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Improving Literacy Skills (ILS) - Syllabus

Ms. Dalia
Room 5137
Voicemail: 425-837-4857
Welcome back to school! The purpose of this class is to improve your reading and writing skills
and provide you support with your homework. You were identified for participation based on
your previous test scores, especially the MSPE, and the recommendation of your English
teachers. We will work on assignments from your English teachers and assignments to improve
your reading and writing skills. You will have time each day to work on homework for other
classes. Use this time wisely! If you have no homework (a thought that worries me), you will
work on an assignment I provide.
All my assignments will be done in class. There will be no homework for this class. You need
to bring your English notebook, texts, and assignments to class each day to work on with me.
Completion of your English assignments will be part of your grade for this class in addition to
your American Literature class. Watch your absences. Its tough to reproduce the discussions,
instruction, and oral reading outside of class. I will provide you with a spiral notebook for this
class that you will use for your openers, reading journal, and class writing. You must bring a
writing utensil with you to class each day.
Since you have no homework for this class, your grade will be based solely on your work and
participation in this class. Participation and focus will be critical to facilitate your learning and
progress. Some of the work is done with a partner and these pairings will change frequently. I
expect each of you to respect others in this class. Everyone is working to improve their skills and
this must be a safe place to take risks.
You will receive a grade based on your openers, daily reading, completion of English
assignments and my assignment grades. I expect that you will work quietly when necessary and
will not make choices that create problems for you or others in this class. Our time needs to be
spent on activities that will improve reading and writing skills, not on managing behavior.
Punctuality is important and tardies will impact your openers grade.

My pet peeves:

While I encourage using your cell phones for class activities in the American Literature
class, I believe they will be disruptive to this class and certainly distract you from
participating fully in the day-to-day activities. If I see a cell phone out, I will assign you a
parking space for the remainder of the year and confiscate it for the duration of the
class period. No exceptions.

Packing up before class is done is distracting to others trying to finish work or complete
a discussion. When I give you the OK to pack up, please dont go stand and stare at the
door. The door has never disappeared, and neither has staring at the door made time go
faster. I am sure this wont be the year it happens!

Trading papers to copy is not the same as working together on homework. It is

cheating. I am a big fan of working and studying together but each person must do his/her
own work. If I see you copying, I will take the papers and give you a failing grade for
that assignment in this class and in American Literature.
Leaving the room without permissionyou need my permission before you leave
class. This is non-negotiable. When you do leave, sign out on the clipboard at the back of
the room. You have 5 minutes to return.

My prep periods are 3rd and 6th. I will be glad to help you during these times on a periodic basis.
However, please check in advance that I will be in my room and that I have not scheduled a
private conference during that period. Please do not ask me to give you a pass to the Library or
Computer Lab for another class. You need to ask your subject area teachers for those.

ILS Parent Signature sheet

Student Name (please print) _______________________________________________________
My student has shared this with me_________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email or best phone number _________________________________________
(How would you like me to contact you?)

ILS Parent Signature sheet

Student Name (please print) _______________________________________________________
My student has shared this with me_________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email or best phone number _________________________________________
(How would you like me to contact you?)

ILS Parent Signature sheet

Student Name (please print) _______________________________________________________
My student has shared this with me_________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email or best phone number _________________________________________
(How would you like me to contact you?)

ILS Parent Signature sheet

Student Name (please print) _______________________________________________________
My student has shared this with me_________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian email or best phone number _________________________________________
(How would you like me to contact you?)

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