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The instructions below describe how to load the object using SOAP UI.

Step by Step procedure with

screen shot is provided. The document covers 1.

How to download SOAP UI

How to configure - Oracle fusion pod name, credentials, time out settings
Select a worker service and set of attributes available and their corresponding xml format
One example, how to update one of attribute 'job id' with a specific 'effective date' - to
demonstrate partial data update
5. One example, how to see the error - to demonstrate with an example, how the wrong data
uploaded results in error (error review)
Youll need to orchestrate this in your invocation program, using multi threading in the event that there
are large volume of changes. The above serves as an example so you can test, load and review results.
This document explains the steps for invoking the Fusion Worker Web Service using the SOAPUI application.

Download the SOAPUI application and install it.

The SOAPUI can be downloaded from


Start the SOAPUI application. The application would look similar to the below.


Create a new SOAPUI project.


Provide a name for the project. Provide the WSDL URL for the Fusion Worker Web service.
The format of the web service would be
https://<The external URL for HCM>/ hcmEmploymentCoreWorkerV2/WorkerService?wsdl
e.g If the POD name is ABC, then the WSDL URL would be hcmEmploymentCoreWorkerV2/WorkerService?wsdl
In this example, we would be using the following URL

Click OK Button to create the project.


Once the project is created successfully, the screen would look similar to the below.

The available operations would be listed under WorkerServiceSoapHttp.


Create a configuration to specify the username and password.

Select the Project name and right click and select Show Project View.

The screen would look similar to the below.

Select WS-Security Configurations tab.

Click on + icon in the Outgoing WS-Security Configurations tab.

Provide a name for the configuration and click ok. Select the configuration created and click on + icon in the bottom table.

Select Username from the dropdown and click ok.

Provide the Fusion applications username and password. Uncheck both the checkboxes and select Password Type as PasswordText

Click on the + icon again and select Timestamp and click ok button. Provide Time to Live as 300.


In this example, we would be using updateAssignment operation to update the data for an existing assignment.
Expand the updateAssignment and double click on Request1.

The left hand section corresponds to the request and the right hand section corresponds to the response.
Click on Aut at the bottom.

Select the configuration created earlier for the Outgoing WSS dropdown.


Provide the payload and invoke the service. In this example, we would be updating the job id of an existing assignment. The sample
request xml would look like.

In this example, we are trying to update the job id to 300100047422602 for the assignment 300100062105917 effective from 2014-JUN01.

The XML would vary depending on the operation being performed and the data that is updated.

After preparing the XML, click the green icon to invoke the service. The successful response would look like

If there are validation failures during the execution of the operation, the response message would contain the error details.

e.g. If we provide an incorrect value for job id (e.g 123456789) effective from 2014-JUL-01, then the response would look like

As can be seen, the following error message is received in the response.

The JobId attribute is invalid. Enter a valid value.

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