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Hello everyone, in training part, I will present to you the important of training and

how to design an effective training to employees. Lets start with a simple question:
do you need to study?? So do you need to train your employees?? of course, the
answer is yes but why we need to train employees? Now, the world changes so fast
companies must have employees with right skills and knowledge, in order to survive
and success. That why training is important and fundamental. Employee needs

training to overcome their shortcomings of skills and knowledge. Like

studying, the more knowledge and skills you have, the more enjoyable and
motivated you feel. That can improve Productivy.
Culture is a complex construct. Can we change culture by training? Training maybe
not change culture but an effective training cans change culture. Ex safety culture
training is effective to change safety culture of companies.
We look at some main purposes of training;
For new employee Gain basic skill and knowledge
Adapt new technique
Build employees become manager

In his research, he defined a safety training process in chronological order

has three sections: pre-training planning strategies, training delivery
strategies and training transfer strategies
Pre-training section: is all about Prepare and plan By failing to prepare,
you are preparing to fail. Prepare is important to success. In this section,
manager should answer the question do employees have the needed
knowledge and skill for their job? If they really need
The training delivery are methods that a trainer uses to deliver
knowledge and skills to employees. Teachei is not only talking and learner is
not listening. There must be a connection between them.
1 Demonstrate respect for audience
2 Do not depend on the content
3 Explain and illustrate benefits of training to trainees.
Telling stories is a very powerful tool to deliver training. Stories can touch the
thinking side and feeling side of the brain. Employees will place them in that
situation to think about what have to be done and feel the anxiety. That will

make the training more effective.

And the last one
If employees do not immediately apply and practice the skills learned in
training, the skills may become diminished or lost altogether.
Managers and trainers take a responsibility to transfer training to a
workplace. Line managers and trainers must observe employees whether
they apply and practice new skills properly or not. Then, managers should
enforce and support new behaviors to make them become a part of

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