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The Saga of the Lords of MU

Aramu Maru. (Serpentine Father)

Aramu Mayu (Serpentine Mother)

1561 CE Some of the Kumara Priest Kings included the Quechuan (KaKan) name for se
rpent, Amaru (Aramu), within their royal titles, such as was the case with the l
ast Inca Emperor Sayri Tupac Amaru.
Sayri Tupacs father Manco Capac, opposed submission to the Spanish Conquest and w
as assassinated by Spanish Soldiers, who were revolting against Pizarro. The you
ng Sayri Tupac who was but 5 years old witnessed this act, and was taken off to
be placed in a monastery. Tupac, was not of legendary height of his ancestors ho
wever he was tall for an Inca, and taller than most Spaniards. Sayri Tupac, was
raised by the Church and fashioned into a perfect example of a Good Inca. In 156
1 according to Spanish Journals that were kept by one of Pizarros generals, one m
orning Sayri Tupac Amaru was found poisoned, at his temple, sitting in his thron
e.There were no heirs therefore, unfortunately, Sayri Tupac, was the last known
of his line. After his death, the Spanish killed what was left of his family, an
d as far as they knew, any access to historical records was lost (they were actu
ally removed earlier). @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Before the final destruction of The Moors (Lemuria), Sanat Kumara, grandfather to t

he Solar Brotherhood assigned his heir Aramu Muru and 12 other "Serpentine Lords
" to take the records and power objects of the Amaru to various parts of the wor
ld for safekeeping (from afrika they brought it to America/Amarakas, the Islands,
China, etc).
Aramu Muru Kings, who are the children of the Annunaki and their servants from t
he stars, depicted on rock wall in the American Rockies, had swords, Crowns, and
armor. These groups were the founding genetic lines or clans, with origins back
to the original/earliest/first Black Serpent kings:
KaraMa (Caramaya) and
N.Aka Mat (Naga Maya)
(so-called Root Race or the Elder Race), the Elder Earth race of the Asar (Twa/Ban
tu peoples, Khiosan, etc).
The were all of the order of the Ancient Societies of Saba (Seven Rays Solar Brot
Nagas (Serpents in Sanscrit) of An (Indus/India).
Later the Naga/Serpent Kings KaKa Kan (Kukulcan) and KasaKa (Quetzalcoatal) create
d the Asa (Itza) Mat (Maya) Culture of South America.
The Lung Dragons of China, and an ancient Chinese term for dragon was Naga.
Amare (Amarus) and Kantaka (Con Ticci) Are Kaka (Viracocha) of Peru/Bru.
The Zohar, the Books of Splendor (the Original texts of the Kabbalah) is said to
have passed from Adam to Noah and then to Abraham (AKasut), who immigrated to Egy
An earlier priest cult in Egypt was specifically formed to take care of the Roya
lty that went by the title of Masa/Messah/Musa or Crocodile Lords (priest kings),
who also lay claim to the Atm/Atum/Adam or Amen/Amn as being their Kamara.
The early Naga/Egyptians who built the pyramids.
The Olmec returning to North Africa from the lands of the Maya.
The Astaka/Ast Aka (Azteca) who absorbed the cultures and religions of Meso-Americ
a had the goddess Ka Aka/ Ka Ka (Coatlcue) often depicted as having two serpent/N
aga heads and wore a skirt of snakes/serpents.

In the mythology of Suma/Sumeria the goddess TaAmaat/Tiamat in her fury would dest
roy all who challenged her (all, but the Babylonian sun god, Marduk). In a celes
tial (Karast/mind/heavens) battle (war amongst the Royal Elite), Marduk slew Tiama
t (the heavenly world/family/kingdom divided). Then, from Tiamuats dismembered bo
dy, he fashioned the heavens and the earth. From her dragons blood (Ancient Royal
Elite) Marduk created man (new people/race). Nidhogg (Naga/Asar/Amen) is said t
o be the Dragon Father of an underground world known by the Norse as Niflheim (N
aba: master teachers).
The other Rings, are unknown, (although not entirely) and have been lost to My
th and Legend. Possibly they are in the South Poles.
Methusala (Mtu.Sara) who was brought into the order of dragon priests as a youth
which accounted for his extremely long life. The order of MalikSutuk (Melchisedec
), was rumored to have many dragon lords.
The mythical Mr/Mor/Merlyn of Arthurian legend became a dragon Naga/wizard/wezir
/Asar. His most powerful magic drew from the Earths own life force through the sy
mbiotic relationship with the Naga/dragons (ancestors) of the underworld. Merlyn
made the embracing of the New Christianity, by the Druid official with the Marr

iage of Arthur to Quenivere.

