

I ho niiieiidiiieiit w a s not :tgrecd to.

A ilicssage wa> rwcivcd from the Yreaident, by the hands of his
Private Secwtary, Af r. ,Josselyn.
$11.. 1)xvis i i i o v d t o rcconsider the vote by which the amendment of
MI.. ( h i w e t t WL\ :do@A, a t i d ca1lc.d tlie quccstion; which WRS seconded,
and tlic iiiotion to rceoiisidcir prevailccl.
Ant1 tlic q t i c ~ t i o r irecurring upon agreeing to the amendment,
ir, piwious question; and
1 l i c (.till lwing w\taiiied,
Tlw bill a\ :mrc.ndtd WLS engrossed, rcad n third time, and passed.
11/11.. C O l l i X d 1no\ I to rcw)liriclor the vvtc by which the joint resor \

f o r ot1ii.r piirpow\, 1 wits pa
foreign p o w r ~ :wtl
On rriotioit ol XIr. 11. \Y. 13r~icx1,lcavc, of abwnce T V ~ Sgranted to
Mr. R.Iooi.c\,on t i c w r i t i t of hickncss.
T h c Clliiiii.
prcw11ti :t mcwnge from the Prcsidcnt ; which W H Y read
:Ls Follo\\,Q:
To ( h e , S p d ( i qf f l r Trow 01 l h p - m m t c i t

I i ~ i c itli
~ n

tlie oflic*inl repin

tlic cnqagement at Coosaw River, Janu-



On motion, thc ni age nnil accompnnying dociinicnts w c i ~h i d on

thc table nlld OrtlclY~
Thr Chair prescntcd a nicssagc from tho Prosidcut; which was rend
as follolvs:
To the A p o l p r of the i{oorire of 12epi
g o t I)t,inq alilr to a i ) p r o ~ cI, r
m y olqections, i n accordance with the
duty i1111)0+< cl by t i l t s Oun~tiiuiioii,an a c t ciititlcd A n act to create the oKice of
g( of the ariuivs of the (onfedeiatc States.
Tlic, act c i e ~ m
t ~office lii(*Ii i4 to c~)ntinneduring the pIea,sureo the President,
but tlie tc2iiiire of oflice 01 the general L o hc appointed is without any other liiriitatiori
than that of tile othce itself. The purpow oi tlie art, so far a b it creates a military
bureau. tht. hcwil ot \\~hncli,a t the seat ol gO~e~IilJ~ent,
under direction of Uie President, shall be rlrargecl 71 ith tlie niovenierit of troops, the supply and discipline of
t h e Army, I inlly aI)prove. But by what I can not regard otheraise tlian as an
inadvertence on t h e part of Congress, t h e office! so appointed is nuthorizcd to take
the fcld at his own
etion and conirnand any army or armies he may choose,
not only without thc
tion, lint c w n against the nil1 of tho President, who could
not, ioiisirtcntly v it1
act, prevent such conduct of the general otherwise than
by aboli4iing his office.
To show t hat this act would be highly detrimental to the h m y , it might be enough
to my that no gc.nerttl n oultl be content to prepare troops for brtttle, conduct their
movonrnts, and share their privations tlnring a whole campaign, if he expected to
i1,ersetiiatl :it thr. l e i y inoinc~ntof actio .
another gronntl, mliic~lito m y mind is conclusive. The Constitution
vests i n tlic fi:ucIcuti\ c t h e comnirtnd in chici of the armies of t h e Confcderacy.
That coniiiiantl is totdlly inconsi~tent11 ith thc existence of a n olficer authorized,
a t his OM n discretion, to take comrii~iid01 armies astigned by the President to other



general?. The Executive conk1 in no just sense be said to h

if nrithout the poner to control t h e disoetiou of the griirral
As it can not I t a x been tlic Lntentloi? 01 CoiigresH to cleatt? the oflice of a general
not bouiitl to obrl the orders ( 1 1 the Cluef Maytatrate, and a b Lh~8wems to be the
effectof the act, I CBII but anticipate the c*oilcurreiiceof the Oongress in my opinion
that it should not becoine :ilaw.

On motion of Mr. Smith of Virginia,

The House then adjourned uiitil 1 2 o'clock



tomorrow [Monday].

MARCH17, 1862.


The IIouse met pgrsuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
bj' the Key. l h . Doggett.

Mr. Atliiriv nnnouriced the presence of 3f. Y.Gentry, a Itepresents, who came forward, was qualitive-elect froin the State of Tcriric
fied, niid took his seat.
Mr. Curry intsoduced
A joint resolution in relation to the adjournincnt of Congress;
which was read the first a d second times.
Mr. Conrad niovrd to lay the same upon the table.
The motion W Z L ~ lo&.
The rules were suspendcd;
The resolution was taken up; and having hcen read as fdlows, viz:
/?rsoh etl 1111 tli(, AS"emlr~tirct? Ifimse of Ir'qwesentatitesesof the C'oi#idc~*cttc,%fa o f h e r i c a ,
That Congrcss will adjourn o n Monday, the thirty-first d a y of March, at twelve
o'( lock n i c ~ i d i a n to
, meet on ~~CJ11dR),
tile l'ourteciith day of ,Jnly, ei,oliteen hundred
and sixty-two, at twelve o'cloclc meiidian.

Mr. Dupr6 mored t o atneiid tho wsolntion 1: striking out all after
the words

'' meet on"

and inserting in l i w thereof the words

the first Monday in October nest, unless sooiier c.onvened bv the President, either
hcrc or a t such other place as the President may designate.

M r . Conrad moved to amend the amendment by striking out all

after the word "President."
Mr. Davis inoved that the consideration of the resolution and amendments be postponed until to-morrow.
The motion was agreed to.
M r . Eoyston moved that the House take up for considel.ation ;t F ~ S O . lution offered by him in relation to the adjournment of Congress.
Thc motion was lost.
Mr. Wright of Georgia introduced
A bill to provide f o r organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia
of the Corifedcratc States, and for calliiig forth the same to execute
the laws, to suppress insurrections, and rcpcl invasions;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Chiinittee on Military AEairs.
Mr. Wright moved that the IIouse take up for consideration his
motion t o reconsider the resolution ofiered by Mr. Yoote in relation to
the organization of tlie Government under the Permanent Constitution.
The motion p r e r d e d , and
The resolution was taken up, and on motion, TKLY laid on the table,
hlr. l'erkins oifered

Mar 17, lSb? 1



A i.cwlution that the Coniniittcc on the Judiciary be instructed to

inquire into tfic cupedicticy of rcpcalitig the laws of naturalization of
the lnitcd Statch, now in form Itltin the Confederacy, reporting in stetid R gcncral 1:iw of i,ittriralia:~tior~
in accordance with the provision\ o f the Constitution of the Confcderwte States;
which ww:, read and agrccd to.
Also, ii rezolution th:d the Clerk of the IJouso be reqiiircd to keep
record, o p n to the ins1)ection of x i i e i n h r h , of all reports or communic a t h i s from the d i 8 c i ~ w tdepartments or committees, and all bills
ortl~i*ccIto Iw printed for the use of iiionil~ers,in ~vliichshall be
c t t t c x i d the tlntc of tlic ordering of tlicii. printing and the number of
copim 0 1 ctcicd; \\ tiich \\ ;LH rc:d t i i d q ~ ~ to.
w i
1 1 I-. confiid tiiovc~lthat the claim of Chrlezl It. 12enton, for expcnsezl
in iwruiting h ( > i , v i w , \\ itlicirawii from tlic pap)crs of the Provisional
, : ~ n dt h t tlic. wtnc hl rcferrcd to the Committee on Claims;
\\ hivfi iiiotioti prcv:iilcd.
rcvy i ) O rcnlo\rcd from the
nIr. I ~isL
1 ) 1\0 \ c t l that thc i n junction of
Hvtion o f Congrwi in rchtion to :i bill to 1) ido furtlicr for the public
dc ft. 1I i c .
rh motion \va\ lost.
hlr. (Iapp introduc~cd
A !)ill to : ~ i i i c n t t m i i i ( t cmtitled An ilct concerning thc pay and
;illo\\;ancc~due to tlcc~ascd+oldiei:,;
which was read tlic first, and second times and referred to the Comiriittce on Chiiiis,
111.. Ihvidsori prcsentcd i~ nicmoriitl froin Gen. DufT Green i n rclation to thc exttiision of the Mesteun Xorth Carolina Railroad; which
W:L;S rcfcrred to the Coiiiiiiittec 011 hiilitarr Affairs, without being
MI-. I h v i d w n also introduced
A l)ill :Liithorixing tlic p y m c n t ot the sunis due to the State of
Sort h Cwolina for advanccs made in itid of the Confederate Ststes,
:~ndfor other. prrrposes;
wiiich w:is i-entl the first and second tinics and referred to thc Cornniittcc o n hli1it:irj Afihirs.
A l l . . J o t t c ~ntovcd t,liitt the rules bc subpendd, i n ordcr t o take up
f;r coniid(~ratioii:Lt)ili frotii Lhc: Senatc to rcg::Uli~t(~
the conipcnsation
oQolticer~of the Sciiatc md House of ltcpresentativcs.
The niotion prcvailcd, m d
llic bill war talicn up; and
The qucstion being upon agreeing to an amendment of the Senate
to a n anicndnient of the Honse, which mas to strike out the word
daily arid insert in lieu thereof the word rnonthlg,
The amentlnicnt to tho :tmcndmont was agreed to.
;\i I. S\WIoffc.rcd
A r(~so1iition that thc Committee on the Judiciary inquire what
y to legalize the acts of the marshals and
lcgihl:ttion, if a n y , is new
, tind that the committee report by bill
(listii(fattorney of Tcnn
or o t h c r\v iic :
w l i i c* h \v:L\ road :ind n g ~ r c dto.
31I . IiI)i)s,~ i v n i tlw Coiniiiittw on lhrollcd Bills, reported 21s
correctly cni.olled
A bill to regulate the destrnction of property under niilitttry necessity 2nd provide for thc indemnity thereof;


[Mar. 17,1862.


And the Speaker signed the same.

IJ1)on motion, leavo of absence was granted to Messrs. Jenkins and
Smith of Virginia.
MI. Goode presented a letter from Col. J. Lucius Davis and others,
aslting that Dr. \\-illianx Nairston be allowed coinpensation for medical
services rendered t o t he Wise Legion; which W ~ Yreferred to the
Corrimittee on Claims, without hoing read.
The Chair laid before Ihe Housc a coiiimunication froni the President; which is as follows, to wit:
To the ,\)xctker

of thr

IIolrse of Jkpi*cs(>?dnl

sippi, iny P r i d e secretary, in the


Flip (Ii:iir

: ~ i i n ( i ~ i n as

coiniuittee t o inquire as to


hcther or

1110111y, cltc., Mehsrh. lhipr6 of IAouisiaria, Hartridge of

(jcorgiit, AT)r of South Caiwlina, Atkinr of Tennessee, Rnd Kenan of

North Cai-oliim.
Upon motion,
The H o u thcn
~ ~ proceeded to the conhideralion of a bill from the
Sen:Ltc, regnhting the coiiipensatiori of rrienihers of Congress.
11/11.. Q:~rtrcll~iiovcclto amend the first ,section o f the hill hy striking
out all after t h enacting clause a n d inverting in licu thereof the
following, to wit:
Tlm! the pay of Bciiators anti Reprwcntxtives of the present Congreqs hall he
cigh t d < J h r S per (lay tluriiig the session, a n t i that each Senator ar:d Reprc~entatire
d i a l 1 hr d l o u etl tc,n cc,nts pcrmilr for coilling to and ten cents per niile for retiirning
frorii the ~ i l e c r$1 here Cn1igre.s : m y aswlible, tar each sescioii, to he computed by
tlic usual mail route h r r l his Icaidence to the scat of go\ erniiirrit

Mr. Bwksthle callcd for tho question; which was seconded;

Pending which,
JLr. Elliott, froin the Coinniittcc 011 Enrolled Bills, reported as corrrctly cnrollcd
A bill t o proridc for the further defcnso of the 13ay of Mobilc and
the A1ak)atma River;
Arid tho Spc:&cr signed the balm.
Mr. Elliott, hy the conbent of thc ITouse, modifird hi:, amendment
hy moving to iiisert two tliousmd nine huiidrd : L K tmcntp
which aiiicndmont was lost.
The qiiwtion I\ :IS then talrcn upon the anwndinent oflered by I
Davidson, :nid the :,arm \vah agreed to.
Mr. Hc~i4tcllmo\ cd tha6 the consideration of th e bill and amendm m t s be ps t pone d indefinitely, and demanded the qncstion thereon.
Thc qwition was ordorrcl, and th e motion lost.
13y uti:mimous consent, the word,s two hundred and fifty dollars
xveio strickon out of t h o bill, and the words two hundred and eight
dollars m d thirty t h w c and on(.-third cents inserted in licu thereof.
Mr. donas demanded th(>qucbtion o n the ariicndment offered by 91r.
Gartrell; \vhich was sccondcd.
Mr. Smith of North C:wolina aslicd that the x-ote hc taken bJ- yew
: ~ n dmys;
Which bcirig seconcl(d,

Mui 17, 1862 1



Yc:ts: 13xtsoii, 13oc~~cl<,

lk)tcler, Boyce, Chanil)liss, Chilton, Clepp,
Cloptoil, Cui-rin. Cu r1.y. I)arg:~ii,Dc r7nriiettc, Footti, Foutc>r,Garnctt,
11, ( h o ~ i c ,13artridg(~,Ililton, lIol(wnibe, I-lolt, Jones, Ljon,
ill, JIciicc~s,lerkiiih, lrcston, lugh, Italls, ltoyston, Itussell,
Singleton, Smith of Sortli C:~rolina,Staples, Stricliland, Trippe, Welsh,
wid Wright of Georgi:i.
Naj-s: Aahe, Rtliiri.;, ,Iycr, Ihldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Bonhani,
Horatio W . Bruce, f3urnctt, Cliatii h r s , Chriunittn, Conrad, Conrow,
Cooke, Croclirltt, I h i idmi, Ilarih, IIiipr6, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow,
Gai the r, G Rrdc i t h i re. Giwiand, ( i c tit 1.y, Ci rn ham, Jriaiilv, Harris, Ilerbcrt, l<enali of Sorth Carolin:L, L:iticler, Lewis, Mttchen, Miles, Moore,
Xuiinerlj n, Itcntl. Scxtoii, Sniith of Alabama, libbs, Vest, Villcr6,
Wilcwx, i ~ n d\Vrigl-it of Tcxns.
SOthc :ttl~cl~tllllrllt
\vas 10ht.
A1 r. l3onhani iiiorcd to :~inendtlic second sectiou of the ))ill by adding
thereto thc, follov ing, to wit:
iipore ot t l w Ptwitc aiid tliv Spcalwr of thr Iloube of
tlic. X L I I I ~ r i d e d g e AS Senators a n d Bcpresentntircs,

I iic :Lnicndiiwnt m i \ xgi.
ie third i w t i o i i hy qtriliing out the
nrr. Cr11.ry I l l ( ) \ c1tl to :ti1
wordh \\ ithout l t ~ t v cof the Senate and 1Iousc of Roprescntati\~cs,
wti\-ely; which v as agreed to.
1. rJones iiiorcd to :uiic.nd tlic s ~ i i i section
I)y striking out the
1170rdi; S;crgcant-nt-A\
of tlic IIoiise and inscrt in lieu thereof
tbci ~ t - o i
~ Coruniittco
on lay r ~ i i d.llilcagc.
Tho anlc~ndlncntT\ ti5 :1g1eed to.
illy. llilcs niorecl to reconsider thc rote by which the arnendincrit
oftcred t)y ,111,. Curry wtis agreed to.
Pending w 1iic 11,
A niesagc, W L ~ rccv5ved from thr, Scnatc, by their S e c r c t ~ r y Mr.
Nash, ai follou s:
The Scnattx I I R V ~1~ i a w d R ltill of tlie folloniiip titk, 1
A bill to l i e c.irtitl(,tl .\II ac.t 10 c ~ i i c ~ o i ~ i ,~i xi t~~l i s t i ~ i t 111
w t1s1 1 ~ C3 o q ) H of lIarinc+;
which 1 mil tlirric*ttdto a& tiit, (noiitiii 1 t ~ i i of
r ~t h i s I l o i i w .


motion oi Aft*. hf i l c h \ $ i t s :ig iC . C to,

Ihc qIw5tioii i w u r r i l q on ilic iiiotioii to ,itrilic>o u t thc word3 withotit lcarc of tlw SviitLtc aticl Iloubc, wslmtircly,
1110 h : m e WUJ iost.
TI10 bill w t i h tlicn read a third time,
.ind the que.;tion 1)eiiig upon the passage of bill.
The sanie n7as decided in the affirmative.
air. Holcoinl)o, froin the Conunittee on the Judiciarr, to whom was
reft rred
h hill dwlaring what pemons slid1 he cxcinpt from militia duty,
together with :L resolution inquiring as to its constitutionality,
rcported the same h ~ c l i with
the opinion that, without expressing any
judgment upon thc cxpedicnc~7of the proposcd enactments, thcy :we
uni~riimously of opinion tlmt Congress, by virtue of that clause of the
Cotifederatc Conhtitution which :ulthorizos i t to provide for organizing the militia, has full power t<Jdcclare what persons .shall be exempt
f r o m militia duty.
The c~onitiiitteeask, therefore, to be relieved fro111 the further consideration of the hubject.



[Msr. 1

The committee was discharged from the further consideration of t h

matter, aitd
Mr. Ctiilton moved that the House proceed to the consideration of
the bill.
Bfr. Hussell moved t o postpone its consiclcration, and that the bill
be made t h e special order of busincbs for Thursday next, at 1 oclock;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Smith of North CtLrolintl, from the Committee on Elections, to
whom pas referred a petition of Jilson 1. Johnson, made the followi n g report, viz:
The Coiiiinittee on Electioni, to whom was referred the petition of Jilson P. Johnthat he ha8 been duly elcctotl a nienibcr uf t h e House fiom the Third
(liqtriet of t h e S t a t c of Arkansas, ant1 denying tlie right of the Hon. A.
his heat, ant1 other paperb ielating thereto, have had the same under
consitleration m t l ,Lsk lea\ e to ieport:
111 exaniining the paperu rvferred to yonr coinniittee, they are of opinion that it
\\ill eontlrice to a 1)ruttei nlitlerstaritliirg of thr. iiieiits of the contro\ersy, and a just
anti fair deci>ion, t(J allow the p i t i ties t t t prcscrit tlirir rtyiectiw claims \\ith greater
precision, and to take other proofs in relation to the issues which may be thus presented.
The conteptant asks to be allo\zecl t-, take eridence in reference to the vote of
Arkansas County, and in assenting thereto, the conmiittee have thought it just to
accord like privileges to both partie-.
Iretermitting the cxprcssion o f any opinion upon t h r case a8 it n o w stands, for
obvioufi reasons, the cwnmittce rcport the matter to the House, and recommend the
adoption of the acconipanying resolutions.
W. 1;. H. SMITH, Clmirman.

The accompanying resolutions are as follows, to wit:

Rpsolwd, First That thirty days be allonetl the contestant to amend his notice, if
he so tlesirck
Second. That the sitting nic.mbrr be allowed thirty days after such anienilwent is
made, and notice thereof, or after notice of contedants declining to amend, In sh i ch
to make and serve his answer thereto on contestant, setting ont in wid answer the
grounds on 13 hich he rests t h e ralidity of his 07~711,and denies t h e election of eontestant.
Third. That after service of the anb\\-er or expiration of the tinie limited therefor,
Eixty days be allowed t h e parties to take evklencr, 1%
hic4 shall he confined to the
~ and notice, and that the same be
allegations and drnialu contained in the a n s er
taken and transmitted to the House under t h e rilles prescribed by the act of Congress of t h e Inited States, approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and
fifty-one, entitled An act ho prescribe the mode of obtaining evidence i n cases of
contested elections.

Mr. Staples, hy the consent of the House, submitted the views of.
the minority of the conimittee; which arc 2~sfollows, viz:
The undersigned t a o of t h e Committee on Elections, to whom n a s referred the

petition <if the Iron. J. P. Johnson of Arkansas, claiining t h e seat in this House as
the Representative from t h c Third distric8tin the State of Arkansas, and asking that
he be permitted to contest thc scat of the sitting ~neinher,t h e 1011. A. H. Garland,
differing in their con\ictions froin the niajoiity of the rommittee, beg leave to present this minority report:
I n pursuance to laa , an election for Congressman \\ah ht4d in the Third Congressional district in the State of Arkansas, on the 6th of Sovember, 1861, a( \$ hich the
contestant and the Ritting member, together with others, were candidates, and as
such voted for.
The district is composed of thirteen counties, tlie county of Arkansas being one.
I n State of Arkansas the voting is b> ballot, and i t ik mntle the duty of the
judges of the several precincts to make ont tlnplieate lists or poll books of the ballots
or votes rast, one of which they are required to retain and t h e other to return, tnrdcr
cover of seal, to the clerk of tlic coinity conrt within three days after the election;
but if, from any cause, t h e poll ltooks should not be returned mithin three days, from
any one of t h e precincts, it is made the dutv of the clerk, on t h e next day (that is,
the fourth day after the elwtion) to dispatch a meseiiger for the same.


iiIw 17 I 8 b L l


The la\+ Liirtlier pro\Ticteq that if tlw poll liook5 a r

I etnrneil
jtlrin the three
it dial1 be the dutv of tlic c~lcrk,on the fifth (la
r the election, to call to his
ancc t n o justices of the ptwae, if to be had.con\
tly; if not, two householdrho, being first sworn, shall proceed to open tlie poll books and cast up the.
votes for each of the carididate. and make out an abstract of the vote as they may
find it to be from the poll books. I n the event the poll books are not received
withtn the three days, and a messenger is dispatched as contemplated by the statute,
then the abstract is to be made out on the seventh day after the election.
The abstract thus made out is to be certified, and it is made the duty of the clerk
imniediately to mail it, in the ncarest post-office, addressed to the sccretary of state,
at the capitol, or seat of government, whose duty it shall be to file the same away in
his offict., untlcr v a l .
J t ib imde Hie duty of the governor and secretary of state, within thirty clays, or
b u o i i e i if 1 1 1 ~ .i i . t u i 1 1 b are till 111, to open the abstracts or certificntes and count up the
~ o t e and
the go\cninoi dial1 then iirirnecliately issue a certifirate of election to the
p(1rwii ha\ inp the liipliest
her of 'i otw, and also his proclamation announcing
st, Statutes of Aikansas, inicl(~rhead of "
his election. (Soe (;onltl J
Tn this caw, 011 the 13th
a ju5tic.e of ttic l)carc, turd a
nlld ( X S t 111) thl' YIJtC, Z L l l d t h
This abstrart shows that t
7 3 votes.
When thiq alistract rearheti t h c ofE
of state does not appear, hut
it nas on or prior to the 10th dxj o f
for on that dar, acting npon
thi4 certific.atcL, or al).tiac.t, tlic. goveri
iicate of tlcction to N r . Garland, ant1 alw i c i ~ ~hi%
d ~)roclaniatio
vote, n hicli agrecc n i t h this
first cc.rtificaatc>.
On the 10th clay of I)cwnil)c~r,1861, the. clerk of the countv court and the same
jnstice ant1 honst~lioltirr,1)ywin(' iiiearis leal ning a nristakc I d h m matte in connting the Tote on t h r 7 t h of Sa\wnl)c~rprcccding, took t h e 1mll Imikq and recounted
t h e votes, and iipon wc4i ICY oiinting discovered that the contestant had in fact
Lntl tlic Iloii. A. 11. Garland 195.

Upon this statemmt of fxcta the conteqtant, on the 11th day of Ilcccnibcr, g?\c
the sitting nieinb,c~inotic.(. that h c woiild rontwt Iris right to the scat, which notice
Mr Garland admits tie rewi\ ed hetntvn the 21t.t ant1 21d of the wnic month. To
this notice Mr C;arlaiid d i t l riot respond within the tinie prescribed by the act of
Congrew paiqctl in 1851, i i o n in forcc in the Confctleratc Gtxtrs of America.
I n his argnrnc~nt hcforcs t t w rnminittw he excepted to it o n tlie ground of indefi-

thr contcstant a iiiajorit\r ok 8 \ate\

\Vhat c*onseqoenc~c~s,
if any, flon froin this failnrc")
C J-\'OI,




par. 1

\ ~ tInt1k
I t operates as R confcssioii ot the facts allege(l, anti, taken in coIlIiection
rv:tll the testiniony atlduced belorc the corniiiitt ce, esta1)lishcs Mr. Johnsons right to
the seat in contra\ ersy.
nlr. Garland objected to the introduction of tlie lait, or corrected, return as eT5dence lipor: the ground that i t T
not niadc within the time prescribed by the law
of Arkansas, and upon the fur r grountl t h a t t h e officers coiiiparing the polls
becalne immediately after making out itlit1 certifying the first abstract fuiicti officio,
and llad no right, at a sul)sequent period, tu exanline l h e 1~011books and make out a
new aiid corrected abstract.
The statutes of Aikansas maikecl by him are merely directory, and a noncompliance nit11 their requircinents on t h e part of State officialp, either by a failure to
make any retnrn whuterer \T ithin the time reqiiirrtl or 1)y a false and ~iiistakerl
returii of the vote cait, CRD not, ve think, affect the right of the parties or restrain
this hotly from it full in\estigation and a deliberate judgment of the results of a
popular elcction.
lo jtictge of tht. election and return of
TIiic IIonse, untler ttic Coiwtitution,
p r e ~ c v ~a epure and genuine repieits O \ \ T J ~~,icjiiI)c~ii This 1
i i i d the correction of iniPtdkcx and
scjitatioli, aiitl to the prc
IS iii awertainiiig and cwtifying tlie
),l\ili&r.: on the p u t of 11
remilts of a po1ni1.1r canrair
NoI)ocly c:tn be so \tatchful a< this i n guartling its o w n rights and privileges froin
infriligenient, in purifying and vindicating it. ou-11 characnter, and in preserving and
sustaining the free ch&e of its coiistitucLnts.
Guided, as we have been, we trust, by a sincrre desire to do exact justice to the
I iew the public interest, i n heeing that each district is repreby t h e members really and drily elected, we have arrived
the sitting meinher, t h e Hun. aB.
i. Garland, is not duly
ongressional district of t h e State of Brkancas as a Keprwentative to the First Congrehs of t h e Confederate States; but that said contestant, t h e
Hon. Jilson 1. Johnsou, rw:: aiid is duly elected froni vaitl district, and is entitled to
a seat as a Represcntatil e from the sainc.
\Ve therefore beg, respectfully, to express our decided disqent from the recommendation contxined i n the report ot tlie majority of the committee. The adoption
of that report n ould, in our judgment, be p r o t l i i ~ t e~ rof a lorig, tedious, and expensi\ e continuance of an inyestipation, not nirrely into the correctnem of the return!:
froni each countv, but of the fairness and legality of every >ate c s t in the district.
According to oiir untierstanding, t h e only question R t issue beta een Mr. Johnson
arid Mr. Garland before the committee related to t h e vote ot Arkansas Countv.
Theie \I as no p p e i , n o tlocuiiicnt, beEoir the coininittee; n o t a scintilla of proot
tending to s h o w !tic c~xi~1enc.c
of ariv riiiPtakix,fraiid, or niisiiianageii~entof the vote
or in the rctuins from any other cu i m
h i d while v e are of opinion that t h e
poll books of thc couiity of drkaiirab, or
iiiioiij tending to eluc*itlatethe true vote
of that tounty, might nitli propriety be
nglit I w f o w t h e coniniittee lor the patisfaction of those who entertained doubts of the result tlierc,, we are satihfied that to
throw open the door, at this stage of thc pnceetlingt., an iiiquiry into the vote of
the entire district \voultl result in estahlisliiiig an un\i
p ~ t ~ c e d e nill
t , raising new
questions and presenting other ir;sucs than those c.oiiteiiiplatet1 by t h e parties in the
proofs and pleadings exhibited and evolvcd before the coininittee.

rso. w.CROCKETT.

We do, therefore, offor the follon-ing resolutiou for the adoption of this House, vie:
.oZred, That the Ilon. J . J. Johneon I: duly e l e c t d liepresentative from the
1 Congre~sioiiaIdistrict o f the State of Arkaiieab, anti as such is entitled to the
n this IIouse a h lhe Representative froin Paici Third district.

On motion of Mr. Wright of Gcorgia,

The reading o f tlic rcports W R S dispensed with, and they were recommitted to the Coiiimittcc on Elections.
And on iiiotion of hrr. llilea, which wa
The Housc resohcd itself into secret s e 4 o i i .


The House being in scvrct sebsion,

On motion of Mr. Miles,

R 0 11R 1:



T h c c s mcnihcr, of the Pim isionxl Congress were granted leave,

uiidci, tlic irrjuiiclioii of scc* exairline the report of the Secretary

of 1Y:ir.
On motion of JIr. ITanly,
The Hoii+.~
t hcn adjourned until 12 ocloclr i n . to-morrow.



18, 1862.



[Mar. 18,1862.

(:[wry, Dargan, DuprE, Ewing, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire,
Garland, Garnett, Graham, (fra,y, 13aitridge, IIerbert, Kolt, Jones,
Kcnan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, fcenner, Lewis, Lyon,
Marshall, Pugh, Royston, Singleton, Siiiith of Alabama, Strickland,
Tibhs, Trippe, Villcrb, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and TYright of Texas.
So the motion to postpone indetinitely prevailed.
hlr. Singleton inoved to take up for consideration
A Senate bill to proiTide for the organization of the Arkansas and
Red River Superintendency of Indian Affairs, to regulate trade and
intercourse with the Indians therein, and to preserve peace on the
The niotion prevailed, and thc hill wah taken up, read first and secol1d tirnes, and refcrred to the Coirimjttce on Indian Affairs.
Xr. Perkins offered the following resolution; which W ~ Yread and
agrccd to, to wit:
IZesoZ/ad, That the Coniniittce on Com~nerc.ebe instructed to inquire into the expecticncy of repealing all laws devlaring particulnr portr to be ports of entry, and legatiziiig the entry of goods by vessels a t any point on our cwwt froin t h e Potoniac to the
itio Grande.

Mr. Davis introduced

A bill to alter and amend an act f o r the sequestration o f the estates
of alien enemies;
which was read first and second times and referred to the Committee
011 the Judiciary.
On motion, leave of absence was p a n t e d to Mr. Bell.
Mr. Boteler offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs he instructed to inquire into the
expediency of making provision for the p a p l e n t of the militia of Virginia who have
been called into the Contdclratc service, a n d N ho uiitier the existing regulations of
the Iaymasters Department can not be paid for the WI ~ i c r they
have rendered.

Rlr. Garnett offered the following rcsolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resoivetl, That the Secretary of the Navy be requested to make a report to this
House of the plan and construction of the Virginia, 50 far as the Faiiie can be properly communicated, of the reasons o f applying the plan to tlie Jierrimac, and also
what persons have rendered cspocial aid in clesigning and building the bhip.

On motion of Mr. Uurnett, it was ordered that the vacancy in the

Committee on Pay and Mileage caused by the absence of Mr. Bridgers
be filled.
On motion of Mr. Smith of Norlh Carolina, leave of absence was
granted to Mr. Bridgers, on account of sickness.
MY.Kenner, froin the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
ref erred
A bill to a,ppropriatc iiioneg to 1my the salaries of the sereral district
collectors of the war tax i n those States which have assumed the payment of said tax,
reported the same had<, with the i,ecoiiiinendation thnt it p a r s with an
The rules wcrc suspcnded, and t h c bill was take11 up, and having
been read as follows:
C I C b~ y the S~nrtfen i d Ibuse of IZe~,i.esentatir.~
of the fl)nj>derqte

states of A n t ~ i . ~ cina ( h n p e s s me!, That the sum of

hnntlrcd thousand tl,>Ilurfi
be, and the saiiie is hereby, appropriated to pay the salaries of t h e several tlisirict
collectors of t h c war tax iii those Statp.s ~cliichhave assuinecl the payrnent of said tax.


Yar 14 %? ]


d7r( 1 r , , n c f d , That fliis l d l shall take effect iminediatdy after its

6wrc~t:iiyot tlic Treasury i y hereby authorized to pay said salaries

:mi :tl)proral b y hiiii;

And the qucstion being upon agrecing to the amendment proposed

by the cwiiniittce, which was to strike out thc whole of the original
bill after the en:ieting clause and to insert in lieu thcreof the following,
to wit:
a i y of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorixed to pay a part
the several district collectors of t h e war tax authorized by the act
o xiithoiize the issue uf Treasury notes ant1 to provide a war tax for
igtist nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,
nied the payment of said tax. P T o v k M , That in no
ncli collector exceed the win of one hundred dollars,

Thc same wah ,zgi*cedto, and the bill as amended was engrossed, read
:L third t h e , and paed.
And the titlc of the same being u r ~ d e rconsideration,
On motion of Mr. Kcnner, was amended by striking out the same
a t i d inwrting in lien thcrcof the following, to wit:
A bill to :intl~oriaethe Secretary of the Treasury to pay district
c.ollec~or.5in cert:tin C : L ~ C S .
MI.. Kcnner, froin the saiiie coiiiiiiittec, to whoni was referred
,\ bill further supp1crncrit:~ry to an act to authorize the issue of
notes ilnd t o provide R war tax for their redemption,
wported the iianic I d < , with the recommendation that the same do not
On motion, t h c bill mas placed on the Calendar.
RTr. lhniici~,from the saiiie committee, reported and recommended

:I })ill ninIcit;g nppropiktions for tlic support of thc Gorernment;

which \\:is i-c~td
firht atid second times, and on motion was placed on
tlic CIi~lclid:~~,
ordcred to be printed under the injunction of secrecy,
: w l iiiadc tlicl special order for Thursday ncxt, arid from day to day
until dispoiecl of.
141.ICciiiicI,, froni tlic saim committee, t o whom was referred
11 bill to pro1iiI)it the exportation o f either cotton or tobacco of the
pwsent crop, except in certain q ~ s c s ,
r ( Imrtrd th(. h i m e hack, with thc rccommcndation that it do not pass.
On motion of MY. Footti, the bill was midc the spccial order for
&101id>Lynext, and from day to day until disposed of, and WRR ordered
to I)e printed.
A?1. Kcnner, from sainc eommittrc, also reported back
iZ bill to irnpohe :ti1 export duty upon cotton and tobacco the growth
ol the prcsont yw, unless the bloclixtlt. o f the port^ of the Confederate Stntcs shall h a w sooner tcrminatcd,
w i t l i the rec~oinniciidtitioiithat the same do not pass.
Nr. lioote iiiovcd to make the bill the special order after the last
spcc i :LI o ~tlt:L .
1 l i c iiiotion w x s lost.
Foote mowd to rnnkc the bill the special order for Friday meek.
liie motion did n o t prevail.
Nr. Dqilrs, froin thc Coiriinittec on Military Affairs, to wlioni W ~
rcfciwxl certain resolution.; of :L conwntion in North Cnroli t i : i i 11 rcltltion to the rcc~nlirtmcntof volunteeis, reported the S ~ I WI);:c.k, sslied
tlinl the romiiiittcc he tlibchargcd from tho further con4deration of the
smie, aid that the resolutions lie npon the table.



[hlrtr. 1 8 , l

The report was agreed to.

Mr. &riles, f roni s:tiiie coiirinittcc, nlso reported hack
A bill (;onecrning the tran~portzitionof soldiers ~ n dallowance of
clothing for volunteers,
asked to be discharged froin the further consideration of thc same, and
that the bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the s:mc conimittce, also reported back
A bill to provide for granting furloughs in certain cases,
asked to be dischurged from thc further consideration of the same, and
that the hill lie on thc table; which as agrerd to.
h4r. Pngh, from the saine cominittcc, to ~ h o m
mas refcrred
A resolution of inqiiiry :LS t o wh:it Icgislation i-; nece?sstry to enable
sergeant-rnnjors a n d ' j i ~ " r t c r m a s t c r - ~ ~ r ~ cto~ ohtain
~ n t s their pay,
r q o r t e d thr + m e I ) R C ~ashed
to be d i d i a r g c d from its further consideration, and t h t thc m a h t i o n lie 011 the talk?; 12hich was agreed to.
3.11.. Pugh. froni the hunie committee. reported back
bill to provide for the inanufactiwe of army shoes in tlie camp,
a&ed to be discharged froin its further cwrisideration, and thnt the bill
lie on the table; which was agreccl to.
Mr. Pugh, froin the sanic committee, reported hack
A resolution in reference to the wiges due deceased officers and
aslied to bc discharged from the further consideration of the mine,
and that the1 resolution lie on the table; which wab agreed to.
311.. Yug+, from the same comnij ttee, also reported back
A hill to aid the niwnrifac*tureof arms,
askcd to be disckiizrgcd from its further consideration, ancl that the bill
lic 011 the tt~ble;which was tigrecd to.
Sir. l'ugh, froni the ~ ~ i icommittee,
reported ancl rccoinmrnded the
paqiage of
it bill to pro\.ide for azcertnining and detailing artisan, from the
Confederate Statcs Army;
which was read first aid sccond limes.
The bill was takcii up; and
The first section of the same being under conbideration,
Mr. Conrad moved to auiend the sRme by striking out the words
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of JVar to belect from the n h o k iiuiirher such of
said artisans as lie may (3ee11-1it important to cinp1oy at their respe
when a list is furniqhcd said military coninianders, they ,ihall clet
upou such duty as may be ordcrcd by the Hecwtary or Wai ,

and iriscrt in lieu thercof tho words

The Secrctary of War is hereby authorize&to grant furloughs to mch artisans for
sucli tiinc, aiitl mtder such conditions and iiistructionp, as tie may prescribe on conditioiir that such artiLanu \\ ork at their respective traleP at such cstal,lishiiientv as he

shall ilesigiiate.

Mr. Moore called the question; whioh m a s secondrd, and tho nmendment was agreed to.
Mr. Heiskell moved to postpone indefinitely the further consideration of the hill.
The motion prcrailed.
Jlr. Swan nioved to veconyidcr thc iwtc jmt taken:
Mr. Grockett cnlled tlie question; which \ w s seconded, nnd the
motion to reconsider prevailed.

&In1 I q, 186.2 j



0 1 1 tiiotioii of 311..l h i k , thc bill wtis recommitted to the Colnlllittee

on ?tlilit:uy Llfi:tirs.
Jlr. IS:ttson, froni the Committec on Nilitarg Affairs, to whom was
referred i*esolutions of the lcgisltiture of Florida) touching a iiiilitary
milroad, rcportcd the snnic h C I i , asked to be discharged from their
further consideration, and that the resolutions lie on the table; which
Froin the s m e committee, also reported back
A i*c.solirtionof inquiry a\: to the expediency of allowing the tender
of troops l)y brigadrs,
nsltctl to be discliai~gctlfrom its further considel-ation, and that the
rcldtition lie on the tahlc; hich xias agreed to.
AIr. S ~ v froiii
t,lte wiie coiiiinittec, to whom was referred
A rcwlution :tnd iiicinorial i n relation to the rank of chaplain,
11 to confer rank upon chnplains; which WRS road first and
tllld plsccd 0 1 1 tho Czllellclar.
A h . ;\Ioor(: nioved to siisl)(~ndthe rules for the purpose of considering :t ))ill dcclt~riiip\\ hit persons hlit~11 be cxenipt from militia duty.
The motion (!id not prevail.
On motion of MY.Conr:d, next thcsday was set apart fo r the considcr:Llioii of tlie bills rcporlcd 1)) Ilic. Coniniitter on Naval Affairs.
:LWI c : ~ c hhticcecding day iuitil the same arc disposed of.
1\11.. Swm, hy iin:Lriiiiioiih consent, introduced
iZ hill to :inthorim thc Srcret:Lry of tlie Trcasurr to suspend the
collectjon of taxes in ccitain cases;
wliicat-i wis r e d lirst :uid second tirncs, :tiid r e f e r i d to the Committee
011 1V:Lp :1nd i\9c:u1s.
MI-. ti:lIiott,, f i ~ ) n ithe (hmiiiittce on Eiirolled Bills, reported as
C o J 1 W t l ~PlWo~~Cd

A bill to ebt:1blish ccrhiin post rontes tlicrcin named;

which wa,s higiied by the Sp,d<cr.
M r . C;wtrcll, f m m the Coiiiinittce on the Judiciary, to whom mas
A I)ill to :tinend the laws rclntive to tlie coniponsation of the attorneys
of tho Cl0llfeclcr:Lte SjtiLtCh,
rcportcd tlie s;iinc l~:tclc,with the r~.comrxientltLtionthat i t pass with an
Tlip bill WLS p!:ic(~l on tlic Chlcndar.
X t r . (+nrtrrII, froin the w i n o conrrnittcc, also reported back
A i~esolutiotiof inquiry ns to legislating for the compcnsation of
citizen, whosc lands, tcneiiicnt\, ctc., h:Lw bccri d:irriag:-ed by being
occii icit! 1)stlicl military,
aslrc! to I)(> clischnrgecl froin its turtlicr consideration, and that the
rcwliitioir lit. on thn t:thlc; \I hich w:ts agreed to.
J l r . Ilolcombc, fro111the Coininittcc~on the .Jndicinry, to whom was
relv1 ~ l . O d
I)i I1 to tvgiil:Ltc tlic cooipenh:ition to be nllowed cornrnissioners of
thc rwtr1.t 4 of tlic (onf(4c~txtcStstw,
q>oY((yIth(1q : t i i r ~l)it(al<. with R I )ttitut~nd:it,iot~
that the ~ a m pas\:

rrhc bill ws p1:1~0ct011 tlw Cnlclld:w.

A1 I-. I I o I ( ~ ~ I I I ~ fP l, w i the iaiiie c~)iilinittec,wportccl back, with the
witit ~~c~c.oiiiiiic~rrtf:~ti~~ii.

h bill rc.gtilritiiig thcl fws of c l ~ r h :,L I I ~~ O J other




[Mar. 18, 1W2.

rhe bill W.BS placed on the Calendar.

Mr. IIolcomhe, Froni the same committee, reported back, with the
sairie reconimcndation,
A bill regulating the fees of inarshals, and for other purposes.
The bill was placed on the Calentfar.
Mr. -lolcoiiibe,from the same conimittee, reported and recommended
the passage of
A ))ill lilllitillg compensation of district attorney.;, clerks, and marshals of the Chiifrdcrwte States;
lvhich was rc:id f i r d and sec.ond times and placed 011 the Calendar.
l f r . 1):~rg:~n.
from the s:tiiic conimittee, reported back and recomniendcd tho pa.;s:qc, x itli ail aiiiciidiiient,, of
A ])ill to : n i i c ~ n dtlie z c t l ~ c s t ~ r ~ tact;
which waiih placed on thc Gileiidar.
hlr, Curry, t~.onitlic (oniiiiittce on Commerce, to whom was referred
A hill to r clxd all hws iiiipodng a duty on goods, etc.,
iiie h c k , a\kd to he discharged from its further conthat the kbill b e referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means; \I hich w:th agrced to.
hlr. Conrow, froiiithe Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads,
ii bill to provide f o r certain postal changes therein named:
wliicli wah read first and hecoiid tinies and placed on the Calendar.
Mr, VillerC, from the Coninlittee on Clainis, to whom was referred
.reported the same
the nicniori:d of thc Iklta. N c ~ v q t t p ~Company,
Ixxck, :tiihktd to I ) c dischwgcd f r m i its further consideration, and that
the nicnioii:il lic on tho tnble; wliich was agreed to.
Mr. Clal)p, lroni t!ic same coinrnittcc, to whom was referred
A rciolution and hill in re1:ttion to claims of deceased soldiers,
reported the bill and r ~ ~ ~ o l i ~back,
t i o i i asked to he discliarged from the
further consideratioil of thc same, and that they lie on the tahle; which
was agreed to.
Mr. Chpp, f ruin the sanic committee, then reported and recommended the passage of
A bill to anierid an act concerning the pay and allowances due deceased
which ~ v n srend first and second times and made the speciaI order for
Wednesday next? placed on the Calendar, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Clopton, f r o n ~thc sanie conimittee, to whom were referred the
mcniorials of XIrs. Niller and Baiicy Griffin, reported the same back,
asked to be dischargcd froni their further consideration, and that the sanie
be referrtcl to t h Coninlittee on thc Judiciary; which was agreed to.
Also rcportcd hack
A hill for thc rclicf of Joseph S. Arnow,
asked to hn discharged f r o m its fnrther consideration, and that, the bill
lio on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Foster, from the Coninlittee on Accounts, reported back s!inclry
ineniorials, asked to be discharged from tlicii. further consideration, and
that they h rcfcrrtd to the Cornniittec on Claims; which was agreedto.
Mr. lcrkins, from thc Coirirriitter on Rules and Officers of the
House, ~lzovcdthat a conmiittee on
and ordnance, to consist of
nine members, lie uppoiritccl by t h c Chair.
On niotion of Nr. Ihnham,
The I LQLM adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.



19, I % ? ]


I ? Z E ~ r w w L 1i I>AY-~~1II:l)nTIII:Sl)I\Y,
MAllCIE I$>,1862.
01155 sk:ssIoN.

The IIouse inct pursuant to adjournment, and was opened mitli prayer
by the lifccv. Dr. lhggett.
A iiiessage w s received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
tlie Secretary of that body; which is ab follows, to wit:
The Sennte ha\ e disagreed to tlie first, second, and third amendments
o tlie bill of the Senate (H.1 I) entitled An act to regulate the compen~ sCongres, and have agYee(1 to tlie fourth and fifth amendments.
sation of n i e i ~ i l ) cof
Tlir Senxte h a \ CI l) a bill of the following title, Biz:
S. 23 9h 1 1 to regnlatt. the iiotle of paying the members of the Senate and House
of Representatives, uncl thc di k~ursc~~ilc~iit
of ttw contingent fmid;
In \vlriclr 1 a 1 1 1 (1irectt.d to a k the concurrence of this House.

,111.. Ronhairi inoyed to suspend the rules for the purpose of taking
up for conbideration a bill from the Senate to regulate the compensation of nwni Iws of Cong-1-ess.
Ihc inotion pt*cv:iilcd;
Mr. l3onIi;uii i i i o ~cd that the llouse do recede from its first ainendiiicnt to the bill.
Upon wliich lie called thc question; which was seconded, and
Ciu.1-y dernandcd the yeas nnd m y s ; and
The demand being snstaincd, the yeas arid nnys nre recorded,
Yen> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Alld nre xs follows, to
7 Ways _ ._ _ _ _ _ ._ _--..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50
Yeas: Ihldwiii, ltonliaai, Horatio W. IJrucc, Ihirntdk, Chambers,
l a i r , Conrad, Coiiro\v, Coolre, Crocliett, Dupi.6, Elliott,
IGviiig? Fwrow, Foot(, G:~rlaud,Gentry, Gray, Ilanly, Harris, Miles,
Aloore, lugh. l t c w l , Scxtoii, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tihbs, Vest,
Villei$, :md Wright of Texas.
Kayb: Ashe, Atkins, Earltsdale, Ihtson, Botcler, Boyce, Chainbliss,
Chpp, Clopton, Ciurriii, Curry, Ilargan, Davidson, Davis, T)e Jarnettc, Foster, (faither, Gwnctt, Qartrell, Hnrtridgc, FIeiskell, I-Tcrbcrt, Ililtori, IIol(wint)c~,Holt, rJ~i~liitis,
Jones, liennii of Georgia,
Kennn of North Carolina, & w u e y , I~:tiidcr, Lewis, l ~ y o n ,Machen,
lcrliins, Pl*eston, Ralls, Roybton, Kussell, Singleton, Sinith of Noitli Cnroliim, Striclilancl, Irippe, Welsh, Wilcox,
Wright of Georgia, JYright of Tcnncshee, and Mr. Speaker.
So the motion mas lost.
M r . Jones iziovcd that Lhe llousr do adhere t o all its amendments to
tlicl l)ill, :~tidc~illctlthc, qiicstion.
Iho IIOUSOref nscd to second tlie call.
MI.. Dnvis moved to lay tho bill and nmendinents on the table.
The niotion w a s lost.
Mr. Chilton niovctl that the ITonse do insist on its amendments, and
c:illcd thc question ; which W:LS s(?conded, and the motion prevailed.
Ihc C11:iir rowii tcd :L c~ommunicationfrom the President; which
\v,Vxs rml as f o 1o\.r.s:

Mwrch l S , 1SG2.
k ~ o m ~ t /di c ~SpcciXrr
t ~
oj f h c ilorcse (j 1lq)rrsentcitic e x
1 tlerc\vvlth traii.iliit a coiiiriinnic.ntic~iifrom the Secretary oE \\ar relative to a
of ILc.prtwwtati \ es ot thc 12tli iustant, requesting a copy of
. Ckn. 1:rrt~to11Uragg, oi the bombarclinerit of Pemacola, on the
22d and 23d of K o w n b e r last.
J I!: F IT Eli SON A V IS.





[Xar. 19,1802.

()I] iiiotion, the ni

nge a d :Lccompanyiiig docwments were laid on
the tahlc.
r h p Chair prcbejited :L nieshage from thc Iresidcnt ; which was read
2w iollo1vs:
dfwch 18, 1862.

Ute lionomhlr tlie Speaker qf Ute IIouae

SIR: J herewitli trarlsinit a corrir~iunicationfrom tlie Secretary of War relative to a
resolntioll of the 14th iriufnnt, 1-rqueuting a (wpy of Gen. George B. Crittendens
report of the battle of Fiblring Creek.
0 1 1 motion, tile mclssage a i d ilcvonipnnying documents mere laid on
the table.
Mr. Itoptoil introdaced
1L },ill fixing tlic compcrisation of certain officers therein named;
which ivas rcwd first aiid secoud tiiiies and referred to the Committee
011 JJT:l)S :LJId A\IC%LXIS.
Ah-. Royston oftercd tho following resolution, to wit:

l i ~ a o l ~ eby
d 11ir U o m e of Ilcprrsmtat~cesof the (bngress of the (C)T2fPdPrcitP , W e of
~ , ~ ~ e r That
~ c ( / thc
, iegnla; Iionr for the iiieetirrg of the House shall be nine oclock
arltelneritliaii each day, Suiidays excepted.

The resolution was lost.

A4r. Holt prcsented M letter a n d t w o designs for a flag from Mrs.
S:Lrah Tlionias Ch:indlcr, of (;eiievn, in the State of Georgia; which
\vere rcferrcd to tho Coiiirriittcc on Flag and Seal.
Cl;lyp prewitcd the memorial of Yundry citizens of Marshall
Connty, Miys., i n rclstion to Srinday mails; which W I S referred to the
on Post-OEces a i d h i t - l t o a d s , without being read.
&lc prehrntccl the nieiiioiGd of srrndry citizens of Pinerillr: ; t n d yicinity, in Mis&sippi, requesting the estxblishment of a post
i*outcfrom 1,:~lccSt:ttiori, i n Scott Coiinty, ?tliss.,to Flower,. Plain, via
Pincville, in Smith Corxnty, Bliss. ; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Of6ccs a r i d Iost-Roads, withoiit being read.
Mi-. Harris oflcred the following rexdntion; which was read and
agreed to, t o wit:
Rrsolved, That the Conmittce on Jlilitary Mfafaira be instructed to inquire into the
expediency oi prov~dmg,by pensioii or othera iie, for the relief 01 dibcharged, sick,
or disabled soldiers, aiid for the relief of the faniilirs of soldiers arid officers who
may be killed in battle or die of wounds received or disease contracted in the military service of t h e Confederate States.

Also, R hill for the relie-f of the families of soldiers in the service of
the Confcderxtc States; which was read first, and
refeimd to the Conimittcc on Military Affairs:.
oote, froin thc select coriiniittec appointed to examine into the
:it Fort l)onelson, to whom was referred
A resolution of thanks to thc coniniarrclers of i*cgimonts and conipanics atid privates engaged in tlie fight at F o r t Donelson,
by unaiiiiiious consent, rr1)ortcd thc same buck, with the rocominendation that it p s s with an ainendiiicnt.
Mr. Crocliett rnowd t o postpone indefinitely the further coiisideration of the resolution and anicndinrnt.
Mr. Yngh iuovcd to 1:~ythe resolution and niiiciidiiient on the table.
The niotion prevailed.
MY. ( ~ K ~ J offcrcd
Llle folhwing resolution; .i\.hj& ~ \ ~ a y aiid
agreed to, to wit:
Resoh etl, Tlr:tt t h Committee on illilitary Affair3 bc iiictructed to inqnirc into the
exprdiciicy of the (~orerrinrmttnkiiig ~ i b ~ ~control
l i ~ tarid
~ ~ ~ ~ a n a g e nof~ all
c ~ rniflt
nays, 11it11 tlicir rolling stock, clnriiiy the LVBP.



following resolntion; which


read and



Tho Ilonse being in secret, session,

hh. Clopton, by unaninlous consent, was allowed to make a verbal
alteration in a bill to provide further for the defense of the Bay of
Mobile and the Alabama River, by striking out t h e words and to
cause to be enlisted and inserting in lieu thereof the words consisting of.
The Chair presented a niessage from the President; which was read
as follows:
r r~:w A x T \ r c s ~A?ffl?ch
18, 1869.

To t l t ~lronomble the &enker of tha Ilouse qf Reprrsristat

1 Iierrwitti inclow n. report ot thc. Secretary of War, supplernentary to a report
lieretolore iiiade I)p hiin to the IIoiise of Repremitatires and referred to in that


On motion of Mr. Xiles, the mesdngo and accompanying documents

were referred to the Coinillittee on M i l i t q Affairs and ordered to be
Mr. Miles moved that 2,500 copies of the report of the Secretary of
War and the accompmiyiiig documents be printed, and injunction of
secrecy be removed; which was, under the rule-;, referred to the Committee on Printing.
Mr. Davis introdncetl
A bill to amend an act recognizing the existence of war between the
Uiiitccl Stiltes arid the Confederate States, :md concerning letters of
iniirqii(?,prizes and prize goods, approved Max 6, 1861;
which was read first and sccond t i m ~ sand referred to the Con:iiiittee
on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. IZarlrsdale, from the Committee on Y1-intinp, to Khom was
referred a motion to print 2,500 copies of the ropnrt of the Secretary
of War and accompanying documents, reported favorahlg 0 1 1 the same;
whicli wax agreed to.
On iiiotion of Mr. Wilcox,
The House adjoinmod until 12 oclock to-morrow.



20, 1862.


The I-Iouse iiiet pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
l y the Rev. Dr. Doggett.
A mess:& e wis received froin the Senate, tty their Secretary, Mr.
Nnsli; whic is as follows, to wit:

Jfr. ,Slppah-cr: The Senate iiisipt upon their disagrpement to certain ameiitlments of
this Ilonse to the bill (8. 11) to regulate the coinpeiwation of members of Congress,
apk a conference with the House on the disagreeing rotes ot the two EIoiises thereon,
a i d have appointed Mr. Ih~rnett,Mr. liarnwell, ant1 I\Ir Wigfall the managers a t
the said conference on their part.

Mr. Elliott announced tho pi*esence of Eli $1. Bruce, a Representative-elect from the State of Kentucky, who came forward, was qualified, and took his scat.
Mr. Garland moved that tho Rouse insist on its amendments to the
bill from the Senate regulating the compensation of members of Congress, and that a committee of confcrcncc be appointed by the Speaker.

I hi. n i o l i o r i \\as :qycccl to; atid
'I'ho Chair annomiccda~the co~nmi
Abhc of Eorth ('arolin:t, aiid Iloluo
Mr. Elliot~t, fitom the (hrnmittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly cnrolled
A joint ucwlution rccoiiinicridiriy the planters of the Confederate
States to withdraw from the cultivxtion of cotkon and tobacco, and
ctp\-otc tlicir cnergics to tho raising of prorisioiis;
itiid the Speaker sigiitxi thv same.
The r d e s


ordcr to take tip for consideration the

onsent of thc House, from the Coninii ttrc on Military Affairs, reported
A bill to provide for ascertainitig, detailing, :mtl employing artisans
: L I I i~i i c cli:inic-> in the Confcdci*atc States Arniy;
which 11x5 mad tlic first and second times, engrossed, read a third
tiirw, anti pas\etl.
31r. Yuyh also, 1)stititininiotis consetit, from the m n e conimittee,
to \\ lioiri \\ :I> rt+iwd
A hill t o :tuthoi*izr the I'rcsitlciit to increase his personal staff,
mic I)ack, with tlir wconirnendation that it p s s .
'I'hc 1)ill \va\ then viigros~ed,read a third time, and passed.
Nr. MiIr\, by tiiianiinoixs consent, fro111 the mme committee,
bill f'or the ormniztition of a cwrlx of officers for thc working- of




And on motion of hlr. Mooi.e,

Tho House adjouraeci until 1 2 oclock 111. to-morrow.

The Hoixsc being in secret, session,

On inotion of Mr. &\an,
The considera!,ion of the special order. of the day was postponed until
to-lllorro m.
A message vas receivcd from the lresident, hy the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr.. EIarrison.
Pll~:IIoiise then procceclcd to tho consic1er:btion of a bill creating the
oftice of conimancling general, which had been returned with the veto
of the lrcsidcnt.
L l ~ i tdl i c qiwition lxing,
, notwithstanding tltc ohjwtions of thc President?
Lho vcns :utd nays wci-c reeoidcd tiicreon,
Yeas: Heislcell.

Nays: Bai*ksdale,Batson, Horatio W.Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett,

Chambers, Chainbliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad. Col~row,Currill, C ~ ~ r r y
Davis, Damkins, D e Jnrnrtte, Dupr6, Elliott,
Ewing, Bkrrow, Foote, Poster, Gardcnhire, Gartrrll, Goode; Graham,
Gr:iy, IIarris, I h r t r i d p , ZIerhert, Hilton, Holt, Jenkins, Jones. Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis, Lyon, Nachen,
J l a ~ ~ ~ h JIcTtar,
Rfilcs, Moore, Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Rails, Read,
ltoystoii, Russell, Scxton, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of
North Carolina, Strickl:ind, Swan, Tihbs, Vest, l-iller6. Welsh, Trfilcox,
\\right of Georgia, Wright of Texas, Wright of Tennessee, and Mr.
So the bill war lost.
Mr. Konnor iiiovcd to rciiiovc the injunction of secrecy from the veto
nicssagc of t h e President.
Thc motion was lost.
illr. Foote moved to suspend tthe rules for the pnq)osc of taking up
for coosiclerstion a bill to prohibit the exportation of cotton arid
tobacco of the present crop, in certain cases.
lhc Chair presented :I nicssage from thc President; which was read
8 8 follows:



Nlltrrcl~20, 1x62.

of ihc House

IIercwitl! I rtihniit a letter froiii the Secretary of the Nary, with an estimate for
an appropnatioii to eiiablc. l i i ~ i ito purchase or construct ironclad ressels.
rhoupli it is ctxrtainlydoubtful whether a change in the preqcnt condition of affairs
in Europe will occtir, n h i c h wo~ildrcniler it practicable to effect t h e ohject in the
iiianner p r n p s e r l , it may I)(>proper to piit t h e Department i n a position which a i l 1
y b l c it to tala advantage of any opportunity \\ hich ~iiaphe presented for the rapid
increase of that (.lass of vesscle v hicii are believed to be tlie best suitcd to coast and
harljor ctchisc.
I rcco~iinrend,tliercfore, that tlie appropriwtiori arhed for lie gnaritcd.

On iiiotion, thc incss:qy and :iccoiit~):myingdociinit~ntsm r e referred

to the Corninittoe on Ways a n d Mcana.
Thc House then rcsolvcd itself into open session.



l?\YENlY-EICiIfTff DAY- -FEJDAY, MAIEH 21, 1862,


The I l o ~ ~ rnet
s ~ : piirsuani to adjournment, and mas opened with prajrer
hy the Kc\-. Ih. Iloggctt.
M r . T T d y introduced
A bill t o tleliiic xiid punish forging or counterfeiting, in certain

wllicli W R S 1c:~dthe first :tnd second times and rcferrcd to the Committccl OH the .I urliciary.
0 1 1 iiiotioii of Alr. Itoyston, a memorial of certain citizens of La
Fayrl tc CoLi:ity, Ark., i n rclation to the pay of voliiiiteers, was taken
up : ~ n drcEct.rc(I t o tlic Coniiiiittcc 011 Military Affairs.
Ipoii motion of Ji 1. l\right of Georgia,
Tlic Ilousc took up for considrration a resolution in rc1:ition to
tillo\ving niciiilwr, to ( d I the qiiebtion after niaking a speech, ctc.
Icmding whic~li,
A irieshitgc wits rct:cind from tho Senate, hy their Sccrctary, Mr.
X a h ; whicxli is :IS follows, to wit:
, Ttic Sciiatcl Iiavc~agreed l o the report of the conimittee of confer111
encv o
disapreeiiig lotes of the t w o IIouses on the bill of tlie Senate (S. 11)
entitled -\ bill to ~egiilatethe conipcnsation of meinhers of Congress.



Gai*lartd,from the coniinittee of conference, rep0rtt.d as folto wit:

coiifrreiicr on the part of the Seiiate and House of Eepresentarecinp T otcs of tlie ti\ o Hoiiws of Congress up011 the bill to rcgu11 of ~iiciiibersof C o i i g r e ~agree
t o rzcommencl to their respective

Tlint tlic Sciiatv btrilir out

( L

tliree t h o u w i d dollars aiid inpert in lieu thereof




MS. ,Jones demanded thereon the y ~ a band nays;

U'hich being seconded, the vote, was recorded,
( Yeas .... _
.._ _ _ - _ _ _ _
And resulted as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Katson, Bell, Hotcler. Horatio W,
Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chrisinan, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad,
Crockett, Ilargan, Davis, Ihwkins, %;wing, Farrow, Poote, Foster,
Gartrell, Gentry, Graham, Hnnly, Hilton, Rolt, Kenan of Georgia,
Machen, Marshall, &IcDomell,McLean, Menees, Moore, Perkins, Balls,
Read, ltoyston. Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Tibhs,
Villcr6, Welsh, Tpl'ilcox, and Wright of Georgia.
N:lys: Bdd\>in, Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark, Conrow, Currill, Corry, I)c ,Jnrnctte, Dupr.4, Elliott, Garclenhire, Garland, Goode,
Q r : i ~ ,IInrtridgc, Iicislicll, IlcrIwt, Holcombc, cJohnston, .Jones, Kenncr. Imlclcr, Lewis, Lyoii, Miles, Prwtoii, l'ugh, Itussell, Singleton,
St;\ples, Swan, Trippc, n'right of 'I'enn ee, and Xr. Speaker.
So the resolution WRY lost.
Upon motion of Mr. Garland,
The House proceeded to the consideration of the report just made
from the, coriiniittec of conferencc.
Mr. Foster mowd that i t he laid upon the table.
The motion was lost, and
The question 1)cing upon adopting the rcyort of the coininittee,
Mr. Fostcr denlatitled that thc rote be taken by yeas and najs;
Which k i n g seconded,
-a y s .. _- -. -_- _- -_- -_.-..- .27
The votc W R S recorded as follows, to wit: i hYeas
Yea>: Arrington, Abbe, Atkins, Ajer, Baidmjn. Barksdxle, Bell,
~ c &I.
, Rruce, 13ui*nett,Chambers, Chrish t e l e r , Horatio IT. I ~ ~ L I Eli
ina11, Clark, Conrad, Conrow, Crockrtt. Currin, Dargan, Davis, Dawliins, Dupr':, Elliott, Ewiiig, Farrow, Footc. Gaither, Gardeubire,
Garland, Gontrj-, Gra2iani, Gray, Ilanij, Wilrris, Neiskell, Herbert,
Ilolcombe, Johnston, Kenm of North Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Lyon,
Machen, Marshall, McLettn, JIcKae, Niles, Xoore, Yngh, Read, Sexton, Swan, Tibbs, VillerB, Wilcox, il'right of Texas, and Wright of
Nays: Ratson, Chambliss, Chiiton, C h p y , Clopton, CnrrS, Ile Jarnette, Foster, G~rlrell,Goode, Ilartr-idge, IIilton, Holt, Jones, Kenner, XIcDo~rcll,Menees, Perkins, Preston, IialIs, Ropton, Smith of
North Cai.olina, Strickland, Trippe, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and
Mr. Speaker.
SOthe report WRS d o p t e d .
A meshago was rcceivcd from the San:tte, ))y their Secretary, ;zIr.
Nash, as follows, to wit:

__ ____

The Senate, by unanimous conscnt, Iiaw R ~ I . C P (to

~ the amendment
of this llousc to the enrolled act signed In) the S:l)c:ikerof tbe IIcluse ol Representatives and t h e President of the Senate of the f u l I o \ \ i ~ l ytitlc, viz:
An act t o provide for the furtlicr defense of the Bay of hlobile and the A l a b a ~ ~ ~ a

Mr. ftcad offered

A rcsolritiori that the rulcs o this House he ~1 aulct~dedtllat the
shall :y)point a minmitter, of fi1-c in whusc power the calling
Of the westion and previous question shall bc exclusively given, and


Mar. 21, 1862.1

that it shall be a privilcgcd question t o be exercised at any time when

deemed proper b y said committee. a majority thereof concurring;
which w x s laid oyer under the rules.
Mr. Machen offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs he instructed
to inquire into and report upon the propriety of having as many rifle
guns of the most simple but effective pattern distributed among the
smiths of the rarioas States of the Confederacy as will serve as atterns for rrianufacturc of that firearm by all such smiths as will un ertslie to assist by their own forges to make up the deficiency, and, if
deemed practicable and advisable, that said committee be also re uested
to report npon the practicability of supplying to all smiths w o will
undertako t h e manufacture aforesaid gun scalps or iron suited for said
rllanufacture under such regulations as the Department of R'ar may
deem sufficient to secure the object contemplated; the committee to
report by bill or otherwise;
which TWS r e d and agreed to.
Mr. Chambers offered
A revolution that the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to
inform this House at what dates prior to dune 30, 1863, payments of
interest will be due on the existing uhlic debt, and also what amount
of interest will be due at each perio of its maturity;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Barhsdale presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Clark
County, Miss., in relation to cotton; which mas read and referred to
the Corriinittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Ayer offered
A resolution instructing t h e Committee on the Judiciary to inquire
and report on the expediency of increasing the penalties now imposed
by lrim on all Go\-ernmcnt officials, agents, and employees who may be
found guilty of practicing fraud and peculation on the Goverximent,
and especially to report on the propriety of punishing every such
offender with severe flogging on his bared back;
which m s read and agreed to.
Mr. Yarrom offered
A resolution that it he referred to the Cornmittee on Rules to consider and report upon the cxpedicncy of so amending the rules of this
House tib to require that no hill or joint resolution shall be put upon
its passage until the same shall have been printed and distributed,
except by a two-thirds vote;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill to provide for the, further defense of the Bay of Mobile and
the Rlahania River;
Ant1 the Ypxker signed the same.
Mr. Heisltell offered
A joint resolution to provide for the prompt payment' of claims due
to decezised soldirrs;
which Kas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee 011 Military Aff'airs.
1Mr. Tibbs offered
A resolution that n committee of thmc be appointed by the Speaker,
charged with the duty of investigating the conduct of the agents of






[Mar. 2 1 , l

thc Government in Tennessee for the purchase of quartermasters and

Commissarys supplies; the committee to hare power to send for persons and papers, and that they report by bill or otherwise;
which c as read and referred to the special committee appointe
investigate the disaster a t Forts Donelson and Henry.
Mr. Herbert prescnted a rnemorial from Ayers & Little a
Richmond, Va., in relation to a bullet-rolling machine; wficf was
referred to the Committee on Militstry Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Chambliss offered
A joint resolution for thc relief of Mrs. Julia Tyler, executri
Hori. John Tyler;
which was read the first and second times, and the rule requiring the
resolution to he rrfprrcd being suspendod, it was engrossed, read a
third tinic, mid passed.
Mr. Russell offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs inquire into the
expediency of amending the lam relatiiig to the organization of the
militia when callcd into the service of the Confederate States;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Chambliss presented a letter and design for a flag; which was
referred to the Committee on Flag and Seal.
Mr. Botelcr prescnted the memorial of Brigadier-General Meem
and James IT. C:trson in relation to pay of Seventh Brigade, Virginia
Militia; which was referred to the Committcc on Military Affairs,
without being read.
Upon motion, lcavc of absence was granted to Mr. Lyons, on account
of sicl-\ness.
Rlr. Baldwin offered
A resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary inquire and report
to this House: Fir54 as to the expediency of defining by lam the
extent of the pov7cr to declare martial law and of ascertaining what is
martial [law] when duly declared; second, as to the expediency of
regulating by law the whole subject of arrest and imprisonment for
reasons of sttte, YO as to securc the rights of the public and of individuals without a. gcneral suspension of the habeas corpus;
which was read ant1 agreed to.
Mr. Baldwin presented t h e inemorials of John Kinny and James
M. Stout i n relation to rriaking Confederate notcs a leg11 tender;
which mere referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, without
being read.
Also, a coumunication and design for a flag from J. De Havilland;
which mas rcferred to the Comniittee on the Flag and Seal.
Mr. Preston presented the petition of sundry citizens of Grayson
and Wythc counties, Va., atid Rlleghany County, N. C., asking a
mail or stage lino from Wythevillc to Independence, Va.; which W a s
referred to the Cominittec on Yost-Offices and Post-Roads, mitholit
being read.
Mr. Chilton presented a communication from P. Hilmitter, of
Mobile, Ala., in rclation to a gunboat; which was referred to the
Committee on Naval Affairs, without being read.
Upon motion of Mr. Kenner, the House then resolved itself into
secret session : and having spent some time therein, resolved itself into
open session;

Mar. 21, 1862.1



Upon motion of Mr. Pryor,
The House adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.

The House beiiig in secret session,

The Chair prcscntcd a message from the President; which was read
as follows:
VA., March 20, 186.8.
To ihe IIouse of Rep?-esentntives,Confederate States of Amerzccc:
Tn reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives of t h e 24th ultimo,
requesting the President to furnish certain information in reference to the James River
defenses and the defenses of the city of Richmond, with his own opinion thereon,
and to cause a survey to be made of the Chickahoniiny and its branches, with reference to its being occupied as a defensive line, I transmit herewith a coinniuiiication
from the Secretary of War, submitting a report of Capt. Alfred L. Rives, in charge
of the Engineer Bureau, on the subjects referred to, so far as the information
obtained will admit.
The report of Captain Rives states the facts in renard to the state of the defenses of
the Jail& Biver &id the city of Richniond; and in the views presented by him I
generally concur. I t may be proper, however, to add something in explanation of
the facts preseiited, and my O M n impressions derived from varioue sources from time
to time.
The work a t Days Point possesses but little value foi the defense proper of the
James Itir er. It was locvatedM ith regaid to the protection of Burwells Bay and thb
country above from loraging excurs~onsof the eneiny by water, and as a protection
to our own boats iri the river. A site somewhat lower down would have been
prefeiable, according to inforination obtained since the location of the work, but it
has thus far fulfilled its object; and as it has bccn well constructed, with mu h labor
and expense, it is probably best not to disturb it, except by the addition o f a small
outwork to coininand the approaches in its rear, which I an? told is being done.
The next position above, defended by the works at Hardys Bluff and Mulberry
Island, posscsscs great importance from being the right flank of General Maprudcrs
chown defensive line on the peninsula, and the lowest oint which gives t h e hope of
a sucrcssfnl protection of the river against the wooden 8ePteetq of the enemy. Ironclad
pessels, of ~z hich a e have not had sufficient experience to form a correct judgment,
can pass these works, as the channel is too wide and deep for obstructions, unless
wrought-iron bolts, now being prepared for trial against the Ericfisoii battery (31onitor) and others of the saiiie class, prove more effective than van be reasonably hoped
ill the transports necessary for a forinidable expedition ought to be kept
hack h q the batteries so long as they are held; and i t is thought that they slionld not
be silenced i)y a few ironclad vessels operating witli a small iiuniber of guns at long
range, especiallj as the battery at Ilardps Bluff 11% vonsideiable elwation. Both
works are sti ong against a land attack. The guns at Janiestoli n Island ~villprobably be reniovetl to the position just referred to so soon as it IS fully prepared for thein.
The position a t Drewrys Bluff, 7 or 8 iniles below Richmond, which has intimate
relations nitti the clefenkes proper of this city, was chosen to obstruct the river
being rapidly completed.
against such vessels as the BIomtor. The work i~
Either Fort Powhatan or Kennons Marshes, if found to be the proper positions,
will be fortified and obstructed as a t Drewrys Bluff to prevent the ascent of the
river by ironclad ~essels. Blockinn the channel, where sufficiently narrow, by
strong lines of obstructions, fiIIing ?t \z ith subinaiine batteries, and flailking the
Obstructions by well-protected battelies of the heaviest guns, seem to offer the best
anti specdiest chant-es 01 protection, \1 ith the means a t our disposal, against ironclad
floating hatteries.
T h e field aorks for thc defense of Richmond, which are arranged upon the plan
of the detached systtfiii, conceded by most military men to be the best, are completed, with the exception of two on the side of the city and one main and two
accessory 57 orks on the I\landiester ride.
The unfinished workP will be completed as soon as more important ones farther
from the citv are in a more efficient condition The line occupicd by these works
was chosen tb make it as short as possible, partly from t h e difficulty of defending a
longer line, and partly froin the time, labor, and expense necessary to construct snch
a one. I t is rather nearer the city than desirable, but t h e enemy innst remain out
of reach of our guns, at least as heal y as his, until the line is carried, and then the
city must fall, whether the line be near or removed within the limits of a few miles.



I see no advantage in constructing a new line more removed from the city,
the Chickahominy be found suited to the sy.stern of daills and overflow w
think, froln t h e information in iny possession, 1s problematlcal. Should the
get near enough to lay siege to this city, additional works can be thrown up
develops his plans and means; and these, with those already constructed, can be
arlned with the guns which would necessarily be brooght back wlth the troops
defend them. The want of heavy puns and the requisite carriages has prevented t
fortifications here from being armed with thein to any extent, and 1 do not thi
wise to take them for this purpose from other points where, In my opinion,
are more needed.
An,y systelll of fortification which could be constructed. during war for the defen
of thls city would 011ly serve to gain time. An ariiiy which allows itself to be sh
up in a fortified city must finally yield to an enemy superior i n numbers and munitions of war.

On motion, the message and accompanying documents mere laid on

the table.
The House then took up a Senate bill to regulate the mode of aying the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, anzthe
disbursement of the contingent fund; which was read first and second
times and rcfcrred to the Committee on Pay and Mileage.
Also, a bill to provide for the payment of musicians in the Army
not regularly enlisted; which was read first and second times and
referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill relative to the estimates of the several heads of Departments; which was read first and sccond times and referred to the Committee on Raj7s and Means.
Alho, a bill relative to the prcpayment of postage; which was read
first and second times and referrcd to the Committee on Post-Offices
and Post-Roads.
Also, a bill to encourage enlistments in the CBrps of Marines; which
was read first and second times arid referred to the Corriniittee on Naval
The House then proceeded to consider a Senate bill to provide a
staff and clerical force for any general who may be assigned by the
Iresidcnt to duty at the seat of government; which was read first
and second timcs, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Conrad offered the following resolution; khich was read and
agreed to, to wit:
RPsoZred, That the President be requested to inform this House whether any preparations have heen or are being made to protect, by way of submarine batteries or
by siIiking obFtructionr in t h e channel where they are practicable, for the protection
of our principal cities from a n attack by iron-plated vessels, and whether any additional appropriations for these objects, or either of thein, are necessary.

MY. Dupr6 moved that the Hd&e do now resolve itself into open
The motion did not prevail.
And on motion of Mr. Kenner, the House went into the Committee
of thc Whole on
A bill making appropriations for the support of the Government
from 1st of April to 30th of Novembcr, 1862, and for objects hereinafter expressed;
Mr. Chilton being i n the chair, and having spent sonie time therein,
the committee rose and, through their Chairman, reported that they
had not finished the consideration of the bill, and asked leave to sit
again; which was agreed to.
On motion of Xr. Ileiskeli,
The Home then resolved itself into open session.


Xar. 22, I%?]






The House met pursuant to adjournrneut, arid was opened with prayer
hy the Rev. Dr. Dopgett.
Xr. Smith of North Carolina, from the Committee on Xlections,
reported and recommended the passage of the followin resolutions;
which were read. mscle the special order for Wednes ay next, and
ordered to be printed, to wit:

The Comniittec on Elections, to whom ~ v a sreferred t h r petition of J. P. Johnson,

praying t(J be allon ec1 to coiitebt the seat of A $1. Garland, and chiniing the right
thcreto, iis Ilrpresentative from t h e Third Congressional district of Arkansas, with
tllc othtr papers pertaining to the case, have had the same under consideration, and
ask lrave to inake a report
2110 report heretofore made, prrsented to the House the questioii of n further
oxtension of tirite to cnahle the parties to come to distinct and specific issues, and to
collect the e~irlcrrce either niiyht dc,eni inaterial thereto.
The r e f w i l of t h r Ilouse to proceed and the rec80miiiittalof the whole matter, if
riot to 1)c takrn ai; imtractionb, are, nevertheless, deenied clear indications of an
intention t h a t 3 our coilinlittee report tlic facts of the case and the points and merits
of the rontroreisy arising upon them in its present aspects; the duty thus imposed
they now nndcrtalre to discharge.
Tour committee find that according to the returns from the severaI counties of the
Third Congressional distii
sas sent to t h e office of secretary of state as
reqriirecl by law, and publi
proclamittion of the governor on the 10th day
of I)ecciribcr, ISGI, the sitt
, A. H. Garland, received 2,157 Totes, and the
contcbtaiit, J. P. ,Jolmso~i,received 2,125 votes, while four other candidates received
Upon this declared statement of the vote, the sitting member
plurality of i)i votes over contestant, and was awaided the certificate of elccI n arriving a t these aggregates, tlie vote cast in Arlransas County, which alone
is drauri i n question before the conimittee, is reported from that county by the
rettirning officers in the folloniiig words.
A. 1%.
(iarlartd received one hundred seventy-five votes.
J. 1. Johnson rcceived seventy-three votes.
And. tlrerc are other votes reported lor other candidates, which it is not necessary
for ii proper nndcrstnnding of the case, to set out.
T h o \ o t c x of the county is evidenced by what purports to be ,
itil abstract of the xcturna of t h e election heltf in Itrkansas County, State of
Arkansas, on Ticdnesdny, the 6th day of Xoveinber, 1801, for a
the CorigrePs of the Contrtlerate States of America for tho lhird
trict as appearo froin returns made to thi. (the county court cler
the abrtrnct i s certified by a deputy county court derk, in tlie name and on
behalf of his principal, Joceph T I . BIamvell, in a n official attebtation and by two
other persons, Lenia Thonipson, a justice of the peace, and A. 11. AlrDonald, a
householder, to be a true statement of the polls of the election held in said county
on the Gth c i ~ of
y R-oveinber, 1861, nccordinq to the poll books TetzLrwd and $filed i n
his oflice. The certificate bears date, the 13th day of November, t h e seventh day
after the election.
A becoiid return dated December 7, and bearing the official attestation
clerk alone, was prepared b y him and deposited with the secretary of state,
upon its face also purports to he A list ot votes given on the 6th day of Koveiiiber,
1801, I I L flikiLn%u County, Ark., for Congress, and gives jn detail the heparate vote
:it tlie ~ l r tion
precincts of the rounty. This return is declared to have been made
after cx:ziliination of tlic, poll books and to be Ajull and correct hat of the votes,
a n d givci tlic sitting iiicniber 186 votes, and the contestant 98 votes. A certified
top\ ok t h i i iotnrn from the office of the secretary of state w m placed in the hands





The evidence of these returns consists in authenticated transcripts of papem on file

in the office of the secretary of state. Two such transcripts were before the corninittee. One of them was filed by contestant with his petition and referred, containing the first and third returns only. The other was offered before t h e committee by
the sitting member and contained the first and second returns.

two next succeeding mails after they are due, to send for such as are wanting, and
when all have been received, or within thirty days if they have not, to cast up
the votes from the different counties, in presence of the governor, and ascertain the
result. And the governor is directed immediately thereupon, by proclamation, to
announce the same and award his certificate.
The ballots thcmselves, cast at the several places of voting, are also required to be
deposited by t h e judges with t h e county court clerk.
The attention of the committee has been called to the act of t h e Congress of the
United States of February 19, 1851, in reference to contested elections and-itsbearing
npon the case. This act requires a contestant t o g i r e notice of his intention to contest to the party declared to be elected, within thirty days thereafter, and therein to
specify pdrtirularly the grounds upon which he proposes to contest t h e right of the
latter to his seat.
I t requires t h e party thus notified, within thirty days thereafter, to deliver to the
contestant a copy of .his answer, which must admit or deny the allegations made in
the notice.
The other provisions of t h e statute relate mostly to the methods of taking proofs,
and limit thc cvidencc to the matters put in issue.
Various qnestions are presented upon this statement of the case, to which the
attention of your committee has been directed, and which they believc are disposed
of in the conclusions to whicli they have come and which they will proceed briefly
to announcc.

The committee is of opinion that the notice given to Mr. Garland, on the 23d of
December, a8 adniitted by him, although less specific in its terms than i t lnight have
been made, conforms, nevertheles, substantially to t h e requirements of the act, and
is sufficient. I t distinctly asPigns error in t h e returns from Arkansas County, the
correction of whichhy the poll books would make a relative change of 40 votes,
and reversing the result, elect contestant by a plurality of 8 votes.
The election of Mr. Garland is impeached on this ground and t h e notice directs
his attention to it.
Your coiniriiCtee can not allow to the failure of the sitting nlember to answer the
allegations in t h e notice, t h e effect, without other proofs, of dispocsessing him of his
seat, and still less of admitting contestant in his place. Analogies drawn from rules
of pleading and practice, adopted in legal tribunals i n the investigation of personal
controversies and wllich affect individual interests o d y , are entirely inapplicable to
qtxestiozis invblving the wivileges of the House and the political rights of constituencies and States. Nor is there anything in t h e act of Congress which gives
countenance to the argument based upon them. In the judgment of your conlmittce
the rang(? of their inquiries must be more coiiipiehensive, and they are to =certain

Mar. 22, 1SG2.1



who is elected and entitled to the disputed seat. If the evidence require, they may
refwe tlie seat to both contestants and award it to a party not before thern.
Your couimittee will not stop to point out all the difficulties of a propositiorl which
requires them to take as conclusive the unanswered averments of a notice. They
will present but a single one. Suppose there were two contestants, neither of whose
notice is ansrr-ered, to whom sliall the seat be given? Or can the party in possesion
of the certificate, by aimiering one and refusing to answer the other, a t his own
pleasure transfer the seat to the one he may prefer? And m g h t not aperson ineligible
under the Constitution by this iiieans become a meniber ot the House? Your cominittce coiild iiot then pioperly arrest the inquiries they are charged to make as to
the light to t h e contebted seat, but proceeded to examine such evidence as was prodiicetl before tlieni in order to determine upon its sufficiency to warrant them i n
reverqing the decision of the governor of the State.
1t is to he observed that there are three distinct, independent, and essentially
conflic%iiigabstrac.ts, each certified by the olfiver ha\ ing in custody the original, as
true aiid made up from the one set u l poll books in his office. Of these, the first
only is \tithin the extreme liriiit allowed by law, and is accepted and acted on by
the governor. It is ceililisd by a deputy clerk, authorized by law, a justice of the
peace, and a lioubelioltlvr, and in form complies with the requisitions of law. It
does not appeal tlmt iSIcDonald, the haweholder, WAS sworn, and if the averment of
hi, bring $\+orxi is deriiietl ncceqsary to the validity ot his act, which t!ie committee
are not prepmed to adrnit, still the attestation of the othcr t\to is good arid sufficient
under the statute. 1t ntiglit be further suggested, if pard proof were inadmissible
to show that lie \i.tts sworn (and of this thcrc seems to be no jnst grounds of doubt),
whether the govcrrior iiiurt iiot be assumed to have hat1 ex ideiice of whatever was
rnatcrittl to tfic validity of the return when hc acted upoii it. The second return ig
t h e act of but a single officer aiid \T as p r q a r e d more than a inonth after the election.
The third return is uuobjectionable in form, but was made rip still later, and could
not have reac.hed the gwretary of state until the count required of him had been
matlc aiid the result of the rlrction as(-ertainetl ant1 drclared. This must be apparent
from tlie facat thnt the return and proclaniation bear the same date.
RIIt thc r.oiiiinittce arc not restricted as n as tlie governor, and whether he should
ha1 P mwidcred the last return or not, they are to ascertain the true state of the
rote. lipon the proofs before them, they are unable to repoi t thc rote of Arkansas
County as differing froin that declared in the proclamatioii They know 110 principle iiliori I\ liicli preponderance is to be given to the last of the conflicting returns
o \ e ~ tlie first. IYhetlier tlie discrepalicy is the consequelwe of vlerical error or
result? froiii alterations niade in the books cluriiig the interval-or because one is
partial ant1 the othcr full-or troin some other cause, your cormnittee will not nndertakc to infer, in the absence ot any just principle of evidence upon which such
iiifwonce can be 1natIt.. Official papera returricvl within time oiight to be invalidated
by others not PO rtlturnecl only upon clear arid satisfactory proof of error. Such
proot hay not b:ei> given to yonr coniinittce.
I t is okj5ious that thc only 111e~~11~
of aniving at the true vote of Arkansas County
wonld I)(, thtl production of t h r poll hooks themsclves, of which there should he
douhle sets, or autlitwticated copies direct from the office in which they are kept.
This evidcnre M o d d i
1 tlw correct I ote, while conflicting ahstracts or copies
succwbively sent to another otlice and thencc. certified to us iiever can. Or par01
evidence riiight be produced in support of the correct return if either be correct,
and of the actual vote if none are. The preservation of the ballots would facilitate
the inquiry. Ncithcr party has resorted to this original and priinary source of
evidence, in i t s nature decisive of the facts.
The sitting niernber holds his place upon the floor by the adjudication of the
ILouse in his prima facie title undcr the governors certificate. Your committee can
not upon the facts before them deprive him of the advantages he thus holds and
iiiiilertake to reverse the action of the executive authority oS Arkansas.
After t l i P coinmittee liatl proceeded thus far in their investigations and conclusions
u ~ m ntlie P\ itleiice before them, an application was made by contestant, supported by
ntfitlaiit, for tinie to take other and further testimony as to thevote of the county of
Arkansas. The coiiiiuittee understood the sltting member to ask that the privilege
hhoul(1 be granted to him to take further evidence generally, provided any time 1s
gi antccl for the prirposc arked by contestant. Your comiiiittze adriiit that the evidcnce *ul)niitted by cvmtcstarit, though insufficient for the purpose of ousting the
sitting nic~niljer,for reasons already Ptated, is yet of such force as to entitle the application for further time to reipcctful coiisltleration. Sncl as this is the first contested
election case under our Goveriiinent, as its tlecibion and t h e rules established by it
ivill be for manifest reaqons cntitletl herwflri to ninch weight as a precedent, and as
several of your comniittee seriously t1out.t whuther t h e act of t h e Congress of the



United States i n such cases is of binding force, and certainly was not observed
either party thus far, your committee, seeing t h a t no damage could result to eith
thc contcstant or sitting member or their constituency, resolved, as far as possible
justice would admit, to seek to establish such a rule as would be a guide in Eu
Your committee propose to act upon the case as if i t had just arisen,
a reasonable time wherein a contestant must give notice of his purp
the time in which a sitting member must reply to such notice, and
rules, etc., in which and under which evidence shall be taken. They
this House shall fornially adopt t h e rules prescribed by the act of th
the TJnited States, arid thus add to whatever force they may now have the
sanction of t h e House in t h e first contested election case that comes before it.
They therefore report the following resolutions:
Rcsolced, First. That thirty days be allowed t o contestant to amend his notice if
so desires.
Second. That the sitting member be allowed thirty days .after such amendment
made and notice thereof, or after notice of contestants declining to amend, in which
to make and Serve his answer thereto on contestant, setting out in said answer the
ground on which he rests the validity of his own and denies the election of
Third. That after service of t h e answer or expiration of the time limited therefor,
sixty day3 be allowed the parties to take eridence, which shall be confined to the
allegations and denials contained i n the notice and answer, and that the same be
taken and transmitted to t h e House, under t h e rules prescribed b y the act of the
Congress of t h e United States, approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and
Bfty-one, entitled An act to prescribe the mode of obtaining evidence in cases of
contested elections.
W. N. H. SMITH, Chairman, etc.

Mr. Jones, by the consent of the House, offered

A joint resolution to aid our prisoners in the hands of the enemy;
which was read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended, and the resolution was taken up, and
having k)wn read as follows, viz:
That the Secretary of War be authorized to apply out of the contingent fund of
the War Department such sum of money from time to time as in his judgment may
be necessary for the aid of prisoners of war i n t h e hands of the enemy,

Mr. Foote moved to aniend by adding thereto the words

the same to be deducted from whatever may be now due or may hereafter become
due to them by the Government for military services.

Mr. Jones called for the previous question; which being seconded,
the amendment of Mr. Foote was rcected.
The resolution was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
On motion of Mr. Pryor, the House took up for consideration the
report of the Judiciary Committee in relation to what legislation is
necessary to enable officers of the Army to hold seats on the floor of
Mr. Kenan [of Georgia], by consent, moved the adoption of the f o l ~
lowing resolution:
Resolwd, That the members of this Rouse who hold offices in the Confederate
Army are not, under the Constitution, entitled to hold both offices.

Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill to regulate the compensation of members of Congress;
And the Speaker signed the same.
Mr. Holt moved to amend the resolution of Mr. Kenan by substituting therefor the following, to wit:
Resolved, That oficcrs of the Confederate Army mustered into the Confederate
service, irrespective of the fact whether commissioned by State or Confederate

Mar 24, 1862 I



authority, are not entitled to seats on this floor, unless they resign their comniissioris
in the Army. and that any such officers now members of this House shall be entitled
to retain their seats upon such resignation.

MY. Swan moved to amend the amendment of Mr. Holt by substituting therefor the following, to wit:
Whereas it appears that Roger A. Prvor, William Smith, John B. Baldwin, of
Yirginia, and Julian Hartridge, of Georgfa, have respectively been commissioned by
the governors ol- the States above mentioned, the first three named as colonels comniaiicling regiments, arid the last as lieutenant of artillery of volunteers, which comiiiissions they haye not resigned; and
Whereas it further appears that t h e regiments, with the colonels commanding,
and t h e company commanded by Lieutenant Hartridge have been mustered into the
scrvice of the Confederate States; and
Whereas it further appears that the persons above named are occupying seats upon
the floor of this House: Be it therefore
Resolved, That the Coniniittee on Elections inquire and report whether the said
Roger A. Pryor, William Smith, John B. Baldwin, and Julian Hartridge are entitled
to places on this floor as members of this House.

Pending which,
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows:
Mr, ,STienher: The Senate have passed, without amendment, a joint resolution of
this House of the folloving title, viz:
Joint resolution for the relief of Mrs. Julia Tyler, executrix of Hon. John Tyler.

On motion of Mi.. Boyce,

The House then adjourned until Monday at 12 oclock.


MARCH24, 1862.


The Housc mct puf.sunnt to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
hy Ihe Eev. Dr. lialls.
The House procceded to the consideration of tlie unfinished business
of Saturday, which va8 the resolution offered by Mr. Kenan of
Mr. Eoyston demanded the previous question.
Pcnding which,
Mr. Chambliss, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled
The joint resolution for the relief of Mrs. Julia Tyler, executrix of
Hon. ,John Tyler.
Also, Senate bill to provide a staff arid clerical force for any general
who may be assigned by the President to duty at the seat of government.
The Speaker signed the same.
T h e amendment offered by Mr. Swan was then ruled out of order
by the, (hair.
11, by cement, moved to amend the resolution of Mr.
Kcniiii of (horgia by adding the following, to wit:
l Z m d i etl, That in the opinion of this Ilonse the respective States have exclusive
authorit?, iiiid(~rt h e Constitution, to appoint officerr of the militia, whether volnntee7 niilitia o r others; and such officers, when appointed hy the States, do not cease
to be State officers or bc.come officers holding ofice under tlie Confederate States
when they and thi, iriilitia iinctrr their command are in the service of the Confederate States, receiving pay from them a i d being subject to their control and



Resoked, That the respective States had authority during the Provisional Gove
nlent to raise and keep troops both in peace and in war, and hare authority n
raise and keep troops in time of war and to appoint the officers thereof; and
officers, when appointed by the respective States, do not ceasy,to b e S k k . officers or
become officers ' I holding office under the Confederate States when in tune of war
they and the troops under their command are, with the consent of their respectiye
States, receiving pay from them and being subject to their control and govern
for the purposes of the war, but without commissions from the Confederate Sta
Resolved, That under the Constitiition and laws of the Confederate States
can bold a military office under the Confederate States of a grade requirin
mission unless h e be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Senate, and
receive a commission from t h e President.

The previous question was then ordered.

Pending which,
The question being upon amending the resolution offered by Mr.
Kenan of Georgia by adding- thereto the resolutions offered by Mr.
Mr. Hanly demanded a division of the question; and the question
having been put on each resolution seriatim, was decided in the negative.
The question then being upon the amendment of Mr. Holt by may
of substitute to the resolution of Mr. Kenan of Georgia, the amendment was agreed to; and on adopting the resolution as amended, Mr.
Conrad demanded the yeas and nays; which being seconded,
The yeas and nays arc recorded as follows, to wit:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 61
It was decided in the affirmative, Yeas
Nays _ _ _.. _
_ _ _._ _ _ _ _ 21
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Barksdale, Batson, Bonhani,
Iloratio FIT. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Chilton, Chrisman, Clark, Clopton, Crockett, Dar m, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnette,
E:wing, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gar enhire, Garland, Grabani, Hanly,
Harris, Hciskcll, Herbert, Hilton, Holt, Jenkins, Jones, Kenan of
Georgia, Kcnner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Lyons, Machen, McRae,
Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, Preston, Pugh, Ralls, Read, Royston,
Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Strickland, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Tilled,
Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Bell, Boteler, Hridgers, Chambliss, Conrad, Conrow, Curry,
Elliott, Gaither, Gartrell, Holcombe, Johnston, Marshall, McDowell,
Perlrins, Bussell, Smith of 8orth Carolina, Staples, Vest, Welsh, and
Wright of Tennessee.
So the resolution as amended was agreed to.
Mr. Burnett, from the Committee on Pay and Mileage, to whom was
A bill from the Senate to regulate the mode of paying the members
of the Scnate and House of Representatives, and the disbtirsement of
the contingent fuiid,
reported the.samc back, with the reconirnendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended, and the bill was taken up, read a third
time, arid passed.
Mr. Miles introduced
A bill to provide for the appointment of instructors or drillmasters
for the Army, and for other purposes;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to provide for the organization of troops in the service
of the Confederate States to be armed with pikes or other available


Mar. 24, 1862 ]



aims n-here firearms can not bc procured; which was read the first an
sccoud lime:: and iderred to the Committee on Military An'airs.
Xlqo, a hill to amend an act to provide for the public defense,
approved March 6, 1861; which was read the first and second times
and referred to the Coiiimittee on Military Affairs.
Also, the petition of William R. I-Icrron, claiming salary as clerk of
t h s custom-house in Charlestun, S. C.; which was referred to the Cornrnitteo on Claims, without being read.
11r. Chilton introduced
A bill to secure the proper use of voluntary contributions in aid of
the war, arid to punish persons tnisa plying the snmc;
vvbich XLS read the first and secorl times and referred to the Comuiittrc on Military Affairs.
Mr. Chilton also, from the Committee on Post-Offices and PostEondq, reported
A bill to regulatc the compensation of deputy postmasters;
which was read the first and second times and placed upon the Calendar.
Nlr. Kusseil introduced
A hill relating to certificates of indemnity under the sequestration
which was read the first and sceond times, ordered to be printed, and
made the special order of business for Thursday next.
Also, a bill to arnend the sequestration act of February, 1862, so as
to ir1crea.c the sequestration fund by enlarging the definition of alien
enexlies alld restricting the rights of thc next of kin of alien enemies;
Tyliich 1221s rend the first and second times, ordered to be printed,
and iiiadc th:: special order for Thursday next.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nahh; rvhic*h is as follows, to wit:

Jh . Spctche, . The Senate have passed, with a n amendment, a joint resolution of

this HOLIVof the folloning title, viz:
Joint resolution to aid our prisoners in the hands of tlie enemy;
I n which aniend~nentI am directed to abk the concurrelice of this House.

Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Goode and Gentry.

Upon motion, the House procccded to the consideration of an
amendment of the Senate to a resolution of the House to aid our
prisoners i n the hands of the enemy.
&Ir. Jones demanded the qucstion; which was seconded, and the
aniendnicnt of the Senate was agreed to, and is as follows, viz: Add to
the ciicl of the bill the following: words:
Pro?idud, That all sums paid any prisoner or expended for him shall be charged
to his account.

Cpon motion of Bir, Kenncr, which was seconded, thc House then
rcsoived itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein,
ag:Lin rrsolved itself into open session;
LV hcn ,
'The Chair presented n communication from the Secretary of War,
transmitting the report of I3iig. Qen. Henry A. l%e of thc battle
of lioanoke Island; which, with the accompanying documents, was
rcfcrrct-i to t,hc special committee appointed to investigate the disnster +it Ro:inolie Island, with instructions to report upou the propriety of plinLiiig the bainc.
The Speaker signed



A bill regulating the compensation of members of Congress,

reported by Mr.Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bill
correctly enrolled.
NIr. Foote moved to reconsider the vote by which the amendment
of Mr. Holt to the resolution of Mr. Kenan of Georgia, in
to officers holding seats as members of Congress, was adopted.
And on motion of MY. Kenner,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session,

A message was received from the President, by the ban
Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
Tho House then went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Chilton
being in the chair, on
A bill making appropriations for the Government from 1st of April
to 30th of November, 1862, and for objects hereinafter expressed;
and having spent some time therein, on motion of Mr. Kenner, the
committee rose and, through their Chairman, reported progress, and
asked leave to sit again; which was agreed to.
Nr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as
correctly enrolled
The joint resolution to aid our prisoners i n the hands of the enemy.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
March 24, 1862.
To the honorable Ihe Speaker of tlie House of Representatives.
SIR: Inclosed I send, for ttie cowideration and action of the House of Representatives, a coniniunicatiori from the Acting Secretary of War, explaining ttie appropriation already iilacte of $1,000,000 for the floating defenm? of t h e western waters,
and asking a further appropriation of half a nzillion of dollars to be used for the
sunit? purposes.
1recommend that the money be appropriated m requested.

On motion, the message and accompanying documents were referred

to the Committee on Ways and Means.
And on motion of Mr. Jones,
The House then resolved itself into open session.

MARCH25, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Duncan.
Mr. Chilton offered
A resolution that 300 copies of the report of the PostmasterGencral, with the exhibits accompanying the same, be printed for the
use of this House and tho Post-Office Department.
On motion, the rule requiring the resolution to be referre8 to the
Committee on Printitig was suspended, and the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Curry introduced

Mar. 25,1862.1



A bill relating to advertisements by the Post-Office Departnlent;

which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
Mu. Clopton offered
A resolution that the committee appointed to inquire concerning the
destruction of public property by the officers of the Army be instructed
to inquire also with regard to the circumstances under which a large
amonnt of private property in the vicinity of Pensacola and Jacksonville has been destroyed, the amount of property destroyed, and the
necessity for its destruction;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Smith of Alabama offered
A resolution that the Committee on Foreign Affairs be instructed to
inquire into the expediency of establishing a system of free trade with
foreign nations, and to report to this House by bill or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
MY.Rnlls offered
A resolution that the Committee on Printing be instructed to inquire
what mode is adopted hy the different Departnients in having printing
done; that is, whether by private contract or by sealed proposals, and
to ascertain by the most thorough examination whether the rates paid
for Govcrriinent printing be the same as is paid for printing done on
private account;
which mas read and agreed to.
Also, a resolution that the Committee on Claims be instructed to
h bill making provision for the payment of claims arising under the
pension laws of the United States;
which was read and, on motion of Mr. Miles, h i d on the table.
Mr. Royston prevented the memorial of Nehemiah Padgett, of Freeo,
Ouachita County, Ark., in relation to a pension ; which was referred
to the Committee on Claims, without heing road.
Also, the memorial of John T. 13. Itainey and sixty other citizens
of Ouachita County, Ark., praying for the cstablisliment of a mail
rontc from Monroe, La., to Caniden, Ark. ; which was referred to the
Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without being rcatl.
Mr. Dawkins presented the memorial of N. W. McLeod and sundry
citizenh of JValdo, Fla., asking a change of the terminus on the Florida
Bailroatl to Maldo ; which was referred to the Committee on PostOffices and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Chilton, by the consent of the House, offered
4 resolution thht the Committee on Foreign Affairs he instructed to
inquire into the propriety of recalling our cornmiasionera from foreign
governments, and of requiring commercial agents or consuls residing
in this country t o obtain their exequaturs from this G o ~ w n m e n;t
which XTRS read and agreed to.
M r. Gartrell introduced
A bill to fix the tinies for holding the Confederate court for the
northern district of Georgia ;
which was read the first and second times and, the rules being sI1spended. m-as engrosged, read n third time, and passed.
Also, a resolution that 011 and after Monday next this House mill
meet at the hour of 11oclock 8. m.; which was read and laid upon
the table.




A message was received from the President, bg his Private Secretary,

Mr. Harrison, informing Congress that the President on yesterday
approved and signed an act entitled An act to establish certain
routes therein named.
Also, an act entitled An act to proride for the further defen
the BajT of Mobile nnd the Alabama River.
Mr. Munnerlyn offered
A resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquire
into the propriety o f : First, allowing the chief surgeon of a hospital
to p a n t furlougkis to any sick soldier under his charge whenever i n
his judgment it may be necessary; second, allowing the colonel of a
regiment under certificntc of the surgeon to grant furloughs to sick
soldiers without reference to the brlgade commander, should he be
inconvcniently distant; third, allowing any soldier furloughed full
transportation to his lioriie and littck;
which was laid on the table.
Mr. Conrad offered
A resolution that the Committee on M%tary Affairs inquire into the
expediency of enacting a law providing for some more convenient and
expeditious method of procuring the disinissal of general officers for
grow misconduct or neglect of duty, or manifest incompetency, than
by the sentence of a court-martial;
which was read and laid upon the table.
Mr. Perkins offered
A joint rcsolution for the preservation of pubKc documents;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Printing.
Also, B hill to provide for the employment of negroes on Government works; which was read the first and second times and referred to
the Commit tce on Military Affairs.
Mr. Dupr8 prescnted the letter of S. C. Taylor in relation to a repeating gun; which was referred to the Committee on Military AEairs,
without being read.
Mr. Singleton oflered
A resolution that the Secretary of W a r be requested, if not inconsistent with the public interest, to furnish to this House copies of the
reports of Colonels Hunton, Gri.Ain, and Featherston of the battle of
Leesburg, or IMPS Bluff, on the 21st of October last; and a copy of
the report of Coloncl 13arltsdale of the engagement near Edwards
Ferry on the 22d of the same month;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Davis introduced
A bill supplemental and amendatory of an act to authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases;
which was read the first and second tjmes and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Clapp introduced
A bill to provide for the removal or desttruction of propertr in cer-.
tain cases and to perpetuate the testiinony in such cases;
which was read the first and second times, ordered to be printed, and
referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Bell offered
A resolution to authorize the Conmiittee on Military Affairs to continue its labors during the vacation of Congress.

m r . 25, 1862.1



Mi-. Curry moved that its consideration be postponed and that it be

placcd upon the Calendar.
Mr. Swan called the question; which being seconded, the motion
mas agreed to.
Cpon motion of Mr. Renner, the House then resolved itself into
secret session; acid having spent some time therein, again resolved
itself into open scssion;
MTh e11,
Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Rills, reported as
correctly enrolled
A bill of the Senate to regulate the mode of paying the members of
the Senate and House of Representatives, and the disbursement of the
conti ngen t fund ;
And the Speaker signed the same.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that he had this day approved
and sigiicd a joint resolution for the relief of Mrs. Julia Tyler,
exwutrix of Hon. John Tvler.
Upon motion,
The House then adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session,

The Chair. presented :L message from the President: which is as
To tke liono~ahlethe Speakm of the IIouse of Representatives.
SIR:I herewith transmit for t h e consideration of t h e House of Representatives a
communication from the Secretary of the Kavy, with accompanying papers, which
afford intoriiiation sought by the resolution of the House of Representatives on the
17th instant.
I also suggest that these papers be regarded confidential, and be considered in
secret session.

On motion of Mr. Kcrlner, the House then went into Conmiittee of

the Whole, Mr. Curry being in the chair, on
A bill making appropriations for the support of the Government
from 1st April to 30th Noveniber, 1862, and for objects hereinafter
and having spent some time therein, on motion of Mr. Kenner, the
committee rose and, through tlicir (:hairman, Mr. Curry, reported that
they had concluded the consideration of the hill and recommended its
passage, with sundry amendments.
And the question being upon agreeing to the amendments of the
Mr. Kenner demanded the previous question; and the demand being
sustained, the amendments were agreed to, and are as follows, to wit:
.By filling the blank in the clause providing For the pay and mileage of Senators
with the words seventy thousand dollrtrir.
By filling the blank in the clausSproriding compensation for the clerks and ofticers
of the Senate with the words eight
thousand four hundred and sixty-sewn
By filling the blank in the clause appropriating the contingent fund of the Senate
with the words eight thousand dollars.
By filling the blank i n the clause for the pa and nii1e;ge of hleinbers and Delegates of the House of Representatives with txe words three hundred thousand




Salaries of the governor and commissioner of

Indian affairs, and secretary, judge,

attorney, and marshal of Arizona Territory, six thousand five hundred and sixty
Compensation of members of the legislative assembly of Arizona Territory and
pax of officers, twelve thousand dollars.
Contingent expenses of t h e legislatixe assembly of Arizona Territory, including
printing the laws, five thousand dollars.
(Contingent expenses of Arizona Territory, seven hundred and seven dollars.

The bill was then engrossed and read a third time.

Mr. Lyons nioved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was ordered
to be engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Swan moved a call of the House.
Thc motion did not prevail.
Mr. Davis moved that t h e House do now adjourn.
The motion was lost.
A message was received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
And on motion of Mr. Davis,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

MARCH26, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Ri ht Rev. Bishop Johns.
Mr. Mi es offered
A resolution that the President be requested to communicate to this
House, if not deemed incompatihle with the public interest, the
number of vessels which have been commissioned as privateers, their
tonnage, armament, and crews, together with the number, character,
and value of the prizes which they have captured, so far as the Government may have receivcd information of the same;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Miles also offered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed
to inquire into the expediency of appointing a commission by law, to


Mar. 2G, 1862.1


be composed of such scientific and skillful persons as the President

may select, vhosc duty i t shall be to report to Cbngress a t its next
session a sghtciil of gold and silver coinage for the Confederate
which -\Tat;read and agreed to.
J l r . Miles also introthiced
A bill to promote the efficiency of the Medical Department of the
1'"1J ;
which was read thc first and second times and referred to the Committee on Militaiy Affairs.
Mr. Heiskell offered
A resolution reyucsting the Speaker to appoint SL committee, to consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the manageinelit of and inspect the various ordnance establishments in the
c*ity of Richmond and vicinity, and report on the condition of the
same, u-ith a rjew to increase the efficiency of the same, if practicable;
which mas read and agreed to.
Mr. Tihlov presentpd the letter of Capt. William 11. Brown, asking
pay for horses lost; which \.vas referrcd to the Committee on Military
Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Gardenhire offcrcd
A resolixtion that tlic special committee on the Roanoke aflair be,
and thcy are Iicreby, instructed to inquire whether the commissaries
and quartermastem of East Tennessee are loyal to the South, and
whether they, or sonit' of them, hare not sqiiandered Southern funds
upon Lincoln favorites, with a purpose to advance the cause of the
B ~ s o l m d ,T ha l said committee be authorized to send for persons and
papers, if deenicd ne(Sessary, and that they report the remedy by bill
o r otherwise; which mas read and referred to the special committee on
the dehtruction of public property.
Mr. Boteler presented a rnemorial from John McKown and others,
asking pay for hoises; which was referred to the Coninlittee on
Claims, without being read.
Also, x memorial of W, 1. ltaffner in rcfcrence to making Treasury
notes a l ~ g a ltender; which was referred to the Committee on Wags
arid Means, without being rcad.
Mr. Chainbliss presented a memorial from A. R. Smith, of Portsmouth, Va., asking certain relief; which wab referred to the Committee on Claims, without bcing read.
AIso, the communication of ,John E. Mc:\Villiams, asking pay for
work; which was referred to the Committee on Claims, without being
Mr. Baldmin presented the memorial of d. C. Homan, of Rockingham, Va., asking pay f or horses; which was referred to the Committee
on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Lyons offered
A resolution that when a message shall be received from the President it shall be read immediately unless the House shall be engaged in
voting, in which event it shall be read as soon as the vote has been
completed and announced by the Speaker;
which was read and, upon motion of Mr. Royston, laid upon the table.
Mr. Royston ott'ered






A resolution that the President be respectfully requested to communicate to the' House of Representatives what additional sums of
money, if any, in his judgment, are necessary to he appropriated by
Congress a t the resent session in addition to t h e estimates proposed
and sent to this Eouse by the Secretary of War ttnd the Secretary of
the Navy, in order to secure a more vigilant and successful prosecution of the war and effective defense of the Confederate State
America ;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Garland offered
A resolutioii that the thirty-sixth rule of this House be so amended
as to increase the nnrnhcr of inemhers constituting the Committee on
Military Affairs to thirteen, and t h e Speaker shall appoint four additional niernbers o n such committee in such manner that each State shall
be represented on the same;
which was laid over under the rules.
Mr. Kenner, by the consent of the Hou~e,from the Committee on
Ways and Means, to whom was referred
A bill fixing the c-ompensation of certain officers therein named,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass with an
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up.
Mr. Kenner, from the committee, moved to amend the bill by
striking out all after the enacting clause; which is as follows:
That t h e annual compensation of the President of t h e Confederate States of
America shall bc at the rate of eighteen thousand dollari; per annum, payable quarterly, and that the annual compensation of t h e Trice-President of the Confederate
States of America, the Secretaries of State, of t h e Treasury, of War, of the Savy, the
Postmaster-General, and t h e Attorney-General shall be at the rate of four thousand
dollars each per annum, payable quarterly.
SEC 2. Aid. he i t f w t h e r enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its paqsage,

and insert in lieu thereof the following words, viz:

That the President shall receive for his services during his term of office an annual
salary of twenty-fire thousand dollars, payable quarterly in advance, to commence
on the twenty-second day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the time at
which h e entered upon the duties of his office.
And be itfwrther enmted, That until a suitable executive mansion shall be provided
for the President, the rent of one suited to the purpose shall be paid by the Government.

Nr. Royston demanded the yeas and nays on agreeing to the amendment;
Which were ordered,
_ [62]
And are recorded as follows, viz: Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 60
h a w ._ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -._.
_ _ 16
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Atlrins, Baldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Boteler,
Boyce, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M. Brace, Burnett, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Conrad, Conrom, Cooke,
Crockett, Dargan, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Dupr6, Garland,
Herbert, Holcombe, Jenkins, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of
North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Lyons, Machen, .
Marshall, McDowell, McLean, McKae, Miles, Moore. Munnerlp,
Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Read, Russell, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of
Alabama, Staples, Striekland, Tibbs, Trippe, VillerB, Welsh, Wright
of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.

War. 26, 18621


Says: Ayer, Batson, Clopton, Curry, Ewin , Foote, Foster, Gardenhirc, Gartrell, Hanly, Heiskeii, Jones, denees, Royston, Smith
of North Carolina, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the amendment m7as adopted.
The hill as amended w&s then engrossed, read a third time, and

Arid on motion of Mr. Kenner, from the committee, the title was
amended by striking out the saniewd insertin in lien thereof the
following: A bill t o fix the compeusation of t53e President of the
Confederate States.
11/11. Yerkins offered
A resolution that the Clerk of the House of Representatives be
required to have a Calendar, for the me of members, laid on the
Speakers desk the first day of each week;
which was read and agreed to.
MY.Perkins nioced that
A bill to prohibit the importation of articles the produce or manufacture of the Unitled States, or of other nations from the United States
into the Confederate States,
be taken up and placed upon the Calendar.
The motion was agreed to.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; whirh reads as follows:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed, with an amendment, a bill of this House of
t h e following title, viz:
!J. R. -. A bill to be entitled *4n aq! to authorize the Secretary of t h e Treasury
to pay district collectors in ceilain cases;
I n which amendment 1 am direrted to ask the concurrence of this House.
The Senate have also passed, without amendment, a bill of this House of the following title, yiz:
A bill to be entitled An act to fix the times for holding the Confederate court for
thc northern district of Georgia.
The Senate have also passed the following resolution, viz:
Resolred, That a joint committee of two on the part of the Senate and three on the
part of the House of Representatives be appointed to examine into the condition of
the records and all other papers of the Provisional Congress heretofore directed to be
turned over to the keeping of t h e two Houses, respectively, wit!, a view to make some
proper disposition of them, and to report hy bill or otherwise
To which resolntion I am dirwted to ask the conciirrmce of this I-foiiRe.
The Senate have appointed Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hunter on their part on said

Mr. Chambers offered

A resolution of inquiry concerning the returns of disbursing officers
and agents;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Chambers introduced
A bill to enforce prompt returns from disbursing officers and agents;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Barksdale offered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed
to inquire into and report upon, by bill or otherwise, the expediency
of the Government taking immediate possession of thc cotton o r
tobacco which has been or inay hereafter be subscribed to the produce loan, and paying for the same in bonds of this Confederacy,
maturing a t the expiration of twenty years, with interest payable



semiannually, or in Treasury notes, a t the option of the subscribers to

the said loan;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Clapp offered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed
to inquire into the expediency and propriety of so modifying the
existirlg laws in relation to the collection of taxes due to the Confederate Government as to authorizeethe payment of such taxes in cotton,
tobacco, or supplies needful to the Government in the prosecution of
the war, in cases where the payment as now required h ~ law
can not
be made or will be greatly oppressive to the taxpayers; and to report
by bill or otherwise as soon as practicable;
which wa3 read and agreed to.
IJpon motion, lcavc of absence was granted Messrs. Davis and
Mr. Garnett called for the special order of the day.
Yending wliiuh,
The House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some
time therein, again resolved itself into open session;
A message mas received from the President, hy his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that on yesterday he
approved and signed a joint resolution to aid our prisoners i n the
hands o f the enemy.
On motion of Mr. Burnett, the House took up or consideration
A j o i n t resolution in relation to paying arrearages of pay and mileage of niernhers of the Provisional Congress;
which, with an amendment of the Senate, had been reported back from
thc Cornniittre on Pay and Mileage, with the recommendation that the
House do not concur in the amendment of the Senate.
And the question being on agreeing to the amendment of the Senate,
which was to strike out the words provided that no member of the
Provisional Congress who is a member of this Congress shall be
entitled t o constructive mileage,
Mr. Heiskell demanded the question; which being seconded,
Mr. Garnett called for the yeas and nays; which was seconded.
Mr. Wright of Georgia moved that the House adjourn.
Mr. Garnett demanded the yeas and nays; which was seconded,
And they are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Baldwin, Bridgers, I-loratio W. Bruce,
Burnett, Chambers, Chamblise, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad,
Conrow, Curry, Davis, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Garland, Hartridge,
Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Niles, Moore, Pugh,
Smith of North Carolina, VillerB, Welsh, and Wright of Georgia.
Nays: Ashe, d y e r , Eli M. Bruce, Clark, Dawkins, Foote, Gardenhire, Garnett, Heiskell, Jenkins, Jones, Machen, Strickland, and Swan.
So the House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.


The House being i n secret session,

Proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished business of the last
secret session, which was the consideration of a bill makin appropriations for the Government from the 1st of April t o the 30t of November, 1862;

Xar. 26, 1862.1



MY.Lyons withtlrcw his motion to reconsider the vote by which tlie
bill mas ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
And the bill was read a third time and passed as amended.
Tho Chair presented a communication from the Secretary of the
Treasury in reply to a re,iolution of inquiry from the Congress in
relation to the time of thc paynieiits of the interest due 011 the public
deht; whicb, with the accompanying documents, \Tas ordered to be
printcd wnd iefcrrrd to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Thc Chair presented a conimunication from the Secretary of the
Trcabury in rehponsc to a resolution of inquiry of the Congress in
relation to pcrsonz cntitlcd to pensions now on the pension rolls of the
Cnited States; which mas read and laid on the table.
rhe Chair prcsentcd a message from -the President; which is as
f ollo~vr:
March 95, 1862.
To t h e lrommrd? the Speaker of the IIoztse of Representalic-es.
Sra 1 heren itli transmit forthe consideration and action of the House of Representative:: a coiiiniunimtion irom the Secretary of the Treasury, covering a n estiiiiate of
ail atltlitional appropriat~onrequired for the service of the Xavy Department from
April 1 to Sovtmber 30, 1862.
I recoiiiinend that an appropriation be made of t h e sum, and for t h e purpose

On motion, the niessage and accompanying documents were referred

to the Coimriittee on T a y s and Means.
On motion of XI.. Kenner, the House went into Committee of the
IVholc, M r . Lyons being in the chair, on
A bill to provide further means for the public defense and for the
support of thc Government;
and h a ~ i n gspcnt some time therein, on motion of Mr. Kenner, the
conimittcc~rose and, through their Chairman, Mr. Lyons, reported that
they lixd duly considered the bill and recommended its passage, with
sundry aniendrncnts.
And thc question being upon agreeing to the amendmcnts of the
comniittcc, N r . Garnett denlanded the previous question, and the
denland being sustained, the amenclrrienta were agreed to, and are as
follows, to wit:
on of the bill, to insert after tlic words fifteen millions the words
toFtrilre out the aord appropriated and to insert in lieu thereof
t h e word apportioned.
And to add at thc cnd of said beetion the follo~vingwords, to wit:
L A d ,p~ot,.?-d~cZ
fiwthe,., That all bondq issued under this section shall be made
a t the pleasure of the Government, after the expiration of ten years from
their reipectire dates, but the faith of tlie (hrernnient shall be pledged to redeem
the sarrrc at the expiration of thirty years from such date?
Aiitl in the iecorid Sectinn of the 1,111, in the c.lanse relating to the rate of interest of
boiids and certificates to be exchanged for Treasury notes, to fill the blank with the
4ntl i n Pcction third to strike out the word they and insert in lien thereof the
words thc, said certificates.

The bill as amended was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
And the title of the same, on motion of Xr. Miles, was amended by
striking out the words f o r public defense and.
A message was received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.



The Chair presented a message from the President; which is as

Richmond, Vu., March 25, 1862.
To the ITouse of Representatices qf the Co@dmute States:
In answer to your resolution of the 2ist instant, calling upon t h e Pr
information in regard to the protection of our principal cities from iron
sels by means of obstructions and submarine batteries, and u hether arly
appropriations are needed for these objects, I have to state generally that
nels of approach to our principal cities have been, and are being, obstructed according to t h e means at hand; that submarine batteries have been, and are being, prepared, and that no additional appropriatiorls for these objects are considered to be
Until recently t h r character ol the enemys iron-plated vessels was not well enough
known to arrange obstructions specially for them, but t h e same principle obtains,
and tlic obstrnctlonu already prepared can be strengthened when necessary.
For t h c n a n t of insulated wire we are deprived of that class of submarine batteries
euplotletl a t u ill b y electricity, H hich promises the best results. Experiments upon
s e i era1 lrintle of sucali as are exploded by impact have been i n progress since an early
period of the war.
These torpedoes can be rendered harmless by t h e enemy i n most cases by setting
adrift floating bodies to explode them, as is said to have been done on the Mississippi
River, and as they can not be put in place so long as all t h e channels are required
for use by our own boats, no great tlewee of importance is attached to them.
They may serve, however, to gain t h e by making the enemy more cautious; and
most of our sewoast drfenws have already received, or will as soon as practicable
receive, a certain supply of them.

On motion, the message was laid on the table.

And on motion of MY.Kenner, the House went into the Committee
of the Whole, Mr. MeRae being in the chair, on
A bill to prohibit the exportation of either cotton or tobacco of the
present crop, exccpt in certain cases;
arid having spent sonic time therein, on motion of Mr. Atkins, the
committee rose and, through their Chairman, Mr. ivlcltae,reported that
they had n o t tinished tile consideration of the bill, and asked leave to
sit again; which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Burnett,
The House then resolved itself into open session.


MARCH27, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by thc Itev. Mr. Peterkin.
The Chair announced as the special committee to inspect the ordnance establishments i n Richmond and vicinity, Messrs. Heiskell of
Tennessee, Clapp of Mississippi, and Garnett of Virginia.
U p y motion, leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Gray, Ralls,
and E reernan.
A h . Smith of North Carolina offered
A resolution that the special conimittee to examine into t h e loss of
public property, etc., he instructed to inquire into t h e destruction
of munitions of war, conmissary stores, and other public property at
and near Manassas on the occasion of the recent withdrawal of the
army, the kind and value of such property, and the necessity for its
destruction ;
which was read and agreed to.

l h r . 2i, 1662 J


Mr. IZridgers offered

h rcsoltition Ihat the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
to inquire whether any, and what, legislation is necessary for the proniotion of the manufacture of cotton and woolen cards, and that they
report by hill or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Jlr. Lyon presentid thc riieniorial of sundry citizens of Perry
County, A h . . i n relation to the sale of itrdent spirits; which was
refprrcd to the Conunittee on Military Affairs, without being read,
Mr. Chilton presented :1 design for a flag from N. W . Fowler, of
Montgomery, A h . ; which was referred to the Committee on Flag and
IJpon motion of X r . IIanly, the House proceeded to the consideration of a bill from the Senate to provide for the organization of the
Arkansas and Bed River Superintendency of Indian Affairs, to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indians therein, and to preserve
pencr: on the frontiers.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nwh; which is as follo.ivs, to wit:
MP.&ectler: The Senatt, ha\ e passed a joint resolution of the following title, viz:
S.5. Joint resolutioii authorizing the Joint Cornniittee on Public Buildings to lease

a suitable buildiiig for the iise of the State Department, and offices for the President;
I n ~ v h i c hI a111directed to w k the concurrence of this House.
The Senate hare also pasurd, without amendment, a bill of this House of the
folloii iiig title, v i A :
1%.12. -. A bill to be entitled An act to pfovide for ascertaining and detailing
artisan? and ineclranics from the Confederate States Briny.

The bill of the Senate was then read a third time and passed.
Mr. Foote offered
A rcsolntion that the President he requested to furnish to this House
a copy of the report of Gen. Henry A. Wise touching the fall of Roanoke Island, which was made by him to the Secretary of W a r under
date of the 21st of February, 1862, if not inconsistent with the public
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from the Cornmittee on Enrollcd Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled
A bill to fix the times-for holding the Confederate court for the
northern district of Georgia.
Mr. Xoore, by consent of the House, presented the memorial of
Capt. Ben. Desha, of the Fifth Kentucky Regiment, in relation to the
transportation of troops; which was referred to the Committee on
Claims, without being read.
On motion of X r . Jones, the House proceeded to the consid
of the unfinishcd business of yesterday, which was an amendment of
the Senate to a joint resolution relating to the manner of paying
r n ~ r i h c r sof tho Provisional Congress the arrearages of their pay and
yeas and nays having been ordered thereon,
Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ 18
Are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - . _ _
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 59
Yeas: Barksdale, Bell, Burnett, Chambers, Chilton, Chrisman, Conrow, Ewing-, Farrow, Gardenhire, Garland, Rcnan of North Carolina,
Moltae, Miles, Moore, Smith of Alabama, VillerB, and Wilcox.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Boteler,



[Mar 27,

Boyce, Bridgers, Horatio W. Bruce, Cham bliss, Clapp, CIark, Clopton,

Crockctt, Currin, Curry, Dargxn, Davis, Hawkins, DuprB, Foote,
Foster, Garnett, Gartrell, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herkert, Hilton,
Holeombe, Holt, Jenkins, cJones, Kenan of Georgia, Lander, Lewis,
Lyon, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, R/lenees, Munnedyn,
Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Me!ad, Itoyston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of
North Carolina, Staples, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe, Wright of Texas,
Wright of Teriiiessee, and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment Ras lost.
Mr. Dargan moved that the vote by which the amendment wm lost
be reconsidered.
The motion was lost.
Upon motiwi, leare of absence was granted to Mr. TTright of Georgia
and to Mr. Kcnan of Georgia after Wednesday next.
On niotion of Mr. Kenner, the House then resolred itself into secret
session; and having spentsome time therein, again resolved itself into
open session;
Mr. Miles, horn the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A hill to provide for the safe and expeditious transportation of troops
and military munitions and supplies by railroads;
which mas read the first and second times, ordered to be printed, and
made the special order of busiiiess for Monday next.
Mr. Wilcox moved a call of the House.
The motion was lost.
Mi-. Moore moved that the House adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Davis inoved a call of the House; which motion was lost.
And on motion,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session,

Mr. Foote moved that the House resolve itself into open session,
and upon which niotion he demanded that the yeas and nays he recorded.
The House refused to sustain the demand for the yeas and nays, and
the motion did not prevail.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the House w k n t into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. McRae being in the chair, o n .
A bill to prohibit the exportation of either cotton OF tobacco the
growth of the present year, except in certain cases;
and having spent some time therein, on motion of Mr. Moore, the cornmittcc rose and, through their Chairman, reported that thev had not
finished the consideration of the bill, and asked leave to sit again; which
was agreed to.
A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Kash,
the Secretary of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Spmker: I am directed b y the Senate to return to the House of Representatives
a bill (H. R. 12), it being a bill making appropriations for t h e support of the Government from April 1 to thc 30th of November, 1862, and for objects hereinafter
expressed; and the bill (13. R. -), being a bill to be entitled An act to provide
further means for the support of the Government, and inform this House that the
bills aforesaid have not been engrossed b v the Clerk of this House.

And on motion of R4r. Moore,

The House resolved itself into open session.

S h r 24,1862.1





The House met pursuant to adjournment, ana was opened with prayer
by thc Rev. Mr. Kepler.
Mr. Itovston offered the following resolution; which was read and
a g w c d to, to I\ it:
R e s o l i d , That, thc. Senatc concurring, the Speaker of the House of Representati\ es and l r e 4 e i i t of tlir Senate adjourn their respective Houses on Monday, the
s e entli
(lay of April, arino Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, a t twelve oclock

A h , the memorial of Nicholas Hunter, of Yolk County, Ark., in

relation to a claim for services in carrying the mail; which was
reterrcd to the Committee on Post-O5ces and Post-Roads, without
bcirig rwttl.
Also, a bill to abolish the office of Assistant, Secretary of State and
thc office of Assistant Attornep-General; which was read first and second times and rc4erred l o the Coinniittee on the Judiciary.

MI-. Garland presented the nieniorial of Jaines T. Elliott in relation

t o a change of a post route; which was referred to the Committee on

Post Oltices and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. IIaiily oflered the following resolution; which was read and

agreed to. to wit:

R e d t e t 7 , That t h e Clerk of this House be, and he is hereby, instructed to furnish
tlir men1 hers with stationery dnring the deliberations thereof, and that he be authorized to pay for the wile out of the contingent fund provided by law.

Perkins introduced
9bill to prohibit the transportation to and sale of certain articles
i n any port or place wit,hin the Confederate States in the possession

of the enemy;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Afiairs.
Mr. Perkins moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution
of Nr. Koyston, relative to the adjournment of Congress, was adopted.
All.. ?Jones called the question; which was seconded;
Mr. Iiolcombe demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being ,sustained, the yeas and nays were recorded,
_ _ _ _ _ __ _
_ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ 31
And are as follows, to wit: NaJ7s__ _- _- _- - ..
. .
_ _ _ _- _. 43
- [441
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Baldwin, Sarksdalc, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Horatic
17.. Bruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Crockett, Davidson, Davis, De J a r ti( tte, Gaither, FIanly, Harris, Eleiskell, Holcombe, Johnston, Machen,
McLean, AIences, Miles, Moore, Perkins, Preston, Bead, Russcll, Welsh,
and MI-. Speaker.
Nays: Ar rington, Atkins, Batson, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton,
Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, DargLtn, Dawkins, Du r6,
Ewirig, Foote, Foster, Garland, Gartrell, Hartridge, Nilton, I olt,
Joncs, Kenan of Georgia, Kerian of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis,
Lyon, Marshall, McDowell, Munnerlyn, Yugh, Ealls, Xoyston, Sexton,
Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland,
Swan, Vest, VillerB, Wilcox, arid Wright of Tennessee.
So the motion to reconsider did not prevail.





Mr. Moore moved to suspend the cal1 of the States.

Th(1 iriotion did not pyevail.
illr. Davis offered the following resolution, to wit:
12esol?ed (the Smnte concurring), That 15 hen Congress shall adjourn on Monday, the
seventh day ot April, it will adjourn to meet again on the first Monday in Jul
booner convened by the President.

Xr. Footc called the question; which was seconded, and the res
agreed to.
Mr. Siiiith of Sorth Carolina offered the following resolution; which
was read and agreed to, to wit:


~ d That
llle Prrbident bc requested to furnish this HouPe with a copy of the
official r c p i t uf the battle of Bethel of June last, if not inconsistent with the public

Also, thc following resolution; which was read and agreed to, to wit:
That the Conmiittee 011 Rules and Officers of the House be instructed to inquire into
the cspediency of auiending the rules of t h e House by the following addition thereto:
S o actiori shall be taken on a motion to reconsider in t h e same day in which a bill
or joint resolution niay pass.

MY. Hridgers offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolied, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of authorizing by bilI or otherwise t h e commutation of rations in whole
or in part by privates acd nonconimissioned officers in the service of the Confederate

Jlr. XcDomell prescnted the memorial of James Q. Cook, postmaster

a1 Fayetteville, N. C., praying payment for mail service; which was
referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without
being read.
Mr. I3oyce presented the memorial of P. Pierson and others in relation to S ~ n d s mails;
~ ~ 7 which was referred to the Committee on PostOfiiccs and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Foote offered the following: preamble and resolution, to wit:
Whereas the prcecnt unholy and sanguinary war owes its accursed origin alone to
Yankee cupidity and a semibarbarous and insatiable lust for political domination; and
Whereas t h e unvarying history of the past has been such as to afford unequivocal
evidence that the Confederate States have at no time claimed anything at t h e hands
of their late Northern allies save to be let alone and t o be permitted to enjoy in
peace t h e inyaluable right of self-government; and
\Vhereaq in the earlier stapes of the war t h e whole South, with that moderation
and dkintereqtedness which h a w ever marked her people, would have been entirely
content with being allowed to withdraw forever from a union which had become to
them a source of continned injustice and oppression, and were even willing in thus
withdrawing to relinquish their unquestionable right to a proportionate share of the
public. domain and other articles of common property; and
\Thereas the military struggle now i n progress has been going on with varying
results for more than twelve months, increasing every moment i n its mischievous
effects, and i n the ferocious spirit with which it is waged by our unprincipled adversaries; and
Whereas it has been now most clearly demonstrated by experience that our soldiers are far superior to those of the enemy i n courage, i n energy, and in patient
endurance of siiffering and hardship, and that i n all the essential military resources,
except ironclad steamers and ordinary munitions of yvar, the Southern States are altogether superior to their selfish and niercenary foes; and
Whereas even in regard to these, it has recently become quite evident that by an
enlightened and prudent husbanding of t h e cotton and tobacco, we shall be in ashort
tinir fully able to cope u ilh the vandals of t h e North, both upon t h e water and the
land; and
Whereas there has n o t been the least abatement either in the courageor the energy

Nar. 26, 1862.1



of our Southern soldiers under recent military disasters, but that, on the contrary,
our a r m e r and o u r \vholc people have of late become greatly more enthusiastic and
reFolute and f a r more confident a u to the nltimate result of our struggle for independence: Therdnrc., be i t
T h a t it is thc manifest and universal wish of the people of the ConfedP that the war should be hereafter prosecuted with all proper vigor and
anti thatshonlti the Iresident call upon Congress for an army of a million of
id for an appropriation of two thousand inillions of money, and should he
tleerii it expedient, after driving the marauding foe beyond our confines, to carry the
war into the enemy* country with a view to obtaining full indemnity for the past
ant1 ~ e c n r i t jfor the futrire, he \rill deserve, as he will assuredly receive, the hearty
and united support of Coiigre,is and of the people.

On iiiotion of Xlr. Keiian, the resolutions were laid on the table; and
On motion of Xr. Keriner, were ordered to be printed.
Mr. K a l l ~rnoved to reconsider the vote just taken.
Ilie motion did not prevail.
Mr. Iierbert introduced
A bill t o authorize the Secretary of W a r to receive into th e service
of the Confederate States a. regiinenl of volunteers for the protection
of the frontier of Texas;
which w a s read first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. Russel1 introduced
A joint resolution to authorize the State of Virginia to pay her
quota of the war tax upon the terms prescribed in the twenty-fourth
section of t h e act levying the same a t any time when the proper list
shall be furnished;
which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
A niessagc was received from the Senatt:, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
the Secretary of that body; which is a s follows, to wit:
X r . SpeoXet The Senate imist upon their amendment, disagreed to by the House,
to the joint resolution (11. It. -) relating to the manner of paying members of the
Provisional Congrcv the arrearages of their pay and mileage, ask a conference with
the IIouse on t h e disngrcc4iig votes of the two Houses thereon, and have appointed
Mr. Orr, X r . Hroxn, and Xr. Clark the managers a t the said conference on their

Mr. Curry moved that the House insist on its refusal to concur in
the amendment of the Senate to a joint resolution relating to the manner of paying members of the Provisional Congress the nrrearages of
their pa? and mileage, and that the House agree to the request of the
Senate f o r a committee of conference; which was agreed to.
Mr. Baldwin presented the petition of Robert C. McLuer, praying
payment f or a slave lost in the public service; which was referred to
the Coniinittec on Clttiins, without being read.
Mr.. Lyons presented the petition of ,J. D. Goodman, praying compenszition for the loss of lager beer spoiled by the declaration of
martial law; which was referred to the Committee on Claims, without
being read.
iLlr. Kalls presented the petition of certain citizens of Alabama,
pra;Ting relief from draft; which mas referred to the Committee on
Military AExirs, 1%-ithoutbeing read.
h31.. hIilps, froin the Committee on Milita.ry Affairs, t o whom was
A resolution in relation to pecuniary aid to prisoners taken a t Fort
rcported the saine back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the resolution lie on the table; which was agreed to.



Mr. Miles, from the same committee, reported back the memo
Gen. Duff Green in relation to the extension of the Western
Cstrolina Railroad, asked to be discharged from its further con
tion, and that the resolution lie on the table; which was agreed
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, reported back, with the same
recommendation, the petlition of S. C. Taylor in relation to a
gun; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to amend an act approved May 10, 1861, entitled An act to
amend an act to provide for the public defense, approved May 6,
reported the sainc back, with the recommendation that it do pass.
Tht: rules N ere suspended;
Thc bill T T ~ Stalcen up, engrossed, read a third time, antl passed.
Mr. JIiles, from the same committee, to which was referred
A bill to promote the efficiency of the Medical Department,
reported the same hack, with the recommendation that it pass.
And the bill having been read as follows, to wit:

Be i t enacted hg thr Pongrm of the Confederate States of America, That there be added
to the Medical Department of the Confederate States Army, from the medical officers
of which they will be appointed, two assistant surgeons-general, with the rank, pay,
and allowances of a lieutenant-colonel of cavalry, and after ten years service in the
grades of surgeon and assistant surgeon-general, to be entitled t o an increase of pay
equal to that now provided by law for surgeons; also that there be added, to serve
during t h e present war, with the rank, pay, and allowances of a surgeon of ten years
service, a grade of medical inspectors, to be selected from t h e medical officers of the
Army, in such number, not exceeding ten, as t h e President may direct,

Mr. IIeislcell moved to amend by inserting after the word surgeons the words but such offices not to continue beyond the present war.
The amendment was agreed to.
A meshage was received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing Congress that the President had to-day approved and signed an act to fix the times for holding
the Confederate court for the northern district of Georgia.
Mr. Miles inoved to reconsider the vote by which Mr. Heiskells
ainendment was adopted.
Mr. Singleton called thc question; which was seconded, and the
motion to rcconsider did not prevail.
Mr. Swan moved to recommit the bill and amendment to the Committee on Military Affairs, and called the question; which was seeondcd, and the motion to recommit was lost.
Mr. Conrad moved to amend by adding after the word b b war the
Pro?ided, That surgeons i n the Army of t h e Confederate States may be appointed
assistant surgeons-general without prejudice to their position i n said Army.

Mr. Atkins called the previous question; which was sustained, and
the amendment was agreed to.
And the bill as amended was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
The Chair presentcd a inessage from the President; which was read
and referred to the Corriniittee on Military Affairs, and is as follows:
~ R P A R T W E N T ,March 28, 1862.
20 the Senate ctnd House of Zkpresmtatiws qf the Confederate States:
The operation of the various laws now i u force for raking armies has exhibited
the riecessity for reform. The frequeut ( i, > n y p antl amendments which have been

Mar 28, 1862



made hare rcndered t h e system so complicated as to make it often quite difficult to

determine what the laiv ieally is, and to what extent prior enactments are modified
by niore recent legislation
There is a h embarrassment from conflict between State and Confederate legislation. I am happy to asbure you of the entire harmony of purpose and cordiality of
feeling which have continued t o exist between myself and the execntives of the
sevei:~lStates; and it is to this muye that our success i n keeping adequate forces in
the field is to be attributed
These reasons I\ oulcl sn&m for inviting your earnest attention to the necessit; of
i o i n qiniple
and general system for exercising the power of raising armiw which is
wqtctl in the Congress by the Constitution. But there is another and more iinportant coniideration. The vast preparations made by theenemy for a conibinedassault
a t ninnerous points on our fioiitier and seacoast have produced the resnlt that inight
hart, been expected. They have animated the people with a spirit of resistance so
geneial, so resolute, and so self-sacrificing that it requires ratherto be regulated than
to he stimulated.' Thc. right of the State to demand, and the duty of each citizen to
render, niilitarp service need only to he Ptated to be admitted. It i s not, however,
T\ isc or judicious policy to place i n active service that portion of the force of a people
11 liich experience ha. s h o w n to be necessary as a reserve.
Youths under the age
of 18 years reqnire further instruction-men of matured experience are needed for
niamtaiinnp order and good government a t home, and i n supervisirig preparations for
rendering efficient the ariiiies in the fipld. These t i 5 o classesconstitute the proper
reserve tor h o r ~ edefcnx, ready to be called o u t i n case of enicrgency, and t o bekept
in the field only while the ariiergancy exists But, in order to niaintain this reserve
intact, it i q neceasaiy that, in a gieat war like that in wbich we are no\v engaged, all
persons of iriterniediate age not lcyally exempt for good cmsc should pay their debt
of niilitary sei\ ice to the country, that the burthens should not fall exclusively on
the most ardent nnd patriotic.
I, therefore, recommend the passage of a laiv declaring that all persons residing
within the Confederate States, between the ages of 18 and 35 years, and rightfully
subject to military duty, shall be held to be in the military senice of the Confederate
States, and that some plain aiid simple method be adopted for their prompt enrollmcnt and organization, repealing all of the legislation heretofore enacted which would
conflict with the system proposed.


Mr. Miles, to whom was referred sundry resolutions in relation to

paying the Virginia militia, reported
A bill t o provide for the payment of officers of the Vir iiiia militia;
which was read first and second times and placed on the 6alendar and
ordered t o be printed.
Mi*. Russell moved to reconsider the vote by.which the message of
the President was referred to the Conmiittee on Xilitary Affairs.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, t o whom was
ref erred
A bill to keep the effective strength of the Army constantly equal
t o its legal number,
r e p o r t d the same back, asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the same, and that the bill lie on the table; which was
agreed to.
Also, from the stme committee, to whom was referred
A bill to provide for the organization of troops in the service of the
Confederate Stutes to be armed with pikes when other available arms
can not be obtained,
reported back the same, with the recornmendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was talien up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
And the title of the same being under consideration,
Mr. Miles moved to strike out the whole'of the original title and to
insert in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
A hill to provide for keeping all firearms in the armies of the Confederate States
i n the hands of effective men.



The amendment was agreed to.

Mr. Foster offered the following resolution:
Resolfed, That on and after Monday, the thirty-first instant, this House will
night sessions, to conimcnce at half past seven oclock postmeridian.

On motion of Mr. Lrons, the resolution was laid on the table,

Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported and
recommended the passage of
A bill to arrierid the eighth section of the act entitled An act to provide for the public defense, approved March 6, 1861;
which was read first and second times, placed on the Calendar, and
ordered to be printed.
Mr. ;Miles, from the same comrnittce, to whom was referred
A bill to provide f o r the employiiient of negroes on Government
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, and having been read as follows, to wit:
With a view to secure against loss the owners of negroes in portions sf the Confederacy exposed to invasion by t h e enemy, and t o enable the Government to make available for purposes of defense the labor of such negroes: Therefore,
Be zt enacted by the Congress of tile Conjederccte States of America, That the President
be, and he is hereby, authorized to einploy for th? service of the Confederate States,
during t h e continuance of t h e war, such able-bodied negro men from the age of sixteen to fifty as may tendered by their owners, t o be employed i n Government works,
in Government foundries, i n t h e fabrication of saltpeter, the construction of military
roads, t h e erection of fortifications, or in such other labor as their services may be
found valuable, on condition of their being clothed and fed by the Government and
returned to their owners at the end of the I$ ar or their d u e paid.
SEC.2. Be zt further cnucted, That it shall he t h e duty of t h e President to have the
value of such negroes fixed a t the tinie of their employment and to provide suitable
regulations and officers for their proper care and control,

Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved tc amend the same by striking

out the words eithcr in kind or value and inserting in lieu thereof
the words or their value pstid.
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Hilton moved t o amend by adding after the words continuance
o f the war the W-ords a t not more than one-half of the current rate
of hire i n the locality where employed.
On niotiori of Mr. McLean, the bill and amendments were placed on
the Calendar and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Barkdale, from the Committee on Printing, by the unanimous
consent of the House, reported as follows:
The Committee on Printing, to whom m s referred a resolution adopted by this
House on the 25th instant, instructing a n investigation of t h e mode adopted by the
different Depitrtnients i n t h e execution of printing for the Confederate Government,
beg leave to submit the following letter froin the Superintendent of Public Printing
as containing the information sought:
Richmond, Murch 96, 1869.
(Chuirman of the Committee on Public Printing.
SIR:Your note of t h i s date, inclosing a resolution of Congress instructing the Committee on Public Printing t o ascertain and iiiforiii the House what mode is adopted
by the different Departnvnts having printing done for the execution of the uork,
whether h y private contract or by sealed proposals, and to ascertain xvhether the
rates paid by the Government are the same a i for printing done on private account,
has been received. In reply I have the honor to state that under the act entitled

b h r . 28,1862 ]



.Ln act in relation to public printing, approved February 27, 1861, contracts were
made I,v the chief officers of the Executive Departments of the Government for all
and, together with the
neceqvary printing in roiinrctiori a ith their several
honds rrqnired by law, filed in this office. These cont
e aM arded to the lowest
respon$ble bidders.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Superintendent Public Printing.)

The report was agreed to.

On motion, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Atkins of Tennessee.
And on motion of Mr. Foster,
The House resolved itself into secret session.

The House being in secret session,

Mr. Wilcox m o w d that the House do now adjourn.
On which iiiotion he demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustained, the yeas and nays are recorded,
.. . . __ _ _ _ ...
._. 25 [26]
And are as follows, t o wit;
. _ _._
. .. . _40
Yeas: IIoratio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambliss,
Crocliett, Davis, De Jarnette, Garland, Herbeit, Hilton, Holt, Jenkins,
Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon, McLean,
McEtde, Miles, Moore, Pugh, Read, Welsh, Wilcox, and Mr. Ypealier.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson,
Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Curry,
Farrow, Foote, E h t e r , Gainett, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Hartridge,
HeisBell, Holcornbe, Johnston, Lewis, Lyons, Machen, Marshall,
McDowell, Mcnees, Yerkins, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Singleton,
Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, and VillerB.
So the motion mas lost.
A message was received from the Senate, by &hehands of Mr. Xash,
the Secretary of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
X r . Speaker; The Senate have passed a joint resolution of this House of the following title, viz:
A joint rcsolution to authorize the suspension of the execution of an act to authorize the President to cause to be constructed certain gunboats, approved December 24,

Mr. Kenner moved that the House do now adjourn.

On which motion Mr. Wilcox demanded the yeas and nays; and


The demand being sustained, the yeas and nays were recorded,
f Yeas. .- - - - - . . _ _ - ._ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - 21
And are as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _
- _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
Yeas: Ashe, Baldwin, Rarksdale, Burnett, Chrisman, Cla p, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Farrow, Garland, Graham, Gray, d r t r i d g e ,
Herbert, Hilton, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lander, Machen, McDowell, McLean, Miles, Perkins, and Smith of
North Carolina.
Nays: Arrington, Atkins, Ayer, Batson, Crocliett, Gartrell, IXolt,
Menees, Head, Royston, Singleton, Welsh, Wilcox, and Xr. Speaker.
So the motion prevailed.
A-Hd the IIouse adjourned until 12 ocloclc rn. to-morrow.




MARCH 29, 1863.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Peterkin.
The (>hair announced as the committee of conference, under the
resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Curry:
Messrs. Curry of Alabama, Chambers of Mississippi, and Holt of
The Chair laid before the House a communication of the Secre
of War, informing the House that copies of all reports in regard to the
battle of Leesburg, o r Ihlls Rluff, were submitted to the Provisional
Congixss, and are now to be found upon its files; which was read and,
on motion, wab laid on the table.
The Chair laid before the Home a report, with accompanying documents, from the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the war tax;
which war read and, on motion of Mr. Kenner, referred to the Committee on Ways and Mcans.
Mr. Holt moved that the call of the States be suspended, and that
the House proceed to the call of the committees.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Curry presented an account of Starke & Cardozo for stationery
furnished to the Provisional Congress; which was referred to the Committee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Pugh presented an account of Judge Acree, of Alabama, for
taking the census; which xas referred to the Committee on Claims,
without being read.
Mr. Ohilton offered
A joint resolution for raising a special committee for purposes therein
which was read the first and second times, and t h e rules being suspended, the resolution was taken up.
Mr. IIanly moved to amend by striking out in third line the word
five and inserting fn lieu thereof the word thirteen. and inserting in fourth line,?between the words members and on, the words
one from each State; so as to make it read consisting of thirteen
members, one ftom each State.
The amendment was agreed to.
And the joint resolutions as amended were engrossed, read a third
time, and passed.
On motion of Mr. Garland, the House then took up for consideration
the resolution offered by him increasing the number of the Military
Committee from nine to thirteen.
Mr. Foote demanded the question thereon; which being ordered,
the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Davis asked to be excused from serving on the Committee on
Military Affairs; which was agreed to.
Mr. Kenner, by the consent of the House, from the Committee on
Ways and Means, to whom was referred
A joint resolution to authorize the State of Virginia to pay her quota
of the war tax upon the terms prescribed in the twenty-fourth section
of the act levying the same at any time when the proper list shall be


Mar. 29, 1862.1


reported the same back, with the recoinniendation that the resolution
lie on the table.
The motion Drevailed.
Mr. Kenner: by consent, from the same committee, reported
A bill to be entitled An act to enable the States assuming the payment of their quotaof the war tax to pay the same into the Treasury;
which was read the first and second times, engrossed, read a third time,
and passed.
Mr. Blarshall offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
to inquire into and report on the expediency of allowing the twelve
months volunteers now in the Confederate service the privilege of
extending their tcriri of service under their present respective organization for a period not less than ninety days, whenever such extension
may be dccined expedient by the President;
which W R S read and agreed to.
On motion of b2r. Foote,
The House then resolred itself into secret session.


Phe 1 3 0 ~being
s ~ in secret session,
The Chair presented a message f r o q the President; which is as follows, to wit:

ExEcunvE OFFICE, Richmond, &arch 29, 1862.

20 the Speaker qf tlie Housouse o j Rppreseentatizes:
I herewith transmit a report and accompanying tabular statement from the Secretary of State in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of- the 26th



On nwtion, the message and accompanying documents were referred

to thc Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. cJones moved that the Doorkeeper be allowed the services of his
assistant in the House during tho secret sessions of the same.
The motion prevailed.
Mr. Cartreli, by iinanimous consent. from thc Committee on the
Judiciary, to whom were referred two bills-one to malieTreasury notes
tt legal tender, and one to make Treasury notes irsued br the Confederate States of America a lawful tender in the payment of debts-and
also a resolution instructing the committee to inquire into the constitutionality of making Treasury notes a legal tender, re orted that the
committee had duly considered the subject r e f e r r e t and, without
expressing any opinion upon the constitutional point involved, reconimended that the bills be placed upon the Calendar, and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the resolution,
and that the same lie on the table.
On motion, the bills weye placed on the Calendar, and the resolution
was recommitted to the committee.
Mr. Harris, by unanimous consent, fron? the Committee on Military
Affairs, to whom was referred the niernorlal of Ayers & Littlepage in
relation to a bullet-rolling machine, reported the same hack, asked to
he discharged from its further consideration, and that the memorial lie
on the table; which was agreed to.





Mr. Tibbs, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as

rectly engrossed and enrolled
A joint resolution to authorize the suspension of the
act to authorize the President to cause to be construc
boats, approved December 24, 1861;
And the Speaker signed the same.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the House went into Committe
Whole, Mr. McIttte in the chair, on
A bill to prevent thc exportation of either cotton or toba
growth of the present year, in certain cases;
and having spent some time therein, rose and, Mr. iMcRae, t
man, reported that the cotnniittce had, according to order, the said bill
under consideration. and had come to no conclusion.
And on motion of Mr. Curry,
The House acljournPd until 12 O ~ C I Om.
C ~on Monday.


MARCH31, 1862.


The House iiiet pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rcv. Dr. Moore.
The Chair announced the following as additional members of the
Committee on Military L4flairs:
Messrs. Eli M. Bruce of Kentucky, Viller6 of Louisiana, Hilton
of FloridtL, and Wilcox of Tcxas.
And &!r. Chambers of Mississippi, in place of Mr. Davis, excused.
Mr. Dargan presented the memorial of certain citizens of Mobile,
praying for the declaration of martial lam in that city; which was
referred to the Coniinittec on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Fo.;tcu introduced
A bill to oncoumge the manufacture of iron, lead, and copper, and
the production o coal;
which was read first and second times, referred to the Comlnittee on
Xaval Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Foster oflered the following resolution, to wit:
7lesolwd, That the Secretary of War be requested to report to this House the
amount of army clothing and garrison equipage, ordnance and ordnance stores, subsistence stores, and the nuniber and appraised value of cavalry and artillery horses,
lost, destroyed, or captured by the enemy since the beginning of the war, and also
the aggregate cost of subsistence supplies heretofore purchased and t h e quantities of
the several kinds thereof now i n store.

On motion of Mr. Atlzins, thc resolution was laid on the tahle.

Mi.. Moore moved to suspend the call of the States.
The motion was lost.
A message was received from tlie Senate, by the hands of their Secretary, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
iMr. Speaker: The Senate have passed, without amendment, bills of the House of
the following titles, viz:
A bill to be entitled An act to authorize thc President to increase his personal
staff; and
A bill to he entitled A n act to enable the States assuming the payment of their
quotas of t h e war tax to pay the same into the Treasury.

MY. Curry offered the following resolution, to wit:

Resolved, That the House hereafter meet a t eleven oclock antemeridian.

Mar. 31, 1862.1



On the adoption of which Mu. Conrad demanded the yeas and nays; and
Thc dcrnand being sustained,
The yeas and nays are recorded as follows, to wit:
- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
It ~ y a sdecided in the affirmative, Yeas
Nays . - - . - _ _ _
- _.-.__
_ __
__ .
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Batson, Rui-nett, Chambliss, Chilton,
Clayp, Clark, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Crocliett, Curry, Dargan,
Davidson, Dawkins, DuprB, Footc, Foster, Gaither, Garnett, Gartrell,
Gray, Hartridgc, Hilton, I-Iolt, Johnston, Lewis, Lyon, Marshall,
3.lcI>omell, Mencea, I'ugh, Kalls, Royston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith
of Alabama, Smith of Korth Carolina, Sniith of Virginia, Strickland,
Trippe, Vest, VillerB, Wilcos, and Wright of Tennessee.
Bays: Arrington, Baldwin, Bell, Boteler, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli
31. Bruce, Chanibers, Cooke, Davis, De Jarnette, Gardenhire, Garland, Gentry, Goode, Graharii, Hanly, Heiskell, Holcombc, Jones,
Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyons,
&lachen, McLean, McRae, Miles, Moore, Munnerlgn, Perkins, Read,
ltlussell, Staples, Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.
So the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Royston prcwntcd the meniorial of R. G. Gaincs, of Scott
County, Ark., for L: post route from Y ~ r l i spost-office, Scott County,
Ark., by way of Davis Place to Black Fork, in Scott County, Ark.;
which was referred to the Committee on Post-O5ces arid Post-Roads,
without being read.
Mr. 11. W. Bruce presented a letter of J. W. Dairies; which was
referred to the Committee on Military AfYairs, without being read.
Mr. Machcn presented the memorial of B. H. Willis, acting quartermaster; which was referred to tho Committee 011 Military Affairs,
witlioiit being read.
Mr. Crockett offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:


Whereas the President of the United States, in his late message to Congress, recommended to the border slave States of this Confederacy now in the military occupation
of t h e United States, the adoption of a system of gradual emancipation; and
Whereas the so-called Union citizens of said States may attempt to carry into
execution the recommendation of the President; to counteract which
Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary bc instructed to inquire into the
expcclieiicy of prohibiting by law the importation of sla77es for nlerchandise or otherwise into any of the other States of this Confederacy from any States or State that
may adopt a system of gradual emancipation.

ISlr. Chambers presented the letter 2nd accolint of ,John Hixnter, of

Natchez, Miss. ; which mas referred to the Committee on Claims, a i t h out bcing read.
Mr. Clapp presented resolutions as to the prosecution of the war and
other matters; which were read and laid on the table.
Mr. Miles presented a communication fro111 the QuartermasterGeneral; which Tvas refcrred to the Committee on Military Affairs and
ordered to be printed.
Also, a communication from the Chief of Ordnance; which was
referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Miles gave notice that a t the proper time be would move to
amend $,he i-ules of the louse by adding thereto the following, to wit:
That the Committees on Military and Naval Affairs have leave to report to the
House a t any time.



Mr. Atkins gave notice that a t the proper time he would rno
amend the rules of the House by adding thereto the following,
The Speaker of this IIouse shall call the States for bills and resolutions o
of each week and on no other day during t h e remainder of this session of

Mr. Poote off'ered the following resolution; which was read

agreed to, to wit:
Resoked, That the President be requested, if he shall deem i t colnpati
public interest, to direct t h e Secretary of War to send to this House a copy of the
official report of General A. Sidney Johnston to the interrogatories propounded to
him by t h e order of the President, touching the recent military dismter at Fort Donelson; albo a copy of General Gideon J. Yillow's supplementary report i n regard
to the Yort Donelson affair and the attendant documents.

Also, tho following resolution; which was read and agreed to, to wit:
IZesoked, That the President be requested to direct the Secretary of War to respond
to the interrogatories heretofore propounded by this House to his immediate predecessor i n office, tonching t h e recent military disaster a t FoIt Henry and Fort Donelson and the surrender of the city of Kashville into the hands 9f the enemy, if he
shall deem it compatible with the public interest that said interrogatories shall be

Also, the following resolution; which was read and agreed to, to
Resolved, That a select committee be appointed by the. Speaker of this House, to
consist of five members, charged with the duty of inquinng into the alleged abuses
in the Medkal Department of the Army, the defects of t h e system, if such exist, and
failures in the administration of the department.

A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
NT.Sp'rakcr: The Senate 1iaTTe indefinitely postponed a joint resolution of this
House of t h e following title, vie:
Joint resolution for raising a special committee for purposes therein named.
Which I am directed t o return to the Home of Representatives.

A message was received from the President, by the hands of his

Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that the
President had approved and signed
A joint resolution to arxthorlze the suspension of an act to authorize
the President to cause to be constructed certain gunboats, approved
December 24, 1861.
Mr. Currin presented three designs for a flag; which were referred
to the Committee on Flag and Seal.
Mr. Herbert moved to reconsider the ~ o t by
e which
A bill to authorize the Secretary of War to receive into service a
regiment of twelve months' volunteers from Texas,
was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The motion prevailed.
On motion, leave of absence mas granted to Messrs. Preston, Swan,
and Tibbs.
Mr. Staples offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resoloed, That the Committee on Military Affairs inqnire into the expediency of
reporting a bill authorizing t h e appointment of a special commissioner to proceed to
the counties constituting t h e military district late under t h e command of &igadierGenerals Floyd and Wise and hear proof of claims against the Government for provisions, stores, clothing, and other articles furnished the armies of the Confederate

Yur. 31, lb@



Mr. Russell, by iinaninious consent, withdrew his motion to reconsider the vote by which the message of the President in regard to the
rrirollment of persons f o r military service was referred to the Committee on Military AfitLirs.
Mr. Goode presented a inecnorial; which was referred to the Cominittce on Post-Ogces and Post-Roads, without being read.
The Speaker presented the memorial of ,James 1). Hawkins, for
services as collector of mar tax; which was referred to the Committee
on Claims, without being read.
Nr. Lyons presented the memorial of Women of the South; which
was referred to thc Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Lyons ofYcrcd the following resolution, to wit:
i l r u o l ~ w l ,That the Senate be reque d to return to the House the resolution passed
o n Friday la4, fixing the seventh day of April next for the adjournment of Congress.

On motion of Mr. Royston, the resolution was laid on the table.

And on motion of Mr. Garnett, the House resolved itself into secret
session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself iuto
open session.
And on motion of Mr. Holt,
Adjourned until 11 oclock a. m. tomorrow.

The House being i n secret session,

Mr. Holt moved that the House resolve itself into open session.
The motion did not prevail.
A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
the Secretary of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
Jlr. , S j l m X el,: The Senate have passed the bill from the House of Representatives
(I. It. -) making appropriations for the support of the Government from April 1
to the 30th of Xovember, 1362, arid for objects hereinafter expressed.

On inotjon, t h e House went into Committee of the Whole, Mr.

illcKae in the chair, or1
A bill to pi*ereiit the exportation of either cotton or tobacco the
growth of the present year, except in certain cases;
and having spent some tinie therein, rose, and Mr. McRae, their Chairman, reported that the committee had, according to order, said bill
under consideration, and had come to no conclusion.
Mr. Lyons presented the niemorial of Messrs. Cropper & Baker,
praying the remission of duties on certain railroad iron.
Mr. Conrad nioved to refer the same to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. Garnett moved to refer to a select Committee of three.
The motion was lost.
And thc question recurring on the motion of Mr. Conrad, the same
was agreed to.
L On motion of Mr. Miles,
The House resolved itself into open session.





The Rouse met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Itev. Dr. Moore.
The Chair announced as the conirnittee under the resolution offered
on yesterday by Mr. Foote, the following:
Messrs. Ralls of Alabama, Menees of Tennessee, Sexton of Texas,
McLean of Korth Carolina, and Johnston of Virginia.
Mr. Jones moved that the call of the States bc suspended and that
tho House proceed to thc call of the conirnittees; which mas agreed to.
The Chair laid before the House a communication from the Secretary of War, inclosing copies of the official reports of the battle of
Bcthel; which was mad, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
On motion of Mr. Burnett, leave of absence was granted to Mr.
The House then took u p for consideration a report from t h e Committee on Iiules; which is as follows, to wit:
Resolved, That there be added to the standing committees of t h e House a committee
on war and ordnance, to consist of nine members, to be appointed by the Speaker.

On motion of Mr.Perkins, the same was laid on the table.

Mr. Moore moved to rccorisider the vote by which t h e rtsolution
offered yesterday by Mr. Foote, requesting the President to have
certain interrogatories pi*oponnded to a former Secretary of War
answercd by the pi-esent,Sccrrtary.
Mr. Eoote demanded the question; which being ordered, the motion
was lost.

Mi*. Smith of Iorth Carolina, from t h o Committee on Rules and

Oficers of the House, to whoiii was referred
A resolution inquiring as t o the cxpdienry of adopting a rule that
no bill shoukl be put on its passage until printed and distributed, unless
by a two-thirds vote,
reported a resolution, with the recommendation that it pass; which is
as follows, to wit:
No bill or joint resolution shall be put on its passage except b y a voteof tn-o-thirds
of the iiieiiibers present, until the same has been printed and distributed;

which was read and laid over under the rules.

Mr. Holt, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
ref erred
A resolution in relation to the production and purchase of cotton,
reported il bill to provide additional means for the prosecution of the
war by the purchase of cotton; which was read the first and second
times and placed upon the Calendar t ~ n dordered to be printed.
Mr. Garnett, from the same committee, to whom was referred sundry
bills in relation to the tari2, reported the same back, asked to be discharged from the further conhiderstion of the same, and that the bills:
lie upon the tablc: which was agreed to.
Mr. Garnett, from the same committee, also reported
A bill to admit imports duty iree, except such as may be imported
from the United Ststes of America;
which was road the first and second times.
The rules were suspended, and the bill was taken up.

Apr. 1, 1862 ]



Mr. Garnett deinanded the Jrevious question, which mas upon

ordering the bill to I)c cngrossei! for a third rending.
JIr. Llrons dciriaridcd that the vote br taken by yeas aIld nay;; which

. \\ :lhsecorldd.

Pending wtiiuli,
Mr. Chainbcrs, from the Coriiiiiittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled
The act t o authorize thc President to increase liis personal staff;
Also, the act to enable the States assuming the payment of their
(,notas of the war tax to pay the same into the Treasury; and
S. 3. An act t o provide for the organization of the Arkansas and Ked
ltivcr SilperintendencF of Indian Affairs, to regulate trade and intercourbe with the Jndians therein, and to preserve peace on the frontiers;
And the Speaker signed the same.
hiid the yeas a i d nays are recorded,
Yeas __ ._ __
_ __
_ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 [41]
Arid are RS follows, to wit: Nays
_ __ ____
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31
Yeas: Arriiigtoii, Atkins, Batson, Bell, Botelcr, Boyce, Burnett,
Chambers, Clapp, Clark, Conrow, Currin, Daqpri, I>awkins, Fostcr,
Garland, Gnrnett, Gartrell, G raharu. Harris, Ilerbert, Holt, Jones,
Lttnder, ilIcI)owell, lIcLraii, Illcliae, Meiices, Miles, Munnerlyn,
Perkins, Puy$, Koyston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, StriclrIanci, Vest, VillerB, Wright of Tennessee, and 1\11.. Speaker.
Nayb: Asbe, 13aldwi11,lforatio W. Bruce, Eli 1\11. Bruce, Chambliss,
Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Crockett, Curry, Davis, De Jarnette, Duprt.:,
I h i n g , Farrow, Foote, Gaither, Gray, I-lanly, Heiskell, Hiiton, Hol(boxiihc, Jenkitrq, ,Johnston, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis,
Lyori, IJyons, Akwshall, Moore, Balls, Russell, Sinith of North Carolina, Sinith of Virginia, Staples, and Trippe.
So the previous question w a b not ordered.
Rh.. I<cnner inovcd that the consideration of the bill be postponed.
lhc niotion ma.: agreed to.
A inchsagc was received from the Yresident, at the hands of his Pri\ :ite Sccretaq , Xr. Ilttrrison; which is as follows, to wit:

To the lionorctI,lr the ,vimXer qf the ~GU.E qf Ilepresentcit~es.

SIX.I herewith transmit to the House of Itepresentatives a communication from
the Serretary of the Treasury, covering additional estimates for clerks to be einployed
in the oflict~sof the Treariirer, assistant treasurers, and depositaries of the Confederate Stater, and 1recommentlthat the appropriation be made of the sums and for
the purposes specified.

which was read and, with its accompanying documents, was referred
to the Committee on Ways and Meana.
A message was also received from the President, by his Private
Secretary, illy. HarrisoiI, as follows:
To the Iionowble file Sjvuker of the Hoitsc of Representntioes.
SIR: I lieren i t h transmit to the IIouse>f llepresentatives a communication from
the Secretary of IVar in referenceiito s resolutlorl of the House requesting the
President to furnish to the IIouse a copy of t h e report of Gen. 1. A. Wise touching
the fail o i Roanoke Island, which was inatle by him to the Secretary of War under
date of thc. 21st of February, 1862, if not inconsistent with the public interest.

rlloyed that the rtieshage, with its accompanying docu&Ir.

ments, be referred t o the Conmiittee oil Military Affairs.



M r . Miles moved to amend the motion by striking out the


Affairs and inserting t h e words spetial commit

Roanoke disaster, and called the question thereon; whic
The amendment was thcn agreed to, and the motion as amen
Mr. Footc moved to rcconsider the vote by which the moti
agreed to.
The motion was lost.
On motion of Mr. Smith of North Carolina, the House p
to the consideration of the reporb of the Committee on Ele
the memorial of J. P. ,Johnson, 0;f Arkansas.
Mr. Drrpr6 moved to dispense with the reading of the same.
Mr. Miles moved a call of the House.
Xr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays thereon;
Which being seconded,
Yeas - _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ 34
Were recorded as follows: Nays. . _ _
_ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37 [39]
Yeas: Arrington, Ayer, Baldwin, Harksdale, Batson, Bell, Chilton,
Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett,, Currin, Davis, Dawkins, DuprB,
Ewing, Foster, Garnett, Harris, Hartridge, Holcombe, Kenner,
Marshall, McDowell, McRae, Menees, Miles, Moore, Balls, Bead,
Royston, Smith of Alabama, Wilcox, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Ashe, Atkins, Boteler, Boyce, Horatio VG. Bruce, Eli M.
Bruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Clark, Dargan, De Jarnette, Gaither,
Gardenhire, Qartrcll, Gentry, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Heiskell, Herbert,
IIilton, Jenkins, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North
Carolina, Lewis, Lyon,. Lyons, Rlachen, Russell, Smith of North
Udrolina, Smith of Virginia, Strickland, Trippe, Vest, VillerB, Welsh,
and Wright of Tennessee.
So thc motion was lost.
A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of their
Secretary, Mr. Nash; which reads as follows, to wit:


N r . Spenlcer: Thc Senate have pa+sed, without amendment, bills of this House of
the follnning titles, vie:
H . R. -. A bill to be entitled An act to aniend an act approved May tenth,
eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled An act to anicnd a n act to provide for the
public defense, approved Klarch sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one; and
H . It. -. A bill to be entitled $<Anact to fix t h e compensation of the Prcsidcnt of
the Confederate States.
The Senate have also passed bills and a joint resolution of the follon ing titles, viz:
S. 11. A bill to be entitled An act tn amend a n act entitled An act to provide for
the organization of the Kavy, approved March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and
S.1. A bill to recognize the organization of certain military rnmpanies;
8. i8. A bill declaring the officer who shall act as President in (aye of vacancies in
the ofices of President and Vice-President;
8.31. A bill to be entitled An act to anthorize the employment of clerks a t the
offices of the Treasurer and assistant treasurers; and
8. 6. A joint resolntion directing how prize money shall be paid in certain cases.
I n all n hich I am directed to ask the concurre~iceof this House.

On motion of Mr. Herbert, leave of absence was granted to Nr.

Wright of Texas, on account of sickncss.
The further reading of the report of the Committee on Elections was
then dispensed with.

Apr. 2, 1862.1



Mr. Crockett moved to amend the report of the committee by substituting therefor the following, to wit:
( I ) i?esolcPd, rhat the IIonorahle A. H. Garland is not entitled ta a seat in this.
IIoiise as the iiiemlter froin the Third district in the State af Arkansw.
( 2 ) liesol/ed, That the IIoxiorable J. I?, Johnson is entitled ta a seat as a membp
of this House from the Third district i n the State of Arkanern,

MY. Kenail of Georgia moved to amend the amendtilent of Mr.

Crockett by substituting therefor the followirig:
l:~noZ~ed,That the Honorable dLH. Garland is entitled to retain his seat rn a
nieiiitxr of this IIousc. from the Third district in the State of Arkansm.

Ictidirig wliich,
11 11i(~ssage
w x s received from the President, by his Private Secretai*J-,111..
I Inrrison.
A h . IIolt, hy thc consent of the House, from the committee of confcrcnce to whoin was rcferred
\i joint resolution relating to the manner of payin members of the
Irovisioritd Congress the arrearages of their ptly ancfmileage,
reported as follows:
That they hare met, and, after full and free conference, they have agreed to recomdo recede from their disagreement to the Senate

he report be agreed to,

Mr. Curry called for thc question; which being seconded, the r
\vab agreed to.
h i d on motion,
The IIouse adjourned until 1107c10clctomorrow.


APRIL2, 1862.


The IIouse met pursnant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the 12ev. Dr. Moore.
The Chair laid before the House the following communication from
the Speaker of the house of delegates of th e State of Virginia:
S. Rococic,
Spealrei of ilre IIozcse o j Representatives.
SIR: In accordance with a resolution of the houtle of delegates, I respectfnlly
tender for the use of the House of Repiesentatives during the recess of the general
assernhly, the hall of the lion+e of delegates.
A s soon as the hall is vacated, i t will be transferred to the proper officers of the
House of Representatives.
I a m , with niucji respect and consideration, yoor obedient ecrvant,
Speaher of frouse of Delegaies.

Mr. Curry moved that the House t a l a a recess of five minutes, a t

the cxpiratioii of which time it reasscmblc in the hall of the house of
d elcga.t es .
Mr. Perkins moved to amend the motion by substituting therefor
the following, to wit:
That ~1hen t h e House adjourn to-day, it adjourn to meet in the hall of t h e house
of delegates tomorrow a t eleven oclock.



The amendment was lost, and the rnotion of Mr. Curry was agre
The House then took a recess of five minutes, and reassembl
the hall of the house of delegates, when Mr. Davis moved t h
I-iouse return to the hall just vacated.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Davis moved that the members proceed to draw for seat
Mr. Holt moved to amend by substituting in lieu thereof the
ing words that the States be called and the members from eac
select seats together.
MY. Curry moved that the motion and amendment be laid on
table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Herbert moved to suspend the rules requiring the States and
committees to be called, and that the House proceed to the consideration of a bill to authorize thc Secretary of W a r to receive a regiment
of volunteers for the protection of the frontier of Texas.
The motion was lost.
Mr. ,Jones moved to dispense with the call of the States, and that
the House proceed to the call of the committees; which was agreed to.
On motion, the House took up for consideration
A bill reported from the Committee on Ways and Means entitled
An act to admit imports duty free, except such as may be imported
from the United States of America.
The bill having been read as follows, viz:
The Congress of flie Coi?federate States of Amemen do enact, That all l a m and parts of
l a d by which duties are levied and collected on foreign goods, wares, or inerchandise imported from foreign countries are hereby repealed.
SEC.2 . This act shall take effect froni and after its paspage, but the provisions of
this act shall not apply to goods, wares, or merchandise heretofore imported or now
in bond.

Mr. Clopton moved to amend the first section by striking out all
after the enacting clause in the same and inserting in lieu thereof the
following :
That all laws b y which duties are imposed and collected upon any goods, wares, or
merchandise imported into the Confederate States from any foreign State are 811spended during the continuance of the present mar, except as to goods, wares, or
merchandise which may be imported from the United States.

Mr. Russell moved the following as an amendment to the aniendment, to wit:

That no duties shall be collected upon any goods, wares, or merchandise imported
into any part or place of the Confederate States which shall be, at the time, blockaded or declared by the enemy to be blockaded, during the present war, unless the
same be imported from the United States.

Mr. Garnett demanded the previous question.

The demand was not sustained.
Mr. Jones demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment to the amendment was lost.
The question being on agreeing to the amendment offered by Rlr.
Mr. Jones called for the question; which being ordered, the amendment did not prevail.
Mr. Jones called the question, which was upon engrossing and
reading the bill a third time.
The demand was seconded, and the bill was engrossed and read a
third time.


2, 18G2.1



The question being on tlie passage of the bill, Xlr. Jones demanded
the question thereon; which being ordered, Mr. De Jsrnette demanded
that tlw vote he tnBcn b y yeas and nays.
The demand was sustained.
Pending which,
A messiige was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
is as follows, to wit:
naCe have passed, with amendments, a bill of this House of
A bill t o provide further ineaiis for the support of the Government;
In which ainendinents T am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion of Mr. Kenner, the House took up for consideration a

bill, reported biick froin the Senate with an smendment, to provide
further means for the support of the Government; and
On motion of air. Kcnner, the same was referred to the Committee
on Ways arid Means.
The vote was then recorded as follows, on the passage of the bill
to Rdmit imports duty free, except such as niay he imported from the
United States of Anierica:
. __ _
_ . -_
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 67
It was deciclcd in the affirmative,
... - . - . _ _ _ _ . 16
_ _ _
Yeas: Arrington, Aslie, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Botcler. Royce, Bridgers, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Chambliss,
Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Coobe, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, DnprB, Eoote, Foster, Gardelihire, Garlmd, Garnett, Gartrell,
Goode, Graliam, Gray, IIanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Hilton, Holcombe,
Holt, rl,ohnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,
Kennrr, Lander, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, MeRae, Menees, Miles,
Perkins, Yugb, Ralls, Bead, Royston, Sexton, Smith of Alabama,
Strickland, Trippe, Vest, Villerh, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas,
mright o f Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: lioratio R. Bruce, Conrad, Conrow, Crocltett, Davis, De Jarnette, Ewing, Gentry, Harris, Heiskell, Lyons, McUowell, Moore,
Itussell, Smith of North Carolina, and Smith of Virginia.
So the bill was passed.
Mr. Benner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
A bill from the Senate relative to the estimates of the several heads
of departments,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The hill was taken up, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. ICenner, from same committee, reported
A bill to remit the duty on railroad iron sufficient to complete the
Alttbarna and Mississippi Rivers Railroad;
which was rcad the first and second times.
lhc bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mi. Jones moved that the Speaker be authorized to appoint ternporarily an additional member on the Corninittee on Enrolled Bills;
which was agreed to; and the Speaker appointed Mr. Goode, of Virginia.
Mr. Kenner, from Committee on VlTays and Jfeans, reported
A bill to authorize the eiriployinent of clerks at thc offices of the
Treasurer and assistant treasurers;
which mas read the first and second times.

{ :$



The bill was taken up, and haviag been read as follows, to
Whereas the issue and deposit of Treasury notes at the officesconnected
Treasury involve an increase of labor and responsibility:
The &>(lress of the Cowfederote Antes of America do enact, That the
liereby authorized to employ such additional tellers and bookkeepers as
at the offices of tlieTremurer and assistant trenwrers for the addltmnal du
in the receipt and disbursement of Treawry notes; provided, the conlpenmtio
allowed shall not exceed the rates of fifteen hundred dollars per annum for eac
clerk, and provided also that the number of clerks to be employed Shall

Mr. Foster moved to amend by adding thereto the following words,

to wit:
Proiidpcl, That no persons shall be appointed under this bill who may be subje
military duty.

Mr. Moorc demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment W R S lost.
Mr, Ralls moved to amend the bill by striking out the words fifteen hundred dollars and inserting in lieu thereof the words twelve
hundred dollars.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Ileisliell moved to amend by adding the following words, to wit:
Prozided, That no person shall be appointed in either of said offices who is under

the age of forty years and capable of active service in the A m y .

Mr. Lyons moved that the words forty years be stricken out of
the amendment.
The motion was lost, and the amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Menccs moved to amend by striking out the words fifteen
hundred dollars and inserting in lieu thereof the words twetve hundred dollars, arid called for the yeas and nays thereon.
The cslll was sustained,
- - - - - . 43 [44]
And thc vote was recordcd as follows, to wit: YeasNays_ _ _ --29 ,311
P e a s : Ashe, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgers, Rurnett, Chambliss, Clark, Conrad, Davis, Damkins, De Janette, Eming,
Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gwdenhire, Gartrell, Goode, Gray, Hanly,
Heiskell. Hilton, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Marshall, Menees,
Moore, Perkins, Ralls, Royston, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith
of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Strickland, Trippe,
Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Arrington, Barltsdale, Bell, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce,
Chilton, Clo ton, Conrow, Cooke, Curry, Dnrgan, Dupr6, Garland,
Hartridge, kcrbert , iiolcombe, Hol t, .Johnston, Jones, Kenan of
Georgia. Kenncr, Lewis, Lyon, Lyons, Machen, McDowell, Miles,
Pugh, Read, Vcst, and VillerB.
So the anicridnient was agreed to.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:

A%. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 35. A bill to be entitled An act to increase the number of depositories of
public funds;
In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as

correctly enrolled
A bill making appropriations for the support of the Government

Apr. 2, 1862.1



from April 1 to the 30th of November, 1862, and for objects hereinafter expressed;
a resolution relating to the iua111ier of paying members of the
Provisional C o n g ~ e s tsh e ai~earagesof their pay and mileage;
A bill amending an act approved May 10, 1861, entitled An act to
~riirridan act to provide for the public defense, approved March 6,
1861; and
A bill fixing thc compensation of the President of t;he Confederate
The Spc:iI~crsigned the same.
The I)il! LiIiclcr wnsidcmtion was then engrossed, read a third time,
and p:Lsscd.
N r . Rlcnecs irioved to amend the title by striking o u t the original
and inserting i n lieu t h e r e d the following, to wit:
A 1,111 to authorize
i n the offices of the T

Secretary of the Treasury to increase the salaries of clerks

urcr aild assistant treasurers.

A h . Jloore called the question; which being ordered, the amendment was lost.
On motion of Jfr. I<cnneJ, a Scnalc bill to increase the number of
depositories of public funds mas takcn up, read first and second times,
and referred to t h e Coinrriittte on Ways and Means.
The Hoiisc t h e n proceeded to the consideration of
A bill to authorize the Secretary of War to receive into the service
of the Confederate States a regiment of volunteers for the protection .
of the frontier of Texas.
And the hill having been read as follows, to wit:

The Conywss qf the (bnfdercite States ofif7rrerica do enact, That the Secretary of War
is lwrehy authorizetl to receive into the service of the Confederate States a ~egiinent
that are no\{ in service iii the State of Texas, for the protection of the
id State againbt Indian depredations; said I eginient shall constitute a
part of the Army of the Confederate States, arid be subject to the laws governing
tlie Fanrr,

Mr. Gray moved to amend by striking out all after the cnaeting
clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
That t h r Secretary of War he authorized to receive into the service of the Confedcrate State8 of Bnierica a regirnent ot volunteeis raised by the State of Texas for the
protec%ioriof the frontier of salt1 State againrit Indian depredations, upon such terms
a? nray be agreed on betwcen the President and the gorcrnor of Texas. And said
regiment, when so received, shall constitute a part of the Yrovisiurial Briny of the
Confederate States.

nlr. Dayis moved to amend the amendment of Mr. Gray by substituting therefor.the following, to wit:
That the President is hereby authorized and empowered to receive into the service
of the Confederate States, so far as to pay and support, a regiment of volunteers
rtiiced by a law of the State of Texas, for the defense of the frontier of said State.

The said regiment to be controlled and managed by the provisions of said law.

Mr. Welsh called the question; which was sccondcd, and the amendment to the amendment mas lost.
Mr. Moore moved to rcfer the bill and amendments to a special
committee t o be composed of the members of the Texas delegation.
The motion wns lost.
Mr. Curry called the previous qnestion; which was sustained, and
the amendmciit of Mr. Gray was lost.
And the bill was engrossed, read a third time, and passed,



Mr. Ashe moved to reconsider the vote on the passage of

9 bill authorizing the employment of additional clerks in the o
of the Treasurer and assistant treasurers.
The motion to reconsider did not prevail.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which was rea
and laid on the table, and is as follows:
April 1, 1862.
To the honorable thk Spedei. of tlie IToouse of Representatives.
SIR:I herewith traminit to the House of Representatives a communication from
t h e Secretary of the Navy, convqing information sought by a rmolution of the
House, requesting t h e President to coinmunicate to the House what additional sums
of money, if any, are in his judgment necessary to t h e Departmcnts of War and
xavy, i n order to secure a successful prosecution of the war and effectivedefense of
t h e Confederate Statcs during the time for which Congress at its present session
should make provision.

The Chair presented a message from the Yresident; which is as follows, to wit:

April 1, 2862.
To the honorable tlie Speaker of the IIouse of Representatices.
SIR:I herewith transmit to the House of Representatives a communication from
the Secretary of War, affording as far as practicable the information sought by the
resolutions of inquiry adopted by the House of Representatives in regard to the
disasters at Forts Henry and Donelson, etc., and replying to the additional resolution of the House of Representatives adopted March 31, 1862, calling for t h e official
response of Gen. A. S. Johnston to t h e interrogatories propounded to him i n regard
to those subjects; and also for a copy of the supplementary report of General Pillow
in regard to the affair a t Fort Donelson.

On motion, the message and documents were referred to the Committee on the Fort Donelson disaster.
The Chair also presented a corrimunicsttion from the Secretary of
the Navy in answer to a resolution of the House, in relation to the
plan and construction of the Virginia; which mas laid on the table and
ordered to be printed.
Mr. Heiskcll, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported and
recommended the passage of
A bill to le alize the acts of the district attorney, marshal, and
deputy marshays of Tennessee;
which was read first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
The House adjourned until 11 oclock a. m. to-morrow.

APRIL 3, 1862.


The I-Iousc met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Hoge.
Mr. Perkins, by the consent of the House, offered
A resolution that the Conimittee on the Judiciary be instructed to
inquire what legidation is necessary to insure the punishment of crimes
committed in the Army, and not provided for under the military code,
and which hare occurred in localities surrendered to the enemy;
which was agreed to.

Apl. A, 1862 ]


Jlr. Gartrcll, by the consent of the House, offered

.I Iciolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed
to inquii-e into the cxpedicncy of providing for the payment of all
dq)iity niars11:tls i n the Confederate States for taking the census for
tlie year 1860, and report, by bill o r otherwise;
which was agreed to.
On niotiori of Mr. Jones, the call of the States was suspended, and
thc House proceeded to the call of the committees.
Rlr. I h ~ n e r from
the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom
was referred tlic anicndments of the Senate to
h bill to providc further means for the support of the Government,
rcporled the same back, with the recommendation that the House
concur therein.
lipon which,
On inotiori of Mr. Lyons, the House resolved itself into secret
Gession; a n d having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
opcii session;
On motion of MY. Smith o f North Carolina, the House proceeded
to the considerntion of the report from t>heCommittee on Elections.
A nicisagc was recciwd from the Scnatc, by their Secretary, Mr.
Kasli; which is :IS follows, to wit:
Xv S j j c t r l e ~ .The Senate hare passed, mithout aniendment, bills of this House of
tlie follo\\ing titlw, vie:
A 1 4 1 to kpalize the acts of the district attorney, marshals, and deputy marshals
of lcmiessee; and
A bill to he eiititlctl An act to remit the duty on railroad iron sufficient to coinplctc thr: Alalmiia and M i s h i p p i Rivers Railroad.

A Jll(shiLgC! was received from the President, by his Private Secretary, M u . ilttrrison, informing the House that the President on yesterday approved and signed an act entitled An act to enable the States
amxniing the pnynicnt of their quotas of the war tax to pay the same
into the Ti.easury.
The President also, on yesterday, approved and signed an act ei:tit,led
An act to authorize the President to increase his personal staff.
Jlr. Footc, by the coneent of the House, offered the following resolution; m!iich mas read and agreed to, to wit:
IZesolaed, That Jlr. Johnson, the contestant, be allowed to speak arid be hear4 by
this House in \ iiidtcstion of his clsiin, and that Mr. Garland, the present occupant,
be alloited to $peak i n reply and close the debate.

A message WHS received from the President, at the hands of his

P r i b ate Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that the Yresident has to-day approirrd arid signed an act entitled An act to fix the
compensation of the President of the Confedernte States.
Also, a hill entitled Joint resolution relating to the manner of
paying rriciribers of thc Provisiorial Congress the arrearages of their
yay and niileage.
fIe has also, to-day, approved and signed an act entitled An act
makillg appropriations for thc support of the Government from April
to the thirtieth of Noveinhr, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and
for objects hereinafter expressed.
IIe has also, to-day, approved ntid signed an act entitled An act to
amend an act approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,
entitled An act to amend an act to provide for the public defense,
approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
f i i b s t



Mr. Gardenhire moved that the Senate be requested to re

the House
A bill to provide further means for the support of the
Mr. Boteler, by the consent of the House, introduced
A bill to provide for the payment of officers of the Virgini
for service rendered;
which was read the first and second times and referred to th
mittee on Military Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
The House then adjourned until 11oclock a. m. to-morroR

The House being in secret session,

Yroceeded to the consideration of the amendments of the Senate to
A bill of the House to provide further means for the suppor
And the first amendment being under consideration, wh
strike out after the word dollars, in the first section of the bill, the
to be apportioned in their respective amounts as t h e Secretary of the Treasury may
deem most advantageous to the public interest,

and insert in lieu thereof the words

of \\liich fifty millions shall be i n Treasury notes, to,be issued without reserve; ten
millions in Treasury notes to be ivsued as a reserve fund, and to be issued to pay m y
sudden or unexpected call for deposics, arid orie hundred and fifty millions certificates of stock or bonds,

Mr. Garnett moved to amend the amendment by striking out therefrom the words one hundred and fifty-five and inserting in lieu
thereof the words one hundred and sixty-five.
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Garnett moved further to amend by adding to the amendment
of the Senate the following, to wit:
Provided, howevm, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall meet the requisi
from the War and Navy Departments i n Treasury notes.

The amendment was lost, and the amendment of the Senata as

aniendcd was concurred in.
And the second amendment of the Senate being under consideration,
which is to insert after the word exchange, in the first section, the
words or Treasury notes,
The same was concurred in.
And the third amendment being under considemtion, which was to
insert in section second, after the word dollars, the words
which fifty millions shall constitute 3. part of the one hundred and fifty-five millions
of stock and bonds above authorized,

On motion of Mr. Garnett, the same was amended by striking oiit

one hundred and fifty-five and inserting in lieu thereof one hundred and sixty-five.
And thc amendment as amended was concurred in.
And on motion of Mr. Smith of North Carolina,
The House resolved itself into open session.



A p r 4, 1862.1


APRIL4, 1862.


The Rouse met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Bev. Mr. Brown.
On motion, leave of ahsence was granted to Mr. Holcombe.
Nlr. Ihldrvin presented the memorial of Williani Henry Effin er for
pay as adjutant; which way referred to the Committee on (?him,
without being read.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
business of yesterday, which was the consideration of the report of
the Coinmittee on Elections.
Mr. Miles, by the unanimous consent of the House, moved that the
House take up for consideration a resolution offcred by him, to allow
the Committees on Military and Naval Affairs to report at any time.
The motion prevailed, and the resolution was adopted.
A message was received from thc Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is ns follows, to wit:
Mr. 6jieah.m: The Senate have agrc>ectto the amendment of the House to certain
amendments of the Senate to the bill of tlie House (1. R. -) entitled A bill to
provide further means for the support of tlie Gorernment.

Mr Gardenhire called for the question on the amendments to the

report of the Committee on Elections.
Mr. Johnson, the contcstant, requested that the argument of his
counsel, Thoinas 13. Monroe, be placed upon the files of the House; to
which Mr. Garland objected.
The request was grantcd.
Mr. Gardenhire vithdrew the call for the question and moved that
t h e amendments to the re ort of the coinniittee be laid on the table.
Mr. Ewing moved a cal of the House.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Crockett demanded the ycas and nays;
Which being seconded,
_ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 44
Yeas _ _ ._
Were recorded as follows, to wit:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -- - 43
-_-.Yeas: Ashe, Batson, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgers, Charnbliss, Clapp,
Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, Duprd, Farrow,
Gardenhire, Goode, Hanly, EIarris, Hartridge, Hilton, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis,
Lyon, Lyons, Mxrshall, McRae, McQueen, Perkins, Royston, Russell,
Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, Vest, VillerB,
Welsh, Wilcox, and Mi-. Speaker.
Nays: Arrington, Atkins, Baldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Horatio W.
Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Cooke, Crockett, Currin,
Davis, De Jarnette, Elliott, Ewing, Foster, Garnett, Gartrell, Gentry,
Graham, Gray, Heiskell, Herbert, Jenkins, Jones, Lander, Macben,
McDowell, McLean, Menees, Miles, Moore, Pugh, Ralls, Read, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Wright of Texas,
and Wright of Tennessee.
So the motion prevniled.
Mr. Lyons moved to amend tbe report of the Committee on Elec-





tioris by striking out the Kame and inserting i n lieu thereof the fol

ing, viz:
Il'rsolcrd, That t i e report of the committee be recommitted to th
instructions to require the contestant to produce before i t anthentlca
poll books of Arkansas, and if practicable the ballots, with!n ten day
mencement of the next session of this House, and also to give leave
the contest to produce before it a t the same time any testimony a h i
may take npon reasonable notice to his opponent, and then to rep
whether the sitting member or the contestant is entitled to his seat

On motion oE Mr. Curry, the previous question ma

the amendment was lost.
Thc qwstion then being on agreeing to the report of the committee,
Mr. Crockctt callcd for the yeas and naps;
Yeas-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
Which arc rccorded as follows: Nays - - - - - - 36 [371
Yens: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ajer, Baldwin, Bell, Boteler, Royce,
Bridgers, Cham bliss, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Dargan,
Davis, Dawkins, De Jnmette, Farrow, Foster, Garnett, (foode, Gray,
Hnnly, Harris, Hartridge, Hilton, Johnston, Kenan of North Carolina,
Lewiu, Lyon, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, &Queen, Yerkins, Pugh,
Etuusell, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, Vest,
Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, \T7right of Tennessee, and
Nays: Barksdde, lhtson, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce,
nett, ChainIm-s, Coolte, Crockctt, Currin, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing, Gardenhire, Gartrcll, Gentry, Graham, Heiskell, Herbert, Holt, Jenkins,
Kenan of Georgia, Kenner, Lander, Machen, McLean, McRae,
Mcnees, Miles, Moore, Rdls, Read, Itogston, Singleton, Smith of Alaburna, Smith of Virginia, Staples, and Villerb.
So the report was agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill to remit the duty on railroad iron sufficient to complete the
Alnbaluia and lliLississiypi Rivers Railroad ;
A bill to lcgalizc the acts of the district attorney, marshal, and deputy marshals of Tennessee; and
A bill to provide f o r keeping all firearms in the armies of the Confederate States in the hands of effective men;
And the Speaker signed the same.
On motion of Mr. Ealls,
The House then adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow.




