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12) Is that car Japanese? Yes, _____ is.

A he
B it
C she

a. Choose the correct sentence.

Example: A He Mexican.
B He are Mexican.
C Hes Mexican.

13) Are you Nick and Julia? Yes, _____ are.

A they
B you
C we
14) Are Julie and Lucas from Brazil? No, _____
A they
B we
C you

1) A I a student.
B Im a student.
C I be a student.

15) Is Sara Scottish? No, _____ isnt.

A she
B it
C they

2) A What your name?

B What are your name?
C Whats your name?

c. Complete the sentence. Choose the correct

Example: _____ names David.
A Our
B My
C Her

3) A Are they American?

B They are American?
C Is they American?

16) Hes from Tokyo. _____ names Dan.

A His
B Her
C My

4 A She not a student.

B She isnt a student.
C She arent a student.

17) Im Korean. _____ family is from Seoul.

A You
B My
C Me

5) A We is Spanish.
B We are Spanish.
C We be Spanish.

18) Anna is American. _____ last name is Kelly.

A His
B Our
C Her

6) A They not are teachers.

B They not teachers.
C They arent teachers.

19) My parents are very rich. Thats _____ new

A their
B his
C her

7) A Are your parents Korean?

B Your parents are they Korean?
C Your parents Korean?

20) Whats _____ address? I live at 33 Marston

A your
B his
C my

8) A Am I in Room 7?
B I am in Room 7?
C Are I in Room 7?

d. Which is the plural form? Choose the correct

Example: one car
A two car
B two cares
C two cars

9) A He be from Germany.
B He from Germany.
C Hes from Germany.

21) one book

A two book

10) A Are you Alexander?

B You are Alexander?
C Is you Alexander?

22) one country

A two countries
C two countryes

b. Complete the sentence. Choose the correct

Example: Are you French? Yes, _____ am.
B you
C we
11) Are _____ Sean? Yes, I am.
A he
B we

B two bookes

C you

23) one watch

A two watch

C two books

B two countrys

B two watchs C two watches

24) one photo

A two photoes B two photo
25) one sandwich
A two sandwichs
C two sandwich

C two photos

B two sandwiches

1. Complete the sentences. Use the simple present
form of the verb in parentheses.

9) _______ you help me, please? I dont understand

this question.
10) Shes our new English teacher. _______ name
is Sarah.

Example: They have (have) a new car.

11) Tom Cruise is a good actor, but I dont like

1) _______ you _______ (like) pop music?

_______ very much.

2) I ______________ (not like) watching soccer on

12) This isnt my dictionary. Give it to Maria. Its



3) My sister never _______ (eat) fast food.

13) Do you like _______ to the movies?

4) How often _______ you _______ (exercise)?

14) What sports do you play _______ the winter?

5) What _______ (be) your brothers name?

15) A: _______ umbrella is this?

6) My daughter _______ (go) to bed very late.

B: I dont know. It isnt mine.

7) He _______ (not be) Chinese. Hes Japanese.

8) Are they American? Yes, they _______ (be).
9) The letters _______ (not be) on the table.
10) What time _______ you _______ (get up) in the
11) My sister and her husband _______ (have) a big
12) Where _______ your brother _______ (work)?
13) He always _______ (read) the newspaper on
14) She ______________ (not teach) Spanish. She
teaches French.
15) _______ (be) his father a lawyer?
2. Complete the sentence with one word.
Example: My fathers an engineer.
1) This _______ Esteban. Hes from Argentina.
2) I can speak Japanese, but I _______ write it very

3. Choose the correct word.

Example: I usually go to bed on / at eleven
1) Is that my /mine book?
2) I like these / this blue shoes here.
3) Peter is Davids /Davids friend.
4) Does he can / Can he drive a car?
5) Jack has a girlfriend pretty / pretty girlfriend.
6) Her cousin is a / an teacher.
7) Im a good student. Im never /Never I am late
for class.
8) Thats Mikes wife, Laura. Do you know she /
9) Do you work / work you in a store?
10) What time is it? Its / I am quarter after five.
4. Complete the sentence. Use the correct form
of the verb in parentheses.

