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It's like, in this universe, we process time linearly. Forward.

But outside of o
ur space-time, from what would be a fourth-dimensional perspective, time wouldn'
t exist. And from that vantage, could we attain it? We'd see -- Our space-time w
ould look flattened, like a single sculpture. Matter in a super-position, every
place it ever occupied. Our sentience just cycling through our lives like carts
on a track. See, everything outside our dimension that's eternity. Eternity lookin
g down on us. Now, to us, it's a sphere. But to them, it's a circle. In eternity
, where there is no time, nothing can grow. Nothing can become. Nothing changes.
So death created time to grow the things that it would kill... and you are rebo
rn but into the same life that you've always been born into. I mean, how many ti
mes have we had this conversation, detectives? Well, who knows? When you can't r
emember your lives, you can't change your lives, and that is the terrible and th
e secret fate of all life. You're trapped... like a nightmare you keep waking up
I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self
-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatur
es that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the il
lusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, prog
rammed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's
nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our progr
amming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight,
brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. So what's the point of getting u
p in the morning? I tell myself I bear witness but the real answer is that it s ob
viously my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide.
You see we all got what I call a life trap, a gene deep certainty that things w
ill be different... that you'll move to another city and meet the people that'll
be the friends for the rest of your life... that you'll fall in love and be ful
filled... fucking fulfillment... and closure whatever the fuck those two fuckin'
empty jars to hold this shit storm. Nothing's ever fulfilled, not until the ver
y end. and closure. Nothing is ever over.
right there in the last instant. It's an unmistakable relief. See, cause they w
ere afraid, and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just...
let go. Yeah They saw, in that last nanosecond, they saw... what they were. You,
yourself, this whole big drama, it was never more than a jerry rig of presumpti
on and dumb will, and you could just let go. To finally know that you didn't hav
e to hold on so tight. To realize that all your life, all your love, all your ha
te, all your memories, all your pain, it was all the same thing. It was all the
same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a per
The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well, tha
t's what the preacher sells, same as a shrink. See, the preacher, he encourages
your capacity for illusion. Then he tells you it's a fucking virtue. Always a bu
ck to be had doing that, and it's such a desperate sense of entitlement, isn't i
t? Surely, this is all for me. Me. Me, me, me. I, I. I m so fucking important. I m s
o fucking important, then, right?
each one so sure of their realness. That their sensory experience constituted a
unique individual with purpose and meaning. So certain that they were more than
a biological puppet. The truth wills out, and everybody sees. Once the strings a
re cut, all fall down.
Someone once told me time is a flat circle. That everything we've ever done or w
ill do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.
If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward th
en, brother, that person is a piece of shit. And I d like to get as many of them o

ut in the open as possible. You gotta get together and tell yourself stories tha
t violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? What s th
at say about your reality?
Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel. It s catharsis.
He absorbs their dread with his narrative. Because of this, he s effective in pro
portion to the amount of certainty he can project. Certain linguistic anthropolo
gists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brai
n. Dulls critical thinking.
Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey, He sa
id for you to give me your fucking share. People so god damn frail they d rather put
a coin in the wishing well than buy dinner.
If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, t
hen brother that person is a piece of shit; and I'd like to get as many of them
out in the open as possible.

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