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Grammar _ Modals / Modal Perfects ‘After Student's Book, page 71 Choose the correct answer. 1. You tll her about the party because it's a surprise @mistntb. dont have 2. Pease help me. open the door. a.shouldn't Geant 2. You be col. Its hot in her @ean't must fe. study tonight. He's got an important exam tomorrow. should b can ‘Match the sentences in A to the continuations in B, A a 1. You mustn't talk loudly. 3a, Ineed it +2. We don't have to leave yet. ©. b, The roads are very crowded. 3. You shouldn't take the laptop. |g It’s against the library rules. hey oi oem 4a ve poplar ot 5 leans oun ona 2 lesser 6. They may arrive late. 5, There's no school tomorrow, Complete the sentences with the modals below. might # have to * should # can't # don't have to ® is able to * couldn't # mustn't 1. You. don’t have 0. come ityou don't want to. 2. Toke asweater it. Mght get cold ater 3. What Should | wear tonight? 4 Thope he iS able t0__” repair my computer. 5. You... MUSUN'C smoke here. 's2 non-smoking restaurant. 6 You _ have to sd aygimmesiatel or you wil miss your train 7. Las so angry | speak. 8. That STC be Tom. He's much taller than Tom. Complete the sentences. Make them true for you. 1. My parents think Ishould._ ACCePE all logical and grammatically correct answers Students at my school mustn't At the weekends, | have to This year my fiends are able to Last year, | couldn't Choose the correct answer. 1. We were worried about you. You must have called. Kote is upset. You ean't have / houldn't hav® shouted at her. 3. [don't know where my umbrella is. Cay have} / should have left it onthe bus. 4. The food ison the table. They needn't have /ustn't hav@ had dinner yet ‘5. Danny didn’t come to the meeting. He shouldn't have known about it. 6 Choose the sentence that is nearest in meaning to the ori 1. We should have invited Helen to jain us. I'm sorry we didn’t invite Helen a, I'm pleased we didn't invite Helen, 2, You must have read this book 2, You had to read the book. I'm sure you've read this book 3, Tom couldn't have played a better game. ‘Tom played very well indeed, Tom didn’t play as well as usual. 7 Choose the correct answer. THE CUSTOMS OF TIME Travelling to other counties is lots of fun, but you (1) coutd /@houTe)learn alittle about the culture UNIT 6 | Culture and Customs al sentence. 4. Sally may have taken the car. Sally got permission to take the cat it’s possible Sally took the car 5. “John can't have finished the job It’s impossible to finish the job so quickly John wasn't able to finish the job. ofthe pace were youl be staying, Otherwise, you (2CmghEY ought to make embarassing mistakes. The attitude towards time is an excelent example of ultra diferences. In France, you (NG! have tative afew minutes late ta meeting an thats perety acceptable. The same is tue i Norway, Belgium and mos of ‘sia weve in Switzerland or Germany, punctuality considered very important, so you (4) couldn't (uste’t 12 a minute late for a meeting. Unfortunately | dite’ know that when Iwas in Bertin. | () must have (Should have ave for my meeting exactly on time, but | was a few minutes late and that was embarrassing. At the other extreme is the Middle East. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, | (6{could have must have come an hour later for my 12 oclock meting | arrived on ime and (7) must (Rad 89 wat over an Hour There are even paces where ti s0ily correct to ative Yashionaby" lat. In London, dinner invitation for 7 oelock does really mean that you are expected serves ety 7a Cane et vou stan maT RE J our othe shed Me doer pepo So, when travelling, it's important not only to watch the time but also to understand the time. 8 correct the errors, 1. This campaign may changes the Peruvian attitude {9wards being late Phis'campargn tiiay change the Perv Igwards being tae: 2, hildtieenstas 6 promote punctuality. All citizens have to promote punetuality an attitude 3. You could have give me the bad news earlier! You could have given me the bud news earlie 4. The president might has forgotten about our meeting The president might have forgotten about our necting. 5, Peruvians should haven't tolerated this chronic problem. Peruvians shouldn't have tolerated this chronic problem, Translate the sentences into your own language. 1. Are you able to adapt easily to new situations? cBres capar de adaplarte féeilmente a nuevas situaciones? 2. Public officials must start fulfilling their obligations. Los funcionarios deben empezar & cumplir con sus Obligaciones, 3. You needn't arrive early tomorrow marning,' No es necesario que Tlegues temprano mafiana por la ‘Peabittind Dad anywhere. He must have left without me. No puedo encontrar a papa por ningun sitio, Se debe de ‘vilibeht foledd slid have taken punctuality more seriously, El presidente Toledo deberfa haberse tomado la uniualidad mids en serio, a

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