The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by t h e Rev. Dr. Iloge.
On motion of Mr. Cbilton, the House took tip for consideration a
bill to regulate the compensation of deputy postmasters.
And the bill having been read as follows, to wit:
The Cbngress of tlie CbigeSemte States of America do enncf, That from and after the
first day of July next, the deputy postmasters of the Confederate h t e s be dlowed the
following commissions, and none other, for their compensation, respectively, viz: On
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, fifty per cent, except such deputy post-

Apr. 5 , 1862.1


masters as receive the inail regularly a t their offices between the hours of nine o'clock
at iiight and five o'clock in the nic;rninp, who shall be entitled to sixty per cent on
t h e amount received as 1)ostage under one hundred dollars. On all sums over one
huiidred dollars received as postage and not exceeding four hundred dollars, forty
per cent. On all sums so received over four hundred dollars and not exceeding
twcnty-four hundred dollars, thirty per cent, and on all sums over twenty-four hundred dollars, ten per cent. Deputy postmasters a t distributing offices shall receive
right per crnt cornmipsion 011 the amount of postage on letters and packages received
at such distributing ofiices, respectively, for distribution; which said several commissions shall be allowecl qusrtwly and i n due proportion for any period less than a
qiiarter, but these coiiiniissions shall in no case exceed t h e maximum compensation
now allowed by Ian-.

Mr. Jones moved to amend by striking out the word "fifty" and
inserting in lieu thereof the word "sixty."
And, o n a division of the HOUSC,
a quorum not being preseqt,
&ir. Royston demanded a call of the House, and the call bemg sustained, was as follows, to wit:
The following-named members were present, riz (those not inarlred):
The following-named mernbors were ahsent, viz (marked with a "):
"Gait h er,
Garden hire,
.* Hatson,
I3onh am,
*(;en try,
.*Ih.cdiiII ridge,
x I3 1.i dg::crs,
Hanly ,
*Bruce, I Ioratio W.
"T2rncc, Eli M.
V h rj$man,
"I Jodge,
Kenan of Georgia,
Kenan of North Carolina,
"Dam kins,
De Jarnette,



Smith of Alabama,
Smith of North Carolina,
Smith of Virginia,
"\\'right of Georg$,
Wright of Texas,
V7rig11tof Tennessee,
Mr. Davis moved that a11 proceedings under the call be suspended.
Mr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays thereon;
Which being ordered,
Yeas.. - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
Are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7 _ .
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Boteler, Boyce, Horatio %'. Bruce, Burnett.
Chambliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Conrom, Cooke, Curry, Dargan,
Davidson, Da~7is,De Jarnette, DuprB, Ewing, Foote, Gardenhire,
Garland, Garnett, Gartroll, Goode, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Holt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North
Carolina. Kenner, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McLean,
Menees, Moore, I'crkins, Pugh, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of
Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Trippe, VillerB, Wright of Texas,
and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Clark, Foster, McRae, Rally, Smith of Yirginia, Wilcox, and
Mr. Speaker.
So the proceedings under the call were suspended.
The question being upon a rceing to tho amendment, offered by Mr.
Jones to the bill under consi eration,
Mr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays; which were ordered.
Mr. Trippe moved that the House adjourn.
The motion was lost.
And the vote 011 the amendment offered hy Mr. Jones mas recorded
as follows, to wit:
Itmasdecided i n thenegative, Y e a s - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l7
Nays - - ._
- - -.
- -._ _ _ _ - _ _ 43
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Clapp, Cookc, Davis, Ewin Gardenhire, Garnett, Jones, Kenan of Noyth Carolina, McDowel , McLean, Menees,
Ralls, Smith of Alabama, Wright of Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Bell, Boteler, Horatio W. Bruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Curry, Davidbori, De Jarnette,
IIuprB, Poster, Garland, Gartrcll, Goode, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell,
Herhert, Hilton, I-Iolcornbc, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenner, Lyon, Machrn. Marbhall, McRae, Moore, l'erkins, Pugh, Bog&on, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Virginia, Trippe, Villerb, Wilcox, and
Wright of Texas.
80 the amendment w8s lost,


Mr. Foster demanded t h o question, which was upon the engrossment

of the bill.
The question IT:^': ordcrtcl, and the bill WLS engrossed, read a third
time, 2nd p a ' d .
MY. Curry o t t ~ r ( :Id rcsolution that tlie President be requested to
coniniunicate to tlie IIousc what steps have been taken to carry out the
provisions of tlic act f or connecting the ltichmoud and Danville and
the North Carolina railroads, and for the connection of the milroad
from SelIiisL, i n Al:~bain:~,
to Meridian, iii Mississippi;
which was rcad and a g r w d lo.
Mr. Foster prcmitcd a de\ig11 lor ti flag; which was referred t o the
Uotriniittec on the Fhg and Seal.
A h . Clopton offcrcd
A reqolution tllitt the Coniiiiittee o i i the Judiciary be instructed to
inquirq what logislntlion, i f any, is expedictit and neccssary to punish
ally citizcn of or p r w n rcsiding in the Confederate States, who rnay
sell, barter, or exchnnge aiiy cotton, tobacco, or other commodity to
and with alic>n cncniics, and thosc pcrsons giving them aid and comfort; and report by bill 01' otherwise;
which "iLS read und a g r c ~ dto.
Mr. Foster offcrcd a wsolution
(1, if not iiic~ompntible'11ith the public interest, to
went qtatus of Gelled Robert 13. Lee arid what are

nt bc~rcqiicsted, if not iiicornpatihle with the public

it court rtiqnette for tlic. use of menibcrs having
('r ~t hich G c w m l Lee presides.

Mr. ~Moorcniowd that tlw rcsolutions bc hiid tipon the table, and
called tho qtiestiou thereon; which \V;L,S seconded, arid the motion prevailed.
Mr. Foster introtliwctl
cicricp of the Army;
A hill to proinotci th
which was read the fi
tic1 h
~ tiiiies
~ and
d referred to the Committea o n Militmy h f i
Mr. Rails prcscnted the pclition of sundry citizens of Jackson :ntd
Marshall wiiiitit'b, Al:t., for :I 111:iil route; which \Y:LH rofcrred to the
Comiriittce on Yost-Ofiice* and l'o&Hoti&, without being rcad.
Mr. Hartridge presented two memorials from sundry citizens of
TRtnajl and I3nlloc*ltcounties, and of W:iyncd)oro, Ga., in relation to
riiail routes; which wire referred to the (hinmittce o n Post-Offices
mid Post-Roads, without beiiig rmd.
Mr. C1:irlc prc3cnted t h e rrienioritd of sundry citizens of Grcenc
County, Ga., iii relation to cotton; which 'vyas referred t o the Cornriiittec on Comnicrcc, without being m i d .
Also, the niomorinl of J. I. Chritly, of Athens, Ga., in relation to
post routes; which was refcrred to the Coiiiiiiittec on Post-Offices and
Post-Eoada, without being rcacl.
Mr. Gartrell presented the rnemorial of Barnet Phillips for citizenship; -which mas referred to the Coriiiiiittee oil the ,JudicitLry, without
being r e d .
Also, a resolution that the principal ofEcer i n each of the Executive
Departments report to this House o n the first of the next session the
number, names, and place of rcsideuce of all the clerks atid employees
in their respective ilepartii-icntr, and the amount of pay received by
each; which was read and agreed to.

Mr.Kenner offered


A joint revolution to c m s e the journals and proceedings of the

Provisional Congress to be printed;
which was read the first and second times and referred to t
tee on Printing.
Mr. Davis offered
A resolution that the House will after this day meet a t 12 o c
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Clapp offered the memorial of sundry citizens of Laf
County, Miss., in relation t o Snnday mails; which was referred
Cornmittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without being read.
MI. Clapp introduced
A bill for the relief of taxpayers in certain cases;
which was read the first and second times and rcferred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Mr. Ashe presented the petition of John 3lanning in relation to a
reserved navy list; which was referred to the Committee on Naval
Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Miles introduced
A bill to organize a signal corps;
which WLS read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to increase the Corps of Engineers of the Provisional
Army; which was read the first and second times and referred to the
Committee on Nilitary AiTairs.
Also, ii bill to ttuthorize the appointment of officers of artillery in the
Provisional Army; which was read the first and second times and
referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to amend an act to provide for the public defense, and
t o regiilate the appointmcnt of generals; which was read the first and
second times and rcfcrred to the Committee on Military Alfairs.
Mr. Farrow presented the memorial of William 13. Stribling, asking
pay for taking the census; which was referred to the Committee on
Claims, without being read.
MY. Mences presented the memorial andcommunication from sundry
citizens of Suinner County, Tenn., in relation to Confederate money;
which were referred to the Committee on Wags and Means, without
being read.
Mr. Atkins offered
A resolution that no member of this House shall speak more than
once or longer than twentg-five minutes upon the w n e subject without
the consent of the House during the present session,
and moved that the rule requiring it to lie over for two days be suspended.
The motion was lost, and thc resolution laid over under the rule.
Mr. Foote offered
A joint resolution in relation to the extension of the time of the
enlistments of twelve months' volunteers;
On motion of Mr. Holt, the Home resolved itself into secret session; and having spent Yome time therein, again resolved itself into
open session.
Mr. Graham offered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed

Apr. 5,1862.]


to inquire into the expediency of a lam exempting f rom sale, un

act to authorize the issue of Treasury notes, and to provide a
for their redemption, the property, both real and personal, of all t
officers and soldiers of our Army during the tinic they may be
engaged in the service; and that said committee report as early
practicable by bill or otherwise;
which i ~ a read
and agreed to.
Mr. Boteler offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
to inquire into the cxpedienc.v of so amending the act of February
15, 1862, in reference to the pay of deceased soldiers, as to obviate the
dificiilties and delays which claimants under said act are now subjected to;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Botclcr presented R letter from John.Kern, jr., of Richmond,
Va., in reference to pay of deceased soldiers; which was referred to
the Coiiimittee on Military Affairs, without, being read.
Mr. 13oteler introduced joint resolutions of thanlis to Maj. Gen.
Ihonias J. Jackson and the officers and inen under his c ~ ~ n ima nfor
gallant and meritorious sei*vir(>si n the hattlc of Kernstomn; which
vcrc read the first and second times.
1 he ixdes a c r e suspended;
rl'lio resolutions mcrc taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and
MI.. Staples offered
rcsolutiou that the Committee on Claims inquire into the expediency ol reporting a bill making compensation to Sydney S. Bnxter
i'or scrvices rendered the Gorcrninent i n investigating charges againsl
ccit.tiiiii di4oyal citizens imprisoned in the city of Richmond;
whic4i was rcad and a reed to.
Mr. (iarnctt m o v c f that he he excused from serving on the Committee 011 W ay s and Mcans.
'l'he inotion was agreed to.
MY. 14011smoved that the House ttllic up for consideration certain
bills rehtinq to the few of clcrlcs, mnrshals,
Mr. Vcst introdiiced
A ?)ill t o :t111rnd an nct for the rclief of the State of Missouri,
:~pproved,J:~iinary23, 1861;
mhic~hWRS read the first and second times and referred to the Cornniittco on W a y s and Means.
'fhc (>hair laid before the Ilousc :L communication from the Secretary o f the Treasury j n idation to the war tax; which was read and,
with its accoiiipanying documents, referred to the Committee on w a y s
sntl Mcans.
Also, a letter from Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia; which is as follows:
, l


To thr l~ono~nble
t l v &eater of the House of li'rpresenlnli?es.
SIR: T herewith resign m y seat as a member of Congress.
liespcct f ul 1y ,


which was read and laid on the table.

On inotioii of Mr. .Jones, the Spcnkcr wad directed to inform the
governor of Virginia of the resignation of Roger A. Pryor as a member of the IIouse of Representatives.
Mr. Conrad, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was



rcferted a bill from the Senate to encourage enlistments in the

of Marines, reported the same back, with the recommendation
pass with the folloqing amendment, to wit: Strike odt the
wherever occurring, and insert in lieu thereof the
And the bill having been read as follows:
The Congress of the Cbnfedernte Xlntes of America do enuet, That from and after
passage of this act enlistments i n the Marine Corps shall be for t h e term of the existlng war, or for the period of four years, as the recruit may elect a t the time of enlistinent.
Sx.2. Be i t ,fuzther ~ i i a c t i d That
every able-bodied man who may enlist and he
received into the Alarine Corps shall bc entitled t o a bounty of fifty dollars, to be
paiil a t the time of joining t h e coips, and every nonconiniissioned ogcer, musician,
and pxirate now in the Jlarine Corps who inay ham enlisted for three years shall be
entitled to receive the s u m of forty dollars as a n equivalent bounty.
SEC.3. Be it,furtlier e m c t r d , That for t h e purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act, the suin of forty thousand dollars are hereby appropriated out of
any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,

The amendment was agreed to, and the bill as amended was read
the third time and passed.
Mr. Conrad, from same committee, reported
A bill to authorize the establishment of a naval school;
which was read the first and second times and placed upon the Calendar.
Also, a bill to amend an act t o provide for the organization of the
Navy, approved March 16, 1861, and for other urposes; which was
read the first and second times, placed upon the c?alendar, and ordered
to be printed.
Also, a bill to encourage the manufacture of saltpeter and of small
arms; which was read the first and second times, placed upon the Calendar, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Conrad, from same coinniittcc, to which was referred .
A bill to authorize the President t o confer temporary rank and command for service with volunteer troops on officers of the Marine Corps
of the Confederate States,
reported the same back, and moved that the same be placed upon the
The motion was agreed to.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
A bill (S. 25) to be entitled A n act relative t o the pay and allojvances of
In which I am directed t o ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion of Mr. Foote, which was seconded, the House resolved

itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, resolved
itself into open session;
message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is RS follows, to wit:
Mr. Speuker: The Senate have passed t h e following resolution, viz:
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the P r a i d e n t of the Senate

to meet such committee as inay be appointed on the part of t h e House for t h e purpose of framing a joint rule indicating what questions shall be discussed in both
bodies in secret semion.
In which resolution 1 arn directed to ask t h e concurreIice of this House.
The Senate have appointed as said committee on their part Mi-. Yancey, Mr. Orr,
arid Mr. Davis.

Apr. 6 , 10GP.j



On motion of Mr. Curry, the Ilouse took up for consideration th

resolution from the Senate to appoint a joint committee to decide what
questions shall be discussed ia secret session.
Mr. Curry moved that the resolution be adopted, and the Spealcer
be authorized to appoint the conilllittee on the part of the House.
The motion prevailed.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash, as follows, to wit:
116.. 8petrhrr: The Senate have passed, unanimously, a resolution of this House of
the following title, viz:
Itesolntion of thanks to Rlaj. Gen. Thornas J. Jackson and the officers and inen
under his coiiiniand for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Kernstown.
The Senate have agreed to the aincndnicnt of the House to the Senate bill (S. 15)
to encourage enlivtmcnts in t h e Corps of Marines.

On motion of Mr. Gartrell,

The House then adjourned until 12 oclock Monday.

The House being in secret session,

Proceeded to the consideration of joint resolutions offered by Mr.
Footc i n relation to the extension of the time of the enlistments of
twelve months volunteers.
MP. Miles moved t o lay the resolutions on the table.
The niotion prevailed.
A niessage was received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
thc Secretary of that bodx; which is as follows, to wit:
The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
8. 33. A hill to be entitled iin act to authorize the exchange of bonds for artisles
in kind, aiid the shipnient, eafe, or hypothecation of such articles;
I n which 1 air1 directed to ask tlie cmcurrence of this House.

On iiiotion of Xr. Sexton, the House resolved itself into open session; and having spent some tiine therein, agilin resolved itself into
secret session;
The Speaker signed
A bill relative to the cstiniates of tho heads of the several Departmen ts,
reported by Mr. Chambers, from the Coupittee on Enrollnient, as
correctly engros.;ed and enrolled.
Mr. Davis moved that the Housc. do now adjourn.
Lke iiiotion was lout.
And the House went into Coniinittee of the Whole, Mr. McRae in
the chair, on
A bill to prevent the exportatioii of either cotton o r tobacco of the
present crop, in certain cases;
and having epcnt sonic time therein, the committee rose, and Mr.
Mcibe, their Chxirnian, reported that according to order they have
had thc bill under coiisideration and have come to conclusion thereon,
and rcporled the bill back with an amendment, and recommend that
the amcndnient be printed.
On niotion of hlr. (Inrry,
The House resolved itself into open session,




APRIL 7, 1862


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with

by the Rsv. Mr. Cruinley.
Mr. Wilcox, by the consent of the House, introduced the foll
joint resolutions; which were read and unanimously adopted, to
Resolved, That this Congress hare learned with feelings of deep joy and
to the Divine Ruler of Nations the news of t h e recent glorious victory of
in Tennessee.
Besolred, That the death of General Alhert Sidney Johnston, the commander of our
forces, while leading his troops to victory, can not but temper our exultation with a
shade of sadnew at the loss oi' so able, skillful, and gallant an officer.
RPsdwd, That i n respect to the inrinory of General Johnston, the Senate concurring, the Congress adjourn until twelve o'cloclr to-morrow.

Mr. Harlisdale presented a letter fr-om Gen. A. Sidney Johnston to

the President of the Confederate States of America i n relation to the
recent disasters i n Kentucky and Tennessee; which was read and, on
motion, was referred to the special committee appointed to investigate the disaster at Fort Donelson.
Mr. Smith of Virginia offered the following resolution; which was
read and iinanimously agreed to:
Resolved, That this House, from respect to the memory of General A. Sidney
Johnston and the officers and men who have fallen in thc defense of their country
in the hour of a great and glorious victory over our ruthless enemy, do now adjourn.

So the Rouse adjourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow.


APRIL 8, 1862.

The House met pursuant to adjournment, nnd was opened with prayer
by the ltev. Mr. Pettig
0 l'ew.
Mr. Gardenhire, by consent, withdrew his motion to reconsider the
vote by which the House concurred in t h o amcndinents of thc Senate
to a bill to provide further rrieansfor the support of the Government.
Mr. Foster introduced joint resolutions of thanks to our officers and
soldiers; m~hichwere read the first and second times.
MY. Foster moved that the rule be suspended requiring the resolutions to be refcrred, atid dcnianded t h a t the vote be taken by yeas and
The demand being seconded, the vote is recorded as follows, to wit:
- - - - - ...- - - - - . - - _ _ 36
It was decided in the affirmative, Yeas.
Nays . __ .
_ _.. _ .___-_
._ _ 30 [31]
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, I3iltson, Boteler, Horatio V'. Bruce, Clapp,
Clark, Clopton, Curry, Dargan, Dupr6, Foster, Gnither,, Garland,
Gartrell, Hanly, Kartridge, Herbert, Hilton, Holt, Jenkins, Kenan of
Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,, Lyon, McQueen, Bfenees, Moore,
Ralls, Royston, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina,
Strickland, Trippe, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Baldwin, Bell, Burnett, Chamhers, Conrow, Cooke, Davidson, De Jarnctte, Ewing, Farrow, Gardenhire, Heiskcll, Holeombe,
Johnston, Jones, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Lyons, Machen, Marshall,

Apr. 8, 1862.1


McLean, Miles, Perkins, Pugh, Bead, Russell, Vest, Viller6, Wright of

Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Two-thirds not voting in the affirmative,
The rule rras not suspended; and
On motion, the resoliitions were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The Chair announced as the committee on the part of the House,
under the joint resolutions from the Senate to frame a joint rule indicating what questions shall be discussed in both bodies in secret session,
Messrs. Curry of Ahbnma, Russell of Virginia, and Kenner of
Mr. Garland presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Camden,
Ark., in relation to a mail route between Camden and Eunic
was referred to the Committee on Yost-Oftices and Post-Roads,
being rend.
On motion of Mr. Jones, the call of the States was suspended, and
the House proceeded to call the committees.
M r . Chambcrs, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported RS
correctly enrolled
Hesolutions of thanks to Naj. Gcn. Thomas J. Jackson and the oficers and men under his coinniand for gallant and meritorious services
in the battle of Kernstown.
The Speaker signed the same.
Mr. ICenner, froin thc Committee on Ways nnd Means, to whom
was referred
A bill to amend an net for the rclicf of the State of Missouri,
approved ,Janiiary 27, 1862,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that the bill lie on
the table.
The report was agreed to.
A bill to authorize the advance of a certain sum of money to the
State of Missouri.
The hill was read first and second times, and the rules bcing SUHpended, was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
ah.ICenner, from the w n c comniittee, to whom was rcferrod
A bill of the Senate to increase the number of dcpositories of public
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The ruler were suspended;
The bill was t:tken up and rcad :I third time and passed.
Mr. Kcnncr, from the Same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to authorizc the Secretary of the Treasury to suspend the
collection of taxes in certain States,
reported the same back, with thc rccominendation that it pass with an
On motion. the consideration of the bill and amendment was postponed until tomorrow.
The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President, as follows, to wit:
To the SenPnccfe and IIoufie of Rrpresenfntiveso j t h e Ponjcdt-rate States of America:
The great importance of the news just rweivcd from Tennessee induces me to
depart from established usage, and to make to you this communication in advance of
official reports.



Froni telegraphic dispatches received from official sources, am able

to you, with entire confidence, that it has pleased Almighty God to cro
federate arms with a glorious and decisive victory over our invaders.
On t h e morning of the 6th instant the converging columns of our ariny were corn-

bined by its commander i n chief, Gen. A. S. Johnston, in a n assault on the Federal

After a hard fought
battle of ten hours the enemy was d%ven in disorder from his position and pursued
to the Tennessee River, where, under cover of his gunboats, h e was a t the la& accounts
brideavoring to effect his retreat by aid of his transports. The details of this great
battle ate yet too few and incomplete to envble ine to distinguish with merited praise
811 of those .iuho may have i*onspic.uouslyearned t h e right to such distinction; and I
prefer to delay mv own gratification in recommending them to your special notice
rather than incurthe risk of 1% ounding t h e feelings of any by failing to include them
in the list. Wherr such a victory has been won over troops as numerous, as well
disciplined, armed, and appointed, as those which have just been so signally routed,
f e i n a ~ ell conclude that one Common spirit of unflinching bravery and devotion
to our countrys cituse must have animated every breast, from that of the cornnianding genfsral to that of t h c huinblest patriot I! ho served i n the ranks.
There is enough in the continued presence of invader3 o n our soil to chasten our
exultation over thip brilliant success, and to reniincl us of t h e grave duty of continued
exertion until \!e shall extort from a proud and vain-glorious enemy the reluctant
acknowledgment of a i r right to self-government. But an all-wise Creator has been
pleased, while vouchsafing to us his countenance in battle, t o afflict ns with a severe
dispensation to which we must bow in hurrible subniission.
The last lingering hope hasrdisappeared, and it is but too true that Gen. Albert
Sidney Johnston is 110 inore. lhe tale of his death is simply narrated in a dispatch
just received from Col. William Preston in the following vords:
General Johnston fell yesterday at half past 2 oclock, u hile leading a successful
charge, turning the enemys right and gaining a brilliant victory. h niinie ball cut
the artery of his Ieg, but h e rode on till from loss of blood he fell exhausted, and
died Tlithout pain in a few moments. His body has been intrusted to me by General
Beauregard, to be taken to New Orleans, and remain until directions are received
from his family.
My long and close friendship with this departed chieftain and patriot forbid me
to trust myself in giving vent to the feelings which this sad intelligence has evoked.
Without doing injustice to the living, it may be sately asberted that our loss is irreparable, and that among the shining hosts of t h e great and good who now cluster
around the banner ot our country, there exists no purer spirit, no more heroic soul,
than that of the illubtrious inan whose death I join you in lamenting.
I n his death he has illustrated the character for which, through life, he was conspicuous---that of singleness of purpose and devotion to duty. With his whole emergies bent on attaining t h e victory which h e deemed essential to his countrys cause,
he rode on to the accomplishment of his object, forgetful of self, ahile his very
life-blood was fast ebbing away. His last breath cheered hib comrades to victory.
The last sound he heard \z as their shout of triumph. His last thought was his countrys, and long and deeply will his country mourn his loss.
briny, then encamped near Pittsburv on t h e Tennessee River.

The comniunication was laid on the table, and on motion of Mr.

Barksdale, 2,500 copies were ordered to be printed.
MP. Miles, from the Committee on BIilitary Affairs, moved that the
House take u p for consideration, from the Calendar, a bill to provide
for the safe and expeditionr transportation of troops 2nd innnitions of
war and supplies by railroads, and that it bc inado the special order
of business for to-morrow, and from day to day until concluded.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to prohibit the transportation to and sale of certain articles
in any port o r place within the Confederate States in the possession of
the enemy,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the bill lie upon the table.
The report was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, reported

Apr. 8, 1862 1



A bill to prohibit tho transportation to and sale of certain articles in

any port 01' place within the Confederate States in the possession of
the eneiiig;
which was read the first and second times and placed upon the Calendar.
Mr. Miles, from the ,s~11iecommittee, to whom mas referred
A bill to increase the cfficitncy of the Cavalry Corps,
reyoittd the sainc back, asBcd to he discharged from its further consideration, tirid t h a t thc bill lie upon the table; which mas agreed to.
A h . Miles, froin the s ~ n i committee,
to whom mas referred
A rcsolution wlating to allolcing twrlvc, months' volunteers to extend
their term of scr\-iccl u n d e r prcsent organizations ninety days,
rqiorkd i\ bill to anthoi.izc volunteers now in the Confederate service
to estt>iidtlicir tcims of scri-ice, with the recomme7idation that it pass.
The bill was then read the first and second times and placed upon
the CalcII da r .
Mr. iMilts, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to becure the pro1)cr m c of voluntary contributions i n aid of
the war, and to punish pcrsorrs n i i q p l y i n g t h c same,
wported the same l)ack, aslied to be discharged from the same, and
that it lie on the table; xrhidi was agreed to.
311.. Milcs, from the same committee, reported
A joint rcsolutioJi of thanks to thc patriotic women of the country
for voluntary contributions furnished by them to the Army;
which was w a d the tirst and sccond times.
The rules were srispended;
r ,
Iho resolution JVBS talicn up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Milcs, froin tlic saiiie cornmittce, to wlioni was referred
A bill to provide for the payment of officers of the Virginia militia
for hcrviccs rendered,
rcyortcd the same back, with the recomrricndation that it pass.
The rule> were suspended;
The bill was talien up, and having been read as follows, to wit:
T h Conqms qf the CoiLfeetlerntr Stci1e.c of,lnzerim do m a r l , That all ofticws and noncoiiiiiiissioned oficers of t h e T'irginia militia n h o have been ratled into the service
order of any comnixiitling oflicer of the Coilfederate
c w c h csll, or b y thc proclamation of the governor
nisitions duly made on hiin by the President, shall
of the ~uarterniaster-C7eiieral,compensation for the
c*corcijngto the rate of pay and allowances to which
oncd officers of corresponding grades in the Confederate Army are, by law, entitled.
SIX-.2. Before any oficer of niilitia shall be entitled to receive pay under the provisions of the preceding section, he shall present to the proper officer to whom he
may apply for payment a certificate signed by the conimaiidant of the brigade, regiment, or battalion of militia to which he may have been attached, and approved by
the commancinig general of the army corps or de artinent with which such brigade,
regiment, or battalion >\as serving, which certizmte shall state the precise period
dunnp which surh oiliccr a a s actually i n service and perfornied duty accordlng to
his rank, not iiiclntling in such period whatever times such officer was absent from
duty with liib coniiiianti, unless atsent on sick furlough or detached or detailed
bervice by ord,,r 01 t h r c-onlinniitlliig oRcer. Noncommissioned officers shall he
requlrrd to pi ewn t likc certifirntw, signed by the c,omnianding officer of t h e regi111mt01- battalion to m h i c 1-1 tttcy Iiclong, before being entitled to receive their pay.
PICC. :3. i ~ l staff
officerh of thr ITirginia militia, tlnly appninted anti qualified accordillg to the laws of \'irginia, shall bt. cmtitletl to rweive the same pay and allowances
a8 are provided b y law for officers of corresponding grades in the Confederate States
d r m r upon a like certificate that they have actually been i n Pervice and erformed
the ddties prescribed for their respective rades by the laws of Virginia a n 8 the law8
and army regulations of t t i e Confederate Etates.



S X C . 4. No payments under this act shall be allowed for any period subsequent to
the thirtieth day of March, eighteen hundred and slxty-two, nor shall any junior
major of a regiment to which two majors may be attached, nor any paymaster or stw
geons mate, be deemed to be entitled to p y or allowances under the pro
this act.

Mr. Lyons moved to amend by striking out the word (sick,

the word furlough, thcrcin; which mas agreed to, and the
amended was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, to whom was referred a memorial of John Jett for loss of horses, reported the same back, asked to
be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie upon the
table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from khe mine committee, to whom was referred
A bill from the Sonate to provide for the payment of musicians in
the Army not regnlwly enlisted,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules mere suspended;
The bill was taken up, read a third time, and passed,
Mr. Chambers, from the same committee, reported
A bill t o amend an act to increase t h e Corps of Artillery, and for
other purposes, approved August 21,1861,
with the recommendation that it pass.
x- places where they have charge of the sick and wounded.a
The bill having been read as follows, to wit:
That the act for the establishinait aiicl organization of a general staff for the Army
of the Confederate States of America, approved February twenty-sixth, eighteen
hundred and &sty-one, be, and the same is hereby, so amended that officers of the
Medical Department of t h e Army of the Confederate States shall, by virtue of their
commissions, command cnlisted men.

The amendment was agreed to, and the bill as amended was engrossed,
read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Chsnibcru, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to enforcc prompt returns from disbursing officers and agents,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Chambers, from the same committee, to whom was referred a
communication from the Quartermaster-General in reference to loss of
public property, reported the same back, asked to be discharged from
its further consideration, and that it be referred to the special committee on the loss o f public property; which was agreed to,
Mr. Chambers, from the same committee, to whom was referred
certain resolutions in relation to the necessity for additional fortifications on the iclississippi Biver, reported the same back, asked to bedischarged from their further consideration, and that they be indefinitely
postponed; which was agreed to.
Mr. Wilcox, from same committee, to whom was referred the petition of sundry ladies of Richmond, Va., asking an increase of the pay
of chaplains in the Army, reported the same back, asked to be dischar ed from its further consideration, and that it lie on tho table;
whic was agrccd to.
Mr. I4ilcox, from the Fame committee, to whom was referred the
petition of sundry citizens of Mobile, Ala., asking for martial law,


UFolio of Journal missing.

Apr. 8 , 1SGL.1



reported the smie back, abked to be discharged from its further co

hideration, and that i t lie on the tnble; which was agreed to.
Mr. Wilcox, froin thc same committee, to whom WAY referred
h resolution in relation to the manufacture of rifle guns,
reported the saiiic back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that i t lie on the table; which was agreed to.
A h . Ililton, from the smile committee, to whom was referred the
petition of sundry citiiscri f Perry County, Ala., praying the adoption of nieaburcs to s u p p r
inteuiperance i n the Army, reported the
sitnie bstck, asked t o be discharged from its further consideration, and
th:tt it lie 0 1 1 the table; which was agreed to.
Xr. lugti, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to create the qffice of judge-advocate-general,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it be indefinitely
postponed; which was agreed to.
Mr. Viller6, from the s:ime coinniittee, to mhorn was referred the
memorial of Tlioinas Wills, asking pay for horses, reported the same
bnclr, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it
lie upon the table; which was agrced to.
Mr. VilIer6, from thc same coinmittee, to whom mas referred the
memorial from mcrnhers of Captain Morgans company of cavalry in
rcfcrence to the loss of horses, reported the same back, asked to be I
discharged from its fnrther consideration, and that it lie u on the table.
Afr. I3oteler moved that the memorial be recommitte to the Cominittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Kenan of Georgia called for the y e ~ and
s nays thereon;
Which was seconded.
1 Yeas-. . _ __ _
_ _ _._ ._ _ _ 41 I421
Lliidair recordcd as follows, to wit: -I
Kavs _ _ . _ _ _ _
34 _ _ _
Yeas: Ashe, Atliiiis, Baldwin, l+ark sd ale,h l, Boteler, Eli M. Bruce,
Chambers, Clapp, Conrad, Currin, Dar an, L)e Jsrnette, Farrow, Gardenhirc, G w nt t t , Goode, Graham, &nly, Heiskell, Herbert, Holcoinbe, Jellhinu, ,Johnston, tJones, Lewis, Lyon, I q o n s , Machen,
McLean, Rnlls, ltoyston, Itussell, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of
North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Sihples, Welsh, Wright of Texas,
Mright of Icnnessce, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: hyci-,Batson, Soyce, Horntio W. Bruce, Burnett, Chilton,
Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Crockett, Curry, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins,
Ewing, Foote, Foster,Gartrell, Hartridgc, Hilton, Holt, Kenan of Georgia, Kcriaii of North Carolina, Kenner, Marshall, McRae, McQueen,
Miles, Moore, P u g h , Singleton, Strickland, Trippe, and VillerB.
So the rncniori:Ll was recommitted.
A message was received from the President, at the hands of his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that the President,
on ycstenday, approved and signed an act entltled An act to remit the
duty on railroad iron su6cient to complete the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Bailroad.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash, as follows, to wit:

Mr. Speaker; The Senate have passed, un:tnirnously, a joint resolution of the following title, viz:
Joint rcsolution of thanks for the victory itt Sliiloh, Tenn.;
In which 1 a r n directed to ask the concurrence of this I50use



Mr. Batson, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred the petition of B. H. Willis, acting quartermaster of the First
Kentucky Battalion, reported the same back, asked to be discharged
from its further consideration, and that the memorial be referred to
the Committee on Claims; which was agreed to.
Also, reported back the memorial of certain citizens of Alabama in
relation to exemptions from draft, asked to b: discharged froin its
further consideration, and that the resolution he on the table; which
was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Miles, a Senate bill relative to the pay and alloaances of dcccascd soldicrs was taken up, read first and second times,
and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Conrad, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
A bill to encourage the manufacture of iron, lortd, and copper,
-the production of coal,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged l'rom its further consideration, and that the bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Russell, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
A bill to amend the sequestration act, etc.,
reported the satne back, with the recommendation that it do not pass,
and that the bill be placed on the Calendar and printed; which was
agreed to.
Mr. Moore, from the same committee, to whom was referred the
petition of Mrs. Nancy Griffin, reported the same hack, asked to be
discharged from its further consideration, and that the petition lie on
the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Moore, from the same committee, to whom was referred a resolution relative to increasing the penalties for certain offenses, reported
A bill to increase the penalty now imposed by lam in certain criminal cases,
and recommended the passage of the same.
The bill was read first and second times, placed on the Calendar, and
ordered to he printed.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to amend an act to establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States [of America],
reported t h e same back, with the recommendation that it pass with an
On motion, the bill was placed on the Calendar and ordered to be
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, reported unfavorably upon
A bill to abolish the offices of Assistant Secretary of State and
Assistant Attorney-General.
On motion, the bill was placed on the Calendar.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, to whom was recommitted
A resolution of inquiry as to the constitutionality of making Treasury notcs a legal tender,
reported that the majority of said committee were satisfied of the unconstitutionality of the point submitted by the resolution, asked to be
discharged from its further consideration, and that the resolution lie
on the table; which was not agreed to.
And on moticn of Mr. Chilton, the resolution was reeomniitted to


Apr. 9, 1862.1


the Conimittec on tlic ,Judiciary, with instructions to report i n secret

Mr. Ashe, from the same conimittcc, 1-cported and recommended
the passage of
A bill for the relief of Caroline Miller and her children;
which x7as read first, and second tinien.
Tho rules were suspended;
The bill was tnlteri up, engrossed, read a third time; and the question being on the pssag!:" of the s:mlc,
Mr. lVliles demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand bcing sustained,
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Y
e a s _- _- _- _- _- _- _-_-_-_-_-_ ._-_-_-_ --- -21
Yeas: Ashe, Ilaldwin, 12otelcr, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce.
Chanil.)crs, Clark, Conrad, Crocliett, Currin, Dargan, Davidson, Damkin.;, no Jarnette, DuprF, Ewing, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
G:irland, C;:wnctt, Gnrtrell, Goodc, Graham, Gray, Hxrtridge, Heiskcll, IIolcoinhe, 1101t, Jerkins, Jones, I<enan of North Carolina, Kenner, Landcr. Lewis, Lyon, Maclim, McLenii, Mcnees, Miles, Moore,
Pngh, ltalls, Re:td, Sexton, Sruith of hlalmnn. Smith of North Carolina, Staples, Strickltind, Welsh, Wilcos, and Wright of Texas.
N:tys: Aper, Ihtson, Clhilton, Clapp, Clopton, Conrow, Cooke, Curry,
Ihvis, Hanly, Herbert, I~yons,Marshall, McRae, McQueen, Yerkins,
Royston, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Villerk, and Mr. Speaker.
So the bill mas passed.
Mr. Ewing moved to i*econsider the vote just taken.
Tho motion to reconsider did not prerail.
On motion, I~:LTTof d.mncc was granted to Messrs. Chambliss and
Munnerly n .
By unanimous consent, the House took up for consideration joint
rewlutions of ttianlrs for the victory at, Shiloh, Tenn.
The rosolutions were read first, second, and third times and passed.
Mr. Garnett offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:


l?:esoked, That the President be reqncqtcd to c~oininunicateto this House, if in his

opinion not incompatible with the public intert4, the offi(>ial report of Captain
Franklin Buchanan, of t h e late I I H \ a1 t~iigagcnienti n 13ainpt)oiiBoads.

Mr. Smith of Virginia, by u n a n i i ~ ~ oconsent,

A bill to raise bands of rangers within tlic enemy's lines;
which was read first arid sccorid times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affsirs.
And on inotioii of Mr. Srnith of Virginia,
The Ifousc adjourned until 12 o'clock to-morrow.


APRIL 9, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
hy the Rev. Mr. Pcttigrew.
Tho Chair announced the following appointments on committees,
viz :
Mr. Baldwin of Virginia, on the Committee on Ways and Means,
vice Mr. Garnett, excused.





IApr. 9,1862.

And Mr. Garnctt of Virginia, on the Committee on Military Affairs,

vice Mr. Pryor, resigned.
Mr. Jones moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of calling the
committees for reports, ctc.
The motion prevailed.
And Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
vas referred the memorial of J. vc'. Davis, reported the same back,
asked to bc discharged from its further consideration, and that the
memorial lie on the tahlc; which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. H. W. Bruce, the memorial was taken up and
referred to the Coininittee on Claims.
Mr. Harris, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
h bill to authorize the appoirittncnt of drillmasters,
reported the sanie back, asked to he discharged from its further consideration, and that the bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Hciskell, from the Comrnittce on the Judiciary, to whom was
ref erred
A bill to define and punish forgery and counterfeiting in certain
reportcd the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Heiskell, from the same committce, reported and recommended
the passage of
A bill to punish forgery and counterfeiting;
which was read first and second times, placed on the Calendar, and
ordered to be printed.
On motion of Mr. Iiriskrll,
A bill to authorize the apprehension of suspicious persons in time of
war, and to subpend the writ of haheas corpus,
was recomniitted to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Curry, from thc Committec on Commerce, to whom was referred
the resolutions of citizens of Greene County, Ga., in relation to the
pianting of cotton, reportcd the same back, aslied to be discharged
Prom their further consideration, and that the resolutions lie 011 the
table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Curry, from the same committee, to whom was rrferred a
memorial on the subject of coins, reported the same back, asked to he
discharged from its further consideration, and that the memorial lie
on the ta1)lc; which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Miles, the memorial was taken up and referred
to the commissioners appointed under a resolution of the Provisional
Congress to prepare a system of coins, weights, and measures.
Mr. Curry, from the same committee, to whom was refcrred a resolution of inquiry as to the propriety of repealing all laws, declaring
particular ports to be ports of entry, etc., recommended thc passage of
A bill to increase the facilities for importing goods, warcs, and merchandise into the ports of the Confederate States;
which mas read first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, and having been read as follows:
The Bnqyess of the Confederate Stcites do enact, That during the blockade of the porh
of the Coiifcderate States, the cargo of any vessel may be discharged at any place or
port at yc hich the ressel may arrive, IF hether the same be a port of entry or delivery

BPI. 9, 1862 1



established by law or not: ProtdxZ, That the master or other person in command
shall before breaking bulk make entry of such v e m l and her cargo and comply
\rith all other requirements of t h e law a t the nearest port of entry where it is practicable SO t o do,

MI-. Perkins mo.c-ed to amend by striking out all of the bill after the
enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
That i t shall be lawfa1 for vessels to unload their cargoes on any part of the coast

of the Confederate States, and that the laws requiring entry of vessels or discharge
ot their cargoes a t desigriatcd ports, and prescribing penalties for failure to do so,

hhall be, arid the same are hereby, mepentled.

The anleiidinelit was agreed to, and the bill as amended mas engrossed,
a third time, and passed.
Mr. Curry, from t h e saiiie committee, reported and recommended
thc passage of
A bill iriaking Xngusta, Ga., a port of delivery for goods imported
i n to Charleston, S. C. ;
which was read first and second [times].
The i*nlcswere snspendcd;
The bill was t:tltcn up, cngro I, read a third tirnn, and passed.
Nr. Iloyston, from the Com tee o n Post-Oficcs and Post-Roads,
to whoni was referred the coii~iiiunic:~tioii
of ,James Thomas Elliott on
the mail service on the route from C:~nidento Eunice, on the11Ziusissippi
River, reported the saiiie bttc.1~.that no Icgislation was necessary, asked
to be dischargcd from its fnrthcr consideration, and that the resolution
lie on the table; which was rtgrerd to.
Xr. Itoj h t o n , from the same coniniittce, to whom was referred the
rial of ,Jaincs C;. Cook, postniaster atl Eapttcville, N. C., reported
iiic l)xclc, asked to be discharged Iroiii its further consideration,
:ind that thc menlorial lie on the tahle; which was agreed to.
Mr. Royston, froin thc timic committec, to whom was referred joint
i*choliitioiiso i tlic 1cginlaLiu.e o l the State of Louisiana i n reference to
postltl afhirs, reported the s:~nicback, asked to be discharged from
tlicir f u r t h c r consideration, and that the i*esolntions lie on the table;
which WIS agreed to.
MY.(hilton, from the same coininittoe, to whoin was referred sundry
l?(titionson tile but)j(:ct of Sutiday iiiails, inttde a i q o r t ; which is as
followh, to wit:
hlKDAY N A I L .

12q101-/of thr (omnzltfPc on fJos/-Ofliccstrnd Post-Roads.

The Cominittce on Post-Ofliccs and Post-Itontlc, to

M horn

sundry ihemorials were

to adniirc and applaud.

We heartily aswit to the grcat fnndnmcntal truth, that no free government should
ever intc,rfere i n imttwy of rciigion to caoiitrol the I cligious taith and consciences ot
men. Our excellent Constitution proritlcy that Uongrrss shall make no law respecting an c~stak)lishnieiitof rcliglon, or proliibilirip the free exercise thereof, and every
effort tcmdinp, how^ er rrniotrly, to ohtam legislati\ e mttvference in the establishment of religious creeds should I)cl indignantly rejected as a htab upon religion itself,
the liberty of conscience, and the freedom of thought.



I t does not follow, however, from what we have s

legislation, ignore the existence and overruling Prov
enact laws i n contravention of His known will. KO
conceive that the framers of our Constitution, in t h e
in view of the trials and difficulties which awaited u
probability we should soon be required
To bathe onr infant liberties
I n the haptisrn of our blood,
intended to give any sanction to t h e establishment of religion
in behalf of any rcligioiis creed, whrn iiiookiny the f a i u7~
God,,, they orclaintd and established our fundamental law.
that the openiiig o! our seLsions by solemn invocations offere
to Almighty God for w i p d o i i i to direct and strength to snpport us in the faithful discharge of our duties, was an unconstitutional interference i n matters of religion.
Neither has it been deeinecl unconstitutional to chaplains in the Army, that
they niay minister to the intellectual, moral, and religious culture of ourhroops; that
ionrid the bed of tlie sick or wounded soldier, and hy pointing
ti the haggard coantenance of death with t h e smiles of joy as the
immortaiity becomes the sunlight of the soul.
ists do not propose that Congress should, by law, declare that any
day, or any portion of time, has been set apart by tlie Almighty tor religious exercises. Coneress has no such power. Its sphere of legitimate legislation is quite
limited, b e h g I)ounded by t h e express grant of powers contained i n the Constituition.
They merely ask that Congress shall not by affirmative legislation do violence to
religion and the moral sense of the community, by requiring the mail to be carried,
opened, or distributed a i d dclivered on t h e Christian Sabbath. And is it unconstitutional for Congress to decline the violation of the Sabbath day? Such was the conclusion a t which tlie coininittee arrived in the celebrated report of Mr. Johnson.
Then it follows that it is unconstitutional for Congress to decline holding sessions on
the Sabbath day. 13y parity of reasoning i t should require all its agents in every
department of the Governruent to coiltinlie their usual routine of duties and labors on
the Sabbath. I f it be ncccssary to have t h e mail carried and opened on the Sabbath,
as a niatter of public convenicncc, it is cqually necessary that t h e judicial courts
should be kept open on t h e Sabbath, the constitution providing for a qweeti??y trial.
Why are they not kept open? Out of respect for the Christian Sabbath. Why are
the doors of this hall closed on t h e Sabbath? It is because of our reverence for
rrlipion, and from a decent respect for the Christian constituency who send us here,
hose inoral sense wonlrl l)c shocked by a desecration of the day, in devoting it to
the nsnal purpows of legiclation
In the old Government, such petitions as those before US, were regarded as covert
attempts to obtain the recognition, by law, of our religious dogma as a pretext for
another and another still, until some sects should become established, and, panoplied
with the pomer of the State, should triumph over its opposers and introduce all the
horrors of the holy inquisition. We were exhorted to remember that Cataline.
a professed patriot, was a traitor to Rome; Arnold, a professed Whig, a traitor to
Bnwrica; and Judas, a professed disciple, was a traitor to his Divine Master. While
the committee feel well assured that no such object animates the petitioners Kho
seek this reform, the rhetorical flourish n-hich we have quoted may serve to suggest,
that while the Coiifederate States Government i n its fundamental law professes to
invoke t h e favor and guidance of Almighty God, it should not beguilty of treason
by trarripling His statutes under foot, and setting His authority at defiance.
Your committee will not go into an examination m to t h e foundation of t h e obligation to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, of worship, and formoral and religious
improvement. Whether it he deducible from t h e nature of our Constitution as
essenlkl t o our phj sical, as well as moral and spiritual development, or from the
decalogue, as it positive institution, or from the practice and example of the Apostles
and Christians from their day to the present, i t is certain t h a t the Christian people
composing the States of this Confederacy, esteem ita day set apart by Divine appoint.
merit for rcst from secular employment, and to be dedicated to worship and moral
eultnre. I t is equally ccrtaiu that they concur in t h e opinion that its desecration is
a sin, and the sole question is, shall the Governnient continue uunecessarily to desecrate it. Shall it, in the absencc of some overruling necessity, deny to a large
number of its employees the privileges of the sanctuary, and t h e means it affords for
moral and religious iinprorenirnt? Your committee believe that this should not be
done. The stoppage of the mail one day in seven would not materially interfere with
the revenues of the Post-OEce Department, while it would considerably lessen the
cost of transportation. It will be remembered that under t h e Comtitution the

Apr. 8, lSB.]



Ikpwrtmcnt intist, be self-snstaining b y t h e 1st day of March, 1863, and this will
contribute to prodtic:(?that, resnl t. Besides, by curtailing the service on the main
rciutes and thus lessoning the expense, greater facilities can be afforded for sending
the mails into the interior and poorer sections, where the revenue might not equal
the expcnse.
The only wctl ground of objection which was urged to the proposed change, when
this question was mooted in 1829 and 1830, was, that if the niails were stopped on
Sunday, there might be sudden rises in the price of our great staples, and speculators
would enrich theniselves by sending couriers or expresses in advance of the mail,
and talriiig ailvanta:;.e of the rise. This, however, is remedied by themodern invention of the telegraph, and the erection of numerous railroads and introduction of
express companies; so that nono of the evils then anticipated would be experienced
now. The star-bid system on lvhich contracts are now let out, has, in agreat measure,
dispensed lvith coaches as a iiieaiis of carrying the mails; and your committee believe
that r e r ~little
inconvenience would result from ceasing to transmit them on Sunday.
I t niay, Iiowe\-er, be said, we art: in the midst of a great revolution, and that
while it lasts it is important the inail service should riot be curtailed. Your cominittee believe tbat the public interest will not suffer by it. The accounts of interesting
events, hattles, etc., are either sent by telegraph, or private persons, or express. They
rarely go a t tlie earliest moment by t h e mails, vihich delay a t distributing offices
for distribution. Bcsidcs, if one-seventh of the employees engaged in t h e mail service were transferred to the Army, i t would constitute no inconsiderable addition;
and if tlie rolling stock required for the mail on Sunday should be allowed to reinRin
unemployed onc-serent,li of the time, some compensation riiiglit result, should the
war be protractctl, i n its fitnePs to aid the Government in necessary transportation
for a rnucli longcr period than it other\\-ire would. The fact, therefore, that we are
c~ujiagetli n a w i r fnrnishcs an atlditional reason why we should postpone the mail
service on the Sabbath. Superadded to all this, the fact that our Government, in the
c~iniiieiiceirieiitof it3 career, iu the midst of the most bloody strupgle for the maintenance of our rights, had paused to pay a tribute to virtue and reRgion, would present a spectacle of the morally sublime that ~vouldstand forth as a beacon light to
the Christian nations of the earth; would show that as a nation we honor not God
with our lips, when our ILenrts are far from Hiu-r; would furnish proof of the sinccxrity of our profession of reliance upon the favor and guidance of Him who holds
the destinies of all nations in His hands, and who I houors them that honor Him.
IVhatever, therefore, may be the action of the House as to its concurrence in the
views of the committee, they feel that in thus plainly and frankly laying them before
the representatives of the people they have discharged their duty to themselves,
their country, and their God. Their adoption or rejection is with the Congress.
The opposite of thcse v i e w have hitherto obtained ascendency in the old Governtnent,
and, whether as a sequence or not, is a question which we may not decide; the finger
of the Almighty has inscribed upon its walls Mene, hlene, Tekel, Upliarsin. May
the Confederate Statesprofit b y the example, arid while eschewing all bigotry, whether
political or religious, and a l l attempts to violat,e the rights of conscience, early learri
that the only Sure basis of national prosperity anti happiiiess are the great principles
of justice, morality, and religion, as taught in the revealed will of God, and that the
Great. Lawgiver will not suffer these principles to be violated with impunity.
Thc fears expressed i n reports upon this subject heretofore submitted to thc old
C o n g r e ~ that,
~ , should t h e Govcrnnient repeal ti law requiring a large number of its
citizcnr: to violate the Christian Sabhath, it would be the beginning of a series of acts
xvhich noultl end in the union of church and state, and entail upon the people all
the per.wcutioi1and horrors of the Spanish Inquisition, are utterly groundless and
unworthy of patriots and Christian statesnien. T h e several States not only decline
to pass laivs requiring the violation of the Sabbath, but many, if not all of them,
have penal onactments against its violation, and these have been en forred for many
years. \Vhg have not religions persecution, the holy inquisition, and the nuto
cl(i,ft faiintl a place in some of them? The common law, which is said to be the
perfection of reason, has al\vays deferred to the Christ,ian Sabbath, and sternly
dcclares all contracts made on Sunday absolutely void. Why has not persecution
followed its behest? No! Such enorinities and cruelties result t o nations that forget God. They spring u p when frenzied fanat,icism has su planted vital piety, and
when bigotry has murdered religion to frighten fools witg her ghost. It is to
forestall and prevent such restilts that your committee would urge upon Congress,
thus early in tlie eventful history of our Republic, to blot out the laws of the old
(iovernment requiring the Sabbath to be violated. The example thus furnished of
respect to piety and religion would permeate society and stimulate individuals to
more orderly and virtuous lives. It is impossible to estimate the beneficent effects



of pUCh a moral reform upon the massts of OUT population. One of the wisest
k)ePt of inen* was wont to Fay:
A Sabbath well spent brings a 1vei.k of content,
And a health tor the toils of t h e niorrow;
Wlrile a Sabbath profitne(1, 1%hat eer iiiay he gained,
Is a certain forerunner ot sorrow.
However this may be, its needlesc: profanation by the Government in the transmission axld delivery and opening of the niailr interferes with the noMhip of God,
ithdraws inany froin rcligiouq contemplation, deprives others of inoral and religious
culture, and furIiishea an e s a ~ n p l eof impiety a hich tends to demoralize oiir people.
The right lnindeil will readily distingui~hhetn eeri the usdal mail service which may
be stopped one clav in seven without material detrinient to any one, and those works
of neceirity an(i charity M hich niav and ought to be clone under the Divine li
It i p lantul to do good 011 the Sabbath (lay.
011 th c coinniittee reconiniend the following bill for t h e adoption

peal so mucli ot the esibting Ian a. requires t h e inails to be carried,

d e h ered,
or ol)cued on Suncia) ;

which was re:~dfirst and second times and, together with the report,
ordered to be printed and placed 011 the Calendar.
Mu. Chilton, from the same committee, to whorri was referred
A bill relating to advertisements by the Post-Office Department,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and [that] the bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Nr. Chilton, from the saiiie committee, to whorn mas referred
A bill relating to tlie prrpapnent of portage,
reported the ~aiiieback and recommcnded that it do not pass.
Tho bill was placed on the Calendar.
Mr. Clark, froni the (;aim committee, to whom was referred a
inernorial of snndry citizens of North Carolina and Virginia i n relation to R stage line from \\ytherille t o Independence, reported t,he
saiiie b:tcB, asked to tte disrharpd from its further consideration, and
that the nicmorial lie on the table; which was agrced to.
Mi-. Clark, from the same cobmiittee, to whoni mas referred the
niemoritll of J:inics 11. G. B:il~er, concerning R post route, reported
the samc l,ack, asked to be diwhargcd from its further consideration,
and that the meniorial lip on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Chilton, from the smic committee, to whom wa5 referred sundry
petitions f o r thc cstablishrnent of post routes, reported
A bill to eskablish certain post routes therein named;
which was read tirst and second times, placed on the Calendar, and
ordered to be printed.
Mr. Clark, from the sane committee, to whom was referred a
memorial of citizens of Sriniter County, Ala., for a daily mail from
Gainesrille to Warsaw, reported the sanie back, asked to be discharged
from its further consideration, and thtit, the memorial lie on the table;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Clopton, f w m the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred
the memorial of hundry citizens of Frederick and Morgan counties,
rnpcnsntion for the destruction of and damage done to
by troops of the Confederate States, reported the same
be discharged from its further consideration, and that
the memorial lie on the table; which was agreed to.
MI-. Clopton, from the same coiiiniittee, to whom was referred the


f ~iri&eii~~wiHltle.

A pi. $1, 1\62 ]



petition of Kobert C. McLner for ii d a m lost in the public service,

wlmitcd thc same h c k , askcd to he discharged from its further con,cidcrntioti,ancl that the petition lie on the table; which \VBS agreed to.
Alho, froni thc same coniiiiittec, reported back the ~iieniorialof J. C.
IIoiiitin, of Rocltinghani, Va., asked to be discharged from its further
consideration, and that the ~neinoriallie on the table; which was
:Lgrced to.
Also, from the s:iiiic coniniittee, reported back the memorial of ,John
E. ~Ic\lilli~~iris
f o r \vorli at Gosport IUavy-Yard, asked to be dis
chai.ged froiii its further coiisideration, and that the memorial lie on
the tahle; \T hich \\as :Lgreed to.
~ 1 1 committee,
reported back the memorial of A. R.
Also, froin
Smith, p w ~ i
f the Branch Bank of Virginia, at Portsmouth, Va.,
nskcd to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the
iiic1iiori:~llie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. <otclcr,by consent, offered the following resolution, to wit:
Reaoluecl, That the petition of citizens of Frcdcriclr and Morgan counties, Va., be
nstrrictions to inqiiire into the
this and siniilar claims, ulien

utstion on agreeing to thc resolution; which

)itition was not agreed to.
loved to recorisider t h e vote jnst taken.
froin the Sentite, by the hands of Mr. Nnsh,
enclment, a hill of this House of
A bill t o be entitled An art to authorize tlir acimnce of n certain suin of money to
the Stat(, of Missouri

Mr. Clopton, from t h e Committee on Claims, to whom was referred

I3eii. Desha, wd<inp rcimbursement of expenses in transporting ti-oops, reported b:ick a. joint re.;olution for the relief of Capt.
I h . Ilesha; which was rwd the first and second times.
The rules were srispendccl;
The resolution w:ts taken up, engrossed, i~cada third h i e , and
Mr. Clopton, from the sanie committee,, to whom was referred the
memorial of A. 13. Canedo for convcy:tnce of the remains of J u d g e
Hemphill, reported the w i i e back, ahked to bc discharged froin its
further consideration, and tliat thc niernorial lie upon the table; which
W R Y agrecct to.
Leave was granted Mr. Dargan to withdraw the petition of sundry
citizens of Sumter County, A h . , i n relation to a post route.
Mr. Clopton, from the Corninittee on Claims, to whom was referred
A joint resolution for the payment, of Starlie& CtLrdozo for stationery,
reported the sitme back, askcd to be discharged from its further considcration, and that it lie upon the tabIe;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled the following bills; which the Speaker signed, to
A bill to encourage cnlistiiients in the Corps of Marines;
A bill to fixrnish further means for thc support of the Government;
n iiieiiiorinl of



A bill to cuthorizc the advance of a certain sum of money to the

State of Missouri.
Mr. Clopton, from the Coniniittee on Claims, to whom was referred
the memorial of Duff Green in relation t o the extension of the North
Carolina Railroad, reported the same hack and asked to be discharged
from the further consideration of the same; which was agreed to.
Mr. Clopton, frorn the sanie committee, reported
A bill authorizing the payment of the sims due to the State of North
Carolina f o r advances made i n aid of the Confederate States, and for
other purposes;
which was read the first and second times and placed upon the Calendar.
Mr. Clapp, from the same committee, to whom were referred sundry
memorials in relation to the loss of horses, reported the same back,
asked to be dischargcd from their fnrthcr consideration, and that they
lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Also, from the same conimjttee, to whom was referred the petition
of Nehemiah Padgett in relation to a pension, reported the same back,
asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie on
the table; which was agreed to.
Prom the samc committee, to whom was referred the letter and
account of goods taken from Gilbert Lamar, reported the same back,
asked to be discharged from its further Consideration, and that i t lie
on the table; which mas agreed to.
Also, from same committee, to whom was referred the memorial of
Nicholas Hunter for carrying the mail, reported the same baclqaslied
to be discharged froiii its fui.ther consideration, and that it lie upon
the table; which WRS agreed to.
Also, from same committee, to whom was referred the petition of
W. R. Herron, asking pay for services, etc., reported the same back,
asked to be dischafigcd from its further consideration, and that it lie
on the table; which was agrcecl to.
Also, from same comniittce, to whom was referred the memorial of
C. R. Renton for reirnb~xrscmentof expenses incurred, reported the
same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and
that i t lie on tho table; which WRS agreed to.
Mr. N'ilcox, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
ref erred
A bill to promote the cfficiency of the Army,
reported the same hack, asked to be dischargcd from its further consideration, and that it lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Burnett, from tjhe Committee on Claims, to whom was referred
sundry niemoriala i n relation to pensions, reported the same back,
asked to be discharged from thcir further consideration, and that they
lie upon the table; which was agrcecl to.
Also, from the same committee, to whom was referred sundry
memorials asking pay for taking the census, reported the same back,
asked to be disc arged from thcjr further consideration, and that the
same lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Leave was granted MY. Davis to refer a meniorial i n relation to
taking the census to the Comniittee on Claims.
Mr. Burnett, from the committee to whom was referred
A bill to provide f o r the payment of pensions, etc.,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it do not pass.


Apr. 9, l8G2.l

And on niotion of MY. Rnrnett, t8he same was placed upon

Jfr. Chambliss, by consent, withdrew the petitions of MeWilliams
and A. H. Smith froiii thc files.
Mr. Macheii presented the petition of 5. 13. Willis, asking pay as
quartermaster; which was ~cferred to the Coninlittee on Claims,
without being rend.
Mr. Burnett, from tlic Committee on Claims, reported
A bill to amend an act to regulate the cbonipensation of members of
with the recoinmendation that it pass.
The bill was mad the first and second times.
hlr. Trippe moved to lay the bill on the table.
The motion mas lost.
Mr. Chilton moved that the consicleration of the bill be indefinitely
Mr. Ralls called tlie question; which being ordered, the motion was
The rules were suspended, : ~ n dthe bill was taken up, and having
Bates do m a t t , That thc members of the
iitatix cs shall respcctivcly reccivc tlieir pay at the
):i prewntatioii at t h t a Treasury of the Confederate
Ser:.(,arit-at-ArrnR of the Senate arid the Speaker of
tlie Ilonsc. of IZcprcsrntatirc.~, rwpectivclly: Iro~rded,That the nieinbers of the Reiiate and Iloose of Iteprt~wntatives,respectioely, shall be entitled to draw their pay at
the s a i w rate fi.tcd b y lair up to tlic period of adjournment of each session.
Sccrrios 1. 711~

Sc11atc alld


Mr. Gnrtrell moved to xuit.nd the sainc by striking out all after the
t proviso, and inserting in lieu thereof the
enacting clause, ~ x c c y the
following, to wit:
That tliiriiig the recess of Congress tlic members of the Senate and TIouse of Representatives are autliori7etl to draw tlieir drafts or orders on the Treasurer for their
ratable monthly pay, aiitl at the mment.emeiit of each session of Congress the
Trexmrer sliall rvport to wcli 1Iori t l i e arnonrit cfiawii b y tiieir rrspective rneinbers
duririg the preeedirig recew.

Mr. McLcan called the pwvious qwstion: which was ordered, and
the ainendrnent was agrecl to.
The bill as aniended n-ns engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Leaveof absencewav granted Mr. 13aldwin froix and after to-morrow,
on account of his reginlent being ixnder marching orders.
A message was received from the President, by h i s Private Secretary,
Xr. Hnrrihon, informing the House that the President has to-day
approved and higned joint resolutions of thanks to Maj. Gen. Thomas
J. ,Jackson aiid the oflicers and men under his command for gallant and
meritorious services in the battle of Kernstown.
A h . Clark offered R resolution that l,.iOO copies of the report and
bill froin thc Coiiiniittec 011 Post-Oftices and Post-Roads on the subject
o f Sunday niails he printed for the use of this Ilouse; which was read
and referred to Comuiittce on Printing.
On motion, the House Ihcn took up a bill froin the Senate to autliorizc
the exchange of bonds for articlec; i n kind, and the shipment, sale, or
hypothecatloll of such articles; which was read the first and second
tirnes and referred to the Coaimittee on Ways and Means.
Also, a Senate bill declaring the officer who shall act as President in



case of vacancies i n the offices both of President and Vice-President;

which was read the first and second times and referred to the ComniitI
tee on the Judiciary.
Also, a Senate b?ll to authorize the einploynient of clerks at the
ofticcs of the Treasurer and assistant treasurers; which was read the first
and second times and referred t o the Committee on NTays and Means.
Also, B Senate bill t o recognize the organization ol certaiii military
companies; which was read the first and second times and referred t o
the Combittee on Military Affairs.
Also, a Senate bill to aniend an act t o provide f o r the organization
of the Nnry, approved March 1G,-1861; which was rend the first and
second tirncs arid referred to the Coiiiniittee on Naval Affairs.
Also, R joint resolution from the Sciiate authorizing the Joint Cppimittee on Public 13uildings t o lease :L suitable building for the use of
the State I>epartment and officrs for the President; which was read
the first and second times and reierred to the Conimittee on Public
I h i Idings.
Also, a joint resolution f m n the Senate directing how prize money
shall be paid i n certain cases; which was read the first aiid second
times and referred to the Comiiittee on Naval Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Gsrtrcll, the House took up from the Calendar
for consideration a bill regulating the Sees of marshals, and for other
Mr. Jones moved that it be printed and its consideration postponed.
The motion was lost.
And the clause in the first section being under consideration, which
relates to the fees of i~iarshalsin cases of :idmiralty, the cornniittee
moved to amend tlic saine by striking out the ivords not exceeding
two dollars and fifty cents per day and inserting in lieu thereof the
words t o be nscerttiinod arid allon~cdJiy the court.
The rtinendment T V ~ Sagreed to.
The commit,tcc,nioved further to :mend by striking out the words
and in case the debt or clairri siinll be Fettled by the parties without a Pale of the
property, one-half of one per ceiitnin 011 t h e ariiotint so settled: f r v z i r l d , That in
case Ihe value of the [)roperty shall be leas than the claim, then and i n b ~ c hcaw8
such commission shall be allowxl only on the rtppraised value thereof

The amendment was agreed to.

And the clause in the same section being ixnder consideration which
relates to the mileage of marshals,
Mr. Chilton moved to amend by inserting after t h e word cwrit
the words
Pro! i d d , That n o charge for mileage in any czise shall be made, except for the distarice acttially traveled.

l l r . Holcombe moved that the IIoixsc adjourn.

Mr. Qarnctt asked that the vote be taken by yeas and nays;
Which being oi-dcrcd,
Are recorded as follows, t o wit: I Yeas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
(Nays . _ _ __
_ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 [17]
Yeas: Atkins, Baldwin, Boteler, Breckinridge, Horatio W:Bruce,
Hurnett, Chambers, Cliamhliss, Conrad, Curry, Davis, I>e Jarnette,
Farrow, Eoote, Goodc, Graham, Hartridge, Heiskell, flolconibe, IIolt,
aones, Kenner, Lewis, Miles, Perkins, Pngh, Russqll, Sexton, Smith
of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, Viller6, Welsh, MJrigTit of Tcnnessee, and Mr. Speaker.

Apr. 10,1362.1


Says: iishe, hycr, H:itson, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Dawkins,

F o h r , Gardenhirc, Garnett, Gartrell, Gray, Ililton, Lander, Lyons,
R d l s , and Royhton.
So the Wouse adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.



fhe House met pursuant t o adjournment, arid was opened with prayer
by the 1Zev. J1r. Stt2w:u.t.
On motion of Air. Jones, the call of States was suspended, and the
I-Iouse proceeded t o the call of the coinmittees.
Leave of absence wab granted Mcssrs. Herbert and Clapp.
The House took lip f o r considcration
,4bill to authorize the Secretary of thc Treasury to pay district collectors i n cr~rtaincases;
which m:ts returned from the Senate with an amendment.
And tlie qucstion bcing on agreeing to the arrieidinent of thc Senate,
n-hi& is as follows, to wit: ild d :it the end thereof the following:
Ant? 1110 2 itletl f t i ~ t l i w ,The Rcrietary of tliti Trcxsary sliall be 2atisfied that said rollector* p i r e bo~itlnntl I c ~ i i t l e r c ~w
l r \ i c e y as rrqiiirecl by said art, previous to the
assumption of said tax I)! the ieyec+i\ e Statep, equal in 1 aloe to the sum to be paid,

The same was ngreed to.

ntcd the mernorial of C. A. Vanfelson and R. R.
1 to $1 department directory; which was referred to
the Conimittee on \T:~ys slid X c a n ~ without
being read.
Jlr. 1. W. l3rnce prcsentrd a cotuniunication from J. Ilr. Davis
in reference to an account; \\rhich was referred t o the Committee on
Clnims, without being rcad.
Mr. Gartrell, by consent, introduced
A bill to confer tho rights of c.itizcnship npon Rarnet Phillips, of the
Stata of Georgia;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Coinniittw on thc ,Judici:wy.
311.. Coiii.:~d offered the following resolution; which was read and
agrrecl to, lo wit:
Kesolc d,That tlie Coininittee on Military Affairs inquire into the expediency of
authorizing the appointiiimt of an additional 11miibor of cadets.

Also, a resolution that the Comniittees on Military and Naval Affairs

be directed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the President
to bestow on the oEccrs and soldiers of the Army, and the officers and
seanien of the Navy, who may be distinguished for gallantry and good
conduct, some badge o r token of merit and distinction; which was
agreed to.
Also, 21 joint resolution authorizing the suspension of sales of the
property of alien enemies sequestratcd; which was read the first and
second tinies and rcfcrred to the Coinnlittce on Ways and Means.
Mr. Roteler offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affail-s be instructed to
inquire into the expediency of ainendirig the act erititlcd An act to
authorize payment to he made for certain horses
Army by Colonel A. W. McDonald, approved August 21, 186



[Apr. 10,1862.

to insert after the word horses, whenever it occurs in said act, tlie
words saddles, bridles, etc., necessary f o r their suitable equipment:
which was lead arid agreed to.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina offered the following resolution:
Whereas i t is declared by the fourteenth clause of t h e ninth section of the Constitution oi the Confederate States that N o Eoldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in
any house, without the consent of the owner; nor in time of ~ $ a hut
r , in a manner to
be prescribed by law: Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire what
legislation, if any, is necessary to carry irito effect the latter clause, and to regulate
and restrain the exercise of t h e power to be conferred by such legislation and prevent
abuse8 thereof;

which was rcad and agreed to.

Mr. Bussell introduced
11 bill to provide for calling forth the militia during the present wax;
which mas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. Wilcox offered
A joint resolution of thanks to Gen. 14. H. Sibley and his command;
which was read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
The resolution was taken u p , engrossed, read a third time, andpassed.
Mr. Chambliss introduced
A bill to provide for the appointment of chaplains a t the naval hospitals;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Boyce introduced
A bill t o provide pensions for officers, noncommissioned officers,
inusiciaus, and privates disabled in the service; and, in case of their
death, to continue the same t o their widows and orphan children;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Comniittee
on Military Afiairs.
Mr. Fostcr introduced
A bill to regulate the pay of the commissioned officers of the Irovisional Army;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Farrow, by conscnt of thc House, presented thc petition of sundry citizens of the vicinity of Limestone Springs, S. C., praying for
a post route; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and
Post-Roads, withorit k i n g read.
Also, the petition of sundry citizens of Marion district, South Carolina, asking a post route; which mas referred to the Committee on PostOffices and Post-1Zoads.
Mr. Chilton prcsented a design f o r a Confederate flag; which was
referred to the Committee on I4ng and Seal.
Mr. McQueen presented the memorial of W. J . Weestbury, claiming cornpcnsation for damage to property; which was referred to the
Committee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Miles introduced
A bill to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States;
which mas read the first and second times, referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary, tind ordcrcd to be printed.
Mr. Machen offered a resolution that by the adoptiDn of the report

lShL ]



from the Coniiiiittee on ClainiH on the subject of pensions, re orted to

this I I o i i ~ eon yesterday, it is not intended t o be understoo t h a t the
Cougrcss of the Confederate States repudiate the policy of payinq pensiouer:, who wclre such under the Government of the United btates,
nor the policy of p a n t i n g pensions to such persons bereafter as may
be proper objects of gorcrnmcntul cme on account of military services
rentlerecl the country; which cvah read and, on motion, laid on the
The Ilouse then proceeded to the considomtion of
A bill to tinthorize the Secretary of the Treasury to suspend the collection of taxes in certain States.
Arid the bill having hccn read as follows, to wit:
he ct e i m t a d Oy the Co)cpess of the (onfedcrate Stafes, That in States invaded by the

c~nrwiythe Swretary of t h e Treasury niay suspend, i n whole or in part, the collection &E taxes heretofore provided to be collected, the suspension to be for such period
of tirue as may be fixed by the Secretary.

JIr. TCcnner movecl to amend by striking out all after the enacting
inserting in licit thcrcwf the following, to wit:

( * l i ~ i i hiti n d

rlml n II(W
an^' S:tdtc has a s s u ~ ~ r ctlw
~ l papnieiit of tlie tax imposed by the art
:u t to atitliorim tlic iswx of lrcasurv notes, and to proride a war tax

tax i i i the Slates of Mibsonri and Kentucky, authorized by the Secretary of the
TI r a m i y , is coiilirriird, and lie ix hereby directed to take no action thereon until
further legislation l i p Congiess.

$11.. I<c\niicr o f 1louisi:tna moved to amend the first section of the

amcntlnient hy striking out tho words (Secretary of the Treasury
:ind inserting in lieu thereof the word President; which was agreed
Mr. Chambers moved to amend the amendment by adding thereto
thc following, to wit:
V71icnerer any State, or nart of a State, shall be invaded by the enemy, t h e Secrrtary of tlie Treasury b l d l be, and is hereby, authorized to extend the period for
thc. collvction of the n ar tax in Faid State, or any portion thereof.

The ainendrnent to the ammdnicnt was lost.

Mr. Conrad inorcd to amend thc amendment by insertin after the
words the raising thereof the words or to prevent the tate from
collecting taxes therein; which was agreed to.
And the arnendment of the committee, as amended, was agreed to.
The bill as amentled wacI then engrossed, read a third time, and
On motion, the title of the 5amc mas amended by striking out all of
the original and inserting in 1ic.u thereof the following, to wit:

2% bill entitled d n act to regulate the collection of the war tax in certain Statcs
invacled by the enemy.

A message was received from the President, a t the hands of his

Private Srcrtltary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that
The Prcsident, on yesterday, approved and signed an act entitled An act to
authorize the advance of a certain sum of money to tlie State of Missouri.



[Apr. 10,l

The President has to-day approved and signccl an act cntitled A n act to provide
for keeping all firearms in the arniics of thc Confederate States in the hands of
effective inen.

The House then proceeded to the corisidcration of

A bill regulating the fecs of 1nr2rsbaIs, and for other purposes.
And the bill having bceii read as follows, to wit:

1. T/ie Congrcss of the Confedernte States do enact, That all laws now in force
prescribing the fees of marshals of the Confederate States be, and the same are hereby,
repealed, and that in lieu thereof t h e said nrnrshals shall be allomed to have and
charge, froin t h e time of their rcspectirr appointments, the fees following, to wit:
For service of any warrant, attachment, sun~nions,capias, or other H rit (except
execution, venire, or R suiiiinoiis o r wbpm
two dollaru for each per$011on whoin s r i c h ~ eI( e
r niay
~ be inacle:
on petition setting forth
the facts on oath, tlie court niay allow su
?Ition for the keeping of
personal property attachccl and hclld on 11
shall on examination be
toond to he reasonat)lr.
For serving a n rit of ~uhpn.iiao n a x i t
tion sliall be alloii ed foi a n y copy, suiinii
For travel in going to serve any promis,
ing M rits of subptma in civil and criniinal
Yanie for returning, to be computed froiii
place where served, by thc route ubually
than one person is serrcd therewith, the
the place of scrvire which shall be inost reiriotc., adding thereto the extra travel
which shall be necessary to serve i t o n the other. hid in sll PRSFLS1% here mileage is
allowed to the iiiarshal by this a d , it shall be at his option to receive the &ame,or
his actual traveling expenses, to be protml on his oath to the satisfaction of the court.
For each bail I)ontl, fifty cents.
For wnimoning apprawcrs, c w s l i fifty cents.
every coniniitnient or discharge of a prisoner, fifty cent<.
For el ery 1)roc~laination
it1 atliiiiralty, thirty cents.
or otlicr property under proctw in admiralty, or under the
iiralty, anti for Itceiring and paying tlie money, one per centurn
on the anionnt.
For serving a n attac~hnic~nt
in rcni,
n admiralty, two dollars; and the
necessary expenws of k(~?l)iiig
ther property attached, or libelled
cents per day; and in case the debt
in admiralty, not excrcdiiig tH o dolla
or claim shall be bettlcd by tlie parties without a sale of the property, one-half of
one per centuni on the aniount: Irovidetl, That in case the value of the property
shall be lees than the claim, t h q in such case, such c~omniissionshall be allolled
only on the appraised \ d u e thereof.
For serving a a rit of possession, partition, execution, or any final process, the same
mileage as is herein allowed for the service of any other urit, and for making the
service, seizing or levying on property, advertising and disposing of the same by sale,
set off, or otherwise according to law, rewiving and payiiip ovcr t h e money, the same
fees, conimi~sion,anti portndagt. as are or shall be allol-l.ed.for similar eer\ ice to the
let may be rendered.
sheriffs of tlie hevcral States rehpectirely, in which t h e
For serving venires and snrnmoning jurors, fifty cents each: lyolrided, That in no
case shall t h e fees for tlistributing and serving venires aiitl summoning juror,, inclutling mileage chageablc by the marshal for such service, at any court, exceed fifty
For traveling from his residence to the place of holding court to attend a term
thereof, ten cents per mile for going and the wine for returning, and five dollars per
day for attending the csircuit and tliqtrict courts, M h m they are both in session, or
for attending either of said coiirtr when hnt one is in session, and for bringing in and
committing prisoners and witnesses during the term.
ttornry, one dollar.

other place of eonfinenient, ten

prisoner, for going only, and ten
cents per mile for hilliself for going and returning.
For conveying pri;.oners under rtrrebt from the place of arrest to tlie court where
the prisoner8 are to be tried, ten cents per mile for himself and for each necessary
guard and each prisoner.
For copies of writs, or papers furnished at the request of any party, ten cents per

Apr. 10, IhbL



ciollnrr per day, to he p:ud b y and inclntlrd in the accounts of the 111arsha1,out of
anv 1noney of tlic Confederate States ill his 11ands; the coir~pen~ation
to be given only
for actual attcndancc~,arid R lien both courts ale in bessioii a t the banie time, to be
tlar1cr 011 one cou1t.
liile emplo~eclin eiitlea~oringto arrest, nnder process, any person
~ ~ i \ i c t eof,
c l a clime, the snni actually expended, not to exceed two
dollai s pel clay, in ~itltlitionto his contpensation for service and travol.
For disi)ur+ig rnoney to jurors and n itiiesscs, and for other expenses, two per

~riarsIi:il bhilll be wtitleti to ~cwive

froni the Treasiiry an amount sufficient to make
to fifteeii 1111nd1ecl dollars
That in l i w ot the coinpeiisation now allowed to
4 And be ? I f/t,l7te? ( 1
in the Confttleratr
y virtue of the tuenty-fifth section of tIie act to
r+~blisli the judirial t o n r t ~
Conletlciatc. States of Rmerira, pas& March sixteentli, eighteen hnntlrcd and hixty-one, theie be heieafter allowed to such jurors
two dollars per d a y \+llilei n actual attendance on any of 3 ~ c hcourts, and for traveling from their residence to \aid. courts, five cents per mile for going and the same for

bc i t f t l i f h m n z c t c / t t / , That in lieu of the compensation iiow alloned by

cs stininioned in behalf of the Confetkrate States, they shall heallowed
one dollar and litty c m t ~for each day? attendance in court, or before any officer
pursuant to la\%,and fi\ c cents per mile for t r a d i n g from their place of residence to
.aid lace of trial or hearing, and f i c~ cents per mile for returning

Mr. Hciskell mowd to amend the same by striking out the words
circuit and distyjct courts, when they are both in session, or for
attending either of said courts when but one is in session; which was
:tgrevd to.
The committco Inoi-cd to tmsnd the first section bj- striking o u t the
words from thr time of their respective appointments; which was
:qreecl to.
The committcc also moved to aniend tho sltmc section by striking
out the words
not escecding two dollars and fifty rents per day; and in case the debt or claim
ifla11 I)? Pettled by the paitley nithout a sale of the property, one-half of one per
centurn 011 the arnount: Procidecl, That in case t h c I alue of the property shall be less
than ttlc clairri, then, i n such case, such ~ 0 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~shall
~ 1 0 1 1be allowed only on the
ippraised value thereof,



and inserting in lieu thereof the words

t o be ascertained and allowed

by the court; which was agreed to.
The committee moved further to amcnd the first section by adding
after. the word writ x the words

Provided, That no rharge for mileage, in m y ease, shall be made except for the
distance actually traveled;

which was agreed to.

The comniittec nioved furthei*to amend tho first section bystriking
out, the word teri and inserting in lieu thereof the word five;
which W:H agreed to.
On iiiotion of the conirnittec, the third section was stricken out.
The bill wab then cngrossed as t~mended,read a third time, and

&d t,wo designs for n Confederate flag; which were

referred to the Committee on the Flag and Seal.
On motion of Mr. Gxrtrell, thc Iiouse proceeded to the consideration of
A bill regulating the fees of clerks, and for other purposes,
reported froni the Coininittee o n the Judiciary, with the recommendation that i t > a s h with sundry arncndments.
And the rst section being under consideration; which is as follows,
to wit:

I . irirr (oiqreas us tkr Ph?federate Atatesdo enact, That all laws now in force
prescribing the fees of clerks of t h e courts of said Confederate States be, and the same
are hereby, r e p d e t i , and that in lieu thercof t h e said clerks shall be allowed to have
and charge, from thc time of their respective appointments, as follows, to wit:
For issuiiig cvcry promts, coniinission, summons, subpama i n chancery, capias,
notice, or garnisliee suinmons, under the sequestration act, warrant, attachment, or
otliw writ, except a snbpcr~nafor a witness, one dollar
For issuing a aiibpwa for a witness or R itnesses if inore than one be named in the
same subpccna, tn eiity-fi\ e cents
For filing and entering every cleclxration, plea, or demurrer, whether written or
not, or other wit1t.n paper in any suit, for each, ten rentk.
For administering every oath or affirmation to a ~ i i t n or
e ~other person, except a
juror, ten cents.
For entering the return on any process when proper to do so, fifteen cents.
For every rule entered in t h e rule book on one rule dav, twenty-five cents.
For any order, continuance, judgment, decree, or recognizance, drawin any bond
or making any record, certificate return, or report, for every one huntred words
fifteen Cents, or a specific fee of forty cents.
For a copy of any such entry or record, or any other record or paper, for every
one hundred words ten cents, or a specific fee of twenty cents.
For entering in any suit or controversy in court, all the attorneys for each party,
or the appearance in proper person of any party having no attorney who appears,
ten cents.
For making dockets and indexes and for other services for which no specific fee is
allowed on the trial or argument of a cause where issue is joined arid testimony
given, including venire and taxing costs, three dollars.
For making dockets and indexes and for other services for which no specific fee is
allowed in a cause where issue is joined and no testimony given, including taxing
costs, two dollars.
For making dockets and indexes, and for taxing costs and other services for which
no particular fee is allowed i n a cause which is dismissed, or a judgment or decree is
rendered therein without issue, including taxing costs, one dollar.
For affixing the seal of court to any iristrument when required, or to any proces
to which t h e same is required to be affixed by law, twenty cents.
For every search for anything atin\ e a years standing, except where such search
is for papers i n a pending cause, twenty cents.
For noting in the process book any decree, order, or process (except a siihptma for
a M itness), and taking a receipt therefor, twenty cents.
For recording a bond or other writing, i n pursuance of an order of court, for every
one hundred IT-ords fifteen cents, or a specific fee of one dollar,



Apr. 10, 180?.]

Where a witness claims for his ntttvidtmcc~,for adiuini~teringa n oath to h

and \witin# a certificate th
pursuance of the requirements
e anionnt so received, kept, and
For attendance on court IT-lientlic same is :ictnallg in session, for each day, five
For tritx elirig froiii tlir oflice of tlic cleil;, TI IXCI e lie is required by law t o reside, or
\\liere he actually docs re-idc, to tfit p l ~ c of
r Iioldiiig a n y conrt required to be held
by lan , fi\ c cents per nnle foi going ant1 the ~ i ~ i i for
i e returning.
The said fees shall bc charpenble to the party at whose instance the service is perfornxed, escclt that fees lor e n t ~ ~ r i narid
g ccrtifving the attentlance of witnesses, and
t h e procccclirigs to cotrilwl ~ ) a y n i c n for
t srwh attentl:ince, shall be c.hnrged to the
party for TI hom the \I itritm atteiicl~tl,2nd the pw tlicmi, inileage, anti other service
pt~forniedfor the Covernnient of tlie Confederate States s l i ~ lbe
l paid b y said Government. 811 fecs which niay xtriie to the clerk nndrr the requestration act, or
any act aniendatory thereof, &all he paid oiit of the general sequestered fund in
tlie liands of any receiver or uiider the. control of the (mart, when an order shall be
made tiirecting siich paynirnt, and tlic court is autliorized to m i k c w c h order a t its
d i ~ ( ~ ~ t i o No
i i . p ( ~ s o dial1
bv conipcllul to 1)ay a n y fees before mcntioned unti! a
1 hy t l w &TI< to T V h 1 t h y are dne, espressing
f w bill t i c , Iirodiicwl to him, h i
nrt,cllil#cd; a11tl tll aid fee hills, made out and
tleli\ ct to t1ic Irr:u.sll or t o :L slieriff of tlic State

tliercwf a3 appwrq to be illqpxl and not justly dne. KO clerk shall be obliged to perforin services for :t nonresident of the dist
\vliic*lihe is clerk unless payment
of liis fee4 for p:ii(l serriws be sec-nrctl,nor
) I 111 services for any person against
whoiii he ha< had a fcr bill rvtnrnetl, mid
ieiiiains unsatisfied, unless he be
becnretl 1 ~ iirieiit
o f liis fees f o r the scr\ icvs desired, or performance of said services
be dirt.ctccl 1)) t h r court,

iriorctl t o nmcnd the same by strikin out the words

f tlieir rcspcctivc ~ ~ ~ o i i i t i i i e i i tan
s , to insert after
t h o word (ihsuing * tho u-ords and entering ; wliich was agreed to.
The coriiriiittcc inovcd f nrt1it:r to arncnd tl1c bairn sectioii by inserting
after tho word thcrcof the words (by h w oh:trgcable on said fund;
which wa.: ngwcd to.
Mr. (hrtreI1 niovcct to amend the first section hy adding after the
words onr dollar thc words

That for all siin~iiionsof garnibhincnt arising iiitder tlic scquestration acts
shall hc allonetl only t\\enty-fix c c m k ;

word discretion

o anicnd tlic lirst scetioii by inserting after the

the wordb

uitig o r bei T ing parni*lini~nts,

or for recording thr same, shall be
I , clerk, or inai.~lialfor g~rrii~hincrits
nhich shall bc unproductive
sets b y the, an\m er thereto for contlcninittiori by tho (.our%.

The anicndment was lost.

Mr. Jlachcn iiiovcd to airlend the sanic, hy striking out tlic words
For every eearch for anything aborc a years staiitling, ewept where siicli search
is for papers in a l)cnding cause, twenty rent*.

The amendment mas lost, aiid the biiI as aniendrd was engrossed, read
third time, and passed.




LApr. 10,1862.

A message vas received from the Senate, by their Secretary,

Nash; which is as follows, to v i t :


MY. ,!!icaker: The Senate h a w passed, without .aniendment, a bill of this House
of the follo-ing title, viz:
1-1.Ti. -. A bill to be entitled An act for t h e organization of a corps of officers for
the working of niter beds.
The President of the Confederate States, on the 8th instant, approved and signed
ail act (S. 3) to proridc for the organization of t h e Arkansas and lied River Superintendencv of Indian )Iffairs. to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indians
therein, a h to preserve peace on the frontiers.
f i e also, on t h e 9th instant, approved and signed the following act:
S. 16. An act relatire to the estimates of the several heads of Departments.
The Senate h a r e also passed, ivithont ainendiiient, a joint resolution of this House
of the folio\\
title, viA:
Joint resolut?on of thanks to the patriotic wonien of the country for voluntary
contributions furnislicd by tlicni to the Army.
Tlie Senate liave adopted the t\\ o follou ing joint rules, iiz:
XVIII. k i i n g the piesent war, all ineapures ielating to military, naval, financial,
and foreign affairs shall be considered by each Ilonhe in secret session, unless othervise ordered \\ ith the consent of both House+; but either House, by a vote of twothirds, taken in secret iression, may determine to act in open session on any such
measures. Othcr measures may be considered by cithcr Honsc in opcn or secret session, as its own rilles and orders shall determine.
X I S . llleinbers of either House shall be admitted to the floor of tlie other House
when in secret legislative session.

The House then proceeded to the considoration of

A hill t o be cntitled An act to amend the laws relative to the compensation of the attorneys of the Confederate States.
The first section having- been read as follows, to wit:
II%a Congress of ilia Coizfe,Sedarcite States of America do enact, That, in addition to the
coiiipeneation non alloned b y law to the attorneys of the Confederate States, there
shall be hereafter allowed them for their services to the Confederate States the following fees:
In the trial before a jury, in civil and criminal causes, or before referees, or on a
final hearing i n equity, a docket fee of twenty dollars.
In all (ases where a judgment is rendered without a jury, ten dollars, and five
tlollars where a case is discoiitiiiued.
For scire facias and other proceedings on recognizances, fire dollars.
For examination by a district attorney before a judge or a commissioner, of a
person charged with crime, ten dolkars per day for the time necessarily employed.
Where a n indictment for felony shall be tried before a jury, and a conviction is
had, in addition to the attorneys fees allowed by this act, the district attorney may
be allowed a counsel fee in proportion to the importance and difficulty of the case,
not exceeding thirty dollars.

The committee moved to amend the same by striking out thereof the
word t e n and inserting in lieu thereof the word five.
The aineiidment was agreed to, and thc bill ah amended was engrossed,
read a third time, and assed.
On motion of Mr. &artroll, the House proceeded to the consideration of a Calendar hill entitled An act to limit the compensation of
clerks, inarslials, and district attorneys of the Confederate States.
The bill having been rcad as follows, viz:
TIE Coiigrrss qf the Confetkrote Xtnte.7 (10 enact, That ercry district attorney, clerk of
a district conrt, and niarshal of t h e Confederate States ?hall, until otherwise directed
by law, upon the first day of January and July in each gear, comniencing with the
first day of July next, or a i t h i n thirty days from and after t h e day specified, make
to the
, in such form as he shall prescribe, a return i n writing, embracing
all the fees and emoluinenB of their respective offices, of every name and character,
distinguishing the fees and cnioluments received or payable under the sequestration
acts from those recell ed or payable for any other Hervice; and in the case of a marshal, further distinguishing tlie fees and emoluments received or payable for services
by himself, personally rendered, from those received or payable for services rendered

A p r 10,lb61 1


21 1

abury, a ~ i i i i iexceeding fonr thousand dollars per year, or a t and

after that ratc for ench t i i i i r as he shall hold his office; and 110 marshal shall be
allon c ~ to
l retain of the f w s aid eiiiol~iriicntsof his oflice, for his own personal coniatiori, 01~r and a1m1-e :L proper al1ow:uic.e to his deputies, whivh shall i n no case
ed three-fourths ol the fces aiitl r~iiaoluinrntsreceived, as payable for t h e service
Fred by the tlepnty to 11horn the nllo\vance is made, and over and above the

Jlr. 1 Iolcornbt. movcd to aiucnd tlic smic by filling the blank therein

thc claiibc fixing the maxirniim conip n w t i o n of di5trict1 :ittoencps 1 ) striking

out therefrom the words
iix ttiOiis:iiI(~Wiidiiihcrting i n lieii thereof tlie words five thousand.
Mr. LhiTi5 nioved to anirnd the amendnitnt, by striking out five
thouhand and iiiserting in lieu thereof * two thousand.
Ihc ~inicndnicntto thc anic~ndniriit\YRS loht, and the amendment of
Air. Gartrcll was agreed to.
Arid the hill as aiiicndcd W:LS engrossed. mad a. third time, and passed.
Thc Chair presented a rncrsagc from thc President; which i.;*as follo\vs, to wit:
April 10,1862.
To tlre hriiatr nnd IIouse of licpresentntir es of the Confederate States:
I herewith transmit to Conprcs R c.oirininniration from the Secretary of t h e Xavy,
c*oreringa detailed report of Ilag-Offic~c~rh c h a n a n of the brilliant triumph of his
sqnadron over the astly snprrior force? of the enemy, i n flarnpton Roads, on the 8th
and 9th of >larch last.


The rules wcrc suspended, xiid the message and accompanying document laid 011 tlie table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Chanibliss offered
A joint resolution of thanks to the officers and men of the Patrick
Ifenry, Jamrstown, and Tewer, and other vessels engaged, fo r their
gallant conduct and bearing in tliu naval combat and brilliant victory
on the waters of .James ltirer on the 8th and 9th of March, 1862;
which was rcud the tirst and sccond times.
On motion of Mr. Chanibliss,
Thc rules ere susp~ndcd,and the resolution mas taken up, engrossed,
and passed unaniniously.
MY. Elliott, of the Coiiiniittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled



iS, bill to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to pay distric

collectors in certain cases;
And the Speaker signed t,he same.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, by nnanlmous consent, reported and recommended the passage of
A bill to authorize the Secretary of Wiar to divide the appropriation
for the contingent expenses of the War Department and the Army.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, rend first and second times, engrossed, read
a third tinip, and psscd.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, 1%:
hSj)rctk~r: Tlic, Seiinte hare passed a bill (S. 38) authorizing the issuance of
nry notes uric1c.r tlic driiioiniriation of five dollars; in which they request the
I rence of the Ilouse of Represeiitatiyezr.

On motion of hlr. Miles, the Home took up a Senate bill authorizing the issiie of Treasury notes under five doIlars; which was read first
and second times and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
On motion of Mr. Miles, tlie House took up the report of the joint
to ameiidrnent of the rules as to matters to be
coniniittee in re
discussed in seci
Mr. Curry CHI
a division of the question.
And the queqtion being upon the Rdoption of thc first rule,
hlr. DuprE demanded the yeas and nays;
And the denland being- snstaincd, the yeas and nays are recorded as
follows, to wit:
Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
It was decided ill the
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _- _- _ _ _ - . 35
Yeas: Arrington, hshc, Atkins, Batson, Boteler, Bridgers, Eli XI.
Bruce, Htxrnctt, Ch:imbliss, Chilton, Conrad, Conrom, Crockett, Currin,
Curry, Dargan, Daridson, Dc Jarn
, Ewing, Gaither, Garland,
Gentry, Goode, Graham, Heiskcll, Holcombc, Holt, Jenkins, Lander,
Lewis, McDowell, McQueen, Mcnees, Moore, Royston, Russell, Smith
of Alabama, Strickband, Vest, MTilcox,MTrightof Texas, and Wright
of Tennessee.
Nays: Aycr, Baldwin, Bell, Breckinridgc, IIoratio W. Bruce, Chamhers, Clark, Clopton, Dawkine, DuprB, Farrow, Foote, Gardenhire,
Garnett, Gartrell, Gray, Hardy, Hartridge, IIilton, Joneb, Kenner,
Machen, Marshtlll, Miles, Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Ralls, Sexton,
Singlcton, Smith of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Welsh,
and &lr. Speaker.
Two-thirds not voting in the affirmative,
The first rule ~ m not
s agreed to.
The second rule was adopted.
Mr. Miles offered the following resolution; which was read and
agrecd to,=to wit:

Resolied, That the Clerk of the IIouse he instructed to pay, out of the contingent
fund of t h e House, tlie per diem of the rlerk of the Comniittee on Military Affrtirv
upon th e certifirate of the chairman of mid committee, the compensation allowed not
to exceed fire dollars per day.

Mr. Kenner offcrcd the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Rdsolred, That the Clerk of the House he instructed to pay, out of the coiitingeiit
fund of t h e ,House, the per diem of the clerk of t h e Committee on Ways and Neans

Ap?. 1 1 , Ibb" J



on t h o crrtificate of the chairinan of that coninlittee of the number of days t

c~lrlkhas beeii eniployed, proritied that the per diem shall not exceed five
per d:ty.

On lllotioll of Mr. Bolt,

The Ilousc tlieri rcsolvcd itself into secret session.

I he IIoiisc being in sccret session,

Tlic C h i r pi-eseiitcd :t nicsuage froiii the President; which is a:: folIOIVS, t o wit:
r 7

April 10,1869.
retary of the Navy, submitting a
progositioii foi. t h e 1~onstiii(4ioiiof irniicla
the :itteiitioii of ('oiigr~~ss.

lu in ISuropc, ant1


it t o


0 1 1 motion, tlic nicswge n l i c i nwompnnyirig docririicnt- \vcre referred

to tlic C'oiuniiiiw on X:ival h1i:iirs.
viveci froni t h Scn;
11.. S : ~ s l i ;which is a

,y"'"l,ir. T l l C Sellate have, p

S. 8.

-1 j o i n t reaolntioii to prevciit the discliarge of witaiii regiirieiitv xiow in the

A m y;
l i i 11 liich

I aiii tlirectect to ask tlir c'o~te~~ri-~iire

of this Ilouse.

1 motion of Mr. Alilcs,
l'hc Flonsa took iip for coiisideration joint resohitions from the
Scii:tte to pwvcnt the disclinrgc of certain rcgiineiits now in the Ariiiy;
whicoli werc read first ttiid second tinics;
On motion of Xr. IIolt,
The Iiouse adjourned iiritil 12 o'cloclr to-morrow.


APRIL 11, 1862.


Thc, House mct pursunnt t o adjourninent, and was opeiied with prayer
by the Rev. Mr.Pcttigrew.
Jlr. Miles, by the oonscnt of the ITouse, introduced
A bill to aincnd an act to increase the iiiilitary csbblishment of the
Confedemtc States, arid to amend the act for the CStdbliShKient and
organization of the Army of the Confcdernte States of America;
which mtts read the first and second times and referred to the Comiiiittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. I3oyce introduced
A ioiiit resolrxt,ion of thanks to nlfaior-Generals Price and Van Dorn
mid &e officers and soldicrs under thriir command for their valor, skill,
U I J good
conduct in the battlc of Ellihorn, in tho State of Arkansas,
and of respect f o r the memory of Generals MvCulloch and hhlntosh;
which was read the first arid second times.
The rules were suspended, and the resolution was taken up.



[Apr. 11,1862.

J1r. Atkins called for the question; which was ordered, and the joint
resolution ~ a engrossed,
read :L third time, and passed.
On motion of Mr. Jones, the call of the Stdev was suspended, and
the House proceeded to call the conunittecs.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
A Senate bill to authorize the exchange of bonds for articles in kind,
and the shipment, sale, 01- hypothecation of such articles,
reported the same back, with the reconmendation that it pass.
On motion, the bill was ordered to be printed.
Mr. Elliott, from the Comniittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill lor the organization of a corps of officers for the working of
niter cares mid estat)lishing niter bcd,s.
Also, joint resolution of thanks to the patriotic mornen of the country
for voluntary contrihiitions furnished hy tlicm to the Army.
The Spcalicr signed tlic s:~ixie.
Mr. Miles, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom ww
ref erred
A bill to authorize the appointment of officers in the Provisiorial
reported the sanie back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
A rnesstige was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Xr. *+)ealer: The Senate have passed, with a n amendment, a bill of this House of
the following title, VIZ:
A bill (13. It. -) to authorize the eiiiployirierit of clerks a t the ofices of the Treasurer anti avjistant treasurers;
In which amenciment I a x i l iliicrteil to ask the coiiciirrence of this House.

Mr. Miles, from the Conimittec 011 Military Affairs, to whom was
A bill to increase the Corps of Engineers of the Provisional Army,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pabs.
The i~nleswere suspended;
The bill was talieii up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed:
Mr. Miles, from same committee, to whom was i d e r r e d
A bill to organize a signal corps,
reported the s m e back, with the recommendation that it p s s .
The rulcs ~vcrcsuspended;
The bill was takcii 1113, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, f r o m tho sanie coinmittee, to whom was referred
A bill to amend an act to provide for the public defense, approved
March 6, 1861, and to regulate the appointment of generals,
me hack, with the recommendation that it pass.
And the hill having been talien up and read as flollo~vs,to wit:
The Congress oj tfie Confpderntp A r r l c s cb rnucf, That the sixth section of a n act
entitled An act to provide for the pnblic
e, approved 3larch sixth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-one, be aiiieiitlecl as f o
That the words who shall holtl their
only TI hile such brigades and divisions are in serricc be, anti the sanw are iierel)y, stricken out and the following
words inserted in their stead. b u t the i i u i r r l m crf major-gciierds shall not exceed
one for every sixteen regiments, arid the number of brigadier-generals shall not
exceed one for e w r y Ioiir repinients in the IroriPional Army,


bpr 11, 1863 ]

Xr. Jotici moved to amend by striking out all after the enacting
clause mid inwrting in lieu thereof the following words, to wit:
That upoii the rcappointment by the President, hy and with the advice and consent
of thc Senate, ot the cotiiiiianding officers of brigades or divisions now in the niilitary
s e n ive of the Coiifrclerate States Ariiry whose term of service shall expire under the
piovisioiis of the sixth section of thc'act entitled "An act to provide for the public
M e ~ i v , "approved 31arch sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, the commissions
of m 4 i coliiiiiaiiding officers shall take rank froui the time of their origiiial commissions, respectively.

Pending which,
On motion of Mr. Foote, the IIoiise resolved itself into secret session;
itnd having spent soiiie time therein, again resolved itself into open session.
Mr. Conr~id,from t,he Cominittcc on Navd Affairs, to whom ~vas
A joint resolntion directing how prize nioneg shall be paid in certain
rrportctl the same bxck, with tlic ~eecommcndatio~i
tlialt it pass.
'I'h(. YUICS IVCI'C~ <:llspt.nd(>d;
1Iiv w h o l u t i o t l ivaq t&rn up, engrossed, read n third time, and passed.
On iirotioii of ,111.. Ly0115,tho ;imcndiwn~offered by him to a bill to
faci1it:Ltc. tlio t ixnsport:Ltion of t r o o p mid munitions of war by railroad
\v:L\ ordviwt to be printed.
311..I~lliott,t w n i 1 1 1 Conimittee
on Enrolled Bills, reported as cori.ect1.j c~iirolldtilo following Senate bills, to wit:
A bill to i n c r c a s c the number of depoaitorics of public funds;
Joint rcholrition of tbaiilis f o r Lhe victory at Shiloh, Tenn.; and
A /)ill to provide for the p a p e n t of musicians in the Army not
rtgu1:irly rnlizted.
Tlir Spc:tl<erbigncci the same.
On inotion of Mr. Bo p to n , a bill to establish certain post routes
thci*cin imiied w:is tdien u p and recomuiitted to the Committee on
(w mi d 1'05 t - K o d s .
MI-. ,Joncr niovrd that, the House adjourn.
Lhe motion ~ v a 9lost.
311..lioyston iriovcd that the IIome take tt recess until hali' past '7
1'. 1 Iilton deniandcd ttic yc:~s tmd nays thereon;
hich hcing \econdccl,

1 1

recorded as follo\ys, to $Tit: 1" esays..
' s - - - - -_
. . -.--.. _. -_ -_ _ _ _ -_ -_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, I~OJ-CC,
IZridgcxs, Horatio IT. Bruce, Eli M.
h i c c , Durnett, Chambers, Chainbliss, Chilton, Clopton, Conrow,
Crocliett, Currin, Curry, Uawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Ewing,
(h ither, Gardonhire, Garnett, Goode, I-fanly, Heisliell, Hilton, Holc'onil)e, Ilolt, ,Jenkins, Kenner, Lander, Lpon, Lyons, Machen, Marshtzll, Rifenees, Miles, Perkins, Pugh, 12alls, Royston, Russell, Sexton,
Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Villerb, and Wilcox.
Na~7s:Ag'er, I3at.;on, Farrow, Foote, Garlnnd, Gartrell, Herbert,
Joncs, Mcliac, McQueen, Preston, Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.
So the motiou prc\-uilcd, and the House took a recess until half past
7 o'clocli.
IYhcn, on reassembling, on motion of Nr. Garnett,
The House resolved itself into secret sessioii.



[Apr. 11,1882.


The House being in secret session,

Proceeded to the consideration of
A joint resolution of the Senate to prevent the discharge of certain
regiments now in the Army.
Mr. Foote moved to postpone indefinitely the further consideration
of the same.
Mr. Smith of Virginia moved to lay the resolution on the table.
Upon which niotion Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays;
And the demand being sustained, the yeas and nays are recorded,
j Yeas._ _ _
- _ _ ._
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ 68
And arc as followh, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
5 __
Yeas: Arrington, Aslie, Barlisclalc, Batson, I3el1, Horatio W. Bruce,
Eli XI. I3ruce, Burnett, Chanibcrh, Chainbliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton.
Conrad, Conrow, Crockctt, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnettc, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gaither,
Garnett. Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gmy, Hanly, Hartridge,
Herbert, E l t o n , Holconibc, I-lolt, Jenkins, Johnstoil, Jones, Kenner,
Lyon, Muchen, Marshall, McDowell, Melean, Menees, Miles, Perkins, Preston, Iiigh, Rnlls, Royston. Hussell, Sexton, Singleton,
Smith of Alabarnn, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Strickland, Vest, Vill e d , Welsh, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
?Jays: Boyce, Krcckinrid e, Qardcnhire, Heiskell, and Lewis.
So the rnotiori to lay oil t ie table prevailed.
A message was received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Swretai;y, Mr. Harrison.
M r . Conrad, troiii the Comrriittec on Xuv:il Aflairs, to whom mas
ref erred
A bill to amend :m net t o provide for tlhe organization of a navy,
approved Mnrcl1 16, 1861,
re ortcd the same back, asked to he discharged from its further consi eration, and that tlit: bill lie on the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Conrad, from the mrne committee, to whom was referred the
message and report of the Secrctai-y of the Navy in relation to the
building of iron-plated gunboats in Europe, wported a hill to authorize a certain contract f or iron-plated vessels of mar; which mas read
first and second times, placed on the Calendar, and ordered to be
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the report of the Secretary of War in relation to the supply
of small arms, rcported the same back, asked tu be discharged from
its further consideration, and that the report lie on the table; which
was agreed to.
On motion, the consideration of the special order of the day was
postponed, and
M r . Keiiner, Irom the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
referred a Seriale Id1 authorizing the issue of Treasury notes under
the denomination of five dollars, rcported the same [tack, with the
recommendation that it pass with sundry amendments.
And section first being under consideration, the committee moved to
amend by inserting after the words public dues the words including postage.
The aineridincnt was agreed to.

AIJr I 1 15621


And section second being under consideration, the committee

t o amend by strilciii
t the word issuance and inserting
thereof the wold i
The amc~ndmcntTF
The coiiiniittec moved to nnicnd by inserting- as section 3 the following, to wit:
The Secretary of thc Trcasnry is hereby xutliorizrd to irsiie Treasury notes, payable
in six iiiontlis aftcr the rxtifivatioii of x treaty ot peacae hetwem the Confederate States
xiid the ITiiitetlStatw, oi :t dr,notiiii,atioii not le- th:iii one hundred dollars, bearing
o writs per (lay for t ~ lIiundred
dollars, the said notes when
for 40 iuucli of tlie one hundred and sixtyfive inillions of
act of C O I I ~ ~ passed
C P S at the present session, and said notes
pnieiit of all public dues, except the export duty on cotton.



:lnlclltlrncllt \c:1s
l l l l o \ - c d to

second section of the hill by adding

thcrcto the following v

tc~tary o i tlic


sli:dl eiiiploy no oiir to print or lithotliis act \\ 1 1 0 lias bcwi i n any manner
mi\ 1)mks that ha) fallen within the
t u i i t l u shall h a w bctw reinovcd to cities

cviotis question; which was sustained, and

And thv bill \vn> i-cad :i t h i i d time wid passed.

And thc litlc to the s:~niew a s mnended by striking out therefrom
the worcls iindcr the dciioniination of fire dol1;trs.
On niotion of 31r. 1~yons,the House rcsolved itself into open session; :ind 1i:tviiiF; spent sonic time therein, again resolved itself into
as received from the Scrmte, by the h m d s of the Secretary of that body, 311..N:L ; which is ;LS follows, to wit:
JI, . ,5)>gc//,f?. TIICSc~li:tt(~
lin\ 1%11 ctl it bill of the follon ilia title, rix:
act to fnithet p-o\ idr for the public defense;
8.:% 11 bill to k)c, cntitlril
In whicli I a m tlirccteil to a& the concurrerice of this House.
The lre\itleiit of t h e Coiif(x1c~rateStates, on yebtcrday, approvcd and sigiicd an act
entitled A n act to eiiconragc ciilistniciits in thc Cor1)s of Marines.

On motion of MY.Jlilw, t h e HOL~SO

took up for consideration 5~
Senate bill further to provide for the public defense; which was read
first arid secoiid times, rind
On iriotioii of Nr. 31ile\, WLS ordcrcd to be printed and made the
special ordcr f o r to-morrow ininiediately after the meeting of the
Honsc. and froin d:iy to day ixntil cmcludcd.
Mr. (iarnett inorcd that when the House adjourns it adjourn to
meet a t 11 oclock a. 111. to-morrow.
Mr. Atlcins culled the question ; which was sustained, and the motion
was agreed to.
And on motion of Mi..Swan,
T h e House adjourned until 11 oclocli to-morrow.




APRIL12, 1862.


The Housc met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Singleton offered the following resolution, to wit:
Resoloed, That for the remainder of the present session of Congress no member shall
be allowed to speak more t h a n fifteen minutes a t a time on any proposition before it,
and shall only have the privilege of speaking a second time upon said proposition
after every other member who desires to do so shall have spoken upon it.

Mr. Singleton moved to suspend the rules for tho purpose of considering the resolution.
IJpon which motion Mr. Jones called the yeasmd nays;
And the call being sustained,
_ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. _ ._ _ _ _ _ - 24
Yeas: Arrington, htkins, Barksdale, Bat&, Bell, Hoteler, Eli M.
Bruce, Rurnett, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Crocltett, Currin, Curry, Qargan, Dawkins, Dupi-6, Eming,
Foote, Foster, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gartrell, Hanly, Heiskell, Hilton,
Holt, Jenkins, Kcnncr, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Machen, McDowell,
McLean, Menees, Miles, Pugh, Ralls, Read, Royston, Singleton, Smith
of Virginia, Stricklnnd, Swan, Trippe, Vest, Viller6, and Wilcox.
Nays: Aslie, Iheckinridge, Horatio W. Bruce, Davidson, Davis,
Farrow, Gaither, Garland, Goode, Harris, Herbert, Holcombe, Johnston, Jones, Lyons, Marshall, McQueen, Perkins, Preston, ltussell,
Sexton, Staples, Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.
So the motion t o suspend the rules prevailed.
And, on inotion of Mr. Lyons, tlic Housc resolved itself into secret
session; atid having spent some time therein, a p i u resolved itself into
open session.
And the resolution of Mr. Sineleton being under consideration.
Mr. Foote iiioved to amend tlic same by b%riking out therefro& the
word fifteen a i d inserting i n lieu thereof the words twenty-five.
Mr. Singleton denlanded the previous question; which was sustained, and thc ntnendriient was agreed to.
And the question being upon agreeing to the rcsoldion as amended,
Mr. Lyons demanded the yeas and nays;
And the demand being sustained, the yeas and nays are recorded
as follows, to wit:
. _._
I t was decided in the affirmative,
- 20
Ycas: Arrington, Atkins, 13arksdale, Ijatson, Boll, Boteler, Boyce,
Eli M. Bruce, Ihrnett, Chambers, Ckiambliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton,
Conrad, Conrom, Crocliett, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Dupr6, Ihving, Foote, Poster, Gardenhire, Garnett, Uartrell,
Goodo, Gmhaiii, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Holcombc, Ilolt, Jenkins, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Machen,
McDowell, McLean, Miles, Iugh, Ralls, Read, Royston, Sexton,
Singlcton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Virginia, Strickland, Swan,
Trippe, Vcst, VillcrB, and Wilcox.
Nays: Ashe, Breckinridge, Hoi-atio W. I3rucc, Cooke, Davidson,
Farrow, Gaither, Oarlund, Harris, ,Johnston, Jones, Lyons, I\larshall,
McQueen, Pc i k i ,Pi-&on, Russell, Staple,., Welsh, arid MY. Speaker.

{ ~~~-:::::-------

A p . I?, 1%2]


So the resolution as nixtended was agreed to.

A ~ i i ~ w i g e recei] cd froin the President, by the hands of his
Private Sccrctary, 11/11.. Jlwrison; which is as follows, to wit:
% h X X J T I V E ~ E P l I t T > l & X T -1Pd
12, 18G2.
7b tlu~I i o ~ ~ o ~ nthe
b l r S ~ ~ Ao P
t /lie
, Jloctse o/ I?(p-Psc~nintires.
SIR The Presitfcnt, oil yestcrtlap, approved and signed tlic folloaing bills:
AII act entitled An act to legitlize the acts of the district attorney, marshal, and
ilrputy i i i a r h l s ot Terinebhee;
Also, n n act entitlctl An act to authorize the Secretaiy of the Treasury t o pay
district collcctorci in rcrtain
the organimtion of a corps of officers for the
ing niter beds, and
lution of thanks to the patriotic wonien of tho

d frotii the Senate, by the hands of the SecRash: whic.h is a.; folIoirs, to wit:

l a t r l tlic ( oirlpcXiit.ttioii 01 1 1 i c i i i l ) e t 9 of Congresb,

11. L t -- .Joint r t ~ ~ l i i t i ooE
i i (Iiaii1,s to ( i t a n . I[. 11. bibley and his command;
11. It. - 1 t i ~ ~ o l i I t I l01
~ l ltllall
Jaiiie<to\\ 11, T r ~ t I~, cant1 otticr \

11 R.-- h joint ic~iolntionf

1 1 . 11. - iZ bill to I)? cwtitled , i n
and ol >iiiall nrin~.
TIic lirbt three \\ ithont and thc two latter with ainendnients, in which I am directed
to a-k tile wnciirreiim of this IIouse.

Tlw Senate linrc agi ercf to the aiiiendinent of the I

I ~ ~ g a l ithe
m act., ol t l i e (fistri(*tattorncy, inarshal, ant1
T l i t Scwate hat\ e xgrcwl lo the reQolntionof thiq 1011
nwiit o f Congrey., \\ i t l i a11ainentlnicJnt.
111 I\ h i c ~ h:tintwtlirient I am directed to ask the (oncurreiice of this House.

On iuotioii of 311.. Singleton,

Tlic House IPSOIVC~ithelf in to seci*cltsession.

The IIonse being in h

reading of the dournal.
11111.. Ihrgan mored t
The motion prevailed.
On motion of M I . Singleton, the House resolvcd itsrlf into open
session; and having spent some tirne therein, again resolved itself into
yet sehsioii ancl proceeded to the cwnsideration of
2 hill furthrr to provide ioi. the public defense.
Atid thc first srction of the ~ttxiiehcing tinder consideration; which
i \ a 5 folio\\<. to wit:
0: 1 . Tlip (oiaqress of ilie f b i ! f ( d e ~ ~H~nk
t e x of Amn.7tn. do encict, That thc
nt be, and he is Iieieb\, aothorixd to tall out aid place in the inilitary
of ttic Coiifcdernte states, for thier 3 earb, unless tlic n a r dial1 have been
, all \\ tiite iiien ntio ale resideiitq of the Confectcrate States, I)etween
liteen ancl tlin ty-fire J ears at thc tirne the
I@ly exempted froin imlitarp xr\Ice. A
who are iiow in the arinies ot the Confederaq , and I
expire betoic~the cntl of th(1 nar, sliall t w cwiitiiiurd in
ii the ngir <hall I1:ir.c t m n comer ended:
eii oiigiiial t w l i i t n i c ~ i r t111
That w l l ~ l l ( . I l ~ o l i l ~ x l l l l y tiad roil q, h t f a 11ons, nntl regiments,
iginal riiliutnient war fc t b \ ~ lP \ nioiitlis, shall Iiai e the right,



[Apr. 12,

.rc.ithin forty days, on a day to be fixed by the commander yf the brigade, to reorganize said coinpanies, battalions, and regiinenb, by electing all their officers,
which they had a right heretofore to elect, vrho shall be coinmissioned by the
President: Pi ooided .further, That fuiloughs not exceeding sixty days, with transportatioii home and back, shall be granted to all those retained in the service by the
provisions of this act beyond the period of their original enlistment, atid who have
not heretofore received furloughs under the provisions of a n act entitled An act
providing for t h e granting of bounty and furloughs to privates and noncommissioned
officers in the Provisional Arniy, approved eleventh December, eighteen hundred
and sixty-one, said furloughs to be granted at such tirues and i n sueh numbers as the
Secretary of War rnay deem most compatible with the public interest: And provided
furthe?, That in lien of a furlough the commutation value in money of the t r a n s p o r b
tion herein above granted, shall be paid to each private, musician, or Iioncomniissioned officer who may e l ~ c to
t recei\ e it, a t such time as t h e furlough would otherwise be granted: Iro?,itlerl.i,,That all persons under the agc. of eighteen years
or over the age of thirty-fire yetns, n I 1 0 are now enrolled i n t h e military service of
the Coufetlerate Statw, in the rrgiments, I):ittalions, and coinpanies hereafter to be
reorganized, shall he rcquired to remain in thrir respec2tire coilipanies, battalions,
and rcgimeiiti for ninety tlays, i i n l e ~their places can be sooner supplied by other
recruits not now in the service, who are betwccii the ages of eighteen aiitl thirty-five
years, and all la\\ s ant1 pwts of laws proiJiding for the reenlistiiient of volunteers and
the organization tliereof into conipanier, squadrons, battalions, or regiments, shall be,
and the same are hereby, repealed,

Mr. Foote moved to amend the same by inserting after the word
service the following words, to wit:
Iiorided, h m e i w , That the previous consent of the governor, or the le islature or
the convention, if in session, of the State in which soldiers are to be raise%shall first
be obtained, or the soldiers to be enrolled signify their own voluntary consent to the

Mr. Footc moved further to amend by inserting. after the word

rnded the following words, to wit:
or the go\ ernnient of the State to which they respectirely belong shall formally
disappro\-e the hame.

Also, to insert nftcr the words

rcorganizcd, shall the words

with the consent of their respective governments, as given either by t!ti governor,
legislature, or convention thereof.

Blr. Kiissell moved to amend by substituting for the bill the folloming, to wit:
1. That during the present M-ar the President may, a t his discretion, call
forth all or any of the niilitia of all or any of t h e States, by draft, proclamation, or
otherwise, to be employed in the service of t h e Confederate States whenever any of
the States shall be invaded or in danger of invasion, as long and as often as he shall
deem necessary.
SEC.2. The niilitia or any of them may be so called into service either by companies, battalions, squadrons, and regiments organized under the lairs of the respecti\Te States, or in niases, to be organized into companies, battalions, squadrons, and
regiments, according to regulations to be prescribed by the President, but u i t h officers
to be appointed in coniorinity 11ith the laws of the reqpective States for the appointment of oficers of the niilitia. The rriililia i n or froin each State being 60 organized
separately lroiri the iiiilitia of othei States, arid, iii otlier respects, the organization
being t h e same as that prescribed for volunteers by the laus of t h e Confederate States.
SEC.3. All male citizens not less than eighteen nor inore than forty-five years of
age shall be required to serve as aforesaid, either in perboii or by a sufficient substitute, except such as are cxcniptcd by esipting l a w of the Confederate States from
military scrvice in time of war. But the President rnay temporarily or perinanently
exempt ajl persons over thirty-fire >earsof age from such service.
SEC.4. Until the first day of JUIYnest, the President may detain in service, with
their present wganization, any coinpany of volunteers whose term of service \1ill
expire before that day, provided a iiiajority of t h e privates serving in such company
shall consent thereto, a t a poll to be taken under such regulations as the President


-1pr. I?, I8t,L ]

sliall prcscribc. The terixi of service under. this section shall be computed a~ par
thc ti\ o years to be served 1)y any volunteer reelllisting for two years or the war.
Sxc. 5. Any person lawfully required to serve as aforesaid, and refusing to serve,

MI.. Thuksdalc niovcd that the House do now adjourn.

The inotioii was lost.
Mr. Curly moved t l i d when the IIousc do adjourn to-day it adjourn
:tt 11 0c.loclr on hloncl:~! ; which vas agreed to.
1. W. I i r u c ~niored
th:Lt the Honsc take a recess until half
p \ t 7 O r h ~ k17. 111.
J I ~,iolltIs
Illovcciillat tilc Ir0112cdo llOlv :L~ljoiirii.
wrying upon the iiiotioii of Xr. 11. W. Bruce,

, and tlie

0c.loc.k 13.

tlonse took a recess until half past 7




1. 31.

Thv I l o u ~ cmet pursnwnt to adjournment, and resumed the consideration of the unfinished business.
N u . Singlcton called the question, which was upon agreeing to the
fii-ht airicnrinioiit of MI-. Eoote to the first section.
I T p o nwhich motion Mr. Eootc deinanded the yeas and nays;
h i d the dcniantl being sustained, the yeas and 11ap arc recorded as
followh, to wit:
It jyns Cjccidpd i;1 tlic Ilcgativc, 7.y- - 1
h n d ~ s. _ _ _ _. _
_ __
_ ._
. _.. .
_ .61
Wens: 1bl1. I{rcckinridgc, Foote, Poster, Gaither, I-Ianly, Hilton,
Jones, I1I(wcc~,Miles, lrliins, Siiiith of Alabama, a i d Welsh.
N:LJ5: Arririgton, A c, Aycr, IZatson, Boteler, Hogcc, IZridgers,
IIoratio D.ISrucc, E l i . I3ruce, Burnctt, Chambers, Chaiiibliss, Chilton, C1ai.k. Cloptoil, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Crocliett, Currin, Curry,
I>nmliir~.;.I)e t J a ~ n ~ ~ tIthep, r 6 , Riving, Farrow, Gardenhirc, Garland,
(;amctt, Gurtrcll, Qoode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, IIeiskell,
I Icrbert, IIulcomhc, tJeiikins, Ihiiner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Machen,
filarshall, ?uIcI)owell,& h a i i , Pugh, Ralls, Bead, Itoyston, Iilxssol!,
Scxton, Singltton, Smith of Vii-ginia, Tibhs, Vest, VillerB, Wilcox,
\Jright of Texas, and IIr. Sptakpr.
So the aincndinciit was lost.
And the qaestion being upon agreeing to the second amendment of
&Ii*.Foot(>,the sailie ivas lost.
And the question upon thc first amendment offered by
Mr. Foote, tlie sxmc wab lost.
Ilcavc of abscnce was granted to Mr. Smith of horth Carolina.



Mi-. Foote moved to amend by adding at the end of tho section the
following, to wit:
Pyocided, That if within ninety days after t h e passage of this .act, >he assent of any

State shall not be obi%ined through a regularly elected convention, If in session, or of

the legislature, if there be no convention, o r of t h e governor, if there be neither legislature or convention, then this bill shall cease to operate upon t h e troops of such
State, except such as may volnntarily assent thereto.

The amendment was lost.

Mr. Ileiskell moved to amend by inserting after the word


and each coniniander is directed to bring 011 such reorganization within five days
from the time he shall receive a copy of this act if practicable.

The amendment iva~lost.

M r . Jones moved that the Hoiise do now adjourn.
Thc motion was lost.
A h . Chambliss moved to amend by inserting after the word Presi-
dent the following, t o wit:
Irovided f w t l i r r , That companies, battalions, or regiments of tw elTe months volunteers ~ h have
o so enlisted and elected their officers, shall be received uuder their
. new organization, and have their officers commissioned according to such election.

The amendmciit was lost.

Rilr. Davis moved to amend by striking out the first section of th;
Phe amendment was lost.
Mr. Chambers moved t o amend by striking out the words b;
electing all their officers, which they had a right heretofore to elect,
who shall bc commissioned by the President, and inserting in lieu
thcreof the following, to wit:
And the company and field officers thereof shall be elected or appoiuted and becorruiiissioned according to the laws of their respective States.

Pending the considemtion of which,

The House, on motion of Mr. Burnctt,
Adjourned until 11 oclock on Monday.

APRIL14, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Itnlls.
The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
To the House of Irepresei&dicec:
I herewith transmit a coriiniunication from t h e Secretary of War, conveying information, so far as practicable, in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives, requcsting thc President to coiiirnunicate what steps h a r e been taken to carry
out the act for connecting the Richmond and Danrille and t h e North Carolina railroads and for the connection of the railroad from Selma, in Alabama, to Meridian, in

which was read and, with its accompanying documents, laid upon the

,\p1.1I, i w ]

The Chnir also I



d before tlie IIouse the following communication

Croin the 1re.ithnt:

TOiltc Smrite mid I I O V A ~o i IZcp
of the Postiiiastc.r-C;eneral, supplementary
lorumrnts relative to frauds
ent Iiy the Southern Express

tcvl altcr,ttioii of the existing laws receive the careful


hich was rend and, with its accompanying documents, referred to the
Coiiiniittcc. on Post-Offices arid Post-Roads.
Ihc Houst. tlicn proceeded to the consideration of a bill to authorize
the eniyloymcnt of clerli.; a t the offices of the Treasnrer and assistant
t rtxsiirers; wliich was ictnrned from the Senate with the following
aiiiciidnient, to wit: Atld to the bill the words

, t ~ d p r o / d c t ? ,/w/hw, That a prcfcrence shall in all eases be given i n inaking

poiiitiiients, thr. qw~lific~atioiis
I-wixig equal, t o thore who linve h e m dipcharged
11i1 t I i v uiilit.iry \rlrvic,c of tlic miintry on a(xbouiit of wounds received or disease
i t r , u t t ~ lin t i l e I i i i c of tluty.

And thc cliiwtion lxing on concurring in tlic :miciidintmt,

11lC h:L11IC \v:1s ILgXcd to.
A joi tit w.oliition of tlic Senate, appointing n joint committee on
anrollrd bills, 1% t:LliCn 111) and q w e d to; arid
Ilic C h i r iiniiouncc(1 as the committee on the part of the House:
;\Ic>\rs. Elliott of Kt~iitiic~li-y.
(hxnibcrs of Iclississippi, and Tibbs of
I cnriehace.
On niotiori o f Mr. Clian ilm~ the
~ , House then resolved itself into
secret scs4oti; and having spit soiiic tinie therein, again resolved
itsclf into opcn s(
JIr. (h:iuibers. Prom tlie Coniiiiittee on 13nrolled Bills, reported as
concctly cnrolltid
A joint rosolntion directing how prize money shall be paid in certain
The Speaker signed the samc.
lhc following bill and joint iwolutions weye signed log the Speaker,
harinp hccn reported 1)shIr. Elliott, chairman of the Committee on
I1:nrollcd 1511s; :IS correctly enrollcd, vk:
A Jill to m ~ c n dan act entitled An act to r e d a t e the conmensation
of members of Congreis, ctc. ;
,Joint resolution of thanks to Gen. H. IT. Sibley and his command;

, I



.Joint resolution of thanks to the officers and crews of the Patrick

llenry, Jaiiiestoivn, Teazer, and other vessels, for gallant conduct.
On iiiotion, the Ilouse again resolved itself into secret session.

The House being i n sccret session, resumed the consiclcrxt,ion of the

unfinished 1)u.inchs of the last secret session, which was the amendment of Xlr. to tlie first section of a 1611 further to provide
f o r the piihlic defense.
311.. Wilcox called thc question; which w;u seconded;



Mr, Chambliss demanded the yeas and nays;

And thr demand M n g sustained,
Yeas _ . - - - - - - . - . _ _48
They a r e recorded as follows, to wit: ( 1v a\.b _ _ . _ ___.__
_ __
Yeas: Ayer, Batson, Deli, Botelcr, Boyce, Bridgers, Chambe
Chainbliss, Clark, Davidson, Dawkins, DuprE, Farrow, Foote, Foster,
Gaither, Garnett, Gartrell, Geiitry, Goode, Graham, Hanly, Hartr
Hilton, Ilolcombe, Johnston, Jones, I<en:tn of North Carolina,
shall, MuDowell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Preston, Italls, R
Sexton, Staples, Trippe, Welsh. Wright of Georgia, and Mr. S
Xays: Arrington, I3arksdalc, Breckinridge, Eli If. Bruce, Burnett,
Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Crockett, Currin, Darvan,
Elliott, E:iring, t;ardcnhire, Gmy, Harris, Hciskcll, Herbert, Ifolt,
Jenkins, ISlcniier, Landvr, LJ 011, Lyons, Machen, McLean, AfcRae,
Moore, Pcrlciiw:, Pugh, Royston, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Tibbs,
Vcst, ITilwx. tmd IVright of Texas.
So t h e amendnient was agreed to.
Mr. ltusbell nioved to amend by striking out the m o d s be and the
saiiie are liereby repealed and inserting in lieu thereof

cease to ha\e effect froin the first day of June nest, Got until that time any company, battalion, squadron, or regiment may be organiwd under said act if a sufficient
nonrber of inen qtixll ha\-e enlisted illerrin.

tlie ariicridiiient W:LS lost.

Rlr. (lopton rnovcd to aiiicnd by inscrtiiig after the noirls be
granted the word<
as early after thr espiration of thc teriii of ciilistment as the Yacancies created
thereby citn be snppliect 1)y cletails or c.oiiipaiiies from the reserve provided for in the
sixth eectioii of this act.

The anicndnient K L ~ not agreed to.

Mr. Davis nioved to amend by striking ontthe words thirty-five
and inscrlirig i n lieu thereof thc words forty-five.
Rilr. Curry called the question; which was seconded, and the amendment was lost.
Mr. Foote nioved to aniend by adding a t the cncl of the section the
following, to wit:
And t h e members of the two Hotlees of Congrees, after the close of the present session,
shall not be exempt from servicv in the Arniy, but shall each he subject to serve as
soldiers, until the next meeting of the same, without regard to age or occupation, and
afterwards when not engaged i n legislxtive Pession.

Mr. Cfartrell cdleci the qiiestioii; which mas seconded;

And Mr. Footc demanded the yeas and nays.
Thc cleiiislnd W B S not sustained, aid the anicndnient was lost.
A rnrs.;age was received froin the Senate, hy the harids of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follo\vb, to wit:
Jfr. &rctker: Thc Senate Iiave rejected a joint resolution of this Honse of the

itlent to

w i d

additional commissioners to

foreign countries, anti for other pnrpo

Mr. Ureclririridge moved to amend by inserting after the word

States t h e words

Provided f ~ t k e r That
during said fortv (lays t h e nwml.wrs of each company may
enlist in a n y company, ~qnadron,battalion, or regiment not a t t h e time full.

The amendrnent was lost.

A ~ 11



Air. Snxii ~ i i o r c dto aillend by inserting after the word

thc \vords


whcv i t s M 1 90 Iiappen that a regiment, battalion, or company has not been assigned
to I bi ~ p d e thcii
\I itliin forty days after the assignment ot. the regiment, battalion,
01 c o i i ~ p i to
i ~ >I. brigade.

Thc alncndnlc11t mas 10st.

All,. cJon~:,clctnnndccl the previous question, upon mhicli motion he
dcni:iridrd t h c yeas mid nays;
Aliitltlir dcin:tnd bcing sustained,
:11id IXLJ-S are rccordcd as follows, ta wit:
tile rlcgatirc, Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - 33
Nays - _ _ .- - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - 47
Ycas: Arritigton, Bell, Chilton, Clopton, Conrom, Coolm, Currin,
Curry, Ihirgati, I hpr 6, Elliott, Kwing, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Goode,
II:n-rix, Ilolt, J ( > i i L i i i \ , rJon(w, I<c~nnuof North Carolitin, Lander, Lewis,
Lyon, A l ~ i c l i ~ ~An ,l ~ l ~ w AlcRrw,
Pugh, Itoyston, Singleton, Strickohst, \\c.l4i,
:itid \lilcox.
: , h I i e . Ayvr, 1 ~ : i t ~ l ~ l : Il:itson,
13otclcr. Boyce, Iloratio W.
Hli 11. lEi.iic.c, Itiiriict t, Chanilwr,s,Chaml)lirh, Clark, Conrad,
1 h 1 i d w i i , 1ki1 i,, I h u I , i i i \ . Footc. Boqtcr, Gaithcr, Garnett, Graham,
I l:ii,tridgcL, I l ~ ~ i ~ l ~
e l l , Hilton, ,Johnston, Kcnner,
1ia11, A I ~ * Q w Y I I ,hIvncw, Mileb, Moow, Ierkins, Prebton,
I , Scxxtori, Smith of illttbaiiia, Smith of Virginia, Swan.
Tihh, lri1)p, IYi~iglitof Lcxas, a r i d MY.Speaker.
So 1IN. iii:tiii c i i w h i o r i WIS not ordered.
Air. 1), 0115 11101 ed l o tmend by substituting in licu of the first section
tlrc. follo\~ittg,to n i t :

That ior tlrc pnrposc of rai.;ing : ~ n darming, t h c Presidcnt is required to call out
1)lac v i n t l i c b e i \ icr. of tlic (orifetlrratc Stntrs, for three yews, unless the war
o reqideiits of the Confederate
1 \JCC.II W)01101 ( dcd, all nlrite inen ~ l i are
iki.11 1
ciglitcvn arid thirty-five years at the tiiiie the call o r calls

of inrlonghn
All pc1 &on+nntlci tticl age of ciglitecn and over the age of forty-fivc now i n the
h l i i i y ma\ be continncd iu the wrviec. i n which t h e y are no\v engaged for ninety
dayraftrrthcexpiration of tlrc4r prcbcmt term of service, and then discharged,
tliev choose to enlist lor tlirec years, or for the var.

T h e :iinend~ncn
t was lost.


01, ,j-05-15



[Apr. 14,1862.

Mr. Gaitlier nioved to amend by inserting after the word service

the following, t o wit: or who are not members of some company in
tlir organized inilitary service of thc State.
The amendment mas lost.
Xr. Boycc moved to amend by substituting for the section the following, to wit:
That the President is hereby authorized to retain in the service for six months, if
the military exigenvies in his judgment require it, all the twelve months volunteers,
with their existing organizatioiw:, after the expiration oi their present term of service. That any rcyiinetit, battalion, squadron, company, or legion so retained, may,
within thirtj (lays after the cxxpiration of their original term of serviw, reorganize
for t n o ye:irs or the war, electing their own officers, field and company, according
to taxisting l>iw, ~ L I Iwhen
rcorgariizetl, all promotions shall be made by seniority,
except that d r i c e i ~ut the lowest grade shall be elected by the officers and soldiers
of tlie coiiilmiy, rebpectiT clj-.

Thc nniendirient w:ts lost.

All-. 1Z:~rksdalenmvt!d to suspend the rules in order to make a
motion t o amend w rule of the IIousc.
The motion pi.cwilcd.
And 011 motion of Mr. 12arltsdale, the rule adopted by the House
liiaiting tlr?batlctW:M atncndcd by striking out twenty-five ininutes
therefroiii and inserting five nlinutes.
Mr. Itussell, 1)y consent, withdrew his substitute for the hill, and
moved to amend I)g substituting for the first section the following,
to wit:
That, during 1hc ~)iosi~iit
\I ar, thc. President may, a t his discretion, call forth all or
any of (Ire m i l i t i n , of d l OI a n y o f the Statcis, to h e employed in the service ol the
long aritl a\ oftcw, wheiiever any o f tlie States shall be invaded,
*ion, a? lie sliall tleeiri nccwsary.

A h . Kasscll called tlic cinestion; which W:LSseconded, and the amendlllellt w:Ls lost.
Mr, Graliani niovcd Lo reconsider thc vote by which tlie aniendment
of Mr. Ch;uiiberb to the. firsL hectioii wa5 adopted.
rhc tnot ion prevailed.
And the cluestion being upon agreeing to the amendment,
Mr. Garnett deinandcct thc yeas and nays;
And the deinand being sustained,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
They arc recorded ns follows, to wit: 1 Yens
Nays _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _ _ 42
Yeas: IZatsoii, 13oteler, Chambers, Chambliss. Chi-k, Curry, Davidion, Fnrrow, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Garnett, (fartroll, Gentry, Goode,
Hanly, Ilartriclgc, Holcombe, .Jones, Kennn of North Carolina, Marsh:~ll,McQlicerl, JIe~ioes,Miles, Russell, Strickland, Trippc, Welsh,
\.triglit of Georgia, and Mr. Spealtcr.
Nays: Rrrington, 13:trksdalc, Horatio M7. ISiwcc, Eli N. Bruce, Burnett, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Crocliett, Cnrrin, Dargan,
Ihpr6, Elliott, Ew ing, C~ardenhirc,Graham, Gray, Heiskell, Herbert,
Holt, Jenkins, Ktwicr, Liiider, Lewis, Lyon, L ~ O I I SMachen,
McDowell, McLem, Mc&s~c, Moore, lerkins, Pugh, LCxlls, Royston,
Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Vest, aiid Wilcox.
So the :~nicnd~nriit
WLS lost.
Mr. Barlisdale called the previous question.
Upon which Mr. Mcnees demanded the yeas aiid nays;
And the demand being sustained.


.ipl 1 4 , 1 \ b 2 ]


Yeits: Ai rington, Barlisdale, Hoteler, Bunictt, Chilton, Clopton,

Coni-ow, Crocxkett,Chrrin, Curry, Daroan, Uavidson, Ih v is , I)e Jarnctte, IIuprC:, Elliott, Ewing, (h ith er, Oardenhire, (hrtrell, IIeiskell,
Ilolcoiiihc, Ilolt, ,Jenkins, Jones, ICenan of North Carolina, Lander,
Lewis, Lyon, Slnchcn, XcI~owell,McLean, McRac, Pugh, Royston,
S i n g l e t o n , 3riiitli of Virg:ini:t, Strickland, Vest, Welsh, and Wilcox.
nilvs: Aycr, k i t w n , I3rcckinridge, X-Iomtio W. Bruce, Eli M.
IZi*uc$c.Ch:mbcrs, Ch:tniblivi, Clark, D:twlcins, Farrow, Footc, Foster,
Gnrnctt, Gentry, Goode, Qixhain, Gray, Hanly, Ilartridgo, I-lerbert,
Ililtort, Ihnnc r , Lyons, illcQiieeri, Menees, Miles, Rfoore, Perkins,
lt:~lls,Huqscll, Scston, Swan, Trippe, Wright of Georgia, and Mr.
Spcd 1-\(I..
So the 1 I o u ~ crefuscd to order thc main question.
Mr. Mcnccs moved to aniend by striking out three and inscrting
f o u r i n tlic third arid eighth lines of thc section.
Th(1 :tiiienctnient w:\s lost.
Ancl section 2 being under (*onsideration;which is cis follows:
/ k r o ~ c c l c d ,That snvh companies, sqnatlronr, I,attalroncl, or regiorgaiiifiition by autlmity froin tiic Sccretary of
age of this avt,
far completed as
oigaiiimtio1i :rc.lrially cnrollrd, not
to 11x\ c: t l r c \\ l i t l l ( ~ l l l l l l l l ~ ~of~ t 111
i i i t n i l l oiganimtionu i
in sei \ice,, sliall lie incstered into
of tlir Confrtlcrate Stntes as pnrt o f the land forces of the same, to be
t i d i t i i n of tlie wrviw i n vliicli they are authorixetl to organize, and
tliclir c o n i ~ ~ t nI):ttalion,
and regimental ofbcers,

1:i ( I


ilic.1115 0 1eeirii/c~t1,or iii j ) r o ( ( \ q q ot

JTai, :I U I L J I)c \\ i l l i r n tliiity da\

*. titi n i o d to aniciid by inserting after the word organization the wotds wcording to the lams heretofore in force.
Il ie :1111c ncl II 1 cnt \\ah 10st .
Mr. lcrliins iiioved to insert after tho words now in service the
word^ e s c q t that the cavalry service may be reorganized with inen
now in that scrvice.
Thc an1cI1 cl ti1t 11t was lost.
A i r . Ciirry nio\ ed that when tlrc House adjourn to-day it adjourn to
rnect a t 11 oclocli a. xi. to-morrow.
&Lr. Lhvis inored to amend the motlion of Mr. Curry hy striking out
11 oclocli a. in. arid inwrtitig i n lieu thereof 8 oclock n. 111.
idnicnt was Ioht, and tho motion of Mr. Curry prevailed.
ell inovctl to aiiic1rid by inserting after the word service
except such as have heretofore enlisted therein.
The :mcndmcnt wtts lost.
MY. Footc niovecl to amend by inserting as scctioii 3 the following,
to wit:
Ijr it furtlier ciccccfed, That the vitizen soldiers i\ho are hereafter to constitute the
ilitary force hcrein provided for, shall be alloned to preserve their existing politi1 rekition< nith the States to which they respectively appertain, shall kw desigtctl in the ranks of the Confeclerate Arnry in suvh ma11rrt.r as cleaily to indicate
t11:tt fact, and at tlie tcriiiination of the war they shall be again resolved into the
of the iiiilitiit of those States, respectively.
g w ( ~ r a niass

The :imcndnient was lost.

Mr. Foote moved to amend by inserting as section 4 the following,
to wit:
R e ;t ftc~.tltcrrnncted, That nothing in this act contained shall be RO construed, as in
it. practical operation to iriipair, in least dcgrec,, the separate State sorcreignty and
iiitlri~ciitlenceof thc Conicderate States, or as calling into qllestion their right, by
separate State action, to interpose for the purpose of arresting, within its own limits,



[Apr. 14,1862.

any act deemed by itself palpably uiiconstitutional and oppressive, or to deprive said
States, or either of them, of the essential means, as well in war as in peace, of dcfcnding froin infraction its own reserved rights, or of employing ta this end the who10
military strength propcrly appertaining to it.

The amendment was lost.

Mr. Miles moved to amend by inserting the word squadrons
after companies, in the tenth line, after battalion, in the twentyeighth line, and after companies, in the twenty-ninth line.
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Burnett called t h e previous question.
Upon which Mr. Garnett demanded the yeas and nays;
A d . the demand being sustained,
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas. - -_ -_ -_ -_ _ -_ - -- -_ -_ - -- -=_*_ 51
Yeas: Arrington, Barlcsdale, Boteler, Burnett, Chambers, Cbilton,
Clopton, Conpad, Conrow, Coolie, Crockett, Currin, Curry, Dargan,
Dnviclson, Davis, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, (hither, Gardenhire,
Gartrcll, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gray, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe,
Holt, Jenkins, ?Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Lyon,
Lyons, Machen, McDoaell, McLean, McRae, Moore, ugh, Royston,
Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright of
Nays: hyer, Batson, IIorsLtio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Charnbliss,
Clark, I)anrkins, Foote, Foster, Garnett, Hanly, Hartridge, Kenner,
XIardiall, McQuecn, Milcs, Perkins, I%dls.Russell, Sexton, Strickland,
S\van, Irippc, Wright of Georgia, and hlr. Speaker.
So the main question was ordered,
And the bill was engrossed and read a third time.
Mr. Garnett rriovcd to rcconsicler the vote by which the bill was
ordered to be cngrorscd for a third reading.
lhc motion did not pimail.
And the question Ijoirig on the passage of the hill,
311..Foote deinanded t h e yeas and nays;
And the demand being sustained,
Yeas - 54 [RR]
_ _ _ _ 26
They are recorded as follows, t o wit: Nays _ _ _ _ Yeas: Arrington, Rarksdale, Ratsori, Hoteler, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli
31. Bruce, Rurnett, Chambers, Chi1ton,Clopton,Conrad,Conrow,Coolre,
Crockctt, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, Dupr6, Elliott, Elwing,
Gardenhire, Gnrtrell, Graham, Gray, Heiskell, Hilton, Holt, Jenkins,
I<enan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, Lyons,
Machcn, McDorucll, McLean, McRae, ilenees, Miles, Moore, Pugh,
Balls, ltoyston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Vest, Wilcox, !!right
of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Aper, Boyce, Chainbliss, Clark, Davidson, Davis, Farrow,
Foote, Foster, Gaithcr, Garnett, Gentry, Goode, I-Ianly, Hartridge,
Ilerbcrt, Holcombe, Jones, Marshall, McQueen, Perkins, Russell,
Strickland, lrippe, Welsh, and Wright of Georgia.
So the bill was passed.
Mr. h v i s [moved] to remove the injunction of secrecy from the bill
and called [the] question ; which was seconded.
Pending which,
The House, on motion of Mr. Moore,
Adjourned until 11 oclock tomorrow.




Apr. 13, 1862 ]



The I-lousc met pursuant to adjourninent, :ind was opelied with prayer
by the Rcv. air. Halls.
On inotion of hir. Curriti, leave of absence was granted nfessrs.
Rtkins and IVright of Trniirsscc.
On inotion of MI.. LhTis, the Eioose took u p for consideration a rcsolntion oficrctl 1)s him to remore the injunction of secrecy from t h e
action of the Housc 0 1 1 yesterthy on the bill further to provide for the
public defense.
A h . Guitlicr deni:~ndcdthe yeas and nays thereon;
Hatson, Sell, Botcler, 15oyc0,

. - - - _ _ - --

is follows, to wit:


. ..

Ycai: Arringtoti, A y w , I h t k s d d e ,
I1or:Ltio IY. I{i.uc.c, Iiurnctt, Cli:~nilwi~.;,
Chninhliss, Chiltoil, C l : d , Cloptoti, Coiirow, ( i i i . r i n , Cnri*y,Ilargt~n,Ihvidxon, Ihvis,
i h \ v l < i t i < , I)(>tl:L1llettcx, I)u~)IY!,I<lliott,\\r, Footc, Foht tlr, (fiiithcr,
G:irdciiIiiw, Chrt rvll, (;(>titry,(ioode, (irnliaiii, Gray, I-Irtnly, IIartridgr, Ilci4tc~lI , l I ~ i ~ l ) Hilton,
llolcotiibc, 1Iolt. Johnston, rJoiies,
ICenr~i of N o r t h G i i diti:~ ,K c t i i ~ ( ~I,:mdr~*,
Lewis, L-yon, Mwhcn,
M~trshalI,McI)owcll, i\IcI,cnn, Mcltw, RlcQrxccn, Menees, Miles,
Moore, lci.kiris, lreston, 111g11, E:ills, Itussell, Sexton, Singleton,
Sttiith of Rlnb:tmn, Staplrs, Swaii, Tibbs, Trippc, Welsh, Wright of
(horgi:L, nnd hIr. Spcdcrr.

Nay\: I h i n g :tiid Bo p to n .
So the r c d n t i o t i ivus adq>ted.
The Chxir laid heforc the JIonse an ainrnclment of thc Senate to a
joint rcbolutioti o f tile 1 louse iixitig the timt: for the xdjoiirnment of
The rcsolrilion w a s tnltcii np, mid thc question being on tlrc nmendrile111 of the Scir:itc, viz: Sti.ilte out a11 after thc word Rcsohved
and insert i n l i w thei*eof the words
to niect agaiii

rew nil1 xljouni on filoiiday, the

y-two, at tu rlve oclock iiieridian,


tlic t h i r d .\Ionclay in .ingust next.

MI.. C11ri.y called the qucstion.

TJpon thc secoriding the c d l for the quc>stioii,Mr. Smith of Virginia

detiiandcd tlic j e a s i ~ n dnays;

Which w ~ r eordercd,
And arc recorded asfollows, to wit: Nays
y e a s -.-_._. _- _- -.-_
- - _-_
-_ _. -_.-_ -- -- 41
_- _- _-_
YCRS:Arrington, R:ttson, I30yce, I3rcckfnridge, 13ridgers, Burnctt,
Chilton, C h r k , Clopton, Conrow, (hi-ry, ihvidson, Ihwkins, Duprh,
Elliott, Ii:wing?Fostc~r,Gaither, Gardenhire, (iarnett, Gartrell, IIanly,
Hartridge, lIctsltrl1, Hilton, Jones, I h a n of North Carolina, J<(\IHIP~,
Lewis, Lyon, McDomell, McLJeati, Pugh, Walls, Roptoti, Kingletoii,
Smith of Al:h:ma, Strickltmd, Trippe, Vest, and Wright of Georgia.
Nay.;: Aycr, Iini*lisdalc,liell, Boteler, Horatio W. I ~ I ~ I Chambers,
Chambliss, Conrad, Ihrgan, Davis, De Jarnettr, Farrom, $700tcl, ( h i try, Goode, Grtihmi, Gray, IIarris, I-Icrbert, 11ol(w11ibe, Holt, Johnston, Lander, Lyons, Machcn, RlcRac, Md&weri, Rlenees, Miles, Moore,



Perkins, Preston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Virginia, Tibbs, Welsh,

and Mr. Speaker.
So the question was ordered.
And. on' apreeinrr to the anienduient, Mr. Davis demanded that the
vote be taken by $&is and nays;
W hich was seconded,
Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
And the vote recorded a s follows: Nays . _ _ _ _ - _ -_- _- - _ . _ _.. 39
Yens: Arrington, H:Ltson, Breckinridge, Bridgers, Rurnett, Chanibers, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Davidson,
Dnprb, Ewiiig, Fostc>r, Gaither, Gardenhire, Gartrell, IIanly, Hartridge, lIei~l,eil,ITerlmt, iIolt, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenrwr, Lewis, l,yoii, RI:Li4xill, AfcDowell, RlcLean, Pugh, Royston,
Singlcton, Siiiith of Alr~b:tma, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippc, Vest, and
Wright of Georgia.
N a p : Aycr, Harli-sdalc, Bell, Boteler, Doyce, IIoratio W.Bruce,
Conrad, Davis, i)a;vliins, Dc, Jarnette, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Garnett,
Gentry, (;oode, Ciri~ha111,Gray, Harris, Hilton. Ilolcomhe, Johnston,
Landel., Lyons, Jlnchcn, MeIZw, NcQLieen, Menees, Miles, Moore,
Perkins, Prc.ston, Read, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Virginia, Swan,
Y701sh, and BIr. Speaker.
So the aniendnic~ntwas ngreed to.
Mr. IIeiskcll iiiovcd that t h e Ilouse reconsider the vote by which the
mncndment of tho SPnate was agreed to, and called the question thereon;
which being seconded,
Jir. Gaither asked that the Tote be talien by yeas and nays;
Which was seconded,
_ _ . _ _.
_ ._ _ . . _
43_ . .
A d l h e y are recorded :is follows, to wit: j[ Yeas
Nays . _ . _ . _ . _41
Yeas: Ayer, 13arksdale, Bell, ijoteler, Homtio 71'. Bruce, Chambers,
C o n r d , Currin, Dark, Pawkiiis, I>e J a n e t t e , Elliott, Farrow, Gartlcnliirr, Garnett, Gentry, (ioodc, Graham, Gray, l'ixrris, Hiltoil, 1101conibe, Jenkins, rJohnstoii, Lander, Lyons, M w h e n , McRac, McQueen,
Mcinces, Miles, Perkius, Preston, Read, Russell, Sexton, Singleton,
Smith of Virginia, Staples, Swan, Welsh, Wright of Texas, and Mr.
Nays: Arrington, Batson, Boyce, Hreckinridge, Bridgers, Rurnett,
Chanihliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Daridron, Duprh,
Kwing, Foote, Foster, (hither, Gartrell, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell,
Herbert, Holt, Jonrs, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lewis, Lyon,
ilIarshal1, McDowell, McLean, Moore, Pu h, Royston, Sniith of Alabama, Stricliltd, Tibbs, 'l'rippe, Vest, a n f Wright of Georgia.
So thc motion to reconsider prevailed.
And tho question being on agreeing to tho amendment,
Mr. Conrad denlanded thc question; which \YBY ordered, and Mr.
Davis asked that the vote bc taken by yeas and naj~s;
M'hich was seconded,
- - 44
And the s m e are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas
NsJ,s. . - - - ___ _

Yeas: Arrington, Batson, Breckinridge, Rridgers, Burnett, ChamI~crs,Chainldiss, Chiiton, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Dwgan,
Davidson, DuprB, Ewing, Foster, (hitheis, Gartrc11, Graham, Wanly,
Hartridge, 13erkrt, Holt, Joncs, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lewis, Lyon, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, Moore, Pugh, Rails,

Apr 13, lhb2 ]

23 1


Itoyston, Singleton, Siiiith of Alabam,z, Stricliland, Tibbs, Trippe,

Vest, \Vright of Georgia, and Mriglit oi Texas.
N:~ys:Ayer, lZnrk.;thlc, IZcll, Uoteler, Eoyce, Horlttio 11. Bruce,
C o n r ~ 1 Currin,
Ilnvis, De J:irnette, Elliott, Yarrow, Footo, Gentry,
Goode, &:by, TI:ini,s, I Iciskcll, lIilton, IEolcornbe, JcnkinP, Johuston,
I m i d ~ r Lyom,
i\Iaclicn, AlcIk~e, Rlc(&~ceii, Xlenccs, Miles, Yerkins,
Preston, I h d , ftusscll, Sexton, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Swan,
Welsh, tincl BIr. Spcdcer.
So thc nmcndmcnt wns agi-ccd to.
ivcd froin the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
ills of this ITonsc of the follo~iiigtitles, riz:
to authorize the Secaretary of W Rto~divide
tnr tlrc coirtingent t~spcnsesof the War Department snd the
tile a p l ) i o ~ iiation
Army ; :nict
13. 1
: -. .\ till to 1)e rlntitled A n :ict for tlie relief o f Caroline lfiller t m d her
l ~ l l (8~t ~ n : l l oh<l\(> illso pa
tl ldls of thc. follo\\ing titlcq, yiz:
:: 3 \ 1 ) I l i 10 l i t 8 c l l t l t l An act t o a n r t w l t1w s ~ \ ~ i acts
t i l in relation to the pty
t i r ~ i ~ ~ li i~i it lri (i> ~ \ i i i i \ ; :uid
S 37 \ 1)ili t(i I N - c w t i t l < d ,\n wi.t to p n n i d i ~lrunkcnricssin the Army.
111 tmtlr 0 1 I\ i l l c * i i I :tTi1 t i l l r t t c 7 t l t t i i i k l i t l r (oii(.uir<w(a(x
o f this House.

of J I r . tJotrc~,tlic d l of S h t e s was siispended, and the

pror(wlcd t o d l tlic coiiimittccq.
A h . 1I:irris, F r o i i i the Conliiiit
on Military Affairs, to -whom was
iZ bill for tlic relief of t h families of soldiers in the service of the
0 1 1 iiiotioii


(:olifcilcr:ltc stat cs,

r t d tltc s:inic \):ick, with tlic recoinivcndation that i L pass.

ic bill w:i\ orctercd to bc printed and placed upon the Calendar.
1. 31ilw, Froin tlic S:LIIIC, (~oniniittee,
to whoni was referred
})illof II i c SeiitLtc rclativc to thc pay and nllowaiiccs of deceased
soldici 9,
rcpoitcd the w n c bnc.l<, with the rccomniendation that it pass with the
following ani(~ncIiiwnt,to wit): Strikc out a11 nfter enacting clause and
i t i v i t :L* follow\:
l(1 :lllol\.nuccs 11OTV tlrlc,
oiled olliccr, noiicoiiiinis

thc inotlicxr, :iiitl if 110 inothcr be li\ing, tticn to the brothers and sisters; and should
none of t l i ~l m . b o n i alrestly spcv ificd IIC l i \ ing to whom paynient is clircctctl to be
11 payment shall be niatle to tlie next of kin or hcirs general of such
pwsoiiy undc~rsncti rules and rvgulations ai: shall be prescribed by the of tho Trcncury 1)t~partirrent.
,t jvrthc,, ~ ~ r c c l e t ?That
tlic act ciititlctl An act concerning t h e pay
nrii t+ due to ctec~eaccdsoldiers, approvcd Fehrnary fifteenth, eighteen
Iinntlrctt : m l sixty-two, is herel)y rtyealcd

T h o rulcs vvcre wspciicl(d;

lbe bill w i ~ stnlien up, and having hccn rend


follows, to wit:

tde Sides of I ~IZPT;C(Ido enatl, That alienever

Tlw cO?L(/r~,w
of lke CUI
ased oflicci of n ( onipaiiy, noncoinmi~?yiont,d
allowances tine aiiy t
, ~1i.tll not c1xcec.d t w o hundred tloll:trs, the
itwr, pi ii ate, or iirn-i
I the foll<~\\
ing order, viz: 1. To
)tl 1)aitl to I h c iollov in:
. 8. To the mother of deceased,
the witlow of tlcc c~a~cd.2. To the La
. 4. To the mother in her own
for antl on b e h ~ l fot the rliilrllcii of
brothers and sisters of deceased.
right. 5. To the ktlier ill his o ~ r.i n
7. To the heirs general.



[Apr 15, 1SG2.

SEC.2. Be it fiwther enacted, That all such pay and allowances due any deceased
officer of a company, noncomniissioned officer, rolantecr, p i r a t e , 01 niuivian, as are
onibraced i n the first Beetion of this act, shall be pGtl to the
entitled thereto
under cricli rules arid regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe.
SEC.3. 13 i t further enrrctecl, That all la\$s heretofore p w e d inconsistent with this
act be, and they are hereby, repealed.

Mr. ,Jones moved to strike out from the arnendment the words cor
heirs general.
Mr. Lewis moved to anieud the ;Lrnendrnent of the coiiirnittee by
striking out :dl of the paragraph after the words .brothers and
Mr. Boote called the prerioas question; which lwing seconded, the
amcwdnicnt o f f c ~ w11s
l Mr. Lewis was lost, :Lnd the aiiirridnient of Mr.
,Jones W R S ugrcrd to.
The ])ill a9 aniended wcis then ordercd to hc cwgrossed.
Nr. IIeial\-t~ll
iiioved to reconsiclcr the vote by which thc. engrossment
of tha bill was ordered.
Ihc iiiotioii wah lost, and the bill was rctid a t h i d tiine and passed,
A 1liessiige was reccived fi*oni tlic Senate, t)y their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
If?. Xpatrker: The Senate have agreed to tlic arncndments of the IIouse of Represent.ati\es to the bill (S. 32) to further provide for t h e public tlefcnse

Mr. Miles, froni the Coninlittee on Military Affairs, to ~vhonimas

rcf erred
A bill to proiTide for calling forth the iiiilitia, etc.,
reported the sniiie loacli. asked to lw rl ist.Ii:irgwI from its further consideration, mid that tho bill bo indciirii tely postpoiled; which was
agreed to.
Mr. Milcs, f roin the saiiie coiiiinittw, reported
A bill to oqpnizc l)attttlioiis of s h i ~ i p h o o t e r ~ ,
with the rccoruiiicntlatioii that it p a s ; nhic.11 was read the first and
second times.
The rules were suspended, and the Ilill was takcii up.
Mr. ,Jones cleniandeti the question; which being ordered, the bill
was engrossed, read :L third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, from same coimmittee, reported
A bill t o increase the clerical force of the Quartermasters Bureau,
and recommeuded its passage; which was read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended, arid the hill was talien up.
Mr. Ewing moved to amend by adding thereto the following:
Iroiided, That


person now subject to military duty shall be appointed.

Mr. Gardenhire morcd the previous question; which being ordered,

the amendment was agreed to.
The bill -was then engrossed as tmciided, read a third time, and
Mr. Dawkins moved that the vote bv which thc bill was passed be
The motion was lost.
Mr. Conrad, fro111 the Committee on N a r d Aflairs, to whom was
referred :in amendment of the Senate to :L bill to encourage thc nianufacture of saltpotor mid of small arms, reported the same hack, with
the recommendation that it be concurred in.

Apr. 1i,1h62 1





[ A P ~15,

p i d into the public Treasury; and t o report by hiil o r otherwise what

legislntion, if any, should be adopted on this subject;
which w i s read and agreed to.
On niotion, leave of abrenvc TVM granted Mr. Garland.
Mr. Hoyce presented a dtvign for :L flag xiid seal by Samuel M .
Wolfe, of Virginia; which \\asreferred to the Coiiirnittee on the Flag
and Seal.
Mi-. Earksdale presented a design for a flag and seal; which was
referred to the sanic comniittce.
Mr. Chambliss ofl'ered a resolution
idcnt be requested to comrniinicate t o this House the report of the
sliville, tojit+lwr \\ i th the official coi responderice of its commander
'y( itli tlic, Hritibli Adiiiiialty Ofii(v arid other partics in England;

liicli was read arid ngreed to.

A h . Footc, from the speci:Ll corninittee appointed to inrestigate the
iweiit disasters at Foits IIenry m d L ) O I ~ C I S Omade
the following
Icport, to wit:

rwoiiiiiieiidctl b y the committee that t h o IIousc d o cause said teutiiiiony, together

with such ot1ic.r as inay be taken, to be printed lor the use of iiieiiibers.

13. 8. FOOTE, C'hirmasi.

TJ3OS. 13. H A N L Y .
THOS. .J. m s m R .
I-I. 1%'.BRUCE.

The report way agreed to.

Mr. 13arl;sdaIc, from the Committee on Printing, to whom was
A rcsolution for tho preservation of puhlic documents,
reported thc snmc back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules wcrc stispendect;
The resolution was taken up, engrossed, read the third time, and
Mr. Miles, from the Conmiittee on Militatry ABairs, to whom was
re fcrrcd
A bill of tlie Senate to recognize the organization of certain military
reported the same back, with tBc, recoinmendation that it pass.
The rules mci*e suspendcd;
Thc bill W:LY taken up, read a third tiriiv, and passed.
ell, from the Committee on tlie ,Judiciary, to whom was
A Senate bill declaring tho oEcer ~7hoshall act as President in case
of vacancies i n the offices both of President and Vice-President,
reported the same back, with thc recomniendatiori that it pass.
The rulw were suspended, and the hill was taken up.
Mr. Jones moved that the bill be recommitted to thf? committee,
with instructions to incorporate in i t the principles of the provisions
of the law of the United States i n regard to the election of President
in case the officesof President and Vice-President shall become vacant.


N r. IIilton demanded the question; which being ordered, Mr. Jon

cnlled for the yen

Yeas: RJ-cr, Batson, h t e l c r , 13oycc, I-loratio W. 13rticc, Conrad,

Curri t I , C II rry , (r a. rden hire, Q cii t ry , ( i ood E, 1Tc.i skcll,*.Jenkins, ,To lies,
l<c i i i i n of North Ctirolitia, Lyonh, hLcQ.uccn, Perkins, Preston, Russell,
Striith of A l a h i i i : ~ ,Hiuitli of Y irgiiiia, and Swan.
N:iys: JScll, Ihirnct~t,C1i:iiri h r s , Chainbliss, Chiltou, Clark, Clopton,
Conrow, I l i i r g : ~ ~l):Livl&is,
Ewing, l k ~ o w Gaither,
(iariiett, Gartrcll, G r h i i n , I Ixrtridgc. Hilton, Holcoiiibe, Holt, Johnstmi, Lander,
L c w i ~ ,Lyon, Xlticliun, Mcl)o\rell, McLean, MclZae, Miles, Moore,
lugli, 12:iIlb, l h d , ltoystoii, Singleton, Strickland, Libbs, Vest, Welsh,
ia, and Wright of em\.
ciitl the hill by adding thrri~tothat swtion
of I lie hw, sti-iking oiit tlic words Uilitcd States, where occurriiig,
itiitl iriwrting i i l 1ic:n tlicrcwf tlie words Cotlfcderatr St;ittb.
OII notion o f MY.Royston, thc :uneridtncut was laid on th table.
d for thr q i i v 4 o n ; whic.h W:LS ordered.
t l g ~ ~ q IENI
d , :L third tiiiw, iilid passtd.
I the saiiie (.onmiittee, to \vlroni was rcftxrid
A hill to t i i i thorizc thc :ipprelieiihion of huspicious persons in time
of it^, and to hiispeiid tlic writ of habeas corpns,
wported t hc m i i e h c k , :iskcd to IIC discharged from its further conid tlitit tht. bill lie 0 1 1 the table; which w a s agtcc~lto.
11, Ji*onihame c o m i r i i i t tcc, to whorii was rc4ci*i*cd
A 1)ill to : t u t l i o i ~ i x ct~lir :ipprehciisioii of suspicious pvrsons and to
modifj. thr act to si1spei~lthc r v ~ , i tof habeas corpus,
rcpoi-ttlti tlic \:I,IIIP t):tck, :tsl<ctl to be dizchttrgtd from its further coribidemtion, and that flic bill lit. upon ilic la1)le; which w:is a g ~ e e dto.
51r. I ) : i i p i i , frotii 1 1 1 s:iiiit
coniniit tcc. i*cportcd
iZ bill t o limit thc iict authoi~izingtlic suspcnsioii of the writ of
hal)cas (olpls,
with the t.ccotiinicnd:ttion t I1:Lt it 1~ ; which l\iIs I W L ~the i h t iktld
scconil f iiiicb.
TIIPrtilch wcrc hii~1midec1,mid thc hill was taken up.
lhc first section Ii:i\.ingf)ccll read as f o l l ~ w ~ :

r h n t t l i c it( t mlthorieiug thc sriepeii.ioii of the n rit of habeas corpus is hereby

liriiitwl to arreuts rnade by thc arithi)ritic.r of the Confcderatci Government, or for
offciiscs against t h c h ~ ~ i i i e .

AIr. Switii moved to nmrnd tlic

* iiutlioritics t~hcword niilitary.

P inserting before the -word

I Irt. sllllelldrrlcnt \\as lost.

Iho bill was tlicti cngro d, read a third time, and assecl.
MI-. Chrtwll, 1rorn the same corninittee, to whic 1 w:is referred
- rc,oliitioiii i ti rclatioii to ti.ading with tho enelny, reportrtl
A bill to I)(: entitled An net to puni4I trading witti the etirll~y
c l w i ng the prcient ~ r ,
with the recommendation that it pass.
The bill was read the first and secood times.
, I



The rules mere suspended, and the bill mas taken n p and read
follows, to wit:


I%t. (bng,vss of the Cbnfederate States of America do enact, That if any citizen or
person reriding !i any one of the Confederate States or any Territory thereof shall,
diiring the continuance of t h e present war, sell, barter, or exchange any cotton
or tohacco, to or it ith an alien enemy, such person so offending, upon conviction,
shall he fined in a s u m not less thcn one thousand nor over five thousand dollars,
and shall he imprisoned i n the penitentiary not leqs than two years, nor more than
ten years, at the discretion of the court trying such offense.

Mr. Miles iriovcd to amend the same by striking out all after the
enacting clausc and inserting in lieu thereof, to wit:
That it ?hall be nnlaiz fill foi a n ) 1)ersun, either by liini.-elf 01 ]rib agents, or inany
manner TI hate\ er, to trdnkpor t to any poi t or place within the Confederate States
at the tiiiie in the po
y, or t o sell therein any
, ~ n g a r rice,
f ! u f / t e r enrictetl, That t h e p o v i ~ i o n tof
- an act entitled An act to prohibit the expoi tatioii of cotton troiri the Confederate Statcs, except through the seaporti of the said States, a i d to punish perions offfcnding therein, be, and the satne
itre hereby, extended to any person or permiti violating the foregoing section of this
act, and, in addition to eiic311 pnnirhnient, the party or parties offending shall forfeit
and pay the Confederate States the value of t h e article sold or transported.

Thc amendment ~ a xgrced

Mr. Swan moved to aiiiend by adding at the end of the first section
the following:
or n h o shall, m ith a view to sell the same to the enemy, transport the same to a place
t hreatened by t hc enern y.

Upon which Mr. Balls called the question; which being ordered, the
motion was lost.
Mr. Footc niorcd to tunend by adding at the end of the first scctioii
thc following:
or transport to an1 place threatelred b y t h e encwiy, with the intention to cause the
same to fall into the enemys handb, either b y sale or otherwise,

And c d e d the question thereon; which being ordered, the motion

was lost.
Mr. lienricr of Louisiana iiivced that hereafter the rcgular hour of

meeting bc 11 oclock R . in.

MF. Foote moved to amend by striking out 11 and inserting 10.
The motion was lo4t.
Mr. Foote thcn iiiovcd t o amend by striking out 11 and inserting
The motion was lost, and the motion of Mr. Kenner was agreed to.
Loarc of absence mas, on motion, granted MY. Garnett.
On motion of Mr. Smith of Virginia, the House took a recess until
7.30 oclocli.
On reassembling, leave of absence was granted hIr. Chambers.
N r . Gartrel1 moved to amend the amendment of Xr. Miles to the
bill to punish trading with eneniy during the present m a r by inserti n g before the words to transport the words to sell, barter, or
exchange to o r with an alien or domestic enemy, or.
Mr. Crockett moved to amend the amendment by adding after the
words alien eneniy the words o r disloyal citizen o r suhjwt.
The aincndment was lost,.
And the question being on agreeing to the amendment of Mr.

Ale. lj, 1W.l



M r . Jones ctlllcd for the yc:~nnd nays;

TThicli wcrc ordcrccl,
Alld arc recorded as folloJ+Ts,to wjt:f Y e n s - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - .
_ _ . - - - - - _ _ - - 20
( Nays
Peas: Ihtsoii, IIorntio M. 13ruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark,
Clol)ton, Conrid, Cool<c, Croclictt, h W k i 1 1 5 , I h ,Jarnette, Ewing,
F:uron, Footc, Fostcr, Gardcnhire, Gartrell, Goode, Hartridge,
IIrt.l)crt, Ilolt, rJoncs, Lyons. Jlachen, Slarshall, McUowell, Menees,
lwliiii\, Pugh, Roy\toii, Sexton, Singlcton, Smith of Virginia. Swan,
Iil)bs, Trippe, \Vclsli, Wright of Gcorgiit, Wright of Texas, and Mr.
N a j x: 12opce, Briclgers, Eli hl. Briice, Ciirrin, Davidson, Davis,
Geiitry, IItii-rk, Hilton, IIolcombe, Kenner, Lander, Lyon, RilcL~~i,
BlcQncen, Milos, IZnlls, l i e d , Itussell, and Wilcox.
Air. Crochkett moved a reconsideration of the vote hy which the
;lnlcncllncnt \\.ilY RgrCCd to.
froiri the Conrinittee on Erirollcd Kills, reported :IS

R bill to furthci. provide for the piil)lic defense.

The S j l d i c r signed the sanic.
Mr. IIolt ctillcd tJic qiicstion on the motion of Nr. Crockctt; which
being orclercd, tlie motion to rc>consider w s lost.
r nioved to tini~iidby adding at the crid of the first section
tlic following:
I t &hall xiid niay b t ~liivful for ally owner of cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar,
to h e l l Lhe xtiiie a t their option, pi01 ided they shall receive in exchange
Coi tliu saiiic goltl u r h i l \ ui 0 1 provibions or any article iiecebsl~ryto the inore vigorous
piovxutioii of thc \bar.
Pioc i&d,


Jlr. ( h r d r n h i r c dt.niandcd the prel ious question; which being

ordcred, tho amcndnirnt, was lost.
And thc bill :is atncndcd wah engrossed, read a third time, and the
qiiwtion being 011 its passage, nlr. Foster called for the yetis and n;~ys?
Yeas. .._ ._-.- - - 46
Ant1 tlie same arc c corded as follows, to wit:
YC:IH:Ayer, I h r l d t ) . Ihthon, Boyce, lhidgers, Eli 11. Bruce, Buriwtt, Chainbeus, C l ~ a i n b l k Chiltori,
Cli~rk,Clopton, Cookc, Davidson,
I h v i h , De ,Jnrnctte, IC\\ing, (hrdctiliir(~, Gartrell. Goode, Harris,
1I:wtridge, IIei.l)cit, IIilton, 1Iolt~,Ketiner, Lander, Lyon, Marshall,
AlcDowell, RIcIJtim, ;2lc.Ktic, RicQuecii, RiIilcs, Icrliinq. Iugh, Read,
Roj ston, Singlcton, Smith of Rl:~l)ama,Swan, Tiblts, Trippc, Welsh,
\lright of Iesa>, anti Mi.. Speaker.
Nays: floratio \IT. 13rwe, Croclictt, Foster, Gentry, Heiskell, ,Johnston, *Jones, 113:iclicn, llcnecs, Balls, Wilcox, and Wright of Georgia.
So the hill was passed.
Thc titlo, o n motion, mis thcn :tinended by striking out all of the
( > r i g i drtrid i i i ~ x t i n g:IS follows, to wit:
A bill to prohibit t h e transportation a i d sale of certain articles in aiiy port or
place within tlir Confetlerate States in the p o r s e ~ ~ i oofn the enemy, arid to prohibit

the sale, bartvr, or exchange of certain articles tliereiii named to alien or domestic

On motion of M r . Foote,
The House resolved itself into secret session.



IApr. i6, 1862.


The I-Iouse being in secret session,

Mr. Poote moved to take u p for consideration joint resolutions for
the better security of the archives and Government of the Confederate
The motion prevailed;


MY.Coolie niored that the House do now adjourn.

The rnotioii was lost.
And the quehttion being upou itgreeing to the resolution,
3lr. Crocliett demanded the yeas and nays.
The deiiiand n as not sustained, and the resolution was adopted.
Mr. Garnett oflcrcd
h joint resolution to pledge the honor of the Government to the
defense of Virginia;
which was rcad first and second [times];
Mr. Kennor niovcd to adjourn, and Mr. Garnett demanded the yeas
and iiajs.
The demand mias not sustained,
And the House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow.

APRIL 16, 1862.


The H o u s e met pursuant to adjournment, and was opcned with prayel

b.7 the Rev. Dr. Jeter.
Jlr. Gaither. from the special committee to investigate the causes of
the Itoanolie Islnnd, reported as follows, viz:
The committee, to R horn \\as referred a resolution of the House of Representat i \ es, instructing them " to inqnire and report tlie causes and circun~stancesof the
capitulation of ltoanoke I land," h a r e had the same under consideration; and have
given all the facts and cir uinstances connected with the defenses of the said island
and its atljaccnt waters, and of the capitulation on the 8th of February, a most elaborate investigation.
The coininittee f i i i t l , thal o n the 21r;t day of Augost, 1861, Brigadier-General Gatlin
\ v a h ordered to tlie conimancl of the Ilepai tinent of Eorth Carolina and the coast
tlefeiihcs of t h a t Stat?. O n t h e 29th 01 Septeinbei, Brig. Gen. D. 1. Hill vas
assigned to duty in North Carolina and charged n i t h the defenses of that poition of
said State lying ktet\i een Slbeniarlr Sonitcl and the Neiise River and Paniiico Sound,
including those \\titers, aiid 15 a8 directed t o rcport to Brigadier-General Gatlin.
O n tlte 16th o f Xovcnibcr, Brig. Gcn I,. 0. Branch n a s dircctcd to rclicve Brigadier Clencral Hill, in conim:mcl of his district in Korth Carolina. On the 21st of
Dccenil)er, that part of Xortli Carolina e a 4 of the Clionan Iti\ er, together with the
of \Vashington a n d Tyrrell, was, nt tlie reclueit of the proper authorities of
N<Jrth(,aroliiia, separated froin tlie remainder, and constituted into a military district, nuder Brig Gen. I1 A Wiw, and attacltrd to the c~oinniaridof b1ajor-General
Hugrr, c~oiiiniandinjithe Ikpartmerit of Norfolk A t the time, thereforr, of the stirr m d w of Roanoke 14anc1, on t h r 8th of Febriiarj, 1862, i t WRR within the military
district of I~riaadier-(;eiicraI Wise, and a t t a c h t i to the coniniand of Major-General
The military tlefcw of Roanoke Island and it-<adjacent naters, on the paid 8th
of February, 1862, con ted of Fort Hartow, thc inost southern of t h e defenses o n
the west side of the idand-a S A I I ~fort, ~ l e l covered
v i t h turf, having six long 32pounder guns i n enibrasnre imd three 32-pouncrers en harbette. The next is Fort
Blanchrd, on the s a n e side of the island, about two and one-half miles from Fort
Bai tow-a beniicircular sand fort, turfed, and mounting four 32-pounders en barbette.



tlie command of Coinmodore Lynch sustained their position nioht gallantly, and only
rctirtd after exhausting all their ammunition, and having lost t h e steamer Curlew
nntl the Forrest dis?b!ed: Fort Bartov suttainetl considerable damage from the fire
of tlie day, 1)nt the injuries wert partiall) repaired by tlie next morning and the fort
put iu a stale of defense.
About 3 30 oclock on the morning of the 7tli the enemy sent off froin his transports about tts enty-five mcii i n a launch, apparently to take soundings, who were
fireti upon and retreated, lirwxipon tn o large strainers having in tow each thirty
boats, fillctl \\ itli troops, approat lied the islantl, iintler tlie protection of their gunhoats, at a point north of Ashhys l,antliiig, knoiin as Haynions, and did effect a
landing T h e point ,celcctctl \ $ a h o u t of the reach of t h e field pieces a t Ashbys, antl
tlefentletl by a s u amp fioin tlie adlance of our infantry, and protected by the shot
and shell f i r m their gunboats. O u r n hole force therefore M ithdrew from Ashbys
antl took 1)o~itioiiat tlie redoubt or heastwork, and placed in battery their field
iten, under the respective coiiimands of Captain
i r ~ yarid Feldon. Tv o cornpallies of the Eighth and
t \ \ o of tlics lliirty-fii+t \\t>rt> placcvl a t the ret1oul)t to ~ n port t h e artillery. Three
to tlic right an$ left ar ekirinisher~,the
coiiipaiiic~sot tlit. I V J T 1,cyion tlc~l)loyc~d
rcnirtindci of tlic infairtij i n ition ion J00 yards 111 the rear of the redoubt as a reserve.
The eiicwy 1:iiitlrcl +onie filtecn thousand nicw, I\ itli artiller) , aiid at 7 oclock
a. 111. of the htfi o l w n d I I I V n ~ ) o i ithe ietloul)t, 1% hich na3 replied to immediately
itlr great spirit, and the ac tioil soon becaine geliei a), aiid T\ as continued 1%ithout
internii~sioiilor nioi(~tlian f i \ e hours, when t h e enemy succeeded in deploying a
large force on either bide of our line, flanking each IFing. The order a a s then given
b y Coloiiel Shau to spilre the. guns i n the battery aiid to retreat to the iioithern end
or tlic island. The. g n n ~\\ere spiked, and the whole force fell back to the eanips.
During the t q a g e n i r n t at t h e redoubt t h e enemys flcet attrnipted to advance up
Croatan Soniitl, v lricli inought on a tlesultory eripageirieiit I ~ a t n e e nFort Barton and
the fleet, \\ l i i t l i contiiiuctl n ~ tu half aftel 12 ~ ~ r l ~ when
c l i , the commanding ofiicer
na5 infornictl 1 liat the land tlcfenscs had beeii forced and the position of tlie loit
tanled. I I e tliraicfore ortlcictl the guns to he c1isnl)led and the ammunition destroyed,
Iiiclr 15 a. done and tlie foi t abandoned. The same thing \\as done at Forts Hlanc h a i d :inti IInpcr, initl llic forces froni all the fortq \\ere niarchecl i n good order to the
1 1 ~ . Thc~
eneni\ took pouses5ion of the ietioul)t and forts imniedixtely, and prod ~ in
d pmhiiit n ith grckat caution tonard the northern end of the island in force,
)lo! i n g LO :is to c u r i o n n t l o u r lorcti a t the canips. Colonel Sha\v, I i a \ iiig arrived
11 his \\hole toice at ltis camp i n time t o hare sa\cd his \\ hnle cotiitiiand if transpoi ts had k c 11tiirni~licd,but nonc being there, antl finding hiniself surrounded by a
gwatlr cnpct ior Eolcc, upoii the open i&mtl, T\ ith no field n nrks Io protwt him, and
h a \ i n i l o G t liis U I J ~ \ tlirec field pieces at the redoubt, had either to iiiake an idle display of eorimp.c i i i fighting the foe a t qnclr iiinnenw disadvantage to the sacrifice of
1111coinmanti oi t n cnpitnlntc a i d wrreiidrr as prisoners of T+ar. He wisely rleter1, i i n ~ t upon
t h e lat tcr altc.rnati\Te.
The loas on oiir side in killed arid wounded and inissing is as follows: Killed, 23;
n ounded, 58; iiiksing, 62. The loss of the Forty-sixth and Fift>-ninth Virginia Voliintt ets is: killc,tl, 6; wountled, 28; nii~sing,19. That of the Eighth and Thirty-first
antl ticco;icl Sort11 Carolina Slate Troop8 is: 16 killed; 30 \4 onntlccl; 43 rnissiiig. Of
the. I C i i ~ ~ n ~l)epartinent,
1,icnten;tiit Seldon, killed, n ho had patriotically rolunt w i e d liis srrviws in the linc, I\ as assigned to the coniinantl of the6-pounder, which
he handled TI itli so iiiucli slrill as to produce innneiiee ha\ oe in t h e enemys ranks,
and to elicit tlic. unbounclcd admiration of all \\ h o M itnessecl it. Tnhappily, howe\er, that gallant oflicer receitetl a rifle ball i n the head, and he fell \\ ithout a groan.
The loss ot the eIicmy was, in killed and T? oniided, a t least 900, and the probability
is a nincli larger ninnher.
The toregoing 15 a brief antl concise riew of the defenses of Iloanolrc Tbland and of
the :idj3wnt n atep., tlie nuniber of o w troops engaged on the 7 t h and Sth of Febrnirrp, and the citcnni+mces of the capitulation thereof on the 8th of February. The
t (miniittee are satkficd t h a t Colonel Sham held t h e possemion of that post as long as
he could h a \ e (tone without a usc.less sacrifice of human life. That on the 7th and
8th, the oficcrs anti iiien iii Fo
5 dkplayed great coolness and courage and
t Lo sustain tli
i n and drive bacl; the enenips fleet.
persevrring efI(~i
I n t h r battle of the 8th of Fe riaij , at tlic redoubt, the oflivers and i t i ~ nexhibited
a cool and deliberate courage, worthy of ieterans in the 521 \ice, and sustained their
position nnder an nninterrnpted arid deadly file for ninre than five hours, repulsing
the eimny in three sclparatr and clistind charges, and only witlidrcm from the deadly
conflict after exlitinsting their ammunition tor their mtillery, and being surrounded
aiitl flanlred by more than ten times their number. Iiistead of t h e result being


Apr 111, lb6L ]

I ~ i i i i i w l i ~ i tnpon

the scwssion of Ihc State of North Uarollna from the Gorern-

nic,iit o f ihr I i i i t w l Stateb, itiitl tlic adoption of the Constitotion of the Clontederate
bitat(- [ i t i n i v i i i I, tlic aufhoiitiw of that htate coinnicnccct thc ronstructibn of forti-

to 1to:inoLc


Tlre elitmy iinirrctiiatt~l~

appeared i n force in Iam1ic.o Sound,

p o i t t i i r c ~to
~ l:ortrc+ l l o n ~ o c T h a t island, tlirw, Iwcaine tlie key which unlocked
,\I1 1101tlira4crn Sortlr (aroliiia to tlw ( w c ~ i n v a, n d exposed Portsmouth and Norfolk
t o :I rtnr a1)pioa<li oi tlitl niost iiniiiiiient dangci, I n the language of Brigadier-

i b tlw iniportstnce arid xalne, i n n military point of view,

nglit to haw been defended b y all the means in the power
tlir kev to all the rear defenses of Norfolk. I t unlocked
tl (urritnck; eight rivers, tlie Koith, West, lasquotank,
e, thc Chowan, the Roanokc, and the Alligator; four
Chcsapeake, t h e Disninl SMamp, the Northwest Canal,
:ind tlie Suitolk; tn o r~ilroads,the Irtersbnrp and Sorfolk and the Seaboard and
Iloanoke. I t enartled nioie than fonr-fifths of all Norfolks sopplies of corn, pork,
m t l f t J l a p ? , m d it cwt tlic coniniand of <;enera1 Huger off from all of its most efficient
tran~lioitation I t entlangers (lip siib~.istt~nc.e
of his whole a r m y , threateiis the navy7 : i i d at ( ; ( y o i t , :ind to rut off Sorfolk froni Itichnioiid, and both from rdilroad comliiliiiieritiuii \\it11 tire South. I t l o d g c ~tlic eiiciiiv in a Pafe harhor from the storms
of I Jattcia., gi\e,c theiii a iencIr/,rous and large rich range of supplies, anti the corniriintl 01 thc b e d ~ l l J ~ l l tIl ~ ~ I Oregon
Inlet to Cape Hcnry. I t should have been
d ~ ~ f c i i t l cit
d the e\IJ?llw O f 20,000 r i i ( ~ iarid of ruaiiy ~nillio~is
of dollars.
The (ominittee arc of tlic opinion that the islantl of Roanoke was a military post
of gicat ini~~ortancc:
that it might Iiave I)wn placed i n LZ state of defense against any
I ? i l b ( J l i a ~ i ~force
\I ith the t~xpe1iditureof nioney and labor, supposed to be within the
inrxane of the G o ~ ( ~ n r i i c i ithat
t ; the P R I I I ~\\asnot done and the defenses constructed
Irollr iiiatle<lu:ite for i t s pntection from an attack either by land or water.
i 1 1 ( l t11ec,oihiittee have no difficnlty i n a&pniiig, as the eaiisc of oiir disaster and
of ]lel)rnxrv, the want of the necessary defenFes upon the island
I\ ater5 antlnpon the inaiiilaiitl upon the Tyrrell side; the want of
d artillcsry, ariuainent, and ammunition, a n d the @eat a n d unpary of men, together with the entire want of transportdon, by which
the arholc, cwnmand might liar^ oeeii conveyed from tlie island after tht. defeat at
the battery.
Hut thcb coininittee Iiax-e liatl mnch difficulty in locating the responsibility for the
neglect of thiz exceedingly inij)ortant point, owing to the fact that the command of
that islaiitl has hecJii traiwferrctl 40 frtquently from one military comniarider lo
another betn cell the tinie that the ( onfrdcmte Qovernrnent hecame responsible for
t h e coast defeiires of North Carolina anti the attack upon t h e island upo?t the 7th of
Pebmar) , lb(i2. That island, upon the fall of Ilatteras, r a s taken possession of by





[Apr. 16,1862.

Colorirl Wright under the instruction from Grneral Huger, and the principal
tlefenses constructed iinder the authority and directions of Genrral Huger, who
asiiitiied jurisdiction over t h e island, althongh it \ \ a s within :lie military commalid
of General Gatlin. Afterwards Brig. <;en. I). 14. 11111 was %signed for a short time
to the immediate comiiianL1 of that post, who ininietliately entered ul~oiihis duty,
made an exaniination of the tlrfenses in person, and mas making active preparations

iirimcdiate ttwipoai \ c~oniniandof the island) to General llnger, informing him of

the defenseless statc of the island, aiitl urging the iieceLsity of +trengtlic~iingPort
Bartov by moaiiting other guns, ohtructing Croatan
nd, and niakiiig requisitions
v. General lfise iridorsrd
for attimnnitioii, pile driver, and othcr things new
and appro! ed of the requisition aiid seronded the den1 F; of Colonel bfin\\ (irneral
\Vise arrivrd a t ltoaiioke Islaiid upon thc 6th and assuiiied the cotnriiantl at that
e 7 t h of January, 1862 Alter making a recorinoissance of the island aiid
General \Vise, on the 1Yth January, informed General IIiiger that
aiicl was in a defenseless condition anti in preqeiice of a. \ e r y forii~itlal)le

c.ii3 will a . 1 pie\

eiit an) lalitling. Batteries a t t h e niarsirc*~are \itally essential to
Irevcarit tlie gunboath froiii pas5ing into Crodtan Sound, but they \\ ill not prevent tlic
iniidiiig on tlie houtli oi eabt entl of tlic island. At least 3,000 infantry are needed
on the island, ant1 a (onsidrra1)le lorce, say 1,500 inen, arc ncc~lcdon the beaches,
and it the enemy pa^ Itonnoke, 5,000 at lenst arc iiecer~arjto fight them on the.
toiiguc of laiicl o n the iiortli Gidc of
~eniaileSound. W c riercl 011 the beach and
on the iblancl a t least 8 ficlcl 1)ie
iiid t h e carriages ancl c:iissotis necessary. IVe
38 horses for the artillery. \Po nced a t f r a b t 6 heavy piecer a t thesouth end
s a r i d 2 a t hast at Ileetwood Point.
On tile satiie day Gc.ne1al \Visr addresetl t h e Secretary of IVar, in which lrc. cays
that i t 13 \ m y iiiiportaiit that m y legion should l w toi\zartlecl as s p r t i i l y a&possil)le.
The dcfciise of ltoaiioke Islaiitl (tz1.iic.h is t h e key of all t h r e x d ( ~ i ( ~ nofs ~
ant1 its canals and railroads) is coinmittetl to m y charge, atid I liaxe juct r e t u r n d
froni a reconiioissance ot that pnint It I$ non utterly cleteii-eltw
So prepnratioiis
have h e m iiratle t h e w at all atlrqnate. Geiieial Huger has $11 cti tnca laige authority
to (lo whatever is necewiry, and has advised n h a t hc deems proper in niy coin
1)nt I\ c 11x1 c) \cry liniitcd nieaiis ant1 not half tinie enonglt to l)rrparc. to II

encwy, I\ 110 j, now aliiioet in ii ctliate preseiicac in 1 crv foriiiitla1)lo iorcr.

tlw nmiiber of niv legion i q iiec
place of niy Third Regii i i w t may y w i i l y tw filled o
On the 1i)tli Jaiiuai y, 1%2,
kcretarv of War: . 1 am
< w e you TT ill not adjudge nie
\ oii that 1 returned from
Islantl to Korrolk las
tei a sliort recoiinoissance
e krcct.lyunrt~r, a n d the Departinent that there are no t k t r n v s there; no
preparation ~ l i a t eCYi to iiitvJt the eiieniv, and to for\<arc1 all the means in
my reach as speedily as pobsiltle to make the keyot all tlie war o f Sorfolk, nitli its
canals and iailroads, safe. Inside of Ilatteras Inlet 1 fouiitl 24 T esqel~of light draft,
8 of t\liich are stcaincrs, said to m i r y four guns ~icli They are
iniles from IZoaiiolre Island and can reiicli t h t w an! four hours or
miall gnnboatr;, under (aimin I,vnc.h, and four *iiiall land liattei
tlie Croatati Sotint1 as far
i ~ilenceon1 batteiiey there
0111 inen no\\ theie ale 1111iieiit t h e eiiemv pas-es
riot ank, Chowan,
in1 ~ ~ ~ ~and
i n Aibe-
i p


Apl 16. 1w ]

nitulc and (hcxwpeakc canals will I)c hlot~katledeffcctnally, and Norfolk and Portsnioiitl~\\ill I)c cut off from wpplies of corn, pork, and forage. The force a t Hatteras
15 nlclelwntltwt of the I~iirnside
expedition. No matter where the latter is, the former
. iiiriply snKi&nt to raptiuc or pass Roanoke Iulaiid i n any tnelve hours.
Let tile
s i t \ , tli(,ii, sir, tliat if TI-(
c to H ait for powder from Richniond until me are attacked

A t tliat idand, that atta

\ill be capture, and our defeat will precede our supply of
ainninnition. The case is too urgent for nie to delay yeaking this out plainly a t
on^.'^ And in another pait of the same letter he says: We want ainmunition and
nien. 111 a word, allnost e\ ~ r preparation
has to be made. Delay IS defeat now a t
Komoke Island, an(1 it11 prescrit incans Captain Lynch and I combined cant guarantee sriccewtol tlrltnsc for ii day. 1beg, sir, that you v ill urge this upon the Nary
I k p i ttiient, aiid lwlicrc tliat I an1 not supereer\ iceable in this urgency.
a18 for aid i n the defenses of the island
netit at Richmond mere neglected and
o Richmond and called upon the Secnate nianner the absolute necessity of
with additional inen, artnametit, and
appeals for reenforceiucnts thnt IIC liatl not the III(I: to bpare for liis con11
General Wise urged upon
i y tliat (;eiicral IIngcr liatl aborit fit
d inen in front of Norfolk,
II canip to1 piglit t n o n t l i P , mil tliiit a
rtioii of them could be
the clcfriisc~01 the, i v ~ of
i Sol ft)lk, mil especially as his (Gcncral Wises)
t l t i t i i t t kupl)lic.d Sorfoll, nncl hi> aiilry \\itli iiriuly o r cluitc all of his corn, pork, anct
f i i i + y : ih,it r c ~ ~ i i f o W
r cI N t i t 5 i l l R ~ i ~ i ~ 14:ind
er-c a 4 abwliitcly necescary to t h e
c 1 c ~ i c n . c { t i \ o r t o l l i :is f ( i i ( ( - 111 it. r i o t i t , : ~ i i dthat Iitwticnlar o r special posts should
not I i r :illo\\
t i ] t i ~ o i i o ~ ~ oi Ii (i m
/ ~I! ~ all the, iiwn, 1m\\
tler, antl snpplics. In rcply
t o :ill i l l < ~rlgc~irt
IW, Chiicral \\ise, on t h e 2213January,

A ~ I I I Vwill
immediately proceed to
1 of the Confederate States troops at

l3y coinii~i~tid
of tlic Secretary of War:


Bssis~aiitA4jutnnt- GeitertrZ.

