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ELA 10-1,20-1,30-1 Critical/Analytical Response to Literary Texts Scoring Rubric

Thought and

Supporting Evidence




*The selection and quality of

* The manner In which the


stodenl focuses, arranges, and

How well ihesupporting

evidence isemployed,

snipes me discussion in


How effectively thestudent's

*The quality oftheliterary
Interpretations to show
understanding ofthe text
relative lothe topEc (7.5}

developed, and synthesized

tosupport thestudent's

response totheassignment.
How well aunifying effect or
acontrolling tdeo Isdeveloped
and maintained. (5)


Morton of Diction

Matters of Correctness
Consider the correctness of

Choices ofsyntactic

Sentence construction (completeness, consistency,

structures (such as

subordination, coordlnollon, ond predication).

* Usage (accurate useof words according to convention

The extent to which

stylistic choices contribute

to the creation of voice.


ond meaning).
*Grammar (sub jecl-verb/prenaun-antecedent
agreement, pronoun reference, consistency oftense).
*Mechanics (punctuation, spelling, capitalization)
Consider the proportion oferror interms ofthe

complexity and length ofthe response. (5)

Excellent E (7J)
Idoos are insightful and
carefully considered,
demonstrating acomprehension

the student's ideas in a

of subtle distinctions In the

convincing way. Avalid

literary textfs) and Ihe topic,

literary Interpretations are

connection to Ihe student's

Excellent E(7J)
Support is predso and
astutely chosen toreinforce

Excellent E(5)
A[udlcious arrangement of

Excellent E(5)
Diction is predse. Syntactic

ideos and details contributes to

a fluent discussionthai is

structures are effective ond

Stylistic choices contribute

to the creation of a skillful


Ideos isefficiently

developed skilfully. The

unifying effect orcontrolling
idea Is effectively presented

This writing demonstrates confident control of correct
sentence construction, usage, grammar, ond mechonics.
The relative Insignificance oferror isimpressive
considering thecomplexity ofthe response ond the

perceptive and illuminating.


and Integrated.

Proficient PF (6)
Ideos orethoughtful and
considered, demonstrating o
competent comprehension ofthe
literary textfs) ond thetopic
literary Interpretations are
revealing and sensible.

Proficient PF(6)
Support is specific and well-

Proficient PF (4)
Apurposeful arrangement of

chosen to relaforcethe
student's Ideos In a

ideas ond details contributesto

a controlleddiscussion thai is

Proficient PF (4)
Diction is spedfic Syntactic
structures oregenerally
effective. Stylistic choices


Ideas iscapably maintained.

developed capabfy.
The unifying effect or
controlling idea iscoherently

aconsidered composition
with a capable voice.

Satisfactory S (4S)

Satisfactory S(4J)

presented and sustained.

Satisfactory S (3)

Ideos are relevant and

Support is general, adequote,

and appropriately chosen to

ofIdeas ond details provides

reinforcethe student's ideas

direction farthe discussion(hat

In an acceptable way but

occasionally maylack

Is developed appropriately.
The unifying effect or
controlling idea isgenerally
presented and maintained;
however, coherence may falter.

straightforward, demonstrating

ageneralized comprehension of
Ihe literary lextfs) ond thetopic
literary interpretations ore
general butplaasible.

connection to Ihe student's

A reasonable connection lo

thestudent's ideas issuitably

Astraightforward arrangement

limited 1(3)
Ideos ore superficial or
oversimplified, demonstrating a

restatement of.what was

literary textfs) and the topic

literary interpretations are
incomplete and/or literal.

read, and/ orinappropriately

for Ihe discussion that is

chosenin relationto the

student's ideos andthus lacks

Aunifying effectorcontrolling
idea is inconsistently

persuasiveness. Aweak

composition with a
convincing voice.

contribute to the creation of

SatisfactoryS (3)
Diction isadequate.
Syntactic structures are
straightforward, but
attempts at complex
structures maybe

limited I (2)
A discernible but Ineffectual

arrangement ofideas ond

details provides some direction

connectionto the student's

Ideas Is maintained.


Satisfactory S (3)
This writing demonstrates control ofthebasics of
correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, ond

mechanics. There may baoccasional lapses In control

ondminor errors; however, the communication remolns


Stylistic choices contribute

to the creation of o


Ahaphazard arrangement of
ideas and details provides little

Limited I (2)
Diction is Imprecise and/or
Syntactic structures ara
frequently awkward ond/or
ambiguous. Inadequate
language choices contribute
to Ihecreation of a vague
composition with an

LimitedI (2)
This writing demonstrates faltering control of correct
seatence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.
The range oferrors blurs Ihe dority ofcommunication.

undiscerning voice.

