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The Root Cause of Diabetes:
It might be hard to believe, but when you prick your finger with a meter and see a blood sugar
reading of let's say 250, it's NOT because you have diabetes! Some people can walk around with
blood sugar as high as 300 without having diabetes. How is this possible? It all comes down to a
single word: INFLAMMATION.
Ever wondered why diabetics have such high rates of heart disease, heart attacks, cancer, high
cholesterol, blindness, arthritis, and neuropathy? Inflammation.
Just recently; February 2015, Scientists and researchers at the University of California San Diego
proved that type 2 diabetes is caused by inflammation: they discovered that an inflammatory
molecule called LTB4 causes insulin resistance. And what does insulin resistance lead to? high
blood sugar and diabetes.
This is the reason why treating your blood sugar with drugs and injecting insulin to combat insulin
sensitivity will never heal your diabetes; because you aren't treating the root cause of diabetes,
just the symptoms of it.
Page 430 - Learn about the simple foods
found in any grocerystore that:
Are 2 times more successful at
eliminating the need for diabetes
medication than the diet recommended
by the American Diabetes Association.
Have been shown to destroy type 2
diabetes in 74% of patients while
eliminating metabolic syndrome in 100%
of children.
End the need for insulin
injections while normalizing blood sugar
and cholesterol - without using
prescription drugs.
Page 433 - Find out the nutrition tricks a
Norwegian endocrinologist used to help many of
his 18,000 patientscompletely come off
insulin and other diabetes medicationsand
how you too can apply these same methods to
fight your diabetes. All using regular foods found
right in your grocery store.
Page 400 - The exact foods and the portions to
eat them in that have been shown to
completely eliminate neuropathy pain in 81%
of patients. Proven in a study at Loma Linda
University in California.
Page 382 - Learn how you can safely lower
your cholesterollevels by 25-30% without
using prescription drugs.
Page 103 - We reveal the absolutely mind
blowing, scientifically proven methods that have
been shown to help people lower their chance of
dying from all causes by 43%. No need for
drugs, pills, injections, shakes, powders or crazy
Page 48 - The reason why most people are
always hungry, and the simple step you can take
to reduce your food cravings to almost nothing.

Page 298 - Discover the exact step by step

solution that helped96% of study subjects
completely end the need for insulin
medication, proven at the University of
Kentucky and the Virginia Medical Center.
Page 430 - Shocking scientific findings that
discovered whichfoods when eaten in the
right amounts work nearly two times better
than Metformin - the leading diabetes drug at
normalizing blood sugar! The people following
these methods don't need to take any more
drugs or inject insulin. Proven in a study from
the George Washington School of Medicine.
Page 81 - See how a certain food that 85% of
the world eats on a daily basis spikes blood
sugar, increases inflammation, makes your
diabetes worse, and has been shown to raise the
risk of diabetes in healthy people by 170%!
Page 402 - Discover the truth about a spice
that you probably have in your kitchen cabinet
right now and how it increases glucose
metabolism twenty-fold! Thereby lowering
blood sugar and helping stop diabetes.
Page 380 - See the exact foods scientists
discovered that canlower your risk of dying
from cancer by 67%
Page 380 - Learn the secret thousands have
used to normalize blood pressure. People
with high blood pressure were able to lower it by
over 38% without using drugs or pills!
Page 326 - Find out how people increased their
longevity by at least 50% (live 50% longer) and
lower incidences of most diseases by taking a
few vitamins, as proven by numerous studies
across the world.
Page 62 - Learn which foods you can munch on
all day without gaining weight and which so
called "healthy" foods you have to stay far away