3) My brother doesnt like _______ television.
4) We usually go shopping _______Mondays.
5) A: This isnt my bag. Is it _______?
B: No, it isnt mine.
6) My grandparents always come to our house
_______the weekend.
7) They _______ at home with Toms friends.
8) Our English lesson starts _______ nine oclock.

Example: I went (go) to the movies last night.

1) What _______ you _______ (buy) at the
supermarket yesterday?
2) The teacher ________________ (not be) very
happy with my homework last week.
3) Where _______ your brother
________________ (work) right now?

4) ______ you ever ______ (see) a Martin Scorsese


7) Look at those black clouds. I think its _______

5) The weather was nice yesterday, so we

8) Did you watch the show about the US on TV

________________ (walk) to work.

_______ night?

6) I ________________ (wait) for the bus. Its very

9) _______ were 40 people at the party!


10) A: Hi, Kate. What are you doing?

to rain.

7) He always ________________ (take) the train to

B: Im_______ for my sister shes half an




8) My friend has ________________ (travel) all

11) Theyre not going to see the new horror movie

over the world for work.

until _______ week.

9) _______ you _______ (be) to a concert before?

12) _______many people live in your house?

10) A: What are your plans for vacation?

13) Did you see the accident this _______ ? They

B: I ______________ (fly) to Malta with my

say it happened at 8:00 a.m.

boyfriend, Andrew.

14) Have you _______ been to Asia?

11) Kate ________________ (wear) her new dress

15) _______ you going to see Tom tonight?

to Daves party last Friday.

12) They ________________ (not take) a vacation
next year because Taro has lost his job.
13) They always ________________ (visit) their
children on New Years Day.
14) I ________________ (speak) a lot of English in
the US last summer.
15) She ________________ (not finish) all her work

6. Choose the correct word or phrase.

Example: I didnt study / studied English at
1) Do / Can you like fast food?
2) I think its easier /more easy to learn English
than Russian.
3) Are /Do you going to buy a new car?
4) Have you ever written / wrote a love letter?
5) Is / Are there any apples?

5. Complete the sentence with one word.

6) Their new CD is more /most interesting than the

Example: How many eggs are there in the fridge?

last one.
7) I am the shortest / the shorter in my family.

1) The plane is faster _______ the train.

8) Is he live / living in London right now?

2) She bought the _______expensive dress in the

9) He drives very dangerous / dangerously.


10) There is / are some cups on the table.

3) There _______ sandwiches on the table. Help

4) How _______ did his new car cost?
5) When we arrived home there _______ any food in
the fridge.
6) _______ you like to go out for dinner tomorrow

End of course Tests

1. Complete the sentence with one word.

9) I have a lot of / a lot brothers and sisters.

10) Is that his umbrella?- No, its ours / our.

Example: Are you from Italy?

3. Complete the sentence. Use the correct form

1) We ________ British. Were American.

of the verb in parentheses. Use a contraction

2) Whats that? Its ________ ID card.

when possible.

3) ________ your teacher live in Vancouver?

Example: John and Mary have (have) two children.

4) I usually get up late ________ Sundays.

1) Jim________________ (not be) at work

5) I ________ sing, but I can play the guitar.


6) This bags ________. Look! It has my name on it.

2) I ________________ (buy) a new car last week.

7) Is ________ any milk in the fridge?

3) My sister ________________ (listen) to music

8) Im taller ________my brother.

right now.

9) Would you like to fly a plane? No, I

4) We ________________ (not have) a vacation


last year.

10) I hardly ________ watch TV on the weekend.

5) Where ________________ (be) he yesterday

11) ________were a lot of people at the theater last



6) ________ you ever ________ (break) your leg?

12) Its the ________ interesting book Ive ever

7) I ________________ (not be) to France. Is it



13) How much coffee do you drink? A

8) They ________________ (not drive) to Madrid.


