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chasvoah TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH hatowo Ont Mt 160 Telpone §10-794-2282- Fx 19:7944400 September 7, 20 Council Meeting Quotes Culvert Installation for A) Williams Lake Culvert B) West Back Line C) _ Paisley Drive ‘Company RiP Excluding HST Cedarwell a) 15,283.26 b) 136,324.04 c) 61,472.80 Total $213,080.10 ‘Schwartz a) 13,377.89 (Miller Paving) b) 45,531.13 c) 30,698.34 Total $89,607.36 Seeley & Amill a) 13,868.00 b) 45,248.80 ) 21,228.00 Total $80,344.80 Sutherland a) 28,592.66 b) 96,153.82 c) 49,334.05 Total $174,080.53. pwsP 161-05815.00 August 30, 2016 Mayor and Counct Township of Chatsworth 316857 Highway 8 Ree (Chatsworth, ON NOH 160 Re: Tender Results and Awacs Cuvert improvements ~ Various Locations ‘Township of Chatsworth Dear Mayor ané Councitors: “Tenders wer called forthe installation of new culverts to reve Flooding an hgh war backup atthe folowing locations: Part A—Willams Lake Outlet (southwest of Concession 2) st 8 West Bac Lino (eas of Chatsworth Road 24) Part C— Paisley Drive (Anderson Lane, west of Grey Road 8) ‘There were eight (8) contractors who received the plans and tender package of which {eur (4 submit prices onthe closing at 12:00 noon local ine, August 22,2018. ‘nd areas flows (norco of ow pricing was received) 4. Seeley & Ari Durham) Para $13,868.00 Pat. $46,248.80 Page. $2122800 Total $80,344.80, 2. Miler Group (Schwartz Construction) (Hanover) Pon e13.377.00, PetB- 4569113 Petc. 3068638 Total $89,607.36, 8. Harala Suhevand Construction Lis. (Owen Sound) PatA- $2802.08 Pan $06,153.82, Panc- $49,334.05 Total «$174,000.53, BwsP 161-05815-00 August 30,2016 ‘Mayor and Counc, Township of Chatsworth 4. Coderwol Excavating Lis. (Hanover) Pata" 51528328 Pate $138.324.04 Patc- —$91472.00 otal $249,080.10 ‘The submits prices include a $5,000.00 contingency allowance foreach part and ‘excludes HST ($15,000 00 ofthe otal ender pice), ‘The budget forthe culvert nstalistions was part of the flood damage cls submited {2 WMAH ae flows Part A— Willams Lake Outlet $13,988.80, Pat B—West Back Line Part C— Pasley Drive s2asi9.40 Total Budget Estimate See,208.85, ‘aed to this Estimated was 15% $249730 ‘Total Estimated Cost (excl Contingency and HST) $64,685.95, Considering the $15,000.00 contingency included inthe total tendered low price of Seeley & Ari his reduces ther bis to $85 24480, which Ie sgh above te to budget estate of $4,685 85 [Atccompleon of his work, the claims to MMAH shall be bated on actual costs and {ul recovery of final expendures shal be received. ‘The Conservation Authorties’ work permis have been eceWved fortis culvert work to procees wih competion of inwator wok tated al September 15,2016, This ale canbe extended, necessary, to September 30,206, Recommendation “The ow tenderer, Seeley & Amis 3 good contractor having successful completed sear wort fr various lcal muripaltis ans recommended to undertake this ‘contrac BwsP August 30,2016 Mayor and Councilors, Township of Chatsworth ‘Bssed onthe foregoing, tis recommended to award the contract to Seeley & Ail at tha total tendered price of $80,344 80 (excluding HST), with he $10,000.00 bic pest held un final acceptance ofthe work, ‘Should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Yours ray, [WSP Canada ne gy ods Seery jay Geaget. Pence. Eng Senor cid Egeer Slit ce erat Tako, Rods Supentndet Towa of Chatwoth I. Graco Nap, treasurer Toweh of Chater IM Bra Fretager Eng, WP Canaca

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