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Dr. Ahmed M. Youssef
Saudi Geological Survey

Available from: Dr. Ahmed M. Youssef

Retrieved on: 25 June 2015

Egypt. J. Remote Sensing & Space Sci., V.12, pp. 87-100 (2009)
A. M. Youssef1; E. A. Zaghloul2; M. F. Moussa3 and A. M. Mahdi3
1. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University Sohag, Egypt
2. National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt
3. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University,
Aswan, Egypt

In the current study we proposed a new band ratio combination by using Landsat
Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) image. The new proposed band ratio has
been tested for its effectiveness in four regions in the study area. This proposed
band ratio (5/3, 3/1, 7/5 in RGB respectively) with the help of supervised
classification technique were succeeded in discrimination of different types of
rock units. The results revealed that by using the proposed band ratio it was so
effective to discriminate different granitic phases (Kadabora region); serpentinites
from metasediments and sheared granites (El Mayite region); mollase type
Hammamat sediments from metavolcanics and metasediments (Wadi El-Miyah
region); and serpentinites from metavolcanics (El-Baramiya region). The results
demonstrate the accuracy and suitability of using this band ratio as a powerful
tool in lithological mapping and the data was verified by field investigation and
previous studies.
Keywords: Eastern Desert, basement rocks, serpentinites, metavolcanics,
The Precambrian Shield of the African Plate forms an elongate range, which has
its maximum width in the south and narrows gradually to the north. The ArabianNubian Shield is characterized by four main rock sequences including an island
arc assemblage; an ophiolite assemblage; a gneiss assemblage that comprises
the core complexes; and granitoid intrusions (Abdel Naby et al., 2000; Abdel
Naby and Frisch, 2002). Kroner et al. (1987) mentioned that the Arabian-Nubian
Shield is a brilliant example of Neoproterozoic continental lithospheric formation
through accretion of terrains that constitute intra oceanic island arcs and/or
oceanic plateaus and continental microplates. Stern (1996) and Abdelsalam and
Stern (1996) concluded that the Neoproterozoic terrains were collided along arc87

A. M. Youssef et al.
arc ophiolite decorated sutures prior to collision with east and west Gondwana
along arc- continental sutures.
The Neoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks of Egypt represent the
northwestern part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS), which is separated
from those in western Saudi Arabia by the Red Sea (El Gaby et al., 1988). It
covers an area of about 10% of the total area of Egypt (about 100,000 km). The
Neoproterozoic rocks of the Eastern Desert of Egypt are divided according to
Stern and Hedge (1985) into 3 tectonic domains, the Northern (NED), the Central
(CED), and the Southern (SED). The NED domain lies north of latitude 26 30
N, the SED domain lies south of latitude 24 30 N. while the CED domain lies in
between (Figure 1).
The Eastern Desert of Egypt is made up of low grade metamorphosed ophiolitic
and island arc-related rocks, tectonically emplaced over poly-metamorphosed
and poly-deformed basement (El Gaby et al., 1990; Greiling et al., 1994; Fritz
et al., 1996; Neumayr et al., 1996, 1998). This upper crustal sequence, generally
referred to as the Pan-African nappes was developed in thin-skinned tectonic
style during the accretion phases and suffered greenschist metamorphism.
Subsequent extensional tectonics exposed the basement beneath the Pan-African
nappes in a series of high-grade core complexes (Fritz et al., 1996, 2002; Fritz and
Puhl, 1996; Neumayr et al., 1995).
The study area surrounding Gabal Al Hadied, is located in the central Eastern
Desert, Egypt, between Latitudes 25 10 24 and 25 34 36 N and Longitudes
33 49 05 and 34 25 05 E (Figure 1). It covers an area of about 2400 Km2
from which the outcropping rock units represent wide variety of Precambrian
basement rocks.
There are some effective factors controlling the lithological mapping using remote
sensing techniques including the increased concentration of minerals relative to
the background in the locality and the mineral assemblage characteristics (Frei
and Jutz, 1989). Mapping of the different rock units using remote sensing images
have been carried out using different techniques one of which is the band ratio
method. Band ratio is a technique has been used for many years in remote sensing
to effectively display spectral variations. Band ratios are assumed to overcome
the shadow and topography effects, though for this particular case because the
ratio of reflectivity of any two bands for a given material is not a function of
illumination, the fact that most of the study area has a generally flat topography
could be said to have made this a small problem. However, other information on
spectral differences could have been enhanced by this manipulation.