They took the train.

14) What time is it? Its half ________ three.

9) ________ she ________ (have) a party next

15) They ________ like the movie they left after


ten minutes.

10) Who ________________ (be) the three greatest

16) I spoke to him on the phone ten minutes

politicians of the twentieth century?


11) He has a test tomorrow, so he

2 Choose the correct word or phrase in each


________________(study) now.
12) She ________________ (not like) writing

Example: My father work / works in a bank.


1) Shes my childrens / childrens teacher.

13) How often _______ you _______ (use) your

2) I have always / I always have breakfast at home.

cell phone?

3) Theyre beautiful flowers / flowers beautiful.

14) Emma ________________ (write) him a letter

4) I dont like get up / getting up early.

two days ago.

5) We dont have some / any money.

6) Please drive careful / carefully. The weathers
7) Can we meet on / in Monday evening?
8) My fathers doctor / a doctor.


11) Hello. _____m Mike.

Quicktest 1


Complete the sentence. Choose the correct


12) _____s your name?

Example: My name _____David.

A am

B is

B She

C are

C It

2) A: Are you German?

C Yes, I am

3) They _____ from Bangkok. Theyre from

A not are

A be

B arent

C Is

B is

C are

14) He _____ in level 2.

A are

A Where
B No, I not

B What

B is

C be

15) _____ are you from?

B: _____.
A Yes, Im

C is

13) How _____ you?

1) Maria is a student. _____s in my class.

A He

A How

B me

C isnt

B When

C How

16) We _____ not German. Were French.

A be

B re

C is

17) ____ your mother Scottish?

4) Mr. Johnston is a teacher. Thats_____ classroom.

A Does

A her

18) Hes from Mexico. _____ name is Pablo.

B his

C he

5) John and Mark are in level 2. _____ teacher is

A Theyre

B Her

C Their

6) A: Whats _____ name?

B you

C his

B watch

C watchs

8) A: Whats _____?
B: Its a credit card.
B that

C those

9) Egypt and Morocco are _____ in Africa.

A countrys

B country

C countries

10) _____ cars are Japanese.

A This

C Has

B We C


B These

B: Its _____ umbrella.

A the

B: Theyre _____.

A these

B He

20) A: Whats that?

7) A: What are those?

A watches

C Is

19) Were new students. _____ names are Susan

and Jeanine.
A Ours

B: Im Jack.
A your

A His

B Are

C That

B a

C an

Quicktest 2

C Karens brother

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct


8) Is that _____?

Example: David _____ Spanish.

A speak

B speaks

C dont speak

1) Neil and Angela _____ to the movies every

A go

B goes

C gos

2) My brother _____ economics at school.

A studys

B studies

C study

3) A: Does Jane live with her mother?

C your parents car

9) Hes _____.
A my sisters boyfriend
B my boyfriend sister
C the boyfriend of sister
10) This is _____.
A the end of the exercise

C the ends exercise

A Yes, she likes

11) I live in Rio, but my sister _____ in New York.

B Yes, she does

A live

C Yes, she is

B lives

C gos

12) We _____ drive to work. We take the bus.

4) Where _____?

A dont

A he works

B doesnt

C do

13) My mother _____ three sisters.

B does he work

A have

C does he works
5) _____ speak Spanish in class?

B has

C is

14) He _____ work. Hes retired.

A doesnt

A Do your teacher

B dont

C does

15) The stores _____ at 9:30 a.m.

B Your teacher does

A is open

C Does your teacher

B open

C opens

16) Where _____ you live?

6) A: What _____?

A are

B: Theyre doctors.
B they do

B does

C do

17) What _____ your brother do?

A does

C do they work

B dos

C do

18) _____ your parents have a car?

7) A: Whos that boy?

A Is

B: Hes _____.
A Karens brother

B your parent car

B the exercises end

B: _____.

A do they do

A the your parents car

B Karen is brother

B Does

C Do

19) My boyfriends _____engineer.

