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Tavern Idle

1. Player Swipes downward/

Tavern UI Disabled
Alley UI enabled

7. Player Swipes downward/

Alley UI Disabled
Tavern UI enabled

2. Player taps - on Haggle bar/

Decrease offer percentage

3. Player taps + on Haggle bar/

Increase offer percentage

Alley Idle

Offer failed

4. Player Taps Offer button/

5. Player Taps Cancel button/

Purchase canceled
Enable Merchant UI
Disable Confirm Buy UI

Confirm Buy
Display Product Cost

6. Player Taps Buy button/

Player stock = Player stock + Merchant stock
Enable Merchant UI
Disable Confirm Buy UI

Disable Merchant UI
Enable Confirm Buy UI

If Merchant Accepts Offer


Tray Space = 7


Partially filled
Wine Held
Wine stock stops
Filling counter stops

12. Player Releases/

Glass dropped
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled

If Player moves
Glass before full

14. Player Holds Glass over Wine Tab/

Wine stock Decreases
Filling counter increases

Wine Held
Filling UI Disabled
Wine stock stops
Filling counter stops
13. Player Releases On Empty Drink Space/
Drink Space = Wine
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled
Filling UI Enabled
11. Player Releases Not On Empty Drink Space/
Wine dropped
Filling counter reset
Glass Dropped
Glass UI Enabled
Wine stock Stops decreasing
Filling UI Enabled
Glass UI Enabled
Filling counter resets

If Counter
reaches full

If Player releases
before full

10. Player Holds Glass over Wine Tab/

Wine stock Decreases
Filling counter increases
Beer and Milk tabs Disabled

4. Player releases/
Glass UI Enabled
Filling UI Disabled

Tavern Idle

1. Player Taps Bar/

Bare UI Enabled
Tavern UI Disabled

3. Player Taps and Holds Glass/

Filling UI Enabled
Glass UI Disabled

Bar Idle
All Tabs Enabled

Glass Held

5. Player Holds Glass over Beer Tab/

Beer stock Decreases
Filling counter increases
Glass Dropped
Wine and Milk tabs Disabled
Milk stock Stops decreasing
Glass UI Enabled
Filling counter resets

2. Player Taps Back/

Bare UI Disabled
Tavern UI Enabled

6. Player Releases Not On Empty Drink Space/

Beer dropped
If Counter
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled
reaches full
8. Player Releases On Empty Drink Space/ Filling UI Enabled
Drink Space = Beer
Beer Held
Filling counter reset
Filling UI Disabled
Glass UI Enabled
If Player releases
Beer stock stops
Filling UI Enabled
before full
Filling counter stops
Glass Dropped
If Player moves
Beer stock Stops decreasing
Glass UI Enabled
Glass before full
Filling counter resets

15. Player Holds Glass over Milk Tab/

Milk stock Decreases
Filling counter increases
Beer and Wine tabs Disabled

If Player releases
before full

If Counter
reaches full

18. Player Releases/

Glass dropped
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled

Partially filled
Beer Held

9. Player Holds Glass over Beer Tab/

Beer stock Decreases
Filling counter increases

Partially filled
Milk Held

Beer stock stops

Filling counter stops

Milk stock stops Decreasing

Filling counter stops

7. Player Releases/
Glass dropped
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled

Milk Held
Filling UI Disabled
Milk stock stops
Filling counter stops
17. Player Releases Not On Empty Drink Space/
Milk dropped
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled
Filling UI Enabled

16. Player Holds Glass over Milk Tab/

Milk stock Decreases
Filling counter increases

Meat Held
26. Player Taps and Holds Pie/
UI Disabled
25. Player releases on tray/
UI Enabled
Food Tray = true
Food = meat
Meat Stock -1