1 t is spIiarcrit to tlic committec, from tht. correspondence 021 file of General Wise
f \V:ir, (;viicral I-Inger, liix siiperior officer, t.liegorarriur OF North
, 1)roves tliat lie was frilly alive to the irriportanre of Roanoke
)ted his wliol(: titiit: xiit1 energirs ant1 tneims to the dcfcnse of that.
positioii, anti tli:il l i t : is i t i 110 \yay rt:qionsible for tlie iinfortnnatf: disaster which
I~eCt.11our forcw upon that island on t,lie 7th and 8th of 1~el)ruary.
I h t the c-oiiinrittc~e
ran not ~ i i e sanie in rcfwenco to the effort,sof the Sccretxiry
of w a r , alld tlic. cot1
r at- Xorfolk, (-k>ner:ilHuger. It, is izl)parentt,hat
t l i c i s l a n d of I t i i a i i c i l
iit, for tho dcfcnee of ;\orfolk, ant t h a t Goneral
I-Iripcr hail i i i l i l v r I i i
11:it. point np\vard of l;i,OOO men, a large sapply
of al~ln;llllellta11tl :I11
md c o r i l t l havc tlirown, i i i a few hours, a large reenforcc>nlont,i r l ) o i i I ~ o ~ i t i o I ; Irlaiitl,
w i i l tlint lrinisclf and the Recrctary o f IVar h a d
timcly notioc. oi tlie t.irtire inxtlcqnacy oC t hc: I
ant of n i e n and mnnitions o f war, :inti tlic tlirwtming at.titade of thv
;c~iicralEliigor and the
of \Yar ptiid no prwtiral attention to 1.
peals of General W i s c h ,
scnt for\v:mI niillv of h i s iirilmrtaiit reqnisitions,
(;eiieral Wise antl his
~ ~ h lo
l ~ ~rcliiiiiiii to meet! at least 15,000 i n e n , well :trnic:d and equipped.
If the St.crctar.v of \Yar a n d tlic conttriaiitling general at Sorfolk Iiatl not the means
ctic~ral\Vise, why \I-W he not orticred to almidon his position anti save
H i i t , iil)ori t h e contrary, he was required to remain and Piicrifice his
11 no iiieans in his insulated position to tnake his esiaapo, in vase of
llie c~oiiriiiittee,f r o i n the te?tiniony, are therefore constrained to report that nhatever of lilatiie xtid rwpowihility is justly attribntable to any one for the defeat of
oiir triwips at Iioaiiokc Island on the 8th ol February, 1862, should attach to Maj.
Gen. 13. I l u w r :tiid the late Secretarv of War. J. 1. Beniamin.

O J iiiotion,
thc report, with its accompanying docuinents, mas laid
on tlic table and ordcrccl to bc printod.



[Apr. 16,1861

X r . Gaither, from the same committee, reported the following

resolution :
Resolved, That payiiieiit be made, by the Clerk of the.House, to the clerk of the
special committee on the Roanoke Island disaster, out ot the coiltingent fund, to be
not more than five dollars per day; and tor t h e witnesses not more than three dollars per day, for attendance, and not more than ten cents per mile for traveling
expenses to and from Richmond. Said paymelits to be made on t h e certificate of
the chairman of the committee.

Mr. Footc moved to amend the same by adding thereto:

That the clerk of the special committee on t h e Fort Donelson chaster receive the
same pay and i n the saiiip manner a:: provided for the clerk to the Roanoke Island

The ainenclnient was agreed to, and tho resolution as amended was
Mr, Niles moved that the JIowe take up for consideration the bill
making certain extniptions from militia duty.
On motion of Nr . Conrad, the House rcsolved itself into secret sess;on; and having spent sonic time therein, again resolved itself into
open scssion;
Mr. Chilton mored for a call of the House; which being ordered,
The following nienlbers answered to their names, respectively,
to wit:
The following niernbcrs wcre absent, to wit:
(N. 13. - 'L'hosr naiiir'~with a in front were present on the call.)
The following inembers were absent by leave (marked with a *):

"Atkins, C X C l l h P d .
"Baldwin, excused.
*Ronhani, excused.
t Roteler,
JIBruce, El. W.,.
Bruce, E. M., 111, excused.
f Chambers,
t Chilton,
"Chrisman, excused.
"Clapp, excused.
f Clark,
?Conrad, excused.
t Conrow,


t Currin ,
t Curry,
Dargan, excused.
t Davidson .
t Dawkins,
De Jarnette,
Farrow ,
"Freeman, excused.
f Gardenhire,
"Garland. excubed.
*Garnett, excused.
t Gentry ,
t Graham,
t Gray,

Apr 16 1%2 ]


f Heis kell,
f Herbert,
*Halt, excused.


f Moore,
hluutierlyn, excused.
f Perkins,
f Ralls,
t Royston,
f Singleton,
-)Smithof Alabama,
*Smith of North Carolina, e x cused.
t Smith of Virginia,
t Stric iilaiid,

J enli-ius,
Kenan of Georgia, c~ucused.
Kenan of North Carolilia,
t Kenwr,
tLcu i q ,
f Ly011,
Ly on s ,
&lcLcaI I ,
A1v Rae,
t JIcQuecn,
t AIilcs,


Villerd, excused.
t M-PI Y h
Wright of Georgia,
!Wright of Texas,
Wright of Tennessee, cxcnsed.
fMr. Speaker.

L-l.cscnt, 50.
After thrl call TVRS had,
h motion was iriade tmd agrecd to,
Ilixt all proceedings iundcr thc call be snspcnded.
On moti6n,
Thc EIouse again resolved itself into secret session.

The House being in secret session,

Mr. Conrad movcd to take up for considcr at1011
h hill to anicrid nn act to encourage the innnufacture of saltpeter
and of sitir~llarms.
The motion prevailed;

3Ir. Conrad moved to amend hg inserting after the word teand
rind before t h e word iron the words for the production and mannfacture of.
The aniendincnt as agreed to.
Mr. Conrad inowd further to ainend by adding a t the end of the
section t h e following, to wit:
and to makc advances thereon, not exceeding one-third the amount of such contract.

The ameiidmeiit was agreed [to].



[Apr 113,1862.

Mr. Foster moved to amend by striking out the whole of the original
hill and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
X bill to encourage the mnnufacture of iron, lead, and copper, and the procluction of


Whereas owing to the recent disasters that have befallen our arms i n Tennessee,
thereby entailing the loss of many of our most extensive iron forges and the destrucbtion of important rolling iiiills, thui greatly reducing our already too limited supply
of iron, now so much needed; and
\$'hereas these ores and coal abound in inexhaustible amounts iii many of the
cotton-gron iiig districts of the Confederate States; and
Whereas the cotton arid tobacco planters in eaitl districts nill, fioni motires of
patiiotisni as n rll ac (Jt profit, largely curtail, and in many instances altogethm
abantlon, the tultij ation of cotton and tobaccu and l ~ l a ntheir
lands to grain, thus
lea\ iiig a g r m t ictluntlancy of 1 alualile lal~or,and
\Thercak ciicli 1'il)oi t a r 1 not be PO well 01 PO profitably employed for the protection
of the public. w l ( , i j iii aiiy other iiiannei a5 in the cXc\elopnient a i d production of
bhi(l U I t ~ bantl coal
it)\ 1 Tlir ('Ongl~essof the ('oi?)'edercrte S a t e s qf Rwrrirn tlo flierqfore enact, iVlien
dual or coiiipany of individuals phall satisfy the President that he or they
legal and uridi~putcdpomeseion of one or more beds of iron, or lead, or
( opper ow, o r coal mine, now not i p uae o r being n orked, and of their inability to
o p ~ nup and work t h e iame b y reason of the want of means to erect the buildings
;mtl 1)iirchase the iiiacliinery necessary to prosecute cuch work, and shall further
eatkty the Presitlctit of their full and complete ability to succe4ully carry on my
r all of such irorks wlirii such buildings are erected and ~nct-1machinery is pnr, niithorizcd to direct th.
hahed, llirri t h e President shall be, and he is I1
ecretary ot the Treasury to ad\niic*e the amount II
rp to erect puch buildiiiw
nd purcliaw sucli machnnet y.
SEC.2 I , i t / /,r I f f w t l r e , eivtcf~r7, That such application to tlic President shall 1)e
acconil!aiiietl u it11 an cqtinratc~,tinc!w oath, of a coni1)etent engineer, setting ioi th
the caapacsitv o t such beds of iron, lead, or copper ore, arid c o d , for production, ah
~ ( ~ aq
1 1 thc1"rost of such built1
ntl niachinc~rg; ant1 the affitlavit accwnpaii~ing
caid ai~plicution .li:tll distinctlj
that said engineer is in no 13 isc interested i n said
of ill( 11 01 e5 and coal.
i i i tlic fiitine protl
. :I. l l ~ ~ tOZP t f j i u t l i c I- e,iac'tetl, That i 5 1 i e i i sncli applicant or applicant., haring
ryl 6ut.h act1anw, shall hay c c~omn~eiicc~l
tlic n orking ant1 prortuckip ot iron,
lead, or copper ore, 01 rod, he or tlicy shall rcLfund to the Swretary of the Treasury
the airiouiit atlvaiic ul hiiii or them under the pro\ isions ot this act, in payments to
be ~iia~le
i n four equal rcniiannnal imtalliiientq, without intert-t thereon, M hich
shall be RCCurcd b y good antl unquc~itionedbonds, satisfactory to the Secretary of the
Trv'twry, in tlouble the tuiioiint ot t h e s u n advanced; but the Secretary may, should
he $0 elect, receive, in lien ot cadi, its equivalent in such ores or coal.
SCC.4. A n d be zt fzcrfhu enactrcl, That if, within t h e period of six months after
sndi atlvmce shall have been made, the applicant or applicants ~ l i a l fail
l to trarisiiiit
to the Secretary of the Trea-urp satisfactory evidence that lie or tliry art' hona fide
eiig'tged i n the erection of such buildings, and in the prosecutioii c i C ~ u t l ni ork, said
dvaiice shall become ahsolutely due, w t l i eight per cent inteiest IJVI annuni, antl the
Secretary of t h e Treasnry shall forttin itli, after the expiration of six months aforekaitl, take ni~a3uiesto ieco\ei t h e saiiie, with such intc-iebl, in accordance with a
condition a hich shall he iiis(litecl in said bond agreeably to t h e provisions of this
. 5. And be lL,furtIim micicfc.t?, That all laws and parts of laws i n conflict a i t h
the poiisions of this act shall be, and the panic are hereby, repealed.

Mr. Poote demanded the previous question; and the demand bein,o:
sustained, the amendment WLY lost.
And the bill wad engrossd, read cz third timc, and passed.
And the title of tht: same,
On motion of Mr. Conrad, was miended by striking out the words
" to amend" and inserting in lieu thereof the words '' supplementary
On motion of Mr. Conrad, the House proceeded to the consideration of

Apr 16, IhO!



I)ill to anthorim: certain contracts for the piirchase of iron-plated

rowed, read a third time, and passed.

And tlic title to the $ame was, on motion of Mr. Perkins, aiiiended
by i n b e i i i ~ gbefore the words iron-plated the words not exceeding
lhc HOLNthen proccedecl to the consideration of
A bill to ~ n i e n dail net to provide for the orpnixation of the Navy,
: ~ ~ y r o v cIlarclr
16, 1861, atid for other purposes;
,I1 1. JlIilcs m o w d to amend tlie sainc by strikiiig out the word comiiiodoi~t~,
wliercvcr the snuie occ~irs,and inserting in lieu thereof the
I\ o l d adniirals.
;\I r. Siiiitli iiiorcd to lay the hill and aincndment on the table,
lhe iuotioii was lost, atid the :imendnient of Mr. Miles was agreed to.
Alr. Cliiltori ~ O I - c tdo ainciid by adcling a t the end of the bill the
folloniiy, to IF it:
shall l)c appointrtl only as they 111
ion)ot i on i tor .,\I 1ant and (listiiigu

Xr. liootc dc~in:~ndcd

the p r c r i o i i ~qncstion; mliich

\.v11c1I ,



AIr. s\vm I l l ( > \ ed :I call of thc flonse.

Iiw ~ ~ i o t i olviL\
i i lost.
Anti the cln(l\tion lwing upon the amenclment of Mr. Chilton,
rllle h;llHc: \\ lli JObt.
And the cliwitioii hcing upon the engrossment of the bill for a third

MY.Conrad dciiimdccl the yeas and nays; and

The deni:~ricl heiiig snxlaiiied,
Tlie yeas : i t d nays are recorded as follows, to wit:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
It ,vas decided in the affirmatire, Yeas.
Knys - __ - _ _ _ - _ __ ._ - __ _ -_ _ k
Yeas: Arrington, Rshc, I~arlrsdale,Batson, Ucll, Botcler, R O ~ C C ,
I<riclgcrs,IIOriitio W. 13ruce, lhimett, Chnmbers, Chanibliss, Chilton,
Clopton, C o n l d , Crocltett, Curry, Dargan, Damkinr, Dc Jarriettc,
Dnpr6, lWiott, Ewing, Foot(>, E o h r , G d e n h i r e , Gartrell, (;oo(le,
Grah:im, Gray, lI:mly, I-Iwtridge, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Johiiston. 1Ceiiaii of LUorth Carolina, Konncr, Lander, Lewis, Lyon, L y l s ,
M:~chen,JicIJcan,Alcltiie, McQueen, Milcs,Pugh, Ralls, Read, Koyston,
IZuwdl, Sexton, Singleten, Swan, Tibba, Vest, Welsh, and M7right of
Nays: Xgcr, rToncs, Perkins, and Smith of Virginia.
So the I d 1 w:ib eiigrosstd, read a third time, and passed.
A i d , by general consent, and 011 riiotion of MY.Boyce, t h e words
(nix1 bix Iiverc inserted] after the word hundred.
Ihc Spc:iliei+ signed the follo.i\.ing bills, re orted by Mr. -,
f i w n the Corninittee 011 Ii:nrollment, as correct y enrolled. namely:
A ])ill to nuthorizc the eniploy1~entof clerks at the officrs of the
I 7
1 reasiir~rand assi\bitt treasurers;
A I d 1 for the relief of Caroline Miller and her children;
A bill to authorize the Sicci-etarg of War to divide the appropriation
for thc contingent espcnses of the TZar Department and the ilriny;
A bill of the Seiiate to further provide for the public defense.



[Apr. 16, IW?

Mr. Conrad, froin the Conimittee on Saval Affairs, reported and

reconimended the passage of
A bill to ainend an act reco nizing the existence of war between the
United States and the Confe crate States, and concerning letters of
marque, prizes and prize goods, approved &fay 21, 1861;
which was read first and second times, engrossed, read a third titnc,
and passed.
Upon motion of A h . Conrad, the House took up for consideration
A bill for the establidmient of a roluntecr navy.
Mr. Eoote moved to lay the bill on the table,
Upon which iiiotion he deniauded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustaiiied,
Yeas ... .. __
. -. ._ _ _ _ 39
They itre recorded tlz follows, to wit: Na;vs - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 27
Peas: Ayer. Batc;on. Boteler, Horatio W.I3ruce, Chambers, Chanibliss, Chilton, Clark, IIupr6, Elliott, Ewing, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
Gartrell, Grahani, (;ray, Hartridge, Holcoinbe, Jones, Kenan of North
Carolina, Lyon, Lyons, McQueen, Menoes, Miles, Xoore, Perkins,
Pugh, Italls, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Singlcton, Sinith of Virginia,
Strickland, rrippe, Wright of Georgia, and Tl7right of Texas.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Bridgers, Clopton, cloiiigw, Crockett,
Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, D a d i n s , De Jarnette, Farrow,
Gaither, Goode, Hanly, Hilton, Johnston, Kmiier, Lander, Lewis,
Machen, Preston, Staples, Tibbs, Vest, and Welsh.
So the iiiotion t o lay on the tattle prevailed.
A iiiessage was receivcd from the Senate, by the hands of Jfr. Bash,
the Secretary of that body; whiczh is as follows, to wit:

The Swate h a r e passed a joint resolution of the follov ing title, viz:
9. A joint rrsolution authorizing the Secretary of the Xa\ y to contract for the tunstruvtioii, in Europe, ot six iioiivlatl yr~rels;
the conc~irreiiceof t h e Home.
d bill&of this Iloube of tlie folloniiig litlrs, I iL:
bill to amend an act eiititled An act to invieaae the Corps
of .irtillcrj, ancl for other piirpxs, approved .lugnst 21, 1861,
( O p ? . ) 1. R. -. A bill to br entitled .in act to provide for the paynient of
officers of the Virginia militia for services rendered; a n d
(Opeu.) 3. R.-. A bill to lie entitlcd An act to regulate the collection of the
war tau in certain States invaded by the enemy.
!Opej~.) The Senate have also passed a bill (S. 42) to be entitled An act for the
sentatives of Samuel 31. Wilkes, late adjutant of the Fourth
relief of the lega
Reginlent South
n a Volunteers;
I n wliich the)
q t the cnncurrence of this House.
( O ~ P I L .The
have rejected the 1411 (11. It. -) t o be entitled An act to
amend the laws relative to the compensation of attorneys of t h e Confederate States.

M r . Chilton, from the Conimittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to

whom was recoimiitted
A bill to establish certttin post routes therein iiained,
reported the same back and recommended its passage with an aniendment.
And the question being upon agreeing to the amendment, which is
to strike out all of the original bill; which is as follows, to wit:
A bill lo be entitled


act to establish ccrtdln po\t routes thernn named.

of f l i p ConJedcrtrte
lowing post routes be, and t h e same are he]
INTITE STATEor SLI R A M A . - ~ i O i i i Gun
Memphis and Charleston Railroad, to Belle

Stctfes qf


16, 1362 j




Is TIIX STATEOF G c o ~ ~ ~ r a . - F r o iAtlieii~,

by way of Harniony Grove and Phi
I k l t : ~ , to Iloirier. From Cebeauvillc, on the Saraniiah, Albany and Gulf Railroad,
to \varc+oro. Froin Lktliens to Law iciice~
illc From LIariiioiiy Grove, by way
of Iloiiier and Webbs Creek, to Ilolliiigsn orth. Froni Nesota, Baker County, to
~a~.i.--FioiiiNatcliitocheh, on Red River, to Monroe, on
rr~r.-From Lake Station, by n ay of Pinerille, to F l o ers

r i i b , S r \ i i oi
1 rii:
iri: oi


i n S t . l w n Count>,

ssEE.--FrOnl Cades Co r e to 3font.T ale Springs.

KIA. - Fiorii h r i n g t o h , 1)y way of AIassies Mills, to Tyro,

to iniert in lieu thereof the followilig, to wit:

A bill to 1x1entltlcd A n iict to establish ceitani post routes tlieieiii named

I . i l ? ~( b i y P~S Y of the Ccmjetlernte Alctfes of .l,nerwL do ciz(~c1, That the folloniiig pwt routes be, and
saiiie are Iierehp, established, to 15 it.
Jx T H E W r u h : o r Ar mi
(riintersr I l k , by way ot Larkinsville, on the
Jleilipliis and Charlestoii Railroad, to Bellefoiite From bylacauga to J . J. Richards,
AlzKassAs.-~roii~ Parks to Black l?ork, in Scott County. From
ack and Current rivers, to Cherokee Point, in Randolph County.
Hickory Grove, to Clarendoii. Fioiii Caniden, by \z s y of Eldoindo, in Iniori Couiity, to Moiiroe, i i i the, State of Louisiana. From Washiiigtoii to
b y way of Kasli\ ill<>,O ~ a nPost-Ofice, Wilton, ant1 Jlurfreesboro,
County. Prom \Vairen, by \jay of Johnsiille, to Hamburg.
I ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ . -Waldo
l ~ i o iStation,
on the Florida liailroad, to
Is mil: 8 1\TI: OF GEOROIfroin in Athriic, by way of Harmony Grove and Phi
Delta, t o Hoiner. From Tebean\ ille, on tlic Sa\.annah, Albany and Gulf Railroad,
to \Vaimboro. Froni Athens to J,an ienervill~. Froin Harmony Grove, b y \vay of
Iloiner and Wel)bs Crrek, to I I o I l i i i g ~ ~ ~ o From
~ l i . Nesota, Baker County, to

N.Ltcliitocahes, on Reti Klrer, to Xionroe, on


1,:ike Statioii, I)? n a y ot Pineville, to Flowers


C a d r ~Core to hlontrale Springs. Fioiii

I v rriiz: STATE01 fmc,iar ~ - F r o n i Arriiigtoii, b y n a y of 31assicb 31ills, to Tyro

River, in Selsoii Comity.
lu THE: ST\TT: OF Norwrr C ~ R O L I V\.-From Statesville, by a a y of Taylorsville,
TVilkePboro, aiid Jrffersoii, to Marion, in State of Virginia.
Ix IIIIC Sr tTic O P S o r ~ i rC i ~ o ~ , r ~ ~ . - F r oSiinurille,
by way of Maybinton, to
Goshell Hill. I n Sortli Carolina, from Franklin, N. U., to \\Taltialla, 111 South
Is T n r ST\ T E 01- T ~ x n ~ . - F r o n i Hockleys Depot, on the Honston and Central
liailroati, to \Yaller~Store.

The smile was agreed to.

RIr. Guilllcr moved to ainend by adding at the end of the bill From
Hickory Station, in Cktawba Couiity, N. C., to Lenoir.
The aiiicndment w:is agreed to, and the bill as amended mas engrorsed,
read a third time, and passed.
3Tr.Foote xnoved to suspend the rules for the purpose of iiltroduciilg
a resolution t o limit debate.
The niotion prevailed.



[Apr. 17, 1562.

Ancl Mr. Foote offered the following resolution, to wit:

/2esolw(, That, for the remsiiider of the session, no inember shall speak inore than
ten i n i n n t c ~or
, inore than one time, on any snbjert.

Mr. (hardenhire moved to amend by striking out t e n and insertinv five.

hThc amendment was lost, and the resolution was adopted.
On motion of Nr. Smith of Virginia,
The House proceeded to the consideration of a Senate bill to punish
drunlscnncss in the Army; which was taken up and read a third time.
And the qwstion being on the passage of the same,
Mr. Klliott deiiiiindecl tlie yens and nays; and
The c1ein:md I)cing snsk~inett,
:tlld lla nrc rccoi~declas follows, to wit:
- - .- ..- - - - -.-.- - - .- - - 51
It TVXP decided in tlic affirmative, Yeas
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
saj-s _ _ .._-..
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, AFer, I3ntion, Koteler, 13riclgers,Horatio W.
Bruce, Chambers, Chainbliss, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Currin, Curry,
Dargnn, Davidson, l h r i s , ihirkius, DuprC., Farrow, Foote, Foster,
Gaither, Gardenhire, Gxrtr~ll,Goode, Graham, Gray, Martridgc,
Hriskcll, Hilton, Kenan of Sorth Carolina, Laiidcr, Lewis, Lyon,
LJom, iMcQiieen, Menew, Perliins, Kalls, toy,tori, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Alabaina, Smith of Virginin, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe,
V w t , IIclsh, and Wright of Texas.
N ~ y s :Conrad, Conrow, Xlliott, Ewing, Ihi-riq, Johnston, Jones,
K c n i i ~ ~ hlachcn,
Miles, Moore, arid PLigh.
so the 1)ill \VilS p:l5sed.
MY.Smith of Virginia nioved to take up for condcration
A bill to provide for cooks in the Army.
Mr. Foster niorrd to adjourn.
Ihc motion was lost.
N r . Smith demancied the p a s and najq on h i s iiiotioii to take up the
bill; tuid
The cleiiixnd heing sustained,
Yeas ... . _
.._ _ ._ _ _ _ 39
Thcy are recorded $18 follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Yeas: Ashe, Uoteler, IIoratio IV. Bruce, Chmibliss, Chilton, Clopton,
Conrad, Currin, Curry, I)avidson, Farrow, Foster, Gartrell, Goode,
Grahani, Hilton, Kenner, Lewis, Lyon, Mnchen: 3f cQueen, Menees,
Perkins, ltalls, Boyston, Sexton, Smith of Alnhsma, Smith of Virginia,
Stricltland, Vest, %ilcox, and Mr. Speaker.
Xaj7s: Batson, Boyce, Burnett, Chambers, Clark, Conrow, Dawkins,
Ewing, Garden hire, Gentry, Hartridge, Holcombe, Jones, Miles,
Moore, Iugh, and Welsh.
Ihe result o the vote showing no qtiorum to be present,
The House, on motion of Mr. ?Jones,
Adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow.


APRIL17, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
hy the l b . Mr. Jetcr.
The Spcaker laic1 before the House a coinniunication froni the Presi-

Apr 17,lSR'




dent, trnnsmitting estiiiizltes of appropriations; which mas read and,

with i t z :tc.coilipnnying docuiii(bnts, referred to the Corrlrllittee 011 m7ays
; L n d ;\leans.
'1'11~ speaker sigii?d the following bill, reported l q hlr. Elliott, from
tlic Coniniittec 011 E111~~llcd
Bills, a s correctly enrolled, to
A bill to be cntitlcd "An act to encouragc the uianufacture of saltpeter :iiid of snlall arm\;"
A i d tlic Hpcnlicr signed th
A1 r. Elliott prcsentcd the
on of certain citizens of Kentucky
f o r rcniuncmtion f o iii-ovisions,
etc., fiirnished the Arnly of th? conf c t l c i ~ a Sjt:ltCs;
which W:LS referred to the Committee 011 the Judiciary,
M ithout being wad.
0 1 1 inotiou of Jir. FootC, the House rcsolved itself into secret sessioii : a i d having spcnt soiiie time therein, again resolved itself into
ope11 iez+ioii:
\V Iic 11,
0 1 1 niotion of Mr. Miles, the House took up for consideration
A bill to providc for thc siifc and cxpcditious transportzltion of
t r o o p niicl ni~uiitionsof war 1)y milroads.
Tlw I)ill having been read :is followq, viz:


bill to pro\ 1i1i lor thc ~ a f :tnd

e \ l A l t l o n \ tranqmrtation of troops wid

munitions of n n r I

J ~

I'd,lll (Jdtl5

7'h( Coitqress o f t h ? ( ' o n f e d e i c t l ~#trtes qf'dniericn
I C t4Jic1eiit, prompt, ant1 miinterriiptetl transportation

do enncl, That to Eacili-

of troops and niilitary

the 1'rt)aitfent shall appoint a military chief of iailroacl
h d r e t l w i a n k oi a lientenant-coloiiel and receive coinpendollars per annuin, payable quarterly, who shall
Iioltt liib o l l i w during t
of the President, and I\ tio shall be selected froin
crate btates, with a special view to 111sjudgment,
t tic JII actical details of railroad operations and inachinery,
titer office nor cniploginc.nt tluriiig its continuance
2. Ilr 7t j'uu?tlcer e t m t e d , That the said inilitary chief of railroad transportation
filial1 I)c authorized ant1 reqnii c ~ to
l divide the railroads i n the Confederate States into
not lc.5 t!r:in t TI o 1101 iiior(3 t h i i i i tour railload distiicts, over each of which clistrich the
3'1 ty,idviit sli,tll appoiiit a disli ic t iiiilitary snpernitendent, who shall have the rank
ol 'I inn~i)i,
T\ ith the annual coinpensation of sixttcn hundred dollars per annuin, and
of the Confedernte States, with
i'roiri the railtoad onic
ent, experience, and 81:
Iiold his oflicc at the pt
Scc.. 3. l+ct f u i t J t e i eirccctcd, That the acting prt.5
rrtili oat1 hall, e c ojlic io, be t l r c local anti special military supel intendents of the operh
arid shall have the rank, respectively, the president of
atioiis of c,tch ~ i i t railroad,
a nirtjor and the superintentlent of a captain, but without any pay or pecuniary coinpniatioii t o either by virtue of s i i c h rank
Sirc. 4. Ue I L /cirtlier enctclrd, That the roadmaster and each rondurtor oi pmsrnger
tixiiis and otlikr trains con\eying troops, of each railroad, ehall have the rank, but
7%itliout any pay ar siich, of a first lieutcwtnt; ant1 each chief station agent and sectio
iriaiter dial1 !lave the rank, but withoiit aiiy pay as such, of second lieutenant.
SEC.5. U P7t jarliter emcted, That in all matters pc~rtainingto their respective o%ci
t1iitic.s as railroad officers and pertaining to railroad operations intrusted to their care
~ ~ of the
1 oflicer.:
of railroads herein named shall h a r e complete and exclusive control, aiid be subject to n o interference or control of any military officer of whalovei
lailk, except as hcrcinaftcr provided for; and that any military offirer, of whatever
r~tnk,]lot engagect in tllC xianageiiient 01 aiiy railroad, who shdll interfere wit 11 tltc
morenlpat of any train or other operations of siich road, sllall bc tlremed guilty ot a
lrlilitary offence,a114 llpoil charges preferred by the president of the railroad t~)mpaii\.
1n2~pbe tried a n d punished at the discretion of LL court-martial.
SEC.B. f:e ct furtiter ertctcled, That each such railroad officer shall, ar to the operatioas of 1113 r:t~]roatl and the protection of its propelty, be clotlietl, ac.c,ortlirrgto Ilia
rltnk ar~d itliili the scope of his duties, \r itli military authoiity oser llir agents ant1
operatives aijd watc.hl>ienor guards under his authority, and over a r ~ yother person;!
who rnay inolest or intrude upon any propel t y belongi~~g
to his railroad.
IiiiiiiiLioiis all({ t;itpplieb,
t i ~ i i y o ttition,
\\ ho slrall
d i o i i at the i'itc of ti\



SEC.7. Be it further enacted, That it dial1 be the duty of each district railroad
superintedrnl, I\ ith the aitl arid after cunsultation with the presidents and superinturidents of t h e iailioads within his district, to arrange such schedules for the movement of Go\ erniiiciit trains as \?ill insure, as far as practicable, their uninterrupted,
safe, arid prornpt continuou> transportation along their several railroads, without
unnecessary drlays oil or a t the terinini of either of tlic railroads in his district, as
well as to secure like close connections and iinintcrrupted transportation with the
railroads of districts adjacent to his own. If, upon suvh consultation with such
railroad presidenb and supei inttncicnts, he i.hall fail to agree with them upon such
schcdulcs for uiriritcrrripteil transportation, he shall estiiblish a schedule, to which it
Phall be obligatory on the officers of such railroads to conform the movements of
their trains. If thc officers of anv such railroad, over which such schedules shall
have been established, shell neglect or refwe to conform to such whednles the niovement of their tr-xiiis, then, iipon the coniplaint of the said district military niiperintentlciit, xiid ripon due notice of such cmniplai
the prcsident or superintendent
r refusing? . t l i c k chief of military
portation niay, after a summary
1 p:irti(s, i t he dcern such conip
re11 founded, call upon the gen,ig the departnient in 11hicli pnch recusant president or superintendent
r?hall rcsitl(Jto take iirilitarv pos-e-<ion of such railroad and deliver it to such district
to Iw eontiolletl arid managed I)y swh officers as such
military ~iiperi~iteiideiit,
tliitrirt suprriiitentlent niay appoint, anti so long as the said chief of niilitary transImrtatioli may deem necessary to the military operatioiis of t h e tToverntnent.
SEC.8. Be it f d i r e r eizcccted, That vhenever transportation for troops, officers, or
military niunitions or supplies is desired or required by any military officer, such
officer shall give the earliest practicable notice of such requirement to tlie proper officer
of the railroad or railroads OT er which wch transportation is to be performed, who
shall hitiiself also give the promptest notice practicable of snch reqiiirement to the
proper 0fficc.r ot each connecting railroad o\ er which the baiiic transportation is to be
continued; and aiij such
Itarv oilic*er niaking buch :t reyuisitioii shall designate
tire hoiir wtieii snch ofhcc trobps, or military niunitions or supplies will be completely ieatly for transport xi, ant1 it +all be his impcrati\r duty to see that they
are tlien s o ready, xiid, after \\ hich honr no train qliall be dc,tained IT ithout the coiisent of the controlhug oflicere of t-uch r d r o a d , but tlie Iioui> of depwi tiueand arrilal
and all other matters relating to the n i o \ w i e r i t b of tiailis shall be ( ontrolled excluul tlie IaiIroa(1x pci forniing t h e transportittioil
sively by t-uvlr oKic~~is
6 1 ~9.. 1Ze il,[rri /hci t i r c c c f c t T , That wlimever, upon the represcntdtion oi any general
couiriianding a n y tlcpai tiiirnt, or i n the judqment of any of thc wi(l di-trict inilihry
siiperintciideiitJ, or of the baid ( Iiici of riiilitai 5 7 railrontl tranqporttitioii, or by a gem
eidl coininanding a. di\ iqion, w h n i neither of the thrcyr above-naiiiett officers are
pre~riit,it shall be Jeeiiirti necessary, or of great importance to tlie piiblic service,
rither to rciiiovc the iails o r other iiiornhle strncturec, or the i i ~ a c h ~ i i e rofy any railroatl in any district, in order tn prevent their ctapture by the public erieniy, or to
repair, extend, or alter the roadway, structures, or machinery of such railroad, or to
construct a n y side track., TI atrr stations, warehouses, or other structures connected
with any such railroad, such nork sliall be, upon the requiqition of such district
snperintcntfents, promptly eseciited under the control and siiperintmtlence, if practicable, of the officers of such railroad, and, if they can not or n i l l not execute it as
promptly or aq well xs nixy he practic8ahle by such dietrict superintendent, the cost
thereof in either ( w e to he defrayed by the Treamrer of the Confederate States, on
the warrant of such district superinteiideiit, and to be chargcct to and refunded by
the company on wliose railroad snch structures are constructed, or such repairs, extensions, or alterations of roatln ay, Ptrnctures, or inacliiiiery are made, to the extent only,
however, and at the titiie when they shall be of value and importance to such conipany, irrespettil e of their exclnqive value to t h e Gorernmt~nt;such value to be
dcterrnined by the estimate of three impartial arbitrators, one of 1% horn shall be
selected by such company, another b y the C;overnnient, and by those two the third
shall be chosen.
SEC.10. B e z1,fiLrlh~rm t r c t d , That if any superintendent or president of any railroad company shall willfully fail or refuse, upon a requisition inade in the manner
hereinbefore indicated, to turnish transportation for troops and munitions of war to
the extent required, and to the cvterit of the capacity of the road, the officer or officers
so offending shall he deented guilty of a iiiilitary offense, and for such offense shall
be tried and punished at the discretion of a court-martial-a portion of the punislirnent inflicted by which, slioultl t h e party tried be found guilty, shall be ramo\Tal
from omcia1 connection 11ill1 the load.
SIX. 11. Be if furfher enciclctl, That any officer 01 eniployee connertcd with any
railroad upon n tiom by this act i t is provided military rank shall be conferred, if he

h p r . li, 1PfS ]



Illy. ;\I ilc\ nioved to aniend the baiiie by striking out thc word five
and insertiiig iii licu thereof the word three; also to strike out the
or& atid who h h ~ l lhold no other ofice o r employment during its
con ti iiua nce.
Sh. Milcox ~ i ~ o ~ that
- c d the Pnrther consideration of tho bil4 and
:Liiicndnient t-)o iridcfinitt~lypostpoiicd.
Sir. IhiprC c d l r d tlic questioii; which being ordered, t h e motion
was 1o.t.
Alr. Eoot~~
c ~ i l l c dt h c qttwtion; which hciiig oi-dered, the amendment
of 3Ly. X i l ( ~ +\\ith iigl.((d to.
Jlr. ( ~ u ~ ~ l ~ ~d~~11lxntlcd
i i h i i ~ c tlio l)i.(.vious question.
d e ~ ~ l i ~ IV:\\
t l t i ]lot Sc(*olidcd.
r ,
I hc quction bciiig 011 agweing to the amendment offered by Mr.
Lyons, n hic.11 \\a. t o strike out all xftrr the enacting clause in t h e bill
and insc,rt in lieu tlicreof tlic following:
That it dial1 he the duty ol the Secretary of War, or mch other officer as the
1rc.itlcnt iiinv cliaigc1 I\ it11 it, ui)oii consultation with the P3ytiiiaster-Genera1, to

SIX 4 It shall he the r l u t ? of the Sccrctary of JVar to appoint a suitable perbon,

able to actn e i n i l i t ~ r yduty, to act .as in6pector of t h e railroads, 13 110
the ordc,r ot thr Secretary of War, 1iiqxx.t all the railroads in the Cones, their rolliiig stock, \\ orkshops, and tracks, antl report thcrron f r p l l l
to the said Secretary, noting antl ieportiiig especiallv all clclinqucncies,
iniperfe(-tions,and ilefic.ien 111 the I odds, qtopk, and shops, and the manner of using
the said roads and transltorting troops.
See. 5. The bald iriqpector shall pass free 011 all tlic. railroads, and, as compensation
for his SerTices, shall receive a salary not exceeding two thousand dollars per annuut,

9 54


[Apr. 17,1862.

lie ,ilia11 bc removable from office at any time by the Secretary of War or the
6. The Secretary of War shall have authority, under the direction of the

SCC.7. If any president or other agent or emplnyrc. of any railroad shall refuse or
willfuily fail toperforiii airy dnty required of hiin b y this act, or shall refuse or willf i d y fail to obey any order, rille, or repnlation which inay be piren, made, or piescribed under its authority, lie sliall be d r r n ~ dtohe guilty of a niilitaryoffense, and
liable to ~ . u c hp ~ i ~ i i s h n i ~ as
w t a conrt-iriartial iiiay order, not exceeding t\velre
niontlrs im lwiwnnient; aiid if a president, director, or superintentlent of transportat i o n rmro\ a1 f i on1 office; ant1 if ail einploj ee, to such inilitary or fatigue duty in the
(liiriiig the c*ontinuanccof the n ar ils may be required of him.
8. T l i i q art shall be i n force from itspassage, and continue in force during the

Nr. Perkins niovcd t o ainend the amendment by striking out all

after the enacting clause aiid inserting in lieu thereof the following, to
That it shall be the duly of tlie Secretary of War, or such other officer nk thePresident may c.harce \\ ith it, npoii consultation with the Ioutmaqter-Gcni~il,to arrange
a ~c.lrcdulafor the transportation of troops, their baggage and Ptores, upon the railloads in t h e Confedcrate States, arid to prescribe, under the direction of the president
of the Confeederatc Btdtes, such rulcb and regulations for the management of said roads
a\, in his jndgliient, rimy be ncccssary to enforce the said schedule and insure
pIYJill1)t ant1 certnin transportation, ant1 for this purpose he shall have authority to
conyriic nt the city of Riehniond and confer q i t h the presidents of all the railroad
conrpiuiics in the Confederate State..
I~urthrr,that it shall be tlie duty of the Secretary of War and Postnkaster-General
to report a t the next srbsioii of Congress the rilles and regulations adopted, and, if
any, what further legislation iq reqnired for th(>prnnipt and secaure transportation of
tnmps and Governmelit store..

MY.Lyons, by consent, withdrew the third wction of his amendment

and called for the previous qucstion; which was ordered.
Thc aincndnicnt tjo the amendment mas thm agreed to, and the
anicridment as aiiiciid~dto the original bill was 16st.
The bill was thcn (wgPossd, read a third time, and the question
being on thr passage of the same, Mr. Wright of Georgia demanded
that the vote be recorded by yeas and nays;
Which being brcoiided,
Arc rwordcd as follows, to wit:
.. _ _ _ _
_. _ _ _ _
33_ _
Yeas: Arrington, ISatson, 13~11,Boyce, Horatio W.Bruce, Rurnett,
Conrow, Cookc, Cnrrin, Davis, Davkins, De Jarnette, Duprb, Farrow,
Ioote, Gxrclcnhire, Gartrell, Graham, Hartridge, Hilton, Holcomlw,
tJohn5ton, Lander, Lewis, Alachen, Marshall, NcQueen, Jliles, Jloorc.
Preston. lngh. Scxton, Singleton, staples, Strickland, SMan, Welsh,
Xiilcox, wncl Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe. 13arksdale, Ijotcler, Bridgers, Eli M.Bruce, Chambliss,
Chilton, Clnrk, Clopton, Curry, Daridson, Fostei*, Gaither, Gentry,
Goodc, Gray, EIeislxll, Ilcrbert, Holt, Jenkins, ;ronea, Koiinn of
North Carolina, Lyons, il.IcDorncl1, McLean, McRae, Menees, lerliins,
ZMls, 12oystori. Iiussell, Wright of Georgia, and Mr. Speaker.
So the bill was passed.

Apr 17, 18621


e wis received from the Senate, by their Secretary,


joint resolution of the following title, vie:

Sccretary of the Treasury to pay the mileof the intmbers of the Lrorisional Congress out of the coritillgent

age ant1 ptr t i i c l i i

i\lIltl of that Collglt...;
t1rc.y icquest tlrr concurrenceof this Ilousc.
te h \ e also passed a bill of tlik IIouse of the following title, viz.
-\ bill t o he entitled A n act making Augusta, Georgia, a port of delirery
101 goo& i i i i t ) o i tetl into Charleston, Sonth Carolina.

Nr. Tjbbs, from tho Corninittoe 011 Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly cxlrollecl
.1 bill to nuthorizc the issue of Treasury notes;
Spealicr signrtl the saint!.
tgc was rwcived from the Prcsident, by the hands of his
( w t a r j . , Air. IIarrison, inforinjng the House that the President has to-clay qjproved arid signed the following bills, to wit:
An act cntitlcd -Ail a r t fo r thr. relief of Cwoline Miller and her
Alho, an act entitled Rii act to :mtltorize the Secretary of War to
cii\-ide the appropriation< for the (mitingent expenses of the War
D e p a h i o n t and the Arniy ; and
Alio, an a r t entitltd * * * In
act to authorize the eiiiploymenf of clerks
at thc ofice.; of the Ire~surcrarid assistant treasurers.
That the Iresictent on yebtcrdtiy approved and signed
An :wt to niiieiict :in net entitled An a d to regulate the compensation of mcinbcm of Congrcsb, etc.;
kion of th:znlis to thc officers and crews of the Patrick Henry,
N J ~ , Teazcr, and other vessels. for gallant conduct; and
rcsolntioii of thanks to Gcn. 11. 13. Sibley and his command.
Xlr. ,\Ic.i&w iiitroduced
A bill to 1nwvide f o r the pay of adjutants of regiments and legions; W I ~r c ~ dtlic first :uid s ~ ~ c o i times
and referred to the Comiiiittcc on Jlilitoiy L\fhir<.
BIr. Nile+, f ~ mfhn
t (hiiiinittcc on 3Iilitriry Aff:Lii*s, repostcd
,I hi11 to :1iii(Ltid :in :wt to incrc:tsc the inilitaiy c&blislinient of the
Confvtlvratc iC;iatv,s, a r i d to amc~ntltlic swt for tile cstahlishnient and
the Confederate States of America;
lhc hi11 \ I : L ~talicn up, crigroSsc(1, read a third time, and passed.
A h . Mil(+, fiwni the s a i i i ~cominittcc, reported
h hill to :iiucncl an act to provide for an increase of the Quarterma*ter x i r t l Coniinissary i)cpirtincnts,
with the rccoiiiirienclation t h a t it p s s .
, I n d the bill h y i n g loceii read as follows, to wit:
ttm (lo m n c l , That the 1)rovisoof the act entitled
The ( ?),igieqs of ( / I ( > ontprlo~
a c t to pro\ itlc for an in
iri the Quarter~riasterand Coinnrissary Depart~ i i c i i t g , >ip11ici\.eti l:c,tjruary liftceiitli, cighteen hunillcti and hixty-two, be aiuerided
b y inserting i n the tliirci line of said pro\iso tlrc \rords cxcept ior depots imd fixed
posts, and n it11 thc qpccinl 1ieririision of thc Secretary of \Par, anti the clerks so
eiiiployd by ~ p p c i a lpcrmicsion shall receive a conipensatiori of eighty dollars per

Jlr. 111gh nloved to miend the bill by striking out the words
dollars p t r month, as the compensation of the clerks to be

< ceiglit?



[Apr. 17,18G2.

employed thereby, and inserting in lieu thereof " fifty dollars per
month ."
The amendment was agreed to.
Nr. Smith of Virginia moved to amend the bill by adding thoreto
the following:
Provided, That no one shall loci employed in such service who is subject to military duty;

which r a s agreed to.

The bill as :mended \$-as then engrossed, read a third time, and
On motion,
The llouse again resolred itself into secret session.

The Houhe k i n g i n seci
Mr. Piiph yrchvntcd a n
i d of citizens of Butler County, Ala.,
praying for t+tablihhmcnt of a innil route; which was referred to the
Coiniriittrc on Post-Oftices and Post-Roads, without bcing read.
Also, a memorial; which was referred to the Committee on PostOffices find POSt-lto:db.
On motion of Mr. It'oote, the Honse proceeded to the consideration of
e exportation of either cotton or toliacco the
ed back from the Committee of the T h o l e ,
with the r~.c.oinmentlationthat it pass with mi ttinendment.
Ant1 the q w s t i o n Iwing upon agreeing t o the amendment, which is
to strilw out all of thc original bill; which is as follows, to wit:
A I I:I( t t o p i o h l h t the cxportntio~iof either critton or tobacco o f t h e prestmt crop, except IU certniu

inti ica do eimct, That it shall

Ian frrl, :ittci tlie p a w p of this act, to export either cotton or tobacco, tur-


1. The ( h i u y e s s of (he (%)i(f(tlrrcrle,El(ttes qf .I

nud now in their actual ownership: A n d p r o v i d e d f i r h e r , That this act shall cease to
1w 111 force after the existing blockade of the ports of the Confederate States shall
hare terininated,

:ind to insert i n lieu thereof the following, to wit:

r m s 1. Bc 7 1 circtcletl h j lhe ( ' o n p e b s of ihe ('ufi~frdernfeStates of America, That
Ironi and aftcr thc passage of this act no one shall export from any of the ports of
thr Cnrifeclemtr State? any cotton, tobacco, rice, rosin, turpentine, naval stores, or

timber, unlecs such person &all first obtain from the President permission in writing to make snch Phipinent to foreign ports, other than the United States; and shall
also take an oath k i u r e any judge or justice of a court of record, to be filrd with the
clerk thereof, that it is bona. fide the intrntion of the nffant to make such shipment
tn sonie Eorc.igti port, otlirr than thr I-nitrtl States, and to procure in return therefor
arms, tnnnitio~isof n ar, iron, ironclad steamers, shoes, blankets, medicines, or other
a1 ticles necded I)> the Government for the prosecution of the war, or for the comfort or the efficiency of the Army of the Confederate States; and siieh return cargoes
shall conir into tlie ports oi t h e Confederate States free of dutv.
SEV.2. Be i t further enrccfcd, That if it shall appear aftern ards that any one lsho
has taken the ahowdescribed oath has made snc4i shipment to any port of the United
Stater, or sold the same in any other port to any citiaen of the United States, or agent
of such citizen, or that such vessel has been absent for theseripd of nine months, or



nxs I ctmneil in safeh to any port of tlie Confederate States, without bringing in a
cargo of m i \ of the articles mentioned i n the first section of this act, such acts, or
cit1ic.r oi L I I ~ ~ U shall
be tleeiiied priina facie evidence of the guilt of the shipper of
~ c l (~qioit-,
and the orius of proof shall then be on him to shew his innocence.
h(ct / t r ~f h e r etttrcted, Tlial 1%henever the President inay deerii it advisable
01 enid artidet. of export shoultl be shipped to foreign ports, other than the
tates, ior any othrr purpose than those enumerated heiein, either to raise
funds, purclir-e \I m steaiiiei
r any articles necessary to the prosecution of the
p n c i l , he may antlior
such shipment under such regulations as he niay

i i ot this act shall forfeit such articles of export, and be fined a

one nor niore than five thousand dollars, and imprisoned for a
perlod not l+i than fi\ e 1 cars. And any one I\ ho shall inforin against such guilty
shall I)c ciititlctl to receil e, upon con7 iction of such guilty person, one-fourth
of the xticles forlcited a i aforesaid, and the saiiie amount out of the said fine, when colIccted. .\ntl it shall be the duty of all diytrict attorneys of the Confecterate States to
iiistitntc ~iro~eciiiions
agninqt s u ~ guilty
person or person?, their aiders or abettors,

let1 upon tlie < onditions aiid under the regulations specified in this act.

7. Ilc 11 .ft(, tltrr m w t c d , That this act shall continue i n forte during the exist(n(c oi the pwwnt blncliade, arid no longer.

llr. C;i*ay moved to aineiid the amendment KI;~adding at the end of

tlic tist .ectioii of the same the following, to wit:
/ I / o/ r c l e t l , That thih act bhdll not apply to the exportation of cotton or tobacco by
1oy:il citimis overland to Mexico, n coterininous neutral country,

,bid upon which he deninirded the previous question;

M u . Conrstd dcinandrcl the yeas and nays; and
The deniancl hoing sustained,
Tiley are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ - - _ _
_ _ 26
Yea,: Arrington, Rshe, Ayer, Barksdale, Batson, Bell, Boteler,
Bojce, Iloratio \Ir. Bruce, Burnett, Charnhliss, Chilton, CooBe, Davidb o n , Ihwi-ltins, De ,Jarnettc, Dnpr6, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire,
GarLrcll, Goode, IIanly, Harriq, Hciskell, 1 lilton, Aolcomhe, Jones,
Kcnail of Korth Carolina, ilnndor, Lewis, Marshall, McDowell,
;\IcI,can, Alcfiac, McQuecn, Menees, Miles, Perlrins, Preston, Pugh,
Royston, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Stricklaad, Tibbs, Trippc, Vest,
and Melsh.
Xayb : 13 rcckinridgc, 13ridgcrs, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Cnrry,
Davis, Elliott, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Ilartridge, Ilerhert, Holt,
Jenkins, Joiinstori, Keiiner, Lyons, Nachen, Moore, Ihlls, Russell,
Swan, \Yilcox, 7lright of Georgia, and Wright of Tesas.
So thc House refused to order the main question.





[Apr. 17, 1862.

Mr. Gardenhire called the question, which was upon agreeing to

the aniendment to the amendment offered by Mr. Gray; and
The demand being sustained, the amendment to the amendment mas
agreed to.
Mr. Davis nioved to postpone the further consideration of the bill
and amcndinent to the third Monday in August next.
Upon which Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustained,
_ -_ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ 39
Yeas-- - . _
They are recordcd RS follows, to wit: Na _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31
Yeas: Ashe, Boyce, Breckinridge, Eli M. puce, Burnett, Clopton,
Co~ir:td,Conrow, Curry, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, DuprB, Oaither,
U ardcnhirs, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gray, EIanly. Harris, Hartridge, Herbert, IIolt,, Johnston, Jones, Kenner, Lyons, Machen,
i\lcl)owcll, NcIiae, Pugh, Ralls, Russell, Smith of Virginia, Tibbs,
Trippe, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Arrington, Ayer, Barksdale, Batson, Bell, Bote'ler, Bridgers,
IIorntio W.Bruce, Chanibliss, Chilton, Clark, Cooke, Currin, Elliott,
Foote, Foster, Gartrell, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Kenan of North
Carolina, Laiidcr, Lewis, Marshall, McLean, McQueen, Menees,
Miles, Moore, Perkins, Preston, Royston, Staples, Strickland, Swan,
Vest, and MTelsh.
So the motion to postpone prevailed.
Mr. Lyon inoved to reconsider the vote just taken.
Upon which Mr. Arrington denlanded the yeas and nays.
The doinand was not sustained, and the motion to reconsider did not
Mr. Joiies niorcd to suspend the rules for the purpose of considerino. hills: from the Military Committee.
h e iiiotioii prevailed, and the HOUSE,
on niotion of MY. Miles,
resolved itself into open session; and htlving speut some time therein,
agilin resolved itself into secret session;
A message was received from the President, by the hands of his
Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which is as follows, to wit:


April 17, 1869.
To the I h t s e oj liepesentatices:
I licrewith transmit a coinmunication froni the Secretary of War, containingan
estimate of add$ional funds required for t h e Ordnance Bureau for the period ending
Dccenihcr 1, 1862.
I recoininend that an appropriation be iriade of the sums, and for the purposes

On motion, tho message and accompanying documents were referred

to the Committc,e on Ways and Neans.
Mr. Wright of Georgia, by unanimous consent, introduced
A bill supplementary to an act further to provide for the public
which mas read first and second times;

Apr. 17, I%? ]



Ierkins moi-cd to mwnd by addi~igas section 2 the following,
to xit :
That the a r t entitled An act further
n so Par as it relates to t h e erirollinent of
sions, thall not take effect in any State


ot the act, iri the Beld for three years or

or 11hich ~11~111tnrnieh such iiiiinber of per

tliir t y (la) 5 aktcr such call sliall have been
I l u i i i i w ok J ) ~ I W I I Sturlllshed by m y o
f the
an? t i n i c fall I)clo\\ tht. iiunibtr required uridcr this act, and the deficiency be not
pnpplictl attc.v a. c8pll of thirty (la)s by the Preuidcnt, the provisions of this act shall
tnf<c i t iiiiictl i d c3 d f e d .

31I.. Foole dciiiandcd the previous question; and the call bein sustaiiicd, he dcniniidcd the yeas arid nays on agreeing to the amen ment
o f Mr. Ierkins; :Lnd the (ternand being sustained,


-- ---ihcy arc recorded and arc as follows, to wit:

Nays-_- - _ _ - - - _ _ 57
Yetis: A y ~ r ,Boyce, Ihiclgers, Clopton, Curry, Dayidson, Davis,
Foot P, Gxithcr, Gcntry, IL:~ily,M.lcQuecn, Prrlrins, and Ralls.
S R ~Arringtoii,
Ablic, ihrksdalc, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Woratio
11. 13riic0, Eli LM.Bruce, Chanibliss, Chilton, Clark, Coiirad, Conrow,
Coolie, Curriii, I)ai\-kins, De Jarnettc, Dupr6, Farrow, Oardenhire,
C h i t d I , Goode, Gr:Lht\iii, C; ray, Harris, Hartridge, Ileislrell, Herbert,
Ililton, Ilolconibc, llolt, Jcnkins, Jones, J<cnan of North Carolina,
licmer, Lander, Lewis, Lyons, BIachen, Menees, Miles, Preston, Piigh,
Koyston, Mussell, Sexton, Hinglcton, Smith of Virginia, Staples, StrickI:~nd, Swan, Iihbq, Welsh, IVilcox, Wyight of Georgia, Wright of
rl~lxaii,and Mr. Speaker.
So tlic aiiieiidiiicnt was lost, and the bill was engrossed and read a
t h i r d timc;

X r . I h v i z deinnndcd the peas and nays on the passage of the same.
T l ~ edciuand was riot sustained, and tho bill was passed.
On iiwLiori of Air. Conrad, the Hoiise took tip for consideration
11 joint rcalntion fro111thc Seiiatc authorizing the Secretary of t h e
Sarj-to coriti~:ictfor the construction, i n Europe, of six ironclad ~wsels;;

w he


Rlr. Conrad nioccd to aiiiciid the samc as follows, to wit: Strike out
Sccrctzlry of t h o Kary * and iiiscrt in lieu thercof *President; also
i k i n g out tho word bib" and inserting tho; and also add,
:iftcr ihe word ~oiiittiiiiii~:tti011,the words Secretary of the Navy;
:11ml!y striiiiiig out thc words thc Iresident and inserLing in lieu
timeof the word . iiiiii, \r hcrcrcr ocwlrring; also by striking out the
words mid tho contlact 11 lie11 signrtl shall be submitted to the Presicknt, and shall not be bintliiip until hr has approvcd it, and inscrtin
in lien thrreof But the Yrchiclciil ni:ty i i t his discretion contract an
ce t o any change or inodi1ic:ition of the tcrms and conditions meni d in said coniuiui?icatioII tli:it ~ i a y
l x deeiried expedient.
Tho :mendrnetits were agreed to, and t h e r c d u t i o n as amended read
a third thic and p ~ i w d .
Mr. Tl:iri-is, froni
onmittee on Military AK airs, reported and
recommended thc pa



[Apr. 17,1852,

h bill to aid i n the construction of certain lines of railroad in the

States of Louisiana and Texas;
which was read first and second times, and on the question,
Shall the bill be postponed and placed on the Caleridar?
Mr. Curry denianded the yeas and nays; and
Thc dcninnd being sustained,
Yeas ... _ - 27
They are recorded :is follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _- _. -_ __ -_ _.__ __ __ __ __ __ 39
Yeas: Ashe, 8 ~ - c rRoyce,
Bridvers, Chilton, Cloptun, Curry, Davidson, Dewkiiis, l h ~ o w Foote,
goster, Hartridge, Jones, Kenan of
North Carolina, Landor, McDowcll. McLcau, McQueen, Miles, Pugh,
Ralls, Iioyston, Singleton, Staples, TVclsh, an8 Mr. Speaker.
Xilys: Arrington, Ihrlisdale, Utltsoii, Boteler, Horatio W. Bruce,
Eli M. Bruce, 13nrimtt, Chainbliss, Clark, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke,
Currin, lhris, rk Jarnette, Dnpr6, Gaither, Gardenhire, Gartrell,
Gentry, Goode, Gray, Ilanly, Harris, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Kenner, Lewis, AIachen, McRae, Menecs, Perkins, Sexton, Swan, Tibbs,
Trippe, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
So the House ref used to postpone the consideration of the bill and to
place it 011 the Calendar, and the bill was engrossed and read a third
And the prcarnble of the samc being under consideration; which is
as follows, to wit:

Whereas information has been coininiinicated to the Congress that the completion
of a line oi railroad connecting New, Iberia, in the State of Louisiana, with Houston,
in the State of Texas, is a military necePsity,

Mr. Ierkins iiioved to arncrid by striking out the same and inserting
in lien thereof tlic following, to wit:
Whereas t h e Confederate States are engaged in actual m-ar, and the President has
recoiiiiiiencled for iiiilitary reasons the construction of a railroad connecting New
Iberia, i n the State of Louibiana, m i t h Houston, in the State of Texas, and the commanding general at Sew Orleans has declared it to be at the present moment a great
military necessity.

The anieudment, ivas agreed to.

Arid the question being upon the passage of the bill, Mr. Curry
deirianded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustained,
Yeas _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3o
Yeas: Arrington, Barksdale, Batson, Bell, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M.
Bruce, Burnctt, Conrad, Conrow, Coolie, Davidson, DuprQ, Gaither,
Gartrell, Gentry, Gray, Harris, Herbert, IIilton, Rolcornbe, Kenner,
Lewis, Lyons, Machen, MarshalI, hlcRae, Mcnees, Perkins, Read, Sexton, Stricldancl, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Bridgers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Curry, Davis,
Dawkine, Farrow, Foote, Foster, L-Ianly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Holt,
Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Ltlnder, AIcQueen, Miles, Pugh,
Jtalls, Royston, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Tibbs, Trippe, Welsh,
and 24r. Speaker.
So the bill was lost.
Mr. Machen moved that the House do now adjourn.
The motion mas lost.
Mr. Perkins moved that the House take a recess until 7.30 oclock p.m.
The motion m7as lost.

Apr. 16,1562.1


Mr. Davis moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill f

conipletion of a railroad from New Iberiz to Houston was lost.
A iiiessage was received from the President, by the hands of his
riwte Secretary, Mr. I-larrison.
The Chair presented a inesssge from the President; which js as
T n the S m i t e and I h s e qf Rqwesmtntiaes:

A p d 17, 1862.

I hereu ith transmit, for the information of Congress, a communication from the
Secretary of the S a y , covering estimates of the aiiiount required by the Navy
Departiiieiit ior s.peciIied porpows.
I reconinleiid that a n appropriation be made of the siinis, and for the objects
ineii tioncd.

On motion, tlie inessage and acconipaiiyimg documents vere referred

to the Conmiittee o n Wayb and &leans.
A niessage n7:w received from the Seimte, by MI.. Kash, the Secretary
of that body; v-hich is as follows, to wit:

other pnrpoieb; and

( O p e n ) IS 1< - , bill to lw entillrtl An act to amend an act for the establishi-nent ant1 organimtion of a general staff of the Army of the Confederate States of
l i e concurrence of this House; also
ating the fees of marshals, and for other purposes.
aiuendinent of the House to the bill (S. 25) to be
entitled A n act rolati7-e to the pay arid allowances of deceased soldierF.
The Iwsitlciit of the Contederate States, on yesterday, approved and signed an act
i t l r for the public defense.
The Scnittr h a r e passed a bill of the following title, oiz:
S. 41. A bill to be entitled An act in relation to auditing accountP for the War
Department ;
I n which they rrqnest the coiicurrence of this House.

Mr. T i h h aqliccl leave to record his vote i n the affirmative on the

passage of a bill further to provide f o r the public defense.
The leave was refused.
And on niotioii of Mr. Davis,
The Hoiisc ad journrd until 11 oclock to-morrow.


APRIL18, 1862.


The House mot pursimn t t o adjourninent, and was opened with prayer
by the ltev. Dr. Jetey.
Alr. Miles, from the Cornniittec on Military Affairs, to whoin was
ref erred
A bill to raiw bands of partisan rangers within the enemys lines,
rcportcd the saiiie back, aslicd t o be discharged from its further coiisideration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, reported
A bill to organize bands of partisan mngers;
which was rend the first and second times.



rApr. is, 1862.

The rules were suspended;

The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
The Chair presented certain estimates of the Clerk of the House;
which were referred to the Committee on Accounts.
On inotion, the House then resolved itself into secret session; and
having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into open session,
Mr. Gardenhire, from the Cominittce on Enrolled .Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled
A hill t o regulate the collection of the war tax in certain States
invaded by the eiieiiiy ;
A bill to aiiiend a n act, cntitled A n act to increase the Corps of
Artillery, and for other purposes, approved A ogust 21, 1861; and
A bill to proyidc for the payment of officers of the Virginia militia
for serriccs roiiilered.
The Speaker signed the same.
Nr, Conrad introduced
A bill t o s~incndthe act to authorize and provide for the organization of the Marylancl Line, approved February 15, 1862;
which was read the first and second tiriics and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Nr. Chambliss otfered
A resolution that 1,000 copies of the report of Captain Pegram of
the cruise of the Sash\ ille be printed;
which was referred to the Coniniittee on Printing.
On inotioii of Mr. Smith of Virginia,
The Ilou.;e then took up f o r coniidcration a bill from the Calendar
to provide for the enlistment of cooks in the Army.
Arid the bill having bceii read a?j folIo.vr.s,to wit:
I+ it ennctecl l y ilie Sencite a i d IAmse of Repesentcitii~es i n Conqress rissenzhled, That
hereafter it shall be the rluty of t h e captain or commanding officer of his company
t o enlist four conks for b i b company, n how dnty it shall be to cook for such conipany, taking charge of the supplies, utensils, and other things furnished therefor,
and safely keeping the same, subject to such regulations a9 may be prescribed by the
Var 13epartnient or the colonel of the regiment to M liich such company may be
A i d OP it f i i ~ t i t e venacted, That the cooks so directed to he enlisted may be white or
Hlack, free or dare.persons: Iromded, lio.toerer, That no slave shall be so enlisted
~ i t h o u t h e written consent ot his o ~ n e r . And such cook shall be enlisted as^ such
only and put on the mnster roll and paid at the time and place t h e company ma\ or
slyall bc paid off, twenty dollars per month to the chief or head cook, and fifteen
dollars per inonth for each ot the assiPtant cooks, together R-ith t h e same allowance
for clothing or the same coninintation therefor that may be allowed to the rank and
file of the company,

hlr. Iugh, froin tho Cominittce on Military Affairs, inoT-ed to amend

the same b y striking out all after the enacting clause and insert as
That t h e cominimary of each regiment is hereby required w6enerer practicable to
supply earh company n ith \vell-baked bread, prepared from t h e flour and usual
rations furnished thc men, and for this purpose said company may, a ith the approvar
of the colonel, coiitract with an experienced baker, who shall receive for his services a
portion of said ratioiir and
allowed reasonable compensation, to be raised by a
special tax levied on the amount of sales b y t h e sutler of each regiment, and nliere
there is no sutler, then he shall be paid by the quarterinaster a t the elid of each month.

Mr. D a r k inoved t o aiiirnd thc ariicndinent hj- striking out all of the
same and inscrtiiiy in lieu thereof the following:
Thai t h e colonel of each regiment bc, and he is hereby, authorized to grant a perinit to one baker to accompany each coiiipmiy under his command, with authority

d p r 18,156!!.]


to contract Tyitli the troops thereof for well-cooked bread, to whom he may fur
t r a ~ q o s t n t i o nupori such ternis as h e may determine.

Xr. Foote called the question; which being seconded, the amendSlr. Daris was lost.
Mr. Harris m o d that the bill and amendment be referred to a
special coinmittee of five, to be a pointed by the Speaker, to inquire
into the nccessity for, and report y bill or otherwise, such legislation
:IS will better supply the Army with well-cooked, good, and wholesome
food, by the construction of GovErnment bakeries or otherwise.
Mr. Foote demanded thc previous question; which was ordered, and
thc -___was lost.
The question recurring on the amendment of the committee,
The saiiie was lost.
bill I V R ~ then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
A iiiessage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which reads as follows. to wit:
rrierit of

Jlr. ,Spcckw: The Sciiate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
( Open ) S.45. d bill to be entitled An act to anienil an act to prescribe the rates
of poqtxqe i n the Confederate States of America, and for other pnrposes;
In H I n v h t h e y ask the concurrence of thi.: House

Mr. T+3liott,from the Coninlittee on Enrolled Rills, reported as correctly enrolled

A bill t o provide for the appointment of chaplains a t the naval
9))ill making Augusta, Ga., a port of delivery for goods imported
into Charle.;ton, S. C.;
il hill to prohibit the transportation to and sale of certain articles
i n a n j port or place within the Confederate States in the possession of
the enemy, and to prohibit the sale, barter, or exchange of certain artic l thcreiii
named, to alien or domestic eneinies;
A bill to limit the coinpensation of clerks, marshals, and district
attorneys of the Confederate States;
A bill t o increase the clerical force of the Quartermaster-Crener~ls
Birrean ; and
A bill regulating the fees of clerks, and for other purposes.
The Spenkcr signed the saine.
-Mr. Yerkins oflered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means he instructed
to inquire and report to this House why the warrants of the Clerk of
this Horisc for payment of the officers of the House are not paid at the
Trcnsury upon the same footing RS warrants issued for a similar purpose by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate;
which was read and agreed to.
Thc Chair presented a message from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
TOtlte Senute C i J l d Irouse gf Rqmsentnlizes:
1 herexvith transmit, for the informatioil of Congress, a comn~unic~ation
from t h e
Secretary of IYar, covering a copy of the official report of ililaj. Gen. Earl V a n
Dorn of the bnttle between his forces and those of Gencrals Sigd and Curtis in


On motion, the message and accompanying docuineiits were laid on

the table and ordered to be printed.



[Apr. 18,l

Mr. Miles moved that 1,000 copics of the same be printed? which
motion n~asreferred th the Committee on Printing.
Jlr. Gardcnhire, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported
as correctly enrolled
A bill to authorize the exchange of bonds for articles in kind, and
the shipment, sale, or hypothecation of such articles;
And the Spealier signed the same.
On motion of Mc. Singleton,
The House adjourned until 11 ocbck to-morrow.

The Rouse heing in secret session,

Mr. Davis introduced t h e following resolution, to wit:
Resoked by the Cbnqrecs of the Confederate &ci/es of diiieriea, That the resolution
adjourning the two House4 of Conwess on Monday next, passed on Tuesday, the
fifteenth inctant, he, and t h e Same % hereby, rewinded.

Mr. Davis moved that the House take u p for consideration the resolution.
Upon which Mr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustained,
Yeas ... _ _ _ _ 49
The yeas and nays are recorded as follows, to wit: lUays
- - - - 29
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Rarksdale, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Horatio W .
Bruce, Eli 31. Bruce, Chainbliss, Conrad, Currin, Davis, De Jarnette,
Farrow, Foote, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Heiskell, Plilton, IIolcornbe, Jenkins, Johnston, Lander, Lyons, Macthen, Marshall,
McLean, McKde, NcQueen, Menees, Miles, Noore, Perkins, Preston,
Pugh, Mussell, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Virginia, Staples, Swan,
Vest, Welsh, \\ilcox, Wright of Texns, and M r . Speaker.
Nays: Ratson, Breckinridge, Burnett, Chilton, Clark, Clopton,
Conrow, Curry, Davidson, DaTvkins, Foster, Gaither, Gartrell, Hanly,
Hartriclgc, Herbert. Holt, Jones, Kenen of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lewis, McDowell, Ralls, Royston, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe, and Wright of Georgia.
So the resolution was talieri up;
Mr. Gartrell moved to amend the same by striking out the mhole
of the original after the word Resolwd and inserting i n lieu thereof
the following, to wit:

That the resolntion fixing the adjournment of both Houses of Congress for Monday
next be rescinded, and that both Houses of Congress will adjourn on the fimt Monday in X a y next, to meet again on the first Monday i n September next, unless
sooner convened by proclamation of the President.

Upon which he called the question; which TVAS seconded, and the
arnendriient was lost, and the resolution was adopted.
B message mas received froiii the Senate, by the hands of the Sewetary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
ate have passed, without amendment, bills of this House of
the follov iiig titlee,
(Open.) 1%.R. -. A bill to be entitled An act to proride for the appointment of
chaplains a t the naval ho-pitals, arid
( O p e n . ) 1.It. -. A hill to be entitled An act t o prohibit the transportation to
and sale of certain articles i n a n y port or place witliim the Confederate States in the

xipr 18,1X62.1


posseesbion of the enemy, and to prohibit the sale, barter, or exchange of certain
cles tiierc.iii n a m ~ l to
, alien 01 doinestic enemies.
The beiiatt. ha\ e also passed, with sundry amendments, a bill of this IIouse of the
follon ing title, via:
( O p i ) 11. 11. -. A bill to be entitled An act to enforce pronlpt returns fronl
diibur-ilia of1irerP and agents;
In F\ hicli aiiicndinents they icquest the concurrence of this IIouse.
The Senate ha\ e a1.o passed il. bill of the following title, viz:
S. 47. il bill to be entitled An act to makc provisioll for coins for the
&ntcvlcr ate Statci;
111 n hirh thchy rerliieqt the concurrence of this IIouse.

Mr. Tibbs moved that the Chair be authorized to appoint a member

on the Committee 011 Enrollment to serve during the absence of Mr.
Tlic !iiotioii was agreed to; and
The Chair appointed A h . Gardenhire.
RIr. Kcnner, froni the Committee on Ways and Means, reported and
reconinicnded t hc passage of
il bill innking further appropriations for the expenses of the GovernTreasury and War Departments, and for other purposes;
read Grht and second times, and o n motion of A h . Jones,
e m suspended, and the House proceeded to the consideration of tlie same.
And the bill was engrossed, read a third time, nnd passed.
And the title to the same mas amended by inserting after the word
\Tar tlie words and Navy.
A message was received from the President, by the hands of his Prin i t ( > Secretary, MY.Z-Iarrison; which is as follows, to wit:
~ E P I I < T \ I E M T ,April 18, 1862.
To f h c / i ~ l l ~ ~ l flie
~ f ~,SpeulLel%
J ~ t ~
of the House of I&presentcclives.
The President, on yesterday, a p p r o ~ and
d signed,?n act entitied An
act to cnconrage the iiiaiiufactnre of saltpeter and of sinall miis.
Prfiutr k r e l n r y .

On motion of 31r. Iccnner,

Tlic House took up for consideration a Senate bill to authorize the
exc1i:ing.e of bonds f o r articles i n Bind, and the shiprnent, sale, or
hy wthecation of said articles; which was read first and second times,
:in .on the pa5wg.e of the same Mr. Swan denianded the yeas and nays;
nnd the dcniaiid being sustained,
Yeas _ _ . . _ _ _ 56 [55]
rliey are recorded as follows, to wit: N a p . . _ __ _.__
_ _ _ - - 11
Yeas: Rshc, Uarlisdale, Hcll, Hotelcr, boyce, I-loratio BT.Bruce, Eli
R1. Brucc, Burnett, Chainbliss, Chilton, Conrad, Conrom, Davidson,
Davis, Damlcins, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire, Gartrell Gentry,
Grahani, Gray, Hanly, IIarris, Hartridge, Heiskcll, Hilton, doltombe,
Holt, Jones, Kcnan of Korth Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Machen,
Marshall, XcDowell, Mcliae, McQueen, Menees, i?liles, Moore, Perkins, Pug?, Italls, Itoyston, Sexton, Singleton, Strickland, Tibbs,
Trippc, 11 clsh, vlrilcox, and Wright of Georgia.
Nays: RJ er, Ilridgers, Farrow, Herbert, Jenkins, ?Johnston,Russell,
Smith of Nortll Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Swan, arid Mr. Speaker.
So the bill was passed.
The Speaber signed the following bills, reported by Mr. Gardenhire,
from the Committee on Enrollment, as correctly engrossed and
enrolled, to wit:



A bill to recognize the organizatioii of certain military companies;

A bill relative to the pay and allowances of deceased soldiers;
A hill declaring thc officer who ahall act as President in case of
mcancies in the Cfficesof President and Vice-president; and
A bill to punish druiikenncss in the Army.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which is as
To the Senate riud I l o m e cf Rpprexntcdives qf the Confedederate States:

Confederate lans.
2. I n tlie tenth section of t h e bill there is n seeming conflict between two clauses,
one of H liich rcqnires t h a t i n all cases elections shall be held t o fill the lowest grade,
n hile miother gires poxcr to promote from t h e ranks, to any T-acant office, a private
\\ 110 may have distinguished himself conspicuously.
I would be glad to have the
intent of Congrcss 0x1 this point stated i n a n amendment to t h e bill.
3. Under the fourth section of the act of 11th December, 1861, it was declared that
all troops rrroluriteering or reenlisting shall, a t the expiration of their present term
of serricc, have the power to reorganize themselves into conipanies, and to elect their
c o n i p n p ofliceri; and that said companies should have t h e right to reorganize themegiments, and elect their field officers, etc.
of tlie act just passed, 16th April, 1862, it is prohibited to
on of such new companies.and regiments as may be coinpletrd \\ ithin thirty days any persons now i n service.
It is subniitteil whether bare justice to t h e nien who first entered the military
s e n ice, ~ m c lTS ho have again voluntarily enrolled themselves to serve for the war,
dors not require that Government should carry out the understanding under which
they reenlisted, by pcrniitting them to serve in organizations more acceptable to
thcw~thxn those in which they are now embraced.
I should regret to bee inen now for t h e first time brought into service under the
stringencv of the 1a.w 1 ested with a right of choosing their association, while the same
privilege is clcmed t o those ho have distinguished theniselves by the alacrity with
which they l m e volunteered.

On motion, the message mas referred to the Committee on Military

The Chair presented a message from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
11011. THO;\IAh S. BOCOCR,
of the House of IZepresentntii,es.
SIR: I transmit hcrewith Lieutenant Commanding Robert H. Pegranis report of
the cruisc of the Nrrstirille, and certain official correspondence called for by the resolution of the IIousc of Represcntativcs of the 15th instant


On motion, the. nicssage and accompanying documents were laid on

the table, ordered to he printed, and the injunction of secrecy removed
from the same.
The IIonse t h ~ ntook u p a bill of the House to enforce prompt
returns froin disbursing oificers and agents, which had been returned


Apr 18, 1\62 ]


rot12 tli(1 Scriate with timcmdnicnt ; and, on motion, the samo was
r c f c i ~ c dt o tlic Coiiiiiiittce 011 the e J i i d i c k y .
. \ l ~ o , x Senate bill in rclntioii to auditing acconnts for tho War
I)epartnirnt: M hid1 w x s read first, and second times and referred to the
Coiiimittcv~on M7:iys a i d I\Jc:uis.
Alw, i i Senate bill t o inxke provision for coins for tho Cofifcderate
States; which \vxh read first :uid hecorid times and referred to the
011 l\T:~ya
and Means.
A h , joint, wsolution to nuthorixe the Secretary of the lreasury t o
p t ~ ythe iriilc~ge:~iidper diciii of members of the Provisional Congress
out of the coritirigcliit fund of thit Congress; which was rcad iirst and
sccolrd [ t iiiics] and rcfcrred to Committee on Pay and Mileage.
i l l f o r the relief of the legal rep~esentativesof
,late wdjutnnt of the Fourth liegiiiient South Caroiicli was rend first and second times nnd referred
to tlic Coriiiuittcc on ,\Jilititry Affairs.
Also, n Seii:itc hill to anleiid the s ( w m 1 a in relation to the pay
hins in the Army; which wns re:ad ti1 and second times and
I to t h e (:oniniit,tee 011 3iilitary Affairs.
:t Scntttc bill to :mcrid :in act f o r the rst:hliuhment and organimtioii of :L general Staff f o r tlic Army of the Confcderxte States of
Aiiicric.a; which ~ L read
firht and secoricl limes and rcforred to the
Coiiiiiiittcc on Military Affairs.
Al,o, joint rrsoli~tionof the IIouse for relief of Capt. Uen. Deshn,
~ l ~ ihad
~ . lhm n rcturnecl f i ~ n thr
i Senate with an ainendrnent; which
n :ib rclcrred to thcl Committee o n Claiins.
Mr. I3ojc.c offcivd
R j o i n t resolution xpp
iating a secret service fund;
which 11 as I Y f i i s~ s t and
rid times and referred to the Committee
o n*Forc ign ,If h i rs.
received from the President, by thc hands of his
l l r . Ilarrison.
rcccived from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nnsh,
hat hody; which is RS follows, to wit:
JI,.. A j v / / Lw The honattx liave pawet1 a bill of the follo\ving titlc,

S.4. A 1)iIl to lie entitlot1 An act to aiiiaiid an art to iegnlate t h e

tlic, meiiil)c~i4 of the Scnatc. and I I u i r v of ikpreseentati\-cs, a n d the

ttic c o i i ~ ~ ~ r r of
c ~this
~ c cIIou
+opaszed a. bill and R joint,

liitioii of this I-Iouse of the follo\\ iiig till(+, v ,.

11. 12. -. ,\ ljill to bc cntitletl An art regu!ating _thecoiiipcnsation of deputy pnstmarters; and
11. 1t. -. itvsolntioii fot. the I)rescmmtion of public documents.
rllCformer iritli :tn aincndment; in which thcy rtqiiest the concurrence of this

On motion of Mr. Miles, the IIouse proceeded to the corisideration of

.A hill to rcgn1:ttc tlic graiitirig of passports;
wliicli lisd hecn report ccl I)acl<from the Military Conitnittee with an
an1c I1 il1llC It t ;
MI.. (:onr.:~l niovcd to :miend the ltill by inserting after the word
b e thc. wortls :q)provd and, arid I)y striking out thc wordh i n
the office, of and insorting in lieu thct.cof the word by, and hy

- - -


_ _


S o t recorded


the Jouriial



C b r 18.

g out the word "said" and inserting in lieu thereof the word
aincndinent mas agreed to.
And the qupstion being upon agreeing to the amendment of the
coinmittet, which is as follows, to wit:
SacrIos 1. Thp C'ongww of tltr Co,l.fdrrcite States of America do enact, That all passports hereafter granted by any pawport officer to any person or persons to pass
beyond our lines, either to the United States or other foreign country, shall undergo
the supervision of the Secretary of State, and shall have no efficacy until signed by
that officer and the seal of the Ikpartnitlnt of State attached,

The s i m e \va\ lost.

And thc hill wab eiigrosscd as amended, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, froin the Coinmittee oil Xilitary Affairs, reported and
recomnicndcd the passap.? of
authorizing the Secrckwy of War to a point comaiid pay Liriliquidated claims create8 by army
niissioiirix t o 5
e not verified according to forms of the Department;
which WRS rend first and second tinies;
Mr. I'ugli inored to amend by striking out all of the original and
inserting i n lieu thereof the following, to wit:
SEcrros 1. Be tt enacted, rtc., That a i iiianp field auditors as may be deemed neceselary of TVar shall be appointed by the President, by and with the
lit or the Senate, TJ 1ii)beduty it shall be to go into such military dis.tar\. of 7Var may designate, and audit and allom such claims against
of thv Confccieratc.Gtatcs a a niay be presented t o them for payment,
arid u h i c h therc is no anthoritv for allowing and paying under existing laws, and
swh claiiii, shall 1)c <worn to'hy the persons to a h o m they may be due; aid the
auditor of c w h iiiiiitary district <hall take and reduce to writing t h e proof received
by him of the validity of miil clainis, mil report the Pame with his decision thefeon
to t 1 IP \Tar I k p m t in ell 1
SEC 2. Br ?t.ftlrl/iPr Pnfr
, That thc miditois for each military districtshall make
estimates for iiiiidq 011 tl diffcreiit bureaus of the \Tar Department to pay such
clainix as may be allov ttl a? aior aid; and the said tsliniate? shall be made in the
nianner now authorized b y office of the Confederate States Army, and filed by said
bureaus, as now diiected hr lam i n other races.
Szc. 3. Be ? t f w t l i e r enacted, That said auditors shall take an oath and give bond
nitti sufficient security to discharge faithfully the dutieq which are by this act, or
that hereafter may be, imposed upon hiin by law as such auditor.
Sec. 4. Be t t fiuther enacted, That each of said auditors shall continue i n office
during the pl ds ure of the President, and shall receive as compensation the sum
dollars per niontli, to be paid by the Pay Department in t h e sanie manner as
officers oi the Confederate States.

Mr. Gartrcll inovcd t o lay bill and amendment on the table; which
was agreed to.

On motion, thc injunction of secrecy was removed froin the resolution rescinding thc resolution of adjournment, and the resolution punishing drunkenness in the Army.
And on motion of Xr.. Miles,
Tile House resolved itself into open session.

Apr 19, 1862.1




Tho House met pursnnn t t o djoiirnmcnt, and W:IR opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Jetcr.
The Chair Inid before thc &use R coniinunication from the Secretary of the Tre;isury in relation to the estilriates of the Navy Department: wvhicli wab rcad and, on motion, laid on the table.
111..Foster prcwited thc? protest of himself and MI-.
Wright of
Georgix :igainst the p m g c of an act cntitlcd An act to provide for
the bafe and espcditioris ti i p o ~ t a t i o nof troops and munitions of war
by railroad: \tliicli w;tq read, ordered to be spread upon the ;Journal,
and is ns follows, to wit:

ereigntr, the light to rcgnlate their on n domestic in.titutioiis being one of those
inalienable and s a red rights rekerretl by the Statcxs composing our Confederacy, and
the debtructioii ot IIhich \voulci ine\itably tend to the speedy destruction oi our
Third. K e believe the act to lie altogether inexpetlielit and uncalled for, and that
the te\ era1 railroatls 111 tlie Conlcctcratc States, a11 of which have been proinpt and
nilliiig to aid. the Go\ erniricnt t o the T ery iitiiiost of their capacity, and at reduc-etl
charges, liave been arid ~t111 coiitiiine to be far better managed by their respective
president. and clirectoiicq, chomi iij the stw kholdcis, \\ ho arc more conrersant
a ith all tlie niinute and coiiiplicatetl tlctails of thi,ir loads and the proper arid ecoriuiiiical ~iiariagt~nieii~
01 tlieir iiie<iiib ol traii.poilatioii than the Executive o r his
iiiilitar \ suburdiriatts cuuld po+6il)ly 1)c.
For these aiid ottrci equally cogriit reawiib, TI liich must
111 to CTery intelligent
mind not unreamiiahly d r p r e ~ x db y e\igcnciei anti i
ttides through which
Pro\ ideiite has detreed that we shall pass iri oiir progress to national independence,
ant1 nhicli x e hope ant1 bclicrc aic but tlie prccnraors of Tictory arid success, we
protcbt against said a( t, and respectfully request that this, our protest, be entered
upon the Journal

Mr. AlcDoTell presented tlie memorial of J. P. Levy, of Korth

Carolina, praying for the sequestration of the propertj7 of an alien
cncniy; which waq referred t9 the Corriniittee on thc Judiciary; without being rcad.
Mr. Ashe prescntcd I h c riicmorial of James, John, and Hoah Roherts
in relation t o a pension; which WRY referred to thc Comniittce on
Claims, without being r e d .
Rlr. Yerkins offered
A resolution that the President bc rtqncstcd to furnish to the IIonse
of Representatives, in seuiet session, information as to th e amount of



funds which has been sent abroad to officers or agents of the Governinent or military o r naval purposes, indicating thedepartment through
whicli e:tch aiiiourit has been sent, the date and amount of each sum of
riioncy sent, and to ~7liomand fo r wlmt purpose sent, and whether
said sums sent in coin, sterling hills, or produce, and the date and
amount of each kind so trnnsfcrred, anti if in exchange or produce,
tho prices pnicl for snch cxcliange or produce, and whet,her said
produce was paid f o r it1 bonds or notes, arid in what proportion of
each; and furthermore, wh:it amount of funds so sent has been
e x p n d c d xiid \J hat for;
which -\wsw:id ancl :~grcedto.
A h . Gaither o f l c r d
+Iux)lution that the Pi idcrit be rcquwted to inform this Rouse
~dictlicrhe lias nuthorized y pewon or persons in the State of North
Cnrolina, or i n any other State in which iiiartial law has not been procIainicd, to seize and impress into th e public service the private arms
of the citizens.
On niotion of Jlr. Conrad, the rcsolulion was laid on the t a b 1 e . L
A inehsagc 1v:i5 received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Karh; which is as follows, to wit:
JTr. SlxaXer: The Senate linve rejected a bill of this House of t h e following title, viz:
11. It. -. ,1 bill to b8 entitled An act to provide further for the public defense.

Mr. Cliambliss offered th e following resolution, to wit:

(oloriel \\illrain C:
of Yirgiriia Yohirite

requested to furnish to t h k House the report of

In relation to t h e movements of the Forty-fourth Regiment
the clcventh of July, eighteen hundred aid sixty-one, the

which was rend and agreed to.

On motion o f MI-.
11. PI. 1zrucc,
The House reconhidcred the vote b y n hiuh the ainendment of the
Senate to a resolution for the benefit of Capt. Ben. Desha W ~ referred
to the Goinnlittee on Clairns.
The rule3 werc suspendcd, ancl the amendment was talien up.
And the question being on agreeiiig t o the same, vhich is as follows,
to wit: Strike out the second letter s i n the word Deusa, where
occurring, and insert in lieu thereof the letter h, so as to read
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Grahani ofrered
X resolution that the President be requested to furnish to this
if not incompatible with the public interest, copies of the
reports of thc snbordinate o f h e r s who participated in the recent
engageincnt at Elkhorn, i n the State of Arkansas;
whicli was i.ead ancl agreed to.
On motion of 1\11.. Dwis, the House resolred itself into secret
session; and having spent some tiiiic therein, again resolred itself
into open session.
A mr:ssnge was rcccivcd from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which i.; :LS follons, to wit:
Jfi. Speaker: The Scriate liax-e refwed to toiirur in a rr~oliitionof this House to
rescirid a resolntioii for the adjoiirniiicnt, on Xonday, the 21et, of both Houses oi

Apr. 19,1662.1



A message was received froin the President, by his Private Secretary,

Mr. Harrison, informing the Honrc. that
The Iresidmt, on the 19th of April, 1562, approved and signed
1\11 act entitled fin act to prohibit thc transportation to and sale of certain articlcs
i n any port or place w t h i n the Confederate States in the possession of the enemy,
and to prohibit the sale, barter, 01 excliange of certain articles therein named, t o
alien or cloiiiehlic enemies.
Albo, an act entitled An act making Augusta, Georgia, a port of delivxy for
goods imported into Cliatleston, South Carolina.

Mr. Lyonb, by unaiiiinous consent, off wed

A joint resolution to aiitlzorize the Joint Corninittee on Public Uuildings to rcnt rooms for thc Treasury Departnient;
wliich ivxs read thc first and second times, and the rules having been
suspended, the resolution mas taken up, engrossed, read a third time,

Mr. Menees, from the Coinmittce on Printing, to whoin was referred

rjnt 1,000 copies of the report of the special conmiittee
r a t Romoke Island, reported the saiiie back, with the

The rcpo1t WV:lS Rgrfed to.

A h . Ihll, from the Coinniittce on PRtents, to whom was referred
the nicinorial of John 11. TYard, of Arkansas, in relation to the construction of rttilwa~tracks, reported the sume hack, asked to be dists trxrther consideration, and that it lie on the table;
Jlr. 13011, froin the same committee, to whom mas referred the
meniorinl of Wilson Williams, asked to be dischargcd from its further
conder:ition, and that it lie on the table; which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Chilton,
took up for consideration an amendment of the Senate
to 2% bill of thc House to regulate the compensation of deputy post111asters.
And the question being on agreeing to the amendment, which is as
follows, to wit: In second line, first section, insert after the word
that the words froin and aftcr the first day of July next.
The same was agrced to.
Mr. Lyons offered the following resolution; which was rcad and
agrced to, to wit:
ResoZiec7, That thc Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to report a bill to
prevent and punish the loss and destruction of wagons, horse<, clothing, and arms in
the Army, and to regulate impressments of property.

Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred

a inemorial of Starke & Cardozo, reported
A joint resolution to pay for stationery furnished the Provisional
Congress ;
which was read first and second times, and the rules being suspended,
m m t:ikcn up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled bills of the following titles, and t>heSpeaker signed the
same, to wit:
A bill to amend an act to regulate the mode of paying the nieinbers
of the Senate and House of Bemmentatives, and the disbursement of
the contingent fund;



IApr. 19,1862.

Joint ~ ~ ~ s o l n t i authorizing
the Secretary of the Treasury to pay
the mileage and per diem of members of the Provisional Congress out
of tho contingent fund of that Goiigress; and
A bill in relation to auditing the accounts for the War Department.
A message was received froin the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed bills of the following titles, viz:
S. 41. A bill to exempt certam persons from enrollinent for service in the armies
of the Confederate States;
S.50. A bill to secure for the iiw of t h e Government small arms taken from the
enemy; and
S.$1. A bill t o he entitled -\n act to authorize the eniploynient of drill masters;
In which 1ain dirccted to ask the concurrence of this House.
M u . Kcnner offered the f o l l o ~ i n gresolution; which as read and

agreed to, to wit:

Resolied, That the Clerk be authorized to employ, for two d a j s, such additional
help in hid office as may be iiecescary to keep up with t h e business; persons so
employed to receive, out of the contingent fund, four dollars per day.

Mr. I3oteler, from the Committee on the Flag and Seal: reported
A joint resolution adopting the flag of the confederate States of
WRS read the first and second times.
Also, the following report, to wit:
70 the ho,zornble the &nate cmd Irouse of lkpresentntizes of the Confederate 8tates:
The Joint Coniinittce on Flaq and Seal suhiiiit to t h r jntlpmmt of Congress the
accoiiipanginy design of a flag ot the Confederate States of America.
The considerations which influenced the committee in selecting the proposed
design TI ereFirst. Its \\ ant of seseniblarice to the flag of any other nation.
Second. The distinctness of its colors, rendering it discernible a t a distance.
Third. Its simplicity and cowequent facility of fabrication for a n eniergency.
Fourth. Its conformity to the proprieties of heraldry.
Fifth. I t s sj inbolization of the characteristics of r, free and prosperous people.
Ancient heraltic, in their quaint language, would describe this flag as on a Geld
gules saltiere argent n i t h a Phield azure, charged with a sun in his glory, or,
The red field denotes inartial proweps, boldness, courage, valor;
The saltiere a n honorable ordinary in heraldry, emblem ot progres and strength,
its white indicating purity, innocence, and gentleness;
The blue of the shield represents justice, faith, perseverance, and vigilance;
The sun manifests the dominion, generosity, and stability of t h e Confederacy.
Nearly all the designs submitted to t h e committee contained a combination of
stars. This heraldic emblem, however, has been discarded as a manifestation of our
entire and absolute severance from the United States and t h e complete annihilation of every sentiment indicalirig the lailitest hupe of reconstruction.
Respectfully submitted.
Chairmctn on the part of the Smate.
Cliairman on the part of the House.
APRIL 19, 1862.

Mr. Boyce moved that the House postpone the consideration of the
report of the committcc until the first dny of the next session.
The rriotiori was lost.
And the joint resolution offered by the committee having been read
as follows:
Resolced b y thr Congress of the Conjederate States of America, That the flag of the
Confederate States dial1 be as follows, to wit:
A red Geld charged with a 7%hite saltiera, having in the center a sun in iB glory, on


Apr 19 l S G L ]

an a7iirc shield, the rays of the sun corresponding with the number of States co
popi $1: 1 lit.


3Ir. Ilolt moved to amend the same by inserting after the word
! sli:ill t he ~iords* after the lapse of ninety days from the adoption
of thi i rc~olntion.*
On motion of M r . Trippe, the vote b.y which the motion to postpone
im:: lost nai reconsidered, and the motion prevailed.
On motion of Xr. Miles, the House again resolved itself into secret
lid having spent sonic time therein, again resolved itself into

was receii-cd from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.

Snih; wliich is as follo~rs,to wit:
ecl hills of this House of {lie following titles:
TI. R. -. A bill toanleiid an act entitled An act to authorize and poiride for the
orpnni~ationof tlic htarplmd Line; and
EL It. -. A 1,111 to ainend an art entitled .An art to increase the military establiiliiiimt ol thc Confcdcratc States, ant1 to amend the act or the establishment and
tir::iiiisation 01 t l i r Arinv of tho (unfe.ticratc States of hicrica.
rlrci Eoi iiwr with mi anwndincnt; in mhich I am directed to ask the coiicurreiice of
till., Irorl~c..

SIr. Elliott, fi.oi11 the Committee on Enrolled ISills, reported : ~ hcorrcYbtly cnrollrd
A Scnate hill for the relief of Samuel M. Wilkes, late adjutant of
the ITonrtli ltcgiinent of South Carolina Volunteers.
Also, ,z bill to xmcnd the several acts in relation to the pay of chaplains in the A m y .
T l i ~Spcakcxr si gi i ~dthe same.
Ihc, Spcnltcr s i p i d the following bill, reported by Mr. Elliott,
f roni the Cominittcc o n Enrolled Bills, as correctly enrolled:
A bill to be entitled An act to amend an act for the cstablishnient
atid organizntion of a general staft for the A m y of the Confederate
Statcs of Anicrica.
On tnotion, :I bill of the Senate entitled An act to secure fo r the use
of the (:o\wnnmit siiiall arins talwn from the enemy, was taken up
and rend the firbt and secoiid times.
Ihc rulcs wcre mspendcd;
Thc bill was read :I third time and passed.
lh. Ihirnctt, from the Committee on Pay and X l e a g e , to which
wcrc rcfcrrcd joint rcsolntions of tlie Senate to authorize the Secret:wy of the Trea5ury t o pay the mileage and per diem of meinhers of
the Ii~ovisiorialCongress out of the contingent fund of that Congress,
reported the same back, with the recomrnendation that they pass.
Thc rules nicrc suspended;
The resolutions were taken up, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Qsrtrell, froin the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom were
referred sundry amendments of the Senate to a bill of the House
entitled ,2n act to insure the prompt and speedy returns of disbursing
ofticcrs, reported t h e same back, with the recomrnendation that the
I I o r m c o n c ~ i~nr the amendments of the Senate.
?IIc bill was talien 1113, and having been read 21s follo\vs, biz:
7ltc Colir/ of tlLe (oilfederutt Xttrics of Americn do entrcf, Thntwhen any disbilrsing
officer or &erlt of tlie Govcrnlnent shall fail to niakr his quarterly returns within the
ti,,,, limilod or in the irianiier required by law, it shall be the duty of the head of
thc~Iiepartment to which he is responsible inimediately to cause notice of such




[Apr. 19,1862.

t1clinynenc.y to he published for one month, i n one newspaper, at the seat of governitlent of the Confederate States, and in one newspaper within t h e city, town, or district i n I\ hich said officer or agent was performing duty, at t h e end of the quarter
for nlrich his returns are i n default, and forthwith to report the facts to Congress, if
in wssion; qr, if not i n session, to niakc paid report within the Brst week of ~ t next
cm-uing sewion.
SEC.2. Ije it,ficrther entrcted, That any disbiirs.ining. officer o r a ent of the Government
who shall fail to make his quarterly returns within the tirnefimited, or in the manner required hy law, shall ips0 facto be suspended from office until his accounts to
date shall have been satisfactorily settled with the proper Department, and shall be
reqiiired to execute a new bond, with t h e same or other appointed securities, in
double t h e aiiiourit of his original bond; and all public funds or other property committeii to liis charye during t h e period of his said suspension, by authority of the
Department to which he is repponsible, shall be a t the risk of the head of said Depart.
Sscq. 3. I3e itfurther enncled, That this act shall not be construed to alter or impair
any p r o G o n of existing law concerning the disburseineiit of public money,

Arid the nnicndments of the Senate theret,o having been read as follows, viz:
Section 1 After the word la^" insert the words and shall not render a satisfactory exciiw for such failure.
Strike out t h e vords for one month and insert in lieu thereof the words for
such time as the said head of the proper Department may determine, not to exceed
once a week, for four weeks.
Section 2. Strike out the words ips0 facto and insert i n lieu thereof the uords
( ( b y the head of the Department, unless i n his opinion circumstances justify an
extension of time.
After the ord suspension insert the word? with knowledge thereof.
Add at end of second Pection the words
tl~d,That n o lrcatl of J>epartment shall grant any extension of time for the
on of said quarterly returns 1)eyontl bixty days,

Thc same were concurred in.

On motion of MY.,Jones,
The House took u p for consideration a bill from the Senate to regulate the niode of p y i n g the meiiibers of the Senate and House of
Rcpresentxtives, and t h e disbursement of the contingent fund; whicb
was read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up;
Mr. Jones moved to amend the same by adding as an additional section the followi6g. to wit:
SEC.2. That the compen,sation due to t h e officers of t h e House of Representatives shall be certified to b y t h e clerk of said House, at such times as is provided by
In\\, and the said clerk shall draw upon t h e Treasury for t h e amounts thus certified,
and the drafts shall be paid from the Treasury of the Confederate States where issued.
according to law;

which WRS agrced to, arid thc bill as amended was read a third time
and passed.
The Speaker signed the following bill, reporled b j Mi.Elliott, from
the Comniittec on Enrolled Bills, as correctly enrolled:
A bill to be entitled An act to enforce prompt returns from disbursing officers and agents;
which was read the first and second times.
The rules werc? suspended;
The bill was taken np, arid having been read as follows, viz:
8 E r T l O N 1. 7 % ( ~
u q / c w OJ l h e Cor?jederatesttrtts ?f dmericn do Pnnet, That so much
of the existing enactments of the Confederate States as relates to the conveyance or

trnnsportation of letters, or packages of letters, or of mailable matter of any kind, by

Apr 19,18621



r other companies of every kind, their agents or employees, be, and t h e same
ant1 the h \ v s ot the United States, adopted by an act of the
a1 Conqrew, eutitletl h
act to runtiriue in torce certain Lars of tlic United


Mr. Icenner, from tlic Committee on Ways and Means, to whoin was
r e f c i x d a Senate hill in relation to nnditing- accounts f o r the War
Dcp:u.tmeri=, reported the same back, with the recomniendatioii that it

p w.
The rules mere suspended, and tlic bill was taken up, read a third

time, arid p x s d .
A h . Chilton, from the Committee on Post-Ottices and Port-Roads,
r e p o r t d and rccoinmcndrd the passagc of
A bill to repeal ccrtain laws therein named and to declare otEicrv in
f u l l force in relation to conveyance of mailable matter outside of the
Air. Iltislrell moved that the bill be recommitted to the committee.
Ihc motion was lost.
A h . Chilton niovcd to amend the bill by adding at t h e end thereof
tl1c wol.dq
Proc t t l d ((/so, That thiq act sliall take d k e t from and after the first of June, eighteen
hunctrtd and sixty-t wo;

wliich was :Lqrced to.

MY. IIeidrcll movcd to :mend the bill by striking out the words
Gnitcd Statcis,
hcrercr occurring.
The aniendment was lost, and the bill as airiended was read a third
time :ind passed.
On niotion of A h . hliles, the IIousc took up for Consideration
iZ I)ill to nuthorize tlie employmont of drillniastcrs in the Army;
which WIS read a third limc.
And tlic quehtion bring on its passage,
Mi.+Jlanly dcniaricled th e ye:ts and nays;
\Vhich were ordered,
j Yt.ns _ . _ ___
_ _ _._ _
_ _ _ - 40
Aid WIC recorded RY follows, to wit: Nays - .
_ _ - - 30
Ycas: Rshe, ISarksdalc, IZatson, Rell, Boteler, Boyce, JPreckinridge,
ffomtio \IT. RIWCC,Eli ill. Bruce, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow,
Coolie, ctlrritl, I hvi dw n, Elliott, Gaither, (hrdenhire, Graham, Gray,
IIartridgc, llilton, Iiolt, Johnston, K c n m of North Carolina, Kenner,
I,sons, Nschcn, McI)owell, BlcLean. NcRac, Miles, Bead, Sexton,
St:tl)lcs, Strickland, Til)br, TTilcox, a d IVrigtit of Texas.
,Burnett, Cham blihs, p w k i n s , Farrow, Foster,
S;~ys:Ayer, 1Son
11, IIolcomhr, Jenkins, Jones, Lander, Marshall,
(;nrtrcll, Ilanly, I l e
re, Pcrliins, Pugh, Itnlls, lloyston, Singleton,
3lcQupen, Mences,
Smith of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Trippe, Welsh,
Wright of Georgia, arid Mr. Speaker.



[Apr. 19,1862

Thc Speaker signed the following bill and resolutions, reported by

Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on ICnrolled Bills, as correctslyenrolled:
A hill regulating the fees of mzrshals, and for other purposes;
cJoint resolution for the relief of Capt. Bcn. Desha; and
Resolution for the preservation of public documents.
Mr. Gartrell moved that whcn the House adjourn it adjourn to meet
at 9 oclocli on Monday.
The motion prerailccl.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom mas
referrcd n Scnntc hill for thc relief of the representatives of Samuel &I.
TViIlirs, late adjiltant of the Fourth Regiment of South Carolina Volunrs, rq m r t ed the s:me back and rccommended its passage.
Thr rulcr wci-csuspcnded, and the bill was taken up, read a third
time, and the question being on the passage of the same,
Nr. Swan demnnded thc yeas and nays.
The clcmnnd mas sustained,
Yeas . _ _ _ _55
_ _
And the votc is I-ecordcd as follows, to wit: Nays-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yeas: Ashe, Aycr, Batson, BoIihain, Boteler, lloratio W. Bruce,
Chambliss, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Conrom, Currin, Davidson,
Dawkins, De Jarnettc?, Elliott, Farrow, Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire,
(;artrcll, Goode, Graham, C r i b a y , Ilanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton,
Ilolcombc, Ilolt, Kcnan of North Carolina, Kcnncr, Lander, Lewis,
Lyons, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Moore,
Pugh, lialls, licad, ltoyston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of north Carolina, Stricldxnd, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, Tliilcox, and Mr. Speaker.


hays: ,Jones.
So thc hill was passed.
Nr. Milch. from the wine committee, to which was referred a Senate
I)ill to amend the scvcrnl acts i n relation to the pay of chaplains in the
Arniy, reported the same back, wilh R recommendation it do pass.
The rules wcrc suspcndcd;
The hill wax talien up, r c d a third time, and passed.
Xr. Milcs, from the same committee, to mhich was referred a Senate
bill for the organization of the h!Lnrylanci Line, reported the same back,
with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules wcrc suspended;
The bill way taken up, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, also, from the same committee, to which were referred
smidry aniendmcnts of thc Senate to
X hill of the Honsc entitled An act to amcnd an act for the establishmciit and organization of a gcncral staff f o r t>heArmy of the Confccleratc States of hnierica,
rcported the barne back, with thc recomnicndntion that the House concur
in thc amendments of the Scnate.
The bill haring bccn read as follows, to wit:
1. Illie Coiigresr qf tIw Coirfedewtc ,Stntc.s qf America do enact, That the act
for the establishnient aiid organization of a general staff for the A m y of the Confederate States of Anierica, approved February tit enty-sixth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, be, and the Panw i s hereby, so ainended that officers of ttie Medical Department of the Army of the Coilfedcrate States sliall, b j \ irtue of tlieir commissions,
command all eriliiletl 1 1 1 ~ 1 1i n niilitaiy hospitals, or other places a h e r e they have
charge of the sick or 4 ounded,

Apr.19, 1862.1


And the anicndmeiits proposed by the Senate having been read

follo~vs,to wit:
After t h e word I coniniaiid iiiscrt all.
Strike oat tlic ~vords i n military hospitals, or other plares where they have charge
of the sick or wounded," and insert in lieu thereof the words like other commissioned officers,

The same were concixrrect in.

MI.. Miles iiioved that the I-fouse take up from the Calendar a bill
f o r the employnicnt of ncgroes on Government work.
The inot;on-nw lost. Mr. Miles. froiii the Committee on Militai-v Affairs, reported a bill.
and reconmended its passage, to be entitlcd An act %o appoint a
stip~i.iiitcndciitgeneral of nrmori~s.
On iiwtion of Mr. Heiskell,
The considerntiori of thc bill was postponed until the first day of the
nest session of Congress.
JIr. Lyons offertd thc following resolutions; which were read and
uimiiiriouily :ttioptd, t o wit:
Kesolctd, That this flonsc h a i l i ~ m \\it11
tleep regret oE the death of the IIonoiable J o h n Tyltbr, I iiiCiiibei-t~lwt01 iliis 1 1 0 ~
Ilariiig served his country,
throng11 :I l ~ i li!t>,
~ g it11 gictt nbilit\ aiict i i i i k u t x i
fidelity, I i v has tallen full o f
J ~ C ~ aiitl
I Y (~i\t&ic
\ \d
i t t i h ~ r i o r h\\liich J g:latcfiilc
ry bcsto\ced upon him.
R[solc c d , Tlint, \ J nipit!ii/iiig in thc ii,~tionnlreglet a t the death of this distinmi, mid Irnii~~iitirig
that hc is not now aiiioiig UY to cheer and sustain us
and patriotic coundtr 111 our great coiiflict for the liberty of our country,
rs oi this 1Ionsc I\ 111 J\ ear thc, usnal. badge of mourning for thirty days.
1Zetolc r d , That tlicw rcwlutioii~be coniinumcated to the honorable Senate, and a
copy of tliem tr:uismittccl to the wiclow and family of t h e dcceased.

Rlr. Ashc iiiorcd thxt 1,000 copies of the report of %hespecial corninittee 0 1 1 tlic: lio:tnoltc lslarid disnbtcr be printed.
Ihc motion 11 2s referred to the Conmiittee on Pri~it~ing.
JIr. Jloorc niowcl tlirtt the iulcs be suspended tirid that the House
t t l t c u p the l d l to exempt ccrkiin persons from militia duty.
Ihc motion ivns lost.
Tlic Iouw thcn Ixocecdcd to the consideration of an amendment of
t h c Scnate to :L bill of the IIonsc to organize bttnds o f partiian rangers.
Arid the qucstion k i n g on concurring in the ai~iendnicnt,which is
it5 follows: Strike out the ,iccond s
The second hcction was read as follows, to wit:
Si:c. 2. Be zt f u 7 the? mncted, That the p c r ~ o n sso commissioned by the President
may, \I ith the banctioii arid approval of the President, obtain, by voluntary enlistmcnt, re( ruits from those enrolled for military duty, or already mustered into the
service of the (onfedcrate States, and for such period of service as t o the President
iiiay seen I advisable.

And the aiiicndnient of the Senate was concurred in.

On motion.
The H ~ L Xthcn
X took up for consideration sundry ameiidivents of
the Scnatc to a hill of the House to be entitled An act to organize
bat txlioiis of shnrp&ootcrs.
The bill having been read as follows, to wit:
S1,t I I O U 1. illte ( b ~ c / ~ rqt
\ <thr (clnfctlcrcite States of A m r i c a do enact, That the Serretal y of nar may ctliie to be organized a battallon oi sharpshooters for each brigade,
tonsisting of iiot IWR than three nor more than six conipanieq, selected from the
biipade or other wipc, ant1 ariilctl I\ ith long range muskets or rifles Such battalions
shall constitutc parts of the hrigac1c.s to 13 hich they Ijelong, arid shall have such field
and etaff oficers $18 are authorized by law for siriiilar battalions.



SW. 2. E e it fuTthw enacted, That for the purpose of arniiiig the said battalions, the
loilp-range miibkets and rifle. in the hands of t h e troop? may be used, if the Governiiierit shall not h a l e a sufficient supply oi such ariiis not in ube,

And tlie amendments of the Senate having been read as follo

to wit:
Add at the end of t h e first section the lx-ords I to be appointed by the President,
by and nith the advice and consent of the Senate.
Strike out in second section the words used, if the Government shall not have a
sufficient supply of such amis riot in use, and insert i n lieu thereof the words
taken for that purpose: Protided, the (iovernntent hau not at its command a sufficient nuinher of approved long-range rifles or muskets wherewith to arm said corps,

The same were concixrrecl in.

Thc ffonsc also took u p for consideration an amendment of tlie Senate
to :t bill of the Ilotise to he entitled An act to amend an act entitled
,\XI act t o aut,horize and provide f o r the organization of tile Maryland
I,inc, :tpproi-ed 3eI)rutu-y fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two?
The bill having been read as follows, t o wit:
1. The Congress oflhc Confode?.trle States d o ~nccrt,That t h e act entitled An act
to authorizc and provide for the organization of t h e Maryland Line, approved February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and, be so amended as to applv to all
c i t i ~ c nof
s Maryland, a hether in the Provisional or in the Regular Army of the Confederate States,

And the airicnclmeiit of the Senate having been read as follows, to wit:
ny troops wlio h a r e received a bounty from

The s m w v a s agreed to.

The I-Louiealso Look n p for consideration a bill of the Senate entitled
An act to aniend nn act entitled An act to mescribe the rates of
posttige in the Confederatc States, and for o t h r purposes; which
was rexil the first arid second tinies.
Mr. Joncs moved to :mend the hill by adding thereto the foliowiug:
(Zed, Tliat single pmtagk nndn two hundred miles shall be five cents; oler two

rcd arid under eight hundred mile?, tcn cents, and oyer eight hundred miles,

Mr. Hciskell mo17ed that the further consideration of the bill be

postponed un ti1 the third Monday in August.
On motion of Mr. Heislcell, thc House then resolved itself into
sccrct session; and having spent borne time therein, again r e s o l d
itself into open session.
Mr. Boteler, by consent, presented the menlorial of Capt. 3.
Rochanan, asking pty for making flags; which mas referred to the
CoiiirniLtee on Claims, without heing read.
Xr. Singlcton denlanded the previous question; which vds ordered,
and the airiendriient of Mr. Jones to the act to prescribe the rates of
postage was lost.
The bill was then read n third time, and the question being on its
Mr. McDowcll callcd for the yeas and nays; and
The call heing seconded,
Thevote is rcdordcd as follows, t o w i t :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .%L.
Yeas: Ayer, Barlidale, 13atson, Bell, Bottler, Boyce, Breckinridge,
Horatio W. Bruce, Eli ill. Bruce, Uurnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Clark,

{ z:z

Apr 19, 1862 j


Conrow, Cooke, Currin, Dftvidson, Dawkins, Elliott, Foster, Gar

hire, (iriihani, I-Iilton, Iiolcombe, Johnston, ICcnner, Lander, Machen,
M:ir,shall, McLean, Mcltae, McQueen, Miles, Moore, ugh, Hcad,
Koystoii, Sexton, Singleton, Strickland, Tibbs, Welsh, Wilcox, and
IVright of Tes:ts.
Xays: Ashc, Uonliani, Clopton, Conrad, Gaither, Gartrell, Gray,
TIniily, Hartridge, I-lcislwll, EIcr t, Holt, rJoncs, Kenan of North
C:lrolin;t, Lyo~is,SlcDoir-c~ll,Mci
, Pcrkins, Ralls, Smith of North
Chroliila, Siriith of Virginia, S
, Wright of Georgia, aid Mr.
80 the bill TVRS passed.
rorii the Coiiiiiiittec o n Enrolled Bills, reported as corbill to oyganize a signal corps;
A hill to repeal certain laws thcrcin named and to declare others in
full force in sclation to coriveymce of inailable mattel. outside of the
A bill inakiiig furlhcr appropriatioiis for tlic cxpenses of thc Govci*iiiiicntiii tho Tre:isury, Ww, and Xavy lhpartnients; and
A 1)ill to aid in tlic constriwtion o f a certain liiie of railroad in the
States of 1,ouisi:iiia :tnd l~x:is.
The S p t l r e r signcd the sniiie.
A mess:Lgc wtis recciwd froni thc Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
N:tsh, as follows:
16. A)i,ctrker: The Stmate hare passed a resolution and bills of this House of the

ion of thanks to JIajor-Qtmeralu Van Dorn and Price, and the

under their cornmxnd, for their valor, skill, arid good conduct in
o f K11~110r11,in the Stxtc of Arkanbas, and of respect for the memory of
ic*Cnllocliand 3lcIiitosh;
11 IZ - A hill making further appropriations for the expenses of the
it in tlw Treasury, War, and &ivy Uepartnicwts, and ior other purposes;
1 hill to establish certain post rou,ks tlwrein nmied;
bill to rcpwil certain la\\ s therein 1ian:c.d aiid to declare othera in full
1%R -.
f o r w in relation t o coiiveyaiice of iiiailwble mntter outside of the mail;
1-I. It. -. A bill for t h e eiilistmwit of cooks in the Army;
11. 11. -. A bill to orqaiiize x signal corps;
11. R. -. A hill supplriiicntary to the act cntitltd An a r t t o eiicouiage the iiianufacture of saltpeter arid of small arms;
It. B.
A bill to aiiieiid a n act riititletl .An act to piovicle for the orgaiiiaation
of the Navy, approyed ,Xarcli 16, 1861, arid for othcr piiipobw,
11. R. -. A bill to authorize the appointnierit of oficc3rs 01 artillery in the Pro\ ihioiial Army;
f l K. -. A bill to increase the Corps uf Eiigiiieers of the Irorisionxl 24rni~;
i t . K. -. il bill to limit t h e act authorizing t h e suspciisioii of the writ of habeas
11. R. -. h bill to orgariizc bands of partisan rangers; arid
I1 R. -. A bill to orgmizc battalions of sharpshooters.
The two lattei with amenilmcntr; iii which nineridrnents I nm directed to mk the
co~!ciirreiiceuf this 110
Tlicx Senate have also
n bill of this House to aid in the construction of a cerLair1 line of railroad in
tes oi Louisiana arid Texas, without aniendment.

Th(1 TIouse thcn proceeded to the consideration of a bill to exempt

certain persons from en~ollnientfor service in the armies of the Confederate States.
And the question being on suqpending the rule requiring its reference
to a corninittee,
Ms. Jones demanded the yeas and nays:



as_ . - - . _ . _ .48
Whicli arc recorded as follows, to wit: NaSS _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -2o
Peas : Ashe, JZarksdale, Ratson, Bell, Bonham, Boycc, Breckinridge,
Horatio W. Bruce. Eli M. Bruce, TFurizctt, Chanibliss, Chilton, Clark,
Clopton, Conrad, (.hrirom, Coolre, Currin, Daridson, Dawlrins, Elliott,
Foster, Gaither, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Hartridge, Herbert, Hilton, Holt, Jcnltins, Kenner, Lander, McDowell, IllcRae, Miles,
Moore, Pugh, ltalls, Read, Rayston? Sexton, Singleton, Strickland,
Tibbs, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
Says: Aycr, Iianly, Illeishell, *Holconibe,Johnston, Jones, Kcnan of
Korth Cnrolina, Lyons, Machen, Marshall, Illclean, McQueen, Menees,
Perkins, Siiiith of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Swan, Welsh,
JTriglit of Georgia, mid Jfr. Speaker.
So the rule TTR~ suspcudcd.
Xr. Sniith of Kortli Carolina inovcd to aniend by inserting before
the n.ords .shall be, and are hereby, exempted from military service
in t h e armies of the Confederate States, the following:
and all perpons who now are, or may hereafter be, exempted by thc laws of thc
respective States.

Mi-. Hilton inovccl to ainend the amendment by striking out the

words may hcreafter bc; -which mas agreed to.
And thc aiiieiidrnent as amended mas agreed to.
The bill as anierided was then read a third time, and the question
being on its passage,
Mr. Sinith of North Carolina demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were odered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
- - - - -_ -_
-_ -_ 32
_ . _ _ _
_ -_ -_ _
Yeus: Ashc, Ayer, Bsrksdale, Bell, Uonhani, Chainbliss, Clark, Conrad, Currin, E:trrow, Foster, Gardenhire, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Heis:
kell, IIilton, Holcoinbe, Holt, Kcnner, Lander, Machen. McDowell,
MvRae, McQucen, Miles, Perkins, Pugh, Sexton, Tibhs, Milcox, and
Wright of Texas.
Eays: Ratson, EIoratio W. Bruce, Rurnett, Chilton, Clopton, Conrow, Ihridson, Dawliins, Hartridge, Herbert, Jenkins, ,Johnston,
ICcr~anof North Carolina, Lyons, Marshall, McLean, Menees, Moore,
Rails, Royston, Singleton, Smith of North Carolina, Sinith of Virginia,
Strickland, and Welsh.
So the bill was passed.
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill to authorize the employment of drillmasters; and
A bill to sccure for the use of the Government small arms taken
from the enemy.
Mr. Gardenhire, from the same committee, reported as correctly
A bill to amend an act t o prescribe the rates of postage in the Confederate Stdtes.
The Speaker signed t h e following hills, reported by MF.Elliott, of
the Committec, on Enrolled IZills, as correctly enrolled:
A bill supplcmentary to the act to encourage the manufacture of
saltpeter and of small arms;
A bill to limit the act authorizing the suspension of the writ of
habeas corpus:

1 ::;--------_

Ayr. 19,i862.1


A bill to amend the act to increase the military establishnien

the Confederate States, and to amend the act for the establish
and orpinization of the Army of the Confederate States of America;
A bill to organize bands of partisan rangers; Rnd
A bill to establish certain post routes therein named.
On motioii of Mr. Niles,
The House then rwolved itself into secret session.

The 1Ionse being in secret session,

The Chair presented tt message from the President, covering certain
estimates for the completion of a line of railroad in the States of
Louisiana and Texas.
On motion, the message and accoiiqanying docurnents were laid on
the table.
And the House proceeded to the con5idcration of tlie motion of Mr.
l h r i s to reconsider the vote on the passage of a bill to aid in the construction of 5t line of railroad in the States of Louisiana aiid Texas.
Tlte inotioii to reconsider prevailed;
Wlieii ,
3Ir. Davis moved to rcconsicler the vote by which the bill was ordered
to be cngrosscd for a third reading.
Ihc motion prwailed.
Mr. Davis rrioved to amend the bill by striking out therefrom the
words seven hundred and fifty and inserting i n lieu thereof the
v o r d s fivc hundrcd.
The aniendment was agreed to.
A h . Chilton moved to amend by adding a t the end of the bill the
ollowirig, to wit:
and thnt the President be directed to take a mortgage on said road and its appurtciiniice~for the ultimate payment of the irioney so cxpended ill aid of its extension.

Tlic amendment was agrecd to, aiid the bill as amended was engrossed,
read :L third time, and passed.
On riiotioii of Mr. Sexton, the Housc resolved itself into open session ; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
secret session ;
Mr. Milcs, from the Coinniittee on Military Affairs, reported and
recommended the passage of
A bill to amend an act further to provide for the public defense;
which was read first and second times;
Mr. lerkins rrioved to aniend by adding a t the end of the hill the
following, to wit:
Strike out of section 6 the words held to be deserters and punished as such and
inhert in lieu theyeof the words !!subject to be imprisoned for six months.

Sfr. lioyston demanded the prcvious question; which was sustained,

and the arriendnient was lost.
And the bill was engrossed and read a third tirn
Sfr. TVright of Georgia moved t,o reconsider the vote by which the
llill \\as ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
The motion t o reconsider prevailed,



[Apr. 19,1862.

And 3lr. Smith of Xorth Carolina moved to amend b y adding at the

end of the bill the following, to wit:
That the first section be so amended a y tcJ add after t;he words legally cxempted
from niiliixry ser1ic.e the folloning words, to Hit: by existing or future State
lan 5.

Mr. Cormid moved t o lay the amendment on the table.

On which motion Mr. Smith of North Carolina demanded the yeas
and nays.
The demand was not sustained, and the motion to lay on the table
Mr. Elliott, from thc Committee on Enrollment, reported as correctly engrossed and enrollcd
d joint rcsolution authurizing the President to contract for the construction, i n Kiti.ope, of six ironclad vessels;
A n d tlie Spcalier signed the same.
MY.Xbhe moved t o amend as follow^, to wit:
I+ rt jtirtlw ~ i ~ c c t e cThat
persons enrolled under the provisions of the third section
of the act to T\ hich this is a n amendment shall have the privilege of choosing the
c o i n p m ~i n sen ice to which they shall be assigned until rach company is filled to
its Innximuin number: lrovzriccl, That person^ sliall be erirolled only in companies
froin t h e State from which they come; and unless wch selection *hall be made at
the time of their being called into actual sen ice, they shall be assigned b y the Secretary of War.
And that tlie fourth section of said art be repealed.

The aniendn;ent war agreed to.

Mr. Jenkins moved to amend by adding at the end of the bill the
following. to wit:
And strike out, in the first ction of the act to which this is amendatory, the
b y electing all t h e offic rs which they had a right heretofore to elect, and
to insert in lien l h ~ r e o ft h e words b y electing all their company and field officers,
tip to t h e grade of colonel, inclusire.
TT ords

Mr. (Gray denraiidcd the previous question; which was sustained.

And upon a divisioii of the House, it appearing that there was not
a quorum present,
Mr. Chsrnhlibs moved that the House do now adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Holcomhe moved that the House take a recess until half past 7
Mr. ,Jones being in the chair, decided the motion out of order, less
than a quorum being empowered only to adjourn from day to day.
Mr. Gardenhire appeaIed from the decision of the Chair, and the
question being,
Shall the decisioii of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House?
was decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Machcn niovcd a call of the House.
Upon which Mr. Chilton demanded the yeas and nays; and
The demand being sustained,
Yeas-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -25
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays . __._

Yeas: Axhe, Ayer, Bonham, Boteler, Elliott; Gartrell, Gray, Hartridge, EIeisBell, erbert, Nilton, Holcombe, Jenkins, Jones, Kenan
of North Carolina, Machen, &Rae, McQueen, Menees,Moore,Koyston,
Sexton, Singlcton, Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Barlisdale, Batson, Bell, Horatio W. Bruce, Burnett, Chambliss, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Davidson, Dawkins, Farrow,

Bpr. 21, lb(i2.1


Ymtcr, Gaithcu, Gardenhire, Graham, Nolt, IGmnoi-, Lander, Lyons,

Jlil(>y,lc!Jl\ilJX, Pugh, smith of North Carolina, Stricltland, Wright
of C;corgi:i, :itid \\right of I?csas.
So the iiiotion \ m s lost.
And by imuiitiious consent,
Llic IIoii;.~took w 1ccess iintil 7.30 lock.
iiibliiig, t h House,
r. Singleton, resolved itself into open session; and
llaviiig <pentsome time therein, arxin resolved itself into secret session,
: ~ n dprocvcdccl to the cm~sidcmtionof the hill to tunend an act to
fcwther pro\.ide for the public dcfense.
Aiiid thct qrtc;.tioii l)cing upon :igreeiiig to the ilme~idinentoffered by
Ah.. J e n k i i ~ ,
1i v doiii:~iid~cl
the yeah and nays thereon; and

, It,rkiii,s. lngli,

l&ills, Stuiclilarid, nticl Welsh.

X : L ~ :I3~i.ksdal~,
h l l , 13urnctt, Chlibliss, Chilton, Clopton, Conrow, Chrrin, 1 1 ; ~idson,
D ~ kins,
M (;ardcnhire, Gralxiin, Gray, Hartr i t l p . IIciskcll, lIcrl)c~rt,Holt, rJohnhton, Keriiier, Lyons, ililsrshall,
Mile\, N o o i ~ R
, q - d o n , Sexton, Singleton, Smith of North Carolina,
Siiiitli of Viigini:~,Tibbs, Wilcox, Wriglit of Tcxns, a n d Nr. Speaker.
So thc. aniciidnient was lost, aid the hill tts ariieiided was engrossed,
re;id :L third time, and passed.
A i ~ ltlic titlc of the smnr, on niotion of 31~.
Miles, was amended by
d d i i i g to the crid the1.oof the 1t7ord.s :Lpprored April sixteenth,
eiglilcc~Jiliuiidrrd and sixty-two.
h i t i on niotion of 311. Ucll,
ili(> ZIousc :djoiiriied until 9 ocloclc a. in. on Monday.


DAY- JIONI)AW, \i ~ W L 21, 1S62.

7110 I l o n met
~ pursuant t o adjournment, and mas opened with prayer
by the ltev. Dr. Hoge.
N r . Elliott, 1roni the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported :LScorrectly cnguoiscd and cnrolled bills of the following titles, viz:
A bill t o tutliorize the appointment of officers of twtillery in the
Pro\ iai on a1 A1xt.y;
A bill for tlic ciilistrneiit of cooks in the Army;
12 bill to i i i c i ~ c ~thc
s c ~Corps of Enginecrs of the Provisional Army;
A hill to rogiilxte the compensation of deputy postinastcrs;
A l y o , :L joint rcholution of thanks to Major-(;enernls Van Ihi-n and
Price, ancl the oflicers and boIdit\rs under their coiiimaiid, for their
valor, slrill, s n d good (>onductin the battle of Elkliorn, in the State of
h i h n s a s , and of rcspcct for the memory of Generals 3fcCulloch and
Mclu t or11;
A bill to ainend the act providing f o r the orgcinization of the Navy,
tippro\ ed March 16,1861,and for other purposes;



[Apr. 21,1862.

A bill to amcnd the act authorizing and providing f o r the organization of the Marj7land Line, a p p r o v ~ dFcitruary 15, 1S62; and
h bill to organize battalions of sharpshooters;
And the Speaker signed the sunie.
Mr. Singleton offered
A joint resolution appointing a joint committee to wait upon the
President and inform him that the t w o Houses of Congress would
adjourn at 12 oclocli in., and to lznow if he had any further communication to makc t o Congrcsb;
which mas agrced to.
The (:hair xniiounced as tlie coinniittce on the part of the House:
Messrh. Singleton of Misissippi, Gentry of Tennessee, and Holt of

A message u as rcceivccl froiii the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.

Xash; which i3 as follows, to wit:
rtc: haxe p a w d , nithout aniendinent, a bill of this House of
13 11 - A hill to I-)tl entitled Ail act to amend an act entitled An act recognizing
the existence of war between the ITnited States and the Confederate States, and concerning letters of iiiarque, prizes and prize goods, approved &laytwenty-first, eighteen
Iuindrecl and sixty-one.

On motion of Mr. l hvis, the IIouse resolved itself into secret session;
and having spent some tinic therein, again resolved itself into open
MY.Davis iiiovcct to suspend the rules to allow him to introduce B
Mr. I<enner dcniandccl the yeas and ntiys;
Which \wre ordered.
Yeas _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
_ _
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Navs ._ _ _ _ - .
Yeas: Davis.
Kays: Ashe, Aver, Barksdale, Batson, 13.41, Bonham, Boteler, Breckinridge, IIoratio JV. Bruce, Burnett. Chiltou, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow,
Cooke, Currin, Dtividson, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Farrow, Foote,
G n i t h r , Gardenhire, (hrtrcll, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Harris,
Hartridge, IIeiskell, Ilerbert, Ifilton, Holcornbe, Holt, Jenkins, Johnston, Jones, Ilenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lewis, Machen,
n l c l ) o ~ e l l ,McLean, Mcltae, NcQueen, Miles, Moore, Perkins, Yreston, Yugh, Halls, &ad, Royston, Sexton, Singleton, Smith of North
Carolina, Staples, Strickland, Swan, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright, of Texas,
and Mr. Spalier.
So the motion was lost.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:


_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

NT.8peukcr: The Senate has refwed to concur in the mnendment of the House to
,t certain persons h i l l enrollment for. sen ice in the armies of

red the folloxing resolution:

ILesoked, That the C1wk oi t h i b llousc cletiil :t sufficient force to make out a tnbo we for the last ten days, date of pasbage,
ular stateinent cif the bill? passed tlii
time of tranmiission to the Senate, wl
hlls ha! c been reported back, when; what
have been enrolled, n hcn, and \\hat h
been appro\ ed by the President and when,
and that ho hale the bame ready iiiimediately for the inspection of the members.
That a t all tnture msioiiq the rlerli dial1 keep a dorket in the manner above indip
day to day for t h e impection o members;
cated and h a w tlit saine kept ~ i from

which was read and agreed to.

Apr. 21,1862.1


Bfr. Gnithcr moved the IToiw take up from the tablc for co
tion a resolution offcrcd by hiin yesterday, calling upon the P
for information respcctiiig the sciznre of priyate arms in the
North Carolinn.
The motion \nwloht.
Mr. Harris, from &lieCorrimittee 011 Military Affairs, reported
A bill to arncnd an act to :Lnthorizc pttyinent to be made for certain
horses purchased lor the Arniy l)y Col. A. W. McDonald, approved
August 31, 1861;
which as read the first mid second tiines.
The rules were ,~iispcnded;
The hill was tttken up, engrossed, read a. third time, and passed.
On motioii of Xr. Iicisktll, the Ilousc resolved itself into secret
session; and having spent sonip timc therein, again resolved itself into
open session;
A nicssagc W R S received from the President ,by liis Private Secretary,
M u . ITarrison; \\ hicli infornicd tlie IIOUSC
Tlic, Piehitlcnt linc to-cta\ L L ~ J ~ ~ ,nit1
O W ~piqnc(I tlic, f o l l o ~
inq acts:
lccl A i l A( t t o orgi/c I ) i i n t l ~( ~ p:wtiwn
i w t of cooks i n the Ariny;
c.ntitlc(1 -1h11 ~ U I to C o r p of lhgiiieers of thr lrovisional
eiititlctl A \ ~act
i to i
tlir appointment of officers of artillery

of thanks to JIajor-GeneralsVan Dorn and Price,

and the officers ancl w l t l i c w undcr thcir command, for their valor, skill, and good
i n the State of Arkansas, and of respect for the
conduct in t h e linttlc of ?~~lkliorn,
memory of (;riierals i\lcC;nllot~liarid 3IcIntosh ;
Also, an act entitled An act to regulate the compensation of deputy postmasters;
Also, an act entitlccl h
act to anicnd an act ontitleti An act to providc for the
organization of the K a w , approred J1arc.h sixtccnth, eighteen hundred and sixtyone, and for other purposes.

Mr. Miles moved to suspend the rules in order to introduce a joint

Mu. Foote called for tlir yeas and nays therron;
Which being- ordered,
. _
_ __ _ _ _ . _ . . __ ._ _ _ 44
Are recorded as follovs, to wit : 1 Yens
- - - .- .- - . - - ..hays
Yeas: Ashe, Bell, J3onliarn, lkkclcr, Horatio W. IZ~*~xcc,
Conrad, Currin, Ihvis, Dc ,Jarnettc, Elliott, Poote, Gardenhire, Goode,
Graham. Gray, Jl:n-i.i,, XIeiskcll, IIilton, Ilolcoliibe, Jenkins, Johnston,
Lander, LciTis. Macli(~n,M:n~sli:~11,
l\/lcDovvell. MMnRae, XlcQueen, Miles,
Moore, Perkin-, Jrcston, lngsh. K c : L ~ ,Sexton, Singleton, Staples,
SnTan, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Aycr, lSatson, 13reckinridge, Rurnett, Chilton, Conrow,
Davidson, Ihwkins, l%rrow, Gaither, Gartrell, E-Ianly, Hartridge,
Herbert, I Iolt, Jones, Keii:tii of Noi*th Carol in%, ICenner, &Lean,
Balls, ltoystori, Smith of North Carolina, and Strickland.
So the motion was lost.
MY. Singleton, froni tho joint comniittce appointed to wait on the
President, reported that the cmnniittcc had performed that duty.
On motion of Mr. XIilc5,
The &use toob u p for consideration n Soiiate hill to exempt certain
persons froin cnrollnierit in tlic armies of the Confederate States.


Nr. Swan moved t ha t the House insist on its amendment, disagreed

to by the Senate.
7\11.. Jliles moved t ha t the House recede from its amendment.
Lhe question hcing o n insisting,
Mr. Xarshall called f o r the yew and nays;
XThich being ordered,
Yeas.. .- - - . - - .. - - - Are recorded as follons, to wit: Says
. ...- - .- .
Yeas: Ayer, Bti6so11, 13el1, nonham, Boteler, Breckinridge, Chambliss, llaridson, I)e ,Jarnctte, Farrow, Foote, Gaither, Ilanly, Hilton,
Ilolcombt, .Johnston, pJoms, Kcnner, Xarshall, McQueen, Menees,
Icrlcins, l 7 q h , 12dls, Koyitoii, Smith of S o r t h Carolina, Staples,
Swan, and lT7clzh.
d&e, IIoratio I$-. Bruce. Burnett, Chiltori, Clopton, Conrad,
conrow, Gun-in, Ihwkins, Elliott, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Gentry,
(>rahani, Gray, Jlarris, fh rtrid g e, Heiskell, Herbert, Holt, Jenkins,
Kcnan of Korth Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Jlachen. ;\/lcDowell, &Lean,
NclZat:, Miles, Moore, Ilead, Sexton, Stricldand, Vest, Wilcox, Wright
of Texas, arid Mr. Speaker.
So thc inotion was lost.
11.. Ashe mored to reconsider the vote just taken.
I-. Singlcton rriovcd to lay the motion to reconsider on the table,
and called the question thereon.
lhe inotion to lay on the tahlc was loht.
XI.. T1eisl;cll demanded the question, which was upon the motion to
r ~ c o n i i d ~and
r , which being ordered, the motion prevailed.
Air. IIiiton demanded the quebtion; which mas ordered, and was
upon the motion of Mr. Sman l h a t the House insist on its amendment.
lhc motion prevailed.
The Spcalier signed the following bill, reported bF 3Ir. Elliott, of
the Committee on I*hrolled Bills. as correctly enrolled:
A bill t c
d an act entitled An act to amend an act)recognizof war between the United %tes arid the Confeding the mi
crate States. and concerning letters of marque, prizes and prize goods,
approved May 21, 1861.
iS, message vas reccivcd from the Senate, bj7 their Secretary, Mr.
, I

Ker. The Senate have pa

d joint resolutions and a hill of the follosing

11. R -_
.Toilit rwoliition to authorize the Joint Committeeon Public Buildings to
rent rnniiis for the Treawry Ilepartment;
11. R. -. Joiiit resolution t o pro\-ide for t h e payment of stationery purchased for
isional Conpre-: and
tlie PYOT
XI. R. -. A bill to be entitled An act to increaee the faciliticq for iniporting
goods, M areq, and merchandise into the ports of the Confederate States.

A niebsagc \+as reccired froin t h e Presiclcnt, by his Yriratc Secretary, Mr. EIarrisoii; which informed the House that
The iredent, on the 79th instant, approved arid signed the follon ing acts:
An act entitled . A n act to amend a n a F t entitled An act to increase the Corpr of
Artillery, a n d for other purposes, approved August tTT-enty-first.eighteen tinndred
and sixty-one;
Also, an act entitled An act to i n c r e s e the clerical force of the (luartrrinasterGenerals Riireaii ,
A J w , an act tJntitlpt1 An a(+ to pro\-ide for tlir paj iucrit of ofiicaers of the Virginia
militia for servicee renderetl;

Apr. 31, 1862.1


Also, a n act entitled An act regulating the fees of clerks, and for other purposes;
Also, a n a t s t cntitled An act to provide for the appointment of chaplains at the
naral hospitals,
Also, a n act entitled ,in act to regulate the collection of t h e war tax in certain
States invaded by the cncxiiiy; and
Also, a n act entitled An act to limit the compensation of clerlrs. marshals, and
district attorneys of the Confcdwatc~States.

A n1cssao.c was received froin the Scnatc, by their Secretary, Mr,

~ a s ~asi ,fokovs:
Jh.~ ~ ~ j e n X The
e r . Senate l i a w directed to be returned to this Ilouse a duplicate
engrossed bill of the Ilousr of ftcpre~eii~ativcs,
thc origiiial of which lltd been prcviously sent to the Senate and was referred to thc Committee on Military Affairs of the
Srnate and by that coininittce reported upon, passed by the Senate, and brought back
this iiiorning to the [louse of Representatives, the title of which is as follows, viz.
If. It. -. h bill to be entitled An act supplementary to an act further to provide
for the public defense.

The Chair laid before the House

which is :is follows, to wit:


iiiessage from thc President;

1~XECGrtYT13 nEPdI<TXMENT, np7ll 21,


To tlie l i o w r ( i b / i , t i r e Ilouse of Rr~pwseiafntiws.

I herewith tiansniit a (.ouiiiiiiiiicatioii iron1 the Secretary of the Treasury, covering
an cstiiiiatc ot an npprop~iationrcquired to carry into effect :in act therein nientioned.
I reconiineiid that an appropriation be iitade of the suiri, md Tor the purposes
TIIE iSLRY I>EIAltTNENT, 1zichmo?id, T(t., April 1 9 , 1862.
SIR. I Iiaril the honor to inclose herein, to br traiisinitted to Congress, an estiiriatc of an itppropriation r e ~ ~ i i i i eto
d mrry into effect An act to authorize the
of lmicis for articles in kind, and tlic shipment, sale, or hypothecation
of s w h articltv.
I ain, w r y respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary qf t t i p Treasuny.

To the P m s n w r .

riation vcquired lo cnrr?y into qffeef AiL act to flufhoTi2e the rrchavjge
L m d , ctntl the s?pinent, stcle, 01 hypotiiecation of szielr. n~ticles.~
For this amonnt, to cover the probable expenses of carrying into effect
said act . . . - . . . . - . - - . . . . . - - - - . - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - 52,000,000
----~-~RO. TYLICH, Register.
Tmasuiiv ~ ) m ~ ~ w r m 1tEorsrrIms
Richniond, Va., April 19, 186%.

&Ir. Kenner, from the Committee on W8.y~

Means, hy consent
of the House, iritxoduced
A bill making appropriations to carry into cffect an act auihorizittg
the exchange of bonds for articics i n kind, and shipment, sale, or
hypothecation of such articles;
which w i b read the first and second times, and the rides being suspended, was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
The Chair laid before the IIouse a conlmunication from the Prcsident; which was wad and laid on tho table, and is as follows, to wit:
To the ,Yc?icifE und IIouse of I;cpr.esentalzzes of the tbrifederate States.
I deem i t proper to inform you that n number of acts pas~edby thc Coiigreqs were
presentctl to lne at a very late hour oil Satartlay night. I have examined thein as
carefully as thc hlnited time a t niy dlspobal has permitted, and habe rcturrvd nearly
all of them \\rltli 1ny appro~al. There are, howevei, three of thorn l o wl~icliI L a \ e
I t is inil:ostihliA to ronimunicxtc~ to you i n M Iiting CT ithin the
fell. rerilaiiiing lioiirq ol t h e scssioii, ancl w1iic.h n ill, theiefoie, fail to I : k o n ~ eI ~ w r
Happily, the acts i n quebtion are riot of p e a t public iiiiportance. Kecogiiizing, 211



[Apr. 2

I do, the right of Congress to receive thc fullest information from the Executive on
all matters ot legislation on which his concurrence is required by the Constitution, I
have considered it more respectful to the Congress to make this statement of the
calm TI hicii has prevented my action on these bills, than to retain them without
assigning my reason for so doing.

Mr. Ralls, froin the special committee appointed to visit the hospitals, made the following report; which was laid upon the table and
ordered to be printed:

The committee appointed under a resolution of this House, authorizing an examination into the Medical Department of t h e Army, to inquire into the practical workings of the systein, and to point out abuses, if any are found to exist, etc., beg leave
to present the follo\cing report:
lhc resolution is very comprehensive in its character, as it appears to open up the
n hole field connected n i t h our military operations. Confined, however, as the couniittee have been, b y t h e discharge of their regular duties as members of this body,
they h a r e only heen enabled to make a personal examination of the hospitals in this
city and its suburb!, and have been compelled to rely on other sources for information as to the workings of the system i n t h e field.
We find that at this time there are some twenty hospitals in the city where sick
and wounded soldiers are treated, and capable of accomiiiodating some five or six
thousand patients. They are partly under Government and State control, while
others are under exclnsive Government control. Those of them that are under State
auspices receive rations or commutation therefor from the Government; the nurse
hire IS also paid and t h e medicines furnished. There is a scarcity of medicines to a
considerable extent, and those having charge of State hospitals occasionally make
purchases in addition to TT hat is furnished them. The State hospitals are superior
to those of the Go>eriiiiientin ta o respects. We found t h e bedding more cleau, and
a greater aniount of what might be called delicacies for t h e sick, as from the liberal
State and private contributions a larger fund has been furnished a ith which to make
purdiaseu. In all t h e hospitals there n a s found to be sufficient cleanliness in the
floors and walls and in the culinary department, or we might use stronger language
and pay tliat in all these respects they are Horthy of commendation. The same
remark mill apply to the foot1 furnished, it being good in quality and well prepared.
In all, too, so far as w c could jndge, the sick ore kindly treated, and do not suffer for
n ant of attention. Thc chief ground of complaint in the Gorernment hospitals, with
the exceptions prceently to be naincd, was the want of cleanliness in the bedding;
the slieets in many instances evidently being used too long without being changed.
TVhile the Birds lsland Hospital, in common 1%ith other Government hospitals, is
obnoxious to this criticism, we also found the vessels used in its wards, such as spittoons, etc , to receive too little attention, and to be someahat offensive. The Governnient hospitals that, in the particulars on which we are commenting, received
the approval of the committee, are t h e General, the Banner, and Roysters Factory.
The latter we mention particiilarly as being a model of neatness, and as reflecting
great credit on those who have it i n charge. We mention this with the greater
pleasure, as it affords convincing proof that the present regulations, if properly
enforced, are amply sufficient to afford our sick and wounded soldiers all the aid
and comfort they could reasonably expect to find short of home. The attention of


hpr. 21, 1862 ]

011 this point.

It iq, then, in the o1)inion of the conmiittee, iiiuch to be desired that
relief should, in this respect, be extended to o u r sick and suffering soldiers
The (.ominittee \voultl also call attention to one or two matters connected with the
mtdical depitrtiiient ill the fieid.
\Ye think that the present arrarigenient alloaing only one surgeon and one assistant siirgeon is not snfficient to ineet the wants of the service. The committee forbear, hoaever, to enlarge on this point, but will only state that the Surgeon-General
concurs in this opinion, and recommends that a n additional assistant surgeon should
he appointed for every regiment.
On inqniry, we t i i d that the transportation for medical stores is insufficient. The
v a g o i i q that were furnished for this purpose to the Army of the Potoniac have been
wed to a great extent for hauling wood and other articles, and the result has been
that the JTagony have k w i i broken, and now there is scarcely any transportation of the
kind, anti :L large amount of medicines, bandages, etc., have been, at varioiis times,
abnncloned or destroyed. A s a remedy, me would suggest that the use of such
wagons rilioultl be limited ahvolutely to the transportation of medical stores.
The committee h a w thus gircn a fair and impartial statement of facts, and have
made mch suggestions as, in our opinlon, would promote the public weal and add to
the comfort and efficiency of those brave and patriotic inen on whoni the country
relies in this hour ot trial.
All of which IS most respectfully submitted.
Clmi.airmcm Committee.

The Speaker signed the following bills, reported by Mr. Elliott,

froin the Committee on Enrolled Rills, as correctly enrolled:
Joint resolution to provide for the payment of stationery purchased
for the Provisional Congress;
A hill to increase the facilities of itnportiug goods, mares, and merchandise into the ports of the Confederate States;
Joint resolution to authorize the Joint Committee 011 Public Buildings to rent rooms for the Treasury Department; and
A bill to be entitled An act supplementary to an act further to pro\. ide lor tho public defense.
Mr. Barksdale odercd
A resolution that the joint resolution of the t w o Houses declaring
that Congress adjoai-n on Monday, the 2lst of April, at 12 oclock m.,
be so amended as t o read at 2 oclock p. m.,





[Apr. 21,1862

and called the question thereon; which being ordered, the same was
agreed to.
Mr. Sexton introduced
A bill for granting discharges to disabled soldiers;
which \\-as read the first and second times and ordered to be placed on
the Calendar and printed.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Jlr. Speaker: The Senate insist upon their disagreement to the amendment of this
House to the bill of t h e Senate (S. 41) entitled A bill to exempt certain persons
from enrollment for service in the armies of the Confederate States, ask a conference
with the House upon the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and have
appointed Messrs. Yancey, Semmes, and Henry managers on the part of the Senate
at said conference.

N r . Footc moved that the House insist on its amendment, disagreed

to by the Senate, to a bill t o exempt certain persons from enrollment
for service in t h e armies of the Confederate States, and agree to

appoint a committee of conference.

The motion prevailed; and
The Speaker appointed, on the part of the House, as said committee:
Messrs. Marshall of Louisiana, Smith of North Carolina, and Chilton
of Alabama.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session;
MY. Ashe moved a suspension of the rules in order to introduce a
resolution in relation to rescinding the resolution of adjournment.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Ashe moved to suspend the rules to allow Mr. McQueen to
make a report from the Committee on Accounts.
The motion was lost.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harrison, informing the House that the President on the 19th
instant approved and signed the following acts:
An act entitled An act to limit the act authodzing the suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus;
Also, a n act entitled An act to increase the military establishment
of the Confederate States, and to amend an act for thc cstablishiiicnt
and organization of the Army of the Confederate States of America;
Also, an act entitled An act to establish certain post routes therein
named ;
Also, an act entitled An act supplementary to the act entitled An
act to cncouragc the manufacture of saltpeter and of small arms;
Also, an act entitled An act to orgtlnize a signal corps;)
Also, an act entitled A n act making further appropriations for the
expenses of the Government in the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments, and for other purposes;
Also, an act entitled (An act to aid in the construction of a certain
line of railroad i n the Slates of Louisiana and Texas;
Also, an act entitled Joint resolution for the relief of Captain Ben.
Also, an act entitled An act regulating tho fees of marshals, and for
other purposes;

Apr. 21,1862 ]


Also, an act entitled An act to repeal certain laws therein narn

and to declare others in full force in relation to conveyance
niailablc nitittcr outside of the mail; and
Also, a n act entitled Resolutions for the preservation of public
doaumen ts.
T h e Spealrer signed the following bill, reported by Mr. Elliott, of
the Committee on Enrolled Bills, as correctly enrolled:
A bill to organize battalions of sharpshooters.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Kwsh; which is as follows, to wit:
The Serinte have passed a bill of the following title, viz:

S. 52. A bill to be entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to further

provide for the pubtic defense, passed the sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two;
I n which they ask the concurrence of this House.

Mr. Miles, by consent, offered

A joint resolution extending the time of adjournment to 3 oclock;
which was agreed to.
A rncssagc. WVRS received froni the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is nu follows, to wit:
Tlic Scnate have concurred in the resolution of this House to
extend the sesion of thc t w o IZowes of Congress to the hour of 3 oclock p. ni.

On inotion, the House rebolved itself into secret session; and having
spent sonie time therein, again resolved itself into open session.
The hour fixed for adjournment having arrived,
The Speaker declared the House adjourned until the third Monday
in August next.

T h e House being in secret session,

Mr. Davis offered the following resolution, to wit:
RPsolwd h!y thr Congrrss qf t h Co?ijetlewcte SYtrtes, That the President is hereby
authorized, and reqtiired without excuse, to direct Generals Johnston and Magruder
to attack the enemy at Yorktown, on to-morrow.

On motion of Mr. Jones, the House resolved itself into open session;
and kinvirig spent some time therein, again resolved itself into secret
Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Claims, reported the following resolution; which was read and agreed to:
Resolced, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to pay out of
the contingent fund the bills of R. McDonald and George Ruskell for specimen flags
furnished by order of the Committee of the Provisional and Permanent Congress.

A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, t o wit:
Jfr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of this House of the following title, viz:
11. R. -. A bill to be entitled An act making appropriations to carry into effect
an act authorizing the exchange of bonds for articles in kind, and the shipment, sale,

or hypothecation of such articles.

The Speaker signed the following bill, reported by Mr. ___ 7 of

the Committee on Enrollment, as correctly enrolled:
A bill to be entitled An act making approprintions to carry into
effect an act authorizing the exchange of bonds f o r articles in kind,
and the shipment, sale, or hypothecation of such articles.



[Apr. 21,1862.

Mr. Perkins moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of introducing
A bill t o enable t h e President to mrchase, at home or abroad, arms
and ironclad vessels and munitions of war, and-to contract for the
means of raising the existing blockade by employing for this purpose
any portion of the cotton crop plcdged to the Government, or of funds
heretofore appropriated to our military defenses.
The motion did not prevail.
A message mas received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mi-. L7peaker: I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate
have agreed to the resolution of this House to extend the session until 2 oclock p. m.
this day.

Mr. Jams morccl that the injunction of secrecy be removed from

the procecdings of the House in relation to the bill to provide further
for t h e public defense, approved April 16, 1862.
Mr. Clopton moved to amend the motion by applying the same to
the bill amendatory of said act.
The slmendnient was lost.
And the question being upon agreeing to the motion of Mr. Jones,
The same was lost.
A message W:LS received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
Secretary of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
$IT. S ~ ~ ( YThe
~ P ISenate
have passed, without amendment, a bill of this House of
the following title, viz:
H. It. -. Albill to be entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to authorize
payment to be made for certain horws purchased for t h e Army by Colonel A. W.
McDonald, approved August twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.

X r . Miles moved that the President be requested to return to the

House a bill to organize battalions of sharpshooters.
The motion was agreed to.
And Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Militarf Affairs, reported
A bill to organize battalions of sharpshooters;
which was read first and second [times], engrossed, read a third time,
and passed.
A message was received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
AFT. Speaker. The Senate havc passed, without amendment, a bill of this House of
the following title, viz:
H. R. -. A bill to be entitled An act supplementary to a n act further to provide
for the public defense.

Mr. Smith of North Carolina, from the committee of the House

appointed t o confer with a similar committee of the Senate upon the
disagreement of t h e two Houses on an amendment of the House to a
Senate bill declaring what persons shall be exempt from enrollment
for military service, reported
that the coirirnittee had come to no
concIusion. Mr. Chilton moved that the House recede from its amendnient.
Upon which Mr. Conrad demanded the yeas and n a p ; and
The demand being sustained,
They are recorded as follows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -25
Nays - _ _ _..
.- - .- _ - _ _
Yeas: Barksdale, Bell, Roteler,
W. Bruce, Burnett, Chilton,
Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Currin, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Qar-

Apr 21,18G2 1


denhi re, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, I h r r i s , Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton,

IIolt, J 02instoi1, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lewis, Lyons,
Mtwh~w,n/lcI~owell,McLean, Mcltae, Moore, Preston, Pugh, b l l s ,
Itoyston, Singleton, Strickland, Vest, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and
MY. Spcalier.
N:iys: Ashe, h y e r , Batson, Bonham, Breckinridge, Chambliss,
Dnvidson, Davis, Farrow, Foote, Gaither, Gentry, Goode, Herbert,
Holcoinbe, ,Jones, Kenner, Marshall, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Perkins, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, and Welsh.
So the House receded from its amendmcnt.
A mess:ige was received from the Senate, by the bands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
adheres to its disagreement to the amendment of this
nate (S. 41) entitled A bill to exempt certain persons
in the armies of the Confederate States.

eived from the President, by his Private Secrewhich is ar: follows, to wit:
oj the Ifouse o j Rqmwntatiues.
sident has to-day xpprovcd and signed the following acts:
A n :I( t entitled .in a r t niakiiig appropriations to carry into effect an act authorizing thcl csc1iarig.c~ot boiidi for artirks in kind, and the shipment, sale, or hypothecatioti 01$;
i i l w , 2111 act entitlvd An act to increase the facilities of importing goods, wares,
a i i t l nirwhandiw into t h r ports ot th4 Confederate stab^;"
Also, a i i act entitled An act su;)plementaryto an act further to provide for t h e

pbllc* d~4ellW;
hlso, an art entitlcd An w t to ainentl an act entitled An act to ainend an act
rcwgniziiig the esistenre of VI ar between the United States and the Confederate
Starc\, nntl coiire~ni~ig
letters of marque, prizes and prize goods, approved May

rigliteen hundred and sixty-one;

t t h t l c t l Joint resolution to authorize the Joint Committee on Public
lent rooms for the Treasury Department; and
a n tic t cntitled Joint resolution to provide for the payment of stationery
I the Irovisional Congress.

A mcssagc m s received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,

the Swretarp of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
XI.Sl~ealcer.The Senate have passcd a biII of thi5 House of the following title, viz:
A bill to he entitled An act to organize battalions of sharpshooters.
1. It.

Mr. Hciskcll moved to suspend the r u k s for the purpose of introduc*iiig R resolution.
U on which motion Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays; and
T e demniid hcing sustained,
Yeas-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 34
They arc, recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28
Yeas: I3otclcr, EIomtio W. Bruce, Chilton, Clopton, Conrow, Currin,
Elliott, (;:u.dcnhire, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Hanly, Harris,
I-fartridgc, Heiskell, Holeombe, Jcnkins, Kenan of North Carolina,
Landcr, Lewis, IJyons, McDowell, McLean, McKse, Preston, Pugh,
xton, Singleton, Strickland, Swan, Vest, and Wright of Texas.
Ashe, I3arlrxdale, Bonham, Breckinridge, Burnett, Davidson,
Davis, Da~vkins, Farrow, Foote, Gaither, Gray, Herbert, Hilton,
IIolt, ,Jones, ;1Iachen, Marshdl, McQueen, Miles, Moore, Perkins,
Read, Itoyston, Smith of North Carolina, Welsh, Wilcox, and Mr.
S o the motion did not prevail.
The Speaker signed a bill to exempt certain persons from enrollment





for military service i n the armies of the Confederate States, reported

by Nr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrollment, as correctly
en rossed and enrolled.
8 n motion of Mr. Moore, the House resolved itself into open session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
secret session;
Mr. I\ililes reported from the Military Committee
A bill to amend an act entitled A n act to further provide for the
public defense, approved 16th April, 1862;
which was read first and second [times], engrossed, read third time,
and passed.
Mr. Ashc, moved to suspend the rules to introduce a resolution.
And upon a dirision of the House, it appeared that no quorum was
The Speaker signed a bill to amend an act further to provide for the
public defense, approved April 16,1862, reported by Mr. Elliott, from
the Committee on Enrollment, as correctly engrossed and enrolled.
A message mas received from the Senate, by the hands of Mr. Nash,
the Secretary of that body; which is as follows, to wit:
MY.Spenker: The President, on the 19th instant, approved and signcd the following acts originating in the Senatc:
S. 1. :in act entitled An act to recognize the organization of certain military
S. 42. An act for t h e relief of the legal representatives of Samuel M. Wilkes, late
adjutant of the Fourth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers;
S. 29 An act to amend the several acts in relation to t h e pay of chaplains in the
S. 49. An act to amend an act to regulate t h e mode of paying the members of the
Senate and IIonse of Representatives, and the disbursement of the contingent fund;
S. 44. An act in relation to auditing accounts for the War Department;
S. 10. Joint resolution to authorize t h e Secretary of t h e Treasury to pay the mileage and per diem of members of the Provisional Congress out of the contingent fund
of that Congre$s;
S. 9. A joint resolution authorizing t h e President to contract for the construction,
in Europe, of six ironclad vessels;
S. 51. An act to authorize the employment of drillmasters; and
S. 55. An act to amend a n act entitled An act to prescribe the rates of postage in
the Confederate States of America, and for other purposes.
The PreLidcnt has t o d a y approved and signed the following acts:
S. 33. An act to authorize the exchanveof bonds for articles in kind, and the ship.
ment, sale, or hypothecation of such artkles; and
S. 37. An act to punish drunkenness in t h e Army.

A message was received from the President, by the hands of his

Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison; Tvhich is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker: Thc President has to-day approved and signed a n act entitled An act
to organize battalions of sharpshooters.

The Speaker signed t h e following bill, reported by Mr. ___ ? of

the Cvniinittee on Enrollment, as correctly enrolled:
A bill to be entitled An act to amend an act to authorize payment
to be made for certain horses purchased for the Army by Colonel
A. NT.McDonald, approved August twenty-first, eighteen hundred and
On motion,
The House resolved itself into open session.





The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Bishop Early.
On a call of the roll the following members answered to their names,
respectively, to wit:
Ashe, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Bridgers, Eli ill. Bruce, Chambliss,
Chi1ton, Clark, Collier, Conrow, Currin, Curry, Dargan, DuprB,
Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gartrell, Goode, Graham,
Gray, Hanly, IIarris, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Elodge, Holcombe,
Flolt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Lander, Lewis, L y m ,
Machen, McDomell, McRae, Menees, Miles, Perkins, IZwd, RnsseI1,
Sexton, Smith of Ahhama, Strickland, Swan, Trippc, Vest, Welsh,
Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
The following members werc absent:
A rrington, Atkins, Ayer, Haldwin, Barksdalc, Bonham, Boyce,
Rrwkinridge, Horatio W. Bruce, Elnrnett, Chambers, Chrisrnan, Clapp,
Clopton, Conrad, Cooke, Crockett, Davidson, Lkvis, Dawkins, De *Jarnette, Ewing, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, Gentry, Hartridge, Hyer, Jenkins, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyons,
Marshall, McLean, McQueen , Moore, Munnerlgn, Preston, Pugh,
Ralls, Royston, Singleton, Smith of North Carolina, Smith of Virginia, Sta,ples, Tibbs, Villert5, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Prcsent, 56. ABscnt, 50.
George B. Hodge, a Representative-elect from the State of Kentucky, and Charles F. Collier, a Repr.escntative-elect from the State of
Virginia, bcing announced as present, came forward, were qualified, and
took their seats.
A incssage was reccived from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. ASpeakr~:I am directed b y thc Senate to commnnicate to the House of Reprewntatives that the Senate has met pursuant to an adjournment, and that they are

ready to proceed to business.




[Aug. 18,1862.

On motion of Mr. Curry, it was ordered that a message be sent to

the Senate to inform that body that the House of Representatives had
assembled pursuant to adjournment and were ready to proceed to
On motion of Mr. Curry. it was ordered that a committee bc appointed on the part of the House, to join such committee as may be
sppointed on thc part of the Senate, to wait upon the President of the
Cordederate States and inform him that a quorum of the two EIouses i:,
. assembled and that Con ress is ready to receive any coIrlulunications
he may he pleased to ma te.
Mr. Curry, Mr. Perkins, and Nr. Jones were appointed the committee on the part of thc House.
The Cliair laid b d o r e the House a communication from the Hon.
A. G. Jenkins, tendering his resignation as a member of the Congress
of the Coiifrdcrute States; which was read and, on motion, referred
to the Coniiriittee on Xlcctions.
Also, R communication from Governor Letcher, inclosing the same;
which was referred to the same committee.
Mr. Gartrcll introduced
A bill to make ,Treasury notes a legal tender;
which was read the first and second times, referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printed.
Also, the following resolution:

Resolred, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
expediency and necessity of enacting some effective law requiring and compelling
the Commissary Department to furnish more and better food for the Army, and
report as early as possible by hill or otherwise;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. IVright of Georgia presented the petition of M. McCurry, of
Georgia, asking additional pay for service., rendered as tax collector;
which w u ~rcfcrred to the Committee on Ways and Means, without
bcing read.
A message mas received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
MF.Xpenkrr: I am directed by the Senate to inform the Home of Representatives
that they have concurred i n their resolutrion relative to waiting 011 the President,
and have appoifited Messrs. Clay, Semmes, and Dortch as t h e conimittee on the
part of the Senate.

Mr. Miles introduced

A bill to extend the provisions of an act entitled " An act to provide fnrther for the public defense;"
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee o n Nilitary Affairs.
Also, a bill to for the punishment of slaves taken in arms
against the Confederate States and of white men assanring to be officers
of such slaves; which was read the first and second times and referred
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Foote introdxed
A bill providing for retaliatory punishment. in certain cases;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill providing f o r the punishment of felonies committed by
officers or privates in the Army of the lJnited Stzttes when such persons shall full into our hands as captives taken in war; which was read

h u g 13, 1862.1



the f i t a d a n d sccond times and referred to the Committee on Mi

11Ifni r5.
Also, a bill providing retaliatory punishment in cases of persons of
~ f r i c a ndescent being found in the ranks of the enemy organized for
of WW; which T V ~ Sread the first and second times and
to the Coininittee on Military Affairs.
Also, :a hill t o provide retaliatory punishment for the seizure and
i n i p r i s o n ~ ~ lof
~ lcitizens
of the Confederate States b y officers, civil o r
military, of the United States; which was read the first and second
times and referred to the same committee.
.ilso, R notice to change the rules; which was laid over for two days
under the rides.
Mi.. Curry, from the committee appointed to mait on the President
and Senate, reported that the committee had performed their duty, and
that the President would communicate with the House in writing.
L4comniunicstion was received from the Vresident, by his Private
Secretary, MY.Harrison; which is a5 follows, to wit:
To tlw S e m t P ond f f o v s p of h'qmseiitatii es o f the Confederate States:
It is arain our fortune to meet for dri iLing nieasures necessary to the public Tvelfaie, \I hilst our country is inrolved iri a desolatirw war. The sufferings endured by
some portiotis of the people excite the deep d i & i d e of the Government, and the
sympathy thus evoked has been heightened by the patriotic devotion with which
these suffcrinps hare been borne.
llantiy a i d good conduct of our troops, always claiming the gratitude of the
ha\ e been furtlwr illustrated on hard-fought fields, marked by exhibitions
) r m - e ~which
can find but few parallels in ancient or modern history.
not faltered in any of the various trials to which it has been subjected;
body of t h e people has continued to manifest a zeal and unanimity
which not only cheer t h e battle-stained soldier, but give assurance to the friends of
constitntional liberty of our final triumph in the pending struggle against despotic
Tlw va-t army which threatened the capital of the Confederacy has been defeated
and driven fiorn the lines of investment, and the enemy, repeatedly foiled in his
efforts for its capture, is now seeking to raise new armies on a scale such as modern
history does not rccord, to effect that subjugation of the South so often proclaimed as
on the eve of acco~ilphShlr~ent.
The perfidy \I hich disregarded rights secured by compact, the madness which
trampled on obligations niade sacred by every consideration of honor, have been
intensifietl b y the malignacy engendered by defeat. These passions have changed
the character of the hostilities waged by our enemies, who arc bccoming daily less
regardful of the wages of civilized war and the dictates of humanity. Rapine and
wanton destruction of private property, war upon noncombatants, murder of captive?, bloody threalti to a\-enge the death of an invading soldiery by the slaughter of
unarmed citizen?, orders of banishment against peaceful farmers engaged in the rultiyation uf the boil, are some of the means used by our ruthless invaders to enforce
the snlmixsion of a free people to foreign sway. Confiwation bills, o f a character so
at] ocious as to insure, if executed, the utter ruin of the entire population of these
passed by their Congress aiid approred by their Executive. The moneyed
of the Confederate Government are forged by citizens of the United States,
l y advertised for sale in their cities, with a notoriety which sufficiently
knowledge of their Government; and its complicity i n t h e crime is further
evinced b y the fact that the soldiers of the invading armies are found supplied with
large qnantities of these forged notes, as a means of des oiling the country people by
fraud out of snch portions of their pronerty as armex violence may fail to reach.
Two, at least, of the generals of the United States are engaged, unchecked by their
Government, in exciting servile insurrrction and in arming and training slaves for
warfare against their masters, citizens of the Confederacy. Another hay been found
of instincts so brutal as to invite the violence of his soldiery against the women of a
capt11red city, Yet the rebuke of cidized man has failed to evoke from the authorities of the United States one mark of disapprobation of his acts; nor is there any
reason to suppose that t h e conduct of Benjamin F. Butler has failed to secure from
his Government the sanction and applause with which it is known to have been
greeted by public meetings and portions of the press of the United States. To



inquiries made of the Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States whether
the titrocions cvnduct of some of their military commariders met the sanction of that
C;o\ crnnitJnt, answer has been evaded on the pretext that t h e inquiry was insulting;
and no method remains for thc repression of these enormities but such retributive
justice as it may be found possible to execute. Retaliation for many of them in kind
ih iinpiacticable, for I ha\ e had occasion to remark i n a former message, that under
no excess ul provocation could our noble-hearted defenders be driven to wreak vengeance on unarmed men, on women. or on children. But stern and exemplary
punishment can and must bc meted out to t h e murderers and felons, who, disgracing
the profession of arms, scek to make of public war the occasion for the commission
of the niost monstrous crime. Deeply as ~e may regret the character of the contest
into nhich we arc about to be forccd, wc must accept it as an alternative which
iift.itationq gike u': little hope can be avoided.
sl)eration of failure has aroused the worst passions of our enemies; a large
tlic>ir people, even of their clergymen, now engage in urging an excited
o t h e cstrenie of' feroc.it3 ; and nothing remains but to vindicate our rights
and to iiiaintCiin our euirtence by employing against our foe every energy and every
retznurw nt oiir tliiIioia1
I appeiitl, for your information, a copy of the papers exhibiting the action of the
G o w r n n i ~ ~ ini pt to the present time for t h e repression of the outrages committed on
our people. Other rneaaies rion in progress will be submitted hereafter.
I n ni\ iting your attention to tlie legislation which the necessities of our condition
require, those connected with the prosecution of the war command alinost undivided
The acts passed at your last session intended to secure the public defense by general enrollineiit, and to render uniform the rules governing troops in the service,
h:ve led to mine unexpected criticism that is much to be regretted.
Fhe eftiewicy ot thc law has been thus somewhat impaired; though it is not
believed that in aiiy of the States the popular mind has witheld its sanction from
either the necessity or propriety of your legislation.
I t is only by h;~rriionionsas well as zealous action that a government as new as
ours, u s h e i t ~'into
existencsc on the very eve of a great war, and uiiprovided with
the material for conducting Iio~tilities on so vast a scale, can fulfill its duties.
Upon you, I\ 110 are fully informed of the acts and purposes of the Government,
aiid thOrlJUghly iiiibued \.\ itli thc feelings and centinierits of the people, must
aced to secure this great object. Yon can best devise the means for
that entire cooperation of t h e State and Confederate Governrneiits
ntial to the w-ell-being of both a t all times, but which is now indispenvery exi,-tence. And if any legislation shall seein to you appropriate
for adjusting differences of opinion, i t $yill be my pleasure, as well as duty, to
cooperate in any nieasure that may be devised for rccsonciling a just care for the
public defense with a proper deference for the most scrupulous susceptibilities of
the State authorities.
The report of the Secretary of the Treasury will exhibit in detail the operations of
that Department I t will be seen with satisfaction that t h e credit of the Government
securities remains unimpaired, and that this credit is fully justified by the compartively sinall ainoiiiit ot accanrulated debt, notwithstanding t h e magnitude of ourmilitary operations. The legislation of t h e last Eession provided for the purchase of
supplies with the bonds of the Government; bnt the preference of the people for
Treasury notes has been so iiiarked that legislation is recommended to authorize an
increase in the issue of Treasury notes which the public service seems to require.
No grave ificonvenience need be apprehended from this increased issue, as the provision of law by which these notes are convertible into 8 per cent bonds forms an efficient and permanent safeguard against any serious depreciation of the currency.
Your attention is also invited to the means proposed by t h e Secretary for facilitating the preparation of these notes, and for guarding them against forgery. I t is
dnc to our people to state t h a t no manufacture of counterfeit notes exists within otlr
limits, an:! that they are all imported from the Northern states.
, The report of the Secretary of War, which is submitted, contains numeroils sugges, tions for the legislation deemed desirable in order to add to t h e efficiellcy of the service. I invite your farorablc consideration especially to those reconimendations which
are intended lo secure the proper execution of the conscript law, and the consolidation
of companies, battalions, and iegiments when so reduced in strength as to impair
' that uniformity of organivatioii s h i c h is necessary in the Army, while a n undue
burthen is iinr,osed on the Treasury. The necessity for some legislation for controlling military transportation on the railroads, and improving their present defective
(Bondition, forces itself upon the attention of tlie Government; and I trust you will
be able to devise satisfactory measures for attaining this purpose.




The legislation on the subject of general officers involves the service in some d i e Ciiltiw, which are pointed out b y the Secretary, and for Tyhich the remedy
. suggested
)Jy Jiitn seeins appropriate.
In conncction with this subiect. I am of oninion that Drudence dittates some movision for t h e increase of the h i y in the event of emeriencies not now anticipaied.
The w r y large increase of foiceu recently called into the field by the President of t h e
I'nited State* may rentlcr it necessary hereafter to extend the provisions of the conscript law so as to embrace persons between the ages of 35 arid 45 years. The vigor
and efficiency ot Our present forces, their condition, and the skill arid ability which
distinguish their lvaders, inspire the belief that no further enrollment 1% 111 be necesBar\'. h i t a vise foresight requires that if a necesbity should be suddenly developed
during the r c w x of Congrexs, rquiring increased forces for our defense, means should
exist tor calling s u ~ hforces into tlie field, without awaiting the reassenlbling of t h e ,legislati\ e department o f the Guverrimeiit.
In t h e elcc%ioriarid appoiiitinent of officers for the Provisional Army, it was to be
aiiticip,tfd lliat illistakes \I o d d be niadc, and incoiiipctent officers of all grades introinto tire scivice. In the abscncc of expcricnce, and with no reliable guide for
0 1 1 , executive appointments, as v ell as elections, have been sometimes unfortuThe good of t h c h bcrrice, the intereqts of OUT country, require that 8onie means
be devised for withtlrnir ing the coi~~missions
of ofFicers who are incompetent for the
duties rcquircd by their position; axid 1 trust yoii will find means for relieving t h e
Brniy of such oficers b y snnie niode inore prompt and less wounding to their sensibility than t h e judgment of a court-martial.
I\'itliiri a recent period a e h a l e dferteci the object so long desired of an arrangement for tlic exchange of priqnners; 11 hich is now being evecuted by delivery at the
points anrcctl upon, and 11hich will, it is hoptd, speedily restore our brave and
iinfortiinate countrymen to their places i n the ranks of the Army from which, by the
fortune of 11R I , they ha\ e for a tiriie been separated. The tletailv oi this arrangement
will br roniiirunicated to you in a special report when further progress has been made
in their execntion.
Of other particulars concerning the operations of theTVar Department you will be
intornird b v the SccrcAtary in his report and the accompanying documents.
'l'hc rcport of the Secretary of the Xavy embraces a statement of the operations
and prwerit condition of this branch of the public senice, both ailoat and ashore;
the cwnbtruc.tion and eqniptncnt o f armed vessels, both a t horiieandabroad; the manuf a r t ~ i r of
e 01chance arid ordnance stores, and the establisliiiierit of workshops, and the
elopiiirnt of our resources of rod and iron. Some Irgiislation seems essential for
iriiig c r r n s for vepsels. The difficulties now experienced on this point are fully
ed in the hccretary'e repoi t , and I invite your attention to providing a remedy.
'rhe I c1)or t of the l'ostiiiaster-(;rneral discloses the embarrassments which resulted
i n the postal serr~ce
from the occupation by tlie enemy of tlie Nilississippi River and
portioiis 01 the territory u l tlle iliffrrcnt States. Tho measures taken by the Department for r c l i r ~ing them embarrasslnci~tr,as far as practicable, are detailcd in the
of congratulation that during the ten months a h i r h ended
the expenses of the Department irere largely derreased, whilst
nted, as coniparetl with a (orresponding period ending on the
the posh1 service of these States was conducted under the
author itv clclcgated to the United States
Snfficicnt tinic liar not yet elapsed to determine whether t h e measures heretofore
de\iw,l 13x7 Congress will accomplish t h r end of bringing the expenditures of the
Dclm-tiiiciit within the limits of its own reveiiues by the 1stof March next, as required
I)y'tJir, C'oiiititution.
1an1 happr to inform you that in spite of both blandishments and threats, used
in nrofusion I,v the aernts of the Government of the United States. theIndian nations
within tlie Cohfederacy have renialned firm in their loyalty and steadfast in the
ohservnnrt~of their treaty engagements with this Governnrent. Xor has their fidelity
tweri qhaltrii b y the fact that, owing to the vacancies in some of the offices of agents
and suiicriiitrntlciits, d d a v has occurred in the payments of the annuities arid alloy anccs to i t h r h the.; ale entitled. I would advise some provision authorizing payments to be niadc by other oficers in the absence of those specially charged by law
with tliis duty.
We ha\ e n e \ el-ceasing cause to be grateful for tlie favor with ~5kiichGod has protected our infant Confrderacy. And it beromes us 1 everently to return our thanks,
antl hrimt)lv to ask or' his 1)onnteousncus that wisdoni n h i c h is ncedful for tho performance oi' the high trusts with which we are charged.



[Aug. 19,1862

On motion of Mr. Jones, the message and accompanying documents

were referred to the Committee of the Whole, and 1,000 copies of the
same ordered to he printed.
The Chair laid before the House the report of the Treasurer of the
Confederate States, showing the amounts drawn by members during
the recess; which was referred to the Committee on Pay and Mil
without being read.
Also, a communication from t h e Secretary of State, showin
number, names, and place of residence of all the clerks and employees
of that Department, and the amount of pay received by each; which
was laid on the table and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Foote offered
A resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to
inquire into the expediency of proceeding a t once to call forth, by
law, from the States, an additional army of 250,000 men;
which was irad and laid on the table.
Also, a resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be
instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the
collection of an export duty upon cotton and tobacco of from 15 to 20
per cent ad valorem, and with a view to increasing the fund expected
to be raised from other sources for the indemnificatiowof our citizens
on account of losses sustained in the pending war; which was read and
agreed to.
Mr. Lyons presented the memorial of certain nonconscripts in relation to the conscription law; which was referred to the Committee on
Military Affairs, without being read.
MI-. ltussell offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
l?esoli~ecl, That the Committee on Military Affairs inquire and report whether the
cartel wcently agreed upon for an eychanpe of prisoners has been violated by the
t~iicmyby administering an oath of allegiarice to the United States to certain prisoiierb arid retaining t h a n i n the United States; and if so, what measures ought to be
adopted by this Government in consequerice thsreof.

Also, a bill t o repress atrocities of the enemy; which was read the
first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military
A Rai rs.
Chambliss offered the following resolution; whicah was r e d and
agreed to:
Besolred, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
propriety of providing by law for t h e manner of impressing slaves by the military
authorities of the Confederate States, and report by bill or otherwise.

On niotioii of Mr. Wright of Georgia,

The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

, AUGUST19, 1862,


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Bev. Sishop Early.
Mr. Foote moved that the rules be suspended to take up for consideration his resolution in relation to secret sessions.
The motion was lost.

,\ug 18, 16G2.1


Mr. Chilton offered the following resolution:

Kmolt ~ d That
11hencver any matter is about to be brought before the House, or at
any time during the consideration of a subject, which in the opinion of any member
should bc discusRed and acted on with closed doors, i t shall be in order for any member
to 111OTX for a secret session, which motion shall be immediately disposed of without
debate. Hut it shall not prevail unless a majority of the iiiernbera present shall vote
in fs\ or of it. \\7henrver a motion shall be made to go into secret session, and it
&all be voted down, it shall not again be i n order to renew said motion in the same
stage o f proceedings on the same subject.

Tlie rules were suspended, and the resolution was taken up.
3lr. Perlijns demanded the question.
The question was ordered;
Mr. Fbote called f o r the yeas and nays.
The call being seconded, the yeas and nays were ordered,
rea as---------------------^ 56
And are recordpd as follows, viz: Nays
-__ __
- - - .- - _.
_ _ - - - - :-15
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Rreckinridge,
Briclgers, Eli M.Hruce, Charnbliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clark, Clopton,
Collier, Coolie, Currin, Curry, D a r p n , Ilavidson, Dupr6, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gaither, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly,
Hilton, lodge, Iloleombe, Holt, Lander, Lyon, Marshall, McLean,
T v l ( x l i : i ~ , Menees, Miles, blunnerlyn, Pugh, Read, Russell, Sexton,
Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Sniith of North Carolina, Strickland,
Vest, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas, and illr. Speaker.
Hays: Conrow, Ewing, Harris, EIeiskell, Herbert, Johnston, Jones,
Kcnan of Georgia, Lewis, Lyons, Machen, Perlrins, Ralls, Swan, and
80 the resolution was agreed to.
The Chair laid before the House a message from the President; which
is as follows, to wit:

To t h *Yenate
and Hiowe of Representatives of the Confederate Slates:
I herem ith transmit for your information the report of the Secretary of the Treasury and accompanying estimates, to which reference was made i n my message of
ycstt~rday,and inrite your careful attention to the shtementu and recommendations
vontained i n them.

which, together with its accompanying documents, was referred to

the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.
On iuotion of Mr. Jones, the House went into Committee of the
Whole o n the message of the President, Mr. Curry being in the chair;
and ha\ing spent borne time thcrein, on niotion of Mr. I-leiskell, the
comrnittoe rose, and through their Chairman reported that they had
had under consideration the matter referred to them, and bad come to
no conclusion thereon.
On motion of Mr. ItIeiskell, the injunction of secrecy was removed
from the proceedin s of the Elouse on the passage of the bill further to
provide for the pub ic defense.
And on motion of Mr. Chilton,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock tomorrow.




[Aug. 20,1862.

AUGUST20, 1882.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Bishop Early.
Mr. Curry presented the petition of sundry, citizens of Calhoun
County, A h . , asking the prohibition of Sunday mails; which was
referred to the Conimittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without
being read.
Mr. ugh offered
A resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire
into the expediency of anthorieirig the punishment of commissioned
officers in thc Pi-ovisionalArmy ns deserters who may be absent from
their. post withoiit competent nii1it.a-y authority, and to yeport by bill
o r otherwise;
which was agreed to.
Also, a resolution that thecommitteeon Military Affairsbe instructed
to inquire into the expediency of reducing the list of exempts from
the military servicc of the Confederate States, and t o report by bill or
otherwise; which was read and agreed to.
Also, a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to
inquire into the propriety of authorizing the genePals in the Provisional Army to accept the resignation of company rtnd field officers
without reference to any higher military authority, and to report by
bill or otherwise; mhich was read and agreed to.
Mr. Hanly offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolied, That the Doorkeeper be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase for the
use of this House during the present session a sufficient quantity of stationery, to be
paid for out of the contingent fund provided by same.

Mr. Hilton offered

A resolution tlizlt the injunction of secrecy from all the proceedings
of this House a t its last session be, and the same is hereby, removed;
which was laid on the table.
Mr. Holt offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
to prepare and report a bill regulating and rendering fixed and certain
the manner in which substitutes may be received into the Army;
which was read and agree? to.
Mr. Gartrell offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the propriety of repealing all laws authorizing substitutes in the Army, and report by bill or otherwise; which
was read and agreed to.
Munnerlyn presented the petition of the members of the Baptist Church at Albany, Ga., in relation to Sunday uiaile; which was
referred to the Committee on Post-Oftices and Post-Roads, without
being read.
Mr. Wright of Georgia introduced
A hill to complete the Georgia and Alabama Railroad as a military
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Aug 20, 1462 1


Rlr. Clark offered the follom-ing resolutions:

Itcsolced, That a comniittee of five be appointed by the Speaker to investigate t h e
managerne11t of the military hospitals iii the Department of Henrico. t o ascertain if
any a b n m exist, and to report R hat action, if any, is necessary to be taken by Cong l ~ y sto effect a correction of the same.
I<FhfJl/ ed, That Said coininittee ha1 e power to send for persons aiid papers, and to
1 ipit the said hospitals during the sessions of this House;

which were read and agreed to.

&Ir. Lewis offered
A resolution that the Coinmittee on Commerce be instructed to
inquire what legislation, if any, is iiecessary to premnt abuses in the
execution of the law providing for the burning of cotton and other
crops to prevent them falling into the hands of the enemy.
A h . Trippe moved to amend the saiiie by striking out the word
Coinniercc and inserting in lieu thereof the words Military
ABairs; which motion was lost, and the resolution was agreed to.
1111.. F:. hl. 13ruce offered the following resolution:
hIZrsoZwtl, That the Coilinlittee on Na\al Affairs be iiistriictcd to report, a t the
carliest day practictblr, as to the 131opricty and expediciicy of aillending all laws
relati\ c to pri\ ateering, wailing the filing of rrrinntc dcscriptive libts of the owners,
officers, c r e ~aiid
, \essels, as now required b y la\\, before the issuance of coniinissions
to pri\ nteersiiien. And also as to the propriety of encouraging privatccriiig and the
(1&1 uction of T essels and cargocs of the enemy a t sca, when iinprac%icableand i m p s ,rible to reach any port or ports for the conrleiiination and sale of wssels and goods so
captured, b y the payment to t h e privateers for the goods so destroyed the same amount
the said prirntcers could have realized if perniitted to enter any port or ports for the
condemnation and sale; and also as to the evirirnce necessary to justify payment, and
the most practicable irianner of paying such privateers; and report by bill or otherwise;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. Chrisman offered
A joint resolution of thanks to John I. Morgan and the officers and
men under his command;
which was read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
Tha rei.olutioa \vas taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed
Mr. Machen offered the following
- resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to furnish this House a-ith the
number of Confederate troops of every description now i n the field and in camps of
instruction, designating as nearly m may be the riuiriher in each arm of the service.
That he alqo inform this House of the number of soldiers enrolled under t h e conscription art, and from what States they have been drawn; and whether the enrollment under said act has been coinpleted in any or all oi the Confederate States.

Mr. Read introduced

A bill in relation to the transfer of troops;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Sffairs.
Mr. Conrad offered
A resolutioii instructing the Committee on Naval Affairs to inqiiire
into the expediency of abolishing the office of Secretary of the Navy,
and investing the powers and duties thereof in the Secretary of War.
Mr. Foster lnoved that the rc,solution he laid on the table.
The motion wab lost, and the resolution was agreed to.



Mr. Ayer off'ered the following resolution:

Resobed, That a committee, to consist of one member from each State, be appointed
by t h e Speaker to consider and report to this House on the matter of allowing jus
and equitable compensation to the district collectors of the war tax;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. Farrow offered the following resolution:
Whereas it is important, whilst prsparing for raising
lives, health, and comfort of those already i n the service
sible; and
Whereas the practice of sending sick and wounded soldiers indiscriminately t
pitals is productive not only of great incon\ eriience to the friends of such sic
wounded, but often of increased suffering, hattention, and neglect to such sick and
wounded themselves: Therefore,
R e s o l i d , That t h e coirmiittee of fi\e be, and*e hereby, instructed to prepare and report a bill having for its object the securing and the assigning of appropriate hospital accommodations to t h e soldier5 from each of t h e States in such manner
as slinll cause the sick and wounded from cach of the respective States, and from the
different sections of each of the States, to be collected together as nearly adjacent to
each other as possible;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. Miles introduced
A joint resolution providing for the publication of the proceedings
of the convention which lramed the Provisional and Permanent Constitutions and the Journal of the Provisional Congress;
ivhich was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Printing.
Also, a petition from the bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in South Garolina, and other professors in the Theological Seminary
of the same, asking exemption of candidates for the ministry from
military service, etc. ;which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Swan offered
A joint resolution declaring Benjamin F. Butler an enemy to the
human race;
which was read t h e first and second times.
Mr. Swan moved that t h e rule requiring its reference to a committee be suspended.
The motion was lost, and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion of M r. Jones of Tennessee, the Committee on Ways and
Means mere excused from the further consideration of the petition of
M. McCurry, asking increased pay for collecting the war tax; and the
same was referred to the Special Committee on the War Tax.
Mr. Menees offered
A resolution that the President be requested to direct the transmission to this House of the official reports of all the battles and engagemelits with the enemy which have occurred since the adjournment of
Congress or from which reports have been since that time received,
and the reports thus transmitted include the reports of the generals,
major-generals, and brigadier-generals engaged;
which was read and a reed to.
Mr. Heiskell offere%
A resolution that the President be requested to communic
House how many troops have been enrolled under the co
act; how many regiments of the existing- Army have been


Ang 21, 1862.1

how ninny rernaiu not filled up; whether any

what new reg
have Ibeeii miscd since said act, and under what authority; w
tlic operation of said act has been suspended in any part of th e
fC(i(Xi*:Ltc Statcs not occupied by tho enemy and by what authorit
which was read and agreed to.
Also, thc following resolution:
Resolc ed, That the Speaker of t h i s IIonse appoint the followhg committecs:
Coinillittee on Xilitary Traiisportation, Commissary and Quartermasters Departmcri ts.
Coiiiniittee 011 lfospitals and Medical Affairs in the Army.
Comiiiittce 011 Ordiiancr and the Conduct of the \\Tar;

which was read and laid upon the table.

Also, a joint resolution to secure the prompt publication of reports
of eng:igenicnts with the enemy;
which w t s read the tint and second times and, on motion of Mr. Gartrell, wis laid upon the table.
Mr. Scston introduced
R bill t o increase the pay of privates and noncommissioned oflicers
in thc Army of the Confederate States;
which was read thc iirst and second tinics,nnd the rules being suspended, was ordered to be cngrossed and read a third time.
311..Foote moved that the Jlouse reconsider the vote by which the
engrossment of the bill was ordered.
Upon which motion Mr. Sexton called for the question.
The call hcing sustained, the reconsideration was ordered. and
On motion of Mr. Bonhttm, the bill was referred to the hommittee
on Militttry Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Boyce,
The House then adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.


AuausT 21, 1862.


The 1Touse met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Granberry.
The Chair laid before the I-lousea communication from the Secretary
of the Navy, giving the names, salaries, etc., of clerks in that Department; which was laid on the h b l e and ordered to be printed.
RIr. Sexton offered the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
I+soZvctl, That the President be requested, if not incompatible with the public
iiitcrest, to furnish to this llouse the report of General Beauregard on his retreat from
Uorintli, and all the papers connected therewith.

A h . Chainbliss rnoved R suspension of the rules in order to enlargc

on Commerce by the addition of one member, to be
appointed by the Chair; which was agreed to; and
The Chair typointed Mr. Collier of Virginia.
Mr. Goodc offered
A joint resolution of thanks to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and the
and soldiers under his cotmiitrid;
which was read t he first and second times and, under a suspension of
the rules, was ordered to be engrossed.
C J-701,




Air. Foote moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the engroossment of thc resolution was ordered.
Upon which Alr. Arririgton asked for the yeas and nays;
Which being ordered,
Yeas ... .. _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27
Are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _
46_ . _
Yeas: Arrington, Boycc, Bridgers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Cooke,
Curry, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gartrell, Heiskell, IIilton, Holconibe,
Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Lander, Machen, McDowell, Menees,
Ralls, Smith of North Carolina, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, Wright
of Texas: and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Botclcr, Breckinridge,
Eli M. Bruce, Chambliss, Chrisman, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett,
Dargan, Dayidson, rk Jarnettc, Dupr6. Ewing, Gaither, Garnett,
G O O ~ CGraham,
Gray, Iianly, Harris, Hartridge, Herbert, Holt,
,Jones, Lewib, Lyon, Lyons, McLean, Miles, Munnerlyn, Pugh, Bead,
Sexton, Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe, Vest,
and Viller6.
So the motion was lost.
Mr. E'oote called for the question, which was on the passage of the
resolution; and the call being seconded, the resolution was read a third
time and passed.
Mr. L ~ o n offered
A joint resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Gen. Bobert
E. Lee and the officws and men under his command for the victories
on t h e Chicliahoming ;
which w t ~ read
s the first and second times, and the rules being suspended,
Mr. Foote moved to amend the same by adding thereto the following words:

except General Huger, reports in regard to whose conduct place liiiii in a position YO
painfully equivocal that Congress is riot preparail at tliis time, i n t h e absence of
either to coindeiiiii or to approve him,
justificatioii or satidactor! c~xpla~iation,
leaving this for future exainiiiation i ) y the proper authorities,

and called the question thereon ; which being ordered, he asked that the
vote be taken by yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - -23
The vote was recorded as follows, to wit: Y
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ 44
Yeas: Arrington, Bridgers, Chilton, ClaFk, Clopton, Curry, Davidson, Elliott, Footc, Foster, Gartrell, Heiskell, Johnston, Lander,
Machen, McDomell, McLean, Read, Smith of Korth Carolina, Swan,
Welsh, Wright of Geor ia, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Batson, #onham, Boteler, Breckinridge, Eli M. Bruce,
Chambliss, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett, Dargan, De Jarnette,
Dupr6, Ewing, Farrow, Garnett, Goode, Graham, Gray. Hanly,
Hartridge, Herbert, IIilton, Holcornhe, Holt, Jones, Lewis, Lyon,
Lyons, Marshall, Miles, Mnnnerlyn, Pugh, Ralls, Russell, Sexton,
Singleton, Smith of Alabama, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe, VillerB, and
Mr. Speaker.
So the arnendmcnt was lost.
The resolution was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Lyons nioved a suspension of the rules to enable the Speaker to
appoint an additional member to the Committee on Pay and Mileage.
The motion prevailed; and

Aag. 22, 1862.1


The Chair appointed Mr. Welsh of Mississippi.