A an

B one

C a

20) A: _____ she?

B: Shes Sandras aunt.
A Whos

B Whose

C Who

Quicktest 3

A in

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct


10) Mias birthday is _____ June 14th.

Example: David has two _____.

A cars red

B red cars

A on

B on

B in

C at

C at

11) What time _____ it?

C reds cars

1) This is a _____.

A at

B is

C has

12) The meetings _____ eight oclock.

A house nice

B nice houses

C nice house

A at

B on

C in

13) Our daughter always wakes up _____ quarter

after six.

2) Do you like my _____?

A new boots

B news boots

A on

B in

C at

14) A: _____time do you get up in the morning?

C boots new

B: 7:00 a.m.

3) A: What time is it?

A What

B: _____.
A Its thirty four

B Its four thirty

B When

15) I _____ breakfast.

C Its four after thirty

A every hardly have

4) What time _____?

C hardly have ever

A get you home

B you get home

C How

B hardly ever have

16) Hes _____ late for class. Hes always on time.

C do you get home

A never

5) What time _____ Louisa get up in the morning?

17) Im very healthy. Im hardly _____ sick.

A do

A ever

B does

C is

B never

C sometimes

C always

18) I only drink coffee _____ the morning.

6) _____ to bed late.

A We usually go

B usually

B We usually are

A at

B in

C on

C We go usually

19) I work in a restaurant _____ Saturday evenings.

7) The boss is angry with me. _____.

A on

A I always late

B Im late always

B in

C at

20) My wife is a doctor. She often works _____


C Im always late
A in
8) He _____ on Saturdays.
A never works

B doesnt never work

C works never
9) I never study _____the evening.

B on

C at

Quicktest 4

14) Emily loves _____ to the movies.

Example: John _____ the guitar.

A go

A can

B can play

C play

A You can

B Can you

C Can you to

C going

15) Tom loves Molly, but she doesnt love _____.

A her

1) _____ help me? Im lost.

B watch

B he

C him

16) We cant find our hotel. Can you help _____?

2) She _____ drive. She walks to work.

A us

A doesnt can B cant to

17) I love you, but you dont love _____.

C cant

A me

3) Do you like _____?

A shoping

B shopping

C shop

B get

C gettings

B livving

18) A: What do you think of this music?

A this

B them

C living

A Who

A her

20) A: Are these coats _____?

C them

7) The children are very quiet. I cant hear _____.

A they

B them

C their

8) Is that _____ book?

A your

B youre

C you

9) They have a cat. _____ name is Felix.

A Its

B Its

C Their

10) Jennifer and David live in New York, but I dont

know_____ address.
A their

B theirs

C her

11) I can _____ three languages.

A to speak

B speak

C speaking

12) You _____ park here. Its No Parking.

A can to

B can

C cant

13) My mother hates _____ soccer on TV.

A watching

B see

C it

B: Its mine.

6) I dont like _____. I think shes a terrible actor.

B him

C mine

19) A: _____ is that bag?

5) She doesnt like _____ alone.

A live


C them

B: I like _____.

4) Laura hates _____ up early.

A getting

B we

C watch

B Whose

C Whos

B: No, theyre not.

A ours

B us

C our

B: In Buenos Aires.

Quicktest 5
Complete the sentence. Choose the correct

A were

B was

C did

13) A: _____ you book your tickets on the Internet?

Example: He _____ the first president.
A were

B was

C werent

1) Chopin and Mozart _____ famous composers.

A is

B was

C were

2) _____ your mother born in India?

A Were

B Was

C Is

3) Joan of Arc _____ English. She was French.

A doesnt

B werent

C wasnt

4) He _____ work yesterday. He was sick.

A didnt

B doesnt

C wasnt

B: No, I didnt.
A Had

B Was

C Did

14) We _____ TV last night.

A watchd

B watched

C watch

15) A: Did you study French at school?

B: No, I _____ Spanish.
A studied

B studyed

C did study

16) The bus didnt stop in Lyon. It only _____ in

A stop

B stopped

C stoped

5) They _____ tennis yesterday.