Pie Held

If Player moves
Glass before full

23. Player Taps and Holds Meat/

UI Disabled

19. Player Releases On Empty Drink Space/

Drink Space = Milk
Filling counter reset
Glass UI Enabled
Filling UI Enabled

24. Player Releases not on tray/

UI Enabled

27. Player Releases not on tray/

UI Enabled

Bar Idle

20. Player Taps Tray/

Bar UI Disabled
Bar Tray UI Enabled

28. Player releases on tray/

UI Enabled
Food Tray = true
Food = Pie
Pie Stock -1

2. Player Releases Hold/

Drink returns to Drink space
Tray Ui Enabled

Bar Tray Idle

21. Player Taps Back/

Bar UI Enabled
Bar Tray UI Disabled

1. Player Taps and Holds Drink/

Tray UI Disabled

3. Player swipes away/

Drink Thrown away
Drink space cleared
Tray UI Enabled

Drink Held


1. Table Fails Happiness Check/

Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool

First Order

7. Table Passes Happiness Check

Gold added to pool

2. Table Fails Happiness Check/

Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool


8. Table Passes Happiness Check

Gold added to pool
3. Table Fails Happiness Check/
Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool

Third Order

Table Dirty

9. Table Passes Happiness Check

Gold added to pool

Fourth Order

4. Table Fails Happiness Check/

Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool

12. Player Taps Dirty Table/

Table Cleared
Pool added to Player Funds



10. Table Passes Happiness Check

Gold added to pool

Fifth Order

5. Table Fails Happiness Check/

Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool

11. Table Passes Happiness Check

Gold added to pool

Last Order

6. Patrons Leave
Gold added to pool

Happiness = happiness +
2*number of furniture

If Same Race
Happiness =
happiness + 15

If Seated next to
Same race

11. Player Seats Same Race Adjacent to Table/

n = n +1
Table and All Adjacent Tables increase happiness by 2^n - 1

If Seated next to
Opposite race


10.Player seats Opposite Race adjacent to Table/

Both Tables unhappy

2. Order Delivered/
Happiness stops decreasing

Table Idle

1. Order is Late/
Table is Unhappy


6. .Player seats Opposite Race adjacent to Table/

Table is Upset

9. Player Seats Same Race Adjacent to Table/

n = n +1
Table and All Adjacent Tables increase happiness by 2^n - 1


4. Player brings Table Correct Food/

Table Happiness stops decreasing
Table Happiness +20

3.Player seats Opposite Race adjacent to Table/

Both Tables unhappy

8. Player brings Table Correct Food/

Table Happiness slows decreasing
Table Happiness +20
7. Order Delivered/
Table Happiness slows decreasing


Happiness Decreasing

5. Order is Late/
Table is Upset

Clock Running = true

Patron UI Flow
Tavern Idle
Full Tables = false
Empty Tables = false

If Clock
= true

1. Player holds Patron Icon/

Only assignment UI usable


3. Player releases on Pass/

Patron UI Updated
UI returned to normal

6.Player Taps Dirty Table/

Gold Updated
Table Updated

4. Player releases on Else/

UI returned to normal
2. Player releases on table/
Table Updated
Patron UI Updated
UI returned to normal
5. Player Taps Dirty Table/
UI returned to normal
Gold Updated
Table Updated

If Empty Tables
= false

Else if Clock
Running = true

Else OUT

Tavern Idle
Full Tables = true
Patron UI Locked

Order Timer Starts

Holding food

6. Player releases on Table/

Food Delivered to table
Tavern Ui Enabled

2. Player Releases not on Table/

Drink returns to Drink Space
Tavern UI Enabled

4. Player Taps and Holds Food/

Tavern UI Disabled

5. Player Releases not on table/

Food Returns to tray
Tavern UI Enabled

1. Player Taps Tray/

Tavern UI Disabled
Tray UI Enabled

Table Awaiting 0rder

Tray Idle


7. Player Taps and Holds Drink/

Tray UI Disabled

Table dislikes food

8. Player taps back button/

Tavern UI Enabled
Tray UI Disabled

IF Table Likes


Increase happiness by 20%

If Drink Is

3. Player Releases over Table/

Drink Delivered to table
Tavern UI Enabled
Drink Space = null

Wrong order, decrease table Happiness



Order Not Completed

Update Order

If Order Timer
running = true
Order Completed

If Drinks
remaining > 0


Increase Table Happiness

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