Nr. Goode introduced
9 bill to amend the act entitled An act to exempt certainyers
from enrollnient for service in the armies of the Confederate btat
T+Thicliv a s read the first and second times and referred to the CO
mittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. 13oteler offcred
d joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen, Thomas J. Jackson and
the officers and men under his command;
which was read the first and second times and, the rules bein suspended, was engrossed, read a third time, and passed unanimous y.
Mr. Chsriibliss oftered the following resolution; which was read
and agreed to, to wit:


IZesoked, That the Military Committee inquire into the expediency of directing all
soltlirrv now in the service of the Confederate States under the age of eighteen years
to be discharged a t once, and forbidding the future enlistment of porsons under
that age.

Mr. Collier offered

A resolution instructing the Committcee on Military Affairs tc?
inquire inlo the expediency of so amendin existing laws as to require
the comniutation value of clothing for t e Army to be fixed at its
actual cost value;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Lyons offered
A joint resolution in relation to providing for the families of soldiers;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Corni i i i ~ t ~011
e Military Affairs.
3Ir. Riissell introduced
A bill t o be entitled An act relating to Kansas;
W ; L ~ read the first and second times and referred to the Comon Public Lands and Territories.
Garnett gave notice that he would niove to change the rules;
which WRS laid over for two days under the rules.
rho Chair announccd a:; the Conunittee to Examinc, Hospitals:
AIt~ssrs.Wright of Georgia, Farrow of South Carolina, Goode of
Virgini:t, Sniitli of North CMrolina, and Bell o f Missouri.
Anti :is the Committee on the War Tax:
Messrs. Ayw of South Carolina, Lyon of Alabama, Heislcell of
Tcnr~ebsee,Collier of Virginia, Chrisman of I<cntnclry, Lander of North
Carolina, Sexton of Texas, Welzlh of Mirsissi pi, Clark of Georg
Conrow of Missouri, IIilton of Floi irlri, and anly of Arkansas.
On motion of Mr. Elliott,
The House adjourned until 1 2 ocIoclc to-morrow.


AUGUST22, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by tho Rev. Rishop Early.
Ur.Currin introduced
A joint resolution of thanks to Col. N. B. Forrest and thc officers
and men under his command;

which mas read the first and second times and, the rules being Buspended, was engrossed, read a third time, and passed unanimously.
Mr. Foster offered
A resolution requesting the President to furnish the report of &n.
George 3. Crittenden of the battle of Fishing Creek;
which was read and agreed to.
On motion, leave of absence was grantcd Messrs. McRae and Bal
win, on account of sickness.
On motion of Mr. Jones, the House then resolved itself i
riiittee of thc Whole on the message of the President and ac
i n g documents, N i - . Curry being in the chair; and having spent some
tinic therein, rose and reported, through their Chairman, that they had
had ixnder consideration the matter referred t o them, and had come to
no conclusion thereon.
On motion of Mr. Kenan, the House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session.
The Chair presented a message from the President; which was read
and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and is as follows, to
RICIIMOSD,VA.,August 22, 1862.
To the Senate urid IIoouse of Xepreseiztatices of the Confederate Stntes:
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
the Navy, siippl~mmtaryto his report appended to my message to Congress of the
18th instant, and covering the report of Lieut. John W. Dunnington, Confederate
States Navy, of the engagement at St. CharJes, on the White River, in the State of

On motion,
The House then adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session, the Chair presented a message

from the President; which is as follows:
VA.,August 99,2862.
To the Xeiinte and IIouse qf Representatives of the Confederate Stales:
I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, covering
estimates of the amount required to meet a certain contract, to which I invite your
careful consideration.

On motion, the message and accompanying docnments

to the Colrimittee on Ways and Means.

Mi-. Vest presented a memorial concerning the buildin

on the Mississippi River; which was referred to the Committee on
Naval Affairs, without being read.
And on motion of Mr. Eoote,
The House resolved itself into open session.



Ilie House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
hv the Rev. Bishop Early.
On motion of IIr. Holt, the rules were suspcnded to enlarge the
Conimittce on Comrnerce by the addition of one member; and
Ihc: Chair appointed Mr. Hartridge tliereon.
On motion, leare of absence was granted Mr. Royston, on account of
hlr. IIilrs introdwed
A bill to authorize the grant of medals as a reward for courage and
go+ conduct on the field of battle;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Comlliittec on hlilitary Affttirs.
Also, R bill chtingino. the organization of the Engineer Corps of the
Provisioii:tl Army; w k c h was rend the first and second times and
refci.ret1 to thc Committee on Nilitary Affairs.
Also. >L bill to authorize the appointment of additional officers of
artillery for ordiixncxe duties; \Thich was read the lirst and second tinies
nncl rcfcrred to the Committee on Militwy Affairs.
Also, ZL bill concerning partisan rangers; which was read the first
:tiid second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to regulate pi-oniotion in the Provisional Army of the
Confedcr:ttt States, and to amend the act entitled A n act to further
provide for the public defense, approved A ril 16, 1862; which was
wad tlic first and second times and referre to the Committee on
;\Iil itttiy Afbtirs.
h l w , a hill to increase and regulate the ,appointment of gcneral
offic*crsin thc Provisional Briny; which was read the first and second
tiriics and referred to the Cornmit,tee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Gartrell introduced
A bill aniendt~toryof an act entitled A n act concerning the transportation of soldiers, and allowance for clothing of volunteers, etc.?
approved ilIaj7 21, lSG1;
which wis rcad the first and second times and referred to the Cominittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. I3onham offered joint resolutions of thanks to Col. Thornas G.
Lamar and the officers arid men engaged in the hattle of Secession1-illc; which was read the first and second times, and the rules being
suspended, the resolution was talcen up, engrossed, read a third t h e ,
and passed unaniniously.
Mr. VillerB offered joint resolutions in relation to P. SoulB; which
were rc:id the first and second times and, the rules being suspended,
w ~ r tea k e n up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Clopton moved R suspension of the rules to enable the Chair to
enlt~rgethe Committee on Naval Affairs hy the addition of one member.
The motion prevailed; and
lhc C h ~ i appointed
Mr. FIodge thereon.
On niotion of Mr. Jones of Tennesdec, the House then resolved
itself into Committee of the Whole, MY.Curry being in the chair;
and having spent borne time thorein, the committee rose aad Mr. Curry
reportcd that the Conlmittec of thc Whole had had under considc~x-


tion the Presidents message and accompanying documents, and reported
thereon thc following resolutions, to wit:
Resolzed, That so much of the Presidents message and accompanying documents
as relates to finance be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
That so much as relates to the Army be referred to the Committee on Military
That so much as relates to the Navy be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
That so much as relates to the Indian nations be referred to the Committe
Indian Affairs;

which were read and agreed to.

Mr. Barksdale, by the consent of the House, introduced joint resolutions of thanks to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn and the officers and
soldiers under his command and the citizens of Vicksburg, Miss.;
which were read the fir& and second times and, the rules being suspended, were takcri up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Clopton offered
A resolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed
to inquire and report what further legislation, if any, is necessary to
protect the Government and people of the Confederate States against
the disastrous consequences of a counterfeited currency;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Chilton offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
to inquirc into the expediency of reporting such amendment to the
bill usually called the conscript law as shall provide for exempting or
detailing from military service such number of physicians as shall be
necessary to provide for the families of our soldiers and our citizens
sufficient medical aid, also R sufficient number of persons to keep in
subjection our slaves and direct their industrial pursuits;
which was read and agreed to.
1Clr. I-lanly offered
A resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire
into existing laws and regulations of the War Department pertaining
to the payment of t h e monthly pay and commutation money of the
men and noncommissioned officers of o u r Army, and report to this
House whether in their opinion any change is necessary t o insure
prompt payment of the same, and if so, that they be directed to report
by bill at their ctirliest convenience;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Lcwis presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Georgia in
relation to the pay of collectors of the war tax; which was referred to
the Special Committee on the War Tax, without being read.
Mr. Striclrland offered the following resolution :

Resolixd, That it be referred to the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into
the expediency of providing by law for carrying into effect the fifth clause of the
eighth section of the first article of the Constitution, and also of putting in operation
the mint at Dahlonega in the State of Georgia; and report by bill or otherwise;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. IInrtridge introduced
A bill to amend an act approved February 15, 1862, entitled An
act to altcr and amend an act entitled An act for the sequestration of
t h e estates, property, and effects of alien enemies, etc.;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Conimittcc on the Judiciary.

\11g 23, 18F2.1


Jlr. Munnerlyn presented the petition of sundry citizens of Georgi

to Sunday mails; which was referred to the Committee o
Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Trippe offered joint resolutions in relation to the discharge of
notlcoiriiiiissioned ofticers and privates i n certain cases; which were
read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. .Jones of Tennessee moved that the House reconsider the vote
1,- wliich tlie resolution offered by Mr. Clopton i n reference to protwting thc Government and people against counterfeit currency was
refcrred to the Coininittee on Ways and Means.
The motion prevailed.
Mr. Jones moved to aniend the same by striking out the words
\trays and ,\leans arid inserting in lien thereof the word Judiciary.
rhc niotion prevailed, and t h e resolution as amended was agreed to.
X 1,. Elcad ofIci,ed
A reuolutioii that tli: ofice of sergeant-at-mns be created, and that
tliis Ilouhc proceed to the election of that officer on Monday, the 25th
instant, a t 12 oclock 1x1.;
wliich was, on inotion of Mr, Gartrell, laid on the table.
hlr. AIoore introduccd joint resolutions of thanks to Major-General
13rwlcinridgc and his army; wliich were yead the first and second times
and, the rules k i t g suspended, were taken up, engrossed, read a third
time, iind passed.
Xlr. Crockctt offered the following resolution:

That l h e Con~mitteeon Military Affairs be instructed to report to this

a- cmly a d a y as practicable, from the inost reliable statistics or other
11 accwiible th them, tlie nuiiiber of additional troops that will be raised
i n tie (oiifctlcratt. States by 50 amending: what is conimonly known as the cons(,iipt l a w as to make it embrace all between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five

which \vab read and agreed to.

Xlr. Machc.n offcrcd the following resolution:
Itesolcrd, That the Coiniuittee on Xilitary Affairs be requested to inquire into the
practical operations of the law of cxeniptions, as applicable to manufactures within
the Confederac) , and that t h w report to tliis House whether or n o t abuses have not
occ~irretlunder said Jaw by the e n ip lo ~irieiit i n manufactures of many able-bodied
citimns liable to military duly tu the exclusion of slaie labor, whcn that kind of
labor has been superabuudant i n the region where the manufactory was located;

which was agreed to.

Mr. DuprE introduced
A hill t o provide further compensation of collectors of the war tax
in States wliicli have assumed the payment thereof, and for other
which was read the first and second times, referred to the Special
Coninlittee on the Mar Tax, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Duprb presented the me2orial of Joseph A. McCoy, of Louisiana, in relation to bids for carrying the insils;
which ~ v a sreferred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads,
without being read.
MY. VillcrE int,roduted
A bill granting certain powers t o generals;
which as read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
o n A4iIitary Affairs.
Mr. Perkins offered



A resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire

into the propriety of providing by law for the relief from duty in the
civil scrvicc of thc Government, and as clerks in the Quartermasters
arid Coniniissary Departments of thc Army, of all persons between the
ages of 18 and 35, and supplying their places with those who
qualified for active military duty by reason of disability inc
service in the Army or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Singleton offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instru
to inquire into tlic expediency of so amending the conscript act
that whenever a substitute for any person subject to military d
under haid act, shall desert from the service, thcn the principal shall
again return to duty as though no substitute had been offered and
whic.h wasrcad and agreed to.
Mr. Welsh iiitroduced
A bill to rcpeal all lams and parts of lams authorizing the employment of substitutes in the armies of the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times+andreferred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
M r. Bcll introduced
A bill to provide for raising and organizing- i n the State of Missouri
additional forces for the Provisional Army of the Confederate States;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
MY. Harris offcrcd
A resolution that the President be requested to inform this IIouse, if
not inconipatihle with the public interests, the number of men held to
military service in the Confederate States, the nuniber on sick or other
furlough, the iiuinber of employees and staff officers drawing pay in
the military service, the nunibcr of surgeons and assistant surgeons,
thc nuniber of medical officers on sick or other leave and detached
service, the numher of sick in hospitals and the number of beds or
extent of hospital accommodation, the number and kind of arms and
equipment issued and not issued, the number arid kinds of arim manufactured in the Confederate States, with the average cost of such
manufactured arms;
which was read and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina, offered
A resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to
inquire into the expediency of so amending the law relating to the
counterfeiting and circulating Treasury notes, and other securities of
the Confederate Government, as to provide adequate punishment for
the introduction within the Co.nfederate States, the purchasing, receiring, and having in possession such counterfeit notes and other securities, knowing the same to be forgedand with intent to p u t them iti
circulation, and that they report by bill or otherwise;
which mas rcad and agrced to.
The Chair laid before the House a message from the President, inclosing the report of Maj. Gen. George R. Crittenden of the battle of
Fishing Creek; which was read and laid upon the table.
Mr. Chanibliss introduced

Anq. 25, i8W ]


A bill f o r the relief of the collector of the port a t Norfol

was read the first and second times and referred to the Comm
tee on thc Judiciary.
Mr. Lyons offered the following resolution, to wit:
Resolced, That it is iIiiproper to use wheat rn food for the horses and mules of the
~ r m y and
, that the Secrettar) of War be requested to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent such use of it;

which was read.

Mr. ,Jones called f or the question on agreeing to the resolution;
which \\-as ordered.
Mr. McLenn moved that the House do now adjourn.
The niotion was lost, and the resolution was agreed to.
On motion of MY. Elliott,
Thc House then adjourned until 12 oclock Monday.


AUGUST25, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Kev. MI-.
On motioii of Mr. Hanlj-, leave of absence was granted to Mr. GarIxnd, on account of sickness i n his family.
Mr. Wright of Georgia, hg the consent of the House, moved that
the special coniniittee appointed to inspect the hospitals be allowed to
cnlploy a ClCI-li.
lhe motion was agreed to.
3fr. L a n d e r presented the petition of sundry citizens of North Carolina in relation to the postal service; which was referred to the Comniittcc on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Gaither introduced
A bill providing for the grant of bounty to conscri ts;
which was read the first and second times and referre to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Xr. Arrington offercd
A resolution instructing the Committee on Military Atrairs to inquire
arid report to this House whether adequate provision is made by the
proper department for the shelter and subsistence of troops passing
through the city of Richmond, and whether any and what Iegislation
i h iieceshary in the premises;
mliich was read and agreed to.
Nr. Poote offered
A resolution that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to inquire
w h a t legislation, if an.y, is requisite to rempve or prevent abuses on the
part of those intrusted by the President wlth the enforceulcnt of martial l a m ; also to inquire whether it be true that some of our military
comniatnders have taken it upon themselves to declare and enforce martial law without the direction of the President,.and what legal punishments, if any, should be provided for so serious a violation of the
rights of our citizens;
which was read and agreed to.
Also, a bill to repeal the second section of an act therein named;



[Aug. !25,1

which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Also, a resolution that the Committee on Military AfTairs be instructed
to inquire into the expediency of immediately proceeding by appropriate legislation for securing the fullest legal protection to such of
our citizens as may voluntarily rise in arms anywhere, and or
themselves in to companies, however small, regiments, or brigade
a view to attacking the forccs of the enemy and aiding in driving them
beyond our confines, arid especially to inquire irfto the expediency of
such Iegislation in regard to such States of this Confederacy as are
either wholly or i n part in the possession of the enemy; which was
read and agreed to.
Mi. Foote offered the following resolutions:
1tesoliet7, That in t h e judgment of this Llouse the true policy of the present war
iniperatively rcquires t h a t the ~ n o \ ~ ~ m e of
n t sour armies i n t h e field should everywhere be 21s actire and aggressive as would be a t all consistent with a sound and
enlightened tliscretion, striking at the forces of the enemy boldly and vigorously
wherever they niay be found on Southern soil, and delaying nowhere long enough
to allow to our merciless foes an opportunity of devastating t h e most fertile districts
of the South, and perchance of ultimately obtaining reenforcenirnts which may make
it difficult to drive them beyond our confines without a n expenditure of the precious
blood ot our patriot soldiers as would obviously not be now necessary for their expulsion or capture.
liesolvd, That so soon as the forces of t h e enemy shall have been driven back to
their own country, if the deluded Government a t \Vauhington should still refuse us
peace, i t ill be our policy a t once to invade the territory of the foe, Eith a view to
obtaiiiinp, s\vord in hand, fill1 irideniriity fur the past and security for the future.
Iiesolted, That at wuie iironient anterior to the invasion of t h e enemys country by
ary foicer, i t ill be eininently expedient in the judginent of this House, if
t \z ith his ox\ 11 yiews of propriety, that the President shall make known in
and explicit proclamation addressed to the inhabitants of the Northwestern
Statcr the nnaninioiih \\illingnrss of t h e people of t h c Confederate States of the
ntee t o thein i n tlic most effectual manner t h e free navigation of the
1 Ohio rivcrs to their mouths, provided that they will at once desist
L participation in this cruel and unnatural N ar ;

which were laid uponethe table and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Tibbs oflered
A joint rcsolution instructing the Secretary of W a r to enforce the
conscript law in SO much of Tennessee as is not in the possession of the
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Xilitsry Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Wright of Tennessee, leave of absence was granted
to Mr. Atkiris? on account of sickness in his family.
On motion of Mr. Heislrell, the House took up from the table for
consideration his resolution for the appointment o i additional standing
Mr. Boycc moved t o amend the resolution as follows:
Besolzed, That a committee of
be appointed, to be called the Committee on
the War, to whom shall be referred all such matters in regard to the war as may be
specially referred to it.

Mr. Garnett moved that the resolution and amendment be referred

to a select committee, to consist of the Speaker and six members, with
instruction to report what additional committees on military affairs
are proper and what sliould be the functions and designations of such
coinin ittees; which motion prevailed.
Mr. Chambliss introduced

.iug. 25,1862.1


A bill to provide for granting sick furloughs;

was read the first and second times and referred to the Co

tee on illi1it:u.y Affairs.

Mr. Collier oEered the memorial of sundry ladies of Powhatan
County, V:t., asking that phxsicians be exempted from the conscript act;
I\ hich WRS read and referred to the Committee on Military AEairs.
De Jsrnette introduced
A bill to repeal s n act to amend an act to prescribe the rntes of postage, ctc.;
which was read t h e first and second times and referred to the Corniirittee on Post-Oficew and Post-Roads.
MI*. I l o l c u r ~ bpresented
:t mcmor~iulfrom F. H. Minn in re ard to
the 108s of a horse; wliich was referred to the Committee on &aims,
\V ithou t beitig rend.
Also, a resolution instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire
into thc expediency of r(>g~iIatiiig
hy law tho seizure and impressment
of private property f o r the use of the Army, or other public seizure,
and report by bill or otherwise: which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Garnett offered
h resolution that the President he requested to inform this House
wliethcr the ariny regulation requiring the troops to be paid nionthly
has been coniplied with, and if not, how far such paprents are in
:irrears, Altd the reRSollS for suC.11clelay ;
which w i s wad and agreed to.
1\11.. Perkins off(l1wl
A rcnolutioit rcqiicsting the Presidmt, if not incompatible with the
pu1)iic intorests, to furnish this IIousc, with copies of the inshwctions
giv(>n to tlic military arid nnvzil (~~niniaiiders
a t Eorfolk arid New
0i.leitns in rcferencc to tho ilcfcnse or surrender of those cities prior
:md subscqucnt to the period of their evscuation by our troops, also
topic:, of :dl correspondence between thc? Confederato Executive and
the ho~cisof the different departinent:, in this city and the governors
of Lonisiana and Virgini:b and the Confedelate o f k i a h , civil, military,
ant1 nnral, in those Statos in coniiectiorl with the sariie subject;
whic.11 \viis read and agreed to.
011inotion of Mr. Jones, the call of Sttit?eswas suspended, and the
House proceeded to call the coinrnittces;
On inotioii of Mr. Jones, the EIouse resolved itself into sccrct session;
and having spent some time therein, again resolved. itself into open
On motion,
The House adjourned till 12 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session,

Mr. Jones, from the Coninlittee on Ways and Means, reported and
rcconrnended the passage of
A l)ill to authorize the issiic of Confederato States bonds;
which was re:d first a n t 1 s ( ~ ~times
~ i dand, on motion of Mr. Lyons,
was laid on table.



Jlr. Lyons ogered the following resolution; which was

agreed to, to wit:
Resolced, That t h e President be requested to furnish to this Houee a copy o
contract for the construction of gunboats or war steamers referred to in his XneEfBge
of August tv enty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, together with all the
particulars connected with said contract.
KesoZi,ed,further, That the President be requested to inform this Hou
session if any and what action lias been taken under the actof the lavt ses
gress authorizing t h e cloeing of a contract a b proposed by Xr. George N.
the building of vessels ol ~var.

On motion of J l r . Holt,
The House resolved itself into open session.


26, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the ftev. Mr. Seeley.
M r . Curry presented the petition of sundry citizens of Alabama,
asking thatfarmcrsbc exempted from conscription; which was referred
to the Committee on Military AEairs, without being read.
Mr. Foster offered
,4 resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquire
into the expediency of exempting millers from military service, and
report by bill or otherwise;
which was rend and agreed to.
Also, a resolution instructing the Military Committee to inquire and
report to this EIouse, a t a day as early as racticable, as to the expediency and policy of authorizing the Presi ent t o call out and place in
t h e service of the Confederate States, during the war, all the male
ncgroes who are residcnt or owned i n the Confederate States between
the ages of 20 and 3') years a t the time the said call shall be made, for
the purposes hereinafter mentioned-that is to say, as teamsters, cooks,
nurses in the various hospitals, and laborers or mechanics in the arsenals, on railroads, in workshops, forges, foundries, furnaces, and manufactories of the Confederate States, or which 1na.y hereafter be under
their conLro1, engaged in the production of salt, saltpeter, lead, iron,
leather, and such other articles necessary and proper for the efficient
and successful conduct of military operations against the public enemy,
under such legal limitations and restrictions as shall secure the owner
of the property a just and reasonable compensation for the labor of
said negroes on the one hand, and the Confederate States their services on the other, during this momentous crisis; which was read and
agrced to.
Mr. lioyston introduced
A bill to provide for the sup ort of the families of certain soldiers
and widows whose sons are sol iers in the Army;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Batson introduced
A bill to rovide for the payment of certain volunteer troops in the
State of Ar iansas;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.



Aug. 26, 1862.1


Jlr. Gartrcll presented thc petition of sundry citizcns of Geo1.g

praying for the establishment of a post route from Cedartown
Bowdon; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and
Post-Roads, mithout being read.
Also, a resolution instructing the Military Committee to inquire and
yeport to this Rouse what legislation, if any, may be necessary to
d & o r i z e the Government of the Confederate States to take control
during the war of the various establishments within the limits of said
Confederate States engaged in the manufacture of woolen and cotton
goods, and so to regulate the prices of such goods as to enable the soldiers to clothe themselves and families at.reasonab1c rates; which was
read and agreed to.
Aha, a resolution instructing the same committee to inquire into
the expedicwcy of providing a law to prohibit the employment of
volunteer aids by generals in the Army, and report by bill or otherwise; which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Hartridge offered the following resolution, to wit:
Kcsoli e d , That the Committee on Foreigii Affairs bc instruckd to inquire into the
propriety of requesting the President of the Confederate States to recall the commisRioiiers sent b y this Government to certain European States, and to notify all foreign
powers whose consuls reside in the Confederate States and are accredited to the
Government of the United States, that such persona xiill not be recognized by the
Government, of the Confederate States as exercising any of the powers or having
any of t h e functions o l consuls within the limits of the Confederate States unless
appointed by their respective Governments as consuls to the Confederate States of

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. Clark presented a communication from A. P. Torrence on the
subject of patents; which was referred to the Committee on Patents,
without being read.
Alno, it bill to compensate the marshals and their assistants for taking the census i n 1860 in those States now forming the Southern Confederacy; which wds read the first and second times and referred to
on the Judiciary.
Also, a resolution instructing the Special Conmittce on Hospitals
to inquire into any abuses in thc medical and surgical department of
the Confederate States, and report accordingly ; which was read and
agreed to.
Mr. Wright, of Georgia presented the petition of sundry citizens of
that State, praying an increase of pay to the collectors of thc W B F tax;
which iyas referred to the Special Committee on the War Tax, without
k i n g read.
Mr. Munnerlyn presented the petition of sundry citizcns of Georgia, praying the extension of a mail route from Ti Ti toNashville,
Ga. : which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and PostItoahs, without being read.
Mr. Moore presented the petition of Capt. John P. Holliday, of
Kentucky, praying conipensation for transporting men; which was
referred to the Committee on Claims, without bqing read.
Also, a resolution that tho Committee on MiIltary Affairs inquire
into arid report to this House what legislation, if any, may be necessary
to authorize the Government of the Confederate States to take control
of the various salt works within the limits of said Confederate States,
or make such arrangements with the owners of such salt works as
that the price of salt may be so regulated as t o secure a more general



[Aug. 26,l

distribution thereof and at such rates as the people are able to pay;
which was read and agreed to.
N u . H. W. Bruce introduced
A bill to punish persons aiding the enemy;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Co
mittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Crockett offered
A resolution that the Second Auditor be requested to report to this
House, at as early a day as practicable, the number of soldier and
other claims on file i n his office for adjustment, the length of time
they have been on file, and the reason they have not been earlier acted
which was read and agreed to.
Jlr. E. J1. Bruce introdnced
A hill to provide for the raising of troop3 in Kentucky;
which was read the first and second timcs and referred to the Committee on Military AfTairs.
Mr. Yerkins offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed
t o inquire into the propriety of so amending the conscript law as to
vest in the commanding general west of the Mississippi River the
power of relieving certain particular localities from its operation when
i n his judgment the military protection of any region or district will
be best promoted by specially detailing the subjects of that act in such
region or district for home defense;
which was read and agreed to.
Also, a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to
take into immediate consideration and report upon the propriety of
completiag the railroad connection betreen ;Monroe and Shreveport,
La. ; which was read and agreed to.
M r . Conrad offered
A resolution that the President be requested to inform this House
whether the iron-plated steamboats Louisiana and Mississippi mere
constructed by contract or directly by the Navy Department. If by
contract, to transmit to this House copies of such contracts. If by
the Department, to inform the House under whose supervision and
control the work was performed, and to transmit copies of the orders
and instructions issued to the person or persons to whom the work was
confided ;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Barksdale introdnced
A bill to repeal the second section of an act to limit the suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus;
which was read the first and second times.
Mr. Garnett moved that the bill he referred to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to inquire what is the law established in various parts of the Confederacy under the name of martial law, and
how far such law is authorized by the statuteauthorizing the suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases, and that the committee
report what legislationis necessary to define L martial law and protect
the constitutional rights of the citizens, and at the same time give to
the Executive the powers necessary for the military police of invaded
Mr. Croekett moved that the bill be referred to the Committee on


27, 186 ]


thr ,Judiciary with instructions t o report a bill clearly defining under

Ivhat circuniuhnces t h c writ of habeas corpus may be suspended by
the President and under hat circunistaiices he may declare iiyartial
]:I\v, and providing for the punishment of all who may presume to
declare martial law without authority from the President.
N r . LIuprB called for the question; which was ordered, and the motion
of MY.Crocliett was lost.
The question being on agreeing to the motion of Rlr. Garnett,
The question was put, and it ap earin that a quorum was not present,
Mr. Jones of Tennessee move a cal of the House.
The motion was lost, and the motion of Mr. Garnett was agreed to.
The Speaker laid before the Housc a message from the President,
transmitting a communicttiori Erom the Secretary of the Treasury
subiriitting an estiinate of the amount required for pay for services of
a clerk i n preparing copies of the Journals of the Provisional Congress
and of the convention that formed the Provisional and Permanent
Constitutions of the Confederate States, and covering a copy of a letter from the Hon. Howell Cobb in reference to the matter, and recorninending an appropriation of the sum and for the object mentioned;
which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Also, a communication from the Secretary of the Ireasury, transmitting an entiinate of an appropriation for the employment of experts
to detect counterfeit Treasury notes; which was read, and on motion
of Mr. ?Jones, so much thereof as refers to providing punishment for
counterfeiters be r e f e r i d t o thr Committee on the Judiciary, and the
renmindcr was rcfcrred t o the Committee on Ways and Means.
On motion of Mr. Foote,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.


27, 1862.


The House mct pursu:int to ndjournrnent, and WBH opened with prayer
k ) the
~ Rev. Mr. Soul(:y.
The Chair annoiuiccd RS tht? coniniiLLee under the resolution of Ah..
Garnet,t to :tppoint a comniittec to inquire into the expedicncy of
appointing additional stmding c*omniittees:
R/lcssrs.Hciskcll of Toniiessw, Russell of Virginia, Trippe of Georgia,
issippi, Chilton of Alabama, and Vest of Missouri.

A resolution that the President be requested to transmit to this ILouse

copies of the reports made by Maj. Gen. iLlansfield Lovdl, BrigadierGrncral Duncan, and Lieutenant-Colonel Iliggins, i n relation to the
dcfcrrsc and capture of New Orleans and the surrender of Forts .Jackson and St. Philip;
which was read and agreed to.
MI.. Davis offered
A resolution that each member of this ISoiise appropriate his per
diem pay for the next two days for the idief of the sick arid wounded
in the various hospitals in and around the city of Ilichmond, Va., and
that the fund S O raised be deposited with the Speaker to be distributed
equally among the hospitals in this city.
The resolution was lost.



ILlr. Chambers introduced

A bill to exempt overseers in certain cases from military service;
\vhich was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill to amend an act to authorize the suspension of th
of habeas corpus in certain cases; which was read the first
times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Barksdale off ered
A resolution that the Committee on Karal Affairs be instru
inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill increasing the
those engaged i n the naval service of the Government, with a view to
facilitating and promoting enlistments;
which was read and agreed to.
A h . Vest oEered joint resolutions of thanks to Commodore J . E.
Montgomery and the officers and soldiers lmen] under his command
f o r gallant and meritorious services on the 10th of May and 6th of
June, 1862;
which were read the first and second times and, the rules being suspendcd, were taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. RlcLean presented a memorial from the Society of Friends,
asking exemption from military service; which was referred to the
Conimittee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Davidson presented the petition of sundry citizens of North
Carolina, asking the exemption of administrators and executors from
military service: which was referred to the Committee on Military
Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Ronhain offered
A resolution that the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-toads
ascertain whether the force in the post-office at this place is sufficient
to distribute daily and promptly the mail matter arriving and deposited in it, and whether any and what legislation is needed, and that
they report by hill o r otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Miles introduced
A bill to provide for horses killed in action;
which was road tho first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Miles offered
A resolution that the Committeo on Military Affairs be instructed
to inquire into the expediency of separating the Pay and Quarterniaster Departments of the Army, and of creating a sepzratc department
charged, under the superintendence and control of the Secretary of
War, with the duty of providing clothing for the Army;
which was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Foote, the House took up for conbideration a resolution offered by him in relation to the conduct of the war.
Mr. Foote moved to m e n d the same by adding thereto the following:
Resoked, That it be further recoininended to the President that he will also, if
consistent with his o \ r n views of propriety, embody in said proclamation a n assurance that if the people of the Korthwestem States shall concludc to desist as before
mentioned from further participation i n t h e pending war, t h e Confederate States of
America will enter into a reciprocity commercial treaty with them, opening nt once
upon t h e moqt liberal and equitable terms the niarkek of t h e South t o such of said
States a4 shall agree to enter into this arrangement: Provided, however, That no State

A I I ~Z i ,



of the. present Unitetl States lying past ol the eastern boundary line of
()lrio ,sliall be a l l o n r t l to participate i n the advantages which may be
exptvtrct to awi UP from Paid coniinerc.ia1treaty.

Thc resolution and a~riendriicrit\.\~erc~~derred

to the Comniitte
Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Footc offered
A resolution that a, hpccial committee, to be composed of one m
11er from each of t h e States here represented, be appointed by
wliohc duty it shall be to investigate thoroughly the pres
condition of the dep:trtiiicnts of the Quartermaster-General and o
tlic. Coiiintiss:~r~-(f~iici~:tl,
with power to examine all the accounts 0
-aid dopnrtiiionta, tho contracts entered into with all individuals in
(vnncc.tion i t h the public senvice, to ascertrtin how much rnon0.y
i ) c w i Iic.rc%ofore paid out by ewli of those departments arid to w
\I 11x1 hiihoidinntc offjccrs, if any, h a ~ c
been signally delinquen
tliity o r have l ~ c o m edcfaultri*sto the Goreruiiicnt; what losses have
Iwrctoforc occurred in either of sai? departments either in money or
I)rolwrty, t ~ n dtho (aiihcthcrcof; the rehult of nhich scrutiily said comiiiittec xl1:~II from tiine to tinie report to this Irlouse and rtcoiiiinerid
:~dditiond lcgislation its haid coninlittee shall siippose to he
;ivy for improving thc c%ciiciency of s:iid depilrtnients arid enforciiig the promptest and most coitt1)letc rts@nhil)iIity; and said comillittee s l d l have 1)ower to s o d for pwsoiis and papers, when in their
it sliall he necessary, and shall also have powgr to sit cturirig
of Congress;
s, on motion of Jlr. Garnett, referred to the special committee to inquire into the expediency of appointing additional standing
coinmi ttccs.
Mr. kootc introduced
A joint rrsolutiori in nlation to the Hon. S. it. Mallory;
which \v:is read the firht i t i d hecond times.
Mr. Kenan of ( h r g i i t iiiovcd that tho uoiisideration of the resolution bc postponcd indefinitclly.
Mr. S k v m iiiored that the wholution l)e laid or1 thc tsble.
1111.. Footc denmndrd the yeas xiid nays;
\Vhich FVCW ordcred,
YcLLs- . _. ._
._ _ _
- - . 47
.lnd are recorded ns foliows, to wit: NtlJ,,
Y cas; 12arltsd:ile, Batson, Horatio \Y. 12ruce, Eli M. I J r u c ~Chs~m,
bers, Ch:tnihliss, Chilton, (Ihi#isni:tn, Clapp, Clark, Collier,
Crockctt, Currin, Dargnn, De J:Lrnctte, Ewing, Iioster, I h x n
iic& Goode, I:inly, Ilarris, Ilolt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of
Kcnaii o t North Cziroliria, Lander, Lewis, I~yons,Machen,
Munnerlyn, Puyh, Halls, Royston, Sin .leton, Smith of
Stricklalid, Swaii, Nbbs, TVelsh, JVilcox, I7right of Georgia, T5rright
of ?ennessec, and Air. Spealie~.
Nays: Ai.rington, Ashe, Aycr. I3onharn, Botcler, h y e e , Bridgers,
Clopton, Conrad,Cooke,Curry, Lhvidson, Davis, DuprB, Foote,Gaither,
Gartrell, (;raham, (;ray, tlnrtridgc, llciskcll, E l t o n , 1Iolcombe, Kenncr, Lyoti, Marshall, 3/icI)owell, JlcLemi, MCQUCCII,
Miles, &loore,
Perkins, Ircston, Read, Itussell, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina,
Irippe, Vest, Viller6, arid \Vright of Texas.
So the resolution was laid upon the table.






[Aug. 28,1862.

A h . Eoote ofiered
A I-c,solution that a committee, to I)e composed of a member from
each Statc, be appointcd, whose duty it shall bt> thoroughly to investigate tlic a f h i r b of thc K;L\y Dep:Lrtnicut.
Mr. Barksdnle mo~eilto amend the same by striking out all after the
word Besolwd tmd iiiberting in lieu thereof the following words, viz:
, Tliat a joint eelect corriiiiittee of

the Ilowe be appointed to investiuiidcr its present head, with power

e rebulta of wid investigation

tl:ilc ct~llcilfor the quc340n; which being ordered, the

thc tcwdntion :I\ aiiiendedwas agreed to.
11r. (~iil.iidtiio\ ctl tliat the vote 1)y vhich t h c rcrolution was agreed
t o 1~ tucoiisidc r(d.
)[I-. l t o stotr
cxlled tlic question thereon: which was ordered, and
t lie niotiori wis lo,st.
On niotiou o f AIr. (.yli:~nil~ers,
The Iloube then idjourned until 18 oc*locl<to-moi~row.

~ ~ i ~ i i ~ ~ s ( t:LS
i i:igrccd
i ( ~ i s ~ ~ ~:~nd


28, 1862.


Lhe IIousc, iiict p:irsumt t o adjournment, and was opened with piaycr
by the Ltcv. Nr. Scclcy.
31 r. I l a r p ~ i introdnced
,I bill to provide for the pnhlic. defense;
,nd ti31ic.s xiid referred to the Comwt&li W R S rcacl tho first a i d
011 Military Affairs.
vote 1))- wliicli the resolution relating
O n motion of Air. Cliilton,
agreed t o was iwonsidered, and
to the Kichinond post-oflice 1
On iiiotion of Mr. Chilton, the s:tnic W:IS laid upon the table.
J l r . H m i n offered the following rcsolution, to wit:
\\liereas tlserc arc rliaiiy pcrsoris in the (onfederate States M ho, because of foreign
birth, ha! e songht the protertioii of foreign coii~nls,whereby thcy are to he exempted
I roil1 military wrvice, arid by ineans of such clniin to exeiiiption are exercising many
olthe p I i \ ilegt.8 of oitizc>iisant1 therclir accmnulating property to the deriioralization
of atlopted citizciis i n the Corifec1eiale;fXates Annp: Therefore,
ICesulc ed, That the Coiiiiirittee on the Judiciary be iiibtructed to inquire whether
such exeriiptioii can, fa\\fully, he extended by foieipn cviibiih to any inhabitant of
t h e Confederate States, 1%hereby his person or property, or both, shall be relieved
from that trihute to this Go~~ernment
now exacted of all citizens i n their persons and
property; and that the committee report hy bill or otherwise;

which was read and agreed to.

MY.Gray offered
A reholution that during the present session of Congress it shall not
be i n order f o r any member of this House t o speak longer than tcn
minutes on any bill, iwolution, or other subject before report of a
committee thereon; nor after such rq7ort shall any member be allowed
to speak inore than once, tior longer than thirty iiiinutes, on any bill,
resohition, or (1ucstion without tlic cowent of a majority of the House;
and moved to suspenci i-Iic rule requiring it to Pie orer f o r two days.
The motion 17rcvttiled: and Mr. ( h a p called for the question; which
was ordered.

24 lRn:!,



;\I I-. Croc*kettdemtindcd a dirisioii of tho qucstion.

b t portion of the resolu
Anti tlic \-otc TWS rtcorded :LS,to JV
lTe:ih: ,\hlie. I3:uhsdalo. Ratsori, 15el1, Botelc
, Chi*isiixin,CI:ipp, Clark, Collier,
ti, De J:trnrtte. Duprt:, Elliott,
I+o,ter, l~rwinati,Gaithw, Garnctt, Gartrell
IIarris, Ilartritlgc, I ~ c i d r c l l ,1Icrbert, IIodg
stoil, ,I O I K S . iic.iian of Qcorgia, Ken:in of
1Jmldw, JJN i b , Lyon, lI:tchen, Xushall, hI
R I ( ~ i i c ~ JIilw,
M o o i ~ x ,lrrkins, Ircston, Pugli, liead, ltoyston, Sexton, Siiigl(1ton.Hiiiitli of Alal)xnix, Sniith of Horth Carolina, Strickh n t l , Swan. Tt*ippc,Vc& Villcri., IYcIsli, Wilcox, Wi*ightof Georgia,
o f Iuunh, \Iriglit of Tenncssre, :znd Mr. Spc:~lier.
: A i*rington,lk)ycc, IIoratio IV. Bruce, Chikon, Clopton, Cooke,
I h v L , JJyons, and liiissell.
P ti i.<t port ioii WIS :tdoptrtl.
Sir. IJootc tiiorcd that tlic IIOUSC
rccnnbidcr thc vote adopting the
t j r b t p i r t of the rr.wlution.
T l i ~ i t o t i o nv x s lost.

A ~ i dtlic: q w A m being upon thc swond portion of the resolution,

A l l . J,yoti:, as1;cd that the vote be taken by yeas arid nays;
Jiliicli w a s agreed to,
.\nd t h o votc i b recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas- - - - - - - - -. 70
Nays .- - - - - - - - 19
Batson, I3onharn, l$ot,rler, Bridgers, Eli M. Bruce,
Clr:u11I ) P I - ~ , Cli:itnl)liss, Chi*isin:m.Clapp. Clark, Clopton, Collier, ConI.OV , (urrin, Curry, I):Lrgxn, I k Jarnctte, Dupr6, Ewing, Foote,
~ ~ ~ c c I ~ IG:uxctt,
CTarti.el1, Goode, Graham, Grny, I-larris,
I Iart ridge. Ifciskcll, I lerbert, I lodge, Holcoail)c,IJolt, Johnston, Joncs,
K t 1 i i : i i i o f (;coigi:i, Kciian nf N o r t h Carolina, Kcmer, Lxnder, Lewis,
I1yoii, &I:wIirri, M c l h ~ w l l3,1PIAYII~,
Mcliac, i\llc&iiccn,Mcnecs, +x,
on, Iugh, Ikxl. iiogbton, Sexton, Singlctoii, Sinlth of
ith of Xorth Carolinn, Stricliland, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe,
Vest, VillcrC:, Wclsh, JVilcos, \l.rjgiit of Georgia, Wright of Texas,
:t11d Wright of rcnncssce.
S:tys: .\rringtoii, Ahhc, Bell, BOYCC,
Horatio W. Bruc
Coni~:id, Coolie, Croclrott. Ilavidson, Dayis, Elliott, Gaith
IJ)-otiV, Xlarshxll, Perliins, Kussell, and Mr. Speaker.
So the scc-ondportion was adopted.
,\I r. Foote rrioved si reconsideration of the vote adopting the geeon

] )art.

1 lie iriotioii wab lo&.

MI*. GartrclI, froin the Coniinittce on the Jndiciary, to whom was
1r f CIIC d
i\ 1)ill to c o i i i p ( ~ n ~ : itlic.
t t tnsr~lialsand thcir assiqtants for taking the
cclistLs i11 Is60 ill tlioso StaLm now forming the Southern Confedaracy,
rc,l)oltcyi tllc hame t ):trk, ilslicd to be dischsrged from its fiirther cond e r a t i o n , and tlittt tlic 1)illbc referred to tho Coinmittce on Ways and
Mcaris; which was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, from thc Sam@cwmtnittec,, to whom was referred



[Aug. 28,1862.

A bill for the relief of the collector of the port a t Norfolk and Portsmouth,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the bill he referred to the Committee on Ways and
.Means; which was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell presented the mcrnorial of sundry citizens of Georgia
in relation to Sunday mails; which was referred to the Committee on
Post-Offices and Post-Iloads, without bein . read.
Mr. Miles, from the Conimittee on Miyitnry Affairs, to whom was
A bill to authorize the appointment of additional oflicera of artillery
for ordnance duties,
rcport cd the s:Lnie back, with the recoxinnendation that it pass.
Tlie rulcs were suspended, arid the bill wts taken up, engrossed, read
a tliiid tinic, :md passed.
Mr. Miles, from the same connllittee, to whom was referred
A resolution rehting to the minner of impressing slaves,
reported the s m i e h w k , asked to be discharged froin its further consideration, and that it lic upon the t ~ h l c ;which was agrecd to.
31r. Iugh, from the hame committee, reported
A bill authorizing the clischarge of private soldiers urider 18 ycars
of age, and prohibiting the cnlistnlont of such persons,
with the rccominendation that, i t pass.
The bill was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
Nr. Pugh asked unaninious consent, pending the call of the States, to
A bill authorizing generals to accept resignations,
for the purpose of having it printed :md placed upon the Calendar.
Consent was granted, and the bill x i s introduced and read the first
wnd second tinies, placed on the Calendai, and ordered to he printed.
Mr. Harris asliccl unanimous consent to have the said bill considered
a t this time; which was objected to;
Mr. Swan moved that the rules be suspended to allow thc bill to be
considered and acted on at this time; which motion prevailed.
And the question being on the cngrowment and third reading of the
bill, Mr. R~issellmoved to amend by inserting after the words do
enact that the words during the war.
The anicndnicnt was agreed to.
Mr. Graham moved to amend the bill by adding thereto the words
That this act shall only apply to resignations hereafter
The aniendnient was agreed to.
Mr. Bonham moved that the hill be rccomniitted to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. EIolt moved that the bill be laid upon the table during the
session; which motion prevailed.
The Chair laid before the Rouse a communication from the President, transmitting an estimate of the Secretary of the Treasury for
expenses in detecting forgers; which was read and referred to the
Committee on Ways and Means.
Also, a communication from thc President, inclosing estimate of the
Secretary of the Treasury of the amount required to refund to the
State of North Carolina the excess over her quota paid into the Treas-



The ITouse met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
Lhv. Ah.. Sceley.
roni the Senate, l ~ ytheir Secretary, Mr.


ssed a. bill of the iolloning title, viz:

ntitled An act to further provide for the public
111 Iuch
am tlireittd to ark the concurrenre of this Ilouse.
I aiii clirected to intorni t l i i r IIoose that the Senate have, by ballot,

appointed Nr.
(lay, >IT. Senimes, JIr. lhelan, 31r. IIuiiter, a i d Mr. Maxwell as the committee on
t l i r part o f tlic Senate nntler the resolution In relation to a joint conmiittee to investigate tlic nranagenicnt o f the Sa\-al Department.

On motion of M r . Chambliss, the rule was suspended, and tho House

took up f o r consideration R bill f o r the discharge of private soldiers
ulldtr 18 years of :tge.
Tlic bill m\ read as follows, viz:
The (on~/reshof the (oufetlrrctfe &(tm do e7titct, That any private soldier of the Proisioiid Ariiiy who is nntler the age of cightccn years shall be entitled to a discharge
froiii all iinlitary scryicc while he is under such age o n the application of himself, his
parelit., guardian, or ncst of kin, to tlie colonel of the regiment to which such soldier
suetairietl by proof satisfactory to said colonel of the age of said private soldier.
. l k ti, fio.tller ennetid, dc., That hereafter no person under the age of eighteen
all be allo~vetito enlist in the iiiilitnry service of the Confrderate States.

Mr. Clspp iiiomd to aiiiend the second section by adding thereto the
following ~vords,vis:
nnlas the parents of st1c.h persoil a l e 1iTing and shall give their writteii consent to
hi3 enlistillelif, belore he is received.



111..Miles 111o~-rclto ainend the first section by ht rilring out the wor
inserting in 1it.u tliercof tlie word colnmander, an
after the word rcgiiiicnt to insert tlie words legion, battalion, or
w a s a g r e d to.
Mr. Singleton niowd to amend thc iirst section by adding the1
lollowing words:

~ ~ ) l o n* cand

Irovitlpil, That the provirions of t1ii.i act shall not apply to those who have gon
the Briny as substitutes.

Mr. Chilton moved to aiiiend the amendment of Mr. Singleto

striking out the sanic mid inserting in lieu thereof the following w
&it the provision:: of this act hall not extend to any minor who has gone into
the L h ~ i ah
y n snbstitiite b y the coiiscnt of the parent or gaardian of s w h minor; and
i n CRseq 4 hci c piik).it
s iiiay apply for :L discharge by reason of the minority of
sniati bul)stitnte-, n o
large ~ l i a l lbe graiited iiiitil notice be given to the person
f resitletit within tlie Confederate States, and timc allowed
1% liose snbtittitii hc
the grotiiids of tlischarge, and if it ihonltl appear that the
srl~.tlp:wtv to colltro
siil)ctitiitihn w a i iiiadc of a niiiior i i r i d ~ the
r age of eighteen years, and that he still contiiintxs unilrr that age a t tlie tirrie of iriaking~ncliapplic~atian,
anti that hissnhstitution
was p r o ( ~ i r e without
t h e consent of the parelnt or goarctian of such minor, then and
and i n ~11c.11case the party who procwred t h e Pubstitute shall be ordered to return to
the service and required to serve out the time of his enlistment.

Mr. 13. M. Bruce moved that the bill and amendments bc laid on the
hlr. Kenan of Qtwrgia asked that tho vote thereon be tnken by yeas
t d nays;
\Vhicli wah agreed to,
_ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ 31
And tho \.otc is rocordod RS follows. to wit: (I Teas..
Nays _ _ . _ . _
51 _
Ymc: lbycc, I h d < i n r i d g c ,TTomtio K. 13nice, Eli 11. Bruce, ChiIton, Clirisinnn, Conrow, Croclwtt, Dargan. l)awkins, Elliott, Eming,
Fi~rrow,Yreeimn, GnrtJrcll,Gcntiy, IIcihlrell, 1Iodgc. ILolt, Johnston,
Kmncr, I m i d ~ r ,M:LC~CII,
McRac, Noore, Ihlls, Singleton, Tibbs,
Welsh, Wilcox, 2nd Wright of Texas.
Nays: Arrington, Ashc, .\yer, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Bridgrrs,
Chsnibers, Chmhliss, Clapl), Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Curry, David
son, I)(, .Jarnct te, UnprF, Foot?, Foster, Gaitlier, Garnett, Goode,
Gray, I-lnnly, Harris, Hilton, Ilolcombe, .Jones, Kenan of Georgia,
Keriaii of North Caidina, Ilyon, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, MlcLean,
Menres, Miles, Yerl~ins, lugli, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of
Alabania, Siriith of North Carolina, Stricliland, Swan, Trippc, Vcst,
VillerF. Wright of Georgia, and Mr. Speaker.
So the motion was lost.
Mr. Garnett called for the question, which was upon the a
ment offered by A h . Chilton to the amendment off Rlr. Singleton.
The question was ordered, mid Xr. Cliiltoii nsked that the vote
thereon he kilten by y : u s arid rmys.
The call was suuttlinad,
And the vote is rccorclctl NS follows, to wit:
Yeas: Arrington. Aycr, Bell, Rotcler, Bo
Crockett, D:tviclson, L)a\ is, Elliott, lhving, Farrow, Foote, Freeiiinn,
Gaither, Garnett, Gentry, Elanly, H:~rris, Hodge, I-Iolt, Kenan of
Georgia, Lander, Ill:lchcn, McIhw11, Mrnees, Perkins, Koyston,
Smith of Alnl~uni:~,
Stricklmd, Swan, :md M~riglitof Georgia.
Nays: h s h e , lhtson, Bridgers, 11ortLtio W, Bruce, Eli ;tl. Ihuce,

Aiig 29 1\62


~ ~ l ~ : i I l l ~Cli:u11hl
~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ,
I):irg:Lll, l)ll\V

Gootlr, GIILJ,1 Iciilwll, I lilt

of Sorth C:~rolin:~,
lilenncr, 1
M i l ~ r , JIoo~c,
lugh, ii:d[>,
Sort11 Carolina, Ebbs, Tripp
of TCSX\,arid Mr. Speaker.
So the nriiendriieiit t o the ameiidinent was lost.
lhe question then recurring on the adoption of the amendment
o f f c i d by Mr. Singleton, the rzcnendmcnt was agreed to.
Xr. Kcn:~nof Georgia moved to reconsider the vote by which tho
X V Q ~agreed to.
1;pori which motion Mr.Pugh denmndctl the question; which was
ordc red. :tiid tlic iiiotioii was lost.
ell niovcd to atiiend thc fir
tion of the hill by insertwords of said private sol
the words U n t no ininor
slid1 be so clischargcd cuccpt by his own free will and consent.
The airieirdiiierit ah ~ g r e to.
S1r. Crocltett inovcd to nniend the samc section by adding after the
anionclmcnt of X r . Si nglcton the words
all prel ent volnnteers from the State
4iteen from wtering the Mervice, if
ire capable of perforiiking iiiilitary
her\ ic.e

Xi.. G:n3trcll iiiorccl to l:~ythe bill and nniendments on the table.

ihc iiiotion was lost.
M r . II(Glwl1 m o \ed to atn~~tid
the amendment of Mr. Crockett by
striking out thc w i i c and inserting in lieu tlicreof the following words:

nt t l i v party offering to cnlist shall be :I rcfngce or the son of

the cwnscnt of no other p c ~ w o thii hiiiirell s h d l be wyiiiretl.



SIr. ch:~niblisscteniandcd the question: which was ordered, and the


tlic ai-ur~ndiiicutw x s lost.

A h . l~onlit~m
iiiovccl that the furthcr considcrxtion of the bill and
:uiiciiclruent~he indetinitclg 1)osttporicd.
JLr. Clinnihers iiiovcd that the hill :wl aiticndineiits b ( x ~*ecommitLe~
to the Corriiiiittce 011 SIilitwy Aflairt,.
Mr. I3reckiiii*iclge moved th:rt t h Ilo~ise(lo now :~djo~irii.
Ihe iiiotioii \VILS lost.
llic rnotiou of XI-.
Chaiuberb W ~ L Slost, and thc q~icstioiithen being
on tlic niotion to pohtpoiie the bill a i d nnietidments indefinitely, Mr.
C;:n*nett dt?mancled thc qucstion; which \vss ordered, and Mr. Miles
a ~ l l e dfor the yeas arid n a p .
llie call was seconded,
Ycar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33
Anti thc vote is rccordcd i i i Follows, to wit: N:lJ,s
_ _ _
_ _ __
_ _ _4 s.

Teas: flyer, 13onhatn, B o y c ~ , llreckiiiridge, Iioratio W. Bruce,

E:li nl. ]3rtl(-p, Chilton, CIirisniatti, Conrad, Co~irow,Crocliett, Dargan,
I ):Lwkinr, EJliott, Ewiiig, li:arrom, Freclnau, Gartrell, Heisltell, f-Iolt,
.Johnston, I<cnncr, M ~ h c t i ,Moore, Miinnerlyn, Italls, Singleton,
Stri(;]&nd, Ii])l)s.llTel.;h, \triglit of Tex:~s,arid Wright 01 Tennessee.
yap: L41*rjngtoll,Ashe, Ijatsou, Dell, Hridgcrs, Clhaiiibers, Chainblish, Clap]), Clopton, Collier, Ciirrin. ( h r r y , Dsvidson, De JnrnetJte,
IIlrpr6, IToote, Foster, Gnrnctt. Goode, ( h y , IIanly, I Ittrris, I Icrhei*t,
Ililton, IIolcoix1he, Julies, Kenan of (ieorgia, Keuatl of North Caroliu:i,


[Bug. 30, 1862.

I A ~ H ( \Lyon,
c ~ , Lyons, M ~ i r ~ l ~ N
r I,) m ~ c I l ,M c l m n , Miles, Perkins,
liigli, lCoystori, Sirstoir, Siiiitli of Soi.tli Caroliiui,

VP,~, VillcrC:,, IIriglit~of Or.orgia, and Mr. Spcakei..



So t,lic iiiotion was Ioht.

Mr. Ibtrris demandcd tlic previous qncstion; which was ordered,
and the question being on tht. :~ixiciid
r i i ~ i l t olfcred by Mr. Crockett,
the saiiie was ngrccd to.
The amendment of Alr. Clalq) to the sccoud section of the bill was
then agrccd to, mid the liill wah ordeiwi to be engrossed for a third
JIr. Swan inovod to r e c o n d c r the vote ordering the engrossment
of tlic bill.
C1)oii hich A h - . Sexton cdled the question; which 1)eing ordered,
tlic motioii wa5 loht.
A t i - , lli~nlyc d c d foi- tlio qiicstioii upon the third reading of the bill;
w1ric.h \v:15 o 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1:~nd
* ~ ~the
c l , hill a s miciicled cvns rand a third time.
S l r . niovccl th:Lt thc I Ioiisc adjourn.
r ,
1 lit. niotion w a s lobt).
The question bciiig oil the iussage of the bill as amended, Xr. Swan
n s l ~ c dthat the vote be tRkcn Ly y ~ a arid
s nays.
The deniaiitl W:LS not seconded, and the hill as amended was passed.
The Chair aniioiinccd as thc joint committee on the part of the House
to cx:iminc into the :Lfhirs o f the N:~vyDepartliieiit:
. Footc, of Ienucssw, I3arlidalc of Mississippi, Lyons of Virpi4 o f Loiiisi:iua, :uid Boyce of South C:irolina.
On niotion of Mr. 1):iiy:in.
Lhc Ilousc thcn adjourned irotil 19 oclocli tomorrow.


The Ho~iscinct pursuant to adjournment, and ~ v n opened

with prayer
by the Rcv. 111..Sccley.
Mr. Roteler prescntcd the incinorial of Mr. 13. P. Koland in reference
to horses lost in the puhlic scrrice; which was referred to the Cominittec on Nilit:Lry Affairs, without Iwing read.
MI-. linssell offered the following resolution:
s o l r ~ d ,That t h e Ircsitlcnt be iequestect to coinmunicatc to this House the cartel
tly agreed irpon for n general exctiangc of prisoners with the enemy, and to
in this I Iou,ic whrther the, ciieniy is l r n o a n to have violated the same in any way
and particularlr b y adtiiimsteriiig uaths of allegiance to prisoners in their custody and
retaining tlwm in the United States;

which was rcad and agrced to.

Mr. Russell also offered
A resolution that the Cominittec on the Judiciary inquire and report
whether the conduct of thc Fcderal Government absolves this Government from the obligation to ohsrrvc the cstablished usages of international warfare in o m relation? with the enemy except so far as in
particular CILSCS this Government may deer11 it just to observe them
MY.Miles, hy unaniinous consent, [offered] the following resolution:
12rsolred, That the rwolution 1 1 0 before
the House and all resolutions and bills on
the subject of retaliation which have )wen heretofore referred to the Conlrnitke 011



l)c> itlrtlmn n froni that comniittee and referred to the Conimi

v i t h aritliority to rrpoit to this Ilouse as sooii as practicable;


: ~ g r to.
air. Rus~cllintroduced
h bill to p ~ o t c c pt r ~ o n i who
r(&t the enemy;
which iwts rc~tdthe first m d
orid times and referred to the Corn
mittpc on tlic ,Jndicinry.
Air. Ilyons presented pctitionh froin John Poe and John N. Davis,
of Eirizrico County, VR.,ttsking coiiipcnsntion for propei.ty destroyed
1 ) our
~ troops; which wcw referred to the Coininittee oil the ;Tudickry,
without being read.
,111..Lyons also presented the petition of the Midlothian Coal Mining C o n i ~ ~ a in
n ~relation

to the conscript act; which was referred to

on Military Affairs, without being read.
Al,>o,n rcsolntion t h t on Tucsday noxt, at the hour of 2 oclock, the
iurnil)(~r:,of t,his IIoiihe will draw for their scats in the new liall which
112~sltcen yrepxrcd for the nicnibers of this HOIIS~,
and when this
1 Iousc~:Ldjourn 011 that day, it will :~djouriito iiieet on Wednesday, the
third dtiy of Scptcinher, in the anid n c 7 v hall; which was read and
: l g ~ y x to.
1 hc Houhc then took u p lor consideration il bill froin the Senate to
I)c ciititlcd In act to :tniencl an act entitled An wt to provide f u r t h r r for f h c puhlie ( I c ~ c I I ~ c ,:~pprovcd

sixteenth April, eighteen hnnt1rc.d : t i i d six1y two;

~h WLY r e d the first and second times and
i ~ r f ~ ~ r rto
c ~tlic
d Conini
011 Milita~y
tlic IIonsc thcii resolved itself into secret
laving sprnt, some time therein, again resolved itself into
\vhi(sli \ \ : i q

\Ir hen,
On niot ion,
The IIousc adjourned until 12 oclo(li on &Tonday.
HICCKJGT mssrox.

I hc IIoiisc being in secrct session, 11, message IVRR received from the
Stinate, 1)) the haiids of MI.. Nash, tho Socrctary of that body; which
i s :is followh. to wit:
t i hills of the follo\~ingtitles, to,wit:
;1A. SlP(tlcr: T l i ~
S t 3 . An :ict to xnthor
pe iu the form of Treasury notes; and
6.Gf. An wt to iiicreasc the provisions for detecting rotiiiterfeit notes.

On motion of Mr. ICeiincr, Senzte bill 30.63, to authorizo n change

i n tho form of Troasuiy notes, was taken up, read first and second
tirnt.s, and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
And on motion of Mr. Kennel., Senate hill No. 64, to increase the
provisions f o r detecting counterfelt notes, was tsken up, read first and
hcc*ontltiiiios, mid referred to the Conlmittee on Ways and Means.
M r . Ilolt movcd thst :I resolution, of incliliry, addressed to the
Lrchidcnt in rclation to R contract for building gunboats abroad, be
fhe motion was agreed to.
MI.. Jones moved that the E-IOUSC
take up for consitlcration R hill to
the issnc of Confederate States bonds.
r ,
Lhc, motion is rigreed to; and on niotion of Mr. Sexton the rules
IYCre wspe nded ;



[Sepc 1, 1862.

Mr. E. 31. 13r11c.emoved to mienti the same hy striking out the following words, to wit:
boiitls uiidrr the provisions aiid conditiow of the act entitled An act to authorize
the issue of Treasury notes, and to provide tt war tax for their redemption,
approvril A. ugnsl nineteenth, civhtcwi Iiunclr etl anid sixty-one, n11d by tlie further
suppleiiiental art to tile above-zted art appIo\ ed December nineteentii, eigltteen
hundred aiid sixty-one,

and to insert in lieu thereof the words noninteuest-hcaring Treasury

notes, :LS n o w provided by law.
hlr. Sexton dcinauded the previoiis question; which mas sustained,
and the aincndnicnt of MY. Bruce was lost.
And the bill was eiigro d, wad a third time, and passed.
Ant1 tlie title to the. s:Lnic, on motion of Blr. Curry, was amended by
adding thcreto thc words t o meet a contract iiincle by the Secrctnry
of the N : t ~ yl o r h i s ironclad ~ t s s c l i of
, war, and steam engiiies a i d
And on iiiotion of 311.. Chikoti,

The I Ioiiw i*c~iolvcd

itself into open session.


I, 1862.

The House iiict piimxant to adjournment.

Alr. Crockett prcscnted d t i i tiond p:~p(~i*s
in the contested-election
C:LSC of J . 1. J o h i i w i i ntid A. I I. Garlaii(i; which ~vcrc
referred to the
Conniiittcc o n Klwtioti\, withoitt being r e d .
Mr. 1Iarg:~niittrodii(w1 joint iwolntions in reference t o retaliation;
which werc rend the first : ~ n dsecond tiirics and referred to the Committee on the J n d i v i q - .
Also, n hill furthcr to protect the country, ete. ; which was read the
lirst, a r i d second times and referred to the Committee on Military
Afhir,. Also, n hill t o regulate the mode of examining sick soldiers; which
was read tho first and second tinics and referred to the Special Committee on IIospitals.
Mr. Clopton introduced
A bill to nniend an act exempting certain persons from enrollment
for scrrice in the arniics of the Confederate States;
which wa5 re:~dtlie tir.t and second tiiiies and referred to the Comniittec on B1ilitt~i.yilfhii~.
A h , , t~ ,joint rerolntion to prevcnt the escape of persons guilty of
treason, and to providc for the remora1 of dislojal l w s o n s ; which was
read thc first and second tinics arid refc~rredto the Coniinittee an Military Affairs.
Also, :Lrcsolntion that the Cotillnittee on the Judiciary be instructed
to inquire into the conatitutioiiality aiid expediency of providing by
legislation for the confiscation or other judicial disposition of the propertjr of such citizens of t h e Confedcrntc, Statcs as niny be convicted
of tre:ison t)g a propcr judicinl trihunnl, tho proceeds thcroof to he
:Lpl)ropriatcd t o the rciml~~irscrneiit
of loyal citizens whose property
I I I L ~I ) c w injnrcd or dcstroyed hy t h c horthcrn :wnics; which was
:Lgrecd to.

sept 1, 1862.1


in ti*ociuced joint resolu tions

crh and erew of the steamer

the first ltiitl second tinies, and the rules b

tions were ttakeri up,
rossed, read a t h
MY. Hanly introdu
A bill providing f
he payment of niail contractors for services
performed by them after their btsles had seceded and before the Government of tlic Coilfederate States took control of the service;
rear1 the first and second tinies and referred to the Comiiiittec oil Post Oiliocs and Post-Iioads.
X r . 1Zo~-ton presented a communication froin Dr. A. P. Farriss, of
O i r : L c s h i t a Clountj-, Ark., in relation to certain mail routes in the State
o f d i l < t ~ n b n s T\; 1iic.h xnh i*efcr-redto tlic Coinmittee on Post-Offices
and Post-lto:tds, without being read.
Also. a rcsol ntion that the President be requested to communic.ate
to tlic IIoiiic of ltepremitntireu whether i t be true that Maj. Gen.
11ioin:~sC. ilinclman, the comnmnding general of the Trans-Xississipl)i i)iitric.t. has caused all cotton in said district to be seized, and the
objtlct for d i i c h snid i;eizur.c was made, also whelher said comnianding gciic1~~1
hi refused to have substitutes received as soldiers in the
i i i . i i i y of Llie Con Pedcrate Sttttes, also whether the coinnianding general
has p1:tccd said inilitnry district under martial law, also whether said
general has caused to he organized into new companies
and rcginicnt.: tlic conscripts of said niilitwy district arid appointed
ofiicerb to coninland t h c mine; wid if said acts or any of them have
I K Y ~ I(lone
1))- s:titl coi~uiiandiiiggeneral, that the President be requested
to c ~ o i t ~ i i i i r n i c ~ : ittoc this IIonso the authority or iiistrriction runder which .
s l i t 1 coii~iii:~iirling
gcnrral lias taken this twtion: which was read and
: q r w c l to.
3 i v . J h u liiiih pi~w.xitcdthe petition of sundry citizens of Florida in
idation to :t post routc; which w a s referred to the Coninrittec on PostOUiCtY :Lnd lost-ltonds.
corgin presented the petition of John L. Griffin,
niptioil f roin conscription ; which was referrcvl to
1ilit:qT Aflnirs, without being read.
Also, tlic petition of Gcorge nT.
Clcinmons in relation to a pension;
\vhicli ~ v : i q refcrrcti to the Coinrnittce on Chinis, without being read.
JIr. 1I:trtridge prewntcd the iueiuorial of snndrg citizens of Ge o ~ g ia ,
1)raying a. niail rontc ; which was referred to the Coiniiiittee on PostOfkes and Post-IZoads, without being read.
Mr. Ciartrell offered
A resolntion that the Committee on Military Affairs he instructed
t o inqui1-c nriiether thc ofEccrs and soldiers of the Army have been
~-egularlyi i n d proniptly paid, and if not, to inquire what further legislation, if any, is necessary on this sultjcct, and report by 1 4 1 or
which was wad and agrced to.
Also: n rc,solutjo~ith:it tlic Coinniittec on Post-Offices and Post-Roads
i l l ~ ~ ~illto
~ i ythe,
c 1)ropriety of so miending existing laws as to authorize
tltc, <)ii1p1(jTnlprtt( 1ring
~ ihc wiir of niuil carriers arid post-office clerks
u11(lprt]ic :qe of 16 years, and report 1))- bill or otherwise; which w:is
1 . d :illti 21grcccl to.
311.. Irippe presented the nicwiorial of Martha I). Xorris a i d others
m i l *



in relation to the sequestration of property; wliicli ww rcfcrrcd to

the Comnlittee on the Judiciary, without beillg ICa(i.
Also, a resolution that the Conmiitlee on Claiinh I)c iii4mc.trtl to
inquire illto the propriety of increasing the salaries Of t h C clf?rl-1s 111
different Executive Departments, and report 115 hill 01r~~solution
such increased compensation as they 111s~~
deeni propel'; \vhich was
read and agreed to.
Mr. Moore offered
A resolution that the Military Committee be instructed to inquirc
to the necessity and expediency of increasing the Mcdical Corps of
the Army;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. H. W. Bruce offered
A resolution that the Committee on XTays and &leans inquire into
the expediency and propriety of employing a compctcnt carp.: of
reporters and rinters to make and puklislt daily 21 subtantixl yeport
of the proceefings and debates of the Congress of the Confederate
which was not agreed to.
Mr. Perkins offered
A resolution that the Secretary of War be requested to communicate to this House the result and finding of the court-martial convriied
i n the case of Quartermaster Hesse, and whether he is still in the 1~ay
of the Confederate States, and if not, the date of his disiiiissal from the
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Dupr6 introduced
A bill to amend the sequestration act;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Clapp offered
A resolution that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to inquire
what legislation, if any, is necessary in regard to perbons residing
within the limits of the Confederatc States who have taken a n oath of
to the Government of the United States since the cont of the pending mar, and to report by bill or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Chambers introduced
A bill for the relief of subscribers of cotton to the produce loan in
certain cases;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Coinmittee on Commerce.
Mr. Vest introduced
A bill to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri; which mas read the first and
second times and referred to the Conimittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Lander introduced
ill to amend an act to exempt certain persons from enrollment
armies of the Confederate States;
was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
A h . Smith of North Carolina introclaceci
A bill i n relation to the mode of filling vacancies in the offices of
regiments organized under State autliority;

Sept. 1, 18U



which was read the first aiid second times and referred to the Committee on iVilit:iry Affairs.
Mr. Boyce presented the petition of the faculty of the Theolo ical
Seminary at Colunibia, S. C., praying the exemption of students rmi
military service; which w a s referred to the Conimittee on Military
Affairb, withuut being read.
Mr. Aycr offered
A resolution that the Military Committee inquire and report on the
expediency of authorizing the Sccretsry of War to appoint a n adjutant
for every indepcndent btittalion in the service of the Confederate
which wtts r e d a i d agreed to.
Also, a resolution that the l'r~hident he requested to coniinunicate
to this Iiousc, at :is early a day as convenient, whetlieu the work is
being pivs(L(*utod
by thc ( h ~ . c ~ ~ i n i or
e i iin
t any other way on the railro:d for coniicctiiig the Richnioiid and L):invillc wnd the North Caro, for which %1,000.000 w t s appropriated by the act
)rii:iry 10, 1SB2, : ~ n dwhat hits I m u accomplished, if
ttnything, toward thc coiiiplction of the same; which was read and
agreed to.
Blr. Yarrow preiented the iiicuiori:\l of the graiid jury of the Confder:Lte coilit of South Carolina in relation to the sequestration acts;
which was referred to the Coiiiinittec on \$'ays and Means, without
being read.
Also, sundry coiiiiiiunicationh of citizens of South Carolina dn specu1:itorsand extoitioner-:; which were referred to the Coininittee on Ways
and Rlcans, without being read.
Mr. SWYILII offcrcd
A iwolution that the Coinmittee on the Judiciary be instructed to
inquire and report n.hethrr it is wmpetcnt for a niilitaiy commander
to declare or g r m t an airinrstg to dizloyal persons in the absence of
legislation :tuttiorizing it, and that the committee report by bill or
otherwisr ;
which TWS reid and ngrecd to.
Also, a iiierriorial praying that Treasury notes be inade a legal tender;
which \\'iLs referred to the (Conimittee on the] ,Judiciary, without
being rcad.
Mr. Foot(', hy the consent of the IIousc, froin the Comiuittee on
Forvign Affairs, to whoin was referred a resolution in relation to our
coniiiiissioiicrs :il)road and foreign consulh, made the following- report,
to wit,:

The Committee o n Forcign Affairs, to whom waR referred the resolution of the
gcntlcni;rn froiii (ieorgin, Xr. IIartridge, directing them to inquire into the propriety
of rrquestirig tlle Prcsidciit of tlic Confcder
States to recsall the commissioners
this (hnr m m e n t to certain E:uropear atey, and to notify all foreign powers
onsuls rcsicte j11 the Confederate St
and are accredited to t h e Governthe 1Jnitc.d States, tlrat such peryons nil1 not be recognized by t h e Gorerninent of the Confdx-ate Statcs as exercisirig any of the powers or having any of the
functions of consuls within thc limits of the Confederate States unless appointed by
thcir respective governiiirnts as coiiwls to the Coiifedwate States of America, have
had the sai11c uridcr c.onsideration, mtl Iicg Ieaw to report that they appreciate the
)niittcd to thcm, hut arc without thtt information
iniportanre of t h e prnpositiou
of our preseiit rt,lations I\ ith f
~ I ~I i a t i o i ~aiid
r , the n 1 1 1 i i h ~and character of our
agents abroxcl arid of thoir foreign agents rcsitling in our niidst, necessary to enable
the cormnittce to a r t i~itellig.entlpon the subject, and therefore ask t h e House to
adopt the following resolution of inquiry:
Iiesolvd, That the President be respectfully requested, i f not incompatible with the



United fitates.
The President is further retpcc tfully requected
ar may have be& gi\ en to niir iorrign agclnti ant1
heen. hat1 with other go\ ernnient., either through
ahroad, a5 \\ill aid Congreks in it. legi
and their cituens rebitling 111 our inidst.

[Sept. 1, 1862.

rate C L ~ (11 instructions

Jon(1eric.eac may have
v ot State or oiir cornrding tuieign nations,

The report wab agreed to, and the rrsolution u:tz acloptecl.
Ur. Foote also, from the same committee, to uhoiii wa. referred
sundry resolutions in relation to the policy of the war, reported as
The committee on Foreign Affairs, to hom 13 ac refeirecl certain r c d
ing to tlie true policy of the \jar, and recommending to the fre-ident tlt
a proclamation touching the free iia\ igaticxi u i the Mi4ssiIqJi ~ 1 1 tIts
l tril
the opening of the market of theSouth to the inlialitant6 of the Sorth\\estetii tates,
upon certain terms and comlition-, hare had the ianie under cc)ri<itleiation and no\\
report hark vaitl resolutions, v ith one or t n o diglit aniendniei~t-,: 3 i L t l iecomniencl
that they be adopted. The expediencv of conducting the n a r I I I xhicli \re are
engaged witli all possible actirity, and of carrying that n a r into tlie eneiiryc country,
so won as t h e same shall be fourid practicable, is helie\ etl to be now universally
admitted by all enliglttened men M ho hare given their attention to the buljject. It
is e\itlent that n e must iely alone upon our o n n energird for s ~ c c e sin
~ .the ~truggle
of arms Tshich is now in progress. In the present condition of affairs
nianitest that i n order to Iring the sanguinary itniggle i n n 1iic.h e are
an early termination it nil1 be necessary that every iicirtion of oni Alrm\
kept in a state of constant reactmess ior actit e exertion. arid that no o
should be neglected of strikinq the iorceb of tlie eneniy, I\ here\ er l o lie t
Southern soil, with that boldness arid iieloic eneigy n h i ( h are LO ceitdin t
our arms the most signd success. It is ccluall? nianife-t that tlic entni> 11ill ite\el
be \\illing to desist from thc nnjnst xiit1 ferocious nar u hicli tlicv ale no\\ \ \ a g ~ n g
until the evils and inconveniences thereof shall ha1 e beeti brixight liotiit~trill> ti)
themselves. When our valiant and di-ciyline(1 arntirb (enliancrcl ~n nuinliers anil
in strength, as it is hoped they will shortly he) shall ha] e once foniitl theii v a! to
the h e a t of the enemys country, and have inflicted a juit retaliation U J ) O I ~ tliose Iio
have so ruthlessly ravaged our territories, pillaged our ton ns, and deboluted 0111
hoirres, it is to he reasomably expected that e\eri tIw> nil1 at layt be able to discern
the rank injustice and brutal cruelty T\ hich they ha\ e conipelled 11- to cvpeiicnrv,
and for t h e perpetration of 7%hich they ha\ e not been heretotore ~ u b ~ e c t eto
d anything like adrqiiatp puniihnient.
Your committee are \\ ell satisfied that the issuing of sonip biich proclamation by
the President, as that desc ribed in the iesolutions referred to them, at such tinie as
he shall deem e q x d i e n t , could not but be attended R ith tlie niost salutary eftects
I t is a n undoubted fact that the Govelmnent a t JTndiington, aidetl by un.crupnlonz
local demagogues i n the Xorthmestein States, has succeeded to a con-iderable extent
i n deluding the people of that reg,ion into a general belief that, should n e succeed 111
our struggle for independence, it 14 the intention of the Government atid p o p l p o!
the Confederate States to shut them ont from t h e free navigation of tlie SIississippt
RiLer and its great tributaries; and tliough the P ~ oisiond
Cong1es.i o f thebe Ptatcs
long ago ernpliatically negati\ ed this idea by 11 ell-krio1.rn acts of fortrial legelatit in,
yet your committee is assured tliat tlie clelnsioii cni this subject still continncbr to e w t
among the people of the Korthnest, and that the g i t ~ riiis:~p-E~irhcnblon
in repaid to
the intentions and policy of tlic Confederate States of Aiirerica, thnb cnpcndeied ai!d
kept in existence by wicked and designing inen, has operated nio*t effectively 111
prompting the people of t h e Korthwestern States (so closely connected 111th the
South heretofore, both by geographical and political ties) to contribute freely both



1 Ibb.2 ]

m t l monry to the prowxition of a Mar which, if successful on t

th \\ lioni it has originated, H ould he eventually as disastrous in its
)Ic ol tlic. Sortliwestern States thcmscl\-es as to those of the Confederate
Aiiicrii*a. i t iq gratifying to discover that high-spirited and intelligent
~,liblic.i i w i i i i v ~ e r a of
l tlie Yorthwesterii States have of late become exceedingly
a&\(. in their r n t l e a ~ o r sto discourage and snppress the ferocious war spirit heretofolp raging anioiig t h i r frllow-citiec.iiP, and that their honest antl patriotic efforts
have h c v n alt cwly attended a it11 the no st marked success. Such a proclamation
as t h t tc~coiiiiiiericlccli n tlie resolutions referred to this coiiimittee, it is confidently
I)c~licycvl,11 ould hare a tenclenc~~
greatly to strengthen the efforts of the advocates of
ppacp i n the K o r t h v ester11 States, 1~ calciilatecl to bring those States quickly into
alliical)Ir rc\lalionu it11 the States of the South, withdraw tlieni ultiniately altogether
froiri tlic,ir prcseiit iiijurious political connectioii with the States of the Piorth and
$List, I\ itli \\ hicli they hare r(~111yso little iii common, antl thus enable 11s to dictate
tltc tci~iirof a j nst ant1 I i o r i o ~ d ~peac(5
from the great coiiiiuercial eniporiuins of that
rcgioii tlnongh 1%hoke influence iiiainly has this wicked arid uiniatural war been thus
f a r 1,vi)t i i i i)rozrew.
i l l I I I C 11

the jntlgriient of this 1Ionw the true policy of the present Tzar
c~sthat tlie iiiot enicnth of onr ariiiics in tlic field shonld ereryent 13 it11 a sound and
d i l l y and \.igoiously
no\\ here long enough
e most rerille di.tricts
iccriienlz wliic h riiay
innke it tlilficnlt t o tlr.i\ e tlieiii lxyond our confines 7%ithout surh an expenditure of
ur patriot boldiery as n ould not be now necessary for thcir

I, the second aiid third resollitions H ill read as follows, viz:

d tlic deliuled Govermnent a t Washington still obstiimtely
continnc to refiiw us pcace, i t i.: tlie c\ itlent policy of tlie Confederate Government
try of the eneni!, ~ i t ah riew to obtaining complete indemnity
urity for the fnture
hc. Trc4rleiit t)e r e q i i e ~ t ~ it
i l ,cmsistent n itli his own views of proptitxty, :it siirli tiiiic as Ire shall deem most appropriate, to atldress a forilia1proclatlie irihabitaiits of the Northwestern States, cnibodj iiig the acts of the
11Coiigrcss relatirig to tliir mbjcct, proposing to guaraiitce to the citizens of
he bordcr of said (tlir Mississippi) r i w r and its tribuat the tinit, \!it11 the Confederate States, in the inost
the p(wefn1 navigation of the said i i \ er and its trihutaric.s; x i i t l it is f u i t1rc.r icqursted o f the Iresiclent that he will :i18~onlakr known, in
saitl 121 oclaination, the \I illingtic~sof (he Goveriinir.nt and ~)eoplcof tlie Confetterate
Statclh to ciitw Iicrcafter into a reciprocity coninicrcial tieaty or treaties w t h a n y one
or ~riorcof them.

On motion, tlie rcport was laid upon tho table and ordored to be
Leave W : L ~gmnted Mr. 13arksdale to present a report froin the
minority of the eoinmittee :ml that tlx bamc he printed and laid on
the table.
T h e Chair presented thc petition of sundry citizens of Lunenburg
County, Va., asking that tlie benefit of :t certain act of the legislature
of Virginia he cxteiidecl to them; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being r e d .
On motion, leave was granted to the Military Committre to report
at any tiinc.
[S>llda.ili offered tlie following rcsolution; which W : L ~read mid
agrced to, to wit:
Rrsolcctl, Phat the Conllrlittw on Military Affairs inquire. into tlic, c ~ x p d i c w yof
c y e i n p t i n ~fro111 lililitary service cadets in atteiidance up011 the Virginia Military



[Sept. 1, 1862.

Mr. Baldwin also presented the petition of t h e citizens of Rockinghain Couiity, praying the exernptioii of George W eWhite, a conscript,
as a miller; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs,
without being read.
Mr. Boteler presented the petition of Jonathan Ilarmison, of Harnpl
shire County, Va., asking coinpenration for a horse, equipnients, etc.,
unavoidably lost in the public service; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Ualdmin presented the petition of sundry citizens of Virginia,
praying that Ti-c:tsiii*ynotes l)c made a legal tcrider in the payment of
debts; which was referred to the Corninittee on the Judiciary, without Fciiig r e d .
d h o , nieiiiorid fro111t\vo religioub societies, asking tile benefit of a
c.crt>Lina c t of thc Virgini:L legislaturc in rclntion to excaiptions; wliicli
mas rcfcrred to thc Conmittce on Military Affairs, without being
A i r . Chaiul~lissiiitroduccd
A bill to regulate the inipi.cssment of slaves by iiiilitary comnirtnders ;
which W ~ L Sread first and scconcl h i e s aiid refeiwd to the Committee
on the Judiciary.
M r . Holconibe presented the pctition of sundry citizens of Virginia,
praying thc establishment of a post-office at Candlers Shop, 10 miles
from the city of Lynchburg; which was referred to the Committee on
Post-Offices and Yost-Ro:ids, without being read.
Mr. Lyons presented the petition of the druggists of Richmond,
asking exemption from the consriplion act; which was referred to
the Coininittee on Military Affnirs, without heing read.
Mr. Tlyons offered the following resolution:
KesoZred, That the folloning shall be tlie mode uf drawing for beat,. i n tlie hall,
Pieces of paper nuniberetl from 1 to 106, iriclusite, shall be p l a c d in a hat by
the Clerk of tlie House, N 110 dial1 place the saine on tlie Clerks table, and he shall
thcn call the r o l l uf t h e irirntbrrs, and each nreniber, as his name is called, ?hall
advance to the Clerks table and tlra\\ out one of those pieces of paper and hanc! it
to t h e Clerk, \\ho shall reatl aloud the nonrher upon it; act1 t h e nientber drawing
it shall take the seat corrccpondirig with that number upon t h e plan of the seats. If
any ineinber be absent any other nieniber may draw for him.

Mr. Curry moved to amend the resolution of M r . Lyons by striking

out the whole of the same and inwxting in lieu thereof the following,
to wit:
Resoltcrl, That the names of all the members of this IJoube he placed in a hat, and
that one of the pages be directed to draw tlieni out, oiit 1)y one, and that as the
name of each memher is draw 11, such iiienilr)ershall proced to w l w t ~ c unoccupied
seat in the new hall as he may prefer, aiid thereupon his name shall 1)c iiiarked and
he shall continue to occupy said seat (luring t h e remainder of t h e dran nip [session?]:
Pro? tded, That the drawing shall not take place until the Iioiise proceed to the new

Mr. Chilton called the question; which was seconded, aiid the amendment of Mr. Curry was lost.
The reqolution of Mr. Lyons was adopted.
Mr. UalIs introduced
A bill establishing :L post i.oute tlicrt.iii named;
which was road first and second times arid referred to the Committee on Post-OAices and Post-Roads.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military SBairs, reported

A bill to provide for the filling up of existing companies, squadrons,
battdions, arid regiments. and to increase the Provisional Army;
which W I L S read the first and second times.
Mr. Miles moved that the mine be printed and madc the special
ordcr for 1l;ednesday next, at 1oclock, and from day to day until the
consideration of the same was completed.
Mr. Sexton moved to amend the motion of Mr. Miles by striking
out Wednesday and inserting (Tliiirsdaf in lieu thereof.
Mr. Royston called the question; w h i c i was seconded, a d the
amendmciit of Rlr. Sexton was lost.
And thc qucstion being upon the iiiotion of Mr. 31iles.
l h c mnie was ttgrecd to.
Mr. I3onlianl nlovcd a suspcrihion of tho rules to offer an amendi i i ~ i i tt o tho bill, and that thc smie l)c printed.
The iiiotion prevailed, and the amendincnt was received and ordered
to I)c printed.
iiic\s:qe W : L ~ 1
tho lrc.sidcnt, 1)~ the hands of his
lrivatc decwtary,
Mi,. Ilu-sell, from the Coniniittco on the ,Juciicitlt J, to whom wits
A\ 1)ill to xinend the sequestration act,
rcportcd the w n c kxwk, with t,hc rccomnicndatiori that it pass with an
Clic question being upon tlic postpont~nientof the consideration of
the bill :tnd 1)l:icing it upon the Calcndar,
Lhc sanic \ras lost.
The bill w : i ~then h l w n up, a n d the first section of the same being
nndcr considcrntion; which i b as followh:
T h e (b/W/li.(Sh of Ute Con/eetlerate Stctles do c w c l , That in any case arising under or conteniplalec1l)r tlic fourteenth bection of said anic.ndatory act ot fifteenth of February,
eighteen hnntli etl and bixty-two, wliere the debtor shall bc in tloaht whether the
creditor or onner ot the debt is an alien enemy, the presumption shall be, in tlie
absciwc~of proof to the contrary, that there has been no transfer or assignrnent of
such debt,

Mi-. llusscll, from the committee, nioved to ul~ieridthe sanic by

strikin,rr out the words that tliere has been no transfer o r , a s s i p
mclnt o i siich dcbt and to insert in 1it:u thereof thc words that such
creditor o r owner is an alien enemy.
Rlr. Dnpr4 iiio\wd to amend the aniendiiicrit of the committee hy
stril&ig out all of the bill after the cntkcting clause and inserting as
follows, to wit:
Tllat n hcncvor the answers of any debtor, to \ r h o m interrogatories have been
propounded h y the rec.ei\Tcr or Confederate States attorney, under tlie acts to which
this is an allrcnillnellt, shall disclose an indebtedness to an alien enemy upon a
negotiable 1lote or notes, the clcbtor shall be n i ~ t l ea party to the proceedings for a
rclcorerjr of the amorlllts of the notes and interest, and should he make no defense,
or Ila\rinp inatie a clefcnse the saiiie bc not rustainccl by the court, then the judge
sh:ill rctl(]t.r j,ic1g~ne~lt
in filror nf the Uoiitctlerste Statcs and against tlie debtor,
in 1he bar,lc I11:tnnrr :IS if the note or notw hat1 bccn pl~OdlKCd,reserving, ho\vcrer,
izen uf the (ontctlcmte States the right to S I L O W thereaftcr to the
oners apporiitctl under the foartccnth sec.tioii of the act app~oved
tllirtictlx IlllgllPt, eightcell I~iindrcdand sixty-one, tllnl tlrey WPI c the bona fide
trxll,cfcrce of SIICh note or Iloteq prior to tlic thirtietli Angust, eighteen huutired and
s i x t j -one, as proj~itlctl section four of the iic t approved twcnty-third l k e m l ) e r ,
eighteen hnn~lrcctalld &tY-ont, and npou such judgnieiit execution shall issue
fa\ or of thc Coiifetleratc States


3:3 x


[SCIlt. 2, 1862.

Xr. (iiurtrull iiiuvcd tliat the considtrtitioii of the bill and arnendiucnts be postponed and thttt tlic saiiie be printed; which motion
Nr. Footc irio.\-cdtliitt the IIouse adjourn until I1 oclock to-morrow.
Tlic motion was lost.
The Chair laid before the Houso cmtain p:tpers i n the contestedelection case; which were referred to the Committee on Elections,
without heing read.
Nr. Ch:iinl~rsintrodnccd
A bill f o r the relief of John f-Iuiiter, collector of customs, etc., at
N:LtChCZ, SIiSS. ;
which wis rc:td the f i r s t aud sccoiicl ti:iics and referred to the Committee on (Ilninis.
T11c(Jxtir laid Iwforc the House n coiiiiiiunication from the President;
which i s iis follows, t o wit:
11s from the Sccrctnry of the Kavy, containing
tions of tlic 25th :tiid 26th nltiino asking respecgit-eii to riarxl officcrs iii reference to the evac, a n d f o p iiiforniation npoii certain matters
pertaining to tlie constrnctiori of the war stearners Louisiana and Alississippi.

which, with its nccoinpanying documents, was laid upon the table and
ordcred to he printed.
Mr. I1yotis iiloved tlint 1,000 copior: of tho message and its nccompmying docriiiiciits l x printtd.
The motion was rcfcrred to tho Committee on Printing, iuider the
n t r d the pctition of Thomas T. lhdie, praying compciisation for lo+x~,iufiictcd l)y our troops; which wfts referred to the
Cotnnii ttee on tlie ,J utiiviary, witliout IJciiig rcad.
On iiiotion of h1 I*. (;:trtrcll,
The IIouse adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.


T h e Ilouse iiiet pursuant to adjouriiiiient, and was opetied with prayer

t)y tbc ltev. Mr. Dashiell.
ge wiis rcccivcd froin thc Scnatc, hy their Secretary, Mr.
Hash; which is as follows, tu wit:
Xi-, S)iectkcr: Tlir S(wate have pnwed hills of the follouiiig titlw, viz:
S.56. A n act proriding for substittitcs in wrtain cases and detailing private4 for
police duty; an(1
S. 69. An act lor the relief of disbrn h i n g officyrs aud other agciits of the Gorernmcnt
in certain cascy
I n which I R I directed
to ask t l i ~roiivurwiire of this House.

MY. Collier introduced joint rewlutions of thanks to Coniinander E.

I?\nrrarid,of the Confeder:itc Navy, junior officer in cortlmand of the
naval and militairy forces, and Capt. A. Drewry, senior niili tary officer,
and the offic:crs xiid iiirri under tlieii. coininand at Dre\17r.y)s Bluff on
tlie 21st May, 1862; which ~ v c r cmncl tlic first nnd secoiid times and,


3 40


[Sept. 2, 1 ~ 2 .


G T O C C~~ O
t R<ti?irJc(??,
A U g U S t 30-10 p .


To President DAYIS:
This army achieved to-day, on t h e plains of Xanassas, a signal Tictory orer the
aiid Pope. On the 28th and 29th each wing
combined forces of Generals JlcClella~~
under Generals Longbtreet and Jackson repulsed n ith valor attackh made on them
separately. \ire mourn the loss of our gallant dead iii every conflict, pet our gratitude to Almighty God for his niercieu rises higher each day. To IIini and to the
valor of our troops a nations gratitude is due.
R. E. LEE.

On notion, the inessage and mcompunying documents were referred

to tlic Comniittcc on Miliktry Affairs.
Mr. Smith of Xortli Carolina, from the Committee on Elections,
reported tts follows. to wit:
The committee to ~ v h o i i \\-as
rclfcwed R communication from the governor of 1%
ginia in refercmce to tlic \-acanc.yin the delecation from that State, ocwPioned by the
reiigiiatiori of A. G. Jcnkins, a nieniber of this Ilouse, with other lbapers pertaining
thrrrto, have had tlie bani0 under ron.i<ler:ktion, and ack If%\
c to report:
By section 1, Article I, of the Constitution, it i s provided that the times, places,
and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives shall he prescribed
in each State by the legislature thereof, snhjcct to the prorisionF of this Constitution;
but the Congress may, a t any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as
to the tiiiics and places of clioosing Senators.
By the fourth clause of the second section of the same article it is declared that,
W h e n vacancies hxpprn in the representation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election l o fill such rarxncles.
it i s o h i o n s from these proyibions that the (onstittition contemplates the enactment b y tlie States of the necessary l a w for securing a full representation in this
body. S o t only is th duty prescribed to their legislatnres, but t h e executire
aythority of tlie State:: i required t o be exercised in g i ing
~ thein effect when racaiicies occur. i t has been he piactice under siiiiilar clau-e!: i n the Constitution of the
the tiereral States the duty
or the. c+xtioii ot their Rep
epart froni this usage and a
esercised and not requird to be excrciwd b y a n exi!:
of the State of Yirgiiiia over the subject is full and complete, anti defects in the existing law may be reniedieil hy tlie approaching called w s i o n of tlie gerieial assenihly.
?he coininittee therefore recommcnd no further action i n the premises except the
adoption of the accompanying Itsolutions:
RPsolwcl, That, in the opinion of the Houw, ample power jests n i t h the seveial
States to provide for seruriiig a full representation, and that no legislation on the
part of Congress is necessary.
Iksohed, That the Speaker coniiiiuiiicate to the governor of Tirginis a copy of the
report and of tliese iesuiutions.
RICRMOSU,YA., iluyusl 5, 1862.
Hon. T ~ r o ~ rS.
8pertX.w of the I h s e of 12epresentatircs.
SIR: I hereby notify your honorable body that I have this (lay sent to the governor of Iirginitt my rqsignation as a meinber of the same.
Exfi:crn I V E I ~ i w a i i ~ m m
Tk.,August IS, 1862
Hori. Tirosras S. ROCO~X,
&aaktr of tlie I[ouse o f l<epresenlativea, Coiafederntt StSlntes of ilriicr iccz:
Ion. A. G. Jenkins having resigncd his niembcrbhip in t h e First Congress of the
Permanmt C~orer~inient
ol ttw Confederate States, the counties composing the district bring in imscession ot the public enc>~iiy,a i ~ 1l1 0 provision being made b y law
for snpplving the vacancy under t1ie.e (*irciiiiiStaiic.c4,I comniuiiicatc the letter of
resignat& to Congress lor such action as iiiay be cleeiued pro1)c.r.

sept R, lhF2

f z o l ~J o i r v



VA.,August 5, 186.9.

( ; o ( P , I I O Y of l y ~ y ~ n ~ c
I l i e i ( ~ 1 rc+ign
i i i v w:it as :t riiciiibtJr of the First Congress of the Permanent
~inieiitol tlic Confctlrratc. States.
1 l i a e~ the Iionor to be, very respectfully, yours,



motion of Jlr. 12ixssel1, the report of the committee was laid upon

tllcl t:Lbio a11d ordered to be printed.

niotion of Mr. Kentipi.. the I-Eouse then pro
sidcratioii of the pl:uns of tlie new hall.
nted two plans (Nos. 1 tind 2) and moved the adop-

whicbh was agreed to.

Jlr. Lyons mored that when the House adjourn it adjourn to meet
i l l thi:, llxll to-niorrow; which was agreed to.
'rhc Chair l r d before the House a bill froni the Senate for the relief
of ciihbnrhg officersand other agents of the Governnient iit certain
c:lses; which wtzs read the first and second tinies and rcferrect to the
C:oniinittcc o n Ways and Means.
Also, a. I)ill from the Senate to provide for substitutes i n certain ctlsrs
2x11~1detiLiling privu
for police duty; which wx.; iwxd tho first and
secboiid tinic:, and i&>rrcd to the Couiinittce on Military AfTairs.
A1 1'. IhiyrC: in troduccd
A 1)i 11 to provide :Lstaff for generals, major-generals, and brigadiergcnCl'RI\;
\\ tiicli wis read the first and second times and referred to the Com-

inittte on Militmy Mhirs.

Tlie Chair proscntetl the Intinorial of Charles S. Lewis i n relation to
exenipting p1iysici:ins f r o m military dirty; which was referred to the
Cc )i I i ni i t tc.o 01 i A I ili tary Affairs, without being read,
0 1 1 inotion of Alr. JVilcox,
Tliv Honw adjonrncd rtiitil 12 o'clocl< to-morrow.



A resolntion that the Kai-al Cominittce hc instructed to inquire what

appropriation ill be necessary to bloclubcle the Chnil)erland and
l'eniiemx rivers, and report the same to this Ilome, making said
which was read m d agreed to.
Mr. Lyon of Alabania presented a letter from W. EL Thomas, prayi n g mi increase of pay to color-bearers; which was referred to the
Coininittee on Xilitary Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Clopton introduced
A bill to exempt certain pcrsons from enrollriient for service in the
arinies of the Confederate States, mid to prorido for details in certain
wliicli wits raid the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on 2vlilitsLry Affairs.
On inotion, lravc of absence was granted Xr. Boyston.
A h . E. 14. Bruce offered
A resolution that the Committee on Foreign Maim be, and it is
hereby, directed to investigate and consider the propriety and expediency of irriiriedixtely suspending all proeeedinxs under the " sequestration laws," except the seizing and preservation of property belon ing
to the Northern Republic: or the citizeiis thereof, and report by bi 1 or
otherwise nt the carlist day practicable;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Read intiwduced
A bill ;luthoi*izingthc President to accept 60,000 additionnl troops
from tlw States of I h n t w k g , Missoiiri, and 3larxl:tnd;
wliic+h~ L i * Sc d tlic first :uid hecond times :tnd refcrrtd to the Clommittee
on Milibdry Atl'airh.
Mr. hloore lr'esentcd a iiiemorial in relation to the 3fedic:i.l Corps of
tlrc Arm\.: whicli W:LS refcisred to the Coiiiiiiittec on Military Affairs,
without i)eing 1-c:~d.
MY. Lewis oEercd

A resolution tliat the Presidcnt lie requested to inform the lloiwe of liepresentativw
wlicther m y reports have been iiiatlc to 1)c.partiiieiits here 01 tlir. qumtities aiid
values of cotton or other staple products w1iic.h have I)ceii dmtroyed to p r e w n t their
falling into the haiidr ot the eueiiiy, arid if so, n hat qiiaritities of ?aid crops hare been
destroyed, arid also whether arip coiiiplaints have been made b y the owner3 of tlie
crops destroyed, and what the rliarwter of those complaints.
Rrsolvpd.ficrthpr, That the Prwident be requested to iiiforni lhi3 Hoiise mliat inforiiiiitioii the Urpartiiwnts of the t iovernmciit ha\-? as to t h e aiiiount of cotton that has
beeii shipped the present, year From parts of t h r C'onfcdcrwy; also the m ~ o u r iwhich
has been captured at sea or on the nr~tersof the Corifcdeiacj ; albo tlic ~ I I J O U I J L \iIiich
has been taken iii the interior by the Yank
and to furnish tlit.paiiie to t h k IIoiise.
/tesol? rtZ.fuurfhc r, That if the inforinatior
iglit by tllese re~oliitiorisi R not in the
Ikpaitiiicwt5, the President is reqnestcd to 1
wcli nieitsm eS taken as ill pro\ ide it.

Mr. H:inly inovcd to ilmt.nd thc rcsolution by inserting the words

aftor the word " tlertroyctl " in the first iwolutioti;
~vIii(-Iiwas agrtecl to.
Mr. Swan niored to aniend by striking out th e \vords

'' were destroyed"

n y coinphiiits hn\e hcen matlc 1)y the. o ~ t t i w sof the c-rop destroyed, and
what the character of those c~)inl)lxiiits.

The amcnclmciit was lost.

Mr. Siiiith of North Caro1in:t mo17ed to amend by adding after the
first rcsolution t h c tvordq
and also wlietlier rottoii or otlicr l)rotliic~e,:mi1 i f w, how riiiicli mitt of M hat kinds,
have IJeell exported seawmis to any of tlir I m t s of t h e T!iiitecI States; anit what

sept. 3. 1,962 3




hurc bccn imported i n t o any of the Confederate ports from a

1 h t r s by sea, it11 the knowledge and concurrence of the blo

m ~ C'onfcderate

~ ~ l ~ i\\ casl in g ~ c dto.

311..K t n n t r moved to ariiend by striking: out the third resoliition.
n nlovcd that the resolutions and aiiiendinents be referred
inittee on Military Affairs; which was agreed to.
t i ncrlyn presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Georgia
to Sunday mails; which was referred to the Committee on
Post-Offiws and Post-Roads, without being read.
ah. Mnrshnll introdnced
A bill in relation t o the discharge of disabled soldiers;
which was read tzhP tiisst and second tinies and referred to the Committee on thc, Mcdical Department.
nted the memorial of ,Jacob Elmer i n relation to
; which was referred to the Committee on Claims,
hlr. M r ( ~ l Apresented the petition of' James T I . Ilrittain .and others,
asking tlic cxemption of shoetitakers niid taniiera from vonscription;
which wiis reI'crrcd to the Coniniittce on Military Affairs, without
being r d .
'I'hr (%air prescntcd the mcmori'nl of the presidcnt and directors of
thr. Vii$riia AIilitary Institute, 1)raying the excciniption of students
from tonhcription : \\ liicli WLS rr:d :tnd referred to the Coiiiinittee on
Mili t : q .Ifhi 1's.
hIr. Garnrtt oftwed
A rcsolution tliat the Presiclcnt be requested to direct the heads of
i n tlie \Yar mid Navy I)epartirrents to inform this
llousc~H Iwthr~r-thcir rcquisjtiori;i 011 the Treasury have been promptly
inrt, :itid if not, t h c iwwiis ashigrid for the delay;
which \\>isrct~clttntl :igrcccl to.
.Alho, :i rcwlution that tlie President be requested
Hoiiw what nuniber of citizens of the Cbnfcderate S
nrrcsted t)y nlilitary authority and are still iuider :L
such p r h o n s Iinvc rriiiai n c d i n co~tiirictiicnt,:tnd what nieasurcs Inye
1)cc.n :wtol)trd to hccure to tlirni :L speedy atici impmrtid trial; which
\vxs rcntl n n d :igrcc.d to.
iuotion of hlr. Kenrier, the Ilousc tlicn r c d v ~ r l
n; anti haring spent h o i i i ~tiiiic therein, :ig:tin re
AIr. Pugh, Froin tlic Coiiiniittec on Mi1it:ir.y Aft'airs, reported
A hill to cxrrnpt cert:ijn pcrsoo"': fro111servirr in the Provisional
Arniy of the Conft.dcl:Ltc StRtCS;;
\vhicEi \\:is i*c:id the Iirht :uid hccond tinleh, ordrrwl to kw printed, and
its frrrtlict. c3oiisitlcr:Ltion poitpoiietl and nrailc tlw spocid order of tho
ucd f t m i thy to tlny inintt~tliatclyaftrr the disposal

to thc considtmtion of thc specid order

ti ng coinp:it iics, biittal ions,



The bill having been read as follows:

1. 7%e (ongress of t l i r Cmfrderrcte States of America do aaact, That when
sideiit shall consider an increase oC t h e forces in t h e field necessary to repel
invasions, or for tlie public safety in the prntling war, he is authorized, as hereinafter provided, to call into the niilitarp service of the Confederate States for three
years or during the present war, if i t should besooner ended, all ~ h i t male
of the Confederate States, not legally exempted from such service, between the ages
of thirty-fire and forty-five years; and such authoritv shall exist in the President
during the present war as to all persons who now are or may hereafter become eighteen
years of age, and, when once enrolled, all persons between the a es of eighteen and
forty-five years shall serve thcir full term, and no one be entitle to a discharge because he niay have passed the age of forty-fire years before such term of service
SEC.2. That the Iresident shall make such call by requisition upon the governors
of t h e sereral Confederate States for all or any portion of t h e persons within their
respective States between the ages ol thirty-fi\ e and forty-five years, and also for
those who now are or iiiay hereafter become eighteen years old, as aforesaid, not
legally exeinptetl; and n lion abseiiibled in camps of instruction in the several States,
they shall be a 4 g n e d to and form part of t h e companies, squadrons, battalions, and
reginterits heictofore raised in their respective States and now i n the Pervice of the
Confederate State?, and t h e number that may remain from any State after filling up
existing companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments from such State to their
maxininni legal number shall he officered according to the laws of the State having
such residue.
SEC.3. That if the governor of any State shall refuse or shall fail for a n unreasonable timc, to be determined by the President, to comply with said requisition, then
such persons in such State are hereby made subject, in all respects, to an act entitled
An a r t further to provide for the public defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen
hundred and Eixty-two, and the President is authorized to enforce mid act against
surh person>.
Six. 4. That for t h e pnrpose of securing a more speedy enrollment of the persons
rendered liable to niilital-y s e n ice tinder this act, the President may, immediately
upon mdting tlic rqiiisition authorized therein, employ in any State, whose gorernor shall consent thereto, officeis of the Confederate States to enroll and collect, in
the re&pec;ti\c camps of instruction, all the persons called into service as aforesaid.
SEC.A rliat the pcwoni brought into military serviveby this act shall be assigned
to t h e coriipaiiy from their State now in t h e service of the Confederate States which
thev nxw prefer to join, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of War may
establish, to secure the filling up of existing companies, squadrons, battalions, and.
reginients from the icqiec.ti\ c States: 11 ovided, That persons liable to military service under the proxisions of this act and able-bodied men orer the age of forty-fire
years may volunteer and he aqsigned to duty in such company from their State as
they may select: f w t (
That said coinpany shall not, by reason thereof, be
increased beyond its leg
iammnm number: Arid proi*rded further, That the right
of volunteering in,or of bring assigned to, any company shall not interfere with the
objects of this act, or produce inequality or Confusion i n the different arms of military

And thc yucution being on the amendment offered by Mr. Bonhain,

which is as follows, viz: Strike out all after the enacting clause and
iasert in lien thereoP the follorviiig, viz:
That the Presirlmt be, mil he is hereby, authorized to call upon the respective
Statrs for their qnota5 cach of three hundred thousand troops, or HO inany thereof as
the President may deem adinissihle, to be coinposed of all white male residents of
the Confetleratc State., not 1f.ga11y eucJmpted from niilitzry senice, between the a g ~ s
o f thirty-five and forty-five, to s ( ~ r v for
c three years or the war, if sooner entletl, the
field and ronipany officer3 to bc chosen as the State authorities may direct.
Sw.2. That these troops Ire organizetl 8s soon as practicablc, and when so organized, be held in reaciincss t o take tlie field a t a moments notice, wheii called for by
the Prcsiclent, and that till called into actirc service they shall be assembled by regiments in camps of instruction for six days i n every six weeks, under such regulations
ag t h e Secretary of War niay prescribe, arid h~ a l l o w ~ dto remain a t home when not
in camp: Procidrd, That till called into active sewice thev shall receive no pay,

Mr. Gaither riiored to aniciid the anicitdment by striking out all of

tlie same and inserting in licu thereof the following, riz:

Sept. 3, 1862.1


1. The P07igras qf Ihe ( b n f c d t ~ aBates

t ~ of .im~ricado enact, That who
m m c of the forces in t h r field necessary to
tor tlica ini1)li
i n the pending !Far, lie IS authorized to call upon
, for any iiamber 01 troops to serve for the term of

, or

2. 111rirakirig such iquisitioii, the President shall talre into consideration the

istccl for the war a t the time of thB

lualize the same aiiiongst the States
to, and form part of, the conipauies,

q i i a ( I r o n ~battalions,
mid regiincnts heretofore raiied in their respectibe States and
n ( i w i n the SCI \ i w of the Confderatc States, aid the number that may remain from
a n y Statr :Litiir filling up esisting conipmies, sqiiadroiis, hattalions, and regiments
froiir fiwh htatc to their nxjsiiiiiiiii legal numbcr shall be orgtmizcd into companies,
sqiiadrow, battalions, and rt.giriients, as the case niay be, under the laws of such

4 That if the go\ ernor of any State shall refuse or fail for
dalis, after
ch call sliall Iiaw Iwen inatle upon him by the President, to coinply nith said

tion, thc.ii all 11 liite iiialc citizens I)etwccLn t h r ages of thirty-five and forty-five
vc:Lrs in siich St:itc arc hercby niadc subject, iii all resp
-, to ail act entitled An
iwt further to pro\ idc for the public dcfciise, appro17 April sixteenth, eighteen
hniitlrcd and Fist) -two, ant1 tlie President is authorized to enforce said act against
sucli person<. h t i t l , iii tlic c w i i t , a t any tiiiic, if it shall happen that any of the
St:itc.i sliall 11:tvcno go\ m i o r for the tinw I)eing npoii whorn the President can make
, ~ n c hcall, tlicxii all tlic \I liite iiialc (titimiis of ~ c . l State
bc.twcen the ages of thirty-fire
ant1 forty-five ycxars are iiiatle sn1ijec.t to the> said act, and tlie President is authorized
rcc it agSainst such pcrsons
j That the pmsons brought iiito iirilttary servm by this act shall be assigned
conipxny froin their Stale now in tlie service of the Confederate States which
tlicy may piefcr to join, bnbject to
iilntioris as the Secretary of War may
( ~ h t d ) l i s I i ,to s w i m the iillirig u p of
cwnpanies, aqnadrone, battalions, and
d , That persons liable to military Rerv-

service of the. Coiifrclrratc. States

On inotion of Mr. Curry, the amendment of Mr. Gaithcr was ordered

have :miendni&rt,s priiit(xd.
The Chair laid before the TIuuw n incssage from the President;
which i b nr follows, to wit:
I lirren itli traiisiriit coiiiniiinications from tlic Secretary of War iii response to
rc9olutions of the Zlst and :3Oth iiltimo, asking, the one, for a copy of the cartel
r tlie exchange of prisoners recw~tlya g t c d upon with the enemy, and for informaon as to tlle ilialiner in \rliic.h the cnwny lias ohaervctl i t ; the other, for copies of
gageinents n i t h the encmy which have
t kit, official rolmrts of a l l tlle 1)attlcs
o c ~ u r r e t since
the ;itljotiniiiicnt ol C


O n motion, the mcssagc, with accompanying doculnellts, was laid

upon thc t:iI)lc 2nd orctcrcld to I)c priiitml.
Lenvc of :Ibsctlcc ~vai,on iiiotioii, gixntcd to Mcssrs. Singlcton and
Foote ashed the iiiiniiinlous consent of the Housc to h v e referred



[Sept. 3, 1862.

hack to the Coininittee on Foreign Affairs sundry resolutions in relation to the conduct of the ww.
Coilsent was given.
A h . IIeiskell moved that 1,000 copies of the reports accompanying
the Presidents message be printed and that the rule requirin the
motion to be referred be suspcndcd; which motion was lost, an% the
motion t,o print was referred to the Conimittee on Printing.
On motion of Nr. Foote,
The House adjourned until 12 O C I O Cto-morrow.

The Honsc being i n secret

Mr. lienner, fro111 the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
rcferretl a S c n d e bill to increase the provisions f o r detecting countcrfeit notcs. wported the saiiie back, with a recommendation that it
pass with ttn :mendment.
Arid tho question heiiig upon agreeing to the amendinent of the
comniittce, mtiich is as follows, to wit: Strike out whole of the original
bill and insert in lieu thei.cof the following, to wit:
Sccretary of t h e Treasury he, and he is hereby, authorized to employ at
here public moneys are diapositeil, by law, a person expert in the knowlk notes, for tlie purpose of assisting t h e amstant treasurer at such place
1 cx.uaiiiininqall Treasnry notes offered a t such place of deposit, or which
iliittrd to their inspection, n i t h t h e vieiv of discriminating and ascertainin(
niay be genuine from snch as are counterfeit, at such compensation as may
1)c prescribed by thci Secretary of thr Treasury, not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars

or.iioltlrrs of an) genuine notcP of any such denomination shall think proper to make
21 depoiit of thc ~ailie(lither with the Treasurer or any assistant treasnrer or deposi!ary of the Confedcrate States, thc party so making such dcposits shall receive a certilic ate of the nuiount from the Treaqurer, assistant treasurer, or depositary, showing
the date thereof and t h e denoniination and plntc of bills so depoited, and any such
certificate of dcposit sllall bcar interePt a t the rate oi six per cent per aiiiium from
tlie date of siich deposit, and such certificate shall be redeemed with other Treasury
notcs or ciglit per cent bonds of tho Confederate Stater at t h e option of the holder.
SEC. 4. The Secretary of tlie Treasury is hereby anthorized to employ agents at
si1c.h plares as iiiay be deerned expedient for the pnblic intwest f a r the purpose of
clctectilig nricl bringing to piiiiishiiient persons engaged in making, uttering, or circulating counterfeit Treaciiry note<, mil to pay for their services such conipensation,
with siicli traveling and contingent expense$, as he may deem just and expedient,

Mr. Ewirig moved to amend thc anienduieiit of the committee by

adding thei-rto the following words, to wit:
JIYJ?icled, That no peiqoii shall be einplorcd
tlut 3.


an expert who is liable to military

M y . Gtlrnctt cnllcd the question

which was snstnined, and the
amendment of >IT. Kwing to the amendinent of the committee was
lost, a i d the anicndirtcnt of the (mininittee WLR agreed t,o.
And the bill as ttnieridecl \V:kS engrossed, read third time, and passed.
Mi.. Iilenner, from t he saine committee, to whom vas referred a
Senate bill to authorize n changc in the form of Treasury notes, reported

5ept 4, lac%]


tlic sm ie hack, with a recoininendation that it do not pass and be place

o n thc Ca1cnd:tr; which was agreed to.
31r. Olii lton introduccd
A Ijill for tlio rolief of E. 15. Shannon;
w1iic.h \vits rend first :md second tinies and referred to the Committee
011 Colulllerce.
Sly. Perkins moved to reconsider vote by which amendment of
Coriiiiiittec on Wikys and ;l.lems to Senate bill to increase provisions
for clctttcting counterfeit notcls was agreed to.
And oti niotion of Mr. Kenner,
LhIlonse resolved itself into open session.


4, 1862.

The 1Iousc nict pursuant toadjournment, andmas opened with prayer

by the K ~ v3Ir.
. TJikrd,
On inotioii, leave of iihscnce W:M granted to Mr. C:liaiiibliss for two

1\11.. IIolt inoiwl that the call of States be snspended; which was

A1 1%. Strickland offered

A r-exolutionth:Lt the Specinl Committee on Hospitals, in the Departnwnt of IIrnrico, I)e directed to inquire into the expediency and prop r i k x t j of tlic immcdinte abolition of the niedic:d bonrcl of examiners
of t l i ~iick soldici,>for furlough and discharge, :Lnd that they report
to t1ii.r lonse at tile carliest practicable niomcnt;

tho Coniiiiittec on Wnys and Means, to whom


Yo F c l - l d

h ))ill for the relief of tho collector at the port of Norfolk and

rcpottcd the snrne back, Nit11 the recoiiiniendation that it do not pass,
a*ktld to be dischargcd froin i t s further mnsideration, and that the bill
l)c p l n c d npon tho Calendar.
r ,
1 he rcyort vab agreed to.
MY. 1<(w11er3from the sanie committee, reported
A bill to provide for the flirther issue of Treasury notes,
with tlic i~c~conimcnd~tion
tliat it pass.
llic 1)ill \TRY i*cnd the first and second times and, the rules being
burpelideti, tlir bill WRS taken 1111.
lciidi rig the consideration of the saint, on motion of Mr. Keririer,
the bill wtts postponed until the morning honr of Saturday and to be
continued fi-om day to d:~yuntil disposod of, and the same was ordered
to be printcd.
A nle\s:~gc:\\as received from the Seriate, by their Secretary, Mr.
K:~,ii; which is :LR iollo~vs:
Thc Senate have passed a joint resolution (S. 14) tendering the thanks
Colunlnnder l:ben. Iarrantl, Confedcrate States Navy, and the oAicers
r lli4 comInaiitl for thei
nt and inc~itoriousm i d o c t at Ihewrys
1862; in which I am di
to axlc the conrurrencc ol this House;
Also, a joint resolution of tliis T-Tonse of tlic following title, viz:
11. li 12. J o i n t r t 4 n t i o n s of tliaiilrs to Capt. Kapliael Semmeu, officers, and crew
of t l r c x utcarner Srm~tcr.



Kept. 4, 1862.

Mr. Gartrcll, from the Committre of the Judiciary, to whom mas

referrccl tlie nirmorial of illaytha I). Morris and others in relation to
thc property of thc inf:int children of Strplierr A. Dotiglass, reported
the same hack, asked to be dischaigeci from its further considoration,
and that it lie upon the iable.
The report was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, to whom mas referred
A resolution in relation to the confiscation of the estates of pekons
guilty of treason,
re ortcd the sanic back, asked to he discharged from its further consileration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, froni t he same committee, to whom mas referred
A resolution iri rclation to persons residing in the Coilfederate States
who have takcii an oath of allegiance to the United States,
re orted the same bacli, xsked to be discharged from its further consi emtion, and that it lie upon tho table; which was agreed to.
XIr. GRrtrelI, from the sarric conimittm, to whom was referred the
petitions of John Poe, Thomas Duke, and John N. Davis in relation
to danlages sustained from our troops, reported the same back, asked
to be discharged froin the further consideration of the same, and that
they lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Itussell, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whoin was
referred sundry bills and n resolution of the following titles, to wit:
A bill to provide for the piitiishnient of slaves taken i n arms against
the Chnfeilerate States and of white men ahsuming to be officers in
coinmand of such slaves;
A bill providing for retaliatory punishment in certain cases;
A bill providing for tlic piiriishrrierit of fr.lonies committed by officers or privates in the Army of the United StnteL;, etc..;
A bill providing retaliatory puiiihhment in cases of i)ersoiis of
African drscent h i n g found in the ranks of the enemy, orranized for

A bill to provide retaliatory ptxnislmient for the seizure and iniprisonnient of citizens of the Confederate States by officers, either civil
or military, of the CJnitcd States;
A bill to repress atrocitics of the enemj-; and
,Joint resolution in referenco to retaliation,
re ortcd the same hack, asked to be discharged from the further coiisidperation of the same, and that they lic upon the table.
The report was agreed to.
Mi.. Russell, from the same conimittec, reported
A bill to repress atrocities of thc encrny;
which was read the first and second tiiiies, placed upon the Calendar,
and ordered to be printed.
The House their proceeded to tlie consideration o i the special order
of the day, which W R S a bill to fill u p existing companies, battalions,
squadrons, and rcgiinents, o$c.
Pending discwssion 011which,
011motion of Mr. Ittussell,
The House adjourned until 12 oclock to-rnorrow.

iirpt 5, IbF? ]




5, 1862.


The FTousc met, pursnant t o adjournmcnt, and was opened with prayer
hy tlic Rev. Mr. 13aBcr.
Mr. IIolt oficred
A resolution that the dcbxtc on the bill to fill up existing companies,
squadioris, Imttalioiis, and rcgiiticnts of the Provisional Army, and
ituteq offercd thereto, close, arid this llouse proceed .to vote
II s;:Ltllr.tlaJ next, at a oclocli. p. ni.,
id i i i o \ cd that the rule requiring i t to lie over for two days be
Ihc itioiion wab lost.
rcccircd from thc Senate, hy their Sccrctary, Mr.
follows, to wit:
11.. , S ~ x u L w .Tlw Sciiate l i ? y pa ti Idls of the following titles, to wit, yia:
. (8 .hi act to iriakc prowioiis
coins for the Confederate States; and
71. Ail act to a i i i c ~ lan :wt wtitletl An act to Inrther provide for the public
( l ~ t ( ~ i i v , approreti

16th oi *ipril, 1863;

111 I\ Liicli 1 am tlirectccl to auk the concuireiice of this House.

On iiiotioii of Nr. I)amkins,

Thc Iou\e took up for consideration a joint resolution from the
Setlate of thanks to Conmiantler Eben. Farrand, the officers and men
undcr his conitiitind, for gallant conduct a t Urewrys 13lnff, etc. ; which
w : t ~read the first and second times aid, on motion, TV~LYreferred to the
Coniniittoc on S a d Affairs.
Also, a )Jill front thc Sonate to tnalrc prorision for coins of the Cont c v i w i t e States; which was rcad the first and second times and referred
to thc Coitiiiiittee on Mays and Means.
Also, R hill from the Setiatc to amend an act to further provide for
t h o puhlic dcfense; wliich TVLLS rcad the first and second times and
m d to the Conittiittee 011 Military Affairs.
J l r . Collier prcsentccl a iiicrirorial of ,JaIncs H. Cox :ind Wilkiiis Hall
for the cxentption of coal miners; which was rcferrcd to the Committee o n Military Aff:iirs, without being read.
Mr. Collier introduced
A hi 11 authorizing, and regulnting sullstitutes;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Xlilitlary Affairs.
Mr. Chiltoii asked that the votc referring a hill from the Senate in
relation to cscinptions to the Coniiiiittee on Military Affairs be rccons i d o r d , and t h ~thc
t same bc Iaid upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Kctian of North Guoliria prcscntcd thc memoyial of C. A. h o n e
i t 1 rclation to thc trcatnicnt of sick soldiers; which was rcfcrred to the
Sl)wiaI Coniiiiittre on IIospitals, without being rcad.
Air. GRrtrCll offered
A resolutiou th:it t h Corriririttcc on lost-Oflice3 and Post-Roads be
itistrnctcd to ioquiro into thc proprict.y of increasing the saltiricb of mail
route agcrits dwing the coritirtilaiice of the war, arid report by bill o r
othcwisc j
which was rcad and agreed to.
Mr. 13otcler offcred
A resolution that the resolution and :iccoinptlnyirig report i n refer-

3 50

[Sept. 5,1562,


enco to :t Confederntc flag, wliich were submitted from the doint

Coininittce on Flag and Seal tit the 1:tst session of Conwess, he mithdrawn froiri the filca of this House and recommitte8 to the joint
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Kenner presented :I rncmorial f rom the clerks of the War Departinent, askiiig an incrcasc of salary; which WLS refcrred to the Coiiimittee on X:ij~:tnd Xcuiih, without being read.
Mr. Footc offered
A resolution ttrint tiic Sc(wt:t,ry of the Navy he requested to send to
this 1Ionsc a copy of the ofiriid letter of Flag-Officcr Forest, touching
the gdl:illt exploits o i Coinin:~ntlcrFairfax, in coininand of the little
,.tc:iincr. II:~rniotiy,in the contiict with the cnemys frigate Savannah,
\\hicIi i ~ s u l t c diii it licsvy loss of iuen to said f r i p t e a d great injury
to tho h:LInc;
r v h i t - h W:LS read :tnd agi*eedto.
MY. (farnett presciitcd tltc nieinorial of J. 13. IIenrg, asking an
iiwrcasc of hal:tr:). ab alerk; which W:LS rcfcrred to the Coininittee on
Claims, without being read.
Mr. C1:~ppprcsenttd n memorial from Isham Walker, asking the
adoption of R plan for an Rerial caloric ship, etc.; which was referred
to the Coiiniiittce on latcnts, without being wad.
MI.. Lerkins oftcred a resolution; which is as follows, to wit:
\Yliereaq the recent action under the late law of Conpreqs promoting officers out
ill great discontent anrong inany gallant axid meritorious offiis coiiqideied injurious to the best iiitcrwts of the service: Be

Coininittee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire into the

cy of rrpealing or in some nuitable manner iiiodifyiiig the law
ion of Congress in regard to the promotions in the Navy;

~ h i c hW A i-cxd
and :igreed to.
Mr. Uonham presented a memorial of sundry citizens of South
Ciwo1in:t in relation to military transportation; which was referred to
the Cominittec on Alilitwj Transportation, withont Ixing read.
Mr. rhvidson offered a resolution; which is as follows, t o wit:
UesoE?wZ, T h a t the Secretsry of War be requested to communicate to this House
nuinber of coinpanics, sqoadrons, battalions, and regiments and trorn what
States have been raised and organized as partisan rangers since the adjoiirnnient of
Congress, and by what authority each conimander of the said corps have raised said
1% hat

which was vend and agrccd to.

Mr. ScxLori introduced
A bill to :umnd an act concerning the transportation of soldiers and
nllo-ivancc, for clothing of volunteers, and amendatory of the act for
tbe cstnblishnitnt and organization of the Arniy of the Confederate
States, approved May 21, 1862;
whicli mas r e d the first and sccond tinlcs and rcferrcd to the Committee on Military Transportation.
Mr. Miles introduced
A hili to increase the Signal Corps;
which ivas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Mililrtry Affairb.
A ~ ~ ~ e s v aWLS
g e rcccived from the President, 1-?y his Private Secretary, Mr. 1-1arrison.a



a Not recorded i n the Journwl.



0, l % l


i i i ( s q \ras

revived from the Senate, by their Secretar

K d i ; which is as follo\vs, to wit:

MY.kSjm3cr: The Senatc h a ~ passed
a bill of thig House of ttir follolving title, viz:
11. 12. 1. h n act to authorize the appointment of additional officers of artillery for
ortlnancc: duties, with an amendmont; in which I an1 directed to nsk the concurrenee
of this flonse.

Thc House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order

the day, which nras a bill to fill up existing companies, squadrons,
I)~lttnlioris,rcgjriicnts, etc.
Pciicling wtiich,
On motion of Mi.. Keiiner,
llie House adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.


EI (;In I ~ B T HDAY -SA~LTRL)AY, ~Ei.Tx:arnER 6, 1862.


Ihc Ilonse met puissuaiitto adjournment, arid was opened with pmyer
1))- tlic Uev. MI*.Sprigg.
gc wits remiwd from the Senatc, by their Secretary, Mr.

Eitsh; which is as follows, to wit:

I C ~ , P C ( X P J Thc Senate hare paesed a hill of the folloming title, to wit:
to provide for the piiblic dtfense;
I n whicli I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

A. 74. .in art to amend an act entitled An act

A h . 11. W. Bruce presented the meniorial of Lieut. Col. M. H.

Cofcr in i~elationto promotions i n the Army; which was referred to
thc Couunittce on Military Affairs, without being read.
The House then proceeded to the considerution of the special order
f o r the iiio~~iiiig
hour, which mas a hill to provide for the further issue
of Ii.rasury notes.
i\nd thc first section of t h e same [bring under consideration]; which
is a s follows:

MI-. Kenner moved to ainend the same by atxiking out the word
inserting in lieu thereof the words

law and

on of t h e act entitled An act to provide further nieans for t h e support

ninent, approved April twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.

The riiotion prevailed.

Illr. Machen moved to amend the bill by ~trikitigout the third
sccstion; which is as follows:
The Secretary of the Tremmy is authorized to pay annually the interest
on tlie first of January on ail interest-bearing Treasury notes, and to make
r regulations in relation to such payment,

arid inserting in lieu thereof the followirrg words:

That the accurilulating interest upon all P U C issues
&all be held to be due on the
fiwt day of Jnnuaq. in each year, and shall tliereafter bear interest at the same rate
as the principal.



(Scpt. 6, 18fi2.

Mr. Johnston moved to amend the hill hy striking oiit tlie third section.
Mr. E. M. Bruce moved that the bill and amendments be laid upon
the table,
The motion was lost.
The Chair laid before the House a message from the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
I have the honor to trarisnlit a communication from the Secretary of the Treasiiry,
inclosing two statements, marked A and B, in reply to a reeolution of thc Iiouse of
Representatives requesting information concerning the anlomlt ot furlds sent abroad
to officers or agents of the Government for military and naval purposes, n ith certain
particulars regarding the same.

which was read, and, with its accompanying documents, was wferred
to the Committee on Ways and Means, with instructions that thcy
report in sccrct session, if at all.
Also, a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury; 1% hich is
as follows, to wit:

k 1 \RT\lEST,
Richmond, J?i., 8epieiiibe,. 5, 1862.

Speaker of the House of Represenlatices, Confedenite 8tcrtr.s q i Aiwriro.
SIR: In response to a resolution of the House of Keprecentatiwe, acloptecl August
26, 1862, asking for the number of soldier and other claiins on file in the Second
Auditors Office for adjustment, the length of time they h a w lxen GII filc, and the
reason they have not been earlier acted on, I hare the honor to inclow herewith a
report from the Second Auditor, giving the desired information. I h a I e to state, in
addition, that the full complement of clerks allowed by Ian has not hitherto been
made for two reasons: First, because the absence of papers, as dated by the Auditor,
would prevent their discharging their duties; and, secondly, that u n t i l the present
week, sufficient office accommodation could not be procured for the use of this
0.f the Trecistiry.
~ T E
ST\T w,
&pteinbcr 3,1862.
Speaker of the House of Representatirea.
SIR: I have been furnished by the Clerk of the House of Representatit es with a
copy of a resolution of said House, of August 26, a5: follon s:
Resolved, That the Second Auditor be required to report to this EIoasc. at as early
a day a8 practicable, the number of soldier and other claims on file i i i Ili- oflice for
adjustment, the length of time they have been o n file, and t h e reason they lia\e not
been earlier acted upon.
I n compliance with the above rail, I have the honor to state that the niimber of
claims for arrears of pay due deceased soldiers on file in this oflire for adjnstnient
(unsettled) is 2,900. As to the length of time they h a w heen on file, i t would be
impossible to state precisely without preparing a minute statement in detail ehowing
the date a t which each case \vas filed. They have come in daily since 1st January
last up to the present day; a very few cases, still unsettled, running back so far as
the first-named date. The reasonb these claims have not been acted t1po11are:
Firet. The passage of a n act of Congress, approved February 15, 18ti2, 11hich was
construed as intending to take the settlement of soldiers claims from the .Iuditor
and devolve it upon t h e quartermastms of the respective regiments. Thus their
examination and settlement was suspended in this office until, a t n i v suggestion, the
law was submitted to the Attorney-General, who, on the 9th of >ray, 1862, communicated his opinion that said act did not intend to dispense vith :in audit by the
proper auditing office prior to payment by the Pay Departnrent of the Army, as
directed by the second section, and they were again proceeded with.
Second. The removal from this city in June last by the Adjutant and Quartermaster
Generals, because of the proximity of the enemy, of the muster and pay rolls, to

Sept. 6,1862 I


which daily reference wae indispensable in malting settlements of these claims,

as, thereforc, suspended during the absence of those records; arid further hirl
was experienced by thc packkg up in boxes, iiiade expressly for the pu~posc,of all
thc records, books, and papers of this office (except a tew in tlailv use), ready to be
moved a t a moments notice to a place of security in case the safeti of the cityshould
have been seriously endangered by the presence of the enemy.
Third. The failure in many instances of captains to send in their rolls to the proper
department, arising partly, I presume, from the constant movement of troops and
casualties of service.
Fonrth. The want of sufficient clerical force to bring up arrears arising as before
stated, and to keep pace with the ininiensely increasing current influx of these
claims. 1 may remark that a large portion of thwe claims, thiis r e p r t e d as remaining unsettled, have bern regularly taken up and examined, bnt ha\ e bren suspended
and laid aside for want of necessary proof, e\ ideiice of seri ice, etc.
The number of clailns, other than deceased soldiers, on filc in this office for
adjustment (comprising claims of all kinds growing o u t of tlie war, but principally
for supplies fnrnishc~l)is 97, of which there have been cx-alll~ncdanti suspended for
fnrthrr proof 30, leaving 67 which remain uncxaniined, anti of which nearly all were
i e c w v d in the last month-August.
This statement does not include claiiiis of the State of South Carolina, under the
act of Ileceinber 11,. 1861, a portion of which rwiains unscsttled; or of the States of
Mississippi and Imueiana, under theact of August YO, 1861, for which there has been
no appropriation by Congress.
I heg leave, respectfully, in conclusion, to state that the forw nf this oftice is now,
and always has been, greatly inadequate to the public naiits, ant1 most earnestly to
suggest the absolute necessity of its being at once h e a d y intvwased in order that the
pu1)iic accounts and rlaiius rimy I J
disposed of. Onc Iinndrcd intelligent,
iridustrious accountants is the niiniiiiuiri nuiiil)ei that \\ oulcl be sufficient for the
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Mr. Crockett moved that the comniiinication and nccoinpanying

docuirients be referred to the Committec on the Judiciary stnil printed,
with instructions to inquire what additional legislation, if any, be
Mr. Heiskell moved to amend the motion by striking out the word
,Judiciary and inserting in lieu thereof the words M i l i t q ~Affairs.
The amendment was lost, and the motion of hh. Crockctt was
agreed to.
The Chair presented a messagc from the Prcsidcnt; which is as follows, t o wit:
70 the IIoicse of Itepreserctntiiw:
I herewith transmit to your honorable body an estimate o f appropriation called for
by the Secretary of War.

which, with its accompanying document?, was referred t o tho Committee on Ways and Means and ordered t o be printed.
Also, a communication from the Secretary of the Kavy; which is as
follows, to wit:
I Z d m on d, September 6 , 1862.
Ifon. T I I O M S.
Sj,eaker of the IIouse of
SIR: I n response to the following resolution adopted by the IIoure of Representatives on the 3d [5th] instant, R(wZiad,That the SrcIetary of the Kavy be requested
to send to this House a copy of the official letter of Flap-Officer ITortest, touching the
gallant exploits of Commander Taylor, in command of the little ste.nucr JIarmony.
in her conflict with the eriernys frigate Sa\annali, which resultctl i n u hc%ry lo
irien to said frigdte and great injury to the same, I have the honor to t r m





[Sept. 6,1862.

heiewith a copy of the letter referred to, and by which you will observe that Comniander FairfaAwas in coiuniand of the IIarriiony.
With in~iclirespect, your obedient servant, P
8ixrehaiy (if tlre Nary.
Gosport, Vu., September 2, 1861.
SIR: I directed Commander Fairfas to take charge of the little steam tug Harmony
and niount upon her oiie of the rifled punq of 57 cwt. and carry with him all the pro-

the exploit. Pennit inc, therefore, to coininentL hiin to the notice of the Department.
1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Flag-ORcw. etc.

On motion, the same was laid upon the table and ordered to be
prin tcd.
On motion, Irare of absence mas granted to Mr. Lewis, on account
of siclmrss.
A h . 13nrl<dxlc, 1)y consent, offered the following resolution, to wit:
Wharcas it i q a l l c g d i n tlw oflick1 ieport of hIajor-6eneral J. Bankliead Magruder,
y-tv o, that the Arniy ot the Peninsula,
dated l l n ) lourtlr, o i ~ l i t c v i Iiriiitlrc~tl
, incliisi\e, had neither coffee, sugar,
d t meat in rrcluced quantities, and
ie following language of the said report, to
has c\ tr wcrr ould I l a x niutinietl under
ice i n the trenchrs lor tnrmty-nine davs, e \ p o ~ every
~ l nioiiient
shells, i r i water to their linres, $1ithout h e , sngnr, or coffee, without stiiiiulniit-, aiicl \\ itlr an iiradeyuate ~11pp1yof uncoohed flour and salt meat.
Theieforc, he it
liesoltcd, That the Ircsident be respectfully requested to cause to be furnished for
the information o f tliis botly a repoit setting forth the quantity a ~ i ddescription of
pro\.ision supplicb furnished to the L\ru>yof the Peninsula during the period above
recited, and the quantity and description of said supplies which wcre on hand a t the
time of tlie 11itlidla\\ a1 of the army froin the peninsula on the third of Nay last.

Alr. kootc c.:~llcd tlie question thercon; which was ordered, and the
:qycc.d to.
The I l o r i r c tlion proceeded to thc consicleration o f the special order
of bu,iiics>q which \vas n bill to fill up existing companies, squadrons,
battalionr, rrgiiiicnts, ctc.
Mr. I)upr6 cxllcd for thc qurstion, which was upon the amendment
of IrZr. ( h i t h r to the aniendiiient of Mr. Bonhani.
A h . G:bithCr xslied that the vote be recorded by yeas and nays.
Thr dcriiaiid WiLS sustaincd,
And the vote. is as follo.cvs, to wit: Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Nays . - - - _- - - _ _ 45 [46]
Yens: Arriiigtoii, A s h , Ihtson, Boteler, Bridgers, Currin, Dapr8,
EmiIig, ITootc, Iostc I, Frceinan, Gaither, Gray, Hmly, Herbert, Hilton, Johnston, Kenan of Xorth Carolina, McDowell, &Lean, Nenees,


Sept. 6 , 1862 1


Moore, lugh, Rails, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Kort

Iina, :tiid TIrright of lcxas.
X a p : lh-lisdale, Hell, Thih;tm, h y c e , IIoratio I?. Bruc
Bruce, Chambers, Chainbliss, Chilton, Chriurnan, Clapp,
Conrad, Conrow, Crocliett, C u r q . Davis, Dawkins, Farrow, Gartrcll,
Cioodp, Grahartl, Hartridge, Hciskell, Molt, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenner, Lttndcr, Lyon, Lyons, Mtlchen, Marshall, McRae,
NIcQueen, Jlileu, Perkins, Preston, Striclilantl, Swan, Trippe, Vest,
ITclsh, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, and Nr. Speaker.
So the ninendnieiit to the amcndrncnt was lost.
The que.;tion then being on the amendment of MI.. Bonham,
Mr. Davis morrd to miend by striking out all of the same and inserting i n lieu thereof the following:
That the act approved on tlie sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixtyr provide for the public defense, be, and the same
t v o, known as An act f u r t h ~to
is hereby, $0 enlarged and extc.ncled as to embrace all free white male citizens of
the Confederate States of Ameritd 1)ctwecn the ages of eighteen and forty-five years,
not to be discharged upon attaining the age of forty-five if enrolled and mustered into
serriye before.
SEC.2. Ije if .ftwther e n n c f d , That retired comiriiqsioned offi(.crqof the Confederate
Army shall have the right to furnibh substitutes, and that this act take effect and be
in force from and after I& passage.

Mr. I-Iolt moved that the bill and ameudments be laid upon the table.
Thr: motion TWS lost.
And the first section of the bill being under consideration; which is
:is f o l l o ~ to
~ ,wit:
i o 1.
~ 7Iie Coiigress of the Confederate States of ilinerica do enact, That when the

~1 din11 consider an increa5e of the forces in the field necessary to repel invasions, 0 1 lor the piiblic d e t y in the pending nar, he is authorized, as hereinafter pro\ ided, to (.all into the niililary service of the Confederate States for three years or
during the present war, if it should I J C soouer ended, all white male citizens of the
Collfcderate State*, not legally exempted froni such tjervice, betu-cen the ages of
thirty-fi\ e and forty-five years; and siich arithoiity shall exist in the President daring the prcqent v a r as to all persons who IIOW ale or may hereafter become eighteen
years of age, and, 1%hen oncc carolled, all persons betmeen the ages of eighteen and
forty-fin. rpars shall her\ e their full term: f+oiitkd, houlever, That t h e regiment
raised under and by authority of the State of Tcxas and now in the service of said
State for frontier defense is hcreby exempted from the provisions and operations of
thicl act. 1nd procided, That if the President, in calling out troops into the service
of t h e Confederate States, shall first call for only a part of the persons between the
agcs herrinlwfore stated, he shall call for those b e h e e n t h e ages of thirty-fire and
any other age less than forty-fire, and apportion the same between the several States,
taking into consideration thcir relative popnlation between the ages of thirty-five and
forty-five and the number of troops already furnished to the Army by tlie respective
States under former acts, so far as the same niay be practicable without departing
iroin t h e principle of calling out troops according to age: And pro?idpdfurther, That
in estiinating the number of troops furnishcd by any State under former arts each
State shall be credited with all the coinpanies mustered into service from said State,

Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend the same by striking

o ut all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the follr)wing, to wit:
That the President be authorizcd to call upon the several States for their respective
quotas of a forre, in the aggregate not exceeding three hundred thousand men, in
addition to those already in the licild, to serve for three years or t h e war, whereof so
many shall bc placed 111 the rcginicrits of the States from whith they are taken as are
necessary to fill such regiments to the full number prescribed by the a r t of April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-hr 0 , and the residue of the quota shall be received
tn bodies organized bv authority of tlle States: Prooided, hozcerer, That t h e quota to
oe fnrnished by each State shall not exceed tlie differenre between the whole number
of persons t!lerein, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, liable under the



laws thereof to ciilitary service and not exempt, to be estimated according to the
returns of t h e last census, and the nuiiiber \\ hich such State has already furnished
by volunteering, conscription, or utherR ist: to the Confedcrate Government for the
term of three years or the war.

Nr. Lyons moved that when the Rouse adjourn it adjourn to meet
in the new hall; which was agrccd to.
On motion of Mr. Kerlner of Louisiana, the House resolved itself
into secret session; and having spent soiiie time therein, again resolved
itself into open session;
On mbtion,
The IIoiisc idjouriied until 12 oclock on Monday.

Tlic ITou>c k i n g in secret session, a message waS received from the

&wate, by the hands of Mi-. Kabh, the Secretary of that hodj; which is
as follows, to wit:
dfr. ,qjeccher. The Senate have passed, without amendment, a bill of this House of
the follow iiig title, \ iz:
4 n act to authorix t h e issue of Confederate States bonds to meet a contract made
b y the Secretary of the Ka\ y for six ironclad vessels of war, and steam engines and

And on riiotion of Mr. Clapp,

The Hoube rcsolvcd itself into open session.


8, 1862.

T h e House met pnrruant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer

by the Rev. MY.\Vcllons.
A niessage from t h e resicleiit was received, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harri3on.
The ChRir laid before the House a message from the President; which
i b as follows, to wit:
I herewith transmit a communication from the Seereta] y of War in response to
resolutions of your body requesting information concerning t h e prosecution of the
nork on the railroad for connecting t h e R i ~ h ~ n o nand
d D a n d l e with the North
Carolina ltailroad, and also concerning certain oiders said to have been issued by
& h j . Gen. Thomas C . Hindinan in the Trans-Mississippi Department.

which, with its accompang.iiig docimient, was read and ordered to be

laid on the table aud printed.
Also, a rncssage from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
I herevith transmit a letter from the Secretary of War in response to a resolution
of t h e House of Reprcsentatires reqne?tinp information relative to arrests, by military authority, of citizens of the Confederate States.


which, with its acconipanying document, was laid upon the table and
ordered to he printed.

Sept 8, 1862.1


Also, a. communication from the President; which is as follows, to


&ptem her F, 186%.

lo the IIotonsr of Representati?;es:

1 Iiereaith transniit a letter from the Secretary of War, inclosing a communication

from t h e G2uarteririatiter-(ieiieral,in response to a resolutioii of tlie House of Representatives reque5ting iniormation relative to the payment of ti oops. The organization
of t h e Ariiiy of t h e Confederate States gives a paymaster to each regiment by devolving the paynient of troops on regimental quartermasters, a system by hich we avoid
at the same tiiiie all danger from delay in payrneiit by the abseiice of the proper
dticer, as well as the h m u d of transporting large stinis of iiioiicy from camp to camp,
as noultl be tlie CBFC if a corps of ofticcrs wcrc ciiiployctl for the sole purpose of paying the troops. The tai1ure.l to pay regularly, as rsquircvl hy regulations, should
disappear wlth the proinpt and regular wpply of funds to the quartermasters o f the
diffcrent reginrents. The ability of the Goveriiiiient to do this, it is hoped, will
increabe with the further derelopnient of the mean9 o t the Treasury Department.

ST LTES OR ,hlERI<i\, T$Talt nEl~ARlMENT,

I?ich?iiontl, September 5 , 1862.

His Excellency .JEFFERSON
President ( bnfetlercrfeStcites of Anwrtccc.
SIR:1have the honor to inclose a letter from the C2uar~eriiiaster-Generalin response
to a resolution of the House of Iiepicsentati\es relative to the payment of troops.
Very respectfully, your obedient Pervant,
Eecretary of Ilitr.
& ~ A K T E R 3 l A S T E I ~ - G E N ~ l ~ ~ OFFICE,

8eptenahQr3, 186.9.
Srcretary of War.
SIK:In reply to the communication of the President to the War Department,
accoinpanying a resolution of tlie House of Representatives relative to the payinent
of troops, referred to this office for consideration and report, I have the honor to
explain that tlie Army Regulations do not require the troops to be paid monthly.
Paragraph 1056 is in thwe ~ o r d s :The troops itill be paid in such manner that
the arrears shall a t no time exceed two months, nnlcss the circumstances of the case
rcrider i t unai oidable, etc.
Circumstances have arisen in numerous instances to caiiqe fonr months, and O N d sionally six o r eight months, to elapse lwtween the dates of payment. This failnre
to pay is attributable not to the favt that qnarteriiiasters d o not proniptly forward
their ertimates for the funds requisite, IJut to the difficulty in olkainiiig iiioney from
the Treasury after rcqniaitions hare bccn sent in, owing to causes which, no doubt,
will lle fully euplaincd by the honorable Secretary of the Treasury. It riot unfrequently happens, though, that, owing to interruption of mail c inunication between
t h e seat of government and the points at which the. quarte isters are stationed,
t h e estiniates fail to reach the Department in season to be acted 011, so that payment
to t h e troops m a y not be deferred.
Again, a particular body Lif troops, after having been estimated for in one military
department, may be removed to a different and distant point hclore the quartermasters estim:Lte has been acted on or responded to. The quarterinaster whose duty
it may be to jxocure funds to disburse to the coniinand to which they are removed
will not have embraced them in his estimate, and payment to them will, of course,
be delayed.
The practlce prevailed wit11 the United States Gover~inienlto pay troops a t tlie
end ot every two nioiiths; never for a less period were coinpairies mustered for pay.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Jvhich wa4 read and, with its accompanying dociiments, referred to the
Cornrnittee 011 Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.
The Ijouse tllen proceed(y1 to tlie considcration of t h sppci:d order
of I)usiness for the morning hour, which wub a bill to provide for the
further issue of Treasury notes.



[Sept. 8, 1862.

MY.Kenner of Louibiana called for the question; which mas ordered,

and was upon the ainendiuuut offered by Mr. ,Johnston, striking out the
third section.
Mr. Collier arkcd that tlie rote b e recorded by ycas and nays;
Which being ordered,
. 27
Yeas _ _ _ _ - - _.- Were recorded as follows, to wit: xays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ 53
Yeas: Arrington, Rshe, liatson, Eli M. I h c e , Chambliss, Chilton,
Collier, & ~ i r a d , (:onrow, Crockott, Uawltins, Ewing, Gaither, Gray,
1-1anI y , IJciskeI I, Xlol coin?)e, ,I ohnst on , 1,yens, Marshall, McLean ,
perkins, Prchton, S\\
2 1 1 , Veit, Wright of Texas, and MY. Speaker.
Xays: Ii:~kiiviri, 1Sarksdalc, 13el1, I3onham, Boteler, 13o~ce,Horatio
W. I h c e , Ch~ iiii~ aii,
Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Cooke, Curriri, Curry,
I)argy+ Dab is, Farrow, Foote, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell,
Gentry, Goode, Graham, H a i ~ i s ,Hartridge, Herbcrt, Hilton, Holt,
Jones, Icenan of Georgia, Keiiari of Kortll Carolinn, Kenner, Lander,
Lyori. AIcQucen, hIcnecs. Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, Pugli, Read,
koyston, Russ~ll, Siiiith of Alabanyt, Smith of North Carolina,
Stricklaiid, 'I'ibhs, Trippe, VillerQ, Wileox, Wright of Georgia, and
Wright of Tmnessee.
So the aineiitlmeiit \ T ~ Slost.
Nr. Foote moved that the vote by which the amendment was rejected
be reconsidered.
Mr. Kenner of Louisiam callcd f o r the question; which was ordered,
and R/h.. Corir:id s x l i c d that thc vote be record~ctby yoas and nays;
Which was agreed to,
Yeas._. _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
Axid the Sauie R Y B recorded as frol~ows,to wit:
n , Ashc, ~ I y e r .Krttson; R O ~ C CBridgrru,
Eli 34.
Chilton, Collier, Conrad, Conrow,
wing, I'oute, Foster, Gaither, Goodr,
Gray, Hanly, IIeiskrll, Elodgc, FIolco~nl)~,
.Joliwton, I<eiianof Georgia,
Lyons, Msrshail, ALcIJe&n, McQueen, &nees, Perkins, Preston,
Smith of Alabama, S w a n , Vest, Tl'elsh, Wright of Texas, Wright of
Tennessee, and Mr. Speaher.
Nays: Baldwin, Barksdale, Bcll, Ronhaui, Boteler, Iloratio W.
Bruce, Chrisman, Cla p, Clark, Clopton, Cooke, Currin, Curry, DuprB,
Frceman, Gartrell, gentry, Qrahxrii, Harris, Hartridge, Herbert,
IIilton, Holt, Jones, Icenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon,
Machen, McDowell, Miles, Moore, ?ulunnerlyn, Puph, Rend, Royston,
uss sell, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Tib))s, Trippe,
VillorB, and Wright of Georgia,
S o the motion to reconsider was h f .
The hour having arrived for thc consideration of the special order
of the day,
Mr. Keniier rnovcd that its considel-ation be postponed until tlie kill
under consideration bc disposed of; which \vas agreed to, and
HeiJreII called for the question.
The question mas ordered, and mas iipon the amendment offered by
Mr. Machen.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Conrad then moved to amend the third section of the bill by
adding at the end thereof the words

sept. 8, 1862.1


I ) , 07 d v l , That iiiitil six months after a treaty of peace such payment shall be m
i n rrcawry notes not bearing interest;



agreed to.

MI.. Ch:~nil,lissmoved that the fourth section of the bill, which is as

follows. t)c stricken out, riz:

T t w ixwe of Trcaeurv notes under the denomination of five dollars is authorized
1~ e ~elided
to ten tiiillioris of dollars.

Air. Kcnner called tho question thereon; which was ordered, an

thv u i o t ion wab lost.

Ihc I)ill was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Air. Kcnncr niorcd further to postpone the regnlar special order of
tlic d n v in ordcr to report a hill from the Coniniittee on Wnys and
X . i i t i s ; which was ztgreed to, and BLr. Kcnncr, from the Committee on
J\rajs :LOCIMeans, reported a bill nialring appropriations to coiiiply
with tbc provisions of certain acts of Congress, etc.; which was read
tlit first and sccond times.
The rules xvere suspended, and the bill was talien up.
Sir. . J O K I ~ Sof Tcnnc~seemoved that tlic rnlc requiring its consideration i n Coniniittee of tlic IYhole be suspended; which was agreed to,
and tht. bill was then engrosbed, read a third time, and passed.
Nr. I,yons, by consent, presented a .design for a Confederate flag;
w2iicIi T V U ~referred to the Committcr 011 the Flag and Seal.
The Chair announucd as thc ndditiond standing committccs undcr
tlie resolutioii o f Mr. Hcisl-icll thv followiug, to wit:
Coniniittee o i i the Xedicnl1)epnrhnent: Messrs. Wright of Georgia,
ouri, (;oocle of Virginia, Chrisman of Kentucky, Smith of
S o r t h &roliii:i, F a i ~ o mof South Carolina, Ralls of Alabama, Menees
o f 1 e n n ( ~ ~ ~and
c r 3ltoj-ston of h~l;ansas.
( 3 )iiiiri ittcc on Qiittrtcr:ii:wt
3 :ml Coinniiss;try Ilepwrtmciits and or1
31ilit:try Ir;uisport:ition: hf r4. Chilton of Alahania, Marshall of
I,oiiihhria, ;\lcl+ac of Missiqsippi, lrcston of Virginia, Clark of Goorgia, Lander of S o r t h Carolina, h w k i n s of Plorida, Ayer of South
Carolina, and Sexton of Texas.
(~orninittceon Ordnance and Ordnance Stores: Messrs. Botoler of
Viyiiiia, Conrad of Louiriana, JVriglit of Tennessee, Clopton of Alahamx, Hodgc of I<ent1xcliy, Hartridgo of Georgia, Coolce of Missouri,
Clap11 of Mi s s i dppi , and Herbert of Texas.
lh. Elliott, from the Coniinittce on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled
Joint resolution of thanks to Capt. Raphael Semmes, officers, and
c ~ e wof the steamer Snmter;
And Speaker signed the same.
On motion, leave of absence was granted Mr. Ralls.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of tho regular special
order of the day, which mas ft bill to fill up existing companies, squadron\, IYiLttalions, regiments, etc.
Pending which,
On motion of Xr. Chambliss,
The louse adjourned until 12 oclock to-morrow.

3 w



[sept. 9, 1862.

9, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Dargan offered t~ resolution; which was retd and agreed to,
to wit:
That the Coiririiittec on
what rulrs ~ l i o \ d d~ J V atlt
exercised I J pro\
~ mt-mars1

Affairs inquire, and report by bill or otherwise,

(ongrew to prevent the abuse of tho powen
lirsc acting under their authority.

MY.Ciirr.? introduced
h I)ill t o scciire cqyrights to %uthors and composers, citizens of
the Collfcd(~r;ttcStatcs, whose works were copyrighted under the
lams of the eiiitcd Stateh;
which w t s read t2ic first and second times and referred to the Committee on the ,Jndiciary.
Mr. Lj-on presented the inelnorial of sundry citizens of Greene
County, Ah., in relation to the exemption law; which was referred
to t h e Cornniittee on Nilitary Affairs, without being read.
Mr. I h ~ n l yintroduced
bill to anthorizc certain battalions and regiments to elect their
which was r c d the first and second times and referred t o the Committee on Xilitary Affairs.
Mr. Koystor1 offcrcd
A resolution that the President be respectfully requested to communicate to thc, IIousc of Elcprcsentatives whether or not persons physled l o discharge the duties of a soldier have, by the order
etary of T a r , been ordered to be enrolled as conscripts for
the p i q o b e of perfoiminp other duties than those contemplated by
the act of Congrehs cntitlcd An act further to provide for the public
defcns:r.. approved on the 16th of April, 1862, and if so, by or under
what aut!iority has said order been made;
which was read and agreed to.
Mi-. TIartridge offered
A yesolution that the Committee on Ways and Means be requested
to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Secretary of the
Treasury to offey a reward of ____ thousand dollars for the apprehension and conviction of m y person engaged ,in forging or uttering
coniitrrfeit (:onfederate Treasury notes, and to report by bill or
which was read mid agrecd to.
Mr. \Tright of Georgia introduced
A joint rcsoliition on the subject of a commissioner to the United
States Go\ crniimiL oil t h e 1 . ~ 1 ~ofs conducting the war;
which \V:W rc:ttl the first fi id second times.
M i - . Foot<. ca1li.d for the question; which mas ordered, and was upon
the rcfereiice of the joint rrsolution to a committee.
Mr. Kcnncr of Georgia ahked that the vote be taken by yeas and nays;
mhich ?.wing bwonded,
The s:mie are rccordetl ar, folloms, to wit: Ycas ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33
Nays .- - .. -.- - - - 51
Peas: Ai-rington, X y e r , Edtiwin, Bell. Boycc, Bridgers, Eli M,
Urucc, Clark, Coiirow, Dc Jarnette, Foote, Foster, Harris, Hartridge,




n m of Korth Ctwolina, Iienncr, 3Iaclien, i\llcDo

A I i les, l'res to n, liead , Roy stoti, Sniith of A lxb:u11x,
roliiia. Strickland, Vest, Villerb, Wright of Gcoigia,
:ind 311.. Spe:tl;er.
IZntson, I h h a i n , Iloteler, Horatio W. Bruce, Chambers,
(:halnl)liss, Chrisnitrn, Cl:tpp, Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Cooke, Crochctt,
('iirrin, I)iirp:in, Davis, Uuprk, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Freeman, C;wdptiliii~c,i h r t r e l l , Goode, Graham, Gray, I-Ianly, Hciskell, Herbert,
TIiltoii, I iolcoinl~c,ITolt, tJohnston, Kerian of Georgia, IAaiic1er,Lyon,
~ I : ~ r h : i l;CIcQueen,
Moore, Mnnnerlyn, Yerkins, I'ugh, Itussell, Soxton, S n :ui. 'l'ilhs, Trippe, 'Vl'elsh, Wilcox, Wright of TCX:LS,
and Wright

So t l i ~IIooie refused to refer the joint resolution.

JVright o f Georgia mo\-cct that the vote by which tile Ilonse
tl to 1.e1'c.r the insolution be reconsidered.
ic\+xgI?:cwas rcccivcd from the Senate, by their S e c r e t i ~ r ~
A h, .
K'w5li: iihich is :is follows, to wit:
. 'rlie Scwate haqe p a ~ ~without
d ,
anienctiiient, R joint r c d u t i o i i of this
folloii irig title, v i z :
oiiit 11.solntiori of thanks to Commander Farram).,of the Coiifet1erate
iffiter ill coiiiiiiancl of tlrc nit1 al and inilitaryforces, andC'npt. A. Divnry,
> V i 1 1 0 1 iriilitary oiiiter, ant1 tlic oficws :md iiicn under their commaund at lh-ewry's
Illnff 011 tlic 13th May, IS62; also
11. 1.: 4. , i n :wt niaking appropriation to corriply with the 1)rovisioiis of certain
acts of Congress, etc.

I3oteler presented a coinmuiiication from Messrs. Waltoii and

u1)oii tlic siibjtet of exempting milleis froin miiittiry service;
which was refcrred to the Coiniiiittec on Military AEttirs, without
SIr. Villcrc' prweuted the meinorial of Riclmrcl N. Iiarvey airti olhers
o n the h i i l ) j w t of river naval operations; which was refcrrcd to the
Cotnniittcc on Sam1 Af&irs, without being mad.
A h . li:lliott, from the Coiiimittec on Enrolled TZiIls, rcyjorted ~ L cor
I ~ C C . t i > c11rolled
il, hill n-mlring nppropriations t o comply with tho provisions o f certain acts o f Congress;
And the S p d c e r signed the same.
'I'hc Ho~orrscthen proceeded to the consideration of tho qm4d older,
whichli \I as a bill to fill up existing companies, squsdroiis, k)attslion*,
rcgiments, etc.
The qnestioti being on the amendment of Mr. Smith of North CttroI ina.
Pendiug thc conhideration of which, Mr. Fostei. moved that when
IIou+ adjoui.n it adjourn to meet at 10 o'clock to-morrow.
1r. Keniicr of Louisiana moved to airicnd tlie motion by striking
or it, the words " ten o'clock to-niorrow " aiid inserting in lieu tliercof
tlic wolds " eight o'clock p. m, this evening."
'I'he anicndnicnt was lost, mid the motion was agreed to.
On motion ol Mr. Ileislwll,
The Housc then adjourned.



10, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. J?ost,er inoved a call of the House; which was agreed to, and a
quorum bcing present,
M u . Miles moved that all further proceedings under the call be dispensed with; m-hich was agrccd to.
On motion, Icsre of absencc for three days was granted N r . Baldwin,
on account of JJusiiiess.
On motion, 1ciir.c was :~lsog r a n k d hfr. Chilton. on account of illness.
Mr. I3onhani piwcntod the ~nenioridof siindry citizens of South
Ciuwlinn, pmying tlit. cst~:ihlisliiiicrit,
o f i l mail route; which was referred
iittcv on l'ost-Offices and Post-IZoads, without being road.

A rcqolution that it be referred to the Committee on the ,Judiciary

to inqnire into the oxpeclicncy of so amending the sequestration lams
passed hy this arid the Prorihioiittl Congress as to relieve persons owing
debts to alien enemies froiii thc paynien t of the interest annually on
such d c l h :
whicli wxi; rend and :igrecci to.
Alho, B mcinori:d in rcfcrcnee to contributions for the f;milies of
the soldivr:, w h o fall i n 1)i~ttlv;wtiich M tts referred to the Coiuniittee
p Affairs, without lieing read.
es, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom v7as
refer rod
A Iiill to 1)rovidc for payment for horses liillcd in action,
rcportvtl t l i s:iiric
h c k , a9lictl to tte discharged from its further consideration, aiitl that it be r c ~ f c r i to
~ ~tlie
l Coniiuittcc on Qn:trterniaster's
and Coiiiniish:iry l_)clxirtmentsand Military Transportation ; which was
agrwd l o .
,111.. Milcs, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to coniplete the Georgia and Alabdnia lttailroad :is a military
reported thc stiiiie f m c k , asked to 110 discharged from its fui.ther consideration, and that it be referred to the Comniittee on Military Transportation; which was agreed to.
MY.Miles, from the same coininittee, to whom was referred B memorial praying p"p for horses lost in the public service, reported the
s:tnie hack, asli-cd to he disch:irged from its further consideration, and
that it he referred to the Coinrnittee on JIilitary 'l'rrtnsportation; mhicii
was agreed to.
A!so, from the same committcc, to wlioni n7as referred
A rcwliltion in relation to an increase of the Medical Corps of thc
repoi.~wlthe same back, asked to be discharged from its further con
sideration, and that it be referred to the Coiouiittce on the A1edic:tl
Department; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, to whoni was i d c r r e d
A resolution separating the Pay and Qi~rLrtcii.iii:tstt.r'a
reported the same bt~clr,t ~ s l i ~tod be dischargd from i t s fiirti!c%i,consideration, and that it be referred t u the Coninlittee oil t l i ~Qu:irter-


, 10 l i 0 l j

1; : : t . [ ( ~ i ~ : r~ i d


Cornmisrarv Ilcpsrtments and Military Transpo

> \ a \ agrcid to.

Air. Aliies, froin the same committee, to whoin was referred

.I rcwliition in relation to the coinpletiori of the railroad connection

~ w t w c v nMonroe and Shreveport, La.,
wportetl the wnic back, asked to he discharged from its further con~ i t t ( ~ a t i o:inti
n , that the sanw be referred to the Conimittee on Qiiart~riiitidtei.s
and Comuiishmy Ilepartnients and Military Transportation;
which was a p e d to.
Air. Xiles, from tlie same committee, to whom were referred two
11s i n relation to the payment of officers and soldiers, reported
back, with the reconmendation that they be discharged from
tbcr conijidcratioii and that, the same be referred to the Comnii ttrv 011 (Jiiarteriiittstcrs :ml Commissary Departments and Military
Ii.:\i~s~oi,tatiou:which was agreed to.
J[r. Miles. from tlie same committee, to whom was referred
A resolution i n relation to the shrltei. and subsistence of troops
pnbsiiig thlorrgli ltichmond,
rcportcd the s m e back, asked to be discharged from its further c,onsidcration, mid tlmt the same be referred to the Coliimittee on Quart C rnm\ters aiici Commissary Departments and Militarx Transportation;
which was agrcecl to.
Alr. S I i l w 3 froin the sanic cotninittec, to whom was referred
A bill to provide for the gi-ttnting of sick furlonglis,
Iqortecl the ,same hick, nsked to be discharged from its further cond(Ii~mtioii,and that the same be referred to the Committee on the
,IlctlictLI Dcp:irtnicnt; IFhicli mas agreed to.
l i r . JIilw, from the s a t n ~corninittee, to whom was referred
h w d u t i o n i n i ~ h t i o nto the coninintation of clothing, etc.,
I ~ 1 ~ : cr t~ tlic
X ~ I I I Cb:ick, a s k c ~ lto bc diachalgcd ram its further conhid(>ix~iot~,
and that it h e rcferred to the C~omtnlttcc.on Quartermasters
:ii\tl (~oiiinii~sary
lkpartnientu arid Militaiy lrsneportation.
AIr. Miles, from t h e wile committee, to whom IWLS rcfcrrcd
A resolution t o authorize the Government to take possessiori of cotton
;tiid woolen manufactories, etc.,
rq)ortcd tlic ss~nioback, aslad to he discliarged froin its further conhideration, and that it be referred t o the Committce on Quartermasters
(onimissary Dcpartmeiits and Military Transportation; which was
agreed to.
M r . JIiles, from the same cominittec, to whom was referred
A bill concerning the traiisportiltion of soldiers, etc.,
reported the s i n e back, asked to be discharged from its further considemtion, and that the same be referred to the Committee on Quartermasters and Commissary Departments and Military Transportation;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, f r o m the same committee, to wllorn was referred
A rebolution in relation to-furnishing food for the Army,
reported the sanle back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, R I I that
the same be referred to the Committee on Quarterniasters and Coiiirnissary Departments and Military Transportation;
which mas agreed to.
Also, from the saine committee, t o whom was referred mrmorial
i l l refet-encp to horses lost i n the public scrvice, reported the snine
back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that



[Sept. 10,1862.

it bc referred to the Committee on Quartermaster's and Commissary

1)cp:wtnicnts and Military Transportation; which was agreed to.
Xr. Chanihcrs, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A hill h i * the incrcase and regulation of the appointment of general
office1.s i n the Provisionti1 Army,
reported the same back, with thc recommendation that itspass with an
The 1)ill was placed upon the Calendar and ordered to be printed.
XI-.Chamhcri, from the saiiie comniittee, t o whom was referred
,Z bill to grant medals iis rewards for courage, ctc.,
iq)ortctl tlic s:iiiic hack, with t h e rwomniendation that it pass with an


:1111tx Ir(llllC11

'l'hc 1)ill
ordered to he placed upon the Calendar and printed.
111.. Cli:~nil)ws,from the same committee, reported
,!i 1)ill to pro\-idc f o r appointments in the l'rovisional Army, etc.,
with the rcic.oriilliCrIdationthat it pass.
'I'hc: t)ill was read the first and second times, ordered to he placed
u p i i the C~lcrictarand printed.
Mr. Ilanis, from the same committee, to whom was referred
-1 rcsolutioii in relation to the nuniber of men on pay in the Army,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass; which
was agreed to.
Mr. R l i l c b , from the same committee, to whom was rcfcrrcd a memorial in relation to thc ,\fcdical Department, reported the same back,
:i+kcd to bc dischxrgcd from its further consideration, and that it be
rof C r r d to tha Conimittee on the Medical Department; which was
agreed to.
Mr. JIilch, from the hanie committee, to iohom was referred a bill
from the S(.nntefor the relief of disbursing ofictrs and other a ents
of thc i+o\ ci-omc'nt in certain cases, reported the same hack, witfl the
~ e c o i nienda
tio t i that i t ~ W Y .
Tho bill W:L< placcd upon the Calendar and ordered to be printed.
JIr. Mil(=., from tlie same comuiittee, to ~ h o m
was referred a bill
h o r n thc Senate providing for substitutes in certain cases and detailing pri\-atc.s for police duty, reported the same back, with the recominendation t h t it do not pass.
The hill wis plnced on the Calendar.
Air. Harris, from the same committee, to whom mas referred
1)ill in rclation to the raising and organizing additional troops in
the St : L ~ oP f Jlissmri,
r c p r t c d the same back, Tith the recommendation that i t pass.
'I'hc, rules hcing suspended, Rlr. Breckinridgc moved to amend the
hiii 1t.v insertilig the words "and I<entucky" after the word " A h houri," vriwi.crrr occurring.
'fhe ainendmeiit W R + agreed to, and the hill was then engro
rcad n third time, and pnsscd.
Oil irwtion, tlie title of the same was amended by inserting the words
'' nncl Kcutucliy " after the word *-Missouri," and striking out the
word "State" and inserting: in lieu thereof the word "States."
M r . Holt niored that the rules he suspended in order to take up for
co::sirlcr;ition a hill to aniend the sequestration act.
The iiiotioii was lost.

Fqt 10 15RY 1


hlr. K. 31. Bruce, from the Committee on Nilital-y Afiail-s, to whom

A bill in relation to the transfer of troops,
rcportecl the sxnie back and recommended its passage with an amendtncnt
Th(: rules were suspended, and the bill was talian up and read as follows. viz:

The C o i r g m s of the Conjrderrrte Strrtrs do enact, That whenever the interest of the
e sliall admit, that d l yrjrate wldiers and noiicoin~nissio~ted
oficers now in the
of thc. Provisional Army of the Confederate States, who may desire it, shall be
rrcd to r ~ g i i ~ i e rofi t their
own States now in the service.

rhc coiuiiiittec, mored to amend the same by striking- out all after the
c1:nise :uid i nscrting in lieu thereof the following words, viz:
liall l i c thr. tliity or the Secretary of War to tr:mser any private or iionicd o1licc.r \\ 110 niay be in a reginlent from a Statv of this Confec1ernc.y
liii O N 11 to it ieginient from his own State whcnever suclr private o r rioncwriiiiii~-bioi~t~l
~ ~ l h c cmay
r nl)ply for R I I C ~transfer, a n d whene\ er x w h drtrnsfer can
be niade ithout injury to the pnblic service, and t h r l Secretary of IVar sliall iiialrr
regulatioiiu to facilitate such transfer: Pror-7tletb, That this act shall not apply to any
O I ~ C~4 Iio linh C i i l k t i d its a sulistitute: Irozrideed fwtlrer, Thxt this act shnll not apply
to ally irginreiitq continuing [containing] more than twenty-five privates aiid nonc o ~ i ~ i i ~ i s ~ i oofiivcrs
n e d from any State other than the one from whirli tlic regiments

11. W. Bruce moved to amend the amendment t q btriliing out
the proviso tbercof.
T h c morning hour having expired, the House proceeded to the consideratiun of tiic hpccial order of husiness, which was a hill to fill up
exiyting coiiipiies, squadr~iis,battalions, regiments, ctc.
Ihe qucbtion hcing on tlic amcndtnent of Mr. Smith of Korth Carolint&,
Air. N c i i e c ~nioved R postponement of tlic consideration of the
special o l d ( b ~f or lmlf :Ln hour.
Lho iiiotion W:LS loht.
AIr. Jicnccs, by unsnimous consent, offered
A reiolution that the Committee on iUaval Affairs be requircd to
investigtLtc xiid inquire into thc inost snccessfiil ~ ~ l e a of
n s defencling
ce itnd Cnntherland rivers, upon our r e p o w w i n g thcin
from the enmiy, in the most efticietit, prompt, and expeditious iiianncr,
and i*cportt o this House by bill or otherwise;
which was rei~clarid agreed to.
,41so, by coriscnt, Mr. Menees offered
h resolution thai, the Committee on Military Affairs be requested to
invc,stjg:& the question as to whether the citizens of such Stjites or
parts of StiZtPs as were o v c r ~ ~ uatn the timc! of the passage of the conscri1)t hill should not have the saiiie time and opportunity to enter the
hervice I)y voluntary enlistment and orgpnization after the eneiny is
driven from said States that was allowed to Statcc: not so overrun
uetwccn the tiliie of adoption of said act and its eiiforccment i n said
States, and t o report to this House by bill o r otherwise;
which n-as road and agreed t,o.
The C ] ~a i laid
before the House a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, inclosing a Navy Register.
&lr. lcrltirls mo\-ed thal 1,000 copies of thc same he printed, m d
that it lie on the table.
Tle rules were suspended, and the motion w w agreed to.



The Chair laid before the House a cornmunication from the Secretary of the Treasury i n relation to an incrcahe of the salaries of clerks;
which was read and referred to the Committee on Claims.
Also, another conim~inicationfrom the Secretary of the Treasury in
relation to money, etc., serit abroad for military and naval purposes;
which was read and referred to the Committee on Mays and Means
and ordered to be printed.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harris0n.O
The House then proceeded again to the coilsideration of the special
T h e question having been put on the amendment of Mr. Smith of
North Carolina, and a quorum not voting,
Mr. Jones nioved a call of the House and called the yeas and nays
thereon ;
\Vhich being ordered,
Yeas-. - - - - .- - -.20
The same are recorded as follovs, to wit: Nays
- . _ _ _ 49 [SO]
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Aycr, Batson, Bonhain, Clapp, Collier,
Currin, Davidson, Farrow, Freeman, Hanlj, Hilton, Jones, Kenan
of North Carolina, McQueen, Miles, Royston, Sexton, and Swan.
Nays: Atkins, Barksdale, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Rridgers, Eli M.
Bruce, Chamhcrs, Chambliss, Clark, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Dargall, De Jarnette, DuprB, Foster, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, HeisBell, Herbert, EIolcornhe, Holt,
Kenner, Lgon, Lyons, &lachen, McDowell, XZcLean, Rlenees, Xoore,
RIunnerlyn, Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Read, Russell, Smith of North
Carolina, Strickland, Tilobs, Trippc, VillcrB, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and Tlright of Tennessee.
So the call of the House was not ordered.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli; which is as follows, to wit:

XT. h 1 1 d c r ; The Senate h a w passed a bill of the following title, viz:

S.76. An act to change the time for the assembling of Congress for its next regular
In which I am directed to ask the roiicurrence of this House.
The Senate, on t h e 3d instant, indefinitely postponed a bill of this House of the
following title, \iz:
11. R. 2. h bill authorizing the discharge of private soldiers under 1s years, and
prohibiting t h e enlistment of such peruons.

Mr. Jlachen nioved a suspension of the rules.

MY.Jones callcd for thc yens and nays;
Which being ordered,
fo1loMrs,to wit: yeas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Are recorded
hays ._ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ _ - .. 30
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Barksdale, Batson, Rrcckinridge, Bridgers, Horatio W. Bruce, Clapp, Curry, De Jarnette, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Goode, Gmy, Hilton, Hodge. Holt, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyon, Machen, McLean, Preston, Pugh, Read, Russell,
Strickland, Swan, Tihbs, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Bell, Bonhain, Royce, Chambers, Chambliss, Clark,
Clopton, Collier, Davidson, I h p r k , Farrow, Foote, Foster, Graham,
Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Lyons, Marshall, Miles, Moore,


a Not

recorded i n the Journal.

fje,,: 11 1%2 ]


l'crkiii*+ H o j ~ k o n ,Srxton, Smith of North Carolina, Welsh,

of (;ccirgiii. ant1 Jlr. Speaker.
SC)t h e motion was lost.
Sexton rnoved that when the House adjourn it adjourn to
I 2 o'clock to-morrow.
'rhc motion was lost.
,111.. Trippe rrioved that when the House adjourn it Qdjourn to meet
: L t I 1 O'c~lockto-lnorrow.
' V ~ Pniotioii was lost.
r l l l ( l o n inotion of Blr. Chambers,
TIic House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow.

' l ' M C ~ ~ T P - S ~ CDAY-TI3

11, 1862.

Tlic IIouse met pursuant to adjournment, and proceeded to the consitlcnition of the unfinished business of y
d a y , which was a bill to
;wthori;se tlic tmnsfcr of troops.
The question heirig upon the amendment of Mi-. IS. TIr. Bruce to the
anicndment of the coniiiiittee,
Ji 1 ' . Itoystou denlanded the previous question; which was ordered,
iuitl t l w aiiiendment of A h . 11. W. Hrucc was :%greedto.
Ttic, ;tiiieiiclnient of the conmiittee was agreed to, and the bill as
anitlntlcd v : ~ hcngrosscd. read n third time, and passcd.
Air. lit1nn(~1*,by coilwit, from the Committee on Ways and Means,
:I hill to r:ii.c revenue.
'l'hc bill XIC. rc:td the first and second times, ordered to he printed,
: t d i i ~ t l tht.
c spwial orc1t.r after the disposal of the bill to excinpt certain pci-.wiis froni inilitary scrvicc, etc.
111.. Ililton.
c o n w n t . introduced
-1joiiit i m o l u t i o n in relation to the late inovemeiit of Geneml Lee's.
:I rllly;
wliich w'ith react the first m d second times.
hlr. Keniwr callcd f o r tlic question; wliich its ordered, and mas
nl)on tlic reference of thc rcsolrttion to a coinmittee.
Slr. Jones iiiorcd that tlw rule rccluiring its rc-fcrencacINsuspended;
which iriotioii m i - - loht, atid the resolution was referred to the Committee 011 Military Affairs.
O n niotioii of Mr. (iiirtrell. leave YXS grnntecl thc Committee on
the Jucliciay- LO sit to-day during the eession of the House.
Mr. A d ~ e 1)y
, coilsent, offcrrci
A resolution tlint the Prwidcnt be requested to communicate to the
TIoiirc the cst irriatccl amount required to be appropriated to meet claims
nl)oii the Confederate Governriient for vessels and other property seized
b y t h e naval and military authorities for the use of the Government.
311.. Foote moved a call of the House; which was ordered, and the
g incnibers answered to their names, to wit:
8. i h l l p , Barksdalc, Ratson, Bell, Bonhnin, Boteler, Breckinritlxe, Rridpers, Horatio It'. 13rnce, Chainbliss, Chrisman, Clark,
Clopton. Collier, Conrow, Croclcett, Cnrrin, Curry, Dargan, Dsvidson,
Davis, I>11pr6, Ewing, Farrow. Foote. Foster, Freeman, Gardcnhire,
@artrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, I-lanly, Harris, Hartridge, Heiekell,



[Sept. 1

X I c ~ l ~ c rHilton,
I-Iolcombc, Holt, dohnbton, Jones, Kenner, Lander,
pons, Rlschen, Marshall, McDomell, MlcLean, ;LlcQueen,
jlilw, Jloorc, Munrrerlyn, Prrkins, Preston, Pugh, itead,
Ycxton, Smith of Alabama, S t r i ~ k l a n dSwan,
Vest, VillerB,
\\-el\!i, \\ilcox, Qrigh t of Georgia, and Wright of Tennessee.
011 motion, all further proceedings under t h e call were suspended.
A message i p s rcceived from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
N : t h ; which i i :is follows, to wit:
dlr. ,Y$ruLer: The F:pnate tiavo paved bills of tlie following titles, viz:
78. A n act to tlt~trnniiiethe annual pay of the engineer in chief and passed
tant si1rg~On~
of t h e x a \ y ; &lid
i n act amc-ntlatory of an act to reorganize the Xaririe Corps;
In liicli 1 a m dii.oc.tet1 tci abk the concurrence of this House.

111~T l o ~ tlieri
~ c procccdcd to t h consideration of tlic special order,
ii hill foi. tho filling up of existing companies. squadrons,
t)itttalioii,~,i ~ g i m r ~ i i tctc.
Ihc, clticstion was on the amendment of Mr. Smith of North Caro-


l i l._...

ieuding which,
A irirssiige was received from the President. bv his Jrivate Secretxry, ~ r Barrison.
The Chair laid before the House a message from the President;
which is as f o l l ~ ~to
s ,wit:
Richmond, September 11, 1869.
)liaiic~TTitIi the resollition of your honorable body of the 20th ultimo,
iiic tr, transniit the official reports of all the battles and engagetnerits
c occurred piiice the adjournment of Congress, including tfie reports of
and \)rigatlier-aerier:1ls engaged, I here\! ith trarihniit tbe report of
{ A v i . l{raxton Rmgg of the battle of Shiloh, accompanied 1 ) ) the ieport7 of Gencmls \\ithers ant1 IIugples, and the report of col. J . W . IIcad, commanding a bricatle at Foi t 1)onelsoii; xlio the ieport of Brig. Gen. H. Alarshall of the attack upon
thc conrrirantl of Gencml (ox; the reporl ol Major-General Ilugc r of the affair at
South 3Iilli; tlie report of (?~iieralLuadbetter of operations on Tennr-see River and
at T;ridgeport; the report O C Brig. Gcn. T. 31. <JonePof the evaruation of Pensacola
Kay-Bard, forts, etr. ; tli eport of Col. N. B. F0rre.t of the er acurttion and removal
b h ~ i l k ,and the report of X h j . C h i . .J. C. Peiiiberton of
of public proper t j from
the cngageiiients u n Jaines Island.

which W ~ Rlaid on t h e table and ordered to be printed.

Ihc Chair aiso laid before th e House a message from the President;
wliich is as follows, to wit:
Eeptember 6 , 1862.

To tlte Xoztse of Reprseiztatiies:

I Iieren ith transniit a letter from t h e Secretary of War, inclosing a communication
from the Quartermaster-Creiieral, in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives reqiie.;ting information relative to the payment of troops. The organization of the irmy of the Confederate States gives a paymaster to each regiment by
devolving the payment of troops on regimental quartermasterp, a s! stern by which
we avoid a t the same time all danger from delay in payment by the absence of the
proper offirer, as well as the hazard of transporting large sums of money from camp
to camp, as would be the case if a corps of officers rr-ere employed for the sole purpose of paying the troops. The failures to pay regularly, as required by regulations,
should disappear with the prompt and regular supply of funds to the quartermasters
of t h e different regiments. The ability of tlie Government t o do this, i t is hoped,
will increase with t h e further development of the inea11B of the Treasury Department.


Sept. 11, 1862 J




i2ichmow2, Sqteviber 5, 1

IIis Excellency JEFFERSON

President Confederate Strrlcs qf A?ne?icn.
SIR: 1 have the honor to inclose a letter from the quartcrn~aster-Genera1in
response to a resolution of the IIoiise of Representatives relative to the payment of
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CiI. \v. HAN1)0L1Il,
AecretcLmj of W ~ T .
Q , ~ r \ 1 t ~ A~WER-GIs:NER
k%pteniber 3, 1S62.
Secretary of War.
FIR: I n reply to the cominiinication of the President to the War Department,
acvompanying a resolution of the House of Iteprcsetitatives relative to tlie payment
of t r o o p , referred to this office for consideration and report, I have the honor to
esplain that the Ariiiy Rtqplations do not r q u i r c the troops to be paid monthly.+
Paragraph 1056 is in these words: The troops will be paid in such manner that
the arrcars shall at no time exceed two inonthe, unless the circumrtances of t h e case
render it unavoidable, etc.
Circumstances have arisen in numerous instances to cause four months and occasionally six or eight months to elapse between the dates of paynient. This failure to
pay is attributable not to the fact that quartcrinaPtcrs do not promptly forward their
estiniates for the fnnds requisite, lint to the tlificulty in obtaining money froin the
Treasury after requisitions have been sent in, oiling to cawes which, no doubt, will
be fully explained by the honorable Secretary of the Treasnry. It not unfrequently
happens, though, that, owing to interruption of mail coniniunication hetween the
scat of government and the points a t which the quartermnstcrs are stationed, the
estimatcs fail to reach the Department in season to be acted on, so that payment to
t h e troops may not be deferred.
Again, a particular body of troops, after having been estimated for in one inilitaiy
clepartnicnt, may be removed to a different and distant point before the quartermasters estimate has bee11 acted on or responded to. The quartermaqter whose duty
i t may be to procure funds to disburse to the command to which they are rcrnoved
will not have embraced them in his estimate, and payment to them wifl, of course,
be delayed.
The practice prevailed with the United States Govcrnrnent to pap troops at the end
of everv two months; never for a less period were companies mustered for pay.
_ ?cry respectfully, your obedient servant,

which was ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on

Quartermasters and Commissary Departments and Milibry Lransportation.
The Chair also laid before the House a n~ossagefrom the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
70 the Senate and House of Repres~ntati~vs.
The circumstances necessarily surrounding an army operating in presence of an enemy render it inexpedient-next to impossible-to assemble frequent
courts-martial, and to detail for them the best oflicers of the Army.
The ordinary attendant of the circumstanceq referred to is freqnent offenses against
military discipline and trespass upon the property of individuals inhabiting the
To corrcct these evils it is believed to he desirable .that Congress should xire
antliority to institute a commission to attend each army i n the field, to be con~poscd
of rnen whose character and knowledge of the modes of administering justice would
qive the best assurance for the punishment of crime, tlie protection of private rtghtu,
and the security of the citizens of the country occupied by the Briny.
Could courts-martial be assembled as frequently as occasion reyulretl, their fonctions, tinder existing laws, being Iiiiiited to the consideration of offenses defined by
the.Rules and Articles of War, it wi!l be perceiTed that a great mricty of ontrsges
against prjvate rights might be commltted, of which a court-martial conltl not directly
take cognizance.
c J-YOL 5-05-24

Lnder orclinary circumstaiices offenders in such cases would be turned over to the
civil courts for trial. I n a foieign conritry, or \$here the courts call not hold their
seslrioiis, this is impossible, and in the case of a marching army would, for obvious
reasons, be inrffectnal. The a itmesseb, \I hosc tebtiniony 1s indispensable to conviction, would generally folio\\ the march of the army and be out of the reach of the
The poweiP delcgated by the Constitution to make rules for the government
a n d regulation of the land and naval forces, arid to ordain and establish from time
to time inferior courtP, \ ~ o i i l dscwii ainplc to justify such legislation as is herein
recomrncmded, especially RS the necessity for ttir ordinary forins of indictment and
trial L L for capital and otherwise infarnous crinies is expressly dispensed with by the
Constitution in VRPCS arising i n t h e land or naval forces, or in the militia when in
actual service in time of war.

\Tlhich was rcxd :ind wfcri-ed to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Ihc C1i:iit. presented a meriiorial of ,Julius 13aunigarten, askirig to be
111:dc coincr of t he Cotlfedcracy ; which mas referred to the Como n Ways and Means, without 1)eing read.
Also, the inelnorial of IJohri B. Cardwell, praying compensation for
:t sla\-e lost while under the impressment of th e Government; which
WLS rcfcrred to thc Committee on Claims, without being read.
The Chair also laid before the lIouse a hill from the Senate to change
the time for tlie asscmhling of Congress for its next regular session.
The bill was, On motion, taken up for considoration, read the lirst
and second times, and referrecl to th e Coaimittee on the Judiciary.
Also, a bill from the Senate to determine the annual pay of the
cngiiieer iu chicf and passed assistant surgcons of the Navy; which
W:LS iwid the first mil hecond times and referred to the Conmiittee on
Xnval Afiairs.
Also, a hill from the Senate anienctatory of an act to reorganize the
Narine Corps; I\ hich waq read the first and second t,imex and referred
to the Comniittcc on Military Affairs.
Also, R House hill to authorize the appointment of additional officers
of artillery for ordnance duties, reported from thc Senate with an
si~iendnient;which was referred to the Coinniittee on Militarj- Affairs.
Also, a hill froin the Senate to provide fo r the public defense; which
TWLS read the first and second times and referred to the Conmiittee on
Military Affairs.
On motion, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Gaither.
Mr. Jones moved that when the House adjourn i t adjourn to meet
at, 12 oclock m. to-morrow.
The motion was agreed to.
AIr. Boote moved that the House do no\v :tdjourn.
Thc motion was lost.
Vr. Wright of Texas moved a call of the House; which riiotion was
And on motion of Mr. Gray,
The House adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.


12, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment.

The Chair laid before the &use a communication from the AttorneyGeneral in relation to printing the l a m ; which was referred to the
Committee on Printing.

s r p t . 12, Ib02 ]


Mr. Rotelcr presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Shen

doah County in relation to exemption [from] military service; w h
was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Hiltoii, from the Commit,tec oii hlilitary Affairs, to whom was
referred joint resolutions in relation to the late movement of General
Lees army, rcported the same back and recommended the passage of
the banic w i t h a n amendment.
On motion of Mr. Hilton, the rules were suspended, and the resolutions wcre tslien up.
Mr. llilton nioved to amend by striking out d l after the words
bEnesol?.ed by tho Coilzyre.~!ssof ihe CI,~?fcdemte 8tntc.s of America;
which is as follows:

That the ~nenibersof tlie two llouses of Congress h a r e heard with iinfeignetl satiss victorious troops a m ~ the
s Potomac, and
faction of the no\ el
t h a t WP repose witk
o n the military skill of o w distinguished
chieftain and t h e 1~
of heroes, oflicers and men, for a successful
issue of tlirir great e
Resolwd, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be transmitted by the Secretary
of War to General Lee,

and insert in lieu thereof tlie following words:

That tlie thanks of Congresr and the vonntry are eminently due and are hereby
tendered to General Robert 14;. Lee and the ofliwrs and men of his comnia,id for
their late brilliant victories culminating in the signal defeat of the combined forces
of the enemy in the second great battle of illanassas.
hesolwd, That Congress has heard with profound satisfaction of the triumphant,
crossing of the Potonlac by our victorions army, and assured of the wisdom of that
masterly niovenient, reposcs with entire c3onIidenceon the distinguished skill of the
command~nggeneral and the 1 alor of his t r o o p
*hieve,nncler favor of the Great
Ruler of Nations, ncw triumphs, relieve oppr
(1 hlarylantl, and adlance our
standards into the territory of t h e enemy.
Kcsuli ed, That t h e Iresideqt bc requested to coriiriirinicatcthe foregoing resolutions
to General Lee and the officer8 and inen under his colnmand.

Mr. Lyons iiiored to aiuend the amendment of thp committee by

striking out from the second resolution the words
the commanding general and the valor of his troops to achieve, [under favor of the
Great Ruler of Nations,] n e ~ rtriuniphs, relieve oppressed Blaryland, arid advance
our standards into the territory of the cneniy,

and insert in lieu thcrcof tlic following wo~*ds:

the commanding geiieral and the valor of hit: troops to relieve oppressed Maryland and, under favor of the Great Ruler of Nations, achieve new triumphs over the

Mr. Foote called for the previous question; which mas ordered, and
[mas] on agreeing to the aniendnient oflered by Mr. Lyons to the
amendment of tlie committee.
Mr. Hilton called for the yeas and nays.
The call was sustained,
Ycas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29
And the vote is recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - _ _ - _ _ - Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Uarksdale, Hridgers, Conrad, Conrow, Currin, Curry, Davitison, Dupre, Farrow, Garland, Oentrg,
Hanly, Johnston, <Jones,Kenan of Georgia, Lyons, Machen, Menowell,
McLean, Read, Eoyston, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina,
Swan, VillerL:, and Mr. Spetiker.
Nays: Ayer., Ihtson, Bell, IJonham, Boteler, Boyce, Hreckinridge,
Horatio 11. l3rucxc, Eli 31. 13riim, C:h:iiril)liss, Chrisnlan, Chpp, Clark,
Clopton, Collier, Cooltc,Croclittt, I)aq.yn, Davis, Dtt~hins,1)c ,JtLrnettc,

3 12


[Sept. 12,1882.

Elliott, Ewing, Footc, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Goode,

Grtthain, Gr:iy, hlarriy, ITart,ridgc, 1 leiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Hodge,
Ilolcombe, Holt, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon,
Marshall, Menees, Miles, illoorc, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Preston, Pugh,
Russell, Sexton, Strickland, Iibbs, Trippe, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox,
Wright of Georgia, and Wright of Texas.
So the amendment was lost.
The amendment of the committee was then agreed to, and the resolutions as amended were e n g r o s d and read a third time. And the
question being on the passage of the first resolution,
MI.. Heislie11 citllcd the qucstion; which was ordered, and the resolution m t s t~grecdto.
Ihe question then being on the passage of the second resolution,
A1r. Foote cdlcd for the yeas a n d nays;
Which were ordered,

Yeas: Ayer, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boy&, Rreckinridge, Horatio W.