17) A: What did you _____ on Saturday night?
A plaid

B plays

C played
B: I went to a party.

6) I _____ last night.

A do

B go

C doing

B didnt cook

A not cooked

18) I _____ to a Japanese restaurant yesterday.

C didnt cooked
A was

B go

C went

7) A: What _____ last weekend?

19) A: What did you wear?
B: I went out with my friends.
B: I _____ my new jacket.
A did you do

B did you

C you did
A wore

8) Did you _____ a good time?

A had

B have

20) I didnt _____ out on Saturday. I was very tired.

A going

B didnt see

C dont see

10) He _____ me some beautiful flowers for my

A buy

B buyed

C bought

11) George Washington _____ the first American

A was

B were

12) A: Where _____ you born?

C wearing

C has

9) I _____ my boyfriend yesterday. He was in

A didnt saw

B weared

C is

B went

C go

Quicktest 6

C He taking a shower

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct


11) Theres _____ big table in the living room.

Example: There _____ two beds in her bedroom.

B are

A is

C isnt

1) How many bedrooms _____ in your apartment?

A is there

B are there

C there are

A an

B a

C some

12) There arent _____ chairs in the kitchen.

A any

B some

C one

13) How many people _____ there in class


2) There are _____ glasses in the cupboard.

A was

A any

14) _____ wasnt a restaurant in the hotel.

B a

C some

B are

3) _____ many guests in the hotel.

A Is

A There werent

15) _____ your brother working right now?

B They werent

B There

C were

C There wasnt

A Is

4) _____ a very noisy party in the street last night.

16) Be quiet! Your fathers _____ TV.

A There is

A watch

B There was

C There were

B Does

C Their

B watching

C Do

C is watching

5) _____ any good shows on TV yesterday?

17) She _____ drinking juice. Its water.

A Was there

A isnt

B Are there

C Were there

B arent

C not

18) A: Whats Mark _____?

6) What _____?
A you are doing

B you doing

B: Hes playing tennis.

C are you doing

A do

7) She _____ lunch.

19) Steven usually _____ to bed early.

A is make

B is making

C are making

8) A: What does he do?

B: _____.
A Hes reading B Hes a student
C Yes, he does
9) My sister _____ on Friday nights.
A usually goes out B is usually going out
C goes usually out
10) A: Wheres Jonathan?
B: Hes in the bathroom. _____ .
A Hes takes a shower
B Hes taking a shower

A goes

B does

B go

C doing

C is going

20) A: What does he _____?

B: Hes a pilot.
A doing

B be

C do

10) A: What do you think is going to happen?

Quicktest 7
Complete the sentence. Choose the correct
Example: _____ there any cookies in the
A Is

B Are

C Isnt

B: I think _____ marry him.

A she goes

B shes going C shes going to

11) We need _____ butter.

A some

B a

C any

12) Do you want _____ apple?

1) Is there _____ milk in the fridge?
A a
A a

B an

C any

2) There are _____ chairs in the kitchen.

A any

B an

C some

3) I dont want _____ coffee, thanks.

A some

B any

C many

B same

C an

13) They eat a _____ of fruit.

A much

B many

C lot

14) I dont drink _____ coffee only two cups a

A many

B much

C lot

15) Is your brother going _____ go to Mexico?

4) _____ cups of coffee do you drink a day?
A to
A How much B How many

B for

C at

C How
16) We _____ going to drive to St. Louis.

5) _____ water do you drink?

A have
A How much B How many

6) A: How many oranges do you eat a week?

B Any

C is

17) _____ you going to come and see us next

A Is

B: _____. I dont like oranges.

A None

B are

C How

C A lot

C Are

18) Im sure theyre going to _____ very happy.

A be

7) I _____ a new car.

B Have

B have

C take

19) She _____ going to come. Shes sick.

A am going to buy

A arent

B isnt

C not

B go to buy
C am going buy

20) Take your umbrella. I think _____ going to


8) What _____ do next summer?