Lithological Mapping Using landsat Enhanced,...

Figure 1: Basement complex divisions (NED, CED, and SED), Egypt, (after
Stern and Hedge, 1985).
The band ratio technique is the ratio of one band to another. It is prepared simply
by dividing the digital number (DN) of each pixel in one band by the DN of
another band (Drury, 1987), and the resulting new values are plotted as images.
The main advantages of ratio images are that they used to reduce the variable
effects of illumination condition, thus suppressing of the expression of topography
(Crane, 1971). Also, band ratioing is a data compressive nature, thus band ratio
images are less correlated and chromatically enhanced than original ETM+ bands.
Several workers dealt with the lithological mapping using ratio images which
applied for the TM images, among them (e.g. Abrams et al., 1983; Kaufmann,
1988; Abdelsalam and Stern, 1999; Sultan et al., 1986; Kusky and Ramadan,
2002; Gad, 2002; Gad and Kusky, 2006; Frei and Jutz, 1989; and Sabins, 1999).
Crippen, (1989) and Crippen, et al., (1988) produced the three ratios, 3/1, 5/7, and
5/4 to be used for the arid to semi-arid regions. These ratios were selected for their
sensitivity to lithologic variables, and for their lack of statistical redundancy.
These ratios generally are directly related to the presence of ferric iron (3/1),
ferrous iron (5/4) and hydroxyl-bearing minerals (5/7). According to Sultan et
al. (1986); Kusky and Ramadan (2002); Frei and Jutz (1989); the distinctive
mineral assemblages of serpentinites impact their spectral characteristics (Figure

A. M. Youssef et al.
2) and enhance their discrimination using the Landsat TM band ratio images. This
situation has also been illustrated by the case study of mapping Oman Ophiolites
(Abrams et al., 1988). Different band ratio images, were proposed by other
authors, have been used effectively to enhance mapping of the serpentinites in the
Eastern Desert of Egypt including 5/7, 5/1, 5/4*3/4 in RGB used by Sultan, (1986)
and (5/3, 5/1, 7/5 and 7/5, 5/4, 3/1) proposed by Gad et. al., (2006).

Figure 2: Spectral reflectance of the serpentinites, granites and metavolcanics

(andesite and amphibolite) for the Eastern Desert, Egypt (Frei and
Jutz, 1989).
The main rock units exposed in the study area include Shaitian sheared granites;
serpentinites; island arc assemblages of metasediments (with and without band
iron formation) and metavolcanics; metagabbro-diorite complex; mollase-type
sediments; and syn- to late-tectonic granites. Different types of studies have
been done in the area. Johnson and Woldehaimonti (2003) mentioned that the
terrain protoliths at central Eastern Desert of Egypt are represented by rootless
ophiolite nappes, the largest of which crop out in the Gerf and the Baramiyah
areas. However, Stern (1981) mentioned that serpentinites in the Baramiyah area
Eastern Desert, form a lithotectonic terrain dominated by rocks of oceanic affinity
and they form elongated fault-bounded sheets that extend for several kilometers
trending NESW. In addition, Wadi Mubarak belt which occupy the east side
of the area is considered as a wedge shape with E-W and NE-SW strike. It is
mainly composed of highly deformed rocks of lower greenschist metamorphic
grade surrounded by less deformed metavolcanics, generally referred to as
undifferentiated metavolcanics (Akaad et al., 1996). The belt represents one
of the longest low-grade volcano-sedimentary belts in the Eastern Desert. The
belt is bounded from the west by Gabel El Hadid, which is well known for its
iron deposits from the north there is Gabel El Umra granite complex as well as
Kadabora granites; from the south, the belt is bounded by the MubarakDabr

Lithological Mapping Using landsat Enhanced,...

MetagabbroDiorite Complex and from the east by the Red Sea. The Mubarak belt
is composed mainly of volcano-sedimentary sequence which is divided into two
units (Shalaby et al., 2004). The eastern half of the Mubarak belt is characterized
by the presence of some gabbros, serpentinites and other mafic and ultramafic
rocks which are considered as ophiolitic rocks. The study area is also intruded by
igneous rocks of four different intrusive types including an older and a younger
gabbro and older and younger granite. Figure (3) shows a general geological map
of the study area (EGPC / CONOCO Coral, 1987).