Bruce, Eli M. Bruce. Chambliss, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Conrow, Cooke, Crockctt, Currin, Curry, Dargtn, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, I>e Jarnettc, Elliott, Ewing, Foote, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell, GOO&:,Grahain, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Hciskell,
IIerbert, iiilton, Hodge, Holcombe, Holt, Kenan of North Carolina,
Kenner, Ilander, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McQueen, Menees, Miles,
Munnerlyn, Pngh, Itcad, Kussell. Sexton, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe,
Vest, T;\clsh, TITiloox,Wright of Texas, and Wright of Tennessee.
N a ~ s Ashe,
Atkins, Ihrksdale, Bridgers, Chrisman, Farrow, Jones,
Icenun of Georgia, Lyons, ;\lcDowcll, McLean, Moyston, Smith of
horth Ca~olina,Swan, and Viller6.
So the second resolution was agreed to.
Mr. 1. W, Bruce inoved that the House reconsider the vote by which
the amendment of Mr. Lyons was rejected.
Mr. Davis moved to lay the motion of Mr. H. W. Bruce upon the
table; which was agreed to.
The third resolution was then agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from t h e Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as COPrectly enrolled
Joint resolution of thanks to Commander Farrand, of the Confederate Nary, senior officer. in command of the naval and military forces,
and Capt. A. Drcwry, senior military officer, and the officers and men
under their command a t Drewrys Bluff on t h e 15th May, 1862;
And tho Speaker signed the same.
The title of t h e resolution being under consideration, Mr. Miles
moved that t h e title be amendd h y striking out all of the original and
inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Joint resolutions on the late victories and the crossing of the Potomac b y the Army
of Northern Tirginia.

Mr. Jones moved to amend the amcndmeiit by adding thereto the

words and Congressiorial GcnersLl Order No. 1.
Mr. Eoote called the question; which was ordered, and Mr. Farrow
demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand was .;cconded,
Arid the same arc recorded as follows, riz: Nays
Y e a s -_-_- -_-_- _- -. -. _
- -_-.-.l3

Scpt. 13, 1862.1


Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, Barlcsciale, Bridgers, Chrisman,

Gentry, Jones, McDowell, NcLean, Itoyston, Smith of Nor
lina, and Swan.
Nays: Atliins, Batson, Bonham, IIoratio Wr.Bruce, Eli M. B
Chambers, Chambliss, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Crockett, C
Dargan, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, Ue Jarnette
ter, (fardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, G r
Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, I-lolt, Kenan of North
Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon, blachen, Marshall, McQueen, Miles,
Moore, Yerkins, P u 41, Read, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Alabama,
Strickland, Tihbs, Vi ler6, Welsh, Wright of Texas, Wright of Tenncssee, and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment of Mr. Jones was lost.
The tirnendnient of M r . Miles (VRS then agrccd to.
Leave of absence was, on mution, .granted Messrs. Itoyston, Goode,
Menees, and Farrow, of the Corninittee on the Medical Department,
to visit hospitals.
And on motion of iMr. Foote,
The House adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.


13, 1863.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Doggett.
Mr. Collier, by consent, introduced joint resolutions of thanks to
Capt. and Flag-Offioer WT. F. Lynch, of the- Confederate States Navy,
and the officers and men under him for gallant services at Aquia
Creek, for thc capture of the Fanny, and for the engagement nt
Jioanokc Island; which was read the first and second times and, on
niotion of Mr. Collier, was roferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Nr. Curry, by consent, presented the memorial of profcssors of
Union Thcological Seminary, asking the exemption of students from
military service; which was referred to the Committee on Military
Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Kenan of Georgia, by consent, introduced
A bill to create and abolish certain offices, whereby the effective
strength of thc Army may be greatly increased;
which was read thc first and second times and rcferrcd to the Conimittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Russell, by consent, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to
which were referred several resolutions and bills relating to martial
law, inade the following report, viz:
T h e Committee on the Judiciary, having had under consideration several resolutions and bills referred to them by the House, relating to martial law. respectfully
rrport :
A f a x - clays aiter this Congress first assembled it enacted tliat cluring the present
invasion of the Confederate States the President shall havc povrer to suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpiis in snch citics, towns, and military distrirtu as
shall, 111 his ludgment, be in such dauger of attack by the enemy as to require the
declaration of martial law. This i h the entire act of Febrnary 27, 1882. It either
assumed that the President hacl aiithority, nithout the aid of legislation, to declare
martial law, or it w d y designed to confer that authority by very wgue and imperfect

T h e President (who has used this power with exemplary niodcration) proceeded to
declare martial law in several places threatened ~ i t l invasion,
and i t was soon discovered to have effects as then administered far beyond a mere suspension of the
writ of habeas corpus. I t \\.as found, also, that the suspension of that writ by the
act of Congress had been too general. To remedy the latter inconvenience, and to
limit t h e duration ol martial law, another act was passed by Congress, on the 19th
day of April, 1862, confining the suspension of the writ of habeas corpiis to arrests
made by the authoritieq of the Confederate Governinent or for offenses against the
same, and limiting the duration of t h e former act to a period ending thirty days
after t h e next meeting of Congress, a period now about t o expire.
Since t h e latter act was passed martial law has been declared in severaldistricts by
t h e President and by generals c.oiiiinanding armies; but these declarations of the
generals have been annnlled by the President as unauthorized. They have served
to call t h e attention of Congress and the country anew to t h e subject ot martial laMr.
The vast extent of pov e r as
ed in sonic of these instances to have been conferred
by military officers on then
es 1)y a declaration of martial law has challenged a
more thorough investigation of tlie iiature and fountlation of martial law than may
h a r e been deenied practicable M here in a ~eaw11of great public danger Congress
first legislated on the subjcct. I t vi as not then referred to a committee by the House.
Martial law as part of the ancient ~~on1nio11
Jaw of England, but its pristine vigor
has long since been paralyzed in that country b y the progress of liberty. I n the
beeinning it was the law administered in t h e courts held by the Lord High Constable
orcby the Earl Marshal of England aiid his subordiiiate~,tlie provost-marshals and
lieutenants of counties. The law itself was cornrnonly dwcribed by reference to the
jurisdiction of the court of the niarshal. That jurisdiction embraced matters of war
and chivalry and contracts niade beyond sea concerning arms. Beyond these subjects t h e jurisdiction of t h e marshals conrt was disputed, and, indeed, was forbidden
by statute in the thirteenth year of t h e reign of Richard 11.
T h e niethods of procedure in thebe courtu were sumniary, excluding t h e guarded
modes of trial observed in the ordinary c,ivil tribunals. I n t h e adjudication of questions ariaiiig in tlie army t l i q proceeded upon the axiom that the power of thc King
was absolute over t h e army i n the field and over the life of every person attached to
the army in time of war. This power was not controlled by any law. The King, it
is mid, might put to cteath a t will any soldier in the field. IIis conimands were law
to the army and to the courts of the marshale. Thus, in effect, absolute power
administered bp military courts in summary pro(.eedings constituted martial law.
No authority to extend martial law over persons not connected with the army was
incitlcnt to military command. Ent such authority was claimed to belong to the
Icing, at least in times of war and insurrection, as onc of his royal prerogatives for
governing the nation, as a political no less than as a niilitary power of the Crown.
But whether, according to the ancient conimon law, i t was a prerogative of the King
to cause martial law to be pit in force in time of peace, even as to the army, or to
extend i t at any time over civilians; these and other questions of like nature were
long and severely contestetl. Usually the pretensions and practices of arbitrary
monarchs in turbulent times were in contrast with the unheeded opinions of courts
and jurists. But i t was generally admitted by those who condemned as well as those
who invoked its exercise, that martial PAW,whenever and wherever i t could lawfiilly
prevail, had the effect to institute arbitrary power and the jurisdiction of courtsmartial.
During the reign of Charles I the Parliament by the petition of right asserted the
ancient liberties of t h e people of England, and, among other grievances, denounced
the abuzie of martial law, alleging that permns not connected with t h e army, in
coininoii with soldierq, I ~ a dbeen tried by the conr,ceof martial law under commissions
from the Croun, and aflirniing that this was nnlawful. After the long struggles
which inarkecl the scvc~nteenthcentury tlic Bill of Itiglrts and the subsequent practice
of Parliament placed the righh of the subject in this regard on still firmer a d plainer
Martial law, as applicable to the army, has been superseded in England and in
this country by that wliich ~ t no\!
call military laii--a system of regulations enacted
by the legislature for t h e go\ernnient of the military forces. KO other martial lam is
now known as applicable to the government of the army. No other is necessary,
lor, iilstead of the absolnte will of a monarch, we have a system of rules carefully
digested and matured b y experience.
Eut t h e question remains whether martial law, nhich hw been superseded in its
principal aiid ordinary field o f operation by nictdern military law, may be still put in
force i n its secondary and extraordinary application to citizens not in t h e army. If
it can be, will i t still have its ancient effect of instituting arbitrary power and the



nant to tliat critainty it hich, in tlic laws, is essential to t h e maintenance of right and
of libert). JYhateTer may be necessary in that sense should be plainly enacted. If
the President or a military coniniantler can set up a vague power not confined by
law nor regulated by law, he may exalt the military above the civil authority to an
unknown height.
But concetling for a inonrent that in any sense martial law can be established, by
whom can it be established? Ro far as i t formeriy related to the government of the
ilrniy, the power to eiiact it is distinctly vested in Congress; for the Constitution
r make rules for t h e government and regulaexpretrsly grants Congrew the p o ~ +
tion of t h e land and naval forces. So far a4 any authority existed to extend martial

regulated from tinie to tiiiie b y the legislature.

Cntler our written Cowtitution we can not invoke the common law to determine
15 hat authority belongs to our Government or what is the constitutional distribution
of political poner ainorig its great departments. Although i t may be true that at
comnion law the Cron n had authority i n certain exigencies t o subject t h e people to
martial law as a branch of royal prerogative, it does not follow that either our chief
Executive Alagistrate, or Congress, or our entire Government inherits the same power.
The President, indeed, id by the Constitution Commander i n Chief of the Army,
and as such he rriay e s e r c i x all authority necepsarily incident to that office according
to t h e 1 a . r ~ ~But
his authority over t h e Army is subject to t h e regulations enacted
by Congress fpr ith government, and his authority over the people, either as Comniarider in (:hief or in any other capacity, is subject to the Constitution and to the
laws enac*tedby Congress ill purwar1c.e of the Constitution. He can exert no power
inconsistvnt M itli la^, and, therefore, he call not declare martial law, except in an
illsignificant wise, n-liich, as before explained, neither adds to nor detracts from the
foice of the ordinary lans.
Since it ha6 long h e n m ell wttled that Congress alone can authorize a suspeneion
of the TVI it of h a h a s coypus, it might have been inferred that the personal liberty of
t h e citizen can lie\ er be invaded without legislative authority; and the truth seems
axiomatic that the lan P can be suspended only by the law-making power. All legislative powers hwein delegated, says t h e Constitution, shall be vested in a Congress
of the Confederaic. States. Congress is also to make all laws which shall be neces-

in time of insurrection, declare martial law; but i t did not define martial law. In
it map be declared, the power to establish or authorize i t seems to
t4y to the legislature, whether of a State or of the Confederate States.
for which i t is designed, the considerations which determine its proresults to \\ hich it tends are political as often as military, and they
shoiild be submitted to legislative discretion. We need not now inquire whether
:my State legislature has other powers in this regard than Congress or the Confederate
When our forces occupy an enemys country, the people of tha! country are not
shielded agaiiwt military authority by our Constitution or lairs. r h e commanders
or the Iresidcnt as Coniinandcr in Chief, being intrusted with a n army for the very
purpose of injnriiig tlir eneiiiy and being unrestrained with respect to the enemy
p ~ o p l eby any law (except, ol course, iritrrnational law), may exercise unlimited
authority 01 CT therii. Since, in surh 1-irruriistaiices we can not administer any other
law, it is inevitable that, under the name of martial law or otherwise, the will of the
commander phall stand for law to t h e inhabitants under his military power.
But as to our own ( itizens and within our own country, no authority i n the name
of the Confcclcrntr, C+ovcrninent ought t o be tolerated except that which is regulated
by the Constitrition and l a \ ~ s . If martial law over t h e people be necessary in any
cape, i t should be rtxgulatcdand tlefined in a sense consistent with the Constitution by
distinct cnactmonts. :%titsince the phraee martial law is, at best, ambiguous, and
since, by reference to ancient usage, it may convey ideas dangerous to liberty, i t is



1 , 15182)


Iatioii to biihetitute for it such positive regulations as inay

thcrcforcxrecoiniizcntl that the act of 3-ebrunry 27, 1862, be st

at R bill and resolutioiis herewith presented be adopted;


:is rc:d and ordered to be printed.

MY.Ztiisbcll i q o r t c d joint rcsolutioiis in relation to martial law;

\\ 1iic.h wcrc rcad tlie lirst :tiid second times, ordered to be printed, alld
pl:wcd upon thc Calendar.
Air. I Z u ~ ~ t&O
l l rcportcd
h bill nntliorizing the suspension of the ln4, of habeas corpus;
\ I\ as rcad the first arid second times and made tho special order
for thc morning hour of Tuesday nest.
AIr. I>:u.g:an, by consent, from the minority of the cornniittec, reported joint rcwlutions in relation to martial law; which were re:ld
thc first and second tiiiies, ordered to be printed, and plac~d.011 the

C:llt! d a r .

311.. 11Iiles, from the Committee 011 Military Affairs, t o whoni v1as
rcfcrrcd a n anic~ndmentof the Senate to a bill of the House to be entit led An a c t to aiithorizc the appointnierit of additional oficers of
wtillery for ordnaiice duties, reported the same back, with the recoinliicndxtion tliitt it pass.
T h e ruies were suspended, the bill was taken up, and tlic question
Ijcing on :igreeirrg t o the amendment of the Senate, which is as foiI O I V ~ , to wit: Strike out all after the vord and in the eleventh line
:tiid imert in lien thereof the following:
That iioiri the v hole number of artillery officers appointed to dischaigc ortln
diitics tlirre .ilia11 be one with the rank of lieutenant-colonel for each cotiiii
c ~ i i i p o ~of
t ~ iiiore
than one army corps, one with the rank of major for each army
~ w q ) sconipowed 01 iiictre than one division, and the residue \I ith tlie rank of captain,
nn[l ot firkt aiicl e r ~ o i i dlieutenant in b w l i proportioil as the President shall prescribe,

I he siinio was agreed to.

Alr. Miles, i~lsofrom the same committee, t o whom was refwred a
bill o f the Senate to miend an act to provide for the public. defense,
rcported the same back, with the recoirirricndatioii that i t pass.
The rulrs ere snspcnded;
ll-tc bill as ttlken up, read a third timca, and passed.
$11.. NiIvs, fioni the stme conmittee, to whom nas rcfrrrrd a. bill to
incrw\e tho Signal Corps of tlie Army, reported the smic l)acl<?with
t h e iwomniendation that it pass.
Ihc rule.; wcrc wspcntled;
lhc bill w a b tsilccn u p engrossed, read a third time, and pass
MY. MiIcs, also from the bame cornmittee, reported a bill to r
thr raiilc of officers of the Provisional Corps of Engineers, w
1 c.coinnic.nclation that i t pass.
The bill was read the first and second times, the rules were YUSpridcd, and the hill was taken up, engrossed, resd a third time, and
Air. MiIos, also from the same committee, to whom was JY>fPIId
A t i 11 to increase tlie pay of privates and noncommisbiotlcd otliecrs
of the Army of the Confcdcrate States,
rcportttl the same back, with the recommendatjon that it ~XLSS.
T h c ~ ~ i i l were
c s suspended;
Tile ))illwas taken up for considemtion.
Jlr. Bostrr Inov(yi to amend the liill by striking out tlw \t orcis four

d o l l ~ r s and insorting in lien thereof thc \ V O I Y ~ S *

r 7

r ,



The amcndiuent was lost.

Mr. Curry called the yriestion; which was O J * L ~ I . C ~ and
the bill was
T h e question being on the passage of tfit: bill, Mr. Curry called the
question; which mas ordered.
Mr. Hilton demanded the yeas and n a y s .
The demand was seconded,
And the same are recorded as follows, to wit: 1 Yeas....
Nays_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 74
- 6
Yeas: Ashe. Atkins, Xyer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boyce,
Bridgei-s, IIolatio T V . I h c e , Eli 31. Bruce, Chambliss, Chrisman,
Clapp, Clopton. Collier, Cookc, Crockett, Currin,Curry, Dargan, Davis,
L)aTvliinh, llr dariiette, Ewjng, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Freeman, Gardcnhim, (+arti*clll,G e n t r y , ( ~ ~ ~ t ~ hGray,
a i n , Harrly, Hartridge, Heiskell,
flci-bert,I Iilton, Hotlgc, I lolcoaibe, Holt, ,Johnston, Kenan of Georgia,
ICcnan of North Citrolim, ICenner, Lander, Lyon, Maclien, Marshall,
RIcDowell, XcI,eaii, Menees, Miles, Moore, Perkins, Yugh, Ralls,
, Sexton, Smith of Alabama. Smith of North Carolina,
1, Tihbs, Trippe, Vest, VillcrF, Welsh, Wileox, W'right
of Texas, Wrigbt of Tennessec, and Mr. Speaker.
Nay": TPreckinriclgt~,Conrad, Conrow, I)uprF, Harris, nnd Lyons.
So the bill was passed.
A messxpc was reccivd from the Senate, by their Sewetary, Mu.
Nxsh; which is as follows, to wit:


er: The Scnatr h a r e passc,d a bill of the foil-owing title, x

act to rignlate the fcrs of district attorneys in certain ca

g for the presentation of medals or badges to such
erate States Army as have or may hereafter distinoflict~rsand uoldieis in t h e Co
onal gallantry on the battlefield;
guish theinsel! e i by deeds of
In which they a& the concurrence of this Ilouse.
A. 13. Joint rwolution pro\

On motion,
took up for consideration a joint resolution from the
Senate providing for the presentation of medals or badges to such
o f h e r s and soldiers in the Confederate States Army as have or may
hereafter distinguish thernst~lresby deeds of pc.rsona1 gallantry on the
battlefield; which was read the first and second times a n d referred to the
Committee on tho Judiciary.
Also, a bill from the Senate to regulate the fees of district attorneys
in certain cases; which was read the first and second times and referred
on the Jndiriary.
Mr. Harris, from the Comrnittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
A bill to provido for the payment of certain claiius against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri,
reported the same k~ucli,aslied to he discharged from its fixrthcr ronsideration, that the hill do not pass, and that it bc refcured to the COWiiiitkee on Claims; which was agreed to.
Mr. Harris also reported
A bill to provide for the payment of certain claims against the Confederate Stntes i n the State of Jlissouri.
'I'hc bill WIS read the first and second times.
1 he rulcs bring suspended, tho mine ~ v a stukcn up, engrossed, read
a third tiiiie, and ptissed.
Mr. Foote, bg consent, o-ffered



tlie Chair dcclared the resolution lost, the same having contemplated a
c*h:tngc>in thc rules of the House.
Xr. Davis appealed to the House from the decision of the Chair.
r ,
1hc qu(1htion having been lit,
Slinll the deckion of tlie C air stand as the judgment of the House!
Thc S R ~ was
decided in the affirmative.
The House thcn proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
whic*liwas a bill to fill up existing cotnpanies, squadrons, battalions,
Mr. (hrdenhirc callcd for tho question, which was upon the amendment o f Xr. Smith of North Carolina; which was ordered, and pendi n g s:~nie.
On iiiotion of Mi.. Foot(>,
?he IIouse adjo~iriieduntil 12 oclock on Monday.


15, 1862.


The Tlouse nict pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Iicv. Dr. Doggctt.
The Ilouse then proceeded to the consideration of the un6nished
of the morning hour, which was a resolution offered by Mr.
, h l i ~in rclation to the amount required to meet claims on the Governm en t f o r vessel> and other property seized for its use; and the same
A rehol~itionthat the Committee on Military Affairs inquire into the
propriety of limiting by law the discretion of the Secrctary of War
u n t l c u thc conscript act, and hy what authority he declares tl. substitute
liable to conscription renders his principal also liable unless
cxrmpt on othcr grounds, as in General Orders, No. 64; and that said
eport by bill or otherwisc.
n g to t h r resohition, Mr. Foote called the question; which
boi ng ordered, the resolution was adopted.
211. Chrismail presented a design for a Confederate flag from S. M.
Wilson, of Georgia; which was referred to the Corninittee on Flag and
M i - . TI. \V. TS~.uceoffered
A rcsolution that the Secretary of War is hereby requested to inform
this IIoiise whetlior there have been transmitted to him any findings of
courts provided for i n the act entitled An act to punish drunkenness
in the Army, approved April 21, 1862, and if there have, to report the
same to (:ongress.
On the question of agrccing to thc resolution, Mr. Footc called for
the question; which mas ordered, and the reholution was agreed to.
Mr. Crockett presentcd thc memorial of Lieut. Thornas Arnold,
prayiiig a, rcleaic foi*nioney lost; which was referred to the Committee
on Claims, w i t h o u t being r e d .
Nr. 13rcekiiiridgc off crcd
A resolntion thitt the Coinmitter on Military Aflairs be instructed
to inqunrc into t hc cxpedicmcp of cstablishing at different points in the
Confrderacy asylums for indigent and maimed soldiers who have been

Sept. 15. 3'46'' J


disch:trg!~tlfro111 scbi-vice on :wcount of wounds or chronic &seas

report t IN' : P .rili of thcbir ini.estig,ztioiis to this House;
liicli IV:I\ i . c ~ i t l:mtl t~grcedto.
hlr. ~ , h n i ~introclitccd
A joint i ~ s o l t i t i o nto providc i~ Ilomrstead for the oEcers allrl privates of tho Ariiiy of thc Confederate States; which was read the first
:Lnd wconcl tinics.
0 1 1 thc q i w d i o i i of rcfcrcncc of the resolution, Mr. Footc demalided
the quc.;tion; whicli was ordered, and the resolution was referred to
thc ('oiniiiittcc on Military AfTairs.
Mr. (hrbrcll, t)y consent, offered :I desigi: for a Confederate fl:Lg
from S. Root, of Georgia; which was referred to the Corninittee on
Flag. and &Vd.
311.. I'erliins off'crcd
11 wsoliition t h t the Secretary of the Treasury be requested to
inform this IIouse wliat legislation, if any, is required to facilitate liis
t in iiiectiiig the requisitions of the proper ofEcers upon

d and agreed to.

A l r . I h p r t : introduced
A bill to increase the salaries of certain civil officers of the Confedcrate (;o\-c rniiien t at I3chmond;
which was rend thc first and second times ant1 referred to the Conimittre
on Ways and Means.
M r . I h p r 6 oflered
A rcsolution that the President be requested to report to this House
the rwsoiis which thus far have prevented the carrying of the rriails
from the States east of the Mississippi t o the State of Louisiana west
of that river? and particular1.y that portion of the State south of the
Iicd Ztiver ;
which was read a n d agreed to.
Mr. Marshall presented a memorial of Thomas 1%.M'illiaiiis in relation to the Medical Department; which was referred to the Committee
on the Medical Department, without being read.
Mr, Clapp presented the riienioiial of sundry citizens of nlisaissippi
in relation to Sunday mails; which mas referred to the Couiinittee
on Post-OtT7cc.s and Post-Roads, without being read.
Mr. Welsh offered
A resolution that the President bc requested to inform this I-Ious'c
whether any authority exists in the military commanders of d e p r t iner~tsor divisions to institute a conimission to examine officers in
military tactics, who may have been elected by volunteer companies
or regiments, and to deny to such oficers the right to exercise ttie
fiinctions of the oGce to which they may have been elected if the
decision of such conimission is unfavorable to such officers;
which was read and agreed to.
Vest introdiiced joint, resolutions in regard to the protection of
pcrso~lsin a r ~ n sagainst the United States hut not enrolled in the (:onfederiite Army, and to secure tho exchange or release of certain persons held as prisoners by the enemy; which were :cad the first and
se(y)nd tiiiies and referred to the Comniittec on Milittry Bifairs.
A mcssage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, A h .
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:



[Sept. 15, 1862.

dh.. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
8.68. A n art to declare the true riieaniiig and intention of the act entitled An
act to define more arcuralely the exeriiption ol verbill goods iron1 duty;
illso, a resolution for the acljourrinient of Cong s on the 30th inktaxit;
I n which bill and resolution I ain directed to k the conciirrence of this House.

Mr. Harris offercd

A resolution that the Committee on Quartermasters and Commissary Departments and Military Transportation be instructed to inquire
into any ahrises aribing in t h e military service of the Confederate
States from officers drawing commutation in lieu of transportation in
kind, and rcport l>y hill or otherwise;
which was rcad ttnd ngroed to.
Also, a resolution that tlie Conimittm on Quartermasters arid Commissary DepLrtinents and Military Trmsportation be instructed to
inquire into thc expcdicncy of allowing each cornniissioned officei*in
the field to draw one ration in kind, in addition to his pay; and to
rc1mi.t by bill or othcrwisc; which was rcsld and agrccd to.
RIr. Ilarrih albo oflered
A rcsolution that the Committee on Qyartcrmastcrs and Commiss a r Departments
and lllilitary Tranhportation he instructed to inquire
into the expediency of introduciug- the soup ration into the armies
of the Confcdcrate Sjtatcs and t o the propriety of providing by systeiriatic arrxngenient the supply of rations o r provisions at tlie principal. railroad depots and points of concentration t o soldiers a t commutation value;
which was rcad and ayreed to.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the order of the
day, which was a hill to fill up existing- companies, squadrons, battalions, rcgimcnts, etc.
T h e question heing o n the :uncnrliiicnt of Rlr. Smith of North
Pending consideration of tlic saiiie,
Mr. Gray, by consent, offered a metnorial of Capt. Thoiiias Chubls,
praying compensation for the use of a uessel, etc. : which was referred
to the Committee on Claims, without being ]Bead.
Mi-. Harris, 11y coment, offered
A resolution that the Corninittee 011 Ways arid Means be instructed
to inquire into the expediency of levying an export duty upon cotton
payable in coin, adequate to secure the payment of interest accruing
upon the bonds of the Confederate States, and report by bill or othermix;
which was read arid agrccd to.
the rules were suspended to allow Jar.
On motion of Nr. Pc>i*kin<,
Miles t o speak on the special order of the day.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harrison, informing the House that
On t h e 9th inptant the President approved and signed a joint resolntion of thanks
to Capt. Raphael Semnies, officers and crew of tlie steamer Surnter.
On the 10th instant the President approved and signed an act entitled An act
making appropriations to comply with t h e provisions of certaiii acts of Congress, etc.

The question then being on the airieiidnient of hlr. Smith of North

Carolina to the first section of the bill,
Mr. Hanly asked that the Tote be talien by yeas and nays.
The demand was sustained.
- .._ _ .. 41
And the same are recorded as follom, to wit: 1i Yen-;..
S a y ._.__
41 _ _

scpt I f i , l % - 1


)?WI\ : .\~~iington,
Xshc, Btl;ins, Ayer, Bell, Bollhaill, Brecki
ISiitIgtlr>. c I l : ~ ~ kCloptoti.
L)n\ idson, Dawkins, DuprB, Farrow,
( h t r d l , Gray, IIanly, Hilton, Jones, Kenan of Nort
Iina, I ~ i i i d c r M
, a r ~ h n l l ,Mcl)owelI, RllcLean, McQueen, Alenee
],ins. I ' i ~ ~ s t o n1Zdls.
lipad, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Stxick]:tlld, 'l'i,ippt>. \'illc1.4, J\relsh, \\-right of Texas, R r i g h t of Tennessee,
:tnd >I 1'. S p P ' l l i C l ~ .
h : ~ y \ :IMd\viti, 12:~i*lisdale,
Ihtson, Boyce, Horatio M7. Rrnce, Eli hf.
I ~ I Y W , C l i a i i i ? w i . \ , Chilton, (Ihriswan, Clapp, Collier, Conrad, C:olirow,
I h i p i i , Ihvis, I h rJnrnette, Elliott, Ehing, Garden;oodc, Nartridgc, Neiskell, Hodge, IIolt, ,TohnHt,on,
ia, Kcniicr. Lyoiw, McBt~e,Xilcs, illunncrlyn, Pugh,
s, Vest, and Wilcox.

d to :miend thc first section by adding

raiseit niider 2nid b y authority of the State of
r e of paid State for ironticr tlefrrise are liclreby esenrptcci

eratiow of this act.

the aniendmcnt o Mr. Wright o f Tcxas

1)) :dtlinp tlicrcto the words

is act sirall not apply to a n y regiments, Ixittalioiis, or contpruiies
undtr State antlrority which the goverrior of tlie State to
ctirely appertain shall deem iiidisperisahlj Iiecebsary to the
mid qafety of said State.

All.. C:lii~nihc~~~
moved that the further consideration of the biII and
:unc.ridincntu he pos t p o n d until after the disposal of the nest special
O J Y ~ Y \\
, Iiich WLS a bill to escnipt certain persons from military service.

'1'11~ tnotion \\ a5 lost.

h1r- (;:~idcnhire called thc yuestion; which was ordered, and the
to the airiendnicnt was lost.
J I r . I1:tnly movcd t o aincnd the first section hy adding thereto the
I'l.0, I d l " 1 , That the P
dcnt in c~alliriginto thc servicc of tlie Confedcrate States
t r o o p rmtlcr the pro
ons of this act shall apportion thc trool)s thus to be ralletf
orit :tiiiorq the t.c\ era
ates, taking iiito considerstiori 1lirir popiilatiorr I)ctv( eeii the
act'? 11c~a~inl)efore
stated, and the iiuiiibcr of troops already furriid1ed to the Army
iiiiclc~rformer acts.

&It.. I'ootc dtmandcd the question; ~ l l i d 1rims ordcred, and the

of Texas w a s agreed to.
On niot~ionof Nr. Hodge,
The Ilonsc adjourned until 1 2 o'clock tomorrow.

of MY. 'i\'right


16, 1562.


'I'hc I-Ionsc mct pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by ttic l h ~ v .Dr. Doggctt.
hlr. (fcntry moved that the rote by which the nmendmcnt offered
I)? Mr. Smith of North Carolina to the bill to fill up existing cornpmiiw, squadrons, battalions, and regiments, ctc., wu rejected be



ll~u J Ionsc then took up for consideration the special order of businc\h for tlic morning liouf, which was a bill authorizing the suspension
of tlic w i t of habeas corpus.
Alr. Foote moved that tho special order be postponed and that the
Ilotiso proceed to the call of the States; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Kusscll moved that the bill authorizing the suspension of the
writ of liabeas corpus be made the special order of business for the
niorning hour of to-morrow-, and to be continued from day to day
until concluded.
T h e motion was lost.
Mr. ;\lcLcan presented a memorial from the citizens of Guilford
County, N. (3.. i n relation to t h e postal service; which mas referred
to t,hc Coninlittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, without being read.
J l v . ,\IcT)o~vc~llprcsentcd the memorial of D. G. NcRae, of North
Carolina, i n rclxtion to the postal service; which was referred to the
Coninlittee on lo,-t-Oficesand Post-Roads, without being read.
A h . Aycr intmduced
3 bill to create the office of adjutant for independent battalions and
to fix thc p a c k and pa9 of the same;
S the first and second times and referred to the Committee
\-vhic~li~ L read
on Military Affairs.
B4r. Miles introduced
A bill to purge the Army of ignorant and incompete,nt officers; .
which WLS r ~ a dthe first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Blilitary Affairs.
A h . l\liles introduced
h bill to grant cornmutation for quarters to the Superintendent of
the Army Intelligencc O6ce and his clerks;
which mas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
MI. Milcs in trodixced
A bill to authorize the President to regulate railroad transportation;
which w;as read the first and sccond times and referred to the Committee on Quartermastcrs and Commissary Dcpartrnents and Military
Mr. Miles introduced
A bill to reorganize and promote the efficiency of the Medical Departnicnt of the Army;
which was read the first and sccond times and referred to the Committee on thc Medical Department.
MI.. Mile3 introduced
A bill to regulate the navigation of the Confederate States and to
cst:ihlish direct trade with foreign nations;
mliich was vcad the first and second times and referred to the Comniittee on Commerce.
Mr. Farrow oEered
A resolution that the special committee of five, to whom were
ref(1rrecl suiidry resolutions relating to hospitals and the Medical
llcprtment, he discharged from the further consideration of t h o said
resolutions, and that thc smile be referred to the Standing Conirnittee
on Lhe Medical I)epartnient, and that the powers conferred upon the
special comrnittce be, and are hereby, conferred upon said standing
which was wad and agreed to.


sept. l(i,18m ]

Air. IIcislrell introduced

A joint iwolution relative to retitliation;
mhivh was r c d the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the ,J 1idici:iry.
~lr:lleiskell, froni the special committee to appoint additional standing c.oniriiittecs, to whom was referrcd a resolution offered by Mr.
Footc in relation to the appointmcnt of a committee to investigate the
department H of the Qoarterniaster and Commissary Generals, reported
tlie S : L I ~ Ch e k , asked to be discharged froin its further consideration,
And that it bc referred to the Coniniittee o n the Quartermaders and
Cotnrrii,ss:ir~ Dcpnrtnients and Military Transportation; which was
:Igrced to.
Jlr. Curi*inoffcred the following resolution:
/ ? c ~ s o l c c ~That
it be referred t o the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire and
report to this J i o u ~ what
nuniher of citizens of this Confederacy who have been
ciigagcd iii the pursuits pf civil life and not eonnertetl with the active operations
of our Arnry arc. 11ow prisoners in the hands of the enemy; also, the names of such
citizens; the locdties from which they wcrc taken; the places where they are at
preseirt coiifinrd; t 11ccircmrrstairc.cs,so far as thev cnii be ascertained, of thm- arrest,
tlrercxfor; and that said coniinittrk report by bill or otherwise what
Id l)e adopted to grocnrc their release;

which was read arid agreed to.

hIr. Foote introduced a mcmorial from surgeons of the Navy in
rcliLtion to thcir r:tnlr; which was referred to the Coxiiniittee on Naval
Affnirs, without being read.
AIr. Foote also introduced
A ])ill rcgu1:iting tlic rights of naturalization i n certain cases;
which WLS read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Forcign Aflxirs.
Mr. Footc, d s o introduced joint resolutions proposing to send a commi 5s i onw 01 coi ti mi ssi 01 1 cry to Was11i ngton City, empowered to proffer
the tcrnrs of R just and honorable pe:tce; which were read the first and
second tinics.
I ho rnlc.: W P ~ Csuspcnded;
1 hr, rt?solntittns were takcii up and read as follows, vie:
r 7
, 7

l i m l t tZ~ b y tlrr C O ~ I ~ ~ P flw

S S Conj&rata Atrtrs of ilmprrcn, That the signal suc\I it11 which Ihvine 1;oyidcnce Iias so rontiritiously blessed our arms for several
inonttis pmt \\onld tully justify the Coiifetlerate Government i n dispatching a coinnimioiier or C O ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ F S I O Ito
I C ~the
R Govcrnriient at Wasliington, einpowerecl to proPOHC t h e ternis of a just anti lionorable peace.

Mr. IIolt movcd to aincnd the same by striking out all of tlie same
a i d inserting i n lieu thcreof the following, to wit:
Wlirwas the people of the Confederate States are and have been from the be in
ning anxious that the war with the United Stntes should be coiiducted strictly wi&in
the ~~.c,ll-establiHhetl
rules of civilized ant1 Christian nations, and have on their part
so c
d it, and the said people artlcntly desire that said war should ceme and
:tored and have so dcsiretl from the beginning: Therefore,
That \I hencver the Unlt(ld States Gorernment shall manifest a like anxiety and a like tichire, i t shall be the diity of t h e President of these Confederate
States to appoint
roiiimissioners to treat and negotiate with said United States
Government upon said subjects or either of therii.

Mr. Iconan of Georgia moved that the joint resolutions andarnendmont

be laid on the table.
Mr. Barksdale cdled for tho yeas and nays;
Which being ordered,





Are recorded as follows, to wit:f, Yew- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26

Yeas: Barksdale, Batson, Bonham, Bridgers, Chambers, Chambliss,
Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Crockett, Currin,
Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Davis, Damkins, DuprB, Elliott, Ewing,
Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Gray, Hanly,
Hartridge, tlciskell, Herbert, Hilton, Hod e, Holt, Kenan of Georgia,
Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lyon, dachen, McLean, McQueen,
Miles, Moore, Munnerlgn, Preston, Pugh, Royston, Russell, Sexton,
Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Vest, Wclsh, Wilcox, and
Wright of Texas.
Nays: Arrington, &4tkins,Ayer, Bell, Boyce, Breckinridge, Horatio
ITT. Bruce, Eli M. 13rucc. Clark, Conrow, De Jarnette, Foote, Foster,
Graham, Harris, Jones, Kenner, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, Menees,
Perkins, Ralls, Itead, Smith of North Carolina, and Mr. Speaker.
So the motion to lay on the table was agreed to.
On motion, lcave of absence was granted to Mr. Wright of Tennessee,
o n account of sickness i n his family.
Mr. Atkins introduced
A bill for the rotection of citizens and soldiers i n certain cases;
which was read t ie first,and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
Mr. Tibbs presented the memorial of G. W. Ford, praying compensation for medical attention to soldiers; which was referred to the
Coninii ttec on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Jones of Tennessee offered
A resolution that the Committee on Commerce be instructed to
inquire into the propriety of passing a law to encourage the exportation of cotton with a view to its exchange for salt, and that they report
by hill or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Swan of Tennessee presented the memorial of Steven D. Stout
i n relation to weights and measures; which was referred to the Committee on Conimercc, without being read.
Mr. Wright of Texas presented a niemorial from Lucien Hapson i n
relation to ordnance; which was referred to the Committee on Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, without being read.
Mr. Hanly moved a suspension of the rules, to take up and rescind
a rule restricting debate.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Chambliss offered
A resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs inquire into the
propriety of vesting in the Secretary of War the power of discharging
for special reasons soldiers from the military service, and that the said
committee report by bill or otherwise;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Lyons introduced joint resolutions of thanks to Maj. Gen. J .
Bankhead Magruder; which mere read the first and second times and
referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Collier, the rules were suspended, and the House
took up for consideration a resolution from the Senate fixing the day
of the adjournment of Congress.
Mr. Gray movcd to umcnd the resolution by striking out the words


Sept. I h , 1RG%.1

Tuesday, the thirtieth of September, and inserting in lieu thereof

the words Monday, the thirteenth of October.
Mr. Swan called for the previous question; which was ordered, and
asked that the vote be taken by yeas and nays.
M?The cal was sustained,
And the vote is recorded as follows, to wit:
Yeas: Ashe, Aver, Barlrsdalc, Bridgers, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M.
Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clopton. Conrad, Currin, Curry, Dargan,
Davis, Do Jarnette, Dupr6, Farrow, Foote, Gentry, Goodc, Graham,
Gray, HtLnly, Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, I-lolt, Johnston,
Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyons, McLean, Miles, Moore,
Perkins, Pugh, Russell, Sexton, Welsh, Wilcox, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Arrington, Atkins, Raldwin, Hatson, I3el1, Bonham, Boyce,
Breckinridg-e, Cliwmhliss, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Conrow,
Cooke, Crockett, Davidson, Dawkins, Ewing, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gartrell, Herbert, Hodge, rJones, Kenan of Georgia,
Lander, Lyon, Machen, Mai-shall, MqDomell, McIZae, McQueen, Munnerlyn, Preston, Iialls, Read, Royston, Sniith of Alabama, Smith of
North Carolina, Striclilnnd, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Vest, and Wright
of Texas.
So the anicndment was lost.
The question then being on the passage of the resolution,
Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered.
And the same are rccordcd as follows; to wit: yeas.. _ _ - . _ _ _ _ -_.
Yeas: Arrington, Rtkins, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boyce, Hreckinridge, Chambliss, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Conrow, Crockett,
D a r p n , Davidson, Elliott, Ewing, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire,
Garnett, Gartrell, Gray, Herbert, Hodge, Jones, Kentln of Georgia,
Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lj7on, Machen, Marshall, McI)oivell,
McRae, McQueen, Munnerlyn, Preston, Balls, Read, Royston, Smith
of Alabama, Smith of Korth Carolina, Strickland, Swan, Tibbs,
Trippc, and Vest.
Says: Ashe, Ager, Baldwin, Rarksdale, Hrid ers, Horatio W. Rrnce,
Eli &I. RIIICC,,Chambers, Chilton, Clopton, 6onrad, Cooke, Currin,
Curry, Dawkins, De Jarnette, DuprE, Farrow, Foote, Gentry, Goode,
Graham, IIanly, Harris, Hartridge, I-Ieiskell, Hilton, Holt, Johnston,
Kenner, Lyons, McLean, Miles, Moore, Ierkins, P u h, Russoll, Sexton, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Spea er.
So the resolution was agreed to.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary,
Nr. Harrison.
The Nousc then proceeded to the consideration of the special order
of business, which was a bill to fill up existing companies, battalions,
regiments, etc.
The question being on the niotiori of NIP. QentrJT to reconsider the
vote rejecting the arncndnient of &IraSniith of North Carolina to the
first section of the bill,
Mr. Tibbs demanded tho yeas and nags;
Which being ordered,
1 Yeas.. _.
_ _ - - - - - __ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - 43
Arc recorded as follows, to wit: I Nays .




T * , - _ r - -

Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, A tkins, Ayer, Bell, Bonham, Bridgers,
Chambliss, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Davidson, Dawkins, Farrow, Boote,
Foster, Garland, Gartrell, Gentry, Graham, Hanly, Herbert, Hilton,
Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell,
McLean, McQueen, Perkins, Preston, Italls, Bead, Sexton, Smith of
Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, Welsh,
of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Na-ys: Baldwin, 13arksdale, Batson, Royce, Breckinridge,
W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Chrisman, Colli
rad, Conrow, Cooke, Crockett, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davis,
Elliott, Ewing, Freeman. Gardenhire, Garnett, Goode, Gray, Harris,
Hwrtridge, IIoiaIicll, Hodgc, IIolt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Xenner, Lyon, Muchen, MclZae, Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, Pugh, Royston, Itussell, Swan, ribhs, Vest, and Wilcox.
So the iiiotion to reconsider was lost.
The question then bcing on the amendment offered by Mr. Hanly,
Mr. Gadenhire called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas -_ -_ -_ _- _.-_ -_ -_ -- - -_ _- -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ _ 49
Yeas: Arrington, Ashe, htkins, Ayer, Eatson, Bell, Bonhain, Boyce,
13i*eckinridge,Bridgers, Chambliss, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Davidson,
Ilawkins, Uo Jarnette, DuprB, Farrow, boote, Garland, Gentry, Graham, T-lanly, I-Tartridge, ILeiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Jones, Kenan of
North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyons, iklarshall, McDomell, McLean,
McQueen, Perkifis, Yreston, Pugh, Kalls, Boyston, Sexton, Smith of
Alabama, Srnitli of Eorth Carolina, Strickland, Welsh, W ilcox, and
Mright of Texas.
Xays: 13arksdale, Eli 34. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Collier, Conrad,
C o n r o w , Cooke, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davis, Ewing, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Goode, Gray, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia,
Lyon, Blcltae, Miles, Moore, Munncrlyn, and Tiblos.
So the amendment was agreed to.
Mr. DuprQ moved that the I-Iouse reconsider the vote agreeing to
the amcndment of Mr. Hanly.
Mr. Barnett demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
motion was lost.
Mr. Ayer moved to amend the first section of the Fill by adding
thereto the words

And prorided further, That men over the age of thirty-five shall not be called out
from their homes until after all under that age shall have been called and mustered
into service according to the provil-ions of the act entitled An act to further provide
for the public defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.

Mr. Royston moved to amend the amendment by adding thereto

PrProvided, That no person shall be called into service under the provisions of this
until all persons between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, subject to military dut , are called into service and armed: Aitd promded also, That no person shall
be c a l l e l into service under the provisions of this act until there arearms to arm
such persons as may be called into such service.

Mr. Royston called for the previous question; which was or

Mr. Gray.dcmanded a division of the question; which wa
and both provisions of the amendment to the amendment
The question then being on agreeing to the amendment,

Sept. If;,1RF2.1


Mr. Ayer called for thc yeas and nays;

\Thich were ordered,
And are recorded ad follows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -34
1 Nays - - - - - _
. ._
. _
_ _ 48
Yeas: Ashe, h y c r , BrLrlrsdale, Batson, Bell, Uonham, Boyce, Chambers, Clharnbliss, Clark, Dtividson, Daris, DuprB, Farrow, Foote, FOStcr, Garland, Gentry, Gray, Hanly, Harris, Herbert, Marshall, Mcl>o.\vcll, McLean, Itlcfts~c,Xenees, Perkins, Ralls, Royston, Sexton,
Strickland, JVilcox, and Wright of. Texas.
Nays: Arrington, Atkins, Ualdwin, Bridgers, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli
&I. 13rnce, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Collicr, Conrad, Conrow, Crockctt, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnettr, Elliott,
Kwiiig, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Hartridge,
Hilton, Holt, ,Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Lander, Lyon, Lyons, Machen,
McQueen, 34iles, Moore, Mu 11 ne rly n , Preston , Pugh, Read, Russell,
Smith of Kiorth Carolina, Tihbs, Trippe, Vest, and Mr. Speaker.
So the aniendnient was lost.
R m e s s q l mas received from the Senate, by their Secrctary, Mr.
N w h , RS follows:
,q)eakur: Tlie Senat(: have passed, with aniendoientq a bill of this House of
the following title, viz:
11. R. 5. A n act to provide for the fiirtlier issue of Treasury notes;
I n wliicli ar~ieutlunentsI ain directed to ask the Concurrence of this House.

llie bill ~ v m
t&cn up and referred to the Committee on Ways and
IllCl\ tlS.

Mr. Elliott, from the Cornmittec on Enrollcd Bills, rcportcd as correctly enrolled, and ready for the signature of the Speaker, the bill to
he entitled An act to authorize the appointment of additional officers
of artillery for ordnance duties.
lhc Spcnlter signed the same.
On motion of hlr. Elliott, the House then resolved itself into secret
scssion * and haying spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
. \Vhcn,

On inotion,
The IIouse adjourned until 1 2 oclock to-morrow.

being in secret session,
Mr. Elliott, from the Corninittee o n Enrollment, reported as correctly engrossed and enrolled
,4n :xt to authorize the issue of Confederate States bonds to meet a
contract made by the Seer ry of the Na~7yfor six ironclad vessels of
war, and steam engines and boilers;
And the Spenker signed the same.
The Chair presented ;I message from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
Ilichmoud, SqAc?nbw ifi,1662.
To the Ilotcse of Rq?re.walatii?z of the Co?i.fedi-rate 8icdes:
I transinit herewith for thc information of the House in secret session the report
prepared by the Secretary of State in response to the resolution of the House adopted
on the 1st instant.

Mr. Jones moved that the documents referred to in the message of
Mr. Jones then moved to lay the message and accompanying documents on the table.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Read moved that the message and accompanying documents be
The iiiotion was lost.
Mr. Crockett moved that the vote by which the House refused to
order the reading of the documents be reconsidered.
Mr. Elliott called the question; which was sustained, and the motion
to reconsider did not prevail.
And on motion, the message and documents were referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, t h e House proceeded to the conScderation
of the motion of Mr. Perkins to reconsider the vote by which the
House passed with an amendment a bill of the Senate entitled A bill
to beentitled An act to increase tho provisions for detecting counterf eit notes.
The motion to reconsider prevailed, and on motion of Mi,. Kenner,
the bill and ariiandnient mas recommitted to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
And on motion of Mr. Uarksdale,
The House resolved itself into open session.


17, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by Rev. Dr. Doggett.
Mr. Curry offered the following resolution, to wit:
The President having recommended t h at the eighteenth day of the month be set
apart as a day of thankPgiving to Almighty God for the victories which have blessed
our arms: Therefore,
Resolced, That this House, sympathizing fully and cordially with the President in
t h e motives which prompted that recommendation, will coniply with it, and when
it adjourns today, will adjourn until Friday, the nineteenth of this month;

which was read arid agreed to.

The Chair laid before the House a communication from the Secretary
of thc Treasury, inclosing a plan from the Second Auditor for the pa ment of soldiers claims; which was referred to the Cornlitittee on t e
Judiciary .
The Chair also prese~tteda memorial from sundry officers of the
Navy i n relation to promotions; which was referred to the Committee
, on Naval Affairs, without being read.
The Chairalso presented the memorial of Richard A. Pate, praying
a change of the sequestration act; which was referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary, without being read.
The Chair also presented the memoria1 of G. N. Sanders, praying
compensation for the use of improvements in the making of shells;
which was referred to the Committee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Qarnett moved that from and after to-day the hour of meeting

Sept. 17, 1962.1


of this House shall be 11oclock a. m., and called the question;

was seconded, and the motion was agreed to,
Mr. Garnett also offered
A resolution that the President be requested to inform this House
what disposition is made of negroes captured by the Army, and whether
any general orders have been issued to facilitate their restoration to
their owners:
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Russell introduced
A hill to amend the act to authorize ayment to be made for certain
horses purchased for the Army by Coy. A. W. McDonald, approved
August 21, 1861;
which was read the first and second times, and the rules being saspended, was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Russell moved that thc bill i n relation to the writ of habcas corpus be taken up and made the special order for the morninw hour of
Friday next, and to be continued from day to day until conchded,
Mr. Gartrell called the question; which was seconded, and the motion
was lost.
Mr. liussell then moved that the bill be taken up and made the sprcia1 order after the existing special orders.
Mr. Gartrell called the question; which was seconded, and the motion
was agreed to.
On motion, leave of absence was granted Mr. Roteler.
Mr. Lyons oflered
A resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to
report a bill for t h e establishment of a supreme court.
Mr. Davis mored that the resolution be laid upon the table.
The motion was lost, and the resolution was agreed to.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina, from the Committee on Nlections,
reported as follows, to wit:
The Coninlittee on Elections, to whom were referred the petition of J. P. Johnson,
contesting the seat of A. H. Garland, and claiming to have been elected liepresentatire from the Third Congressional district of Arkansas, and certain other papers
relating thereto, hare had the same under consideration, and report:
When th e cvidence produced in support of the Contestants claim Ifas beforc the
committee a t t,he laPt session of Congress, it was found to be so conflicting and nnsatisfactory as to induce them to recommend the allow%nceof further time to the parties
to prepare their respective allegations and proofs. To this end, and with a view of
conforming proceedings t o the provisions of the act of the Congress of the United
States in reference to contested elections, they reported to the lIouse a series of
resolutions &Y fo11o~s:
Resolred, First. That thirty days be allowed the contestant to amend his notice,
if h e so depire.
Second. That the sitting member be allowed thirty days after such amendment
is made, and notice thereof, or after notice of contestants declining toamend, in which to
make a n d serve his answer thereto on contestant, setting out i n said answer the grounds
on which h e rests the validity of his own and denies the election of contestant.
Third. That after serviceof the answer or expiration of the time limited therefor,
sixty days be allowed the parties to take evidence, which shall be confined to the allegations ant1 deniala contained in the answer and notice, and that the same be taken
and transmitted to the House under the rules prescribed by the act of Congress of t h e
Uniteci States, approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled
Arl act to prescribe the modeof obtaining evidence in cases of contested elections.
The House concurred in the recommendation and adopted the resolutions, thus
prescribing the form of proceeding to be pursued in conducting the contest.
Soon after this action on the part of the Honse, on the 5th day of April, contestant
amended his notice and caused a copy to he delivered to the sitting member. The
lattcr upon his return to Arkansas prepared his answer, now before the committee,



a copy of which h e sent to the sheriff of Desha County, t h e residen

with inztiuctions to deliver the sanie to him. This was not done,
t o do so the sheriff returned the paper with the following indorse
Came to hand April 27, 1862.
Not executed on account of Silson P. Johnson being absent from my county
May 27, 1862.
S. C. CLAYTON, Slterif..
Further and additional cridencct has been offered before t h e committee by
parties. That of contestant roripistr in transcripts from t h e poll books of the se
precincts or places of voting in Arkansas County, deposited in the county clerk
office by the judges of election, verified by the certificate of the clerk and his offic
seal. These transcripts show an aggregate vote in that county of 133 for contestant
and 195 for the sitting nicniber, and a n error in the returns made to the governor,
the curreclioii of ~1hich gives to contevtaut a plurality of 8 rotes in the district.
The sitling member tias taken the deposition of W. E. Morgan, clerk of thecounty
court of Uniou County, for the purpose of showing a lobs of 6 Totes, to which he
was entitled in that county. The deposition is taken without notice. and the conirnittee do not hesitate to ;eject it. zts admission would not, hoyever, change the
rcsult as dcpcndcnt upon other evidence.
I n their cxamination of the case, t h e committee encounter a difficulty in the mode
of authenticating the trauscripts and t h e absence of proper ccrtifirates as to the official
character aud attestations of the clerk. They do not profess to pursue the requirements of the act of Congress in reference to contested elections embodied in the
lution of the House. By that act the testimony of witnesses may be taken up0
days notice before any Confederate I judge, chancellor, judge or justice of a
of record of any State, or mayor, recorder, or intendant of any town or city,and
when no such officers reside in the Congressional district, before any two justices
of the peace residing therein. The niagist,rate or justices are empowered t o require the production of papers, and on the refusal or neglect of any person to produce
and dcliver up any paper or papers in his possession pertaining to said election, or to
produce and deliver up certified or sworn copies of t h e same in case they may be
official papers, lie shall be liable to certain penalties, and it is then declared that
All papers thus produced, and all cert$ed or sworn copies of oficiul papers shall be .
transmitted by said magistrate with t h e testiiiianp of witnesses to the clerk of the
Ifouse of 12epresentatives.--Rrightz?/s Digest, I<lectio?is, sec. 21.
Nor do the transcripts comply with the requirements of the act of t h e Congress of
t h e United States of March 27, 1504. This act provides that
All records and exemplifications of office books, 15-hich are or may be kept in any
public office of any State, not appertaining to a court, shall be proved or admitted in
any other court or office in any other State by the attestation of the keeper of the
said records or books and the seal of his office thereto annexed, if there be a seal,
together will&a cerf@cate of tlke presiding justice of the court of t h e county or district, as
t h e case may be, i n which such office is or may be kept, or of the governor, the secretary of state, the chancellor, or t h e keeper of the great seal of the State,
said attestation is i n clue form and by the proper officer; and the said cer
given by the presiding justice of a court, shali be further authenticated by
or prothonotary of t h e said court, who Bhall certify under his hand and t
his office that the said presiding justice is duly commissioned and qualified.
said certificate be givcn by the governor, t h e secretary of state, the ehan
the keeper of the great scal, it shall be under the great seal of the State in which the
said certificate is made.--12righllys Digest, Edence, see. 10.
The transcripts have not been taken and transmitted according to the resolution of
the House, nor do they come clothed a it11 t h e forms of authentication presc
the general law.
The qnestion then presents itself, Can the committee or t h e House dispe
a part of thew requirements; and if so, to what extent i n adniitting evide
ranted by neither statute? The qnestion is not free from difficulty, and the
tee have bestowed upon it their careful consideration.
The proceedings before them are essentially judicial, determining not only political but personal rights. I n this light they are evidently regarded by t h e act
regulating contested elections and the former action of the Elonse. As such they do
not feel authorized to dispense with those safeguards which
around evidence of this kind for the security of personal rights.
prudent to adhere to fundamental principles and to prescribed
t h e guidance of others a precedent finding its sanctions in the

Sept. 17,1%2.]


ripened expc4ence in which these enactments had their origin. Tlley the
report the following resolution:
l?t.soZi~cd, That A. 13. Garland is entitled to the seat now held by him.

Tho report was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Crockett, by consent, from the minority of the sam
tee, made a report; which is as follows, to wit:

The undersigned, members of the Committee on Elections, to whom were referre

the petition of the Hon. J. P. Johnson, claiming the seat in the House as the Representative from the Third district in the State of Arkansas, and asking that he be
permitted to contest the seat of the sitting member, Won. A. H. Garland, differing
from the majority of the committee, beg leave to present this minority report.
A t t h e 1st session of Congress a majority of the committee recommended the
adoption of the following resolutions:
IZesolied, First. That thirty days be allowed the contestant to amend hisnotice,
it h e so desire.
Second. That the sitting member be allowed thirty days after such amendment
is made, and notice thereof, or after notice of contestants declininv t.o amend, in
which to make and s e n e his answer thereto on contestant, setting out% said answer
the grounds on nhich he rests the validity of his own and denies the election
of CoIlt&dIlt.
That after service of the answer or expiration of the time limited therefor, sixty days be allowed the parties to take evidence, which sliall be confined to
the allegations and denials contained in the answer arid notice, and that the same
be taken and tranmiitted to the House under the rules prescribed by the act of
Congress of the United States, approved February nineteenth, eighteen hundred arid
fifty-one, entitlcd An act to prescribe the mode of obtaining evidence in cases of
coriiestcd elections.
A niinority of the conmiittee also made a report and recommended the adoption
of the following resolution: Uesol?.ed, That the Honorable J . P. Johnson is duly
clwtcd Representative from the Third Congressional district of the State of Arkansae,
and a? such is entitled to the seat i n this House as the Representative from said
Third district. This resolution was rejected by a vote of -in the affirmative
and -in the negative.
The Tlnusr thereupan adopted the resohitions reported by the majority of the
committee, which in effect postponed the case for future proof to be taken under certain rules, allowing the parties the privilege of amending their pleadings, if they so
decided. I t will a t once be pmeived by an examination of the report of the committee that they do not attdinpt to decide the question, which at last must control
the action of the Ifowe, namely:
Ilid contestant or the sitting member receive a plurality of the votes cast at said
election? Indeed, the intimation is pretty clear from the whole tenor of the report,
in the opinion of the committee, that contestant had been elected, but had failed to
show it by t h e high& grade ot evidence of which the case was susceptible, arid therefore time was granted to obtain the proof.
Imrncdiately after this action on the part of the House, to wit, on the 5th of April,
the contestant, ayailing himself of the privilege granted him, amended his notice, i n
which i n precise and apt allegations h e acquaints the sitting member of the grounds
relied on for contesting his seat. A copy of this notice was served on defendant the
rame day. The sitting member failed or neglected to have a ropy of his answer
served un the contestant within the time prescribed by the resolution of the last
session, and the notice of the contestant as originally given and as amended remain
unanswered t o this time. No excuse or apology was offered a t the last session by
the defendant for his failure to answer the original notice, unlcss i t be found in his
objection to its sufficiency.
The objcction to this notice was overruled by the committee, and doubtless the
defendant would have then been given an opportunity of answering had h e asked
leare to d o so.
The committee, in their report at this session, state that t h e defendant u on his
return to Arkansas prepared his answer, now before the committee, a copy ofwhich
he sent to the sheriff of Desha County, the residence of Mr. Johnson, with instructinns to deliver the same to him. This was not done, and for hls failure to do SO the
sh&;iff returned the paper with the following indorsements:
Came to hand April 27, 1862.
S. C. CLAYTON, Slier$.
S o t exwuted on account of Jilson P. Johnson being absent from my county
May 27, 1862.
S. C. CLAYTON, Slier?y.



The impression left upon the mind from reading this part of the report TTO
tliat the contestants absence from his county was t h e cause of the failure
defendant to have his answer serred, and yet the fact, i s we have the con
written testimony of both contestant and defendant that the former was at home
during the entire time within which the answer was to be sery
petition of contestant and written statement of facts of defendant.
W h a t the committee mean in their report by saying the answer of deferidant to the
amended notice is now before the committee we are at a loss to conjectur
is meant to say it is or was before t h e committee in the legal character of a respo
or answer, we must be permitted to say we did not so understand the action of
committee. Upon the contrary, we understand i t as ruled out of the case for all legal
purposes, other than as tending to show an effort on t h e part of defendant to answer
i n time.
The amended notice then remains unanswered and by no fault of contestant.
Indeed, the defendRnt has not even asked permission to file his answer nunc pro tunc,
but stakes hi8 defense entirely upon the ground that contestant has failed in his proof.
The (riestion arises, What legal effect follows from the failure to answer? The
notice a n d answer constitute the pleadings in this case, under the act of Congress
governing. Why does the law require contestant to give the sitting member notice
i n writing of his intention to contest t h e seat? Obviously that defendant may know
t h e ground relied on, so that when he answers h e may force an issue to be tried by
traversing the allegations of the notice, or may confess them and set up another in
avoidance. The whole office of all pleading is to form an issue, to be tried. If the
defendant fails to answer, controverting the allegations of t h e contestant, there is no
issue to try.
The well-established rule of pleading, universal in its application, is, that all material allegations must be regarded as admitted until denied. The material allegation
of t h e notice is, that contestant received a plurqlity of eight votes in the district. I t
is not denied-must it not be taken t o be true? Does not every rule of pleading
known t o the books, as well as every rule of logic known to the logician, require it
to be regarded as established? If taken as true, what judgment shall the House,
acting here as it does i n a quasi judicial character, render? We insist it is compelled
to decide against the right of the sitting member to the seat. This consequence
must follow, unless every rule of pleading and logic is set a t defiance. I n deciding
that the sitting member is not lcgally entitled to the seat, i t by no means follows that
t h e contestant is. The judgment that ousts the sitting member is one thing; the
judgment that gives the seat to the contestant is essentially a different thing. Each
House has the exclusive right of judging of the qualification, elertion, and virtues of
its own members, and therefore h e who claims a seat WuPt not rely iipon the weakness of the title of some other claimant, but must show h e is entitled to i t by affirmative proof.
I n t h e opinion of t h e undersigned, the failure to answer the original and amended
notice in this case must hqve the effect of depriving t h e sitting member of his seat,
even in the absence of proof, but would not have the effect of giving the seat to the
It will be perceired by examination of t h e notice i n this case that t h e substantive
charge is that there was a mistake to the prejudice of contestant in making out the
abstract of the vote of Arkansas county b y t h e clerk, justice, and householder, that
was forwarded to t h e governor, and upon which h e acted in granting the certifimte
of election, which, when corrected, shows h e was elected by eight \Totes.
To support this allegation the contestant offered in evidence copies of t h e poll
books from each township or voting precinct of Arkansas County, certified by the
clerk of said county under seal of office to be correct traiiscripts fcom the originals,
as they remain on file in his office. This evidence was rejected by the committee,
because in their opinion the same was improperly authenticated.
I n support of their view the House is referred to t h e a r t of Congress relating to
contested elections, and the act of March 27, 1804. We are at a loss to see the
application of either to t h e case before t h e House. The act respecting contested
elections is ruerely cumulative, and whilst it prescribes one mode of taking testimony
in cases of contested elections, does not a t all interfere with t h e well-established rules
of evidence as recognized b y the common law, or by the statutes of t h e several
States. The statute referred to, as well as the rule laid down by the House at the
last session, applies only to the case where a n answer has been served i n time. Such
is t h e express languageof the statute and t h e resolution of last session. Indeed the
statute does not provide for taking testiniony where there is no
obvious reason that in the contemplation of the lawmakers no pr
would be required, and such we take to have been the sense of this
language employed i n the resolution of last session. The act of March 2

Sept. 17, 1862.1


relates exclusively to courts, technically speaking, and provides for procuring and
authenticating record evidence of one State to be used in evidence in the courts of
another or sister State. Now ue respectfully submit that this House is not a court,
arid especially i t is not a court of one of the States composing this Confederacy. The
statutes of Arkansas provide for the introduction as evidence of office copies from
the records of one court in any other court within the State, when certified by the
clerk under seal of his office. Why shall the evidence be digested here? Admit
this eyidence and t h e election of the contestant is demonstrated. With conclnsite
evidence before 118 that t h e contestant was elected, we can not but regard the retention of t h e seat by the sitting member as a flagrant disregard of the ri hts of the
electors composing the district, as well aa the rights of the contestant. ahereupon,
we recommend the following as a substitute for the resolution of the committee:
Resolved, That Ilonorable Jilson P. Johnson is duly elected Representative from
the Third Congressional distrivt of Arkansa?, and w such is entitled to his seat in
this House.
G. 0. VEST.

The report mas ordered to be piinted.

The House proceeded to the consideration of the special order, which
was a bill to fill up existing companies, battalions, squadrons, or regiments of the Provisional Army, etc.
And the question being on the amendment of Mr. Chrisman, to add
to thc end of the I d 1 the following words, viz:
Inmded, That the President is authorized to suspend the execution of this act, or
the acts to whic~hthis is ail aniendiiient, or any special provision or provisions of said
acts, in any lowlit) \\hen he believes such suspension wif; promote the public good;
antl that in ~ c l localitic.s,
and during said suspension, t h e President is authorized
to rwrive troop? into the Confederate service under any of the acts passed by the
Confederate Congress prior to the passage of the act to further I ro ,wle for the public
clefcnse, approvecl sixteenth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,

The sani(: mas agreed to.

Thc qwstion then recurring on the amendment of Mr. Davis to the
amendment of Mr. Bonhnm, which is as follows, to wit: Strike out
all of the sar~ietirid insert in lieu thereof the following:
That the act approved on the sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixtytwo, known as IlA4nact further to provide for the public defense, be, and the same
is hrrehy, so enlarged and extended as to embrace all free white male citizens of the
Confcderate States of Americta between the ages of eighteen antl forty-five years, not
to be discharged upon attaining the age of forty-five i f enrolled and mustered into
service before.
Re it further enacted, That retired commissioned officers of the Confederate Army
shall have the right to furnish sub~titntes,and that this act shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage,

Mr. McLean called for the yeas and nays;

Which were ordered,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
are as follows, to n,it: Yeas
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- - - _ _ - . 67
Najrs - - _ _
Yeas: Barksdnle, Horatio W. Bruce, Chrisman, Conrow, Dargan,
Davis, De Jarnettc, DuprE, Ewing, Garland, Gedtry, Hartridge, Heiskcll. Holcombe. J o h n d m . Kenner, Lander, Lyons, Machcn, McRae,
Modre, lioyston, and 3 wan.

Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, h y c e , Breckinridge, Bridgers, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Crockett, Curry,
Davidson, Dawltins, Elliott, Farrow, Footc, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, (mrnett, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, IIanly, I-Iarris,
Herbert, Nilton, Hodge, I-Iolt, ,Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of
North Carolina, Lyon, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, McQueen,



Menees, Miles, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Preston, Pugb

Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Sinith of North Carolina, Strickland,
Tibhs, Trippe, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mi
So t h e amendment WAS lost.
The question then being on the amendment offered by Mr. Bonham,
Mr. Ewing demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Yeas _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ 21
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays
-- - - ---- -- --Yeas: Ashe, RtBins, Ayer, Bonham, Boyce, Chambliss, C1
CrocBett, Farrow, Hunly, Herbert, Jones, Marshall, McQueen, Perkitis, Preston, Smith of Alabania, Sinith of North Cvolina, Strickland,
Trippc, arid JVelsh.
NAYS:Arrington, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Breckinrid e, Bridg8
ers, koratio W. Bruce, Eli 34. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Chrismqn,
Clapp, Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Curry, D a i p n , Davis,
Dawkins, De Jarnette, Dupr6, Elliott, Ewing, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Grah%m,Gray, Harris,
Hartridge, Heislrell, Hilton, Hodge, Holcombe, Holt, Johnston, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon, Lyons,
Machen, McDowell, McLean, McRae, Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, Pugh,
Ralls, EZead, Itoyntori,,Russell, Sexton, Swan, Tibbs, Wilcox, 't'right
of Texas, and M r . Speaker.
So the aniendment mas lost.
The question then being on the engrossment of the bill,
Mr. Davis demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
- - - - - - - - 46
And are recorded as follows, to wit: hays -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- .
- - - - - .- 44
Yeas: Arrington, Baldwin, Batson, Breckinridge, Horatio W.
Bruce, Eli M. Ilruce, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp,
Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott,
Freeman, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gentry, Graham, Hartridge, Hilton,
I-Iodge, Holt, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lander, Lyon, Machen, McLean, Menees, Miles, Munnerl in,*Pugh,
Malls, Road, Boyston, Sexton, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, and &right of
Naps: Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Barksdale, Bonham, Boyce, Bridgers,
Clopton, Crockett, Curry, Davidson, Davis, Dupr6, Ewing, Farrow,
Foote, Foster, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Harris,
I-Ieiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, Johnston, Jones, Lyons, Marshall,
McIhwell, McHae, McQueen, Moore, Perkins, Preston, Russell,
Sniith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe,
Welsh, Wilcox, and Mr. Speaker. .
So tho bill was ordered to be engrossed.
Mr. Conrad moved that the vote ordering the engrossment of the
bill he reconsidered.
Mr. Beiskell moved that the bill be laid upon the table.
Upon which Mr. Miles called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And Rre as folloa,s, to wit: 1 Yeas-- - - - . - . _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ 31
1 Nays . -_ _ _ ..._ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ 60
Yeas: Atkins, Barksdale, Horatio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett,


Scpt. 17, 1Xil ]


Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett, Currin, Davidson,

Freeman, Gardenhire, Gentry, Goode, Gray, Harris,
,J ohnstoii, Jones, Lyons, Mcltae, Moore, Perkins, R
Alabaina, Vest, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Rrrington, Ashe, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell,
73oycc, Breckinridge, Bridgers, Chambers, Chilton, Chrisman,
Clark, Curry, Dargan, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Fax
Footc, Foster, Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Graham, Hanly, Hartr
Herbert, Hilton, Hodge, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,
i(lenner, Lander, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, MeDowell, McLean,
McQucen, Menees, Miles, Munnerlpn, Preston, Pugh, Rails, Read,
Koystoii, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Swan, Tibbs,
lrippe, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
So the motion to lay on the table was lost.
M u . Moore demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
motion to reconsider was agreed to.
Mr. IIarris moved to amend the bill by striking out t h e words.
fortyfive years, wherever occurring, and inserting in lieu thereof
the words forty years.
Upon which MI.. Swan demanded thc question; which was ordered.
Mr. I-Isrris called for the yeas and nays.
The call was seconded,
And the vote is recorded as follows, to wit:
; ;
Yeas: Atkins, Ayer, Ratson, Bell, Boyce, Brsckinridge, Clark,
Curry, Davidson, Duprk, Farrow, Freeman, Gray, Hardy, Harris,
Herbert, Jones, Kenner, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, McLean,
Nenecs, Perkins, Halls, E u s d l , Sexton, Smith of Alal,ama, Qtrickland, Irippe, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
N a p : Arrington, Ashe, Hxldwin, Uarksdale, Bonham, Bridgers,
TIorzltio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Charnblius,
Cliillori, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett, Currin,
Ilargan, Lhvis, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Ewing, Foote, Foster,
enhire, Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Hartridge,
cell, Hilton, Hodge, Holeombe, FIolt, Johnston, Kenanof Georgia,
Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Lyon, Machen, McRae, &Queen,
Milcs, Moore, Nunnerlyn, Preston, Pugh, Boyston, Smith of North
Carolina, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, and Welsh.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. Chilton moved to amend t h e bill by striking out all after the
word t o in the third line of the first section and insert in lieu thereof
the following, viz:

ZZE-1 1: 1; 1 1; 1 :i

the maintenance of pnblic liberty and security, and the successfully conducting of the
prwtling war, he shall be authorized to call for the raising of as inany additional
troops from time to time as in his opinion t h e public exigency may require.
Sir. 2. The calls shall be made upon the governors of the respective States of this
Confederacy for the proportion which each should furnish, having reference to the
iiuinber of free white male citizens of said States not engaged in the service of the
Coiifederate States, and not exempt by the laws of the Confederate States from mil:tary d u t v , between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five years; said calls shall designate hoiv many of said troops are wanted to fill up the companies, squadrons, battalions, or regiments from said State, how many are wanted as organized companies,
squadrons, battalions, or regiments, and how many to be held as a reserve in camps
of instmetion or otherwise as the call may prescdbe; and a period shall be fixed in
each call within which the governors, respertively, are requestetl to furnish said
troops, which shall not be less than thirty days from the date of said call, within

39 8


[Sept. 17,1862.

which period any person subject to perform military duty i n said State may volunteer and join any company from said State for the filling up of which the call niay in
part have been made, but said conipanv shall not by volunteers be increased beyond
its maximrim legal number, and the pgrsons so volunteering shall be counted as part
of the quota to be furnished by said State, and shall conform to ru!es to be prescribed
by the War Department for ascertaining the number so volunteenng.
SEC.3. If the governors, respectively, shall consent to raise the troops aformaid,
they niay resort to enrollment, drafting, or i n any other manner deemed more efficient, and which may be prescribed by t h e laws of said State, for the raising of the
same; and in raising such troops, i t Phall be competent for the governors; respectively, to divide t h e persons liable t o military duty into classes froin which to furnish the quota desired, according as they iriay corwider shall best subserve the wants
and iiiterests of their States respectively. Should any governor decline to raise said
troops, or ha\ in= consented to do so, fail to raise them within the time specified in
t h e Presidents call, then the President shall be authorized and required to cause to
be enrolled all the white male citizens of said State not legally exempt from military
service by the laws of t h e Confedcrate States, and who shall not then be in the service of said confederate States, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, in
t h e same manner as is prescribed by an act entitled An act further to provide for
t h e public defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and,
under such rules and regulations a8 h e may prescribe, may proceed t o select by lot
from aniong the whole number t h e quota called for froin such State, and the
remainder may return to their homes, but subject to return to the camp of instruction npon the requirement of the President: Proiidpd, That for good cause the time
allowed to any of the executives of the States may he extended for raising their
respective quotas by the President: Provided jwther, That when said troops shall be
raised in any State by order of the President and not by t h e governor, persons Rubject to military duty shall, any time before their enrollment, have the privilege of
volunteering in the same manner and under like restrictions as if said quotas had
been furnished by t h e governor of said State.
SEC.4. The troofls thus raised shall serve for three years or during t h e present
war, if i t should be sooner ended, and shall not be discharged by reason of having
passed the age of forty-five years before such term of service expires.
Sir. 5 . The troops which may be called for in organized bodies, a n d which the
governors, respectively, may furnish, shall be oflicered in t h e first instance by the
authority of the State, but the filling of vacancies thereafter shall be according to the
laws of the Confederate States.
REC. 6. That the persons brought into military service by this act shall be
a~signedto any company now in t h e service of the Confederate States which they
mav prefer to join, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of War may establish,
to iecure the filling up of existing companies, squadrons, battalions, or regiments
from t h e respective States: Provtded, That the right of volunteering in, or of being
assigned to, any company ahall not interfere with the objects of this act, or produce
inequality or confusion in the different arms of the service.
SEC.7. That the powers hereby conferred upon the President of the Confederate
States shall exist only during the present war, and the provisions of this bill shall be
applicable whenever, pending this war, calls as aforesaid shall be made.

Mr. Chambers called the question; which was seconded.

The reading of the amendment having been called for, Mr. Foote
made the point that it was out of order-the question having been
called and seconded.
The Chair overruled the point of order.
Nr. Foote appealed from t h e decision of the Chair, and the question
being put,
Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House8
The same was decided in the affirtiiative.
T h e amendment of Mr. Chilton was lost.
Mr. Hanly moved t o amend the first section of t h e bill: which is as
follows, to wit:
1. The Congress of the Conjederate States of America do enact, That when
t h e President shall consider an increase of the forces i n the field necessary to repel
invasions, or for the public safety in the pending war, h e is authorized, as hereinafter provided, to call, into the military service of the Confederate States for three

sept 17, 1862 1



or dnring t i r r piesent nar, if it should be sooner ended, all whitemale citizens

Coiifrtit,rdc Stater, not l e ~ d l yrxerlipted from such service, between t h e ages
of thirty-five and forty-five j ears, aiitl such authority shall exist in the President
during the prt'sent war as to all persons who now are or rnay hereafter become
eighteen J ears ot agc, and, when once enrolled, all persons between the a es of
civhtceti niid forty five years shall serve their full term, and no one be e n t i t e d
a Cdiscliitrge h:canse he iiiey h a w pssscd the age of forty-fi\-e years befow siich terln
of service expires,

;f the.

b y striliing out all after the ~vords"their full term" and i n v e r t i n g in

lip11 thereof

the ~ o r d s

That the rcgiiiient raised nnder and by authority of the State of

n i c e of snid State for frontier defense is hereby exempted
f t C)III t lie proyisioii4
qwrations of this act: And provided, That if the lJresident,
in calling out troops into the srnice of the Confederate Stntes, shall first call for
onl\ a part of the pcrsons brtv evn tlir ageu hereinbefore stated, heshall first call for
t1io-c bet\\ een the age of thirty-five and any othrr age less than forty-five, and apportion t h c PILIIIC b t h 7 c c n the several States, taking into corwitleration their relative
pol~iilationbetn eeii tlic agw of thirty-live and forty45 e arid the number of troops
alrt.a~ly furnished to tlie Army b y tlie respective States under formrr acts, so far as
N ithout departing froni t h e principle of calliug ont
I pi o~*itlrdj k t h e r , 'That in estimating the number of
under former arts such State shall be credited with all
service from said State.
I J I Y I I((Jet!, h o ~ ww,
' ~ ' c i a sant1 i i o ~i n

Jlr. Vest irioved to anirrid the bill by striking out all after the cnacting c*lause:tnd inserting a3 follows, to wit:
That the Presidrnt be, aiitl lie is hereby, authorized to call out and place in the
iiiilitrlry service of the C'oiifederate States lor three years, unless the war should be
moii(xr ended, all vhite iiicn who arc residents of the Confederale States, between
t h e nges of thirty f i ~ and
forty-five years at the tirile tho call or calls may be Inade,
ant1 \\ ho nrr not, at such time or times, legally exempted from military service; such
( ~ 1 01'
1 o(i11s to he niatle under the provisions and according to the terms of the act
to 11 1iic.h tliis is iin aiiietitlnirnt: f+ow/d,'I'hnt nothing herein contained shall be
rstoml as repraliiig
~nodifyingally part of the act to which this is amendatory,
l)t aq herein expressly st:itetl. - 1 ) d prorrtlrd ,fzwlh~r,That those called out under
a( t mcl the act to 1%hich tliiv is an ainentinirrit shall be first and immediately
O r ( k l ~ c to
l fill, to their urauimniii ~iuinber,the companies, battations, squadrons,
autl regitiir~ntsin eer\ ice froni the rrapwtive States a t t h e time the act furtlier to
tlrfensc., approved si\;tcenth OF April, eighteen hundred and
and the surplus, if any, shalt be assigned to organi7ations
since the j)awagc of that act, or placed in new organizations,
or disposed of as now pro\ided b y law: Pro, d fiwthev, That the President is
:Intliorizect to suspentl the esecrition of this act, or the acts to which this is an
anientlnient, or m y special prorision or provisions of said act, in any locality where
he believrs such suspension will promote the public interest.

M r . h t k i n s mo\7ed that the bill and amendrilenth he recommitted to

tlic Coninlittee 011 Military Affairs.
Jlr. Swan demandod the previous question; which was ordered, and
the inotioii was lost.
The qucwtion then being on the amendment of Mr. Hanly,
The same was agi~eedto.
hIr. 1i:lliott moved Chat the House adjourn.
The motion \vas lost.
And the question bein on the motion of Mr. Vest to amend the
bill, Rh. Vcst called for t e yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,



[Sept. 17,

cornlie, Halt, Johnston, <Jones. Lander, Lyon, Lyons, McRae, Moore,

Bcad, Bussell, Swan, and Tihbs.
?Jays: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Bats
Bridgers, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clap
Clopton, Curry, Davidson, Dawkins, Farrow, Foote, Foster
Garnett, Gartrell, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Wanly, Hartridge
Hilton, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner
Marshall, McDowell, illcLcan, McQueen, Menees, Miles, M
Perkins, Preston, Yugh, Ralls, Royston, Sexton, Smith of
Smith of North Carolinn, Strickland, Trippe, Welsh, Wilcox, %righi
of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
So the wmcndmcnt ml~slost.
The bill was thcii engrossed and read a third time.
J h . Curry called the question upon the passage of the Gll; which
was scconded, and hfr. Perliins called for the yeas and nayq
Which were ordered,
Yeas _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49
And arc recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - . 39
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Eli 31. Bruce,
Chambers, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Currin,
Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Foster, Garnett, Gentry,
Graham, Gray, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, Lyon, Machen,
McLean, Menees, Miles, Munnerlyn, Preston, Yugh, Read, Ro ston,
Sexton, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, am! Mr.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Bonham, Bridgers, Horatio W. Bruce, Chambliss, Clark, Clopton, Crockett, Curry, Davidson, Davis, bupr6,
Ewing, Farrow, Foote, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell,
Goode, I-lanly, Harris, Herbert, Johnston, Jones, Marshall, McDowell,
McRae, McQueen, Moore, Pcrkins, Ralls, Russell, Smith of Alabama,
Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, and Welsh.
So the hill was passed, and is as follows, to wit:

A bill to be entitled An act to provide for the fillingupof existing companies, squadrons, battalions,
and regiments, and to increase the Provisional Army of the Confederate Statas.

1. The Congress qf ihe Confederate States do enact, That when the President
shall consider an increase of the forces in the field necessary to repel invasions or
for t h e public safety in the pending war, h e is authorized, as hereinafter provided,
to call into the military service of the Confederate States for three years or during
t h e present v,ar, if i t sliould be sooner ended, all white male citizens of t h e Confederate States, not legally exknipted from such service, between the ages of thirty-five
and forty-five years; and such authority shall exist in the President during the
prcscnt war as to all persons who now are or \z ho may hereafter become eighteen
years of age, and, w hen onee enrolled, all perbons between t h e ages of eighteen and
forty-five years shall serve their full time: Prorided, That if the President, in calling
out troops into the service of the Confederate States, shall first call for only a part of
the persons between the ages hereinbefore stated, he shall first call for those between
t h e age of thirty-five and any other agc less than forty-five, and apportion t h e same
between the several Statep, taking into consideration their relative population between
t h e ages of thirty-five and forty-five and the number of troops already furnished to
t h e Army by the respective States under former acts, so far as the same may be
practicable without departing from the principle of calling out troops according to
age: And provided furfkrr, That in estimating the number of troops furnished by
any State under former acts each State shall be credited with all t h e companies
mustered into service from said State: Prozided, howewr, That the regiment raiscd
under and by the authority of the State of Texas and now i n the service of said
State fok frontier defense is hereby exempted from the provisions and operations of
this act.
SIX 2. That t h e President shall make such call by requisition upon the governors
of the several Confederate States for all or any portion of the persons within their

Sept. l i , 1862 I



respective States betv etm the ages of thirty-fire and forty-five years, and also for
those who now are or lnay Inereafter become eighteen years old, as aforesaid, not
legally exeniptctl; and I\ llcn awiiibled in canips of instruction in the several States,
they shall be as+nctl to anti form part of the conipanies, squadrons, battalions, and
regiments lieretofore raked in their respective States and now i n the service of the
Confederate States; and the nuinher that niay reinain from any State after fillin up
existing conipan~es,sq~~adroiis,
battalions, and regiments from such State to tffeir
maximum legal number shall be officered according to the laws of the State having
such residue.
SEC.3. That if the go~~criior
of any State shall refuse or shall fail for an unreasonable time, to bc determined by the Precident, to coiiiply with said requisition, then
such permns in such State are liereby made subject, in all respects, to anact entitled
An act further to pro! itle for the b)iitilir defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen huntlrid and sixtj -t\i o, aiid the Irebident is atillioriLed to enforce said act agaiIlst
such persona.
SEC. 4. That for the pnipore of sewring R niore speedy enrollment of the persons
reriderrtl liable to inilitary senice uritler this act, the President may, immediately
upon making the requisition authorized therein, employ in any State, whose povernor shall conwit thereto, officers of t h e Confederate States to enroll and colfect,
in the respecti\ e canips of instruction, all the persons called into service aforesaid.
SEC.5. That the IieisoiiI: brought into military service by this actshall be assigned
to the company fioni their State now in the service of t h e Confederate States which
they niay prefer to join, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of War may
establish, t o secnre the filling nlj of existing companies, squadrons, battalions, and
regiments froin the respective Stateb: Prot icletl, That persons liable to military service undvr the provisions of thiy act, anti able-hodierl nien over the age of forty-five
ignetl to duty in siich cwmpany, froin their State, as
at said c~ompany shall not, by reason thereof, be
xiniuiii noniber: And provided,fwther, That the right
of volunteering in, or of being assigned to, any company shall not interfere with
the objects of this act, or produce inequality or confusion in t h e different arms of
the military service: P~oi-lcled,That the President is authorized to suspend the execution of this act, or t h e acts to wliich this is a n amendment, or an special provision
or pro\ isions of said acts, in an? Iocalitv T$ hen he believes sncz suspension will
promote the public good; and that in such localities, andduring Paid suspension, the
President is authorized to receive troops into the Confederate service under any of
the acts passed by the Confederate Congress prior to the passage of the act to further
provide for the public defense, approved sixteenth April, eighteen hundred and
sixt y-two.

Mr. htki ns moved that the vote by which the hill was passed be
MF. Read moved to la37 the motion on the table.
Mr. (:onrad moved that the House do now adjourn.
The motion was lo&.
The motion of Mi-. Remi to lay o n the table the motion of Mr. Atkins
was agreed to.
ILlr. Kenan of Georgia introduced
h hill to empower quartermasters and assistant quartermasters to
administer oaths in certain cases. t,hereby saving expense to soldiers;
which was fetid the first and second times.
On motion of Mr. Kenan of Georgia, the rules w e r e suspended, and
the bill taken up for. consideration.
Mr. Swan called the question; which was seconded, and the bill was
engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Chamber> moved to reconsidcr the vote by which the bill was
A message W R S received from the President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison; which is as follows, to wit:
The President, on yesterday, approved and signed a joint resolution of thanks to
Commander Farralld of the Confederate Navy, senior officer in command of the
naval and military forces, and Capt. A. Ilrewry, senior military officer, an
officers and iiieri under their command a t Drewrys H u f f on the 15th of May,
c J-VOL 5-05-26



[Sept. 19,1862.

Jlr. Foster moved that the House reconsider the vcte by which the
resolution from the Senate that Congress adjourn on the 30th Septemher, instant, was agreed to.
On motion,
The House then ahjourned until 11 oclock on Friday.



The House met pursuant to adjournment.

The Chair proscnted ft communication from the Secretary of the
Treasury in relation to the meeting of requisitions on the Treasur
Department; which mas laid upon the table and ordered to be printel
Tlic Chair presented a communication from the Secretar of War in
relation to the finding of tho court-martial in the case of d j o r Hesse;
which was read and on motion laid upon the table.
Mr. Jones of Tennessee presented a memorial from W. J . Sykes in
relation to the proviiions for disabled soldiers and soldiers families;
. .
was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, without
being read.
O n motion. leave of abscncc was cranted Mr. Goode.
Mr. Lyon ;Bered
A resolution that the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads
inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Demopolis,
in Marengo, to Ealkland, i n Greene County, and one from Demopolis
to JeEerson, in Marengo County, Ala. ;
which was read and agreed to.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whoni mas
A resolution in relation t o the conviction of forgers and counterfeiters of Confederate Treasury notes,
reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to offer a
reward for thz apprehension and conviction of persons engaged i n
forging or uttering counterfeit Treasury notes; which was read the
first and secund times.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the rules were suspended, the bill was
taken up, and having been read as follows:

That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and h e is hereby, authorized to offer a
reward not to exceed five thousand dollars for the a prehension and conviction of
any person engaged i n forging or uttering counterfeit Jonfederate Treasury notes,

Mr. Lyons moved to amend t h e bill by striking out the words five
thousand dollars and inserting in lieu thereof the words one thousand dollars.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Foote demanded the question; which was ordered, and the bill
was engrossed, read tl third time, and passed.
On motion, leave of absence was granted Mr. McDowell.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
referred a bill to compensate the marshals and their assistants for ihkin the census in 1860, in those States now forming the Southern Confe eracy, made the following report, viz:

The Committee of Ways and Means, to which was referred the bill to be entitled
An act to compensate the marshals and their assistants for taking the censns in

Sept. 19, 1862.1



eighteen hundred and sixty, in those States now forming tlie Southern Confederacy, have had tlic same under consideration, and submit tlie following report
thyeon :
rlic bill proposrs to provide compensation to marshals and their assistants for services rendered in taking the ceiisus in 1860, under appointments made by the United
States. The services were rendered to the United States, and the riptit to compensation from that Goveriiineiit had accrued before the secession of the Confederate
The question presented by the bill then, is siniply this: Is there any obligation
upon the Government of the Confederate States to amuirie and pay for services rendered to the United States b y prruoi~sa t t h e time of the rendition of such serlice
belonging to the United Stateu, but since the separation forming a part of the Confederxte States?
The committee, in considering this question, have not had reference alone to services rendered before the separation, by marshals and their assistants in taking t h e census of 1860, but have embraced in their examination other questions of a similar character, which may and douhtl6ss nil1 arise, where chitinensof the Confederate States
may h a w had unsettled trmsactions with the Governineut of the United States a t
the time of the separation. If me acknowledge the princsiplr that, because the States
now composing the Confederacy derived some benefit aiid advantage from the taking of t h e census in 1860, that the Confederate States ought, therefore, to assunieand
pay a debt due from the TJnitetl States, we establish a precedent unsafe to the Treasury and of questionaltle obligation.
Such a precedent would require the payment of all just claims held b y citizens of
the Confederate States against the Gowriiment of the United States for services rendered before the separation; for in all such cases, i t might, as well as in the resent,
be alleged that such services nere, to some extrtnt, beneficial to the C o n h e r a t e
States while they formed a part of the United States.
Your committee, therefore, recommend that the bill coiiiniitted to them do not pass.

Mr. Kenner asked to be discharged from the further consideration

of the bill, that it be placed upon the Calendar, and that the report be
printed; which was agreed to.
Mr. Kenner, from the same conimittee, to which was referred sundry amendments of the Senate to a bill of this House entitled An act
to provide for the further issue of Trcasurg notes, reported tho same
back, with the recommendation that the House concur i n t h e amendments of the Senate, which are as follows, to wit:
First. I n liue 12, section 1, strike out twelfth and insert in lieu thereof
Second. Strike out t h e second section.
Third. Inscrt the following independent section:
SEC.3. That the authority given to the Secretary of the Treasury in the secona
section of an act entitled An act to provide further means for the support of the
Government, approved April eighteenth, cigbteen hundred aiid sixty-tao, to issue
in exchange for Treasury notes, bonds or certificates to be reconvertible in the same,
a t the pleasure of the holder, shall be extended from fifty millions to one hundred
millions of dollars: But the said authority shall be exercised under all the conditions and limitations prescribed in the said act.

The rules bein suspended, the amendnlents were taken up, and the
same were agreef to.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to which was
A joint resolution of the Senate providing f o r the presentation of
medals, etc.,
re orted the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consi eration, and that i t lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the same committee, to which was referred
A bill concerning partisan rangers,
re orted the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consi eration, and that the same be printed and placed upon the Calendar;
which was agreed to.



[Sept. 19,186

A h , Hilton, from the Cornniittee on Military Affairs, to which W;LS

il, resolution in relation to the appointment of adjutants for independen t bat talions,
reported a bill, to be entitled An act to amend a n act entitled An
providing for the appointment of adjutants of reginients and legion
the grade of subaltern in addition to the subalterns attached
which mias read thr first and second tinies.
Tho rules were suspended, and the bill was taken up, engrossed, read
a third time, and passed.
Mr. Garnett, from the same committee, to which was referred a
joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. John Bankhead Magruder,
reported the smie l)xc~k,with the reconimendation that it pass with an
r ,
i h e rules werc suspended;
The resolution was taken up, an& having been read as follows, viz:
Resolved, That the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby tendered to Major
General John Bankhead Magruder, late commander of the Army of the Peninsula, and
the officers and men under his command, who in the battle of Bethel, t h e first and
one of the most important battles of t h e war, obtained a signal victory over the
enemy, the thanks of Congress are due and are hereby tendered to General Magruder
for his distinguished services as commander of the Army of the Peninsula during an
ardnnus years campaign i n which h e illustrated the character of the Southern soldier
by the activity, zeal, skill, and endurance with which h e supplied the want of numbers and held in check a greatly superior force of the enemy; and .to t h e officers and
men under his coniniantl for the great fortitude, patriotism, and gallantry with which
they performed their part i n the defense of the Peninsula against the superior forces
of t h e enemy,

Mr. Garnett, from the committee, moved to aniend the same by

striking out all of the same and inserting in lieu thereof the following
words, viz:
T h e Congress of the Confederate States do resolze, T h a t t h e thanks of Congress are
hereby tendered to Major-General J o h n Bankhead ltlagruder and to t h e officers and
men under his command for their gallantry and distinguished services in the first
battle of the war at Bethcl, and in t h e protracted defense of thcPeninsula for many
months against the overwhclrning numbers and boundless resources of t h e enemy.
Resolved further, That this rcsolution be communicated to General Magruder.

The rules were suspended;

The resolution was taken up, and the amendment was agreed to.
And the resolution as amended was engrossed, read a third time,
arid passed.
Mr. Foote. from the Committee on Foreim Affairs, to which was
referred resolutions in relation to the policy <f the wa;., reported the
same back, with the reconimendation that they pass with the following
amendments, to wit:
Majority report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The Comrnittec on Foreign Affairs, to whom was referred certain resolutions relating to the true policy of t h e war, and recornmcnding to t h e President t h e issuance of
a proclamation touching the free navigation of the Mississippi and its tributaries, and
t h e opcning of the market of the South to the inhabitants of the Northwestern States,
upon certain terms and conditions, have had the same under consideration, and now
report back said resolutions, with one or two slight amendments, and recommend
that they he adopted. The expediency of conducting t h e war in which we are
engaged with all possible activity, and of carrying that war into the enemyscountr
so soon as the Rame shall he found practicable, is believed to be now m i
admitted by all enlightened men who have given their attention to t h e subj

Yepl. 19. 1862.1



is evident that we must rely alone upon our own energies for success in the struggle
of arms which is now in progress. I n the present condition of affairsit is quite nlanifest that in order to bring the sanguinary struggle i n which we are engaged to an
early terniination i t will be necessary that every portion of our Army should be
kept i n a state of constant readiness for active exertion, and that no opportunity
should be neglected of striking the forces of t h e enemy, wherever to be found up011
Southern soil, M ith that boldness and hero.ic energy which are so certain to seeure to
our arms the inost signal success. It is ecually manifest that the enemy will never
be willing to depist from t h e unjust and ferocious war which they are now waging
until t h e evils and inconveniences thereof shall have been brought hoine fully to
theniselreu. W 1 1 t ~ no u r valiant and cliwiplinecl arniies (enhanced in numbers and i n
strength, as it is hopctl they n ill slioi tly be) shall have once found their way t o t h e
heart of t h e encmys country, and have inflicted a just retaliation upon those who
have so ruthlesdy ravaged our territories, pillaged our tmvns, and desolated our
homes, it is to be reasonably expected that even they will a t least be able to discern the
rank injustice and brutal cruelty which they have compelled us to experience, and
for t h e perpetration of n hie11 they h a w not been heretofore subjected to anything
like atlequate pnnishnient.
Yonr c.oiiiniittc~>
arct well satisfied that tlie issuing of some such proclamation by
the Prrsideiit, as that descri1)ed in the rrrolutions referred to them, a t such time as
he rhsll dec~niexpedient, could not but he attended with the most salutary effects.
I t is a n uudonlJter1 fact that the C~overn*ncnt
a t Washington, aided by pnscsrupulous
local (l~~nixgngiirs
in the Northwwtern States, has succeected to a considerable extent
in delnt-liny t,lir>proplc of that region into a general helief that, should w e succeed i n
our struggle for intlcy
lence, it is the intention of the Government and people of
the Confederate Stat
o shut then1 out from the free navigation of the Mississippi
River and its great tributaries; and though t h e Frovisional Congress of these States
long ago cntphatically negatived this idea by well-known acts of formal legislation,
yet your coininittee is assured that the delusion on this subject still continues to exist
among tlie peoplc of the Northwest, and that the gross misapprehension i n regard to
the intentions and policy of the Confederate States of America, thus engendered and
kept in existence bp ~ i i c k e dand designing men, has operated most effectively i n
prompting tlie people of the Northwestern States (so closely connected with the South
heretofore, both by geographical and political ties) to contribute freely both in inen
arid money to the prosecution of a w a r which, if successful on the part of those with
wlioni it has originated, would be eventually as disastrous i n its effects to the people
of t h e Northn estern States themselves as to those of the Confederate States of America.
It is gratifying to discover that high-spirited and intelligent public men in several of
the Xorthwestern States have of late become exceedingly active in their eiideavors
to discourage a i d siil)prew tlie ferocious M ar spirit heretofore ragiug among their
iat their honest and patriotic efforts have been already attended
ctl succcss. Such a proclamation as that recommended in the
resolution- referred to this coininittee, it is confidently believed, T\ oiild have a tendency srvatlv to strcnptlien the efforts of tlie advocates of peace i n the Korthwcstern
Stat&, be &lculated to h i n g those States quickly into amicable relations with the
States of the South, withdraw them ultiinatcly altogether froni their present injurious politicd connection with the States of the Korth and East, with which they have
really so little in coininon, and thus enable us to dictate the terms of a just and honorable peace from the great commercial eniporinms of that region through whose
influence maiuly has this wicked and unnatural war been thus far kept in progress.
All of which is most respectfully submitted.
1% 6. FOOTE, Chairman.

Resolved, That i n t h e judgment of this House the true policy of the present war
imperatively requires that the movements of our armies in the Geld shottld everywhere be as active and aggregsive as would be a t all consistent with a sound and
enlightened discretion, striking a t the forces of the enemy boldly and vigorously
wherever thev may be found on Snuthern soil, and delaying nowhere long enough
to allow to oih nierciless foes a n opportunity of devastating the inorst fertile districts
of the South, and perchance of ultimately obtaining reenforcements which may make
i t difficult to drive them beyond our confines without such an expenditure of t h e
precious blood of our patriot soldiery as would not be now necessary for their expulsion or capture.
Amended, as proposed, the second and third resolutions will read as followg, viz:
Resoli~ed,That should the deluded Government a t Washington still obstinately
continue to refuse us peace, it is the evident policy of the Confederate Goveriiment
to invade the country of the enemy, with a view to obtaining coniplete indemnity
for the past and secirity for the future.



tsept. 19,iM2.

<Resolved, That the Presidelit be requested, if consistent with his own views of propriety, a t such time as h e shall deem most appropriate, to address a formal proclamation to the inhabitants of the Northwestern States, embodying the acts of the Provisional Coogress relating to this subject, pFoposing to guarantee to the citizens of all
said States resident upon the border of said ( t h e Miasissippi) river and its tributaries,
as shall not be a t war at the time with tho Confederate States, in the mort effectual
and satisfactory mode, the peaceful navigation of the said river and its tributaries;
and i t is further requested of the President that h e will also make known, i n said
proclamation, the willingness of the Government and people of the Confederate States
to enter hereafter into a reciprocity commercial treaty or treaties with any one or
more of them.

On motion of Mr. Foote, the consideration of the same was postponed, ordered to be printed, and placed upon the Calendar.
&. Barlisdale, by consent, froin the minority of the same committee, reported as follows, to wit:
Minorit> report from the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The undersigned, a minority of thc.~oinmitteeon Foreign Affairs, beg leave to dissent froin the report of the majority upon certain resolutions referred to the comniittee touching the conduc*tof tho war aud recoinmending the issuing by the President
of a proclamation t o the inhabitants of the Northwestern States, tendering to them
t h e free navigation of the Mississippi River and advantageous treaty stipulations at
t h e close of the war.
I t is submitted that subjects relating to the condnct of t h e war are not appropriate
matters of investigation b y the Committee on Foreign Affairs. But, waiving this consideration, the uridrrsignrd totally dissent from the views of the majority touching
t h e duties of this House. I t is a work of supererogation for this body t o undertake
to decide, and to declare, the mode of conducting t h e war. It is a question involving conFequences of vital moment, legitimately pertaining to the functions of the
Executive and those who have been chosen to lead our armies But, if such duty
were in fact devolved upon this body, as is implied by t h e report of the majority, it
would be in violation of all the rules of enlightened warfare to unfold the plan
which i t is designed to pursue in the prosecution of t h e war.
It is believed t h a t thus far the Executive has availed himself of the means placed
a t his disposal for conducting the war i n thernanner most judiciousand effective, and
that i n the signal success which has attended our struggle for the maintenanceof the
independence of t h e ConfederateStates will be found sufficient reason for leaving him,
without interference, to t h e exercise of t h e duties imposed by the Constitution.
The undersigned dissent from t h e recommendation that this Government should
tender to a portion of t h e citizens of the Government with whom we are at war exclusive commercial privileges. I t is not the part of wisdom to coniniit our Government
to any fixed policy in advance. Legislation should not be anticipated, but should
be shaped by existing events. If a deviation from this plain suggestion of wisdom
be advised in the present instance upon t h e idea of t h e influence of a n appeal to the
self-interest of the inhabitants of t h e Northwestern States, i t should not be forgotten
that the same argument might with equal propriety be addressed to t h e inhabitants
of the Rew England States. The manufacturers of that section would be conciliated
by pledges that a discriminating tariff would, a t the close of hostilities, be put into
speedy operation for building up their interests; and shipowners would be propitiated
b y pledges that they would be permitted to perform t h e carrying trade of t h e South
as under the old Union; and the city of New York would be induced to pause in her
course of folly and wickedness toward t h e Confederate States if assured that they
would confer upon her the privilege of conducting their commercial affairs and
enriching herself upon the proceeds of their labor.
The Northern people derived, under t h e former Gavernment, an annual profit of
not less than $100,000,000upon Southern trade. Their implenients of war will be laid
aside when assured that their coffers shall be filled with t h e proceeds of Southern
labor. But the undersigned do not hesitate to repel the suggestion t h a t the people
of t h e South are willing to purchase peace by such a sacrifice of their rights and by
so degrading a concession to Northern cupidity. To be respected, our course must
be firm and our legislation rational and just.
A t an early period after the organization of the Government of the Confederate
States a law was passed declaring t h e free navigation of the Mississippi River, with
certain salutary restrictions. The policy of the Government has not been changed
o n this subject. It is presnmed t o h a r e been known t o t h e inhabitants of the Northwestern States before they embarked in a wicked and unjustifiable war against the

Sept. 19,1SC2.j



people of the Confederate States. To proclaim this policy at the present time,
coupled ~ i t offers
of lucrative trade, in the manner suggested by the majority,would
be in the hipliest degree derogatory to the dignity of this Government. It would
bring upon it the imputation of pusillanimity. It would be accepted by t h e enemy
as a confession of conscious weakness, and its inevitable tendency would be t,oprolong
the war.
The nndersigIied are firrii in the opinion that the most effective mode of conquering
a peact. is iiot to be found in extending to the enemy propositions of reconciliation,
but in the vigoious prosecution of the war.
The signs of returning reason, indicating a desire for peace among the inhabitants
of the Rorthwestern States, upon the discovery of which the majority have congratulated the Ilouw, are believed to be delusive. The undersigned regret to say that
they have not bccn able to discern then?. But in the event of the actual existence
of tliese alleged pacific indications, i t is clear that they are the result, not of ternporizing expedients o n the part of the Governinelit of t h e Confedtwtte States, bnt of
its iiianifestatioii of purpose to prosecute the war with vigor and effect
For theye reasons the undersigiied dissent from the views of the majoritby,and ask
the voncnrrence of the Tfonw in the opinion that they should be rejected.


which mas read, ordered to be printed, and placed upon the Calendar.
The H o u w tlic~nproc dcd to the consideration of the special order,
which was a bill t o exempt certain persons from service in the Provisiwial Arnq- of the Confederate States.
Mr. Maclicii moved that the consideration uf the special order be
postponed until after the reception of the bill from the Senate o n the
p&iiiesubject; which was agreed to.
iMr. Chambers moved that the House take up fo r consideration his
motion to reconsider the vote b y mhich the bill to empower quartcrniastcrs and assistant quartermasters to administer oaths in certain
cases, was passed.
Mr. Royston demanded the question; which was ordered.
Mr. Jones moved t o lay the bill o n the table.
The motion n as lost, and the n~otionof Mr. Chambers was agrecd to.
Mi,. Harris moved that the bill be recomIniUe4 to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
The iiiotion was lost.
Mr. Sexton moved to amend the first scction of the bill; which is as
follows, to wit:

That in all cases when it is necessary to administer oaths to officers or privates, the
quartprniaster n r assistant quartermasters shall have power, ex officio, to administer oath?,

by inserting after the word privates the words i n order that they
niay be enabled to draw the pay to which they may be entitled, and
insert after the words (assistant quartermasters the words making
out such payment, and insert after the word administer, in the
last line, the word such.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina nioved to amend the hill by striking
out all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following, t o wit:
That the oath required to enable eick, wounded, or other soldiers to receive their
pay may h e taken before any qnarterniaster, who is hereby authorized to administer
the same, or before any justice of the peace having jurisdiction, or any other officer
having the right by the laws of the State to administer oaths.

The amendment of Mr. Sexton was agreed to.

Mr. lcenner of Louisiana demanded the question; which was ordered,
arrd the aIneiidment of Mr, Smith of North Carolina was ngreed to.



[Sept. 19,1882.

Mr. Chambliss moved to amend the bill by adding thereto the followirrg, to wit:
ProridPd, That no quarternlaster or assistant quartermaster shall pay out money on
affidavits made before himself.

The amendment was lost, and the bill as amended was engrossed,
read a third time, and passed.
The question then being on the title of the bill,
Mr. Machen moved to amend the same by striking out all of the
original and inserting as follows, to wit:
A bill to hc rntit,led An act to authoiize certain pcrsons to administer oaths in
certain cases;

whicli was agreed to.

The Chair suhmitted the following construction of the rule of the
Ilouse adopted on the 28th of August, 1869, viz:
That the resolution restricting delxttes, which was adopted by this House on the
28th of August, 18tj2, xhall be construed to mean that no member, without the consent of a majority of t h e Housts, stittll speak more than once on the different readings and passage of any bill or joint resolution, but the privilege shall be reserved to
any member, notwithstanding he may have spoken as above stated, to spepk once 011
any question of amendment, reconrideration, cominitment, etc., which arises on any
bill or rcsolution.

The question being on sustaining the construction of the Chair,

Mr. Conrad demanded the yeas and nays;
Which being ordered,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 38
Are rc.cordcd as follows, to wit: -i Yeas.
3 a p _ _ .-_ - _ _ _ --.- . - - - _- - - _ 37
Yeas: hrrin ton, Ashe, Ayer, Bell, Bonham, Boyce, Rridgers, Chilton, Clopton, Eonrad, Dargan, Dawliins, De Jarnette, Ewin Garland, Garnett, Gartiell, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Harfridge, fiodge,
Holcombe, Holt, Johnston, I<enner, Lyon, Lyons, McQueen, Miles,
Moore, Perkins, Preston, Russell, Smith of Alabama, Tibbs, Wilcox,
and Wright of Tenne3see.
Nays: Rtkins, natson, Breckinridge, Horatio MT. Bruce, Burnett,
Chambliss, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Conrow, Davidson, Davis,
Duprit, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Hoiskcll, Herbert, Hilton, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, Machen, &Lean,
McBae, Menees, Pugh, Ralls, Read, Royston, Smith of North Carolina,
Strickland, Vest, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and Wright of
So the construetion of the Chair was sustained in the construction
of the rule.
Mr. Wright of Georgia moved a suspension of the rules to enable
the Committee on the Medical Department to make a report, and
demanded the yeas and nays thereon;
Which being ordered,
Yeas - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
as fol]om,s, to wit:
Nays _ _ _ _ .._
. __
. _
. 19
Yeas: Ashe, Rarksdale, Batson, Bonhain, Eoyce, Brid ers, Horatio
W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Chambliss, Cfilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Curry, Davidson, Dawlcins, De
Jarnette, Ewing Gsrland, Gartrell, Graham, Hanly, Harris, Herbert,
Hilton, Iiodge, kolcombe, IIolt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kennn
of North Carolina, Lander, McLean, McRae, McQueen, Menees, Miles,
Moore, Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Ralls, Royston, Smith of North Caro~

Bept. 19, 1862.1



lina, Strickland, Swan, Tihbs, Vest, 13Telsh, Wright of Georgia,

Wright of Texas; and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Arrington, Atkins, Ayer, lMdmin, Conrow, Davis, DuprB,
Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gray, Hartridge, Heiskell, Kenner,
Lyon, Machen, Bead, Smith of Alabama, and Mr. 8 eaker.
-So the rules were suspended, and Mr. Wright of eorgia, from the
Cotmiittee on the Medical Department, reported a hill regulating the
granting of furlolxghs to wounded or sick soldiers; which was read.
the first and sccond times and, the rules being suspended, the bill was
taken up.
Mr. Strickland called for-the question; which was ordered.
Mr. Swan iiioved to reconsider the vote by which the question was
The motion was lost.
Mr. Chambcrs, by iinanimons consent, moved to amend the bill by
adding thereto t h e following words, to wit:

and that the soltliers to whom such furloughs may be granted shall be entitled to
transportation home and back.

Mr. Gardenhire moved that the bill and amendment kw recommitted

to the Coirimittce on the Medical Department.
Mr. Moore dcnianded the question; which was ordered.
Mi-. Strickland asked that the vote be taken bg yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - - _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 36
Yeas: A cr, Ualdwin, Barksdale, Batson, Bonham, Breckinridgc,
RI'IICC,Eli M. Bruce, Chilton, Conrad, Conrow, Crockett,
Currin, Davis, De .Jarnette, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell,
Graham, Ilartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, Holt, Kennn of Georgia, McRae,
Miles, &loore, I'erkins, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, W ~ l ~ 'V\'ilcox,
and Mr.
N a p : Arrington, Ashc, Atkins, Bridgcrs, Burnctt, Chambers,
Chiimbliss, Chrisnian, Clark, Clopton, collier, Davidson, Dupr6,
Ewing, Farrow, Garland, Garnctt, Gray, Herbert, Hodge, Jones,
Kenan of North Carolina, Icenncr, I\ilachei1,4l/larshall,~lcI~ovr~cl1,
McLean, Menecs, Halls, ltoyston, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the motion was lost.
Mr. Atliins demanded the previous question; which was ordered,
and the bill was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harrison.
A message was also received from the Senate, hy their Secretary,
Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:

Mi-. Specrker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title,
11. It. 11. a n act to provide for the payment of cwtain claims against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri.

On motion of M r . &lalaclien,
The House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow.


I S ~ w r m m x t20, 1862.

OPF,N S1~:ssION.

The House met pursuant to adjournnient, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Doggett.
The Chair laid before the JLousc a message froni the President;
which is a9 follows:
I herewith transmit for your information a c~ommnnicationfrom the ComniismryGeneral in answer to your resolution of the 6th instant, relative to the supply of provisions furnished to the hrniy of the Peninsula froin the 4th of April to the 3d of
b h y , 18G2.

which was read and, with its accompanying documents, was referred
to thc Coniniittcc on the Quartcrriiastcrs and Coniinissary Departnients arid Militttry Transportation,
The Chair also laid before the Rouse a message from the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
70 the Xouse of Representatives: .

Ricmiorn, VA., Seplerrabw 19, 18G2.

1 herewith transmit for your information several communications from the Secretary of War in answer to your resolution of the 21st August,asking copies of the
official reports of all battles fought since t h e adjournment of CongrcsP.

which was read and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Heiskell iriovecl that 1,000 copies thcrcof be printed; which was
referred to the Conirriittee on Printing.
The Chair also laid before t h e House a messagc from the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
I herewith transriiit for your information a coininunicatioii from the Postmaster
General in aiiawer to your resolution of the 15th instant, asking t h e reasons which
have thus far prevented the carrying of the mails from the States east of the Mississippi to the State of Louisiana, west of that river.

which was read and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and

The Chair also laid before t h e House a bill from the Senate entitled
An act to declare the true rrieanirig aud intention of the act entitled
An act to define more accurately the exemption of certain goods from
duty; which mas read the first and second times and referred to the
C~mniitteeo n Ways and Means.
The Chair also laid before the House a memorial from William R.
Scott in relation to a steam battering rain; which was referred to the
Committee on Naval Affairs, without being read.
Mr. Chainbliss offered a resolution: which is as follows, to wit:
ResoZwd, That the Committee on Ways and Means consider the justice, propriety,
and expediency of levying a tax 011 sla\ es for the purpose of niaking a fair and eqaitable cornpensation for slaves lost tokheir owners by reason of the public enemy in
the present war, and report the result of their deliberations to this Ilouse; .

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. IIilton presented the memorial of the governor of Florida in
relation to the exportation of cotton; which mas read and referred to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Gartrell, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whoin was

referred ZI bill of the Senate to change the time for the assembling of
Congress for its next regular session, reported the same back, with the
recornmendation that it pass.
Mr. Jones of Lenne8;aee iiioved that the further consideration of
the bill be postponed, itnd that it he placed upon the Calendar.
The motion was lost.
Mr. McQueen called for the question, which was upon the third
reading of the bill.
ihe question was ordcrcd.
The bill w:ts read LL third tinie, and the question being on its passage,
Mr. 1-lilton called for the yeas and nays;
Which wcre ordcred,
~ n arc
d recordcc~as follows, to wit: J as- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
1 Nays.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _22
_ . . .
Yeas: hshe, Atkins, Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boyce,
Brccliinridge, Rridgers, Horatio W. Bxce, Eli M. Bruce, Burnett,
Chambers, Chilton, Clirisnian, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Currin, Curry,
Dargan, Davidson, Davis, Duprb, lilliott, Ewing, Foster, Freeinan,
Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge,
Heiskell, lf erbert, Holt, Kefittn of Georgia, Lander, Lyon, Machen,
Marshall, Mcl)omell, McLean, McKae, McQueen, Moore, Ztalls, Read,
Royston, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, Tibbs,
Vcst, Wright of Georgia, and Wright o f Texas.
Nays: Balksdale, Chambliss, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, Dawkins, De
darnette, Foote, Harris, Hiltom, Holcombe, Johnston, Jones, 13lenner,
Mences, Miles, Perkins, Preston, Russell, Welsh, Wilcox, and Mr.
Spe.A 1ccr.
So the bill was passed.
MI.. Davis moved that the vote by which the bill granting furloughs
to sick soldiers was passed be reconsidered.
Mr. Gartrell, from the Committee on the ,Judiciary, to whont mas
A bill to inakc Treasury notes n legd tender i n the payment of
re orted t,hc same back, asked to be discharged from its further consi eration, recoinmended that it do not p s s , and thtbt it IE placed upon
the Calendar.
Mr. Foote moved that the consideration of thc bill be postponed,
and that the name be made the specid order of business after the disposal of the pending special orders.
Mr. Chambliss moved to amend the motion by striking out all after
the word business and inserting in lieu thereof the words o n the
second Monday in <January,eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
Mr. Swan called for the yeas and nays;
W h i c h wcre ordered,
Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49
- -- _ _ - - __ _ _ 36
And arc recorded as follows, to wit: Nays
Yes~s:Atkins, Ayer, Hatson, Bonham, B O ~ CRurnett,
Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Cooke,
Crockett, Curry, Dargan, Davidson, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Ewing,
Farrow, Freeman, (;arliLnd, Garnett, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Hanly,
Hartridge, Herbcrt, .Johnston, ,Jones, Kenner, Lpon, McQueen, Miles,
Moore, Pugh, Ralls, Itoyston, Russell, Sexton, Vest, Wilcox, Wright
of Georgia, 71:right of Texas, and TVright of Tennessee.

Kays: Baldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Horatio 71. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce,
Chambers, Clark, Currin, Davis, DuprB, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
Gartrell, Harris, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Kenan of Georgia,
Lander, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McLean, McRae, Menees, Perkins, Preston, Read, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibb8, Trippe, Welsh,
and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment was agreed to.
The question then being on agreeing to the motion of Mr. Boote as
Mr. Footc demanded tho ycas and nays;
Which JVWO ordered,
Yeas-.. _ _ - _ _ _ - . ..-- _ _ _ _ _ 28
R I K ~ arc rccordcd as folidws, to wit:
i l aS
s - _ _ _ _ - .- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _54
Pcas: Ashc, Atliins, Batson, Burnett, Chxmbliss, Chrisman, Clapp,
Conrad, Conrow, Cooke, Davidson, Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Gartrvll, (;entry, IIolt, Johnston, Kenner, Lander, McLean, Munnerlyn,
ltalls, Kopston, Russell, Vest, Wilcox, and Mr. Speaker.
Says: Ayer, Barksdale, Bonham, Boyce, Breckinridge, Brid ers,
Horntio W. Bruce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clopton, Co lier,
Crocliett, Currin, Curry, Dawkins, De Sarnctte, DuprB, Ewing, 30ster, Gardenhire, Garnett, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Harris, Hartridge,
Heiskcll, Herbort, Hilton, Hodge, Holcombe, Jones, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McRae, McQueen, Menees, Moore, Perkins, Preston,
Pugh, liead, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina,
Strickland, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Welsh, Wright of Texas, and
Wright of Tennessee.
So the motion was lost.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:


Jlr. Sjjenkm: The Senate have passed bills of the following titles, viz:
H. K. 7. An act in relation to the transfer of troops; and
11. R. 10. A n act to regulate the rank of ofticers of the Provisional Corps of

Mr. Chilton moved that the further consideration of the special

order be postponed until 2 oclock p. m. to-day.
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, froin the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
A bill to protect persons who resist the efforts of t h e invading enemy

to subjugate these States and to exterminate the loyal people thereof,

reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, to whom were referred bills
in relation to martial lam, of the following titles, to wit:
A bill to amend a n act to authorize the suspension of the writ of
habeas corpus in certain cases;
A bill to repeal the second section of an act therein named, etc. ; and
A bill to repeal the second section of an act entitled An act to
limit the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from their further
consideration, and that they be placed upon t h e Udendar.
Mr. Gray moved that the bills be laid upon the table; which was
agreed to.

Sept. 20, 1862.1


1\11..Gartrell, also from the bame committee, to whom were referred

sundry resolntions in relation to the writ of habeas corpus, reported
the same l)ack, a&ed to he discharged from the further consideration
of the same, a n d that they be laid upon the table; which was agreed to.
~ l r (jartrcll,
frotii the same committee, to whom w w referred
A resolution i n relation to an amnesty to disloyal persons,
rcportcd the same back, asked to be discharged froiii its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, also from the same committee, to whom was referred
resolution in relation to tlie sequestration act,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further CODsitlt~ration,and that the same lie upon the table; which was agrecd to.
A h . Gartrell, from the bbme comniittee, to whom were referred
sunt1i.y meinori:blb praying that Treasury notes be iiiade a legal tender,
reported the saiiie back, asked to be discharged from their further considtration, and that they lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mi-. llussrll, from the same committee, to which werc referred two
resolutions in relation to retaliation, reported the same back, asked to
be cli~cliai~ped
from their further consideration, and that the samc lie
upon the table; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Heisliell, also from the same committee, to whoni were referred
two resolutions in [relation] to the rotection of the issue of Treasury
notes, reported the same back, aslce$to bedischarged from their further
consideration, and that they lie upon the table; which was agrecd to.
31r. Heiskell, on the part of tlic same committee, moved that the
House take up for consideration a bill introduced during the last
session to punish forgery and counterfeiting.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Gmy, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which mas
referred a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury on the
suI)ject of the adjustment of tlic claims of deceased soldiers, reported
a bill supplementary to an act concerning the pay and allowances due
deceased soldiers, approved February 15, 1862, and to pro\-ide for the
prompt settlement of ciaiins for arrearages of pay, allowances, and
bounty due to deceased officers and soldiers, with the recommendation
that it pass.
The bill as read the first and second times.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, and the 6rst section being under consideration; which is as follows:
The Conyyss of the Confederate States of America do enact, That claims due to deceased
noncornmissioncd officersandprivates for pay, allowances, and bounty nlny be auditcd
and paid without the necessity of the parties entitled producing a pay roll from the
mptain or coininailding officers when there is other official evidence of the amount
diw, satisfactory to the Second Auditor under such regulations as he has or inay prescribe with the approval of the Secretary of War,

Mr. Conrad moved to amend the same by striking out the words
when there is other official evidence and inserting in lieu thereof
the words (whenever the accounting officer has a pay roll or the copy
of a pay roll in his possession.
Rlr. Gray demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment was lost.
Mr. Foster ntoved to amend the same by striking out the word
( bffiicial and inserting in lieu thereof the word satisfactory.



T h o amendment was lost.

Nr. Bonham moved that the further Consideration of the bill be
yostponed until the next call of committees.
The motion was lost.
Nr. McLeari demanded thc prcl-ious question.
The demand was not sustained.
The second section being under consideration; which is as follows:
The claims of decedsed coniniissioned officers who have no other estates than the
balance due them for pay arid allowances shall be paid to their heirs or representatives
in the same nianner as similar claims of noncoxnniissioned officers and privates are
now or may be directed by law to bc paid; and to assist t h e Second Auditor in more
effectually carrying out the provisions of this act and other pressing business of his
office, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint a n experienced accountant, already i n said oflice, who, M ith t h e chief clerk, shall have authority to sign and
attest such official business as said Auditor ,shall approve and direct,

Xr. Chilt~onmoved to amend the same by striking out the words

already in the offic~;which was agreed to.
Mr. ,Jones moved to strike out from the same the words *who have
n o other estates than the balance duc them for pay and allowances,
etc.; which was agreed to.
hlr. Crockett demanded the previous question; which was ordered,
and the bill as amended was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
A messagc was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows:
MY. SpmkPr: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
8. 86. A n act to arnend the twelfth section of an act amendatory of the sequestration
law, approved February 15, 1862;
I n which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion, leave of absence was granted Mr. Ashe.

On motion of Mr. Crockett,
The House took up for consideration the resolution reported from
the Committee on Elections; which is as follows, t o wit:
Resolved, That A. H. Garland is entitled to the seat now held by him.

Mr. Crockett, from the minority of the same committee, moved to

amend the resolution of the committee by striking out all of the same
and inserting as follows, to wit:
Resolved, That Honorable Jilson P. Johnson is duly elected Representatil-e from
the Third Congressional district of Arkansas, and as such is entitled to his seat in
this House.

On motion of Mr. Wright of Texas,

The House adjourned until 11 oclock on Monday.


22, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Mr. Nalley.
MI.. Bell, by consent, introduced
A bill to provide for the temporary organization of forces for the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States in the States and parts of
States invaded and occupied hp the forces of the enemy;
which was read the first and second times and mas referred to the
Committee on Military AEairs.

~ e p t22,
. 1862.1



Alr. Foster, k)y consent, offered a resolution; which is as fo]lows,

to wit:
Resolred, That the Secretary of War be instructed to send, at the earliest day he
niav deem a~l\~ieable,
a competent corps of engineers, with orders to nlake a thorough
re&noissa11~ of the Criiiiberland and Tennessce rivers and country adjacent thereto,
\yith tlic, 1 iew of selecting the iiiost eligible site for the erection of permallent fortifications on and plackg obstructions in said rivem;

.c~hichwas read tLnd :tgrocd to.

Mr. Curry, k)y consent, presented a memorial of sundry citizens of
i\lalmna for a mail route in St. Clair County; which was referred to
thc Cornniittce on Post-Offivesand Yost-toads, without being read.
Mr. &mner, by consent, introduced
A resolution that inasmuch as Congress has postponed the day of the
next rcgular rriccting of Congress to the second Monday in January,
1863, the President be requested to direct the heads of the Departmerits to ~nxliethe estimates of the necessary expenses of their respecti\ c Departments for thc month of January and submit the same to
this House;
which was rcrtd and agreed to.
Alr. Ihy-ce presented the inernorial of sundry citizens of South Carolina, praying that Columbia, S. C., he made a port of entry; which
was rcierred to t h e Conmiittee on Commerce, without being read.
Mr. Moore ofTered
A resolution that it he referred to the Committee on Post-Offices
and Post-ltoads to inquire into the expediency of establishing a mail
ronte from Knoxville, Tenn., to Lexington, Ky.;
which was read and agreed to.
Nr. Chambliss presented sundry designs for a Confederate flag;
which were referred t o the Committee on the Flag and Seal.
Mr. Miles presented a design for a Confederate seal; which was
referred to the same committee.
Mr. Garland introduced
A bill to establish certain post routes therein named;
which mas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
Mr. Conrad, from the Coninlittee 011 Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred a joint, resolution from the Senate of thanks to Commander
Eben. Farrand and the officersand men under his command for gallant
conduct a t Drewrys Bluff, reported the same back, asked to be discharged froin the further consideration of the same, and that it lie
upon thc table; which was agreed to.
e was received from the Senate, hy their Secretary, Mr.
is as f o l l o ~ ~ to
~ s wit:
MI-. @peaf:cr: The Senate have pabsed a bill of the following title, Fiz:
8. 62. A n act to exempt certain persons from military duty, and t o repeal an act
cntitletl 111 act to a,xernpt certain persons from ciirollnient for service in the ilrmy
of tfic Confederate States, approved 21st April, 1862;
I n wllich I a m directed to auk the concurrence of this House.

Mi*. Conrad, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom wzts

referred n. bill of the Senate to determine the annual pay of t h e engineer in cliicf airid passed assistant surgcons of the Navy, reported the
same hack, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;



The bill was taken up, and the first section of the same, which is as
That the annual pa; of the engineer of the Kavy and passed assistant surgeons
shall be as follows: Engineer in chief, three thousand dollars; passed assistant surgeons, for service afloat, seventeeri hundred dollars; for shore or other duty, fifteen
hundred dollars; when on leave or waiting orders, twelve hundred dollars,

being under consideration,

Mr. Conrad moved to amend the same by inserting after the word
(engineer: the words in chief ;) which was agreed to, and the bill
as amended mas read a third time and passed.
Mr. Conrad, also from the sanie committee, to whom was referred
a bill from the Senate amendatory of an act to reor anize the Marine
Corps, reported the same back, with the recommen ation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was then taken up, read a third timc, and passed.
Mr. Conrad, also from the milie committee, to who111 was referred
ution in relation to the blockade of the Cumberland and
rivers, together with a resolution to provide for the defense
of t h e same,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from thcir further
consideration, and that they lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Conrad, from the same committee, to whom was referred a
communication from Richard M. Harvey in relation to river navigation, etc., reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its
further consideration, and that it lie upon the table; agreed to.
Mr. Conrad, also from the same committee, to whom was referred
a resolution in relation to promotions i n the Navy, made the following


The Coinniittee on Kaval Affairs have had under consideration the following resolution, referred to them by this House:
Whereas the recent action under the late law of Congress of promoting officers
out of turn has resulted in creatiiig great discontent among many gallant and
rrieritorious officers in the Xavy, and is considered injurious to the best interests of
t h e serrice: Be i t therefore
Resolied, That the Committee on Kaval Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
necessity or expediency of repealing, or in some suitable manner modifying, the law
passed a t the last session of Congress in regard to promotions in the Navy, and
beg lcave rcspectfully to rcport:
That the law referred to (that of 21st April, 1862, ch. 68) creates one new grade
(that of admiral) and several additional officers i n each of the grades heretofore
existing in the service. I t further provides that all the admirals, four of the captains, five of the cornnianders, twenty of the first lieutenants, and five of the second
lieutenants shall be appointed solelyfor gallant or meritorious conduct &iring thp war.
Althongh the resolution does not specify the precise natnre of the complaints
referred to, the committee are warranted in assuming that they were caused by this
last clause in the law; i n other words, that many officers object that promotions in
the Navy should be made for gallant or meritorious conduct.
The committee can not perceive the justice of this complaint.
A navy is designed as a means of public defense. I n ,examining the expediency
of a law which relates to it, therefore, the first question t o be asked is, not when It
will affect individuals, but how i t will operate on the public service. Now, it w ~ l be
admitted on all hands that the strongest incentive that can be held out to gallant
or meritorious conduct in an officer IS the hope of promotion; yet, strange to say,
prior to the enactment of the law referred to, no such incentive was held out to the
officers of the Navy, and if it were repealed none would now be held out. While, in
the Army, talent, energy, courage, and good conduct are sure, ultimately, to lead to
promotion, no such avenue to distinction was open i n the naval service. There but
one pathway to promotion was to be found, riz: the death or resignation of a superior officer. All others were closed by t h e inexorable rule of seniority. The rarest

St-pt. 22, 18F2.1


talent-the most gallant exploits-the most distinguished services, could liot d v a n c e

him oiie step in his professional cat-ecr, and a grateful country could confer on him
110 other reward than the expression of its gratitude.
A sytein better calculatccl to extinguish every spark of emulation, nild to repress
the aspirations of generous ambition, could scarcely be concei\red.
x o r n a s it less injurious to t h e public service than it was unjust to the meritorious
officer. When t h e rule of promotion by seniority alone is rigidly adhered to, itnlclst
often happen that officers of the least merit have t h e highest rank, and 01, the other
hand that officers of the most exalted merit may be low down on the ladder. Now,
as by another rule of the service not less inflexible, every comniand Innst be pros the most important
portioned to t h e rank of the coinniandirig officer, it f o l l o ~ that
commands may often devolve 011 the most incapable ofiicer.
Such a rystern might he tolerated in a time of peace, or in a country whose naval
supremacy might enable it to get along with any system, however defectiye, but it is
ill acitiptrtl to a country likr ours, struggliiig to create a navy in the niidst of a war
\+itli a great naval power. On the contrary, the system we should adopt is that
which enables the Govcrnnient t o place every rnan in the position lie is best qualified
to fill.
This wa9 t h e object of tlie law of April 21. I t seems to the committee that a
law n hich opens the door of promotion equally to all, affords 110 just ground of complaint to any, and that the only persons who ought to complain of a law which proposes to reward merit are those who have no merit to reaard.
If, as is alleged in the resolution, the execution of the law tiad gi\cn just ground
of complaint, this would be the fault not of tlie law itwlf, but of thohc whose duty it
is to carry it into effect. With a \7iew of ascrrtaiiiing \T hat the action of the Exccutive had been, t h e committee, through its chaiimaii, addre~hetla note to tlic honorable Secretary of the Navy-the aiis\\t'i to thih note is hereto nppcnti<d. It shows
the action of the Exeeutire urider the act; whether that action affords any just
cause of complaint i t is Cur t k e House to determine.
T h e committee \+illonly add, that so far froni thinking the proinotions under the
law of 21st of April hare been too numerous, thcy are of opinion that, the just
clainw of se\ era1 officers have lwen overlooked.
For these reasons the committee are of opinion that the law of 21st April, 1862,
ought not to bo repealed.
No iiiodificatinn of the law has been suggested, and tlie minittee have none to
recommend, and bcg to he discharged froni thc further. co 'deration of the resolution referrtd to them.

On motion of iMr. Chilton, the report w a g h i d upon thc titble and

ordered to be printed.
Mr. Conrad, also from the same committee, rcportcd
A joint resollition tendering t h e thanks of Congrcss t o 1,ient. Comiriaiiding A . F. Warley and llio offivers and nicn under his conimnnd.
The resolution was read the first and second h i e s , tlic rulcs were
suspended, the resoliition was taken up, ci:grossed, read a third time,
and pusncd.
Mr. Conrad, from the same coirirnittec. rc.po~*tcd
A joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. Conmiinding C. W. liead and
the officers and inen under his commmd.
T h e resollition was read the first andasecond times, the rules were
sus ended, t h e resolution was taken up, cngrossed, read a third time,
Xr. Conrad, also from the same committee, reported
A joint resolution of thanks to Beverly Keri~iorl, cornmander of
steam gunboat Governor Moore and the officer;; and men under his
The resolution was read the first and second times, the rules were
suspended, and the resolution was tslren up, engrossed, read a third
time, and passed.
Mr. Conrad, from the same committee, to which wus referred
A resolution in relation to the law of privatecring,




[Sept. 2 2 , l

reportcd the mine back and asked to be discharged from its further
consideration ; whic*liwas agreed to, and on motion of Mr. Perkins,
thc resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Afl'airs.
Nr. Chilton, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to
which were referred sundry iiiemorials in relation to Sunday mails,
reported the saiiie bacli, asked t o be discharged from their further consideration, :md that tlic same lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Chilton, also froiii the saiiie committee, to which was referred
the petition of 31. 1'. T h t a r i n relation to a mail line from New
Orleans to Tampieo, ('to., reported the same back, asked to be discharged froru its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table;
Mr. Chilton, from the mine committee, to which was referred
A hill to 1)tmvidc f o r thc :djurtnicnt of claims for postal service, etc.,
reported. thc baixic back, : k c d to t)e discharged froin its further considoration, zind that it lie upon tlic table; which was agreed to,
M i . Chilton. :ilso froni the same cvminittee, to whom was referred
A rcsolution rdative to inail contractors,
reported L: bill to p o v i d t for the pwynient of sums ascertained to be
dim for postal service t o citizens of the Confederate States by the
rostmaster-Oeneral; which was read the first and second times, the
rules were suspended, the hill was taken up, engrossed, read a third
time, aid passed.
Mr. Chilton, also from thc same committee, to which was referred
h bill to tax tc1egr:trns with letter postage,
rcportcd tlic s:tine I d < , a4wd to bc discharged from its further consideration, and that it lic upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Cliilton, iLI>o from the same couiniittec, to which was referred
h resolution in rolatioii to Sunday imils and drills on the Sabbath,
rcl)ortctl tiic m n e hick, :iskcd to be dixhargcd froin its further considcwation, and that SO 11iirch ils lefeircd to drills on t h e Sabbath be
referred to the Coninlittee on Xilitary Afhirs; which was agreed to.
JLr. ('hilton, from the same cotnniittee, to w1iic.h was referred
A hill in relation t o t h e ratw of postage,
rcported the hime back, asked to be ctischarged froni its further considtamtioii, 2nd that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Chilton, Prom the SWIG comniittre, to which mas referred the
1ettc.r of A h . McCoy i n relation to rcceiving proposals for carrying
thc in ail^, reportcd the s:mie back, aslwd to be discharged from its
ftirthcr consid(wLtion, and that it lie upon the table; which was
:tgreecl to.
On motion of MY.13:ildwin; the rules mere suspended and Mr. Baldmiti ofi'errd the following resolution:
Resoh Pd, That the I'reeidcnt be rc~pcc~tt'ully
requested to inform this House,
F i r k t . TVhctlier C'harleq I(.Ifyde, a citizen of Angnsta County, Virginia, who on the

t\\entictli day ol tlie prcsc,ril iiioiith

as arrested in the city of Richmond and confined

a prison knoa n a h " Castle Thunder," \I as so arrested and imprisoned by the inilitary authority of the Confederate Stateh, and if so, by what officer andlinder a h a t


Gccond. For what offense the said Charles K. 1Iyde has been seized, searched, and
deprived of libcrtp; upon whose oath or affirnmtion lie \ v a ~charged; by what war]ant or other process hc wa:: taken, a d iinder w h a t law.
Third. Whether t h e said Charles K. TIydc has been examined or tried for the offense
charged against him, and if so, in what court or before what tribunal, and with what
r e d t.

Sept. 22, 1862.1


irth. Whether the said Charlcs

y d e belongs to tho land
naval forces of
onfederatr States or ic- l ~ a l ~tol (I ~
r) dlity tinder a n y law thereof.
01) c(l cdw, That the P r e d e i i t be requttcd to coinmunicate to this House copies
order> or other papers rc3LLtiiiq to t hc atbe of the said Cl~arlcsK. Ilyde, with
enicrit of a n y ttbtiniony tnlreii in tlie CBHB.

ihe rules were suspended, and the resolution was talcen up.
blr. IMdwin ctcmanded the yncstion on agreeing to the resolution;
which was oi*dc1ed,and called fo r the yeas and nays.
The call was seconded,
And tlie snme are recorded as follows, to wit: 1 Yeas_--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58
7 Nays _ _ -- __
_ _ _. 13
Yeas: hrrington, Rtlcins, Baldwin, Batson, Bonham, I3oyce, Breckinridge. Eli 11. l h ~Chanibliss,
~ ,
Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton,
Crocltett, CLIIY~,
Ihrgan, Ihvidsoii, Dawkins, Dc Jarnette, DuprB,
F ~ r r o w Footr,
Foster, Garland, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Graham,
I-fanly, I h r i s , Haitridge, EIeiskcll, Hodge, Iiolt, Johnston, Jones,
Kenner, I4y0ii, Xmdiall, AlcDowell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Munnprlyn, Icrkins, Prrston. Ralls, Rcad, Royston, Sexton, Smith of
North Carolina, Trippc, Vcst, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, Wright of
Texas, Wright of Tennesbcc, aiid Mr. Speaker.
Kays: Ewing. Freenisn. Garctcnhire, Gray, Holconibe, Kenan of
Georgia, Lander, McItae, h i g h , Smith of Alabama, Strickland, Swan,
and Welsh.
80 the resolution was agrcod to.
The TTouse then proceeclctl to the consideration of the special order,
which 11 as t h e resolutions offered by the Committee on Elections in the
case of ,J. I?. Johiihon and A . 11. Garland.
AIr. Irippe movrcl to anirnd the amendment offered bj7 Mr. Crockett,
I tkic minority of the conimittce, t)y striking out all thereof and
.ting in lieu thereof the Iollowing, to wit:
R c . d p i / , That a ~ x c a n c ybe, and is hereby, cic&uwi in the Third Congressional
distiict of the State of Arkansas.
, That tlie Clwk ot this Ilouse do transmil a. certified copy of the foregoing
to the go\ eriior of Arkamas.

Mr. Uoyce moved that the House pio d to tttke the vote on the
resolutions a t 1 oc1oc.k tomorrow; which was agreed to.
On iiiotion of Nr. Miles,
lhe House took up a bill froin tlic Senatc to nialie certain exemptions from military duty; which was read the first and second times
and ordered to be printed.
Air. Chambers, froin the Conimittee on Military Affairs, to which
w a s referred
A hill authorizing and rogu1:iting substitutes,
reported the same back with m i amendmcnt.
On iriotioii of Nr. Chainiwrs, the bill was placed on the Calendar and,
together with the anientlnierit, ordered to be printed.
11I. Chanibers, from the Committee on Bnrolled Bills, reported as
correctly eiirolled, and rcacly for the signature of the Speaker, a bill
(No. 5) to be rntitlcd An act to provide for the further issue of Treasury
notes; also, a bill (Xo. 7 ) to he entitled An act in relation to the
transfer of troops; also, a bill (No. 10) to be entitled An act t o regulate the rank of officers of the Yi.ovisiond Corps of Engineers; also, a
bill (No. 11) t o be entitled An apt to proride for the payment of certain clait~lsagainst the Confederate States i n the State of Missouri;
And the Speaker signed the same.



[Sept. 22,1862.

A message was received froni the Senat,e; which is as follows, to wit:

XI*.Speakel.: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 62. An act to exempt certain persons from military duty, and to repeal an act
entitled An act to exempt certain persons from erirollment for service i n the Army
of the Confederate States, approved 21st April, 1862;
In which I am directed to ask the c-oncurrence of this House.

On motion of Mr. fiootc, thc House resolved itself into secret

session; and having spent soinc tiino therein, again resolved itself into
open session.
, hy (wnwiit, introduacd
end :LII act to further piwvide for the public defense;
which ~ v i i sread tile firbt, i~tidsecond times aiid rcfcrred to the Comniittw oii JIilitar> Atfair$.
Mr. Gray, by conmit, iiitrodoccd
A })illto authorixc the judges of the district courts to change the
place of holding courts i n certain cases;
w h i u h w a s read the first . i d sccorid times and referred to the Committee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Keiian of Georgia, by consent, introduced
A bill to authorize thc Secretary of War to have mustered out of
service the First Reginicnt of Georgia Kegulars and any other regiments in sirni1:tr condition;
which was read the first aiid second times and referred to the Committee on Slilitary Affairs.
T h e Chair h i d before t h c House R nicssage from the President;
mhith i h :LS follows, to wit:
I l i e r e ~ ~ i ttianrinit
for J our
the Savy iii r e ~ p i i s eto your
required to m ~claims
~ t 111)onth
b y the riaral xiit1 iiiilitary autlio
I recoiiirnrntl an appropriution of thc aii~nunt,and for the purpose specified.


which was read and rcfcrred, with accoinpanying documents, to the

Conirriittcc O H \\T:~yhand h1c:ans.
Tho Chair also laid hcfore the House a message from the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
T here\vith tratisrriil for j oiir coi
of thc Treasury, cox eriiig c


iz communication from the Secretary

I recommend an appropriation of the

:uid for the piirpo


which wns read R J referred,

with accoiiipnnying documents, t o the
Curninittec on JVays and Mc~iis.
On motion,
The House adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session, a message was received from the
President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the
Honse that on the 19th instant the President had approved and signed
an act to authorize a n issueof Confederate States bonds to meet a
contract made by the Secretary of t h e Navy for six ironclad vessels of
war, and steam engines and boilers.

sept. 22, 1562.1



A h . Ierkins, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom was

referred B resolution relating to Liie recall of foreign ministers, etc.,
made the following report:
The Committee on Foreign Affair?,to whom mas referred the following resolution:
R e s o l d , That t h e Committee on Foreign lffairs be instructed to illquire into the
propriety of requesting thc President of the Confederate States [to recall] the cornlnissioncrs sent by this Goveriiirient to certain European States, and to notify all
foreign po-ers whose consuls reside in the Confederate States and are accredited. to
thc Government of the United States, that such persons will not be recoprlized by
tllc Governiiient of the Confctlerate States as exercising any of the powers or having
HII! of thc functions of consuls 11itiiin the limits of the Confederate States unlem
appointed by their reqxctirr governments as consnls to thc. Confetterate Stntes of
beg leaxe to rcplrt.
That in the alw(~nce
of any reference to foreign affairs in the rilessage of the Presi( h i t on thc opcninp of Congress, and without access to the archives of the State
I ) e p i i tnimt, your coinmittee dtwncd i t tliie the iniportaiicc of the subject submitted
to them, and respcct for the IIonse, by ahoni they were\\ith its examination, to report that they ~ w r iininforined
on the niattcr Iwfore them, and to request
the Executive b y a rc,solotioii of the House to coiiiniunicate to Congress such facb
regarding the number and diaracter of our foreign agelit8 as corrld be made known
without detriment to the public service.
The House accordingly adopted the followinq remlution of inqniry :
Resolued, That t h e President be respecttiilly rcquebted to coriininnicate to this
House, if not incompatible with the public interebt, the number and names of all
perPons engaged in the str\~iceof the Confc~lerateStates in foreign countries, either
as diploniatic, consular, or coniinercial agents, or i n a n y other capacity, stating the
places t3 which they have been sent, the date of their appointment, the salaries they
receix e, the duties they are expected to discharge, arid l i o ~Ial sucli agents have heen
officially or othern ise recognized by any forripii go\ erninent. Also what are the
niimbrr and character of foreign agents, N lrether consular, coinmcrcial, or otlicr,
known to our Governnieiit, represrnting in any capu ity foreign governments, within
thc limits of the Confedelate States, and vhether in coiiiniunicating with this Goyerrinient, lliey (lo SO under an exequatur from our Goreinnicnt or that of the IJiiitcd
State\; also ~ i h c t h e rsaid agentr are ~ ~ i l ~ o r d i i ior
a t csubject to tile c-ontrol and direcr s their respective countries
tion i n any way, arid to I\ hat degrrc, of thc ~ n i n i b t c ~of
accredited to and residing in the liniteti Statcis, ant1 the liesidrnt I)efurther requested
to roniniunicate such instructions as may liave been givcm to our forcign agents and
snrh (orrespondciice as may have been had wit ti other governiricnts, either through
the Scc-rctary of State or our comniissiowru ahroad, as will aid Congress in its legislation regarding foreign nations and their citizens r 4 c i i n g in oiir midst.
To this rrsolution the follo\ving responre was rewived on the 16th instant from the
State Department, and nas referred to this committee:
BT \TIX 01 ihicarc i , DI:Y\ I <
L 1 l ~n,ond,
i d ~ 8q)fembo.1 5 , 1862.
The Secretary of State, to 1%
hom was rcterrrtl a certain rrwiution of the IIouse of
Reprehentatives adopted on the 1st instarit, liiv thc honor to icport to t h e Yrc+lent:
)u*e,15 ithont Icry gi a\ e tletThat it n.onld he iinposbible to conimunicate to t l
rinient to the public interest, the iiumhcr aud naiiic
all perhuiis engaged in the
service of the Confedcrxte States in foreign count
c.itlier as diploinatic, coiisular, or conimercial aqents, or in any othcr capacity, slating the places to which
they have been sent, the date of their appointment, the salaries they receivc, thc
duties thev are expectctl to dkcharge. It is presumed that the IIousc is acquainted
with thp 6articulai-s called for i n t h e foregoing extract from the resolution, FO far as
diplomatic ageilta are con(eriied, h u t a tabular statement rnarkecl A hereto
annextid may prove con.venient for rcferencc. During the pendency of hostilities the
V ~ yI objects for 15 hicli othrr than diplomatic agents have been sent abroad would
be expoied to defeat by di-\ulging tlie details called for in the resolution; and these
objects are of great national importance.
The resolution further inquires how far the agents aforesaid have been officially
or otherwixe recognized by any foreign poveniinc~nt.
The extracts of the corre5pondence of the Jkpartment liereto annexed marked
13 fnrniskl t h e only informatioil tin this whjrrt coil tainetl in official communications.
The resolutlon further inqnirm as to nuniber and clitiractcr of foreign agents,
whether consular, c~ominercial,or other, lniown to our Government, representing in
any capacity foreign governments, M ithiri the limits of tlie Confederate Btateu, and



911 of these agentu but one had been recognize

States by exequatur as the duly authorizcd
which they were respectively appointed, at
several Confederate States revoked the po\
Spates, arid under which the Government o
tions, whether dipluirmtic or commercial, \v

apjmintetl cousiil for the Slate of Texas by his highness the Duke of SaxeCoburg anti Gotha, and mlio applied to this Government for an exeqnatur on the
30th of July, 1867.
It is proper to atltl that a short time ago it (mne accidentally to the knowledge of
the I ~ e ~ a r t i n ethat
n t $1certain t3won tic Saint Andr6 had assumed the func%ionsof
consulbr consular rtgeiit for ttic French (;overnnient a t the port of Charleston sin
the establishinent of tlie Conftcierate (~overnnirnt,&rid without applying fo;
exequatur to tliicc Ikpartnic~it. But just a t a tinie this information w Y recei
intelligence way also received that Baron Saint Andr6 had left C h a r l e s t a with
family for the United States with t h e prohnble intention of returning i n t h e autumn.
In the event of such return, proper a(tioii will be promptly taken b y t h e Department
to repress the offensive assumption of coiisular fuiictioiis by a foreign agent without
the sanction of this (ioverniuent.
The resolution further inquires whether said agents are subordinate or subject to
the control and direction iii any \ray, autl to what degree, of t
respective countrie:: acc.reditet1 [to] mid residing in the United
inent has 110 information on this subject, but i t is thought not
instructiou+ srrit by foreign govcrninents to their consular agents within
federacp are transmitted throrrgli dil)loriiatic agents residing in Washingt
not thought prohablc that the foieiqi coirsula within the Confederacy are under the
control and direction of foreign iriinistcrs acwx?dited to the United states in any other
manner than is aboye indicated, b u t no positive inforniation on t h e subject has
reachcd the Department.
It is lmown to t h e Dcpmtrnent that tlie foreign consuls within t h e Confederacy
communicate with their govcrninents in Europe hy sending disptches to the care of
t h e ministers of their respective go~erniiieritsresiding in Wa3hington; arid the
Department has thus been enabled on different occwions to cause correct information
to reach foreign countries on matters which i t was highly important to thc publi
interest should be widely disseminated and properly understood.
The resolution of the House further requests the President to communicate su
instructions as may have been given to our foreign agtwts and such correspondence
as may have been had with other governments, either through t h e Secretary of
State or our conimissioners abroad, nq will aid Congress i n it3 legislation regarding
foreign nations and their ritizens residing in our midst.
The accompanying documcut marked U contains all tlie communications called
for not hitherto subniitted to Congress except such as can not for the present he
divulged without injury to the public service.
Respectfully submitted.

Your committee have exauiined this letter of the Secr
ments accompanying it, and are not prepared upon t h e
either the adoption or rejection of the original proposi
without entering a t length into the reasons which h a r e i
briefly that the facts communicated arc s o limited and of
aided them but little i n their investigation. They con
already known to the country of the names of our cornmi.

Secretary af Bate.

sept "'2, IbG'2.I


abio:~d,71 ith some extrartq froni tli& ('01respondelice and insttuctiorls frolr
I k p n i r t i i r n t , 'tcconipanied by an inc oniplete list of the agents of foreign gov
~ ~ s ~ d iii
i i ioiir
g midst.
Yo111 c~otiiiiiittccIcc.1 well assured t h a t it
not the desire of the Ilouse to trench
i n a l l y niaiiiier upoii the pro\ irice ot tlie Pcnate BH the c~onstitutiolialadviser of the

I ( 8 1 i i v lo rwopni7e thc coiisnlar aqt~ittsol' other go~errirtrcnthopmly exercising their

p i i \ ricag~esin our 1iiid.t under a11 exequatur hoin a govcwnneiit with which we are
at \ \ X I .
V'itlroiit lurthct icniaik upon the reserve of the State Department on this subject
x 0111 ~otiinirttccwill ~iierc~ly
add they are not allowed to be iqnorant of the fact made
Liiov ii by the piiblishc~ioflicial
c,-pondcnce of loreign governments tilid the
~ o i i i csuch :igents of' oiir Gol-ernrnent in some
( l r , l ) : i I ( $ i n tlrc 1;ritisIr I'arliattie~it,
1, do (.xist a1)road; but of their number, or the
c.til)'i(+itv. i > i t l i wconsular or ( ' O I I I I ~
caountt lei to \I I i i c ti they linxe beeu Cent, or the pow ern they are permitted to cserdse

n inducing those poveriiinents, notwith-

111akc iuch a reqnest no\+~i111ebb

it \%ereptewnted
:I. I I l t t l ( ~doubt it j+e)~tlil
be, to follow tlie refwal

as a dcruand of right, and if refwed,

bya note stating ttiat I did not c o n
t'r It cuni1)atil)le with the dignity of my Governnicnt and perhaps with m y own
i IC<]lertto re~nainany longer in England, but ehould retire to the Continent to
nit tlie fnrther instrnc%ions of thc Government there. I do not mean to say that
1cotitcrirplatc such an iinmediatc step, but onlv if the demand be made arid refused,
to 1 en,'iiti l ongty il: England as the representatite of the Government, would seem
to it( 1,non ledge t h r poqition of a siippliaiit, and therefore the step is not to be taken
n ithout the rnost g r a ~ eand ~rnaturetlrdiberation.
'' T 11,tvc. earllestl\ co~~snltetl
thc jii(1iciritiil and enlightened friends here among the
pnl)lica I I ~ C I I who
wrnectlv with iis, and thcy advise against 8 renewed demand at



they admit it might place me under such necessity."



[Sept. 23, 1862.

Our other commissioners express themselves less decidedly, but no ono of them

rCcrin5 to anticipate our early recognition, though all unite in the expression of the

confitlent belief that had it not been for the fall of Yew Orleans, with t h e consequent
loss of the Mississippi River, we n ould have been before this recognized by foreign
Your committee, in conclusion, repeat that, without recommending either the
adoption or rejection of the resolution mbniitted to them, are of the opinion that it
would be, under present circumstances, unwise for this House to advise t h e immediate recall of our coniinissioiiers, uninformed as i t is what other agents of communication vith foreign pavers \ ~ o u l dremain to ns abroad, as what may be the possible
result of recent evwits upon the diqposition or policy of foreign governments. nor
would thcly reconiniend the diaini
from our rnidst of t h c consuls of foreign nations,
itg to discharge their duties under exequaturs
bhtes, without any reciprocal right of consular
tendcd to our citizens visiting or residing and owning property

On motion, leave was granted Mr. Smith of Alabama to make a

minority report on the wme subject.
And on motion of JIr. Foote,
The House resolved itself into open session.

23, 1862.


The I Iousc met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Moore.
XIr. Foote, by the consent of the House, offered the following resolutiori:
Resolied, That the I'residcnt be requested to cause estimates to be made out a t the
Navy D t ~ l i a t . t i i i ( w tarid w i t to this IIouse, for the building and fitting out for the protection and defcuw of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, of twelve gunboats of
on for said purpose, in order that the requisite appropria-

which w a s i-ead and agreed to.

Mr. Footc: also by consenl, ofl'ered
A resolution that the President be requested to cause estimates to
bc, rriade out a t the War Department and sent to this House of the
expiis:" necessary to be incurred in the establishment of complete
military defenwa aloiig the banks of the Tennessee and Cumberland
rivci-s, with a vicw of resisting any future advance of the enemy into
the interior of the States of Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi by
watvr, i n o~.dorthat :kdequate apprcpriations for this purpose may he
i ni 111c dia tc 1y 11iadc :
which \ v i ~ h~ e a da n d agrccd to.
oiimd, hy consent: offered the following resolution:


('oniniittce on Military Affairs inquire into the expediency of

dent to appoint officers of the rank of major to command and
superintend qnch canlps for the in~tructionof npw levies as h e may deem it advisable
to edablish;

which was read niid agreed to.

On motion, leave of abhenee was granted Mr. Collier.
1341.. Lyons, 1))~ votiwnt, introdncvd
A j o i n t resolution to authorize the Yostmaster-General to causecertain
alterations to be made in the building now occupied by the Post-Office
Department ;
which was read the first and second times;

Sept. 23, 1562.1


Thc rxles mere suspended, and the bill was taken up, engl-ossed,
read a third time, arid passed.
Mr. Miles, from the Cotrimittee on Military bffairs, to which tvas
referred the memorial of sundrz conscripts, asking a discharge frorn
rriilitary service upon thcir reaching the age of 35 years, reported the
saiiitf back, d i d to bc discharged from the further consideratior1 of
the same, arid that it lie upon the table; which \lit~sagrred to.
Lhc Flonse then proceeded to the consideration of the spctial ordor
of buhitioss, which mas t h e resolutions of the Committee on El
The quvstion being on the ainendinent offered by Mr. Tripp
amendnictit of Air. Crockett, from the minority of the comniittce, to
tlic r c d i i t i o i i of the inajority of the Cornrnittec o n Elections,
Mi.. Atkins iiiovcd that the contestant bc alloned to speak one liour
:ml tllat the sitting inember be allowed tlic s x r m time in which to
r ~ p l ~and
, , that the House then proceed to take the vote npon the
(pestion; which was agreed to.
A niessi~gcT T ~ Sreceived froiri the Senate; which is as follows, to \tit:
. The Senate have passed bills of the followiiig titles, r i z .
S.94. A n act to anlend an act entitled A n act to establish a patent oflic.tJ, ~ i i dto
p~o\ itlc for the yraiitirig and issue of patents for new and useful discovrries, iiiveriticins, iuipro\wi~cnts,:tiid designs, approved May 21, 1862; and
H. 93. 111act in relation to substitutes;
1x1 which 1 a m directed to nil< the concurrence of the House.
They ha\e also passed a bill of this ITniise of the following title, viz:
11. ft. 12. An act anthorizing tlic Secretary of the Treasury to offer a reward for
the approlieii~ionand conviction of persons engaged in forging or uttering counterfeit
Collfctlerate Treasury notes.

MY.Irippc called for the yeas arid nays on his motion to iimend tlic
:unc.ndnient of M r . Crockett;
li7hich wcrc ordered,
Yeas __._ __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 7
And are recorded as follows, to wit: N t L V S . . ._
. ._
. _ l_
Y cad: Atkins, Bridgers, Gray, McR&, Trippe, \ of T ~ x a s ,
and 1Yriglit of Tennessee.
Nays: Arrington, Ayer, Raldwin, Barksdde, 13atson, 13~~11,
Ilovcc. Ilrcclrinridpe. Horatio W.Bruce. Eli 111. 13rucc~.13urnct8t.C1i:~in&s,
ambl bliss, Cofiilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Clonr:~d,Conrow,
Crocltett, Currin, Curry, Dargtan, Davidsoii, Dawliins, I)+%
UnprB, Ti:lliot>t, Ewing, Foote, Foster, Gartrell, Gentry, (;oodts,
Hanl.~,Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbrrt, Hodge, Holcombc, Ilolt, J O I ~ O S ,
Keiintii of Gcorgia, Iccnan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lmdcr, L y o n ,
Lyonq, itlachen, McDowell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Moore, Miniiierlyri, Perkins, Prcston, Pugh, ltalls, Bead, I t o p t o n , Smith of
Al:tb:tIiia: Siiiith of North Carolina, Strickland, Swan, Vest, Welbh,
Wilcox. arid hlr. Speakcr.
So the amendment was lost.
The question rcxurring on the amendment of the minority of the
Coniniittec on Kiections,
Mr. Chilton ofTfr,redthe following. resolution:

\\liereas the Coininittee of Elections have excluded all the proof that WIZR offered
tlip contested elccfion by J. P. Johnson of the sent occupieil in this flouse by A. 11.
(rarlan(~,and yet said proof, if properly tstkcn and submitted, has an important
btwing in said conkst. Therefore,
J{esol?;ed, That tile iriatter of the said contested clection he rcvxmiiiitted to the COIllInittee of Elections, vi.ith instructions further to investigate said contest, and to



[aept. 23, 11162.

allow t h e respective parties a reasonable time within which to retake their proof and
adduce such legal evidence as they may be able to adduce, such proof to be taken
according to the existing law.

Mr. Chilton called for the yeas and nays;

Which were ordered,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _.47 [45]
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas-_.__
- ._ _ _ .36
NaJ S _ . _
Yeas: Atkins, Ayer, Bnldwin, Boaham, Boyce, Brid ers, Chambers,
Chmbliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad, Conrow, 8urrir
Davis, Dawkins, Foster, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, 1
ton, Holcombe, I-Iolt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, I<enan
Carolina, Kcnner, Tlyons, Mcltae. RlcQueen, Xliles, ?jlunnerlyn, Pngh,
Ralls, Ropton, Sexton, Smith of Sortli Carolina, Trippe, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Tennessee, mid Mr. Speaker.
l4ays: Arrington, Barl<sdale,lhtson, 13el1, Breckinridge, JKoratio IY.
13nim, Eli 31. Bruce, Burnett, Chrisman, Crockett,, Curry, Dariclson,
De ,Jarnette, DuprE, Elliott, Ewiiig, Qoote, Gentry, Hrtrtridgc, TI&kell, Herbert, Hodge, Joncs, Lander, LJOII,Machen, McDowcll,
Menees, Moore, Ierkins, Preston, Read, Smith of Alabama, Swan,
Vest, and Wright of Term.
So the amendment was agreed to.
Air. Davis moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to tho resolution of Mr. Chilton.
MI. Swan moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table: which
was agreed to.
A message was received from thc Senate, by their Sccretarg, Mr.
h is tls follows, to wit:

The Senate have passed a bill of this House of the following title, riz:
n act to provide for the filling up of existing companies, squadrons,
battaliorw, and regiments of the Provisional Army of the Conlederate States,
With ainendrnents; in which I ain directed to ask t h e roncnrrence of this House.
The Senate hare agreed to the amendment of this Honse to the bill of t h e Renate
(S. 78) entitled An act to determine the annual pay of the engineer in chief and
passed assistant surgeons of the Wavy.

On motion of Mr. Miles, the bill to provide for filling up existing

companies, syuadrons, battalions, and regiments, reported f roni the
Senate with sundry amendments, was taken LIP and ordered t o be
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
viz: A bill to raise revenue.
The House mcnt into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Curry in the
chair; arid having spent some time therein, the Committee rose. and
reported, through thcir Chairman, that they had had n n d c ~consiclerstion the bill referred to them, mid had come to no rrholiition.
Amcsswgc was r ivcd from the Senate, by their Secretary, Bfr.
Kash: which iq as follows, to wit:
Jlr. Spo~aker:The Senate have passed a bill of the follon ing title, viz:
8.73. A n act entitled An art for the establishirient and organization of a general
staff for the Army of the Confederate States of America;
In which 7 am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion of Mr. Miles, the bill reported from the Senate wits tslkeii
up, read the first and second times, and referred to the Committee on
Military Affairs.
A message mas received from the President, by his Irivatc. Sctretary, Mr. Harrison.

Scpt 23, 1862.1



'I'hc Chair laid 1)cfore the Holm a message from the Pr

1iic.h i.; as follows, to wit:

VA., &pte?nbe?"$8, 18G.2.

7'0 ( 1 ; ~I/(wse Of Iii'cpr?seatafiies:

1 lirw~\rithti :itiumit for your information a conirnuriica
11(.r : t r i m or to your resolution of t h e 21at Aug
oi t ~ i g u g r c ~ with
~ ~ t sthe eiieiiiy rtveived


which Ivil'i h i d ut)on the tihle and orclercd to be printed.

A niot i o i i I o priiit 1,000 eslru copies of the sane WLS offered and
t o thc ('oinniit tee on Printing.
T l i ~(%air :ilw laid hcfore the Hoi~sea message froni the President;
11hich i y :ih follows, to wit:

Iic,rcsirjt 11

t i x ~ m i ft m infomation :L coiiiin~niicationfrom the Secret'wy of War

instant, asking \vh>itdisposition is made of

to k O I I 1 rc~so~utiOu
01 t h ? i'itli
Ilt. l r c ~ l o c c~nl)trll'rtl
by the A\rllly.



h i c ~ h .wjt h i t \ ; ~ c . c . o i r i l ) ; i t i ~doc~uiricwts,
was reid and wferrcd to the
C'oiiiniiticc on Alilitary Affairs.
The Uittir also laid bc Fore tlic llonso a niessage from the President;
-\.Jhicli i.; a.: follows, to wit:
I 1ieic.n itfi trmsiiiit for > oiir coiisi

ition H coinninnic.atioii fronr t h r Secretary of

ie tlcficiencies in the eiigiiieer appropriations
lie aiiiouiit, a i d for the purposes specified.

w:iq read and rcfcrrtd to the Conuni
e on W~ays:~ndMeans.
'1'11~ C'haii. also laid 1 ) c f o l . c ~the House a bill of the Scnatc i n relation
to siihititatw: 11 1iic.h w t i s rcttd the first a n d second t i i i q referred to
ry Affairs, and oidoi-eclt o be printed.


anicnd ari act t o establish tb putcnt office, and

to p r o \ ide f o r thc griintiiig :wd i5siic o f patents for iicw and useful
dii(*oycri(y,,invcn tions, improveiiients, :ind designs, ap11roved May 21,
I 86 I :
tlir first and socond times, mid i d e r r e d to
idoration of the vote referring the bill to the
Coninii t too o n 1%tc ri t s .
O n 111otio11,lea\ c of J ~ s c n c cwaskfimtcd to Mr. Wri ht of Georgia.
Mr. Clhamfi~rs,i l m i the C o n i ~ r d t ~
0 1c
1 Enrolled 13 Is, reported as
corrcctly engrossed and enrolled
.I I)ill of tlie Scniite nnicndatory of an act to reorganize the Marine
carpi: :uid
the time for the asscnibling of
of tire Scnatc to cha
f o r it. iiest rc>gular s
And the Sjpcdicr signcd the same.
C h i motion of MI*.Hiltoti
The House adjoiirncd trnti 1 11 o'clock to-morrow.




24, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with pray
by the Rev. Dr. Moore.
On motion of Mr. Miles, the bill of the House to fill up existiri
companies, sqiiadrons, battalions,' and regiments, reported from the
Scnatc with sundry arnendments, was taken u p and, with its aniendincnts, W ~ reifcrred
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Ori motion of MY.Smith of Horth Carolina, leave ~ V Z Lgranted
,T. 1'. Jolinson to witlidraw from the Committee on Elections certain
trarisc*riptsof records.
311.. Xoore, by consent, froin the Committee on t h e Judiciary,

A I d 1 to authorize the President of the Confederate States to institntc :L coinniission for the trial and punishment of offenses in the
:winies: of the Confederate States;
ivrhic.11 was read the first and second times, placed upon the Calendar,
and ordered to be printed.
JIr. I3xldn4n, by consent, presented the memorial of sundry citizens
of Kockhridge Countj, Va., praying that Confederate notes be made
a legal tcntlet~;which waq laid upon the table, without being read.
Xr. KJtlwin, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported
A bill t o umcncl Acts Nos. 233 and 311 of the Provibional Congress,
so :LS t o authorize ;in extetision of the time for selling property for
taxcs in tlrianlt;
m-;\-hichwns reat1 the first and second times.
Thc qucstion being on the postponenient of the bill and placing the
bmilc! on thc Calellclar,
JIr. ,Joiic.s atlled for the yeas and nays;
Tliich nere ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit: 1 Yeas-Nays _ _ _- _- -_ _- -_ -_ _- _- _- _- _- -_- -- _- -_ 54
Nays: 13aldwin, Ihrlisdale, Batson, Bonham, Breckinridge, Horatio
TV. Bruce, ISiirnett, Chambers, Charnbliss, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp,
Crockctt,, Ihviclson, Dawkins, Dc, Jarncitte, Duprh, Ewing, Foster,
Frccimn. Gartrell, Gentry, Hanly, Hartridge, Hilton, Holconibe, Holt,
Joliii~ton,tJones, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, LYOK~,
Nacllen. ,\lamhall, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Moore, hlunnerlyn,
Perkins, Pugh, Kalls, Kead, Eoyston, Sext,on, Yrnith of Alabama,
Siriitli of S o r t h Carolina, Strickland, Trippe, Vest, Wileox, Wright
of 'i'enncshec, and Nr. Ypenlier.
So ! h e hill N as riot postponed and placed on the Calendar.
The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third tinic, and passed.
The Ilousc took 1x13 for consideration the motion of Mr. Bell to reconsider the vote bj7 which t h e bill from the Senate, to amend ftn act to
establish a patent office, and to provide for the granting and issue of
patcnts for new and useful discoveries, inventions, improvements, and
designs, approved May 21, 1861, was referred to the Committee on
Patents; and the same was agreed to.
The bill mas then taken up, read a third time, and passed.
On motion, leave of absence was granted to Xr. Freeman.

Fept. 21, 1862 ]


J1r. C h n b c r s , froin the Committee on Military bffairs, to j$Thic

wns ITfcYrcd

11 bill to proride for the temporary organization of forces f o r the

florisionitl A r ~ n yof the Coiifederate States in the States and parts of
States iiivadrd aiid occupitvl by the forces of the enemy,
wyorted thc miie back, with the recommendation that it pass tvith the
following amendments, to wit:
In sccond linqof thc. first section, which section is as follows, to wit:
That ill tht, States o i part? ol S
ithin the Confederate States which 8re 11c)\lr
inwclcd and occupied by the fo
tlic c~rieiny,to siicli an extent as to reilder
inipractiea1)lc the. txxecution of t h
for raising pro~isionalforces for thr Ooiifedhc legal tor any portion of the malc white inhabitants thereof
ariiiiq, orpaniLc. theniselves illto c-oii~panies,
battalio~is,or regiieir own olficers, and proceed to attack
encniy foiuid i i p o i i tlw wil.of their o\vn State; and all the 1
en are liereby legalized, whether the o
I the tiirrc of assiiiniiig hostilities hc eiit
tnie b y tho eneniy, in like rrian~ierand
iiiisfwetl into the srrvice of the Confederate Slates,

insert thc words or inay hereafter be after the word now.

Also, in same scction strike out the clause heginning with the
words ~ m d
all the hostile acts arid ending with the words conimissioucd or not.

In the second section of the same, which is as follows, to wit:

All siich orgaiiimtioiiq or botlies of ineii sliall, as early as practicable, report thein(lilt! to thr coiiir~iandingofficcr of the ticpartmerit in which said companies
o t iiitii iris> 1)c raiwd, arid shall he subject to the general army rnles and
i x iiiatie for t h e organizatioii, control, and govermient of the Irovisional
thv C o ~ ~ f c d e r &States,

In tlic lift11 linc iiiwrt the word tlten before the words b e

L hc i ~ r l c . ;hiiig suspendcd, tlic hill was talien up, and thc arnonrlmcnts
nrC :lgl+cwlto.
Air. .I oncs ~tio\~ccl
to ttincnd the first scotion of the sainc by inserting
in the. sworid linc, nftcr tlic word re," the words or I I R \ ~ c , bccn.
Ilic. :iniciidnicmt WLS loit.
Tlw Iioitr for tlit hpccial order of business having arrived. on iiiotioii
of hlr. 3Iilcs the saiiic mas postyonet1 until iiftcbr tlic rcpoit of the Militwry ( omiiiittcc.
Ihc qiici&on lwing on ordering tlie i d 1 to I)(> eirgrossecl for :Lthiid
rcrtdi iig.
,].is niorcd that j t 5 furthclr consideration IN postpoiicd :~nd
lllc t)c printcd; which IVHSagreed to.
ge w:~srcccived from tlic lresident, by his Private Sec
tar!, Mr, Ifarriron, infortnitig the House that o n the 23d instant the
Ircsitlcnt ~lpprorc~d
and sjgiied the following. acts, to wit:
hri act to l)l.o\%e for the payment of certain claims against the Confedcrate Stutes in the State of Mihsouri; also
All act to provide for the further issue of Treasury notes; alho
An act in relation to the transfer of troops; also
act to regulate the yanli of oficeis of the Provisional c h i p of
JIr. AIilcs, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to which was
referred a hill of the Senate to amend an act to provide f o r PStabliShmerit and organization of a general staff for the Arrngr of the Confed-



erate States of America, reported the same back, with the Idation that it, pass.
Mr. Kenncr moved that the Housc proceed to the consideration of
the special order, mhich was a bill to make certain exemptions f
military duty.
Mr. Curry moved that the special order lie postponed, and that
House proceed to the consideration of the bill t o organize a general
staff, etc.; which was agreed to.
Mr. Barksdale inuked to amend the first section of the bill; which is
as follom:
That hereafter the d2narterma?ter-(Xeiieral ~liallhave t h e rank, pay, and allowances
of a brigadier-gcnwal,

by inserting after the words ($uarteriiiaster-~eneralthe words the

ral, the Chief of Ordnance, xnd the Chief Ofticer of
th c Eng i nccr Corps.
A h . cJoncsmoved to amend the amendment by inserting the words
the Surgeon-(;eneral before t h e ~7ords
the Commissary-General.
Mr. Goode demanded the previous question; lvhich was ordered, and
the siricndrnent to the amendment was agreed to.
Thc question recurring on t h e airiendinent as amended,
Mr. Xiles derrianded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit: hays
y e a s-.
- -- --.-_
-- -- ----- -- -- _-_---- -49
Yeas: Arrington, Baldwin, BBarksdale, Bell, Bridgers, Eli M. Bruce,
Clapp, Collier, Currin, Dargan, Da\~idson,Dawliins, Foster, Goode,
Hartridge, Heislicll, tliltou, 1-lolcombe, Holt, Kenan of Xorth Carolina, Kcnner, 11yon, Lyons, AIcBae, Read, Smith of Alabama, Strickland, libbs, \\right of Tcxas, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: dtkins, Ihtson, Bonhatii, Boteler, Uoyce, Breckinridge,
Chambers. Chainbliss. Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Curry, Davis,
De Jarnette. IIupr6, Elliott, Kwing. Farrow, Foote, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, (;artrcll, IIanlg, Harris, Herbert, Johnston,
doncs, Lander, l\llachen, Mlarshall, ililcDowel1, &Queen, Mcnees,
Miles, Moore, N u n tierlyn, Perliins, Preston, P u g h , Balls, toyston,
Russell, Sexton, Trippe, Vest, W~.lsh,and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment mas lost.
The hill was then reRd a third time.
$1 1. Garnett demanded the question; which w5ts ordered, and the
question being ulwn the passage of the bill,
hlr. Kenncr called for the yeas and nays;
Which merc, ordered,
j Yeas . _ _ _ _
- _
And are recorded a s follows, to \I it: 1 xaJTs
Yeas: Atltins, Barksdale, ISatson, Bell, Bonhaiii, Boteler, Ihj7ce,
Bridgers, Eli 31. I h c e , Chambers, Chambliss, Clapp, Conrad, Currin,
Curry, Davidson, Damkins, De Jarnrtte, Du.pr6, Elliott, Farrow, Foote,
Freeman. Garnett, Goode, Graham, Harris, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Kenner, Lyons, Marshall, McBae, McQueen, Miles, Preston,
Pugh, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of Korth Carolina,
Tibbs, Wright of Texas, and MY. Speaker.
Nays: Arrington, -Ayer, Baldwin, Hreckinridge, Chilton, Clopt,on,
Collier, Davis, Ewing, Foster, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Gray,

s r p t 21 l W 2 ]


ZI:Lrtridjic, Hcrbclrt, Hodgo, Holt, Johnston, Jones, Keuan of Georgia,

I<cii;in of Sorth Carolina, Lander, Maahen, McDowell, Moore, Munkinb. Italls, Itogston, Strickland, Trippe, Welsh, and Wright

So thv bill was passed.

S!r. Lyons mo.\-eci to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed.
hlr. \\ilcox iiioved to lay that motion on the table; which was
:1glwd to.

I , w v ( ~of nbscncc mis granted Messrs. Crockett and Ewing for the
of llie session, and to Mr. Davis for the balance of the sesh i o i i froin Saturday next, and to Mr. McLean on account of sickness.
was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
is a4 follows, to wit:


The Seiiate have passed bills of the following titles, viz:

to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the engineer service
01 t 1 1 ~\Var Ilcpartment;
b, l o ! ,
xvt appropriating money for engraviiig
- and printing Treasurv notes.
~ n ( lor
1 ot 1ic.r 1)arposcs; and
> 102. 11)a r t cstabli&inrr the seal of the Confederate States of America:
111 \\ 111rIi 1 ail1 directed to ask the concurrence of this House.
I I V liw-idtmt uk the Confederate States approved and signed, on the 18th instant,
i 4 . A I I act 10 aiiieiid an act entitled A n act to piovide or the public defense.
S 100. 1111 a r t

I Tou~-.c then proceedcd to the consideration of the special order,

V : ~ :I bill from the Sen& to be entitled An act to exempt certain pcr,~oi:sfrom m i l i t a r ~duty, and to repeal an act entitled An act
to e\crnl)t ccrtain persons from enrollment for service in the Army of
t i i v Coiift1dcratc Skates, approved April twenty-first, eighteen hundred


:Ll i d




follows, viz:

r ~ filie ( o n f d e i a t e
i i i l i t for military

Siutes qf .4 niericct do enact, That all per-

service by reittion of bodily or mental

nder rnles to bc piescribed by the Secretary of War; tlie
etlerate States; the officers, judicial and executive, of t11.e
tv :inti State goroninents, except postmasters not nominated by the Yresi-



[Sept. 24, 1862.

wnployed a t the time at their regular vocation in one of t he above trades, which
a1lidarit khali only be prima facie evidence of the fack therein stated; all superintendents ot public hospitals, lunatic asyIums, and t h e regular nurse8 ahd atkhdants
therein, and the teachers employed i n the institutions for t h e deaf, dumb, and blind;
in each apothecary store now established and doing business, one apothecary in good
standing n ho is a practical apothecary; superintendents and operators in wool and
cotton factories who may be exempted b y the Secretary of War; all presidents and
teachers of colleges, academies, and schools who have been regularly engaged as such
for two years previous to the passage of this act, and theological seminaries; all
artisans, mechanics, and employees i n the establishments of t he Government for the
inantifacture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other niunitions of war, who
inuy be certified by the oflicer in charge thereof m necessary for such establishments;
HISO all a~tisans,nierlianics, and eniployees i n the establishments of such persons as
a r ~or
, may l)e, engaged under contracts e i t h the Government in furnishin arms,
torcs, and other munitions of war: Proir'cled, That the 8hief of
nte ordnance officer authorized by him for the purpose,
of the operatives required in snch rstablishments; all perfacture of arms or ordnance of any kind by the several
urnish t h e same to the several State governments, whom
c Koycrnor or secretary of state thereof may certify to be necessary to the same;
a l l pcrsons engaged in the construction of ships, gunboats, engines, sails, or other
artirles nckcessary to t h e public defense, under the direction of the Secretary of the
K a r y ; all superintendentq, managers, mechanics, and miners employed in the production and inannfactnre of salt to t h e extent of twenty bushels per day, and of lead
:tnd iron, and all persons engaged in burning coke for remelting and manufacture of
iron, rrgnlar miners i n coal mines, and all colliers engaged in making charcoal for
iliaking pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wagoners, and serv-

the twenty-first of .4pril, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, is hereby repealed,

hIr. hliles moved to amend the same by striking out all of the same
mid inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Sm~row1. Tfie Congress of the Confederate &des of America do enact, That certain
p r r e o n ~ a?
, lierciiiafter provided, ake exempted from service in the Provisional Army
o f the Confrderatc States.
T. Persons unfit for military service by reason of nierital or physical incapacity,
nntlrr rules to be prescribed by t h e Secretary of War, and all persons mho are now
exc~mptcdby the laws of their respective States.
11. The Vice-President and members of both Houses of Congress; and membersof
t h e lc>giqlaturesof the several States, and t h e officers of Congress and the legislatures.
III. Officers, judicial and executive, of the Confederate and State governments,
who may be elected or appointed according to law; bnt no State officers shall be
exempted unless exempted by the l a m of their respective States; and not exempting
postmasters, nor the clerks nor deputies of postmasters, nor assistant clerks or messengers in the several Executive Departments of t h e Confederate Government, except those appointed or approved by t h e heads of those Departments; and provostmanhals are hereby prohibited from employing a n y clerk, or other assistant, or
agent in their offices who is subject to military service and has not been discharged
therefrom, and no person subject to military service shall be employed as clerk,
agent, or. assistant by quartermasters or commissaries, or assistant quartermasters
or commissaries, except such as may be appointed by the Quartermaster-General or

sept. 24, 1862.1


IV. Persons actually and necessarily engaged in carrying the mail, the numb
any post route to be determined by the Postmaster-General.
V. Ferrymen, on post routes. not exceeding one a t any locality.
TI. Pilots and persons engaged in the marine service.
VII. The Presidents, superintendents, conductors, the treasurer, t h e chief clerk,
engineers, managers, and mechanics, i n the active service aild employment or any
railroad company, not to embrace laborers, porters, or niessengers.
1-111. The president, general superintendent, and operators of telegraph companies, and the local supcrintendent and operators of said companies, the latter not to
exceed one in number at any locality haying les8 than five thousand population, and
not to exceed two at any place but that of thc seat of government of the Confederate States.
IS. The president, superintendents, captains, chief clerks, engineers, and mechanics of all companies actively engaged in river and canal navigation, and all captdns
of boats in actual employment, and the engineers thereon,
S . The pnhlic printers, and all foremen and journeymen printers actually emploved
in the public printing of the Confederate and State governments, or in priniing
XI. Such physicians, and such shoemakers and tanners, engaged in the business
of manufacturing shoes or lcather for sale, and such harness makers, saddlers, and
niiller8, actually employed in their trades, a s t h e Secretary of War may consider
necessary to their communities or the public service.
XII. Superintendents of public hospitals and lunatic asylums and the regular
nurses and attendants therein, and the teachers eniploycd in the institutio~~s
for the
deaf, dumb, and blind.
S 1 J I. I n each apothecary store now establiphed and doing business, one apothecary or practical druggist.
XIV. Superintendents and operators in woo1 and cotton factories, who may be
exempted by t h e Secretary of War.
XI7. Professors and teachers in State military schools or institutes, and the cadets
therein, and all presidents and professors of colleges and academies, arid all teachers
having as niany as twenty scholars in regular attendance upon their schools; aiid all
professoi s and teachers i n theological seminaries and the titntfcnts tlim-ein who are
candidates for the ininistry; ministers of religion in the regular discharge of their
ministerial duties.
S V I . All mgaged in working iron mines, furnaces and foundries and rolling
mills; and all blacksmiths habitnallr engagrci in working for the public; and all
persons cngagcd in the production or nianufacturc of salt, lcatl, copprr, sulphur, saltpeter, or gunpou der, nnder authority froin the (roocrnors of thcir rcspectivc States,
or the Secretary of War, and not to iiiclude laborers, iie*sengers, or wagoners.
XVII. Artisans and employees in Government workshops, armories, foundries,
or furnaces.
XVIIT One overseer on each plantation cnltivated exclusively by negro labor and
owned by any person in the civil or niilitary servire of the Confederate or State
governments, or any minor, or widow, or n n m a r r i d woman, or person riot of souiid
mind : Prorided, That on plantations onncd b y the ani it person, and not fire iriiles
apart, only one overseer shall be thus exempted: Llrtrl potLicled f u r h r , That the
owner of any such plantation, his or her agent or representative shall first 1)ay into
the treasnry of the State in which said plantation inap be located, a suin equal to
f i \ c dollars for each hand over sixteen and nndcr forty-five years of age, anti file
therenith his affidavit that i t is a trne return of the liantls betmeeii :uch ages
employed on said plantation; and where the overseer on such plantation, beirlg
between t h e ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, has been enlisted or enrolled in
the Army since the passage of the act, further to provide for the pnblic defense,
approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, rind b
ntation is a t
the date of the affidavit aforesaid, without an overseer, the owner
f, his or her
ig the truth
agent, or representative, may pay the said suin aiid file his atlidav
of his said return, and also that his plantation as deprived of an oversow by e ~ ~ ~ o l l nient or enlistmeiit as aforesaid,thereuaori tlie owner uf any such plantation shall be
eiltitlrtf to tlie governor,. certificatr of the p;tyinent8o f a i d sum arid the filing of said
affidax it i n which certificate shall be stated the nanic of the orerscer sought to be
excmpted, and upon the production of said certificate to thc enrolling officer, the
overseer therein narned shall he exempted from enrollnimt, or if : ~ l r ~ a tenrolled
enlisted as aforesaid stial], on tho prodwtion of said certifiwte to the Secretary Of
War, or t h e commandant of the camp of instruction, or oficcxr conimandin~the regiment to which said overseer may belong, be discharged therefrom by t h e Secretary
of War, t h e commandant or officer aforesaid, and the governor of each State is hereby
c J-VOL 5-05----28



[Sept. 24,1862.

authorized and requested to distribute through the county, district, or parish authorities the sum thus paid into the treasury for tlie benefit of the indigent families of
soldiers from his State, in the iiiilitarp s e n ice of the Confederate States, and also the
indigent families of those who have died or been disabled in such service, making
said distribution as equally ax may be according to the number of such indigent
families in the several counties, districts, or parishes of his State.
SEC.2. 911 laws and parts of laws heretofore passed by Congress upon t h e subject
of exemptions frvni military s e n ice are hereby repealed.

Mr. Barlisdale, by consent, from the Committee on Printing, to

which was referred
A resolution that 1,000 copies of the Presidents message and accompanying reports of hattlcs foil h t sirice the adjournment of Congress
be priiitcd for the nse of this 1 owe,
rcported the s:me back, with the recoininendation that it pass; which
was agreed to.

Jlr. Joriw. by consent, from the Coinrnittce on Rules and Officers

of the House, Geportcd the following resolution:
12csolred, That one page in addition to thwe now allowed be appointed by the
Speaker of tlie IIouse, v h o shall be snbject to his order, and shall receive the compentation of two dollars per d a y dnring the session.

Mr. Jones then moved to amend the resolution of the committee by

adding thereto the words and that the Doorkeeper be allowed to
appoint an additional page; which was agreed to, and the resolution
as arriended was adoptcd.
The Chair laid before the I-Iouse a message from the President;
which is as follows, to wit:
T herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from t h e Secretary of
TTar, covering an estimate for a deficiency in the appropriation for ordnance.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount, anti for the purpose specified.


which w a s rcad and, with its accompanying documents, was referred

t o the Coininittea on M T > ~ yand
s Alcans.
The Chair also presentcd a rnessagc from the President; which is as
follows, to wit :
I herewith transmit for yoiir consideration a cornmimication from the Serretary of
War, co\.ering an rstiiiratc. of the Coniruissary-General of the sum necessary to purchase the snpply of flour for the Army for the ensiling seaon.
I recornmend an pppropriation of the amount, and for the purpose specified.

which was read and, with its accompanying docnments, was referred to
the Committee on Ways and Means.
Thc Chair also laid before the House a communication from the
Zrcsidcnt; which is a5 follows, to wit:
Rrc~ruom,VA., September 24, f862.
1 herewith tranmiit for your consideration a cornmimication from the secretary of
War in rcferenre to the proposed railroatl from Blnr Mountain, Ala.; to Rome, Cia.,
and to which T invite your especial attcntion, becaux of the importance of this link
in our systcin of railroads in t h e transportation iicedful for the public defense.

which was read and, with its accompanying documents, referred to the
Committee on Qnartermasters and Commissary Departments and Military Transportation.
O n niotion,
The House adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow.


25, 1862.


The House met pursumt to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Kev. Z)r. lloore.
Mr. Gartrell, by consent, introduced
A bill to :iuthorize the piLyment of bounties due deceased soldiers to
u s or legal representatives;
r e d tlic first and second tinics arid referred to the Committee

On motion of Air. lh7is, the II~ixsetook up for consideration his

motion to rec.on.;id(b hc vote by which thc hill to grant furloughs to
sick soldiers J W L ~ptl
M y . Foote called the question; which mas ordered, and the motion
was lost.
On motion, the House then proceeded to the consideration of the
motion of 311.. Foster to reconsider the vote by which the joint
resolution of adjournincnt J T ~ Sagreed to.
Upon nrhich 311.. Foster called f o r the question; which was ordered,
and Mr. Curry aslxd for the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays werc ordered,
y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - -37- - - - And a1-e recorded as follo\f~s,
towit: IIays
Y eas: 13aldwin, Barksdalc, Boteler, Iloratio W.Bruce, Chambers,
Clapp, (:lopton, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins. De cJarnette,DuprB,
Tiarrow, Foote, Goode, Gray, Harri.;, Hartridge, Hjlton, Holcombe,
Ilolt, ?Johniton,Jonei, Kenan of Sorth Carolim, Kenner, Lyon, Lyons,
Miles, LMoore, Perlri~iu,Pugh, Balls, Itussell, Scxton, Wilcox, and Mr.
N a p : hrrjngtori, Ratson, Honham, Boyce, Kreckinridge, Hurnett,
Chan~bliss.Chrisinan, Collior, Davidson, Daris, Elliott, Foster, Freeman, Chrdenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Hanly, Herbert, Hodge, Kenan
of Georgia, Lander, Alachen, hlaryhall, NcDowell, Mcftae, McQueen,
Mimierlyn, Preston, Bead, ItoJ-ston, Smith of Alabama, Strickland,
Trippe, Vest, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas, and Wright of
So the motion was lost.
MI.. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to which was
referred x bill of the House, reported with an amendment from the
Senate, cntitled
A hill to fill u p existing companies, battalions, and regiments, and to
increase the Provisional Army,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that the frouse do
not concur in the amendment of the Senate.
The hill T T ~ Staken up, and Nr. Aliles deinandcd the question; which
was ordered, 2111~1the question being on agreeing to the amendment of
the Senate, which is as follows: Strike out all after the enacting clause
and inscrt:
That the President be, and h e is hereby, authorized to call out and place in the
niilitary sel vice of the Confrderate Statcs for three years, unless the war should have
been eooiicr ended, all white incn n h o are residents of the Confederate States,
bctneen t h e ages of thirty-fivc and fort>-fiveyears a t the time the call or calls may
matie, and 11110 are not, at such t i n i t or times, legally exempted from 111j1itaryservIce; such call or calls to be inado under the pro\ isions and according to the terms of



eighteen arid forty-five years shall eerve their full time:

herein caontained shall be understood as repealing or modify
which this is anieridatory, escept as hcrcin expressly state
That those called out under this act and the act to which th

organizations, or disposrd of as now provided by lam: Prolrided, That the President

is authorized to suspend the execution of this act, or the acts to which this is an
atnendnient, or any special provision or provisions of said acts, in any locality where
he believes such suspension u ill promote tlie public interest; and that in such localiispension, the President is authorized to receive troops into
nnc1t.r a n y of tlic acts passed by the Confederate Congress
the act to furtlier provide for the public defense, approved
11 hundred and sixty-two.
t h e title a s t o l l o ~ b :
,\n :ict to anicntl xi1 act entitled An act to provide further for the publicdefense,
appro) ctl sixteenth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,


Mr. Machcn cnllcd f o r the yeasand nays;

Which were ordered,
A n d arc recordedas follows, towit: nays ._
_ _ _-. ..- ._
_ _ _.47
Yeas: Barksdale. Bonham, Horatio W. Bruce, Chrisman, Clap Collicr, Conrad. Cui.rin, Dargan, Davis, Dawkins, De Jarnette, l!?liott,
Frceni;Ln. Gaidwliire, Garland, Garnett, Goode, Hilton, Hodge, Holcombc, Tlolt, ,Johnstm, lienner, Lander,. Lyon, Lyons, McRae,
Moorc, Pug$, lius.;ell, Iil)hs, Vest, and Wright of Tennessee.
N a ~ s :,Irriiigtoii, Ayw, 1Ealdwin. Batson, Bell, Boteler, Boyce,
13rcckinritfge, Uridgcrh, C;lh:mil)ers,Chamhliss, Clopton, Curry, Davidson, Duprt:,, Farrow, Foote, Fobter, Gartrell, Gentry, Gray, Hanly,
Harris, IrIaitridgc, Ilerbcrt, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of 1Vorth Carolina, ;\i:ic;hcw, Mai*sl~:~ll.
Mcllowell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, Munnerlyn, i c . i k i n h , Prcston, Halls, Royston, Sexton, Smith of Alabama,
brriitli of North Carolina, Stricklaiid, Trippc, \Velsh, \Vright of Georgia, Wright, of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
So the IIouse refused to concur in the amendment of tlie Senate.
On motion of Mr. Miles, the bill was immediately reported back to
t h e Senate.
Leave of ab5ericc was granted to MY.Rtli-ins.
The 1Ionso thcn took up tlic sprcitd ordw, which was a bill to make
ptiow from military duty, etc.
on, by conwnt, introduced
ithorizc tlic Po,.;tmaster-General to employ special agents
to sccurc the ccrtain and speedy transportation of the mails across the
Mississippi River;
which w a s rcwd the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Post,-Ofticw wid lo\t-Roads.
Mr. Iloit 111orc~tto niiiend the first section of t h e bill by striking
out :dl of the hiIII1C aftPr the words all persons and inserting in lieu
thereof tho words


that liave l m w

inay hc e.tcmr)icd by the lams of the several States from mi%

ice, ant1 sncli other perbori+as the President or Secretary of War
1 , oii ac*conntof juptice, cquitl, or necessity, ought to be exempted,


ipted from military service in t h c armies oi the Confederate States.

Sept. 25, 1862.1


Mr. Hilton moved t o amend the ariiendmeut by striking out the

the words or may be.
Mr. Heiskcll clem:mcled Lhe question; which was orcteved, and
arriendmcnt t o the anicndment was lost.
Mr. Hanly iiioved to amend the amendment by adding thereto the
F~-orided,That States that iiow hare exemption laws shall not be allowed to make
fnrther exeinptioiis under this act.