A it

A you are going to

B do you go to

C are you going to

9) We _____ have a vacation this summer.
A dont go to
C arent go to

B arent going to

B is

C its

12) Russian is difficult, but Chinese is _____


Quicktest 8
Complete the sentence. Choose the correct

A much

Example: David is _____ than Mario.

13) Shes the _____ intelligent person in the class.

B taller

A tall

C more tall

B more

C more

C very

14) Everest is the highest mountain _____ the


1) Today is _____ than yesterday.

A cold

A most

B most

B more cold

C colder
A of

B in

C by

2) My sister is _____ than me.

A prettyer

B prettier

C more pretty

15) She _____ like to go up in a balloon. She hates

B wouldnt

3) A Porsche is _____ than a Honda.

A will

A expensiver

16) A: Would you like to drive a Ferrari?

B more expensive

C not

B: Yes, Id love _____.

C most expensive
4) Whats _____ river in the world?

A to

A the longest

17) _____ you like cooking?

B the longer

C longest

B very much

C much

5) This is _____ restaurant in town.

A Are

A the better

18) _____ you like to learn to cook well?

B the goodest

C the best

B Do

C Have

6) Some people say football is _____ sport.

A Would

A the dangerous

19) You speak very fast. Can you speak more

_____, please?

B the more dangerous

C the most dangerous

A careful

7) She _____ learn Spanish.

A d like to

B likes

C like to

8) _____ to go skiing?
A Would you like
C You would like
9) My brother speaks French _____.
A very good

B very well

C very goodly

10) Tom doesnt drive very _____.

A fast

B fastly

C faster

11) Martin is taller _____ James.

A by

B than

C to

B slowly

C Will

C slow

20) I dont want to ride with him. He drives very

A badly

B Can you like to

B Do

B bad

C wrong

1. Complete the sentence. Use the simple present of be. Use a contraction where possible.
Example: Were from Italy.
1) __________ she a student?
2) We __________ Irish. Were Scottish.
3) Is he in level 4? No, he __________.
4) Is Maria Spanish? Yes, __________ is.
5) This __________ Chinese food. Its Japanese.
6) Where __________ you from? Im from Peru.
7) Are they teachers? No, they __________.
8) I __________ Russian. Im from Moscow.
2. Complete the sentence. Choose the correct word.
Example: Im American. _____ family is from New York.
A My

B Your

C Their

1) Theyre students. _____ names are James and Marta.

A His

B Her

C Their

2) Carlo is Italian, but _____ mother is Irish.

A his

B her

C she

3) Its a school. _____ name is The English School.

A His

B Her

C Its

4) We are in level 1. _____ teacher is American.

A Their

B Our

C Your

5) This is our teacher. _____ name is Mark.

A His

B Her

C He

6) Sally, please open _____ book.

A you

B your

C youre

3. Choose the correct word.

Example: Its a / an ID card.
1) Theyre watches / watchs.
2) Whats this / these? Its an umbrella.
3) Open an / the door.
4) Those / That students are French.
5) The students are from different countrys / countries.
6) This is a / an international school.

File Test 2
1. Complete the sentence. Use the simple present form of the verb in parentheses.
Example: She lives (live) in a house.
1) They _______ (not have) children.
2) I _______ (not work) in a school.
3) The store _______ (close) at 11:00 p.m.
4) She _______ (not like) coffee.
5) We _______ (speak) English and Italian.
6) You _______ (study) at a university.
7) My mother _______ (drive) a nice car.
8) Juan _______ (not play) computer games
2. Complete the sentence with one word. Use the simple present form of the verbs.
Example: Do you have a dog?
1) _______ they live in France?
2) _______ your father work in a restaurant?
3) How old _______ your brother?
4) We _______ speak Portuguese. We speak Spanish.
5) What _______ your father do?
6) Is your uncle _______ actor?
3. Choose the correct word.
Example: This is my brothers / brothers wife.
1) Its Bens / the Bens pen.
2) Thats my parents / parentss car.
3) I like the movies end / end of the movie.
4) These are my childrens / childrens books.
5) I dont like Johns / Johnss brother.
6) Hes my teachers / teachers husband.


