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Concept of Globalization:
There are five approaches of globalization they are business globalization,
economicglobalization, structure globalization, competition globalization
and company globalization.Globalization is emerging concept in the field of
management which expands borderlessly throughglobal production and global
marketing network. Globalization has nourished the world economythrough
technological advancement, removal of trade barriers, liberalization and
privatization.According to Sundrahm & Black
is the process by which activity or undertaking
becomes worldwide in scope.
In conclusion, globalization is the process by which undertaking
becomes worldwide in scope.Free movement, portfolio investment, foreign direct
investment, bilateral investment, joint venture,technology transfer are the basic
dimensions of globalization. Various international agencies, regionalgrouping and
economic grouping such as WTO, IMF, WORLD BANK, SAFTA, SAARC, EU etc
havefacilitated to boost-up globalization.
Effects of Globalization:
Globalization has both positive as well as negative impact which is dealt as below:A.
Positive Effects1. Growth of ExportExport is the popular method of globalization.
Labor intensive products are exported fromdeveloping countries and capital
intensive products are exported form developed countries.2. Transfer of factors
of productionFree mobility is the essential feature of the globalization which
results to transfer of factors of production (men, material, labor, capital) from
one country to another easily.3. Increase in ProductivityGlobalization has increased
the productivity in production and contributes to the nationalincome.4. Increase in
EmploymentGlobalization has increased the employment through worldwide scope
of labor market.B.Negative Effect1. Erosion of National SovereigntyNational
Sovereignty is diluted by big multinational companies.2. Unequal
partnershipDeveloping countries should collaborate with developed countries. In
fact, it is not equalpartnership. Developing countries do not have competitive
power.3. Threat to social and cultural valuesGlobalization has increased the
terrorism, crime, prostitution, child-sex abuse, drug traffickingand changes in
the civilization and culture.4. Threat to Domestic MarketGlobalization captures the
domestic market which leads to discouragement and pessimism indomestic market.

Concept of communication:
The term communication' is derived from the Latin word 'communis' which means
transferringand understanding the information. Exchanging news, views, ideas and
experience between two partiesis communication.According to Ricky Griffin
is the process of transmitting information from one personto another.In conclusion
, communication is the important function of management which exchanges
news,views, ideas and experience between two parties. Effective communication is
the essence of effectivemanagement. At Least two parties are needed for
effective communication. Communication may beformal as well as informal.
Barrier in the effective communication:
1.Physical BarrierThe barrier in the effective due to physical reasons such as
physical distance, noise, physicalarrangement etc is known as physical barrier.2.
Psychological BarrierThe barrier in the effective due to Psychological reasons such
as selfishness, dignity more thannecessity, ego, jealousy, fear etc is known as
psychological barrier.3. Semantic barrier:The barrier in the effective due
to satirical language, ambiguity (dual meaning ), poorcommunication skill etc is
known as semantic barrier.4. Organizational barrierThe barrier in the effective
due to poor planning, information overload, distance,
timing,technology, structural complexity etc is known as organizational barrier.
Techniques to remove barrier in the effective communication:
1.Reducing Physical barrierThe effective communication can be enhanced by
reducing physical barrier such as physicaldistance, noise, physical arrangement etc.
He/she may use informal communication, communication bymoving around to reduce
physical barrier.2. Promoting interpersonal RelationshipEmployee is the main cause
of barrier in the effective communication because they havedifferent values,
norms, culture, language, religion, attitudes, belief, adaptional power. Hence,
Theeffective communication can be enhanced by promoting interpersonal
relationship.3.Simplifying the languageThe effective communication can be
enhanced by omitting satirical language, ambiguity ( dualmeaning) etc.

4. using communication technologyToday is the era of information and technology.

The effective communication can be enhancedby using modern information
and technology.5. Improving communication processThe effective communication
can be enhanced by adopting appropriate communication channeland effective
feedback mechanism.

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