Figure 3: Geological map of the study area (after EGPC / CONOCO Coral,
Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) data for the study area was
processed for geological mapping using Envi 4.3. A single Landsat ETM scene
(Path 174/ Row 42, date 2001) covering the investigated area has been used.
Digital processing of ETM+ image for the study area generated several products
ranging from single band images, false color composite images (742 in RGB),
and band ratio images (5/3, 3/1, 7/5) (Figure 4). That is proposed by the authors
to be added to the list of other authors work. In many geologic studies, band ratio
images 3/1, 5/7 & 3/5 are combined as red, green, blue respectively. In the present
work, another combination of 5/3 3/1 & 7/5 in RGB is tried to display more
geologic information and depict sharp contrast between various lithologic for
easier discrimination . Since materials with high contents of iron oxides have their
maximum reflectance in ETM band 3, thus in the ratio image 3/1 (red / blue) the
ferruginous or iron- rich material should have very bright signature. Band ratio 5 /3
(reflected IR /red) was selected because its colors clearly distinguish most terrain
types and geologic formations. In the study area, clay minerals that are formed
in altered basement rocks have distinctive absorption features at wavelengths

A. M. Youssef et al.
between 2.08 and 2.35 mm which are recorded by ETM band 7. Accordingly, the
band ratio 7 / 5 has distinctive bright signatures associated with hydrothermally
altered rocks. However; this proposed band ratio has a wide range of application
to discriminate not only serpentinites but other rock units from each other. In
addition, the supervised classification technique was applied for lithological
discrimination of different rock units in the current study using the proposed band
ratio as a base image. The results were verified by other geological maps in the
selected regions.

Figure 4: Showing the band ratio image developed by the authors (5/3, 3/1, 7/5) in
RGB and the four selected regions for detailed analysis.
The authors proposed a new effective Landsat ETM+ band ratio combination
(5/3, 3/1, 7/5 in RGB respectively) that will be added to the list of other authors
band ratios. The current band ratio combination have been approved and checked
in four selected areas in the Eastern Desert of Egypt to understand its ability
to discriminate different rock units from each other. As well as the supervised
classification technique was applied on these selected regions. The results show
that the proposed band ratio and the supervised classification are more accurate
and very helpful in the identification and discrimination between different
rock units from each others as well as the variation in the same rock unit. The
four selected regions include: Kadabora , Al-Mayyit , Wadi El- Miyah and ElBarameyah regions.
Kadabora Region; according to the visual interpretation of the ETM images
using band ratios (5/3, 3/1, and 7/5 in RGB, the new image reveals the presence
of three granitic phases, including phase I, II, and III. According to the their
mineralogy, surface expression, and spectral characteristics it was shown that 1)
Phase I is characterized by low lying, highly weathered, bluish grey in color, and
intruded by many younger dike swarms with a N-S direction (basic to intermediate

Lithological Mapping Using landsat Enhanced,...

in composition); 2) Phase II is characterized by moderate relief, slightly
weathered, pale blue in color, and less density of the dyke swarms; and 3) Phase
III is characterized by high relief, sharp contact, less weathered, reddish yellow in
color, and it intruded by few acidic dykes. These granitic rocks is surrounded from
the west by metagabbro-diorite complex, which appears in dark blue color (Figure
5A). Five classes were extracted using supervised classification each color shows
the distribution of its characteristic material; Phase I granites (blue), Phase II
granites (red), Phase III granites (green), metagabbro-diorite complex (yellow),
and undifferentiated wadi deposits (black) (Figure 5B). The results obtained from
the band ratio and supervised classification images are also compared with the
detailed geologic maps for the study area by Asran (2003), where the granitic
rocks at Kadabora area have three phases (I, II, and III) according to field and
chemical data.
Al Mayyit Region; In this area the band ratio 5/3, 3/1, and 7/5 in RGB, has
been applied to discriminate different types of rock units including serpentinites,
metasediments, gabbro intrusions, and granitic rocks (Figure 6A). In this band
ratio image the serpentinites have a bright green color; metasediments appear
in dark green and reddish blue color, gabbro intrusions appear in dark violet
color, and granitic rocks in yellow to reddish yellow color. By using supervised
classification, six classes have been assigned to six colors each corresponds
to a certain rock unit (Figure 6B); in which serpentinites have a red color;
metasediments with a green and blue color; granites have a yellow color; gabbro
intrusions with crane color, and the unclassified areas have a black color. The
results obtained from the band ratio and supervised classification images are also
compared with the geologic maps for the study area (Shalaby et al., 2004), and it
was found that this band ratio combination and the supervised classification are
very powerful in discrimination the granites from other surrounding materials as
well as different types of metasediments from serpentinites.
Wadi Al Miyah Region; the proposed band ratio combination was applied for
differentiate metavolcanics, metasediments, mollase-type sediments, metagabbrodiorite complex, serpentinites, and granite from each other. In this band ratio
image, metavolcanics have pink to dark red color, metasediments appear in green
color, mollase type Hammamat sediments appear in dark blue color, metagabbrodiorite complex with a violot color, serpentinites with a bright green color, and
granites with a reddish yellow color (Figure 7A). Six classes have been assigned
to six colors each corresponds to a rock unit; metavolcanics (blue), metasediments
(green), granites (cyan), serpentinites (yellow), metagabbro-diorite complex
(magenta), and undifferentiated sediments (black) (Figure 7B). The results obtained
from the band ratio and supervised classification images are also compared with the
geologic maps for the study area (EGPC / CONOCO Coral, 1987).The proposed
band ratio revealed its ability to discriminate and map the mollase type Hammamat
sediments from metasediments, as well as from metavolcanics.
El-Baramiyah region; the band ratio image (5/3, 3/1, and 7/5 in RGB) is used
and proved to be a very effective method in lithological discrimination of the
serpentinites and the other associated rock units. In this area, serpentinites have