Ideos are largely obsent or
Irrelevant, and/or do not

Support isirrelevant,

develop the topic Little

validity, ond/or isobsent.

or no direction for Ihe

structures are uncontrolled

textfs) isdemonstrated

little or ao connectionto the

student's ideas is evident.

discussion, and development is

lacking orobscure. Aunifying
effectorcontrolling idea is

and/or unintelligible. Alack

of language choices


ofacoafused composition

overgeneralized, locks

Proficient PF (4)
This writing demonstrates competent control ofcorrect
sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.
Minor errors incomplex language structures ore
understandable considering thecircumstances.

conventional composition
with enappropriale voice.


limited I (3)
Support Is inadequate,
Inaccurate;largely a

sometimes polished.

Diction isovergeneralized
and/or Inaccurate. Syntactic

This writing demonstrates lack ofconlrol ofcorrect
sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics.
Jarring errors impair communication.

contributes to the creation

with an Ineffective voice.

Insufficient INS Insufficient is a special category. Itis notanindicator nfquality. Assign Insufficient when the student hns written solittle that it is notpossible toassess
Thought and Understanding and/or Supporting Evidence or* noreference hos been made toliterature studied or*theonly literary reference present istothetexl(s) provided

In the first assignment orthere Is no evidence ofan ottempl to fulfill the task presented In the assignment.

ELA 10-1; 20-1; 30-1 Personal Response Scoring Rubric

Ideas and Impressions
When marking Ideas and Impressions, the marker should consider


When marking Presentation, themarker should consider the

the student's exploration ofthetopic in relation to the prompting

effectiveness of;


voice in relation toIhe context created by the student in the chosen

the student's ideas and reflection

prose form

' support in relation tothe student's ideas and impressions

*stylistic choices (including quality ond correctness of

language and expression) and thestudent's creation oftone
the student's development of a unifying and/or aesthetic effect
Consider thecomplexity oftheresponse in terms ofitscontext and


length. /IP
Excellent E(9-10)
The student's exploration ofthetopic isinsightful.
Perceptions and/or ideos areconfident and discerning. Support is
precise and aptly reinforces the student's ideas and impressions.

Excellent E(9-10)
The voice created by the student isconvincing. Stylistic choices are
precise and the student's creation oftone isadept.
The unifying and/or aesthetic effect isskillfully developed.

Proficient PF (7-8)
The student's exploration ofthetopic ispurposeful. Perceptions
and/or ideas arethoughtful and considered. Support isspecific and

Proficient PF (7-8)
The voice created by the student isdistinct. Stylistic choices are
specific and the student's creation oftone iscompetent. The unifying

strengthens the student's ideos and impressions.

ond/or aesthetic effect is capably developed.

SatisfactoryS (5-6)
The student's exploration ofthetopic isgeneralized. Perceptions
and/or ideas are straightforward and relevant. Support isadequate

SatisfactoryS (5-6)
The voice creoted by thestudent isapparent. Stylistic choices are
adequote and thestudent's creation oftone isconventional. The

ond clarifies the student's ideos and impressions.

unifying and/or aesthetic effect is appropriately developed.

The student's exploration ofthetopic isvague.
Perceptions and/or ideas ore superficial and/or ombiguous. Support
is imprecise and/or ineffectively related tothestudent's ideas and

Limited L(3-4)
The voice created bythestudent isunsuitable. Stylistic choices are
imprecise ond thestudent's creation oftone isinconsistent. The
unifying ond/or aesthetic effect isinadequately developed.


The student's exploration ofthetopic isminimal.

Poor P(1-2)
The voice creoted bythestudent isconfused. Stylistic choices impede

Perceptions ond/or ideas areundeveloped and/or irrelevant. Support

islacking and/or unrelated tothe student's ideas and impressions.

communication ond the student's creation of tone is ineffective. A

unifying ond/or aesthetic effect is haphazard or obscure.

Insufficient INS

Insufficient isa special category. Itisnot anindicator ofquality. Assign Insufficient when
thestudent hos responded using a form other than prose or
thestudent haswritten solittle thatft isnot possible toassess Ideos and Impressions or
there isno evidence that thetopic presented in the assignment hos been addressed or
there isno connection between the text(s) provided in the assignment and the student's response or
there isno evidence of on attempt tofulfill the task presented in the assignment


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