Page 177 - How the FDA (American Food and

Drug Administration) prohibited the sale of
Page 250 - Learn why counting calories is
natural treatments even though they knew those completely unnecessary, and how you can lose
remedies could save thousands of lives.
weight without worrying about counting
Page 32 - Learn how high fructose corn syrup anything!
HFCS is making you gain weight and causing
Page 311 - Knowing how keeping your bodys
serious health detriments and why you need to PH level normalized is your key to preventing
avoid this sugar for your own good.
most diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer,
Page 183 - See how drug studies are
hormone imbalance, immune deficiency, kidney
specifically structured to get the positive results problems, headaches, etc.). Learn a simple
pharmaceutical companies want. Things like
method to test your bodys PH level and how you
using younger, healthier people in studies for
can easily keep it within safe levels.
drugs that will be sold to older people.
Page 327 - Find out what vitamins can replace
Page 109 - Learn which foods and additives are a bad or improper diet and which vitamins are
causing thyroid imbalance and how you can
needed to stay healthy and rid your body of
easily improve your thyroid function by adding disease. You will learn why dieting is not the
this mineral to your diet. ...Japanese women,
answer to your health or weight loss problems
who have one of the lowest breast cancer rates and may actually be doing you more harm!
in the world, ingest this mineral...
Page 50 - How you can strengthen your
Page 75 - Simple methods showing you how
immune system by changing a few things in
you can eat less and feel fuller.
your diet.
Page 22 - This ingredient in bread is now being Page 25 - Find out how Splenda/NutraSweet
linked to countless diseases including cancer!
and other so called healthy zero calorie
Page 31 - How a single teaspoon of sugar
sweeteners in drinks actually make you pack on
lowers your immune system by up to 50% for
the pounds. Discover how these sweeteners trick
24 hours. This makes you more suceptible to the your brain, hinder your bodys ability to estimate
flu, colds, and other infections.
caloric intake, and make you gain weight
Page 43 - People who eat this common
Page 41 - This toxic food additive has been
sweetener showed enlarged livers, kidneys, and linked to overstimulating your nervous system
shrunken thymus glands.
causing headaches, anxiety, seizures, joint pain,
Page 49 - Why milk may actually be causing
and depression.
osteoporosis and other terrible health
Page 47 - Learn to distinguish between healthy
consequences. And learn the shocking truth
fats and unhealthy fats. Omega 3, omega 6,
about todays factory produced milk that has
saturated fats, unsaturated fats - which are
traces of up to 80 different antibiotics, growth
healthy, and which do you need to stay away
hormones and animal pus. We also show you the from.
top healthy alternatives.
Page 61 - Find out the truth about protein,
Page 63 - Discover how diet soda and other
energy and meal replacement bars that the
'diet' products actually cause you to gain weight, industry does not want you to know about.
spike blood sugar and are dangerous for your
Loaded with dangerous fillers, preservatives,
colors and sweeteners.
Page 86 - We show you the truth about so
called "healthy" butter alternatives like
margarine that are nothing but synthetic lab
made chemicals and have been linked to cancer.
Page 436 - Learn the 7 easy steps to perfect health, the culmination of all the research,
studies, data, and thousands of testimonials into an easy, simple and complete step by
step solution to kick your diabetes butt for good.

16. and
Dr. Dukan has created a gentle new version of his bestselling diet. Its just as effective as the
original, but with a seven-day eating plan you can lose weight at your own pace without giving up
the foods you love.
Follow the 7 steps from Monday to Sunday each week until you reach your true weight.
Day 1: Protein
Day 2: Protein, vegetables
Day 3: Protein, vegetables, fruit
Day 4: Protein, vegetables, fruit, bread
Day 5: Protein, vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese
Day 6: Protein, vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese, complex carbs
Day 7: Celebration meal with wine and chocolate!
As with the original diet, once you reach your target weight you progress to the Consolidation and
Stabilization phases.
The Seven Steps is the new way to lose the weight you want, like millions of others around the
world. Devised by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French medical doctor who has spent his career helping
people lose weight permanently, The Dukan Diet is the culmination of thirty-five years' clinical
experience. Beyond its immense success in France, The Dukan Diet has been adopted by more
than 50 countries and translated into 25 languages.

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