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Part two: Themes

Directions: answer the questions below. Be as specific as possible.

1. Describe the effects of the stock market crash of 1929.

The Great Depression is an effect of the stock market crash of 1929.

2. Analyze Hoover’s philosophy on ending the great depression?

Hoover established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in 1923 and asked

Congress to pass the Federal Home Loan Bank later that year.

3. What was the purpose behind the Fireside chats?

Fireside chats were designed to build confidence in the President’s policies.

4. Discuss the importance of the Bank Holiday to start the new deal?

5. Discuss the criticisms of the new deal.

National debt increased, unemployment remained high, New Deal measures caused
people to lose initiative, it was unconstitutional in spirit.

6. What was Elenore Roosevelt’s role in her husband’s administration?

She worked to help women get the vote and suffrage, held her own conferences, toured
the nation, wrote newspaper columns, spoke on radio broadcasts, and was named the
U.S. Delegate of the United Nations.

7. Discuss the purpose of the social security act.

The purpose was to create Medicare and Medicaid programs, provide federal health
insurance for the elderly and for poor families.

8. Discuss the importance of the Wagner Act to industrial workers.

Wagner Act limits the means with which employers may react to workers in the private
sector that create labor unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take part in strikes
and other forms of concerted activity in support of their demands.

9. Describe how the new deal changed the relationship between the federal
government and the people.

10.Describe the political philosophy of fascism

Loyalty to the leader and loyalty to the country.

11.How did the United States war policy change after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

U.S. didn’t just stand by anymore, they planned to attack Japan.

12.Describe the industrial response to the United States entering World War II.

U.S. industry was profiting from selling weapons to other countries and the economy got
better because there were more jobs available.

13. What was the function of the office of price administration?

To control prices and rents after the outbreak of World War II.

14. Describe the importance to the Americans of the North African front.

Without the Americans the Allies probably wouldn’t be able to defeat the Axis Powers.

15. Remember the timeline of events of world war II

16.Discuss the importance of Doolittle’s raid for the Americans and for the Japanese

It lifted the moral of the entire country by letting the Japanese know that the Americans
were down but not defeated.

17. What were the compromises made at Yalta?

Germany would be broken down into four occupied zones, demilitarization, and forced to
pay reparations to damages caused by war.

18. Analyze the justification of the Japanese internment camps.

U.S. justified it by presuming all Japanese Americans were Japanese spys.

19.What was the strategic importance of Midway for the Americans and the

If the Japanese controlled Midway then they could easily attack the U.S. and the U.S.
could use Midway for military bases.

20. Describe the attitudes toward art and literature during the 1950’s

People openly expressed themselves and strayed from traditional art and literature.

21.Discuss how Martin Luther King Jr.’s Albany movement was a failure

It was a coordinated desegregation effort in Albany, Georgia.

22. Discuss the successful methods of the SCLC in Birmingham, Alabama.

Photographs of brutal police force with fire hoses and police dogs revealed to the nation
the horrors of segregation in America and set the tone for Civil Rights Movement.

23. Analyze how Brown vs. Board of Education changed segregation.

Brown vs Board of Education disallowed “Separate but Equal” segregation.

24. What were the Jim Crow Laws designed to do?

Jim Crow Laws promoted segregation between blacks and whites.

25.Describe the Teachings and impact of Malcolm x.

He spoke about fighting back about civil rights for African-Americans.

26. Who were the Black Panthers and what did they set out to do?

They were African-American revolutionary left-wing organization working for the self-
defense for black people.

27. Describe how the civil rights movement went from non-violent to militant. Who
was involved in the militancy?

The people wanted their civil rights and this caused them to be militant.

28.Describe the effects of the civil rights act of 1964, 1965 and the 24th amendment.

They allowed equal voting rights for all citizens.

29.Describe the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States during
the cold war.

They were constantly competing in even the smallest situations.

30. Define the purpose of the United Nations.

The purpose of the United Nations is to maintain worldwide peace.

31. Why did Kennedy see the need for a flexible response program?

It allowed the use of conventional forces and weapons as an alternative to nuclear war.

32.How did the American’s respond to the Soviet Union blockade of Berlin?

The Americans reacted by sending planes over Berlin to deliver food and supplies.

33.How did the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile crisis define the relationship
between the Soviet Union and the United States?

They showed how close to war both superpowers were willing to go.

34. Describe the objectives of the New Frontier.

Intended to boost the economy, provide international aid, provide for national defense,
and boost the space program.

35. Why did the Americans feel the need to send a human being to the moon?

The Soviets sent a man to space and America felt like they had to top that.

36. Describe the functions of NATO, SEATO, and Warsaw Pact.

Alliances for when another tyrant like Hitler came to power.

37.Describe the reforms of the warren court.

The court expanded civil rights and liberties, judicial power, and the federal power.

38.How did the United States involvement in Vietnam start?

They feared Vietnam would turn communist and wanted to contain communism.

39. What is the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and what effect did it have on the course of the
Vietnam War?

Congressional resolution that authorized military action in Southeast Asia.

40. How did the media affect the public support of Vietnam?

The media started many uprisings from youths who opposed the war.

41. What happened during the tet offensive? What effects did it have?

South Vietnam attacked North Vietnam, communists were defeated, and it had a
profound effect on the U.S. government and shocked the American public.

42.Describe why the counterculture movement began to decline.

The media over-saturated counterculture content and people didn’t want repetitiveness.

43. What effects did the United States support of Israel have?

It made Israel dependent on the United States for its economic and military strength.

44.Discuss the details of Realpolitik.

Realpolitiks is a theory of politics that focuses on considerations of power.

45. How did the Watergate break in go down?

The burglars were caught by security guards and had ties to people in the Nixon

46.What was President Ford’s plan to get the country past the Watergate?

Ford pardoned Nixon for any charges which might have been brought against him.

47. Describe Gorbachev’s plans to end the cold war?

He sought to improve relations and trade with the West by reducing Cold War tensions.

48. Describe the function of the EPA.

Writes and enforces regulations based on laws passed by Congress to protect human
health and the environment.

49. What was the intended effect of Affirmative Action?

Action taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of

employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded.

50. What happened with the Iran-Contra scandal? Why did Reagan let it take place?
Senior U.S. figures agreed to facilitate the sale of arms to Iran with hope that the arms
sales would secure the release of hostages.

51. Describe the reasons President Clinton wanted to reform the health care system.

He wanted to provide universal health care for all Americans.

52. What is NAFTA and what was the intended purpose behind it?

North American Free Trade Agreement institutionalized previously dense economic

interdependence in the region.

53. Describe the significance of the Contract With America.

It was committed to offering specific legislation for a vote, shrinking the size of
government, promoting lower taxes and greater entrepreneurial activity.

54. Why did the United States invade Afghanistan in 2001?

It was a response to the September 11th attacks.

55.What was the September 11th attacks a response to?

They were a response to American troops in Saudi Arabia.

56. What happened in the 2000 presidential election and how was the election

The electoral vote did not reflect the popular vote, the election decided in favor of Bush.

57.What was your favorite part of this review sheet?

The fact that there was fifty-seven questions T^T

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