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/********** CATEGORY PAGE **********/

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/********** PRODUCT PAGE **********/

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/********** PRODUCT REVIEWS **********/
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/********** WISHLIST & COMPARE LIST **********/
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/*********** TOPICS ***********/
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dd; padding:0 0 15px;}
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x; height:40px; border:none; background-color:#4ab2f1; padding:0 15px; color:#ff
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le {margin:25px 0;}
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/********** REGISTRATION, LOGIN, ACCOUNT PAGES **********/
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enter; font-size:16px; color:#4cb17c;}
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tyle:italic; color:#444;}
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/********** SHOPPING CART **********/
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rgin:0 auto 15px; border:1px solid #bbb; background:#fff url('../images/pointer.
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er:1px solid #999; background:#fff url('../images/close.png') center no-repeat;
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/********** CHECKOUT **********/
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/****** SEARCH & SITEMAP ******/
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/****** BLOG & NEWS ******/
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/*** FORUM & PROFILE ***/
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/*---->Added By Jignesh Vaghela<----*/
/******************************************Form Templete-1**********************
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/*********************************************End Form Tempelete-1**************
/*********************************************GIA Form Tempelete-1**************
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/*---------------------------------------------validation Msg form SOA page comm
and GIA page------------------ */
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/*============================ =========================================*/
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/*---->Added By Jignesh Vaghela<----*/
/******************************************Form Templete-1**********************
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/*********************************************End Form Tempelete-1**************
/*********************************************GIA Form Tempelete-1**************

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width: 110px;
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/*********************************************Passport Tempelete-1**************
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/*********************************************End Passport Tempelete-1**********
/*********************************************Resume Tempelete-1****************
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/*********************************************End Resume Tempelete-1************
/*Driving Licence*/
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#CA {
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