7th-6th Cen BCE In Native American mythology there was a counsel of Naga/dragon
priests that convened in the Black Hills area of the Dakotas a thousand or so ye
ars before the return of the younger brothers (Pale men) and the age of conquest
. Their council dispersed teachers, throughout the Native nations to activate ce
rtain ancient ceremonies.
Their mission to the tribes was to establish a wise and prudent relationship tha
t fostered a sustainable ecology; along with a stable social and intertribal Spi
ritual structure that respected the ecosphere, and considered seven generations
with each action one took in their lives. The behavior of the ordinary actions o
f the tribes were often monitored by Thunder beings, a powerful Draconian (great M
other)force that interacted with the Earthlings through:
the two horned and one horned priests that came from the heavens (South) .
Aramu Muru in the final days of Lemuria established the Rings (Kingdom/realms) o
f each of the Children of the Sun. With each individual Ring there was then appo
inted a circle comprising of 13 priests, and 13 priestesses, one head figure bec
ame the elected symbolic spiritual leader or Aramu.
Aramu Muru for the men and
Aramu Mayu for the women (this began the Legends of the Ring Lords).
Each Ring that was chosen was then instructed to take their records of ancient w
isdom to their respective regions and hide the items at specific locations, deep
within the chambers of ancient mountains; until it was the time of the Awakenin
Each had been close to the great and wise Sanat Kumara, the Kamara, the father. (o
ldest remembered Relative, the First Kamara- Amenra/Gammaray-, the Aten-Adama.
Later a similar event occurred on Atlantis with certain descendents of these ori
ginal Naga/serpentine lords, the Sons of An who were chosen to take the Atlantean
records and teachings to the delegated pan-Ethiopian/Atlantic territories.
The Afrakans/Ethiopians established several colonies, among these locations were
the School of Pythagoras
the Temple of Delphi
School of Amen, Egypt, where the Emerald Tablets were said to be amongst these a
ncient records brought there, and buried beneath the Sphinx. Later, after the de
cline of the society in Egypt, the Emerald Tablets were taken from their resting
place by non other than Nefertiti, Queen to Akhenaten who was a KamAra/Kamara/Kamar
a and schooled in the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, to the Halls of Records in
the Yucatan (where they are to this day!).
The great Solar disk of the order of the Saba/Seven Rays,
the Sons of An in Ethiopia/Atlantis.
AkanAten is said to have rebelled against the whole of the Priesthood of Amon,
stating there was one supreme God, Aten- Adama.
Akhenaten received his teachings in the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, in a secr
et school that is known to be in the Anta/Andes Mountains. (which is why there ar
e so many archaeological artifacts here in the Americas, that show a direct conn
ection to Egypt). This school was either the ancient university of Machu Picchu
or Tawanaka/naga/Tiahuanaku, the famed city of the sun.
2001 The Great Solar Cross - happened in the Heavens April of 2001 (NASA). The A