File Test 3
1. Write the time.
Example: 2:45 Its quarter to three.
1) 8:20


2) 12:15


3) 6:30


4) 10:50


5) 9:00


2. Complete the sentence with a preposition.

Example: My new job starts on Wednesday.
1) The office closes __________ the evening.
2) Her party is __________ Friday.
3) I often play chess __________ the weekend.
4) I often have pasta __________ lunchtime.
5) Its very warm__________ August.
6) Her birthday is __________ September 12th.
7) The class starts __________ two oclock.
3. Choose the correct phrase.
Example: Do you like food Chinese / Chinese food?
1) Its a book fantastic / fantastic book.
2) Thats a cheap cell phone / cell phone cheap.
3) Go often I / I often go to the market.
4) He has an old car / a car old.
5) I like music American / American music.
6) They arent always / are always not on time.
7) I always have / Always I have breakfast.
8) She never drinks / drinks never tea.



File Test 5
1. Complete Susans email. Use the -ing form of the verbs in the list.
be cook do eat go see study

Hi Chuck,
My names Susan and Im a student. I like being a
student, but I dont like 1 __________. I do four
hours of homework every evening. I live in a house
with my friend Laura. We like 2 __________ good
food, but Laura hates 3 __________. She only makes
pasta. We often go to fast-food restaurants. Its really
unhealthy. I love 4 __________ home and eating my
moms food. On the weekends, we like 5
__________ friends. We love music and singing.
What do you like 6 __________?
Write soon,

2. Complete the sentence with a pronoun from the list.

me mine them theirs his her you yours it
Example: Thats mine! Give it to me.
1) That dog isnt __________.They dont have a dog.
2) He likes Mary, but he doesnt love __________.
3) Can you repeat that. I dont understand __________.
4) Can you help __________? I cant do this exercise.
5) It isnt a good book. I dont like __________.
6) This books __________. Look! Heres your name.
7) Are they Japanese? Can you ask __________?
8) It isnt __________.He has a blue jacket.
3. Choose the correct word(s).
Example: Do you like listening / listen to songs?
1) I like you. Do you like me / I?
2) Thats mine /my car.
3) Im sorry. I can / cant play tennis this evening.
4) Can you to play / play chess?
5) Do you can / Can you come to my birthday party?
6) I love going / go to the park.

1. Choose the correct word(s).
Example: We was / were in Paris yesterday.
1) Where was / were Jack this morning?
2) Yesterday was / were Friday.
3) I wasnt / werent at work today.
4) Did /Were Jim and Sue at school yesterday?
5) Where were you / did you go last night?
6) The stores wasnt / werent open today.

2. Complete the sentence. Use the simple past of the verb in parentheses.
Example: We worked (work) hard yesterday.
1) I __________ (study) for three hours last night.
2) When __________ the party __________ (end) last night?
3) She _______________ (not like) the food in the restaurant.
4) __________ you __________ (watch) that movie last night?
5) My grandparents __________ (live) in Australia. Now they live in Korea.
6) The club _______________ (not close) until 3:00 a.m.
7) We _______________ (not smoke) because it was a non-smoking restaurant.
8) What time __________ they __________ (arrive) yesterday?

3. Complete the conversation.


Where did you and Bob go yesterday?


We went to a restaurant.


Did you go by car?


No, we 1 __________.We went by taxi.


What did you wear?


I 2 __________my blue dress.


What did you have to eat?



What time did you leave the restaurant?


We 4 __________ at nine oclock.


Did you see a movie after that?


Yes. We 5 __________ a fantastic movie.


What time did you get home?


