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Wijkman (2007) suggests that even produced from straightforward knowledge,

renewable energy could transform the way in obtaining future energy for the needy.
It is one of the significant way in order to accomplish the Millennium Development
Goals from United Nation.
In addition, high scale production of renewable energy also can possibly empower
development and improvement in third world nations.

In term of economic, renewable energy have huge possibilities in providing secure

and balance economy. According to Wijkman (2007), renewable energies have the
potential to provide increased security and economic stability. Increased use of
renewable energy sources would reduce dependence on expensive fossil fuel
imports and would help many countries improve their balance of payments.
Renewable energy production project can significantly affect work creation. This has
produced right around a million new employments in rustic ranges.
In environmental aspect, renewable energy do not causing any problem to the
environment although in high scale production. It helps in reducing greenhouse gas
emission and also do not facing problem in environmental change. In addition, the
energy produced can safely be transport around the world (WIjkman,2007).

Although renewable energy has lot of benefits, the costs for renewable energy
technology still are expensive. Contribution in form of loans and development
grants are really important in order to cut the costs for the technology.
In addition, some renewable energy sources may repudiate the fulfillment of other
development objectives as shown in fuel versus food debate.
However, we need to keep in mind that there are policy problems in global level. In
order to reduce the cost and fight the challenge in energy distribution, new financial
mechanisms at global level need to be create and applied.

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