ncient records were to remain in solitude, until there was a sign was to seen in
the heavens, a sign that would be unmistakable, and born of Source itself, tell
ing those who remained true to the original covenants and teachings that the Anc
estors would begin the process of awakening. Some that sign in fact was realized
, and scientifically documented, though perhaps unknowingly, by the SOHO-LASCO S
atellite in April of 2001.
The long slumber of the indigenous masters and the process of mankind awakening
from their sleep of forgetfulness was at long last over, and the process of the A
wakening had begun.
The Great Solar Cross - happened in the Heavens, SOHO- LASCO photo taken in Apri
l of 2001 (NASA)
The descendants of this original Solar Brotherhood established by Sanat Kumara ha
ve become known through recorded legend and Myth as the Kamara. Sanat Kumara hims
elf is the direct descendent of the original Kumaras who came along with the Roy
al House HtHeru/Hathors, to Earth from Venus.
The term Kamara mean "the androgynous serpentine beings, those of the Elder Race.
The Kumara the shining ones (in the Hindu Puranas, they are described as being
the first teachers of Tantra Yoga on the Earth, and the descendents of Ti and Ti
ye: Queen Tye). The shining ones (Elohim) in the Bible and the Koran.
Krishnamurti, refer to the Kumara as their beloved founders. Sanat Kumara himsel
f has remained on Earth for thousands of years, as an Ascended Master.
In the lands of the Naga Maya these serpentine priests of the Kumara became know
n as the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans, later the Azteca would call their Emperors
the Montezumas.
The Djedhi (the "Stable Serpents") of Egypt with their lineage of the Messah or p
rinces of the Crocodile kings, the Druid Adders of Britain, and the Dactyloi of
Wherever these Kumara Priest Kings, Priests of the Serpent/Dragon Lords born of
Kas Nuba Ethiopian (so-called Lemurian and Atlantean) cultures; they built templ
es aligned with our sister planet Venus (or Sirius?) the bright star and was ass
ociated with saviors and the immortals.
In the Bible says:
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.
I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star"
Revelation, chapter 22, verse 16
Quetzalcoatl, told those who followed his teachings that he would return after,
Five full cycles of the Morning Star. (Chilam Balam)
The Morning Star is of course Venus, which plays a very big part in Amerindian S
pirituality of the Americas.
The Venus Calendar is the main factoring equation upon
Mayan and Hopi Prophecies are calculated (Contemporary
ugh the myriad of versions of the New testament, which
e teachings of the Christ. They must find the Root,
of terminologies from the original texts).

which all the Incan, and

Christians must read thro
make claim to be the Tru
or the Original" meaning

The first texts were interpretations of the original Aramaic tongue, transcribed
into Greek. The Roman s then took those texts and transcribed them into Common
Latin. and the editing has continued unto the present. Each generation losing

some essence.
There is a way that this can be accomplished with direction. Read the KJV (King
James s Version) and follow the transcriptions to their meanings in Webster s D
ictionary-Unabridged. Good old King James realized that the Hounds of Rome were
upon him and thus created a way that the original texts and their meanings woul
d not be lost to future generations.
The prophet Daniel recorded his vision of Sanat Kamara, whom he called "the Anci
ent of Days."
Book of Daniel: Chapter 7:
I beheld till the thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of days did sit, who
se garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool. His t
hrone was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire (His chakras).
"A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousand thousands minist
ered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
"I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the
clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near bef
ore him.
"And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nati
ons and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, whi
ch shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
And so, not only does Daniel foresee Sanat Kamara, the Ancient of Days, but als
o he sees the son of man manifest before him, as He is embraced into the Order o
f the Seven Rays.
The Sacred texts tell us that Aramu Muru himself became the first Solar priest k
ing of the Incas and was thereafter known among his adopted people as Manco Kapa
c. Ka-pac ( keeper of the Serpent Wisdom).
These serpentine Priest- Kings and their Royal Lineages serpentine wisdoms inclu
ded the K sound in their names, such as:
Amarushka, K Cotal)
Following his coronation ceremonies in Peru, Manco Kapac took one of the power o
bjects stored within the Temple of the Seven Rays, the great Solar Disc, and hun
g it within the main temple of the Incas, the Intiwasi (Anta Wasi), which was bui
lt in Cuzco (Kasko), Peru/Biru. By hanging it within the Intiwasi, Manco official
ly established the connection of the Kamara to the Solar Brotherhood of Peru.
Later, after the Spanish invaded Peru, the Solar Disc was returned to the Temple
of the Seven Rays.
Amaru Mayo- The Holy Mother-Pacha Mamma. The Earthly throne of the Kumara, repre
sented by the Great Solar Disk of Aramu. The Goddess, Gaia, the Holy Mother, Pac
ha Mama, the Aramu Mayo, the Queen of Angels. The serpentine energies of Pacha-M
ama, and her daughters would once again regain their place of honor, and authori
ty in the matrix of social awareness. The emergence of the feminine ray, and the

