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On-Going Article Analysis

2016-2017 English IV - Beam

We will be using current event articles throughout the year to hold online class discussions while
analyzing current events and improving our writing. This online discussion will not replace in-class
instruction but will give us a forum to continue and elaborate on material discussed and taught in class.
You will be required to read an article, make annotations and make a post before midnight on the
required day. You will be completing 1 paper every 3 weeks. You will also be required to respond to two
assigned classmates midnight on the required day. This is an on-going assignment. Please use this
sheet as a guideline for your papers to ensure that you earn quality points for your efforts and work.

Paper Due in GOOGLE

*By Midnight*
Thurs. September 1

Annotations Due
*In Class*
Fri. September 2

Comments Due in GOOGLE

*By Midnight*
Fri. September 2

Thurs. September 22

Fri. September 23

Fri. September 23

Thurs. October 13

Fri. October 14

Fri. October 14

Thurs. November 3

Fri. November 4

Fri. November 4

Thurs. November 24

Fri. November 25

Fri. November 25


Article Analysis Paper

o MLA Format
o 1-1 pages typed in Google Docs and placed in appropriate folder.
o Shared with assigned classmate and Mrs. Beam.
o Clearly addresses the posed question.
o Concrete evidence from the appropriate article with proper citations.
o MLA Works Cited page (you may include outside sources in your analysis, but are not
required to do so).
Article annotations due in class on assigned day
o Follow requirements listed on the annotation assignment sheet.
Respond to two assigned classmates before midnight on assigned day
o Response comments should be of a substantial length (whether that be one long
comment or several short ones).
o These should elaborate on the initial paper, agree or disagree. Your goal is to
ENGAGE with your classmates paper.
o Any expression of different opinions should be done constructively and responsibly.
NO personal references or insults will be tolerated.

*Remember you have this information, the due dates and the articles IN ADVANCE. Do NOT
procrastinate this assignment or your grade will suffer for it.*

Your annotations and post will be graded using the following rubric. (We will create this in class.)
You will receive a grade for each assignment. Feedback and grades will be shared as a comment on your
paper. Your papers will qualify as a test grade and your response comments as a quiz grade.

On-Going Article Analysis

2016-2017 English IV - Beam

*Technology problems (lack of Internet, forgot login, etc.) will not qualify as a valid reason for
a late assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted.*

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