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World History & Geography

Welcome to World History, this class is a required

class for all students who wish to graduate from East
Jackson. Students will study and discuss the major
events of world history within their geographic context.
You can expect reading assignments focused
around historical issues. You will demonstrate academic
competence by engaging in discussions,
judging/evaluating historical events, and completing
assigned work.
Classroom rules: As in all of your classes there are classroom rules I
expect you to follow every day. They are the following:
The handbook policies WILL be followed in this
classroom. Please review the tardy, cell phone and bag
policies in particular. You will be considered tardy if you
are not in the classroom before the bell starts to ring.
Gum and food is not allowed.
Kindergarten rules are in effect - those are the rules you
learned in kindergarten.
Bring all appropriate materials to class.
1. Folders with work.
2. Pencils and supplies
3. Text Book
Bathroom passes: 3 per marking period
Homework: All assignments are due the day after they are assigned
unless I indicate otherwise.
All work is to be completed in full sentences with correct
capitalization and punctuation. All work is to be written in pencil.
If you are absent you have two days to make up the homework or the
test. Please check Ms. Knights website for weekly assignments.

Homework turned in late will receive a lowered grade by 50%. Any

work not following directions may be handed back to be completed
properly and will be considered late. Late work will not be accepted
after two days.
Class assignments, quizzes and tests will be weighted accordingly:
Homework and in class work:
In class work and participation
If there is a project for this class, weighting will be adjusted per
marking period.
Is the process of copying another person's idea or written work and
claiming it as original work. Plagiarism is spelled out in the student
handbook as an infraction that carries a penalty resulting in an F for
an assignment and if there is a second occurrence an F for the nine
Power School
Grades will be posted on Power School in most instances within 24
hours. Papers and tests take longer to grade and will be posted
accordingly. Keep your returned papers and make sure that the grades
have been posted before recycling them.
Other guidelines/rules
Ms. Knight reserves the right to add/ change any rules or guidelines as
she deems necessary.
Help after school
If you need help with the class material or have further questions,
please arrange to meet with Ms. Knight after school.

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