return of the Mother Goddess to political power as well as Spiritual power. For
near on 2.500 years this war against the Goddess, the Holy Mother, has been ong
Presently, many await the ONE who will bring it forth.
The Inca await the return of the Aramu, while Mayans await the return of Quetzal
coatl, while many true believing Christians await the Second Coming of the Chris
t, Yeshua Ha Mashiakh.
The very ancient Inca heritage, descendents of the gods, those who came from the
stars, children of the Kamara, Aramu Muru, children of the Christos, Children o
f the Sun. The Prophecies of both the Maya, and the Inca are based upon the Venu
s Calendar!
Aramu Muru, is attributed with establishing many sacred sites that have been red
iscovered today throughout the Incan Empire, Manco Kapac and the Kapac Cuna. Anc
ient Kas Nuba West Afrakans built megalithic temple complexes throughout Peru, s
uch as,
Machu Picchu
These sites and some of the ancient libraries they hold are being re-discovered
as far north as the Rocky Mountains, and well into Canada.
These sites according to the Incan and Mayans were once paces of interaction bet
ween the Children of Earth, and visiting relations from the Stars, evidence the
great landing strips of the NAZCA LINES in Peru.
These Solar Brotherhoods were passed down through the Royal lineages of Inca pri
est kings of Peru to other cultures here in the Americas who interacted with the
ancient High Priests and Priestesses of the Aramu and their descendants.
A particular branch of these Kumara became known as the Viracocha, who were the
hybrid children of the Aramu. They were said to be very tall, perhaps twice the
size of a human of the 21st century. Throughout their history, the emperors of t
he Viracocha were always associated with the serpent, and with possessing the kn
owledge of the Naga/Dragon Lords.
1772 CE Up until this time the only complete manuscript copies of the Book of E
noch available to the literary world had been various copies written in the Ethi
opian written language of Ge ez, the first of which had been brought back to Eur
ope by the Scottish explorer and known Freemason James Bruce of Kinnaird followi
ng his famous travels in Abyssinia between 1769 and 1772.
Not only did the Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the authenticity of the Book of Enoch,
but they also showed that it had been held in great esteem by the Essene commun
ity at Qumran, who may even have been behind its original construction sometime
after 165 BC.
Pale people attempted to write Kamt (Egypts) Elder Kas Nuba culture out of history
. Being remembered as beautiful Black angels who fell from grace, or as immortal
Gods and Goddesses, or as lustful demons who corrupted the minds of mankind, ha
rdly befits their incredible achievements in astronomy, agriculture, geomythics,
building technology and structured society. It was the descendents of the Kas N
uba culture who paved the way for the growth of civilization in the Old World. T

hey left the world an important legacy traced in the astro-mythology and geomyth
ics of the Giza plateau as well as in the universal myths and legends concerning
global cataclysms and precessional data. It transcends all language barriers an
d can be read by all. It is a simple message repeated again and again, like a
recurring SOS Mayday signal, and it suggests that what befell their race could o
ne day happen again.
We, the original Black race and first family of the Gods and Goddesses or Divine
Ancestors, are set for oblivion, our enemies attempting to erase us from the pa
ges of history, unless we wake up from this imposed amnesia and realize that we
were first.
The Pyramids, Tiahuanaco, the Maya, Piri Reis, Hapgood, Plato and the Baghdad ba
ttery are just some of the buzz-words repeated again and again. _______________

First Europeans are made up of three different groups, percentages vary by locat
ion...but all Europeans are made up of these three groups. http://news.sciencema
Some of the ancient texts were found in the American Rockies.

More importantly, so-called pale Hebrew scholars also began to identify various ot
her previously unknown tracts of an Enochian flavour among the Dead Sea corpus
, and these included further references to the Watchers and their offspring the

The Zoroastrian Bundahishn text and the Christian records of Arbela in Iraqi Kur
distan both refer to a location named Dilamn as having existed around the headwat
ers of the Tigray (not Tigris), south-west of Lake Bn - in the biblical Eden.

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