Mr. Gnrdcnhire demanded the question; which was ordered, nnd the
niiiciidnicnt to the ainendiiient was lost.
Mr. Baldwin moved to aiiielid thc mnendment by irisertiag after the
word service the words in tinie of mar.
Mr. Clapp c*alledfor the previous question.
The call was not sustained.
A rriessage \ins received from the Sen&, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. S p d e r : The Senate have passed bills of the following titles, viz:
S.99. A i nact to aiiieiid a11 xcht entitled A n art to divide the State of Tc-cxs into two
judicial district.;, and to provicle for tlre :ippointriiciit of jridgc,s ant1 oflicws in the
same; a i d
S. 103. A n act for the relief of i h e autern Texas Railroad C h i i p m y ;
Tn which I :a111 directed to ask the )n(wrrwceof this Itoiise.
The Senate have also passed a bill of this l l o u ~ eof tlic follo\\ing title, viz:
TI. R. 17. An act to provide for the lmyriient of stinis nscertaiiic~lto be due for postal
service to citizens of the Confcderate States b v tlie Jopt~naster-(;eiieral.

9 inessagci was roceiwd from the SeJUttc, by their Secretary, Mr.

flash; which is RS follows, to wit:
XI-.Spmlwr: The 8ciiate ini-ist upon their aiiiencii~-~r~nts,
to tlie hill o f the I-lonre (1. It. 15) ciititled A n art to provide
of t h e I
existing companies, squadrons, battxlions, alld rc~gniic~nt~
the Coiifedeiate States, a i d :ask a conferencc with t h e Ilousc npon tlie disagreein
vote? of the two Ilouses thercon, a i i d I i x v ( ~appointed Mr. Sparroil, hlr. Yancev. a i ~ f
Mr. nigfxll the inanagers at tlie Faid cwnfererice 011 the part of th(, Senctte.

On iiiotion of Mi.. Miles, the House insisted on its disagrccineiit to

tlie arnendnicnts of tlic Senate to the bjll of tht: House to fill u p existing
(lompanies, sqiiadrons, battalions, reginients, etc., and xgreed to the
appointment of a coiiiniittec of confercncc.
The Chair annoiunccd as the corninittco of conference on the part of
the Ifouse 33r. Miles, MI.. I3nldi~i11,aiid MY.C o n i d .
A niessqewns receib ed from the Prwideiit, by his li*iwtoSecretary,
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Foster dernundecl the previous question.
Mr. Trippc called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Arid are recorded as follows, towit: hays-- _.
_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 34
Yoas: Arrington, Boteler, Boyce, Breekinridye? I-Ioratio W. Brrxce,
h r i r c t t , Ch:~rnbiiss,Chrisman, Clspp, Currin, Davidsori, Davis, Dupr6,
Elliott, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhiro, Gartrell, Harris, Heiskell, Hilton, I-Iolt, ,Johnston, ,Jones, Kcnan of Geor in, Kenan of North Carolinn, Kcnner, IAyon,Machcn, McDo.ivell, 3 tinnerlyn, Preston, Yugh,
ftallb, Smith of A l t h r n a , Strickland, Swan, Tibbs, \Velsh, 2nd Wright
of Tcnnessec.
Nays: Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, l3ridgers, Chanibcrs, Clopton, Collier,
Conrad, Curry, Dargan, Lkwlrins, I)c 5arnctte, Farrow, Foote, Gar-




[Sept. 25,18G2.

nett, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, I-Iolcombe, Lyons, McQueen, Miles, Noore, Perkins, ltoyston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of
North Carolina, Trippe, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, and Wright of
So the previous quesfion was not ordered.
Mr. Swan called for the question, which was upon the amendment
of Mr. Baldwin to t h e anienclment of Mr. Holt.
The question was ordered, and the amendnient was lost.
Mr. Curry demanded the question; which was ordered, and was
upon the amendment of hir. IIolt.
Mr. Holt called for the yeas m d na37s;
Which were ordered,
And arc recorded a;; follojy,s, to\jrit: leas
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 28
i a y s ... . _ . _ _ _
50_ _
Yeas: Ayer, Ratson, Bell, 13oiihain, Brcckinridge, Chambliss, Clopton, Davidson, Farrow, Foote, Foster, IIanly, Ilerbert, Holt, Jones,
I h m i of North Carolina, Marshall, ?tlcDowell, &Queen, Miles, Perkins, Preston, Royston, Smith of Alahania, Smith of North Carolina,
Strickland, Trippc, and Welsh.
Nays: Arrington, Baldwin, Botcler, B O ~ C C
Horatio W.
Bruce, Burnett, Chambers, Chrisman, Clapp, Collier, Conrad, Curry,
D:irgan, Davis, Dawkins, Ilc Jarnette, Duprt5, Elliott, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gartrcll, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge,
Heiskell, Hilton, IIolconilq ,Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenner,
Lpon, Lyons, Machen, Moore, Nunncrlj-n, Pugh, Ralls, Bussell, Sexton, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, nilcos, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas,
and Wright of Iennessee.
So thc arnendinent was lost.
Mr. Garnetk moved that the rrilos bc suspended to enable him to
offer a resolution; which W ~ L Sagreed to, aiicl 31r. Garnctt offered the
following :

Resolved, That in the debate upon this bill and the aniendmentq thereto no member shall be allowed to speak longer than five minutes;

which was read, and M r . Garnett called the question.

The question was ordered, and the resolution was agreed to.
MI-. Baldwin moved to amend the first, tion by inserting i n the
third line, after the words military service, the words in tbc ficld;
which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles moved to aiiiend the same section by inserting after the
word persons the words now exempted by the latws of their
respec tivc States.
Mr. Swan callcd thc, question; which was ordered, and Mr. Wright
of Georgia demanded the ye:is and nays;
The yeas and nays were ordered,
follows, to wit: Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
And arc
Nays ... . - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - 34
Yeas: Arrington, Ayer, Baldwin, Bstson, Bell, Bonham, Rreckinridge, Chambers, Chamblisb, Clopton, Collier, Davidson, Dawkins,
Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray,
Hanly, Herbert, Hilton, IIolt, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Marshall, Menowell, McQneen, Menecr, Miles, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Preston, Pugh, Royston, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland,
Frippe, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Georgia, Wright of Texas, and
Wright of Tennessee.



[Sept. 26, 1862.

Also, a Senate bill to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for

the engineer service of the War Department; ivhich was read the first
and second times and referred to t,hc Committee on Ways and Means.
Also, a Senate bill to divide the State of Texas into two judicial
districts, and to provide for the appointment of judges and officers in
the same; which was read the f h t and second times and referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary.
Also, a Senate hill establishing the seal of the Confederate States.of
America; which mas read the first and second times and referred to
the Committee 011 the Flag and Seal.
Also, a Senate bill for the relief of the Eastern Texas Railroad
Conipany; which wa3 read the first and second times and referred to
the Conmittec on Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments and
Military Tr:Lusportation.
M r . Garnett, b y consent, introduced
A hill to secure the rccovery of fugitive slaves by their owners;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. 13recli-inridgcmoved that the rules be suspended to enable him
to offer a resolution.
The motion was lost,
And on motion of Mr. Davis,
The House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow.


26, 1862.

The EIousc, met pixrsuant to adjournment, slid mas opened with prayer
by the Ecv. Ilr. Moore.
On riiotion, l c a m of abstmx was granted hlr. Burnett.
, from thc Coinmittee on Military Affairs, to which
was r e f o i ~ e drcsolutions i n regard to the protection of persons in
arms against the Unitcd States, hut not enrolled i n the Confederate
Army, and to secure the exchange or release of certain persons held
as prisoners, reported the same back, asked to be discharged from
their further consideration, and that the same lie upon the table;
which w'us agreed to.
Mr. Chambers, also from the same committee, reported
h bill to authorize thc formation of volunteer companies for local
defense ;
which TYUS rciid thc first and second times.
The rules were suspended, and the bill was taken up.
Mr. Vest deninntied the question; which was ordered, and the bill
was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Chanil)crs, also from the same committee, reported the follow'ing resolutions, to wit:
(1) Kesol/ecZ, That the President be reqnested to enter into negotiations, if practicable, with the authorities of the United States for the purpose of securing the
release of all citizens of the Confederate States held in confinement by the enemy, or
paroled by them, or forced by them to enter into bonds to t he Government of the
United States: Prorided, That snch persons so held by the enemy were taken prisoners
while in armed and active hostility to the United States, although not regularly
enrolled or enlisted in the confederate Army.
(2) Kesok~edfurther, That t h e President be requested to demand, in writing, from
the authorities of the United States the immediate and unconditional release of all


26, lb62.1


of the Confederate States held by them as prisoners, either in confi

01 bond, who were arrested by the agents Or officersof the
states ~ v hlei peaceably engaged in their ordinary avocations, and llot in arrrls
tlie Uilitc~l
states, and that he communicate to Congress the result of said d

or utltler parole

The rules wore suspended;

The resolutions were taken

UP, and Mr. Jones denmnded the question: which was sccorided, and the resolutions were agreed to.
Nr. Charnhcrs, also from the same committee, reported
A bill to authorize the establishment of places of rendezvous f o r
examination of persons erirolled for military duty;
mhicli was read the first and second times, the rules ~ w r esuspended,
and the bill was taken up.
The first section being under consideration; which is as follows, to

sion of Pait1 surgeons, under regulations to be establibhed b y the Seciehry ot \Yu,;th

to the physics1 2nd niental capacity of any such person for lrliliti~ryduty slid1 I)(,
final, and tlioPe only thos ascertained to be fit for military duty sliall be required to
assenible at caiiips of instruction,

MI.. Chauibli3s moved to amend the sanie by inserting after tlic

vords military duty, wherever occurring, the words i n the field;
~vhichwas agreed to.
N r . Garnett rnoved to amend the same by striking oul therefrom
thc word army, and to insert after the word surgeons the words
t o bc anployed by t he Qovcrnment; which was agreed to.
Mr. Collier mo\ ed to amend the same by inserting after tlie word
< < coimty, where occurring, the words i u any town or city not in a
connty, p a ~ ~ i sor
h , district; which was agreed to.
hfr. Heiskell moved to amend the same by striking out the v+ords
all Llie persons so enrolled in said county, town, cily, parish, or district, :md inserting in lieu thereof the words all who shall be in
attcwlance for thc purpose of exaiiiination; which was agrc~tlto.
Tlic>secbonrl scction being under consideration; which is :LS lollows:
There shall he appointed, iii each Congrefisional district in the several Slatcr, three
arniy surgeons who sllall colistitute a board of examination i n such district, for thc
purpose specified in the Ioregoing sectibn, any one or more of whmn rimy act a t any
placr oC rcndezr.ous in said district,

Mr. Jones moved to amend the same by inserting the ~ o r dtemporary before the word surgeoiis.
The aiiietrdment was lost.
1111.. Tngh moved to strike out the words appointed in and insert,
in lien thcreof the words assigned to; which was agreed to.
Jlr. Jones moved to insert after the words camp of instruction
tho words o r report his continued disability; which was agreed to.
Sir. Raldn~irlinoved to stribc out the words a deserter and imert
in lieu thereof the words as absent without leave of his commanding.
MY. TIanIy called f or the yeas and nays;
Mrhich were ordered,
Yeas _ .__
_ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _
_ 53_ _ _
And are recorded as follows, t o wit: Nays - . _ _ - - - - _ _ - . _
- - _ 22



[Sept. 26, 1862.

Yeas: Arrington, Ayer, Kaldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Botclcr,

Boyce, Bridgers, Chilton, Clopton, Curry, Dargan, Uavidson, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Dupr6, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Grahain, IIanly, Hartridge, Hilton,
Holcornbe, Holt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Piorth Carolina, Kenner,
Lander, Lyon, Marshall, McDowell, Menees, Moore, &funnerlyn, Perltins, Preston, Ralls, Royaton, Bussell, Sex ton, Trippe, Vest, Welsh,
and Wilcox.
Nays: Chambers, Cham bliss, Clapp, Collier, Conrow, Currin, Freeman, Gray, Harris, Heiskell, Hodge, Kenan of Georgia, Lyons, Machen,
McQueen, Miles, Pugh, Read, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, and
Wright of Texas.
So the aiiieridmeiit W R X agreed to.
Mr. Chainhers niovcd to insert after the words continued disability ?
the words certified by the certificate of a respectahle physician of his
county, city, district, or parihh; which was agreed to.
Mi*. Lyons rno\-ed that the vote 011 the :~mendmentof Mr. Collier
be reconsidered, and called the question; ~7hichwas ordered, slid the
motion was lost.
The hill was then engrossed as amended, read a third t h e , and
Leave of absence was granted Mr. Cooke, on account of sickness.
A message mas received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which js as follows:
JFr. 8peuter: The Senate have passed bills of this Ifouse of the follov ing titles,
H. R. 13. An act to amend an acl. ctititlrcl An act providing for the appointn
of adjutants of regiments and legions, of t h r graclr of snbaltern, in addition to tlrc
subalterns attached to conipaiiics, approved , \ u p s t 31, 1861;
11. R. 14. An act to empower certain persons to adiniiiistcr o a t b in (
H. R. 18. An act suppleriientary to an act concerning the pay and allowancw dne
to deceased soldiers, approved February 15, I Y W , and to provide f o l the prompt
settlement of claims for arrearages of pay, allowances, aiid bounty due to dcccasecl
officers and soldiers.
The Senate h a r e also passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 70. A n act to provide for the coining of copper tokens;
I n which T am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.
The Senate have agreed to the report of the corninittee of conference on the dieagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill of the House (H. R. 15) entitled An
act to provide for the filling up of existing companies, sqimdrons, hattrrlioiis, and
regiments of the Provisional Army of the Confederate States.
The President of the Confederate States has- notified the Senate that he did, on the
24th instant, approve and sign a bill of the following titie, viz:
S. 79. An act amendatory of a n act to reorganize the Marine Corps.

MY.Miles, from the committee of conference 011 the bill t u be entitled

An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide fyrther for the
public defense, approved sixteenth April, eighteen hundred and sixtlytwo, reported that they have carefully considered the same and the
differences bctwccn thc two Houses thereon, and report tbe accon~panying bill (entitled A bill to amend an act enlitled An act to provide further for the public defense, approved April sixteenth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-two); which is as follows, to wit:
An act to amend a n act entitled A n act to provide further for the public defense, approved S i x tccnth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.

The Congress of the Confederute Slutes of ilmerica do enuct, That the President be, and
h e is hereby, authorized to call out and place in t h e military service of the Confederate States for three ears, unless the war shall have been sooner ended, all white mcn
who are residents oi?theConfederate States, between the ages of thirty-fit c and forty-

Sept. 26, 1862.1




time the Call or calb lnay be made, and who are not, at such time or
euir)ted from niilitar). service, or such ],arb thereof as ill his judgmeilt
). to the pnblic deferlse; such call or calls to be made under the prortling to the terms of the a r t to which thip is an ainelldinent, arid such
authority htiall e s k t in the Prclsident during the present war
to all persons who
or inny hereat,er become eighteen >ears of age; and, when ollce enrolled,
betn (en the. ages of eighteen and forty-five years shall serve their tull tir
I, That I t the P r w d e n t in calling out troops into the serrice of the C
States bhall first call for only a part of the persons within the ages hereinbe-

with the rc.comiiienc~ationthat it do pass.

The yrwstion being on agreeing to the report,
MI.. ( h r t r e l l d e n ~ a n d dthc yeas and nays;
FVhich were ordered,
~ ~ , crecorc1cd
:Iy folloT\Ts, t,o wit: f rea as---------------------- 54
1 Na17s _ . - - - -_ -_ _ -_ .-___ - 30
- Ycar : 11altlwin,13arksclale, Katsoii. Bo ld r, Kreckin ridge, Chambcrs,
Chilton,4hllicr, Conrad, Conrow, Currin, argan, Dawliins, Ile J a r nctte, I ) u P ~ Elliott,
Foster, Frwtiixn, Ga denhire, Garland, Gamett,
Gcntry (;oode, (3 raham, Gray, l1artridg.c. fleiskell, Hilton, EIolconlhe,
IIolt, ,JohiiStoii, Kcnan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lander, Ilyon, JInc.hen, Mcflae, Menees, Miles, Moore, hiitnnerlyn,
PugIi, ItalIs, ILcnd, Royston, Russell, &Axton, Swan, Iihbs, Vest,
\Vilcox, \\right of Texas, and blr. Speaker.
N~LJ-S:hrrington, Bell, Ruiiliam, 13oyce, Bridgers, Charnhliss, Clapp,
Clopton, Curry, Ihvicihon, Davis, F u r o w , Foote, C;arti.ell, Ilanly,
Harris, Hei.l)ert, ,Japes, Lyoiis, Marshall, llcL)owcll, NcQncen, Yerkim, Lreston, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North (hrolina, Strickland,
Trippe, Welsh, and Wright of Georgia.
So the report was agrced to.
Ah.. Kenan of Georgia moved t~ reconsideration of the vote agreeing
to the i q o r t of the committee.
Mi-. Eoote called the question.
Upon which Mr. Read demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
_ _ - ..- ._
- .._
_ _ - - 24
Yeas ._
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
53. _ _
icas: Chambers, Clapp, Conrow, Currin, Davidson, DnprB, Gentry,
IIttnly, IIeisliell, Holt, pJo:ies, Keiian of North Carolina, Landel.,
IJv()11s, ?r2cDomell, Perkins, Ingh, Read, Royston, Striokltlnd, Swan,
Tibbs, Vest, and Wriglit of Tennessee.
Nays: Arrington, Raid win, Barksdalc, Ratson, Bell, Bonham, I3oyce,




[Sept. 26, 1862.

Bridgeus, Chambliss, Chilton, Clopton. Collier, Conrad,
L>a\-i\, Jhiwlcins, De darnette, Elliott, Farrow, Foster, Frccnian, Gardfinhirc, Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris,
IIartridgc, Herbert, Hilton, Holcornbe, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia,
Kenner, Lyon, Xachen, Marshall, Menees, Afile,~,Moore, Preston.
ltalls, Itnsscll, Scxton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina,
Trippe, Welsli, Wilcox, %right of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
So the question \vas not ordered.
After cliscussioii, ah,Botelcr called for t h e question; which was
ordered, a i d thc motion to reconsider was lost.
Mr. Wright of (;corgia, from the Committee on the Medical Departiiicnt, to which inis refcrred a bill of tlie Scnatc t o better provide
for sick and wounded soldiers of the Army i n hospitds, reported the
s a n t ~hnc.k, with thc recommendation that it p u s .
Tlic rules x v ~ sa~pcndecl;
r ~
Tho })ill w a y taken up.
Xr. \\right 1 of Gwrgial clenianded the prerious question; which
was ordcred, and the hill w a s rend a third time and passed.
Oil motion of Jlr. Wright [of Georgia], tlie ruler were suspended,
and he introduced A bill to reorganize and promote the efficiency of the
hledical Corps of thc a r m y ; which was rend the first and second times,
ordercd to be printed, and its furlhcr consideration postponed and
iriadc t h c spc&l order of bnsiness for t h e morning hour of to-morrow.
. IClliott, f i m ) thf (ommittee on Enrolled Rills, reported as corrcc.tly en:ollcd n hill of tlic Senatc entitled
Lli~i l c t to an~cndttn act entitled An act for thc establishment and
organiz:ition of a general staff for the Army of the Cocfeclerate States
of Arnc;rka, :ipyrovctl FebiwrLry 26, 1861.
The Spewkcr higiiecl the same.
111.. L > - c t n ~ ,13 c.onsent, introduced
A bill to anicntl an act for the establisliment and organization of
the Army of the Confederate States of America. approved March 6,
which was w a d the first nnd second times, and the rule referring the
hill to :I committre being suspended, the bill was taken up.
Mr. Sw:in called the previous question; which was ordered, and the
bill i m s engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Chilton, by consent, froni the Committee on Quartermasters
a i d Commissary Ihpartments and Military Transportation, reported
A bill to repcnl the lam authorizing conlmutation for soldiers clothing, arid to 1-cquire clothing t o he Iurnished by the Secretary of War
in kind;
which was ucacl the first and second times.
T h e rules hcing suspended, the bill mas taken up.
MY.I3aldwin moved that the bill be laid upon the table.
Thc motion was lost.
Ilie hill \\-as then engrossed, read a third time, arid passed.
A message was rewived from the President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harikon.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order
of the dal-, which was a bill to be entitled
An act to cxernpt certain persons from tnilitary dat7, and to repeal
an act entitled An act t o exempt certain persons f r o m enrollment for
service i n the Army of the Confedcratc States, approved April 21,

scpt. 26, 3 SB2.1


f<ennor d l ~ for
d the question, which was upon the moti
right of FCX~S
t o reconsider t h e vote agreeing to the ame
nieilt of Air. Miles.
A h . Swan called for the yeas and nays;
\\hich TWIT ordered,
, i t i c ~a m recorc1ed:is follows, towit: $ e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
hays - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 31
Y r a s : hrrington, Barlisdale, Bridgers, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad,
Coii~.ow,Currin, Curry, Dargan, Davis, De Jarnette, DuprB, Elliott,
Vrwirian, Gwdenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Elartridge, Heiskell, Herh r t . Holrornlw, Holt, Johnston, K e n m of Georgia, Kenan of Yorth
Chi-oliixi, Krnner, Lander, Lyon, Lyons, Machen, McRae, Moore,
Jugli, Ikad. Knssell, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, vrilcox,
and Wright of Texas.
Kays: Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Chambers, Chambliss,
Collier, Ihvidson, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garnett, Goode, Gray,
I h ~ l yHarris.
llilton, Jones. I\iarshall, McDowell, McQueen, Menecs,
3lilcs, i\Iuruirr1p, Perliins, Eoyston, Smith of Borth Carolina, Strickhncl, Vest. and Welsh.
So the niotion to reconsider prevailed.
Xfr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend the amendment by
striliing out all of the same and inserting in lieu thcrcof the words
exempt by the laws of the respective States when the call is made.
Mr. Davis called the question; which was ordered, and the amendment, to the amendment was lost.
Mi.. Garnett m o w d to amend the amendment by striking [out] all of
the same and inserting in lieu thereof the words

Tempt b y the lans oC their respective States, which have been or may be enacted
the said States seiwally joined the Confederacy.


Jf r. S\vxn cdled the cliicstion; which was ordered.

;\Ir. Ilarric: lnored that thc House adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Ihc amendment to the aiiieiidment was lost.
hlr. Chairibers inovcd to amend tho ainondmcnt by striking out all
of the baine after the word exempted and inberting in lieu thcrcof
the \VOl.dh
except such persons as may hereafter be liable to militia or military service in the
ficltl b y the h i 5 R of any State.

Xlr. ( h r r y callccl the qucstion; which was ordered, and the amendincnt to the aniendrneiit was lost.
$Xi.. Curry deniancicd the question; which was ordered, and mas q o n
the :ttircnciiricnt of Mr. Miles.
Mr. Miles called f%r the yeas a n d nays.
Mr. Ronham movcd that the House adjourn.
The motion war lost.
The y m s and nays were ordered,
Yeas. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 [3O]
k n d are recorded as follows, to wit: Pu7RTs_ _ _ _ _ - _.
_ _ _40
Y PRR: Ayer, Bnldwiu, Batson, Bell, Rotiham, Chambliss, Collier,
Dal-icison, Farrow, Eoote, Foster, Garnett, Goode, Gra~r,Hniily, Hilt,on. rJones, Rfarsh:~ll,i2lcDowel1, McQucen, Menms, Miles, Munnerlyn, Pcrliiiis, Royc:tou, Smith of North Carolina, Strickland, Trippe,
Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.



[Sept. 2G, 1862.

Kays: Srrington, Barksdale, Bridgers, Chambers, Chilton, Clopton,

Conrad, Conrom, C h r r i n , Curry, Dargan, Davis, De Jarnette, DuprQ,
Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell. Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell,
Herbert, Holcombe, Holt, Johostorr, Kerian of Georgia, Kenner,
Lander, Lyon, Lyons, Machen, McRae, Moore, Pugh, Read, Itussell,
Sjwan, 'ribbs, Vest, and Wright of Texas.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. ;lilachen called the previous question.
Mr. G r a j nioved Ihat the House adjourn.
The motion wtis lost.
The previous qu ion I V ~ Rnot ordered.
The Chair laid before the House a niessage of the President; which
is as follows, to wit:
I herewith trailwit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
V'ar in further rcsponbe to pour repolution of the 21st August. asking for copies
of the oficial reports of all engagenieiits with the enemy received since the adjournment of Congress.


which was read, laid o n the table, and ordered to be printed.

On motion of Mr. Foote, the House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session;
Il'hen, on motion,
The House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow.

The House bcing. in secret session, the Chair presented a communication from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
Itrcrr\roxo, Va., September ,%, 1862.
To thp & m t e and IIoouse qf Hepresenintitw
I herewith trarisniit for your inforination a communication from the Secretary of
War in reference to t h e defense of \Vestern and Southern rivers, to which 1invite
your attention.


On motion, the message and accompanying documents were referred

to the Committee on JVays and Means.
A message \vat8 received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
MT.Spcrkcv: The Senate have passed a Fill of the following title, to wit:
105. An act to appropriate money for the purchase, arming, arid equipping ves-

In ~vhichI am directed to ask the coiiciirreiice of this IIonse.

On motion of Mr. Kenner, Senate hill (S. 106) to appropriate inoncy

for the purchase, ariiiing, and equipping- vessel%abroad was tt1it:n t i p ,
read the first and second times, and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
The Chair presented a communication f w i n the President; which is
as follows, to wit:

Brcnaro~o,VA., Septernbu 24,1863.

To the Xerkute ntkd ITnuse of Rqiresentatives:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the. Secretary of
the Navy, coverino an estimate for an additional appropriation for t h e construction
-v Is abroad.
and equipment of ?ronclad and other ye:,I recommend an appropriation of the aniount, and for the p r p o ~ specified.

Sept. 27, 1S@2 ]


On motion, the message and accompanying documents were referred

to tlw Comnrittce 011 Ways and Means.
And on niotion of Nr. Foote,
The FIousc resolved itself into open session.

27, 1862.


The House inet pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the l k v . 1 ) ~Moore.
MY.Ifodge introduced
A hill to :mend an act entitled An act to provide for the organization 01 the Kaq-, approved March 16, 1861, and for other purposes,
approvc~dApril 21, 1862;
which m s read the first and second times and its further consideration postponed until after the disposal of the special order.
A h . Wcnd, by consent, introduced
A bill supplciiieiital to an act entitled An act authorizing the Secretary of \\nu to grant transfers, approved Se tember 23, 1862;
mad the first and second times, an the rules being suspended, WRC: engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
011niotion of iMr.Wright of Georgia, the consideration of the special
ordcr mas postponed until the morning hour of Monday.
The rules being suspended, Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on
\\?ays xnd Means, reported a joint resolution extending the session of
Congress t o Monday, the 6th day of October next, at 12 oclock m.
lh~remlution mas taken up.
MY.l\ljlcs called the question; which was seconded.
Rlv. Iibbs callcd for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Yeas-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 55
A11d wc recorded xs f o l l o ~ ~Nays
- - ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ 12 [ill
Yeas: Rshc, 13aldwin, Barlcsdale, 13atson, Bell, Bonharn, Iloratio W.
Rriic.e, KIi A[. l3ruce, Chambers, Chambliss, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad,
Conrow, Currin, Ilargan, De Jarnette, DuprB, Farrow, Foote, Gartrell, (icntry, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, I lolconilw, IIolt, Johnston, Jones, Kcnner, Lander, Machcn,
;\lcitae, Nenees, Miles, Moore, Munnerlyn, Perkins, Preston,
h g h , R:~lls,Royston, Russell, Sexton, Sniith of Alabama, Tibbs,
\Yclsh, l\iIcox. Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
Kays: I<reckinridge, Collicr, Freeman, Herbert, I-Iodge, McDomell,
Read, Siiiitli of North Carolina, Strickland, Vest, and Wright of
So tlic i~>soluLionwas agreed to.
Tho rules being suspended, Mr. Chambers introduced
ri joint resolution of thanks l o Lieut. Isaac N. Brown and all under
hi? cornina~id;
which w:~sread the first and second times, engrossed, read a third time,
and passctl.
RPr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to which was
A bill to purge t h e Army of ignorant and incompetent oflieers,



reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that i t lie upon the table; which~wasagreed to.
M r . Miles, from the same committee, reported
A hill to purge the Army of ignorant and incompetent 0%
which was read the first and second times, and the question being
the postponement of the bill and placing i t upon the Calendar,
same was so ordered, and the bill was, on motion, ordered to be printe
and made the special order for Monday next, to be continued from
day to day until concluded.
Mr. Strickland, by consent, introduced
A resolution that the Clerk of this House, for the balance of the
session, he authorized t,o employ such additional force as may be necessary to keep up the business;
which w a y read and agreed to.
Mr. Garuett, fixmi the Committee on Military Affairs, to which was
A bill to gmnt commutation for quarters to the Superintendent of
tho Rrrny Intelligence Office and his clerks,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was then taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Hilton, from the same committee, to whom was referred .
A resolution i n relation to employing male slaves,
reported the saille back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
RIr. Hilton, from the same committee, to whom was referred
il bill further to provide for the public defense,
reported the same back and asked to be discharged from its further
consideration; which was agreed to.
The question being on post oning its further consideration and
placing it upon the Calendar, t e same was so ordered, and on motion
of Jfr. Dargm, the consideration of the bill was made the special order
of business for Wednesday next.
Xr, Batson, from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill to authorize certain battalions to elect their officers,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
M r . Batson, from the same comniittee, re ortcd
A bill to authorize certain battalions an$ regiments to elect their
field officers;
which was wad the first and second times.
The rules mere suspended;
The bill was then taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Gartrell, from the Committee 011 thc Judiciary, to whom was
A bill to authorize judges of district courts to change the place of
holding court in certain cases,
rcportccl the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was then taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, t o whom was referred a
hill of the Senate to amend an act to divide the State of Texas into two
judicid districts, and to provide f o r the appointm



Scpt. 27, 1qfi2.1

~ f l k c i~n sthe sainc, reported the same back, with the recommend%
that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The hill was taken up, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Gitrtrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred a
Senate bill to regulate the fees of district attorneys in certain wes,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up and read a third time.
Air. JYilcox demanded the question, which was on the pwsage of
the bill.
The qucst,ion was ordered.
Mr. Foster called for the yeas and nays.
'L'he Seas and nays were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - .--- - - 31
Nays-- . __ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . 42
: Arrington, Ashe, Barksdale, Bntson, Breckinridge, Horatio W.
13nicc, Eli $1. Bruce, Chambliss, Conrad, Conrow, Farrow, Freeman,
G:trlancl, Gartrell, Gentry, Gray, IIartridge, Heiskell, Holt, Lander,
Lyons, McDowell, McQueen, Miles, Moore, Smith of Alabama, Smith
of Korth Carolina, Swan, Vest, Wilcox, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Eotcler, Chilton, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Collier, Currin,
Davidaon, Davis, De Jarnette, DuprB, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire,
Garnett, Goode, Graham, Hanly, Harris, Herbert, Hilton, Johnston,
Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Lyon, Machen,
Rlarshall, McIiae, Menees, Munnerlyn, Perbins, Preston, Pugh, Ralls,
Read, Hoyston, Kussell, Sexton, Tibbs, Welsh, and Wright of Texas.
So the bill was lost.
A messtge was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli; which is as follows:

Mr. ,'+eaXeY: The Senate h a r e passed a bill of the following title, via:
6. 104 A n act to anthoriee the appointmcnt of a chief constructor of the Navy;
. T n \\ hioh I ani dircctccl to ask thc concurrence of this House.
They h a r c also passed the following bills of this House:
13 EL. 9. A n act to increase the Signal Corps;
FT. It. 19 An act to aincnd acts Sos. 223 and 311 of the Provisional Congress, so as
to aiitl-iorize an extension of the time for selling property for taxes i n default; and
H li. 20. An act to amend the act to authorize payment to be made for certain
horses purchased for the Army by Col. A. W. McDonald, approved Atlgust 21, 1861.

Mr. Gartrcll, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was

referred a communication from the Second Auditor i n relation to the
claims of deceased soldiers, reported the same back, asked to be dischar ed from its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table;
\vhic W'LS agreed to.
Mr. Gartrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred a
communication from the Attorney-General, reported the same back,
asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie
upon the table; which was thgrecd to.
On motion of Mr. Bussell, the bill to repress atrocities of the enemy
was made the special order of business, after the disposal of existing
special orders.
On motion of Mr. Moore, the House took up for consideration a bill
to authorize the President of thc Confederate States to institute a c o w
mission for the trial and punishment of officers in the armies of the
Confederate States.





[Sept. 27, 1862.

The hour for the consideration of the special order having arrived,
Mr. Heisliell moved a suspension of the rules in order &I move a
postponement of the same.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker
An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide further for the
public defense, approvcd 16th April, 1862; also
An act to better provide for the sick an2 wounded of the Army i n
And the Speaker signed the same.
Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Strickland from and after
Monday next, on account of sickness in his family; also, to Xr. Davidson, on account of family affliction.
Mr. Srnit,h of North Carolina, by conscnt, offered
A resoliltion that the President be requested to cause proper examination to be made by competent military officers of the wat,er navigation of eastern North Carolina and castcrn Virginia, with a view to
such defenses as may be necessary for the protection of the country,
accessible to attack from the enemys gunboats;
which w a s wad and agreed to.
Thc House then proceeded to the conaideration of the special order,
which was ti hill to be entitled An act to exempt certain persons from
military duty, and to repeal an act entitled An act to exempt certain
pcrsons from enrollment in the Army of the Confederate States,
approved twenty-first April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
Mr. Chanibers moved to amend the first section by striking out all
tlierrof and inserting as follows, to wit:
That all persons who shall be held unfit for military service in the Geld by reason
of bodily or mental incapacity, under rnles to be prescribed by the Secretary of War;
all in the service or einpio4. of the Confederate States; all judicial and executive officers
of the Confederate or State governments, except postmasters nqt nominated by the
President and confirmed by the Senate, and except deputy sheriffs, deputy clerks,
and constables; the members of both Houses of Congress and of the legislatures of
the sereral States and their respective officers; all engaged in carrying the mails; ail
frrryrnen on ost routes; all pilots and persons engaged in the merchant inarine service
and in actual)wrrice on river and railroad routes of transportation; telegraphic operators; all ministers of religion i n the regular discharge of ministerial duties, according
to the rules of the sect to which they respectively belong, and all members of the
Society of Quakers and t h e Association of Dunkers; all necessary editors, foremen,
pressmen, and journeymen printers employed i n printing newspapers; the Public
Printer and those employed to perform t h e public printing for the Confeilerate and
State governments; all shoemakers, tanners, harness makers, saddlers, blacksmiths,
wagon makers, rnillers and their engineers, skilled and actually employed at their
regular vocation in said trades while so actually employed; all presidents and teachers
iri colleges and academies, and all teachers having a3 many as twenty scholars; all
superintendents of public hospitals, lunatic asylums, and the regular nurses and
attendants therein, and t h e teachers employed i n the institutions for the deaf and
dumb and blind; in each apothecary store now established and doing bnsiiiess, one
apothecary in good Ptanding; all engaged in working coal mines, iron mines, furnaces,
and foundries; superintendents in ivool and cotton factories, and such other inechanks,
artisans, and employees engaged in furnishing army ordnance, ordnance stores, and
in t h e production of salt, who may be exempted hy the Secretary of War; one
person either as owner or overseer on each plantation on which there is 110 white male
adult not liable to do military service; and such other persons as the President shall be
satisfied on account of justice, equity, or necessity ought to be exempted, are hereb
exempted from all military service in the armies of the Confederate States: Pvovidea
That such number of the militia of any State as have been called out and mustered
into the service of the said State bv the executive thereof shall also be exempted, so
long as the said militia may remain in the service of the State under the call of t h e

Sept. 27, 1P62.1


Mr. Gardenhire demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment T V ~ Slost.
ah. Collier moved to ariiend thc same by striking out all after the
word go~ernmentsdown to and including the words (post-office>)
and inserting in lieu thereof the words
including such postmasters and their assistants, and clerks in the General Post-Ofice,
arid such inail (*ontractorsand mail agents as in the opinion of the Postmster-(feneral
shall be necsessary for the public service.

Mr. Swan called the question; which was ordered, and the amendm e n t 17s lost.
Mr. Gray moved to amend by inserting after the words po~t-office
the words * a n d other than in Iargc post-offices mhcn the IostniasterGcneral may deem their services necessary.
hlr. Swan demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment was lost.
Mr. Chilton moved to anicnd the same by striking out the words
except postmasters not noniinated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and
assistants and clerks in any other post-oikice than the General Post-Office,

and insert in lieu thereof the words

including all such deputy postinasters and their clerks and mail agents and contractors as the Postmaster-General shall within thirty days frorii the passage of this
bill report to t h e Secretary of War as necessary to the successful managcnient of the
Post-Office Department, which report i t shall be -his duty to make within thirty days.

Mr. Swan callcd for the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Chilton demanded the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
. ~ n darc recorded asfolloms, to\\Tit: .! Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 44
hTays_ _
_ _ .._
. _31
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Ualdwin, Boyce, h i d ers, Horatio bT.
Eli 3%. Nrixce, Chilton, Clapp, ClopLon, Collier,
Conrad, Currin,
Davis, De rJarneLte, DuprB, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Garnett, Goode,
Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, Heislsell, Herbert, Hilton, Holconibe, Lyons, Mschen, JlcDotvell, McKae, McQucen, Mcnees, Miles,
PfCbtOKl, Rojston, Sexton, Sniith of Alabama, Smith of North carolina, Tibbs, Trippe, and Wilcox.
Nays: Arrington, Batson, LSonham, Boteler, Chambers, Chamhliss,
Chrisnian, Conrow, Dargnn, Davidson, Foster, Frcenian, Gardenhire,
Gartrell, IIolt, Joncs, Kcnan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,
Kenner, Lander, Ljon, Moore. Munnerlyn, Perlrins, Iugh, IZalls,
Itussell, Swan, Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and Wright of Texas.
So the amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Icrkins moved to amend the amendment bJr adding thereto the
words provided the deputy or assistant shall not be under forty-five
p a r s of age.
Mr. Swan moved to amend the amendment by striking out all
thereof arid inserting in lieu thereof the w01.d~
Irouidetl, T h a t no postmaster or his assistant bhall he exempt, cxccpt in such cases
as those in which postmabteis are nominated by the President and confirmed by the

Mr. Harris being in the chair, decided the amendment of Mr. Perliins out of order, it ]lot being in the power of the House to modify a
proposition already adopted.
ililr. Kcnar~of Georgia appealed from the decision of tho Chair, and
the question being



[Sept. 27,1862.

Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the House?
The same was decided in the affirmative.
A message was received from the President, by his Primte Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
The question then being on the amendment of Mr. Swan,
Mi-. Harris being in the chair, declared the same out of order, it not
being competent to insert language in the bill already stricken out by
a vote of the House.
Mr. Swan appealed from the decision of the Chair, and the question
Shall thc decision of the Chair stand as the opinion of the House?
The same was decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Wright of Georgia mowd to amend bj- adding the words
Prozitled, Thr said postmasters, deputies, and clerks shall not be able-bodied men fit
for iiiilitary duty, under forty-four years of age.

Mr. Chilton demanded the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Gartrell called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And are recorded as fojloms: ! Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
1 Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ -.- - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - 27
Yeas: Batson, Ronham, Boteler, Horatio W. Bruce, Chambers,
Chambliss, Chrisman, Clapp, Clopton, Conrow, Davidson, Davis,
Foote, Foster, Freeman, Gartrell, Hanly, Holt, Jones, Kenan of
Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kennw, Lander, Lyon, Marshall,
McElae, McQueen, Perkins, Pu h, Ralls, Strickland, Tibbs, Trippe,
Welsh, Wright of Georgia, and Yright of Texas.
Kays: Arrington, Baldwin, Barladale, Eli M. Bruce, Chilton, Dargan, Dupld, Elliott, Farrow, Carnett? Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris,
Hartridge, Herbert, Hilton, IIoleombe, Lyons, Machen, McDowell,
Miles, Preston, Royston, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, and Wilcox
So the aniendnient T V ~ Sagreed to.
Mr. Chambers moved to amend the same Isy adding the words

Pyouicledfurtker, That said mail agents and contracton shall not be able-bodied men
fit for military duty, under the age of forty-four years,

and called the question thereon; which was ordered, and the amendment was agreed to.
Jar. Baldwin moved to amend by striking out the words
and except such state officers as the several States may have declared by Iaw to be
liable to militia duty or may hereafter bc excepted by the several States.

The amendnient was lost.

Mr. Conrad inoved to amend by striking out the words o r may
hereafter be excepted by the several States and inserting in lieu
thereof the words or may hereafter declare.
The amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Lyons moved to amend by inserting after the word States
the words P~0oui&~d,I f under forty-Pour years of age, they are disabled from military service.
Mr. Chambers demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Yeas. _ _ _ _ - - . -. - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 32
And are recorded as follows: Nays__ . _ _
_ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 36
Yeas: Ayer, Baldwin, Barl<sdale, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Brecbinridge, Chambers, ChiIton, Clopton, Conrow, Dargan, Elliott, Foster,

bept. 29, 1SG2.1


Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, Goode, Graham, Kellan o

Georgia, Lander, Lyons, Preston, Pugh, Read, Swan, Tibbs, Vwt,
Ivelski, Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
?;ap: Ai~iiigton,Ashe, Bonham, Rridgers, Eli M. Bruce, Chambliss, Clxpp, Conrad. Davidson, Davis, Duprb, Farrow, Gentr
~ ~ n l Harris,
y ,
Heiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, Holt, Jones, enan
Xorth Carolin:+ Kenner, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McQueen, Jfilrs, &Ore, Perkins, R d k , Royston, Smith of Alabdrna,
Smitb of North Carolina, and Trippe.
So the amendment was lost.
MY.Lyon woved that the bill and amendments be referred
mniittee to he composed of one from each State.
age was received from the Yresident, by his Private Se
IIsLrrison, informing the House that the President on
26th instant approred and signed an act authorizing the Secretary
of the Trcasury to oEer a reward for the apprehension and conviction
of persons engaged in forging or uttering counterfeit Confederate
Treasury notes.
Mr. Gardenhire, from thP Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled
A bill (30.
17) to be entitled An act to provide for thepaymcnt of
sums ascertairicd to be due for postal service to citizens of the Confed*
erate States by the Postmaster-C;enera); also
lJoirit resolution (No. 19) to authorize the Postmaster-General to
caiisu certain alterntions to be made in the building now occupied by
the Post-Office Dcpartment; also
A hill (No. 9) to be entitled An act to increase the Signal Corps.
And the Speaker signed the same.
On motion of M r . Davis,
The House ndjourned until 11oclock on Monday.


29, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer

by the Rev. Dr. Moore.

On motion, leave of absence was granted Messrs. Hodge, Read, and

She Ch:iir laid before the Ilouse a niesvage from the President; which
is as follows, to wit:

I herewith transmit for yonr consideration colnlnunicatiolls from the Secretary of

the Savy, submitting estimates in responw to your resolutions of the 22d and 23d
1 rccommeiid a p p opriations of the sums, for the purposes specified.

which was read, and the estimates accompanying the same were referred
to the committees of Ways and Means and Naval Affairs.
The Chair also presented a communication from the Prcsident; which
is as follows, to wit:
I herewith transmit for your information a report from the Secretary of War upon
the case of Charles .(I Hyde, in response to yonr resolution of the 20th instant.



[Sept. 29,1862.

Mr. Baldwin moved that the message and accompanying documents

be referred to the Conmiittee on the Judiciary, with instructions to
inquire and report whether the claim of the President of the right to
establish martial law requircs any further action of Congress.
Mr. Foote moved to amend by instructing the Committee to report
without delay.
The motion was lost.
And the amendment of Mi.. Baldwin was lost.
Mr. Heisliell moved that the message and its accompanying documents be laid upon the table and printed.
Air. Swan called the question; which was ordered, and the motion
was agreed to.
The Chair also presented a communication rom the President;
which is as follows, t o wit:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a coinmunication from the Secretary of
War, subiiiitting estimates to supply deficiencies in the appropriation for the Medical
Department of the Army.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount, and for the purpose specified.

On inotion, thc message and accompanying documents were referred

to the Committee on Wags and Means.
The Chair also presented
A bill of the S&ate t o authorize the appointment of a chief constructor of thc havy;
which vas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Kcnner moved that the rule requiring estiinates to be printed
before refcrrcd to cow tilittees be suspended, and called the question
thereon; which was ordered, and the motion was agreed to.
The Iouse then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
which WRS a bill to reorganize and promote the efficiency of the Medical
Department of the Army.
The s e c o n d section of the Same being undcr consideration; which is
as follows, to wit:
SEC.2. Be it ftsther elzuctetl, That there shall be appointed in the Provisional Army
of the Confederate States two assistant surgeons-gencral, with the rank, pay, and
allowances of colonels of cavalry; one medical inspector-general, with the rank, pay,
and allowances of a colonel of mvalry, and such number of medical inspectors, not
excecding twclre, with the rank, pay, and allowances of lieutenant-colonels of


Mr. Clapp moved to amend the same by inserting after the word
as the President may deem necessary; which
was agrced to.
The bill was theti engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Etoyston, from the Committee on Post-Ofices and Post-Roads,
to whom was referred
A bill to authorizc the Postmaster-General to employ s ecial agents
to secure the speedy and certain transportation of the ma1?
sIacross the
iMississi pi River in the Confederate Sjtates,
reportefthe same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Welsh, from the same committee, reported
A bill to establish certain post routes therein named;
which was read the firat a d second times.

(twelve the words


sept. 29, 1862 1

The rules mere suspended;

The bill was taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passe
A niessage was received from the Senate, by their Secretal
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mj.. Specoenlxr: The Senate have concurred in the resolution of this House
ing the present session of Congrem to Monday, the 6th day of October
oclock rn.

Nr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, repo

rectly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker
A bill (Xu. 19) to be entitled An act to amend acts Nos. 233 and
311 of the Prorisional Congress, so as to authorize an extension of the
time for selling property for taxes in default; and
Also, a bill (No. 20) to be entitled An act to amend the act to
authorize payment to be made for certain horses purchased fog the
Army by Colon81 A. W. McDonaId, approved August twenty-first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
And the Speaker signed the same.
Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred
A bill for the relief of John Hunter, collector of customs and agent
of the marine hospital at the port of Katchez, Miss.,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie upon t h e table; which was agreed to.
&Tr.Clopton, from the same committee, reported
h bill f o r the relief of John Hunter, collector of customs and agent
of the marine hospital at the port of Natchez, Miss.;
w1iic.h was read the first and second times.
1 lie rules WCIC suspended;
The bill was talien up, engrossed, read a third time, and pas
11111.. Clopton, from the same cornmittee, to whom was refer1
A bill rnalcing a propriation f o r the pagrnent of certain inte
t o the hrttnch of t e Bank of Tennessee at Memphis,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the same, and that the bill lie on the table; which was
agreed to.
Mr. Clopton, from the same committee, to whom mas referred a
memorial of sundry clerks in the Departments, asking an increase of
pay, rcported thc same back, asked to be discharged froin its further
cunsidcration, and that it be referred to the Conimittce on Ways and
Means; which was a reed to.
Mr. Clapp, from tf le same committee, to whom was referred
A hill to provide for the removal or destruction of propertyin
tain cases, and to perpetuate the testimony as to the value of propert<
destroyed o r injured during the pending war,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass, wit
The hill ~ v a sordered to he printed and made the special order for
Wcdncsday next.
Mr. Chilton, from the Committee on Quartermasters and Com
sary Departments and Military Transportittion, reported
A hill t,o enable the President of the Confederate State
t h e 111ea11,qof militnry transportation by the construction of a railroad
between Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and Rome, in
State of Georgia;



[Sept. 29,1862.

which was read the first and second times and, on motion of Mr. Chilton, its further consideration postponed until the morning hour of
Mi-. Chambliss, froin the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whoin were
referred joint resolutions tendering the thanks of Congress to Captain
and Flag Officer F7.F. Lynch, of the Confederate States Navy, and
the officers and men under him, for gallant services a t Aquia Creek,
for the capture of the Fanny and for the engagement at Roanoke
Island; reported the same back, with the recorninendation that they
The rules mere suspended;
The resolutions were taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and
A message was received from the Senate; which is as follows:
d h . Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 108. A n act for the relief of disbursing officers and other akenL9 of the Government, in certaiii cases;
In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,

which was
A bill to be entitled An act to exempt certain persons from military
duty, and to repeal an act entitled An act to exempt certain persons
from enrollment for service in the Army of the Confederate States,
approved April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
Mr. Dupr6 called the nestion, which was upon the motion of Mr.
Lyon to recommit the bil and amendments to a special committee.
The question was ordered, and the motion was lost.
Mr. Chambers moved that the bill and anieridrrients be laid upon the
table for the purpose of taking up the bill of the House on the same
The motion was lost.
Mr. Heiskell moved a suspension of the rules for the same purpose.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Lyons demanded the previous question.
The demand was not sustained.
Mr. Russell moved to amend by inserting after the word law, in
the first section, the words

all volunteer troops heretofore raised by any State since the passage of t h e act
entitled An act further to provide for the public defense, approved April sixteenth,
eighteen hundred and bixty-two, while such troops shall be i n activc service under
State authority: Protidetl, That this exemption sliall not apply to any persons who
are liable to be called into service by virtue of said act of April sixteenth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-two;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Conrad rnored a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to the
Upon which Mr. Collier demanded the question; which mas ordered,
and the motion was lost.
Mu. Harris moved to amend by insertdingafter t h e words eighteen
hundred and sixty-two )the words
Provided, That no person who shall have been a commissioned officer and canmanded troops actually i n t h e field, and shall have been honorably separated from
the service during the present war, shall be held to military service in any lower
graGe or capacity than was held by such officer last before his separation from the
military service.

sept. 29, 1SF2.1


On motion of Mr. Royston, the amendment was laid upon t

Mr. Perkins rriored to amend by inserting after the word
word ic sahried, and after t h e word clerks inseutthe lvor
and strike out the word allowed and insert in lieu thereof
authorized; which was agreed to.
Mr. FTerbcrt moved t o amend by inserting after the w
thc words the citizens of the frontier and coast counties 1
Mr. Graham moved to amend the amendment by striking ou
thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words
all able-bodied male citizens fit for military duty living in the counties on the frontiey of the State of Texas.

Mr. Machen called the question; which was ordered, and the a
ment to the amendment was lost.
Rlr. Foster then called for the question; which mas ordered, and t
ainendinent was lost.
Mr. Herbert moved to amend by inserting after the word service)
the w o ~ d sthe stock raisers.
The amendment was lost.
On motion of Mr. Smith of North Carolina, the vote agreeing to the
amendment of Mr. Perkins was reconsidered, and Mr. Smith of North
Carolina moved to amend the satne by inserting after the word salaried the words or feed; which was agreed to, and the amendment
as amended was agreed to.
Illr. Foster moved to amend by striking out the words
t h e president, superintendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, eng
gers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to each se
miles, and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad

and inserting in lieu thereof the words the presidents, snperintendents, engineers, machinists, &ndsection masters of railroad companies.
Mr. nilachen called the question; which was ordered, and theamendment was lost.
Nr. Gartrcll moved to amend by striking out the words conductors
and treasurer.
Mr. Clark moved t o amend the amendment by adding thereto the
word managers.
Nr. &lachen called the question; which was ordered, and the amendment to the amendment was lost.
Mr. Jones demaiided the previous question.
The demand was not sustained.
Mr. Moore moved to lay the amendment on the table.
Mr. Heiskell called for t h e question; which was ordered
motion to lay on the- table was agreed to.
Mr. Hilton moved to insert before the word laborers the word
Mr. Hciskell called the question; which was ordered, and the amendment mas lost.
Mr. Atkins moved t o amend by inserting after the word messenge
the words

Provided, That where the road shall be a lateral or branch road of a length
twenty miles only the president, conductors, engineers, machinists, section
and track hands shall he exempt.

Mr. Ralls called for the question; which was ordered, a

ment was lost.



[Sept. 29, 1862.

Mr. Dargan inoved toamend by insertiiigafter the word messen *er

the words all now engaged in the manuiacture of gas for lights, ,Fand
called the question thereon; which was ordered, and the amendment
was lost.
Mr. Barksdale moved to amend by striking out the words
all foremen, pressmen, and journeymen printers employed i n printing newspapem
having at least five hundred bona fide subscribers,

and inserting in lieu thereof the words

proprietors of newspapers actually engaged in said business:
hiindred hona fide subscribers, and such number of editors, foremen, pressmen, and
other employees as the said proprietors may o n osth testify to be necessary to the
publication of the said newspapers in the same style as at the time of the passage of
this law.

Mr. Collier inoved to amcnd the amendment by striking out all

thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words
onc editor for each newspaper now being published, and such employees as the editor
or proprictor may certify upon oath to be indispensable for conducting the publication.

Mr. Wilcox demanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment to the amendment mas agreed to.
Mr. Dupr6 moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to the
amendment. of MY.Collier to the amendment of Mr. Harksdale.
The inotion WM lost, and the amendment as amended was agreed to.
Mr. Dupr6 moved to reconsider the vote agreeing to the amendment
as amended.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Strickland, by unanimous consent, resented the memorial of
sundry citizens of Georgia and South Carof?nia, praying the establishment of a fitage line; which mas referred to the Conmiittee on PostOffices and Post-Roads, without being read.
A message WHS received from the President, by his Yrivate Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the House that on the 27th instant the
President approved and signed the following bills, to wit:
Joint resolution to authorize the Postmaster-General to rause certain alterations to
be made in the building now occupied by t h e Post-Oflice Department;
An act to provide for t h e payment of sums ascertained to be due for postal service
to citizens of t h e Confederate States, by t h e Postmaster-General;
An act to amend an act entitled An act to provide furth for the public defense,
approved 16th April, 1862; a n d
An act to increase the Signal Corps.

A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.

Nmh; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
8. 83. An act to amend an act entitled An act for the establishnieiit and organization of a general staff for the Army of the Confederate States of America,
approved February 26, 1862;
I n which I ani directed to ask the cwicurrencae of this House.

A message was also received from the Senate; which is as follows

to wit:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 80. An act to permit persons subject to enrollment to enlist i n the Marine
In which I a m directed to ask the concurrence of this House.
The Senate have also passed a bill of this House of the following title, viz:
H. R. 25. An act supplemental to a n act authorizing the Secretary of War to
grant transfers, approved September 23, 1862.


Sept. 30, 1862.1

Mr. Foote moved that the House resolve itself into secret Seas
Pending which,
The House adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow.

30, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Moore.
Leave of absence was granted Messrs. H. W. Bruce, Moore, G
and blachen for the remainder of the session.
On motion of Xr. Foote, the House resolved itself into sec
sion; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
X r . &enler: The Senate hare passed a bill of the following title, viz:
ail act entitled An act to provide for the public defense,
ap1)roved 6th March, 1861;
In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.
S. 97. Ail acl lo aniend

A nicssnge was also

to wit:

ived from the Senate; which is as follows,

nate hare passed a bill and joint resolution of this House of the
following titles,

repeal the law authorizing commutation for soldiers clothing,

and to require clothing to be furnished by the secretary of War in kind; and
I f . K. SO. Joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. I. i\i. Brown and all under his
The Senate have passed a hill of the following title, viz:
S . 112. An act to authorize the Vice-President of the Conlederate States to employ
a secretary;
I n a h i c h bill I ain dircctetl to axk the concurrence of this IIouse.

Mr. Moore presented the memorial and claim of William D. Miller,

of rJynchburg, VA.,asking pay for loss of a negro; which was referred
to the Conmiittee on Claims, without being read.
Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker
A bill to be entitled An act sapplemental to an act authorizing
the Secretary of War to grant transfers, approved Septembe
third, eighteen hundred arid s i x t y - t ~ o . ~
The Speaker signed the same.
The honr having arrived for the consideration of the speci
Mr. Chilton moved that the saiiie be postponed.
The niotion was lost, and the House proceeded to the cons1
of the special order, which was
A bill to he entitled A n act to exempt certain persons fro
rl~ity,and to repeal an act entitled An act to exempt certain persons
from enrollment for servicxe in the Army of the Confederate States,
approved April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
Mr. Perliins moved to amend by insertingafter the word mechanics
the words in the active service and crnployment; which was agreed to.
Mr. Foster moved to amend by striking out the words
every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his sect,
in the regular discharge o uiiiiisterial duties,


J O U R ~ A L OF TH$

[Sept. 30, 1862.

and called thc question thereon; which was ordered, and the amendment
was lost.
Mr. Foster also moved to amend by striking out the words
arid all persons who have been and now are members of the Society of Friends and
the Aswc%tion of Dunkem in regular menibership in their respective denominations.

Mr. Ashe moved to amend by adding after the word denominations

the words
Proiided, The members of t h e Society of Friends or Dunkers shall furnish substitutes
or pay a tax of five hundred dollars into the Confederate Treasury.

Mr. Kenner demanded the question; which as ordered, and the

amendment was agreed to.
Nr. Garnett demanded the question; which was ordered, and was
upon agreeing t,o the amendment of Mr. Foster.
Mr. Goodo demanded the yeas and nays;
Which mere ordered,
_ _ _ _ - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas-..
Nags - - -.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Rarksdale, Batson, Ronham, Eli M. Bruce,
Clapp, Clopton, Currin, DuprE, Foster, Gartrell, Holt, Kenan of
North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, McRae, Menees, Pugh, Welsh, arid
Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Ashe, Baldwin, Boteler, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Collier,
Conrad, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Farrow, Boote, Garland, Garnett, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Heiskell,
Herbert, Hilton, Holcomlie, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Lyon, Lyons,
Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McQueen, Miles, Perkins, Preston,
Kalls, Ltoyston, Russell, Smith of North Carolina, Trippe, Wright of
Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. Hanly moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the amendment was rejected.
air. Goode moved to lay that motion upon the table; which was
agreed to.
A message was received from the President, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Garnett moved a suspension of the rules to enable him to introduce a resolution; which was agreed to, and Mr. Garnett offered a
resolution that no dekate shall be allowed upon the bill under consideration or the amendments thereto, and called the question thereon;
which was ordered, and the resolution was agreed to.
Mr. Chambers moved that the House reconsider the rote by which
the resolution was agreed to.
Mr. ltoyston moved to lny the motion upon the table; which mas
agreed to.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend by inserting after
the word Dunkers the word Mennonists; which was agreed to.
Mr. Miles moved to amend by inserting after the word denomina
tions the words


all professors and teachers in theological seminaries and all students therein who are
candidates for the ministry.

Mr. Perkins moved to amend the amendment by inserting after the

word therein the words who were such at the time of the secession of their respective States, and.

Sept. 30,1862.1


The amndment to the amendment mas lost.

JIr. Clopton moved to amend the amendnient by striking
-words Landstudents therein who are candidates for the minis
Mr. Foster moved to lay the same upon the table.
Mr. Garnett demanded the yeas and nays;
\\hich were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to
Teas: Rrrington, Atlrins, Ayer,
ton, Collier, Conrad, Currin, Dar
trcll, 14ciskel1, Holt, Jones, Kenan
h a , Kenner, Landcr, Lyon, Machen, M
l\elsh, JVilcox, JTright of Texas, and
Hays: hshe, 13aldwin, Batson, Bot
Chiiton, Curry, Dc Jarnette, Farro
Gray, I-lttnly, llartridge, Herbert,
shall, Mc Do w el 1, McRae, McQueen,
12alls, Ltogston, Russell, Smith of North Carolina, and Mr. Speaker.
So thc niotion to lay on the table was lost, and the nmendment to the
amcndrncntj was lost.
Mr. 1;ohter moved to amcnd the amendment by adding thereto the
words That all lawyers, farmers, planters, merchants, and mechanics
he cscnlpted. )
Mr. Jtoyston rnovcd to lay the same upon the table; which was
wwxd to.
*Tile question recurring on the amendment offered by Mr.
Mr. Miles cnlled for the yeas and nays;
lVhich were ordered,
Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I,,d arc recorded as follows: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _- -_ 31
Yeas: hshc, Baldwin, Batson, Boteler, Eli M. Bruce, Chilton, Collier, C u l ~ y Dawlrins,
De Jarnette, Footc, Garnett, Goode, Graham,
(iniy, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Hilton, Lyons, Marshall, McDowcll,
McQueen, Miles, Preston, Ralls, Rogston, Russell, Smith of North
(hrolina, Wright of Texas, and Mr. bpcalcer.
Nays: Rrrington, Atkins, Ayer, Barksdale, Bonham, Rridgers,Clark,
Clopton, Conrad, Dargan, F a r ~ o wFoster,
Garland, Gartrcll, I-Ieiskell,
1101t, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Lander, Lyon, Machen, McRae, Mences, Pcrlcins, Lugh, Swan, Tibbs
Trippc, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. Grnham moved to amend by striking out the word (
inserting in lieu thereof the word (three.
The amendment was lost.
hlr. Kenan of Georgia moved to amend by striking out the words

all physicians ~ l h nov:

o are and for the last five ycars have been in the actual practice of their profession.

The amendment was lost.

Rlr. Russell inoved to amend by inserting after the vord profession the words
EroiGkd, That any tinlc spent in military service during the war F;hall be reckoned
as part. of the time of such practice in computing the said five years.

On niotion of Mr. Atkins, the vame was laid upon the table.



[Sept. 30, 1862.

Mr. Russell moved to amend by inserting after the word profession )thc words
and where there is no such practicing physician residing among a population of two
thousand persona or more, one physician for such population may be exempted at
the discretion ok the President.

The arnendirient was lost.

Mr. Holt moved that the House take a recess until 8 oclock.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Barksdale moved that the House adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Gray m o x d to amend by inserting after the word profession
the words
the only soils of witlows who h a r e sole charge of the widows farm, stock, ranch,
or other busiiiess for her support;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Conrad moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to the
aniendu ien t .
&Ir.Kenan of Georgia moved to lay that motion on the table.
The motion to lay on the table was lost, and the motion to reconsider
was agreed to.
Mr. Conrad moved to amend the amendment by striking out the
word only and inserting in lieu thereof the word one, and inserting before the word wido om^" the word every, and to change the
word widows to widow; which was agreed to.
Mr. Bonham moved to amend the amendment by inserting the
words arid all persons whose families are dependent upon such person
alone for support.
The aniendnient to the amendment WRS lost, and the amendment of
Mr. Gray \ m y agreed to as ainonded.
Mi-. Milvs iriored to amend by inserting after the amendnicnt of
Mr. Gray the words
all professors and teachers in State military academies or schools and the cadets

Mr. Foster moved that the House take a recess until a quarter past
8 oclock.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Curry moved to amend the amendment by inserting after the
word cadets the words not over twenty-one years of age; which
was agreed to.
Mr. Foote demanded the previous question.
The demand was not sustained.
M r . Chambers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker
A bill to be entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act providing for the appointment of adjutants of regiments and legions, of
the grade of subaltern, in addition to the subalterns attached to companies, approved August thirty -first, eighteen hundred and sixtyone; also
A bill to he entitled An act t o empower certairi persons to adininister oaths in certain cases.
And the Speaker signed the same.

sept. 30,1862I


The Chair laid hefore thc HOUSC

a communication from the 1
dent); which is as fullows, t o wit:
Y A . , September 30, 1862.
1hercirith transinit for your consideration a coniinunication from the Secreb
of \Var, submitting estimates of the Quartermaster-General.
1 reconlmeild that an apprupriation be made of the amount for the p r p o

which, with its accompanying documents, was read and referred t

the Committee on Mays and Aieans.
Thc Chair also presented a bill of the Senate to amend an act to
provide for the public defense, approved March 6, 1861; which was
rpad t h e first and second times and referred to the Committee on
Military Rfkairs.
Also, a Seriate bill to amend an act entitled An act for the establishiiierit arid organization of a general stafT for the Army of the Confederate States of America, approved February 26, 1861; which was
read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Aflairs.
Also, a Senate bill to permit persons subject to enrollnient to enlist
in thc Marine Corps; which was read the first and second times and
referred to t,he Committee on Naval Affairs.
Also, a Senate hill to authorize the Vice-president of the Confedcrtttc Skates to employ a Secretary; which was read the first and second
times and referred to the Corrirnittee on the Judiciary.
Also, a Senate bill for the relief of disbursin officers and other
agcnts of the Government in certain cases; whic was read the first
:tnd second tinies and referred to the Committee on the Quartermasters
and Cotnniissarj- Ilcpartments and Military Transportation.
The Chair also presented a bill of the House entitled
A bill supplementary to an act concerning the pay and allowances
duc to deceased soldierq, approved February 15, 1862, and to provide
for the prompt settlenient of claims for arrearages of pay, allowsnces,
and bounty due to deceased officers and soldiers,
reported from the Senate with the following arnendnierit, to wit: Strike
out in the third section the words t h e same as the head of the Quartermasters Division in said office and insert in lieu thereof the words
fifteen hundred dollars.
The bill was taken up, and the question being on concurring in the
anienclnicnt of the Senate,
The same was agreed to.
MY.Miles, by consent, introduced
A bill to amend an act for the organization of the stag departme
of the Ariny of the Confederate States of America, approved March
which lvas read the first and second times and referred to the Cornniittw on Military Affairs.



Tile House adjourned until 11oclock to-morrow.



[Sept. 30,1862.


The House being in secret session,

Mr. Smith of Alabama submitted the views of the minority of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs on a resolution of the House relative
to recall of commissioners abroad, etc. ; which is as follows, to wit:
Minority report of the Committee 011 Foreign Affairs, presented by Mr. Smith of Alabama.

The undersigned members of the Cornmittee of Foreign Affairs, to which wvas

referred certain resolutions introduced into the House, touching the propriety of
recalling our commissioners to foreign powers, and of expelling those persons acting within the limits of the Confederate States as foreign consuls, not being able to
agree with the majority of the said committee, and being unwilling to indorse their
report, beg leare to present this minority report.
A s it seems to i i b that the iepurt of tlie iiiajority reflects by implication upon the
Iresitlcwt ol tlie Confedelate States, aud upon tho Secretary of State, the undersigned
clreiii i t due to tliemselvcs and to the IIouse to refer to such portions of the documents laid before the coiiiiiiittce as will serve to place the subject in its proper light
before the Ilousc~.
I n ordcr that the committee might bc enabled to act most advisedly on the subject,
the House a t tlie coniniittees request, adopted t h e following rcsolutions:
Resolwd, That the President be respectfully requested, if not incompatible with
the public interest, to communicate to this House the number and names of all persons engaged in the service of the Confederate States in foreign countries, either as
diplomatic, consular, or commercial agents, or i n any other capacity, stating the places
to which they have been sent, t h e date of their a pointment, the salaries they receive,
the duties they are expected t o discharge, a n d i o w far they have been officially or
otherwise recognized by any foreign government. Also the number and character
of foreign agents, Tvhether consular, commercial, or other, known to our Government,
representing in any capacity foreign governments, within the limits of the Confederate States, and whether in communicating with this Government, they do so under
an exequatur from our own Government or that of the United States, and whether
they are subordinate or subject to the control and direction in any way, and to what
degree, of the ministers of their respective countries accredited to and residing in
the United States.
T h e President is further respectfully requested to communicate such instructions
as may have been given our foreign agents and such correspondence as may have
been had with other governments, either through the Secretary of State or our commissioners abroad, as will aid Congress iu its legislation regarding foreign nations
and their citizens residing in our midst.
In response to these resolutions, the President submitted to t h e House an answer,
consisting of a vast amount of information, which was referred to the committee,
and by them examined. This answer was deemed uneatisfactory by the majority of
the committee, as shown by their report. The coniplaint of t h e majority seems to
be based upon the idea that the answers to the resolutions are not sufficiently full
and explicit. Let us examine this objection.
The IIouse resolutions called only for such information as could be communicated
not incompatible with t h e public interest.
Who is to be the judge-who is to dccide what statemcnts should be mado public?
Certainly not the IIousc nor t h e committee, but the President and his adviser, the
Sccrctary of State. According to the theory upon which our Government is based,
the Secretary of State stands at the head of the Cabinet. He is the Presidents chief
adviser. IIe is the keeper of the secrets of the State, and to his enlightened judgmerit is committed the important discretion of publication.
The President was advised by the terins of the resolutions not to communicate
anything, the publication of which would, in his opinion, be incompatible with the
public interest. And thus, by the legitimate interpretation of the resolutions themselves, h e was bound to conclude that whatever h e did communicate might be made
public a t t h e discretion of the House.
We admit and claim that the Committee on Foreign Affairs is entitled to the confidence of the President, but not to an unlimited extent; and we do not believe that
any committee of this Ilouse has a right to demand from him the possession of State
secrets, when, in his opinion, these secrets ought not to be made public.
The conimittee did not request the inforniation as a committee. The in uir was
preferred by the House; and, whatever information the answer might hare %iscgsed,
must, under the resolutions, be given to the House; and t h e H o u ~ ecould publish or
not, as a majority might determine. And it must not be forgotten that t h e inquiry

Sept. 30, lSfX2.1


itself was upon a subject which, froin its very nature, belongs less to the House th
to the President and the Senate. Diplomacy is a peculiar science; its very life
secrecy. It should always be crowned with the Helmet of Pluto, (which Itlake
the politic inan go invisible.
The report of the majority, though guarded and courteous in its phraseolog is
nevertheless a complaint that the President has not communicated all t h e &-&
requested We ( v m e to this conclusion from the expressions of regret that i t contaii?s, and its atteniptid argument, that, in making the inquiry, the House had not
deslred to trcmh upon the peculiar province of the Senate, nor had transcended its
O\yn p o w r r .
Here is the argnment of the majority: I This House in no way transcends its pawers n hen it seeks of the Executive, through the proper channel, a knowledge not
only of the nufnber and naiiies of our diplomatic agents, but also a statement of the
fad, whether consnlar or cnonmercial agents h a r e been sent abroad, and if so, to
what countries; and v Iiether they have been permitted by the governments to which
they have been sent to exercise the custoniary powers of such agents, or have been
forrctl to forego entirel?. the discharge of the very important duties pertaining to such
appointlnents, and made to occupy the character of extraordinary or special or
secret agents.
If, by the use of the word (powers in the foregoing extract, we are to understand
that it occupies the place of a synonym to the word riglit, we do not adinit the
proposition; the vtry contrary is true. I n this connection i t must not be forgotten
that the resolution of inquiry requested the President to communicate the (number
and names of ull persons engaged in the service of the Confederate States in foreign
countries, either as diplomatic, comular, or cominercial agents, or in any o h - capacity, Ptating the pkices to M hich they have been sent, the date of their appointment,
tht. salaries they recei\ e, the duties they are expected to discharge, and how far they
have been officially or otherwise recognized by any foreign government.
This argument of the majority that the House has not trarisceiided its power must
be held to embrace the foregoing broad and sweeping interrogatory.
A s a political proposition it is certainly true that every government has the
undoubted right, especizdly in times of war, to have secret diplomatic, commercial,
and consular agents. If the Governnient had this undonbted right it can not be
deprived of it by any one of its coordinate branches. I t is impossible that the Government and one branch of the Congress should have the same power, if the
existence of the one is inconsistent with the existence of the other; and for a government to reveal the names, number, and functions of its secret agents is at once to
destroy that pon er, for they would no longer be secret agents.
M n n y of t h e con~mercial,diplomatic, and other agents now abroad were appointed
in t h e first year of t h e Go\-ernnient, under the strictest secrecy; and Congress has
repeatedly recognized the power of the Government to have secret agents, and has
indorsed their appointment by appropriating money for the payment of their salaries.
It 1% ill be wen b y an examination of the communication that the Secretary has
given the names and localities of our principal diplomatic agents, together with his
instruction to then], but that h e has not communicated all the names, localities, and
functions of others than t h e diploinatic agents. And the Secretary says that It
11ould be impossible to conimunicate to the House, without greut detriment to the
public interest, the naines and number of all persons engaged iri the service of the
Confederate States in foreign countries, either as diplonidtic, commercial, or consular agents, or in any other capacity, stating the places to which they have been
sent, t h e date of their appointment, the salaries they receive, the duties which they
are expected to discharge.
On this subject the Secretary adds: During the pendency of hostilities the very
objects for which other than diplomatic agent,? have been sent abroad would be
exnoscd to defeat bv divulging the dtltails called for in the resolutions; and thew
objects are of great l;atioiiaiir;lportance.
Phe undersigned recogniLe the force of thcsc observations.
Can i t be supposed that a Government whose pride i t has been to develop its
niightiest energies in the prosecution of this war of subjugation a t home, could have
failed to have established abroad a system of espionage with detectives to track our
foreign agents and to thwart their enterprises We niay well suppose, on the contraiy, that wherever a ship may be built or purchased, wherever a gun or a pound
of powder may be obtained, there are the agents of the United States to b e found.
Experience has proven this, and wherever abroad Southern syinpathy exlsb, there
in particular this swarm of secret emisFaries niay be supposed to congregate. Would
not a revelation of the number, naines, and functions of our. secret agents, under
such circumstances, endanger the success of their respective missions?



[Sept. 30, 1862.

h i d sliall the Secretary of State be expected to step aside from his high duty, even
to a n m e r the most solenin inquiry of a Congressional committee? We think not.
Among the many subjects of iiiterest which the comniuniwtion of the Secretary of
State discloses we quote passages from t h e letters of Commissioners Mason a n d
Slidell, bearing especially upon the subject of t h e original resolutions. Upon the
subject of recognition Mr. Mason says: I I a m i n full and frequent communication
here with many able and influential members of t h e House of Commons, who confer with me i n pcrfcct frankness and candor, and who are prepared to move the
question in the House whenever i t may be found expedient, but in the attitude of
parties here (meaning the ministerial and opposition), as the ministry will not
move, i t is not deemed prudent to enable it to make the question an issue with the
opposition, and so motions that have been projected hangfire.
As far as the public IS concerned, all agree that there has been a complete change
in seiitinient as the war goes on. Both my own intercourse-which is becomin
large-and information derived from all quarters satisfy me that the educated a n 8
enlightenetl classrs are in full sympathy with us, and are becoming impatient a t the
supineness of the (?overninent.
hlr. Slidell says, speaking of his interview with -: I In reply t o my suggestions that t h e war could only be brought to a close by the intervention of European
powers, which should be preceded by our recognition and a renewed proffer of mediation, he said that France could not act without the cooperation of England, but
that within the last few days there seemed to be a change i n the tone of the English
cabinet; that if New Orleans had not fallen our recognition could not have been
much longer delayed; but that even afler that disaster, if we obtained decided successes
in Virginia and Tmnesspe, or could hold the enemy at bay a month or two,the same result
aoulcl follow.
Nr. Mason also refers to this opinion, that if New Orleans had not fallen our recognition would not have been much longer delayed.
Thriv the undersigned show through this correspondence that the state of things
now actually exist in this country mhirh, i n the opinion of our commissioners, would
have probably secnrd our rccognition in Englaiid arid France, for we have not only
kept t h e enemy a t bay a month or two, hut have obtained decided 6ucceeses i n Virginia and Tcnnessee. If the fall of New Orleans prevented recognition, as we are
bound to bclicvc froni the opinions of our coiiiniissioners, may \ye not now expect
such a reaction in the minds of European powers as will produce the best feeling in
our behalf? To-day, \\ hile we are discussing the propricty of rcealling our commissioners, i t may be that the French and British cabinets, driven by our recent glorious
victories, have alrrady decreed our recognition.
What is the fall of New Orleans, disastrous as i t was, when we h a ~ driven
off a
vast. beleaguring army from the precincts of our capital and pursued the fugitives to
their gates; when IVashington and not Richmond is threatened; when a veteran
army, crowned with twenty successive victories and led by generals whose fame is
yet unsullied by a siugle defeat, triumphantly erect their standard8 in the valleys
and on the hills of an amazed and discomfited enemy. If, after such developments
as these, such demonstrations of an ability to maintain our own independence, t h e
courts of Europe should still stubbornly refuse to proclaim our rights and to invite
us to participate upon terms of perfect equality at their diplomatic boards, that policy
which would be petulance in us now may well assume the majestic proportions of
national indignation, a n d Christendom would then applaud a resolution on our part
to scorn those nations which had too sullenly denied our association.
As to the merits of that part of the original resolution referring to our commissioners, the undersigned are of opinion that we have done, as a nation, precisely as
we ought to have done. Guided by the custom of ages, we sent commissioners
abroad to proclaim that we had dissolved the political bands that connected us with
the United States, and that we claimed a place amongst the independent powers of
the earth.
This we did n ith modesty and dignity. To send other commiesioners would be
unbecoming, and to recall those R e have already sent would be an exhibition of
impatience which the world would interpret as petulance.
In regard tc, persons claiming to act as consuls for foreign powers in the Confederacy, t h e Secretary of State submits the following remarks:
T h e annexed list marked C shows t h e names of the only agents of foreign governments known by t h e Department within t h e limits of the Confederate States.
-411 of these agents, except one, had been recognized by the Government of the United
States by exequaturs as t h e duly authorized agents of t h e foreign governments by
which they were respectively appointed, a t a period antecedent to that when the several Confederate States revoked the powers previously delegated to the United States,

Sept. 30, 1862.1


and under which the Ciovernrnent of the United States controlled the re
whether diplomatic or commercial, which grew up between those States and
The Secretary adds:
According to well-recognized principles, both of public and private law, the
agents of foreign governments havin been recognized as such by the agent of the
several Confederate States prior to t%e revocation of the power delegated to that
agent, remain so recognized after tho revocation. It waa and is undoubtedly within
the power of this Government, as i t is within that of all governmenh, to decline permitting th e above-mentioned agents to remain within our limits, but for obvious reasons t h e exercise of such power has been deemed unwise and impolitic. It is known
to the Department that the foreign consuls within the Confederacy communicatewith
their governments in Europe by sending dis atches to the care of the ministers of
their respective governments residing in Was&ngton; and this Department has thus
been enabled on different occasions to cause correct information to reach foreign
countries on matters which it was highly important to the public interest should be
TI idply disseminated and properly understood.
The undersigned cordially indorse the wisdom of these suggestions and the propriety of th e policy therein indicated. I n the present irregular condition of our
corniiiercial affairs, arising from the blockade of our ports, these persons may well
be permitted to remain at their posts without strict formality, doing no harm to us,
and often affording channels of information and communication which we might
not otherwise readily obtain. The few truths that have reached Europe of the
eventful occurrences of the war, within our borders, have been communicated
through these persons. They have promptly contradicted the exaggerated statements
of our foes, and charity compels us to suppose that while some of them may be
unfriendly to UP, yet a vast majority of them are at least sufficiently friendly to
inakc to their respectire governments the most favorable and impartial reports of
the actual condition of things within the Confederate States.
While we admit and complain that the powers of Europe have been slow to be

importunity in claiming favors is the basest suppliancy.

The resolutions of the House further inquire how far the agents aforesaid h a r e
been officially or otherwise recognized by foreign governments. To this question
the Secretary gives all the information contained in the diplomatic correspondence
now in the Department.
For these and other reasons the undersigned are of opinion that the communication of th e President in answer to the resolutions of the House contains information
as fnll and explivit as the circumstances authorized.
We therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
Resoked, That it is inexpedient, at this time, to take any legislative action on the
resolutions originally introduced on the subject of recalling our Commissioners, and
dismissing from the limits of the Confederacy such ersons as are supposed or known
to act as consuls for foreign countries in t h e Confe erate States.
All of which is respectfully submitted.

Mr. Wright of Tcxas moved that the majority and minority reports
of the Conlmittee on Foreign Affairs be printcd for the use of the

House; which motion prevailed.

On motion, Mr. Hartridge was granted leave to print, with majority
and minority
resolution offered by himself as substitute for
- reports,
the same.
Mr. Foote, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom was
A resolution in relation to the amendment of tho law concerning



[Sept. 30,1862.

rcpoi*tdand rcconimeiidcd the passage of a bill entitled An act to

anicnd an act recognizing the existence of war between the United
States arid the Confedci-iite Statca, and concernin letters of marque,
prizes, and prize goods; which was read first an second times.
31r. Lyons moved to arneiid the bill by adding a t the end tliereof
the following ~vords,to wit,:

Hut before the vessel to which the said letters are intended to apply shall go to
sea, the owners thereof shall cause a full description of the said vessel, includiri her
, to be made in i+ritingbefore some commissioner or agent of the
t d to the said letters, a copy of which shall be retained
t, am1 tiansiiiitted to the President of the Confederate
all of which shall be expressed upoii the face of the
States, as w o ~ as
said lrtter.

bir. Roj-ston dem;tndcd tlic prcvious question; and the deinantl being
sustained, the :tiiiendiiient of Xlr. Lyoris was agreed to.
On motion of A h . Gray, the bill and :Lmendnient were recommitted
to the Coniniittec on Foreign RBairs.
M r . Yootc offared the following resolution; which was read and
agreed to, to wit:
Resolred, That the President he requested to cause the Department of State to ask
for and transmit to this House cstiiiiates of the expense incident to the sendiii
diplomatic agents (supplied with such instructions as he shall deem most wise a n 8
proper) to t h e court of His Majesty the Einperor of Brazil, and such other of the
South hniericaii States as lie shall suppose to be judicious to open diplomatic relations I\ ith.

Air. Kennrr, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom

was recommitted a Sicii:ite bill to increase the provisions for dctccti n g counterfeit notrs, I-eportcd that the coniaiittec had had the ~ a ~ i i e
under considcratioii, and rccomrnend that it pass as originally reported
and passed.
And the qiicst,ion being on thc passage of the same, thc bill was
Mr. lilenner, from the same committee, to whom was referred a
Senate hill to be entitlcd * A n act to appropriate money for the purchase, arming, and equipping resscls abroad, reported the same back,
with the recommendation that it pass.
The bill was taken up, read a third time, and passed.
Mr. Iilenner, from the same committee, reported and recomniended
the passage of a bill nialring appropriation for the defense of western
and southern rivers; which was iscad first and second times.
Xr. ,Jones moved to suspend the rule requiring the bill to be considered in Coinniittcc of the Rholc.
The motion wab agreed to.
Mr. I$. &i.
Bruce iiiovcd to anicnd the hill by striking out therefrom
the word one and inserting in lieu thereof the word ten.
The amendment was agreed to.
Xr. Garnett called t he previous question; whicah was sustained, and
the question being on the passage of the bill,
On motion of Mr. Halt, the yeas and nays were recorded,
And are as follows, to wit: Yeas- _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ -. _
- _ - - _ -- . - - 66
Nays _ _ __ _
__ _
. _
. _
_ _ __ -_
- -.3- _
Yeas: Arrington, Rshe, Atkins, Baldwin, Rarksdale, Batson, Ronham, Uoteler, Boyce, Horatio ITr. Bruce, Eli 31. Bruce, Chambers,
Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Currin,
Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, DuprB, Harrow, Foster, Free-

Oct. 1,3862.1

nlan, (T;ardenhire, Garnett, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gray,

TTarris, Hartridge, Hilton, Holcombe, Kenner, Tlyon, Lyons,
;GIwhw, Marshall, McDowell, McRae, McQueen, Menees, Miles,
&loore, l'el-kinx, Preston, Pugh, Xalls, Rovston, Russell, Sexton,
Sniith of Alat-,ama, Swan, Trippe, Welsh, W?lcox, Wright of Texlts,
nnessee, and Mr. bpeaker.
kell, IIolt, and Kennn of Georgia.
So the bill was passed.
> h a . I T a r r i ~introduced
A hill to he entitled "An act to authorize Primus Emerson and
Edivard Haven, jr., to fit out a vessel to operate against the common
~vhichwas read first and second times.
n.Chambers moved that the House resolve itself into open session.
Gpon which motion Mr. Harris denianded the yeas and nays.
The demand was not sustained.
And the motion of Mr. Chambers prevailed.
1, 1862.

The T-Touw met pursuant to adjournment.

3f r. Lyons, by consent, off'ered the following preamble and resolntiom:
WhrreaP Abraham Lincoln, finding that the people of the Confederate States ran
not be conquered in honorable and civilized war, has, by a proclamation the most
inhunian and atrocious that xias ever issued by aiiy man or power professing to be
ci\ ilized, endeavored to incite servile insurrection among us with a view to snbject to nia~sacrenot only our aped and infirm men, but o w women and children, and
has commanded the Army and Kavy under his command to aid and abet him in his
hellish work: Therefore,
Resohwl, First. That the people of the Confederate States be, and they are hereby,
exhorted to kill and destroy by all rneans in their power every officer, soldier, and
bailor ot t h e Liiicolnite Army and Kavy who may be found within the Confederate
States unless he be a regular prisoner of war.
Second. That aiter the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, no
oflicer of the Lincolnite Army or Kavy ought to be captured a1i.r e, and if so raptured,
he ought to be ininiediatelv hung.
Third. That every s1ave"and free negro ~ i - h oshall after the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, day, by aiiy means, an oficer, sailor, or soldier of
the Lincolnite Army or S a \ y , upon satibfactory proof thereof, shall be entitled to a
bounty of twenty dollars and ail annuity of twenty dollars for life.
Fourth. That the Colllmittee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire whether any
legislation be necessary to give effect to the foregoing rcsolutions, and that it have
lea\ e to report by bill or otherwise.

On motion, the resolutions were referred to the Committee on

Foreign Affairs.
Nr. Foote, by consent, introduced thc memorial of General Henni?gsen in relation to river naiigation; rrhich was ordered t o be
printed and referred to the Corninittee on Naval Affairs, without being
Air. Foote, by consent, also introduced joint resoliltions recognizing
the practical iieutrality of the States of Oregon and California and
the Territories of Washington and Kevada, suggesting the advantages
which would result to the people thereof from an inimediate assertion
on their part of their independence of the United States and proposing


tat.1, 1862.


upon their so doing the formation of a lea ue offensive and defensive

between the said States and Territories an the Confederate States of
America; which were read the first and second times, referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Chilton, by consent, introduced joint resolutions in relation to
retaliation; which were read the first and second timesand referred to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Gartrell, by conscnt, presented a memorial in relation to postal
affairs; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and PostRoads, without being read.
Mr. Chambliss, by conscnt, resented a design for a flag; which was
referred to the Comrriittcc on lag and Seal.
Mr. Hotclcr, by consent, presented the memorial of Dr. Robert
Randolph in refe~~ence
to in terest-bearing Treasury notes; which was
rcferrcd to the Comniittee on Ways and Means, without being read.
Mi.. l'erkins, by consent, introduced a bill to regulate the pay of
officers of the Army on furlough; which was read the first and second
times and referred to the Coinmittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Perkins, by consent, introduced
A bill to provide for the regular return of pay rolls in the Army to
the proper authorities of the Government;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.
A message TVW received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:


Mt-. Spmber: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 106. An act to organize military courts to attend the Army of the Confederate
States in the field, and to define the powers of said courts;
In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion, the bill reported was taken up, read the first and second
times, arid referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill to authorize t h e establishment of camps of instruction, and
the appointment of officers to command the same;
which was read t h c first and second times, and the rule re uiring it to
be postponed and placed u on the Calendar was suspende .
The hour having arrive for the consideration of the special order,
Mr. Bonham moved a postponement of the same until the disposal of
the bill under consideration; which was agreed to, and Mr. Miles
called the question.
The question was ordered, and the bill was engrossed, read a third
time, and passed.
Mr. Hartridge, by consent, introduced
A bill supplemental to an act to amend an act to provide further for
the public defense, approved April 16, 1863;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Hartridge, by consent, presented the memorial of sundry officers
of the Confederate States Navy, praying for pay while imprisoned by
the United States; which was referred to the Committee on Claims,
without being read.
Mr. Barksdale, from the Committee on Printing, reported
A bill to amend an act in relation to the public printing, approved
February 27, 1861;

Get. 1, 1862.1

which was read the first and second times, its further con
postponed, and ordered to be printed.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special orde
which was
A hill to be entitled An act to exempt certain persons from militarJ
duty, and to repeal an act entitled An act to exempt certain perso
from enrollment for service in the Army of the Confederate State
approved twenty-first April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
Mr. Chilton inoved a postponement of the same, and that the House
take up
A bill to enable the President of the Confederate States to provide
the means of military transportation by the construction of 8 railroad
between Blue Mountain, Ala., and Rome, Ga.
The motion was loat.
Mr. Chilton then moved that the bill referred to be made the special
order for the morning hour of to-morrow.
The motion was lost.
lhe IZouse having recurred to the special order, and the question
being on the amendment of Mr. Miles, as amended,
The same was lost.
Mr. Raldwin moved to amend by inserting the word hatters afteG
the word shoemakers.
The iLrnendment was lost.
Mr. Ci1rr.y moved to amend by striking out the words harness
makers and saddlers.
The ainenclment was agreed to.
Nr. Chambers moved to amend by inserting after the word trade
the words habitually engaged in working for the public, and; which
mas agreed to.
Nr. Herbert mored to amend by inserting after theword employed
the words ferrymen on post routes and other principal routes now in
MY. Chambers moved to amend the amendment by adding thereto
the TToi-ds not to exceed one at any locality.
The amendment to the amendment was agreed to, and the arnendment as amended was lost.
MI.. Clark moved to amend by inserting after the word employed
the words
Proeided further, That any persons enrolled under the act of fiiteenth of April,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, now in service or in camp, of the above trades, be
also exempted on making oath that he is of one of said trades, and that he will employ
himpelf in his trade.

The amendment was lost.

Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend by inserting aftcr the
word employed ) the words
Iro?%detlfurther, That the exemptions herein granted to persons by reson oE their
peculiar mechanical or other occupation or employment not connected wlth the public
service shall l)e subject t o the condition that the producte of the labor of such
exempts, or of the conipanies and establishments with nhic*htliey are connected,
shall be solcl and disposed of by the proprietors at prices not exceeding double the
cost of proctuction or within a maximum to be fixed by the Secrehry of War under
such regulations as h e may prescribe.

Mr. IIolt moved to amend the amendment by adding the words

ilncl 11 i s further prowided, That if the proprietors of any surh lnanllfacturing establishment shall k)e shown upon evidence to be submitted to, and judged of, by the



[Oct. 1, 1862.

Secrebry of Ittar to have violated or in a n y m a n n e r evaded t h e true intent and

spirit of t h e foregoing provision, the exemption therein granted shall no longer be
extended to them or their operatives in said establishments, but they and each and
every one of them shall be forthwith enrolled under the provisions of this act and
ordered into the Confederate Army, and shall in no manner be again exempted therefrom by reason of said manufacturing establishments or employment therein;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Barksdale moved further to amend the amendment by striking
out therefrom the word double and inserting in lieu thereof the
words fifty per cent upon;
which was agrccd to, and tho amendment as amended was agreed to.
Mr. E. M. 13rucc moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the
amendment of Mr. Curry mas agreed to.
On motion of JIr. Iloyston, the motion was laid upon the table.
Mr. Perkins moved to micnd luy striking. out, the words public
110s itals.
&ie amendment was lost.
Mr. Baldwin moved t o amend by inserting after the word regular
the words officers, physicians.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Clapp moved t o amend by striking out after the word asylunis
the words and the regular nurses therein.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Baldwin moved t o insert after the word regiilar the word
physicians; which was agreed to.
Mr. Grahani rnoyed to amend by inserting between the words factories and who the \voids arid superintendents and managers of
wool-carding machines; which w:ts :bgrecd to.
Mr. Foster inoved to strilie out th e words who may be exempted
by the Secretary of War.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Miles moved to insert after the word war the words

Proiided, The profits of such establishments shall not exceed fifty pcr cent upon the
cost of production, subject to t h e ,mine penalties for violation of the provisions herein
contained as are hereinbefore provided i n the case of other manufactories.

Nr. Mcnees moved to amend the amendment by striking out the

word fifty and inserting in lieu thereof the words t~ e n ty - f iv e .~
Mr. Gardenhire moved that the ameridment and the amendment to
the amendment be laid upon the table.
The motion was lost, and the amendment to the amendment was lost.
Mr. Harris moved to aniend the amendment by inserting after the
word productioii~the words ( t o be deterrnirietl upon oath of the
parties; which mas agreed to, and the arncndinent as amended was
agreed to.
Mr. Clark moved to amend by inserting after the word factories
the words and paper mills; which was agreed to.
Mr. Baldwin moved to amend by inserting after thc word president the word officers; before the word academies insert the
words and all teachers of, and insert after the word schools the
words other than trustees or hoard of visitors.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Dupr6 moved t o reconsider the vote rejecting t h c amendment.
The motion was lost.

Oct. 1, 1862.1


Mr. Lyons moved to amend by inserting after the w

the words i n which boys of not less than ten yearsof a
rhe amendment was lost.
Mr. Miles moved to insert after the word seminaries thewor
and thc students now therein.
The aiiiendinent mas lost.
Nr. Heiskell moved to strike out the word and and insert after
the word schools the words and theological seminaries; which
mas agreed to.
Mr. Foster moved to amend by striking out the words
all presidents and teachers of colleges, academies, and schools, who have been regularly engaged a3 such for two years previous to the passage of this act, and theological seminaries.

The amendment was lost.

Mu. Sexton mored to amend by inserting before the word Government the words anj7 State o r with, and after the same word
insert the word.; o r with any company, battalion, squadron, o r regimen t.
The aiiiendriient was lost.
Mr. Heiskell moved to insert after the word (fulnishing the word
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Sexton moved to amend by inserting after the words ordnance
stores the words (saddles, harness; which was agreed to.
11/11.. Curry moved to insert after the word salt ) tho words or
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Harris moved to amend by inserting after the word miners
the word necessarily.
The airiendment was lost.
Mr. Clopton moved to strike out the words to the extent of twenty
bushels per day.
The amendment vas lost.
Mr. Clark moved to amend by striking out the word twenty and
inserting in lieu thereof the word fifty.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Heiskell moved to strike out the same word and insert in lieu
thereof the word (ten.
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Collier moved to anicnd by inserting after the word
words and coal, and to strike out the words regular miners in coal
inines .
The amendment was lost.
Mr. Harris moved t o insert after the word miness the word
The amendment was lost.
MI.. Curry lnoved to insert before the word regular the words
superintendents and.
The motion was lost.
Mr. MiIcox nloved t o amend 11sinserting after the I Y O ~State
the words
one rnale citizen for every five hundred head of cattle, for crery two huni
fifty hea(1 of horses or mules, and one shepherd for ( w r y fiW hundrp(1 h(a(1
of such persons as are engaged exc4usivelp in raising stock.


[Oat. 1,1862.

Mr. Dupr6 moved to amend the amendment by striking out the

words five hundred, two hundred and fifty, and five hundred, where
occurring, and inserting in lien the words one thousand, five hundred,
and one thousand; which was agreed to.
Mr. Heiskell moved to amend the amendment by inserting after the
word State )the words unless employed i n the production of iron
for the Confederate Statcs; which was agreed to, and the amendment
RS amended was agreed to.
Mr. Pugh moved to amend by striking out the words
and one person either as owner or overseer on each plantation on which one white
person is required to be kept by the laws and ordinances of any State, and on which
there is no white male adult not liable to do military service,

and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

one overseer on each plantation cultirated exclusively by negro labor and owned by
any person in the civil or military service of t h e Confederate or State governments,
or any minor, or widow, or person of unsound mind, or persons incapacitated by
disease or age: Provided, That on plantations owned by t h e same persons and not
five miles apart, only one overseer shall be thus exempted: And prodded further,
That t h e owner of any such plantation, his or her agent or representative, shall first
pay into the treasury of t h e State in which said lantation may be located a sum
equal to five dollars for each hand over sixteen anxunder forty-five years of are, and
file therewith his affidavit t h a t i t is a true return of the hands between suck ages
employed on said plantation; and where the overseer on such plantation, being
between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, has been enlisted or enrolled in
the Army since the passage of the act further to provide for the public defense,
approved April sixteenth, eighteen liundred and sixty-two, and said plantation is
a t the date of the affidavit without an overseer, the owner thereof, his or her agent
or representative, may pay t h e said sum and file his affidavit, stating the truth of
his saitl reLiirn, and also that his plantation was deprived of i t t i overseer by enrollment or enlistment as aforesaid. thereupon the ownel of any ~ u c hplantation shall
be entitled to the governors certificate of t h e payment of paid snni, and the filiiig
of said affidavit, in which certificate shall he stated the name of t h e oversecr sought
to be exempted, and upon the production of said certificate to the enrolling officer,
the overseer thcrein named shall be exempted from enrollment, or, if already enrolled
or,cnlisted as aforesaid, shall, on the production of said certificate to the Secretary of
War, or t h e commandant of t h e camp of instruction, or oficer comnianding t h e regiment to which said overseer may belong, be discharged therefrom hy the Secretary
of War, the commandant, or officer aforesaid, and the governor of each State is hereby
authorized and requested to distribute t h e sum thus paid into t h e trcnwry for the
benefit of the indigent families of soldiers from his State in t h e military servive of
the Confederate States, and also the indigent families of those who have died or been
disabled in such service, making said distribution as equally as may be according to
the number of such indigent families in his State.

Mr. Marshall moved to anicrid the amendment by striking out all of

the same after the words onlv one overseer shall be exemDted.
Mr. E. M. Bruce moved to &spend the rules in order to introduce
a resolutioii allowing debate.
The motion was lost.
The question being on agreeing to the aniendment to the amendment,
Mr. Marshall demanded the yeas and nags;
Which were ordered,
Yeas-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49
Yeas: Bell. Chambliss. Clark. Conrad. DuDrB, Farrow, Gardenhire,
Gray, Hanly: Harris, Herbert: Johnston, Kenan of North Carolina,
Marshall, Perkins, Preston, and Welsh.
Nays: Arrington, Ashe, Atkins, Ayer, Barksdale, Batson, Bonham,
Boteler, Boyce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton,
Collier, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliotf,

Oct. 1,1862.1



Foster, Freeman, Gartrell, Goode

Kenan of Georgia, Kennel*,
McQueen, Miles. Pugh, Ralls,
North Carolina, Swan, Trippe,
Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment to the amendment was lost.
31r. Chambliss moved to amend t,he amendment by
of the same and inserting in Iieu thereof the following:
arid one person either as owner or
JVhite male adult not liable to niili

The amendment to the amendment was lost.

Mr. DuprE called the qnestion; which was ordered, and was up0
the amendment of Mr. Yngh.
The same was agreed to.
Rlr. Yerkins moved a reconsideration of the vote agreeing to th
amendmen t.
Mr. Curry moved to lay the motion on the table;
Alr. Clark demanded the yeas atid nays;
Which were ordered,
And are recorded asfollows, to wit: YeasNays . .~~.
._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, hyer, Barksdale, Ratson, Bonham,
Boteler, Boyce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton,
Collier, Curry, Dawkins, De Jarnette, Elliott, Foster, Goode, Graham, Hartridge, Hilton, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,
Kenner, Lyon, Machen, McDowell, McQueen, Miles, P u h Ralls,
Itoyston, Itussell, Swan, Trippe, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, %iight of
Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Ashe, Bell, Cham bliss, Clark, Conrad, Conrow, Dargan,
DuprB, Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Gartrell, Gray, Harris, Herbert,
Iiolt, Marshall, McRae, Perkins, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North
Carolina, and Welsh.
So the motion to lay on the table was agreed to.
A message was received from the resident, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Barksdale moved to amend by striking out the words

and such other persons as the President shall be satisfied on account of justice, equity,
or of necessity ought to be exempted are hereby exempted from military service 111
the armies of the Confederate States.

The amendment mas lost.

Xr. Chambers moved to amend by striking out the words
lvovided, That such numbers of the militia of any State as have been called out and
mustered into the service of said State by the executive thereof, employed and necessary to repel any actual invasion of mid State, shall also be exempted.

The amendment was lost.

Mr. Wright moved to insert after the word State the words
and th e regiment raised under and by authority of the State of Texas for frontier
defense, now in the service of said State;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Chambers moved to insert after the word exemption, which
succeeds last amendment, the words of militia; which was agreed to.




[Oct. 1,18GI.

Mr. Conrad moved to amend by striking out the words Provided,

That; which was a reed to.
Mr. Trippe rnovcf to amend by adding at the end of the first section
the following, to wit:
Provided jurther, That no person except such officers of t h e State government as
are herein exempted, such militia as above specified, and those herein exempted for
bodily or mental incapacity, shall be entitled t o the exemptions herein allowed or
which may [be] allowed by the President until h e shall have paid to such officers
as the Secretary of War may appoint to receiie the same, the sum of five dollars on
every hundred dollars worth of real and personal property h e may own or possess in
his own right or i n right of his xife, and the Rum of five dollars on each hundred
or pav for ~ ~ r s o nservices
h e may have received during the
nap I)e due him therefor, the value of which said property,
ealary, fees, and pay for personal services shall be ascertained by the oath of the p:irties cxlaiming thc cscwption, anti thc certificate of the ofricer autlioriz~dto re
mine shall operatc as a discharge o t the pcrson paying tlie same, and the I
rcccived by salt1 officers shall be by them paid into the treasury of the r
States untlrr such regulations RS may he prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury;
and the governor of each State is hereby anthorieed and requested to distribute said
inoney in the sanie nianner as he is authorized to do with t h e riioney raisedfrom the
owners of plantations in t h e cases of oyerseers, as hereinbefore provided. .

Mr. Harris demanded the previous question; which was ordered.

And the question being on agrecing to the amendment of Mr. Trippe,
Mr. Trippe demanded tlie yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
. - - --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 22
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._
...__. 43
Yeas: Atkins, Aycr, Bsrksdale, Bridgers, Eli M. Bruce, Chambers,
Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Currin, Curry, Foster, Gartrell, IIilton,
BIcQueen, Miles, iugh, 12alls, Swan, Irippe, Welsh, and Wilcox.
Nays: Arrington, Asho, Baldwin, Batson, Bonhani, Boyce, Chanibliss, &pp, Collier, Conrad, Conrow, Dargan, Damkins, Farrow,
Freeman, Garland, Garnett, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge,
Hciskell, Herbert, Ilolcombe, I-Iolt, Kenan of Georgia, Kerian of North
Carolina, Kenner, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McDowell, McKae, Ierkins, Royston, Sexton, Smith of Ahhama, Tibbs, Wright of Texas,
mTright of Tcnnessee, and Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment was lost.
The question then being on the amendment of Mr. Miles,
Mr, Miles, by consent, withdrew the same.
The bill was then engrossed and read a third time, and the question
being on the passage of t h o same,
Mr. Curry dcinanded the queation; which was ordered.
Mr. Swan demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ ___._
. 27
. _
Yeas : Arrington, Ashe, Baldwin, Barkudale, Batson, Boyce, Eli M.
Bruce, Chambers, Collier, Conrad, Curry, Dargan, Daakins, De Jarnet,tc, Farrow, Freeman, Garland, Garnett, Goode, Graham, Gray,
Harris, Hartridge, Hilton, Holeombe, Holt, Lyon, Machen, McDowell,
McRac, Miles, Preston, Pugh, Italls, Royston, RusselI, Smith of Alabama, Tlilcox, Wrightof Texas, Wright of Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Atkins, Ayer, Bonham, Bridgers, Chxmbliss, Chilton, Clapp,
Clark, Clopton, Conrom, Foster, Gnrtrcll, Heiskell, Herbert, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Marshall, McQueen,




oct. I . 1862.1


JIeners, Pcrliine;, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, T

Trippo, and JVelsh.
So thc bill was passed.
mcssage was heeived from the President, by his Priva
Xr. Jlilcs, by consent, from thc Committee on Milita
Xvhorn mas referred a hill of the Senate in relation to substitut
reported the same hack, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Jlr. Hwris, b y consent, introduced
A bill to authorize the construction and arming of certain vessels to
opcrata afiainxt the enemy upon the waters of the Confederate States;
n-hivh was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Comon S a i d Affairs.
Mr. Hall+ by consent, introduced
A bill relating to bounty of soldiers who entered the service for
thwc years or the war;
irhich was wad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Smith of ilorth Carolina, by consent, introduced
A bill to facilitate the payment of claims in cerhin cases;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Claims.
The Chair presented the following communications from the President; which were read and, with accompanying documents, referred to
the Committee on Ways and Means:

VA., OCtOheY

1, 1862.

l b the Xenute and X o z ~ s eof Repmentatiies:

I herewith transniit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of

War in reference to a loan by the Branch Bank of Tennessee to General Iiindman.
I recuiririiend an appropriation of the amount and for the purpose specified.
VA., Octobu 1, 1862.
To the Sencite and TJoiisp of Representalices:
I herewith transmit for your consideration sex-era1 connnunications from the Secretary of War, subniitting estimates for the month of January, 1863, in response to
the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 22d ultimo.
I recomniend appropriations of the sums for the purposes specified.
VA.,September BY, 1862.
To the Ilouse of R(yresentatii es:
T herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of
State in rt.spoiise to your resolution of the 22d instant, submitting estiniatw for the
necessary expenses of the Department of State for the month of January, 1863.
I recommend an appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified.

Nr. Elliott, from the Cornniittee on Enrolled Bills, reported as eorrectly engrossed and enrolled and ready for the signature of the
A joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. 1. N . Brown and dl under
his command;
Also, a bill t o repeal the lam authorizing commutation for soldiers
clothing, and to require clothing to be furnished by the Secretary of
War in kind;
Also, a bill suppleinentary to an act concerning the pay and allow-




ances due to deceased soldiers, approved February 15, 1862, and to

provide for the prompt settlement of claims for arrearages of pay,
allowances, and bounty due to deceased officers and soldiers; and
Also, an act supplemental to a11 act authorizing the Secretary of
War to grant transfers, approved September 23, 1661.
The Speaker signed the same.
Mr. Conrad, from the Committee on Nand Affairs, to whom was
referred a bill of the Senate (SO) to be entitlcd An act to permit persons subject to enrollment to enlist in the Marine Corps, reported the
same back, with the recommendation that the same pass with sundry
And thc question being upon agreeing to the first ainendment;
which was t o add as section 2 to the bill the following, to wit:
Fsc.. 2. rhat if any person who has been, or is about to be, enrolled for service in
the Army shall, at any time before being assigned to any company, declare to the
enrolling or commanding officer that he prefers being enrolled for service in the
Navy or the Warine Corps, it shall be the duty of the said officer to enroll such person for the service which h e may prefer, and to transmit to t h e Secretary of the Navy
a list of the persons so enrolled.

The same was agreed to.

Mr. Foote called the question; which was ordered, and which was
on agreeing to the second amendment offered by Mr. Conrad, and
which was to add as section 3 to the original bill the following, to wit:
SEC.3. That from and after the passage of this act, the pay of seamen and marines
shall be increased four dollars per rrionth.

And the same was agreed to, and the bill as amended was read a
third time and passed.
And the title to the same, on motion of Mr. Conrad, was amended
b y striking out the whole of the same and inserting in lieu thereof
the following, to wit: A bill to be entitled An act to promote
enlistments in the Navy and Marine Corps.)
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker:. The President of the Confederate States did, on the 27th instant,
approve and sign
S. 96. An act to better provide for the sick and wounded of the Army in hospitals.

On motion of Mr. Foote, the House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session;
When, on motion,
The House adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow.

The House being in secret session, the Chair laid before the House
a communication from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
To the House of Represenlatices of the Coilfenerate States:
The resolution passed by the House i n secret session on t h e 30th of last month has
been communicated to me by the Clerk of t h e House, and it is in the following
Resolced, That the President be requested to cause the Department of State to ask
for and trarisrriit to this House estimates of t h e expenses incident to the sending of
a diplomatic agent (supplied with such instructions as h e sha11 deem most wise and
proper) to the court of His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, and swh other SouthAmerican States as h e shall suppose to be judicious to open diplomatic intercourse

act. 2,lfiAZ.l


I tleepl:: regrot that, according to my view of constitutional

c~oniplyn i t h this request of the House. The Const
rcuti\ e 1)epartnient the discretion of asking for such
to carry on the Government, and this discretion can
to thc J ) r < J V i c i O n \ of that instrument, becontrolled by thereques
1c-s by that of one branch of the legislative department. The nin
pection 9, drticlc- I, of the Constitution, declares that Congress
nionev fronr the Treasury except by a vote of two-thirds of ho
yeas i n d nays, unless it be asked and estimated for by Born
!.kpartments and submitted to Congress by the President.
argniiirnt tliat this clause of the Constitution would be comp
t h Executive should yield to the request of either Houseorof
to c m e a Department to ask for and transmit an estimate for any purpose Thai+
er, The design of the framers of the Constitution in inserting this new clause (not
found i n the Constitution under which the Confederate States were fornierly
united) is I\ ell knoa n. It was determined that on the Executive Department of the
Gorernineiit should rest the responsibility of unwise and extravagant expenditurw;
hile t h e legislative department not only retained the control over the grant of the
appropriations, but was vested with power to compel the expenditure of money for
purposes not recommended by the Executive, provided a vote of the two Housm
equal to th a t T%hicb is necessary for overruling an Executive veto could be obtained.
If I should yield
ent t o the request of the House now under consideration,
to concur in t h e establishment of a precedent by which
the plain effect x
e the expendirure of a sum not asked for by the head of a
the House and [s
Department, nor submitted by the President, b y a vote of a bare majority, instead of
the vote of two-thirds, by yeas arid nays.
While thus unable to comply 1%ith the request of the House so far as to cause the
Departmcnt of State to ask for and transniit the estimate desired, a statemcnt k submitted herewith foryoiir information of theannual cost of each diplomaticmission sent
abroad. It is also proper to add that the number of commissioners already authorized
1)p la\\, and t h e amount of appropriations asked for by the Department of State, are
sufficient for all the purposes suggested in the resolution without any further legielation 011 t h e subject.
Rrcnarosn, VA., October 1, 18G9.

On motion of Mr. Perkins, the message and accompanying documents were referred t o the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
And on motion of Mr. Holt,
Thc House resolved itself into open session.


OCTOBER2, 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment.

idlr. Jones moved that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Lyons, by consent, presented the petition of William B. Isaacs
& Co., praying compensation for the transportation of troops; which
was wferrcd t o the Committee on Claims, without being read.
A h . Garland, by consent, offered a resolution; which is as fol
to wit:
Resolved, That the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire in
expediency and propriety of granting to the Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texa.8 Navigation Company the same privileges and franchises which were ranted by an act of
the Congress of the United States previous to the secession of t i e Southern States,
and report by bill or otherwise.

On motion, the resolution was referred to the Commit

On motion of Mr. Chilton, the rules were suspended, and the
took up f o r consideration



[Oet. 2, 1802.

A bill to enahle the President of the Confederate States to provide

the means of [military] transportation by the construction of a railroad
betmeen Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and Rome, in the
State of Georgia.
A h . Hilton moved to amend the second section thereof, which appropriated $1,122,480.92 and providing for the ultimate repayment of the
money so expended, by inserting aftcr the word expended the
words with interest at the rate of eight per cent e r annum.)
Mr. Ayer called the question; which was orderez
Mr. Hilton denlxndcd the yeas and nays.
The yens and nayh ~ v e r cordered,
__ ___
_ _ ._ __
_ 43
And arc rcvorded as follows, to wit: Yeas _ _
1 Nays _ _ _ _ . ___
_ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18
Yeas: dshe, Atltins, Ager, Baldwin, Batson, Bonham, Boyce, Eli M.
Bruce, Chamlwrs, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Dawkins, DuprB, Farrow,
Frccman, Gnrnett, Goode, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Holcombo, Ilolt, Joncs, ICenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina,
Landcr, Machen, McDowell, M cQueen, Perkins, Preston, Pugh,
Royston, Sexton, Sniith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Vest,
Welsh, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Barksdale, Bell, Boteler, Chambliss, Chilton, Curry, Dargan,
Foster, Garland, Gartrell, IIanly, Johnston, Kenner, Lyon, Lyons,
Marshall, Rnlls, and Wright of Texas.
So the arriendrncnt was agreed to.
Mr. Chilton demanded the previous question; which was ordered.
The bill was then engrossed and read a third time, and the question
being o n the passage of t h e same,
Mr. Joiic; deimnded the yeas and nayvs;
Which were ordered,
yeas- - - 37
And are recorded as follows, to wit: hays . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _- . 26 [27]
Peas: Bxrksdde, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Eli M. Bruce, Chambliss, Chilton, Collier, Cooke, Dargan, De Jarnette, DuprB, Foote, Foster, Gardrnhire, Gartidl, Heisliell, Herbert, Hilton, Johnston, Kenan of North
Carolina, Ihnner, Lyon, Lyons, Marshall, &Rae, Preston, Ralls,
Itoyston, Sexton, Sniith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, Vest, Wilcox,
Wright of Ferns, arid Mr. Speaker.
Nays: Ashe, &4tkins,Ager, Batson, Bonham, Clo ton, Curry, Dawkins, Farrow, Freeman, Garnett, Gentry, Goode, anly, Hartrjdge,
Iiolt, Jones, ICenan of Georgia, Lander, Machen, McDowell, McQueen,
Niles, Pugh, Bussell, Irippc, and IVelsh.
So the bill was passed.
Mr. Sexton, by consent, from the Committee on the Quartermasters and Commissary Dcpnrtinents and Military Transportation, to
whom was referred certain communications in relation to the meeting
of requisitions upon the T r e a s u r ~Department, reported the sanie back,
asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the same, and
that they lie upon the table.
Mr. Perkins moved that the same be referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means; which was agreed to.
The Ilouse then took up for considcration the special Order, which
was a bill to raise revenue.
Mr. Garnett inoreda postponement of the consideration of the same;
which was agreed to.


Cct 2,11.62.]


[he next 8pWh.l Order of business being a bill in reference to the

writ of hatmi.; coiyus,
JII.? J O I I C ~ 1tioI-cd that theQrules be suspended t o allow the Committee 011 \\~Ysmid ~ I ~ Eto
L report;
I ~ S which was agreed to, and Mr. Kenntr. frolli the COlnlllittCe O n \IaJs and &leans, reported a bill making
ap1)roPri:Ltioiis for the exccutim, legislative, and judicial expenses of
tlic Governmc1nt f o r the month of December, 1862, with the recorniiieiidittion that it be postponed; which mas agreed to.
illy. Garilctt niovcd that the bill be made the special order for 12
oclocl~to-morrow; which mas agreed to.
lfr. C;IRS m o v d that the vote by which the regular special order
W R postponed
IW rcconsidcred; which was agreed to, and the motion
to p a t p o n e wa- laid upon the table.
Tlie IIouse then procccdcd to the consideration of the special order,
which nab :L ])ill to raise revenuc, and resolved itself illto the Cornniittec of the \lholc, MI.. Heiskell i n the chair; and having spent
sonic time tlwrcin, the coninlittee rose and reported, through their
(litii 1111:111; that thcy had had under considemtion the subject referred
to thtm, arid had conic to no conclusion thereon.
gc was rcceivcd from the Senate. by their Secretary, Mr.
h is a i follow~,to wit:

amendments proposed to the bill

subject to enrollment to cnlist in the

e (11. K. 34) entitled An act to enable

ovitlc the means of military transportaBlue Mountain, in the State of AlahaIna,

11 inchsage ~ ~ 7 u . a150
receiwd from the Senate; which is as follows,
to wit:

A h . Jiiles iiioved that the Hot~scinsist on its amendments to the bill

ted fro111 thc Senate a i d agree to the conference proposed.
I h c niotiori \\Bs agreed to, and the Chair announced as the managers
on the part of the House at said conference Xr. Yugh, Mr. Yerl~ins,
nticl Alr. Gnrnctt.
A message was receivcd from the President, hy his Private Secretary,
Mr. Ilarrison, informirig the House that the President on the 30th of
Scpteini)er appro~-edand signed the following acts:
, \ n act, to anicnd the act to authorize paylnent to be made for certain
t w i w s p u d l r l d f o r the Army by Col. A. W. McDonald, approlred
August 21, 1861; and
i ~ ~ s ao11,art to :tlncand acts Nos. 263 and 311 of the Provisional Conress so as to :tLitiiorize an extension of the time for selling. pr0pert.v
for taxes in default.
halill.jers, fronl thc Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
- ellrolled and ready for thc signature of the Speaker
A bilrtobe entitled A 1 1 actto enable the Prosident of the Confc,del.ate
Shtes to provide the liieans of military traiqortation by the construec





[Oct. 3,1862.

lion of a railroad between Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and

lioiiie, i n the State of Georgia; and
Also, nn act to permit enlistments in

Navy arid Marine Corps.

Riid thc Speaker signed the same.
On niotioi;,
The House adjourned until 11 ocloclc to-morrow.

OCTOBER3, 1862.


The House nict pursuant to adjourn men t.

The Chair presented SL coimnuiiicatioti from the President; which is
as follows, to n i t :
R I C E M O N D , V A . , OdOber 8,1S62.
To the IJou~eqf I:ei~~eseiitalizt~,~:
1 hrrcu ith traiisiiiit for your information a comnitinic.ation from the Secretary of
WTar in further answer to y o u r resolution of the 21st August, requesting copies of
reporti of engageuients xitli the enemy received siricc the adjournment of Congress.

On motion, the message and acconiptlnying documents were laid upon

the table and ordered to be printed.
Also, :I coiiiinunicstion from the President; which is as folloms:
Rrcrrnrovn, VA.,Octolre~2, I&?.

I liwrwitlr transniit R coiiii~iiiiiicati0ri i r o n i tho lostmaster-C;eaeral, ml~iuitiiiig

estimates, to vhic.11 1invite yon attention.

On motion, the inessage aiid acconipaiiying documents vverc rcfcrrcd

to the Coininittee on \Vnp arid Means.
The Chair d s o prmntcd 3 coiniuunication froin the President; which
is as follows, to wit:
To the S e l i a t p w i d Illlous(>of 12epr~wntcitiresof !lie Confederntc~Stottrlcs:
I heren ith transmit a c.ominuni(v.tioii f i om the Iostmaster-Geiicral, to which I
respectinllv (,all your attention.
The sevent I1 clause of the. eighth section of t h e Constitiitinn direct3 that after the
1st of hlarcli, 1863, the expenses ot the postal service shall be paid ortt of its revenue.
The interrn1)tion of (~oniiiicrccand coniniunication resulting from the war and the
orclipation of a portion of oiir trnitory by the eneiny !lave necemrily curtailed to a
considerable extent thr rcwnucs of the Departriient and rendered i t Impossible,
whilc the 15 a r continues and these canses esist, to make its revenuescorer itsexpenses
witliout suvh a reduction of tlie service as would seriously affect the interests of the
prople of the Confederate Statc,s
If, i n your opinion, the ciause of the Constitution above referred to merely dire&
that Congress shall pass s uch lamr as may be best calculated to make the postal
Fei I ice belf-buitaining, and does not prohibit the appropriation of inoney to meet
deficieucies,t h e queitioii is one of easy solution. But if, 011 t h e contrary, you should
cnnsider that tht. constit titlorial pro\ ision is a positive and anqualified prohibition
against any appropiation froin tlie Tte:tsury to aid the operations of the Post-OPricc
Ikpartnxnt, it is foi you to determine whetlier the dilficulty can be omrcome b y a
forther increase of the rates of poetage or by other coriatitutionnl means.
Doubtful as to t h e true intent of the Constitution, I snbmit the question to the
Congress and ask for it the deliberation which its importance may clairu.
Richnzond, Rrptember 50, 1869.

On motion, the message was referred t o the Committee on the Judiciary.

OCt 3,lP6P.]



The Chair also prcscntcd n conimunication f r o m the President; .lyhi&

is as follows, to wit:
R I c ~ ~ ~VA.,
f o September
~ ~ ,
30, 1869.
I herewith transmit a comiriunication from the Secretary of the Treasury relative
to the M ar tax of the State of Louisiana.
I reco~~lnleod
an appropriation of the amount for the purpose specified.

On motion, the inpssage and accompanying documents were referred

to thc Committee on \1ays and &leans.
Also, a communication from th e President; which is as follows, to wit,:
1?ICHMONI), VA., October f?, 1862.
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from thc Secretary of
IVar, ~ b ~ i i i t t i i the
i g r q o r t of the Adjutant-General of the proceedings of courtsmartial in cases of drunkenness.

O n iiiotion, the message and accompanying documents were laid upon

the t:it)lc and ordered to be printed.
11Y. Chambers, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
X hill to encourage the manufacture of clothing and shoes for the
A 1 3 1 1 1 . Y

liich WRS read t hr first and

The rules being suspended, the bill was taken up, and the second
section of the same being under consideration; which is as follows,
to wit:

SIT. 2. That a n y machinery or materials imported as aforesaid inay be worked on

C;o\ ermnent account, or leaqeil or sold at the discretion of the President,

211.. 1S:ildwin moved to atnend by striking out the words may be

workcd on Gorerninen t accoun t.
hI r. Chanil.xre ttilled the question; which mas ordered, and the
rLlnelldnlCllt \%-aslost.
The 1)ill was then engrossed, read a third time, imd passed.
Mr. hliles, froin the, Committee on Military Affairs, to wh01n ~vas
refer red
A bill snpplenient~alto an act entitled A n act to stmend an act to
pror-ide funthcr for the public defense, approved 16th April, 1868,
reported the xmie back, with the recoirirriendation that it p s 5 .
The rules mrre suspended;
Tht?bill was talien up, and Mr. Gray moved to amend by striking
ollt the laat proviso of the bill; which is as follows, t o wit:
.I?ctl p,*oi,iderZ.ftm/hw, That the right of volunteering into or being assigned to an]
company shall not interfere with the objects of the above-recited act, or produce
ineqnality or confnbion in the different arms of the military service.

The amendment was lost, and the bill was engrossed, read $1 third
time, and passed.
Jlr. Miles, from the same committee, to whom was relerred
A bill to amend an act for the organization of the staff department
for the &my of t he Confederate States of America, approved March
14, 1861,
reported the Same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The rules were suspended;
Thc hill wah taken up, engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
~ r &Ji1es,
from the same committee, to whom was referred



[Oct 3,1862.

X hill t o :Luthorize the pay~nentof boiintieu due deceased soldiers

to their widows or legal represenhtires,
reported the sanie back, asked to he discharged from its further conbideration, and tliat it lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Xr. Miles, also froin tlie same committee, to whom was referred a
message of the President in relation to negroes captured by the enemy,
reported the smie back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that i t be laid upon the ttLhle; which was agreed to.
Illr. Milch, froin the same conirnittec, to whom was referred joint
resolutions in relation t o the coriviction of persons guilty of treason,
and to provide for tlic reinoval of disloyal persons, reported the same
baclr, xslicd to he discharged froiii its further consideration, and that it
he referred to the Coiiiiiiittcc on the Judicixrp; which was agreed to.
Air. Miles, from the same committcc, to whom was referred
h resolution in relatioii to tlie law ol exemptions,
rcportcd the baixie back, as1ct.d to be discharged from i t s further coririderation, and that it lic upon the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Harris, from the Coniriiittec on Military Affairs, to which was
referred a bill of tho Senate to amend an act entitled A n act to
provide for the public defeuse, apyrovcd 6th March, 1861, reported
the same back with an amendment.
The rules having beeii snspetided, the sm ie was taken up, and having
I)CCII rc:td a4 follows, viz:

or I/L( ( b l , r ( d i w p m t e s oj ~irtercctrdo encrtf, That the sixth

( > i navt to pro\ i t l c for the pnlolic, tleferise, approved sixth
r&Nl as fuilo\\b. Tllnt
lierctoforca recei\ etl arid
i \ iw into battalion^ 01

Mr. IIarri3 niovcd to a i i i ( ~ i i dthe s~iiit:by striking out the hxine and
inserting i n licit thercof tlv following, viz:
IS/ctfcs of .I )tfmmdo enact, That t h
tlic pnl)lw tleteiiw, sppro\ed Jlarch bixth, ei
1 r n i l t d a5 to autlioriLe the lresident to otgaiiise tlivit the Confederate Stittps iiito army corps, xrid I)y arid
it Senate to appoint officers to the coirirridiid thereof.
r l

1hc aincndiiicwt was agrccd to, and the bill as amended WRS read a
thjid t,iiiic? and passed.
inotion, the titlo of the ,<,zincwas aineiided by striking out all of
thc original ttnd inscrting in licu thercof the following:
A bill to I)e rntitlrd

h i

act to ljroriile for thc organiration of army corps.

Air. Harri\, from the smic committee, to whom was referred

h bill to amciid a n act providing for the granting of bounty and
furlough, to privates mid noncomrnissioncd oEcers i n the Provisional
Army, ap roved Ilecember 11, 1861,
reported t c saiiie l ) t ~ J < with
the recommendation that it pass.
The rules being suspended, the bill was taken up, engrossed, read a
third tinie, and passed.
Mr. Chainh+ from thc samc committee, to whom was referred a
bill of t h e Senate to ameiid an act for the establi.ihment and organ-

oct R,18G2]



ization of a general Staff for the Army of the Confederate States of

America, app.ot-cd I;ehrL[arj- 26, 1861, reported the same back, wit11
the reconmeridation that i t pdss with amendment.
Mr. Boiiharri ntoved that the bill and amendment be recomrnitted to
the corninittee and printed.
Mr. Foote, by consent, moved that th e amendment offered hy hinl
to the hill to raise re) enue be printed; which was agreed to.
The hour for the consideration of the special order having arrived,
Mr. Chambers moved to postpone the same.
Upon which Mr. Gartrell called the question.
The question was ordered: and the motion was lost.
Mr. Foote moved that the House resolve itseIf into secret session,
Tho motion was lost.
On motion of Ah.. Qarnett, the pending special orders mere seTrerally postponed, and the House proceeded to the consideration of the
bill. making appropriations for the executive, legislative, and judicial
expenses of the Governmebit for the month of December, 1862.
The House then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Nr.
McRae being in t h e chair; and having spent some tinie therein, the
corrrmittee rose and reported that tlicy had had the bill referred to
them under consideration, and reported the same back, with the recoiiimendation that i t pass.
MI-. Jones called for the question; which was ordered, and was upon
ordering the bill to he ellgrossed for a third reading.
T h e bill was then engrohsed, read a third time, and tlie question
being on the passage of the same,
Mr. Xrnner called the question; which mas ordered, and the bill
A message iras receired froin the Senate, by their Secretary, hlr.
Nash; which i s as follow-s, l o wit:
MI*.,SpeuI;er: The Senate hare p a s 1 a bill of the follorving title, viz:
S. 107. A n act to arithorize the Prr dent to accept and place in tlic service certain
regiments and battslioiip 11 rretofore raked;
I n which I am dirrrted t o ack the concurrence of this House.

A message mas received front the President, iiiforming the I-Iouse

that the Pfebident on tlie 2d instant approvcd and signed the following
acts and joint resolution:
11. It. 13. An act to aniend an act entitled An act, providing for the
a pointment of actjutants of regiments and legions, of the grade of suba tern, in addilion to the subalterns attached to coizipanies, approved
August 31, 1861;
H. K. 34. An act to enable the President of the Confederate States
to proride the nieans of military transportation by the construction of
a railroad bet\veen Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama, and Rome,
in tlie State of Georgia;
H. R. 25. An act supplemental to an act authorizing the Secretary
of Cliar to grant transfers, approved September 23, 1862;
H. R. 14. An net t o empower certain persons to administer oaths in
certain cases; and
3. It. 20. J oi nt resolution of thanks to Lieat. I. N. Brown and all
nnder his coinmand.
&Ir. Foote no red that the House resolve itself into secret session.
The motion was lost.




The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,

which mas a bill to raise revenue.
On motion, the House resolved itself into Committee of the Whole,
Mr. Curry i n the chair; and having- spent some time therein, the committee rose and reported, through their Chairman, that they had had
under consideration the bill referred to them, and had come to no concIusion thereon.
A message was rcceived from the Senate, by their Secre,tary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
The Senate have passed a bill (1. R. 26) entitled An act to authorize
listrid rourts to change the place of holding court in certain cases.
also p a w d a bill of this House of the folloiving title, viz:
They h a v ~
H. R. 32. An act to authorize the Iostmaster-(ieneral to eniploy special agents to
supwintencl and w u r e the certxiii and speedy transportation of mails across the
Mipsissippi 12iver in th? Confetleiatc States,
\Vith amendment?; i n which J a111directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

A message WRS r e c e i d froni the Iresident; which is as folldws,

to wit:
Va.,October 3, 1662.
XP.Speaker: The President of the Confederate States has to-day approved and

rigned th e folloving act:

11. R. 18. A n act supplementary to an act concerning the pay and allowances
due to cteteasetl soldiers, approved February 15, 186.2, and to provide for the prompt
settlement of clainis for arrearages of pay, allowances, and bounty due to decemed
officers and soldier,..

On motion of Mr. >files, the bill reported from the Senate entitled
An act to an tho rim^ the President to accept and placc in the scirvicc
certain regiinents and battalioils hcrctofore raised, was taken up,
read tho first mid second tinieu, tirid referred to the Coiiiinittee on
Military Afhirs.
A message was rcceircd from tho Senate; which is as f
112i.. &dm: The Senate h ar e passed a bill of the following title,

S. 57. An act to punish and reprws the iiiiportation by our cnc~mirsof notes pur-

porting to be notw of the Treasury ok thc Confederate States;

In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

Mr. I3onhani inored that the House adjourn.

The motion was lost.
Mr. Chainbcrs, by consent, niorcd that the bill of the Senate, with
an amendment, of t he House, cntitled An act for the estaMishment
and organization of a gerierd staff fo r the A4rmyof the Confederate
Sta,tt+sof Aineriva, approi-ed Fehruaq7 26, 1861, be taken up, recommitted to the committee, mid printed; which mas agrecd to.
On rriotioii of Nr. Miles, the House took up for consideration
A bill for tho establishment and organization of thc Army of the
Confcdcrate States of America, approved March 6, 1861,
reporled from the, Senate n7ith tho following arncndnients, to wit:
Insert the word cYrovisiorialbefore the word Army in the title;
insert as scction 2: That the Quartermaster-C;eneral shall hereafter
hare the rank, pay, and allowances of a brigadier-general in the Provisional Army; and the amendments were agreed to.
On iriotioii of Mr. Chambers, the House took up for consideration
the amendments of the Senate to a bill entitled A n act to reorganize
and promote the efficiency of the Medical Department of the Amy;"
which are as follows, t o wit: Insert the word Provisional before
the word (Army in th e title; and in the first section, which is as fol-

ort 3,1862 1


lows: That the rank, pay. and allowances of a brigadier-general i n

the i h i l g of the Confcderatc States be, and the Same ape hereby, coilferred on the Sui.geon-&?nr.ralof the same, insert after the words
i n the the \%.ordhx&ionaI; and the same mere agreed to.
Nr. Baldwin offeiwl
A resolution that the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads
inquire into the expediency of allowing our people to transport their
own letters and papers as they do all other comniodities affecting their
which was read and agreed to.
XIr. 12a11s moved that when thc House adjourn it adjourn to meet
a t 10 oclocl~to-morrow; which was >greed to.
Jlr. 13aldwin oflcr~cl
h ivx)ltition that the Committee on Patents inquire into the, expedieiicy of rualting the Patent Ofice r?. simple office of record, i n which
any 1111 c~ntoror discoverer may of his own mill and at his omn risk
file h i s spwification and cl:iim of invention OT discoyery, and demand a
patent I iinitrd in it9 duration to twenty years.
71esolt r d , That the said caninittee inquire into the expediency of confining litigation alwut patents to t h e parties hope cIaiiu$ Come in conflict and of protecting
pui cliaser~ot pdtented xrticbles against the detnands of more than one patentee;

hich was re:tcl and agreed to.

On motion of Nr. Ztoy~loii,the House took up n bill t o authorize
the Po.tniaitcr-Genera1 to employ special agents to superintend and
the crrtxin and speedy transportation of the mails across the
ippi River in the Confederate States; which had been returned
ie Scnate with sundry amendments.
being upon agreeing to the ainendiiients; which are as
ion 2, which i.; a3 follows, to wit:

receive snch compensation for

of the Post-Ofice Department,
he Confederate S t a h , and that
of the present war between the
Unitcd Statci a n d the Confederate States,

strike out the words such compensation and insert in lieu thereof
the words the samc, pay and allowance; strike out the word route
and insert in lieu thereof the word sprcixl; strike out the words
snperj nteiiding the transportation of the mails in the Confederate
States; t,he same were agreed to.
A message was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Kash; which is as follows:

. ,5@enkm: The Senate have concurred in the report of the cornmittec of conference or1 the disagreeing votes of the t a o Houses to Senate bill (S. 62) entitled
L lact
~ t~o c x e n ~ pcer$in
peisonp Eroni military duty, and to repeal an act entitled
at7t t o eselnpt certitlrl prrsoiip from enrollment for service in the Army of the
Collfetlerate States, appro\ ect t\\ enty-first April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.
T h e Chair laid before the House a bill of the Senate to punish and
rcprcss the importation by our encmies of notes purporting t o he notes
of tile Treasury of the Confederate States; which was read t h e first and
second times and referred to the Committee 011 T$~YS and Means.
On motion of Mr. Garland,
T h e I-Iouse adjourned until 10 o c h k to-morrow.




[OCt. 4, 1862.

OCTOBER4, 1862.


.The House met pursuant to adjournment.

The Chair presented a communication from the Presideid; which is

as follows, to

RicmroND, T A . , Ortoim 3, 1862.

I l~ere\rithtransmit a cominnnication from thc Attorney-General, submitting cer-

d an appropriation of the amount for the piirpose specified.


1vhic.h was r w d and, with its a iiipnii y i n g dovunicw t s, WRS

to tlro-Conunittee on J3lays an
Tlic Chair also I d bcfoiae the IIoiise :L c o r n n ~ n i ~ i v n t ifroni
oi~ tho
lre4dciit; which is as follows, to wit:
Rrcwlrosn, Th., October < I , ISC-,.
I I l c ~ eith
~ \ transmit a communication from the Sccretai y of ilar, siibmittinq tlie
estinidte o f the Coiiiiniesary-(;eneral for t h c month of ,Jannary, 1863.
I recornmend an appropriation of the amount for the purpo

which was read and, with its accoinpsiiy ing dociiiiientS, was referred
to the Coniinittee on Ways and Means.
1 he rules being huspended, Mr. Chanibrrs, froni the Committec on
,1li litwy Aff aim, reported
2 I)ill to proritlc, shoes for tho Army;
whic 11 was read t>hefirst arid second times, tlic rules wcrc siiqwiid(>d,
tho I)ill WRS takcti up, engrossed, w : ~ dI L third tinic, m d passed.
hlr. IIilton, from the Cornmittco on Militiwy Athirs, to wlioin W R S
referred a bill of tbc, Senate entitled bbAii:wt ta :miend a n act ciititlcd
An act to further provide for the public defense, tqq)roved sixteenth
n hundred and sixty-two, reported the same back, with
datioii that it pass with an nineodincnt.
The rules were snspendcd, slid thc bill \\itis tnken u p For coiisicleration, and having bccn read as follows, to wit:
The Congwcs qf the (onfetlewrf~Qntex ~fAmerica do enctct, That all vvliite men who are
resitlcnts of tlie Confederato States, between t h e ages of viatiteen aid thirty-five years,
anti who have not nlrcady been enrolled, shall be +iinrriediately enrolletl under
initrnctions hercxtoforr, or which may hereafter be given b y the Secretary of War,
and reported by the cwrolling officers mherever found,
II(V within the State or
rolled shall be inrluded
county of their resicleiice or not; and such persaiis heit
mithin the provisions of the above-recited act as fully
cwollccl nncler tlmt act
within the States of which they may be residents: Proi
That this act shxll not
extend to any iiieiiiber of a military organization undci~any Statc. law \I bile he
reiliains in actual scryice without the limits of t h e State of which he is a citizen:
t t J d ,fitrtlrer, That thr Prcsiclcnt i s aiitlioriz(,c\ to su~pciitlt h o excaitiou of this
act, or the act to rnhic4i this is an aiiterhneiit, or :in>special prorkion or provis~ons
of said acts, in any locality where lie beliercs mch ~uspeiisioiiwill promote the
public interest.

The committee inoved to amend 1 q striking out all o f tlw same

after the ellacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following,
to wit:
That all persons suhjcrt to enrollment for niilitnry wrrice may be eiirolled tinder
instructions from the \Vnr Department, and rt-pnrtcd by the enrolling oiiicer wher-

Oct 1,1862.1



ether within the State or covlnty of their resi(lence O r not; and when

11 IIC ~ ~ l ~ j etot *the

L provisions of law as fully as if enrolIe(1 witliin the
tc of T\ hich t1it.y iriay be residents: Provided, That this act shall not
extend to any iiirinber of a iiiilitxrv organization under any State lap, wnilc he
remain.; in actual service 16 i t h u t th; limits of his State: A n d pro?ztlcdfftrt/rrr, That

the execution o f this scat as regarcls the resithe Pri4cltvt is nuthorized to 3~nq)end
dents of aiiy lorality u h e r e lie m a y find it to execute the acnt entitled
i ( l i n act to f a r t h w pro\ide for t h e public defenPe, approved hpiilsixteenth, eigllteen
hundrcd nnc1 cixty-two, and the a( t to aniend the last-mentioned act, approved Srptembw t\+eiity-sw enth, eighteen hundrecl and sixty-two.

Thc aiiiendnient w a z agreed to.

Tt-ic hill was Ihcn read a third time and pabsed, and 011 motion of
X r . IIilton, t h e title of thc hame was amended by striking out all of
the m i i v a i d iiisc&ng in lieu thereof the following:
-1 b i l l to pro\ idr for the mmllnic~ntof perqons iiiibject to military duty without
the liiniti of the Rtatrq of their reklencr

ell. froiii tlie Conimittcc on the Judiciary, to whom was

rcferred i-l t i l l of the Senate to organize military courts to attend the
Arniy of tlic Confedcrittr Strites in the field, and to define the powers
of said courts, reported the same back, with the recommendation that
it ]xis, with i ~ aniendment.
The rules T V ~ I Csuspended, and the bill n-as taken lip, and the first
section of thc bill having k n read as follow, viz:
7 % C~ o q J e s s qf the. Co?,.& Sttrtr\ (tf dnterittc do enticl, That courts shall be
organized t o hc knov n a4 military court?, one to attend each a r m y c o r p i n the field
iiiitlc~rthe ilirection of the lre~ident. Each courtshall consist of three nieinbers,
t \ V ( J o f \\ h o i n shall con?titiitt a quoriini, and each member shall be entitled to the
r;tnlr ;mtl 1)ay of a coloncl of candry, shall be appointed by the President, by and
itli tlic, advice of the Senate, ant1 shull hold h i s ofice duiing the war, unlcss the
COIII t i2lnll 1,r Foolltr abolished by Congr
For cach court thcre Rhall be one
P, to IJCappointed b v the Pre
nt, hv and nit11 the advice and coniiatil, 15 itli the rank and pay oi it captain of tav:dry, whope duties sliall
ecl by the Rules and Articlw of War, cscept as enlitrged or modified by
tlic 1)iirpows and provisions of this act, and ?tho shall also hold hici ofice during t h e
\\at, nnlesr the coiirt shall he woner aholished by the Congrtw

T h e conimittec inorcd to aniend the s:mc as follows, to wit: Add

to the first section the vordb
and in c.aie of tlie al~vmce01 diiability of tlie jiiclgr-d\ o te, upon tlic application
of the < oui t, the coiiiniander of the army co1 ps to n h i such coilit ie attached
m a v appoint an officer to perform t1,e duties of jndgc-ad\ ate d~iriiigsuch absence
or cli-ability or until the ~ a ( a n c y if, any, shall he filled l)y the Prrritlrnt

ah, Itussell mo.\-eclto aniend the amendnient of the coniniittee by

inserting after the ~ o r c appoint
the words (or detail; which was
agreed to, and tlic aniendm~ntad aiilendcd ivas agreed to.
hfr. Pugh, from the corniiiittee of conference on the clisagreeiag
votes of the t n o Houses on Sellate bill KO.62, to exempt certain perh011q from inilitary duty, and to repeal an act entitled An act to CXc q t certain persons from wuollment for service in the Army of the
Confederate Qtatcs, approved 21st April, 1862, reported that after
fill1 and free conferelice tbe conunitte
ve agreed lo rccornniend and
do recommend to their respective Ho
That t h e Senate co11cur in the following ttiiicndnients of thc Jionse: Kos. 1, 3 , 4, 7 ,

8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, and 23.

That t h e IIollpe recede from the f o l l o ~

ing zmlendllient: No. 13.
That tlic Scllatc toncnr i n tlie folloying anlentlinerits of t h e House with amendments:
so.2. Strike out the mords inserted in the JIouse aiiientfnlmt ftnd insert indllding postmasters appointed by the President, and confiriiied by the Senate, and such



[OCt. 4,1862.

clerks in their offices as are allowed by the Postmaster-General and now employed,
and excluding all other postmasters, their assistants, and clerks.
S o . 5. iitrike out salaried or feed and insert after law, line 19, the words
receiving salarics or fees.
S o . 6. Coriciir in inserting now after clerks, and strike out the other words
of the aliielldnient.
No. 11. Insert before aiicl
word Xazarines.
No. 12. Insert after Eiiriidr the words Nwxarines, Mennonists, and insert
after dollars each.
No. 16. Strike out fifty and insert seventy-five, and after extendeil to
them insert their superintendents, and after o r strike out their.
KO. 19. Strike out fifty and insert seventy-fire, and add after manufactories and mec~hanii.aleniploynicnts.
No. 22. Insert attchr war, in line 39, second page, saddles, harness, and army
supplies, and strilrca o i i t after s t o i v saddles, harness.
No. 2-1 Strike ont witx thon-and aiid insert five hnndred; strike out five ant1 itiwrt two Jiuiitlrtd arid fifty; strike out o m thousand and
insert I five hini(Iro~1.
KO. 2<5. Strike out the nortln inserted in the aiiieiiclnicmtand insert to secure tlie
proper police of the country, one person, t 4 h r as agent, owner, or orerseer, on
each plantation on I\ hich one white person is required to be kept by the laws or
ordinances of any State, atid on which there is no white male adult not liable to
do military service, arid in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner,
or overseer or1 each plantation of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white
male adult not liable to inilitary service, and, furthermore, for additional police for
every twenty negroes on two or more plantations within five miles of each other, and
each having less than twenty negroes, and on which there is no white inale adult not
liable to military duty, one person, being the oldest of the owners or overseers on
such plantations.
No. 26. Strike out i n addition to the words 2ioc~~tlor/,
That tlie \I or& .that
mch inembers of the militia of dny State as hiirc k o n called ont arid rnnrteretl into
the service of the said State by the esecntive therwf, eniployed and necessary to
any actnxl invasion of said State, shall also be e s e i i i p t d : lro~idet?, That
ever such iiirasion shall have been repclletl or otherwise shall have ceased to
thr zxcwptioii Iit.reby tleclnretl sliall expire.
No. 27. After aiiil insert also, w i l t 1 add t o 1 1 1 ~aiiientlnicwt while in siich
yi vice.
That the llouse concur in tlie ainendnieiits to tlir. ainendtiientp of tlit, IIouse Nos.
2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, aricl27.
Rcspcctfully submitted.
M. 12. A. GARNETT,
Ilfunagers on the pnrt of ilie l l o u
ED WD . SlAlt fi0 W,
JA1\11<S L. ORE,
B. 11. HILL,
Managem on tlw part of the Senate.


Mr. Perkins, by consent, from the minority of th e snme committee,

reportcd 8s follows, t o wit:
Tht. iindersignecl regrets to be obliged to dissent f,am the report of the majority of
the i.oniniittcr.
.J. lERliIN6.

Mr. Pugh called for the question on ngixxing to the rcport of the
committee; which mas seconded.
Mi.. Kenan of Geor jia clemanded thc yeas and rmys;
W hivh were ordcrck.
Rndarerecordcd as ;olloms, towit: ( Nays
Y e a s ._-_-_-_-_ _ _ _
- _ ._ _ _ - _.
- - 29
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Baldwin, Batson, Xoteler, IZoj7cc, Eli 31.
Bruce, Chnmbers, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Conrad, Cookc, D a r p n , De
Jarnette, Dupr4, Farrow, Freeman, Gar.l:ind, Garnett, Goode, CTralmti,
Gray, Hartridge, Heiskcll, Hilton, Holeombe, Holt, ,Johnston, Me- - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dowell, Mcline, 11 iles, Pugh, Royston, Rnssell, l\rilcox, MTright

T1right of Tcnnessee, and Mr. Speaker.
: A h , A ~ w ,Konham, Bridgers, Chilton, Clopton, Currj,,
Foster, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Hanly, Herbert, &llihn
Georgia, Kenan of Xorth Carolina, Kenne Landor, Marshall, 3tcQuceri, Nerieeb, Yerkins, Ralls, Smit of Alabama, Sniith of North
Carolina, Swan, rihhs, Trippe, Vest, nod Welsh.
So the report was agreed to.
A mesage was received froin the Senate; which is as follows, to miti


The Senate hare concurred in the anieiidrnents proposed by the

(S.97) entitled An act to provide for the organization of arlny


The Senatc hare pasqed, nritli amendments, a bill of this House (1. It. 30)
entitlilt1 .in act to wtablish certain post-routes therein named;
111 which xinendinents I an1 directed to ask the concurrence of this Ilouse.

Jlr. Itrgh niovcd that 1,000 copies of the net to provide for the filling L I of
~ e x i d r i g companies, squadrons, Ixtttaliorls, and regiments of
the Irovisionnl Arrriy of the Confedcrate States, approved September
27, 1862. and 1,000 copies of a bill to exempt certain persons from
military duty, and t o repeal a n act entitled -4n act to excriipt certain
perion.; froni etirollment for service in the h rin y of the Confederate
State;-, approved the 21st of April, 1862, anti 1,000 copics of an act
to furthcr provide for the public defense, approved April 16, 1862,
[he priiitetl) for the use of the Hoiihe.
On motion of hlr. Pugh, the rule requiring the motion to go to the
C:otritnittc~e011 lriiiting w ~ suspended,
and the motion was agreed to.
On iiiotiou of A h . Foote, tlieHouse resolved itself into secret session;
nnd having spent soiiic time therein, again resolved itself into open
fi-oiii the Coiuinittee on Military Affairs, to whoin was
rcfcrretl a bill of the Senate to authorize the 11-esidcnt to accept and
place it1 the ,service certain regiments and battalions heretofore raised,
rcportecl the satm back, with the recommcndation that it pass with
:im(11 dm en t $.
?he riileh were suspended and the bill was taken up.
MI,. SMan, froiii the committee, moved to amend the same by striking
out the \ \ r ~ r d.-raised, wherever it occurred, and inserting in lieu
thereof thc word orgmized.
MI-. Garnctt called t he question; which vas ordered, and the amendmerit wts agrccd to.
MI.. Tibbs moved to reconsider th e vote agreeing to the amendment.
Upon which Mr. Hei.;ltell demanded the questioii.
ion mas ordcred, and the motion to reconsider mas lost.
c IVRS receired frorn the Senate, b j r their Hccretniy, Mr.
ir as follows, to wit:
The Senate have adopted a resolution extending the adjournriient of
nday, the 13th of October, at 13 oclock in.

On lllotiotl of Mr. Curry, the rules were suspended, and the House
took u p for cotisideration the resolution of adjournmcnt reported f roin
the Seiiatc.
Mr. U a i w t t moved to airlend by striking out the words Monday,
the thirteenth. and inserting
- in lieu thereof the words Thursday,
the ninth.



[Oct. 4,1862.

J2r. Curry demanded the previous question; which was ordered, and
the question being on agreeing to the arncndmcnt,
Air. Hilton called for the yeas and nays;
IVhidi ivere ordered.
- - - .- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - 25
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas
Nays - .- - - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - 49
Yeas: Atkins, Ratson, Bonhani, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Freeman, Gardenliire. Garland. Garnett. Gartrell. Hanlv. Iicrbert. 1Cen:tn of Georgia, Kenan of North Cwolina, LandLr, M&4iall, McUowell, Royston,
Smith of Al:ibaina, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe,
and Wright of Ieniu
Nays: Ashc, h y ~ r
win, 13wksciale, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgers,
EIi M. Bruce, CIi:~inbers,Chilton, Clopton, Conrr~d,Conrow, C o o k ,
Currin, Curry, I);irg:~n,I>:iwkins,1)c rJarnett(l, l)uprf, Elliobt, Fttrrow,
Foote, Foster, Gentry, Goode, G~xh:iin, Grit!., Harris, Hartridge,
I-Ici&ell, Hilton, ITolcoinl~e,Holt, Johnston, ,Jones, Kenner, McQucen,
McKnc, Milcs, Ferkins, Pugli, lt:tlls, Bussell, Sexton, Vest, Welsh,
Wilcox, and Nlr. Speaker.
So the amendment was lost.
The question recurring on agreeing to the rcsolution,
Mr. IZoyston deinandcd the yeas and nays;
Which werc, ordered,
Yeas . _ _ ___
_ _ ._ _._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ 57
And arc recorded as folloM-s, tomit,: Nays
_ _ _ _ - .. _... _
_ _ _ _ . _15
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, 13aldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Bonhain, Boteler,
Chilton, C%~pp,Clopton,
Boycc, Bridgers, Eli hf. B ~ U CCkiaiiihcrx,
Collicr, Conrad, Conrow, Cookc, Currin, Cnrry, Ihrgnn, Dstwkins,
De ,Jarnotto, Farrow, Footc, Fo,ster, Garnett, (fentry, Goodc, Gmhmi,
Gray, ilnnly, Harris, Ihrtridge, Ilciskr~ll,Hilton, Holconibe, Holt,
.Johnston, Jones, Kcnan of North Carolina, K r i i n ~ rIlanclcr,
IllcQueen, hfcRar, Milw, Ierkins, ugh, Kallq, Itussell, Sexton, ribbs,
Vest, Welsh, IVilcox, and Mr. Spcaktr.
Nays: Atkins, Clark, DuprF, Freeman, C;ardenhirc, Garland, Cartrell, lierbcrt, McDowrll, Royston, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North
Cnrolina, Swan, Trippe, and Wright of Teunessee.
So the rcsolntion was :iclopted.
A message wits rcceived from the Senatc, 1 ) j ~their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is :th follows, to wit:

X r . ,Tjwuker; T h t s

Seiiate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:

S.115. A n act to refund t h e State of Louisiana the excess o f t h e Tvar tax overpaid
b y her.
They have alw ~,a.sctl, with aiiic~ndments,the following hills of this lIouse, viz:
1. It. 35. An act to oncotirage the Inaiiufacture of clothing : I I shoes
for tlle 4rrny;
ic.iitlatorg of an art provitling for the, granting of bounties and
id iionc.ommii.lionet~
in thci lrovisional hriiiy, approved
1)eceiiiher 11, 186
In vr1iic.h L a m d i r w t P t i to aili tlrcl concnrrenre of thiP IIonee.
They have also passcd the follo\r~ir~g
1)illsof thir IIouse, viz:
13. 1%.31. A n art for tlic relief of Johii Itnntgr, collector of customs and agent of
t h e marine hospital a t the port of S a t r h c ~;\lips.
~, ;
H. R. 33. An act to aiithorizr the wtahlkliinent of csanipsof instruction, and the
appointment of officers to coininand the w n e ; anti
H. R. 37. An act to aniend an act entitled An act lor the organization of the
staff department of the Army of the Confederate States of America, approved
March 14, 1861.

Oct. 4,1862 1



Xi.Chitmbers, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as

correctly c w d l e d and ready for the signature of the S ealrer
A bill to h e entitled .An act to authorize the jucfges of district
courts to ehtuige the place of holding court i n ceytain cases;
Also, a hill to be entitled An act to reorganize and promote tho
efliicirncy of the Alcdical Department of the Provisional Army;
Also, a bill to he entitled An act to amend an act for the establishnlmt and organization of the Provisional Army of the Confederate
State? of Anmica, :rpproved March sixth, eighteen hundred and
Also, i~ hill to be entitled An act to authorize the Postmaster(;enera1 to employ specid agents to superintend and secure thc certain
and speedy transportation of the mails actoss the Mississippi River in
tho Confederxtc States; and
Also, 811 act to provide for the organization of army corps.
And the Speaker signed the same.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order
of h h i i t p s s , which mas a bill to raise revenue.
1\11.. hlilcs i i i o ~ - ~that
d the consideration of tho same be postponed.
1%nd i iig w 11ich ,
On inotion of Nr. Jones,
The ouse adjourned until 11 oclock to-morrow [Monday].
r ,

Lhe IIouse being i n secret session,

Air. Perkins, from the Committee on Foreign Aflairs,made the follon~ingreport; which -rms read and laid on the table, and is as follows,
to i t it:
Tlie Conimittee on Foreign Affairs, to n hom v i a b refrrrecl the spccial inessagc of the
P r e d e i i t touching the suggested mission to B r a d and otbei Pout11 Aiiier ican States,
ha\ e hid t h e m i i e nnder coniideration and iepoi t.
uieate ill the \ x i \ \ of his coiihtitutional power expiwsect by tlie President
~ v to
e ay, tliat i n offeiiiig the reaolutions referred to i n his inessage they
eiitiun of ti eiichinp upon the Iresidenta powers, lint deeply in~pressed
froiri iiiioiiiiation before them vith the iniportaiice of negotiating for the opening oE
diplomatic intercourse with Ernzil and othcr South Ainericaii States, they deputed
one of their Iiuiiilier to confer unrescrredly n ith the President on the subject and at
the saiiie tune adopted a rebolutioti requesting of him an estimate of the expense of
such a mihiion, lturiiig it to Ilia ~udgnientto decide whether ail appropriation should
be recoiiiiireiitlrd or not.
Thc Ircsident ha\ ing furnislied a statement of the e.rpense of such a mission, and
acc*oinpniiicd it \tit11 the assuyance that there are at his disposal funds sufficient for
all the piirposeq suggested in the resolution, your c~onimitteeask to be discharged
froin further action on the matter

3Ir. Chaiahtrs, from the Committee on Enrolltnent, reported as

correctly cngrosbed and enrolled
,I kill to approprinte money f o r the purchase, arming, and equipping
of vessels iihroacl.

And thc Spealccr signed the same.

A nicssage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, M r .
Nash; which i.:a\ follov73, to wit:
d it bill of the IIouse of thc following title, viz
lintioiis for the dcfcnse of l\resterzl and Southern rivers

3 1 ~ FOOte,
fronl the (2onlmittee





\yvhol?l \ V a h



[Oct. 4,1862.

A bill t o be entitled A n act to amend an act recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate States,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass with
sundry amendments.
And t h e question being upon agreeing to the first amendment offered
by the committee; which is as follows, to wit: Add at end of the bill
the following words, t o wit:
Provided, That the name of tlie vessel shall appear in the letter of marque so soon
as the same shall be tskeit possession of,

A h . E. 31. Rrucc moved to amend the amendment by adding thereto

thc woi*ds RS a private~r.
The arrieridinent t o the nniendnient was agreed to.
M r . Conrad iiiorcd t o ninend by adding after t h e word privateer
the words and before proceeding to take prizes.
AIr. Gray called the previous question; which was ordered, and th e
amendnient was agreed to.
And thc question being upon :igreeing to the second aniendment of
the committee, which was to strilrc out the second section of th e bill,
The same mas agreed to, and the bill as tmended was engrossed,
read a third tinle, and passed.
On inotioii of Mr. Garnett, the injunction of secrecy was removed
from the action of the House in relation to the defenses around Iiichinond and the prooccdings groming o u t of the same.
MI-. Conrad, froiii the Committee on Tiiaral Affairs, to mlioni was
refcrred c~tiniatesfor building twelve gunhoats on tho Tennessee and
Cuiiibcrland rivers, reported thnt the coriiniittec had iiot,hing before
tliem upon which t o base action, and asked to be discharged from the
further consideration of the mine.
blr. Foote offered tlic following resolution :
Resolved, That the Conimittcc on Naval Affairs 1x1 instructed to inquire into the
expcdicncy of bringing i n a bill authorizing and directing tlie construction of twelve
gunboats for the tlcfenso oE the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.

On motion of Mr. Foster, the IIoiise proceeded to the consideration of

A bill to be entitled An act to authorize Prinius Emerson and
Edward Havcn, jr., and others to fit out vessels to operate against th e
And the question being on tlic engrossment of the same,
Blr. Jones dcnianthd t he ycss and nays;
Which were ordered,
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42
And arc recorded :is follows, to wit: Yeas.
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 [Isl
Yeas: Arrington, Atkins, Rnrltsdale, Katson Boteler, Chamber<.
Clapp, Clopton, Conrow, Currin, Curry, l>aw$ins, Dnpr6, Earro\t,
Foster, Frecniaii, Garnett, Gentry, Goodt, Graham, Gray, Hawk,
Hartridgc, Herbert, Hilton, Holcombe, Kenan of Gcorgia, Kenner,
Lander, AlcWac, Menees. Miles, I-ugh, Zialls, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smith of Ahhama, Swan, Trippe, Vest, and Welsh.
Nays: Ashe, 13aldwin, Uonhnm, Chilton, (lark, Collier, Conrad,
De ,Jsmette. Gartrell, Ilanly, Ifolt, Johnston, *Jones, McDowell,
McQueen, Smith of Sort11 Carolina, \\-iIcox, and Mr. Speaker.
So the hill was cngrossed, read R third time, and passed.



(i,18132 ]



Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported and

recoiiirncnded the passage of
A bill authorizing the building of certain vessels of war;
Iyhich was read first and second times;

W 11 en ,
MI-. Swan rnovcd that the House do resolve itself into open session.
The motion was lost, and the bill was engrossed, read a third time,
:tnd passed.
Mr. Tibhs, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as correctly
engrossed and enrolled
hill making appropriations for Mestern and Southern rivers.
And the Speaker signed the same.
Aiitl on motion of Mr. Foote,
She House rcsoll-ed itself into open session.


6, 1862.


The louse met pursuant to adjournment, and was opciied with prayer
by tlic Kcv. L h . Reed.
lhe House then proceeded to the consideration of the unfinished
biihiiwsi; of ymtcrday, which was a bill of the Senate to anthorize the
lrosidcnt to accept and place in the service certain regiments and battttlion h hci-etofore raised.
And the qucbtion being on agreeing to thc amendments of the cominittee; which are as follows, to wit: Insert after the words in good
faith the words prior to the first day of October, eighteen hundred
arid hixty-two, and also, by striking out in the roviso the words
niilitarj- organizations raised after this time a n z inserting in lieu
thereof t i c iforda reginients or battalions organized after the said
first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
The second amendment mas agreed to.
,Ind the question being on agreeing to the third amendment,
IIr. Swan deiiiandccl the yeas arid nays;
TVhich werc ordered,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38
Yeas-. . _ - __
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _25
_ Yeas: &he, Ayer, Barksdale, Ratson, Bonham, Boteler, Royce,
Chanihers, Chilton, Clopton, Conrad, Curry, Dargari, Dawkins, DuprB,
F:~rrow,Fohter, Gardenhire, Gartreil, Gentry, Harris, Heiskell, Hilton, .I ohnqton, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
l\lcDowe!l, McQueeti, Miles, Pugh, Ealls, Russell, Swan, Vest, Wilcox,
\Viight of Texas, and Nr. Speaker.
iitkins, Baldwin, Clapp, Cooke, Curriu, De Jarnette, Elliott,
Foot;, Freeman, Garland, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartrid e,
IIerbcrt, Jones, XcRae, Jlenees, Perkins, Royston, Smith of A abaiiia, Tibbs, Welsh, and Wright of Tennessee.
S o thc third amendment was agrecd to.
Xr. Swan inoved that the House reconsider the vote agreeing to the
third amendment, and also moved to lag the motion to reconsider up011
the table.
The motion to lay on the table was lost.



[Oct. 6,1862.

A nicsJagc T C ~ Sreceived from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.

Xash; which is as follows, to wit:
3fi. ,$eakw: The Senate hare agreed to the amendment of this House to the bill
(S. 106) to organize military courts to attend t h e Army of t h e Confederate States in
the field, and to define the powers of said courts.

The Chair laid before tlie House a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, covering estimates of the various Departments
which was read and, with its accomfor the month of J a n u ~ r y 1863;
panying docmiicntr, was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means
arid ordered to hc printed.
The Chair alho prcscutcd :t comniunication from the President; whidi
is as follows, to wit:
RICIINOND,TTA., Octobe~4, 1862.
70f l i p I1mc.w of 1:clmwiiIcc
I liei e\~itli tiaiiciiiit for >oiir inforination a coniii~unicatioiifroni the Secretary of
JVar iii rcsponre to yonr teholntion of the 9th nltinio, in reference to the enrollment
of persons as coawripts 17 ho are ph>sically disabled from dixharging the duties of

On motion, the mcss:tge and accompanying documents m-ere referred

to the Committee on Afilitarg Affairs.
The Chair also prc:seiited R conimunicat~ionfrom the President; which
is as follows, to wit:
RIcHmmn, T A . , 0rloht.r 4, 186%.
I herewith transinit a communication f i o m the Becsretary of the Treasury, submitting estimatcs o f ~ ~ ~ ) i ~ r ~ ) Iiequircd
~ r i ~ ~ tfor
i ~tlic
i i sservice of the Treasury Department
mid for miscellancoor o 1 ) j w t s for thc moiitti of January, 1863.
I recommend mi ap1xoIniation of tlie ainount a i d for the purpose specified

On motion, thc mcssagc and >iccoirtpanyingdocuments wore referred

ittcc o n JVa3-s : i d Means.
then ~ ~ r o c e c d ctod the consideration of tlic special order
o f thc day, which war a lill to raise revenue, mid resolved itself into

Committee of t,he \\hole, Nr. Curry being in the chair; and having
spent some tinic tlic~ein,the coniniittee rose and reported, through
their Chairninn, that t h c cornniittee had had under consideration t h e
bill rderrcd to thcni, and had on voting found that the committee was
w itlio i i t a (1 UOIU I 11.
Beldwin nioved a c.dl of the Iiouse.
Upon which MY.Atliina denianded the gens and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
as--- _ _ _ _ - _ _ - 20- _
,lnd arc rccordccl ah f o l l o ~ sto
, wit: ye
hays ....- - - . .- ..- - - - - - 41
Yeas: Baldwin. Batson, Chambers, Ctiilton, Clapp, Cooke, Currin,
Foster, Frecrmn, Gai*land,Jones, Kenan of Georgia, 31arshal1, i\ilcItae,
iClcQneen, lcrliins, Iioyston, Vest, Welsh, mid IVilcox.
Says: Ashc, Atliins, Aycr, Barksdale, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgers,
Clhanibliss, Clopton, Conrow, Curry, Dwgan, Dupr6, Elliott, Farrow,
Gardenhire, Gnrtrell, C< oode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Harris, Iiartridgc,
Hcislwll, Hilton, ,Johnston, Kcnan of Xorth Carolina, Kenner, Lander,
iClcDomel1, Neneeh, Pugh, Ralls, E u s d l , Sexton, Smith of Alabama,
Smith of North Cnmlintt, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, and Wright of Texa3.
So the motion was not xgrced to, arid a quorum being present, the
House again resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Curry



in tho chair; and having spent some time therein, the committee rose
stnil q ) o r t e t i , tbrougli their Chairman, that the committee had had
uridel*comidcration the bill referred to them, and that on a vote had
again axertained itself to be without a quorum,
Mr. lZaldwin inoved a call of the House.
The motion was lost, and a quorum being present, the House again
resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Curry in the chair;
and having spent some time therein, again rose and reported, throu h
t hcir Chairman, that the committee had had under consideration t&
))ill rcferred to them, and on vote bad again found itself without a
quo 111111.

Nr. Kerincr n r o ~ e da call of the IIouse, and demanded the yeas and
nays thereon.
lhc, yeas and nays mere ordered,
Yeas---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l8
.. _ _ . .
____ __ ___ _
_ _ _ 43
Yeas: h Idwili, ISatbon,
Collier, DuprB, Eioster,
Kenan of Georgia, McRae, McQueen, Perkins,
Frocmaii, 1 I d . ~,Jones,
Iiigh, I~oystoii,S ~ a n and
, Welsh.
K ~ J x :Ashe, Atkins, Barksdale, Boteler, Boyce, Rridgers, Chambers, Chamliliss, Clopton, Currin, Curry, Dargan. Dawkins, De Jarrwtte, Elliott, Fnr.rov, Foote, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Gentry, Graham,
G K L I-Iartriclge,
Hciskell, Herbert, Hilton, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of
Norlh Carolina, K C I I I Lander,
McDomell, Menees, Miles, Ralls,
,lI, Scxton, Smith of Korth Carolina, Ebbs, Trjppe, Wilcox,
tit, of Texas, and Wright of Tennessee.
S o a call of the House was not ordered.
A q i ~ o r u nbeing
present, the House again resolved itself into Committee of t tie Whole, Mr. Carry being in the chair; and having spent
some time therein, the committee rose and reported, through their Chair~ i i a n ,that they h:id had under consideration the bill referred to them,
which was a bill to raise revenue, and reported the same back, with the
recoiirmcndation that the enacting clause thereof be stricken out.
Alr. Poote moved that the bill be laid upon the table.
Air. Kenner demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Yeas.. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36
as follows: Naj7s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 27 [as]
Yew: Ahhe, Batson, Boteler, Bridgers,Charubers, Chambliss, Clapp,
Clopton, Collici*.Dawkins, Elliott, Foote, Foster, Freeman, Garland,
Garnett, Gxrtrell, Gentry, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hcrbert, Hilton,
Kenan of Georgia, Lander, IYIcDowell, Menees, Miles, Pugh, Ralls,
Sextoii, Swan, M7elsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Wright of

S2ij-s: &$ins, Ayer, Baldwin, Bonham, Boyce, Chilton, Currin,

Curry, Lhpr6, Farrow, Gardenhire, Goode, Hartridge, Heit;lslcll, Holt,
Johnston, Joiics, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, illlarshall, McQueen, Perkins, Itoyston, 12usuel1, Smith of Alabama, Smitli of North
Carolina, Tibbs, and Trippc.
So the bill was hid upon the table.
A message was rcceilred from the President, by his Private Secretary,
MI*.Narrison, informing the House that the President of the Confederate States has to-day approved and signed the following acts:
1. 1%.32. An act to authorize the postmaster-General to employ


5 4 6 3 2



[OCt. 6,1862.

special agents to sizperinteiid and secure the certain and speedy transportation of the mails across the Mississippi River in the Confcderate
States; also
1. X. 26. An act to authorize the judges of district courts to change
the place of holding court in certain cases.
Mr. Elliott, from the Corninittee on Xnrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled and wbdy for the signature of the Speaker
A bill to be ciititled An act for the rclicf of Jo h n Hunter, collector
of customs and agent of the marine hospital at the port of Natchez,
Mississippi; also,
A bill to be entitled dn act [to aincnd f t n act entitled An act] for
tho organization of thc rtaff dcpavtuient of tho Aimy of the Confcder:ito Htatw of Aiiieviw, npprovtd March fourtcent,h, eighteen hundred and sixty-one; also,
h bill t o he cntitlod A11 act to m~thol-izcthe cstxblishrnent of camps
of instrnction, a i d thc :qjpointment of 0fficci.s to coinrnnnd tho S R I ~ C .
And thc Speakcr ~ i g n c dtlic s m o .
A niessage was roccivcd from the Senate, bp their Secretary, Mr.
hiash; which is as follows, to wit:
ill.,.. Speaker: The Senate l i t t \ v paqsed a bill of the following title, T7iz:
Ail act to rcpay to the Stat(>of North Carolina the excess over her quota
paid by her into thtl Treesnry of tlic Confrtlcrate States on account of the war tax.
They liavc also passed, with amendmmts, bills of this House 11 ith the following

H. 117.

titles, riz:
11. It. 28. An act to grant coinn~utatioiifor quarters to the Supcrintcndent o f the
hriiiy Iiit~~llige~ice
O l f i c ~aii(1hi..: clerks; and
11. 1%.39. A n iivt inaking appropriations for tlic
of 1 1 1 Governiiic~it
for the i i i o r i t l i of Dt
ill arid anicndnicritv I ani ilirwtc~tlto 24
The Fenate Iiarc roncwrrecl in tho aincndiiicnts proposed by tlie Ilousc~to tlie bills
oI tlie follou ing titles, viz:
S. 53. A n act to ainmtl an act c.ntitlet1 h i act to hirtlicr provide for tlic public
tlcftvrse,a p p ~
u \ etl 16th April, ISGZ; and
8.706. A n act to orptriize niilitary conr!s to attend tlic. Arnip of tlie Confcderate
States in the field, and to deliitr thv p v e r s of said cwxts.

Nr. Kcnner moved n suspciision of tlic rulcs to en:zble the Conirnittcc on w a y s alld Mcana to report.
Tho motion was lost.
Mr. Perkins, by consent, offered
A resolution that tho Coniniittee oil Ways a i d Means be instructed
to rcyort iiiiiiicdiatcly R bill for the ptirpow of i.aisiug it sufficicnt siiin
to mcot tho :iccruing iiitcrcst upon th c -ivholc inteve~t-bo:wirigdcl)t oi
this (h\-crnnient hcretoforc created, and such US niay bc contrtictcd
r ~ 3- ,;
tieiwftcr prcvious to thc 1st day of r J a n ~ ~ a M
which wis mxi, :iud Mr. Footc moved to anwnd t,hc sainc by adding
t hcrcto t he follow i ng :
that tlic coiiiniittee bc instrnctctl to inacrt in Faid bill a clause making Treasurv iiotw
a lcgal tender for thc pxyiiient of delks, I)otli to the (ioveinnicnt and individiialp

Mr. Jones, being in the chair, vulcd the amcndment out of order, as
Mr. Footo q)pealed from the decision of the Chair, and the question
Shall thc dccision of the Chair stand as the judgmcnt of the EIouseZ
lbe m n c was dceidcd in the affirniativc.
Air. ,Johiiston moved to nniend by striking out all of the same and
iwtlrting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Radced, That the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed to report to this

OLt. 7 , Ihb.]


I1om-e at the earliest nionlent practicable, for its considcq-ation, a tax bill embracing
property, business, and incomes, which nil1 yield at least fifty millions of &llars of

moved to amend the amendment by striking out all of the
hame and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Rcsolvtd, That the Committee on Ways and Means be instructed to report a bill for
a coniprefrcnsire system of internal taxation, and authorizing the Secretary of the
reawry to dispose of bonds at current rates.

Xr. l3oyce demanded the previous question; which was ordered, and
the amendment to the amendment was lost.
The amendment was lost, and the question bcing on agreeing to the
rcso 1u t i on ,
Afr. lerkins called for the yeas and n a p ;
Which wcre ordered,
Arid are recordedasfollows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nays - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
Yeas: ash^, A.yer, Baldwin, Batson, Bonliaiii, Roteler, Boyce,
Bridgers, Chambers, Chamhliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Currin,
C11r1y, Dargan, Dawkins, Dupr6, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Freeman,
Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, Ooode, Gray, Harris, Hartriclge, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, ,\farshall, McDo~vell,McQueen, Miles, Perkins, Ralls, Royston,
Itussell, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, and
melsli .
ilays: Atlrins, Collier, De Jarnette, Foster, Gartrell, Gentry, Graliitiii, t I a n l j , Herbert, IIilton, Holt, Pugh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas,
and Wright of Tennessee.
So the resolution wad agreed to.
hlr. Garnett moved that the House reconsider the vote agreeing to
thc resolution.
Kenncr moved to lay that motion on the table.
Pending which,
O n motion of Blr. Chambers,
The House adjourned until 11oclock tomorrow.


OCTOBER7 , 1862.


The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Kev. Dr. Reed.
The Chair laid before the House a communication from the Preaident; which is as follows, to wit:
RICEMOND,VA., October 6 , 1869.
I hererrith transmit for your consideration a communication from the PostniasterGeneral, submitting certain estimates.
1recoinanend a n appropriation of the amount for the purposes specified.

On motion, the message and accompanying documents mere referred

to the Corninittee on Ways and Means.
The Chair also presented a communication from the President;
which is as foliows,-to wit:
To the House of liepresentatices qf the Confederate States of America:
I return heren-ith without my approval an act which originated in your body
entitled An act for the. establishment and organization of the Provisional Army of
t h e Confederate States ot America, approved March 6 , 1861.



[Oct. 7, 1862.

The act requires revision as an error existcj in the title, there being no such act on
the statute hook as t h a t recited in the title.
T2irr.e is also an inconsistency between the first and second sections, which is
probably th e result of inadvertence or haste.
The first section seems t o refer to the Permanent Army, and the second to the Provisional Army.
I therefore return the act for such action as you may deem proper to take inrelation to th e errors above men tioned.

October 6,1862.

Mr, Jones mowd that the message and accompanying bill be

referred to thc Coimnittec on Military Affairs; which was agreed to.
On niotion of MY. Jones, thc vote referring the message and bill
to thc Committee on Military Affairs was reconsidered, atid Mr.
tJoiieb moved that thc Iilouse reconsider the vote by which tho bill
was passed.
The motion prevailed, and the question being,
Shall the bill pass, the objections of the President to the contrary
notwithstanding ?
The yeas and nays were recorded as follows, to wit:
It was decided in the negative, Yeas .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ._ _ __
Nays - - .- ._
_ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _._ __.__ _- _- 6 1
Yeas: Dargan.
Nays: Ashe, Atkins, Ryer, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Bonham,
I3oteler) Boyce, Chanibers, Chambliss, Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton,
Collier, Currin, Curry, Ilawltins, Do Jarnette, DuprB, Elliott, Farrow,
Freeman, Gardcnhire, Garland, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Hanly,
Hnrris, Hartridge, Heislicll, flerhcvt, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Johnston, cJones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner,
Alarshall, McRae, i\llcQueen, Menees, Miles, Pugh, Ralls, Royston,
Itussell, Smith of Alabama, Sniith of North Carolina, Swan, Tibbs,
Trippe, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, Wright of Tennessee, and
Mr. Speaker.
So the bill mas lost.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the Committee on
and Means were
authorized to report at any time during the session.
Mr. Miles moved a suspension of the rules to allow him to report a
The motion was lost.
MI-. Poote moved that the rules be suspended to allow Mr. Boteler
t o introduce a memorial.
The motion was lost.
On motion, loavc of abscncc was granted Mr. E. NI. Bruce f o r the
remainder of the session.
The Housc then proccedcd to the consideration of the unfinished
business of yesterday, which was n bill to authorize the President to
accept and place in the service certain regiments and battalions heretofore raised.
The question being on the motion to reconsider the vote by which
the amendment to the roviso of the bill was agreed to,
MY.Tibbs demande?I the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And recorded as follows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -23
Nays . _ __ _
_ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Baldwin, Clark, Collier, Foote, Freeman, Gar-



denhire, Garland, H d y , Herbert, Marshall, McDoweil,

Yerkins, Kills, b y s t o n , Smith of Alabama, Smith of North
Tibbs, Iielh, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Rycr, Barkdale, Batson, Bonham, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgers,
Chambers, ChamMiss, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Conrad, Currin, Curry,
J>a,wliins, DiiprB, Elliott, Farrow, Gartrell, Gentry, Goodc, Harris,
Hartridge, Iilton, solcoinbe, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia,
Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, MclCae, &Queen, Miles, Pugh,
liussell, Swan, Wright of Texas, and Mr. Speaker.
So tho motion to ~*econsidei*
was lost.
Mr. h t k i n s m o d t o amend the bill by adding a t the end thereof
the following, to wit:
That all companies, battalions, and regiments of infantry,
before the first clay of December neut, within the limits of middle
e, zittall be accepted b y the President, and $aid troops shall .be
allowed to elect tlwir o w n officers for the first eli.ction, after which all vacancies
shall be filled b y the. lrc4tlrnt under the act, and the avt anieiitiatory of the same,
providing for the public defeiise, approved April sixteerith, eighteen hundred and

The hour for the special order haring arrived, on motion of Mr.
Atkins, thc consideration of the same was postponed until after the
disposal of the pending bill.
Mr. Siuith of North Carolina moved to amend the amendment by
adding thereto the words
and alio ~ii(.11counties in Korth Carolina lying east of the line of the Wilniington
and Weldon Railroad as are beyond the lines of the Army and exposed to the incurpioils of the enemy.
11/11.. Siiiitli of North Carolina demanded the previous question :
which was ordered, and the aniendiiient to the ariiertdment was agreed
The question t h e n recurring o n the amendment as amended, the
same was agrwd to.
The hill mas then read a third time.
Mr. ribhs n i o \ d that the House reconsider the vote by which the
bill was ordered to be read a third tinie.
On motion of Mr. Heiukell, the motion to reconsider was laid upon
the tj:tblc,
The question being on Ihe passage of the bill,
Mr. Atkiiis deinxiided the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Y e a x - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 46
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
- - . _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Baldmin, Batson, Bonham, Rridgers, Chambers,
Chilton, Clapp, Clopton, Collier, Currin, Uargan, Farrow, Foote,
I+eemsn, Gardenhire, Garland, GentrF, Goode, Hanly, Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, ,Jones, Kenan of North Carolina,
Lander, Lyons, Marshall, McDowell, McQLIeen, lfences, Miles, P e r kins, Royston, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Swaii,
Tibbs, Trippe, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: AJcr, Barl&ale, Boteler, Chambliss, Curry, Ilawkins, Gartrell, Hilton, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Pugh, Russell, and
Mr. Speaker.
So the bill was passed.



roct. 7,1862.

M r . Batson announced as being present Mr. E. C. Boudinot, a

Delegate-elect from the Cherokee Nation, and moved that he be qualified :is :i Delegate and take his seat.
Mr. Eoot,e moved that the motion to swear in the Delegate Be
referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and that f o r the prcsent
the Delegate-elect be invited to a seat upon the Boor; which was
agreed toy
The Chair presented a hill of the House to mant commutation for
quarters to t6e Superintendent of the Army lnGlligence Office and his
clerks, reported from the Senate with sundry aniendments; which
was referred to the Conimittce on Qi
iartermaster~and Conimiss:~ry
Departments and Nilitary Transportation.
The Chair also laid before the IIoiise a bill of the House making.
appropriations f o r the executive, legi&tive, and judicial expenses of
thc Government for thc month of Dccembcr, lS62, reported from the
Scrlate with sundry amcndmciits.
The question being on postponing the same aud placing it upon t h e
The same was lost.
On motion of Mr. Kenner, the rule was suspended requiring its consideration i n Cornniittee of the Whole.
The bill having heeii read a s follows, to wit:
S ~ c r i o s7 . The Con
of the Coi~fetlrrate Slates of America do mact, That tlie foll o ~ i n gsunis be, and
same arc liercbp, appropriated for the objccts hereafter
expressed, for the year ending the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and
vrim.--For compensation of tlie President of tlic Confederate States, six
nd sixty-si\r dollars and sixty-iix wilts.
For cumpensntion of tlie TTice-lreqiclt.nt of the Confetlerate States, three hundred
ant1 qixteen doIIxw a i i c l siYty-Six cent.:
For c~onipeiisationof the Irivate Secrcltar y ant1 nic~~scwger
of tlie President, fonrteen
dollars and seventy-five cents.
For compenPation of tlic Secretary of t l i e
sistant Sccretary, Comptrollcr,
Auditors, Treasurer, and Register, and
nies~engers in the Treasury
lkpartnieiit, fifty-time thousand five hot
For incidental ant1 contingent expenses ot tlie Treasury Department, six thousand
d 01larp.
For compensation of the Secretary of War, chief of bureau, and clerks and messengers in t h e \Var Department, thirteen thousand dollars.
For incidental and contingent expenses of the War Department, live thousand
For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, clerks, and messenger, one thousand eight hnndretl and twenty-five dollars and ninety cents.
For incidental and contingent expenses of the Navy Department, one thowand
For conipcJiixationoI thr. Posliriaster-(ieIieral, diielu ol linrcau, arid clelks airtl
riiessengc~rsi t i tlie lost-Offire Department, sewn thousantl four Iiundiecl nticl l o 1 t \ two dolla1s ant1 fifty-one tents.
120, incicimtdl and contingcnt cupcnse:ci of ttic Ioit-OiEc 1 r)epartnient, one tiioii&ant1dollars.
For conipensation ot tl
torncy-General, Assistant Attonicy-C;encral, and cblerl:+
and Inesscngcw 111 thc
rtincnt of ,Justice, onc thousand and t v o dollar+ x i i t l
thirty cents.
For salary of Superintendent of Public Printing and t-lcrlrs and niessengrr i n his
office, three liundred arid s1xty-two dollars and twenty-thrce cents
For incidental and contingent expenses of the Department of Justice, five hnndretl
For printing for the several Executive nepartmentc, ten thoiisand four liniidred
and sixteen dollars and sixty-six rents.
T E R R r l ~ o R r a L . - ~ o r salaries of governor, and Coiiirnissioner of Indian Affairs, and
secretary, judges, attorney, and marshal of Arizona Territory, eight hurictred and
eight dollars a n d seventy-one cents.

For t Ii(1 eiicrinccr seruice. tivo hundred thousand dollars.

)-pita1 wppliv, four hundred thoumid clolli~s.
and rook4<,other than cnlistwl nren, or yolunteers, forty-eight

For her\ iwi of physicians, to br eriiployetl in conjunction with tlir nicvlical staff of
thcx A i r ~ i i ytliirty
tliowaiid dollars.
For tlre c.~tnbli?liinent and support of military hospitalP, fifty-nine thousand five
hmrc!retl tlollars.
For compcii~ationof expert?, not t o esceed eight in nnmber, to he employed in
tletcq*tirigforger3 ot Tr
ry notes, and locntetf at such points and pait1 in such proporti<m:IS thc 8C?(*FetnI
the Trcmury niay tlirwt, twelve thousand do1l:trs.
For trai clmq and ot
expenscs incidental to the drtection of p c ~ ~ o ieniployed
rid pasiing forged Treawry notes, ttrirtew 1iionsantl dollars.
cnt to the Slate of Sortli Carolina, of tlie ex( css over her yiiota paid
r r r y on account of the M i t r I n \ , piox ided for per act approved April
sccontl, c,iqliteen 1111ndredant1 cixty-tv o, one hundred and clcven thousand one hundred and scrcnty-fonr dollar I. mil bixty-niiip cents.
To ~nalrcadvance oir contract.- for thci production of iron and coal, two niillion
cct n inter quarters for oflivers niicl seamen of the Savy at Drevry's Bluff,
rle\ en tlioiiwntl dollars.
To c r r c t I\ inter yunrters for the iiiarinrs stationed a t Drcwry's Bluff, fifteen thousantl dollars.
]?,>rordnance Pervicc ill all its branches, including the pnrcliaw of ordnance and
orc1ii;inc.e storcis iniporttd, four iiiillion c?ollars
1"or 1m.v of members of (hngrecs and officers of Congress, thirty-five thousand six
Iiuntlred and ninety dollars.
For contingent a11d telegraphic expenper;of thr Executive office, two thousand fire
huiictred dollars.
For engraving and printing Treasnry notes, bonds, and certificates of stock, and for
paper for tlie same, two hiintlred and ten thousand dollars.
To supply the deficiencies in the engineer appropriations for engineering
e i g h t hundred thousand dollars.
'I'o p a y clairns iipo11 the Confederate Government for veu,sels seize
ant1 urilitnrv authoritiw for the m e of the Government, ten thousand two hundred
and tiiirty&en dollars and fift!r rents.
For t h e purclnase of fiour for the Confederate States Army, six million eight 111111c1rc.d and t\venty-thr(.c thousand anti eight hundred dollars.
The Secretary of t h e Treasury i s lrcreby authorized, froin any moneys in the Treasiirv not otherwise appropriatctl, to take up and redeetii such Treasury notes as nlny,
fr&l tinic to time, lie callrrl i l l lor tlie piirpose of being csncelcd, and i n place of
such Treasory notes 60 canceled, other Treasury notes to the mnmc amount niay be



[Oct. 7, I%!!.

The question was upon agreeing t o t h e amendments of the Senate;

which a r e as follows, to wit:
In first section of the bill strike out, the words
For compensation of experts, not to exceed eight in iinmber, to be employed in
detecting forgers of Treasury notes, and locatcd a t ouch points and paid in such proportion as the Secretary of t h e Treasury may direct, twelve thousand dollars.

The same was agreed to.

Also, in first section stlike out the words
For repayment to the State of North Carolina, of the excess over her yuota paid
011 account of the war tau, provided for per act approved April
second, eighteen hundred and sixty-ti! 0, one hundred and elewri tliou*ancl one hundred and serenty-four dollars and sixty-nine cents.

into the Treasury

The amendment was agreed to.

Insert after the word dollars in the clausc providing for the pay
o f members of Congress the words
For pay and mileage of inembers of the Senate, tnenty-fiw tlrousantl dollars.
For paying salaries of officers of the Senate, tlt r w thowaud t \ t (J huriilretl dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Senate, t w o thowant1 dollars.

The amendment
ngret;d to.
The Chair also laid before the House a hill of the House proriding
for the granting of bounties and furloughs t o privates and noncoiumissioned officers in the Provisional Army of the Confeder:ite States,
approved December 11, 1861, reported from the Senate with sundry
amendments; which mere read and referred to the Comniittec: on Military Affairs.
The Chair also presented a hill of the House entitled
An act t o encotbagc, the manufacture of clothing and shoes for the
reported froin the Senate with m amendment.
The question bejng on postponing the same and placiiig i t upon the
The same was lost, and the bill was tttlreii l i p , and the aincndnicnt of
the Senate was agreed to; which is as follows, to wit: Add n t the end
of the bill the following, to wit:
Sec. 4. That the clothing required to be fur11ishetl to the troops of the lrovisional
Ariiiy under any existing law inay be of such kind as to color and quality as it may
be practicable to obtain, any law to ttie.contrarj- notvitlistanding.

The Chair also presented a House bill to establish cevtsin post routes
therein named, reported from the Senate with sundry a~l~endiiients;
which mere referrcd to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.
The Chair also presthnted a Senate hill to repay the State of Xorth
Carolina the excess over her quota paid by her iiito t h c b Trcak~tryof
the Confederate Ststes on account of the TV:W tar;; which 11n!: r w d the
first and second times.
The rules being suspended, the bill was taken ~ p and
, Mr. Sniith of
North Carolina niortd to amend the wine hy adding thercto the following words, to wit:
Ancl t h e further siini of three thousand thrcc hundred and thirty-fire dollaru and
twenty-five cents, for interest thereon.

Mr. Kenner called t h e question; which was ordered, arid the amendment mas lost.
The bill was then read a t h i d timc and pessed.
The Chair also presented a bill of the Senate to refund to the State

Oct. 5, f862.1


of Louisiana the excess of the war ttts overpaid by her; mhic

read the first and second times, and the rules being suspended, was
read a third time and passed.
Mr. Ranly, by consent, offered a resolution; which is as follows,
to wit:
JZesolved, That the Attorney-General be requested to furnish this House with a COPY
of t h e late treaty between the Confederate States and the Cherokee tribe of Indians;

vtiich was read and agreed to.

'I'hc House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
which was a bill to authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas
Tho question being on the engrossment and third reading of the same,
Mr. 13aldwin mo\-ecl to aniend by striking out the enacting clause
Leave v a s granted X r . Lyons to have a paper which lie proposed to
offer a\ an ainendment printed.
Mr. Swan called the previous question o n the bill to authorize the
suspeiisio~iuf the wril of habeas corpus; which was ordered, and Mr.
Baldwin demanded the yeas and nays.
The yea8 and nays were ordtlred,
And are recordedas follows, towit: ~ ~ ~
- ----.. _
- -_
Yeas: Ayer, Baldwin, Boyce, Chambers, Chilton, Clapp, Clopton,
Duprt;, Farrow, Fostcr, Garland, Garnett, Graham, Hanly, Herbert,
M:irshtLll, McDowell, Smith of S o r t h Carolina, and Wright of Tennessee.
Says: Ashe, Atkins, Uarksdale, Batson, Bonham, Boteler, Rridgers,
~hxriibliss,Collier, Conrad, Currin, Curry, Dargan, Dawlcins, De Jurnette, Gardcnhire, Gartrcll, Gentry, Goodc, Gray, Ifarris, Hartridge,
f1eishll. 1 Iiltoii, Holconihc, Holt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of Georgia,
Kenan of Nort 11 Carolina, Kcnncr, Lander, Lyons, McKae, XcQueen,
M ~ I ~ C Miles,
C S , Pugh, Ralls, Roystoii, Russell, Swan, Vest, Welsh, and
Wright of Texns.
So the amendment of Mr. Baldwin was lost.
The bill \\-as then engrossed.
hlr. Curry inorcd a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill %*as
eiigroshed; which iriotion Mr. Swaii lrroved to lay on the table.
'rho motion to lay on the table m i s lost, and the niotion to reconsider
was agreed to.
A rnessage ~ v a sreceived from t h e Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli; which is as follo~vs:


dh.. Aiienke?: The Senate have concwrred in the amendments of the House to the
bill entitled
S. 107. iln act to authorize the President to accept and place in the service certain
reginwrits and battalions heretofore taiged,
\\'it11 amendinelits; in which 1 am Cirectecl to ask the concurrence of this House.

A inesyage mas received froin the Senate, by thcir Secretary, Mr.

Nash; wliich is zts follows, to wit:
The Senate have passed, .rvjth amendments, the following billr o f this
House, ri7:
H. It. 6. An act to provide for raising and wganixing in the statC3of MiHsoilri and
Kentucky additiollal forces for the Provisional Army of the (hnfederak States; and
z. An act to establish places of rendezvous for the examination of enrolled



[Oct. 7,1862.

L n which amendments I xni directed to ask the concnrrence of this IIouse.

Tlir Srnate h a r e also passed a bill of this House of the following title, riz:
11. It. 40. An act to proviclt. shoes for tlir Army.

A message was receivcd from the Senate, by their Srcrctary, Mr.

Kash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. A)iauher: T h e Senate have passed a hill of the following title, viz:

8. 121. An act to authorize the nppointinerit of naval storekeepers;

111 wliicli I am directed to ask the concurrence of this 1Iouse.
The President of tlic Coi
rcttc States did, on the G t h in&ant, approve and sign
a bill of the following title
8. 97. A n act to provide
lie orgxnization of army corps.