A. M. Youssef et al.
been recognized from metavolcanics in which the serpentinites are characterized
by light green color, while the metavolcanics have a red to pink color (Figure 8A).
On the other hand, granites appear to have yellowish green color as well as cone
like shape for pink granites. Four classes were assigned to various rock units,
serpentinites appears in red, metavolcanics have green; granites appear in blue
color and undifferentiated sediments are black. The results were compared with
previous study in this area such as El Ramly (1972) and Gad and Kusky (2006)
in Wadi Al Baramiyah. The results show the effective application of the proposed
band ratio in the discrimination of serpentinites from metavolcanics.

Figure 5: A) Band ratio image and B): Supervised classification for the band ratio
image for Kadabora area showing Phase (I) Granites in blue; Phase
(II) Granites in red, Phase (III) Granites in green; Metagabbro Diorite
complex in yellow; and unclassified areas have black color.

Figure 6: A) Band ratio image and previous geological map for Al Mayyit region.
B) Supervised classification image showing that Serpentinites have a
red color; metasediments with a green and blue color; Granites have a
yellow color; and the unclassified areas have a black color.

Lithological Mapping Using landsat Enhanced,...

Figure 7: A) Band Ratio Image and B) Supervised classification shows the

Hammamat sediments have a red color; metavolcanics with a blue
color; granites with a Cyan color; metasediments with a green color;
serpentinites with yellow color, metagabbro diorite complex with
Magenta color, and unclassified areas with a black color.

Figure 8: A) Differentiate metavolcanics from Serpentinites rocks and B)

Supervised classification shows the serpentinites with a red color;
metavolcanics with a green color; granites with a blue color; and
unclassified areas with a black color.

A. M. Youssef et al.
Environmental condition is one of the factors to hinder right information at the
right time by conventional techniques. However, with the recent development of
multi spectral remote sensing techniques such as Landsat ETM+, real information
can be gained and potentially offers geologists a cost-effective solution method
for lithological mapping. Geologic maps (assuming that they are even available)
may be inaccurate and, at best, are usually generalizations.
In the current study, a new proposed Landsat ETM+ band ratio 5/3, 3/1, 7/5 in RGB
was applied in lithological mapping with the help of supervised classification.
This proposed band ratio has been tested in four regions in the study area. The
results show that this band ratio with the help of supervised classification is a very
useful tool that can be applied to discriminate different types of granite phases as
in Kadabora region; discriminate serpentinites from metasediments in El Mayyit
region; discriminate Hammamat sediments, metasediments, serpentinites, and
metavolcanics as in El Miyah region; and finally discriminate the serpentinites
from associated metavolcanics in El Baramiya region. The data was calibrated
using previous maps as well as field investigation. This band ratio combination
has been proved to be an accurate and reliable in rock unit discrimination. The
applied combination of Landsat ETM band ratios , allowed clear color variations
that express more geologic information and great contrast between lithologic
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Received July 9, 2007, Revised June 22, 2008.


A. M. Youssef et al.

1 2 3
.1 - -
.3 -

) ( 5/7 1/3 3/5




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