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apropos Search information about a command or subject.

cat Show content of one or more files.

cd Change into another directory.
exit Leave a shell session.
file Get information about the content of a file.
info Read Info pages about a command.
logout Leave a shell session.
ls List directory content.
man Read manual pages of a command.
passwd Change your password.
pwd Display the current working directory.

bash GNU shell program.

cat file(s) Send content of file(s) to standard output.
cd directory Enter directory. cd is a bash built-in command.
chgrp newgroup file(s) Change the group ownership of file(s)to newgroup
chmod mode file(s) Change access permissions on file(s)
chown newowner[:[newgroup]] file(s) Change file owner and group ownership.
cp sourcefile targetfile Copy sourcefileto targetfile.
df file
Reports on used disk space on the partition containing
echo string Display a line of text
export Part of bash that announces variables and their values
to the system.
file filename Determine file type of filename.
find path expression Find files in the file system hierarchy
grep PATTERN file Print lines in filecontaining the search pattern.
head file Send the first part of fileto standard output
id Prints real and effective user name and groups.
info command Read documentation about command.
less file View filewith a powerful viewer.
ln targetfile linkname Make a link with name linknameto targetfile.
locate searchstring Print all accessible files matching the search pattern.
ls file(s) Prints directory content.
man command
Format and display online (system) manual pages for
mkdir newdir Make a new empty directory.
mv oldfile newfile Rename or move oldfile.
newgrp groupname Log in to a new group.
pwd Print the present or current working directory.
quota Show disk usage and limits.
rm file Removes files and directories.
rmdir file Removes directories.
tail file Print the last part of file.
umask [value] Show or change new file creation mode.
wc file Counts lines, words and characters in file.

which command Shows the full path to command.

at Queue jobs for later execution.

atq Lists the user's pending jobs.
atrm Deletes jobs, determined by their job number.
batch Executes commands when system load level permits.
crontab Maintain crontab files for individual users.
halt Stop the system.
init run level Process control initialization.
jobs Lists currently executing jobs.
kill Terminate a process.
mesg Control write access to your terminal.
netstat Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics,
connections and multicast memberships.
nice Run a program with modified scheduling priority.
pgrep Display processes.
ps Report process status.
pstree Display a tree of processes.
reboot Stop the system.
renice Alter priority of running processes.
shutdown Bring the system down.
sleep Delay for a specified time.
time Time a command or report resource usage.
top Display top CPU processes.
uptime Show how long the system has been running.
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics.
w Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
wall Send a message to everybody's terminals.
who Show who is logged on.
write Send a message to another user.

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