We didnt

__________ steak and fries.

__________ home until midnight.


1. Complete the sentence with the correct form of be.
Example: Is there a TV in this hotel room?
1) There __________ any juice, but theres some water.
2) There __________ a good movie on TV last night.
3) __________ there any guests at the hotel right now?
4) There __________ any famous people at the party last week!
5) Were there any ghosts in your room?
No, there __________.
6) __________ there a good restaurant downtown?
Yes, there was.
2. Change the sentence. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Example: The dogs running. (bark)
No, it isnt. Its barking.
1) The babys eating. (cry)
2) Theyre talking. (argue)
3) Shes running. (walk)
4) Shes going by bus. (drive)
5) Hes drinking. (eat)
6) Hes listening to music. (read the newspaper)
7) Theyre watching soccer. (play soccer)
3. Complete the e-mail. Use the simple present or the present continuous of the verb in parentheses.

Hi John,
How are you? Right now, Im listening (listen) to music.
I usually 1 __________ (listen) to music in the evenings.
On Fridays, I sometimes 2 __________ (go) to the
movies with Suzie, but she 3 __________ (study) now.
She 4 __________ (have) a lot of work. My cousin 5
__________ (stay) with us at the moment, and he 6
__________ (wait) for me downstairs. I 7 __________
(think) he wants to go to the store.
See you soon,


1. Choose the correct word or phrase.
Example: We dont eat many /much apples in our house.
1) She eats much / a lot of cookies. She loves them.
2) I didnt eat no / any cake. I wasnt hungry.
3) How much chocolate do you eat? A lot / A lot of.
4) Mark buys many / a lot of fruit. Hes very healthy.
5) I dont have many /much free time. I work very hard.
6) How much /many coffee do you drink?

2. Complete the e-mail. Use the correct form of going to and the verb in parentheses. Use
contractions when possible.

Hi Daniel,
How are you? Are you going to come (come) to my party next
week? It 1 ____________________ (be) really fun. I want great
music, so I 2 ____________________ (find) a good DJ. My
parents 3 ____________________ (pay) for the food and drink.
My cousin 4 ____________________ (not be) there because she 5
____________________ (travel) to Canada with a friend next
week. They
____________________ (fly) to Vancouver and then they 7
____________________ (go) by train to Montreal. Its their
dream vacation! They 8 ____________________ (have) a
fantastic time!
Hope you can come to the party!

3. Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.

Example: Are there any bananas?
No. I had the last one.
1) Im a vegetarian. I dont want __________meat.
2) I can make __________ pasta tomorrow evening.
3) We cant have an omelet. There arent __________ eggs.
4) Can I have some toast, please? Sorry. There isnt __________ bread.
5) Theres __________ cheese in the fridge.
6) Im hungry. Do you want __________ orange?


1. Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
Example: Your car is more expensive (expensive) than mine.
1) Im the _______________ (happy) person in the world!
2) Shes the _______________ (good) swimmer in the class.
3) Its _______________ (hot) in Italy than in Norway.
4) Winter is the _______________ (dangerous) time of the year for some animals.
5) This years homework is _______________ (hard) than last years homework.
6) Im_______________ (young) than my sister.
7) Tims the _______________ (bad) soccer player I know.
8) I think the mountains are _______________ (beautiful) than the beach.
2. Complete the sentence with do, dont, would, or wouldnt.
Example: Do you like fish?
1) I __________ like to go to Africa one day.
2) Would you like to dance? No! I __________ like this music.
3) Would you like some lunch? Yes, I __________.
4) I __________ like to go to Africa. I dont like flying.
5) Would you like to do a parachute jump? No, I __________. Its very dangerous.
6) __________ you like shopping for clothes?
3 Complete the sentence with an adjective or an adverb. Use the correct form of the words in the list.
beautiful careful hard healthy perfect safe slow
Example: I dont understand you. Please speak slowly.
1) He worked __________ and passed the test.
2) She doesnt eat __________. She has too much fast food.
3) Dont walk home. It isnt __________ here at night.
4) Its raining. Please drive __________.
5) Thats a __________ dress. Where did you buy it?
6) They speak English __________.They never make mistakes.

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