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Move Asset


Item should have Transactable one.

Item & Activity should be assigning to Transferred EAM Org Also.
There should not be an equipment Link.
If asset is moved Activity, Item Attributes, Meters, Failure analysis are also
5. Work orders and cost details will not be moved.
Creation of Asset & Asset Details (Attributes) fill up.

Meter Assignment with Asset Number

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Item Assign to Other Organizations:

Item Transactable one.

Activity Assign to other org:

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Failure Analysis Assign with Asset:

Move Asset Process:

Inter Org Transfer:

Confirmation of Asset Transferred:

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Other Org Asset Moved Along with the Details:

Meter Assign also moved.

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Activity Moved

Failure Moved:

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Asset Operational Log:

Operational Log:

Along with user defined:

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Moved Asset (Transacted Asset Details from Source Org Work order Details)

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

Inter- Org Transfer of eAM Assets

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