Mr. Chambers iiiovod to : ~ i i i c w dthe first scction of the bill under

is :LY Collows, to n7it:
consideration; \I-11
t iiirauion of t h e Confctlcratc Sta
i any city, tonn,
ever in his jntlgiiirynt i t s11:iIl I)(>
iiittirests; hat wrli si~spciisioiidial1 apply only to arrcrts inatlc by the ziutliorities
01 the Confederate Gorernuieiit or for offense against the saiiie,

I)y striking out Iho words or rni1it:tvy disti-ict and inserting i n lieu
thereof the words thrcntened with attack by the crieniy.
hlr. Bonhani moved to ttiiicnd tlic same by striking out the words
if i t shall be required by tlic public iiitcrest,s and insert i n lieu
thereof the words if the public safety may require it.
Mr. &~rclcnhircdeiiittndcd thc previous qaestion.
Nr. Lyons iiiovrd that the IIonse adjouni.
The niotion was lost, nnd the call fo r tlic prcvious question was not
Nr. l~onliamcalled f o r tdic question; wIiic11 was ordered, and was
upon the tiincndiucnt of MI-. C1i:iiiibcrs.
Ihn airicndnirnt was lost.
Mr. I3onh:un called f o r (lie question.
Mr. Boote tiiovcd tlrxt the House adjourn.
The iiiotion was lost,
And the question bcing ordered, the aiiicndment of Mr. Bonham
w 7 m agreed to.
Mr. Chainhers, froin the Commithe on Enrolled Bills, reported as
correctly cngrossed anel ctirolled bills of the following titles, to wit:
An act t o anitnd an act to further provide for the 1)ublic defense,
approved April 16, lS62, and the act to amend the same, approved
Sopteiitber 27, 1862;
An act t o rduiid t o the State of Louisiana the ~ X C C S Sof the war tax
ovcrpnid l)y her; and
An act to rcpiy to the State of North Carolina tlie excess o ~ e her
quota paid 1)s licr into the ?reasnry of the Confederate Stutes on
account of tlic war tax.
And t,he Spcakrr signed thc, same.
The Chair prcscntcd a bill of the Senate to authorize the appointment of naval storekeepers; which was read the first and second times
and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
The Chair also resented a bill of the Senate to authorize the President t o accept an place i n tlic service certain regiments and battalions
heretofore raised, reported from th e Senate with sundrv amendments
to the amendments of the IIouse; which were referred to the Committee
on Military Affairs.

oct 8,lSG" I


The Chair also presented a bill of this House to provide f o r raising

and organizing in the States of Missouri and Kentuck37 additional
forces for thc 1'rovision:d Army of the Confederate States, reported
from thc Sciitttc with a n amendment; which T V ~ Sread ar~dreferred to
the Coininittee on Military Affairs.
Thc Chair also presented a bill of the Ilonse, reported from the
Senate with an amendment, to be entitled
Au a c t to cstsblish places of rendezvous for the examination of pers u m cnrolled for military duty;
which wah r e f t w e d t o the Committee on Military Affairs.
N r. Smith of North Csrolina, by consent, introduced
A bill to rl&e revenw, mid f o r other purposes;
wtiich W : L ~ r d the first and second times and referred to the Coinmittee on IVttj-s and Aleam.
Mr. Niles, by consent, off'ered
A wsolution that the President be requested, if not incompatible
with the puhlic service, to furnish to this House copies of C+cneral
BcsLuregwd's report on the def enscs of Vicksburg, and the nccompanying papers;
which was read and agreed to.
And on motion,
The House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-inorrow.


OCTOBER8, 1862.


The Housc met pursuaii t to ailjourninent, arid was opened with prayer
by the Lter. Llr. Beed.
Ah.. Elliott, f roiii the Coininittee on$hrolled 13ills, reported as correctly cnrollrcl and rcndy for the signatnrc of the Speaker
11. K. 35. An act to encourage thc nianufncture of clothing and
sl1oes for. tho .\1.111J ; also
11. N.40. Ail act to provide shoes for the Army; also
11. I<.39. A p act making appropriations fo r the execixtive, legislative, and judicial expenses of the Gorernnient for the niontli of Decrmber, 1862; mid also
An act to organize military courts to attend the Arnig of thc Confederate States in the field, and to define thc powers of said courts.
And thcl Spcaker signed the saine.
Leave of absence TVRS granted to Mr. Chambliss, o n account of in&<ition.
l'o'hie I-Iouse then proceeded to the consideration uf the unfinished
business of yesterday, which was the motion of Mr. Kenrier to la9
on the t:ihle t h motion of Jlr. Garnett to reconsider the vote by ~ h i c h
the resolution of Mr. Pcrltins instructing the Committee on Ways and
Means to report a tart bill [was passed].
The vote being taken, the motion was lost.
The 11ouse then proceeded to the consideration of thc special order,
which ~ v a qa bill to authorizo the suspension of the writ of habeas
On motion of Mr. Garnett, the same was postponed, and the'motion
of Mr. Garnett to peconsidcr the rote by which the resolution of Mr.
Perkins mas adopted mas agreed to.



111..Garnett morcd to amend the resoliition by inserting thfter thc

word instiwctcd the words at tlie next sesqiori of Congress, anti
to add thereto the words
ant1 that the Committee on Ways and Neans
Inrt1ic.r itistriictd to bring in a bill
proT-idiitg that all Treasury notes not hcaring interest, imned 011 and after the first
day ot Deceniber next, shall be itiadr fundthle in (;onfeiic.rate States stock bearing
six per cent interest per annuni.

MY. Foote niovcd to ruiiicnd tho aincndment by adding thereto the

and that it shall br tlie tlnty of saic
e to irtqnire into the expediency of
iiiakitig thc notes and bonds of the
l(y,.al tender in paynient of all debts
due either to tlic (>o\eriini(~iit
or tc
Y a.: part of 11 judicious and cvxnprehenhi\ c brhcnie of fiiiniiw, ant1 v i t h ii vie\\, to tho iii:iiiitentinw oU public credit.

JIr. Russcll IIIOI cd that tlic 1

diiiciits be referlcd
to the Colllulittrc 011 \Y:Lys Rlld
ic (Iiiestion thereon;
which wa3 ordered, and th e 1110
The 1 Iousc then p r o c e d c d to tlic c~onsidcr:itionof tlie speci:d order.
Mr. Harris nio\-cd that the consicleration of the s i ~ ~ iLc
i e postponed.
The niotion was lostl.
Mr. Lyons morcd that the samo be postponed rintil 2 oclock.
The motion ws1s lost.
The question being on ordering the bill to I)(. engrossed for a third
Mr. I-Zaldwin inoved to aiiiencl the same b 9 striking out all after tlie
enact,iug clause :md inserting in 1ic.u tlicr~oftho following, to wit:
It shull be :Isnfficicnt miswer t o the writ of Ii:~be;i.: CIIIIJU? i n any case that tlie
party in w l i o w ~belialf it is
teti is hc~ldiii c w d o t l v i i p ( i i i llie \varrant of the Iresident of the (onfedcratc St
OT r ~ > ~ s otnid
n s up011 PI itl(~irtvlilctf in writing i n the
1)cp:wt i i i mi t of Siat c x
2 . l t shxll be thc duty of the Jrcsitlcnt t o repoi t to Congrcw tis FOOII as prarticable every C ~ P Poi wrest and coiifincv tit upon his \\arraiit :IS
cause of sncli arrcst ant1 cwiifiiicnieiit, i d I t < , shall, whet1 rcviuii
filed as a
of Congress, transniit tlie written riw s ant1 t~riderirc~

Mr. Footc moved to :miend the bill by adding thcivto tlie following
section, to wit:
Nothing in this act sliall bo so constriied as to jr
y the President, or those
appointed by liiiii, in setting asitle or disregarding the
visions of the Coiistitiition
of the Confederate St:ttes, or t h e Curistittition of m y of said States, or the I H ~ W niade
i n ronforrnity thercwitlr, euccpt so far as t l i r x smnr inrty rrsiil
tispcnsion of tlic w i t o l hxbea? corpns; am1 i n no case is the
onrts, eithcr of tlic Confet1rrac.y or of the Statet., respectively,
detl, or dete:ited, except so far as may neccssarily result frotii
of the w i t aforesaid.

A nicss:qc n:is mccivctl f i ~ mthc Seimtc, by thoi I Sc(*wtiLyy4hi 1.

Nash; which i s :is follows, to wit:
t l 1)ills nntl joint


I J ~ lit>

ft)llo\s iiig

I acL for the relief of the Tlilde Society of flit. Coiifctl(1

Ameriw ;
S. 182. An art to regulate the pay of the messenger of the Iresident; and
8. 1%.16. Joint rcsolutions relative to provost-niarshals;
I n which 1am directed to ask the concurrence of this HCJUW.

MI.. Clapp moved that the House do now adjouru.

Upon which Mr. Roystoii demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
Arid are recorded as follows, to wit:

1 Nays
- .-


-- -

. .


- 32 r331

O( t 6,ItW.J

Yeas: Xshc, Ayer, Baldwin, n o

Currin, Ihrgan, Ik Jarnette, Dup
Gootie, Graham, Grar, Holcomhe, ,f
Milts, Pugh, Sexton, Smith of A1
ant1Wright of Tennessee.
s:i~s:atkins, Barksdale, Batson, Boteler, Chambers, Chilton, cl
Clopton, Collier, Tlawkins, Elliott, Foote, Foster, Garnett, GrtreH:
Hartridge, IIeisltell, IGlton, Holt, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan
of Korth Ctrolina, Kenner, McDowell, Menees, Perkins, Ralls, Royston, 12uiscl1, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, Trippe, and Welsh,
So the motion to adjourn was lost.
The Chair laid before t,he House a bill of the Senate to regulate
the 1xiy of the niesscnger of the President; which was read the first
and second times and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
The Chair a h presented x hill of the Senate for the reIief of theI3ihie Society of the Confederate States of Americq which was reac!
the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Ways and
Wit: Chair also presented joint resolutions from the Senate relatire
to provost-marshals; which were read the first and second times and
referred t o the Committee on the Judiciary.
311.. Zioote niorcd that the House take a recess until 8 oclock this
even itip.
Mr. 1Len:tn cleinanded the yeas and nays; which werc ordered.
Xlr. 7TTilcox inored a call of the House.
Ihc, motion TIW lost.
T h e yeas and nays irere then recorded as follows: Yeas..-..--- 30
Ycas: Ashe, Atisins, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Collier,
Dnmkins, De ?Jarnctte,Xlliott, Foote, Foster., Gray, Hartridge, Johnston, Kenaii of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander,
McJ3o~vell, Jliles, Perkins, Pugb, IZalls, Royston, Russell, Smith of
horth Carolina, Swan, Trippe, and Wilcox.
Nays: Aj-tr, Baldwin, Barksdale, Baf,son, Boihani, Botcler, Bridgors, Conrad, Dargan, DuprF, Farrow, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett,
Gartrell, Goodc, Graham, Heiskell, Hilton, EIolt, Lyons, McQueen,
Sexton, Welsh, Wright of Tcnnessee, Wright of Texas, and Mr.
So t h e motion to t a l e a recess until 8 oclock p. m. mas agreed to.
A t 8 O C ~ O Cp.~ ni. the House met pursuant to adjournrneiit and procecilcri to the consideration of the unfinished business, which was a
bill to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.
Jlr. Lj-oris uiot-ed to aniend the amendment by striking out all of
the sntiie and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
That whelle\-er the 8 r m y of the Confederate Stntes, or any portion thereof, beillg
not less than three tllolisantf men, shall be encamped in any city or town within the
ConfederRte States, or within ten milcs of it, the Presldent shall have authority to
proclaim anif establish inartid law, as hereinafter defined, in the sa!d c ~ t yand car!lp,
and the courltry snrrounding the same for a distance In all dlrectlons of ten mllev
from the
canlp, if in hls opinion it be necessaryto the discipline or tiafety Of
the Paid Arniy, or part thereof, or to the safet? uf the said city or town, or the preserI atioll of peace XIICI good order therein, or to prevent or suppress traitorous or dis10:
a& or pllrposes. And wheneT-er the Army, or Such part thereof as aforesaid,
shall be ellcalnped in any collnty in any Srate not within ten miles O f ally CitJ O r
town, the president may, in like manner, proclaim martial law within said camp and
the surrouiidiiig country for ten miles.



[Oct. 8,1862.

SCC. 2. If the cncainpinont of theilrmy or such portion of i t as aforesaid be so far

distant iroin the seat of government, or the emergency be so great that the President
can not be conimunicated with and his reply receired in time to meet the exigency
of the caw, in the opinion of the cwiimanding officer, then said conirnanding officer
may establish martial law in said ciicaiiipment and surrounding country for teii
milcs as aforesaid, to continue for the space of ten days, of which h e shall immediately apprise the President, and at the expiration of ten days the said law shall
expire or be continued in force as the President shall determine.
SEC.3. I I any portion of the territory of the Confederate States, or either of them,
shall he invaded or be in danger of being invaded by the enemy, t h e President may,
if in his opinion thc public interest require it, proclaim and establish martial lan in
the place or dist.ict actually invaded or i n danger of invasion and the country snrrounding tlic wmie lor twenty miles in every direction.
St:r. 4. Martial law
not be t&al~lislied a t one time for a period of more than
ninety days, but thc. Jrc4dcnt may, if in his opinion i t be necewary to do so for the
canvc? 1)cfow riicmtionetl, b y his proclamation, settine iorth such necessity, continue
it Iroiii tinir~to titiiv, for nut mole than ninety days each time, until such necessity

rtial law has been proclaimed and established, the kcrit of habeas
rndetl I\ itliin the district over which the inartial law p w a i l s , i f ,
in tlic opinion 01 the President, it shall be ncces.ary to suspend it, and all trials by
jury in civil c a w shall be also snsprnded, cxcppt in c a m concerning rents, actions
of drtinne, nntl nrits of unla\\ful entry and dctainer, and no judginent or clecree for
the payilicAnt ot nioney sl-iall bc rendered against any officer or soldier in actual
States, except in the cases before mentioned,
be prepared a proper systcm of regulations

w,and prescribing thc punishment thereof,

trial of offenders against the banie, which
c-oriits nray cwnsist of one or tliree p s o n s , who may be ofiiccxry oC the Army, or
vitihtlns not in the .lrtiiy, or both, as the, Iresident may dt.terminc5, \\ trow compcnsation slizrll be fisctl 1)) the lresldent, iiot c,xccerling teii dollars p m day tor every
(la\ tlic coiirt uiay Iw t~~nployed,
m t l 1~ paid out of the Treasnry upon the order of
E IVar, n Iiich regulation shall be pnblislietl with the proclamation
itial Liu, o r as so011 aftcxr :is practicable, ancl filed alco in tlie Departrid j i w t i c ~ ~Iloc~rtlerl,
ihat the wid conrts $hall not 1i:ive the power
to csonfiw,itc. tlir. pro1)rrty ot any citizen, \\ Iietht~rsoldier or sailor, or not, for a n y
off(xnsc, curcltt 1 )y ~casonablcline, or ~~rononiicr
or inflict the seii tchnce of tleath upon
any iimn e\ccJpt for x stiictly military offtliiec comniittc.d by mi officer or soldier or
sailor, now puni4i:iljlc by death.
SIC. 7. The nicml~ct.sof the Senate and Ilouse of Represcntatiws of the Coufedcrate State$, and their oflivers anti tlic hcads ot Jlepar
court<, and jutlgcr: ot tlie %bateconrts, ~ l i a l not
l be s
Sicc. 8. \\hcne\ er tlie Iresidrnt sliall have good
not a n officer, mldier, or sailor in tlie ,Iriny or Kar
coininit any treasonable act, or 1s endeavoring by any nieans to hinder or embarrass
the Conktierate (hyernment, or any of its genei-ah, in the contlnct of the war, or is
or lras btcaii tlealing 111 any maliner with the enemy, or eride:i\-oring 11yany means
to 111 iilg ahunt a rmtoiation of the Union foririerly existing with the Government of
I\ IiiclL .iltraliaui Liiic~jliiis now President, lie may c:iuse hiiii or h e r to be arrested
ut bail ur niainprize until lie CRII be eiiiniiiied by one of tltt:
iiic~iitioii(dand cieatccl, npon Llitl ( ~ I i a i c\\liicti
m a \ hc uiatle
and tici t u bucli 1)eison the w i t of ha1
a- ( t)ti\mientl> n1ay Ite after the arr
hronglit lteforc one ol the ttitxinnls al
or her dial1 be exanrinr~tl in private or
tlie prironcr the 1)encfit of all tcstiniony nhich he or she 111
hiin or licr tho hcircfit of counsel, all the facts found upon irhic-h c\amination, with
tlie opinion of the trihrinal npon tlieni, sliall he certified to tlic, 1)qzrttncmt of Justice.
If the charges be oi acttial trcaqon anti wcll founded, in the opinion of the court,
the prisoner shall I)e turncd over to the civil authorities to lie dealt with according
to law. If the charge br of c1islo)alty and a desiwi to commit treason, or to do
to restore the Union with the 8o\ernlircnt of 1%hich Ahrahni
lent, nr that the. prisoner has l ) e ( ~tlcaling
in a n r rnanrirr with
the cmeniy to the prejndirr of the Confrderate States, tlie piisoncr s!iall be examined
in iiiaiiner aforeqaid, and t h e tcstinioiiy, together with the opinion of the court upon
it, shall be certified to t h e Department of Justice. If, in the opinion of the court,

Oct. 9,18t;2 I


the charge against the acrnsPd was nnfonnded, he or she shall be discharged. If,
in the opinion of t h e court, the charge uias wrll founded and the public interest
deniaritls t l i ( 8 tlrtention of the accused, ha or she shall be detained i n close custody
proelainied, unlcsr sooner discharged by the President; and as to such
,ri t of haheas corpus dial1 be suspended.
cn iiiartial law shall be proclaimed in any city or corporate tomTn, the
ritv shall not intrrfert, with the municipal government of the city or
to\\ n , rxwpt ar herc+ibefore directed, unless requested bv the municlpal authorities
to do 60, Init dial1 furnii.h all necepsary military aid to the Paid authorities when
requ&cd ?I\. them to do so, for the purpose of enforcing police laas and regulations
ant1 preser\ing peace and good order.
SEC.10. Ciitler martial law the military anthority shall have no right to interfere
74 ith tlic s d e of any goo~lsor commodities among citizens not in the Army, or to
regtilate o r attenlpt to regulate the price of provisions or coinmodities of any kind;
but it may iiiake ,iuch rules and regulations as may be deemed necewry for the
government of the wldierp, and may regulate or prohibit intercourse and trading
ith the d t l i e r s arid preicribe such penalties for violating the same as inay be deemed
necessarj, sul,jec*tt o the approval of the President.
S w . 11. This aot 8hall continue i n force during the war unless sooner repealed.

X r . Gnrtrcll dcnianded the previous question.

Icnding which,
Tho ILOLMadjournccl.

The H o u w heing in ,iecret session, a message was received from the

Prchidcirt, by liis Irinte Secretary, Mr. Harrison, informing the
Houw tliat tlia Ircsideiit had on yesterday approved and signed
An wt niaking appropriation for the defense of Western and Southern rimrs.
A Imwjxge W M S recciveti from the Senate, by tho Secretary of that
body, N r . Nwh. informing the IIouse that the President on the 6th
iri&iit tippmcd ttiid signed
S. 1%. A n act f o r the purchnsc, arming, and equipping of vessels
h mcsq~gcwas received from the Senate, by the hands of the Secretary of that liody; which is as follows, to wit:
lfl,. S/ Thc Fenate hare paescd n bill of the following title, to wit:

i l l 1 act to anthorize thc Secretary of the Treasury to borrow money of the

several States;
In \\ hich I mn directed to ack the concurrence of this Hoiist..


On motion, t h o bill ~

R Sttikcn

up, read first and second times, and


The Rouse met oursuant to atljonrnment, and was opened with prayer
by t h e Rev. Dr. fieed.
Mr. Ajer, from the Special Committee on the War Tax, reportcd
h bill suppleniental to an act to authorize the Secretary of the
Treasury to pay (Ijstrict collectors iri certain cases;
whioh was read the first arid second times, and the question being o n
the postponrnicwt pf the satiie and placing it npon the Calendar, the
saiiie way decided in the negative, and the bill was taken up.



Aiid the first section of the same having been read, which authorizes
the Swretary of War to pty the sum of $400 to th e several district
collectors of the war tax in thosc States which have assumed the payment of said tax,
Mr. ,Jones moved t o aniend tho same by striking out the words
four hundred and inserting in lieu thereof the words two .
h undrecl.
Rilr. K m n e r cleinanded the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment was lost.
Mr. Dupr6 moved to amend by striking out th e words four hundred arid inserting in 1ic:u thereof the words five hundred, and
thcreupon callcd the question.
Thc qucstion ~ t i ord(Im1,
and tha :mendment was lost,
A h . Trippc called for tticx question; which was ordered, and th e bill
was engrossd, read a third time, and passed.
Tlio Chair laid hefore the House a communication from the President; which is as follows, to wit:
7h flu, ,ScrLcik mid JJouse of Represei~tntirrsof the Goqfrderate States:
I herewith transmit a lptter from the Secretary of the Treaeiiry in relation to the
fiscal affairp of o w Government, and invite for its stateinents your special atlention.
The propriety of pro\iding for thc payment of w e r y loaii or we of Government
credit b y an adequate tax is too ol)vious to require argument.
Though the day of payment may be postpoiieci, as to soiiie extent i n the conduct

of great wars i t 111 , btill there irriist be such assurance of future payment as to
maintain the crrdi
the (;uve1nnicnt, 01 there will be a consequent depreciation of
itr curieric~yand a proportionate increase of the burthen which thc people mnst have
licicafter to hear.
I trust i t mill bc pr)&l,le for the \ r i d o m of Congress in some manner to secure the
rewlt coupfit for in tlie propoiitions submitted by tlie Secretary of the Treasury.
] < X W u T I \ E OFrICE,

Hcc?iitiorid, fi-lubrr 8, 1862.

On motion, the mcssage and accompauying documents were referred

to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to he printed.
The Chair also presented a communication from tho President; which
is as follows, to wit:

Rwhmond, October 8, 2862.

To tJie &enate c ~ n d3Iouse of Reprepentatiws of tlLe Conjederate States of America:
The near approach of t h e day fixed for your adjournment induces me to renew certain recommendations made at t h e commenceinent of the session, and for which legislation has not yet provided. The subject of the efficiencv of the Army is one of
pararuonnt iiiiportancc, and the lcatter of t h e Secretary of War herewith submitted
lias been elicited by ~orrespo~idcnce
x i t h the generals of our armies in the field,
I! hose practical e\pctience of tlie eTils r c ~ d t i n gfrom the defects in our present spsterri entitles their opiiiioii to great \\-eight.
Ail army M ithout disc~pliiicand instruction can not be relied on for purposes of
defenw, btill 1css for operatiom i n an encinyn country. It, is i n vain to add nieii
and monitions unlew \I e can a t the same tiwe give to the aggregated mass the character and capacity of soldicrs. The discipline and indruction required for its efticiency can not l)e imparted without competent officers. S o poxer now ex-ipts b y law
for wcuring such oflicers to fill vacancies when elections and pronintions fail to acconiplifih t h e object.
Extreme Cases ought not to furnish a rule, yet some provision should be made to
meet evils, eren exceptional, in a matter so vitally affecting t h e safety of your troops.
Tender consideration for worthless and incompetent officers is but another name for
cruelty toward the bra\ e men who fall sacrifices to these defects of their leaders.
I t is iiot difficult to devise a proper mode of obviating this evil. The law authorizes
the refusal t o promote officers who are found incompetent to fill vacancies and the


It may be proper t o remark that the necessity for this consolidation and the conscyuent discharging of tried and meritorious officerswill obviously be increased by all
legislatire action permitting new organizations to be formed of men who by the
provisions of t h e conscript law were directed to be incorporated into existing companies and regiments.
Richmond, Ta., October 4, 1869.
His Excellency JEFFERSON
President Confederate &&s of America:
SIR: I deem i t m y duty to call your attention, before theadjournment of Congress,
to the want of power i n t h e Executive to make appointments where neither.election
nor promotion secures competent oficers to fill vacancies, and to consolidate companies and regiments reduced by casualties of service below the numbers necessary
for efficiency. The absence of this power is a defect in the organization of our
service so great t h a t i t must ultimately cause disaster, if not ruin.
The present condition of the Army of Northern Virginia imperatively requires its
exercise, and the experience of the commandinggeneral of that army haa been
unable to devise any expedient by which he may avoid the alternative of violating
law or of exposing his army to ruin.
The senior general of our armies, whose opinion is entitled to great respect, from
his familiar acquaintance with the military organizations of this continent during the
last forty-five years, fully concurs with the Department as to the indispensable
necessity of the proposed power.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.

On motion, the message was laid upon the table and ordered to be
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, reported as follows, to wit:
The Comnlittee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred the application of Elias
C. Iloudinot to a seat on the floor of Congress as a Delegate from the Cherokee
Nation, have duly considered the same and report that after a full examination of
said Boudinot's credentials they are of opinion that he has been duly elected Delegate from the Cherokee Nation i n conformity with the treaty between the Confederate States of America and the Cherokee Nation, and is therefore entitled to his seat
as &legare aforeaid; they therefore report the following resolution.
"hey further report a bill to fix the pay and mileage Of Delegates from the several
Indian nations i n treaty alliance with thls Government.



[Oct. 9,1862.

The question being on agreeing to the resolution of the committee;

which is as follows, to wit:
Resolzed by the EIouse of Representatices qf Ute Congress of the Confederate States of
Americu, That Elias C . Boudinot is entitled to a seat in the Hall of the House of
Representatives of the Congress of the Confederate States of America as Delegate
from the Cherokee Nation of Indians for t h e following purposes only: To propose
and introduce measures for t h e benefit of said nation, and to be heard in regard
thereto, and on other questions in which the said nation is particularly interested.

The same was agreed to, and Mr. Boudinot, being present, came forward, mas duly qualified, mid took his seat.
The Xlouse thcn took u p the bill reported by Mr. Elliott, from the
Conimittce on Xncliiin Affairs, to be entitled
An act to fix the pay and mileage of thc Delegyxtes from the several
I n d i m nations airthorized to have Delegates under their respec;tive
which was read thc first and second times, and the rules being suspendcd, was engrossed, read s third time, and passed.

Mr. Kenncr, from the Coinmittec on Ways and Means, reported

A bill to provide a tax to support thc credit of the Goverpment;
which was read the first and second times, ordered to be printed, and
made the spccial order for 12 oclock to-morrow and from day t o day
until concluded.
Mr. Kenner, from the same committee, reported
A hill to reduce the rate of interest on the funded debt of the Conf cdcrat c stn tcs ;
which w a b rcad the first and second times, and the rules being suspcnded, thc bill was taken up, and the first section of the same being
read :ts follows, to wit:
T k Congress of the Conjederate Sfafes do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasury
is authorized to reduce the rate of interest on all bonds and certificates of stock to be
issued aftrr t h e first day of Uecernbrr next, to a rate per anniiin not exceeding six
per cent, payable semiannually, and all Treasurv notes issued after the said first
d a y of December shall be fundable only i n t h e &did bonds or stock issued at such
rrduced rate: fi.otidarZ, houwer, That this reduction shall not include any bonds or
stock \z hich are required to meet any contracts made before t h e date aforesaid, or
any Treasury notes which shall then have been issued,

Mr. Garnett moved to amend the same by striking out.all down to

the proviso and insert in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
1. The Congress of the Confederale Antes do enact, That all Treasury notes
ifsued after the first day of December next shall be made fundable only in bonds
bearing interest a t the rate of Rix per cent per atmuin, but in all other respects similar t o t h e bonds bearing eight pcr cent interest.

Xir. ttixsscll moved to amend the same 1 ) striking

out the word
six and inserting in lieu thereof the word * he\.cn.
Mr. Jones called the question; which was ordered, mid the amendincnt of Mr. Russell was lost.
Mr. Foote called for the previous question.
The call was not sustained.
&Is.Kcnner called the question; vhich was ordered, and the amendment of Mr. Garnett was agreed to,
Mr. Garnett moved to amend by striking out the proviso t o the first
section, and tliercupon called the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment was agreed to.

Oct. 9,1869.1


Thc second section being under consideration; which is as follows

to wit:
The Faid Secretary shall hare authority by public notice duly advertised t o require
t h e holders of Treasury notes to come in arid fund the same in eight per cent bonds
or stock within four n~onthsafter tlie date of such notice; and all notes which &all
not be prepented for furiding within the said time shall thereafter be entitled to be
refunded 0 1 1 1 ~in the bonds or stock which shall thereafter be issued under
direction of llie Secretary of the Treasury, bearing interest at the rate of six per
per anniiiii, payable semiannually,

X!r. (;ai*nc.ttl moved to amend the same by striking out the word
saicl arid inserting after the word Secretary the words of t,he
Trettsiiq-; which vas agreed to.
Nr. GraF moved to strike out the word four) and insert in lieu

the word s ~ x .
Nr. Chanibers morcd that the second section be stricken out.
Mr. &fences cicinanded the previous question.
The demarid 1175th not sustained.
After discussion,
3lcIlae demanded the previous question; which was ordered,
and the amendment of A h . Gray was agreed to.
The quebtion being on the anieiidinent of Mr. Chambers,
M r . Gray called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
_ .__. _ _
_ _ _30_
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Peas _ . -_ -_ .__
_ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 31
Yeas: Ashe, Bald-win, Bell, Bontiani, goyce, Hridgers, Chambers,
C11ark, Elliott, Foote, Foster, Goode, Gray, Harris, iiartrjdge, Hilt o n , lIolcombe, ,Johnston, .Tones. Kenan of Georgia, McDowell, McQueen, Menees, Perkins, Kalls, Russell, Sexton, Rilcox, Wright of
Texas, and M r . Speaker.
Xays: Atkins, Barksdale, Batson. Boteler, (?hilton, Clapp, Clopton,
Collier, Dargan, Duprc, Farrow, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Garnett, Gartrell, Graham, Heiskcll, Herbert, Holt, Kenner, Lander,
&lcRae, &files, Pugh, Royston, Smith of North Carolina,
Swan, Trippe, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the amendment was lost.
The hill was then cngrossed as amended and read ti third time.
Mr. AlcRae called for the question; which was ordered, and the bill
was pasbed.
illr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported
A bill making appropriations for the support of the Governnlent for
the iiionth of January, 1863, and for certain deficiencies and other
purposes therein mentioned;
iJrtlich was read t h e first and second times, ordered to be printed, and
made the special order for 12 oclock to-morrow and from day to day
until concluded.
h message was rewired from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli, as follows, to wit:
&lr. &eaker: The Senate have, on reconsideration, refrised to p m the bill of the
Senate (S. 7 3 ) entitled An act to arucind an act entitled An act for the establishlnellt and organization of a general staff for tfie Rrrny of the Confederate Statee of
America, approved twenty-sixth February, eighteen hundrcd and sixty-one,
rettlrned to the Senate by the P r c d r n t of the Con federato States, with his objections thereto, two-thirds of the 111erubersof the Senate not Voting in favor thereof.



[Oct. 9,1862.

Mr. Lyons prwentcd sundry petitions, praying compensation for

lossed sustained, etc. ; which were referred to the Committee on Claims,
without bcinp read.
On motion of Mr. Currin, the House took up for consideration
A bill making an appropriation for the pynierit of certain interest
due to the branch of the Bank of Tennessee at Memphis;
which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Mr. Dupr6, by consent, offered a resolution; which is as follows,
to wit:
Resolved, That the President be requested to inform this House by what authority
and in virtoe of what law Wheats battalion of Louisiana (which was mustered into
service for the x a r ) was disbanded and the officers thereof put out of commission;

which W R S agreed to.

Xr. ,Junes mu\ cd that the rules be suspended to enable him to introduce the following resolutions, to wit:
Resolwd, That i t is the duty of Coiigrrss to pass a bill at its present session to raise
reveiine b y taxation.
Reso11ecl ( t h e S h d r c o n c u r ~ i i i g ) ,That t h e resolution fixing twelve oclock meridian
on Monday, October thirteenth, for the adjournment of the present session of Congress i s hereby rescindcd.

Mr. Jones called for the peas and nays;

Which were ordered,
Yeas: Ashe, Raldwiri, Barlisdale, Honham; Boyce, Bridgers, Currin,
Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge,
Hilton, IIolcoiiibc, Holt, .Tones, Kenner, Lyons, McRae, Menees,
Miles, Perkins, liussoll, Sexton, and Swan.
N a p : htlcinh, Batboil, Bell, lhteler, Chambers, Chilton, Clapp,
Clark, Clopton, Collier, I)argan, Ih rB, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire,
Garland, Garnett, (iartrcll, Hanly, x)eisliell, Eerbert, Johnston, Kenttri
of Georgia, Kennn of Noytlr Clarolina, Lander, MeDowell, MeQueen,
Iugh, Ralls, Hoyston, Smith of Alabarna, Smith of North Carolina,
Trippe, V7ilcox, TVriglit of Tcxas, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the rules were not suspended.
Leave was granted Illr. C~xrry,on account of sickness in his family.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of t h e special order,
which was a hill authorizing the suspension of the writ of habeascorpua.
Mr. Gartrcll withdrew his derriarid for the previous question.
Mr. Hartridge demanded the revious question.
h e denixnd mas not sustaincf:
Mr. Jones c:dled for the question; which was ordered, and x a s upon
thc, aniondrncnt of hlr. Footc.
M I * . liootc cle111and t11c yeas :tna nags;
Which were ordcred,
Yeas_.- ._
- - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 14
And are recorded as follows, l o wit: Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . - - -45_
Yeas: Ashe, Raldwin, Clarli, Clopton, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garnett, Grslliarn, Iiarlridge, Herbert, Perkins, Smith of North Carolina,
and \Vright of Tennessee.
Nays: Atkins, HarBsdalc, Batson, Bonhani, Roteler, Rridgers,
Chambers, Chilton, Clapp, Collier, Ciirrin, Dargan, Dc Jarnette,
DuprF, Frecinan, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Gray, Hanly,
Harris, fiuibkell, Hilton, Holconibe, Holt,, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of

Oct. 9,1862.1


Georgia, Kenan of Korth Carolina, Lander, Lyons, McD

McQueen, McKar, Miles, lugh, lialls, Royston, Russell, Sexton, Smit
of Alabama, Swan, Tripye, and Wright of Texas.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. Jones demanded the question; which was ordered, a n
amendment to the anlendmerit offeredby Mr. Lyons was lost.
Mr. Hartridge moved to amend the aniendme~ltby slriking out all
of the same and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
The Congress qf the confederate Statts do enuct, That in all cases where any person
or persons, charged on oath with treason, misprision of treason, or other crime or
misdemeanor against the Confederate States and endangering the safety thereof,
shall be arrested or imprisoned by virtue of any warrant or authoritv from the President of the Confederate States, or froni any person acting under the direction or
authority of the President of the confederate States, the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpur shall be, and the same is hereby, suspended from and after the passage
of this act until after t h e expiration of thirty days from the colnmencelnent of the
next session of this Congress

Upon which Mr. I-Ianly called for the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
And arerecordedasfollows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Nays . - . _ _
__ _29
_ _ _
Yeas: Ashe, Atkins, Raldmin, Barksdale, Batson, Boyce, Bridwrs,
Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Currin, Dargan, Farrow, Fgote,
Foster, Garnett, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Johnston,
Jones, Kenner, McQueen, Miles, Perkins, P u g h , Sexton, Smith of
North Carolina, Trippe, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and Wright
of Tennessee.
Nays: Ayer, Bell, Bonham, Boteler, Cla p, Collier, De Jarnette,
Dupr6, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Zartrell, Goode, Harris.
Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North
Carolina, Lander, Lyons, McDowell, McRae, Iialls, Eoyston, Russell,
Smith of Alabama, and Swan.
So the amendment t80the amendment mas agreed to.
The question being on agreeing to the amendment as amended,
Mr. l-lanly called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,

Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Barksdale, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boteler, Collier, Currin,
Dargan, De Jarnette, Elliott, Freeman, Gardenhirc., Qartrcll, Gray,
Harris, IIeiskell, Hilton, Holcombe, 1Ioit. Johnston, lCeaan of Geox-gia,
Kenan of North Carolina, Kenncr, Lander, I J ~ o McQ~~ecn,
Miles, Pugh, Ralls, Royston, Bussell, Smith of Alabama, Swtlrb Trippe,
Wilcox, and Wright of Texas.
So the amendment as amcnded was not agreed to.
The bill was the11 engrossed 2nd read a third tinlc.
Mr. (;arde&ire (;ailed for the question; which ww 0 r d e l . d and was
upon the passage of the bill.
Mr. Foote called for the yeas and nays;



[Oct. 9, 1862.

Rhich were ordered,

And are recorded asfollows, towit: . . . . . . _. _. _. _. _. . _. _. _. _. . . . . . . _. _ _ 38
Yeas: Barksdale, Katson, Ronham, Boteler, Bridgers, Collier, Currin, Dargan, De Jarnette, Elliott, Freeman, Gardenhire, Gartrell,
Goode, Gray, Harris, Tleiskell, Hilton, IIolcombe, Holt, Johnston,
Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander,
McQueen, McRae, Menees, Miles, Pugh, ftalls, Royston, Russell,
Swan, Trippe, Wileox, and Wright of Texas.
Nays: Ashe, Atlrins, Ayer, Baldwin, Bcll, Chambers, Chilton,
Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Dupr6, F W ~ OFoote,
W , Foster, Garland, Garn@t, Graham, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Lyons, NcDowell, Yerkins,
Sexton, Sniith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Welsh, Wright
of Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
So t h e bill was pwaed.
Mr. Foote n i o d that when the House te:.minate its session to-day
it will take R recess until ti oclock p. in.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend by striking out 8
oclock and inserting 7.30; which was agreed to, and the motion
as amended .was agreed to.
A message mas received from the President, through the hands of
his Private Secretary, Mr. Harrison, inforrning the House that he had
approved and signed
An act for thc rclief of Jobn Hunter, collector of customs and agent
of the marine hospital a t the port of Natchez, Miss.;
Also, an act to authorize the establishment of camps of instruction
and the appointment of officers to corninand the same;
Also, an act to repeal the law authorizing commutation for soldiers
clothing, and to require clothing to be furnkhed by the Sccrctary of
War in kind; and
Also, an act to encourage the manufacture of clothing and shoes
for the Army.
A message was reccived from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of t h e following title, viz:
S. 114. An act for the relief of certain officers of the Navy and of the Marine
In which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House.

On motion of Mr. Jones, the House resolved itself into secret session; and having spent some time therein, again resolved itself into
open session; when the House took a recess until 7.30 oclock p. m. ;
and having again met took up the special order, which was
A bill to purge the Army of ignorant and incompetent officers.
The bill having been read as follows, to wit:
Whereas the effic4ency of our Army and the health and comfort of our soldiers in
the field depend upon the skill, competence, and attention to duty of the officers in
the service; and
Whereas i t is well known that many of the officers of the Army are ignorant of
their duties, ineEcient i n their discharge, and utterly careless of the health and
comfort of their men: Therefore,
The Congress of thr ConJeederate Slates of America do enact, That whenever, in the
judgment of the general commanding a department, the good of the service and
the efficiency of his command require it, he is authorized, and it is hereby made his
duty, to appoint an examining board, to be composed of officers of a rank at least as
high as that of the officers whose qualifications it is proposed to inquire into, which

oct.9, I8RP.1

olticc,r has been ol)eerved to h a w b~c.11al)scdiit froiii liiil c ~ n ~ i i ~ awhen

i i t l on march
to Itaye pcrforiried
or in action; when and where eavh officer has been o
marice of d u t y and
pignal a& of Pervice; when and where iiegligerit in t h
inattentive to the security a n d econoiiiy of pu1)lic propcrty,

Mr. Miles moved to amend the same 1). adding as an additional

section the following, to wit:
B e it ,[ulrlhe/ e / i r d e t Z , Thal M lieri any oIlicer of a corripariy, battalion, squadron, or
r r g i m r ~ i tshall have been dropped or honorably retired i n accordance with the provisions of this act, then the office1 n e x t in rank shall be proiuoted to the vacancy i f
competent, aiiil if riot coiiipetent, then tlie n e x t officer in rank shall be promoted;
and PO (in iintil all the commissioned officers of the coiiipaiiy, battalion, sqiiadron,
or regiment sliall ha\ e been gone through with; arid if there be 1-10 officer of tlie
COlIlpaJ2\,liattalion, squadron, or regiment competent t o fill the vacuncy, then tlie
~ r e ~ i d rSiM
t I , iiy aiid \\lit11 the advice mid coi~sentof the Scliiate, fill the same by
appoiiitrric.nt: imwidrd, That the officer apliointerl sliall be from the Pame State as
that t o n Iiicli the conipany, battalion, squadron, or regiment belongs: i i n d proi-ideri!
[vvl.thevl., That nothing herein coiitained shall he construed as limiting the poner
heretofore conferred upon the President by existing 1aiv.s to fill any vacancy b y the
proniotion of officers or the appointment of privates distiiiguishetl in the service
by the exhibition of extraordinary wlor ant1 skill.

Mr. Baldwin moved to amcnd the second section by striking out

the words o r careless and inattentive in their discharge.
Mr.Garnett called the qncstion, and the amendmeiit was lost.
Mr. Sexton moved to amend the same by inserting after t h
( L or
t h e word habitually.
3Ir. Garnett called the question; which was ordered, and the
nient was lost.
MY. Gartrell moved to amend the same by adding thereto the following:

P r o r i d ~ d ,That such oficer shall be entitled to be heard, and call witnesses in his

A h . Collier called the question; which was ordered, and A h . Balddemanded the peas and nays,
The yeas and nays were ordered,
Yeas-__ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _- ___ _ _ _ _ _ 36
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22




[Oct. 9,1862.

Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Bddwin, Batson, Bell, Bonhain, Boyce, Chilton,

Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Graham, IIanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Hilton, Holcombe,
Holt, Kcnan of North Carolina, McDowell, McQueen, Perkins, Ralls,
Royston, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Trippe, Welsh, and Mr.
Nays: Barksdale, Boteler, Bridgers, Chambers, Collier, Currin,
De Jarnette, Duprb, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garnett, Gray, Harris,
Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenner, Lsnder, Miles, Pugh, %ussell,
Tibhs, and Wilcox.
So the amendment was awreed to.
Mr. Harris moved that tEe hill be laid upon the table..
The motion was lost.
Mr. Trippc moved to amend the third section by adding thereto the
following, to wit:
Provided, That no officer who may be dropped or retired by t h e President under the
provisions of this art shall be liable to enrollment under the a r t approved April
sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled An act further to provide for
the public defense, or iinder any act passed t h e present session, unless said board
so recommend, and the President approve such recommendation.

Mr. Clark moved to amend the amendment by striking out all of

the same and inserting in lieu thereof the words
And t h e officers so honorably discharged under the provisions of. this bill shall be
exempt from further military service in the Provisional Army, except upon their
voluntary enlistnient.

The amendment to the amendment was lost.

Mr. Miles called for the question; which was ordered, and the
amendment was lost.
MY. Miles moved to amend the fourth section by inserting before
the word monthly, i n the seventh line, the word semi.
The amendnient was lost.
N r . Harris moved to amend by inserting after the word form
the words
a copy whereof shall be retained by the reporting officer, subject to the inspection of
all officers interested therein,

and called for the question; which was ordered, and the amendment
was agreed to.
Mr. Royston moved to amend by adding at the end of the bill the
following, to wit:
Printed blank forms of which said reports shall be procured by the Secretary of War
for the uee of thc officers whose duty i t is made t o make such reports.

The amendment was agreed to.

The question then being on agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Miles
to add an additional section to the bill,
Mr. Holt moved to amend the same by adding thereto the following,
to wit:
Such competency to be ascertained as provided in the first and second sections of
this bill.

Mr. Clapp called the question; which was ordered, and the amendment t o the amendment was agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Holt, the vote agreeing to the amendment to the
amendment was reconsidered, and Mr. Holt moved to amend the same
by striking out the word bill and inserting in lieu thereof the word

Oct. 1O,lb62.]


act; which was agreed to, and the amendment to thea

aiiiendcd mas agreed to.
M u . Smith of North Clarolina move
adding thereto the words
A nd T J w m d t d jurtlier, That vacancies arising under the operation of this
tncnts or battalions which were organized under the laws of a State for

period not yet expired shall be filled as in case of death or resignation;

which was agreed to.

Mr. Gartrell demanded the previous question.
Pending IThich,
On motion of Mr. Wilcox,
The House adjourned until 11 oeloclc to-morrow.

The House being in secret session, the Chair presented a communication froin the President; which is as follows, to wit:
VA., OClObw 2, 1862.
To the ,Yenate rind &use of Reprrsentatires:
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
War, submitting a report of the Commissary-Gemeral, to which I invite your :ittention.

On motion, the message and accompanying dociinients were referred

to the Committee on Quartermasters and Comniisssry Departinenb
and Xilitary Transportation.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee of Ways and Means, to whom was
referred Senate bill (119) to be entitled
An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to borrow money
froin the several States,
reported the same back and recommended the passage of the same.
On motion of Mr. Perkins, the further consideration of the bill was
postponed until the next secret, session.
XI-. Clopton, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom v a s
A resolution of the House in relation to the defense of the Tennessee
and Cuniberland rivers,
reported and recommended the passage of a bill to provide for the
defense of the Cnmberland and Tennessee rivers.
The bill was read first and second times.
And on motion of Mr. Jones,
The House resolved itself in to open session.




The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. Reed.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom mas
referred a bill of the House to be entitled An act to eskblish places
of rendezvous for the examination of persons enrolled for militis
duty, with an amendment of the Senate thereto, reported the same
back, mith the recommendation that the House concur in the amendment
of the Senate.



[Oct. 10,1862.

The rules mere suspended, and the amendments were taken up.
The following words occurring in the first section of the bill, viz:
That there shall be established in each county, parish, or district, and in any town
or city not in a count , parish, or district, in the several RtLttes a place of rendezvous
for the persons i n saiicounty, etc.,

The Senate amended the same by striking out after the word any
the words town or, and after the word city the word not.
On motion of Mr. Miles, the amendment was agreed to,
The following occurring in the third section, viz:

When i t shall appeztr to amy surgeon attending such place of rendezvous, by the
certificate of a respectable physician resident in that county, district, or parish, or town
or city not in a county, parish, or district, that any enrolled person therein is unable
to attend, etc.,

The Senate amendcd the same hy strilring out the word b b or 1)efore
the word parisb, where the word parish lirst occurs, arid hy
striking out the words or town and the word not.
On motion of Mr. Miles, the aniendnicnt was agreed to.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A hill t o amend an act entitled An act for the entahlishnient and
organization of a general staff for the Army of the Confederate States
of America, a proved February 26, 1861;
which was rea the first and second times, and the question being on
postponing and placing the bill upon the Calendar, it appeared upon
the vote a quorum was not present.
Mr. Harris inoved a call of the House.
U on which Mr. De Jarnette called the yeas and nays;
$hi& were ordered,
- - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - .
- .- - - - - - 24
And are recorded as follows: YeasNays _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ - - - - .- - - _ _ - - .- - 27
Yeas: Baldwin, Batson, Bonham, Chilton, DuprB, Farrow, Garland,
Hanly, Harris, Holcombe, Holt, dones, Kenner, Lyon, McRac,
McQueen, Miles, Perkins, Yugh, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs,
Welsh, and MY.Speaker.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Barksdale, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Chambers,
Clark, Clopton, Collier, De Jarnette, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire,
Gartrell, Goode, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Hilton, Johnston,
Kenan of Georgia, McDowell, Ralls, Smith of North Carolina, Trippe,
and Wright of Tennessee.
80 the call of the House was not ordered.
On motion, leave was granted to Mr. Conrad, on account of sickness.
Mr. Baldwin moved a call of the House.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Baldwin moved that the House adjourn.
Mr. Miles called for the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
- ._ _
- - -.- - _ _ _ - - - - 54
Yeas: Baldwin, Harris, Hciskcll, Herbert, and Ralls.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, Batson, Bell, Ronham, Boteler, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Dargan, De Jarnette, DuprB, Elliott,
Farrow, Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Gentry,
Goode, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Hilton, Holeomhe, Elolt, Johnston,
Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander,
Lyon, Lyons, McDowell, McQueen, McRae, Menees. Miles, Perkins,

oct. IO,IHC, ]


Pugh, h w c l l , Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of No

Swa11. Tihhs, Irippe, Welsh, Wright of Tennessee, and
So the motion to adjourn was lost.
On motion, leave was granted Mr. Atkins for the relnainder of the
lhe c p s t i o n was then taken on the postponement of the bill, and
m e was not postponed.
I. hliles dein%ndedthe previous question; \;lrhich was ordered, and
the bill was engrossed and read a third time.
The qiicstion being on the passage of tile same,
Xr. IIanly called f o r the yeas and nays; which were ordered.
The hour having arriwd for the Consideration of the special order,
311.. Itoteler, by consent, presented a ineinorial i n relation to making
Treariiiy notes a legal tender; which was referred to the Coliimittee
on Way9 and AIC,:LIIY, without being read.
&I I-. lolcoinbe, 11sconsent, presented a memorial on the same subject;
which was referred to the Cotiirnittee of Ways and Means.
A h . I)e darnette, by consent, froin the Committee on Foreign Affairs,
to which were referred joint resolutions in relation to retaliation,
reported :I bill providing for retaliation in certain cascs; which was
rend the first and second times.
MI-. lhrksdale moved that the bill be recommitted to the Committee.
Mr. c J ~demanded
~ ~ e the
~ question; which was ordered, and the motion
TVBS qywd to.
A incssage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
illr. A ~ i e d e r :The Senate hare passed a bill of this House of the following title, vix:
11. K. 3 2 . An act to fix the pay and mileage of the Delegates from the several
Indian nations authorized to hare Delegates under their respective treaties.
They h a r e also paP9eti a bill of the fol!owing title, viz:
S. 12-4. A n act to increase the pay of clerks in the several Departnients;
In which 1 am directed to ask the concurrence of this Hoube.

O n motion of Nr. Harris, the rule was suspended to allow the Committee on Military Affairs to report a hill, and MI.. Harris, frorti the
Coninlittee on Alilitsry Affairs, to whom was referred a bill of the
Hoiise, reported from the Senate with an amendment, entitled
An act a m e d n t o r y of an act providing for the granting of bounties
and furlong-hs to privates and noncomniissioned officers i n the Provis i o d Army, approved December 11, 1861,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that t
concur in the amendment of the Senate.
The bill was taken LIP and read as follows, to wit:
S ~ c r r o v1. Tile Congress of the Confederate States of America do m a
recited act be so amended as to secure to all soldiers and noncommissioned
in like lnaniier as other arrearaws who shall have entered the armies of the
erate States for three vears or during the war, the bounty of fifty dollars as
provided, although such soldier or noncommissioned officer niay have beeu kiUed in
battle, died, or been honorably discharged before the expiration of the first pears
service of his term.

And the question being on concurring i n the amendment of the Senate; which is as follows, to wit: Strike out the words, in the fifth line,
section I, i n like mariner as other arrearages and add to the section t h e words t o be paid as other arrearages,
The same was agreed to.
011 motion of Mr. Miles, the rules were suspended to allow the Corn-



[OCt. 10,1G2

on Military Affairs to make a re ort, and

Harris, from the Committee on i ilitary Affairs, to whom was
Lrefcrrcd] a hill of the EIouse to proride for raising and organizing in
the 8t:Lte: of Missouri and Kentucky additional f-orces for the Provisional driay of the Confedegatc States, reported from tlie Senate with
X J i~iiiendiii(~~t,
reported the satne hack, with the recommendation that
the House concur in the amendment of the Senate, with an amendment.
The bill having hren read as follows, to wit:

1. The Coi~gre/l.ess
of the Confpdertrte States of America do enact, That i n order
to facilitate ant1 expedite the raising and organization of troops in the States of Mishoriri a r i d ICciitiic.liy, thc President bc, and h e is hereby, authorizcd to appoint, by and
I\ ith tlir . ~ d r ic( and cunseril of the Senate, such niajor antl brigadier generals, field,
btiilf ant1 ( 011 i1iimy okliccrs, aY tlie iiilrrests of t h e coniniu~idefense may require.
. 2 Tlic o!licers appointed under the pio\i*ioiis of this act sliall be entitled to

SEC.3 . Tlic oRiwrs and men raised under t h e provisions of this act sliall be subject
to all the rules antl regulations for the government of the ProviPional Army of the
Confedernte States i n like iiianner as other troops of the Provisional Ariiiy.

The Senate proposcd to amend the same as follows, to wit: Strike

out all after the enacting clause and insert
That the first and s ~ c o n dsections of the act [to] which this is a n nmcndment are
hcrcby declarcd to haire full force and eEect in those States and districts in which
lie law, suspeiitl the provisions of the acts providing for
r niilitary service, or when said acts can not be enforced
of the enemy: Pro7 ided, That t h e tioops ieceimd under
E)c received for three year8 or the war.
That the President niay, in cases when in his opinion the public interest
so, appoint brigadier-generals, atid also t h e field officers
to rc~piiieiits,battdions, o r scpiadrons, before the same arc organized, by and with
the advi(t1aiitl consent of t h e Senate, and if said regiments, battalions, or squadrons
arc not rcportcti as conipleted within a reasoriable time, tlie President may, in his
diwretion, \ac.ate tlie t~onimissio~is
of said field officers, who shall bo entitled to the
pay of their respecti] e grades from ttie date of their respective appoiiitnients until
tlreir commissions are vacated; and that companies of infantry shall con& of a t
lemt one hinitired and tiyenty-five, rank and file; companies of artillery of a t least
one hundred and fifty, rank and file; and companies of cavalry of at least eighty,

rank and file.

Ameiid title to read:

A n act to amend an act entitled An act t o raise an additional niilitary force to
serve tliiririg the war, approved eighth May, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and
to ptovitle for raising forces in the States of Missouri and Kentrirky.

T ~ mniniittce
moved to amend ttie second scction by inserting
xftcr tho wort1 ai3point the words ini~jorand, arid after the word
g-cnerals tlie words with their appropriate staff, and a f t c r the
word field the words company and staff $ s t d i e o u t the word
field.)7and inscrt after the word battnlion the word coriipatiy,
wherevri- occurring.
The question being on agreeing to the amendments of the committee
to the airlcndinerit of the Senate, the S R ~ were
agr.ecd to, ntid the
ainmdnicnts of the Senate a s amended were conciurred in.
h h . S w ~ nfrom
the sainc committee, to whom ~ v a 5referred a bill
of the denate to authorize tho President t o accept and place in the
service ccrttiiii regiments arid battalions heretofore raised, reported
from thc Sentttc with stindry aniWlinentq of tlie Senate to the xmendnmits of t he House, reported the same bacli, -with tlic rccommendation

0 r . i IU. l i u L


t2hiLtthc: 1Iou-0 concur i n the aniendnients of the Senate to tile &me

of tho House.
The amendments having heen read as follows, to \Tit:


Aftcr the nord .J!ennesxx insert t o be composed of residents of

Strike out shall and insert I may.
After the word President insert when in his opinion the publi
be prorriotetl thereby.

Mr. Swan demanded the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Gardenhire demanded the yveas and nays.
Tlie yeas and nays were ordered,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
21_ .
Yeas: Ashe, Barksdale, Batson, Bonham, Boteler, Royce, Bridgers,
Chaniklers, Chilton, Clopton, Collier, Dargan, Elliott, Farrow, Freeman, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell,
Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lyon,
McQueen, hlcliae, Miles, Perkins, Pugh, Ralls, Royston, Russell,
Swan, Wilcox, and Nr. Speaker.
Nays: Ayer, Baldwin, Clapp, Currin, Dupr6, Foote, Foster, Gardcnhil*e,Garland, Garnett, Hanly, Herbert, Jones, Lander, McDowell,
illcnees, Sexton, Tibks, Tripye, Welsh, and N7right of Tennessee.
So the amendments af the benate mere concurred in.
Mr. Foote moved that leave be granted the Committee on Foreign
Affairs to sit during the session of the House.
The rnotion was lost.
Mr. Chambers moved that the rules be suspended to enable the
Commitlee on Military Affairs to report.
The motion mas lost.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
which was a bill to purge the Army of ignorant and incompetent officers.
The question being on ordering the previous question, the same was
ordered, and the amendment of Mr. Miles to the bill was agreed to as
The bill mas then engrossed and read a third time, and thequestion
being on the passage of the same,
3fr. Wilcox demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _47
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
______ __ __ ll11
Yeas: Ashe, Barksdale, Batson, Ronham, Boteler, BOJT
Chambers, Clapp, Cdllier, Dargan, De Jarnette, DuprQ,
row, Foote, Freeman, Gartrell, Goode, G r ~ y ,Harris,
H e i s l d , HiIton, Holcombe, Holt, Keiian of Georgia,
Carolina, Icenner, Lander, Lyon, McDomell, McQueen,
n4iles, Perkins, Pugh, Ralls, Royston, Russell, Sexton,
bama, Swan, Tibbs, Welsh, and Mr. Speaker.
Xays: Baldwin, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Foster, Gardenhire, Hanly,
Heihert, Jones, \Tileox, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the bill was passed.
The title of the bill being under consideration,
Sir. \T7ilcox moved to amend the same by striking out the word
bpurge and inserting in lieu thereof the word rid.
&Il-.nupr4 moved to ainend the aniendrnent by striking out the
word rid7 an2 inserting in lieu thereof the word felieve.

{ :@$-



[Oct. 10,1862.

The anicndnicnt to the amendment was agreed to, and tlie amendment as amended was agreed to.
The Ilouse then proceeded to the consideration of the next special
order, which mas a bill to punish atrocities of the enemy.
Pending which,
Mr. Herbcrt, by consent, from the Committee on Post-Offices and
Post-Roads, reported
A bill to incrrase the salaries of route agents for the mail;
which was read the first and second times and, the rules being suspended, was engrossed and read a third time.
Mr. Foote moved that the House adjourn.
Thc motion was lost, and [the bill] was passed.
Nr. Lhpr:, hy concjeiit, introduced
A bill to coriholidnte rcduced IJattalioiis and regiments;
which wab read tlie first and sc~oiidtimes and referred to the Committee on lllilitary Sffnirs.
On motion of Mr. Raidwin, the special ordcr was postponed, and
the TIouse proceeded to the consideration of the next sp~cialorder,
which was a bill to raise revenur.
Blr. Clapp moved that h e further consideration of the bill be postponed until the third Monday in ?January next.
Mr. Clark moved to lay tho motion on the table; which motion was
Mr. Kcnncr demanded the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Lyon demanded the yeas and nays.
The w a s and natvs were ordered.
a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
dindare r c c o r ( as
~ follows,
Nays . _ _ _ _ _ __ __43
- - _
Ycas: Batson, I h l l , Chainbers, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Dupr6,
Foster. Freenim, Gartleuhirc. Garland, Garnett. Gartrell. Gentrv.
I-Ianly ,Herbert, McDowcll, I?&$,
Sinith of A l a b h a , Tibbs, Wilco>;
Wright of Texas, and ITright, of Tennessee.
Nays: Ashe, Ayer, I3aldwin, Ilarltsdalc, Bonhmi, Botcler, Boyce,
Bridgers, Chilton, Currin, D~rgan,De Jai*nette,Elliott, Farrow, Foote,
Goode, Graham, Brag. Harris, Hartridge, I-lilton, I-Iolcombe, Holt,
Jones, Kcnan of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, ZZennrr, Lander,
Lyon, McQueeti, McXae, Mences, Miles, Perkins, Kalls, Roj7sto11,
Russell, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, Trippe, Welsh, and
ilk. Speaker.
So the iiiotioii to postpone was lost.
Mr. Garnett moved that the bill be postponed and that the House
take up for. consideration the bill ninking appropriations for tho support of tho Govcrnnient for thc month of J:tnuary, 1863, and for ccrtain deficiencies and other purposes therein meiitioncd; which was
agreed to.
A rnrssage wtis received from the Senate, by their Secretary, MI-.
Nash; which is as follows, t o wit:
3 1 ~;Vpectkrr:
Tht)Ireeidciit of the Confederate States (lid, on the 8th instant, approve
and sign bills of thc following titles, vix:
S.53. h i act to aintntf an act entitled ,hi wt to farther provide for the public
defensr, approved 16th April, 1862, and tlic art to aiiicwl the saiiie, approvd Septriiiber 27, 1862;
S.115. A n act t o reftiiitl to tlie State of 1,onisialla the txcesc of tlbe war tax w e r paid h r liei , ant1
$. 117. An act to i e p ? tlit. Stat(, ol Sortli Carolilia thc C X C C ~ Sover lirr qllota paid
by her into the Treasury of the Coiifwkiatc. States o n awouiit of the war tax.


1 1 1 a(t to organize milikry Courts to attend the &my of the Confederate

Stat(? in the fieid, aud to define the powers of said courts.

\KW received from thc President, by his Private secretary, 311.IhlTihon, informing the House that the President had signed
and np p r o ~ o d
I. ii. 33. An act making appropriations for the executive, legislatirc, aiid judicial expenses of the Government for the month of
DeccJnihcr. 1862; also
la, It. 40. An a c l to provide shoes for the Army.
XI.. Elliott, froin the Corninittee on Enrolled Bills
rwtiy enrolled and ready for the signature of the Sp
1. IZ. 42. A bill to hc entitled An act to fix the
of the Delegates from the several Indian nations authorized to have
Dclegatw undcr their respective treaties; also
H. li. 82. A bill to be entitled An act to establish places of rendezvous for thc exmiination of enrolled men.
And thc Spcalcer signed the same.
Tlic Chair laid before the House a communication from the Sccretary of the Treasury, transmitting certain estimates; which was referred
t o thc Coinmittec on Ways and Means.
The Chxir xlho presented a bill of the Senate for the rclief of certain
o6cers of tile Nary and of the Marine Corps; which was rcad the first
a n d second times and referred to the Corninittee on Naval Affairs.
The Chair also presented a bill of the Senate to increase the pay of
the c.lei.ks in the several Departments; which mas read the first and
sccond times, and on motion of Mr. Gartrell, the rules were suspended,
arid t h e hill was taken up, and is as follows. to wit:

7 % p Coongr~asqf tlir Confeedernte Antes of Ainrritn do enact, That from and after the
passage of this bill the salaries of all clerks of the several Departments of the Execut i r e Government of the Confederate States shall be increased as follows: A11 salaries
unrlcr one thoiisand dollars shall be increased fifty per cent; all salaries of one
thoumud and under twelve hundred dollars and upward shall be increased thirtythree per cent; and all salaries of twelve hundred dollars and upward shall be
increased twenty-five per cent.
Sisc. 2. That this act shall continue and be in force till the end of the next session
of Congress.

Mr. Baldmin moved to amcnd the same by striking out all after the
enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit:
T h a t on the salaries or compensation of all officers of the several
mcnts, appointed under any law of Congress, and residing in the
whose salaries shall not now exceed one thousand dollars, there
the period of one gear fifty per cent, and for the period of one year t
all w r h o f h e r s now receiving not less than one thousand dollars and
hundred dollars shall be fixed at fifteen hundred dollars.

hIr. Jones moved to amend the amendment by inscrti

word officers, where occurring, the words and employees.
MY.Poote called the question; which was ordered, and the amendment to the amendment was agreed to.
Mr. Jolles inoved further to amend the amendment by inserting after
tile ~vorclsalary the words or conipensation, and called for the
The question was ordered, and the amendment to the m m d m e n t
was agrced to.



[Oct. 10,1862.

JIr. Lyons more$ to amend the amendment by adding thereto the

and the salary of the Private Secretary of the President shall be fixed a t two thousand
dollars per annum.

Xr. Dupr6 moved t o amend t h e amendment of Mr. Baldwin by striking out all of the original and inserting in lieu thereof the following,
to ~ 7 i t :
That for the period of twrlve nionths from t h e date of this act there shall b e added
to the present Palaries of the civil oEiicers of t h e Confederate Government resident
ant1 serviiig in the city of Richmond a per centum as follows: On all salaries of one
thousand dollars and under, fifty per cent, on all salaries of one thousand two huntlrccl dollars and under, thirty-three and one-third per cent; on all salaries o f one
t h o n w i d fiye huiidred dollars and under, thirty per cent; on all salaries of two
tkiouwitl dollars and upward, including t h e comptrollers, auditors, registers, and
Treasurer, twenty per cent.
fk rt j i i r t k e r r)inctcd, That the additional compensation herein granted shall be
bestou ctl or withheld, a t thc discretion of the Secretary, for officers of the rank of
comptroll~rsaiid auditors, and for accountants and clerks, at the like discretion of
the heads of thcair respective bureaus.

Mr. Foster demanded the previous question; which mas ordered,

and the amendment to the amendment of Mr. Lyons was lost.
T h e amendment of Mr. DuprB was lost, and the amendment of Mr.
Baldwin as amended was agreed to.
rhc bill as amended was then read a third timc.
Mr. Foster moved that the House reconsider the vote ordering the
bill to a third reading.
The niotion was lost.
MY.Menees dcninnded the question; which was ordered, and the bill
WRS p s d .
On motion, the title of the same was amended by striking out the
-v\.ords clerks in the several Departments and inserting in lieu thereof
thc words certain officers and employees in the executive and legislative dcpnrtments.
Xlr. liussell moved that when the House terminate its session this
morning it talre a recess until 8 oclock p. m. ; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Itussell moved that the rules be suspended to enable him to
introduce a resolution extending the session of Congress.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Foote moved that the House resolve itself into secret session.
Mr. Gardenhire moved that the House adjourn; which motion was
1hquestion being on the motion of Mr. Foote,
Mr. Foster demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
_ ___ _ __ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47
And are recorded as follows, to wit: 7 Yeas
Nays _ . _
. . _ _ _ _
9_ .
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Baldmin, Bell, Bonham, Boteler, Bridgers,
Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Collier, De Jarnette, DuprB, Elliott,
Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Gentry, Goode, Graham,
Harris, Hartridge, Heiskell, Herbert, Holcombe, Holt, Jones, Kenan
of North Carolina, Tlander, McDomell, McQueen, Menees, Miles, PerIrins, Pugh, Ralls, Royston, Russell, Swan, Tibbs, Trippe, Welsh,
Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Xsys: Barkadale, Batson, Dargan, Garland, Gray, Kenan of Georgia,
Kcnner, McRac, and Wright of Texas.

Oct. 10,1862.I

A bill to be entitled An act providing for retaliation i n certain

reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass.
The bill was ordered to be printed, and its consideration postponed
until 2 oclock tomorrow.
Mr. Barksdale, bv consent, from the minoritv of the same committee, reported an amendment to the same; whfch was, without bein
read, ordered to be printed and its further consideration postpone3
until 2 oclock to-morrow.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the special order,
which was
A bill to be entitled An act making appropriations for the support
of the Government for the month of January, eighteen hundred and
sixty-three, and for certain deficiencies and other purposes therein
and resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Russell in the
chair; and having spent some time therein, the committee rose, and
reported through their Chairman that they had had under consideration the bill referred to them, and reported the same back, with the
recommendation that it pass with amendments.
The bill being read as follows, to wit:
A bill to be entitled An act making RP ro riations for the support of the Government for the

month of January,.eighteen hundred ar$ s&ty-three, and for certajn deficiencies and other purposcq therein mentioned.

The Congrem of the Confedernte States of America do enact, That there be appropriated
and paid, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the following sums of money, and for the following purposes, viz: For expenses of the month
of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, in the
compensation of the Secretary of War, Assistant Secretary
of War, chief of bureau, clerks, messengers, etc., twelve thousand dollars.
For incidental and contingent expenses seven thousand dollars.
ordnance serkce in all its branches, two million five
hundred thousand dollars.
For the engineer service, five hundred thousand dollars.
For the purchase of iron, and advances on contracts for same, five hundred thousand dollars.
For the purchase and manufacture of niter, two hundred and fifty thousand doll
the pay Of the Army, eighteen Illillion
hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and eighty-nine dollars.
F o r the transportation of troops and their baggage, of quartermasters
sistence, ordnance, and ordnance stores, from the place of purchase to troo
field; the purchase of horses, mules, wagons, and harness; the purcha
nails, iron, and steel; for erecting storehouses, quarters for troops, and other repairs,
hire of teamsters, laborers, etc., seven million four hundred and sixty-four thousand
a n d seventy-fire dollars.
For pay for horses of noncommissioned officers and privates killed in battle,
under act number forty-eight, section seven, and for which provision is to be made,
twenty-five thousand dollars.
For pay for property pressed into the service of the Confederate States, under
appraisement, said property having been either lost or applied to the public service,
thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars.
For the subsistence of prisonen of war, underact number one hundred and eightyone, section one, and t h e hire of the necessary prisons, guard-houum, ek., for the
c J-VOL 5-05-34

5 30


[Oct. 10,1862.

eafc-keeping of the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, two hundred

tliousaird dollars.
For the bounty of fifty dollars to each noncommissioned officer, musician, and
private now in service for three years, or for t h e war, to be paid a t t h e expiration of
the first years service, on the basis that sixty thousand will have t o be paid, three
niilhon dollars.
I%r the pay of the officers on duty in t h e offices of the Adjutant and Inspector
Generals llepartment, the Quartermaster-Generals, Medical, Engineer, Ordnance,
a d Subsistence Departments, sixty-four thousand six hundred and seventy dollar?.
~ I I ~ I ~ II)EP
C AiitTmx,r.--For
pay of private physicians employed by contract from
the fir F t to the thirty-first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty thou.IlKl dolla1s.
For pay of nurses and coolrs, not enlisted or volunteer, from the fir& to the thirtyfir st ot Jitnudr v, eightcen hundred and sixty-three, forty-eight thousand dollars.
For pty of ho.pitn1 ctewards from the first to t h e thirty-first of January, eighteen
Iiundrctl and sixty-three, twelve thousand dollars.
For pav ot 1iosj)ital liiundresses from the first to the thirty-first of January, eightxty-three, ten thousand dollars.
Iiospital supplies of the Army, from the first to t h e thirty-first of
iuiitlred and sisty-tliree, four hundred thousand [dollars].
rmit and supportof military hospitals from the first to the thirtyfirst of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollar*.
~ P A I ~ T \ ~ \ I EOF
N the compensation of Secretary of State, clerks, messenger, and laborer, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and thirty-four

approved September twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eight hundred

For toreign intermnrse, i. e . , salaries of commissioners and secretaries for three

nioiithu, from January firrt, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, tweive thousand
Foi medical arid hospital ~ u p p l i w to
, supply deficit in appropriation for the period
c~xtcnditrgf i on1 April iiist to neceinber firut, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, one

million five hundred thousand dollars.

Vor pay of prirate physicians employed in conjunction with the medical staff of
tlic Army, to mpply deficit in t h e appropriation for the period extending from April
first to Dcccmtxr Gist, hundred and sixty-t\\ o, fifty thousand dollars.
To pay interest on fi\ c hundred thouwnd dollars, borrowed by General Hindman
from Brmch Bank of Tennessee, o n the twenty-cighth of May, eighteen hundred and
qixty-two, and retiirned J u l y seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, four
thousand one hundred and nine dollars.
K A II I)mA~tr\i&vT.--For cotupensation of Seeretary of the Navy, clerks, and messcnger, for t h e month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand
d seventy-seven cents
f the Nary Department for the month of
one thousand dollars.
ion of the President, Vice-Presiden t,
ionths from ,January, eighteen hunclred

!:or c o n i p c n x h m
m d for elerk Iiirc., a

intcd under the sequestration act,

or the month of January, eighteen

Oct. 10,1862.1


Rent of executive buildings antl of the Presidents house for three months
January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, six thousand four hundred and t
eight dollars and forty-five rents.
lor intereut on the- public debt for the month of January, eighteen hundred and
siwtv-three. two million five hundred thousand dollars.
FAr th e Choctaw general fund, being amount of interest doe on a m u n t of said
fnntl, and paid into the Treasury by the State of Virginia, for the month of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirteen thousand five hundred dollam.
For pay of members and officers of the Senate, and for the contingent fun
tlie tntlnty-first of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to fint of Fe
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, eleven thousand seven hundredand eighty
LS DEPARmrExT.-For compensation of Attorney-Geneml
ant Attorney-General, clerks, and messenger, for the month of January, eighteen
hundred and sixty-three, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and
+ixtv-seven cents.
Ftjr compensation of Superintendent of Public Printing, clerk, and messenger, for
the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, three hundred and sixtytwo dollars and twenty-three cents.
For compensation of governor and Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the secretary,
ludge~,attorney, and marshal of Arizona Territory, for the month of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, eight hundred and eight dollars and seventy-one
For contingent expenses of Arizona Territory, to be expended by the governor, for
the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, forty-three dollars.
C O ~ ~ I ~ S . ~ ~ ~ Y - G E ?DEPART,\IEXT.-FO~
the purchase of subsistence for the
Army for the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, six million five
hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred and seventy-two dollars and ninetyone cents.
compensation of Postmaster-General, chiefs of
bureaus, ckrks, messengers, etc., for January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
s e en
~ thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-one cents.
For incidental and contingent expenses of the Post-Office Department for January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand dollars.
To supply deficiencies in the revenue of the Post-Office Department arising prior
to first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one hundred and thirty
thousand six hundred and seven dollars and thirty-nine cents.
For alterations made in building occupied by Post-OfficeDepartment, two thousand
five hundred dollars.
For compensation of two special agents from tenth of October, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two, to first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, one thousand
antl fifty-three dollars and seventy-four cents.
For pay of members and officers. of the House. of Representatives for the month of
January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, thirty-five thousand six hundred and
ninety dollars,

T h e committee moved to amend the same by striking out i n the

clause relating to deficiencies of the Post-Office Department the
words arising prior to the first o f and inserting in lieu thereof
the words for the month of, and insert after the word agent
the words of the Post-Office Department.
The question being on agreeing to the amendments of the comm].
The same were agreed to.
The bill was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
M u . Jones moved that the House adjourn.
Mr. Hilton moved a call of the House.
The nlotioll was lost, and the motion to adjourn prevailed.

The IIouse being in secret session, a message was received f m r t thc

~ c ~ , : i t eby, the Secretary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follo\vb,
to wit:
~f?.Speaker: The Senate have passed a bill of this House entitled An act to anlcnd
an act recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Chlfederate Statc;s, and concerning letters of IrJiIrque, prizes, and prize goods.



[Oct. 11,1862.

They have also passed a bill of the following title, viz:

S. 120. An act to ainrnd an act entitled An act to authorize the exchange of
bonds for articles in kind, and the shipment, sale, or hypothecation of such --%les,
approved 21st April, 1862;
I n which I aiii directed to ask the Concurrence of this House.

On motion, Senate bill 120, entitled An act to authorize the

exchange of bonds for articles in kind, and the shipment, sale, or hypothecation of such articles, approved 2lst April, 1862, was taken up,
read first and second times, and referred to the Committee of Ways
and Means.
On motion, the further consideration of the unfinished business of
the last sccret session, which was the consideration of a Senate bill
(119) to be entitled An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury
to borrow moiiey of the seveml States, was postponed.
On motion of Mr. Foote, the House took up for consideration
A bill to provide for the defense of the Cumberland arid Tennessee
The bill was engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
And on mot,ion of Mr. Gardenhire,
The House resolved itself into open session.



The House met pnrsunnt to ndjournment, and was opened with prayer
by thc itcv. Dr. ltccd.
On motion of Jlr. Alilcs, :L bill to increase and regulate the appointment of geneid officers in the 1rovision:il A r m y was taken from the
CalPndar and referred to the Conimi ttec on Military Affairs.
The IIouhe then procwdod to the conbideration of the unfinished
business of yesterday, which was a bill to amend an act entitled An
act for the estwhlirhiiient and organization of a general stag for thc
Army of the Confederate States of America, approved February 26,
The yeas and nays having been ordered on the passage of the same,
Are recortlcd as fol]oms, to TVit:1 Yeas- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2s
1 Nays _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - -- _ _ _ - __ - - - 3r
Peas: Ashe, Rcll, kmhain, 12oteler, Boyce, Chambers, De Jarnettc.
Iluprh, Elliott, Foott, Fosttr, Harris, Hartridge, Holeombe, Johnston.
K c y i of Gcorgia, Iilenner, Lyons, bIcQueen, Miles, Perkins, Pugh.
Italls, llit,ssell, Sexton, Smith of North Ouolim, Swan, and Wright
of Tennersec..
Nays: Ayer, I2aldwin, Ifistson, Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton,
Collier, Frcerrian, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Gray, Hanly,
IIeiskell, Herbert, Ililton, Holt, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina,
McDowell, Menees, lZovston, Trippe, and Mr. Speaker.
So the bill was pxssed.
Mr. Chambers. from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom wtts
referred a bill of the Senate entitled A bill to amcnd an act for the
estthlishinent and organization of a gerieral h t a f f for the Arnij of the
Confederate States of America, approved Fcbruary.26,1861, re orted
the same back, with the recommendation that it pass wlth an amen ment.




The rules being suspended, the bill was taken up, and
read as follows, to wit:

with the rank, pay, and allowances

rank, pay, and allowances of a major of cavalry, and t w other aids-de-camp, with
the rank, pay, and allowances of a captain of cavalrv. And to a brigadier-general
conmanding-a brigade, one assistant Bdiutant-wner& and one assist& in&ectorgeneral, each with-the rank, pay, and aliowanck of a captain of cavalry, a& two
aids-de-camp, with the rank, pay, and allowances of a first lieutenant of cavalry, each
of said first lieutenants to receive thirty-five dollars per inorlth additional pay: PTOvided, That no other general staff officers shall hertialter be allowed to general officers
serving in the field except as herein provided, a n d except also the assistant yuartermasters and assistant commieearies of brigades anthorized b y existing laws: Artd proTided fwrt7ier, That with the exception of aids-de-camp, all other general staff officers
assigned to t h e comriands of general officers will be regarded as a part of said commands arid not as belonging to t h e personal staff of the generals under whose orders
they may be serving for the time being,

iMr. Chambers, from the Committee on Blilitary Affairs, moved t

anmid the same by striking out all after the eiiactiiig clause and
inserting in lieu thereof the following, viz:
That during t h e existing mar there shall be allowed to general officers serving in
the field the following general staff officers, to be appointed by the President, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, to wit: To a general commanding a

Onmotion of Mr. Baldwin, the amendment was amended by adding

the followinp additional section:

SEC.2. Adjutants appointed by the President shall be deemed officers of the general staff, shall be regarded as part of the commands to which they are attached
and not as belonging to the personal staff of the oflicer [under] whose orders they may
be serving for the time being, arid shall, where competent, be promoted in. their several army corps as assistant adjutant and inspector generals to fill vacancies according to seniority.



[Oct. 11,18(?2.

Mr. Foster moved that the bill and aniendments be indefinitely

The motion was lost.
Mr. Miles moved to amend the amendment by striking out the word
two before the word aids-de-camp) and inserting i n lieu thereof
the word four.
Mr. Baldwin moved the previous question; which was ordered, arid
the amendment of Mr. Miles was lost.
The question being on agreeing to the amendment of Mr. Baldwin,
Mr. Kenan of Georgia demanded the yeas and nays;
I5hich were ordered,
e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _ - 3r
And are recorded as follo.vvs, to wit: Y
Nays - _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. _ _ _ - 22
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boteler, Clark, Clopton, Collier,
Currin, Elliott, Farrow, Foote, Poster, Gardenhire, Gartrell, Good(>,
Graham. Gray, Hanly, Harris, Heiskell, Hilton, I-Iolcombe, Johnston,
tJones, Kenner, Mcltae, Menees, Perliinu, Pugh, Royston, Russell,
Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Trippe, and
Wright of Tennessee.
Hays: Barksdale, Batson, Bonharn, Chambers, Chilton, Dc Jarnettc,
I h p r 6 , Freeman, Garland, Garnett, I-Iarti.idge, Herbert, Holt, Kenan
of Georgia, Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, McDowell, McQuceii,
Miles, Ralls, Swan, rind Mr. Speaker.
So the amendment was agreed to, and the amendment of the committee as amended was agreed to.
The bill as aincnded t v a ~then read a third time.
Mr. Harris moved that the House reconsider the rote bx which the
hill was ordered to be read a third tinie, arid called the qucstion the]-eon;
which WRS ordrrod, 2nd Mr. Harris demanded the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
~~~~~~~-~~~ 29
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Peas----..-Nays . _
_ _ - ..- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30
- Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Batson, Konham, Boteler, Cumin, DuprB, Elliott,
~t reeman, Garnett, Graham, Hanly, Harris, Hartridge, ZIeiskell, Hilton.
Holt, Jones, Kenner, Lander, Lyons, McQueen, Nenees, Miles, Pugh,
Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Wilcox, and Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Baldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Clopton,
Collier, Dargan, Farrow, Poote, Foster, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrell, Gray, Herbert, Holcombe, Johnston, Kenan of Georgia, Kenan
of North Carolina, McDowell, McBae, Perkins, Italls, Royston, Bussell, Smith of North Carolina, Swan, and Trippe.
So the motion to reconsider was lost.
Rlr. Itoyston called for the question, which was on the passage of
the bill.
The question was ordered, and the bill as amended was psssed.
Mr. Baldwin, from the Committee on Ways and Means, tlo whom
was referred a bill of the Senate to punish and repiess the importation
by our enemies of notes pur orting to be notes of the Treasury of the
Confederate States, reporte the same hack, with the recommendation
that it pass.
The rules being suspended, the bill mas taken up, and having been
read as follows, to wit:

Whereas our encmies, certain pcoplc of the Tjnited States, have engaged in falsely
making, forging, and counterfeiting the Treasury notes of the Confederate States,

b e t . 11,1862.1

and are offering to sell them in Philad

and other plares in the T;nited
aiitl to transmit thern to any part ther
the pur ose of passing, utte
publkliing finch forged and counterfei
in the tonfederate Sta
its citizens and to impair the credit of said notes; and
\Vhereas such forged arid counterfeited notes haye beer1 introduced into the ConFcderate States by officers, soldiers, sutlers, and other persons belonging to, followid accompanying the A m y of the United States, and by persons 0th
1 ice of t h e same: Now, therefore,
Cbrigress of the Confederate Slules of America do enact, That if any con11
(11 Jio,i~oinmissione(lofficer, soldier, sutler, wagon master, wagoner, or other person
1 )ioyed by, belonging to, accompanying, or following the Briny of the United
to, o r other persons not domiciled in the Confederate States, who adhere to
our enemies, shall be captured during the existing war between the Confederate
States and t h e United States, and shall be found to have in his or their custody
o r Iwscusion any forged or counterfeited note or notw, purporting to be a note or
riotei of the Treasury of the Confederate States, or any blank note or notes printed
o r engraved after the similitude of any note of the Confederate States, or shall
have passed, uttered, published, giren, or distributed, or shall have offered to paw,
utter, publish, give, or distribute, any such forged or Counterfeited note or notes
of the Confederate States, he or they shall forfcit all right to be treated as a prisoner
o f war, and be deenietl guilty of felony and shall suffer death upon conviction
tfiercof bcfore a n y military court organized according to a law of Congres-s, or
liefore a inilitary connnission to consist of fire commissio~ic~rl
oflirers ant1 a j u t f p
ad\ ocatc, to h e ordercd by officcrs authorized to order general courts-martial. T h t
finding of said court or commissioii~hallbe by a majority of votes; and the saidconrt
01 conimimion shall kccp a record of their proceedings and of the substance of ihe
el idence.

On iuotion of A h . ltussell, the same was ainetided by striking out all

wfter the enacting clause and inserting i n lieu thereof the following,
t o wit:
E:y.ery person in the Ferrice of or adhering to the encniy who ~ I i a l Ipass or offer
ach bpurious or counterfeit note or notes as aforehaid, or shall
11 the smie, or shall loring any such note or notes into thc Conf
11 have any such note or notes in his ~)onscssion\\it11 intent to
, shall, if captiiretl, be put to death b y hauging, niid every coninii
oiticcr of the eneiny who shall perinit any offense mcntionetl in this section t(! b?
coniniittetl by any person under his authority shall be piit to tleath by hanging.
I<sery person charged with an offense punishable iindcr this act shall be tried hy a
Iiill1tary court in such niamirr and under mch regulations a9 the1 President sIIa!J
rihp; and, after conviction, the President rnay coinniute the punishment, to inimieut in such irianner and for surli time as he may deem proper, ant1 may parhe offender o n such coiiditions as he may deem proper, or nnronditiorially.

Ytrilie o u t all of the preamble and insert in lieu thereof the following,
to wit:
\111ereas, manifestly with the knovlecige and connivance of the Iedcr
nlcnt, arid for the purpose of destroying the credit and circulation of t h
11oti~of this Goverrinient, iminense amounts of spurious or rounterfcit
p r t i l g to be such Treasury notes, have [been] fabricated and advertised
the enemys country and h a r e been brought into these States a
by pelsons in the service of the enemy.

Tile amendment was agreed to.

141.. Bussell demanded the question: which was ordered, and w a s
upon the third reading of the kd1.
The 1)ill UTas then read a third time and passed.
JIr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
A bill to increase atid regulate the appointment of general officers in
the lrorisional Arinj7,
rcaported the same back, with the recolnirieiidatioii that it pass with an
sirncnduien t.




Thc rulcs being suspended, the bill was taken up and read as follows,
to wit:
The Congress of the confederate Stcites do mtrct, That the President be, and h e is
hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint
such number of general officers in the Provisional Army as shall not exceed by more
than eight per cent the whole nuniber of brigades and divisions in the Provisional
Army, and to assign thetn to such appropriate duties as he may deem expedient.
SEC.2. That four brigadier-generals rnay be assigned to duty in the department of
the Adjutant and Inspector C; eneral, and one brigadier-general rnay be assigiied to
duty in each of the depnrtincnts of the Quartermaster-General and the CommissaryGeneral.

The committce moved to amend the same by striking out in the first
section the words such number of and inserting in lieu thereof the
word (twelve.
Also, by striking out in the first section the words as shall not
exceed by more than eight per cent the whole number of brigades and
divisions in the Provisional Army.
Also, by striking out in the second section the word foul and
inserting in lieu thereof the word ~ w o . ~
Mr. Miles, from the committee, moved to amend the arriendment by
striking out the word twelve and inserting in lieu thereof the word
(twenty; which was agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as correctly engrossed and enrolled
A n act to authorize the President to accept arid place in the service
certain regiments and battalions heretofore raised.
And the Speaker signed the same.
Mr. Smith of North Carolina moved to amend the bill by striking
out in the second section thereof the words
and one brigadier-general iimy be assigned to duty in each of the departments of the
Quartermaster-General and the Commissary-General.

Mr. Gartrell called for the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Jones dcmanded the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
And are recordedasfollows, to wit: Y e a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -27
Nays - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Boteler, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Currin, De
Jarnette, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garland, Goode, Hanly, Hartridge,
Heiskell, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Lander, McDoweli, McRae,
Menees, Perkins, Ralls, Smith of North Carolina, Wright of Tennessee, and 3fr. Speaker.
Nays: Baldwin, Batson, Bell, Bonham, IZridgers, Chambers, Chilton,
Clapp, Dupr6, Elliott, Freeman, Gartrell, Graham, Gray, Harris,
Herhert, Hilton, Holcombe, Holt, Johnston, Kenner, McQueen, Miles,
Pugh, Eoyston, Bussell, Smith of Alabama, and Wilcox.
So the amendment was lost.
Mr. Miles demanded the previous question; which was ordered, and
the amendments of the committee as amended were agreed to.
The bill as amended was read a third time and passed.
Mr. Gartrell, by consent, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to
whom was referred a bill of the Senate entitled An act to authorize
the Vice-Preuident of the Confederate States to em loy a secretary,
reported the same back, with the recommendation t at it pass.
The rules being suspended, the bill was taken up, and Mr. Gartrell
demanded the question, which was on the third reading of the bill.


Oct. 11, 1862 I


The question was ordered, and Mr. Clark delnanded

Which were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to wit:
Yeas: Ashe, Barksdale, Boteler, Brid
lie ;Iarnette, Elliott, Gardenhire, G
Httrtridge, Hsiskell, Holcombe, Hol
Zyonr, Mcnowell, McRae, Miles, Perkins, Russell,
Nortlr Carolina.
Naxs: Ayer, Baldwin, Batson, Bonham, Chilton, Clapp, Collier,
Dupr6, Farrow, Foster, Freeman, Goode, Gray, Herbert, Hilton,
Johnston, *Jones,Kenan of North Carolina, Lander, McQueen, Menees,
Iugh, Iialls, Royston, Sexton, Swan, and Welsh.
So the House refused to order the bill to be read a third time.
Mr. Gartrell, by consent, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to
a h o m was referred
A hill to secure the recovery of fugitive slaves by their owners,
reported the same back, with the recommendation that it pass with
The rules being suspended, the bill was taken up, and having been
read as follows, to wit:
First. Every person connected with the Army or Navy of the Confederate States,
arresting or coming into possession of any negro by capturc from the enemy or
otliern ipe than by lawful authority, shall immediately report the same to the commanding officer of the post or brigade or station to which he may be attached. The
sitid c.oniinanding officer shall, with as little delay as practicable, send the negroes so
reported to the nearest depot described in the next section, with a register of the
place and date of their arrest: Provided, however, That the said Iiegroes, or any of
them, may at once be delivered to their respective owners, if claim is niade and
established on satisfactory evidence.
Second The Secretary of War shall establish depots for recaptured negrom at ~ 0 1 1 venient place?, not more than
in number, in each State; and all negroes car)tiired in such State shall be kept in such depots. Public notice shall be given of the
places RO selected.
Third. Lists of the negroes in each of s$d depots, showing the names and color of
such negroes, t h e place and time of their arrest, and the naiiies of their owncrs as
given by themselves, shall be regularly advertised in each State, in one or more new spapers a t the State capital.
Fourth. While such negroes are in depot they may be employed, under proper
guard, on public works, but no negro shall be moved from the depot to which they
are first carried for at least onemonth after the first advert.isement of his being there,
nor then, unless a n exact register is made of the removal and due advertisement made
i n t h e newspapers as aforesaid.
Fitth. Free access shall be permitted to all persons desiring to ins
negroes for the purpose of identifying them and establishing owners
due proof they shall be immediately restored to the persons claim
Sixth. I t shall further be the duty of the Secretary of War to
of all slaves in the employment of any officer or soldier of the Co
Kavy, with the naines and residence of their owners, and of the
hired out, and of the officer or soldier hiring, to be reported to hi
a full register thereof to be kept for public inspection.
Seventh. All free negroes aiding or abetting the enemy and captured by the Confederate forces shall be delivered to the governor of the State in which captured, to
be dealt with according to the laws of such State.
Eighth. The Secretary of War shall prescribe adequate and heavy penalties to
sccurc the due observance of this statute by all Confederate offjcersand soldiers,

The committee moved to amend as follows, to wit:

First. Strike out the word negrbw, wherever it occuls (except free negrow),
and insert in lieu thereof the word slaves.
Second. Fill the blank in second section with the word five.


[Oct. 11,1862.

Third. Strikr ont in t h e third section t h e words at the State capital, and after
the wm1 nev(spagt~rs
add the words of general circulation.
Iourth. Amend the third section by addirf? after the words as given by themselves the words or otherwise ascertained.
Fifth. Strike out the entire section in relation to free negroes.
Sixth. Strike out the last section and insert in lieu thereof the following, to nit:
The President shall prescribe regulations for carrying this act iiito effect and provide for the subsistence of said slaves while in such depots.
Amend the title by striking out all of the same and inserting in lieu thereof the
following, to wit: An act to protect the rightv of owners of slaves taken by ur
employed in the Army;

which was agreed to.

Lhe bill was then engrossed, read a third time, and passed.
1\11.. Botelcr, by consent, to whom mas refcrred a, bill of the Senate
establishing the seal of the Confederatc States of America, reported
the same back, with the recommendation that it pass with nn amend111en t .
The hill having been read as follows, to wit:

The Congress of the Con edernte Aates of America do ellact, That the device on the
seal of the Confederate tates shall be, in the foregronnd, a Confederate soldier 111
the position of charge bayonet; i n the middle distance, a uonian with a cliiltl by licr
side in front of a church, both with hands uplifted in the attitude of prayer; lor a
background, a homestead on the plain, with mountains in the distance, h c n c ~ t hthe
meridian sun; the whole surrounded by a wreath composed of the stalk of thc sngar
cane, th e rice, the cotton, and tobacco plants; t h e margin inscribed with the worth
Seal of the Confederate States of America above, and the niotto, Our lioniesand
our constitutions beneath,

The committee moved to amend by striking out all after the cnacti n g clause and inserting i n lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Tliat the device on the seal of the Confederate States shall be a n a r i d yonth i n
classic costume, standing beneath a meridian sun, by the side of an altar, to wt:~cha
wonian is clinging, the whole surrounded by a wreath composed of sugar (?me, riw,
cotton, tobacco plants, an:, the margin inscribed wj:h the words Seal of the Uonfederate States of America above, and the motto, Pro aris et focis beneath.

A mesmge was received froin the Senate, through the hands of MY.
Naah, their Secretary; which was as follows, t o wit:
MY.&peaEar: The Senate have passed a bill of this House of the following title, viz:
11. K. 37. An act to amend an act entitled An act for the organization of t h c
staff departments of the Army of the Confederate States of America, approved
March 14, 1861.
They have also passed bills entitled
8. 125. An act to equalize the salary of the Assistant Attorney-General with that of
other assistant secretaries and their chiefs of bureau?; and
S.128. An act to amend an act in relation to publlc pnnting, approved lgebrnary
27, 1862;
In which I am directed to ask the Conciirreiice of this House.
Also, 13. R. 43. An act to reduce the rate of interest on t h e funded tlebt ot th<Confederate States.
They have also passed a bill of the following title, viz:
8. 126. An act to regulate and fix the pay of cadets in the service of the COIII(:,~crate States;
I n which bill and anlendments I am directed to ask t h e concurrence of t

A message was received from the Senate, by the Secretary, M r .

Nash; which is as follows, viz:
Mr. Speaker: The Senate have passed, with amendments, bills of this Howe of
the following titles, viz:
H. R. 21. An act to authorize the formation of volunteer companies for locitl
defense; and
H. K.45. An act to relieve t h e Army of ignorant and incompetent ofiicerb;



1 am directed to ask the

ng appropriations for the
nloiitti of January, 1863, and for certain deficiencie

, withoat amendment,

O n motion of Mr. Miles, the House took up a bill elltitled An act

to relieve the Br m y of ignorant and incompetent ofic,ers, and on
motion, the same was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On niotion of Mr. Kenner, a bill entitled An act to reduce the
rate of interest on the funded debt of the Confederate States was
takcw up and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
T h e question being on agreeing to the amendment to the bill establishing the seal of the Confederate States of America,
Mi*. \Yelsh moved to lay the same upon the table.
lhc motioii was lost.
Rlr. liiisiell dtmanded the question; which was ordered, and the
aniendn~cntwas agreed to.
311.. Jones moved that the further coiisideration of the bill be postponed until tlie next session.
311..Swttn moved a cltll of the House, which was ordei*ed.
O n motion of Rlr. I-lolt, all fnrthcr proceedings under the call were
dispeiiscd with.
The bill m7as then read a third time.
Mr. Miles moved that the bill be laid upon the table.
The motion was lost.
Rlr. Russell demanded the question; which was ordered, and Mr.
Miles demanded the yens and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered,
Yeas- _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Nays
_ _ . _ _
27_ _
Yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Baldmin, Batson, Bell, Boteler, Chilton, Clapp,
Clark, Clopton, De Jarnettc, Elliott, Farrow, Foster, Freeman, Garland, Gartrell, Goode, Harris, Herbert, Holt, Johnston, Kenan of
Xorth Carolina, Kenner, Lyons, McDowell, Ralla, Royston, Russell,
Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Wilcox, Wright of Tennessee, and
hlr. Speakcr.
Kiays: Harksdale, Bonham, Bridgers, Chambers, Collier, Dargan,
DUPE, Eoote, Gardenhire, Graham, Grag7, IIanly, Hartridge, Heiskell, Holeombe, Jones, Kenan of Georgia, Lttnder, Moltae, McQueen,
&knees, Miles, Perkins, Pugh, Smith of Alabama, Swan, and Welsh,
So the bill mas passed.
On motion of Mr. Barksdale, the rules were sus
House took up for consideration a bill of the Senate
in relation to the ublic printing, approved February
w a s read the thir time and passed.
Mr. Kenner, from the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was
referred sundry amendments of the Senate to a bill of the I-fouse
entitled An act to reduce the rate of interest on the funded debt of
the Confederate States, reported the same back, with the recommendation that the House concur in the ainendments of the Senate.
And the question being on agreeing to the amendments; which are
as follows, to wit:
Strike out in section 1the word six and insert 3evcn.
strike out in section 2 the word six arid insert seven.
Add at the end of second section



[OCt. 11,1862.

J+oi ided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to revoke the authority
heretofore givcn to issue six per cent reconvertible bonds.

The sanic wcrc concurred in.

Mr. Kenner, from the same committee, reported a bill to extend the
term of oftice of certain war tax collectors; which was read the first
a r i d swond timcs and, the rules being suspended, was engrossed, read a
third time, and passed.
Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred sundry amendments of the Senate to a bill of the House
entitled A bill to relieve the Army of ignorant, disabled, and ineompeterit ofEcci*s,reported the same back, with the recommendution that
thc IIousc conmr in the amendinents of the Senate.
I Iic rulcs were suspcnded, and the bill was taken up.
Ihquestion being on agreeing t o the amendments of the Senate;
which RYC as follows, to wit:
Strike out the preamble thereof.
lnscrt aftcr the word honorably, in the third section, the words
witliout pay 01: allo~v.vances.
Anicnd the title by striking out the word ignorant and inserting
i n lieu thereof the words disqualified, disabled, so RY to rend:
r 7

A bill to Lr elititled An act t o relieve the Army of disqualified, disabled, and

incompetent oifi cers.

The S R ~ Pwere concurred in.

MY. McQuccn, by consent, from the Committee on Accounts,
reported as follows, to wit:
Tlic Coniiiiittee on Accounts b ~ Ieavr
to report that sundry a c ~ o u n t sliave been
eal;mittcclto thcni for their approval since the present session conrmenced. Of the
itetl, thr. following h a w been allou cd and appro1 ecl by yonr comniitdirectvtl them to be paid oiit of the contingent f~indof the House,
wliic+haniount in thr aggregate to tlir suiii of $6,209.77.
Ihc acrount!: w1iic.h ha\ e been approved and ordered to be paid are as follows, to
- - $216.00
I . An account in favor of R. 11. Wynne, for m-rant hirc. ._
2 An a(-count i n faker of It. H. Wyniie, lor hack hire
tint idfavor of It. 1-2. Wynnc, for fitting iip committee rooms..
iint i n favor of H. C . M. Laughlin, as clerk of committee, etc ... 250.00
lint i n favnr of .Jnlius Raningarten, for making drawing of seal. 25.00
6. An zccount in favor of Richardson & Go., for matting and ca<peting--87.62
7. A n ac*coiintin favor of William T. Richardson, for rent of room No. 188
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - 3 50.00
Main street- - - - 8. An account in favor of T. W. McFarland, for services as clerk of cornniitter -.- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ - 35.00
9 A n acconiit i n favor of Samuel W. Landorn, for paiuting, etc. - - - 10. An accoiint in favor of William 1). Cook, for services as clcrk of coininittee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -.-.- - - - - -.- - 155.00
11, An acconnt i n favor of R. H. I Iowr, for table8 for inerrhers - - - 33.00
12. ,411 wcount in favor of Btarkc & Carctozo, for stationery fumislied Doorr______
_ ._
_. _
rint ot starlie CG. Cardozo, for tumblers for TIouse. 6.00
iint in favor of It. 1-1. IVynne, for fitationery. -.- - 1,154.00
15. An account in favor of James McDonald, for drayagc, etc. 3.30
n favor of R. 1%.Wynne, for servant hire froin October 6 to
- - - _ _ __ - _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .28.00
i n h \ o r of E. A. Pollard, for stationery bou




. _____
_ _ _ _ - -.
-____ _____


____ ________ ___ ___

__ __ __
- __
__ __________
_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __




1%An account in favor of Clerk R. H. Wynne, for stationery horn Pollard.

19. An account in favor of John E. Helm, for service as clerk of Military

Coininittee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --20. An account in favor of R. E. Dixon, for extra clerk hire-..



- - - 205.00
___ __- - -.__
_ _ _ 252.00

Your committee beg leave to state that th

vour committee, has purchased a much larger
barv for the use of the Howe at the present
this purchase for the r e s o n that the statione
ant1 was offered a t much I o ~ e figures
Instructions h a r e been given the Doorkeeper to p
t he next session, and in this way the House will not only no
pursued b y your committee, but will s a x a considerable amount.
Yonr committee have thought proper to require the Doorkeeper
invoice of all the property on hand belonging to the House pilrc
organization of t h e Government under t h e Permanent Constituti
charged the Doorkeeper with the amount of the invoice, believing
will insure the safe cmtody of the articles invoiced. The valne of
shown by the original, herewith reported is the sum of $2,194.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
10, 1862.


Chairman Committeeof Scdunts.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---..-_-._
---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D o o r k q w of the House of Repre.rentatives.
T h e abovc account of stationery is returned by the Doorkeeper as remaining on
halid October 10, 1862.
Chairman Committee of Accozhnh

Mr. Wclsh, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to

wvhom ~ s t sreferred the anienciments of the Senate to tho bill of the
House of Representatiyes to establish certain post routes therein named,
reported thc, sairie back with amendn~ents.
Thc bill was taken up, and the amendment of the Senate he,ving been
read as f o l l o ~ s ,viz:
Add a t the end of the bill
From Johnston Post-Office, Pulnski County, Georgia, to Dnblin, Lalirens County,
in lsaid State.
From Vicksburg, Mississippi, via Grand Lake, to Luna, Arkanm.
From Pittsboro, in North Carolina, to the Gulf, in said State.

Mr. IVelsh, from the committee, inorcd t o amend the same by adding
thereto the following words, viz:
Eroni Trussville, in the State of Alabama, by Florences Ferry, to Tallade
said State.
From the railroad depot on White River, on the hlemphisand Litt
in the State of Arkansas, to Brownsville, in said State.
From Oak Ridge, in the State of North Carolina, to Kings Sto
Gnilford, in said State.
From Iaulding, in the State of Mississip i, to Taylors
From Camden, i n the State of Arkansas,\y Holly Sp
Fro111 Walhalla, i n South Carolina, to Clarkensville, in the State of Georgia;

which W ~ agreed
to, and the amendments of the Senate as amended
were concurred in.
Jlr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred a u~essageof the President in relati011to the consolidation
regiments, etc., reported the sanie back, asked to be discbar red
its further consideration, and that the same lie upon the tab e;
was agreed to.



[Oct. 11,1862.

Nr. Miles, also from the same committee, to whom was referred
A bill entitled An act to consolidate reduced regiments and battalions,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration, and that the same lie upoii the table; which was agreed to.
Messages were received froin the President, by his Private Secretary,
Mr. Harrison; which are as follows, to wit:
RIcaaroND, V A . , October 11, 1862.
To the House of Represmtatices:
I herewith transniit a coiiiniiinication from the Secretary of War in response to your
resolution of the 9th instant in reference to the disbanding of Wheats battalion, of


C h \vAlt


mend, IT(/., October 11, 18G9.

His Excellency JEFFERSON
Iiesideiit (bgedemte states of Americck.
SIR: I have t h e lionor to acknowledge the reference to me of the following resolution
of the House of Ltepresentatives:
liesolied, That the President be reqcicsted to inform thc IEouse by what authority
and in virtue of what law Wheats battalion of Louisiana (which \?as mustered
into tbe, service for the war) was disbanded and the officers thereof put out of
The authority t o disband Wheats battalion is to be found i n the Artides of War,
the Army Itegulations, and the articles of enlistment.
The Provisional Congress by special enactment adopted the Articles of War and
authorized the President to preqcribe regulations for the Army which, when proniiilgated, were to haxe the force of law. See acts of the Provisional Congress, No. 52,
srctioiis 26 and 29. The eleventh articleof war authorizes the Presiclent to discharge
rioncoiniiiissioned officers and priyateu before the expiration of tl-eir term of service,
and also to discharge coniinissioiied officers.
The nineteentli article of the Army Regulations, promulgated by order of the
Irebitlent, authorizes the discharge of enlisted men before the expiration of their term
of enlistnient by the War Department, by a general court-martial, or by the coiiimander of a dixpartment, or an arniy in the field.
The discharge is not only authorized by law, b u t also by the articles of enlistment,
which require the soldier to serve a specified time, unless sooner discharged.
The discharge of the 11o~icorn1iiis~ioiied
officers and privates disbands the corps,
and the line oflicers being elected or appointed for the corps necessarily go out of
commission when the corps is disbanded. If this were not a legal consequence of
the discharge of the men, the President by virtue of the eleventh article of war might
also discharge the officers.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Sewetury of War.

A message was received from the Senate, by the Secretary, Mr. Nwh;
which is as follows, viz:
ill?. Speuker: The Senate have passed a bill of the following title, viz:
S. 127. An act to authorize the President t o make certain appointments during the
reccss of the Senate;
I n which I a m directed to ask the concurrence of t h e House.

Mr, Elliott, f rorn the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as correctly enrolled and ready for the signature of the Speaker
A bill t o be entitled An act amendatory of an act, entitled An act
providing for the granting of bounties and fnrloughs to privates and
noncommissioned officers i n the Provisional Army ,approved December
eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one;
Also, tin act supplemental to an act entitled An act to authorize the
Secretary of the Treasury to pay district collectors i n certain cases,
approved April 11, 1862; and
Also, a n act to amend an act entitled An act to raise a n additional


1 1 , 1862.1


iiri1itzu.v force to swvc during the \vtir, approved 8th

to ptorido for raising forces in the States of Missour
O n motion of M r . M l , the House took up for con
to provide for the temporary organization of forces
sioirltl Army of the Confederate States and parts of States invaded
ttnd o c c q i c d by the forces of the enemy.
the previous question; which was ordered, and
, read a third time, and the question being on the

d for the yeas and nays;

hivh mere ordered,
And arc recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
Nays.-. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 [12]
Yeas: Ayer, Baldwin, Barksdalo, Batson, Bell, Bonham, Boteler,
Cfi:m k r s , Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Collier, Currin, Darp i , l)e J arnette, Farrow, Foote, Foster, Gardenhire, Garland, Gartrcll, Goode, Graham, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Holcombe,
Johnston, .Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, Lyons, McDowell,
Xoltw, &Queen, Miles, Perkins, P u h, Ralls, Royston, Russell,
Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Wesh, Wilcox, and Wright of
N a y s : Ashe, Boyce, Rridgers, DuprB, Freeman, Garnett, Harris,
ITilton, Holt, Kenner, Lander, and Smith of North Carolina.
So the bill was passed.
Nr. Chilton moved that the House reconsider the vote by which the
bill to allow a private secretary to the Vice-president was rejected,
and demanded the question.
RIr. Xussell called for the order of the day, which was a bill to
repress atrocities of the enemy.
Nr. Chambers moved to postpone the same.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Chi1ton moved that when the House terminate its session to-day
it talre a recess until half past 7 p. m.; which was agreed to.
Tho bill having been read as follows, to wit:



[OOt. 11,1862.

pljes of medicines, needed m well for suffering women, children, and captive enemies as for the sick of our armies; and perpetrating other atrocities which would be
disgraceful to sarages; and
1Vherea.s the said Federal Government, in t h e same spirit of barbarous ferocity,
htw recently cnacted a law entitled An act to suppress insurrection, to punish
i d rebellion, to seize and conflscate t h e property of rebels, and for other
and has thereby made manifest that the vast war of invasion which it

erieniys country and halye been brought into these States and put in circulation by
pereons in the service of t h e enemy; and
Whereas this Government has hitherto observed, and yet desires to observe, with
ucwpnlous fidelity, all the obligations of a belligerent power, according to international laws Rnd wages, although fairly absolved from such obligation toward the
eiwniy by the refusal of t h e
to acknowledge or perform any reciprocal obligation unless constrained by
s Government to endeavor to repress the
Whereas justice and h u
lawless,and atrocious practi
by inflicting severe retribution for inhuman crimes; and
it is deemed proper to declare the views of this Government respecting
pwticaes of the enemy: Therefore,
ior 1. The Congress qf the Coqfedevate A u k s of America do enact, That the folacts, \%liencommitted b the enemy, or any person in the service of the
cnen! cturrng tlir war, sliall be (Teemed unlawful, to wit:
I 711~
arrest, tletcntion, or other molestation o-t any loyal inhabitant of the Confedcrxtc. States or refusing to aid the enemy or to take an oath of allegiance to said
FedtLral (iovcriiment, or any government or pretended government adhering thereto,
or lor any caiise or alleged cause implying that said Federal Government is entitled
political jurisdiction over the people of these States, or for any other
sufficient according to the laws and usages of war between independent
DR Lions.

11. Attein1)ting to enforce the above-recited act of said Federal Congress.

I1 I. Circulating or bringing into the Confederate States counterfeit notes, purporting to he TreiLsury notes of this Government.
.Ir. Taking, removing, consuming, or destroying private property on land not

warranted by said laws and usages of war.

V. Employiriy negrors or mulattoes i n military service against the Confederate
Statw, or organizing, arming, or training them for that purpose.
\J. incitiiip slaves to rebel; abducting them; aiding or inducing them to abscond;
)rarhoring them with intent to deprive the owners of their property therein, or to
give cffrct to any provision of said act of the Federal Congress.
VTI. Ohtructing the importation of medicines
VIII. All otlrrr arts which are forbidden or condemned by said laws and usages
of war.
SEC.2 . For any of the acts hereinbefore declared to be unlawful the President
shall have authority to inflict retaliation or retributive injuries upon the enemy a t
his discretion, either by imprisoning or putting to death captives taken in war, or
adult male inhabitants of the enemys country, or by seizing or destroying public or
primte property in the enemys country, or in any other manner which he may
deem proper.
SEC.3. Until the said act of the Federal Congress authorizing the universal confiscation of property and liberation of slaves of the loyal people throughout these
States be repealed, and t h e enemy shall consent to conduct hostilities according to
said laws a n d usages of war, it shall be lawful for the forces of the Confederate
States, unless forbidden by t h e President, t o destroy any city or town of the nonslaveholding Statesof the late Union, giving proper notice and time for the inhabitants
to withdraw.

m w ,or tle,'tro)' private property on land in the nianner hereinbefote declared to be

uula\vfid, or shall cause the saiiie to be done, or shall permit the m n e to be done by
ally perroil irrrtier his authority, shall, i f raptured, be put to death by hanging, or
iicli other puniulment as a court-martial shall award.

A h , Foster inorcd that the same be laid upon the table.

The motion was lost.
N v . Foote moyed to amend the bill bg striki~~g
out all of the same
and inserting i n lieu thereof the following, to wit:
Whereas it is manifest that, despair
or any of them, the Congress and P r
P e t about the work of inciting t h e sla

:jccolld day of September, eipiitee

c J-yoL 6-0~-%



[Oct. 11,1862.

t h p p l a ~ of
~ sthis Confedrracy. from and after the first day of January, anno Doniini
eighteen hundred ancl sixty-three, shall ieniain uni cvohed, all coinriiissioned officers
of tlic Unitcd States Arniy who shall be seized, captured, taLen, or arrested within
tlic limits of this Confederacy after the said first day of January, eighteeu hundred
and sixty-three, shall bc deemed and held to have voluntarily entered the Cunfederate States for the purpose of inainhining said proclamation and of bringing about
the result thereby contemplated--of a scrvilc insurrection; and the said oficers shall
in no wise be regarded or treated as prisoners of mar, but as felons; and i t shall be
the duty of the President to c a u s ~to be constituted a sufficient nuinber of courtsinartial to try said offenders, and, if condemned, to see that they are promptly execwtrd by Ibcing hanged by tl
SEC.2. C o n p s s do ,fiirthrr
liam Lincoln coiitinnc~niirv\
sixty-three, it shall be tlic
proclantation that this act IV

321.. 13nrlisdale iiioved to :uri(Lrid the arricndmcnt by striking out all

of tlit. s:iiiie :iud inserting in lien thereof tho following, to wit, which
is the 1*eport iiixdc 1)s hiiii from tho minority of the Coniiiiitlce on
Eowign Aftairs:
Vhereas the Kortlirrn States, now rcpresented by tlie Federal Gorernment of the
late Uiiion, coniiiienced the present war of invasion to enforce an unfonndrd and
tyrannical cxlaini of dominion over sovereign States Rliich had witlidran n from the
Union; and, pretending that these States are i n rebellion, h a w sought to deny to
tlirni, from the beginning of the war, the rights accorded to belligerents by tlie usages
of natiuris; and, after prosecuting this war without success niorc than a year since this
Go\ ernmenl \\ its rc,cogiiized b v Enropean nations as a belligerent power, have continued, under the siiiiic pretvxt, to inAict upon the good people of these States inhuinan injnries, in contcinptnons tli y i d of tlie ribizges of civilized marfare, exacting
f r o i i i tliviri treawnable oatlis and
rww, and, npoii tefusal, subjecting unarmed citizens, \\ onwn, a i i d cliil(1rcn to I iishinent, iinprisonment, antl tleatli; \$antonly
\\ elling houses; rayaging thr lniitl, ninrtlciing inen for petendetl o r
ni~ikingrapinc of private propeity a sr-teinatir objcrt of the I\ a i ;
organizing t J I C alxlndion of s1avt.s by :irmics and agents of Govrriiiiient; chntleavoring
to fonient spi vile inhnrrc
by taiiipc.iiiig M itli slii\w, hy pruclaiiiiing scheine~for
g In\\r to eqnalize tlie laces, b y protectilia slaves in
preipring ariiiect bands of iicgroes to fight, in thc presr tli; inbjrigation ol tlie \\hit? race;. permitting outrages on
wonieii to be coirrniitt~vli)y a liec.ntions soldier) , enconraped i n a nit~inorableinstance
by the ort1t.r of a nialor-gc~nc~ral
and thr acqnirwwce of his Gorrriinient; attempting,
until restrained b y a threat oi retaliation, to mnidcr privateersnien for engaging in a
niotle of warfare expres4y sanctioned by the constitutions of the United States mid
the Confcderate States and by the la^ 8 of nations; refnsinp, n ith doril~leinhomanity,
to exchange prisoners until constrained by the long duration antl adverse fortune of
the nar; attempting to ruin our cities by lilling up the entrances of their harbors
with stone and tliverting the ancient channels of great rivers; cutting off onr supplies
of I I I C ~ I C I I ~ ~neetled
as mc4l For suffering women, children, and captive enemirs as
for the sick of our armies, and perpetrating other atrocities which would be disgraceful
to havages; and
Whereas t h c said Government of the United States, i n thc same spirit of barbarous
as recently enacted a law entitled An a f t to suppress insurrection, to pun1 anti rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for other
arid has announced by a proclamation issued by Abraham Lincotn, the
President thereof, that i n pnr~uanceof said law, on the first day of January, eighteel!,
hundrcrl and sixty-thi ee, all persons held as slaves, within any State or designated
part of a State, the people whereof shall he i n rebellion against the United States,
shall be thenceforward ant1 forever free. And has thereby made manifest that the
vast war of invasion which it wages with such lawless cruelty is conducted with a
vien , by jndicial murders, banishments, and otherwise, to exterminate the b y d l
populatiun of these States, to transfer their property to their enemies, to emancipate
their slaves, to destroy their labor systcni, to subvert the constitutions, human and
divine, upon which it is founded, employing slaves and other negroes for these purposes, with an atrocious design of adding servile insurrection and the massacre of
familirs to t h e calamities of war; and
Wliercas, since the passage of said act, executive and military ordcrs have evinced
a deterniinetl pnrprw of t h e enemy to cmry out this policy of rapine and extermination with brucjl and surprising severity; and

oct 11,lbF2]

t l ~ ealmvc-recited lahless ant1 barbarous co

11 iricssage was recciled from t h e Senate, by

the Seer

Kash; which is as follows, viz:

.I/,..Speaker: The Scnate have disagreed to the amenctment of this House to the
ti tled
8.124. An act to illcrease the pay of clerks in the several Departmente.

JIr. 1iLlssell 11iovtd to xincnd the bill by inserting in the, first seetion. t\vc~nty-secondline, after the word land, the .rvords in caspAq.
On iiiotion of Mr. Jones, the House took a recess until half past 7
ocIoc1~.and having again met,
The ( h i u laic1 liefore the House a comniuriication froill the President; which is as follows, to wit:
\A, Ocfobcr 10,186.2.
1 I i c w n ith traminit a co~nmu~~ication
from the Secretary of War relative to ofiicc.s
I aiitl 1 acancies occuiririg during tlie session of Congress.
proi3al)le that miie of the oftices inentiorled will be filled bcforc th
arljoririis, 11 itti rcgard to o h m the altcmiative presentcd is an csewtivc
ttic FtAiiate after ttic time now fixed. for thc adjournment of Congress, or t
of .in art z i i c t i as that suggested hy the Secretary of War.
I invite your cspccinl attention to the subject.

which was read and, with its accompttnying tlocuinent, was refcrre
t o thc Coininittee on Militaiy Affairs.
Chi niotiori o f Alr. Miles, tlie House took up for consideration R bill
of t lit. Sviiatc, to authorize the lrcsidcnt to iiialtc certain appointnicnts
duriiig the recess of the Ycnatc; which W R S read tlie first and second

1111.. Jones inorcd R call of the Tlousc,.
r ,
Ihc iiiotion waq lost.
AIJ-. I h l d w i n riiovcd thzt the ITonse adjourn.
Upon which Air. Milcs deiiianded the yeas and nays.
Ihc yeas and nays were ordered,
And are reco~dedasfollows,towit:
S _ _ - - __
39_ _ _
Yeas: lMdwin, 1>:1rgt11, Duprb, Jones, Lyons, Iugh, \Irelsh, and
kvriyht of leiincsaec.
Nays: Sshc, Ihrksdale, h t s o n , Rcll, Hotelcr, Chamhers,
Clapp, Collier, Cnrrin, De ,Jarpette, Fostec, Garnett, Gartrell,
6 h h , n i , ( i r : ~ . Iiclbcrt,
Hilton, 1Iolcombe, Holt, J o
(;eor.gia, Kenall of North Girolinn, Kenner, La
AI(;Quecn. Mcnees, Miles, Ierkins, Ralls, Eoyston, B~ssell,Sexton,
Smith of AIabmla, Sinith of Nprth (.hrolins, Wileox, 8
So tlie motion to adjourn w w lost.
n[r. l[iltoli nloved a call of the House; which was
following iiicinbers answered to their namcs:
Ashe, Ay?r, Baldwin, I<arksdale, Batson, Hell, Boteler, Boyce,
Charnbers, Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Curriri, Ilargan, De Jarnette,
Dup&, $8r1-on;, Foster, Gardenhire, Garnett, &rtrell, Goode, Graham,
Gray, T&<e11, Herbert, Hiltol?, Kolcon~be,IIolt, Johnston, rJones,
ICenan of Geor ia, Kenan of North Carolina, Kenner, Lander, liyons
BlcDowell, Mc&ueen, Mcnecs, Miles, Perlcins, Yugh, Ralls, lioyston




Russell, Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Cwolina, Swan,

Welsh, IYilcox, \Vright of Tennessee, and Mr. Speaker.
On motion of Mr. Hilton, all further procecdings under the call
mere dispensed with.
Mr. Miles iiioved that Ihc rnlc requiring the bill to be referred to a
coniiiiittcc be dispensed with; which was agreed to, and the bill w w
read the third time and passed.
The Chair presented R corninunicatioii from the President; which is
as follows, to wit:
R r c n ~ o m ,VA., October if, 18G2.
To the Iloiolcse of Repmrutntir m:
I here\\ itli trankiiiit for yonr inforinstion c.oiuinunicsationafroni t h c heads of the
sercral I ) c ~ I ~ : i i f i i i we,1
id cmployeei., 111 response to
y u u r icrsolriiioii of the 3111of April
J I<FFNl;hO S 1) A \IS.

which was rend and, n i t h it.; wcoiiip:~nyingdocuiuci\ts, W:LS laid upon

the table :ind o
o be )rititd.
lhc Chair )I
a bid of tile Senate to i.cgulntc? :Lnd iiu t ~ i pay
of c:Lctets i n t e
of the Coiifedci.:itr States; whicah m s read the
tirst :tnd sec.oiicl tiriics and, tlie rules being susyendod, was engrossed,
rend a third time, arid pa
T h e Chair ulso presented :t bill of the Seiiatc to equalize the salary
of the Assistant i\ttoi.ney-Gcnoral with that, of tho other assivtant secretaries arid cliicfs of 1)ure:ius; which war rcad the first and wcond
tinirs and, tlic rules 1)eiiigsuspc.nded, was engrossed, read a third tiiiie,
and pa,.sed.
Tho Chair also prcwntrtl tho ;~niendiiicntsof the Scmtc to the tmicndnients of the lIousc to :L bill of the Scn:itc cntitlcd A n act to increase
the pay of clerks i n t l i c scvrr:il I ~ ~ ~ ) ~ i , ~ i i i ~ ~ i i ~ ~ .
Jlr. IZaldwin inowd t h t tho Ilonsc disagrcc to thr :micndnieiit:: of
the Senate a:id appoint ;i coniinittec of (*oiift,rence iipoii the disagreeing votes tilercon.
Mr. Ch:tniL)crs callcd thc qucbtion; which was ordered, and the
motion war :g-r::cd to.
The Chair tiunouncc?d as the m:in:igcrs on thc part of the Elousc :It
the confercnw hlcbsrs. I3alclwiri of Viruiniu.
i ,Jones of Tcnuesscc. mid
Dupr6 of Louisiana.
Tho Chair presented the :inicndrnents of tlic Scnnte to a bill of the
Housc entitled An act for tho foimiation o f cornpanirs for local
On motion o f Mr. Chambers, the rule rwquiring thc refcrcirw o f the
SL~IIC to a corrirnittc~>
wts s r q w d e d .
Rfi.. Kenner called the quwtion, and thc a n m d m c n t s h i ~ ing
v bt
read as follows, to wit:
The same were agreed to.
The IIouse then proceeded to the %onsideration of the motion t l
reconsider the vote by vhich the bill to authorize the Vice-Presideiri
of the Confederate States to ernplog a secretary was rejected.
Mr. (:hilton deinanded the question; which was ordered, and the
motion to reconsider was agreed to.
Mr. Chilton demanded the question; which was ordered, nnd \\as
upon the passage of the bill.

_ _-



Not recoidetl in the Journal.

Oct. 11,1862.1


Rlr. l3onham called l o r the yeas and nays;

Mhich were orticred,
~ n d w e r recordeci
as follows,towit: Y e a s - - - - - Nays _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 25
Y e m : Ashe, Baiksdale, BelI, Boteler, Boyce, Bridgcrs, Chambers,
Chilto11, Clark, I)? rla~nette,DuprB, Elliott, Farrow, Gtlrdenhire,
(hrnett, (hitrell,Ilarris, liartridge, lieiskell, Holcombc, Halt, Kenan
of Georgia, Kcniier7 Lyons, ,\/lcI)owell, Miles, Perkins, Ropston, Ruswll, Sniith of Alabania, Sniith of North Carolina, Tibbs, frvilcox, and
Jj-right of lotincssee.
Xajs: L!yer,
lSaldmin, Batson, Bonham, Clopton, Collier, Cixrrin,
Lhi.gxn, E O ~ ~ C I Freeintin,
Goodc. Graham, Gray, Herbert, Johnston,
?Jotits, K C ~ I R Iof
I North Carolii-ra, Lander, McQueen, Mcnees, Pugh,
itiillx, Sexton, Swan, snd Wclsh.
So tho ])ill was pamd.
RIr. Kcnncr, by coiisent, from the Conitnittee on Ways and Mems,
to whoni n ax referred a hill of the Sen$te f o r the rclic.1 of thc Bible
Socicty of tli(1Confederate Stater ol Auierica, reported the same back,
with the;iiiiendatio~i
that i t p:~ss.
Ilie rules being swpended, the bill was talren up, rcad a third time,
and passed.
The Housz then pro
consideration of the unfiniahed
husincss, whicth TWS a I
trocitier of the enemy.
And the question heing 011 the
dnicnt of Mr. ltussell to the first
The same was q r e e d to.
Jlr. iiussell moved to :mend thc sixth section of the bill by adding
:it the cncl thereof the followiiig, t o wit:
E x ery ronimi+~ioiictlofficer serving in the Army or Navy of the eiiemy after the
fir-t t h y of Jannary, eightrrri Iiiindrcd and sixty-three, shall be dcenred guilty
i~ntierttiic section, iniiwy befove h i s captiire, the recent proclaiaation of thc Fcderal declaring that ski! es p l i a l l be wt fret. after that date, and offering thern
impunity in insuriection, shall have been rerokcd and atmulled by the same authority or by the Federal Congresh.

air, Garnett

iiioved that the hill and amendments be recommitted

o n the ,7 udiciary.
AIr. Darksdale niovecl that wlicri the IIouse adjourn it adjourn to
mcwt at 9 oclocli on Monday: which was agreed to.
A iueswge was roctiwd from the Senate, by
Kahhj which is as follows, viz:
X r . ,S;joecrker: The Srnatr insist upon their ctisagrcement to the auie
1Ionse to the bill (8.124) to increme the pay of clerks in t
agree to the conference asked by the IIuusr upon the diwgr
thrreon, and h a w appointed Mr. Orr, Rlr. Ihelan, a
the same on their part.

Elliott, from tlic Committce on Enrolled

corjyytly el~rollcdm d ready for the signature of the Speaker
1. K. 45. \j bill to hp entitled An act to relieve the Ax?ny of disq m l i fitd, disabled, tint1 i tic.ompctent officers;) also
11. li. 11-3. A hill to h~ elltitled An act to reduce the rate of interest on the fuuded debt of thc (hfedcr:Lte States; a h
H, R. 81. Arl klct to :iutllorize the formation of VolIintCCr C:OJllpl.lliCS
for local dcfcnsc.
And the Speaker signed the s m e .

5 50


[OCt. 11,1862.

Mr. Chambers, from tlie Committee on Enrollment, reported as

eorroetly enrolled the following bills of thc Senate, viz:
S. t27. A bill to authorize the Yresidcnt to make certain appointments during the recess of the Senate;
S.126. A bill to regulate and fix the ptij of cadets in the service of
the Confederate States;
S. 128. A bill in relation to public printing, approved February 27,
1861; and
8. 125. A bill to cqimliac the stilary of thc Assistant Attorney-Gene r d with tlint of other xssistnnt secwtaries and the chiefs of bureaus.
And thc Spcalwr signed the s:~iiic.
hit.. G:irtkiihir(~callcd f o r the climbtion; which was ordered, and
\v:is ttpoii t , ( ~ c ~ ( ~ i i ~ i i ~the
i t t ,bill
i r ~ ;uid

l<ils\ell d l ~ n l : l l l c l t ~ eIhc
JfM a n t l


IVliicIi v e r e orclered,
Yeas . _ . . . _ ..-_
_And :are rcc*oidcd :is follows, to wit: 3fLys _ _ . . _._
~ c : t s :Hnr~isdalc, Ik)nham; Royce, IEridgci-h, ~httiiibers, Collier,
ITostCr, (aarnett, (iartrell, Graham, Harris, iieiiati of Georgia, Lander, Ljon$, IkIcDowcll, 3Icnee3, Pngh, and Royston,
Kays: Ashc, Aycr, Ihll, C>hilton, Clapp, Clark, Clopton, Currin,
D L L ~ ~De
L I IJarnette,
Elliott, Farrow, FrccInan, Oardenhire, Goode,
Chay, 1:~itridgc,
IIt:isltell, Herbert, IIil ton, Holconibe, IIolt, Johnston,
1l;cnm of Norlli CtLrolina, ICeiiner, McQneen, Miles, Perkins, Italis,
11, Sexton, Smith of North Carolinil, Tibbs, Welsh, TTiJcox,
ce, and Mi,. Speaker.
Yo thc? niotion to iwoninlit was lost.
Mi.. Icrkiiis dcw;tlrtled the previous eiurstion; which was ordered,
:tnd the timcncltnent of 11/11.. ltussell W:LS agrced to.
rhc quc~stioiithen being on tlic aiiiendiiietit of Mr. Barksdale to the
niricntlnicnt of Air. Foote,
RIr. Ihr1mI:dc~a:dled for the yeas and nays;
1Vbic.h verc o r d e i d ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36
And are recordcd as follows, t o wit: Yeas
Wnys-__ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
Yeas: 1 3 ~ l d ~ i 1 1Rarlisdale,
Batson, Bonliam, Boyce, Srid crs,
Chanibers, Clapp, Collier, Dupr4, Elliott, Frceman, Garden ire,
(;arnett, (fartrell, Graham, Gray, Harris, Ilartridge, Jones, Kenan of
Georgia, Kenner, Lander, Lyons, McDowell, McQueen, Mcltae,
Menecs, Miles, Pagh, lioystoti, Sexton, Smith of North Cttrolina,
S\wn, I i \ t h , :md IVilcox.
N:iyh: Ashe, Rjcr, IZcll, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, D:trgtan, De darnctte, Fwrow, Foster, (Soodc, l I c i 4 d , Hilton, IIolt.onil)c, Ilolt, J o h ston, Iiciinn of Korth Carolina, lcrltins, Balls, l<ussell, and Melsh.
So the mwurlincnt to the :uucndii~ontT V ~ Sagrecd to.
Tlic question then recurring on agreeing to the amendment :LS
mieiidccl, in licn of the original hill?
Mr. Ltixswll cizllrd for Ilia ~ c n and
Which were ordercd,
f Yeas .... _ _ _ _ _ _
35 _ . .
And are rrcordcd as follows, to vit: 1 Nays _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 2L
Yeas: A s h , 13aldwin, Ihrksdale, I3onhtiin, Boyre, I3ridgers,
Chanibcrs, Clapp, Collicr, Dtipr6, Elliott, Fai.ixnv. Garnett, Gartrell,
Grahaiii, Gray, Harris, Kartridge, Jones, Kenati of Georgia, Kenner,

Oct 1 1 , I W J

L ~ O I IMcDowell,
McQueen, McRae, Men
l<oy>ton, Sexton, Smith of North Carolina, Swan,
Wright of Tennessee.
Nays: Ayer, Katson, Bell, Chilton, Clark, Clopton,
Foster, Freeman, Gardenhire, Goode, Heiskell, Herbert
,Johnston, Kenan of North Carolina, Yerkina, Ralls, RIISS
117e MI.
So t h e amendinent as amended was agreed to.
The joint resolution as amended was then engrossed, read a third
time, and passed.
And the question being 011 agreeing to the preamble of the same,
Mr. Hilton nioved to amend by striking out the skme.
MI.. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrollinerit, reported as correctly carolled the following bills of the Senate, viz:
A hill to authorize the Vice-president of the Confederate States to
employ a secretary; and
A bill for the relief of the Biblc Society of the Confederate States
of America.
And t h e Speaker signcd the same.
Mr. cldton nioved to amend the amendment by inserting in lieu
thereof the following, to wit:
Whereas i t is manifest that, despairing of the subjugation of the Confederate States,
or any of them, the Congress and Prebident of the IJnitrtl States have deliberately
set a h n t the work of inriting the slave population of tliese States to insurrection by
declaring theni emancipated froin antl after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, xhich action on the part of the said Congress and President is
i n direct violation of the Chnqtitntion which they were sworn to support, in contrawntion of all law, human antl divine, and has bern resorted to for the diabolical
purpose of involving tlie slaves antl their owners, embracing iiiiiocent women and
children, i n one cointnon ruin, and for tlie furthclr parpose of tilairitdining themselves in poaer by catering to the fanaticla1 spirit of abolitionism; and
Whereas each of the States of this Confederacy have enacted laws punishing with
death all persons engaged in inciting the slaw population to insurrcctioii or rebellion,
2 n d there is much stronger reason for inflicting this penalty upotl persolls who not
only 1-oluntarily conspire to perpetrate this hornblc felony, but, i n atlditiori tlrereto,
come to devastate our land, burn our tiwellirigs, waste our stibrtitiive, and murder
our citizens.

A message mas received from the Senate, by the Secrctary, Rfr.

Bash; which is as follows, viz:
MI-. Spctckw: The Senate have concurred. in the sinendrnents proposed By this
House to the amenctinents of the Senate to the bill entitled
I. R. 6. A n act to provitlt. for r a i ~ i n y n n torgranizing,in
thc States of Mimouri and
Kentucky additional forces for the Provisional Army oi the UontedeTate Stat
They h a r e also passed a bill of the House of the foollowing t~tle,11~:
1-1. B 41. An ad supplemental to an act entitled An act to authorize t h
tary of the Treasury to pay district collectors iit certain cases, app

us question; which was ordered,

Mr. Barksdalc c1cmanded t h e pr
and the ariiel~tiriicntof MI.. IIiItori wilh lost.
The qllestioll then being on the amcridment of Mr. ChiIton,
MI.. Jones ~ n o r c dthat the Iouse adjourn.
The motion mas lost.
Mr. Foster called for the yeas and nays;
Which mere ordered,
Peas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22
And are recorded as follows, to wit: N~~~ 8.1.[363
Yeas; Ashe, A p r , Bell, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Dc Jarnette,



[OCt. 11,1862.

Klliott, Farrow, Hostcr , Freeman, Ga rcl en h i rc, Goode, Graham,

Herbert, Hilton, Lander, Lyons. McDowell, Perkins, Ralls, and
Smith of North Carolina.
Y a p : Baldwin, Barlisdale, Batson, Bonham, Bopce, Bridgers,
Chambers, Clapp, Collier, Garnett, Gartrell, Gray, Harris, Hartridge,
Heislwll, Holcoinbe, Holt, Johnston, r J o r ~ eKeuan
of Georgia, Kenan
of North Carolina, Kenner, McQaeon, Illcftne, Menees, Miles, Pugh,
Royston, Russell. Sexton, Smith of Alabama, Swan, Tibbs, Welsh,
Wilcox, and &IT. SpctLker.
So the aiiieiitliiieiit of Mr. Chilton m s lost, and the preainble ww
tlien :igreed to.
Mr. IZaldwiu, froni tlic coininittw of conference on the disagrcaiiig
votes of t h two Ilo~isehon a. bill of tho Heiiale entitled An act to
inc~c:ticthe pay of the clerks of the scveixl l)epartmcnts, inade the
follo\ving mport, to wit:
Tlic maiiagers of thc rt~sprctivcHouses on t h e disagreeing votes of thc two llouses
S w a t e bill No. 121, being a bill to increase the pay of clerk* i n tlie several
i)c~l)artiiirnts,liare x i i d , ant1 after f n l l and free conference have agrccct to reconimc~ntl
that tlie Senate recede from their tlisagrcmient to the IIouse aineiidinent to the bill
a11d title, with the following xniendtnents, riz:
First. In line 5, strike out t h e word rtsiding and insert eniploycd.
Second. In line 7, after the Lvord salaries, insert .or c~ompensation.
Third. In h i e l G , after the word dollars, insert and d l iiow receiving fifteen
hundred dollars shall receive seventeen hundred and fifty dollars.

J I m t n p r ~o p t pccrt of Ancttc.

Mr. Baldwin dcmaudcd the question thereon; which was orclrrcti,

and the report w:is concurred in.
On motion of Xlr. Ch:~nihers, tlze I I o u w then resolred itsc1-C into
secrct session; and liaviiig spent soiiie tiriic therein, again resolved
itself into open session;
When, 011 iiiotion,
The House adjourned until 9 oclock 011 Monday.

The House being i n secret sessioii,

MI.. Chanihers, from the Coiriiiiittee on Enrollment, reportcd as correctly enrolled
A bill to ariicnd an act recopizing the existence of war 1)et~vccnthe
IJnited Statps and tlic Confederate States, :mil coiiccrning letters of
iriarquc, prizes, and prim goods.
Aud t h e S p d r c r signed the wile.
A nies9ag.o mas recciwd from the Scnate, hy the hands of the Secretary of that body, 111.. Nasli: wliicli is :IS f o l l o ~ s to
, wit:

with ameildlnc~nts,a bill of this Irouscof the

A n act to provide for the building of c w t x i t i x eqseli: of war;

In which 1 nxn directed to ask the conciirrencc of this House.

On motion the I-Iouse took up for consideration a bill of the House

entitled An act to provide for the building of certain vessels of war,
which had been returned from the Senate with sundry amendments.

t 1-3 IhCNL]


,And tlie question being upon agFeeing to the first amendme

Scnato: which is :is follows, to wit: In the third line, atrilre
~ o r d s aiid required.
The same was agreed to.
Arid the qiieation 1)eiiig upon agreeing to the sccond amendm
w.hicsh was to strike out the word (two and to insert in lieu the
the wold t h r ~ ~ ,
Ihc same was agreed to.
And the question being upon the title of the bill, the san~ewas
ttrnrndcd hy striking out the whole of the same and inserting in lieu
thcreof thc words
hfor the building of $1vessel of war.
Ihc Chair presented a message from the President; which is as follo\ts, to w i t :

fticmroxu, October If, 18G2.

7b tlte Iloeise o j Re1mmntictioes:

miiiniiicatioIi from tlle heads of the

tion of the 21at of Spril asking tlje
oficers or agents of the Govcrrlnie~it

for ~ n i l i t w yor naval purposes.


Thc message and accornpznping documents were referred to thc Coininittee 011 Foreign M a i m .
Xnd the IIouse, on motion of Mr. Barlisdale, resolved itaelf into
o p session.

FO~~TY-I.:IGIITII~)AP--;~~ONI>AY,OCTOBER ~ 3 , 1 8 6 2 .

The IIouse met piirsusnt to adjournment.

Blr. Chiltoii, Iron1 the Committee on Quartermasters and Commissary 1)cprtuiien ts and Xilitary Transportation, to whom was referred
tlic aiiieitdinertts of the Scnnte to a bill of the House entitled
Ari act to grant c.oxnniutation for quarters to the Superintendent of
the Rrniy Ititcllipncc OEce and his c l ~ r k s ,
reported the satlie I;acB, with the recomn~endationthat the I-Iouso concur i n t h c :ttiicndments of the Senate.
The aiiicndiiierits of the Setiate having been read as follows, to wit:
Acltl at cnd of first section the words and that the extra pay allowed said clerks
dial1 be, a n d is hrrchy, i n c r e a d fronl twenty-five to fifty cellts per dav.
An~endtlie title b y adding the words and to iucrease the compeniakion of mid



[OCt. 13, 1862.

Mr. C:hamhers, from the Cominittee on Military Affairs, moved t o

amend the same by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserti n g in lieu thereof the following, viz:
That the President be, and h e is herehy, anthorized to bestow medals with proper
devices upon such officers of the armies of t h e Confederate States as shall be conspicuous for courage and good conduct on t h e field of battle; and also to confer a
badge of distinction upon one private or iioncoininissioned officer of each company
after every signal victory i t shall have assisted to achieve. The noncommissioned
[ofticers] and privates of tlie company who may be present on the first dress parade
thereafter may choose by x majority of their votes the soldier best entitled to receive
such distinction, whosc name shall be corninuriicated to the President by the commanding officer of the company; and if the award fall upon a deceased soldier, the
badge thus a n w d c d him shall be delivered to his widow, or if there be no widow,
to :iny relation the President may adjudge entitlcct to receive it.
r ,

I he cyuehtion being 0 1 1 agreeing to the auiendment,

Thc sanic was agreed to, and the bill as airieiidcd was engrossed, read
a thiid time, and psssed.
On inotion, the title of the same was amended as follows, to wit:
Mr. Foster introduced
A bill iiiaking Confederate notes a legal tender, and to punish
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr.Elliott, from the Coiiimittee on Enrolled Bills, reported 8s correctly enrollcti and rwdy for the signature of the Speaker
13. 12. 66. A n act iriakiiig appropriations or the support of the
Gorernment for the month of ;January, 1863, and for certain deficiencies
and other purposcs therein nientioned.
And tho 8pe:tBct. signed the same.
A message was recrived from tlie Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
XT Spsnter: The Senate have agreed to the report of the corninittee of conference
on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the bill to increase tlie pay of clerks in

the several Departments.

iMr. Russell, by consent, introduced

A bill to rcyress atrocities of the enemy;
which was read the first and second times and rcferied to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. litissell also introduced
A bill to prohibit martial law within the Confederate States;
which mas read the first and second times and, on inotion, was laid
upon the table.
Mr. 13otcler introduccil
A ,joint resolution iu reference to Treasury notes;
which was wad the first and second times and, on motion, was laid
upon the table.
Mr. Clupp, from the Committee on Chinis, to whom was referred
A bill to proridc for thc paynicrit of certain claiiiis against the Confederate States in the State of Missouri,
reported the saint back, with the recomriiendation that it pass.
On motion, the same was placed upon the Calendar.
Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Claims, to whoni was referred
a memorial i n relation to the takihg of the census of 1860, reported the
a Not recorded in the Journal.

Oct 1 3 , l b W . ]


same hack, asked to be

that t h e same lie upon
A h . Clopton, also f r
a memorial, praying
enemy, reported the sa
ther consideration, and
hlr. Clopton, also f
two memorials, askin
rCported tho same
consideration, and t
Mr. Clopton, als
incinori:tl from J .
tion of lager beer
frviii its further c
which was agreed to.
Xr. Clopton, also from the same committee, to whom mas referred
tlic petition of George W. Clernmons i n relation to B pension, reported
the same back, asked to be discharged from its further consideration,
and that the same lie upon the table; which was agreed to,
Mr. Clopton, from the same committee, to whom was referred the
mei~iorialof ,J. IV. Davis, praying compensation for services rendered,
reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further conAeration, and that the sftme lie upon the table; whicli WRS agreed to.
A l l . . Harris, from the Committee on Militmy Affairs, to whom was
A f)ill to provide for the regular return of pay rolls in the Army to
the propcr authorities of the Confederate States,
rc.prt,ed the same back, with the recoinmcndation that it be placed
npon the Calendar; which was agreed to.
Mr. Elliott, from the (Jotnmittee on Enrollment, reported as correctly engrossed and enrolled
An act to increase the pay of certain officers and employees i n t h e
executive mid legislative departments.
O n iiiotion of Mr. Miles, trhe Chair appointed Messrs. Lyons, MeQ u e c ~ and
~ , Garland a committee to wait upon the President and inform
him that the House woiild adjourn at 5 oclock p. in.
Mr. Kenner, by consent, iritroduced
A hill to make additional appropriations for the pay of clerks in the
sevcid departments;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the
mittcc 011 Ways and Means.
licnner. from the Committee on Ways and &leaps,
d bill to provide for the coining of copper tokel~s,
reported the s:une back, aslied to be discharged from its further eonsideration, and that the sslnie lie upon the table; which I V agreed
Mr. Kenner, from the Coinniittee on Ways and Means, towhom was
mferrcd a hill of tlie Yenatc to make provisions f o coins
for the Confctlerate States, reported the same back, azihed to be dischsrged from
its further conrideration, and that the same lie upon the table; which
was agrced to.
Xr. Kenner, also from the same committee, to whom was referred
,4 bill t o regulate the pay of the messenger of the President,



[Oct. 13,1862.

17ortcd the same hack, asked to be discharged from its further con-

sic crxtion, :md that the same lie upon the table; which was agreed to.
Nr. Chilton. from the Coniivittee on Post-Offices and Post-Eoads,
to whoni mas referred

A resolution in relation t o the mitiis,

reported the same back, asked to be discharged from its further conxidcration, and that the same lie upon thc table; which was agreed to.
MI-. Chiiton, also froin the same cotnmittee, to whom was referred a
coniinuiiication from thc Postmtmter-General i n relation to the carrying of the mails, rcportccl thc same back, asked to be discharged from
its further coiidertit,ion, and that the same lie upon the table; which
A h * . Cliilton, also from the m n c toininittee, to whoin w:ts reftwed a
iiwitiorid of F. S. Hunt, niid othcrs, asking co1iipens:xtion for scrvices
:ts ivutc agents, rcportcd the hanie bc~cli,nsked to be discharged fiwn
its further consitleration, a i d that the samc lie upon the table; which
was n g r e d to.
Mr. Chiltoti, alm from the sitnic committee, to whom was referred a
uieniorisl in relation to S ~ ~ i d mails,
reported t h e saiiie back, asked
to be discharged from i t s further consideration, and that the same lie
upon the tablc; which mas agreed to.
Mr. Chiltoii, d s o from thc sanie committee, to whom was referred
the rriciiiorial of I). G. M c l i a ~ ,asking compensation for services,
reported t h o saiii~I):~ck,asked to be discharged from its further considwation, xnd t h a t tlie sairie lie upoii the table; which was agreed to.
Mr. Chnnrhci~r,from thc Coiiiriiittcc on Military Affairs, to whom
was rcfcrrcd
A hill to further protect the coutitry mid to drire back the invaders,
together with :L wsolution upon the sainc subject, reported thc same
I)achk, asltcd to be dischwrgcd froiii thcir further consideration, and
that, t h s:iti)c lie upon thc table; which was apecd to.
A mcssug-:-ew w rcrcived froni the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Kash; which is :L> follows, t o wil:

Jh. XpeaXey: The Senatp Iiare pssetl a bill of this IIonse entitled
13. It. 50. h i act to protect the rights of owners of slaves taken by or employed in
the Army.

Mr. Miles, from Ihc Committee on Military Affniru, to whom was

A bill to regulate the pay of officcrs of the Army on furlough,
rcpoited the same back, asked to be discharged froin its further considcration, and that thc same lie upon thc table; which was agrced to.
Mr.Alilcs, itlso from the same corniiiittec, to whom was referred a
agsc from the Prcsidcnt in idation to the enrollment of conscripts,
rcportod the smie hc11, asked to he discharged from its further considcration, )2nd thkLt the same lic upon the tablc; which was agreed to.
Mr. Lyons, by consent, offered the following resolution, to wit:
R ~ s o l v ~ That
tlie CI
of this Rouse be instructed t o cause five hundred copies
of the Journitl of this Jloiiw u p to the closc of this session, with a suitable index,
[lo be] printed under the dircv3ion of the fipoaker;

which was read a n d sgrccd to.

Mr. Elliott, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported as
coiwctly cni~ollcctaid ready for tlie signature of the Speaker
A bill to bc entitled An act to grant commutation foi quarters to

O ( t 13, lSb3.1


the Superintendent of t h e Army Intelligence Oace and his cl

to incrcaw the conipensat,ion of said clerks.
A n d the Speaker signed the same.
The Senate fiabe passed a bill of this ~
~(13. o
I<.44)t entiti
act autliorizirig the suspension of the R rit of habe% corpuy.

JIr. IiXiott, from tho Committee on Enrolled Bills, rellorted

rcctly enrolled
A bill of the HOUSC
authorizing the suspension of the writ cf ha
tho Speaker signed the same.
All. Ililtorl, from the Cointnittee on J!rilitary Affairs, to whonl was
referred a niemorial in reference to the cxe~lptionof coal Illjncq
r e p o r t d thc same back, asked to be discliarged fro111its further tollsidcr:ition, and th:tt thc same lie upon tho table; which mas agreed to.
A incrsage was received from the President, by his private Secretary,
Xr. Ilurrimn.
Mr. Cliamhei~s, from the Coiriniittce on Enrollment, reported 0.s
correctly cngfossecl and enrolled
rotcct thc rights of owtiers of slaves taken or elllployed
eaker signcd the same.
Jones iiiovctl a call of the fIouse.
Ihe motion was lost.
The Chair laid before the I-Ionse :Lcomniunication from the President; which is as follows, to wit:

ilii i h e I f o ~ s qf
c oj tlir Confedrrnte ,Pates of ,imcricw:
1 rpgret to find myself conipelled to return nithout illy sign:rtnrc an act, which
oriyiuatetl in J our body, entitled An act to reorganize and promott the efficiency 01
the. Ikpwtrnent of the Provisional Army. 1 entirely conuir in the desire
to accoiiiplish the objects contemplated in thc act, and have delayed its return in Ihe
hope that soiiie additional legislation niight obyiate the dificulties that would
eni\)arrass the operation of the act in its present fortii.
Thr act seems to be based on the assumption that there exists a niedical department of t h e Irovisional Army, and this fact is not onfy set forth in the title, but
some of the provisions are so worded as to be inoperative, by reason of this amimptioii.
Thns, t h e first section provides that the raiik, Ijaj, antl allovc-ancesof a brigadicrgeneral i n tlie Provisional Briny of the Confectcrate States he, ant1 the sa111eare
hereby, conferred on the Surgeon-General of the smile. llrorc cxiats no such ofiicer
as t h e rurgeon-general of the Provisioiial Army. The 1)laiii iriteut, tlicwfore, of
Congress to confer the rank of brigadier-general i n the Irovisional Arm
Surgeon-General of the Permanent Ariiiy would be defeatetl, ullless the la1
this section he changed.
Accordiilg to the provisions of the law, as it now stands, there is a medi
Inent orgttr~iaedfor the Pernianeiit Army, wider the act of the 26th of
lSG1, erltitled An act for the establishment antl organization of R goner
the , i r ~ n yof the Confcderate States of America, the chief of which is styl$ thc
Allrgeon-General. The only legislation providing for medical officers for provrsiorial
troops is the ninth section of the act of 6th March, 1861, which enacts that whcn
volonteers or Inilitia are called into the service of the Confederate States in such
nmnbers that tlie otticers of the Medical Department yhlch may be authorlzed by
la\<,for the regular service, are not sufficient for
* * furnlshlng thcnl with the
requisite metiical attendance, it shall be lawful for the President to a p p o i ~ ~with
t , the
aciyice alld consent of the Congress, 5t;_s inany additiya! Of?i
of the said department ps the service may require, not exceeding
ne surgeon, and one
afPistant sul.geon, for each reginlent, 1(- *
to ~ontinllrin 8ervic.e otlly Po lung a8
their services may be required, in connection with the militia or volunteers.
Angust, 1861, on t h e mine subjecl, but it confines the appointThere i s
act of
mcnts authorized by It to such surgeons and assistanl surgeolls as lnay be necessary
for the various hospitals.



[Oct. 13, 1862.

rhe third :ui(l fourth sections of the act now returned to you permit and require
cnt of nnumber of surgeons and assistant surgeons to military departments,
, to brigade\, arid to Infantry and cavalry regiments, largely in excess of
allo\zctl hy the l a w just quoted, but no authority is given for the appointineiit of the increased nnmber of medical officers, aud i t would be iiiipracticahle to
execute t h e law unless by adopting the inadmissible construction that an authority
to assign officers to duty implies an authority to appoinC new ofIicers. Such a construction would be the less justifiable i n t h e present instance, because, in the second
cection, i n which new officers are authorized, t h e langnage of t h e act direct8 appoiutinents to be made, but in the third and fourth sections the language is changcd and
itssigninelits only are permitted.
There is another oinission in the act, which may givc rise to pretensions prejudicial
aring the rank to which the several medical offcers shall be
nal Army, including those of brigadier-general, colonels, and
lirutmaiit-colonels, no express exclusion is made of their right to comniand troops,
as has wisely been done in the law which regulates their rank in the Regnlar 08 Perin:tnerit Ariiiy. The officers of t h e Medical Corps have long evinced the desire to
h v r ~some right of coniniand of troops in certain contingencies, and this command
oaglit eithpr to be expressly forbidden or the cases in which i t inay be exercised ought
to I F distinctly defined.
tion to the bill, Iiowever, remains to be stated. The fifth section is
a iiiost humane and desirable object, but its provisions are inadeproposed. The purpose of Congress is evidently to provide some
additional means for the care of the sick and wonnded of armies in the field. At
present, after each battle, the wounded tire necessarily left in such temporary quarters
as can be procured in the vicinity, but on t h e niovenient of t h e Army most of the
niedical officwrs attached to i t are compelled tc follow, and the wounded are thus left
with niedicd aid and attendance entirely insufficient for their relief.
The fifth section of the act provides for a n infirmary corps of fifty men for each
hrigatlc, officereti I\ itli one first arid one second lieutenant, two sergeants, aiicl two
hatcvcr is made for any additional medical officers, nor
control by officers over these infirmary corps,
fixed duties. Unlcss some provision be niade on these
icirncy of surgical aid nil1 continue to exist, and the infirmary
corps \\ill nwcswrily follow the army to which they are attached when it moves after
a battle, or, if left behind, will be subject to the orders only of their own officers, who
arc not nicdiral 111~11, or ~ o n f l i c u
~ ill
t ~ arise between these officers and the medical
I<ntcrtainingthe conviction, therefore, that this act in its present form, whileentailiiig h\ii\ y expense, will fail i n the beneficial effects contemplated b y Congress, I
decru i t 111) duty to return it without my approval, but with the hope that some
additional legislation inay be devised to accomplish the pnrpose contemplated by its


13, 1862.

Mr. Foote moved that the consideration of the stme be postponed

for half ail hour.
MY.IJanis iiioved that the same be postponed nntil the third Monclny in J:~iinaryand be printcd; which WRS agreed to.
Air, Foster moved that the rules be suspendccl to onable hiin to offcr
a resolution extending the session of Congress until ;Monday, the 21st
[%)th] of October, 1862.
Upon which Mr. Foote demanded the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nags were ordered,

i ::- I

1 I 1 1 1 1; 1 $

; - -.
(I 6l
And -are recorded as follows, to wit:
Yead: Ashe, Baldwin, Barksdale, Bell, Boteler, Boyce, Chilton,
Clapp, Coolie, Currin, De aarnette, Duprh, Elliott, Farrow, Foote,
Foster, Gentry, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridgc, Hilton,
T-iolcombe, Holt, Johnston, Jones, Kcnan of North Carolina, I<enner.,
Lander, Lyon, Lyons, McQueen, McRae, Menees, Miles; Perkins,
Iugh, Iznsscll, Sexton, Vest, Welsh, Wilcox, Wright of Texas, and
MY. Spcaker.

ort 13, 1862 3

tlric resolution,
ilI 1. Foster demanded the yeas and nays;
TVhich were ordered,
And are recorded as follows, to w
YEIS: Ashc, Baldwin, Harksdale, Bell, Boteler, ljoyce, Chilton,
Clapp. Cookc, Currin, Do Jarnette, Elliott, Farrow? Poote, Foster,
(;(SII trj-, Goode, Graham, Gray, Harris, Hartridge, Hrlton, Holcombe,
Ilolt, .Johnston, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina, I(enner, Lander,
Lyon, Lyons, McQuccn, McRae, Menees, Miles, Yerkins, P u h, Rus5~11,s i e ~ t ~Vebt,
l\dsh, \yilcox, Wright of Texas, and Mr. peaker.
Enys: Ayer, Batson, Chambers, Clark, Collier, DuprB, Freeman,
Garland, Charnett, Hanly, Heiskell, Herbert, Kenan of Georgia,
AIcDonrell, 1iopLton, Sniith of Blahanin, and Wright of Tennessee.
So the resolution was agreed to.
Lexre o f ahsence was granted Mr. Bonham, on account of sickness.
Mr. Clopton, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
rcferrccl a hill of the Senate entitled An act to authorize the sppointi i i ~ n of
naval storckeepcrs, reported the same back, with the reconimentl:ition that it pass.
The l d l wa.; tlicn taken u I, read a third time, and passed.
MI.. l<ussell moved that t i e House take up from the table for cond c r a t i o n :L bill to prohihit martial law in the Confederate States,
A n d demanded the yeas and nays;
Which were ordered,
. .. -_ _ _ _ _ _ 38
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas
_ _ _ _ - _ _ 16 ,171
Teas: Ashe, Aycr, Baldwin, Barksdalc, Bell, lZo:c>l( I , j:oyce, Charnbers, Chilton, Clapp, Clark, Collier, Cookc, l)c ?Jarnette, Elliott,
Farrow, Foote, Foster, Garland, Garnett, Guode, Gray, Hartridge,
EIerlteyt, I<enan of Xorth Carolina, Kenncr, Lander, L y o ~ ,McRae,
Alilcs, Perkins, Ralls, Royston, Bussell, Sexton, Vest, & elsh, and
Nays: Ratson, DuprC, Freeman, Graham, Hanly, Harris, Heiskcll,
Hilton, IIolt, Johnston, Jones, Lyons, McQueen, i\ile~iees,Pugh, Smith
of Alabama, and Wright of Texas.
So the rules were suspended, and the bill was taken up, and the question being on the engrossment of the sdnie,
&Ir. Russell demanded the yeas and nays;
TVhich WYCFCordered,
-- -- -- --29
And are recorded as follows, to wit: Yeas-Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ .- _ _ 28
yeas: Ashe, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boteler, Chambers, Chilton,
Clark, Clopton, Collier, Cooke, De Jarnette, DuprB, Elliott, Farrow,
Foote, Foster, (;arland. Garnett, Goode, Hanley, I-Iartridge, Ijerbert,
Holeombe, il;IcDowell, Perkins, Royston, hSSell, and Welsh.
N ~ Batson,
~ ~Boyce,
~ Clapp,
Dargan, Freernan, (;entry, Graham,
G ~Harris,
~ Hilton,
~ , I-lolt, Johnston, Jones, Kenan of North Carolina,
Kenner, Lander, Lyon, Lyons, McQueen, McKae, &enocs, Miles,
Rails, Sexton, Vest, nilcox, and Wright of TCms.



[Ocl. 13,1862.

So the bill \\-as engrossed.

Air. Dargm moved that the bill bc laid upon tho table; which was
agreed to.
MI-. Foote moved that the House reconsider the vote by vhich the
bill IT^ laid upon the table.
Mr. lEussell moved to lay said motion upon t h e t d ~ l c ;wliich was
agreed to.
A message WRS received from the Senate, by their Secretary, JLr.
Nasli; which is as follows, to wit:
iWr. SJ2xaX.w. The Senate I i a ~ c .passed a bill of this IIouse entitled
11. It. 63. A n act to a u t h o r i ~ etlic grant of medals and badges of distinction as a
re13 arc1 for courage ~ i i t good
conduct 011 the field of battle.

nf oh,mg:~swere received from thc President, hy his Private Socrot:q;,

111.. Ihrrison; \vhicli :ire as follows, to wit:
of the Confederate States, on the Sth instant, approved
11. It. 3 7 . A n act to amend an act entitled AAn act for the organization of the staff
lnieiits of the Army of the Confederate States of Aiiierica, approved March 14,


VA., Octobrr S , 1862.

Private Secretary.

15, thr honoralde the Spralier of the IIouse of I<epresenfatices.

lrr. Spenkrr: Tlw Presidcnt of t h e Confederate States, on the 13th instant, approved
a n d signet1 the follou iiig acts:
11. N. 21. A n act to authorize the formation of volw>tcer companies for local
tlefense ;
13. It. 28. An act to
nt coiiiiiiutatioii for qnarter,q to the Superintendent of the
Arniy lntelligencc Of1
dntl his clerks, ant1 to incrqse the compensation of paid


11. It. 43. A n art to rccluw the rate of interest on the funded tlebt of the Confetlerate States;
I. It. 41. An act mtliorizinp the suspension of the ~ r ioft Ilabeas corpus;
11. It. 45. d i i act to rclievc tlic Ariiiy of tlisqiialified, tlisablect, and incompetent
officers; and
FI. It. 46. An act nialring appropriations for tlic support of the Qorcrnineiit for
thc month of January, 1863, and for certain deficiencies and other piirposes tliereiri
Private Secretary.
Rrcn.\rom, Va., Oclober 13, 1862.

To the 110

the Spraker of the House of ReprrsPn

I A . sp
The President of the Confederate
has to-day approved and
signotl tl
ring art:
11. It. 50. An act to pro
the rights of owners of slaves tslreri i ) y or ririplo~c~tl
the hn11y.
UUltTOS X. I I t ~ I ~ l ~ I S O ~ ,
Iriunte Si~cwtctrg.
va., October I S , 1662.

which were read and laid upon tho table.

The Chair presented a communication froni the President; which is
as follows, to wit:
R i c ~ a m s n Va.,
October 23, 1862.
T herewith transmit for your consideration communications from the heads of the
several Departments, submitting certain estiniatcs.
I reconimend appropriations of the sums for the purpoecs specified.

. illcl Senate have agreed to the resolution of this H~~~ to extend

1 {Ji
conpress to Jlorrday, the 20th, a t 12 o&& lI1.,
11 1am

direc.tPd to rquest the concurrence of this IIouse

W I C Chair presented an ampndment of the Senate to

of t hc liouse estcnding the time of the adjournment
\vhich l h as f011o~~s.
to wit: Strike out the words Mend
tieth inht:tiit, at twclvc oclock meridian, and insert In lieu thereof
the $1 ord> * t l i i h day at five oclock posttmeridian.
Mr. Joll(s deiiiarided the question; which was orciered, and the amendment was concurred in,
111..Chanihel.r, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as correctly enrolled
An act to piinish :tiid reprebs the importation by our enemies of notes
purporting to be notes of the Treasury of the Confedcrate states.
Aiid the Speaker signed the saine.
A mcssage was received from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
Xah; which is a3 follows, to wit:
-11). , ~ x v / X . p r : The frwitlctnt of t
aIi[iro\ f * and sigii bilk of the follon
h 62. -111 art to exeiiipt certain

e States did, on the 11th instant,

military duty, and to repeal a n act

act to eseiiipt certain persons from enrollment for service in the Army
lerate States, approved April 21, 1862; and
act to authorize the President to accept and place in the service certain
it I)attalioii,cheretofore raised.

received from the President, throu 11 the hands of

z Private Secretary, notifj~ingthe
owe that on the
1 l t l i in>t;wthe approved and signed the following bills:

11. I:. 42. A n act to fix the pay and mileage of the Delegates from the several
I ritliaii riatioils autiioriztxl to ha1 e Deleates under their respcctive treaties;
1. I<. 22. h i act to establish places of rendezvous for the examination of enrolled

11. J1. 41. A n act siippleniental to an act cntitled LLin

act to authorize the Secretary oi the T r e t u i y to pay district collectors in certain cases, approved April 11,

11. 11, 51. A\,, act extend tlie term of ofice of cer~ai11xar-tax collectors; and
11. it. 30. 2iIl
act to establisii certain post routes therein Ilamed.

~ 1 Elliott.
~ . fro111 the Cornnlittee on Enrolled Bills. reported as coprectly enrolled
A hill entitled An act to authorize t h e grant of medals and badges
of distinction 2s reward for conrage and good conduct on the field of
battle; also
An act t o authorize the appointment of naval storekeeperti.



[Oct. 13,1862.

And tlic Spealicr signed the ganie.

A iiicssagc was received from tlic Scwatc, by their Secretary, Mr.
Nasli; which is as follows, to vit:
Senate h a r e disagreed to the amenclinents proposed by the 13ouse

S. 83. A n act to amend an act entitled An act for the establishment and organization of a geiierrtl staff for the Army of the Confederate States of America, approved
February 26, 1861; and
is. 102. A n act estiihlisliirig tlie seal of t h e Confederate States of America.
The Senate have agreed to the aiiiendmenLG proposed b y t h e House to the aineiidiiients of t h e Rcnate to the bill rntitled
11. R. 30. An act to cbtablish certain post routes therein named.

moved a call o f the House.
The iiiotioii was lost.
A rr1css::g-e was received from t h c Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.
i\;a\h; which is as follows, to vit:
The President of the Confederate States haq notified the
13tli instant, approve and sign bills of the following titles,
S. 112. A n act to authorize the Vice-President of the Confederatc State
a secretary; also
S. 125. A\nact to cqualize tlie Palaiy of the Assistant Attorney-General with that
of other assistant secretaries and the chiefs of k~nre~ni:;
8.126. A n :wt to regulate and fix the pay of cadet9 in t h e service of the Confederate States; also
S. 127. An act to authorize tlie PrePident to i m k e certain appointirients during the
rcccss oi the 8enate; also
S. 1%. A n acat to ainentl an act in relation to public printing, approred February
27, 1RG1; also
S.124. AI) act to increase tlic pay of certain officers and eniployees in the executivr and legislative departments.

The C l 1 i : ~ ipresented
R bill of t h e Senate, aniciidcd 1 ) the
~ House,
and the aiiicndiiients of the Ion\e cliuagrrrd t o by the Sonate, entitled
Aii act f o r the cstabliihmcnt aiid orgaiiization of a general staff
for thc Army of thc Confederate S h t e s of Anierica, approved February Zfi. LSGl.
Mr. Chanibcys moved that the bill hc taken up, the aniendinerits of
thc IIonse insistcd on, and that the Rouse teiider a committee of confcreiice to tlic Senate.
Nr. Jones iiioved a call of the House.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Chambers denlanded the yeas and nays;
Which wcre ordered,
Ancl arc rccorc1ec1 as follows, to wit:
-- 4s
._ - . _ _ _ _ .7. _ _
Yew: ,lshc, Aycr, 12:ddmin, 12:~rlchddc, lht.on, IZcll, iEotcler,
kiclgers, Ch:mihers, Clnpp, Clnrli, Cloptoii, Collier, Coolit., Ciirrin,
I h y p n , I)cJarnottc, Elliott, Farro~v,Foster, Freeman, Garland, Gentry, Goodc, Gray, Ilarris, I<:utridge, Heiskell, Niltoii, Holcombe,
of (;eorgi:L, I<enan of North Carolina, Kcnncr, Lander,
o ~ e l lillcRar,
IlcQueen, Miles, Yerkins, P u 1.1, Royston,
t h of North Carolina, Vest, Welsh, and Nr, f+mdcer.
Nay*: Boyce, Chjlton, Diip1-6,I-Ianly, Herhcrt, Johnston, and Jones.
So llie motion of Mr. Chambers prevailed.
The Chair aiiiiounccd as tlie niaixtgers on the pcwt of the House at
the con ferencc Messrs. Chambers of Mississippi, Mi Ics of South Carolina, and Hartridge of Georgia.



?lie Ch:iii- laid before tlic 1Ioitse :L i1icss:Lge from t h e President;

which i:, :is follows, to wit:
K r c i r ~ r o s r ~October
18, 1869.

I herc~\yithtransinit for your information crrtaiii estimates of tlir Secretary of the

I iecoiiiiiieiid


approl)riatiori of ihe aniounts a n d for the purpose specified.


Ihe Chair also prcscnted

informing t h e I I o u ~ ethat


coniriiunication from the President,

The Iiesitlerit of tlw CodtdrI ale 8tatc.s has to-clay approved arid signed the follo\\ i i i q w t .
11. 1%.55. A i r t t o mthorize the paiit of Iiiedalu untl lx~dg~m
of clistitictiun itb a
rcw a i d for cotiungc :rritl good coiitlurt on tlw fic,ld of I)attle
I t 1 C l i h 1 o X l ) , \-\., O i l ( i h ( i l J , 182.

~ r c wreceivcd froni tlir Sen:ttC, 1))- tlicir Sccrck~ry.M r .

hicli :ire as follows, to wit:

q p h

Jlv. .5))rakei.: The Seriate I i r t w pawed, with aiiic~nthieiit a bill of this Iloiisemtitlcd
i h act to proritlc for tlic l(~iiiporar
Ltioir of fortes for the Provisioiial l\riiiy of the Goiifcdcratc Statch in the
p t i ts of States which :ire
invaded a n d ocupietl by the foxxis of the eii<Jiii ,
I n which amendineiith I a111 clirrcttd to i i b k t h c c o n c ~ r ~ nof
c t this
~ House.
Thcv have also passed, \\ itliout : ~ i i ~ c i i d i i i e i i l folio\\ iirg liills of this House:
I)lislimeiit atid organization of a
11. It. 48. An act to ariieird a11 2 i c . t for. tlic
gciieral staff for the driiiy of tlie Coiifctlc.ratc~
s of Americ.a, approved February
26, 1861; and
11. It. 51. h i 1 act t o cxtciid tlie timii oC oflice of cwtain xar-tax collectors.
, V / ~ c a t1:( T11cl 1rc.sitlrnt of tlic Coiifwlemtt~St:itcs bas notified tlic Senate that
P i l i i h t l n y approvrtl aiicl sipn(vl t h e iollon in8 acts
8. 5;. A n a t t to Iiuiiisli and r ~ p i c h st l i t ~importation, 11y oiir cmciiiies, of notes purporting to 1)e iiotes of the Treasury of the Confedcratc: States; ard
S 121. .\n act to antliorizc the appointinent of naval storekeepers.
/m: Thc Sciiitc. have ptssetl, v i t l i nmcuthneiit, a bill of this House entitled
. Ail it( t to iiicrcaiie and regulate the appointinciit of geiirral officers in
tlic Pro\ icioiial h i n v ;
In which aoicndi&iit In n i directed to a d i tlie concurrence of this House.

IT. It. 52.

A h . Elliott,, froiii tlic Corriniittee on Enrolled IMls, reported 8s corrwtly enrollcrl the following bills:
H. R. 1-8.An act to :inicnd an act for the establishment and organization of a general staff for the Army of the Confederate States of
Aiiicrica, approved February 26, 1861; and
11. IZ. 5 I. An act to extend tlie term of office of certain mar-tax colIcctorx.
A i i t l the S1)r:ilter signed the mine.
lh Chair I d b c h ~ trh ~
v IIouse RII iunrndnrcnt of t h e Senate t o :t
hill of thc 1101iw ciititlctl A n wt to incwtisc and ngnlate the. :ipl)oiiitment of y c i i c ~ otiiwrs
in thc lrovihiotml Ariiiy.
0 1 1 niotioii of ,I1 I*. Mile&,the :~nicndnicntof the Senate, which \+ :t-to ,strilic out the second section thercof, ~ a taken
up, and the smiie
was Rgrefd to.
On iriotion of Nr. Royston, a call of the House was ordered. and
the following rnriiibcrs answei~cdto their naiiics:
Aslie, Aver, Bddwin, Uatson, h l l , Boteler, Boyce, Hridgers, Chnmbcrs, (%irk, Cooke, F m ~ o w ,Eostei., Garland, Gqrnctt, Ifari&, IInrtridge, Heiskell. Herbert, Holl, ,Johnston, .Jones, Kenan of Georgia,
Kcnncr, McRtie, McQueen, Miles, Perkina, Pngh, Kogston, Itussell,
Sexton, Siiiith of North Carolina, Vest, Welsh, and M r . Speaker.

Opt. 13, 1862 ]


(hmotion of Xr. Holt, all further

clispcnqed with.
g!: was received from the President, h3- his Private
twr?. Afr. I1RPlXSOl1, notifying the House that fie had to-dny ap
atid signed the following hill, entitled
.In act to increase and regulate the a

t wit11 like colnmittee 011

federate states of A$mrrica.
oplock postineri (1 ian, ant{
t o a b k tlic. Iic=i~lrntif lic has any fnrther c~omri~~~~iication
to make to Congress;
x i i t i Iiavt~appointed 311.. Siarrm, 31r. Iianlv\.ell, and Jlr. Henry as theco~llmittce011
tlicAir part.

11r. chain her^, froin the coniinittee of conference, reportecl as foll o w , to
X?. S l m k e r : The committcc o n the part of the House appointed to ronfer with a
coiiiiiiittw on t h e part of t h e Seaate 011 the tlisagreeing votes of the two 1IorIses on
n ))ill to
rntitleil Air act to m i e n t l a i l act entitled An act for the egtablistiulent
f , ~thc
r - \ n n y of the Confederate Stxtes, approved
inndred and sixty-one, beg leave to report that
inittee oil the part of the Senate and are unable to

from the Senate, by their Secretary, Mr.

to tlioir cliragreeiirent t o the ameiidriients of this
An : t i t t o arii(~iidan act cntitled cA1l act for the
alrii~hiiiciitaiid organizatioii of a gciwral stag for the Army of fhe Confederate
t i c s I J ~.\iiicrim, approred Fi~bi
nary t\vci~t,v-sisth,eighteen hiiiidretl and sixty011<3.

The Peiiate ii1qi.t npim tlit~irdiraprcciiicnt t o the ttineiitlinentfi prop

to tlic bill (S. 102) cntitlctl A n act wtablishiiip the wal of the
of .\iiit~rica,and azrcc t o the c~)niinittceof cmlerence prop<
, ant1 h\.~
appctintetl 31r. Srrumes, Xr. Orr, and Mr. Ircstoii as I
,art at mid coiifrrciice.

Mr, llyonx, from tlie joint committee appointed to wait upou the
President :tiid inform him that the ffoust woulct acijourn at 5 oclock
p. 111. to-clay, reported that thc committee had performed t h e clut
as:sigried to thcni.
31r. Boteler, from the comniittec of conference on the disagreei
votes of the two Houses on a bill of the Senate entitled An act to
cstabli>h R seal f o r the Confederate States of America, reported that
tlrc coinnlittee on the part of the House had met and conferred with
tlltt volnmittce 011 the part of the Senate arid as unahle to agree.
Air. AIcQoeen, l ~ yconsent of the House, introduced the following
resolutioii, to wit:
l?esoli.ed, That the Pre5itlent be requested to communicate to this ITouse at the
ion of ~ongrcss,if not, in his opinion, i n c o ~ ~ ~ p a t i b l e
o[ 1]1? n t x t
iiiforination that he may be able to obtain relative
~t it11 the ptlblic iilterest, all
to tile t<alegraplli(.collipaiiic~sin the Confederate States; the names of said campaniefi,
tiie (late of tllcir foriiiatioii, a11d whether incorporated or otherwise, the naliies of the
and diyec.tor;: .of slit1 coiii~~nnie~,
and when and 1)y whom elected, the
capital stocli of each of e;nii c.onipaiiic~sand thc amounts held, respectively, by citizens
of the Confcdcrate States ant1 by alien enemies thercof, the amount of earnings of



[Oct. 13,1862.

said companies since April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtp-one, and how and
where miti earnings have been disposed of, t h e amount expended by the Governiiicnt in th e coiistruction and repair of telegraphic lines and salaries of agents and
operators, axid the rrveiiue tlerired therefrom, the amounts paid by the different
Dcpartments of Gorcrninent since April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,
for tolls on telegraphic dispatches, and such other information as may be deemed useful in cleteriiiining the policy and practicability of merging the telegraph into the posta.
system of the Confederate States;

which was read and agreed to.

Mr. Elliott, from the Cominittec on Enrollment, reported as correctly
An :wt to incrcase and regiilatc the appointment of the general
in tlic Iro\-i+ionnlArmy.
And tlie Speaker bigned t h e s:~ine.
Jwcli\-cd froin thc President, 1)y his Private Secre11, inforiniiig the Ilouse that he had t~pp~*o.cwl
s i g n d to-cl:xJr
An set t o incrmse nncl rc1gul:tto thc :~ppoiiitmciitof general officers
i n the lro\-isional A4~11ir.
A iiicssagc ~ v a s received from tlie Senate, by their Secretary,
as follows, to wit:
late adhere to tiieir tlibaqreeriierit lo the aiiienclment of this

States of

2) rntitlect An act establidiing the seal of tlir Confederate

ihe Chair h i d heforo thc lToiisc sixiidry amendments of the Seiiatc

to n hill of thr. JIou~ecntitlctl AH act to provide for tlie tcmpoi*ary
organimtion of foiws for tho Provisional Army of the Confederate
S t d w in tlic Stat(.>or parts of StatCs which arc in\vLdect and occupied
by thc forcr5 of tl1c cncn1J.~
pcndccl and t h e amendments of
Mr. I:ell niovcd tliat, tlic rulcs 1)
tlic Scnatc> takcii u p for consitlcr:itiorr, i ~ i dtlcrnanded the yeas and
11ays tbert~on.
1he Jc:ls :uid llnJs \v\CreOrdCrfd,
1 Teas.- _.
_ _ _ _ _ _ - ._ _ - 44 1451
And :~r(rwortlcd a4 follon.h, to wit: - Nays
- _.._ 7
Tctts: Ashc, Ay(~r,
Ihldwin, Ratson, 13e11, Ihteler, BOYCC,
Clx~riibers,Chiltoir, Chpp, Clerk, Clopton, Cooke, Currin, Farrow,
Foote, Foster, Freeiii:ui, Garland, Goocle, (iraham, Gray, Ilartridge,
Ileiskeil, Herlmt, liolcoml)~,Johnston, Joiies, Kenan of Georgia,
Kenan of North Csrolina, Kmner, Lander, Lyons, McQueen, Mti1cc.h.
X I i h , Pci4;in.;, Pugh, Halls, Boyston, Russell, Sexton, Vest, :ziitl
Mr. Spcali-tr.
Kays: 13al.lisdalr, Gai*nctt, Ililton, I-Iolt, illcRw, Smith of Kortli
Caroiirm, :iud I\clsh.
So tire ~ - u l c \vcw
s u i p w d c d , :ind the ainendrncnts t&en u p for cons idcrnt ion.
lendiiig which,
T h e b o ~ i rhnriiig arrived f o r the adjournment of Congress,
The Spcaker aimouriced thc HOWCadjouriied sine die.
r 3


The Houso being in secret scssioii,

Mr. Chambers, from the Coinmittee on Ihrollmcnt, reported as correctly enrolled

OLt. 13, LKC2.J


A he entitled Ail act to provide f o r the bixilding of a 1

of Tvar.

And t h e Speaker signed the same.

T h e Chair presented a message from the President; which is as
follows, to wit:
10 the i h s e qf Replesentatizes o j the Confederate Stcites qf America:
I return herewith unsign
the building of a vessel of war, wliicll originated in your l ~ ~ t l y This
es the Sevretary of the Kavy ( 0 buil(1, arm,,
and equip VI ith the least p o
if practicable by contract with tlte inventor,
othcrniw diructl! b! the
0 1 1 ~ v e ~ e lof \ ~ a r011 tllo plan of Robert
C r e u l m i r , for ocean and river service, (Ira>+
ings of which, 11 it11 eoitable explanation?, arc. tlepovitetl in vaid Depax tment.
0 1 1 a fair coiietruction of the terms of this act, no discrction is allowed the Sccretar? t o decline 1)iiiltling the vessel described, and it will be his duty, if the act
becorner a law, to proceed i n the constrwtion. The plan proposed by tlie inventor
ha.; b e ~ three
tiiiicr cs:tmined by different officers of the Xavy Departlnent deranietl
full y coinpctent to decide on snch subjects, none of \vliom have recoinincnded the
con+truetion,but h n ~ ereported t h a t it is inexpedient to build s w h vcseelv at the
prcscsiit time, a lien the whole available f o r w antl niaterials at thc coiiinrantl of thr
Department should be applied to the constraction of vessels of acknowledged
I n a report by n nuniber of eminent naval officers it i:! further btateci that nothing
has been done to prove the alleged claims to the specd, invulnerability, antl cilicicncp
of t h e yesel in either or ali of which we have no confidence.
As i t is not probahle that Congress was airare of the facts above Ftaled, I deem it
rrtnrn the-bill, in order that you may take such fnrther action on the
deemed by you advisable, and with a full lmowledge that the plan proapproyed by the Executive Departnient ciiarged with tile supervision of
such subjects.

&lr. Herbert moved to postpone the further consideration of the

})illuntil the third Monday in ,January next.
M u . CIapp called the question; which \Tas ordered, mid tbc inotioii
t o postpone prevailed.
A lrlessage .was received from the Senate; by the handc: of thc, SNTCtary of that body, Mr. Nash; which is as follows, to wit:
The Senate have passed, ~vitltont,amendment, the bill entitled An act to pro\.ide
for t h e defense of the T e i i n e s . ~and Cuniberland rivers.

Mr. Chainbers, from the Coriiinittee 011 Enrollinent, reported as correctly enrolled
A bill t o provicle for the defense of the Tennessee aiid Cmuberland
S n d the Speaker signed tho same.
A mebsage
received froiii the President, by his Private Socretnry, &Ir+Harrison, inforinin the fIouse of RepleSenhtiveS th%tthe
President had to-day approve2 and signed
act for the defense of the Tennessee and Cuniberlnnd rivers.
And 011 motion,
The House resolved itself iuto ope11 session.


Aiidilin:: of War Lic.partmerit, 2G1. 267,2i5, 294.
Arrer- \V. T., 160.
Atlallls, M:1ry, 93.
Add i11:iii ts.
o f , of grade of subaltern, 333,384,
4 U i , -i.I?.
I h r i k :ind pay. GI, 79, lii, 255, 381.
Apcr. Philip, et al., 60.
Esc.iiiptlon from military service, 310, 310, 320,
4T,0. 451. 462, .473-lis5, 490.

k h ~ ~ I ( ~ y n i oi
~ ?volnn
i i t tecr, prohibited, 317.

on?,,ct?., of citizens, 4 3 , 5 i , 103,

Srcniity fro111 i n ~ t ~ s i o 424,

i i , 494.

d l n l ~ i t i i !River.
Dcfcnsc, $0, $It;, 105. 110, 12.1, 12s. I?!). 14%.
Alirii Eaeniior.
lnrtn ersli i p a i iii s, 1 (1 1.

Scqncstratiou oi cst;iten. 2i, .15; 79. 81, 84, 116,

139, 203, 259, Y I O , 332, :M, 318, 413.

,ippoirltlll cllt s.

hulhority oC the Iresidcnt, 542, 550, 562.

, 116, 117, 147, 165, 203, 212,

Eiigraviiig ~ i i r lpriiiling Trcnsnry notes, 4Y1.

Inwrest dne Tcnnesscx Urnncli Bitnl;, 341, 455,
Lcgi.ilat,rve, excrntirc?, aud judicial, 481, 4%
498, 502-504, 5 0 i , 62i.

Xarine Corps, 184.

KfrY), 24, 4.16, 408, 493, 511.
Relief l o r prisoners captured at Forts IIenrY
a n d Uonclson, 75.
River nna harbor delenscs, SO, 342, 468, 493, 495,

AnnroprlationR-Con tinued.
Secret service fund, 267.
Support ol the Government, 117,123,132,140,145,
144.148,149,l~2,165,172,173,175,515,526,529531, <533,551, 560.
To carry into effect certain acts, 287,291, 293,
3i9, 3G1, 38.2.
Treaqiir! , !Val, a n d Navy Departments, 266,2iO,
290, 131, 440.
Arrliives of Ihe Coufrdrrate States.
fiwnrity or, 35, 72, 73, 142, 234, 238,267, 276, 291.

Arizona Trrritory.
Delegate in First Confederate Congres, 80.
Contested election, Johnson versus Garland, 10,
22, 2S, 112-114, 133-13G,I68, 169, 175, 177, 178,
330, 338, 391-395, 414, 419, 425, 426, 428.
lelectollrl votes, 12.
Merlionala mid pctitioiir of citizens, 67, 60, 97.
127, 141, 187.
Inymenl of certain rolunteer troops in, 316.
Jost rnntes, 57, GO, 111, 1G3, 187, 195, 249, 331,541.
It( )ircsentntives i n First Confederate Congress,
5, 2IlR.
Appointmcnt of noperiutendent general or, 277.
Arniq, Aiiiiiiiiiittioii, otc. See Mi~nilionsof Ilni


O I , Y ~ I ~ ~of,
~ Rnuthoriafd,
~ I O I I 484, 491, 493, 506
Army 1iitc~l:igrncrOmee.
Commutntion for qunrtcr5, etc., 384, 143,498,502,
553, 556, 557, 560.
Arniy of thr (enicdrrate State&
Artillery Corps, 190, 248, 262, 280, Y!i, 531, 370,
377, 349.
Cadets, 203, 538, 548, [SO, 5G2.
Cliaplumq, 71, 77, 119, 190, 231, 267,
Commrrndinq general, 24, 33, 34,
37, 6G,74, 107, 108, 126.
Compensatioii. See Cornpensatto?
Deti~ilof artisnns a n d m e ~ h n iRi ~
Ihvsi,ters to, 11, 23, 25, 27-29, 71, 70,77, 81, hR, 8%
122, 164, UG-108,174, 186,23%238-243.
Drunkcuness 111, 13, 14, 28, 62, 191, 251, 260, 206,
29-1, 380, 483.
Efficiency, 44, 181,189, 200.
Employment of negroes:
Musiclans, 94, 152.
Slaves, 300, 316, 324,336.
Enlistment of cooks, -54, 79, 250,2Ii2, 263, 279,283,
285, 316.
Estnblishnient a n d orpnn~mlioii.h2,80, 138,139,
168, 213, 255, 273, 281,290, 3b0, 444.




driiiy of t.lie Confederate Stntes-Continued.

Exemptions from service. See Military Serdce.
General staff, 30,261,267,273,276,277,34l, 426,429,
430,444, 458, 463, .IS3-486, 492,498,515, 522,623,
5327534,538,560, 562666.
IIeavy irtiiiery, 71.
Incrcase of, 23, 24, SG, 92, 106, 213, 295, 273, 261,
290,299,300, 311.

Xaintenance of legal strength, 27,157,337,343345,348, 349,351, 354-"56,3:SI,

361, 365,366,368,

379,380,382,383, 387-389,395401,426,428,435439,442-444,

~IetlicalDeptirtment, 145, 156, 164, 190, 276, 277,

332, 382, 381, 41.1, 454, 486.
hlilitnry conrl8, 369, 370, -128, 4-19, 470, -lay, 4!IK,
498, 507, 327.
Mnsiciaiis, 91, 132, 1'30, 215.

t'ontoiliers, 71.
Iiitisiiig and 8rming additional troops for, 22.
Recognition of services, 27, 28.
Ilegulating appoiutment of officers, 22, 78, 182,
214, 215, 309, 384.

Relief for soldiers' families, 122, 231.

Relief of incompetent or disabled officers, 67,
142, 384, 447, 448, 512, 518, 518-521, 625, 526,
538-510, 549, 560.

Retirementof officers. See Relief of,etc. (ante).

Signal Corps, 182, 214, 279, 290, 350, 377, 449, 463,

Staff and clerical force for general a t seat of

governnient, 106, 137.
Slrcngtb of, reqiit'sted, 53.
Thanks of Congress to officers and soldiers of,
186, 187.

See itlso Provisional Arm?/ qf !he Co&(Zcrute

Bates: Confeetle~nleTroops; and l'rrblio De-


ArtIstlus and Heehanlos.

Detail of, from t h g d r m y , 118,125,151.
Exemption from military service, 90,91,9s, sc,
343,4311134,450, 461, 471474,490,557.
Asho, Thomas S. (North Carolina).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 282, 290,
294,367, 460.
Conference, 125,127.
Jndiciary, 21, 83, 84,193.
Leare of absence, 414.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 182, 269.
Representative in First Coufederatc Corigrem,
6 , 179, 244, 295, 367, 547, 663, 564.
Yea and llay votes, 8, 9, 21,38,46,*&9,51,62,54,69,
60,62, 61, 89, 70,81,91,99-102,105,111,115,121],
128,138,140,148, 151, 153,159,163,307,168,171,
1?'2,177,178,180, 186, 191, 103,203,212,216,2:6,

275,276,279,2880,282-286, 293,301,306,321,323,
:326, 327,354, 358,306,371-373,376,3iY, 383,387389,396-3Yi, 400,408, dO9,41l4412,447,449,451,
453,460, 461, 4G8, 474-47ti,460,491,492,494-497,
532, 534, 536, 537, 539, 543,547,549-651,658,559,
Atltins, Johrr D. G . (Tennessee).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 164, 182.
379, 38G, 457, 501.

Pout-Onices and Post-Roads, 87.
Spccial, 110.
I m v e of nbsenec, 159, 229, 314, 436, 523.
licgreventiitire i n First ConlcAerate Congress,
T O , 179, 2.14, 295.

Pea and nay votcs, 77,6l, 91,99-102,105,171,11~,

121, 128, 138, 146, 1.18,l51,15:3,159,163,167,1G8,
171, 177, 1 i 8 , 1S0,18G, 191,202,21~,218,366,3'il,773,378, 3$9,353,39G-SS9, 395-397,400,40S, 409,

Ariiold, Ileiiedict, 196.

Aruold, Tlioiiias, 380.
411,412, 419,425, 4?6,430,*160,461,468,47.I-4ifi,
Aroow, Joseph S., 66,120.
480, 490, 492, 194-497, 499-501,505,509,515-518.
Arrears of Yny. See Congress of the Confxlr.~cife
Sttutes (l'rovision,al); and 1)eeeasrtl Soldiers. ~\IlgWh,tj:i.
Port of entry, 51, 62, 195, 265, 263, 271.
Austlii, W. It., 93.
Citizens by military untlioritp,
Ayer, 1,ewix N. (South Caroliiia).
Arriiigton, Archilialtl 11. (Xorth
Bills, resolutiuris, ete., IritrOdUCed by, 1214 301,
Bills, resolutions, ctc., introdnced by, 313.
Committce on Indian hiYaira, 2".
333, 384, 368.
Leave of absonce, 101.
Quartermaster's and Commissary DepartRepresentative I n Fjrsst Confedcrate Congrcss,
ments and Military Transportatioii, 359.
14, 179, 214, 295.
Y e s m d liuy votcs, 21, 4G, 51, 52, 54,59,60,62-64,
Special, 110.
69, iO,77, 81,91,99,128,158,146,148,151.15&159,
WarTax. 307, 511.

386-389,39cL397, 400,408, 409, 419, 425,126,430,

435-438, 442,443,445,416,449, 151453,460,461,
468,474 476,400,491.

Artillery Corps.
Appointment of officers, 182, 214, 279, 283, 285
Attachment of batterley t o r w t a i n infantry
regiments, 50.

111, Pa,138,147,148,151, 153,159,163,168,171,

172,178,191,193,203,212,215,221, 224,225,'2'2i231, 235, 237, 247, 248, 250,257-260, 264,265,275,
276,278, 250,282-286,233,301,306,321,326,33,

358,360,3G6,371,372,378,379,383,%G-389,395397,400,408, 40Y,411,412,425,42F, 430,436-438,

442, 44.5, 451, 452, 461, 474-4715,480,491,492,496-

ntldseri of Di8tiiietion.
BatRon, Felix I.-Continued.
l'rovision for, 203,309,364,378,403,553,551,560,
561 364.
Inauguration, 13
lh!ker. See ( h p p e r & Baker, 165.
Military Affairs, 21, 119,192,448.
l%;iker,I:cv., 319.
Territories arid Public L a d s , 22.
f::&cr, danies 1,. U., 81, 198.
Representative in First Confederate
!%:ikcr, J;uite:, U. (Florida).
5, 17% 244, 295, 367, 517, 563, 564.
S e ~ a t o irn First Confederate Congress.
Yea and llay votes, 8,9,2i,
Committee on Buildings (Joint), 29.
Iirrldwiii, dohri 13. (Virginia).
126,1% 138,147,151,153,159,i6?,,ic7,1~8,171,
ljills, resolutions, etc., introduced by,58,123,130,
3:15,118,437,438,441,4Y2,471,472,483, 487, 505,
221, E41B0,235,2??7,247,218,250,254, 257-260,
264,275,276,278,280,282-286,295, 301, 306,321,
Cminii trees:
366,371-373,378, 379,
Coniercnc,e, ,437, 548, 552.
383,386-389,395-397,400,408,409, 411,412,419,
\ \ a y S illld X%lM,193,428, 526,534.
4?5,4"6,428,-130,435-435,442,443,445,447, 449,
I , C B S O oi ab.s:ncc. 125, 201,308,38'2.
451,452,4GO,461,468,474476,48O, 490,492,494497,499-jO1,505,609,516-518,520, 522,$25, 526,
5'28, ,53?,3?,4,536,537,539,
545, 517, 549-552,559,
Itcyresentative in First Confederate Congress,
db3, 566.
32, 137,179,214, 295,547, 563, 564.
I'eaandnayvott.s,30,46,~19,51,52,54,59,60,6244, Actioli of Congresq on reports, 13,?4,30,
70,77,81,91, 99,100, 105,111,115,121,128,1.16,
Dli,X7-89,97,107,121,122,1?,9, 142, 151,154, lG0,
X i , 168, 171,172,177,
164,166-168,174,193,263,2i0, 304, 305,308, 312,
186, 191,193,202,212,3~8,
360, 378,3i9,363,
3873 U , BG8,379,410,427,454,439,446,482.
Coritributrorisforfdiniliesof soldiervlost in, 362.
430,435-438,442,443, 445,447,4?1,452,4eo,
Bnumgarter~,Jullus, 370,540.
492,494197, 499-501,505,509, Baxter, Sgdney S., 183.
51%518,520,522,526,5'26,528,532,534,636,537, Benurcgiird, G . T.
639,543,547, 640,650, 552,658,659,662,663,566. Actioii of Coiigres on report of retreat from
Ball's BluB, YH. Battle, Oot. 21, 1S61. See
Corinth, Miss., 305.
Lcesbzcrg, Va., ete.
Yentioned, 1b8, 507.
Il:irksd:tle, Ethelhrrt (Mississippi).
Beekirarr, L., 33.
Bills, resolutions, etc.,introduced bg,47,59,14?, Uell, C a q i w W. (hfissoiiii).
226, 2SS,310,31S, 320, 3'22, 354,430,468,472,475, Billn, rcwlntions, etc., introduced by,44,71,142.
312, 414.
Commit tec'.
Medical Dcpartmcnt, 359.
Foreign Affairs, 21,335, 406, 407, 467, 529, 516.
hIrlitary Anairs, 24, M S .
Printing, 22,Al, 'i8,104,124,158,234,434,470, 339.
patents, 22, 84, 271, 42i, 428.
Special, 10,13,28,
Special, 307.
Petitions, papers, etc.. presented by, 58,103,122,
Kepresentative in First Confederate Congreqs,
1p9, 186,234.
6, 179, 234, 295,3F7,517, 503, 564.
Representatire in First Confederate Congress,
Yen. and nay votes, 8, 9, 21, 36,46, 49, 50, 52, 54,
62-64, 77,81,91,99-102,105, 111, 128,138, 146,
Yea a n d nay Totes, 8,9,21,36,
60,@24il,69,70, $7, 81, 91,99-102,111,115,121,
21s, 221,221,2
126,128,13R,l4G,151,153,159,168,172,l i i , l i 8 ,
326,327,Y55,35S, 3 0 , 366,371,372,
265,275,2%, 280,282-284,
378,379, a d , 386-389,395,397,400,408, 411,412,
424,426, 430,436,438,442,
411,412, 42.6,426,428,
475, 480,515-518,
520, 5'2,526, 528,6%&534,686,
468,4741476,480,492,491639,643,547,519-551,658,559,562, 566.
509,515-518,5'20,522, 5'25,526,
528,5%, 537,539,543,
547, 549, 650,552,558,559, $011, Janics, 82.
jenjamin, Judah 1'.
Secretary of State, 161,300,389,421-423,~177.
Ilarksdale, \~llll:UlI.
Secretary of War, 26, 56, 57, 68, 121,122, 194, 140,
Action of Congress on report of engagement at
Edwards Ferry, Va., 142.
kmtori, Cirarles J L , 109, 200
I(arnn-el1, Robert W. (south Csrolinit).
)etllel ClllIrell, Va. Ellg:lgemelrt, dull0 10, 1861,
Senator in h'irst Confederate Congress.
s i i Society
~ ~ of tire Coiifederatc States.
Conference, 124,127.
Rcllef for, 508,509,549,551.
Special, 11, 13, 566.
Il:~rkhrirri,E. E., 23
Fhrtow, Fort, X. C., 238-241.
slaiichard, Fort, B. C., 238-240.
Batsun, Felix 1. (hrkansas).
ilocknde of southern forts, 65,& 117,292.
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 316.



Hliic Xouiit:iit! R:rilroad. See Alabama and at?@-- Boteler, Alexander R.-Continued.
gin Railrocltl.
Yea a n d nay votes--Continued.
U ~ i c o c l i ,I1ioiii:isS. (Virginia).
nrnittee on Rules, 8, 37.
499-501,505,5W, 515-518,520,522,525, 526, 528,
itiuns, pajiers, ele., presented by, lG5,169,183,
33;, 311,91H,370,390.
Representative in First Confederate Congress, Bondhot, Elias C. (Cherokee Nation).
Delegate in First Confederate Congress,502,513,
Speaker of the Riinsc of Representatives, 7,12,
Bounty and Furlouglis.
17,18, 169, 183,213,266, 340,352,353.
Arrears of bounty, 413,414, 435
noiinty to conscripts, 313,345.
~0,212,21h, 216, 218,221,
Bounty to threeyeam men. 477.
hlarine Corps, 184.
Privtitfh, 484,492,504,523,542,561.
See iilio I a i IozLglis
Ky. Hetreatfron~,Feb. 14,1562.
Resolution of iuqniry, 70,77.
Boyre, dsnkes P., 313.
Boyce, Williani W. (South Carolina).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 15,24,35,
Bonds of the Confederate States.
Exchange for articles in kind, 1-17, 1-18, 185, 201,
214, 264, 2G5, 287, 291, 293, 294, 532.
Naval Affaim, 21.
Issue of, to meet contract for vessels of war, 315,
Special, 7,328.
Petitions. papers, etc., presentrd by, 154,234,333,
329, 330, 351, 336, 389, 410.
Payment of interest on, 382.
Hoiiliimi, JIilledge J,. (South Carolina).
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Bills, rcsohtions, ctc., int.rodnced b y , 48, 51,52,
G, 179,244,295,547,564.
59, 65, 86, 111, 309, 320, 337, 3-14, 362, 462, 606.
Yea a n d nay votes, 8,9,21,46,49-52,54,59, GO,6%
Conimi ttces:
64, 69, 50,77, 81,99,105, 111, 115, 121, 146, 152,
153, l F i , 163,171, 172,177,178,180,191,216,216,
Special, 50.
218, 221, 424,225,228-231,
Ways and Netus, 21.
257-2130, 2G4,2G5, 275, 278,
Leave of abscncc, 100, 125, 559.
323,326, 327,335, 358, 360,
Petitions, papcrn, elc., presented by, 350, 362.
aX0,3h6dh9, 3%-39i, 408, 411,412,419,425,426,
Ilcprmcntatiw? i n First Conlcdcrutc Conjiress,
430, 43t>--138,442, ,113, 151,468, 471-476,480,190,
ti, 179, 2.14, 295, 567.
1H5-495, &E-XIl, 505,515417, 520,522, 526,
9,21, 36,
.l9-32,51, ,59, 60,
532, 543,519,550,552, 558,559,562, 563,566.
63, (2,
G9,70, 7 i , 31, 105, 111, 115, 121, 138, 275,
276,279,280,282-2S6, %93,3O(j,TLI,:?id,:U7,3R.i,
,\(%ion of Congrew on report of:
358, 361,306, 371-373, Ji8,379,3h3,
liattle of Sbiloh, Tenn., 3613.
Bombardment a t Pensacola, Pla., 87, 121.
Iw:iqg, rri~otlla~.
Atturne) -General, 2G, 50.


Boone, @. d., 319.

Itetolor, Alestliider R. { Virginin).
Bills, resolutions, ctc., introduced by, 13, 54, $7,
116, 176, 183, 199, 203, 307, 319, 651.
Conference, 663, 56.5.
Flag a ~ >S<:
d:11, 22,272,319, 538.
Ordnm!ce :irrA Ordnance Stores, 359.
Rules and Officcrs of t.he House, 22.
Leave of absence, 391.
ate., presented by, 27,33,53,
,278, as, 336,361,371, 470,523.
Represcnt:Ltivc in First Coo federate Congress,
Pea ind nag votes, 8,9,%46,49,51, $1,54,59, GO,
62-(i4,69,70,77,81,91,99-102,106, 111, 115, 121,
128,138,146,151,153,163,l(i7,16S, 171, 172, 177,
,180,186,191,193,202,212, 218,221, 224-231,
,247,248,250,164,257-260, 264,265,275-278,
355,361,366, 371,430,435-439,442, 443>449, 451,

Breckinridge, Joho F.
Thanks of Congrew, 311.
Brrckiiiridgr, Robert J . , Jr. (Kentocky).
Bills, rc.olntions, ete , introduced by, 224, 361,
380, 440.

Committee on Foreign A f f a m , 21
Lea\ e of sbseiice, 66. 365.
&preseiitative i n First Confederate Congress. 6,
179, 241,295, 33.
Tea 2nd nay yotcs, 8,21,46,49,51,52,54,202,212,
ziti, 218,2?1,224, 227,229,230,257,258, 264,275,
278,L80,2134-260, 293,301,306 JG, 327,366, 371,
372. 378.379.383.386-368. 395-397.408. 409.411.
412,419, 425,426,428,430,435-138, 413,444, 447,

Bridpr\, iloliert H. (Sorth Carolins)

Hills, reioluhons, etc , introduced by, 161,154.

Gonimi ttees:
Xilitar) Affairs, 21.
Pay and Xileage, 22, 116, 125.

Bridcrrs, Bobert It.-Continued.

1,eavc oi al,sciicc, ill;.
~ t e p r w u ~ i t a t i ivueFirst C~~i~rwIeraie
C!oirgress, (
179. 2.1 1, 29.5, X7, WJ, $(:.I.

, $LO, 52R, M6,Y28,53f

Coiitino;ir!ce i n ofice, 28, 30,31, 31, 62.
I ~ ~ ~ l l l ~ l Of
t i ~ZlIJ~VJjlltI!l~ll~~,
214, 215.
Brittain: danics II., et al., 343.
Brown, Rev., 177.

Senator i n First Confederate Congress.

C'onierence committee, fi5.
Brown. Isaac 5.
Tbaiiks of Corigress, 447, 4.59, 477, 485.
Broivn, Joseph E.
Governor of Georgia, 47.
Brown, Nilliani L., 145.
Browtie, 1ViIIi:tm 31.
Secrctary of State ad interim, 72.
I k u w , Eli JI. (Kentucky),
Hills, resolutions, ctc., introduced by, 303, 318,
530, 312. 468, 4 i 4 , 491.
Committee 011 3Iilitary Affairs, 162, 3&5.
IAI\-C of absence, 500.
in First Confederate Congress,
124, 179, 214. 295.

Yea mid n a y votes, 126,128,138,146,148,153,159,

l W ,167, 168, l i l , 1~2,177,118,191,193,212,215,
216,218,221, 224-228,237,2.X,258-'260,2F4,265,
276, 278, 280, 301, 306, 3?1,323,32F,327,385,358,
360,366, 3il-373,378: Si9,%?3,386-389,3!&397,
399>100,40& 409: 411, 4T2, 419,4"5,426, 430.4.17,
449,451-493, 460.4G1,4G8,4i4-476,480,490,492.
Ilrure, Horatio YY. (Kentucky).
Bills, resolntions, ete., introduced by, 32,76,318,
332, 3G5, 380.

Commerce, 22.
Inauguration, 13.
Spcrial, 28. 234.

Leave oi a hsencc, 159.

I'ctitions, papers, etc., presented hy, 163,203,351.
Iienreseritatire i n First Confederate CongrePs,
6 , 1%. 2-14, 295.3Gi
Tea and nay 7 o t e ~S,
. 9, 21,36,46,51, 32,54,59,60,
G2-64. 69. 70, 77,81, 91, 99-102,105, 111,115,121,
Y2G 12b, 138, 116, 14\>132,133,159,1Ci3,16i,lGS,
171,172, lii, 1%. lh0, 1%,191.193, 202,212,213,
216, 218, 7.21, !l&L'U, Y S z , 227, 247, 2 4 , 2%,25?,
526, 327,355,358,3GI,366.3il-373,
,386-Y8~, 39.5-397,399,400,408, ,109,
Brtrlianan, Franklin.
Claim for niaking flags, 278.
keport of engagemelit ,n Hampton Roads, Va.,
193, 211.
T hnks of Congress, 80, 86,87,93.


Leave of abse

218, 221, 2'24-230,

258, 260, 261, 266,
293, 396, 307, 390,
4%, 423,437-439,

<urnside, Antltrose E., 339.

hrrorvs, J. L., 21.
Sutler, Benjaiulu F., 297, 304.
Appointment of additional. 203.
Compen%tion, 5%, 518, S
Virginin Military Institute. 335, 343.
'anips of Itistruetion.
Commandants, 424, 470, 492, 498, 518.
I)rillrnasters, 272, 275, 280, 294.
Establishment, 4'24, 470, 492, 498, 518.
;nnedo, A. It., 104, 199.
'aptured Property.
Xiinitions of var, 272, 273,

srdoio. See Stark ,t



Cli:tnibers, Ilciiry C.-Continued.
Commerce, 22.
Confercncc, 160, 562, 565.
Enrolled Bills, 22, 137, 140, 143, 167, 172, 135,
187, 199, 23, 7.37, 2G5, 419, 427, 450, 458, 462,
481, 493, 506, 550, 552, 557, 561, 5GF, 567.
Military Affairs,162, 190, 364, 419, 428, WO-W2,
456, 483, 484, 436, 488, $25, 532, 533, 553, 664,

Leave of absence, 51.

Petitions, papcrs, ctc., presented by, 163.
KeprewntatiTe in First Confederate Congress,
10, 170, 244, 293, 547, 563, 564.
Yea and nny votcs, 21,36, 99-1W2,105,111,115,121,
12(1,128,138,146,1~i8,161,153,1B3, 167, 171, 177,
I W ,186,191,193,20%,212,315,21~,
218. 221, 2430,2339,237,24i,248,2:fi0, 321,323, 32G, TLi, 865,
,:XI, 38G,S73,3%3,386-389, 395-307, 400, 10$,

8iIls. resolutions, ctc., introduced by, 48, $S,

130, 20.1, 211, 222, 234, 2F2, 270, 300, 307, 312315, 386, 359, 386, 4Ck$ 410, 411, 441, 475.
Coinmittct! on Knral Affairs, 21, 456.
Lewrc of nbscncc, 66, 103, 347, 507.
Petitions, pIiprrs, ctc., prcscnted by, fil,10-1,130,
1.15, 415, 470.

Ilcpresenrutivc in Virst Confcdcrritc Congress.

7, 170, 2.1.1, ,295, 367.
YLX t i i i d nny vote;, X. 9,21,36,46

Chlltoo, Yvllllniii P.-Contimi

Conference, 290.
Patentu, n.
Post-ORces and Post-Roads,
Quartermasters iind Corn
455,456,471, Q9,555.

Special, 10,319.
Leave of absence, 362.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 87, 130,
151, 204.

li2,lSO. 191,19:1,203,212,218, 216, 218, ?21,22.i230,2::5,23i,247,218, 250, 254, 257-260,26 I, 265,

275,276, 278, 280, 282-286, 292,293,301,806,W,
323, 32I:,327,a55,3~-h9,
383, 3fi63S9,SQLS97, 100,
408,409, 111,4Y2, 119, 123,426,418, 430,4I2447,
440,451,452,460, 461, 464. 474-176, 480,4!)1, 490,
500,515-515, 520,E 2 , G5,
,537, 539,&13,547,549-561,

Clirlsiitnn, Jnnios S. (Ketitucky)

Bills, resolutions, ctf., introduced by, 303,395

Alcdictil Depnrtment, 359.
Wnr Tax, 307.
1,envc of iibscnre, l(jG.
Jclitioii?, pnpcrs, ctc., prcaented by, 3SO.
Reprc~eritatircin First Confctleratc Congress,

217,2418, ~~j0,45~,2~7-(;0,2G.I,
2W, 2i6, 276, U S ,
5, AS(;, 293,301, 300, 321, 320,320,
1, 366, Sil--:3iK,378, 379, ;186-3R!),
X,409,411,411, 419, 4y5, 42F, 428,
4S0,435-138, 4.12-44R, 447,449, 451-453, 474476,
480,49G, 497,489--501,505.

Chiidler, Siirali Tl~ninirs.

Designs for flag, 122.
Clitr(>ltiiiis, Ariiiy.

Increasing iinmbcr rind ellicicncy, 71.

Pay or, 77,190, 2 3 , !!C,T,?iR, 2X,29-1.
Hxnlc of, 119.

Appointment of, for Iio.q~itnls,20,1,2:13,2B:i, ?(:.I,

(!liarles I, 374.
(!lic.rokee Satltrii.
Dcicgiitc in First Coiifcdcmte Congress, 502,51!5,

Tnyment of rcmovul uiirl subsistcncc fund, 104.

Presence of foreign vessels in, 44,64,7.
Clileki~lromliiy,Ys. llrittlo of the, Jiine 27, 1862.
Tlii~nksof Congi-ess to General Loe, 30F.
chiLtOll, \y 11h U I 1. (A krbtUll>l),
Rills, rcsolutioiis, etc., introdnccd b y , 9, 11, 22,
29, 50,59, i0,90,92, 95, 97,106, 139-141,160,202,


Ted, nnd liny vote\,4G, 51, 52,54,59, GO, 62-G1,69,

70, Sl,91,!l9-102,105,111,118,121, 128, 338, 116,
148,151,159,301,306, 321,32,3,92F, 327, 355, 358,
301,371-373,378,379,883, 386-389, 395397, 400,
,108, .109,411,412,41Y, 425,426, 428,435439, 449,


ClirItly, J . II., 181.

Chubb, Tlienin~,582.
I)iinl,nnl, 370, 431, 450, 460.
Prinxlq, Socirty o f , S O , 879, 431, 450, 460.
Xciiiionists, 460,400.
(ltizrnalilp xiid Natiirallaatlon. See XrdumJfzallO?l.

Andicing, settlement, ctc.. 88, 123, 129, 1.11, 268,
318, 352,363, 367,390, 413,414,418, 442,449, 4G3,
States agriinst Confcdcrrttc States, 109, 200, 332,


See also Court of Claims.

Clnpp, J. W. (Nississippi).
Rills, resolutions, ctc , introduced by, 33,97,109,
I42,148,1G3,182, 325,332,454,472.

Claims, 22, 120, 200, 455, G54.
Elections, 21.
Ordnnncc and Ordnance Stores, 359.
Special, 150.
Leave of absence, 203.


. .

d W -Cc )ntin tied .

Ctrrical Force-Continued.
L'ctitions. papers, ete., presented by, 97, 122, 182,
WarDepartment, i5, 89, 93, 101, 360.
3.50, 381.
Clopton, David (Blabama).
Itcprcsentatire in First Confederate Congress,
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 22,43,124,
6, 179,244, 295, 547, 563.
141, 170, 181, 224, 292, 310, 330, 342, 461, 473.
y e a and n a y votes, 8,9,21,36,46, 61, ii2, <%, 59, 60,
63,64, 69, 70,77, 81, 91, Y9-102,103,111,115,121,
Claims, 22, 120, 198-200, 271, 291, 465,554,655.
126,128, I-IG, 148, 15'L, 153, 159,163.1G5, 151,175,
Naval Affairs, 21, 96, 309, 495,521,559.
178, 180, 186,191,193, 321. 323,326,327,355,358,
Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, 359.
361,366,371-3i3, 358,379,383,386-389,39%397,
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 76.
400,40X,411,412,419, 425,426,428,430,435439,
Representative i n First Confederate Congress,
442, 4$1, 449, 451-4.53,460,468, 474456,490,492,
491r497, 499-507,50.5 ROY, 515-518,620, 525,526,
Ye8 and nay vote&8,0,21,36, 46,49,51,52,54,59,
532, 536, ,537, 539, 543, 5.17, 5~50,552,558,559,BF",
60, 62-61, 69,70, 75, 81,91,99-102,105,111,115.
I'21,126,128,138,14i, 148,132,153,159, 163, 167,
Clark, J o l i i i U. (Xissouri).
168,17l,177,178,180,186,191, 193,203, 212, 215,
Senator in First Confederate Congress.
216,218,2"1,224-!230,235,237,247, 248, 2.50,254,
257-260, 264,275,276,279,280,282-284,286, 292,
Conference, 155, 549, 552.
293,301,306, 321,323,326,327,358,358, 361, 366,
Printing, 29.
371-373, 378,3i9,383,386-389,395-397,400, 408,
Special, 11.
109,411,412,419,425,426, 430,435438, 442447,
Clark, Wlliniii W. (Georgia).
449,461,452,460,461,468,474476, 480,491,492,
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by,4i,201,303,
515-518,520, 522, 5'25,
494497,49%.M1,506, <W,
315, 380, 4.57, 471-453,5"0.
526,528,532,534,536,539,593,549-551, 559, 562,
Post-OlYiccsand Pod-Roads, 22,198.
Qiiarternitirter's and Commissary DepartFor the Arm) :
iuents and Xilitary Trailsportation, 353.
Allowance for volunteers, 52, 118, 309,350.
War Tax, 307.
Commutation value, 307, 363.
Leave of absence, X i .
Burnished in kind, 444,459, 4i7, 518.
I'etitions, papers, etc., presented by, 5.3,181,31i.
hlanufacture, 317, 483. 492,604,507,518.
Quaiitityon hand, 162.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Suppliesof shoes, 80, 118,483, 488,506,507,518.
Yea and n a y votes, 8,9,21,36,46, 49-52,54,59,60,
F2-64, 69, 70, 75, 81, 125, 138, 146, 148,152,153, Cluskey, 31. W., 8, 9.
159, 163, 167, 168,171, li2,177,178,180,186,191, qohb, Howell (Georgia)).
President of the Provisional Congres, 3, 7, 319.
193, 203, 212. 216,218,221,224-230,235,237, 248,
250, 254, 258-260, 264,258,280, 2%3, 301,30ti, 321, Uofer, 1.H., 351.
323, 358, 360,366,3il-373,379,383,3SG-389, 3 9 6 GOillS.
Provision for, 144,145,194, 265, 267,349,442,555.
397, 400, 408, 409,111,412,460,461,4Cii, 474-476,
Uoliter, Charles F. (Virgmia).
4110, 490, 402, 494,500, ,509,515-518,520,5?2~5'25,
Bills, re~olntions,etc., introduced by, 307, 338,
5'26, F28, 5'32, $31,336,537,539,543,549-551,559,
349,373,441,4:1, 458,473.
562, 583, 566.
Commi 1Lees.
Clark, Fort, h . C . , 241.
Commerce, 305.
Clay, Cleiuent C'. (Alabama).
War Tax, 307.
Senator i n First Conlederate Congress.
Lea\ e of dbbence, 421.
Petitions, paper&,etc., presented by, 315, 349.
Conference, 563.
Repiescntative in First Confederate Congress,
Rules, 16.
295, 367, 547, ,563
Special, 296, 3"5.
Yes and nay votes, 301,3M, 3tl,3233,326,327,3c58,
Claytun, s. L'. ,392,393.
361, 366,371-379, 378, 379,383,386439,395,396,
Clrnimons, George W., R31, 555.
408, 409,411, 412,430,43ji13b, 44'2-446,447,419,
451,460,461, 468, 474-476,480,41K), 492,494,497,
Exemption front military service of certain,
499-301, 505, 509, 515-518,520, 522, M5,@26,528,
92, 431, 433, 450, 4.59.
532,53i, 536,537, 539,543,647,51B,550,552,%9,
Clerleal Furce.
General at seat of government, 106, 132, 1%.
House of Representatives, 29, 48, 76,103,212,213, Columbit1, S. C.
Port of entry, 415.
244, 272, 313, 448.
Increase of pay in Departments, 332, SSO, 366, Coiiiniissary Department.
Increase of, 253,256.
455, 523, 627, 528, 547-549. 652, 554, 5.55.
~nvestigationof, 321, 885.
Sax-], Department, 305.
Management oi, i n Tennessee, 76, 129, 130,
Xumber, eto., in Departments, 181, 300, 305.
Quartermaster-General's Bureau. 23'2, 261, 263,
pfoposed legislation to secure more and better
food for Army, 296.
State Department., 8 N .
Treasury Department, 167, 168, 171-174, 202, 214, Comnlisaary-(ieaeral.
~ a n l~n
; provisional Army, 430, 431.
223, 247,

c lapp,



Coiiiniissioiier to Culled States.

Appointment of, 360.
Coiiiiiiissivtiers to Eiirovetlii I'onws.
Appointment of additional, 43, 65, 615, 74, 86, 96,
104. 105. 107. 224.
Recall, 71, 141, 317, 353, 331, 491-4'24, 4til-467.


011 Flag mid Seal (Joint).

Appointcd, 11, 19,?2, 29.
Designs arid niodels refcrrcd to, 26, 81,88, 103,
101,125,130,151,164,IS], 204,208,234, 364,359,


Reports by, 272, R38.

Coiuiiiittee on Accounts.
Couimittee 011 Foreigii AtP;sirs.
Appointed, 11, 15, 22.
Appointed, 11,15,21.
Bills, etc., referred to, 104, 262.
Bills, ctc., refcrrccl to, 29-31, 43, 44, 71,124,lGl,
2 6 i , 321,343,34(i,385, 390,410, .118,468-470,479,
Keports by, 120, 540, 541.
Coiumlttee 011 Ilulldliiga (Joint).
I i r ~ t ~ ~ ~ c t ito,
o t i4rf , 141, 317, 312, 3S5.
Appointed, 11, I!), P'L, 2s, 29.
Bills, ctc., referred to, 33, 3(i, 202.
I'roliibiliu~t of imporliitioiis from Uiiited
Iiistructioiis to, 35, 75.
States, 45; commissioners to Induatrial ExC'onriiilttee OII Clrtlnis.
hibition at London, 64; foreign vessels i n .
Appointed, 11, 13, 22.
Clicsapcnke Bug, 64; d d i t i o n a l commisBills, etc., refcrrcd tu, 23,27,29,33,45,48,83,64,
aioricrs to foreign cooutrics, 65, 86; foreign
%,ti I , 66-FP, 71, 7S, 79, $1,S!2,8fi,Y3,103,104,109,
consiils in the Confedenitc Ht:itcs,and corn110, E 0 , la!?, 141, 1.I", 1~15,151,155,160,1B3,166,
missioners to foreign po\vcrn, 3 3 , 354, 421177, 1S1, 192,104, 200, 201, 203,204,96i, 269,275,
316, 317, 331, X38, 311, 343, S O , 3lXi,370,3iS,350,

clninis of dccciised solclicr$, 1'20; rclicf

rirtiii pcrsons, 120, 199, 5 1 , 291, 455; dc-

2lgcS tel prOiJCrtyby the CllCmy, 666.

Coiiiiiiil.teu on Coaiiiic~rce.
Appoirrtcd, 11, 15, 22, 305, 309.
Hills, etc., rc,l'crred to,35, 87, Di, 1x1, 332, 347,384,
386, 41.5, .li!l.
Instruc:iions to, 51, llti, 303, 388,479.

dirtics on imports, 120; phi~tiirgoi

toil, 194; cuiiis, 194; incrciisc~lfiicilicics

l o r iniliorting goods, etc., 194; purl of deiircry a t hllgusln, Ga., 195.

Coiniiiit,tce o i i Coiiiniereiial iiiid I~IiiuiicIid Itido~lell<ll~lllY.

Appoiiilnicti t Iiroposcd, 11.

~ ~ J ~ l l l 011
l l ~
~ ~ ~ O

A[ipointed, 11, li. 21.

I$illn, ctc'., referrad to. 23. 114, 296, 330. 338, 425.
Iiistriictions to, 157.
Ikports hy:
'sus G w l i t n d , 112-11fi1, l!i3-136, 301I C Y ill

from Vir.

(:ommittre on Ehgrossinciit and Eiirollnreirt

Appoiritctl, 89, 223, 265.
Coiiinilttcc: 1 ~ 1 1Eerollrtl Iillls.
Appointcd, 11, 15, 22, lil, 266.
Reports by,23,i4,87,93,109,110,119,126,127, 129,
136, 1 3 i , 140, 143, E l , 1(?2,16i, 170,
199, 211, 214, 215,2'3,237,217,231,
271, 27& 274,2i6,279,280,2%L,2S3,236,'289!291,
294, 359, Ytil, 372, 389, 419,.12i,439,444,450,453,
455,458, 46'2, 4 i 7 , 481, 493,495,498,50G, 507,527,
53G,542,549-552,554-557,561,563, 664,566,667.

tlic Lnitcrl 6tstc.s r i n d Confeclcrnte States,

kind lcttcrs of marclue, &:.. J67,46S, 493,494;
law of prirntcerinp, IG7,468,4Y3, 494; diplnmitiic intercourse with Brazil md 0th
South American Statcs. 493; retaliation, 5'
Coniiu1ttt.u oii Ilosyitals wild Medical AEwirs 111
the Artily.
Appoiiitmciit propuscd, 308.
Coiomittcu oil l n u u ~ u r u l l o n(Joint).
Appointcd, 13.
Reports by, 17, 18.
on 11itli;iii AtMrs.
Appointcd, 11,15, 2.
Hills, clc., rcfcrrwl to, "1, 47, 94, 116, 310, 502.
Instmcationsto, 104.
ICiectiou oi Elias C. Boudiriot as delegate from
Clicrokeo N a t i o n , 513,614; pay a n d mileage
01 delegt~tcsIruni Iiidiaii riatioi~s,614.
F o ~ i i i i i l t t ~on
o Iiie Jucliciury.
Apgointeil, 11, 15, 21.
Bills, ctc., referred to, 22,23,27,31,34,35,45,47,49,
61, 5G, 63, 68, 76, 81, 87, 9(i,97,115,1?6,120,127,
112, 153, 161, 181, 1Y2-191,1D9,202-204,231,251,
2G7, 269, 296, 310, 311,313,314,317-320,3'29,330,
331, 333, 336, 338, 353,360,370,378,379,3S5,380,
407, ,420, 440, 454, 4G3,470,4S2,~1S4,509,619,554.
Instructions to, 2(i,27,33,44,49,50,58,63,70,76, $1,
91, 101, m , 1 2 9 , 1 3 0 , 1~3,173,181,2:34,3~2,313,
3E5, 318, 319, 322, 328,330,532,333,353,361,391,
I<epOrlS tJy:

Cnrrririn into cffcct certain clause of Constitution, 31: security of archives and Governmciit, 7 2 ; fixiiig time for mecti~igof Congreh?i,i t i : regulatingappointmcnt o f ofiicers,
78; priiiting reports of httomcg-Gcncmi for
use of House, 78; property of alien enemies,
79, 84; indemnity uiidcr seqricstratioii acts,
82, X4; right of officersof the Army t o hold
seatv in Congress, 8?-S4; issue of Treasury
notes, 81; judicialconrts, 89,102; exemptions
from military service, 111; compensation of

Comialttee on tiir d udieiary-Continued.

h n m l t t e e on Military APalrs-Continued.
Reports by-Continued.
Instructionsto, 23,30,31,44,45,1~,
6 i , i o , i i , 7 5 , m,
attorneys, 119,120; compensation to citizens
98, 116,122,129, 130, 142,151, 1%1,161,ifi.l,183,
for property damaged by military, 116; com203, 20.1, B l , 296, 300,30~,30i,310-314,316;318,
pensrttion for commissioners of courts, 119;
320, 331-333,335,360,380,386,424.
compensation of clerks, marshals, etc., 119,
Repoi* by:
120,208: amendments to sequestration act,
Continuance in office of major-generals and
120, l!U, 3 3 . 413; Treasury notes legal tenbrigadier-generals of the I'rovisional Army,
der, 161, 132, 411, 413; legalization of acts of
30, 31, 62, 211; procuring nisps for use of
district attorney, marshal, etc., of Tennescommiltee, 31; authorizing appointment of
see, 174; mernoriitls and petit.ions, 192, 348,
commander i n chief of Army, 33; destrue413; increasing penalty in certain criminal
tion of property, 55, 63; suppression of
cases, 192; abolishmentoiofficesof Assistant
dninkenness in Amiy, 62,191: passports, 6-1:
Secretary of State and Assistant Attorneypublic defense, '74,106, 156,158,214, 281, 294,
(;r:neral, 192; relief of certain persons, 193,
3 i i , 448, 483, 434, 488; clerical force in War
323, 324; pnnishment for forgery and counDepartment, 75,23L; exemptions from militerfeiting.191,418; officerto act as President
tary service, 79, 192, 3<3,.55i: enlistment of
in case of vacancy, 234: suspension of writ
cooks in Army, i 9 ; fixing rank and pay of
of habeas corpus, 23.5, 37Y-377, 412, 413; punadjutants and first sergeants, 79; appointishmcnt for trading with the enemy, 2.35;
ment of chief, Iaborntorian, etc.,i9; increase
prompt returns from disbnrsing officersand
of Army, 106,'255.435; reenlistment of volunagents, 273; payment of census takers, 523;
teers, 117; trmsportation and clothing for
confiscation of estates for treason. 34.3; oath
voluntecrs, 118; furloughs in ccrtuin cases,
of allegiance to United States by residents
118; pay of sergeant-majors and quarterof Confederate States, 348; punishment of
master-sergeants, 118; manufacture of w m y
?laves taken i n r7rms against Confederate
shoes in camp, 118; pay and allowances due
States, and of officers commanding them,
deceased soldiers, 118, Y31; mannfacture of
arms, 118: detailing iirtisans and meclranics.
348: retaliation in certain cases, 348, 413;
pnnishmrmt for felonies committed by OR118, 126; construction of railroads, 119, Zb9,
260; tender of troops by brigades, 119; chapcers and privates in Army of the United
lains, 119,190,2:F: niannfticture of saltpeter
States. 848; repressing atrocities of enemy,
and small arms, 123: inormsing personal
348: martial law,373-3i7,412; changing time
staff of the President, 12.5: working niter
for assemblifiq of Congress, 410,411; protectcaves, 125; transportation of troops, eta, 152;
ing persons resisting invasion, 412; amnesty
pccuniary aid to ~ x i a ~ n e rofs war, 155;
to dislo!%l persons, 413: protection of issue
mcmorials and peiitions, 166, 161, 190of Treasury notes, 414; claims of deceased
182, 191, 364: efficiency of Yediciil Departsoldiers. 413, 419; commission for trial and
56; payment of officers of Virginia
punishmentof offenses in Army,42S: chang167, 189; maintcnance of legal
ing place of holding court, 418; jndicial
strength of Army, I b i ; keeping firearms in
districts i n Texas. 418, 449; fees of district
hands ol effective men, 15i; arming troops
attorneys, 449; commmiication from the
with pikes, 167; cmployment of Inale slaves
Attorney-General, 449: organizing military
on Oovcmmcnt mork, 158, 44X; prohibiring
conrts, 489, Private Secretary for the Vicetransportation to and sale of certain articles
President of Confederate States, 536; fngii n places held by the encnry, 18S, 189; ef7tive slaves, 5 3 .
ciency of the c ~ v a l r y ,189: extension of
Committee on Xedlcal Department..
terms of service of volunteers, 189; volunAppointed, 825,359.
tary contributions i n aid of the war, 189;
Bills, etc., referred to, 343, 362-364, 361, 384, 400,
thanks to patriotic women of Country, 189;
payment of musicians, 190; increase of ArReports by:
tillery Corps, 190; prompt returns from disGranting of sick furloughs, 409: provision for
bursing officers and agents, 1% lOSS O f
sick and wounded soldiers i n hospitals, 444.
pliblic property, 190; addi tional fortificaCommittee on iilltary Affit.irs.
tions on the Mississippi River, 190; manuAppointed, 11,15,21,?4,160,162,194.
facture of rifle gins, 191: creation of office
Bills, ek., referred to,2'2, 24, 26-31, 33-35, 43-47,
of Judge-Advocate-Genc.ral, 191; drill50-54,56,67,61,66,67,i1,55, 'ii,XO,8",8648,91.
masters, 194; efficiency of the Army. 200;
93, g b g i , 108,108,109,119,122-1'26,127,129,130,
q~pointmentof artillery offi
132, I.%?,139, 142,145,147,151,153.1%, 156,162,
visional Army, 214; incrr!:ising Engineer
163, I&, 165, 176,IHl-IW, 187,191-193,202,204,
Corps, 214: Signal Corps, 21.1, 3 7 , supp
213, 253, 262,266,2R7,296,29T,300,30?-305,307,
small arms, 216; relief for !oldicrs' fan1
309-816, 318,520,322,324,32i-333,3%, 336,340231; calling forth the militia, 232; organiz343, 349-351,357, 360-36?,365,367,370,371,353,
ing bartalions of sharpshootern, 232, 292;
3i9,381, %4, %36,89Y, 402,412,414,418,420,4'6recognizing organization oi ccrtnin military
435,463, 470,4ii, 485,486,496,500, m4,506,
companies, 234; organization of the Army,
50i,512,526,532,539, 547.




Comnlitt,ee on Xilltarg AR:cirs-Contitiued.

ReporLT by-Continued.
255; increasing Quartermaster and Commis
sary Departments, 255; organizing bands 0
partisan rangers, 261. 403; commissioners t(
audit claims created byoficers of the Army
268; relief of certain persons, 276,285; Nary
land Line, 276; organization of general staf
for Army, 276, 429, <doo,484, 485, 522, 532; a p
pointment of superintendent general o
armories, 277; artillery officers for ordnancc
duty, 324, 377; impressmcnt of slaves, 324
discharge of soldiers under 18 years of age
324; filling up of existing companies, regi
merits, eto., 336, 3 S i , 4%; horses, 3G2, 363
increasing Medical Corps, 362; completior
of railroads, 302,363; separation of Pay ant
Quartermaster Departments, 362; paymeni
o f officers and soldiers, 363; shelter and sub
sistence of troops passing through Rich.
mond, 363; granting of sick furloughs, 3F3
commutation of clothing, ctc., 363; seizurt
by Government of cotton and woolen manufactories, etc., 363; transportation of soldiers, etc., 363; food for the Army, 363
increasing and regulating appointments 01
general officers, 364,535: medals, 364,403,554,
appointments i n Provisional Army, etc., 364;
nnmberof men on pay in tbeArmy, etc.,364;
relief of disbursing officersand otheragents,
364: substitutes, 364, 419, 47% privates for
police duty, 364; raising of ndditionsl forces
i n Xissouri aud Kentncky.361,5%4; t.ransfer
of troops,365;thanks to certain officers and
men, 373., 404: rank of officcrs of lrovisional
Corps of Engineers, 3 i 7 ; ilirreasing pay of
enlisted d e n , 377; claims a p i i i s t ~onfederate States, 3%; appointnient of adjutants of
regiments, 404; disc~hargeof conscripts over
35 years of age, 125; organizntion of forces
in States occupied b y enemy, 429: protection
of unenrolledpersons i n arms, 440; exchauge
of citizens held as prisoncrsof war byenemy,
440,441: volunteer companies for local defense, 440; establishing places for examination for military duty, 441, 521; purging
Army of.ignorant and incompetent officers,
447, 448, 540; quarters for Army Intelligenc2e
Office,448; election of officersby regiments
and battalions, 448; camps of instruction,
470; manufacture of clolhimg and shoes for
Army, 453,488; organization of staff dcpartments of the Army, 483; payment to wid.
ows, etc., of bounties due deceascd holdicrs,
483, 484; riegroes captured by the encmy,
484; conviction for treason, etc., 484; l a w of
exemptions, 484; bounties nnd furloughs,
484, 523; receiving into service ccrtaiu regiments, 491, 524; Consolidation of rednccd
regiments, 541, 542; return of pay rolls to
proper authorities, 555; repelling invasion,
556: regulating pay of officcrs of the Army
enrollment of conscripts,
Conimittee on WavaI ARairs.
Appointed, 11,15,21,309.
Bills, etc., referred to,24,31,48,57,67,7&SO, 86,87,
130,132,162, 182,202,204,213,308,310,349,361,

Committee on Naval ARairs-Continued.

Rills, etc., referred to-continued.
370,373,585,3QU, 410,453, 464,463,469,477,506,
Instrnctions lo, 43,48,67,203,303,320,342,350,365,
Reports by:
Naval affairs, 74; organization of the Navy,
76, 89, 184, 216; purchase or construction of
gunboats, 89, 105, 106, 216, 494,496; defense
of coast and rivers, 96,416, 52% enlistments
in the Bianne Corps, 184,478; establishment
of Naval School, 184; manufacture of .saltpeter and small arms, 184,232; conferring
temporary rank on offlcersof Marine Corps,
184, mainiCacttirc of iron, lead, and copper,
etc., 192, prize inone?, 215; chaplains, 233;
existence of war between thecnited States
and Confederate States, and letters of
marque, etc., 248; thanks to certain officers
and mcn, 415, 417, 456: pay of engineer i n
chief and passed assistant surgeons of Navy,
415; reorganizing & b r i n e Corps, 416; river
navigation,416; promotions in the Navy,dlF,
417; law of privateering, 417, 418; naval
storekeepers, 559.
Conimittee of Ordnmre.
Appointment proposed, 35
I!nnimlttre on Ordnanrp :in6 Ordnance Stores.
Appointed, 325, 359.
Bills, etc., referred to, 3k6
Committee on Ordnance anti the Coudnrt of the
Appointment proposed, 305.
Conimittee on Patentb.
Appointed, 11, 15, 22.
Bill\, etc., referrcd to, 29, 31,75, 103,317, 350,427,

histrucationuto, 487.
Reports by, 84, 271.
:ommittee on Pay and Iileaqe.
Appointed, 11, 15, 22, 116, 125, 306, 307.
Hills, ctc., referred to, 68, 70, 132, 267, 300.
Reports by:
Arrearages of pay and mileage to members of
Provisional Congress, 89,148,273; compenf members of Congress,
members of Congress,
Y&; disbursement of contingent fund, 138.
ommittee on Post-OfRees and Post-Hoads.
Appointed, 11.15,22,87.
Bills, etc., rcfcrrcd to, 23, 24, 30, 31,33,43, 44,50,
55,58, RO,61,67, BS, is,??, 78,81,82,87,122,130,
223,25G, 302,311,313,315, 317,324,531, S36, 343,
362,381,384,410,415,436,458,4iO, 504.
Instructions to, 61, 87, 320, 331, 349, 402, 416.
Reports by:
Establishing post routes, 75, 198, 246, 249, 418,
451,541; postal affairs,120,195,556, memorials
a n d petition-, 195,198,418, 556; suspension of
mailserviceon theSabbath, 195-198,418,556;
advertisement\ by Post-Office Departmelit,
198; prepayment of postage, 198: transportation of mailable matter outside of the mails,
275; adjustme~itof claims for p m t d service,
418, taxation of telegrams with letter postage, 418; Sundaymails, 418, rate of postage,

Coninilttr!r on Poet-OWrea and Post-itoads-con.

Conmlttee on Ways and Meam-continued.
Reports hy-Continued.
Reports by-Continued.
41%; transportation of mails across i\Iissiscollectors, 116; appropriations, 117,287, 359,
sippi River, 451; increasing salariesof route
466 481,515;prohibiting exportation of cot- ,
agents, 5%; caxriage of mails, 556.
ton or tobacco, 117;export duty on cotton
Coninlittee on Irinthg (House).
m d tobacco, 117;public defense, 123;supAppointed, 11, 19, 22.
port of the Government, I%, 175, 514,515;
Bills, etc., refcrred to, 29,53, i x , 80, 85, m, 142,
compensation of the President of the Con182,201, 262, 264,277, 338,348,370,410, 427.:
fedcrate Staterr, 146; payment of war tax,
Instructions to, 53, 78,141.
160,161; production arid purchase of cotton,
Reports by, 61, 62, 78,104,124,158,159,234, 274,
166: tariff, 166; admitting imports dntyfree,
166; estimates, 171; relnission of duty on
Lonimlttee 011 Prlnting (Jolnt).
certain railroad iron, 171; clerical force in
Appointed, 19,28, 29.
Treasury Department, 1i1; relief for MisConimittee O N Public Defense.
souri, 187; advance money to Missouri, 187;
Appointment proposed, 15,35.
depositories of public funds, 187; suspendComiuittee on Quartermasters and Conimisanry
ing collection of taxes in certain States,
Departments and JIIlltary Transportation.
187;dividing appropriation for expenses of
Appointed, 305,325, 359.
War Department and Army, 212; exchange
Bills, etc., referred to, 350, 362-364, 369,364,385,
of bonds, ebc., 214,287;auditing War Depart410,434, 440,463,502, 521.
ment accounb, 275; issue of bonds, 315; deInstructions to, 382.
tecting counterfeit notes, 346,466;changing
Reports by:
form of Treasury notes, 346, 347; relief of
Repealing law authorizing commutation fox
certain persons, 347; provision for raising
soldiers clothing, 444;construction of rail.
revenue, 367; apprehension of countcrfeitroad, 455;requisitions upon Treasury Depart.
ers, 402; payment of census takers, 4W2,403;
ment, 480; qnarters for Army Intelligence
selling property for taxes, 428; extending
session of Congrcss, 447; appropriation for
Committee on llules (Joint).
purchasing and equipping vessels abroad,
468; defense of western antl southern rivers,
Appointed, 7. S, 16.
468; taxation, 514; reducing rate of interest
Committee on Rules and OWcers of the House.
on funded debt, 514, 539; borrowing motley
Appointed, i ,8,15.16,22.
from States, SL1; pnnishmant for uttering
Rills, etc., referred to, 11,14,15,24, 32, 47, i 0 , 99,
or passing counterfeit Treasury notes, 534;
extending term of office of certain war-tax
Instructions to, 24,99,154.
collectors, 540; relief of Bible Society, 549;
Reports by, 15, 16, 19, 21, 37-$2, 73, 74,84,91,123,
copper tokens, 555; coins for the Confeder166.
ate Statcs, 555;pay of thc Presidents mesFomnilttee on Territories ant1 1~hlfcLands.
senger, %5, 556.
Appointed, 11, 15, 22.
Commitlecs, St.aiiding, 7,8,11,15,16,
Rills, etc., referred to, 307.
28, 29,35,87, 99, 11F, 120, 125, 160,162,166, 171,
Reports by:
Kansas affairs,379.
Conimittee on War aid Ordnance.
Cou~munierrtionw i t h the I.:nemp. See Tiadz o?td .
Appointment proposed, U O , 166.
Intercourse: Prohibition, etc.
Comoiittee on War Tax.
Appointed, 304,307.
Army, 13,23, 24,30,33,50,A7, 75,78,68,9, 37,106,
Rills, etc., referred to, 304,310, 311,317.
107,118,1?7,25.5. 305,310,315,331,357,363,364,
Reports by:
368, 389,377,358.
Payment to district collectors, 511.
Assistant Attorney-General, &36,5.48,b50,551,562.
Committee on Ways and l e a n s .
Appointed, 11, 15, 21, 193.
2A1, 263,287.
Bills, etc., referred to, 23,24,29-31,38,43,44,57,
Cadets, 538,548, 550, 562.
61,67,51,78,81,87,&3,103,1l9, 120, Y B ,126,130,
Certain civil officers,361.
183,201-203,212,251,258,261,267,296,301,308, Chaplains, 77,190,231,267,273,276, 294.
force of Executive Departments, Y52,
3fQ366,455,523,527,$28, 547-519,552,5%,535.
353,366,370,381,%3,390, 410, 420, $27,431,433,
Delegates from Indian nations, 513. 514,523,527,
487, 488,496,499,507-509,511, 516,523, M7,532,
Ia.&uctions to, 29, 63,71, 75.77, 5 2 , 123,144,147, District collectoi-6, 33, 116,117,147, 165, 203,212,
146. 175, 182, 233. 263,300, 310, 332, 352,360,
Heads of ~ x e c o t i v eDepartments, 146, 147.
3 2 . 410,496-500,607, 508.
&[ail route agents, 349,526,556.
Reports by;
1\Iembersof Congress, 5&66,68,70,89,1)8-1@P.109stationery to1 members And officersof House,
pq121,y24,127,128,136,140, 148,201,21!1,~23,
46, issue of Treasury notes 79. 117?216, 347,
272, 273,294.
- 403, mints, 7% war tax on cotton. 79. pay.
hxessenger to the President, 508, .%9, 555, 5%;.
ment of pensions, 79, payment to district




lent to Xeinhcrs of Congress, 121,
3,151,1.5", 155, IW, 173,175,201,26i,
KaVy, 320, 368, 370, 415, 416, 439.
Olticers of the Congress, 66, 50, 8.1, 94, '35, 99, 10'3,
127, 274.
I'ostmasters, cleputy,139, I78-181,267,251,283,'~5.
President of the Coiifederatc States,146,147,1S8,
173, 175.
Private properly destroyed, 83-55, c5S-60,1'38, 196,
204, 329,555.
Slaves lost in servicc, 15a,158, 199, 316, 3 i 0 , 459.
Slaves taken b y the cncmy, 410, 4S.I.
Vice-Prcsideiit of the Coiifederatc States, Ilti.
See also Fees.
Con federate Troops.

Acccpttnice of ccrhin or~anizstions.165, 164,

170, 17:%,!?0'2,
234, 2G6, 296,814, 486,4X6,4Yl, 496,
500,531, .505, 506, R1I, $25,5fil.
Arming wit11 pikes proposed, 26, 1:B, 139, 167.
Consolidation of regiments, ctc., 208, 512, 513,
518-521, 326, 5.11, 512.

Firearms i n t h e liandsof effcc:l.ivemmc?rr,157,158,

178, 206.
Number in liclti m i 1 c;nr~psof instruction, 303.
Organization of temporary forces in States
occupied ljy the cncmy, 543.
Partisan rangers, 198, 161, 2F2, 277, 276, 281, 255,
iilics of soldiers, 307, 316.

Shelter and sirlisistence of, passing tlirougll

Richmond, 313, 363.
Statistics, 312.
Tender of, liy Iirigadcs, 67, 119.
Transfers, 266, 30R, 365, 3ti7, ,412, 419, 4'29,447,458,
459, 478, IYb.
Action of the United Sfatcs, 295.
See alxo Alien Emmlcs.
CQIISIWS, U. S. Frigate, 85, 87.
Congrefis of tlic Coiifederiite States (Permr1iien.t.).
Adjournment of sessions, 35, G I , 52, 73, 81, 108,
115, 1~53,154,166,219,229-231,204,270,284, 289292,382,386, %7, 402,411,436, 447, 455: 491,491,
Assembling of sessions, 5, 36, %7,78, lox, 115,264,
295, 296, 366, 370, 416, U i .
Convening of, at extraordinary tinies and
places, 36, 72, 73.
Corps of reporters :mil printers, 322.
Exemption of mernbws rind oflicers from military service, 90,92, 431. 432, 450.
Joint rulcs, 7. 19, 73, 74, 184, 185, 187, 210, 212.
Limitation of legislation, 23, 33,47,50, 51.
Members of the two Houses to confer confidcntially, 74.
Pay of members andofiicers. See Conipensntion.
Safekeeping of records, 35, 72, 73. 142, 284,238,
267, 276,291.

Cotiprem of tlic Confederate States (Provisioi~ai).

Arrearages of pay arid mileage to members, 5;1,
66, G8, 89, 148, 151, 152, 155, 169, 173, 175, 255,
267, 272,273, 294.
Payment for stationery for members, 160, 271,
286, 289, 293.
Printing of Journal, 182, 304, 319.
Privilege of floor of House to ex-members of,
47, 84.
Records of, 16,54,115, 147.
Coiigress of the Uiilted States, 545, 551.
Conii. See Walton dl. Cbn?&,
Coiirad, Charles M. (Louisiana).
Rills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 20,24,87,
24&24F, 259, 262,267,303,318, 358,381, 413,416,

424,472,462,476, 478,494.
Conference, 437.
KrLval AfYairs, 21,74,76,89,105,106,119,184,192,
215,216, '232,248,259,41%417,478,494.
Ordnaiico and Ordnance Storm, 359.
I'etitiony, papers, etc., presented by, 33, 58, 109.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179,244, 295, 563
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,51,52, .%, 59,60,63,
64,69, 70, 81,91,99-102, 105, 111, 121, 126, 128,
136,146,148,159, lfi3,167,lG8,171, 172, 180,191,
193,202,212,216, 218,221, 224-226, 2%231,235,
237, 247,250,257-260,264,265,275,276,259,280,
262,284-286,292,306, 321,323,326, 327, 355, 358,
361,371,378,379,383, 386489,396, 397,399, 400,
408, 409,411,412,425,426,430,43G-439, 443-447,
149, 4R1,453,460,461, 468, l744iG,490, 492,494,
L'oiiroiv, Aaron H. (Xissonri).
l'ost-Officesand Post-Roads, 22, 120.
\Vnr Tax, 307.
Ilepre5entative in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179, 244, 293, 367.
Ye% and nay Totes, 8, 9,91, 99-102, 105,111, 116,
l21,126,l"8, 138,146,148, 151,153,159, 163,167,
168, 171,17", 177,178,180,186,191, 193,212,215,
216,218,221,224-230, 235,248,250, 254,257-260,
264,265,275,276, 279,280,282-266, 292,293, 301,
306,321,323, 326,327,355, 398,360,366, 371,372,
3i8,379,383,386-389,395-397,399, 400,408,409,
411,412,425, 426,442,443, 445447,449,451,452,
Criticism of law, 298, 299, 311.
Enforcement of, in Tennessee, 314.
Jlcssage of the President, 166, 165, 266, 298.
Snmber of soldiers enrolled under act of, 303,

Trans-Xississippi Department, 318, 331, 366

See al\o Ililitary Sewice
2onstitution oP the confederate States (PerniaIlelit,)
Law to carry into effect a certain clause, 23, 31,
123,125,204, 310.
Operation of Government, 104,108.
Foreign residents exempted from militaryserv
Ice by, 322.

Iriquiry i i i tn, i ~ i L l i i n thc Co11fedr:rate Stater,

cotton and Woolen Manufactories.

POwssion of,by Confederate States Government, 363.
Punishment for, 81,127,194,31~,319,346,~0,402,

( ' o a t i n ~ r n tFund.
,irriiy :in4 War Ikgartment:
liivision c t i :qq>ropriation,212, 231, 247, 'h5.
f,'wutcrfeit Soten.
i:i!gnltt Lioiis iis to disbursement, 121, 132, 138,
Detection, 319, 329, 346,347, 390, 402, 468.
1 X?, 2t;i, 271, 274, 294.
Manufacture, 298, 310-312.
Punishment for p&\ing, 486,487, ~234,535,561,564.
I'uynic.iit? from, 11,1~,48,5R,iC,87, 9&,l$&,i?12,
Reward for conviction of forgers, 360,402, $25,
Court of CIaImR.
Establishment, 87, 379.
Courts, Judicial.
I':i)-uii:iik from, .Id, 58.
Change of place of holding, 420,448,486,493,498.
\Yar IJcpartmeilt:
Equalizing a n d fixing salaries of judicial ofiI'aynientv from, 1%.
cers, 50, 68, 119, 120.
('ouk, dames ti., 151, 195.
Establishmerit, 73, 89, 19%.
('ook, \YilIi;ini I)., 540.
Bxemption of juBges, marshals, clerks, etc.,
from military wrviec, 90, %, 431,332, 450.
Georgia, northern district, 141, 117, 151, 1%.
(:omrnerce. 2".
Organization of Supreme, 26, 201, 3 ~ 1 .
I nauglllation, 13.
Texas districts, 4'37, 440, 448, 4-19,
(Jldrmnce a n d Ordnance Stores, 859.
Transfer ul suits to State courts, 45, 8%
Lg.i~sei i i ahseiic'e. 412.
Courts, Bilitar)-.
Armies i n the field, 369, 370, 128, 449, 470, 489,
R q m w i t a t i v e in First Confederate Congress,
I;, I?!), "41,
2%. 563, 564.
496, 498, 537, 527.
Y e i l alld
POICS, x,c, 21,49, 52,54,59,Go, 62-(H,
Limitations, 369, 370.
W , i O , h1,99-102,10~5,111,115,121, 146, 163, 171,
172, l i 7 , 178,ISo,186,1YS.21X,221, 224, Ln5, 228,
Proceedings in casex of drunkenness, 380, 4s.
237, WI,257-260, '225,279, 280, 284, 301,306, 321> Con, Jacob D., 3653.
323,358,361,371,32,378,379, 387, 388,396,393, Con, Jnnies H., 319.
400,411,412,480,4190,492,495,496, 558, 559, 5611, cos, P. B., 87.
Cradtloek, K. B., 203.
563, %G.
Creurbaur, It., XG.
Enlislment, 24, 79. 230, 262, 263, 279,288, 28.5, 316. Crinics nntl I'unislinients.
Aiding t+ie eiiemy, 318.
~ ; i ) i ~ ~ w iSanruci,
Army, not provided for in military code, 174.
Cuoaaw ILiFer, S. C. khgagcment, Jan. 1, 1862.
See Port Royal Ferry, S. C., etc.
Extortion, 5,it
Forgery and counterfeiting, 81,127, 194,312,319,
,\uthors and composers, 360.
Costa, Ji. V., 58.
Frtiud aiid peculation, 129,274,275.
C'othrdn, \ v i d e s., 71.
?,lisapplication of voluntary contributions, 139,
Control by (.'onfederate States, 29.
Trading with enemy, '235237.
Delivery to the enemy proillbited, 181.
m a s o i l , 330,34s,484.
Destruction of. Sc.e Privnte Properl#: UtstrrrCCrittendenl George I$.
t7072, etc.
Action of Congress on report of battle of PishExporlrttiori :
ing Creek, Ky., 95,122, 3U8,:312.
In e s c h x n g e for %It, 386.
Of present crop prohibited, 117, 126, 150, 152, lrockett, John \Y. (Kentucky).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by. 23,32,8l,
162, lt5, 185, 256-'L58.
Export rlntv. 67, 117. 30n,3%2.
Committee on Elections,'L1,114,16!4,393,896,414,
11nri"rssnien t, 532.
~ n d e m n i t yto owners lor destruction of, 27, 55,
Leave 0 1 abwni!c, 4 Y 1 .
petitioiis, papers, etc., presented by, 330,380.
I,imi tation 01 product~on,
29, 75,76,94,98,YY,
Rcpreseiltwtire i n First Confederate Congress,

I,mn to Confederate States,147, 332.

of cards, 151.
I'nrchase by t h e Confederate States, 166.
Sale or hypothecation to torelgll go\'erll~el1t%
292, 53".
Seiznre by General Hindman, 331, 356.
Shipme1it.01, 13, 33, 341, 343.
\Tar tax, 44, 79, 148.


Yea and nay votes, S, 9, 21, 46, 49-52, 64, 59, 60,
&?-64,tiY, 7 0 , 7 i , S1,91,99-102,105,111,115,121,
128,138, 14G, 132, 153,159,163,16i, ICY+,171,177,
1~~,191,193,212,215,216,21X, 221,224, 226-228,
237, 247, 248, 306, 321, 323, S"G, 327, 355, 358,
361,371-373,3iS, 379,386389, 395-397, 399, 400,
m , 4 1 1 , ~112,419,4%,4%6,428.



(:roppc'r S Ihker, 165.

ll., 186.


415.416,.1'24,494,h'21,532, ,567.
cur lev^, C. S. S., 240.

Currency of the C'oufederato States.

Ilecimal system, 97.
Currlti, David M. (Tennessee).
Hills, resolutions, etc.. introduced by, 52,76,:307,
Naval Affairs, 21.
Public Buildings, 22.
Petitions, papers, etc., prescntc4 b y , 7

Itnrgan, Edward S . 4 o n t i n u e d .
IiepresenMive in First Confederate Congress,
Yen and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,46,49,52,54,59,60,
138,146,152,153,163,167,168,171, 172, 177, 178,
180,186,191,193,212,216,213, 224-230, 235,247,
248,250,301,306,321,323,326, 325,358, 361, 366,
371-373,378,379,383,386389,395-397, 399, 400,
408,411,419,425,426,430,435-439, 442, 443,445447,451,452,460,461,468, 474-476, 480, 490,492,
495497,499,501,505, M)s, 515-518, 522, 525,526,
5"8,601,5S9, 543, 547, 549,650,559,562.
I)nsliiell, Rev., 338, 341.
I)iiriilson, Allen T. (North Carolina).
Hills, rcsoliitions, etc., introduced by, 29, 102104,109,350.

W , t i Y , ti9,7u, 77,99-lu'L, 105, 111, 115,121, 126,

128,16?, 1F7,1(iH,171,177, 178,
323,327,3R-I, 358,361,386, 371,
880-389,397,3997400,409,411, 412, r25, 420,

468,474,4TG,48'2,~11)4-497,499-501,505, 809, 51li518,620,525,526, 534,59fi, 637, 543, 547, 549, RLO,

Curry, dirbes 12. 11. (.\labani,1).
Hills, resolutions, etc., iiitrdiiwd by, 7 , IS, :,:I,
58,101,103,106,108, 111, 113, 110, 141, l a , 181,
330,331,336,360, ::90,1Gp, .471,47Y.
C!ommit t (JW:
(:ommrrre, 22, 120. 194, 195.
Coiiferencc, 160.

IUertions, 21.
Rules. 8, 15, 19.
Special, 187, 29G, 297.
1,eave of absence, 516.
Petitions, papers, eto., lireseiitod by, l(i0, 301,
316, 3T3, 415.
lleprescntative i l l First Confctler>ite Cori:.~
5, 179, 244, 295, 567.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,3F, 46,49,51, 52, 54, 59,
60,62-64,69,70, 77, 81, 91, 99-10!, 105,11l,Il(i,
121,126, P a , 138,147,148,132, 153, 159, 163, 167,

460,401, 468,474476, ,180, 491, 492,494-497,

Curtis, Sstnuel It., 263.
('ustoms Jhties.
Cotton a n d tobncco ?sported, 67, 300.
ICxemptionn, 38'2, 110.
Reniitted 011 certain railroad i t w i , 165, 171, 175,
Suspension or repeal, 23,1'20,141.
hIint, 310.
Dargan, E~dru~rd
S. (Alabama).
Bills, resolutions, etc.. introduced tJy, 75, 102,
Conimittee on the Judiciary, 21.'72, 83, 120, 235,
Petitions, pq)ers, etc., presented by, 55,

Couiinittec on l-'ost-Offires and Post-Koade, 22.

Leave of absence, 125, 450.
Petitions, papers, etc.. presented by, 24,109,320.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,46,49-5'2,59,60, 6264, 69, 70, 77,81,91,99-102,105,111,121,153,163,
180,186,191,193,212,216,218,224-230, 237, 248,
250,254,257-260,264,265,275, 276,279,280, 2822YF, 293,301,306,321,323,326, 327, 366, 371-373,
379,383,386 389,395-397,400,408, 409, 411, 412,
419,425,426, $28,430,435138,442, 443, 445, 449,
Ibxvih, George (North Carolina),
Seimtor in First Confederate Congreqs.
Building?, 29.
Special, 13, 184.
h v i s , .r. I,iiriux, ct ni., 110.
h T i S , J. \S., 163, 194, 203, 555.
Ikivia, .JeUersoii.
Approval\, 32, 86,93,101,103,142,143,148,156,164,
175, 191, 'Ul,
205,206, 210, 217,219,2fir,,261,2B6,
271,285-287, 290, 291, 293, 294,382,401,420,429,
442,453,158,478,481, 485, 486,497,5oF,.511,518,
526,527, 560-662,564-567.
Authority as to convening of Congress, 35.
Authority in regard to appointments, 542, 550,
Committee to act with, 52.
Dispatches froni Gen. K.E.
Increase of personal staff, 86, 1"5,162,167,175.
Yesyages to Congress, 25, 26, 31,36, 37, 48,58, 68,
i 2 , 80, 85, 89, 94, 90, 97, 101,103, 107, 108, 110,
121,122, 124,126,131,132, 140,143,144,149,150,
166,157. 1 B 1 , 107,169, 174, 187,188,211,213,216,
212, 22.1,!?50, 251,258,261, 2G3, 266, 267, 281,287,
2K8, 297-299,301,308,312, 319,324,337-339,345,
350, 352,358,366,357,366, 368-370,387, 389,409,
410,420,426, 427,434,437, 439,444,446,452-454,
460,463, 455,477479,482, 483, 488,496,499,512,
513,521, 542, 545,548,553,556,557,560,564.
President of the Confederate States:
Election and acceptance, W ,13,16.
Inauguration, 13, 17-19, 48, 58.
Vetoes, 107, 108, 287,288, 499, 500. 515, 557, fS7.
Ihvls, Jolin N., 329, 348.
lhvis, Beuben (Mississippi).
Hill\, resolntions, etc., introduced by, 24,88,116,
124, 142, 154, 173,182,211, 222,224,227,262,264,
281,291,319, 355.


I h v l s , lteuI~ei~--Continried.

ffnirs. 21, 74, 106, 107, 160.

S j m i t i l , 50.
L w v r of ahsenre, 148,431.
Pctitiony papers, etc., presented b)-, 213).
l<cprCscntrtTivciin First Confederate Congress,
8,159,244, 29.5,367.
otes, 8,9,21,
3~,.i(i,19,50, ti, 54.59,
,70, 77.81,91, 99-102, 105,111, 115,
159, 163,167,
,237,250,254,267-260, 264. 265, 284,
355,358,301, 371-323,358,
379,383, :386-389,335-397,399,400,408, 409, 411,
412. .1G, 430, lY5-439,443-l4G, 449,451453.
I h w k l i i s , James II. (Florida).
Bills, resolutionn, etc., introduced by, 66.
I:lectione, 21, 39h.
S ~ r aAfEiirs,
(.~unrtcrniasters arid Commissary Departmciits find SIilitary Transportation, 359.
Petitions, piiper8, ete., presented by, 23, 66,XI,
Represen t a t i w i n First Confederate Congress,
ti, I T Y , 24.1, 295.
Yea all11 IltlY Votes, 8,9,21,4C,
6 S , i O , 77,81,91, 99-102,105, 115,126,123, 138,
1 ~ ~ , 1 4 8 , 1 5 2 , 1 5 3 , 1 6 3 , l ~ ~172,
, l ~ ,157,
l ~ l178,
225,2%;230, SJR, YJ7, 247,248,250,254,
257-2AO,264, 2G5,
,? ,-,6, A,.), 2W, 28?-?%,292,293, 328,325, 355,
36X,371-873,38, Si9,383, 3%-389, 395-597,400,

nick, n. T.
Designs for eag, 104.
Dimmock, Charles, 17.
DSsLurslng officers.
Relief for, 27,338,341,364,
456, 463
Returns, 117,190,26~m,
273, 274,470, 655.

Conscripty a t 35 sears of age, 425.
Prevention of, for certain regiments, 213,216.
Private soldiers under I8 year8 of age, 311,32.1328,366,367.
SICk and wounded soldiers, 290, 343.
Special reasons, 386.
District bttorneys.
Compensation, 119,210,211,248,

Exemption from military service, ~2,431,432

Dlxos, Robert E.
Clerk of House of Representatives, 8,9,540,651,.
l)%%Ctt,D. s.9 108,115,121. 124,127, 133,373, 3b0,
383,390, 410.
Donald, Ben. 8 .
Design for f l ~ g81.
I~onelsnn,Fort, Tenn. S u r r ~ n d ~ Feb.
r , 16, 1862,
25,28,30, 71, 7677,85,88,122, 155,104,
16b, 154,

Dnrtdi, Willinin T. (North Carolinr~).

Senator i n First Confederate Congress.
Committee, special, 296.
J)ouslas, Stephen A., 348.
Draft. See Conscription.
h e w r y , A.
Thanks of Congrers, 538,361,352,401.
Drearys BlnQ, Va. B n ~ a g e ~ n @ 3nht ,y 15, 1862.
Tlianks of Congrev to (ommarider Furrand
406,411,412.419,425,426,42X,430, J5Z-438, 442and Captain I)rc\vr?, 338, 339,347, 349, 361,
444, 146, l(iO,31j1, 468,474476,480,499,
494, 495,
1)ebts of the Coiifedrracy.
Eniployment, 103,13S.191,272,275,280,294.
Jntereat due on existing, 129,149,498,608.
Rate of interest reduced, ~ 1 1 , 5 3 8 ~ ~ 1 0 , . 5 ~ 9 , 5 6 0 .I)runk~niiessin the Ariii).
Court-martial proceeemgy, 380,483.
Derrased Soldiers.
Punishment for, 231,260,266,294,380.
Pay and allownnces due. 47, 07, 109,118,120,
231, 232,261,266,841,
352, 3.53, 413,
Uuko, Thonias T., 3%,348.
414,43.5,4-19,449,46:3, 177,478,484,486.
Dnnean, Jenie5 B., 11,16,18,140.
Pensions to widows, 122.
I)nnran, Johnson li.
De Havilland, J .
Artion of Conprcss on report of operatlonsahoot
Design for flttg, 130.
Sew Orie:iiis, IA., 319.
1)c .fHrn&C, Daniel C . (Virginia).
Uuunliigton, dolin W., 308.
Bills, resolutions, etc., iiitroduccd by, 325.
I)upcQ, Curin$ J . (Louisiana).
Committee on Foreign Affairs, 21, 323, ,529.
Bills, resolutions, etc., IiitrodiicedLy,T,1,108,311,
petitions, papers, etc., presented by, GX, 9%
% I , 474,512,518,525,626,528.
KeprePeiitative in First Confederate Congress,
i,li9,?44,2!Xi,54i, j63.
Conference, 548,5,52.
Indian Bffaiis, 22.
69,77, 81, 91,99-10, IO~5,111,116,121,126,
Printing, 22.
138, I.%,153, 159,169,Xi,168,151,172,377,178,
Special, 110,328.
180,166, 191,193,202,212,218,216,218,?21,227,
petitions, papers, em., presented by, 142,311.
229-231.237, 247,248,254,257,259,
?GO, 264,276,
284-286,292, 306, 321,323,326, 327,360,366,371- Reprcsentatis c in First Confedcrate Congresi,
373,378,333,386-38!4,395-397,399,400,408, 409,
yea and nay voteq, 8,9, 21,36,46,49,51,52,54,59,
411,412, 419,425,4?G,428,43O0,4J5-438, 4.12-447,
GO, 62-64, 69,70, 77,XI, 91,89-102, 105,111,116,
449, 451, 460,461,468.474-176,4SO, .190,49&49%
pzi,126,12$.14G,I52. G3,163, 167,168,171,172,
498,497, 499,500,505,509,516-518,320,522,525.
526,j ? ~53&531,536,537,
$47, 513-551,
379,384 386489,3951)eyositories of Funds of ConPedernte S t x k s .
397, 3~19,
Increase of, 172,173.187.216.



Deska, Ben., 151,199,219,267, 270,

276, 290.




h p - 6 , 1,uclus J.-Continued.
IM and nay \.otcs-Continned.
461, 468, 474. ,175,480,490, 4V2,49&497,499501,
505, 509, 515-518,520,522. 525, 626,528,532,534,
536, 537,539,543,545,549,550,558,53 562,563.
Duties. See Cuslo?na Dtilies.
Early, Joiin, 295, 300,302, 307, 309.
Etlaitrds Perry, V:I. Ihigagenicnt, Oet,. 22, 1861,
E:meger, \Vllllnsi Heury, 177.
Eikhorn, Ark. Rat.tle, h r e h 6-8, 186%
Action of Congress on reports, 263, 281,270.
Kesolntions on death of Generals MeCullocb
and Melntosli, 213, 214, 279, 2%J,285.
Thanks of Congress to Genertrlr Van Dorn and
Price, 213, 21-1, 279, 2x3, 285.
Elliott., ,Jiinies Tfioiiiiis, 153, 195.
I<iliott, Johu 1.(Kentncky).
Hills, resolutionu, etc., irmoduced by, 10. 1W2,
I.:llr(Jlled Bills, 22,25,74, S7,93,110,119,125,127,
129, 136, 151, 178,?ll, 214, 216,2?3,251,2(i3,271,
273,274, 276,279,280,282, 263,286, 289,291,294,
359, 361, 372,389,439, 444, 455,477,498,507,527,
836,542,5.19,551,5j4-557,561, 568,564,566.
I n d i ~ nABairs, 22, 513, 514.
It:tilions, papers, etc., presented by. 81, 261.
Heprcseiittttivc in Pint Confederate Congress,
6. 179, 244, 295, 668.
Yeti m d n a y votes, 8, 9,46, 51,52,54,59,60,62,63,
69, 70, 77, 81, 91, 99-102, 105, 111, 115, 121,126,
12Y,138,148,157,178,215,216, 224-%31,247,248,
250,257,255, 275,27G, 279,280,282,284-286, 292,
293,301,306, 323,36,37,361,372,383,386-389,
395-397,399,400,411,4!25,426,430,435-439,44L445,451,4j2, 474,4iS,492,495-497,499-501,509,
515-518,520, 522, 525,626, 325, 532,534,636,537,
Eiinrr, Jacob, 3-13.
Eniaitcipritloa of Xlrves.
Bfessnge of Iresident Lincoln, 163.
Procl~nnationof President I h c o l n , 469.
nier~on,Priiiiiis, 469, 494.
iqineer Corps.
J)cficien(:y i n tipproprintion, 431, 440.
Increnso of, in Irovisional Army, ,182, 214, 279,
p a , 285.
Rank of officers,309, 877, 412, 419, 429-481.
European Power&.
Comniissioncrh. See Comnissionas lo, etc.
Foreign consuls residing i n Confederate States,
15, 45, 317, 333, 331, 421-424, 464-467.
Treaties, 65, 66.
I(vnns, Sstlran C.
Action of Congress on report of biittlc of Leesburg, Va., 37.
Xweli, lllelrard S., 329.
I.:a.iiig,(;eorge W. (Kentncky).
Hills, resolntio~is,etc., intrndnced by, 232, 346.
Commiltce on Territories and Public Lands, 22.
Leave of absence, 431.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6. 13, 244, 295, 367.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,46,49-52, !54,69,80,C264,69,70,77,81,91,99-102,105,111,1 lF, 121,126,
128,138,147,148,151,153,167,168,171, 172,177,

khlnp, George \\.-Continued.

Yea itnd nay votes-Continned.
230, 235,237,247,248,250,301,306, 321, 523, 326,
327,354,358,361,872,373, 378,379, 383, 33-389,
39,~397,399,400,405,409,411,412,419,425, 426,

Executive Departments.
Clerical foree,75, 89,93,167, 168,171-174,181,202,
214,223,!?32.247,255,261,263,286,300, 305, 312,
332,350,366,455,523,527,528,547-549, 552, 554,
Cost of public buildings used by, 75.
Exemption of officersand employeesfrom military service, 90, 92, 431, 432, 450.
Organization under Permanent Constitution.
104, 108.
Salary of licads of, 146, 147.
Exeniptlons from Conscriptlon. See Nilitary

Cotton and tobaeeo prohibited, 117,126,150,152,
lW, 165, 185, 256458.
Cotton i n exchange for salt,386.
Esprers Compaules.
Tramportation of mwlable matter, 223, 274,275,
279, 291.
kntrfsx, Arclilbsld B., 350, 354.
Fanny, U. 9. Transport, 373,456.
Ferrand, V:beaezer.
Thaulrsof Congress, 338,347,349,361,372,401,415
F:trrh, A. r., 331.
Vrrron, J:imes (Soilth Carolina).
Billu, resolutions, ctc., introduced by, 129, 304,

Clnims, 22
Medical Department, 359, 373.
Special, 507, 384
Leave ot absenw, 373
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 82,182,204,
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179, 244,295, 367,647,563, 564.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,3G, 46,49-52,64, 59, 60,
62, 63, 69, 70, 81, 91, 99-102, 105, 111, 115, 121,
126, IL8, 138, 148,151,159,167,177,178,186
193,202, W 2 , 215, 21G.218,2221,224,226-231,255,
282-286,293, 301, 306,323,326,327,355,358,361,
366, 371-373, 378 379,383,386-389,394-397,400,
409, 411, 412, 419,430,435-43H,442-445,a47,449,
451453, 460,461,168,474-47(i,480. 490,492,194497, 499-501, C@5,509,615-518,520,522,525,526,
528. 534,536, 537, 539,543,549,550,652,558,559,
562, 503, 566.
Feiithorston, Wlnlleld S.
Action of Congress on report of battle of Leesburg, Va., 142.
Clerks, marshals, etc., 27, 119, 120, 183, 202, 206211, 261, 263. 276, 287,290
District attorneys, 210, 211, 378. 449.
Pin:iiiclal and Commercial Independence. See
Cornmiltee on Cominerczal and Fi~ia?lalzezal
Fishing Creek, Ky. Battle, Jan. I!), 1562.
Action of Congrew on report, 97, 1T2, 308, 312.
Property losses, 30.

Flxc and Seal of the Confederate S~AWR.
oi flag, 252, 273, 3.19, %w.
lnodels proposed, 28, 81, w, 103,104,
.51, lG4,181, 204,208,234,359,380, 381.
l+tal~lis11i n en tof seal,431,440,5S8.562,563,5t35,%.
I'uyineri t Iur specimen flags, 291.
I'iliiiihn~entfor counterfeiting seal, 81.
See also (.%Jnmritteeo a Flag and Seul (Jcird).

Klectoral votes, 12.
1,cgirlritive proceedings, 66, 119.
.\lcmorial uf Governor of, 410.
Xeinnriuls and petitions of citizens, 141, 331.
Post router, 23, 81, 141, 249, 331.
Reprt.sentatires in First Confederate Congress,
6 , 295.

Floxd, .John B., XS, 164.

Fonte, Daniel I)., X2.
Food. Sec Procisiuns.

1~54,161,175,1Y",218, YL0,222,224, 227, 236, 2-14,

2N,%YG, 297. 300, 306,313,314,320-322,350,3iR,

Foreign Affairs, 21, 45, 64,65, 86, 333-335, 345,
Special, 7, 28, 48, 122, 234, 328.
I'etitions, papers, etc., presented by, 97, 385,469.
Repregentatirc in First Confederate Congress,
7, l i 9 , 244,295, 367.
Tea and nay votes, S,9,21,36,46,50-52, 51,59,60,
fi2-6.4, 69, 70.77, 81, 91,9'&102,105,111,115,121,
126,128, l:B, 147,118, 162,153,159,163,167,171,
172, 180, 191,193, W2,212,215,216,218,221,224231, '237,247.248,2jO,2M,257-260,264,2G5,284288,293, 301,306,321,323,326,327,354,3.58,360,
368, 372, 3i3,3i8, 3i9,383,386389,39.5-397,400,
411,412, 419,4'?5,42C, 430,435438,442,4443,445,
499-501, ,MY, 515-518,520,625,526,528,532,534,
536, 539,543,558, ,559,,566.
Ford, Rev.. 19, 28,32,36,46, 50,57,60,66,70.
Ford, (4. W., 386.
F'niiishment for, 127, 1Y4, 380, 402, 413.
Forrest, Steamer, 240.
Forrest, French, 350, 353, 354.
Forrest, Sathan B.
Action of Congress 011 report of evacuation of
Sashrille, etc., 388.
stnteinent regardiiig battle of Fort Donelson,
Tenn., 379.
Tllatlhs ui Congress, 307.
Porrrst, Fort, S. F., 239.
Foster, T h o n i ~ nJ. (Alabama).
Bills, reaolutionu, etc., introduced by, 29, 50,80,
87,101,158,162,li2,181,186,2001,237, 246, 308,
316, 341, 342, 377,413, il5,457,459-461,472,4f%
Accounts, 22,120.
Special, 28,'50, 231.
Territories and Public Lands, 22.
I'etitions, papers, etc., presented bs, 181,203,269.

Foster, Thomas J.--Continiied.

Representative in First Confederate Coiigres,s,
10,173,244,295,367,517, &3,5&j.
Yea and nay votes, 21,36,46,51,52,61,59,60,6264, 6% 70,77,81, 99-10!!, 105, 111, 116,121,126,
1% 138,147,152,163,159,163,167,168,171,172,
177,178, 180,~&6,191,193,203,216,218,221,224230,'Wi,
247,248,250, ~4~ 257,258,260,2~,2m,
2% 276,2'i9,280,283,301,306,321,323,326,327,

354,358,360,3GG, 372,373,3iS, 379,3w3$9,39&

43bl38, 44244R, 449,451,452,460,461,468,476,
476, 480, 491, 492,494-497,499,505,509,515418,
570, 522, 525,526,5!!8,532,534,538,537,539,54~,
547, S9-552,558,559,662,563,566.
Fowler, N. \V.
Design for tlag, 151.
Negotiations with, 466.
Punishment for, 129, 274, 275.
Freeman, Thonins W. (Missouri)
Committee on Territories and Publir Lands, 22.
Leave of absence. 150,428.
Representative i n First Confederate Congress.
6. 179, 244. 295, 367, 563.
Yea and iiay votes, 8,9, 321,323,326,327,354,358,
361,366, 372, 378,379,386-389,395-397,399,400,
408, 409, 411, 412,419,4'28,430,435-439,442447,
449, 451453, 468,469,476,476,480, 4110,492,494497, 499-501, 515418,520, 522,523,526,532,534,
536,537,539,543,519;,52,559,56", 563,566.
Frontier Defenses. See T P ~ s .
Fry, H. W., BY.

Artisans detailed from the Army, 118.
Bounty and furloughs, 220,225,484,492,504,523,
542, 561.
Pay of officers on, 470, 556.
Sick and wounded, 43,118, 142, 315, 363,409,411,
Ualnes, R. G . , lb3.
Uaither, Burgess S . (North Carolina).
etc., introduced by, 226, 249,
J M ~ Sresolutions,
270, 313, 344.
Kaval Allairs, 21.
Special, 76, 238, 243, 244.
Leave of absence, 370,459.
Representative in First Confederate COngreSq,
6, 179, 244, 295.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,36,46,49,51,62,54,59,60.
02-64,69,70,81,91,99-10!2,10~& 111,110,121,128,
138, I.%, 163,167,16S,172,186,212, 21.5, 216, 218.
221,224-230,235,248,250,2~54, 257-260,264, 265,
275,276,279,280,2R1-286, 293, 301,306,321,323,

Gardenhire, E. 1,. (Tennessee).

Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 24,26,67,
97, 145, 250.
Claims, 22.
Elections, 21,177.
Enrolled Bills, 262, 264, 265, 280, 453.
Leave of absence, %,
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 26, 53.
Reprenentative in First Confederate Congress,
7, 179, 244, 295, 367, 547.



Oardeulilre, E. L.-Continued.
Yea itnd nay votes, 8, 9, 21,3G, 46,49-5'2,54,59,60,
193,203,212,215,216,218,221, 2%-230, 235, 237,
247,248,250,254,267-260,265,275, 276, 279,280,
283-2%, 292,293,358,361,366,372, 373, 378, 379,
383,387-389,396-397,399,400,408, 409, 411, 412,
419,430,435-439,442-446.449,451, 453, 469, 474,
480,491,492,49Fa97,499-.50l1 505, 509, +51.%518,
520,522,52.5,526,528,532,534,537,539, 543, 549552.

Uarlaud, Augustus H. (Arkansas).

Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 11.33,43,
% , X i , 9:3, 146,160,415,479.
Conference, 125, 127, 128.
Judiciary, 21. 83.
Special, 555.
Contested election to House of Representatives,
Leave of absence, 234, 313.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 163, 187.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votes, 8 , 9, 21,36,46,51,52,54,59,60,
138,146,148, 151,163,159, 163, 167,171,172,180,
186,195,212,215,218, 221, 371, 373,583,386,388,
389,39,V397,400,4CX,409, 411, 412,419,450,435,
436,489,4.12446,449, 4.53, 460, 461,475,176, 480,
490,4!12,496-197, 499-501, 505, 509,515-5518,520,
,522,525,526, 528, R32, 534, 536, B39,643,559,5G2,

Uarnett, luseoe It. H. (Virginia).

Hills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 27, 29,
53,65,71, 82,88, YO, 91, 91, 10.5, 106,116,176,193,
9,343,391, 43R, 440, 411,445,460,491,
Conference, 481, 490.
Military Affairs. 194,404,438,448,460.
Special, 50,150.
Ways and Means, 21,1G6,1G7, 183, 193, 481,485.

Leave of absence, 125, 236.

Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 350.
Represeiitativc in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votes, 21,36,47,49-52,54; 59,60,62tX,69,70,77,81,91,99-102,105,111, l l G , 121,148,
152,16Y,IG3,167, 168, 171, 177,178,180,191,193,
105,212,215,216,218, 2'21, 2'24-230, 236,306,321,
523, 326, 327,387-389, 395-397, 400, 408,409,411,
412,430,436438, 442445, 449, 461453,460,461,
469,476,480,490,492,494, 497, 499,505,509,515518,520,525,526,534,537, 543, 547, 549,550,552,
Unrtrell, Luclus J. (Georgia).
Bills, resolutions, eto., introduced by, 23,47, 61,
72,110,141, 175, 181, 201, 203, 209, 211,236,264,
Committee on the Judiciary, 21,31,78,84,89,119,
161,192,208,210,234,235,273,323, 348,367,410413,445,449,489,536,537.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 17,181,317,
324, 381, 470.

(iartrell, Luolus .J.--Continued.

Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179, 244, 295, 367, 547.
Yca and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-52,54,59,60,
6744, 69,70, 77,81, 91, 9%102,105,111,115,121,
126,128,138,147, 132,153, 159,163,167,168,171,
172, 177, 178, 180, 186, 191,193,203,212,215,216,
218,221,224-230,235,237,247,248,250,154,257260,26p, 265, 2ib,276,279,280,282,284-286,293,
301, W, 321,323,32fi, 327,355,358,361, 366, 372,
373,378,379, 383, 386-389, 39Fh?97,400,408,409,
411,412,419,425,426,4'28, 430,435438,442-447,
449,451,452, 460,461,469, 475,476,480,491,492,
515-518,5%, 522,525,
494-497, 499-501,505, <W,
5%, 528,532,634,536,537,539,643,647,549,550,


Qdsseudl, French Steamer, 72.

Grtlln, Illchard C., 238, 242.
General StaU. See A m y of the ConfedeateStafes.
Gentry, Xeredltli f. (Tennessee).
Committee, special, 284.
Leave of absence, 139.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
108, 179, 244, 295.
Yea and nay votes, llI,ll5,121,128,163,168,171,

493,497,494-501, X5,522,5%5,526,528,558,559,
Communication from Governor of, 47.
District courts, 141, 147, 151, 156.
Electoral votes, 12.
Memorials and petitions of citizens, 43, 58, 67,
75, 81, 181, 194, 302, 310, 311,317, 324, 331, 343,
Post routes, 58, 75, 181, 249, 317, 331, 458,541.

Kepresentatives in First Confederate Congress,

6, 18, 97, 137, 295.
Ueorgia Troops.
Infantry-Regiments: 1st BeKUkrs, 420.
Ulbson, J. F., 87.
Ullbert, 1,. D., 9.
Ulasscock, Jnmes, 55.
Goode, Johu, jr. (Virginia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 45,505,307.
Enrolled Bills, 171.
Indian Affairs,22.
Medical Department, 359, 373.
Special, 307.
Leave of absence, 64, 139, 373, 402.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 110, 165.
Representative in Fint Confederate Congress,
7, 179, 244, 295, 367, 547, 563.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49,51,62,54,91,
99-102,105, 111, ll5,126,128,1G3,1G3,171, 172,
177,178, 180,191,193,202,212,21~5,216,218,221,
224-231,!235, 237, 247,248,250,254,257-260,264,
276,284,286, 293,301,306,321,323,326,327,355,
358,361, 366, 372,373,383,386389,395397,399,
400,419,425, 426,430,435,436,4;8, 442445,447,
449,451-453,460,461,469,475,476, 480,490,4Y2,
494-497,499-501,505,509,515-518,520, 522,525,
%26,528,532, 534, 536,.537,539,.543,647,549-,552,
558, 559, 562,563,566.


Goodman, J. D., 155, 555.
Gordon, Wllliarn F., Jr.
Clerk pro tcmporc of the House, 5.
(;orgas, Josinh.
Chief of Ordnance, 163.
Uoveriinlent of the Confederate States.
Clainls Hgainst. See Chinis; and Con?miUce 01%
Foreign consuls, 47, 4ti, 317,32y, 333,354. 421-424.
Hecnrity of archives, 35, 72, 73, 142, 234, 238, 2665,
Z i t i , 291.

support of:
Appropriatiorts. See A p ~ i r q ~ r ~ u t i i ~ i t s .
Cotton and tobacco i n exchange for Confederate States bonds, 29'2, 532.

Construction of, 24,48, 89, 105, 159, 162, 164, 308,
316, 3'29, 424,494.
Habeas Corpus.
Suapensioil of writ, 34, 52, 150, 142, 194, 235, 279,
280,290,318-320,373-377,384,391, 412,418,481,
Hairston, WillIamy 110.
IIa11, W i l ~ l t 1 8 ,349.
Halleek, Henry W., 298.
Halgburtnn, James D.
Admini~tersoath to the President. 18.
Ilanipton Roads, V8. Uatt.10, lareli S-9, 1862.
Action of Captain Bnchanan, 211.
Action of C0ngre.w on report of Captain Buch-

Mesaage of the President, 82, 85.
(joreroor Rfoore, C . 6 . Gunboat.
Thanks to Captain l i t i c h a ~ ~ aHiid
n command,
T h a n k s of Coiigrcsn to officers and men, 117.
80, 86, 87,133.
(Jraliarn, M. If. (Texas).
Haueoek, Spencer T., 48.
Bills, resoliit~ions,ete., introduced by, 18'2,270, Ihnly, Thoinns I(. (Arknnsas).
Rills, resolutions, etc.. introduced by, 22, 4'7,66.
Committee on Ways and Means, 21.
I'etitiona, papers, etc., presentcd hy, 88.
Representative i n First Confederate Congress,
i,179,244,295, 367, 54i.
Account% 2'.
Indian Affairs,2.'
Yew nnA nay yoten, 8,9, 36,47,5'2,54, >59,60,(;2-64,
Spccinl, 28, 234.
69,iO. 81,99-102,105,111.116,126, 128.138,159,
163,1~i7,171,177,178,191,1(13,'102, 212,316, 418,
Petitious, papers, etc., presented by, 10, 25, 97.
221,224-Wl,235,247,248,'LI,0, 254, %7-259, 264,
265,275,276,2i9,280,283-286,293, 301, 306, 321,
Representative in First Confedertbtc Congress,
3'23, 3,55,k5X, 3ti1,36G, 372,373,378, 379, 386-388,
5, 179, 245, 295, 367, 5CA.
39~>397,400,408,409,411,412,419,426,430, 438,
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21, :36,47,51,52,54,59,GO,
442444,41i,449,451-453,460, 461, 469, 4%. 4i6,
62-64, 69, 70, 77, 81, 91, Y9-lo", IOj, Ill., 115,121,
4Y0, 4Y'2,49Ct97,4Y9,505,509. 515-518,520, 526,
128,188,147, l.i.2,153, 103,1G7,168,1.71,172,177,
539,543,547,549,550, 552, 558, 559,

Uraiiberry, J. C., 305.
(:my, Peter W. (Texas).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 63, 122,
173,25i, 322,386, 420,481,462,488,515.
Flag and Seal, 22.
Judiciary, 21, 82. 83. 413.
Leave of absence, 150.
Petitions, paperu, etc., preseiited b>-,382.
RcpresentRtive i n First Confederate Congress,
yea and nay votes, 8 , 9,21,:16, .LT, ~Y-s~.,s,

430,435, 436, 438,4*2-445,447,449,451-4W460,

461, 4iiY, 4i.l-476, 490,4Y2,494-497,499,505, 509,

178, 180,18B,191,199,212,215,216,218,~21,224'L30,247,218,257-260,264,265,275,27(i,279,280,
u13-286, 293, 301,30ti, 3'21, 3223,326,327,554,358,
361, 366,3il-Yi3.578,379, 363,38&389,3!&397,
408,442,443,445,447, 449,462,453, 450, 461,469,
474, 480,491,492, 404M97, 499401,505,516-518,
520, 523, h%, 526, 552,634,536,537,589,543,559,
ftapson, LlN!Ien, 3%.
Harnllsoa, donnt~hnn.33G.
Ifnrinony, T,lg. 350. 353, 354.
~[arrla,'viwn:w i. (>1i souri).

Representati\rc in First (:onfederatc Congress,

6, 179, 245, 295, 367, 563, 564.

yen and

Brian, Naney, 104, 120,192.

Totes, 8, 9,21, 94-1029 1053 111,1'6,

121,126, 1118,138,153,16i,1615,17lr177,178,21R,
221,224, 225,229-231,257,250,257-260,264,265,'
28.1-286, 293, 301,306,321,323,326,327,358,360,
366, 372, 3i3,378,379, 386-389,395-397,399,400,



Harrison, Rurton S .

irivtato Secretary to tlic President, 110, 1% 140,

142-344, 148, 149, 135, lG4, lG7, 169,17s5,191,201,
205,216,219,25,5,258, 261,265,267,271,2%, 286,
290,293,294, 29i, 337, 339,350,366,366,Xi8,3X%,
387,401,409, 420,426, 429,437,439,44.1,48%,453,
45R,4GO, 475,477,481,497,611, 5J8,527,M2,557,
5G0, 561, ,545-567.
Hartridge, Jullau (Georgia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 310,917,
333. 360. 4 i 0 , 517.
Coinnii ttees:
Commerce, 309.
Conference, 562.
Ordnanre itlid Ordnt~nccStores, 359.
Special, 110.
ictitions, papers, etc., presented by, 181, 331,
Representrttire in First Confederate tongrcw,
97, 137, 179,245,295,367,663,564.
Yea and nay y o h , 99-102, 105, 111, 116, lL1,126,
128,1.18,152,153,159,163,168,171,172,177, 178,
180,1X6,191,19:~,201,211,216,218, 221, 221-?30,

Henry, (instarus A . (Tenneswe)

Sciiator 111 F m t (:uiifeder:ite Cortgreu.
Conference, 290.
Specid, 566.
Henry, Guxtaviis A., jr., 379.
H e m ) , J . H., 350.
Henry, lntrick, C . S. S.

75, 77, 1 G 1 , 166, 1

IIerbrrt, Calclb C. (hum).
Hills, rewlntions, etc., introduced by, 45, 155,
4,x, 471


i~ndOrdnance Stores, 359.

Io\t-O)fllrcsand Post-Rouds, 22, 526.
Lenvc of &b%ncc,203.
ietitionq, papen, etc., presented by, 86, 10.1,
125, 130.
Representative in First Confederate Congres,
7, 179, 215, 295, 368, 517, 563, 564.
Yea and lia) vutez, 8,9,21,17,49,50, ,52,59, GO, 622&5,237, L I T , 2.18,2.50,254,2576469, i0,77,81,99,100,105,111,116,121,126,
276, 279,280,252-286,293,30(i, 321,
128, 138, 146, 152,159, I G i , 168, lil, 172,177,178,
360,366,372,373,358, R79, 3x3,
180, lb6. 191, 193,215,216,218,221,224-230,237.
400, ~408,409,411,412,419,-125,
254, 257-260, 264,265,279,280,282-286,093,301,
435,458,438, 439,442447,449, 451, 4$2, 460,461,
306, 523, 327, 354,88,361,366,372,3
469,475,47C,4SO, 490, ,192, 191-1Yi, .i99-601,505,
389, 395-397, 400,d08,40Y, 411,412,4
5055,515-51s, 320, $ U , M 5 , 58, X S ,:m, 53,5311,
431, 435,436, 438,4431147,449,4514
637,639,6~1S,54Y,5Xl,bT,L,;,T,X,5.59, SG2, 563, BGG.
474-176, 4b0, 491,49,494495,4Yi, 499-501, *Oh,
Ilarvoy, Ilielixrd X., 361,116.
D15-51P, 522, VA5, 526,528,532,534,530,Si,339,
li:itteras, Fort, N. C., 211.
543, 617, 519-552,659,5ti!, 563,566.
Itaveii, Pdrvurd, jr., 469,494.
IIerrori, Williain It., 139, 100.
Hrrwklns, .James I)., 1G5.
Ifesse, Jaliiix, 332, 402.
llxyiies, W. H . , 379.
HIgglm, I.:dwv;ad.
Ilead, dnliii W.
Actlon of Congress on report of operations about
Action of Congress on report of buttle of Fort
N e n Orlriins, La., 3i9.
I)ollelson, Te1111.. :kX.
IX111, Berjainin I i . (Georgia).
Ilel~kcll,Joseph It. (Tcniiessce).
Senator in First Confedcrate Congrehs.
Bills. resolutions, etc., introrlnccil by. 26,44,91,
129,145, l B G , 172,20i, 3%,275,2X4,?93, 304, 305,
Confcwnre, 181, 4 9 0
Printing, 29.
Hill, 1)aiilel H., 238. 242.
Judiciary, 21,8:3,li4,194,413.
Hill, Gabriel !I., 239.
Special, 150,319,3%,339,359,385.
Iillmitter, P., 130.
War I&x,
Ifllton, Robert B. (Florida)
Petitions, papws, etc., presented by, 71-82.
Bills, resolutions, ete , i n
Repremitative in First Confederate Congrws,
280.302,36i, 437,457,480,489,651.
7, 179, 24,5, 295,367, 547, 563, 564.
Inangiiration, 13
3filitary Affairs, JG?, 191, 371, 404,448, 488, 489,
latent4, 22.
216, PIX, 221,2L.(--?31,235,2:37,P47,250,2>4,2,57Post-Ofhm and Post-Roads, 22.
War Tux, 3U7.
260, 264, 265, 275, 276,279,280,282-286,293,:301,
~ m v of
r iibwice, 148, :(d&
3OG, 321, 32Y, 520,327, 305,3?P3,361,306,372,:373.
Petitions, papers, eta, presented by, 81, 410.
378, 379, 383, 3.3~;..368,395397,399,400,408,4OY,
Reprewritiutive i n First Confederate Congress,
41 1, 412, 419,425,426, 430,43i-439,442,4.13,44.2j447, 449, 451, 433,4(i0,461,469,476, 450,490,
6, 179, 215, 293, 368, 1547, 563.
Yea and nay rotes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-32, 54, 59, GO,
494-497, 600, 501, 505,509,515-518,620,5T2,
528, 632, 534, 63F, 537, 539, 549-55!1,55Y, 562,563,
G2-64,09,70,81, 91.99-102,105,111,1l5,121,126,
Helm, Jotin E., 540.
Hemphkll, John (Texas).
Delegate to Provisional Congress.
Traiisyorl*ttion of rernninn, 104, 199.
Nennlngsen, Charles P., 469.


178,180,18(;,191,203, 212, 215, 216,218,221,224,
225,227-231,235,231,247,24S, 233,254,257-260,
264,2t%,253,2iG, 279,280, 282-%6, 293, 301,306,
321,326, X i , 331,358,361, 366, 371, 373,378,379,
3Y3,386-389,395-397, 400, 408, 409, 411,412,426,

N i l t o n , Ilobert 12.--Coiitinnerl,
Iw aiid t i i ~ y\-otcs--Coritinoed.
.128,430,435-438, 442-4615, 447, 419,451.4,,, 460,
161,4(;9,475,4Sfi, 480,490, 492, 494-49i, 499-501,

Human, d. C., 145,199.

Homes, J .
frovision for officersand soldiers, 381.
Ilooc, Joiiu, 78.


If orses.
Improper Iood for, 313.
Number and value of, lost, 162.
>ayiuent for:
Lost in militaryservice, 3O,82,145,190,191;200,

~ i o d g r ,(ieorge I<. (Kciitucliy).

Ilills, resolutions, etc., irftroauccd I,?, 4.17.
Sara1 AtTalrs, 309.
Ordnance and Ordnancc Storey, 359.
1,eave of abseiicc, 153.
Itepresetilittive i n First Co~ifctlcrateCongrcss,



Iurchased by Col. A.
.\laDonald, 208,204,
286, 292, 294, 391, 449, 455, 481.
.4ccommodations for sick and woundcd, 304,
312, 439, 444, 454, 478, 568.
Chaplains for tiaval, 201, 2 3 , 263, 2M, 287.
Establinhment, 24.
Xaiiagement of, 288. 289, 303, 317, 373, %.
JIous6 of Represeutatives of tile First Confedernt,c
Clerical force, 29, 1X,76, 103,212,213,244,272,313,


Yea and n a y Totes,301,323, :X6, 358, 361, 366, 372,

37S, 3i9,383, 386-388, 395-397, 408,409,412,419,
lloge, l u x e s , 71, 75, 86, 93, 97, 103,174, li8, 283.
Iluleomhe, Jrrnes 1. (Virginia).
Bills, rcsolutionu, etc., introduced by, 211, 316,
Conference, 125, 127.
Jiidiciary, 21, 111, 119, 120.


(:ontestecl election, 10,22,23,112-114,133-136,168,

169, li5,177, 17X,3S0, ?38,391-395.414,419,4?.5,
126, 428.
Ileasurcs for comfort of members, 15, 93.
Officers, 7-10, 14, 21, 28, 311.
Organization, 5-9, 11.

Privilege of floor, 47,84,123.

hi\-ilegcs of the Senate to memhers, 74, 210.
Iiihlication of Journal, ,556.
Itegnlatioiis for payment of officers, 268, 274.
llnles, 7,?.1,32, 37-43, 51-54, 57, 58, 61, 67, 109, 120,
12i-l?9,145,146,1Trl, 161,163,164,166, 177, 182,
?lX,?%i,249,2,iO, 284,297,301,307,522, 323, 325.

Statns of members holding commnissioriu in the

Army, 33, fi2-84, 136-138, 1.10.
Ilonr, P . If., 8.10.
Huger. l ~ ~ u J ~ n 288,
i I i ~242,
, 215, SOB, 368.
Huger, Kurt, S. C., 59, 240.
Hunt, e.. s., 556.
lluntrr, David, 339.


.--., 53s,553,
. aW,
- 563, $66.
Hulliday, John 1. 31i.
Holt, Hines (Georgia).
Bills, rerolutions, etc., intrnd~iredI))-, 29,51,81,
91,136,1;0, ZO9: 9i3,302,:3-19,385..136,471,520.
ilirntc.r, Kobcrt 81. T. (Virginia).
Scnator i n First Conftderate Congrcm.
Conference, 160, 169.
Committee, special, I d i , 325.
Iiiniigiiration, 13.
President pro tcinporeof theSenate,7.12,17.18.
Special, 284.
If sllton, Eppa.
\\.zipand Metins, 21, ICiG.
hctioii of Congress on report of battle of LeesPetitions, Impers, etc., presented by, 60, 12.
barn. Va... 142.
Representative i n First Confederntc Congress.
jigcle, ~ ~ r > i r ~ e 118,
s ~ i 419,
. , 453.
Yea and nay Totes, 8,9,?1,36,45,4-32,6
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
G2-61,69,i0,77,81,Y1,99-10~, 10.5, 111, 116, X I ,
179, 2.15, 295.
126,128,13E,1.52,153,159,163,167,171, 172, I i i ,
3, !02,212,215,216, 218, 22.1Imports.
Duty Iree, except from the United States, 66,
i-2,59,%i4,265, 275, 276, 2 i 9 ,
166, 167, 170, 171, 25G288.
1,3r?6,321,32;3,326, 327, 355,
Increw2 of facilities, 194, 136, 286, 289, 293.
358,361,366, 3i2,37:3,si8,:379,363,386-389, 395-
39i,400,408,4011,411,412,.119,42.5,426, 42S, 130, , Irohibited from United States, 29, 45, 147.
Repeal or snspen~ionof duty, 23.
431,43.5-4:%,4q2, 443,445-4.lS, 1.19,451-453, 460,
497, ,499-501, lwressmellts.
5% 532,534, , Cottoll and t o b m o , 632.
Private propcrt!, 271, 315.
559, 562, 563,
Slaves, 300, 316, 324, 336.
c 1



lndlan ARalrs.
Arkansas and Red River Superintendeiwy, 47
116, 116, ljl, 167, 210.
Transmission of report, 94.
Indian Kations.
Census of Cherokees east of Nississippi River
Fidelity to treaties, 299.
I'ay and mileage to delegates in Congress, 513,
61.i, 623, 527, 561.
Trade and intercourse, 47, 115, 151, 167, 210.
lndlan Trlbes.
Pensions, 43. 79.
Incitcmeiit of servile, 413.
Irlck, A. U . , i 8 .
3Iatiufacturc d,51, 1F2, 192.
lsaars, W111iatn U., S Co., 479.
Jackson, Thoinas d .
Action of Congress on report of operations in
Valley of Virginia. 13, 36.
Blentioned, 340.
Thanks of Congress, 183, 185, 187, 201, 307.
.Jackson, Fort, IA Surrender, dprll 28, 186%
Action of Congress 011 reports, 319.
James Rlver, Yn.
Condition of fortiticittioils on, 19, 20, 131, 132.
Jtiiiiestown, C . S. S.
Thanks to officers and crew, 211,219, 223, 255.
Jrniltv, Walter 11.
Aption of Congress on rcport of battle of Leesburg, VR., 30, 37.
.Jenkins, A1brl.b ti. (Virginia).
Rills, renoliitioiis, ctc., introduced by, 30, 2 ~ 1 .

Johnston, Joseph E.
Mentioned, 291.
Thanks of Co~igreks,305.
Johnston, Robert (Virginia).
Rills, resolutions, etc , introduced b

Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,51,52,54,59,60,

163. 167, 16A, 171,172,177,178,180,186,191.216,
218, 224, 225, 229-231,235,237,247,248,250,254,
257, 258, 264, 265,275,279,280,2S3-2SG,203,30:,
306, 321, 323, 326,327,351,838,361,371,378,379,
383, 3 P i , 388,393-397,400, 40S, 411,412,419,426,
428, 430, 431, 43&439,442-447,449,474,480,490,
492, 491-19i, 499-501,505,509,515 518,520,522,
532, 534, 536, 5 3 i , 539,513,547,519-552,558,559,
56'2, 563, 5G6.
Joneb, Ororge W. (Tennes5ec).
Rills, rcsolutions, etc., introduced by, 10,16,92,
95, 111, 736, 179, 215, 232,235,274,278,311, 372,
Conference, 548,562.
Rules, X,21.
Riileq and Otlicers of the House, 22,7-1,84,94,

Sprclitl, 296.
Wa)q t i l i d

blrxiis, 21,170,171,301,31b, 461.

I'ctitiorir, palm\, ctr., 111c.ented 111, 402.

Rcprcseiititti\ c3 111 First Confederate Congress,
7, 179, 243, 297, 368, $47, 561, 564.

Tcrritories and I'ublic Lands, 22.

of abscnce, 110.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented hy, 33, 53.
liepresentative in First Confederate Congress,
7, 179, 245, 295.
Resignation, 2YG, 340, 341.
Y e a and nay votes, 8,9,21,47,49-q 54,59,60,6'~64,69,70,77,61,91, 99-102,105, 121,126,138,146,
148,162,159,167,168,177,178,186,191, 193, 212,
215,216,218,221,224-251,235,254,257, 259, 264,
283,2778,ZRO, 282-286,293.
deter, d . U., 238, 250, 281, 269.
Jett, John, 82, 190.
.Johns, .John, 18, 144.
.Johnson, Jilson 1'.
Contestant for scat in House from Arktunsas, 10,
22, 23, 112-114, 133-136, 168, 169, 175, 177, 178,
330, 338, 391-305, 414, 419, 425, 426, 428.
Johnson, Rohert. I V . (Arkansas).

Senator in First Confederate Congress.

Rules, 16.
Special, 147.
Johnson, Rfchard Rl., 195, 196.
Johnson, Thomas C., 8,9.
Johnston, Albert Sidney.
Call for informatiola regarding operations of,
76,77, 164,174,186.
Conduct and death at Shiloh, Tenii., 1%.
Mentioned, 29.
Resolutions on death of, 186.

Yca itnd n a y votes, 8, 9, 21, 36, 47, 49-52, 24, 59,

60, 62-64, 69, 70, 77, 81, 91,99-102,105,111,116,
141, 126, 128, 13s,147,146,152,153,159,163,16i,
lh8, 171, 172, 177,180,186,101,193,202,212,215,
216, 218, 221, 224-230,238,237,247,248,250,254,
25;-260, 264, 265, 2i5, 276,279,280, 262,284-286,
293, 301, 306, 321,3"3,326,327,355,358,361,366,
351-373, 379, 363, 386-389,395-397,400,409,411,
412, 419, 425, 426,428,430,451,435,437,438,442,
443, 445, 447,449,451-453,460,461,480,492,494497, 499-501, 505, 509,515-518,522,525,526,528,
532, 531, 53G, 537,539,543,547,649,550,552,558.
559, 562, 563, 566.
Jones, Thoinns I.
Action of Congresq on report of evacuation of
Peiisacola, etc., 368.
JOrdHI1, John T., 239.
Jordan, ThonlsP, 341.
Josselyn, Robert.
Private Secretary to the President, '25,86, 93, 96.
100, 103, 107.
Resignation, 110.
Judge-Advocate- Beneral.
Creation of ofice of, 88,191.
Justlce, Departnient of.
Abolishment of oficr of Assistant AttorneyGeneral, 153, 192.
Salary of Assi\tant Attorney-General equalized,
etc., 538, 548, 550, 551, 562.

Bill relittive to, 307, 379,


Kenan, Auguritus If. (Georgia).
Rills, rel;oliitionr, etc., introdnced by, 136, 169,
373, 401, 420, 461.

(;ommittec 0 1 1 Ililitary Affairs, 21.

Leave of absence, 15".
Represeritwtivc in First Confeh-ate Congress,
6, Ii:), 24.5, 2% 545, 5f6, -564.
13, 146,
Yea and nax votes, X,9,116,l"l, 126, UX,
148, 152, 1.53, 163, 168,171,172,177,178,180,186,
181, 301, 306, 321,323,3!26,327,3&5,358,361,371,
372, 378, 379, 383,386-389,395-395,400,408,409,
411, 412, 419, 425,426,431,43&439,442446,449,
451-4.53, 460, 461,469,475,456,480,491,492,494497,499-501. 505, 509,513-518,520,522,5%, 526,
528, 532, 534, 536,537, 539,M7,549,5jo,552,559,
562, 563, 566.

Kentucky kontinucd.
Nemorial of citizens, 81,251.
Post routes, 415.
Representatives in First Confederate Congress,

Stirpension of war tax, 205

Kepler, Rev., 153
Kern, John, jr., 183.
Kernstown, Ya. Battle, March $3, 1862.
Thanks of Congress to Gen. T. J. Jackson and
officers a n d meii under his command, 183,

Klnney, Arch., 240.

Kinney, John, 130.
Kostar, X. T., 418
Kenan, Owen K. (Korth Carolina).
Appointment of chief Inboratorian, 79.
Lamar, Albert It.
Accounts, 22.
Secretary pro tempore of the Senate, 7.
Special, 110.
Lmmmr, Gilbert, 200.
Petitions, papers, etc.. presented by, 349.
Lmmmr, Thomms G.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Thanks of Congress, 309.
6, 159, 245, 295, 547, 563.
Lmmb, BenJamln, 82.
Tea nnd nap votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-52,54,59,60,62- Lanay, Henry Dl., et 81.) 97.
64,69,70,77.81,91,99,100,102, 105,111,116,121,
Lander, \Yllllani (North Carolina).
126,128,146,148,151,153, 159,163,167, 168, 171,
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 332.
172,177,178,180,186,191, 193,224-230, 235, 247,
248,250,254,257-260,264, 265,275,276, 279, 280,
Patents, 22.
28'2-286,293,321,323,326, 327,354,358, 361, 366,
Quartermaster's and Commisary Depart~ 3 3x~3x1(,
3 9 ~ 3 9 7 ,400,408,
ments and Military Transportation, 359.
409,425,426, a,
430,431,435438,442, 443,445,
War Tax, 307.
449,451453,460,461, li4-476,480,491, 492,49.5Petitions, papera, etc., presented by, 61, 3i3.
497,499-501,505,509, 516-518,520,522, 52.5, 526,
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
528, , S 2 , 534,537, 539,543,547,549-552, 558, 559,
SVL, ,663,566.

Kenner, Dunemn P. (Louisiana).

Bills, resolutions, etc., introdnced by, 13,16,24,
31,43,56,63, 76,117, 123, 125, 182, 205, 212, 252,

Special, 13, 1.5, 16, 187.
Ways and IIeanp, 21,45,59,103,116, 117, 123,132,
140,145,146, 147,149,l50,1Y2,160-162, 171, 175,
187,212,214, 216,265,275,287,329,386, 347, 359,
367,390,402, 403,146,447,468,481,498, 500,502,
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 33, <W,

Representative in First Confederate Congress,

6, 179, 245, 295, 368, 547, 563,664.
Yea and nay votes, A, 9,21,36,47, 49,51,52,54.59,
60,6244,69,70,77, 81,91, 99-10", 116, 121, 1?6,
128,13S, 146,183, 159,163,167,168, 171, 172, 177,
178,180,186, 191,193,202,212,215,216,
218, 221,
224-230,237,247, 248,250,157-260,264, 265, 255,
276, 2i9,280, 283-286,293,32i, 323,326, 327,355,

358,361,366,372,373,378.379,383,386-388, 395397,400,408, 409,411,412,419,4'?5,426, 428, 430,

4Xd39, 442-447,451-453,460,461,469, 475, 476,
480,491,492, 494497,49Y, 500, 505,509, 515-518,
520,522,525, 526,528,532,534, 536,1537,539, 643,
547,549,550,552,558,559, j62,563,566.

Kennon, Beverly.
Thanks of Congress, 417.
additional forces for Provisional Army, 318,342,
364,505, .507,524,54?,543,551,561.
Disasters to armies of confederateStates in, 11,

6, 179, 245, 295, 368, 547.

Yea a n d nay votcu, 8, 9,21,36,47,49-52,54,59,60,

62-64,69,70, T i , 81,99-10'2,105,111,116,121,128,
138,116,ljz,159,163,167,151,172, 177, 178, 186,
193,203,212,215,218,221,224-?11, 235, 237. 247,
248,250,254,257-2f*, 264,265,275, 276, 279, 280,
283-286,293,301,306,321, R23,326, 328, 356,358,
361,372,373,378,379,383, 386-359, 395-397, 400,
408,411,412,419,425,426,430,431, 435, 436, 439,
442,443,443-447,449,451453,4GO, 461, 4S0, 491,
492,494,496,497,499,500,505, 509, 616-518, F20,
522,525,526,528,534,536,537,539, 543, 547,549552,558,559,562,566.

Landoni, Sninuel W., 540.

Lauglilin, H. C. X., 540.
~ a w of
s the Confederate States.
Copies for members of House, 87, 93.
baris of the I'rovisloira1 Fongess.
Publication and distribution, 29, 370.
L y , George W.
Inspectioil report, 13. 36.
Lendbetter, Danvllle.
Action of ~ongresson report of operations o n
Tennessee River. etc., 368.
Lee, Robert E.
Dispatches from, relative to battle of Second
Manassas, 339, 340.
Jfentioned, 367, 371.
status a n d duties, 161.
Thanks of Congress, 306, 371.
I,eesburg, Ya. Battle, Ort. 21, 1861Action of Congress o n reports, 30, 37, 142, 160.
Leighu~mn, S., 103.
Leteher, JoBn.
(:overnor of Virginia, 14, 183,296, 340,341.



I,evy, .J. P., 269.

I,cwls, Charles S., 341.
I m ~ i s ,1)avitl W. (Georgia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 232, 303,
Rules, 8.
Rules and Officersof the House, 22.
Territories and Public Lands, 22.
Leave of absence, 354.
Petitioris, paper8, etc., presented by, 310.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179, 246, 295.
Yea a n d nay votes, 8 , 9, 21, SG, 47, 49-52,54, 59,
GO, 62-64, 69, 70, 77, 81, 91, 99-102,105,111,116,
121, U 6 , 128, 138,146,152,153,159,163,167,168,
172, 1 7 i , 17& 186,191,193,202,212,216,218,221,

J,incoln, 8braLani, 163, 299,469,545,546,549,551.

Sale of, 151.
Snpprcssion of manufacture, 81.
Litblepnge. See A y e w & Liltlepnge. 125, 130. 161.
Loans to the Confederacy.
Borrowed from States, 611, 521, 53".
Provision for paymcnt, 511.
See also Roftds, etc.: Debts, etc.: and Treasury

i.oeal Defense.
Voluntcer conipmies, .110, 538, 548, 549, 560.
1,oiidon industrial Exhibition.
Comniissioners to, 44, 64.
Lonsstreet, J ;imes, 340.
Loring, \Villianr \V., 36.
Imiisiiins, C. S. S., 318, 338.
Claims against Coniederate States, 353.
Electoral votes, 12.
Legislative proceedings, 44, 195.
Post routes, 33, 44, 141, 195, 249.
Hefund to, of excess 01 war tax, 483, 492, 504506, 526.

Representatives in First Coniederate Congress,

6, 295.
JJouisiana arid Tesm Iiaiiroati.
Constriiction, 260, 2F1, 279, 281, 290.
I~ouislann,Arkansas arid Texas Xavigatiou Corupanye
Privileges and franchises, 479.
1,ouislnna Troops.
Infan try-Battalions: Wheat's, 516, 542.
Love, Thomas R . , 71.
Jmell, Hansield.
Action of Congress on report of operationsabout
New Orleans, La., 319.
l I r i w P , Knoch L., 17.
Imre, S. B., &l:o., 58.
Lynch, William F.
3~entioned,239, 240,242, 245.
Thanks of Congresri, 373, 456.
I~you,Francis S . (Alabama).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introdnced by, 82, 402.
Inauguration, 13.
War Tax, 307.
Ways and Means, 21.

Lyon, Franrls S . 4 o n t i n u e d .
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 4 3 , l
342, 360.
Representative i n First Confederate Congress,
5, 179, 245, 295, 368.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21,47,49,51,52,54,59,60,

215, 225, 271, 277,306,307,313,316,329,336,371,
386, 391, 402, 424,444,452,468,469,473,505,509,

Commerce, 22.
Inauguration, 13,17.
Public Railding?, 22.
Special, 15,328,556,565.
Petitions, papers, etc., presrnted by, 155,165,300,
Representative i n First Confederate Congress,
Pea and n a y votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-51, 59, 60,63,
1F3, 167, 168, 171,172,177,178,186,191,193,203,
215, 218, 224-231, 235,237,247,248,250,254,257260, 26-1, 275,276,279,280,283,293, 301,306,321,
323, 326-328, 335, U h , 366,371,372,378,359,383,
386-389, 39.7397, 400, 408,4W, 426,428,430,435,
436, 438, 439, 442,413,445,446,449,451-453,460,
461, 469, 480, :500,503, jo9,515-518,Y22,532,534,
537, $89, 543, 347,549-?52,558,559,662,%3,566.
XcClellan, (horge 1%., 339,340.
lcCoy, Joseph A., 311,418.
XcCuliocii, Belijaniiit.
Kcsolutionson death of, 213,279,?83,285.
XrCnrry, B. C., 47.
XcCurry, X., 296,304.
31rDonald, 8. H., 133,135.
IcDnnald, Anyus IV., 203,285,292,294,391,449,465,
McDonald, James, 8,540.
3fcDonaI1, R., 291.
McDowell, Thomiis D. (Sorth Carolina).
Bills, rcsoiutions, etc., introdaced by, 51,67.
Commerce, 22.
Inauguration, 13.
Leave of absence, 76, 402
Petitions, papers, etc , presented by, 24,30,154.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
6,179,246,295,368, E47,563.
Yea aud nay votes, 8,9,21,36.47,49-52,54,59,60,
62-6.2,69,70,128,138,146,152,15S, 169, 163,167,
168,171,152,177,178,180,2l!2, 216, 218, 221, 224,
226-230, 235, 237,254,257,26& 260,264,266,275,
, 3'28.
354, 358, 361,366,371373,378,
395,435397. 400, 409,411,412,419,425,

N rl)isw 6.1 I ? Tliomm I). --Continued.
Yea a n d tiny votes-Coritinued.
4 3 , ,412, .113, 445,447,449,451--453,460,
455, 476, 480, 490-492,491-197,499,500,505,
X. 5'20, R"2,525,526,j28,532, 534, 536, 537,
13,Mi, 5.19-.ii2,559,562,j63.
IrFarland, T. W., 640.
Xnrhen, Wlllls H. (Kentucky).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 95, SF, 129,


JfcQuees, John-Continned.
Yea and m y totes-continued.
47% 460, 491,492,494-19'7,499-!jo1,60(i,
509,515518, 5'W 5% 525,526,528,532,ii34,536,S37,539,
543, 547, 549-552,558,559,562,563,566.
MeHae, D. O . , 384,656.
McRae, John J. (Xississippi).
Bills, reSOlUtionu, etc., introduced by, 44, 255.
Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments and Yilitary Transportation, 359.
Ways and Means, 21.
Leave of absence, 308.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 343.
Represent8tive in Fimt Confederate Congress,
6, 180, 245, 295, ,563, 5G4
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,47, 43,51,52,54,59,60,
l51,159,163,167,168,lil, 157,178,180,191,195,
215,224-231,235,237,247,254,257,258,260, 264.
265,275, n9,~ 0 , 2 ~ 2 - 2 8 1293,301,321,323,326,
327,3.5;1, 383,387-389,395-397,400,408,409,411,
412, 419,425,426,430,435,436,445,44'5447,449,

Committee on Ways and 3fcans, 21.

Leave of absence, 459.
Petitions, papers. etc., presented by, 163,201.
Representatire in First Confederate Congress,
6, 179,24R,295,168.
Yca and nay votes, 8,9,21,36, 45,4~-5",
62-G4,69,70,77,81,91,99-102,105, 111, 115, 121,
126, 128, 138, 146,148,1.53,159,163,168,lil, 172.
177,178,180,186,191,193,212,21ii, 216, 218, 221,
424-231, T%, 237, 247,248,250,254,257-260,264,
266,27.5,276,279,250,282-286,293, 301, 306, 321,
323, 326, 327, :jL5,35S, 361,366,371-373,378,379,
386-389,395-397,400,4011,109,411, 412, 425, 426,
428,430,431,43~5439,442-447,449, 451-453, 460,
497, 500,501,505,516518,522,525,526,~28,534,
McIntosh, James.
536,537, ,539, 543,550-552,558,559,562,563,566.
Resolutions on death of,213,279,283,285.
Be\\ illlams, John E., 146, 199, 201.
RIcKowii, John, e t al., 145.
Macwlllle, JIalcolm H. (Arizona Territory).
Mclanghlln, James, 48.
Delegate in First Confederate Congress, 80.
McLean, J. H. (Sorth Carolina).
Hagruder, John Bankhcad.
Mentioned, 131,291,351.
Claims, 22.
Thanks of CongresP, 386, 404.
Foreign Affairs, 21, 407.
Bail Sersice.
Special, 166.
Kmployment of carrier\ and clerks under age
Leave of absence, lW, 431.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 320, 384.
of 16 years, 331.
Exemption of contractors, etc., fiom military
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
service, 431, 433, 450, 471.
6, 179, 245, 295, 368.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36, 47,49-51,54,59,60,
Dues remaining froin United States service,
6-64, 69,70,77,81,91,128,146,lG2,153,159,163,
331, 437, 453, 4%.
167, 175,178, 180, 187,191,193,216,218,!&I, 224Increase to route agents, 349,526,556.
230, 235, 237, 247, 254,257,258,260~
264,2i5, 279,
Rontes,23,24,33,44,57, 58, 60,75,78,81,82,11~,119,
280, 283-286, 293,301,306,321,323,326-328, 354,
In,130,141,142,153,163,181,187, 195, 198, 199,
558, 361,3G6,371-373,378,379,383,386-389,395204,215,248,249,256,'279,281,290,317, 331, 336,
362,102,415,418,454,488,491,504, 541, 56-563
McLeod, n'. W., 141.
Sunday, 15, 43, 61, 122, 164, 182, 195-198, '201, 302,
McLaer, Robert C., 155,199.
311, 324, 343, 381, 418, 566
Xclahon, Davld, 58.
support from revennes, 2fi, 299,482.
RIcNeill, Thomas, 29, 84.
Transportation :
&Queen, John (South Carolina).
Acrosq the Yississippi River, 381,410, 436, 454,
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 565.
486,487, 493, 497,498.
Outside of the mails, 274,275,279,291, 487.
Accounts, 22,290, 640,541.
Foreign Affairs, 21, 467.
Continuance in office, 28, 30, 31, 34, 62.
Inauguration, 13.
Regulation of appointments, 214, 215.
Special, 5 5 .
Nalay, John C., 104.
Learc of absence, 88.
Mailory, Stephen H.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 204.
Secretary of the Xax F, 48, 54 61,80,126,143,146,
Representative in First Confederate Congre%
174,211,213,216,261,289,305,308,321, 322, 338,
6, 180. 245, 295, 368, 547, 563, 564.
Yea and nay vote$, 8,9,21,47,51,52,% 59, 62ana ass as, Va. Battle, dug. SO, 18F2.
64,69, 70, 77, 81, 177,178, 186,191,1% 212,215,
;\lessage of the President, 339, 340.
218, 224-231, 235,237,247,248,250,254,257-260,
Nanning, John, 182.
26.1, 265, 275,276,279,280,282-286,293,321,
355, %8,361, 366,372,373,383,386389,395-397, Maps.
Preparation of geographical and topographical,
400,408, 411, 412,419,425,426,428,430,435~436,
438,442, 443, 44,5,449,451453,4601461,469,475,





Dledals of llonor.
Hurcy, Pet,er, 67.
Provision for, 203,309,364, 3i8,403,5%53,
l a r i n e Corps.
,561, 564.
Appropriqtions. See Appropriutioirs.
l e d i c a l Department.
Bounty, 184.
Efficiency, 145 156,384,444,454,493.
Encouragement, 111,132,184,199,217, 478.
Persons mbject to military service, 458,463,
Reorganization, 368,370,416,427.
Temporary rank of officers serving with volunteer troops, 78,184.
Modieal Examining
Exemption from military service of eertain,90,
Enrolled men, 441,442.
Furloughs, 317.
Xiirque and Rqxisiil.
Issue of letters of, 124,248, 284,286, 293,467,468, Meem, Qilbert S., 130.
Memminger, Christopher 0 .
Xarshnll, Henry (Lrniisiaiia).
Secretary of the Treasury, 53,102,103,119,
Bills, resolntions, eto.,introducedby,24,161,343,
Memphis and Little Rock Railroad.
Conference, 290.
Aid to, 93.
Inauguration, 13.
Construction, 93.
Patents, 22.
Quartermaster's and Commissary Deparl- Kenees, Thomas (Tcnnessec).
Rills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 91,172,
ments and Military Transportation, 359.
Territories and Public Lands. 22.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 44,381.
hledical Department, 359,373.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Printing, 22, 271.
Special, 166.
Yea and iiay Totes, 8, 9, 21,36,47,49,51,52,54,
Territories and Publlc Landa, 22.
59, 60,62-64,'69,
SO, 77,81,91,99-102,105,111,
152,153,159,1.63,167, Leave of absence, 373.
168.171,1i2,157,178,180,186,191,193,212,216, Petitions, papers, ete., presented by, 182.
221,!24-226,228-230,237,254,257,258, ltepresentatwe i n First Confederate Congress,
7,180,245,295,368, 547,563.
GO, 62301,30ti,
358,361,366,372, Pea arid nay votes, 8,9,21,47,51,52,54,59,
Xarshall, Humphrey.
Keport of attack on Generd Cox,3 t X
426,428,430,436,438,442Martla1 Law.
461,469,477,491, 491497,
Abolishment, 554,559,560.
Dcelaration, 162,190,191,331,356.
Limitation, 508,.%9.
Powcr to declare, 130,313,318, 319,373-377,412, Merrimae, U. S. Frigate, 116.
Midlothian Coal Mining Company, 329.
Miles, IVillinni P. (South Crtrolina).
See also Wabeas Corpus.
Bills, resolutions, etc., introdneed by,u),30,32,
92, I
, 139,144,145,149,
Additional forces for Provisional Army, 342
illiwylnnd Line.
320,326,328,339,%0,37?, 384,
Organization, 262,273,276,278, 284.
illirryland Troops.
Maryland Line, 262,273,2i6,278,284.
Conference, 437,442,562.
Mnson, James ill., 423,466.
Military Affairs, 21,29,31,33,34,49,55,63,75,79,
Xrctthews, John J.
89, 117, 118,125,152,155-158,18&190,21~,214,
Design for flag, 103.
3lax1~e11,Augnstus E. (Florida). .
Senator i n First Confederate Congress.
Engrossment and Enrollment, 99.
Special, 325.
Special, 10,12,13.
Dlaxrrell, Joseph H., 133.
Petitions, papers, etc., pres
Headorrs, IT. T., 53.
Mechanics. See Artisans and Mechanics.

Xlles, Villiani P.-Continued.

Representative in First Confederate Congress,
F, 180, 245, 295, 368, 547, 563, 564.
Yen and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-52,54,59,60,
02-64,69, 70, 77, 81, 91,9!L102,105,111,115,121,
126,'128,138,146,148, 151,153,169,163,167,168,
218,221,224-231,235,237,247,248,250, 254, %7260,264.26.5, 275,276,279,280,283-286,293,301,

IdjbPhhippi River.

Defenw, 66,80, 190.

Free navigation, 314,334,335, 40.1-407.
Mail service across, 581,410,436,454,486,487,493,
497, 498.
Additional forccvforProvisional Army, 312,342,
364, 605, 647, 524,542,543, 551,561.
Advance of money to, 183, 187,199,200,205.
Claims against Confederate States, 332, 378, 409,
378,379,383, 386-389,396, 397,400,408,409,411,
419, 429, &?A.
419,4%, 426,428,430,435,436,438,44%445,447,
Representatives in First Confedemte Congress,
449,451453,460,461,469,475,476, 480,491,492,
6, 295.
Suspension of war tax, 205.
525,526,528, YJ2,534, 536,537,539,543, 547, .M9- Xitehel, Charles B. (Arkansas).
Senator i n First Confedemte Congress.
iililltary Courts. See Courts, niilitary.
Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment,
Mllltary Service.
Age subject to, 219,220,224,2%, 266,2 307,311, Mohlle Bay.
312,343-345,355,388,398,399,435,4 ,442-444,
Defenses, SO, 96,105, :lo, 124,128,129,142.
Monroe, Thomas B., 177.
Aid to families of soldiers,;307, 316.
Monroe, Port, Va., 241.
Enlistment of persons not liable toJ343-345.
Montgontery, J. E.
Enrollment of conscripts not physically qualiThanks of Congress, 320.
RIoore, Qovernor, C. S. Gunboat.
fied for, 360, 496, 556.
Thanks of Congress to officers and men, 417.
Exemptions, 30,6l, 77,79,6i, 89-93,95,96,111,112,
119,155,192,220,224,244,252,2~i, 279,280,284Boore, JRmes W. (Kentucky).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced b
286,290,292-294#332, 304,307,310,311,315,316,
311, 317, 332, 416.
320,322,330-333,3:35, 336, 34-343,349,861,371,
Committee on the Jndiciary, 21, 79,83, 192,428.
373,379, 407, 415, 419,420,490434,436,437,444Leave of absence, 107, 469.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 151, 317,
M Z . 459.
Rendezvous for examination of enrolled men,
Itepresenttttive i n Wrht ConIede
411,442,505-507,521, Y Z , 527,5bl
6, 180, 245, 295, 368.
Subrtitutes, 220~302,3l",326,331,338,341,349,355,
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9, 21, 36, 47, 51, 52, 54, 59,
60, 62-64?69, 'io, 77, 81, 91,9%IW2>111,115,121,
126, 125, 138, 116,148,151,153.159,163,167,1b$.
Organization, etc., for Confederate Gtateb servl i l , 172, 157, 178,180,18G, 191,193,212,224-230,
ice, 53, 108, 111, 130,13i,138,204,220,221,22F,
235, 248, 250, 2~vl,257,258,2F1,2t.i5,275,276,279,
280, 282-286, 293, 321,323,316,327,355, Sr5,361,
Payment of Virginia otkers, 116, 130, 157, 176,
366, 372, 373, 35R, 3~9,386389,395-397,40(1,408,
,109, 411, 412, 425,226, 428,430,431,435,436,438,
Status of State offircrs, 137, 138.
439, 442447, 449, 4R1,453,461,469.
Mlller, Caroline, 45, 120, 193, 231, 247, 265.
Moore, T. V., 162, 1 6 , 169, 424, 428, 436, 440, 447,
Mlller, William D., 459.
453, 459.
I i l l s , Thomm, 27.
Mnrgan, John H.
l i n e r a l Reyources.
Thanks of Conpresq, 303.
Derelopmcnt, 162,192, 246, 299.
Norgun, W. E., 392.
Ministors of the Gospel. See Clerggmrn.
gorrls, U. P., e t al., 24.
Mlnn, F. H., 315.
Morris, Martha D., ct al., 331, 348.
~IunitIonsof War.
Dahlonega, Ga , 310
Captured from the enemy, 272, 275,280.
Resolution of Xorth Carolina Convention, 24,
Increase of, 56.
Inventions, 76, 97, 125, 180,142, 166, 161, 350, 890,
Mlsslsslppi, C. S. S., 318, 338.
410, 567.
Yanufactnrc of, 25,W 44,47,70,88,yi, 97,118,123,
Claims against Confederate States, 353.
129, 145, lW, 162,184,191,192,219,232,233,245,
Electoral votes, 12.
Legislative proceedings, 33.
l'ikcs, 20, 138,139, 157.
Memorials of citizens, 122, 129, 182, 381.
Purchase, 24, 25, 40, 89, 105, 29% 352, 366, 553.
Post routes, 122, 249, 541.
Quantity on hand, 44, .53,162,216,312.
Representatives in First Cmifederate Congress,
Transpoitation for, 152,188.215,251-254,269.
6, 10, 295.
IIunnorlyn, Chwlcc J. (Georgia).
Security from invasion, 424,494.
Bills, resolutiouu, ctc., nitroduced by, 142.
Thanks of Congress to citizens of V l r k s b w ,
Committcc on Claims, 22.



Reward to, for flaying Union soldie
See also Slaves.
Selson, Geo. E. W.
Superintendent of Public Printing, 158,169.
Sew Orleancl, La.
EstabliBhment of naval depot a t or near, 44.
Orleans, La. Snrrender, Nay 1, 1862.
Correspondence, etc., relative to, 315,319,338.
Aew Orleans and Opelousas Railroad.
Connection with Texas a n d New Orleans Railxosiclans.
road, 45.
Iitymcnt of negro, 94,132,190,215.
Nen Orleans Delta hewspsper Company, 33,120.
Iyers, Abmhani C.
l63,190,357,3fiX,369,463. Sewhpapers.
Exemption of cditors a n d employees from miliS a l l ~ y ,Rcr., 414.
tary wrrice, 431,433, 464, 458.
S;ish, drnnc?s H.
Kleholn, L. L., 29.
Yccret:wy of 1 . h ~
Scnntc, 7,11,13,16, 2O,B,31,
Sirhol~oa,Iluuter, 379.
46,52,5$,66, GX,53,54,86,88,89,9~,105,106,111,
115, 121, 124, 127,129,137,139,147,151,1?2,155, Siter and Xining Corps.
Establishment, 125, 210,214, 219.
159,169, 164, 1G5,168,171,1.i2,175,177,184,185,
Aolsnd, 8. 1. 328.
191, 199, 210, 212-214,217,219,224,231,232,248,
256, 261, 263, 264,267,270,272,273,2?9,28:~,286, Sorfolk, Va. Evarutltion, Xay 9, 1862.
Corrcspondence, etc., relutive to, 315,355.
2Ri, 290-296, 325, 329,338,347,319,351,3h6,361,
366, 368, 878, 381,389,409,412,114~Il5,426,431, Norfolk mid Portsmouth, Ta.
437, 439, 442, 446, ~149,465,458,459,470,4iS,ISI, Collector of port, 313, 324, 347.
4PMS7, 491-493, 496, JBA, 50.5, 506, 508,6511,615, Sorth Carolina.
Claims against Confederacy, 109, 200.
,518, 523, 526, 531,538,.512,517,519,5.51,552,5.54,
5.56, 560-567.
Convention proceedings, 30,79, 117.
Disasters to armies of Confederate States in, 11,
hac;hville, C. S. S., 234,26, 266.
Srishvllle, TFIIII. Evaruatlon, Feb. 28-25, 1862,
25,28, 81(, 167,238-243.
Electoral rotes, 12.
Memorials and petitions of citizens, 61, 130,198,
Collector of the port, 163,3311,456,492,498,518.
313, 320, 384.
Post routes. 24, 130, 198. 249, 541.
Repeal of Viiited States laws and enactnient of
Refund to. of exces\ of war tax, 324,325,498,504,
general law under Constitution of Confed506, 5F.
erate States, 109.
Reyrcwitativeu in F i m t Confederate Congrerr4,
Rights of, i n certttin cases, 3%.
6, 10, 24, 295.
N H V R School.
Security from invasion, 450.
Establishment, 184.
Sorth Carolina Troops.
Nsrigation of the Confederate St.ates.
Infantry-Re~inzafta: Jd, 240; Sth, 239,240, lith,
239; Ylst, 239, 240.
Regulation of, 384.
River, 416, 450, 469.
Sorthern Virginla, Army of.
Navy, Voluntecr. Sec ~Vany of the Confederate
Resolutions of congratulation, 367, 371-373.
Thanks of Congress to officers and men, 371,
S:rry Department.
Appropriations. See Appropriutioiis.
Northrop, Luciiis B.
Commissary-General, 410, 434, 62
Clerical force, 305.
Investigation of, 322, 326, 328.
Sorthwestern Shtcs.
Wriry of the Confederate States.
Free navigation of Mississippi a ~ i dOhio rivers
Appointmciit ol cliicf coilstruetor, 449, 454.
by, 314, 334, 335.
Appropri;ttiollx. See Ap~ilupriatiuns.
Proposed commercial treaty with, 320, 321, 334,
Chuplitins, 204, 233, 263, 264, 287.
335, 404-407.
Enlistment of persons subject to military serr- @itllb.
ice, t78, 481, 482.
Administration of, i n certain CBses, 401,407,408,
442, 462, 485.
Promotions, 350, 390, 416, 417.
Allcgiunce to the United States, 332, 348.
Slorcliecpers, 506, 559, 561.
Organization ol, 24, 26, 56, 67, 89, 168, 184, 202,
Acceptance of resignations by generals, 302,324.
21.6, 247, 279, 283. 285, 447.
E6ty of, 320, 415, ,116, 42G, 439, 478.
Adjutants, of a n %of subaltern, 333, 381, 404,
Piihlicn.tion of register of, 341, 365.
442, 462, 4%.
Reserve list, 182.
Artillery. for ordnance dutv. 309.324. 351. 370.
Volnnteer, 76, 248.
377, 389.
See also Gunboats; and Vessels of War.
Artillery, in Provisional A m y , 182, 214, 279.
Employmelit i n the Army, 142, 158, 277, 316, 448.
Naval storekeepers, 606, 559, 561.
>IrIniwrlyn, (litirlesJ.-(outinncd.
I,earc of :ibsencc, 125,193,473.
Ietitions, papers, ctc., prcscntcd by, (i7,103,302,
Representative in First Confedcrate Congress,
Ycuand nay votcs,36, 47,49-52,54,59,60,6244,69,
70, 81, 91, 99-102,111,138,146,152,1R3,163,167,
301, 306, 321,327,358,361,366,372,379,3S3,386389,396,397, 400, 412, 419,425,426,428,430,451,

OfiIrers--C!ontin ivd.
Chiipliii~is,71, 77, 119, 190, 231, 267, 273, 276, 294.
Coniniaiidilig jir.ncra1, 24, 33, 34, 45, 46, 48, 49,
5 i . 66, il,
10i, 1118, 126.
Corps for t h e working of niter caves, 15, 210,
214, 219.

Blection of, b y certain battalions a n d regimenta, 360.

Increwe of general, 532, 535, 536.
r w of, 24, 30, 61, 59, 92, 204, 255, 368, 370, 415,
416, 426. 439, 470.
Promotioiis or IIKVUI,
350, 390, 416, 41;.
I i i ~ i i s l ~ ~ ~ior
i c nabseiice
mitlioiil leave, 302.
Rsiik of surgeons i n Navy, 3%.
Rations, 382.
Regulating appointment of, 22, 78, 182.
Relief for ccrtairi naval, 518, 527.
lielief for disbursing, a n d agents, 27, 338, 341,
364, 456, .4fi3.
Kclief of incompetent or disablcd, 67, 142, 298,
3 . 1 , 447, 148, 512, 513, 218-521, 515, 526, 888
540, 5.19, 560.
Retirement. Bee IleZiefoJ, etc. (ante).
Status of Army, w h o are members of Congress,
Tactical examination, 381.
Vacancies in field, how filled, 332, 333, 512,513.
Ohio River.
Free navigation, 314, 334, 335, 404-407.

Orduanec Uei~nrt~uent.
Appointment of artillery officers for ordnanre
duty, 309, 324, 351, 370, 3ii, 389.
Kank of Chief of (Jrdnance in Provisional
Army, 430, 431.
Orr, James 1 3 . (South Carolina).
Senator i n First Confederate Congress.
Conference, 155, 481, ~490,519, 552, 565.
Flag a n d Seal, 29.
Rules, 16.
Special, 11, 184.
Padgett, Seheuti~ih,141, 200.
Partistiit llaiigers.
Organization ol,l93,261,262,277,279,?81,285,309,

Peliinsnla, Army of the.

Supplies furnished to, 354, 410.
Thanks of Congress, 386, 404.
Ienbaeola, PIX. Bombardment, SOP. 22-28,
1861, 87, 121.
PellbacOla, Fla. Evseuatioii, JIny 9-le, 186%
Action of Congress on report, 368.

Contlnuance of United States, 93, 141, 149, 2
Kaval, 104.
Irovisioii for payment, 43, 48, 81, 78, 79, 122,141,
200, 204, 205, 269, 331.
Perklns, Joliu, Jr. (Louisiana).
Bills, ~euolutioiiu,etc., introduced by, 14, 23, 29,
33, 43,47,108,109,116,142,147,153,l69,174,195,
3W, 318,332,341,3jO, 381,451, 457, 459, 460, 470,

Conference, 481, 490.
Foreign Affair-, 21, 421, 498.
Rulcs, 8.
Rules arid Otficem of the House, 22, 95, 120.
Special, 296.
Kepre\entati\-e i n Eifit Conferleratt. Congress,
6 , 180, 245, 295, S6S, 547, 563, 564
Yeaandnay votes,8,9,36,47,
69, 70r77, 81,91,99-102,105,111.115,121,12(i.128,
188,l46,152,153,l59,lci3,l67,171, 172, 177,178,
180,187,193,202,212,216,216.218, 221, 224-231,
279,280,283-286,293,301,321,323, 326,
358,361,366,3C7,3i2, 373,578. 379, 383,
396,387,100,408,409,411,412,119, 425,
38,432,443,445,447,419, 4517-1-177,160, 491, 492, 495-497,
18,520,522, 525, 526, %728,T W ,
13,517, 543-552, 558, 559, 502,
Peterklu, Jo*liua, 150, 1W.

se~iiitor111 lpirst Conf~dentte(:ongrens.

Regulations, 45, 4i.64, 233, 234, 267, 288.
Pate, Kleliard A., 390.
Patetit Offloe.
Establishment, 325, 427, 428,439.
Issiiance of,425, 427, ,428, 439, 487.
Patrick Hciir), C. Y. S.
Thairksof Congress to officersa~~d
crew, 211,219,
23, 65.
Pay and 1Iileage. Scc Comye1rsntio7~.
Pay Department.
Relief for disbursing officers, 27, 33% 341, 564,
Returns of disbursing officers, 147, 190, 265-L6i,
Separation from Quartermaster Department,
Peace Proposlt.icrtis, 385, 386.
Pegrani, Hobrrt R., 2F2, 2GG.

Coiifrlcnre, 549.
1<ii$iosmieutnnd Enrollment, ~ 9 .
Iriiiting, 29.
Spc? i d , 325.
Plillliys, Bi~rttrt,I b l , 203.
111) sirlaw.
Excinptions froru military service of certain,
310, 315, Ml, 431, 433, 450, 461, 462, 472
Piersou, I>., ct sl., 1.54.
lropowd arming of troops \\ith. LO, 138,139,157.
Plilow, Gitleon J., $5, 164, 174, $79.
Exemption from military service of licensed,
90, 32, 431, 433,430
Plnee, Adrlln C., 61
roe, Jolre, 329. 348.
P~lIqa;rc,Caiuilluw J., 67.
Pollard, E. A., 540.
pomoue, French Stetiiner, 72.

Penibert,on, John C.
Action of Congressoil report of engageincllt? 011
James Island, S. C . , 368.

Organization, 71.
Iup, Jolru, 340.




Par1 Royal Ferry, S. V. khgagenient, dnn. 1,

IS(;& 107.
iorls of Ihtry.
Bbolishiiieirt, 87, 116, 194, 195.
Angusta, (hi.,51, 52, 19.5, 25.5. 263, 271.
Columbia, S. C., 415.

Prepayment. 88, 132, 198.
Rates, 87, 263, 278-280. 294. 315. 418.
Exemption from military service, 61, i7, 90-92,
431. 432, 4 c W 5 2 .
Pay of deputies, 139, 178-181, 267, 271, 283, 285.
Post-Omee Department.
Advertisements, 111, 198.
Exeniption oC postniaders, etc., fronl military
e, i 7 , YO-Y2, 431-483, 4.iO-452,
471, 490.
li-snstaining, 26, 299, 482.
Ibst;tblisiiniont, 50. 67, 336.
Itichnrond, Va., 320, 322.
Post Iloutes. See >WailSeieraice.
President of the Confederate States.
Counting of electoral votes, 10-13.
Election and acceptance, 12,13,16.
Inangurat.ioii, 13, li-19,48,58.
Provision for lilliiig vaotliiey in office, 70, 168,
201, 202,234,235, 266.
Salary, 146,117, 168, 173, 175.
See also I)nvis, Jefer8on.
President of the Uuited States. See L i ~ r e o h ,

Prer;t,oii, Walter (Virginia).

Foreign Affairs, 21.
(1tmrterrnasters and Commissary Departmciitr :uid XilitRry Transportation, 359.
I , m v i ? of a h w i r e , 16.l.

7,180,245. 5,3(i8.
Yea and nay votes,8, 9,21,36,47,51,32,54,59, Gn,
62-64,69,70,77,81,91,99-102.105,111, 115, 121,
126,128,138,146,152, lt53,212,215, 216, 218, 424,
225,229-231,235,248,254,257-259, 264, 284,
293,321,323,355,358,361, 366, 372,379,383,
389,396,397,400,408,411,412,419,125, 426, 430.
435438,4*2-444,447, 449,451-453,460, 461, 489,
Preston, Willlnni, 188.
Preston, Williarn Ballard (Virginia).
Senator in First Confederate Congress.
Conference, 565.
Flag and Seal, 29.
Price, Sterling.
Thanks of Congress, 213,279, 283, 285.
Prisuners, Politlenl.
Measures fur release of, 385, 418, 419, 440, 441.
Pri~oneraor War.
Aid for, 75, S8, 136,139,140,148, 155.
Exchange of, 94,299,300,324 345,381.
Measures for release of armed citizensnot regnlarly enlisted in thc (!onfederate States
Army, d.10.
Payments to wivcs, 98.
Pap whiie held i l l custody, 470.

Prisoners of War-Continued.
Retaliation, 296-!B8, 3?&330,348, $35,413,449,
470, 523, 526, 529, W&547, 549, 551, 551,5f5.
Treatment of, 296, 297, 348.
Privateers and Prlvateerlng.
Amendment of laws, etc., 303, 417,418,467,468,
Number of vessels commissioned, 144.
Private Property.
Depredations and seizures, 68, 78, 103,l

329, 312, 343, 455.

Impressments, 271, 315.
Indemnity for losses. 300,555.
Perpetnation of testimony, 69, 142, 455.
Sale for taxes, 182, X,428, 449, 455, 481.
Prizes and Prize Goods.
Sale and distribution, 124, 168,2 E , 215, 223, 248,
284, 286,293, 303r 468, 494, 531,552.
Value of captured, 144.
Emancipation, 469.
Produce Loan.
Exchange of bonds for products subscribed, 147,
148, 185, 201, 214, 264. 265, 287,291,293, 294.
Relief of subscribers of cotton to, 332.
Sale or hypothecation of articles,
264, 265,28?, 291,293, 294.
Pruvisiowl Army of tlte Cknfedernte States.
Additioiial forces to serve during war, 312, 318,
337, 342-345, 348, 349, 331, 354-3,%, 359, 361,
364-366, 368, 379, 380, 582, 383, 387-389, 3 9 6
401, 428, 428, 43<%39, 442444, 505, 3 7 , 524,
542, 513, 551, 561.
Artillery officers, 182, 214, 279, W3, 285.
Establishment and organization,486,493,499,CWJ.
Increase of:
Engineer Corps, 182, 214, 279, 283. 285.
GenC%xl oflirers, 532, ,555, .536, 564-566.
hlrdical 1)epnrtinent. 486, 4h7, 193, 557-559.
Pay of oflicers, 204.
Certain officers, 430,431, 487
Eripnwers, 309, 377, 412, 419, 423.
Temporary forces i n States occupied by the
enemy, 414, 429, 564, 566.
See also Army of the CorcfederafcStates; Cmi~federuteTrows; and Public Defeme.

Cultivation in lieu of cotton and tobacco, 56,94,

98, 99, 108, 125.
Payment for, to certain citizens, 81.
Abuse of power by, 360.
Military standing, 508, 509.
Pryor, Hoger A. (Virginia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 20,28,3@,
61, 71.

Committee on Military Affain, 21, YO, 62, 194.

Leave of absence, 88.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 48.
Repiesentati~rein First Confederate Congress,
7, 137, 180.
Itwignation, 185.
Yca and nap votes, 8 , 9, 21, 36,
2, 54.
59, 60, GL, 69, 70.

Publlr 1)eirnsr.
Provisioii for. 47,48,6G, 74,108, loti, lm, 123,1:49
I4li,I5'J.156, 168, It;.?, 158-176,18",214,2I5,217
'LI'J-'LzY, 232,237,247,258,259,261,270,281-~
2Dl-291, 296,301,309,322,325,32S,330
349, 351,%5.5,360,365,370,377,368,395
$20, '131, 136,418, i.'*,456, ,458,459,465,470,483
484,4%, 4h9, 496, 498, 506,526.

Public 1)oeuments.
Preservation of, 35, 72, 73, 142, 234, 23.9, 267, 276

d Shreveport, 318, 363.

mployees from military service,

Extension of Weutern North Carolinlz, 109, 156,


Public Priuter.
Appointment or election, 12,13,53,78,104.
Exemption from military service, 90,92,431,4%,

Public Prlntin$. 12. 13, 29, 62, 68,74, 103, 141, 158,
I 59,182, m , m,319,332,370, 434,470, 471, 5'38,
5 3 9 , m , 556,
P ~ h l l eProperty.
Lorscs in battle, 30, 162, 190.
1:miecessary waste or destruction, 103, 110, 150,
Pugh, James 1
. (Alabama).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 46, 69,86,
85, 255.268,3n2,324,4-11,471.
Xilitary Affairs,21,79,118,123,1'25,191, %2,3'24,
Public Buildings, 22.
Special, 15.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, IFo,256.
Representatiw in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49, j0,5'', .54,59,
60, 62-61, 69, TO, 77,91,99-102,105,111,116,l"1,
126,128,138,146,148,152,lV3,15Y, 163, 167, 171,
ii2,ii7,178, 180, x i , i y i , 193,202,212, 215, 216,
218, Let, 22.1-230.235,237,247,248,2jD, P5l, 2,ii260,28-1,265,2?5,276,279,280,283-286, 293, 301,
306, 321,523,32(i-328,3.%, 358,301, 386, 372, 373,
375, 579,383, %(i-%Y, 390,397,400, 408,411, 412,
419,4'1.5,426,428,430,435-438,442, 443, 445447,
449,451-453,460,161,469,475, 470, 480, 491, 492,
494-495,499-501,505,509,515-518, 5'20, 522, 5%,
625,526,5B, 532, ti54,536,537, 539, 543, 5'17, 549552,558,559,562,563,566.
Quartermaster Department.
Clerical force, 232, 2G1, 263,286.
Increase, .Ljj,256.
hvestigation of, 321, 385.
Management of, in Tennessee, 76, 129, 130, 145.
Rank in Proviuiona' Army, 430, 431, 486.
IlnfIuer, IV. H., 115.
llailroid Iron.
Remission of duties, 165, 151, 175, 178,191.
Appointment of military transportation officers,
Connection :
Kew Orleans and Opelousas and Texas and
hk~mOrleans, 45.
Richmond and Danville and North Caroli~la,
181, 222, 333, 356.
Alabama and Georgia, 3G2, 362, 434, 455,456,
471, 480-182, 485.


Governmpnt aid to Memphis and Little Rock,


Increased efficiency. 82.

Inventio~is,97. 103, 271.
Possessiou and control by Confederate States,
Relief for Eastern Texas
Transportation cf troops
s of war,
, 4.%,471,
480-48'2, 485.
Halney. Jolrn T. H., 141.
Elalls, Rev., 80, 137, 222,229.
Ilalls, John P. (Alabama).
Bills, resolutions, ete.. introduced by, 46, 61,
115, 141, 172, 336, 477.
Indian Atfairs, Z.
Xedical Department, 359.
Special, 166, 'B,
Leave of absence, 150, 359.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 155,181.
Representative in Fiwt Confederate Congress,
5, 180, 245, 295, 517.
Yea and I ~ J vote5,
62-64,69,70,77,81,91, Y9-102, 105,111.116,121,
126, 125,138, 155,163, lGi, 166, 171,172,177,178,
180,186, 191,193,203,212,215,216,218,221,2!24230,23j, 237,24i, 248,250,25i, 257-260,261,265,
275,276, 279,!@0,2SV286,293,301,306,821,326,
327, 355, 378,379,383,386-389,396, :3Y7, 400,.408,
409, 411,412,479,425, &26,418,430,431,4%-439,
'442-444, .147.449,4514.53,460,461,469,475,476,
480, 491,492,493497,499-501, 505,509,615518,
520, 522, XL5, 526, 5'28,532, rh3.1. 536,637,539,643,
ltani~ay,Nr., 112.

Ilaudolph, George \V.

Secretary of War, 139, lK5,
174,222, 258,2ti3, 298,299
380, 402,410,413,416,420
464, 463,457,482,483,488
Ilaudolph, Robert, 470
Sations for the At.
Commutation fa
Supplies, 382.
laven, Emst, 4 2
lead, C. IV.
Thanks of Congress, 417.
toad, Cliarles It., 495,499, M'i, 511,521, 6%.
lend, Henry E. (Kentucky).
Bills, resolutiona, ete., introduced by, 87,93,128,
303, 311,342,447.
Committee on Patents, 22.
Leave of absence, 45%
Representative in Wrst Confederate
6,180, 245, 295, 368.



Read, l f m r g E.-Continued.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21, 47, 49,51,52,54,59,60,
62-64, 70, 81, 99-102, 105, 111, 115, 121,126,128,
138, 146, 152,153,159,163,168,171,172,177,178,
187, 193, 218,221,230,231,235,237,247,260,275,
276, 279, 280, 284-286,293,301,306, 321,323,358,
361! 366, 371-373,383,386-389,396,397,400,408,
409, 411, 412, 419,423,426,428,430,435,439,412,
443, 445-447, 449,453.
Beagan, John 11.
Postmastrr-General, 53, 68, 140, 223, 299,410,424,
482, 499, 536.
Hecopnltion by Foreign Powers.
Additional commissioners, 43, 6,66, 74, 86, 9G,
10.1, 105, 107, 224.
Diplomatic, consular, or ('ommercial agents, 47,
4X, 317, :U3, 334, 421-$2-1, 46-1-468, 478, 479,4Y3.
Prance, 466.
Greirt Britain, 71, 466.
Negotitilions, 65, 66, 466.
Holigious Deiiomliiatioiis.
Exemption from military service, 320, 336, 379,
431, 450, 460,490.
Payment of excmptioii tax, ,460, 490.
Hetalintioii, 296298, 3'25-330, 385, 413, 449, 469, 470,
523, 526, 629, 543-547, 549, 551, 654, 566.
Hetirement of Officers.
Disabled, etc., 67, 142, 384, 447, 448, 512, 513, 518521, 525, 526, 538-540, 519, 560.
Disbursing officers, etc., 117, 190, 265267, 273,
274, 470, 565.
Provision for raising, 82, 367, 426, 480, 481, 485,
486, 493, 496-490, 514, 516, 626.
Rieliard 11, 374.
Ilicliardsoii, \Villiani '1'. , 510.
lticluardsoii C Cn., 610.
Ilicliinond, Va.
Condition of defenses, 19, 20, 131, 132, 494.
Mail facilities at, 320,,322.
Itkmoval of scat of gorerument from, when
public interests require, 35, 36.
Salary of certain civil officers at, 381.
Shelter and subsislencc for troops passing
through, 313, 363.
llleiiniond and 1)anviiie aii(1 Aortli Garoliiilr it&roads.
Connection of, 181, 222, 333, 356.
1lic.hJlouataiii, W. \'a. Battle, July 11, 1861.
Aotion of Congress on reports, 270.
lltver andJ1arbor Defenses.
Const and rivers, 132, 150, 361, 450.
Camberlaud and Tennessee rivers, 342, 365,418,
41.6, 424, 494, 521, 532, 567.
James River, 19, 20,131,132.
Mississippi River, 66, 80, 190.
Mobile Bay and Alabama Rivcr, 80,915105,110,
124128, 129,142.
Western and southern rivers, 446, 468, 493, 495,
Itives, Alfred I,., 131.
lloaiinke Island, A. C. llattle, Feb. 8, 1862, 25,
28,30,51,76,88,139, 151, 167, 768, 238-243, 271,
ltoborls, James, 269.
ILoborts, John, 269.
Doberts, Noah, 269.

Root, S.
Design for flag, 381.
Bast, Peter A., 423.
Hoyston, Grandison D. (Arkansas).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 23,35,57.
Medical Department, 359,373.
Post-Offices and Post-Roads, 22, 195, 215, 454,
Leave of absence, 309, 34'2, 373.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 57, 60, 87,
93, 97, 141, 133, 163, 331.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
5, 180, 245, 295, 368, 547, 563, 564.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21,36,47,49-5", 5459,60,
h2-64, 69. 70,77,81, Yl, 9Y-102,105,111,116,l"l,
l26,128,138,147,152,153,159,163,lCi, 168,171,
218, 221,224231, 235,237,247,248,250,254,257260,264,265,278, 276,2;9,280,282-286,293,321,
323,326, 328,358,361, 306, 367, 371-3i3,378,379,
383, 38&389,39~397,400,408,409,411,412,419,
425,4'26.428,430,431, 435, 436,438,412,443,445,
447,449, 451-453,460,461,469,475,476,480,491,
492,494-497,499-501, 505, 509,515-518,520,526,
526,528,532,534,536,537, 539,513,547,549-552,

Rugglea, Daulel.
Action of Congresson report ofbattle ofShiloh,
Tenn , 368
Huskell, Qeorge, 291.
Kussell, Charles W. (Virginia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 12, 24,27,
35, 53, 60, 61, 69. 94, 130, 137, 139,155,170,204,
220, 224,226, 227, 300, 307,324,328,329,391,456,
461,462,489, 514,528,535, 547, 549,5M.
Judiciary, 21, 82, 84, 192, 337, 348, 373, 377, 384,
391, 413.
Naval Affairs, 233.
Special, 187, 319.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
7, 180, 245, 295, 548, ,%3, 564.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21,36,47,51,52,59,60,62,
63, 69,70,91,99-102,105,111,115,121,126,128,
787,191,20',21'2, 215, 216,?18,221,'224-Tdl, 235,
Zd7,247,248,2,54,257-259, 264,263,301,306,321,
323,326, 327,358,361, 366,372,373,378,359,383,
386-389,396,397, 400, 408, 411,412,430,435,436,
480,491,492,494-497, 499-501,505,509,515-518,
520,523,825,826,528, 532,534,536,537,539,543,
Saint Andr6, Baron de, 422.
Saint Charles, Ark. Battle, Julie 17, 1862.
Action of Congress on report, 308.

Saint Philip, Fort, La. Surrender, April 28,

Action of Coiigress on reports, 319.
Salaries. See Comnpemat?on.
Salt Mines or Springs.
Public use, 317, 31%
Sanders, George S., 816, 390.
Savannah, U. S.Ship, 350, 353,354.
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Doke of, 422.

I i c ~ r a i ~ r h o rCaptain,
i,tt, William t'.
Action of Congress on report of operations at
Rich Xountain. W . Va., '150.

Sexton, Franklin B.-Continued.

Yea and nay votcsContinued.
428,130,435, 436, 43R, 443-444,447,449,451,452,
469,475-477,480,492,494,496,497,499,.509,515Scott, \Villlam It., 410.
518, 5533, 523,625, 526,532,534,537,639,543,547,
Seal of the Coilfederate States.
Designs for, 2R4, 415.
Shannon, E. B., 347.
JCstahlishrnent of, 431, 440, 538, M2,,56R, 565, ,566. Sbarpshoatms.
I'nnishment for counterfeiting, 81.
Organization authorized, 232, 277-279, 284, 291See also Commitfie on Flag and Seal (Joint);
and Flag and Seal, etc.
Shaw, Henry M., 239-242.
Seat of Gorernment of the Confederate States.
SheRef, Hugh IV.
I?emoval from Richmon? when piiblic interests
Speaker of Virginia House of Delegates, 169.
require. 35, 36.
Shlloh, Tenn. Battle, April 6-7,186'2.
Staff and clerical force for general assigned to
Action of Congress, 186, 191, 193, 216.
duty at., 106, 132, 137.
Message of the President, 187,1@, 368.
Secesslonville, S. C. Engagement, June 16, Shoes.
Manufacture for the Army, 80, 118, 483,488, 492,
Action of Congress on report, 368.
504,506,507,5ia, 527.
Thanks of Coiigress to Colonel Lamar and offi- Siblej, Henry Hopkius.
cers and men. 309.
Thanks of Congress, 20-1, 219, B3, 255.
Secretary of tlre Rary.
Sick and Wounded.
Proposed abolishment of the office of, 303.
Asylums for, 380, 381.
Secretar). of l\ar.
Care i n hospitals, 304,312, 349. 439,444,450, 478,
Aholislrnient of office proposed, 46.
Seelag, 1,. W., 316, 319, 322, 325, 328.
Discharges, 290, 343.
Seldea, 'IYllliam B., 240.
Examination, 330.
Selma and Xerldian R.allroad.
Furloughs, 43, 118, 742, 315, 363, 409, 411, 435.
Completion, 181,212.
Proposed Eontribution by members of House
Semmes, Raphael.
for relief of, 319.
Slgel, Frunz, 263.
Thanks of Congress, 331, 347, ~ 9382.
Seninies, Thonrns J. (1,ouisiana).
Slgnal Corps.
GeiiLttor in First Confederate Congress.
Organization, 182, 214, 279, 290, 350, 377, 449, 463,
Conference, 290, 563, 8 8 .
Singleton, Otlio B. (Mississippi).
Rills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 97,
Flag and Seal, 29, 272.
142, 218, 284, 312, 326.
Special, 296, 3%.
Senate of the First Confederate Congress.
Inauguration, 13.
Organization, 11.
Indian Affairs, 22.
Pay and Mileage, 22.
Amendment of acts, 120, 139, 192, 332, 337, 362,
Specid, W4, 285.
364, 390, 414.
Leave of absence, 345.
fi:xcniption of ro~nmissioners from military
Petitions, prtpen, etc., presented by, 29.
service, 92.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Indemnity nnder act @I,82, 81. 125, 189.
6, 180, 245,295.
Suspension of law, i n cert.iiin cases, 342.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9, 21, 47,49,50,62,54,59,60,
See also Aliea E,nemies.
Seston, Frnirklln R. (Texas).
126,128,146,152, 153, 159, 16Y,167,172,177,178,
Bills, resolutions, etr., introduced by, 30, 44, 88,
191,193, 212, 215, 216, 218, 221,224-231,2%, 237,
91, 92, 123, 290, 305, 337, 350, 407, 473, 519.
247,248,250,251, 259, 260,264,265,276,276,279,
280, 282-285, 293, 301, 306, 321, 323, 326, 327.
Commerce, 22.
Quartermaster's and Commissary Depart- Slaves.
Compensation for:
ments arid Yilitary Transportation, 359,480.
370, 459.
Lost in service, 155,l
Sptuial, 1G6.
Taken by the enemy,
War Tax, 307.
262, 263, 279,283,
Cooks for the Army, M,
l'etitions, papers, ctc., presented by, 58.
285, 316.
~eprescntativej i i First Confederate Congress,
Disposition of captured, 391, 427.
7,180,245,295,3G8, M8,5G4.
Emancipation proclamation, 469.
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,3G.47,49-52,% 59.60,
Gradual emancipation i n border States, 163.
62-64,~9,70, 77?81, o i , w i o ? , m,111,115,12~
Importation from certain border States prohih126, 128,135,146, 132, 153, 159,163,E7,171,177,
ited, 163.
178,180,186,191,193,20", 212,215,216,215,221,
Impressment, 300, 316,324,3%.
2?4-231,257, 247, 246, 250,254,259,260,264,265,
protection of rights of owners, 656, 557,560.
275, 276, 279, 280,282-286,293,301,306,32~,3%
Ponishment of, taken i n arms against Confed326-328, 355, 356,361, 364,367,372,373,378,3793
erate States, 296, 348.
383,386489, 396, 397, 400,409,411,412,41%426,

.. . .,



Soutli American States.

Diplomatic relations with, 468,478,4
Recovery of fugitive, 440,537,538.
Reward to, for slaying Unioll soldiers and sail- South Carollna.
Claims against Confederate States, 353.
or?, 469.
Electoral votcs, 12.
See also Negroes.
Memorials and petitions of citizens, 82,
Sllde11, dohn, 423, 466.
Smlth, A. R., 145,199,201.
Smith, K. M., 12,13.
Representatives in Fi
Smith, Wllliam (Virginia).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 9, 10, 13,
28,54,61,G5, 90,91,93,94,186,193,233,256.
employees from military service,
Claims, 22.
Frauds, 22%

Naval Affairs, 21.

See also Express Companies.
Special, 10, 16.
South Mills, N. C. Engagement, Aprll19,1862.
Leave of absence, 110.
Action of Congress on report, 368.
Petitions, papers, etc., preTentetl h y , 71,78,82.
Representative in First Confederate Congress, Sparrow, Edward (Loiiisiana).
Senator in First Confederate Congress.
7, 137,180,245,295
Yea and nay votrq, 8, 9, 21,36,47,49-52,54,59,60,
Conference, 437,481,490.
Special, 11,665.
257-260, Sprigg, Rev., 351.
Standlng Committees. See CMnmiltees,Standing.
264,265,275,279,280, 283.
Staples, Waller B. (Virginia).
Smlth, Wllllani N. H. (North Carolina).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by,77,164,183.
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 28, 101,
101,150,154,158,204,280,282,312,332,342,3~%, Committees:
Elections. 21,112,114.
507, 518,
Patents, 22.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 45.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Conference, 290,292.
Elections, 21,112,133,136,168,175,340,3Y1,420.
Yea and nay votes, 8, 9,21,313,47,51,52,54,59,6%
Medical Department, 359.
Rules and Officers of the House, 22,166.
Special, 307.
Leave of absence, 221.
Representative in First Confederate Congress, Stark63 & Cardozo, 180,199,271,540.
State Department.
Abolishment of office of Assistant Secretsry,30.
Yea and nay voles, 21,47,50-52,54,59,60,69.70,
171,172,177,178, Clerical force, 300
Claims against Confederate States, 109, 200,332,
353,378, 409,419,429.
396,395,400,408,409,411,4l2,419,425,42GG,428, Exemption of officers from military service,431,
Free navigation of Mississippi and Ohio rivers
475,477, 491,492,494,496,497,499-501,
Gradual emancipa
Payment of war ta
Smith, \Villlsm K. (Alabama).
Rills, resolutions, etc.. introduced by, 75, 80,
ern, 320, 321.
Proposed league, offensive and defensive, with
Flag and Seal, 22.
certain, and territories on Pacific Coast, 469,
Foreign Afiairs, 21,407, 424,464,467.
Representative in Fint Confederate Congress,
Tender of troops by brigades, 67,119.
16, 180,245,295, 368,548.
Yea and nay votes, 36,47,51,52,54,59,60,62-64, Stationery.
House. 11.ZO, 33,45,76, 153,199,302, 541.
77,81,91,99-102,105,111,116, 121,126,138,146,
Provisioual Congreuu, 160,271, 286, 289,293.
Exemplionof officers,etc., from militaryservice,
419,425,KLG, 428,430,435-438,
442-446,447,449. Steele, Wllllsm, 67.
492,494497,5l3l, Stephens, Alexander H.
Vice Pre&idciitof the Confederat
526,5%,5SG, 559,
Election and acceptance, 12.13,
Inauguration, 13,li-19,
48, 58.
Sou16, P., 309.

Stewart. Rcv.. 203.
Naval, .')Mi, $59, 561.
Stout, James H., 130.
Stout, Steven I)., 386.
Strthllng, William f l . , 188.
Strleklaiitt, llardr (GeorEia).
Bills, resolutions, et?., introdnced by, 310.347,

Extension of term of office, 510, MI, ~ 4 .
payment of, in certain em-, 33,116, 117,147,
165, 203, 212, 219, 296, 304, 310, Sll,317,511,
,512, 512, 551,561.
Cotton, 44, 79.
Excess refunded:
Louisiana, 483,492, 604-506,526.
North Carolina, 324,325, 498, 504,506,526.
Acconnts, 22.
Missouri war tax,205.
PRtentS, '22.
Payable on assets above liabilities, 123.
Leare of absence, 4110.
Payment of certain, a t seat of government, 71.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 55,458.
Relief for taxpayers, 182.
Keprcsmktive i n First Confederate Congress,
Sale of property in default,
C, 1>0,215,295.368.
Yea ant1 ria? votes. X, 9,21, .?F,li, 49-52,54,69,
Serretary of the Tteasury re
CS, 64, 69, 70,i5,81,9l, 99-102,105,111,116,121,
Slave property, 410, 484.
126,128, 138, 146,198, I~2,153,159,1(i3,167,168,
171,172,175,178,lBG,191,193,202,212,216,218, States to gay into the Treasury,161,162,167,175.
22.P831, 235, 248, 250,2M,257-260,264,2&5,275,
Suspension of collection in certain cases, 119,
276,279, 280, 283-286,293,301,306,321,323,326,
327, 355, 358, 361,366,372,373,378,379,383,387Virginia war tax, 165,160,161.
389,39C, 397, -100,.108,409,412,419,425,428,430,
Wac tax for redemption of Treasury notes, 30,
431, 43:%438, 443,445,447,452.
44,79,84, 88,117,183.
raylor, Y. c., 142,156.
For the Army, 363.
Taylor, W. H. S.
Auditor, %2, 353,390,413,414.
Quantity on hand, 16".
Teazer, C . S. S.
Substitutes. See X i l i t a r y Sereice.
Thanks of Congress to officer8 and crew, 211,
Sumter, C. S. S.
Tlialiks 01 Congress to officers and crew, 331,
Telegraph Compaalex.
Consolidation with postal system proposed, 565,
Supreme Court.
Organization, 26, 204, 391.
Excmption of employees from military serviee,
Swan, IYillInm B. (Tennessee).
90, 96,431,433,450.
Bills, resolnti~ns,etc., iiitrodnced by, 23, 31,44,
61,71, a,
109,119,1'23,137,217,11?5,227,236,236, l'ennessee.
Dkasters to armies of Confederate States in, 11,
25,28, 29,71, 76,77, 85,88, 122. 164,106, 174,
Intiuguration, 13.
Elwtoral votes, 12.
Military Affairs, 21, 64, 78,119,491,
Enforcement of conscript law in, 314.
Leave of absence, 164.
Legalization of acts of dirtrict attorney, marPetitions, papera, ctn.. presenled by. 82, 104,208,
shal, eto., 109,174.175,li8, 219.
Management of Quartermaster and Commissary
Representative in First Confederate COnpi'eiiS,
Departments in, 76. 1'29, 130,145.
7, 180,215,295, 368, 548.
Memorials of citizens, 30,182.
Pea and nay votes, 8, 9,47, 49-52,54,59,60,62-64,
69, 70, i i , 91, 99-10?, 115, 121,126,1'28,138,148, Post routes, 24, 82,249, 415.
Representatives in First Confederate Congress,
153, 215, 218, 225-231,2:15,237,247,254.257-2GO,
7, 70, 108, 296.
528,353,35Y,3FI,366,371-373,378, Security from invasion, 424,494.
lerinessee Branch Hank.
379, 383, 388-388,39639;,400,409,411,412,419,
425, 426, 437-439,41",443,445,44G,
449,451,453, Loan to General Hinclman, 477.
Payment of interest due, 341,466,516.
461,469,475477, 480,491,492,494-497,499-501,
,505, 509,51%51S, $22,523, 3'5,526,528,532,534, leunossee Hlver.
53i, 539, 643,549-532.
rerrftorlal lntegrlty of tlte Co~~fc~leracy.
Sykes, W. J., 40'2.
hfaintenance of, 14,20,23, 34, 44,67.
Taliuferro, WIlIiani N.
Action oi Congress on report of battle of Car- rcstfmony.
Perpetuation, 69,142.
rick's Ford, W. Va., 24, 89.
Mentioned, 339.
Defense of frontier, 155,164,170,173,
TarfU. See Customs Duties.
Electoral votes, 12.
Judicial districts, 437,440, 448,.449.
Assessors, 90, 91.
petition ot citizen? of Cass Coutity, (io.
Collection, 148, 248, 262,287.
Post routes, 60, 249.
Kepreseutatives in First Confederate Congress,
Exemption from militury service of certain,
7, 295.



l'es;rs and X e n Urleniis Hnilrond.

(:o1iiiectiori with Xew O r l e a n s and Opeloristte
RiLilrond, 45.
'I'esxs (Eastern) Kallroml Coruy.~ug.
l<elie[for, 437, 440.
'I'linirksglving buy.
Observance, 390.
'I'lruinas, I\'.
E., 3.12.
~ l l o n l ~ l s o nI,elvfs,
TIbLs, iVillIiiiu H. (Tenncssee).
l3ills, rcsoliitioiis,etC., introduced by, 30,129,314,
COlllrUi t tcos:
Biirolled Bills, 22,109, 1B2, 223, 255, 265, .195.
Indian Atinirs, 22.
Leave of itbsenci,, $5, 164.
Petitions, Ixqws, etr., presented by, 145, 3 6 .
liepresenttit i r e i n First Confederate Congress,
7, 180, 245, 296.
Pea and nay votes, 8,9,21,:30,47,.19-5%,:,4,5Y, 60,
(i2-64,69,70,99-102,105, 111, 116, 121, l%, l"S,
23R, 'L37,247,
4,265,275,276, 27'3, 280, 283,
7,358,SGl, 366, 372, 378, 378,
6,397,400,408, 409, 411,412,
43O,436-438.44'2,443,44~1-447,449, 4,51-153,461,
6Z3,625, GZ3,528,549-692.


Iklh-ery to lhc enemy proliibited, 181.
Dt~slrnctiono f . See l'riviile I'~opfpe~1y:I>eslrucLiou, elc.
ILxportetioii of present crop prohibited, 117,126,
150, lY2,I&!, 165, 18.5, 26(i-268.
Export d u t y , 67, 117, SUO.
1111prcssrireii t , 6:U.
I~iiluiiiiiitgto owners for destrtiction of, 27, 65,
58-60, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 1011, 116.
I,imit;\lioii of pwdnctioii, 70, 94, 98, 99, 106, 1'%.
Loan to (:oiif~dwiitoStates. 1.17.
Sale or Iiypolhecstion to foreign governments,
292, 692.

W a r tws, 1-18,
Tarrc!nw, A. I)., 317.
'I'rndc tint1 Intercourse.

Conscription, 318, SS1, 356.

Sciziire of cnttoll i l l . 331, 356.
Comiiiutatioii for, 220, 225, 582.
Orjit~iiizatioiiol 1r;iiisport train for Army, 51.
Soldiers, 52, 118, XI, EO, 188, 216, 251-254, 309,
350, 3m.
Troops and miinitions of war by ruilro:ids, 162,
188,215,251-~254,26!4,29X, $84,455, 466, 471, 480482,485.
Trcwury Drparl.merit.
Appropriations. Src A p p r q ~ r i c i l i o ? ~ ~ .
CIeric*nlforce, 167, 168, 171-174, 202, 214, 123, 247,

Jlcetirig requiPilious on, 343. 581, 402, ,180.

'I'reussrg Sot(%
"ippropriaition for printing. 431.
Clinnge of force, 329, 346, 847.

Treasury Wotes-Continued.
Counterfeits. Sce Cmnrttyfeerl A
I ~ s I 30,44,7Y,
21G,217,219,2%, 298, ?&
I, $51,
389,403,410,429, 514,815,534.
Legal tender, 26, 51, 77, 78, 97, 130, 145, la.


Foreign powers, 65, GG.

Northzvcstern Sttites, 3
T r l n t p , Isrcttc R., 3d9.
Trippa, Hobcrt 1'. (Georgia).
I3illa, molutioiis, ctc., i n t r o
101, :%003
, 35%,419, ,176,

commnerce, 22.
IClertions, 21, 419, 125.
spccllbl, 919.
I'etition8, papern, ctc., presented b y , 43, 81, 331.
Ileprescntiitive in Fiist Confederate Congress,
6, ISO, 24.5,2!6.
Yea aiid n a y rotea, 8,9, 21,3(i, 47,49-52,54,59, Go,
G2-64,6Y, 70,77,81, 111, 9Y-I02,105,111,Illi, 121,
128,138,146,162, 183,187, lGS, 171,172, 177,178,
180,186,191,202,218, 224-2:11,'?87,248, 250, 257,
25$,260,'?64,2G5,276, ;?Ol, 306, 521,328, 826-328,
555!558, SGl,366,37", 378, 379,38Y, 38G-389,396,
128, 430,481,435, 436,
458,412-'-.116,461-453, 480, 4ul,40!), 475,477,480,
491,4'3",494,496,4'37, 1!)9-301, 809,615-518,520,

bL", V2:1,h25,:,2ti,628,33?,

T ~ l e r John
Reprcwntali\7e elec'l l o First ('oilfederate Congre%
I)eath of, 277.
Mentioiwd, 1'30,337, 143.
Tylrr, dullri Uririliarr.
Itel1c.f lor. 130, 137, 143.

Tylrr, Ilobrrt.
Jtegi5ter o f tht. 'l'rrs\llry, 287.
l!iilon 1Yti~oloali~:il
fifCblrl(JriRlOf lll'~lfPsWrY,373.
Uiiitod State#.
Coniuiissionet to, 360.
Continuance of pcnsions received Erom, 93,147,
Prohibition of importations from,
Reunion with, 46, 66, 74, 81;.
VarnnrloN fn OWae.
Node of filling:
Ficld ofhceru, YS2, 333, 612,
Occiirrlirg tl~iriiiprecesi 01
Preridciit kind Vice-Prchitlciit, 70,168, 201, 202,
V i m I)ore, Earl.
Action oi Congress on report of battle in Arkanmy,


'I'lynlis of Congress, 213, 279, 283,2%>,310.

Vllnfelson, c. h., 208.
Vernon, J. &I., 97.
Vessels of Wtir.
Approprktion for, 446, 468. 493, 511.
Construction. See I'iirelinw or
(POHt) .

Issuc 01boiids to irrcet contrwt, 316,3

350, 389, 420.

V r h w l ~of War ~4'ontinnccl.
iiotion. 67,89,105,lK, 126,213,


Representatives in First ConIederate Congress,
7,14, 16, 32, 137. 277, 295.
Security from invasion, 450.
Vest, L;i*iJrseti. (Xissonri).
VlndlcatLon c-fancient boundaries, 14, 20, 23.
J3ills. rcwlntions, etc., introduced by, 183, 320,
See U k o TerritorialIntegt ity of the Confederacy.
382. :!XI, 269.
War tax,156, lm,161.
Virginla Hilitary Institute.
Exemption of cadets, etc., from military scrvice, 336, 343, 433.
I'ctitiom, p;ipt!rs, etc., prewntefl hy, 308.
Vfrginln Troops.
Rcimwit;itirc i n First Confederate Congress,
IllfRnt;.y-Regirnenls: 44tli, 270; 4Gth, 240; 69tl1,
ti. li.0, M , 29.5, 368, 569,564.
YC:LH J I ~11;iy vote.s, 8,9,105,111,115,121,326,138,
Miscellaneous. W h e T,eglon, 110,240,242.
65,168, l i l , 172, 177,178, 167,212,216,
Volunteer Savj. Sec Xa1Talty of the Cnnf&wcfcSiatPs
%1-281,23.5. 217, 248,%0,257, 258,264,
Volunteers. See B , m ~of the Confderatp St&$;
86, 293,301, 806. 321,3"3,316-3"8,355,
and Confedei ate Troops.
;L?,3i8,379, 383, 386-%9,3!~,397,400, Walker, Iaham, 350.
40X,4OY, 111,412,419,4".5,4?6,~1'L8,4X0,-1HS,436, Wall, John F., 53.
'l%Y, ,139, 112, .I*:$ ,445447, i49,453,4SO, 491,492,
Walton &. Colin, 361.
49-1-196, 501, 505,558, 559, 5ti2,563,566.
Conduct of, 1.519, 151, 155, 297-300, 314,320, 321,
Hills rctwned, 105, 108,.499, 500, 515, 557, 567.
328,334,335,346,34b,360. 3&5, $36, 404405,469.
Ilcssajie, 287, 288.
Existence of, recognized, 124, 248, 284, 286, 2 1 ,
V l w - I'reslilent of the Confetlrrate States.
Prosecution of,27,146, 154, 155, 163, 166,174, 405,
Voluntary contrihntions in aid of the, 139, 189,
Priratr. Secretary for, ,159, 463, 536, 5 3 i , 543, 5.18, Ward, Rev ,347.
518, 551~56".
\lard, John f l . , 97, 103,271.
Provision for filling vacancy in officeof, in, 168, War Department.
201, 202, 234, 23.5, 266.
Appropriationq. See Approprzatzons.
Palitrl-, 116, 147.
Biiditing of arroniits lor, 261, 2bi, 275, 294.
Bee r i l m Stephens, A1e:canderH.
Clerical force, 75, h'J,93,101,2:12,261,263, 286,3cW0.
VIcksIiurL'. Xisb.
bilahlishincnt and organization, 31,52.
Action 011 (iciienll Beauregard's report o n deXemorial of c l c r h , 350.
YYarIey, A. F.
Thuik5 01 Congiebs, 417.
Vlcksbere nnrl S l i r r ~ q i o r tIlailroacl.
IYnrren, Jarneh I?., 88.
Ciiubtriiclioii, 318, 36%
R ar Tax. See T'clxes.
Vlllert, (W+rIwJ . (Loni.siaiia).
Watts, Thonias H.
Bills, rc>olutions, ctc., introduced by, 67, 309,
Attorlie! -General, 352, 370, 419, 4M.
IYeigllts rind Neasnros.
511, 319.
Decimal system, 97.
Claims, 2 2 , 120.
Wellons, Rev., 356.
iVekli, Isrriel (Mississippi)
Commerce, 22.
Rills, resolutions, etc ,introduced by, 44,312,381.
Military .iffairs, 162, 191.
i'etitionq papers, ctc., prcsenlcd by, 67, 361.
pay and Mileage, 307.
Iicpresentstive i n First Confederate Congress,
Post Offices and Post-Roads, 22,454,541.
ti, 180, 2-15, 295, 368.
Tea and nay \-otes, 8,9,21,36,47,49-.52,54,59,60,
War T&x,307.
Petitions, papers, etr., presented by, 13,343.
Gl-CA, 69, 70, 77, 81,91,99-102,105,111,11A, 121,
i n First Confederate Congress, 6,
126: 1.23,US, 146,148, 151, 153,139,163,16i,168,
180, 24i, 295, 368, 548, 564.
171 172, l i i , 178,180. 1R7,191,1'33,202,215,216,
Yea and n a y 'iotes, 8,9, 21, 36, 47,49, 51, 52, 54,
2tR, ?21,306,321,323,326-328,358,361,366,35169, m , ~ ~ 4 , 'in,
~ 977,, xi, 91, winz,in5, 111,
116, lL1,126,128,138, 146,11&153,1~9,
Virginla, C. S. S., 85,116,174.
151,172,li7,li8, lYl,19:1, 2iX,212, 215,216,218,
221,221-231,255, 237,247, 248,250,254, 257-260,
Defense of, by llic Conicdcrate Gorernment, 2::s.
?61,2b5,275,279,280, 2%2-286,295, 501,306, Y'LI,
Electwxl Totes, 12.
y23,3&, 325, 355,358, 361, %6,367,372, 375,378,
Goveriior of, 11, 183, 296, 3.10. 341.
3;9,3$3, %WJXn, 3YF, 395,400, 408, 109,411,412,
Legislative proceedings, 14, 33, 169, 335, 336.
119, ~ 5 , 4 3 0 , 4 ~ 1 , 4 3 6 - 1 442-146,
3femorials rind petitions oi citizens, 68, i8,130,
4514%, 160,4Gl, 469, 474-477,480, 491,492,494190. 188, 199, 315. 3R5, 38(i, 3-18, 3i1, 428.
&:)7, ~199-501,505,509,517,318, 6'20,522,323, 525
i'ayniciit (if militia oficers, 116, 130,157, li6,189,
53,528, 537,539,6&, 547, 549-65'4558, 559,562,
190. 2115, '262, Wi.
Post routes. 78, 130, IDS,219.



Westbury, W. J., 204.

Western R'orth Carolina Rsilrosd.
Extension, 109,136,200.
Whlte, Ueorgc. W., 336.
Wlgfsll, I~oulliT. (Texas).
Senator in First Confederate Congress.
Conference committees, 124,127, 437, 663.
IYllcos, Jolin A. (Texaa).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 32, J86,
204,23'$,473, $25.
Inauguration, 13.
Military Affairs, 1G2,1900,
191, 200.
Territories arid Public Lands, 22, 379.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 67.
Represcntntive i n First Confederate Congress,
7,180, 245,295,368,:i4x.
Yea and nay voteu, 8,9,21,36,47, 61,64,FO, 6244,
138,151, 153,159, 163,168,171,172, 177,178,180,
186,193. 212,215,218, 221,224-228,235, 237,254,
254,267-260,264,265, 275,276,279, 250,283-286,
293,321,323,326, 3"7,355,353,:<61,366,372,374,
379,383,386-389,396,397, 400,408,409, 411,412,
419,425,426,428, 436,1138, 442-445,447,449,451453,461,469,475,476, 480, 491,492, 494-497,49%
M1, W9,515418, 520,525, 526, $28, 534,536,639,
545,547,549-532, 558,559.
IVllkes, Saniitel M., 248, %67,273, 276, 294.
WIliIanis, Tliomas H., 381.
\Ylllianis, Wllsos, 75,271.
Willlamson, Dr., 104.
Wlills, B. H., 163, 192, 201.
W f I l S , ThOlnllN, 191.
Wilson, s. RI.
Design for flag, 380.
Wlse, llenry A., 88, 139, 151, 164, 167, 238, 239,
\Ylthera, A. (1.. 97.
Wltliers, Joliii, 243.
11'1tIiers, Jones M.
Actiou of Congrees on report of battle of Shiloh, Tenu., 368.
Wolfe, Samuel M.

Design for fiag and acal, 2&.

Memorial from, of the South, 165.
Thanks of Congress for voluntary contributions, 189, 210, 214, 219.
k n u f a c t u r e of cards, 151.
Wright, Ambrose R., 242.
Wright, Augustus R. (Georgia.).
Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 14, 31, 66,
67, 108, 258, 302, 360, 444, 462.
Modical Department, 359, 408, 409, 444.
Naval Affairs, 21.
Pay and Miletqe, 125.
Printing, 22.
Special, 10, 50, 307, 313.
Leave of ribsence, 152, 427.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 29, 71, 269,

KrlSlrt, Augustas &--Continued.

Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votes, 8,9,21,36,47,49,51,52,54,59,
60,62.64, 69, 70, 77,81, 91,99-102,105,111,116,
Wright, John Y. (Tennessee).
Committee on Ordnance and Ordnance Stores,

Leave of absence, 229,386.

Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and nay votcs, 121,126, 128,138,147,152,153,
1G3, 165,168,171,172,177,178,1xO,186,191,202,
212, 321, 323,327, Y58,361,366,37L,373,378,379,
383, 408, 409,411, 412, 419, #&5,42F, 428,430,431,
435438,443, 460,461,469,475,47G,480,491,492,
495, 497, 499 501, 50.5, 509,515-518,522,523,525,

W'rlght, \Yilllsm B. (Texas).

Bills, resolutions, etc., introduced by, 383, 475.
Indian Affairs, 22.
Leave of abseiice, 168.
Petitions, papers, etc., presented by, 386.
Representative in First Confederate Congress,
Yea and na) votes, 8, 9,21,36,47,49,51,52,54,59,
60, 6!!,69,70,77,81,91,99-102, IOS, 111,116,121,
126, 128,138,146,152,171, Ii7,178, 180,187,191,
193, 212, 216,221, L2 I , 225,2%,230,231,235,237,
247, 248,250,254, 'tX-2fi0, 264,255,279,280,283286, 2113, 301,30L,321,323,32G,327,355,358,361,
366, 3i2,373,378,379, 383,386-.%9,396, 397,400,
408, 409, 411,412,419,425, '126,430,435,436,438,
442-447, 449,451-153,460,461, 169,475,476,480,
491,495497,499-501, 505, 509,515-515,526,528,
Wynne, it. 11.
Doorkeeper of Hollbe of Kepresentatives, 9,640,
Yancey, Wllllani L. (Alabama).
Senator in First Confederate C
Conference, 290,437.
Special, 184.
Yes and Nay Votes, 8, 9. 20,91, 36,415, 47, 49-52, 54,
59, 60,62-64, 69, 70, 77, 81, 91, 99-102,105,110,
111,ll5,11C, 121,126,128,138,14G-148,151-153,
159,163, 1F7, 168,171,172,177,178,180,186,187,
191,193,202,20:3,212,215, 216, 215,221,224-231,
23.i, 237,247,248,%0,254,257-260,264,265,275,

276, 278-280, 282-286, 292,293,301,306, 321,323,

326328, 354, 355,358,360,361,3CG,367,371-373,
378,379,382, 383,386-389,39.5-S97,399,400,408,
441-447,449,45145:%,460,461,46S, 669,474-477,
480,490492,494-497,499-501, ,505,508, .509,516520,522, 513, 525,526,528, 532,534,536,537,539,
643, b47,&49452,558,559, 562, M3,566.


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